#silverquill are the best
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lexxlikes · 2 years ago
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Needed a new wallpaper for my phone, after Killian (and some others) saved Strixhaven from Phyrexia. Silverquill for the win! 
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silverquillsideas · 5 months ago
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a home in the shape of a person 🍂🍃
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clarafyer · 8 months ago
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Meet the caffeine-dependent nervous wreck of the Silverquill College, Rowan Belliveau!
Race: Satyr
Class: Sorcerer (Wild magic)/bard (Undecided) multi
Alignment: Chaotic good
Age: 19
Pronouns: Y e s (any)
Our group will be doing the Curriculum of Chaos campaign in between my homebrew sessions, so we of course had to make new characters and omfg I love this little dude sm- his whole thing is that wild magic surges aren't even wild magic, he's just stuttering/shaking too much to cast the spell properly
And I don't care if the build isn't the best or isn't meta, IT'S GONNA BE HELLA FUN >:)
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markrosewater · 8 months ago
"Silverquill is more geared towards communication than psychology."
Admittedly, I am neither a communications nor a psychology major, but surely knowing how best to communicate to an audience requires an understanding of the psychology of that audience?
The study of communication and psychology do overlap in spots, but they are two separate studies.
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overgrown-estate · 4 months ago
A Grievous Wound
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Vicky ran down the hallway, the invaders close behind. It happened with near lightning speed, though apparently there were signs if one was paying attention. The Silverquill Resident Attendant (and graduate) was in the atrium of the Biblioplex when a massive steel branch broke through the dome of the Strixhaven university library. Pods of a sort were dropping from the spiked limbs of the branch onto the grounds below. And then the chaos began.
Vicky witnessed strange beings emerge from some of the pods while other units had mechanical limbs stretch outward, grasping at whatever poor soul was near. It wasn't just an invasion, it was assimilation. Vicky stared in shock as staff and student alike were transformed into the enemy. A small group approached her with offers of perfection and unity and that's when the young woman began to run for her life.
A student of Shadow, Vicky threw out a shroud of darkness throughout the length of the hallway in which she ran. Vicky could see perfectly in the inky veil and, for a short while, the invaders, former friends and instructors, were lost within it. It didn't take long for those cybernetic organisms to adapt. Vicky was almost to the entrance doors of the Biblioplex.
She turned around to gauge the distance of the intruders and when she turned back around, the central door looked different but familiar. What stood before her was a beautifully carved wooden door, similar appearance to the doors of the Biblioplex but with carvings of the Silverquill insignia amidst a multitude of moths. There were more monstrous invaders coming from her two sides. The door opened, standing firm within its frame. Vicky held her breath, increased her stride, and leapt into the open doorway. She didn't notice it close behind her. She didn't have the time.
Vicky bolted upright, sweat glistening across her forehead and drenching her undershirt. She quickly examined her surroundings and was relieved. A nightmare for sure, but that's all it was. No nightmares made real for now. The young woman stood and walked over to the vanity desk across from the bed. An actual bed for a change, she thought. I wonder how long I can stay here. She sat down at the vanity and removed the towel that hung over the mirror. She's learned that spirits can enter the House through reflective surfaces and knows not to have them open for long.
The young woman gives her long, wavy ebon hair a quick brush with her fingers, moving it out of her face as best she could. She studied her face for a moment. She had strong, round features with a pale complexion. She was far from overweight but she wasn't slender, either. Vicky wasn't able to keep up with time here as there was no true sunrise or sunset. The sky, or whatever passed for such, was a shifting twilight never fully dark nor fully light.
The Silverquill RA stood, stretched, and replaced the towel over the mirror. There were two entries into the bedroom. One opened into a loft with a stairwell. The other, one would think, should open to an en suite with a lavish lavatory. But no, it actually leads into an untended garden with a path leading away from the bedroom. That was a small part of the strangeness that was Duskmourn. You could be sleeping on what appeared to be a second floor and still have a door that leads to the grounds below as if it were on the same level.
Victoria stared at the doorway that opened onto the loft. She's kept that door closed since she found this room. She doesn't like the loft out there. Her nightmares have shown her horrible things happening on the loft.
Victoria doesn't know how long she's been in Duskmourn, but she does know she's been able to remain here long enough to fall asleep three times. Maybe that's been three days. She's not sure but she knew she wasn't taking the stairs. Vicky pull on her Strixhaven jacket and slipped on her shoes and stepped into the garden.
As Vicky strolled through the unkempt flower garden, she caught her thoughts drifting to her grandmother. A sweet and kind woman, Martina Dvorak was more of a realist than an idealist. She, too, was a Strixhaven graduate who was also a student of Shadow. She disagreed with Embrose Lu's way of teaching but her skill putting pen to paper to air was unmatched in her class.
Martina Dvorak helped raise her granddaughter when the child's mother died from an incurable ailment. Both elder and child rarely saw the girl's father as he chose to work on the outskirts of Arcavios.
Martina watched as Victoria grew up and struggled with her place in the world. Martina's eyes shone bright when Vicky told her that she was enrolling into Silverquill College at Strixhaven University. Her father was even proud of her and happy that she was doing well.
Martina would help Vicky with her spellcasting and was a shoulder to cry on when Embrose or any other professor was too stern with her. However, Martina would always press her granddaughter to stand up for herself and approach the world around her in the same way it approached her. by her fourth year, Victoria Dvorak was strong-willed and grounded enough to perform solo on the Rose Stage.
Vicky's eyes teared as she wondered if her grandmother was still alive or if the invasion was still ongoing even. She drew her jacket close and turned around, back towards the bedroom.
She shot straight up in bed again. It wasn't a nightmare that woke Vicky but rather a hard thud against the wall behind her. It came again and Vicky jumped out of the bed and backed up against the vanity. The thud was coming from the wall 'outside' while the vanity was on the same wall as the door to the loft. She watched as reality rippled with each thud on the wall. The pounding stopped and through the shifting air stepped one elongated limb and then another until the full height of the cellarspawn stood abover her.
Vicky instinctively threw up a shadow field. The 'spawn would most certainly catch her if she ran for the garden. She shot a shadowlance into the cellarspawn's foot and turned for the loft door.
The door wasn't opening. It was jammed or stuck. Vicky slammed her shoulder against the door, kicked at the bottom of it. Nothing she did made the door move in any way. The cellarspawn ripped its foot from the shadowlance and jumped onto Vicky, sending them both crashing through the loft door. Vicky felt the gash tear through her side. She summoned a dark wind and pushed the 'spawn off of her. It stood, shaking its head to regain its senses.
Vicky turned to run down the stairs and felt talons clawing at the space between her shoulder blades. She fell against the staircase railing. She felt the burning in her side glow brighter. Pushing passed the pain, Victoria stared into the vanity mirror and wished she wasn't as weak as she was feeling. Her head felt light. She looked at the cellarspawn and struck it with two more shadowlances, pinning it to the wall. It was already shifting into the wall's surface in order to free itself.
Vicky saw a shimmer coming from the vanity mirror. A spirit had emerged and was attempting to hold the cellarspawn in place. The 'spawn lashed and struck Vicky's thigh, more pain shot through her being. She wasn't going to be weak, she and the spirit weren't going down without a fight. Summoning every ounce of strength within her, Victoria stretched out her arm and turned the mirror towards the cellarspawn.
Focusing on the spawn in the mirror, she used the reflective surface to cast a Deadly Vanity, a spell to purge all weakness. Inky shadows filled the loft, amplified through the vanity mirror, swirling around the Silverquill student and the cellarspawn. As the shadows receded into the mirror and the ink cleared, she alone remained and promptly passed out.
Some time later, Victoria Dvorac awoke in pain. Her vision blurry, she could only lay there clutching the wound on her side. She could feel the blood running through her fingers and the burning shock across her back. She wished to stand up, follow the stairs, leave the loft behind but she couldn't
Vicky was so tired. The pain began to fade. "You were so brave," said her grandmother's voice from somewhere far away. "But it's time to rest now."
Vicky opened her eyes in the mirror, her vision clearing for a brief moment. She saw a shadow approach in the mirror and watched as it grew closer. "This house shall not have you for eternity," a voice said as she drew a harsh breath. She saw a Specter of the Fens reaching down for her, picking her up. How was this being here… in Duskmourn? "Be at peace, child. You're going home to rest… forevermore."
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littjara-mirrorlake · 1 year ago
If Blood Magic exists, Do you think Phyrexians can cast Oil Magic? What would that even look like? I know we have at least a card that references oil divination but is that it?
Ichor magic is a huge part of Phyrexian arcana and culture! That tends to be what Phyrexian mana represents—drawing on your own life force to power spells. This could be related to the deeply magical properties of Phyrexian oil and the fact that it apparently contains millions of tiny powerstones, not to mention millennia of ancestral memory and experience.
It really fits with the Phyrexian idea that everything is a resource up to and including your own blood, which also powers megastructures and industrial machinery. Phyrexian empire literally runs on the blood of its people. From a less oppressive standpoint, ichor magic could also be seen as pouring the essence of yourself into your magical work, literally the stuff of memory and heredity.
We don't have a whole lot of detail about what ichor magic is actually done, however. What we do know that ichor scrying can be done actively while awake, but that Phyrexians also tend to receive dreams about the past or future, probably less voluntarily. Ichor divination is an introspective process, as all the information to be sought is already contained and hidden in one's own body. Notably, Phyrexians tend to send flying bloodsuckers after their enemies, and the extracted oil from targets might be used to scry on them. Divination definitely seems like the primary focus, but other disciplines could include necromancy, combat magic, and even healing of other Phyrexians.
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Headcanon: I think that though every compleat Phyrexian has the potential to harness basic ichor magic, it's also a deeply specialized discipline that a small number of mages spend their entire lives unraveling. Ichormages are extremely valuable but unsettle even other Phyrexians with the way they seem to see straight through people into their veins, and also tend to burn out their lives channeling spells after too short a time.
Kraynox, the Deep Thane, is likely the most powerful of these mages on New Phyrexia.
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As for what it looks like? Again, very few canonical references, but I imagine a mage crackling with power as their eyes and open wounds seep with ichor, which swirls into a maelstrom around their increasingly broken form as they chant loudly in Phyrexian.
Weirdly enough, Silverquill has been my best reference when I do art of ichormages at work.
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That's how I imagine ichor magic at its peak. An utterly breathtaking aerial display of glistening oil, with a trembling, exhausted mage draining their own life force at the center of it all, spending all of themself for a moment of epic power.
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emilylsart · 25 days ago
I recently went to HarmonyCon again this year (my 2nd visit) and here are the highlights!
From Feb. 1st:
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The Saturday Morning Cartoons panel - cartoons shown were Scooby-Doo Where are You! (Mystery Mask Mix-Up), Inspector Gadget (Movie Set), Spongebob Squarepants (Squid on Strike/Spongebob, Sandy, and the Worm; shown in picture), and Madeline (which I didn't watch 'cause I wasn't that interested in it).
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My Little Millionaire game show - they FINALLY had a millionaire winner after almost 12 years of not having one and I was lucky to have seen it in-person! Congrats to Fritz!!
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Also funny commercial breaks put together by MLP fans (featuring My Little Pony Tales I guess)
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How Fighting is Magic became Them's Fightin' Herds panel - A slideshow about how an MLP fighting fan game became TFH with an explanation of its characters, lore, etc. The panelist gave us a demonstration of the TFH game at the end.
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The Random Pony Name Game panel - panelists draw their own ponies based on random nouns and adjectives picked by the audience. These two were my faves 😊
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Pony Plush Meetup - lots of neat plushies this year!
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Popular Opinions Game - a fun little game show about fan-made opinions on MLP characters and its world in general. You have make a best guess at the percentage of a survey of said opinions. I was actually a contestant in this game show and got myself a cool prize (which will come at the end of this post)!!
From Feb 2nd:
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SilverQuill's After the Fact Live! panel - episode covered was "Swarm of the Century".
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A cool cosplayer dresses as a unicorn dragon (I think)
And now the merch I got:
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(The Gummy pin was a prize I got from the popular opinions game show!)
I had another great HarmonyCon this year, here's to the next!
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wyrmhaven · 1 year ago
Session #2
Feb 21, 2023
Professor Sharpbeak continues, telling Class A about the class she will be teaching them that semester Magic Auras will be about basic magic and will be their first guard against illusion magic Doya looks around as she talks, and sees a mixture of students paying attention and not doing so Professor Sharpbeak mentions that the talent festival will be in July, and a fieldtrip in several weeks She recommends that the students work in groups for their first year She offers to track groups on a board in the front of the classes, and offers a reward for the group that does the best She goes back to talking about the fieldtrip The fieldtrip will be for the Arcano-botany class, and will take place in a part of the Witherbloom Demiplane called the Sedgemoor, which is also used as the Detention Bog She goes on to explain that each house has a dedicated demi-plane located somewhere in the tower For example the talent show will occur in the Silverquill demi-plane Before the class concludes, the professor asks the class to vote for a class representative When several students raise their hands, she asks for each one to speak their case Rampart speaks about his love of guilds and the honor that he will bring Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III talks about himself Rubina talks about helping people achieve their ambitions Angelika tells the class that they need a leader that's better than them, and that's her Zoey offers to help the class enjoy school and meet their goals, even if it's nothing Based on a class vote, it's a three-way tie between Angelika, Rubina, and Zoey The three are asked to come debate in front of the class Angelika sends Angelique in her place After the debate, Rubina wins! The three girls that laughed at Doya, who are called The Angels, glare at Rubina Professor Sharpbeak reminds the students to wear their tranquillizer bracelets for everyone's safety As class is dismissed, she tells Carmilla and White that they need to go to the faculty offices She tells Doya, Greta, Javenesh, and Rampart that they need to go a different office The rest of the class are free to go to the cafeteria for lunch As Doya and the other students group together travel, Doya wonders why they were separated and whether it's a good thing or not Rampart hopes that it doesn't involve his equipment, since he values it greatly The students discuss what they could be called in for As they enter the office, they see few other students, including a fairy with a relatively giant axe The teachers there tell the students that they were brought in because they had low proficiency with magic, and assure the students that they want to help They offer each of the students a bracelet that could slot in gems that could store spells The ones stronger than a cantrip would disintegrate on use, but would be rewarded for doing well at classes Each of the students are given a gem based on their prospective dragon house, and sent to go get lunch Meanwhile, Carmilla and White reach the faculty offices, and spilt off to their respective offices White enters an empty office with two chairs A human woman enters, and offers him tea
She asks who he is, and introduces herself as the Lorehold Keeper of Order, Augusta Tullus White is surprised he was given a guardian, especially one of such high rank Lorekeeper Tullus admits that she's surprised to be assigned as one too She asks that he avoid getting in trouble, and to be prepared to learn She tells him that the college teaches history through spirits of the deceased, and offers to get some special spirits if that is something he is interested in She also mentions that those in Lorehold can easily get access to treasure if they so desire White declines that offer, thanks her for her time, and leaves Meanwhile, Carmilla enters a pitch black room As she sits in a chair, she spots two glowing red eyes The figure demands that Carmilla explain herself Carmilla asks if she is in trouble The figure confirms that she is not, and this is about her legal status as a student The figure reveals himself to be an ancient looking wizard with claw-like nails and fangs He introduces himself as the Witherbloom Dean of Decay and professor of reanimation, Valentin Kol He tells Carmilla that he is to be her guardian, and offers her only respect or terror based on how she behaves She asks if he is a real vampire He jump scares her and confirms that she is She asks about blood He tells her that city doesn't take kindly to feeding on humanoids, but the school does offer animal blood She asks about her age He tells her that the information can be scryed for her, and offers to have that information given to her He warns her that he must be let into her room if he needs to, and then sends her off to lunch Meanwhile, Rin and Zoey find a busy cafeteria Rin consumes Zoey goes to talk to Drazhomir, and finds him sitting with a warforged named Balfrog She checks on him since he seemed nervous on his first day He comments that she was brave for volunteering to be class representative She admits to not knowing what that is He mentions being roommates with Melwythorne Rin puts his money where his mouth is and gets more food Carmilla arrives, and gets some food and some blood She gives her food to Rin before trying to sit on her own Doya arrives, and goes to sit near Carmilla She tries to throw a carton of milk at Zoey, and hits Drazhomir instead She apologizes, and then drags Zoey over to Carmilla's table She ends up causing a scene trying to slide into the booth after Carmilla blocks the way She shows off her spell bracelet
White goes to talk to Rubina, congratulating her on being class representative and warning her about the Angels Doya shows off her magic ability by summoning a chair The party discuss what happened to Carmilla and White The conversation shifts to clubs, and which ones they were wanting to join Doya states that she's going to be a cheerleader, and stresses how they're always the most popular, and the importance of popularity She assures the group that she's always been popular at all the schools she's been in Carmilla and White doubt As the group leaves the cafeteria, Carmilla warns Aurora about her guardians possibly needing to access their room The group goes to the common room, and finds a massive room filled with students and all forms of entertainment, including a television Rin gravitates to the TV Doya loses a coin to the vending machine Carmilla and Nicollin talk, and Carmilla learns that he is an energy vampire that feeds on the energy and negative emotions of people She siccs Nicollin on Doya She goes to recruit Rin to help Rin suggests that she use a second coin to free the first and potentially get a second drink The two go back to the machine to find Nicollin blocking the way After frustrating the two, he leaves Rin's technique works, and Doya gets two drinks! Meanwhile, Carmilla warns Zoey about Nicollin Zoey asks about Carmilla's blood situation, and asks if she needs some Carmilla says yes before scurrying off to talk to Sunny She explains that she's technically part of the Sierreverde family, and learns that her "dad" was Sunny's cousin She asks that she not be associated with the family at all He wonders if she's just trying to butter him up, and is relieved when she genuinely wants no part of the family Meanwhile, Doya and Rin talk to a kid dressed like a superhero, with a chicken in a similar outfit He introduces himself as Maxwell AKA Captain Cosmos, and the chicken as Starlight the Wonder Chicken He is delighted that the two recognize him as a superhero Meanwhile, Zoey goes to a corner with some plushies and several students One of them, named Dawn, chats with Zoey Another, the fairy with axe whose name is Prism, fights a large plush bear She asks Zoey to deal with the bear while she goes to get some water Zoey is crushed by the bear She is rescued by Haruharu and another shitari girl Haruharu introduces the other shitari as Egao, and explains that they are roommates Egao and Zoey trade compliments That evening, White explores the campus He encounters a centaur tending to the grounds and learns that her name is Yedora Time passes, and classes begin! The Magical Physiologies class is taught by Veyran, a genasi who is passionate about her lessons about monsters The Arcaon-botany clas is taught by Verelda Lang, an oralis who is excited about plants The Beginning Computational Magic class is taught be Adrix and Nev, identical twins who swap out constantly during class The Inkomancy class is taught by Rina Umezawa, a shitari with a soothing voice and a joy for calligraphy The Archeomancy class is taught by Loremaster Tullus, who has statues help teach during classes She shows the class a pearl that contains the spirit of a warrior named Lylia the Blade Reforged Lylia spars with a few students, including Zoey The PE class is taught by Nadia Doya comments that she's doomed because she's the same age as the students The week passes, and the club fair arrives!
Carmilla seeks out the Theater club, and finds Rubina there She asks Rubina for more backstage work at first She gives Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III some pained compliments Doya seeks out the Cheerleading squad, and puts on a show trying to impress them She then seeks out The Angels, and comments that they're going to bein the cheerleading squad The Angels point out that her halo is crooked She counters that Angelika's is too, just at a different angle She reintroduces herself as Doya, and assures them that she'll be at the top of the pyramid Rin and White go to show up for the Math club They meet Larksann there, who is flustered when she finds out that Zoey said nice things about her They also meet Zimone, an upperclassman who explains how the club is about solving problems and dissecting reality Rin follows his nose to the Culinary club, where the chef is handing out samples Puffcap takes a sample Anjarika uses Rin's head as a table to sign up for the club Rin also encounters Sunny there, and the two agree not to talk about each other's powerful families Meanwhile, Zoeyu goes to sign up for Silkball, and sees Tilana, another girl from their class, signing up Ryonia, the girl who held the gymnastics tryouts, also signs up for Silkball Zoey then goes to sign up for the Cute Familiars club, and finds Rosimy signing up as well The two talk about clubs, and how many there are Ethel pushes the two out of the way to sign up for the familiars club That night, Carmilla goes back to her room and finds a paper on her bed, with a note stating that it contains her birthday and last name as scryed by the school
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starsearcher713 · 1 year ago
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Doing Inktober again this year! This time my theme will be my D&D’s campaign of Strixhaven. Starting things off suitably tragic with my character Rhoda’s supposed “dream” of her family being normal instead of the chaotic mess they really are. Turns out when your parents rebel hard against their own repressive parents maybe it is for the best because no one is happy here! But hey atleast her dad isn’t a werewolf. Or dead.
Did I absolutely design a new uniform for if she had followed the family line and went to Silverquill instead of Witherbloom? Of course!
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wandering-the-fae-wyldes · 1 year ago
Character List (Will be updated as the story progresses)
Jacwyn Silverquill: A young elven sorcerer born to the prestigious Silverquill family of mages. He is both the youngest, and the least of his family as far as most of the world is concerned. It was often joked in court that Alustriel Silverquill had 8 daughters instead of her actual 7, and that as he was good for little else he'd probably make for a good wife one day if nothing else. In an effort to prove everyone wrong he has set out on a journey to make his way in the world... It's not off to a great start.
Sprite Tink: A member of the Fae races, Tink is a sprite through and through, a bit tall for one of her kind she has a boisterous and outgoing attitude and likes to be in positions of authority and power. Her greatest pet peeve is people calling her small.
Sprite Morning Dew: A member of the Fae races, Morning Dew is a sprite like Tink, but unlike many of her kind she doesn't particularly enjoy tricking people. Strangely Dew's greatest source of joy in life is found in serving others and being useful. If she wasn't best friends with Tink she'd likely be a fantastic person to be around.
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keldabjorndottir · 5 months ago
Ahhhhh! That’s freaking adorable! 🥰
Yeah, Grayson and my girl, Minerva, actually grew up in the same wealthy circles; went to the same parties growing up; exchanged pleasantries….. but didn’t become friends until Strixhaven.
They started hanging out more and more, an attraction growing between them, until it came to a head over spring break of first year. They were back in their hometown for the Wildemere’s spring party and sneaked away to look at some of the train engines and train cars that were on display on the grounds. They found themselves in one of those fancy passenger cars that has plush furnishings….. and ended up having some fun on one of the couches. Then they had to go back to the party like nothing had happened. 😂 They talked on their ride back to Strixhaven the next day and agreed to proceed as friends with benefits.
And then we start building to ✨drama✨ My dm and I had talked about what we wanted to do, so it was really fun to build up to it! I’ll put that under the cut. Heh.
We’d been planning from the beginning to have drama between these two; so after about six months into their….. arrangement, over fall break of second year, Grayson realized that he miiiiight be developing feelings for Minerva (this is what happens when you play around with a dhampir’s Charm Person and it brings latent feelings to the surface). He decided not to say anything, because he was still mulling it over and had too much going on with school. So he kinda put all that in a box, but they continued on as they were. Another six months go by, and Minerva starts to spend less and less time with him (and her other friends) during that time. She’s getting really into Mage Tower with the Battle for Strixhaven, and realized the sport was what she wanted to pursue as a career. But she didn’t say anything to anyone cause she didn’t want to jinx it until she was sure.
So all of this reaches a breaking point when she misses an award ceremony Grayson was receiving accolades at to go to dinner with one of the mentors from the Silverquill Mage Tower team (who happens to be a very handsome and flirty young man). Grayson gets mad at her for forgetting something that was important to him. He then says it might be best to end their arrangement. She understands he might need time to process and hopefully forgive her; but asks him why he’d want to completely end it with this being the first thing that’s gone wrong. He’s cagey with his answer, she pushes, and this is when it comes out that he has romantic feelings for her. Minerva then gets mad at him for not telling her so they could talk about it.
They eventually decide it’s too late and emotions are too high to talk productively; so they agree to talk about it when Minerva gets back from her spring break trip with the party that she’s leaving on the next morning. They spent a week apart, contemplating, not being able to talk it out. But they were each able to talk to friends and family to get advice.
When Minerva gets back, they talk; reconcile; and agree to give actual dating a try. Even though Minerva isn’t quite sure yet if she truly does have feelings for Grayson. They end up having a really nice official first date to Bow’s End, an emotional intimate time after, and Grayson maybe sorta kinda accidentally confesses that he’s in love with her during the afterglow. After all that….. it’s not gonna take my girl long to reciprocate. ☺️ I might already be considering a cute confession on the day of the big Mage Tower tourney. 😉
as per the last post @ anyone who has played in a strixhaven campaign: please tell me about your graysons, i want to know everything
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maiikawriter · 2 years ago
KakaRin Polyamory Alternate Universe Fics:
Title (rating)(***if incomplete)
Beach day! by Kikuneesama (w/Obito) (G) (Modern/Beach)
Best Served Cold by blackkat (w/Obito) (M) (Modern/Criminals)
Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun ch1 by myadamantiumheart (w/Obito) (E) (Vampire)
Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun ch8 by myadamantiumheart (w/Obito) (E) (Werewolves)
Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun ch4 by myadamantiumheart (w/Obito) (E) (Witches)
Incremental by myadamantiumheart (w/Obito) (E) (Modern)
I’ve Been Painting Every Fence I Know by enby0angel (w/Obito, Iruka) (G) (Modern)
Kinktober 2020 ch2 by Anannua (w/Obito) (E) (Modern)
Kinktober 2020 ch18 by Anannua (w/Obito) (E) (Witches)
Kinktober 2020 ch19 by Anannua (w/Obito) (E) (Modern)
lose your cool by myadamantiumheart (w/Obito) (E) (LoZ)
One scarf by Kikuneesama (w/Obito) (G) (Modern)
Our Destination by Thisismycanon (w/Obito) (E) (Modern/Road Trip)
Seduce Him by GingerAnn (w/Obito, Tenzo, Iruka) (T) (Harem/Royalty)
Soulmates ch4 by AnaSennin (w/Obito) (G) (Soulmates)
talk so pretty by myadamantiumheart (w/Obito) (E) (Omegaverse)
Three of us. by Kikuneesama (w/Obito) (G) (Modern)
Trails Left in Stardust by SansThePacifist (w/Obito) (T) (Soulmates)
where do I begin? by laAbbevisconsin45 (w/Obito) (E) (Omegaverse)
Where the Heart Is by ChiaRoseKuro (w/Obito) (G) (Modern)
"The worst guilt is to accept an unearned guilt." by obitoes (w/Obito) (E) (Modern)
born like this, don’t even gotta try by shellsinsand (w/Obito) (NR) (Modern)
The Catharsis of Change by SilverQuill (w/Obito) (G)*** (Modern)
Destination Unknown by professor-of-naruto (mabledonut) (w/Obito) (T) (Modern/College)
Divided by Blood by SeverNSkull (w/Obito) (M)*** (Fantasy)
The Good Doctor series by myadamantiumheart (w/Obito) (E) (Modern/Mob)
The Hatake Grift by Thisismycanon (w/Obito) (M)*** (Modern/Con Artists)
How Lucky We Are series by Figgyfan14 (w/Obito) (w/RaiGen, MinaKushi, Gaku/Setsuna) (E) (Omegaverse)
Wires by myadamantiumheart (w/Obito) (E) (Sci-fi)
Would I be able to see the future with you by midnight102 (2/Obito) (M) (Modern/High School)***
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silverquillsideas · 2 years ago
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You're blushing? 😳❤️💙
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jasper-pagan-witch · 3 years ago
So, since you're literally the only other MtG person I know in the witchy space I bringth thee a query. I think I would like to use the Dean Dragons™ as thoughtforms to help around the house, as protectors, and as magic guides.
I would like to get stones for them to inhabit but I haven't a clue which stone fits best or if perhaps there might be a better thing. Have you any thoughts?
Alternatively I don't feel that everything needs a physical object but it does help give them some significance within my witch cabinet, which is always nice.
Should I go with stones that fit colors or stones that fit magical elements of the Elder Dragons of Education?
I also need to get the Strixhaven D&D book as it would probably really help me.
Enough rambling! I hope you're having a good day, sibling!
Well, I would go about this one of three ways:
1: Stones because of my hoarding problem. In general, I would probably go howlite or ametrine for Silverquill, epidolite or agate for Witherbloom, jasper of some variety for Prismari (yes I'm biased), some kind of ocean-y blue stone for Quandrix, and probably snow quartz or something similar for Lorehold.
2: Cards, art cards, or printed-out pictures of the dragons. You can't get any clearer about what it's supposed to be than a picture, in my experience.
3: No physical object. Two of my thoughtforms, S'sem and Absol, don't have physical vessels, they have sigils or other imagery that I could use.
If you want, I can send you a DM on Discord with the parts about the founder dragons since I have the Strixhaven D&D book! Hopefully this pitch gave you some ideas though!
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markrosewater · 10 months ago
I know Silverquill uses a different philosophical W/B approach, but there's a debate about texts whether they are code or author. As a code, they need to be common agreement, if not, information ist's spread. If I wrote a text in my best portugueses, with solid arguments and good structure, it would mean nothing to some, because the code isn't common agreement. On the other hand, if the code is common, why can some people express ideas in unique ways? How can some people say things in ways no one else can if the code is common? Because it expresses their individuality, it's a mark of the author. And I think it's beautiful. And Silverquill
An nteresting way to think of it.
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leafdrake-haven · 3 years ago
Tell me what your ocs would have been like if they had been born on a different plane, like Theros, Ravnica, Innistrad or Arkivos. (You may also uses any of my fan-planes if you wish)
This is a fun one and deceptively tricky because I could easily say, oh if Rhynn were born on Ikoria she would still be a beast-bonder etc. and not be much different. But it’s fun to toe the line, I’ll try to think of some!
Starting with Rhynn, I think it would be interesting if she had been north on Theros. I think there she would have been pretty devout to Nylea and Karametra and eventually Kruphix as well. I do think she would keep a lot in common with her canon self and would be a steward of nature but she’d be a lot more cleric-y about it. Instead of connecting with the inner-spirit of creatures she might focus more on enchantment creatures and weaving them from Nyx herself.
Helis I could see being from Kylem. In this version he would actually learn combat and with his natural mana-accumulation abilities, his abilities to gift this accumulated mana to others, and proper training he’d be a force to reckon with in Valor’s Reach. I think he’d become a bit of a celebrity and eat up all the adoration and attention. I think he would also be a well-sought after partner.
Tali from Arcavios is a very interesting idea because I think that’s the closest we’d ever see to a “good guy” Tali. With the goal of getting into Strixhaven that would be something very tangible she could work towards that also falls in with her anti-complacency mindset. It’s also something she could accomplish for herself regardless of her parents were into it. I think she would take as many classes in as many colleges as she could (though I think she would focus on Silverquill, Quandrix, and even Lorehold) and do as many extra-curriculars as she could. She’d have the eventual goal of becoming a professor. Even if she was very neutral on the prospect of teaching she’d like the benefits that being a professor came with, especially research resources. I think this version of Tali wouldn’t be so desperate to steal a spark but would be more determined to try and achieve one herself or even try to artificially create open (whether or not that’s possible who knows).
If Elrick was from Lorwyn his ego would probably know no bounds. He would probably be less into learning alternate ways of doing things and rely on the Lorwyn ways because clearly those are the best.
Penny is tricky since I don’t have all her background fully mtg-ified yet. If she had been from Floramore her story could remain largely the same. A noble family’s daughter runaway to be a bard and help people. Maybe she would start a mild rebellion among the peasantry xD
Hmmm I’m not sure Breeze would change much plane-to-plane other than how she’d look since drakes look different depending on where you go.
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