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crow-posting · 3 months ago
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A small appreciation post for Peter Sarrett, the man who made my favorite game mode. From the chaos of Gambit Prime to the time I got 10 kills as an invader, to casual games with friends and late nights vibing on my own, here's to the creator of The One Thing I'm Good At (and will always love) - Gambit. 🍻
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dicemagic · 10 months ago
Chandri (Human Wild Magic Sorcerer) was near her hidden home in the Cloak Wood rustling up some food for dinner when she heard a strange cacophony from above, so she climbed a tree to investigate right as a nautiloid hurtled overhead and snatched her.
Cwyna (Moon Elf Archfey Warlock) was working the bar at Sharess' Caress in Baldur's Gate when the nautiloid came through wreaking havoc and grabbing her and many others as they tried to escape.
Where was your Tav when the nautiloid abducted them?
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y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months ago
Naming Systems #2
Elves and Drow, part 1 (and people descended from them)
Given names | Surnames (Houses)
Given names may in fact be a big deal, as are clan and house names. Elven names are not the most pronounceable in the world.
Shockingly(!) the elves have a stupid amount of lore and then I got carried away examining sourcebook names and created a self-indulgent monstrosity. Once again, this is one part canon and one part educated guessing.
Long post:
Elves have their given names and their surname.
Child names are a long since antiquated practice amongst the elves of Toril, and the name given to a child at birth is normally their given name rather than one they had to 'earn.' Nobles are known to name their heirs after themselves; so you can get Garynnon I and his son Garynnon II. There's a trend of giving half-elven children gender neutral names.
Apparently discarding/changing your name is frowned upon: "An [elf] can of course have almost any birth name, and will rarely change it out of shame."
For surface elves the surname is the name of the commoner clan or noble House (or high House) they were born into. Although apparently: "they tend to dislike the term “clans” as being “too dwarvish”", so even if you're not a noble you're liable to refer to your family as "house [name]." The line between noble and commoner families is blurrier and more prone to fluctuation amongst elves anyway.
For Lolthite drow only the nobility and those who hold titles may use the House name as their surname. It is also forbidden for a House to have a name that begins with L, lest we tempt Lolth's wrath or amusement (depending on her mood). Both moods are to be avoided.
Houses all have family crests and house colours, the latter of which I believe members of the house (meaning relatives and servants who work for the family) are supposed to wear to show their affiliation.
Some moon elven houses, and a few wood elven, appear to have officially translated their house names into Common. "Moonflower," "Hawksong," "Silverspear." The gold elves have not, likely because the majority would sooner see their lineage go extinct before doing that. Even the progressive ones are raised in a culture that considers preservation of unchanged elven culture as a god-given duty.
Noble houses all have their histories and colours and etc, and they took up an insane amount of space so a brief overview of those is a part 2.
In the meantime here are some vague surface elven house names who don't have detail that I know of, so you can make up whatever:
Surface: Amalith, Braegen, Calaudra, Eveningfall, Laelithar, Moondown, Tarnruth, Arruar
And here are some commoner drow surnames:
Xiltyn, Ghaun, Luen, Illistyn,Jusztiirn, Dalael, Hune, Vrinn, Abaeir, Pharm, Quavein, Blaerabban, Blundyth, Argith, Omriwin, T'sarran, Veladorn, Dhuunyl, Mlezzir, Naerth, Olonrae, Zaphresz, Xarann, Wyndyl, Tlintarn, Seerear Yogh'il'rymmin
Performers and such may take "stage names", and elves who are going to be misbehaving will also take aliases "to avoid having their deeds reflect on their family (and perhaps mar ongoing house negotiations with others)."
An elf not using their house name usually goes for a sort of portmanteau in Common: "Fireblade," "Eveningfall," "Neverdeath."
"Many elves who live and work among humans (i.e. members of an adventuring band) adopt a “humans can call me this” surname that’s a portmanteau of a hue and a living thing/natural feature (like Blackrose, or Bluewater)"
Some word of god and some observations about pronunciation:
"Faerunian elves don't normally use D or F or hard-K to begin names"
Although there are exceptions, because I've definitely seen names beginning with D, F and K. -
Vowels may shift. Saevel and Saeval may be seen, -ian, might become -ien or -ion. -
Masculine endings tend to end in consonants, which can be feminised by adding an "a" or "e" onto the end. The "e" doesn't get pronounced, apparently, it stresses the final consonant. ("Kele" = "KeLL"). Sometimes elves and half-elves - particularly genderfluid and nonbinary elves - drop or add the vowel as per their current mood. An example given was a genderfluid half-elf who goes by either Phandarl or Phandarla. Names aren't necessarily exclusively male or female because of that; you can still find elven guys with vowels on the end of their names and ladies who don't. I observe that Drow women seem more likely than surface elven women to not bother with the feminisation of their names. Or possibly it's not part of the dialect. -
Pronunciation and rules shift a little by dialect (a moon elf from Evereska likely does not speak the same as a moon elf from Evermeet nor a green elf from Shilimista; drow in the north would pronounce Lolth 'LOW-th,' spelt like 'Lloth' while others further south might say 'LO-ul-thh,' etc) -
"all the elven names ending in "ael" can be used by any gender" "All of the "-une" elven names can be used by any gender."
"Many half-elves in the Realms seem to bear the "une" and the "ael" names as given names" -
Three syllable names seem to be the average. Two-syllable and four-syllable names are also possible. It seems like the longest, hardest to pronounce names are favoured by nobles. -
No dark elves, regardless of faith, will have names that sound like the name of a deity. It's viewed either blasphemy or inviting bad luck.
The drow dialect has harsher sounds: harder and more frequent consonants, more double consonant's ("mm", "nn", "rr") and buzzing/hissing ("zz" "sz" "ss"), and include a lot of ' , which I think means glottal stops? "Si'Nafey" or "Do'Urden".
Names beginning with "Ch" tend to be drow. -
" "Ph" is used for "F" ." Although it seems that the first f becomes ph, while if it's not in the start of the sentence it is written "f". So Phandarl, but if you add a third slyllable, Arlfandarl.
Judging by Angaradh, "dh" is pronounced like a soft "th" (sooth) and "an" at the start of a word/name is pronounced "awn", like "awww, how cute". SImilarly "am" -> "awm", "arav" -> "awrav," etc
We're entering pure hypothesis stages now, but as time goes on you begin to realise there's a lot of Celtic stuff here (like literal Welsh names like Rhys) so I'd imagine that "th" is a harder variant ("that")
"dd" is probably a dialectal variant of "dh", so soft th again.
and "ch" is a kind of back-of-the-throat growl/hiss noise. If you speak German or Arabic or something you probably get the idea, liebchen.
While there are differences between dark elven and surface elven (and they come in dialects, beside) there is still overlap, so you could still build a drow name out of the same syllable pool as surface elves.
"Nym" remains a common name for elves of all subraces.
Example drow names:
Feminine: Sabrae, Faeryl, Phaere, Olorae, Alauniira, Angaste, Briza, Chalithra, Elvanshalee, Quarra, Lualyrr, Si'Nafey, Li'Neerlay, Xune, Vierna, Talice - Masculine: Nym, Sorn, Belgos, Guldor, Solaufein, Bhintel, Hatch'net, Tluth, Welverin, Seldszar
Example surface elf names:
Neutral: Alael, Imizael, Lune, Lyrune, Belrael, Cathael, Tarune, Eluael, Rune, Gelthael - Masculine: Galan, Glaranal, Llombaerth, Elandorr, Eltargrim, Imbryl, Filaurel, Jharym, Maiele, Uthorim, Ardryll, Tehlmar, Iefyr, Delmuth, Dhoelath, Faerondarl, Luthais, Lhoris, Ornthalas, Naeryndam, Braern, Ajaar, Laosx, Edicûve, Uldrein - Feminine: Elandorr, Braerindra, Melarue, Alea, Shalantha, Saelihn, Tiatha, Meira, Ildilyntra, Halanaestra, Nuala, Yrlissa, Namyriitha, Itylra, Talanashta, Maaleshiira, Eallyr, Gylledha, Anaharae, Ysmyrl'da, Symrustar, Nlaea
And now the part where I lost my mind while breaking up the names of elves in Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves and Elves of Evermeet.
If you're not here to bash together vaguely "canon" sounding elf names there's no more canon to glean from here on.
This was entirely self indulgent.
As with the human name post, the idea is you take syllables from broken appart canon elven names and stick them together with the endings.
So pick a syllable (Bel) pick an ending (-uth) = Beluth. Then you can make it sound "more feminine" by sticking on a vowel. Beluthe, Belutha, Beluthae, whatever.
Some elven names are three syllables or more, so (A) Abeluth, (Orn) Belornuth. I feel like mixing syllables that begin with vowels and syllables starting with consonants works best.
A, Aer, Aul, Am, An, Ath, Arav, Al, Ala, Ana, Aun, Aur, Aush, Aja, Ahsk, Ahren, Ash, Axil, Ard, Arl, Aneir, Anth, Aath, And, Alaun, Alys, Ang, Angh, Ans, Arath, Ava Bel, Byr, Bra Car, Cel, Cor, Cath, Con, Cys, Clu, Cshar Cheyr Daun, Daunt, Delm, Dosh, Da, Dath, Das, Dyf, Dann, Dil, Dilyn, Din E, El, Eil, Enor, Elid, Ey, Eyr, Ed, Edyr, Eis, Eval, Er, Erev Phyr, Phae, Phan, Phand, Phra Fel, Fen Gal, Gar, Gelth, Glyn, Gyl, Gw, Goron, Garyn Ha, Han, Hen, Has, Hanal Hang, Har, Hara, Hael, Iliv, Ilyr, Imiz, Im, Is, Iliph, Ilph, Ilf, Isc, Ief, It, Il, Illit, Ili Jas, Jon, Jast, Jhaum, Jaon, Jhar Kend, Khal, Khys, Kuorn, Kaeth, Ker, Kiss, Kus, Kusk, Kat, Kiar La, Lath, Lav, Lyr, Lhor, Luth, Las, Lash, Leoj, Lysan, Lov, Lif, Les, Lym, Min, Mol, Mord, Mand, Mour, Mar, Myr, Maal, Moth, Mi, Myrdd, Mei, Myrl Naeth, Narth, Nym, Nam, Naer, Ny, Nu, Nel, Nyl, Nid O, Orl, Orn, On, Otaerh, Om, Par, Pyw, Pel Quam, Qaer, Que Rath, Res, Rui, Rhis, Raer, Raeth, Rath, Rathi, Rai, Raib, Ruv, Rhang, Rych, Rynnhm, Rhys, Rhal, Rel, Ril Se, Seh, Sol, Ser, Sel, Sash, Saev, Sym, Syn, Sa, Sand, Susp, Sab Shi, She, Shy, Shyr, Shiir, Sha, Shal, Shel, Shri Tra, Tel, Tar, Tath, Taen, Taegh, Tal, Talin, Talind, Thal, Tehl, Thiil, Tan, Tiath Thel Un Var, Vrae, Vaer, Vhaer, Vand, Ves, Vest, Vier, Vyr, Vor, Vorl, Ven, Vol, Vet Wyl, Wylch Yas, Yauv, Yal, Yr, Yn, Yrth, Ys Xan, Xand Zorth, Zan, Zand, Zaor, Zil
Sounds more common with Drow: Akor, Af, Ax, Agg Briz, Bur Clav Chal, Char, Chess Div, Driz, Duag Gin, Gauss, G'eld, Grey, Gul Hatch', Houn Jeg Kren, Kel, Krond, Kron, Kal, Lauf, Lau Omar Que, Quil Rizz, Ssap, Sab, Sol, Szor, Szord Ul, Url Vic Wu, Waer, Wen, Wel, Wod Yond, Yon, Yazs Xull Zak, Zeb, Zar
Sticking a "th", "v" or "r" in front of a vowel sometimes happens.
M: -ar, -as, -al, -all, -an, -ash, -am, -aud, -arl, -aln, -arm, -ais, -aern, -ael, -aor, -un, -el, -ell, -eth, -ew, -eith -edd, -enn, -edh -iah, -ian, -is, -il, -in, -im, -ik, -iith, -iis, -iir, -iil -oun, -os, -on, -uth, -unth, -yr, -ym, -yk, -yf, -yl, -yll, -ymn, -yrm, -hyn, -rik, -ryll, -rys, -ros
F: -adh, -ae, -ie, -aeris, -ea, -ue, -ain, -ra, -ta, -ya, -lissa, -icca, -ii, -nii, -eyr, -ali, -'da, -ria, -la, -aar
N: -uil, -ael, -une, -as, -rynn, -ynn -
Endings that seem to be drow-exclusive:
N: -ee, -aste
F: -ace, -it, -ice, -yrr, -fay
M: -ab, -agh, -ast, -iz, -ica, -ild, -aen, -et, -erd, -een, -fein, -ig, -izzt, -oj, -oth, -ozz, -orl, -olg, -oos, -omph -ahc
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kanabeae · 5 months ago
Kana's beomjun fic recs 1 ☾⋆・゚
❤ Oh darling won't you stay away.. - SparklingPeach -Rated E. -Enemies to lovers -Tattoo artist YJ/Florist BG -Enemies with benefits -Status: COMPLETE ❤ You say lets go for a ride... - SparklingPeach -Rated E. -Omegaverse -Friends to lovers -Roommates -Jealousy -Status: COMPLETE ❤ All your love, overgrown - starsprout -Rated M. -Omegaverse -Pregnancy -Strangers to lovers -Ice skater BG/Soloist YJ -Status: COMPLETE ❤ jaded - starsprout -Rated E. -Omegaverse -Historical -Guard YJ/Prince BG -Angst -Status: ONGOING ❤ filled with ambrosia - starsprout -Rated E. -Omegaverse -ENEMIES to lovers! -Toxic relationship -Arranged marriage -Status: ONGOING ❤ The "firsts" series - FingerCracc -Rated E. -Series -Modern setting -Dom/Sub -Kink discovery -Status: COMPLETE ❤ That vulnerable fluttering - anonymous -Rated E. -Modern setting/College -Feelings realization -Mutual pining -Status: COMPLETE ❤ Poking the bear - anonymous -Rated E. -Modern setting/College -Friends with benefits -Confessions -Status: COMPLETE ❤ Till I be calling - Ro_88 -Rated E. -Canon divergence -Hurt/comfot -pwp -Status: COMPLETE ❤ I'd dip my red thread... - redkosmos -Rated T. -Soulmates -bmjn aren't soulmates -Light angst -Status: COMPLETE ❤ Spring waits patiently... - haeyangie -Rated T. -Soulmates -Deaf BG/Dense YJ -Slice of life -Status: COMPLETE ❤ Sun & sea (when they meet) - haeyangie -Rated T. -Royalty -Hanaki disease -King YJ/Doctor BG -Temporary unrequited love -Status: ONGOING ❤ Anything; everything - WhiteCapGyu -Rated E. -Omegaverse -Friends to lovers -Sub top/Power bottom -injury recovery -Status: COMPLETE ❤ Fell into the fall - beautifulnotrealistic -Rated E. -Canon compliant -sharing bed -Lovesick era -Status: COMPLETE ❤ Gilded - silverspear -Rated E. -Accidental marriage -Friends with benefits -Fake relationship -Strangers to lovers -Status: COMPLETE ❤ go ahead now, go for it - effulgence -Rated E. -Canon compliant -Friends with benefits -First time -Feelings realization -Status: COMPLETE ❤ okay, some mistakes were made - strawberrymoons -Rated M. -Teacher/student -Slow burn -Fake relationship -Strangers to lovers -Status: ONGOING ❤ Strike a match, watch it blow - angel313 -Rated E. -Established relationship -light dom/sub -mating cycles -Status: COMPLETE ❤ From jupiter to saturn - honeywaves -Rated T. -Childhood friends -Friends to lovers -Slow burn -Mutual pining -Status: COMPLETE ❤ Choi Beomgyu's checklist to find... - orphan Acc -Rated T. -Friends to lovers -Roommates -Fluff/humor -Touch-starved -Status: COMPLETE ❤ This summer, I - lovelanguages -Rated T. -Friends with benefits -Summer vacation -Romantic comedy -Status: COMPLETE ❤ when I grow up, I want to be... - lovelanguages -Rated E. -Long-distance relationship -Depression/anxiety -Angst with happy ending -Self-worth issues -Status: ONGOING ❤ Capitulation - lovelanguages -Rated E. -Vampire BG/Human YJ -Blood drinking/Blood kink -Established relationship -PWP -Status: COMPLETE ❤ For lovers who hesitate - lovelanguages -Rated T. -Strangers to lovers -Trainfic -Traveling Europe -Status: COMPLETE ❤ commas of care - lovelanguages -Rated T. -Arranged marriage -Workaholic YJ/Artist BG -Hurt/comfort -Domestic bliss -Status: COMPLETE
❤ Do flightless birds dream of... - lovelanguages -Rated T. -Fake relationship -Slow burn -Angst with a happy ending -Status: COMPLETE ❤ love s.o.s - ninetqs -Rated T. -College -Relationship Advice -Mutal pining -Confessions -Status: COMPLETE ❤ Bellow the collar - ninetqs -Rated E. -Omegaverse -Accidental bonding -Slow burn -Friends to lovers -Status: ONGOING
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celtfather · 7 months ago
Ireland's New Road #663
We’re going on the road with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #663. Subscribe now!
Arise & Go, Philippe Barnes and Tom Phelan, Santiago Molina, The Out of Kilters, Lissa Schneckenburger, Logical Fleadh, Patsy O'Brien, Clay Babies, Louise Bichan, Joey Abarta, Fire In The Glen, Toby Bresnahan, Tradify, Tim Cummings, Pete Sutherland, Brad Kolodner, Altan
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Enjoy seven weekly news items for Celtic music and culture online. Subscribe now and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2024 episode. You have just three weeks to vote this year. Vote Now!
You can follow our playlist on Spotify to listen to those top voted tracks as they are added every 2 - 3 weeks. It also makes it easier for you to add these artists to your own playlists. You can also check out our Irish & Celtic Music Videos.
00:07 - Arise & Go "Strathspeys & Reels: Lennox's Love To Blantyre / Captain Campbell / The Iron Man / Elizabeth's Big Coat / The Bird's Nest" from Meeting Place
04:28 - WELCOME
05:24 - Philippe Barnes and Tom Phelan "New Kings Road/Órlaith's/New Found Out" from The Clearwater Sessions
11:34 - Santiago Molina "The return from Fingal" from Desde un nuevo lugar
14:19 - The Out of Kilters "Ruffled Drawers / Buck Mountain / Speed the Plow" from Hot Potatoes
17:48 - Lissa Schneckenburger "The Ranch" from Falling Forward
22:25 - Logical Fleadh "Gary Bennigan's" from Logical Fleadh (17 - Track Album)
24:01 - FEEDBACK
25:50 - Patsy O'Brien "Lucky In Love" from Onward
28:33 - Clay Babies "Irishman's Heart To The Ladies / SilverSpire / SilverSpear / Fisherman's Hornpipe" from Speechless Vol. 1: Sloppy Session in the Sticks
33:58 - Louise Bichan "Qouyburray" from Out of My Own Light
37:12 - Joey Abarta "The Longford Piper/The Balintore Fancy/Follow Me Up to Carlow (Single Jigs)" from King of the Blind
40:53 - THANKS
42:32 - Fire In The Glen "Boys of Blue Hill / Toormore Polkas" from Cutting Bracken
46:09 - Toby Bresnahan "Miller of Drohan" from All In Good time
49:22 - Tradify "El Garrotín & Muñeira De Casu" from Take Flight
52:31 - Tim Cummings, Pete Sutherland, Brad Kolodner “MacGregor of Roaring Fork" from The Birds' Flight
54:29 - CLOSING
55:26 - Altan "Port Árainn Mhór/Port Kitty Rua Mooney (Jigs)" from Donegal
58:50 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to follow the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
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* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn.
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Dawn Davis sent a St Patrick’s Day photo:
Ellen Mandeville emailed a photo: "I baked a Guinness Chocolate Cake for St. Patrick's Day dessert! It reminded me of the fabulous meals I enjoyed at Teach Nan Phaidi café on Inis Mór."
Raven Lunatic sent a St Pats photo:
Todd B emailed a photo: “Hi Marc, Had a fantastic St Patrick’s Day. Cooked up some brown soda bread and some beef stew for the family while listening to the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast of course. A couple of my favorite episodes I listened to while cooking included # 185, 2 - hours of Celtic Rock Music, and #141, Bagpipes Rock. Picture of flying the colors and brown bread on the table. Thanks Marc. Slainte."
Rich Hoffman sent a couple photos for St Patrick's Day: "Made traditional Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots and had a Guinness listening to your music. Wore green, went to church and enjoyed a parade.
Thanks Marc! Still loving your work. Slàinte."
Check out this episode!
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moviesandmania · 8 months ago
CLOWNS IN THE WOODS Reviews of hate crime horror - free online
‘Revenge is a dish best served sweet!’ Clowns in the Woods is a 2021 American horror film about a mentally disabled young man who is bullied and accidentally killed. Written and directed by Adrian Esposito (Greetings from Tromaville; Reed Unbound: The Joel M Reed Story) and Curt Markham (The Search for Silverspear; Saberfrog; Curse the Darkness). The Espocinema production stars Dalton Letta,…
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dicemagic · 11 months ago
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My Tav, Cwyna Silverspear, alias Cwyn Solus. She's a High (Moon) Elf Archfey Warlock with the Noble background. She's 111 years old.
Cwyna's family expected mastery of the arcane arts from all of its members, but Cwyna was neither a natural born Sorcerer nor studious enough to become a Wizard. After making it to almost 100 years old (98 to be exact) and only managing to learn a few wizard cantrips, she was desperate to no longer be seen as the family failure - so she made a bargain with an Archfey and signed a pact to become a Warlock. She hoped this would finally win her families approval, but they looked down on Warlocks as fools - weak and stupid, taking the easy route to obtaining magicical apptitude. From the family failure to the families shame, she did not gain the acceptance she so desperately wanted. Fed up with their impossible standards and determined to prove to them, and herself, that there is more to someones worth than station or pedigree - she struck out for Balder's Gate shortly after turning 100 and being declared an adult. She wanted to make her own way in the world and succeed despite her families dissapproval.
I still need to flesh her story out a lot more - like the identity of her patron and the specifics of their contract, what she was doing for a living in Baldur's Gate before she got tadpoled, etc. But I really like where she's going so far.
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hatchet579 · 1 year ago
Happy New years! I offer art sacrifices for the end of 2023(as in drawn yesterday, semi finished at 2am) the first lady was drawn Saturday! She's called SilverSpear! I feel like for the New Year, I need to work on oc backstories so I can share them. And also random doodle scenes-
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jillraggett · 3 years ago
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Plant of the Day
Sunday 28 November 2021
Even on a late autumn day the foliage Astelia chathamica 'Silver Shadow' (silver spear) was the star of several borders at Great Dixter, Sussex. This clump-forming perennial has dramatic silver foliage and needs a sheltered spot in a moist but well-drained, fertile soil in full sun or partial shade.
Jill Raggett
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honeysidesarchived · 3 years ago
tagged by my lovelies @commandobarnes @scungilliwoman @faithchel & @adelaidedrubman to make some ladies in this portrait maker thingy, thank you my darlings!
felt a little wild so went with only my d&d ladies for this one ♡ tagging @vasiktomis @shallow-gravy @lilwritingraven @heroofpenamstan @jackiesarch @shellibisshe @belorage @johnnycranes and anyone else who wants to play; i am sure i missed tagging someone so feel free to @ me so i can see the babies!
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elsinore silverspear // valanthe of the ascending
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finchmarie · 3 years ago
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Started the year with the rona. So took a lil art break. Doing a kiss thing on Twitter. Dusted off two old OCs. Izrael the straight laced knight and her small insane monster gf, Demos.
I hate backgrounds! 🥲
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ctoothpaste · 5 years ago
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quinn title card (high elf fighter)
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lux--aurea · 5 years ago
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i was so lucky to snag a commission spot with @stirped and get this lovely piece of my moon elf rogue!!! she’s a sneaky flirt who loves to scam people :’) manu was such a pleasure to work with and i would recommend then to anyone!!! please go check out their artwork!!
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y-rhywbeth2 · 6 months ago
What kind of last name (racially, like Elvish or Halfling) do you think Candulhallow would be?
Doesn't sound elvish, from what I've seen; house names, when translated, typically refer to nature (celestial bodies, times of day, colours, birds, flowers, trees, etc) and occasionally weapons and music. Hawksong, Moondown, Moonflower, Silverspear, Nightstar, Oakstaff, Moonglamaer, etc
Probably more halfling than elven, but it sounds human to me. I'm not an realmslore writer though, so I am by no means an authority on what it is. Besides, one can have ancestors from any race and inherit their family name.
Edit: Apparently it's a moon elven family from the Baldur's Gate modules. Criminals and necromancers; that's what you get when the Teu'Tel'Quessir run off and abandon elven values to live with N'Quess - you spit in your people's patron goddess' face and discard all morality in regards to magic so that you can have money and frittering human hobbies. Just as the sun elves always warned us would happen. Tsk tsk. (Assuming that's not a false name to avoid their actions tracing back to their house as shifty elves are apparently wont to do, nor from a human ancestor - as I said, I'm not an authority, just an educated guesser based on what canon information is available to me, it could be an elven name it just sounds nothing like the examples I've seen).
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wigglesartcollection · 6 years ago
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IT’S DEM BOIS. Did I decided to go out and hunt down every new Hyena model I could find then lazily use google translate to translate words into chinese for their names? Yes I did.  (Fennu and Pengke are my favorites)
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danfinity · 2 years ago
For episode eleven of the show, I wanted to do some justice and round out the core playlist conversations I'd been having in previous episodes. Had invited Revenant, Meccatron & Silverspeare to join, but sadly Silver couldn't make the show.
I think going forward into the new seasons I'm going to continue with larger panels on the core playlists to see how they stack up over time. I hope you enjoy the conversation! It's not overly glorifying the playlist, nor is it salt packed, but it's level headed which is something I think gaming discourse and the Destiny community needs desperately.
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