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quietlyimplode · 4 years ago
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist of Fic Recs - Version 2.0 - Page Two
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Updated June 2021
This is not an exhaustive list (and in no order whatsoever) of the brilliant fic that is out there. Please let me know of any i have missed or any recs to put in and I will endeavour to add it. I have not included warnings or ratings. Please make sure you look at the tags, judge for yourself and as always take care of yourself first. (16 Authors under the cut)
Fragments - Clint/Nat/Laura - Clint brings Natasha back to the farm; Laura is not who she says and Natasha struggles to cope.   1/1
Don’t Fade on Me - Wanda & Nat - Natasha and Wanda talk and bond, it’s not all happy memories. 1/1
Yesterday upon a stair - Clint/Nat /Alexei - Natasha had an imaginary friend to guide her through. It may just have been Clint. 1/1
Agents of puppies @agentsofpuppies 
Innocence Died Screaming - Clint/Nat - Natasha comes to shield, Clint helps guide her. Innocence Died Screaming 15/? 
One Shot Prompts - team - one shots “You’re really sick this time, Tash. Why didn’t you go to Medical?“ “You weren’t here.”-  29/?
Lost But Not Forgotten - Nat/Steve/Bucky - Natasha’s recovery from torture and the subsequent search for her daughter. Part of a series which I will be reading when I have a spare month to sit and read - or a plane ride. 
To be human series - Natasha - team - series of above - (Many many chapters)
Flyingblackhawk @flyingblackhawk
Mostly Clint/Nat but heaps of others with different ships. Link to all  - peruse when you have time because you get stuck reading all the brilliance.
Fluffy One Shorts - Fluffier than a Blowdried Pomeranian
Angsty one Shots - I Hate Myself and Want to Be in Pain
Mind the Target @mindthetarget 
punch and plummet - Nat/team - Natasha is mid mission and loses her grip. 1/1 
Night Drive - Nat/Clint - sometimes a therapeutic drive is needed -  1/1
Know you better - Clint/Natasha - Natasha knows things about Clint. One is that he’s in love with her - 1/1
Trigger Finger - Natasha /team - the aftermath of the avengers. Pepper takes a self defence class. 1/1
Cheer up lovely @cheeruplovely 
The wreck of our hearts - Natasha/Clint/team - Clint is jealous of Tony. Natasha notices why.  1/1
Defying Orders - Clint/Nat/Fury - Natasha is the victim of a drug attack, fury and Clint discuss it.    1/1
Tremble for my Beloved - Natasha/Clint - natasha goes back to the red room alone, Clint saves her.   1/1
In sickness and health - Clint/Nat - clint gets a cold and Natasha can’t cope with Man Flu -  1/1
Things Married people do - Clint/Nat - they’re married but they’re not.   1/1
Nothing Else Matters - Clint/Nat - it’s a close call after a building falls on Natasha   1/1
Assumptions - Clint/Nat/team - tony assumes they’re sleeping together. The truth is even better -  1/1
Patch You Up - Clint/Nat - he’s almost too late to save her.    1/1
Deprivation - Clint/Nat - a mission comes back to haunt Natasha. She’s more emotion on less sleep.  1/1
When the last catches up - Clint/Nat - Natasha past comes a haunting in front of the team.   1/1
Kiss Me Cassie @cassiesinsanity
Just Punch-y - Clint/Nat - Natasha punches Clint in the face. She was aiming for Rumlow. 1/1
Enemy Mine- Enemies with benefits never looked better. Clint/Nat 1/1 
The secret ingredient - Food blogging with Clint and Natasha (And everyone else) Clint/Nat 2/2
Falling into focus - Laura finds Natasha and Clint in the randomness of places. Clint/Nat/Laura 1/1
Breaking and Entering Never looked so good - Clint/Nat/Kate - Clint breaks in; Natasha is naked.    1/1
Underneath it all - Clint/Nat - he can tell how she feels by what she’s wearing
Like a hurricane - Natasha/Bucky - they’ve met before but should do a reintroduction.   1/1
here because we’re not all there - Bucky/Nat - they both have red room triggers and trauma -   1/1
Tielan @tielan
One does not simply walk into Mordor - Natasha/Pepper/Maria - Natasha is pissed and makes Maria and pepper go on a road trip - 1/1
The road that leads home - Natasha/Team/Laura- all roads lead to Laura. 1/1
Shenshen77 @obishenshenobi 
assertion - Clint/Nat - after the avengers movie. They patch each other up. 1/1
Once a hero - Clint l/Nat - Clint has nightmares - 1/1
The blanket - Clint/Nat - Clint has a blanket. He give it to Natasha -  1/1
Breathe - Clint/Nat - there’s a plane crash, Clint and Nat both struggle to survive.  4/4
Appreciation- Clint/Nat - Natasha looks at Clint and appreciates what she sees - 1/1
Lihos Human - Natasha/Liho - it took liho 3 months to train the human, she’d always been one for a challenge. 1/1
Not allowed to fall apart - Natasha - Natasha knows the feeling of a trapped animal, gnawing off its own limb to escape. 
xxx_cat_xxx @xxx-cat-xxx
ineffectual methods - Clint/Nat - Natasha gets taken and given super serum drugs - 1/1
Some other beginnings end - Clint & Nat - They had sex, but theyre not together. 1/1
We will always end up here - Tony & Nat - Five times Nat and Tony watch over each other and the one time they don't need to any longer. 7/7
Two weapons - Clint/Nat - Clint saved Natasha when given the orders to kill her. This is them, getting to know each other. This is Natasha, discovering her humanity. 1/1
breatheforeverypart - @breatheforeverypart
Natasha’s life series - The red room left scars, some with less than perfect coping mechanisms. Strength comes in all shapes and sizes; sometimes it’s getting through the day. 11/?
Zee (orphan_account)
our deal - clint/Nat - ever since they saved the world, it’s been different.
Amaturewordbender @amateurwordbender
Whatever it takes (post iW - no endgame) - Clint/Nat -Clint finds her. 1/1 (endgame fic is great as well but only limited endgame fic on this)
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laniardraws · 4 years ago
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And a final treat for silverfoxflower
Link to full version is in this post
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ao3feed-geralt-jaskier · 4 years ago
by silverfoxflower
Geralt had kissed Jaskier just the once, and he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since. 
Words: 1150, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: First Kiss, Pining
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eternalreadinglist · 4 years ago
“Tony Stark,” Pepper looked down at her paper, reading with a determined voice. Everyone in the room leaned forward to hear her speak. “I have known you for seven years, and loved you first as a friend and then a partner, and then thankfully a friend again. I have seen you proud, humble, brilliant and in pain, and never have I made a request as important as the one I’m making now. ” She looked up to meet Tony’s eyes, which were bewildered and hurt. “Tony, please stop having sex with robots.”
“Ah!” Steve yelped, pulling his hand away. “He bit me!”
“What!” Tony exclaimed.
Natasha cut in matter-of-factly, “One, you lock yourself for hours, sometimes days in your workshop, returning with scratches, burns and bruises in suspicious locations. Two, both Steve and Clint have admitted to hearing you groaning and calling out pet names when there is no one else in the room. And three, you’ve been having trouble sitting down for days.”
“It’s okay, Tony.” Pepper put a hand on his wrist. “You don’t have to hide anymore.”
From Five Interventions the Avengers Held For Each other and One They Held For Loki, by silverfoxflower
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mrs-amber · 4 years ago
The potions made him roil. Made him seethe.
The first time Jaskier saw him like this, Geralt expected him to run.
He didn’t.
Rated: T, Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Words: 722
okay, so… i had never read anything from this fandom before, and tbh i have only watched the series so far (i’m considering reading the books, if anyone has anything to say to encourage me, pls do!) and i must say…….. it is way more appealing than i expected. really. and this is so short, but made me have feels. 
so maybe you want to consider reading it too?
hope you like it!!
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just-some-fic-recs · 6 years ago
Five Interventions the Avengers Held For Each other and One They Held For Loki
Author: silverfoxflower
Fandom: Avengers
Tags: crack, humor, interventions
Summary: The next time, they had an omelet bar, champagne and a banner without penises on it. Also, Jane Foster was there. Thor seemed delighted when he stepped into the room and everyone toasted him with a jubilant, “Intervention!”
The Avengers hold interventions a la How I Met Your Mother
Ao3 link
oh my gosh this fic, I laughed so hard I nearly cried it’s so hilarious!
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chibisquirt · 7 years ago
As a fan who seems to prefer bottom!Steve (so many of our greats do, I see new authors and think "once they have experience and are ready to write a big ol epic with smut, they'll be saying bye to b!T") are there particular fics you recommend? :D
Ahaha, I don’t really prefer bottom!Steve!  I try to write bottom POV character, though, and I tend to gravitate to Steve’s POV because I’m a little more like him than anyone else.  (Although Tony’s POV is LOADS of fun to write!)  It’s also true that Tony is portrayed, in the movies at least, as having been sexually promiscuous, and since our culture tends to associate experience with dominance, I think that comes a little more naturally.  But while it works out that I write more bottom-Steve, but I love both.  (And also non-topped sex!  Criminally under-written, imho!)  
That said, there are quite a few I like!  
Okay, here are five.  I’m assuming from your ask that you’re a Stony shipper, so these are all Stony. (I multiship, so if you’re not, send me another ask and I’ll sort through my other bookmarks, too; there’s at least one great Steve/Thor in there!)
1.  Patron of the Arts, by @sineala (one of my go-to favorites, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve re-read it!)
2.  Come on and Get Your Kicks by @dsudis
3.  Afternoon Delight, by Silverfoxflower
4.  Sound Off, Soldier! by @trickyarchangel
5.  A Very Professional Job, by Leashy-Bebes
And a bonus!  Because I found it while looking through my bookmarks, and it was charming.  Not bottom!Steve, but lady!Steve, which I really do love when done well (which this is):  Come On, Come On, Settle Down by kahn.
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clintbartonficrecs · 9 years ago
"Why are you still in bed?" Kate demands, kicking at a corner of Clint’s mattress, which, rude. Why were girls and cats always so rude to him.
"Lucky turned into a cat," Clint says, burying his head in the pillow. "I’m hoping that if I wake up tomorrow, he’ll be back to normal."
1k+ meet-cute clintasha. stars kate bishop, clint barton, lucky, liho and natasha romanov. very cute!!! big fan ++ marvel 616
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tonystevestories · 10 years ago
Summary: If anyone asked Steve – and a few reporters may well have, Steve wouldn’t know since Peggy had kept him from answering anything else outside controlled press conferences and faux-casual interviews – what his relationship was with Captain America, Steve would have said something like, “We’ve reached an understanding,” or, “He’s a good guy to have in a fight,” but nowhere in that statement would be the mention of friend, or partner or ally. A role reversal fic featuring Steve Rogers (a.k.a Iron Man) as a billionaire, genius engineer with a heart of gold and Tony Stark (a.k.a Captain America) as a playboy American Hero who spent most of his backpay on his flashy lifestyle.
Rating: Explicit
Other Pairings: Steve/Peggy, Tony/Various (only briefly mentioned)
Thoughts: This is a really well done role reversal fic. I like how they mostly switched them but kept their personalities intact. A fun mixup.
Notes: There’s a sequel felix culpa
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laniardraws · 4 years ago
So I can finally reveal my art for Smutquisition Exchange (@dasmutquisition)! Keep in mind that all the works in the exchange are rated Explicit (hence the name), this is your warning.
In the Hawke’s Estate (They Bang) – m!Handers – my main gift for the dear friend @ser-thirst-a-lot (imagine my surprise and delight when I got my assignment 👀)
Omelette du Frottage – Kanders – a treat for @storybookhawke! They are actually the one who got me into Kanders with their writing and art, so this is me giving back (I hope it suffices!)
From the Bottom of My Heart – Zevistar –a treat for silverfoxflower!
Not posting any of these here 'cause I don't want to get flagged AGAIN, so have my messy comic process instead 😅
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ao3feed-geralt-jaskier · 4 years ago
by silverfoxflower
He grabbed Jaskier’s wrist, held it firm as he swallowed the crumbling pastry in one, wolfish bite. He hardly tasted it, in truth, too preoccupied with the scrape of his teeth against the pads of Jaskier’s fingers. 
When Jaskier withdrew his hand he looked shaken, his breathing just a touch uneven. “Hungry boy,” he muttered, his eyes cutting away. “Spare me my livelihood, at least.” 
Geralt grunted as he rubbed the crumbs from his lips, thinking, that’s what I would do to him. Consume him entirely and in the whole.
Words: 2094, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Scent Kink, Pining, Inappropriate Erections
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starred-fics · 11 years ago
Author: silverfoxflower
Fandom: The Avengers
Rating: General Audiences
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/James "Bucky" Barnes
Summary: Bucky doesn’t see the big fuss with the bears. They don't even get the costume right. As if he’d ever wear little sky-blue booty shorts with tights and thigh-high boots. In war, of all things.
Words: 573
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slashfanfictions · 12 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Author: silverfoxflower Title: Five Interventions the Avengers Held For Each other and One They Held For Loki Pairing(s): Loki/Tony Summary: The next time, they had an omelet bar, champagne and a banner without penises on it. Also, Jane Foster was there. Thor seemed delighted when he stepped into the room and everyone toasted him with a jubilant, “Intervention!” Rating: PG-13 Warning(s): Crack!fic   Word Count: 2,457
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post-coital-tristesse · 13 years ago
"Hm ..." Clint paused in the bedroom doorway, surveying Tony as he lay in fetal position, sulkily clutching a hot water bottle to his groin. "Can't decide what to mock you for without more information."
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ao3feed-geralt-jaskier · 4 years ago
by silverfoxflower
After the turmoil of war robbed him of his birthright, Jaskier endures life as a simple Bard in the court of Kerack, under the protection of his cruel, ambitious cousin. Until the night that Jaskier catches the attention of the Geralt of Rivia, Lord of the Clan of the Wolf, and is terrified to be gifted to the barbarian mercenary as a bed-warmer.
However, Jaskier soon learns that the White Wolf is not the man his dark reputation makes him out to be. He might, in fact, be Jaskier's only hope of escaping his harsh circumstances. If only Jaskier can convince Geralt to allow him to remain at his side ... if only Jaskier can avoid losing his own heart in the process ...
Words: 17531, Chapters: 3/15, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Eskel (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, Aiden (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher)
Additional Tags: Power Imbalance, Power Exchange, Warlord Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Explicit Consent, Past Sexual Abuse, Anal Sex, Aftercare, Seduction, Mutual Pining, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other Additional Pairings to be Added, Under-negotiated Kink, Alternate Universe, Relationship of Convenience, Falling In Love, War
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ao3feed-geralt-jaskier · 4 years ago
by silverfoxflower
Later, Geralt learned that the play was four hours long. Four hours long. It didn’t feel like it. Most of it passed by in a fever dream of ominous music, dance-fighting and dryads in gossamer leaves, swinging from hoops attached to the ceiling. Yennefer made an appearance, played by Priscilla in a glittering negligee. She sang a song to Geralt about putting him “Under Her Spell”, and they had a sensual dance number which was made a little strange by a sickened Jaskier (played by Jaskier) coughing loudly in the background. 
(Jaskier invites Geralt to a musical production inspired by his own life.)
Words: 4745, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Mutual Pining, Musicals, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Jealousy
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