silverandzlo · 2 years
Have you ever wondered the story of Canada's first air ambulance story? Why is there so little information on such a historic event? Because the first call was such a disaster no one but the family involved wants to remember. Well I am a member of the family involved so buckle up!
It is February in 1946 and my great grandma is in labor during a snow storm. It was going badly. A call was made and the air ambulances was sent out. Two of her children were sent out to start and keep a fire going so the plane could find them. Mother and oldest daughter got on the plane to the hospital. Three kids died. No it wasn't triplets. But how can a single birth results in three deaths without even including the mother? Well one of the kids sent out to signal the plane got pneumonia and died. The daughter that went with got an infection at the hospital and died. And they lost the baby at the end of it all. Had there been no air ambulance there would have only been one death.
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In my attempt to finish off all YA books in my tbr I pulled this out. Twin Crowns by Cathrine Doyle and Katherine Webber was a solid good book. I wish I read this when I was younger because I think I would have liked it better back then. This book is witty and an honest to God laugh out loud kind of book.
Both Characters are well developed and interesting. We are given just enough world building to keep us interested but never too much to slow the plot.
While I don't think I will read the next book as I don't think it I will find much enjoyment in it I do give this book five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and highly recommend it to anyone who loves YA fantasy.
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silverandzlo · 2 years
Ok did something happen cause I've got like 10 new porn bots following me?
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silverandzlo · 1 year
I did it people. I really did it. I completed the found family achievement.
And here's how I did it.
It started innocently enough with a dinner with some friends and we were talking about Disney movies. I was shocked to find out that many of them had never seen many Disney movies. We made plans to try and meet up and watch some of them that people were missing.
We ended up getting together almost every Monday for eight months now. We can now all confidentially say we have watched every Disney movie, and by the end of October, every Pixar movie.
It evolved over time my love of cooking lead to me experimenting recipes on them. Another friend added baking. We are now talking about doing D&D on Sundays. We go grocery shopping together. Day trips on Saturdays.
Next week, I'm making homemade tomato soup with grilled cheese on homemade bread. After Pixar, we are watching Star Trek. New friends have joined us, and I'm going to have to get more seating for my living room.
Before this I saw my friends maybe once every other month. Now I'm seeing them multiple times a week. It really feels like an episode of Friends and it's the best feeling in the world.
Just do it. Call your friends and ask what movies they have never seen and if they are free next week. Trust me. It's life changing
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thisdragonhordesbooks · 7 months
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If you haven't read this, you need to. An absolutely must read series. While the first book starts of weird and awkward the incredible world building snaps in place halfway through. From there you are taken on a twisting tale that will make you question everything you think of death and dying.
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thisdragonhordesbooks · 7 months
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I love the tale of the goose princess. This was a fun twist on the classic story but not my favorite retelling.
The characters were interesting and well fleshed out. Would have liked to see some more world building. Maybe I'll see that in the next two books.
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"Nahri always smiled at her marks"
While I started this book in August I didn't finish it until September because I left my copy on the ferry 🥲. My wonderful boyfriend bought me a new copy.
This book is intense. S. A. Chakraborty waists no time with hand holding. If you are unfamiliar with middle eastern/northern Africa cultures and religions I recommend reading this somewhere with internet connections unlike me who read this on an island off the coast of British Columbia.
Luckily I was with my mum who is a history teacher and she was able to brush me up on some things. Even with the confusion this book is 100% worth it. Every chapter was its own epic tale. Flying on a magic carpet to new adventures had me humming a whole new world.
If you read and loved An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir then you need to read this. She even recommends it herself!
While I won't list the trigger warnings here, I recommend looking them up. This book covers some dark things. So if there are Subjects you can't handle reading, you've been warned.
I give this book five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Finally finished Belladonna by Adalyn Grace. I got the fairyloot edition a year ago! The story and characters are simply delicious. While I'm normally not one for murder mysteries, this one had me hooked. The romance between Signa and the Death was tantalizing (this is a YA so no sex scenes but there is some passionate kissing)
My only negative is this author like to make a point in telling the reader that the character is not wearing a corset very often. Every time it's brought up I was dragged from a beautiful scene.
Over all this is a four star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ book for me. I will be getting the second book Foxglove. Hopefully it won't take me a year to get to it.
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thisdragonhordesbooks · 7 months
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Entertaining but not very memorable. I was shocked when the story ended be cause it felt like not much happened
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silverandzlo · 11 months
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My New tea shelf
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Ya books are just not hitting it for me anymore. I think it I'm done buying g them for the time being but I still have around 100 YA books on my physical tbr. So I'm powering through them.
My plan is to pull four at random each month and either finish them or DNF them. Mean while I will be exploring adult or general audience books.
Funnily enough, Holly Black was the one who made me come to this realization. I read Book of Night late last year and loved it. This made me question my book slump, as years and years ago before I was on this sight. I went from an avid reader to not having any interest. Until I read Ironside by Holly Black and came to the realization, I was just tired of juvenile books and was ready to move on to teens. So Holly Black thanks for pushing me to the next stage of my reading life.
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