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I'm glad you asked.
If you are looking for a romance drama, I'm currently writing a fic called Alliances of the Heart. What if Hordak went to the princess prom, and he and Entrapta met there.
For post-season, I wrote a fic called Where Do We Go Now?
Both can be found on my pinned post or on my AO3.
Also, read anything by @solcaeruleus
They are amazing at writing and have a disposition for angst.
Another post-season fic is Respect by Silverladys on AO3. Really great, highly recommend it.
Other than that, there are plenty of other fics on AO3 that are amazing, you just have to go searching for them.
I need Entrapdak fic recommendations. Canon-divergent or post-canon, no AUs. Just finished Behind The Curtain and Intimacy Log, need more long-form Slow Burn fluff!
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Silver lady almost ready to pot!
#gardens#greenhouse#houseplants#indoor plants#my plants#plant blog#plant mom#plantaddict#plantlife#plantlover#pothosplant#pothos#silverlady#satin pothos#vine#vine plants#plantblr#house plants
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Rolls Royce
#yes we are magazine#artefact#pictures#abandoned#lensculture#lensonstreets#lensflare#lensbible#lensblr#rolls royce#silverlady#photoshop#photography#photoart#photoshoot#camera phone
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I remember finding out about her secret like it was yesterday. During me and my siblings younger years when we had just come into service after maturing out and training to do our role as the premiere express locomotives of the LNER. We were much more ignorant and naïve as we were still learning about aspects of the world around us, such as how there were engines who were blow our status who didn't have much of a voice to the board of directors in regards to issues, and therefore relied on us to speck to them to discuss matters to address their concerns. My brother Silver Link was usually the one who did this alongside Great Northern as they were the first of our designers classes to be built, and therefore they had the highest respect from them in that regard, but sometimes my other brothers and some of my sisters would take over when Silver Link wasn't available to do so.
However, if there was one thing we were most intrigued when we were younger, was the relationships between humans of the opposite or same sex. Whenever me and my sisters were down at the station waiting to depart, we would often see a young couple or two kissing each other off before either one of them jumped aboard the train as we departed to and from London. Me and my sisters would often wonder to ourselves on whether or two engines could love each other in the same way that humans could? We found this answer to be true from Hermit who had been mates with a Class B17 from the Great Eastern Mainline at Liverpool Street who had come to see him at Kings Cross one day, both explained to us that it was possible for engines, or any form of machine to have a relationship, but that it required a lot of time to create and maintain like that of a human relationship. However, they advised against having a relationship with engines of a rivalled company, especially the LMS. Back then most railway companies had a strict policy which prevented many of us engines from having a relationship with other engines from other companies as it was believed that engines of theirs's would become disloyal to the company they served going against their traditions and values, and that the engine from the other company would try and gather secret information from them that the rival could use against them. Nevertheless, afterwards some of my siblings boosted about finding some they really liked to be their partner, I wasn't too into their boosting, as I wasn't really that interested in having a relationship at the time, and because I would've been restricted to engines from my company, I knew finding the right engine for me would be difficult because of the no rival mating policy limiting my options, I thought I wouldn't be able to find someone I really liked to be my partner for life if I couldn't have an engine from another company as a mate. Or so I thought, as one sister of mine and her former mate would prove me wrong.
It was over a year, that Golden Anglia my sister had entered service on the express runs to Edinburgh, and already she was proving to quite the rebellious engine who along with Golden Thumbria would often be the ones go against the railways traditions and getting into all kinds of mischief around the yard with the shunting engines and managers. I noticed, that Anglia had been acting strangely after the discussion with Hermit, as I often saw her down at Doncaster sneaking behind the works usually on a Sunday when the works was closed on my Sunday express runs. I knew me and my sibling weren't allowed to go back there, as only the shunter at the works was the only one who had access to that area to take trucks and coaches around to the back. I tried to ask Anglia about why she was going back there but she always simply smiled at me and said it was 'nothing I should be worried about' and that she was simply going to Doncaster to have her wheel flanges checked for cracking. I saw through her however, as she wasn't being sincere and wasn't telling the truth. So, I decided to take matters into my own buffers, and decided to follow her at some point during one of my day off's to investigate into what she was hiding from me and the others.
My chance came, when one Sunday morning, as my crew were lighting my fire the shed master told me I could have the day off from my express runs. At the same time, I saw Anglia heading out of the yard, I knew she was going to Doncaster and seeing this as my only chance to investigate her behaviour I convince my crew to allow me to follow her to they agreed, and I followed her light engine down the mainline to Doncaster.
When I arrived, I couldn't see Anglia anywhere in front of the works, and I knew for a fact that she had gone to the back. I pleaded with my crew to let me go to the back of the works, although they were hesitant to go against the rules at first, they eventually give in and they drive me straight to the back of the works, slowly as to not attract attention from the yard foreman. As I steamed behind the works building, I caught a glimpse of Anglia's tender hiding behind a stack of high crates. I could hear chatter as it seemed that she was talking with someone else who had a mesmerising Derbyshire accent, their voices sounded flirty in tone. As I drew in nearer to get a better look of who Anglia was talking to from a far, and I was in for a big surprise as she and the other engine came into full view. I couldn't believe who she was hanging out with, it wasn't a B17, or a K3, or any other engine of our railways lot. But someone who came from our rival the LMS, a Jubilee class called Ontario. As I listened into the conversation between the two, I couldn't make out everything they were saying, though I could hear Anglia giggling, Ontario giving of a hum of affection, there was quiet mumbling between the two that I was unable to make out. However, it was Anglia and Ontario saying two things that struck me in the boiler like one of my tubes had just pierced through the top, and this is what I heard.
"Oh Ontario you're such the charmer when it comes to impressing a glamorous flashy girl with streamlining. You're my sweet red stallion on rails, and... I love you." is what Anglia said with Ontario replying; "I love you too Anglia, as your my thoroughbred in green armor and even though we can't see each other all the time. I will always hold you close to my heart, as you will for me."
Both of them then blushed at each other their eyes fixed on theirs's as they both touched each others buffers. I however, was livid by this, Anglia my sister was in a relationship with an engine from the LMS. I knew full well that went against the railway companies policy on forbidden relationships with engines from rivaled companies, and Anglia and Ontario were literally going against that rule, and doing it behind a works that was owned by our railway to which Ontario shouldn't have been there at all. I knew it was in company policy to report such activity, so I was about to leave to report Anglia and Ontario to the managers of their relationship. When I stopped upon hearing a whispering voice coming from a siding in front of me, and it was the shunter the same one who had hauled me and others out of the works after being built, he quietly called me over to him, as he knew I was about to go and tell the managers and therefore wanted to tell me something important. It was something in regards to the no rival relationship policy that changed by whole outlook on it.
Knowing that he knew of their relationship all this time, I demanded the shunter to tell me how long he and Anglia kept the relationship with Ontario from me and the other engines on the railway. He told me that he had known about their relationship for around six months by that point, Anglia had told him that she had met Ontario when she was snooping around at Derby works and he happened to run into her. She was at first afraid she would be reported to the LMS's head office by him, but Ontario showed no intention on doing so and actually took a liking to her and her feisty nature, as he was rebellious in the same manner as her, and after several private met ups and getting to know each other a lot more they eventually admitted their love for each other and became mates. The shunter then told me they came to him at some point and asked if they could use the back of the works as their private met up point, so they could share their time together on Sunday's. Knowing this would probably get him into trouble with the yard foremen for allowing engines into a restricted area, he agreed to allow them to hang out on the siding, but only for four hours at least which would give them enough time to get romantic together before leaving back to their sheds. Anglia, also told him to promise to never tell anyone about her relationship with Ontario to which he promised, and that I too was also to keep this secret as well now that I knew.
Another reason why he and Anglia didn't tell me or anyone else, not even anyone on the LMS about hers and Ontario's relationship was the one that made me realise the forbidden relationships policy's true colours. The shunter told me that he too was once in a relationship with an engine from another company who was he said was an LNWR 1185 Class who worked around Leeds who he claimed was a like a quiet swan and had a voice that was as soft as a rabbit running across a field. The bond between them was a very close one and he saw her as his swan beauty who would be there to be beside and comfort him, even when they were apart. That all came crashing down one day, when an old friend of his found out about their relationship and immediately reported them both to the managers, who in turn informed the LNWR his mates company. Both were brought to their managers, designers and two of the most influential express passenger locomotives on the railways, and they condemned their relationship as them going against the values of both companies. The two express engines told the managers that they had to break the two up and forbid them from ever seeing each other again. The LNWR's managers sent his mate away from Leeds to work at Holyhead in Wales where she wouldn't be able to see her lover again, and as for the shunter the GNR's managers punished him by putting him out of traffic for three months and once he re-entered service he would be confined to Doncaster yard and works never to venture away from it again.
For years after the shunter was left completely heartbroken and depressed knowing he never got to see his mate again, and vowed never to love again either, and showed a deep resentment towards the no rival relationship policy to where he was now against it as he saw it as unfair to many engines who didn't have malicious intent to sabotage the railway's image, even if they were working for one or the other company. As the policy which was brought down of both of them, ruined his life and his reputation with his siblings and other engines with the goods engines being the only ones to show any empathy for him and his lose. So, when Anglia came to him and explained her and her mates situation, he was determined that the both of them wouldn't suffer the same fate, which is why he didn't report them to the managers or anyone else.
He finally told be me, that I shouldn't report Anglia for being with the engine she truly loved dearly just because he was from their rival and what the railways policy said about relationships with foreign engines, as it would only break her boiler and cause despair for her and Ontario the same way it did to him and his mate. He even told me that if I ever did find love with an engine from a rivaled company, that I shouldn't be afraid to share our love in private and that he hoped that one day the railway companies would understand the heartbreak they give to broken up mates, and that every engine from each company realised that they were not so different from each other and that it was okay to have a relationship with a foreign engine. In those finally words, I realised he had a point and with that I promised to him that I wouldn't report Anglia and Ontario for what they were doing as a way of showing defiance towards a policy which I now saw wasn't fair for any couple to go through simply because the railways feared foreign engines would sabotage their plans by getting close to another, even if the other didn't have malicious intent in mind. As, I began to steam away from the works, I look over at Anglia and Ontario once again, knowing full well their secret was safe with me. ~ Silver Lady
I haven't been uploading that much, simply because of life and all that, but here is a redraw of an Trainz screenshot I made seven years back and bring it into the 29A timeline with some changes of course. The first major one being is that I changed Golden Anglia's first mate to a Jubilee class called Ontario who actually existed in real life, as opposed to City of Birmingham a Princess Coronation class as I decided that the original paring with two rivalled streamliners was too generic (I also wanted to save that relationship with a Coronation for something else I have planned with Silver Lady), and so I choose to have Anglia have a non-streamliner as a first mate instead.
What is shown here is Silver Lady finding out about Anglia's lover affair with LMS Jubilee class no. 5554 Ontario and her explain her reaction to it when she saw her sister being in a relationship with an engine from another company, which to her went against the railways policy of forbidden relationships with engines from other companies at the time.
Back in those times Silver Lady and Anglia were living in, most railway companies had strict policies which forbid engines from different railway companies from having a romantic relationship with engines from another company as they believed that engines who got into relationships with engines from other railways would be taken advantage of and be forced to give up secret information for their rivals to sabotage their plans. While this didn't mean that engines could be friends with engines from other companies, it limited their options on who they could have a romantic relationship with as they were confined to be mates with engines from their own railway, and would be punished if they were found mating with another companies engine with both railways being involved in the matter.
This policy however wasn't perfect as some romantic relationships managed to slip from both railways eyes with engines basically using old abandoned lines or hide away in insolated areas of yards to hide out away from other engines where they could have their time in peace without the fear of being watched, with some relationships going unnoticed for several years without the companies noticing.
The policy also only implied to the major railway companies, with smaller railways seeing the policy as unfair for their own engines. The Tarmingham Overhead for example, because they had brought engines from different companies and had loaned engines coming onto their lines when needed, encouraged their engines to get along with each other as colleagues regardless of which company they originated from, which allowed for engines owned by them from different railways to have partners and encouraged loaned engines to have romantic relationships with engines owned by them with the major companies never trying to break up the couple as it would've hurt their relations with the smaller railways.
The first of such policies was introduce by the Caledonian Railway in 1849 after a report that one of their engines had gotten into a romantic relationship with a North British locomotive and was eventually taken advantage by him to gain secret information from the company out of her, which eventually caught their attention and they demanded the North British to put a stop to that engines espionage and ban him from ever running on their rails again. Not long after they implemented the policy to prevent such attempts from ever happening again, but at the expense of those who didn't have malicious intent from either side. Eventually the policy was adopted by all of the major railway companies as away of discouraging engines from going against their traditions and values and handing over secret information from them to the other. Similar policies were later adopted by major railway companies in several other countries, including on the railroads in the US and Canada where there was a lot of competition between different rivaled companies who held a monopoly on long distance travel. In some countries like Japan however, romantic relationships were valued by the engines who worked on their railways regardless of company, and believed such policy was infringing on their freedom to be with engines from another company, and so their railways never adopted the policy.
The policy continued to be in effect on railways throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, and continued to be used by the Big Four upon grouping in 1923. However, after the Second World War and Britain's railways were nationalised. The policy was completely drop by British Railways as they saw the policy as out of date, and therefore didn't work well on a nationalised network, and since engines from different regions were now unified under one company with no competition from each other, there was no need to continue restricting on who engines were allowed to have relationships with, and with the policy now dropped, engines who were from the big four were finally allowed to have romantic relationships with engines from other regions. BR wasn't the only one to do this however, as governments of other countries in Europe nationalised their railways they too scrapped the policy. In the US and Canada however, the policy lasted much longer than their European counterparts, however as diesels began replacing steam in those countries the diesels became more disapproving of such policy and by the late 60s and early 70s many railroads began abandoning the policy with the last to have one to have this policy in effect was the Chicago and North Western Railway who dropped it in 1973, Australia also followed the same when most companies dropped the policy entirely in 1968. Thus putting an end to the forbidden relationship policy.
Silver Lady, Golden Anglia, and Ontario © Great Eastern J69
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Adoro osservare da ogni prospettiva. #mybike #silverlady #mtb #mtblife #photooftheday #photo #instagood (presso Maddaloni) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNk862WjRmO/?igshid=1ujd3ohl3drcg
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A picture every day in 2020 🐸 Princess Grumpy 🐸 #wow #relax #amazing #view #nofilterneeded #oneaday #picture #2020 #leapyear #boxer #boxerdog #oldlady #beautiful #lovelyeyes #silverlady #grumpy #afrogsview https://www.instagram.com/p/CC-luymBddN/?igshid=1exjf1yawr33q
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We cute~!🌿👑 #angelicpara #pinkhair #lady #caid #kingdomofcaid #sca #friendship #wecute #smiles #silverlady
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Beautiful statuette of a woman in a store I walked past. Given the price the base, skirt, top, hair and hat are probably silver. As for maker etc no idea. #figurine #statue #statuette #femalestatue #femalestatuette #antique #femalefigurine #silverlady #silverstatue #bedsnfurniture #silver #beautiful #beauty #art #solidsilver #puresilver #thesilverlady #aldershot #lovealdershot (at Aldershot) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5r8rO3pwwe/?igshid=7gzsorhhykmx
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JUST SO YOU KNOW... . . . These Royston Ribbon Turquoise drop earrings set in 925 silver are one of my favorite designs I’ve made to date. . . Royston Ribbon Turquoise comes from the Boulder turquoise mine in northeast Nevada. Production is pretty small due to the remote mine, which makes this ribbon turquoise valued for its beauty and rarity. 😯✨ . . How would you style theses babes? . . . . . #roystonribbonturquoise #turquoisejewelry #turquoiseearrings #turquoiselovers #925 #925silver #silverjewelry #jewelryaddict #jewelrydesigns #silversmith #silversmithingandjewellery #silverlady #lasvegasdesigner #vegasdesigner #vegasbaby #silverjewelry #silverearrings #vegan #vegandesigner #veganlifestyle (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9H2JcHn1yR/?igshid=17ypimwdskjtj
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Drew my character for an upcoming Dnd game, at a Beer and Drawing event this Wednesday, and wanted to share her. She's a middle aged human life cleric in service of the moon goddess, Selune. She has some wild stories and trauma in her past, but in general she's a very laid back and ever tolerant person 😊 - - - #DungeonsAndDragons #DnDart #Dnd #penart #drawing #myoc #cleric #lifecleric #selune #selunite #silverlady #mycharacter (her: Teaterkatten) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LTOMuBdwl/?igshid=i3nyfy34q6hj
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Another normal day at work #Halloween #energy #silverlady #pigeon #pizza #unicorn #supermario #luigi (at Exposure America)
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Despidiéndome del tinte

Desde hace mucho tiempo quería dejar de teñirme el pelo, pero honestamente, el proceso me daba un poco de miedo. Lo pensé mucho, dudaba si me iba a ver bien y siempre había algo que me detenía; no tenia tiempo, ocupaciones de la casa, una reunión importante o evento familiar donde no podía verme mal. La verdad sólo eran pretextos que me ponía a mi misma para posponer ese momento .
Así que, un día de Diciembre del 2017 por fin me decidí ¡no más tinte!
Obvio, antes de hacerlo me informé bien de todo el proceso: le pregunté a mi estilista, platiqué con personas que veía en la calle, que lucían orgullosas sus canas y además estaban felices por el hecho de no ser más esclavas de los tintes. También investigué en internet y encontré diferentes opiniones y métodos para dejar crecer las canas.
1.- EL EXTREMO: personas que se decoloran el pelo y cuando crece ya no hay rastro del tinte. Esta opción se me hizo muy fuerte, ya que con tantos químicos para decolorar el pelo se puede dañar muchísimo.
2.-EL PRACTICO: es el más sencillo y es básicamente cortarte el pelo lo más corto posible, así eliminas el tinte de un jalón en un solo paso. El pelo crecerá de forma más rápida y natural, pero creo que no es para todas.
3.-EL DISIMULADOR: este funciona cuando tienes el pelo largo con pocas canas y no lo quieres cortar. Te pueden pintar luces, bandas o estilos como balayage, baby lights o similares en color más claro, así mientras el pelo crece se ocultan las canas. Te puede funcionar temporalmente, pero sigues dependiendo de los tintes por más tiempo.
4.-El VALIENTE: es cuando dejas de usar tinte de tajo y dejas crecer las raíces blancas hasta que sale todo el tinte. Es el método más lento y una prueba de valor lograrlo, ya que en promedio el proceso tarda un año más o menos.
Después de mucho pensarlo, me decidí por el valiente y así comenzó la transición de dejar mis canas al natural, después de más de 30 años de usar tinte.
Creo que ha sido uno de los más grandes aprendizajes que he tenido en mi vida. Me ha costado mucho trabajo abrazar este cambio, aceptarme, adaptarme y reinventarme durante el tiempo que tardó el proceso. Muchas veces estuve a punto de dar marcha atrás y al verme al espejo con el pelo bicolor me daban ganas de llorar. Pero no había forma de esconderme de mi misma y de esa imagen que veía reflejada. Al final conseguía animarme a seguir adelante diciéndome: no te preocupes, ya crecerá y el resultado será maravilloso.
Hoy, con orgullo puedo decir que amo mis canas. Me siento increíble, bonita, feliz, y segura de mi misma. Solo recibo buenos comentarios de todos, me dicen que me veo bien, que queda con mi tono de piel, me preguntan si me lo pinto por que lo tengo de diferentes tonos, plateado, blanco y un poco de mi color natural.
Al final pude decirle adiós a todo el daño que me hicieron los tintes, no solo en el pelo sino ¡hasta quemaduras del cuero cabelludo!Por fin pude despedirme de los mechones de pelo que quedaban en la regadera después de teñirme el pelo y que ¡me estaban dejando pelona!.
¡Me encanta el resultado y soy la más feliz con mi nuevo look!. Además, ahora está de moda con modelos, actrices y muchas mujeres están luciendo sus melenas plateadas y se sienten más orgullosas que nunca.
Las marcas de shampoo y acondicionadores comerciales deberían de sacar una línea especial para pelo plateado que proteja el color, ya que algunas canas pueden llegar a tener un color amarillento y que le den brillo con una fórmula especial para este tipo de pelo, sería fabuloso.
Ahora si puedo ver esta foto de mi último tinte con una gran sonrisa. Me siento feliz con mis canas, que ahora si van de acuerdo con mi edad. Aprendí a valorarme, a ser perseverante, que no importa lo difícil que sea el proceso sino lograr el objetivo.
Y tú, ¿ luces con orgullo tus canas ?
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Anche a noi é arrivata... #epifania #2021 #silverlady #mtb #passion #❤️ #bike #instagood #photooftheday (presso Cancello, Campania, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJs9_nLgGGc/?igshid=rfkd6f6d6w
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Nora for @hungermagazine #nailedit 📷 @aleksandrakingo 💡 @gemfletcher 👗 @natashakfreeman 💄 @lynskiii 💅🏻 @bangbangnails ✂️ @fabiopetri 🍲 @iaingrahamchef #eleganteccentric #beautifullyageing #silverlady #maturebeautymodel #redefiningage #redefiningfashion #greymodelagency (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ah9yXpvRc/?igshid=hc8a3nygm7nb
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Repost from @neontalk using @RepostRegramApp - Hajime Sorayama. 1984🇯🇵#atomicpunk maybe #cyberpunk ? #silverlady #suitcoversthenipplesseperately #whatisupwiththosesunglasses #art (at Fort Worth, Texas)
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Unusual Indeed
Unusual Indeed by Nanocowie
5 Year old Izuku remembers nothing of his past but the whips and chains of trafficking. When he is brought to a strange hall, with a stranger yet crowd bidding on him, he finds the large figure who bought him for 6 million pounds to be the strangest of them all. And now, 10 years later, he returns to the land of his birth, following a dream and unknowingly running from a nightmare.
Words: 5380, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, 魔���使いの嫁 | Mahou Tsukai no Yome | The Ancient Magus Bride
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Hatori Chise, Elias Ainsworth, Titania (Mahou Tsukai no Yome), Silverlady
Additional Tags: Sleigh Beggy Izuku, Fatherly Elias, Empowered Izuku, English Speaking Izuku, Magic, Magical Boi, Canon-Diverging near every sense, WorldBreakAriaofaCurse magic inspiration
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/21165314
#AO3 Feed#FanFiction#AO3 Izuku#♠#Izuku Midoriya#Chise Hatori#Elias Ainsworth#Titania#A:Nanocowie#Crossover#Fantasy AU
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