#silver wolf x herta
wooawi · 9 months
between silver wolf’s one-sided beef with herta, ruan mei’s appreciation of herta’s “unquestionable beauty”, screwllum’s fondness of herta, and TB’s general willingness to do whatever she asks (although that could be scratched off as them just being one giant puppy), one can only conclude that herta’s pull is insane.
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meh why not. Honkai Star Rail X reader incorrect quotes when you have the time because I forgot you wrote for them.
I had a blast with this. Also, a special thanks to @tragedy-of-commons for reading these over.
Now! Your Wish Is My Command! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Natasha: You need to stop drinking so many energy drinks. Seele: You're one to talk. Natahsha: The last patient who refused to stop drinking energy supplements after I suggested it died. Seele: Oh no. Natasha: In a car crash. You: That sounds unrelated. Natasha: I’m the one who crashed it. Do not disobey me.
You: Why do you two like being out in the rain so much? Screwllum: I like splashing in the puddles and rain is just fun! Ruan Mei: I'm trying to get hit by lightning for my research.
Sparkle: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind. Sparkle: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months. Sparkle: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year? You: …This is Monopoly.
You and Asta: Madam Herta, help! We did a bad thing! Herta: Does it affect me? You and Asta: Not technically— Herta: Then suffer in silence.
You: Do you know a turtle's greatest weakness? Ruan Mei: How slow they are? You: No, their only weakness is that they can get stuck on their back. Ruan Mei: What if you taped two turtles together? They'd be unstoppable, correct? You: … Ruan Mei: … Ruan Mei: …I will be back shortly You: Ruan Mei, NO—
You: Died and came back as a cowboy, I call that reintarnation. Archeon: Laughs -Elsewhere- Boothill: I suddenly feel like strangling someone.
You: I need some help dealing with a problem, do you have any suggestions? Jingliu: Sword. You: Do you have any other suggestions? Jingliu: …Two swords.
You: Do you have any idea how many laws you're breaking on a daily basis? Silver Wolf: One? You: No. Silver Wolf: Two? You: No. Silver Wolf: …Is it one?
You: why are you following me? Kafka: because we’re dating now You: okay… what about the rest of you? Kafka: we’re a package deal Silver Wolf, walking next to the rest of the Stellaron hunters while burying her face in a game and Blade maneuvering her to avoid hazards like light poles: buy one idiot, get several free
You: Do you want to play 20 Questions? Firefly: Sure! You: What's your favorite color? Firefly, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Will you go out on a date with me?
Kafka: I love making short jokes about Wolfie. You: They go right over her head. Silver Wolf, standing on a step stool: Fuck you.
Blade, reading the note in the lunch packed for him by you and Kafka: the path to inner peace starts with four words Blade: not my fucking problem Blade: Narrows Eyes I think this one is for Firefly
Firefly, reading the note in the lunch packed for her by you and Kafka: Please, for the love of the Aeons, be good. We know your love language is acts of service. We also know your only skill is stabbing people. Firefly: Tilts Head To The Side I… believe this is for blade…
You: I love my personal space You point to the Silver Wolf latched onto your back You: this is Wolfie. Wolfie also loves my personal space.
You: Why are you smiling Blade? Blade: Am I not allowed to be happy? Kafka: Of course you are Bladie… It’s just that you being happy, usually means someone’s lost their life… or a limb.
Pom Pom: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway. The Express Crew, desperately trying to avoid spring cleaning after the last "Incident": … Pom Pom: Choo Choo motherfuckers, come out already.
Stelle, waving at the crew as she steps onto the express after being splattered by a small army of stings: hello. Himeko: i- Welt: we literally saw you die. Dan Heng: you died. March 7th: you're dead. Stelle, shrugging: death is a social construct.
You and Stelle: some fools be like “I play games to escape my responsibilities” then pick tank or healer Welt: In my greatest fantasies I am able to help people Dan Heng: In my fantasies I can prevent people from being hurt, even if it means I get hurt in their stead Himeko: In my fantasies I don’t have to know how to aim March 7th: In my fantasies I control who lives and who dies
You standing at the top of the stairs: What are y'all doing at the bottom of the staircase? Ruan Mei: I accidentally fell down. Herta: RUAN MEI PUSHED ME down the stairs because I refuse to pay HER part of our rent! Screwllum: Ruan Mei bet me fifty Credits that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs faster than she did falling down it, so I slid down the banister to get my money. Dr. Ratio: I don't know how I got here. One moment, I was sleeping in my bed, three floors up, and several galaxies away and then suddenly I was waking up here, just in time to get crushed by Screwllum.
You: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Ruan Mei: They do. Herta: …Why did you say that with such certainty?
Dr. Ratio, talking to You and Topaz: Well, whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘would Aventurine do that?’ and if they would, I do not do that thing. You and Topaz: … Aventurine: I know I should be offended, but he's not wrong.
Silver Wolf talking about you: How do you feel about Them, Firefly? Firefly, vibrating at a frequency high enough to shatter a glass: I love Them a normal amount.
You and the Stellaron Hunters sitting in jail together You: So who should we call? Silver Wolf: I’d call Blade, but I feel safer in jail
You: When do you usually go to sleep? Blade: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the Aeons. Kafka: My body will pass out when it's ready Kafka and Blade: high five You: angry staring (edited)
Firefly: Good News! The store had blueberry bagels! Bad news, the cream cheese died… or became more alive… It is the wrong amount of alive.
Tingyun, after being caught lying in bed with your shirt on: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt. You: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Yukong: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? You: Peonies, why? Yukong: … You: Were you going to get me flowers? Yukong: … You: … Yukong, under her breath: It's a possibility…
Quingque: I owe you one. You: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
Blade: walks in to see you and Firefly sitting on the couch facing away from each other. Blade: I know I will more than likely regret asking, but what's going on there? Firefly, gaming: They're having a fight. Blade, confused: Then why are they holding hands? Kafka, playing with her Cat: Fighting makes them sad.
Natasha: Why are there little handprints all over the wall? You, whispering to The Moles: Why are there little handprints all over the wall? The Moles: Because we have little hands. You: *Nods Sagely Before Turning To Natasha* You, with a smile: Its because The Moles have little hands
You, when Wildfire was just starting: Natasha, sweetie, the love of my life, all you have is a handful of impoverished shantytowns paying us protection money. We're basically slum lords.
Natasha: And what's the main rule we have? Julian: Don't dare The Leader Of The Moles, Dark Hook The Great to do stupid stuff. You: And why's that? Hook with her head stuck between two stair rails: Because I have no regard for my personal well being.
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chaeyoei · 1 month
Hello :3 ,I had an idea while staying up late (it's 3am) and I was remembering school and so on, so I'm curious if you could write about HSR characters in school (as usual I want Blade and Aventurine;) and other characters if they're male or female (Kafka pls..) And how they act with the reader
All in all, have a good day/night (Any time.)
👀 we'll settle some things down then. Gender Neutral. These are personal opinions and my creative juices aren't flowing well.
Blade borderlines between Class delinquent and Bunker.
Blade was an A grade student but something happened and he lost all motivation and became who is he now.
You can expect school bully traits from him. He and his group are always in detention. It's become a daily basis.
His interaction with you would really just be him not acknowledging you or if you're close to him, he'll share his lunch with you.
Sliver Wolf
Sliver Wolf is the Kid who's going to be developing obbies in Roblox and just be a champion in digital games.
She's going to bunk classes and just grafiti the school wall.
If you ever see the username ChampionSliverWolf_0 in your game, just know that you're losing your one game streak.
She'd call you loser if you're really bad at games (me), and if you make for a good opponents, just expect from her to come up to you and go "Game night at 5 pal" And then leave.
Makima Charm with Monkia's manipulation.
You know this woman is going to make you question your sexuality. She just has that charm. The one girl who's locker would be filled with love letters and roses.
If you ask anyone what they think she'd be in the future, 99 out of 100, you're going to hear model.
I think that her and Blade would be friends which nobody expected to happen but she would give her notes to Blade and in return Blade would protect her from the creeps. (No ship.)
Kafka would either be that one girl you can ask on how to charm your crush and she'll give you tips for some credits ofc.
That one silent and shy girl that can kick ass and give you nasty looks if you bully her or her friends.
She's a goodey two shoes but she'd break rules for her friends.
I'd like to think she has a condition that limits her to have a few friends.
But I think she and Silver Wolf would get along pretty well. Silver Wolf would host a slumber party and invite Firefly, they play Mario kart and monopoly, munch on Cheetos and fall asleep.
Firefly, if you're a good friend would remain lighthearted and shy infront of you but boy if anyone ever bullies you, she's going to kick some ass.
That one kid who already has a business running. Need a pen? That'd be 10 credits, a new notebook? 25 credits. Gum? 5 credits.
He's really popular too. Heck he's somehow friends with the topper Ratio.
i think he'd be a shameless flirt. He'd have those right lines and rizz you up like it's nobody's business.
The Academic weapon. Doesn't even attend the class, shows up in the finals and scores the best with full marks and nobody knows who she even is.
honestly, nothing. She's not even attending. You either don't know her or do.
The popular girl who'd help you do your make up and is just nice. There's a chance that my Seele can crit more than the chance of anyone disliking her on planet Earth.
The most active and the lead of the choir.
She'd help you in everything, whether it'd be studies or getting you into a group.
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Drabble and no long paragraph because my creative spirits have betrayed me like Dan Heng IL not coming home after I spent everything on him.
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Worldbuilding H/C: Soulmates
So this will be just be the general head-canons about how the different cultures in HSR would be structures in a soulmate AU (alias how soulmates influenced laws and cultures), and how the playable characters view them. I will later add a image for each character. When we are induced to new cultures in the game i might add a part 2 to this.
Soulmates are general confirmed and accepted, nobody is really denying that they exist. But depending on who your soulmate is you might find stark differences in how they will view you and what is expected of you. For given that soulmates are confirmed for centuries, this knowledge shaped societies -some in culture, some even in law. Each planet has they own way of doing this.
Overall it is believed that the soulmate marks where blessing send out by the Aeons, a gift that all of them send out in junction. These soulmates have three parts; The first is Sign -a physical mark on the body -each match have a tattoo that both of them have since birth, absolute matching one-another in shape and placement. Second is Recognition -there is a instinctive bond between soulmates to protect and trust. Not enough to control once actions, but enough to sway the undecided. Hereby it doesn't matter if they even know their soulmate is involved -if for example a ship is in danger, and a soulmate has a match on that ship without knowing or any indications, the soulmate will lean towards protecting the ship. The last is different for each race; Protection will give what a match needs to stay together. If one soulmate ages slower than the other, their match will age normally till they reach the physical age of their soulmate, then have their aging slow down to the same space. If a soulmates race has a special ability like breathing under water or immunity to fire, then that will carry over.
In Belebog soulmates rarely found each other, what with the Eternal Freeze and later even with the ban between Under- and Overworld. Therefore people will be pretty open to marry somebody who is not their soulmate. That is if you haven't meet or have already lost their soulmate. If someone were to pursue someone else while their match is right next to them it would still turn some confused heads. But it isn't unheard of. Still, finding your match is considered special. The Landau Siblings, Gepard and Serval are a bit out the norm, wanting to wait for their soulmates. They haven't mentioned it to their parents, neither wanting to deal with the backlash and pressure to continue the family line -in fact they haven't even told each other. As for Bronya a romantic partner had not even been on the table till her soulmate shows up. From there on she feels lost, she doesn't want to let go of this possibility, but she also have no idea what to do with a soulmate. Others who would be blindsided by a match showing up where Natasha and Seele. Nat doesn't think she deserves a soulmate, her match has to convince her to give them a chance. Seele meanwhile had regarded finding a match as a fairy tale scenario, highly unlikely -even if she claimed to wait for them to stop her admirers. It was only a line, you know. Sampo is open-minded to finding a soulmate, but isn't searching or waiting. Pela used to believe she would find her soulmate and was ready to fight for that. Then she was sent to the frontlines of the Eternal Freeze and decided to give up and focus on reality.
(Characters: Gepard Serval Bronya Natasha Seele Sampo)
People of the Xianzhou Alliance are the complete opposite. They believe that matches are scared and married from birth. It is not only outlawed, but unthinkable to be with anyone outside the Bond. Soulmates are often refers to as Kindreds. Found matches will usually move together that very same day. Exceptions are made for kids, in which case they will have constantly alternating sleepovers. Xianzhou and Foxians share they longevity with they matches, while Vidyadhara share they reincarnation-cycle ability. One would think that make it easier to find their match, and really each ship has they citizens register their Signs and there is open communications to help everyone find their spouse. But there is also a danger in that; matches are thought to be one of mind. Which means if a crime is committed, both soulmates receive the sentence. So if your aging acts up be careful, you don't know what your soulmate was up to. 'You didn't know' will not hold in front of their laws. However if you are the soulmate of Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan or Yukong, it's up to school with you. As their Kindred you are considered their second in command and must learn their people's law and train in combat. Yanqing's soulmate will face similar, but as he is still in training himself, it will be more relaxed. Each of them will of course be with you every step of the way. Sushang is currently searching for you. Tingyun is content to wait for you, she collets trinkets over the years to gift you when you finally meet. Qingque has only just returned from a Search so she is currently focusing on her own life, but she has diaries about her searches she plans to gift her soulmate. Loucha is more a nomad, so he doesn't consider you his spouse yet and fully plans to woe you off your feet, but he has high regard for the soulmate traditions of the Xianzhou and might be quickly influenced by them. Just keep in mind to set boundaries early with any of them, they respect you to much to overstep even if those boundaries are things they are unfamiliar with.
(Characters: Jing Yuan Fu Xuan Yukong Yanqing Sushang Tingyun Qingque Loucha)
Space-Nomads have an interesting case where either each member of the group stays true to their home world's culture or a group has developed their own soulmate culture while traveling together. Other space nomads go with a mix of the two. But overall they experienced enough other cultures that they will have no problem adjusting to their soulmate's culture.
The Nameless mostly go by their home-world's culture, mainly since the culture that Pom-Pom says used to exist on the Express died before Himeko rediscovered said train. Still there are things they picked up from the conductor. Like calling Soulmates 'Soulcompasses' or just one's 'Compass'. Also, Pom-Pom considers each Nameless' match another guest of the Express and will cry if they don't board and travel with them. March 7 pretty much adopted his approach since she has no homeworld-culture to fall back on; in her mind a couple could take as long as they wanted to get together, as long both trailblazed together. Himeko is close to this ideal as well, but she wouldn't pressure someone into coming along. She can always visit with stories and souvenirs in tow. Her homeworld-culture teaches that no relationship is to be taken for granted, you don't own your soulmate, and sometimes they don't work out and that is okay. Welt is undecided on the tropic of soulmates, he has seen a lot. A soulmate is kind of unreal, but he won't push you away. The people of his world believe soulmates always work, but sometimes they don't work out right away. People are shaped by experiences. This means that at times matches can know each other for before they klick or even like each other. That being said he would never let anything happen to you if he could prevent it. Dan Heng has no problem connecting his heritage with the Express traditions, but from his experience traveling different worlds decides to give his 'Kindred Compass' the control on how fast the relationship goes. That said he is desperately hunting for his soulmate. Who knows what happen if they go to Loufu searching for him? He has to find them to at least warn them. The Trailblazer meanwhile, having no culture to remember, just adopts everybody's culture. Soulmates confuse them, but finding one's compass is good, yes?
(Characters Himeko Welt Yang March 7 Dan Heng Stelle Caelus)
Then you have the Stellaron Hunters. These guys are okay to play around or even marry prior to meeting their soulmate. But once they do, whatever relationship they had prior is over. No buts. Given how much they deal with the 'script', they will know when they will meet you and be ready a day or two early. They call the day of the meeting Destiny Call. Kafka confused everyone by bringing flowers to a fight the day she was to meet you. Silver Wolf thinks that is coming on too strong, but still makes sure to look her best on her Destiny Call. In contrast Blade will try to get a rise out of his soulmate the first time you meet. In his mind, his Fated One should know what they are getting into. They do take their other half a tad for granted, but that doesn't mean their aren't prepared to woe you for years to come.
(Characters: Kafka Silver Wolf Blade)
Now the crew of Herta's Space-Station all exclusively go by their home-world traditions. Except Herta herself. Herta has a pop-quiz ready that she will jump at you the moment she knows that you are her soulmate and make a plan based on your answers. Asta's world is neutral towards soulmates, but you only ever gift pearls or chocolate to a soulmate. So a relationship with her would be pretty normal. Except she won't stand for anyone giving you chocolate or you giving cholate out, not even to kids. Arlan has a plan on how to woe his soulmate -it goes flying out of the window the second he meets you. At his home planet you place your soulmate first before everything. There are laws against hurting one's soulmate, so he takes this very serious. Also, unlike some planets, Signs are thought as intimate, usually covered up. So if his soulmate were to show them off, he would be a blushing mess.
(Characters: Herta Asta Arlan)
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nian-7 · 1 year
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Various HSR Characters x gn!reader
✧their reaction to receiving flowers
✧fluff, genshin ver 1 & 2
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You got them flowers? How lovely! They love that you've thought of them while you were out and they find it endearing that you've bought them a gift. It's very sweet and now they'd like to do something in return for you. Whether that be getting you a gift or going out with you somewhere, whatever the case may be, they will pay you back for it!
-March, Asta, Yanqing, Topaz, Sushang
A gift? For them? You shouldn't have. They do appreciate the thought a lot and they'll thank you for the sweet gift. It'll go somewhere that they can see it everyday, possibly on their bedside table so that they can look at you and see the pretty flowers that you had picked out specifically for them.
-Kafka, Jing Yuan, Himeko, Natasha, Bronya
Really, you bought them a gift? What are they meant to do with these flowers?! They've never really had an interest in receiving gifts and would much rather receive love in other ways but still it is a gift from their beloved and so they have no choice other than to cherish with their whole heart. Not that they'd ever tell you that they do.
-Dan Heng, Silver Wolf, Blade, Herta, Seele, Fu Xuan
A gift is their favorite way to show their love for you. They'd much rather have you on the receiving end of the gift and so they probably beat you to it. You received a gift right before you were going to head out to get those flowers for your beloved. It seems they just knew that you were going to get them something and beat you to the punch.
-Yukong, Tingyun, Serval, March, Guinaifen
It seems you've flustered them with this sudden gift! Give them a kiss and their face might turn even redder. They get very happy and love your gift to them, no matter how random it might have been. It's something they'll cherish and get a little sad when it starts to wilt.
-Gepard, Luka, Yanqing
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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Hello I'm not sure if the request is open but may I please request for Silverwolf and Herta x ! GN reader jealousy headcanons?
Thank you!
Hello! My requests are open! And of course!! SOrry if Silverwolf Is OOC I have yet to meet her fully (other than the intro scene) in game.
Characters: Herta and Silverwolf
CW: Semi Yandere behavior (mainly because the i see the two characters don't understand how to deal with these emotions), but nothing to intense, breaches of privacy (not the readers)
Theme: Jealousy Headcannons
Reader: Gender Neutral
Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf deal with their jealousy of their crush talking to someone else who seems interested in their crush.
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Herta doesn't understand how she feels about you in the first place.
Emotional connects are foreign to her so having a crush and feeling the intense jealousy when someone else flirts with you is weird
She tries to do experiments and see what may be the causality of her feelings but it takes both Himiko and Asta to tell her how she's feeling
It's denial at first even with what Himiko and Asta had said, and it takes a while for her to accept she even has a crush on you
Jealousy is a whole other beast in itself that Herta has to deal with
She'll often demand you to her office to help her when she sees someone flirting or making advances toward you
If she can't and you're busy with something else, then she'll join you which is odd for anyone to see
Her excuse is that where your going is where she needs materials
When a person seems to persist you and trying to capture your heart, she'll just make them do menial and long tasks if they work at the space station
If its someone that she doesn't really have authority over, she'll just push you away, interrupting rudely saying you two have important work to do
If you do happen to come to her about her behavior, she just denies everything saying that you should focus on your work and commissions rather than talking to people
If you happen to catch her behavior, you'll tease her but to no avail of getting a visible reaction
On the inside though its a full blown panic of flustered feelings and a bit of guilt since she didn't intend to do most of her behaviors
If you don't catch on, Herta praises you're oblivious and that you are to ignorant for your own good
It's not like she's going to admit her feelings to you any time soon so it'll be a lot of avoiding people with her and helping Herta with her job
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Silver wolf is another person who isn't the kind of person to really understand emotional connections with people but seems to ask Kafka about it
When she realizes its a feeling of romance and jealousy she is one to ignore it
Silver wolf won't deny that she has these feelings directed at you, but she'll just not acknowledge them
However is someone seems to be getting to close to you, she'll make a note of it and try and occupy your time
She doesn't understand why she acts like this around you when she obviously is 'ignoring' her feelings for you
You often join Kafka and her on missions but you're on Silver Wolf's team and helping her hack things
Since you are always on the move with her, no one really gets a chance to flirt with you or make any advances
But when they do, Silver Wolf just glares at the person and makes them feel uncomfortable
Silver Wolf also hacks their phone and sort of see's what kind of person they are
She knows its wrong but its something she can't really help when it comes to you
Its really hard to tell she is actively jealous because she doesn't show visible emotion but if you come to her about her behavior she'll just say something about them being evil or her gut feelings having a bad vibe from them
If you somehow happen to connect the dots and tease her about it, she'll ignore you and continue with her work
She's just panicked you'll see her differently
If you don't catch on though then she is in utter relief
Silver wolf does try and hint about her jealousy but if you don't catch on then she doesn't really continue
She finds your ignorance to her feelings a bit annoying but she'll come around soon
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anbylover3000 · 7 months
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I thought since I got tumblr I might as well post my art from Twitter on here
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btrswtdoodles · 5 months
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Working on charms mainly for a while but heres a doodle of Themb
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btrswtem · 7 months
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Thinking about: Them
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tonkatsubowl · 1 year
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dan heng x fem!reader
part two.
➽ inspired by satoru gojo! what if the reader had a special ability with her eyes and often wore a blindfold?
➽ reader is a flirt!
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you were one of elios' favorite workers. just like kafka, you had a drastic amount of bounty on your head—dead or alive, but when it came to hunting you down... nobody really knew your description. nobody knew your appearance. they didn't even know if you wore a blindfold. were you a man? a woman? what was your gender identity? what was your height, weight, the color of your eyes? your hair?
yeah, you were anonymous. that was one of your nicknames when it came to the others.
compared to everyone else, those who hunted down the stellaron hunters knew what they looked like. everyone knew the name "kafka", which sent shivers down their spine every time they had mentioned this notorious villain in their worlds... but yours was quite similar to 'anonymous'.
kafka often joked and teased with you that your name was mysterious, and silver wolf had already began to make a jrpg video game with some inspiration from your name. blade didn't care for your name—but he was always pondering and suspicious about the blindfold that covered your eyes. they had seen your eyes a few times, but never once did you ever use them in battle.
your name... was anonymous... anonymous. anonymous. you were truly anonymous, and nobody but your allies knew what you truly looked like.
you worked in the shadows, taking the lives of many to succeed in your mission. but now was different — for whatever reason, elios decided to have you infiltrate the astral express.
it sounded almost impossible considering the security measures that were implanted in the system, along with herta's intellectual mindset when it came to technology... but now, you had silver wolf's help, who practically could hack into the universe and mess with its files of reality... digitally.
there were some files in dan heng's archive that you needed to retrieve... some of it was classified information, which was oddly peculiar. of course, elios wanted it. so, he trusted you—one of the finest stellaron hunters—to retrieve it. kafka was originally supposed to take this mission, but elios had her do something else. something that was also top-priority.
silver wolf did a few things, and you were on your own for the rest. as you entered the express, you were silent. your footsteps were inaudible, as though you were walking on air. you were fully aware of your surroundings despite the blindfold. your world was covered in darkness, but you could still see in a way.
you knew where the couches were at. where himeko left her coffee mug. you knew where the hallways were at—your senses were just this good.
upon entering the corridor that connected to several rooms, you stop in front of dan heng's room. placing a hand against the door, you could feel the vibrations of the softest of movements from the other side. dan heng was asleep on the floor... you could feel march rolling around on her bed asleep, assuming the room next to dan heng's belonged to her.
then came the next step... entering the room, which you did swiftly, silently and remaining undetected.
you enter the room, embraced by the sight of his large window which displayed the starry night sky of the galaxy. the speakers that softly played soft lofi music, and the books that were resting together on the large bookshelves in the room... and there, in the corner of your eye... well, not really your eye, but you sensed dan heng was asleep.
you discreetly move towards his computer, moving your hand towards the keyboard...
... what was the password? now you'd have to ask silver wolf to hack into his computer. that was when—
"don't move."
you felt the tip of dan heng's signature weapon pierce through the air, aiming at the back of your neck. you froze, unsure how dan heng had noticed you when you came in here undetected... what was going on? but you had a sly smirk on your face, feeling, sensing dan heng was behind you, observing you.
despite the blindfold, you could "see" everything.
"oh, my." you cooed, lifting both of your hands. "you caught me. i'm impressed."
you turn your head to the side, and dan heng was met with suspicion. could you see with that blindfold on? who are you? and how did you get in his room? or even... how did you get into the astral express without setting off the security system?
"state your name. your business. who are you?"
you hear him firmly grasping the spear, his grip tightening.
"oh my..." you whisper softly. "you're asking too many questions, dan heng."
he blinked—how did you know his name?
"i wish i can really tell you, but... i get a little too shy on the first date."
immediately, you turn and knock the spear out of dan heng's hand. you were incredibly faster than him, even catching him off guard as you threw him against the floor, pinning him against the ground. he breathed, his eyes gazing up against the fabric that covered your oculars. slowly, you pull down the blindfold, revealing your beautiful e/c eyes.
"there's a reason why i wear this." you say in a soft, seductive whisper, running your finger down from dan heng's lips and towards his chest. "my eyes... are fused with a stellaron. i wear a blindfold so it doesn't make my eyes dry and irritable, you know?"
dan heng was unable to do anything. truthfully, he was enchanted by your beauty, but he was also still in the process of trying to get out of this life or death situation.
but... really, he was stuck underneath you as you pinned him down.
"i can see what's inside of you. read your soul, see things that many people can't normally see... but for the first time, you see me. hell, you even detected me. so i think i'll reward you. what do you think?"
"gh—" dan heng grunted, before trying to make his escape... unfortunately you had stopped him, forcing him down with the immense strength you had. he couldn't win against you.
"shh, pretty boy. behave for me for a second." your eyes scan him, before you leaned down... boldly pressing your lips against dan heng. oh, he was cute. you had to steal a kiss.
he blinked, frozen in shock as he totally did not expect this. he moved his head around a bit, trying to maneuver away from your lips. but you forced him down even more, allowing your tongue to explore into his mouth. you could feel dan heng growing more incited, feeling as he was slowly giving up against your lips... and the moment you pulled away, a string of saliva was connected between the both of your lips. dan heng was breathing heavily, and was red.
"wh... what are you doing... what.. who are you? what do you want?"
licking your lips, you stand up from the heated mess of an introvert as you walked towards the computer. typing in the password, you placed a usb flash drive into the side of the computer, downloading every bit of information into the device.
"you taste good. are you single? i think you are."
dan heng was completely out of it, his mind spinning as he laid on the ground helpless. he even watched you download all the information from his computer of his database into your usb flash drive, before it was settled into your pocket.
"thanks for the information. my eyes see everything, you know."
as you make your way towards the door, you heard dan heng scramble up to his feet with a clumsy, "w-wait!"
you stop, turned to him and looked at him with your innocent, strange... stellaron eyes.
"what is it, dan-dan?" a new given nickname.
"... what's... what's your name?"
your head tilts to the side innocently as you step closer, knowing your lips carried somewhat of a toxin that could render anyone emotionally distraught or weak... or to even lust after you. however, you were interested in dan heng.
"... i'll tell you if you take me out for a date." you leaned in, giving your new little crush a kiss on his lips before disappearing into the night.
you were gone, but a piece of paper was slowly falling from the air, and it was caught by dan heng... it read,
here's my number! ♡︎ i think youre cute ヾ(¯∇ ̄๑)
text me whenever. ♬
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i turned it into a series! check the parts above!
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robilover · 4 months
even if I mostly do SFW fics/headcanons/thirsts/blurbs, you must be 18+.
what I write can either be platonic or romantic.
I can do nsfw/suggestive posts, please read at your own risk.
I do fem!reader by default, but if you want gn!reader or afab!gn!reader, I can still do them! I do not do male!reader, though.
this is an LGBTQ+ safe space and is mostly a wlw/sapphic blog. therefore, strictly NO homophobia, transphobia, or anything that relates to hate to the LGBTQ+.
strictly NO incest, extreme kinks, pedophilia, etc etc.
please be respectful and kind in the asks and comments. I do not tolerate mean behavior.
if you request, please specify the gender or else I might just leave it in my inbox for a while.
I can do poly; character x reader x character. just specify if you want it separately or a poly hc or something.
additional rules are here. + here.
masterlist is under the cut together with the character list!
🪽 For NSFW:
I mostly do dom!character/top!character x sub!reader/bottom!reader.
I don’t mind doing top!reader but I actually just prefer being bottom (sorry guys💔)
again, NO extreme kinks (such as p!ss kink) and weird fetishes.
you are homophobic, transphobic, or anything related to that.
you are a hater of genshin, hsr, or wuwa.
you are racist.
you fetishize wlw/women or have weird fetishes in general.
🪽 Character List (female characters):
colored ones are favorites/who I can (mostly) write for!
I will be updating this either way, so..
Genshin Impact
Jean, Lisa, Fischl, Mona, Rosaria, Eula, Noelle, Sucrose
Beidou, Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Yanfei, Shenhe, Xinyan, Yun Jin, Yelan, Xianyun
Kamisato Ayaka, Naganohara Yoimiya, Raiden Shogun/Ei, Kujou Sara, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Yae Miko, Kuki Shinobu, Kirara
Candace, Nilou, Nahida (platonic), Layla, Faruzan, Dehya
Lynette, Charlotte, Furina, Navia, Chevreuse, Chiori, Arlecchino, Clorinde
Columbina, La Signora
Honkai Star Rail (HSR)
Astral Express:
Stelle, Himeko, March 7th
Stellaron Hunters:
Kafka, Silver Wolf, Firefly
Herta Space Station:
Herta, Asta, Ruan Mei
Bronya, Seele, Serval, Natasha
Xianzhou Alliance:
Tingyun, Sushang, Qingque, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Guinaifen, Hanya, Xueyi
Interastral Peace Corporation (IPC):
Topaz, Jade
Robin, Sparkle, Black Swan
Wuthering Waves (WUWA)
Female Rover, Yangyang, Baizhi, Chixia, Danjin, Jianxin, Sanhua, Jinhsi, Yinlin, Changli
Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)
Victoria Housekeeping:
Alexandrina Sebastiane (Rina), Ellen Joe
Cunning Hares:
Nicole Demara, Anby Demara, Nekomiya Mana (Nekomata)
Belobog Heavy Industries:
Grace Howard
Sons of Calydon:
Burnice White, Caesar King,
Criminal Investigation Special Response Team (PubSec):
Zhu Yuan, Jane Doe
Obol Squad:
Soldier 11
Section 6:
Hoshimi Miyabi
these are subjected to change. I will add the masterlist as soon as I get motivated to do so.
🪽 Masterlist:
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Wuthering Waves
Zenless Zone Zero
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angelismmm · 1 year
hsr masterlist ♪
updated: 7/7/23 :P
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ㅤ ㅤㅤ☆ — nsfw || ⟢ — sfw/fluff/etc.
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THE JESTERS PLAY: A 1k milestone event :3
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7MIH! ft. hsr men + matchmaker kafka, march, himeko & serval! ⟢
all i see is red ft. hsr men ☆
what about me? ft. hsr men ⟢
phone sex w them ft. hsr men ☆
slice of life ft. hsr men+genshin men ⟢
how he likes to eat pussy ft. hsr men ☆
cleaning/patching up their wounds ft. hsr characters ⟢
taking you v-card ft. hsr men ☆
their love languages ft. too many hsr characters to count ⟢
he takes care of overworked s/o (kind of??) ft. welt, blade, luocha, jing yuan ⟢
kissing him to shut him up ft. blade, jing yuan, gepard ⟢
waking up w them + random hcs ft. hsr men ⟢
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astral express.
shared feelings ft. dan heng + caelus tagteam ☆
single dad rambles ft. welt yang, jing yuan ⟢
dan heng il + breeding ☆
dan heng il + dan heng tagteam ☆
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herta space station.
arlan relationship hcs ⟢
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none, come back later!
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xianzhou alliance.
jing yuan & you being parent figures to yanqing ft. jing yuan ⟢
・except you both arent togehter yet
single dad rambles ft. welt yang, jing yuan ⟢
mean dom! jing yuan x fem!short!reader ☆
foxian!afab!reader ft. jing yuan ☆
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stellaron hunters.
hate sex ft. blade ☆
hate sex 2 ft. blade ☆
foxian!afab!reader ft. blade ☆
blade w a s/o who plays w silver wolf
blade thrist (1)
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(taglist here, get tagged/@ for all my recent works!)
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deathbxnny · 1 year
◇《Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 3》◇
》Masterlist Navigation
》Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 1
》Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 2
》Started on: 19/08/23
》Last Updated: 08/09/24
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》General headcanons:
Jing Yuan + Stellaron hunters with a Teen!Collei-like!Reader.
Yanqing's twin being captured by the Sanctus medicus and Jing Yuan/Yanqing finding out about it too late.
Platonic sunday, aventurine and gallagher with a teen!reader who is like nene kusanagi
platonic ratio, aventurine and sunday with a teen!reader like mafuyu asahina
Platonic gallagher aventurine and dr ratio with an asuka!teen!reader
Ratio, Aventurine, and Wriothesley with a teen!reader who is getting bullied badly
platonic Aventurine, Sunday, and Jing Yuan with a teen!reader like ai hoshino
Aventurine, Blade and Jing Yuan with a teen reader that's like lynette from gi
Jing Yuan, Yanqing, and Welt with an S/o who has an instant death ability like Takatou
Aventurine, Blade, and jing Yuan with a teen!reader who is like fischl
Platonic Dan Heng, Welt, & Gallagher, who have a bossfight with a teen!reader that’s like Homura Akemi
Herta, Dr.Ratio, & Ruan Mei with a teen!reader who is a member of the Genius Society
Gallagher, Sunday, and Boothill with a teen reader who is like furina
Boothill, Aventurine, and Welt with a reader being controlled by Sunday and being made to attack them
aventurine, blade and sunday with a Reader like margarita blankenheim
Jing Yuan, Dr. Ratio and Argenti with a little sister!Reader
Yanqing and Jing Yuan with a S/o, whose planet was slaughtered by the Xianzhou, and they take takes pride in it
Boothill, Aventurine, and Sunday with a teen!assasin reader
Teen!Reader being jealous of Yanqing and wanting the generals attention too
Gallagher, Sunday and Boothill with a Reader who naps alot
Dan Heng, Jing Yuan and Aventurine with pre-magical girl homura like teen!reader
Kafka, Blade, & Silver wolf with a stellaron hunter teen!reader that’s like Frill from Wonder Egg Priority
Platonic Blade, Aventurine, and Dr Ratio with a severely chronically ill teen!reader
Robin and Sunday with a younger sibling that is like Crona from soul eater
Boothill, Dr.Ratio, & Jing Yuan with a teen!reader that has a service dog
Blade, Jing Yuan, and Kafka with a teen!reader, who has a strong ability that makes them forget their memories after every use
Robin and Serval with a teen!reader that sings Heavy Metal/Screamo
Jing Yuan, blade, & Bailu with platonic older!Reader that’s like Xianyun
Yanqing realising his feelings for you!
Yanqing finally getting his revenge on Jing Yuan, after his mother gets wrongfully executed.
Yanqing having friends!
Yanqing with a HTTYD! Reader
Yanqing betraying everyone for Stellaron hunter!Reader!
Yanqing's S/O being hurt by him due to Svarog's claw.
Yanqing being Mara struck and his s/o curing him by striking an interesting deal.
Yanqing being assigned an anxious strategist reader, who helps him take things slow and with ease.
The trouble of young love. (Yanqing x GN!Reader)
Yanqing with a professional chef/baker S/O
Growing into glory. (Yanqing x Aeon!Gn!Reader)
Yanqing with a mute S/O who frequently gets bullied
Yanqing and teen!reader being a menace duo
Yanqing with an S/O, who was kidnapped by a Yandere
Yanqing beefing with his s/o's cat
Yanqing with a teen female watcher S/O
Yanqing x magical girl s/o
Misha reacts to his S/O dying via “Death” right in front of him
platonic aventurine with an in-debt teen reader
Repay me later. (Platonic!Aventurine x Teen!Reader)
Aventurine with a child sibling reader!
Aventurine with a S/O that's like Kirari Momobami from Kakegurui
Sunday with a daughter who has a chronic illness
Sunday with a fem!reader that is oddly fascinated by his wings
Sunday with a fem reader who likes to bake sweets for him, yet can't taste them herself
Headcanons for Acheron x Kiana Kaslana reader
Blade x reader With Herrscher of finality powers
》Dr. Ratio:
Platonic dr ratio with a teen!student reader, who only excels at one subject and is socially akward
Dad!Boothill with a child!Reader, who always tries stealing his hat!
Platonic Boothill with a cyborg teen!Reader, who's good with technology
Little imagine of Dad!Boothill with adopted daughter in the woods!
"You promised your next life to me." (Boothill x Gn!Reader)
Boothill with a Navia-like!Reader who's a part of the knight of beauty!
The summer we died in. (Boothill x twin!Reader)
Platonic Boothill with a child reader who's like Klee
》Jing Yuan:
Jing Yuan having a heart attack over Yanqing going "missing". (Imagine)
Assasin teen!reader with Jing Yuan
》Dan Heng:
Dan Heng with a fischl teen!reader
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scarletwritesshit · 9 months
🍰 Blade x Kafka 🍰 Companionship's Immortality
Upon hearing the strangest of gentle sounds behind him, Blade turned around to face Kafka, who he could’ve sworn meowed at him seemingly out of the blue. He looked at her, blinked a few times, yet could not discern anything out of the ordinary, relatively speaking. He turned his back again, but once he did, he heard another faint mew seemingly coming from Kafka. It could just be nothing more than her playing a most unusual prank on him, as Kafka did make a habit of toying with Blade. Eventually, he decided to pay no mind to the strange meowing, though he was still somewhat in disbelief over what he was precisely hearing. They sounded a bit too high pitched, even for Kafka to make.
What purpose did toying with Blade in such a manner even hold? Usually, if he stopped paying her mind, she would eventually get bored of attempting to get his attention. However, the mewing continued to persist, with each noise varying in tone from the last.
"Kafka," Blade said with a slight growl, "why do you insist on meowing at me?"
"Oh, I think you are quite mistaken, Bladie." Kafka said.
Blade turned around, confused, to see that Kafka was now holding a most unusual creature. The outer shell of the creature appeared to be shaped like a cake that he had seen on the Luofu, with the inner part of its body resembling a rather round feline. It had huge golden eyes, and its tail and one of its legs were wrapped in worn bandages.
"It looks just like you," she said with a smile.
He studied at the strange pastry-cat that Kafka was holding up to him. It stretched itself upwards, then bounced back to its normal shape. It seemed to have some sort of rubbery, gelatinous consistency to it, and Blade was almost tempted to poke it just to find out. However, he resisted the urge to satisfy his curiosity, and instead merely looked at it with displeased eyes.
"It looks absolutely nothing like me," he said.
"Someone’s in denial," Silver Wolf commented, still paying more attention to what was on her phone screen.
The strange cat stretched and bounced back once again, making an odd squeaky meow sound.
"And it sounds absolutely nothing like me, too." Blade emphasized.
"But you’re both absolutely adorable. Don’t you agree, Silver Wolf?"
She held up the weird cat so that she could see it and Blade side by side. Kafka was enthralled by their similarities. The outer shell of the creature was black fading into red, colored just like Blade’s hair. They were both wrapped in bandages and adored with the same gold leaf, and even their eyes shared that same ominous shine.
"I see it," Silver Wolf said, looking up briefly from her phone, though not too keen on agreeing with the “adorable” part.
"See? Even Silver Wolf agrees!"
"…Never mind that. Where did you get that thing, anyways?"
"Oh, I might’ve been just a tad bit unable to help myself when I saw them during a little visit to the Herta Space Station."
"So you just up and took one?  It’s bad enough that we have the Xianzhou Luofu and the Astral Express Crew keeping their eyes on us; we don’t need to make even more enemies with whatever these things are!"
"Oh, I don’t think you have to worry yourself, Bladie. These poor creatures act as if they haven’t seen another soul in such a dreadfully long time. I don’t think anyone is going to be missing just one of these pitiful creatures any time soon."
Blade sighed deeply as the unusual creature jiggled once more in Kafka’s hands, mewing softly.
"It serves us no purpose. Why did you even feel the need to take one?"
"Well, if you saw a whole group of them, you’d understand why. You wouldn’t be able to say no."
"I can’t say no to you in the first place."
"Precisely, Bladie. You don’t have much of a choice, darling."
He really didn’t. Blade couldn’t turn down Kafka’s orders no matter the importance, whether it be a matter of life or death or the acquisition of a small critter.
Taking Kafka’s few but convincing words into account, he poked it with a finger and watched it bob like a gelatinous substance. The odd cat simply blinked at him with its large eyes, showing no signs of protest nor discomfort. He poked it again and again, watching it bounce back every time.
"See, Bladie? It’s absolutely adorable, just like you!" she said, taking the cat in one hand and pinching Blade’s cheeks with the other.
He could not resist, though truthfully, he did not want to. Kafka was enjoying the little cat too much, and though he didn’t want to admit it, Blade found his feline lookalike to, indeed, be rather adorable.
Once Kafka freed him from her pinch, he stuck out his finger to the cat to gauge just how friendly it really was. He meant no harm to the creature, even if its reaction was hostile. The cat’s tiny paws grabbed his finger, with a sort of sorrow and yearning that felt all too familiar.
In the moment, Blade could feel what was left of his heart melt with genuine empathy for the poor thing. For the little paws it had, the creature’s grip was rather strong, as if it had just found its reason for carrying on, all while fearing the loss of purpose yet again. He genuinely couldn’t decline Kafka now. Not with how the poor creature longed to find something to hold onto in its unfortunate life. Not with the way its adorableness made Kafka so happy.
The creature was admittedly cute, yes, but he could not help but feel a form of sorrow for it. If this individual felt such a way, then the others might as well, and Blade felt a tinge of desire to lend a hand to…just one more.
He couldn’t take Kafka’s partner all for himself. She seemed all too happy to take responsibility for it. Perhaps, maybe he could sneak back to the Herta Space Station and grab one for himself? If she loved this one so dearly, arguably more than him right now, then he could hardly see a reason for her to say no to a second.
“Where did you even find those things anyways?” he asked.
“Oh, I found the poor little critters thrown away in the space station laboratory,” she said. “A pity that I couldn’t take them all with me, so I simply adopted one that reminded me of you, darling.”
He had a feeling that if she scouted for a creature that resembled Blade, then there could be one that looked like Kafka as well. No guarantees, but Blade was going to attempt to seek one out behind Kafka’s back anyways.
Once he had a break from her watchful eye, Blade made a solo trip to the Herta Space Station’s Special Purpose Lab to investigate the disposal area and locate the creatures. He was greeted by quite a large variety of them, all sharing the same cat like appearance, yet varying greatly in color and adornment. Some had green outer shells, others were a vibrant orange, The “fillings” had immense range as well, and even the characteristics of their eyes were quite diverse. After some looking (and petting a few sad critters to hopefully cheer them up), Blade eventually scouted out a creature that resembled Kafka; a violet and white individual adored with a spider web and sunglasses on top. He crouched down and gently held out his bandaged hand. The little creature seemed rather hesitant at first, but it eventually grabbed one of his fingers with its paw, showing Blade that it was at least accepting of his affection.
Blade picked it up the critter and gave it a gentle squish.
Kafka was right, these creatures are squishy, he thought, gently squishing and stretching its outer shell.
He watched the creature carefully as he played with it, making sure that he was not causing it any discomfort. No one was around to see him, so he spared the creature an ever-so-little smile to return some of the joy that he was feeling. It was an adorable cat-like creature resembling his beloved Kafka, how could he resist allowing himself a little smile in the secrecy of the lab?
He realized that perhaps, he should be making his way back to regroup, lest Kafka becomes concerned with his absence or he finds himself bringing even more critters along for the ride. Hiding the creature wasn’t going to be his problem; the main issue was dealing with Kafka’s teasing once she finds out he gave in and adopted one of his own. She was as sharp as a dagger too, and he physically had no way he could lie his way out of telling the truth.
He was indeed unfortunately correct about it being a short-lived surprise, for she did not hesitate one bit once she heard the slightest mew being uttered from under Blade’s robes.
Hidden away, or at least what he attempted to hide, was one of these critters whose appearance was reminiscent of Kafka.
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kurim-chis · 1 year
"Never a Choice" — Kafka
AKA Elio offered Kafka a choice to spare the Trailblazer of their fate, and she turned it down.
This is also how I slingshot myself into the abyss of "overthinking on some random thing"
Something that just occured me is, WHY did Silver Wolf say that Kafka could choose between "two receptacles"?
There are several fanon interpretations as a result of having this at the start of the game: 1) Ppl joke that it makes Kafka our Mom. 2) It means that Trailblazer never had a gender to begin with because Kafka could've always chosen to have them be female or male. 3) Test tube baby Trailblazer! 4) Everything is fake THE SKY IS FAKE EVERYONE /bonk and it's just a game mechanic.
However, as it turns out, this was more likely just point 4. It isn't meant to have any relevance to the story, and is just there to make it convenient for new players to choose their preferred Main Character at the start point. I say this because Blade remembers Trailblazer from BEFORE the Prologue and seeing them tagging along Kafka for a long, long while. Whatever receptacle player chooses, they have always been that receptacle. Caelus and Stelle are VASTLY different from each other despite similarities, so he wouldn't be confusing Caelus for Stelle and vice versa.
However, because my brain wanted to think too much about it, what if we were to take this into a SERIOUS context:
Kafka's choice didn't matter. It was a predetermined fate in the "story" of Honkai Star Rail. Why?
Well, Blade remembers seeing the Trailblazer before. The Trailblazer had already existed prior to the prologue as "Stelle" if you chose Stelle or as "Caelus" if you chose Caelus, it's unlikely he would've said he recognized them if they were Stelle in the past but then Caelus in the future because, as I said, Caelus and Stelle look, well, different.
So why did Elio tell Kafka and SIlver Wolf that Kafka could choose? And it was only Kafka. Silver Wolf knew the Trailblazer but not as anything more than perhaps the Receptacle or an existence that Kafka knew, since she is indifferent to the choice of Receptacle X or Y, but then says that the Trailblazer will remember Kafka at least.
Kafka: Elio said this decision will bring about lots of changes. Silver Wolf: He also said it must be you who makes it.
After Kafka's companion quest and how the Trailblazer has ALWAYS been the Trailblazer you choose, so "making a choice" doesn't make sense or matter. (Unless well, gender change shenagians... But that is an another whole can of worms.)
BUT this made me think. To us, it's just a convenient game set up for us to choose a preferred MC. In the story however, perhaps the choice Elio was giving Kafka was to choose the "protagonist" of the story. Say for example that I chose Stelle, so Stelle is the person that used to travel with Kafka and was glimpsed occassionally by Blade in the past. Something happened to Stelle, maybe she died or her role was always to become a Stellaron vessel, and that's the deal she made with Elio; so, she willingly resets most - if not all - of her memories and becomes the Stellaron vessel in exchange for something. So the time came, she vanished, the Stellaron Hunters set up everything to steal Herta's Stellaron and house it inside Stelle, and so on.
Which brings us to The Choice. In this brainstorming (and totally WRONG IT'S ONLY FOR FUN!!!) interpretation of the scene where Kafka is choosing the receptacle, it could be that at the start of the game is Elio basically telling Kafka:
"You have a choice. Choose if you want the person you have travelled with to be the main character of this script. She will be the hero of this tale, the centerpiece to this plot, the protagonist of this story; but she will suffer. I will continue to use her as per my deal with her, just like I use all of you."
"However, you can also choose to give her fate to another. To an all-new vessel. Stelle will continue to be dead, but she will no longer be the pawn in this game, and she will not need to go through what the script entails. Instead of Stelle, another Receptacle will take her place."
"The choice you make will decide the future, and it will be the right one."
And Kafka will choose Stelle anyway (the same applies if the player chooses Caelus and Caelus is the predetermined MC).
Because she is Kafka and she does not understand many emotions, but most importantly she does not know fear, and thus cannot fear for Stelle's unknown destiny. She subconsciously loves Stelle, but she does not fear for Stelle's future. She regards Stelle very preciously, but she also trusts in Stelle. She knows that destiny will not be kind, but she will choose for Stelle to undergo destiny's trials anyways.
Kafka: Listen. In the future, you will encounter all kinds of perils and hardships, but you will also have many wonderful experiences. You will meet companions who treat you like family, and embark on surreal adventures with them. Kafka: At the end of your jouney, all that perplexes you and troubles you will resolve. This is your future that Elio has forseen. Do you like it?
Elio says that if Kafka chooses Stelle, then Stelle - despite her hardships and suffering - will get the ending that she deserves.
Happiness. Family. All her troubles and woes, resolved.
Stelle's ending will be a happy ending.
And well, it's known that of the Stellaron Hunters, Kafka is probably the one who most zealously believes in Elio's abilities to see the many branches of the future.
However, perhaps it could be argued that the ending does not validate the process. Too much suffering would make ending too bitter to swallow. So much lost in the name of the greater good tends to make for a bitter victory. Moreover, this is only IF everything goes well, there's always the possibility that they will not be able to script the future in the best direction and everything will have been for naught. Like how in Kafka's Companion Quest if we refuse to help her, the future will go in the direction of Sam and Silver Wolf needing to bail both of them from Xianzhou, Blade being gravely injured, and relations with Xianzhou broken beyond repair probably as a result of Sam and Silver Wolf's less than peaceful methods.
The future is uncertain, but destiny will never be kind, and they both know it. That's why Elio still gave Kafka the choice to spare Stelle, and somehow, her choice will always be the right one.
Kafka chooses Stelle anyways.
Kafka believes in Stelle their destiny, and that's why she made that decision to not spare her on that day in Herta's Space Station.
(Because Stelle is her destiny. Hers.)
(Subconsciously most likely, even if Elio were to present her with the choice, Kafka will not accept anyone or anything else as her destiny.)
And perhaps, this is something that Elio had forseen anyways.
Anyhow, I chose to write Trailblazer as Stelle just to make it easier to explain my thoughts AND because I love Stelle and am unabashedly biased towards her. But like I said, this is a brainstorming that is in relation to the Trailblazer, and also applies to Caelus if player chose Caelus at the beginning.
AKA me making shit up. Thanks for reading all that brain vomit.
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Ehem, Hello! May I request for modern au wife ! Herta and Bronya where their s/o came home from work feeling not too well?
Characters: Herta and Silverwolf
CW: Small Angst
Theme: Jealousy Headcannons
Reader: Gender Neutral
A/U: Modern Au
Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf help thier romantic life partner with a hard day
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It was a long and stressful day for you. You were tired and done with the social aspect of going outside since so many people made your job so much more difficult today.
One person put all their work on you to hang out with the hot dude in the facility and another asked you to do their half of the project for an upcoming sales pitch.
And of course your boss was really upset today so they made it everyone's problem, but specifically targeting you. It did not feel good in the slightest. So the drive home was full of solemn sadness. No music was playing and your head had no thoughts.
Just focused on getting home. Once you pulled into the curb, you paused for a minute. Did you really want to go inside feeling like this? To your wife? With such venerability that was rarely expressed by you to her, you never wanted her to see you like this.
Herta never showed you much emotion so you didn't want to burden her, just in case she was feeling upset but didn't show it. You took a deep breath in and walked out of the car.
Once you opened the door to your home, you were met with piercing purple eyes full of concern. This was new to you, she never had that look in her eyes. 
“What’s wrong?”
Her voice was sharp and blunt, it caught you off guard.
“Nothing’s wrong, love. I’m okay.”
“Then why were you sitting in the driveway for 5 minutes?”
You were shocked that she saw you there. Did she always look out for you like this? Before you could respond, all the tears you were bottling up exploded. You grabbed her and cried into her shoulder.
She slowly patted your back as if she was expecting this from you. You told her about what happened at work, your intelligible words being consumed by the sobs. Somehow she understood.
She grabbed your hand and sat you down on the couch as she wrapped you up in a soft blanket, putting on a show that you like. She left to make you some food and a warm drink as you calmed down. Once there was a warm drink in your hand she held you close. Herta looked at you.
“Do you want to talk about today?”
You nod your head. You told her everything, about the workload and your boss taking things out on you. She held you tighter. No one should have done that to you, was the only thought in her head.
Once you had fallen asleep on her shoulder she gently placed you on the couch trying to get up to call your boss. She had called them to talk about the behavior and how she had the ability to make their life, as well as the two people who pushed their workload on you, more complicated if they didn’t show you the proper respect.
So when you went to work the next day, the three people who caused you trouble apologized and you were confused why.
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Work was horrible for you. Today was a catch up day and there was so much to finish in such little time. Especially with the work assholes who would make your job so much harder. You were trying to hold your tears in while you were driving home, but some slipped out.
The more embarrassing part was going to be facing your wife with a tear stained face and glossy eyes. Once you stepped into the house you sat on the couch. You were lucky Silver Wolf was busy with her project in her office.
But sadly that luck was very short-lived. Silver Wolf had only walked out of her office, leaving her project unfinished, once she heard your quiet sobs. It hurt her to see you like this, especially since she didn’t come to see you the first thing you got home.
You were on the couch cuddled in blankets, quietly sobbing as to not interrupt her work. She felt her heart sink even more. She walked over to you and brought you into a hug.
This startled you because you didn’t see her come out of the room on account of you focusing too much on being consumed by the blanket draped around you.
You felt your crying become more like sobs. The one person you didn’t want to see you like this was now here with you. 
“What’s wrong darling?”
You buried your face into her face as she pet your hair. Words couldn't form, and she understood why. You’re crying hadn’t calmed down yet, you two were like this for a good 30 minutes.
All she was doing was cuddling you and you felt a bit more at ease as each tear rolled down your cheek. Once you felt like your crying had ceased for the time being, you took this chance to pour your heart to Silver Wolf.
You told her about how work wasn’t good and that people were being mean to you, demanding things you couldn’t give because of your own work needing to be done.
Silver Wolf had ordered your favorite food to help you calm down because she didn’t want to leave you like this. You two didn’t need words to share how much you loved each other or how safe the other was when one of you was showing a moment of vulnerability.
All you two needed was the other's embrace. So Silver Wolf held you close, and once the food came, she still held you close. She had put on a show she knew you enjoyed and didn’t mind if it was not of her preference, she would sacrifice anything for you to smile.
Once you had both finished eating, she brought you even closer and covered you tightly in the blanket. You were so thankful she came to comfort you, even if you were embarrassed at first.
Once you had fallen asleep, she had managed to contact the assholes who were bothering you, exposing all sorts of secrets to get back at them for how they treated you. The next day it was weird to hear them apologize. 
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