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theguyinthemathexamples · 9 months ago
Guns and... Aeons?
May Aventurine grant his luck upon everyone's Boothill pulls!!!
— C/W : spoilers?, set at the end of the 2.2 quest, boothill is boothill ft. argenti, i forgot what his lore is so take anything i say with a grain of salt, LOTS of yapping, guns and roses sneak, very self-indulgent :3
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Boothill never really had much faith in Aeons, much less worshipped any. He already lost it all when he gained the information, that darned rain of fire that destroyed everything, was deployed by a zealot.
Don't get him wrong, he still knew they existed. But he internally wished that maybe, if any Aeon took pity on him on that day, maybe he could have changed the outcome of it all.
Well, that was all in the past now. He'd be a rusted out piece of metal by now if he let himself wallow in bygone events.
A low sigh didn't fail to make itself known, inadvertently catching the attention of the knight just at the other end of the room. Boothill even forgot he was there due to how quiet he was.
"A rose for your thoughts, friend?" The knight inquired, sitting at the other end of the couch. He nearly jumped at the sudden question but was just as quick to regain his composure.
"Nothin' much, just thinkin' and all," he replied, only tilting his head to look at this eccentric friend of his.
Ironic that Argenti was a man quite devoted to an Aeon, especially to a long deceased one, when Boothill was borderline detesting a good amount of them.
"This dadgum pull I've been feelin'... D'you know somethin' about it, knight?"
It was something he'd been feeling for a while now but it's been getting stronger as of late. And the voices... He'll leave those out till Argenti mentions something about it.
To put it frankly, he was worried. Quite more so if nothing else.
"Does it make you feel like wanting to visit the Astral Express, friend?" Argenti inquired shortly after,
Boothill simply nodded, curious as to how this Knight of Beauty knew of such. Sensing his curiosity, said knight certainly wouldn't mind going into the further details.
In fact, he was more than enthusiastic to do so.
"As Idrila's reason to have ascended into Aeonhood, it is only natural that I give high praises to the Aeon of Creation for such magnificence— that THEIR creations have inspired my Goddess to reach THEIR most pinnacle potential."
If this was how he talked about his Aeon and this... well, other Aeon, the two would be here till his batteries run out. And he was just about done recharging to full a few hours ago.
It wasn't till a good amount of minutes into the topic that Boothill kinda got a little impatient. No offense to Argenti, of course.
"And it wasn't till recently that their wondrous consciousness graced the unive—"
"Alright, alright, I get it, knight. Don't mean to offend ya, but can ya get straight to why I felt the pull earlier?" Boothill interjected, looking straight at his companion,
He swore that the way this man shone brightened up even more.
"My apologies if I overwhelmed you, dear friend," Argenti said, giving the cowboy an apologetic bow while he was sitting.
"Simply put, this pull you feel is but the manifestations of the Aeon of Creation! Perhaps your brilliant self captured THEIR attention when you were conversing with the Trailblazer," he continued, yapping up another storm as Boothill thought to himself.
"Seriously? This ol' hunk of metal? Catchin' an Aeon's attention? Colour me fudgin' surprised."
"Ah, this is certainly a moment worth celebrating, don't you think so, friend?" Argenti's voice spoke out, bringing his attention back to the knight.
Yet, before this interstellar cyborg cowboy could even agree or otherwise, a black envelope materialized in front of him, the edges lined with red and gold designs.
One surprise after another, huh?
The knight was quick to encourage him to open it up, taking out a letter opener from who knows where. Well now he's starting to get excited.
A golden Star Rail Pass was the first to get taken out of it, its colour shining in the midst of the room's lights. Next was a neatly folded paper that was probably penned by the Astral Express' Conductor. (Somehow; I mean, look at their itty bitty hands) It reads as follows:
Hello, future Astral Express member, Boothill! This letter has been written by Pom-pom to formally invite you to join the Trailblaze.
By all means, this doesn't mean that you should abandon your faith for any Aeon(s) you may believe in, so long as it doesn't prohibit the other members of the Astral Express from going about their days.
As you may have guessed, yes, the golden ticket provided inside is a very formal way for Pom-pom to ask you to join us, as well as a sign that the Aeon of Creation has taken a liking to you!
To compensate for any forms of distress or trouble their consciousness has caused you, the Astral Express will be willing to offer a living space, electricity, wifi, food, water(gasoline?), as well as any other necessities and wants you may have.
Though if you truly want to seek trouble with the IPC, as the Aeon commented, please leave the Astral Express out of association for any crime you may commit in the future.
If you're ready to take on this journey with the Nameless, as well as many others, please use the ticket once the thought of doing so so much as suggests the notion.
• P.S. : Unfortunately, you don't have much time to mull it over, much less get another letter in this envelope to choose who to cover for you instead.
• The Aeon of Creation awaits your presence. •
As Argenti finished reading the letter aloud, the expectant lilt on his face that he looks at Boothill with catches his attention the most.
"I nearly forgot to mention, dear friend, as a faithful believer of this Aeon, one can assure you that THEY don't mean any harm," he spoke, a smile gracing his lips as he continued. "The blessings THEY give to ones that they favour are quite abundant, and your captivating self truly made its impact on THEM."
"Even THEY couldn't help but praise you endlessly for your courage and demeanor!" Argenti proclaimed, almost making the cowboy in front of him want to tune him out again. ... That last part was a lie.
With a reluctant sigh, finally agreeing with the knight, the golden Star Rail Pass and the envelope in hand, Boothill stood up from his seat and went over to exit his friend's ship— to which Argenti quickly stopped him, hand outstretched for him.
"Need me to lead you there, friend?" He asks, head tilting to his left as his eyes brightened up with that usual glow.
"... Yeah, sure. Ya won't stop botherin' this ol' piece of metal to give ya updates if I said otherwise," Boothill laughed at the end of his reply, taking the knight's hand and letting him lead the way.
Maybe making a decision with a third party beside him won't be so bad.
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Note : ong this took WAY TOO LONGGGGG TO MAKEEEEEEE 😭😭
My most sincere apologies to anyone whose patience ran out while waiting for this fic to come out 💔
Anyways, have a lovely day to all of you !! (disappears for another month)
And yes dw my interp of sahsr/sahsrau will come out maybe around late june once my recognition finally comes to pass
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theguyinthemathexamples · 2 years ago
This kinda reminds me of Jörmungandr, aka the World Serpent or Midgard (basically the Earth in Norse Cosmology) Serpent.
(some spoilers ahead)
Y'know, that one snake in Norse Mythology that is said to circle around the world? The one who people say to be the guardian of the edge of the world, leading to you going back to where you started if you traveled around the world?
Yea, that snake.
Jörmungandr is regarded as an/the "Ouroboros", which is often used as the symbol of the "eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth". If you're not aware, an/the Ouroboros basically looks like a snake biting its own tail.
Fun fact: The skin shedding of the serpent is said to symbolize the movement of the soul into another body after death, while a snake biting its own tail is considered a fertility symbol. Maybe there's a random ancient book or common saying in Teyvat for that, who knows.
Ouroboros is, as some of you may know, is said to be the "great imaginary serpent" in Ekanomiya, a made-up deity that was worshipped alongside Orobashi, who is basically the big ass skeleton you see in Yashiori Island.
Maybe they were worshipped by Ekanomiya's ancestors due to a rumour going around that they were Your "child", who knows.
And now, as few of you may know, Ouroboros is the constellation name for our good ol' boughkeeper, Dainsleif.
Now, some of you may be asking from behind the screen (yes, I became self aware too), "What does Dainsleif have to do with this?" And honestly, I have no idea either.
Maybe it was because I came across it while making this and just decided to bring it up, maybe it was an idea I had of him being born after Khaenri'ah received an unknown "divination" that an event called "Ragnarök" was going to happen in a few dozen years.
Ragnarök is basically a phenomenon wherein the "final battle of the world" will begin. Considering the Tsaritsa is going to wage war on Celestia soon, maybe that's when we'll release our tail and step in. (iykyk)
Though, at the time, maybe it only happened because of that one fishing thing with Thor. The story in a nutshell goes like this: Thunder God™ wants and goes further out to sea, even though the giant who was controlling the boat said no to. Thunder God™ uses big ox head as bait because giant didn't want to give him any bait and actually manages to reel Big And Long Serpent™(aka us, in this case) out of the water, much to giant's horror. Thunder God™ grabs hammer to kill Big And Long Serpent™ but doesn't succeed because giant cut the fishing line, returning it to its original position around the world.
Maybe we could twist the story to fit with Teyvat. As in, like, Thunder God is now Ei, and the giant controlling the boat either be Sasayuri(that one hot friend of Ei's with the tengu mask) or Makoto, though I'm leaning into it being Sasayuri. We stop biting our tail, (probably) causing a quick Ragnarök event (aka the Cataclysm) to happen a few months or years after which results in her sister and friends getting drafted 🤗🤗
Yes, we will ignore the other stuff Thor did to Jörmungandr for the sake of Teyvat.
A Creator!reader who curled around Tevyat from above,sleeping and resting while also protecting thier most beloved creation. They were known as "The watcher",and all the texts around them focused on thier watchful and protective gaze. No one knows what they look like,because they have no true form.
Creator,no,watcher reader who saw the twins enter the world. Who decided to decend to keep a closer eye on the traveller.
Creator reader who has eyes everywhere. From the gatekeeper (the one who stopped the traveller from leaving),to the fairy they sent to keep eyes on the traveller. They can see you.
No matter where you are.
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theguyinthemathexamples · 7 months ago
Aeon of Creation as one of those events in Simulated Universe !!!
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You feel a familiar presence near you; radiating light and consuming shadows, creating perfection and resignation to all who are graced with their radiance. But you can't put your finger on it. Who is this? Why do THEY feel so familiar to you? Who are THEY?
"Don't fight the pull now, Trailblazer!" Though you can't see her, Herta seems quite excited about your current situation. As if she'd ever admit it. But why does she seem so excited? Is she excited because of THEM? Who are THEY?
"Affirmation: Please keep your focus steady. Even though you have been blessed by the Creation countless times, THEIR presence in the Simulated Universe is scarce," Screwllum notes beside the puppet. Countless parts of the cosmos and nebulae that have been created by THEM, the first breath of life and death were all made possible by a single flutter of THEIR fingertips. But why did THEY do this? Who are THEY?
Oh, that's right.
You remember now.
> Do you really?
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The everlasting expanse of the universe is laid before your eyes, undefined and unmeasured by the untrained eye. Those who are able to truly comprehend this world lies with the celestial beings THEY THEMSELVES held and caressed so gently, even to those who held unbridled hate and wrath for this oh so cursed Aeon.
You feel it all wash over you— this familiar feeling. The way THEY first cradled you with such care and love, with unconditional warmth and tenderness THEY held you with the moment you ascended.
It was one of the first moments in your life when you truly felt adoration for who you were, in the lonely life you lived for so long.
The stars before you pave the way and lead you to THEIR benevolence, each one more welcoming than the last. They dance and sway at your arrival— a familiar face! Another visitor after so long!
> Yes, do you remember now?
> How can you forget?
> Who are THEY?
Indeed, this is the Aeon of Creation; the One Above All, the Principium Omnium, the maker of this world— a sight to behold. You can't help but hold your breath. THEIR hand is reached out to you, beckoning you to come closer like a siren's call. You feel entranced by THEIR radiance, as you've done so countless times before.
This was the feeling you felt when you first awoke, guiding you through the Antimatter Legion invasion in the Herta Space Station, the Stellaron crisis in Jarilo-VI, Phantylia in the Xianzhou Loufu, and through the trials you faced in Penacony. Why didn't you remember THEM before? Why had you been so foolish as to not realize you were observing THEIR besottedness?
"Stay focused, Trailblazer. You're drifting from their path," Ruan Mei scribbles something in her notes beside the Intellitron. You notice a hint of worry in her tone. Is she worried for your mental state, with how you're so closely tied with THEM, or is it because she's worried about the outcome of this encounter?
Ah, but alas, all things come from a culmination of one's thoughts: destruction, preservation, remembrance, abundance, and many more are but simple branches of THEIR grace. The Creation had yet to be truly grasped by a mortal without drifting off course from THEIR path.
> You know better than to taint the divine visage and reputation THEY had; an unspoken rule to all things organic or inorganic.
> But do you truly know THEM?
Your vision darkens as you slowly succumb to unconsciousness. Yet as you fall back into reality, that oh so familiar presence doesn't dissipate like the previous times you've encountered in the Simulated Universe.
Are THEY happy with your performance, acting as Akivili the Trailblaze infront of THEIR simulated counterpart? Were THEY satisfied that you still let THEM control the way you interacted with this carefully constructed decoy?
Well, you may still have time to ask THEM of THEIR opinion in the future. Besides, THEY seem content with sticking with you for the time being. Who knows, maybe THEY will never do so even after the Stellaron in you returns to its maker, perchance.
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— A/N : HEY Y'ALL IM BACKKK 🥰 pretty sure none of y'all missed me /hj
I was supposed to post this after mass last Sunday but school bit my ass again 😇
I'll try to post some fics like this on the weekends if i can bc im running outta sahsrau fics to read, gotta ruin the once a month posting sched anyways 🙏
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theguyinthemathexamples · 1 year ago
From the Beauty, to the Creation
— to celebrate my beloved Argenti coming home after i first lost to Bronya (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
— C/W : trying a new fic format, extremely self indulgent, possibly ooc 😞, spoilers?, my first sahsr/sahsrau fic‼️
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Being the vessel of an Aeon that was thought to have long since passed was no easy feat, as it required other Aeons to set their sights on you first.
Some call Them the Aeon of Creation, others the Aeon of Fate; the IPC have yet to decipher their time of arrival, much less their motives. Though, most theorize that they materialized long before the first atom had started moving, only to stay dormant in a state akin to hibernation after setting the universe up for self replication and ever expansion.
(more utc‼️‼️)
Their presence felt like home, a warm embrace, maybe even a light in the dark, or perhaps a form of escapism. Everyone is sure of one thing: once you accept Their calling, and accept the Astral Express's conductor's invitation, there will never be a way to turn back.
To others' eyes, a faint string can be seen reaching the heavens itself, tracing down a vessel, caressing their whole beings like a forced blanket thrown at their face.
An almost addicting bliss could be felt after these possessions, before that moment of ethereal release comes crashing down. Though, those that are used to always moving around — those with more stamina — don't usually feel this drawback as much as the others.
More often than not, the feeling of being watched and dazed dissipates and a feeling of fatigue sets in — intense tiredness, and even a slight chance to feel dizziness, had been reported from these... events.
But most importantly, a voice could be heard. A voice that many described as one which contained a thousand choirs, perhaps millions.
Among those was Argenti, a man of excellent talents that walked on the Path of Erudition, though claims to walk that of Beauty. One of the most recent vessels, per say.
He first felt this presence after accidentally hitting the Astral Express with his own ship, the "One and Only", he called it, the faint strings caressing the being of three out of the six Trailblazers.
To exude such a warm, calming aura around one at all times is truly a magnificent display of beauty, he thought.
The second time, however, it was quite a sudden moment. A strange letter was penned to him, claiming that it could make his goal of spreading the Beauty, if he used the golden ticket provided inside, a dozen steps closer.
The weirdest aspect was that he kept hearing faint whispers around him. Was this how vessels gained an invitation?
Though, feeling hesitant about this strange letter, he chose to send it instead to the Commander of the Silvermane Guards, Lady Bronya Rand, so that someone else could experience such a wonderful event.
The letter warned him that he must accept this invitation, were he to receive such a letter once more.
Third time's the charm, as they say, as not only did Argenti get another letter not too long after, the voices were much louder this time. They were more persuasive, more hoping and, most importantly, more enticing.
The letter beforehand told him of the earlier warning, and this one did not hesitate to emphasize it in the second paragraph.
And, left with no other choice, he had to accept this invitation. He truly didn't expect getting treated with such warmth and excitement seeping through every vein in his body.
He briefly caught sight of the Aeon in all their glory — was this a sign that his fate towards meeting the Beauty was slowly coming into fruition?
Being blessed by two Aeons, even briefly catching their attention, was a feat unlike any other, but being chosen as an active vessel by one? What a truly great achievement.
Along with the Trailblazer that caught him, four others stood behind them. A master swordsman that went by Yanqing, the owner of Neverwinter Workshop, Lady Serval Landau, the Commander of the Silvermane Guards he'd given the invite to earlier, Lady Bronya Rand, and a child that waved at him who called herself Lynx Landau.
Quite an interesting group of people, but a beautiful bond of friendship swirled among them nonetheless.
Slowly, he could feel himself getting stronger, even more so than before. This mysterious Aeon had gifted him so many things already, yet it doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon.
From the creations of the acolytes of the Aeon of Remembrance, Lightcones, to relics which were created from anomalies caused by the Antimatter Legion, and more — all were given to him to make him more powerful.
It was as if meeting and becoming the puppet of this Aeon could make you undeniably better than your former self, even after you thought you were already at your peak.
The world doesn't revolve around you? The creator of the universe lovingly revolves around me 24/7, thank you very much.
In a place unknown, a black haired Stellaron Hunter sneezes, causing two others beside him to sneak a small glance.
He merely huffs, averting his own gaze away.
... Ignorance is often bliss.
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This is my first time writing my beloved so I'm sorry in advance if he's ooc 😞😞
I hope you all liked this cuz i def liked making it hehe
Next on the agenda? My thoughts on sahsr/sahsrau :DDD
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theguyinthemathexamples · 11 months ago
Opportunity Awaits None
— sahsrau/sahsr fic based on my pookie aventurine for good luck (⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ ♡
— C/W : 2.1 trailblazer quest spoilers, sillies stealing the show first, ooc pookies, VERY self indulgent, new fic style?, slight aventio/raturine??, a lil angsty in some parts?? (tell me if i missed anything 💝)
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Claiming oneself to be adored by an Aeon would be a bold, and otherwise egotistical way of getting attention. But with his friend even being heard mumbling to himself for being discarded as of late, not to mention the light whispers he's been hearing lately... the Doctor might not blame Aventurine for describing himself as going nuts.
While he was investigating things about that Emanator, and a few strings pulled later... he accidentally came across a lovely piece of information that she felt her own strings being pulled long before he made his grandest performance yet in Penacony.
It was taught, then loosened, and then forcefully yanked in a never ending cycle, she said. There were long periods of time that she began to wonder whether or not this feeling finally disappeared, only to be hit by another harsh pull. As of late, however, these harsh tugs haven't been felt after she finally remembered to pen a letter to the Astral Express's Conductor that both refused their offer to arrive at the Express, as well as making someone else bite the bullet.
As for who this was was insignificant to him— he'll find it out himself eventually. But the whispers? The tugging? The feeling of being watched? That letter? Aventurine knew all too well what these meant. The Aeon of Creation's manifestations in the mortal realm.
This wasn't all new news, though, as such a phenomenon had already happened to others before. But for him to hear them? That was certainly a surprise.
To be fair, he's heard them a bit before. The whispers arrived just a bit after he stepped foot in the Planet of Festivities, and he initially mistook them for crowds outside being too loud as they were more quiet back then.
Though, these whispers have been getting louder and louder the past few days. He's almost embarrassed to confess that this was worrying him. They varied from promises vowing to make him "come home" to them, to absolute hysterical laughter akin to the Aeon of Elation's ones. Who knows what that Aeon was thinking. Not him, surely.
And a few too many deep dives into rabbit holes led him to a reasonable conclusion of that Aeon taking an interest in him. ... By the Amber Lord, no, Veritas, he swears he's not succumbing to insanity.
Aventurine had asked the Doctor about this, knowing he had a good amount of experience with this sort of thing for a good while now. Unfortunately for him all of the answers he got were "You'll know in due time." and "Perhaps if you willingly offered yourself to the Aeon maybe those whispers would disappear faster than you bothering me about them."
Rarely does he get more cryptic responses like, "A reach too far shall become an embrace at a moments notice for you, gambler," Veritas mumbles beside him, getting up not too long after saying such without so much as another word. Not before giving him water when he complained about getting too overwhelmed by them and sought someone more familiar, one who bore experience and knowledge of such things firsthand.
Sometimes, Aventurine wondered if it was all some sort of joke that even the highest of the divine beings of this universe were playing on him, but some of the voices were almost quick to reassure him. Often he heard of music playing, words he seemed to partially understand ringing in his ears as he signed one document after the other.
Maybe he'll finally get the freedom he's yearned for so long if he devoted his whole being to THEM instead of the Amber Lord. ... Maybe he'll consider such an act of heresy at a later date.
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Note : Try Not To Froth At The Mouth Looking At Aventurine Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE ‼️‼️) (I BROKE MY KNEE‼️‼️‼️)
On a lighter note, tho: my interpretation will unfortunately be published later in the month and im just speedrunning this for good luck on my pookie wookie patootie gookie nookie bear aventurine pulls 🫶
Am i sane for this man? Have i been delulu about him for the past few days?? Mmm,,,, who knows :3
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theguyinthemathexamples · 2 years ago
imagine getting to say your last words before you get executed and you say(scream if u wanna do more damage lmao) a random recipe from here
and then suddenly the nearest ppl kneel from the instant pain they feel and the immediate and possibly the a few stages of Eleazar before that person dies starts to show
for the real kicker, say the ones that don't include any ingredients that can be found in Teyvat
but then what happens if you sing a song from here? maybe a folklore song, a native song, probably a modern song, etc.
would it work?
technically it's not from Teyvat, so it'll probably work
might also have more damage if you did it in your native language(or just another language if ur american/british /hj but that's also an option for other ppl)
so i was talking with my friend abt like-- genshin lore and it got to the subject of forbidden knowledge and stuff
and she used this analogy of it being a computer virus or a corrupted file that cant be processed properly
which then made me think "ahaha yes SAGAU IDEA--"
so what if... the forbidden knowledge was the fact that the world is a game/simulation? and since the world of genshin is a computer program, it wasnt built to handle the realization of the nature of its existence and like-- processed it as eleazar, and "forbidden knowledge" and its other effects on the world
eleazar is the system like-- turning it into the safest thing the program can handle and leaving it to the gods (rukk and desh) to try and fully put a stop to it like anti-virus-- the program is only running the world, not the beings and people in it, so itd make sense for them to stop it since when the world is ending and you can do something about it, youd probably do something about it--
since rukk and desh were gods and therefore much "closer" to the games code/programming (closer in the sense that they were much more directly tied/connected to it-- esp rukkha because of irminsul), they were able to handle the realization in a sense-- like... they knew that they werent "real" in some sense and knew that this knowledge is slowly killing them and their deaths to the knowledge that "they werent real" is inevitable and that-- in a way, the eleazar is one of the safest ways for people to handle the knowledge-- that even the world is protecting them from the ruin of it
i imagine the way the two gods processed the information was like-- thru the "corruptive qualities of forbidden knowledge" and in fragmented parts. its why i said that they only knew that they werent "real" and not that they knew that theyre a video game world-- kind of in the same vein of practically every harbinger going "the sky is fake let me tell you about it" (proceeds to not tell you about it) (dottore i love you but im still mad about it)
but if the "forbidden knowledge" is knowledge about how youre not real because youre a video game and youre not supposed to be self aware of it, how then can the harbingers handle that information without going mad or constantly dying of eleazar? i mean-- in the both the manga and in the game its pretty explicitly said that like, dottore fully stopped colleis eleazar and practically cured her of it.
so... you know how they manage to keep altered information in the form of stories in scaramouches archon quest? i think a similar case happened here-- an allegorical story about people living in a fake reality, be it a dream or a story or something, was made to preserve this information. and since it wasnt the pure unadulterated truth about the nature of this worlds existence anymore, the program could handle it and keep anyone from reading it suffering the negative effects of forbidden knowledge
pierro probably did it tbh-- in the archon quest, it was said that the events of khaenriah and the events leading to the deaths of king deshret and rukkhadevata are similar, if not exactly the same.
so how can we then tie this into SAGAU? are you still with me? did you completely forget that this is about me bullshitting the games lore so much to fit this really specific genre of genshin fandom stuff so you can make content about it? have you forgotten i write SAGAU fics? ...honestly i cant blame you for that last one if you did, i havent been writing SAGAU fic in a WHILE LMAO
the concept of "forbidden knowledge" being used in SAGAU is really interesting which is why im writing abt it in the first place lmao-- and the concept is uber fun so this is just me helping you fit this into your own fics and fanworks
since the "forbidden knowledge" is literally just like "youre a computer program and youre not supposed to know that", y/n would DEFINITELY be able to handle it without the adverse effects. and i know that y/n is basically the equivalent of a mary sue at this point and it physically hurted me when i started writing y/n fics but-- if you think abt it, it makes sense
i am trying so hard rn to like-- not turn this into a discussion about mary sues-- just watch OSPs video on the subject and youre golden lmao
it makes sense for y/n to be able to handle it because number one: y/n is literally us. y/n is not lines of code in a program. y/n is never supposed to end up inside a program or software, and is DEFINITELY SUPER AWARE OF THE FACT THAT GENSHIN IS NOT REAL.
y/n is a human, or at least was a human before they got isekaied or whatever plot thing you decide to do to put y/n in the genshi world. y/n is human, not programming and can definitely handle the thought of "youre not real, youre a game". (lmao it could also really make for some good introspection and/or angst moments where they could philosophize about themselves now that theyre in the game, and the nature of pataphysics and all that fun stuff lmao)
i feel like-- you could also use this as like, a sort of leverage thing? to prove that you are who you say you are and, if this is impostor au, you could use it to your advantage as well in more aggressive ways-- not just as a "prove that youre the one above us all" situation but as a sort of self defence thing-- like when scara and dottore were both talking about the sky being fake thing
obviously youd be immune to eleazar and the madness of the forbidden knowledge caps and the other adverse effects-- BUT you could also inflict those things to the people and the world around you. while other characters like the fatui and the gods could say "youre fake, the world isnt real", they wont inflict the bad stuff since its like they heard the info from a friend of a friend of a friend-- the knowledge has been filtered and purified and fragmented so much that it wont do anything-- its not the full unadulterated truth
but when y/n says it, thats when it inflicts the adverse effects. its the difference between knowing something happened because you were there when it happened and witnessed it, and knowing something happened because you heard it happen from a friend who found out thru the internet. y/n fully knows the truth and intricacies of that statement on so many different levels than the characters can comprehend which is why they can do that.
i feel like it could depend with the volume and amount of people that heard-- like, if you scream it and a whole crowd hears you, the ones closest to you suffer the worst cases of eleazar ever recorded or EVEN DIE, and the severity just decreases the further it gets away from you. itd also be an instant withering zone or become something like the mud from the chasm
i also wanna say that you can "control" the spread in a way but like-- i dont see a way of making that happen tbh. if youre reading this and are getting inspo, go wild babes-- i believe in you, but i personally dont believe that y/n can control it. using the "computer virus" analogy, youd probably have to go into the essence of Teyvat itself to "delete that information" similarly to irminsul but different in the sense of like-- irminsul only put it in the recycle bin but youre going in the recycle bin, selecting all instances and deleting it. maybe you can bullshit it via leylines and abyss mage drops since they carry around leyline branches but i personally think that you just spew out forbidden knowledge, and have to go to irminsul itself to delete it
but yeah! thats my thoughs on Forbidden Knowledge in SAGAU and how it could fit into the world of the AU! making this actually like-- inspired me a bit to write again lmao-- theres just like, so many cool ass concepts in genshin that i dont see in this AU (probably because i havent been there in a while ;vjklldxfg) and i really hope you guys get inspired too :))
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theguyinthemathexamples · 1 year ago
cw// 12am thoughts, lowercase intended, spoilers?, lore spill??
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a sudden thought came to my mind about the Impostor!SAGAU just now
why don't the ones capable of shapeshifting, like the archons, yokai, etc., try using another form to investigate?
whether they transform into a bird, cat, frog, crystalfly, box, walking koi fish or another person entirely, just a different form than the one they went by before
like in the au where they're skeptical of the current/nonexistent creator, whether on the throne or not, or whether it's by official order, by the law or by their own volition, is real — can't they do that?
(more utc ‼️‼️‼️)
for example:
zhongli, after curiosity put him in a chokehold, decides to turn into a bird of sorts.
his movement was a bit clunky, having not taken a different animal form than his exuvia one in so long, but he got the hang of it.
with feathers of orange and black he soared, under the sunlight did they glisten like the amber and obsidian he'd used to craft the most exquisite of weapons and sculptures alike for his creator.
it was only till sundown did he see his target: the impostor.
but he won't kill them just yet — as much as he wanted to do so.
he guided his wings to a glide, swooping from the skies above and into the forestry below. his claws gripped itself onto the sturdy branches of the sandbearer tree, perching himself above the impostor.
it was almost a pitiful sight to see, really; there you were, bruises and cuts in the midst of healing, vulnerable and unaware that you've been caught yet again.
not a moment later, a plethora of fauna surrounded you, the sight baffling the lord of geo.
from large squirrels to small geovishap hatchlings, even finches and eagles of varying sizes, shapes and colours.
he shook his avian head, having seen enough that his mind could comprehend, and quickly flew away without a peep.
his wings lifted his body away from the scene, away from the forest and off into the skies.
the orange haze that painted the horizon had gradually descended into shades of purples, giving way for nighttime to creep in once he'd returned to his residence.
zhongli's form slumped on the fine furniture that was his drawer, eyes almost as wide as dinner plates. he still couldn't shake off the scene from his mind. he won't. he didn't. he never will.
there was still tomorrow to count on and he needed more time to process the information brought to him on a silver platter.
all because he chose a form that wasn't his.
slowly undressing from his work clothes, he changed into night wear and laid on his bed, not bothering to shower tonight.
... maybe he'll peck at their skin once he sees them to confirm his suspicions.
and so, he closes his eyes, his veins impatiently waiting for the next crack of dawn as he eventually falls into a deep slumber.
his eyes had failed to spot the teal bird that clung the closest to your figure. (coughcough bird xiao creator pspspsps coughcough)
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anyways, scenarios just like that are what i'm curious about
thank you for taking the time out of your day and have a smexy rest of your day, you lovely, gorgeous, stunning people 😘😘
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theguyinthemathexamples · 8 months ago
Silly idea me and my friend had with sagau, sahsrau and possibly sawuwaau(??)
But like, what if, due to your consciousness essentially merging/being connected to the MC more, sometimes stuff gets a lil funky and you start seeing things you shouldn't
Like yk, ghosts 😇🙏
I recommend strapping in because these are gonna be three flash fictions into one + having lots of talking lol
(more utc‼️)
For example, in a fic style:
"Hey, are you gonna eat your food, Traveler?" Paimon asked, looking worriedly at the distracted visage of her friend. "Something on your mind? You can always tell Paimon what's on your mind!"
They shook their head, eyes looking at the person who stared at them and their companion. Eyes unblinking, appearance overall disheveled and aged.
"That guy's been staring at us the whole time we've been eating," they replied, eyes switching over to Paimon in a barely contained distressed fashion. "It's almost worrying me."
"What guy?"
Paimon silently asked again, "What?" when her friend looked at her so incredulously.
"You don't see him?" they asked again, now worried beyond belief. The last time Paimon saw them like this was when they fought Arlecchino.
"Traveler, I think that's a ghost we're both seeing," the voice inside his mind pointed out, trying to calm their mental state. Right, they forgot the Creator was a part of their mind now.
And as the voice just predicted, one blink and that figure was gone, the Traveler seeing its shadow scurry into a corner of the restaurant.
The door chime rang out and in a cyan and a blue haired boy entered the restaurant, another blue haired girl following right after. Right, Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling.
The ghost must've scurried off when it sensed Chongyun nearby. Well, at least that put an end to their distress.
it'd be so chaotic, especially hsr's mcs bc good god they're already so adhd coded
You could think of them going through it like:
"Woah woah, what's got you all terrified, Trailblazer?" March 7th asked, a worried Dan Heng embracing them when they accidentally bumped into him trying to run away from something.
The Astral Express were quickly informed by them personally that they've been seeing ghosts and all sorts of spiritual apparitions that don't normally appear physically like heliobi, but seemingly living people that were doing normal things or otherwise.
It all started around the time they also figured out that the Creation's consciousness had somehow taken an interest in the Trailblazer, latching onto their body and making the Stellaron inside them a bit restless, unstable.
"It's... I saw Cocolia at the Administrative District," they said, panting from exhaustion. The story sounded so unreal, with how impossible it sounded, but with how broad the Creation works nothing was truly impossible.
"She was looking at Bronya shopping and talking to the people, always un-staring." March patted their back in assurance, joining Dan Heng in sitting them down onto the red couches in the Parlour Car.
"When I came closer to see if she was real, she whipped her head around so fast with the scariest look on her face!—"
"It's okay, Caelus Stelle Trailblazer, she can't reach you here," the choir of voices erupted in their mind, the chirping of birds and clinking machinery in their tone momentarily calming them down by a substantial amount.
"Well, it's a good thing ghosts can't get into the Express because that means she can't hurt you here!" March exclaimed, Dan Heng having to resist rolling his eyes at the obvious but letting her reassure them nonetheless. Dumb, dumber and dumbest— the trio wouldn't be complete with one of them missing.
Then, the cabin's speakers erupted in an all too familiar voice. "Attention, all Astral Express crew members! Dinner is ready, so please hurry over to the kitchen cabin and join me and Welt to eat here!" The Astral Express's Conductor excitedly exclaimed over the mic, never failing to make the three smile from their infectious enthusiasm.
"Well, we were supposed to find you and Himeko for dinner but it looks like Pom Pom beat us to it again," March said, jumping up from her seat with her hands on her hips.
"Last one to reach the kitchen cabin is a rotten egg!"
"Hey, no fair, you got a head start!"
Dan Heng sighed at the two's shenanigans yet again, slowly getting up from his own seat as the two raced over to the cabin. That Aeon truly knew how to control and manipulate the emotions of a being to THEIR liking, and he even felt it wash over him earlier.
He'll need to observe it more before adding another entry into THEIR dedicated part of the Archives.
This one was a little confusing to make into a scenario but it's what my eepy mind came up with on the spot :p
Now for our dearest Rover, it's a bit difficult to make it make sense, yk? Mostly because Tacet Discords shapeshifting into people is canon (if people actually paid attention to the lore), much less actually fitting the lore of this seemingly interplanetary eldritch being into the world of Wuthering Waves in the first place lmao
Maybe we could be the galaxy eye we see in the first cutscene, as well as the one when Abby (the lil echo that appeared after the Dreamless fight) and Rover being together
But this is all me yapping about a whole other subject— related, but not the one we're diving into right now
Getting back into the subject though, this is how i think it'd go:
It was another bright, sunny day at Panhua's Restaurant, the scent of delicious food wafting through the air as always. Rover, Yangyang, Chixia and Jiyan all sat around a table, with Abby floating around all plump and full.
"Say, Rover, didn't you say you had something to say for us today?" Chixia inquired, stacking and overall making the empty dishes look cleaner and neater.
"Yeah, just a strange sighting I saw near Desorock Highlands," they replied, putting a deft hand on their chin as if to think back on the memory.
"Me, Jiyan and The Black Sun were conversing like usual when we came across groups of people near the Tacet Field where the Thundering Memphis usually dwelled," Rover recounted, unconsciously pulling the leash that was attached to Abby's collar closer. "Some were laughing with eachother, acting as if most groups weren't crying out in agony."
"Aren't those just Tacet Discords that have absorbed lots of human frequencies?"
"No, there was something more... alive to them, besides the fact that the General himself couldn't see them," they replied to Yangyang, letting the leash go as Abby went back in their Tacet Mark with one last burp.
"Even when I went closer to them, they didn't attack me, more or less ignoring me entirely."
"Wait, who's this 'The Black Sun' you're talking about Rover? Is there another echo inside of you?" Chixia jumped up to ask, startling both Jiyan and Rover.
"The Black Sun is what you may have seen when you first found Rover and ventured back to Jinzhou, just as I did so as well," the General explained, waving over to Rover's direction in an attempt to explain this name to both ladies. Yangyang nodded and Chixia let out an "Oh," in understanding.
"I will admit, seeing them not react to us at all looked a lil' unnerving," the voice inside their mind stated in a breathy voice, unclear like a cloud of smoke.
Though the voice had no body and claimed that they weren't an echo like Abby, only really being able to be heard clearly when they're dreaming, it often provided support whenever it could— unlike a certain someone.
"I've already sent the proper human resources over to investigate the matter, the only thing left to do is to wait for results," Jiyan said, already standing up when he saw the bill arriving.
The three simply nodded in thanks to the General, knowing full well he'd insist on it till his last breath. And when he came back to the table the subject had already changed into another, more or less silly one.
Well, at least everyone was enjoying themselves.
I didn't have much for the last part like i said, and it's more filled with dialogue, but it's better than nothing
Please do tell me if I missed anything or said something totally wrong!!
Now, is this an excuse to push my sahsrau fic more? ... mmmmaayyybbeee 😇
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theguyinthemathexamples · 1 year ago
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The Iudex spotted wearing a weird mask! Could this be a new fashion trend coming to light? Tune in next time at the Steambird!!!
(aka: an eldritch god!sagau x possession!sagau mix, all inspired by @thatdeadaquarius!! tap the pic(s) for better quality :DD idk why this took so long.)
[extra stuff utc‼️]
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(with eyes edition down below!!)
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theguyinthemathexamples · 1 year ago
Celestial Control
cw// quest spoilers, pretty short, big boy words 💪
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Iridescent, yet frail and nigh invisible strings caressed the Iudex's gloved wrist, the Hydro sigil he'd made dissipating at the same rate that the final hilichurl disintegrated. This had already been a common routine for the Chief Justice: being pulled away from his duties and joining the Traveler's 'party' with three other individuals.
It had become a regular occurance for Neuvilette as of late. It's been around, what, a few years since he's been invited to do so? Nonetheless, he's learnt considerably more in the intervening period than he ever would have by being cooped up in his office all day.
From the forgotten island in Mondstadt, to the fact that the Dendro Dragon Sovereign was still alive, even learning that the Geo Archon faked his death, and more.
But the most significant aspect of his entire Hydro-Dragon-Sovereign-reincarnated-as-a-human life was his growing knowledge of the Creator of Teyvat — his previous incarnation's creator, too, to be exact.
At first, like any other chosen acolyte, he couldn't understand whatever they were saying. Even the simplest words of their divine lexicon he couldn't make sense of, and anything he'd ever manage to hear were like choruses of voices — to the softest female voice akin to a child, to something he could only describe as nothing at all, from the most agonizing scream he'd ever heard, to the soft whispers of sweet nothings caressing his ear ever so gently.
It got to the point where needed the assistance of his other 'teammates' to translate a single letter; the retired geo archon would only tell him that they were quite overjoyed after he answered their call.
And with each ascension, he regained power comparable to that of a fully fledged dragon — his humble origins. Who knew that a good amount of colorful starfishes, transoceanic pearls, chunks, and crystals, multiples of the horn of a thought-to-be-extinct fontemer seahorse and gorgeous varunada lazurite gemstones in various forms, sizes, and hues could endow him with such power? And so simply, too?
Though he does not express it outwardly, his form is filled with pride whenever he summons the sigil to put forth a flood of hydro against the many, many forces of Teyvat that wished to harm him and the other acolytes.
Perhaps Foçalors was right about him going out every once in a while.
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theguyinthemathexamples · 1 year ago
cw// lowercase intended, mentions of execution, just religious sagau stuff, the usual
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this is mostly a shitpost but like,,
do y'all think exorcists, paranormal experts or the like use our name to dispel spirits???
like ik the part where the normal populace prays in our name after every action they do or after every meal, but the part where they say "May the Creator guide you,," like we say "May the Lord guide you,," and all that fancy stuff to get rid of evil entities
it's just ⚰️⚰️
like imagine one of the first "execution" attempts they tried doing — and the one that miserably failed — is exorcism. I.e them thinking and trying to "exorcise the demon that decided to take a physical form and plague Teyvat with its impure influence." would actually cause us to disappear 💀💀
(more utc ‼️‼️‼️)
like here you were chained to a tall block of wood, internally screaming your head off as an "archbishop" of yours is reading, what you can only describe as the autobiography of your life, to a dozen thousand people or so.
sometimes you'd get sprayed/sprinkled with some water from a bottle on his person while quoting some random shit you said as a child. the small grimaces and glares you send his way seemed to satisfy him and the mass below.
at some point you even began to doze off because of how long this "exorcism" was taking, even a little sore from having to be in the same position for a few hours now.
you do feel bad for the kids that are forced to sit through the entire process, knowing full well that this whole shebang won't work.
some even looked skeptical that this was going to work in the first place.
good for them, really.
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i can just hear them chanting saying "In the name of the Creator, their creations and the holy spirit, may this demon be vanquished from both the mortal and spiritual realm! May they experience an eternity of pain for ever thinking about imitating our Almighty Creator!" while the archbishop does the hand flick to splash us with water
and then eventually they all just say fuck it and execute us physically when the religious shit doesn't work
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theguyinthemathexamples · 2 years ago
How Time Dilation In Teyvat Works
(ft. actual math + shit & confusing explanation (the perfect combination))
blue = here || red = Teyvat || orange = equation || green = time dilation || pink = explanation
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A minute here is an hour in Teyvat
A second here is a minute in Teyvat
→ 1 second = 1 minute
An hour here is two and a half days in Teyvat
→ 1 minute = 1 hour
→ 1 hour = 2½ days
60 ÷ 24 = 2.5
A day here is approximately two months in Teyvat
60 is for every minute in an hour, and since there's 24 hours in Teyvat, if we divide 60 by 24, we'll get 2.5 - aka, 2½ days.
→ 1 day = 2 months
2.5 × 24 = 60 ÷ 2 = 30
A week here is one year and two months in Teyvat
2.5 is for every hour, multiply that by 24 - aka a full day - and you get around 2 months.
→ 1 week = 1 year & 2 months
2 × 7 = 14
A month here is five years in Teyvat
A year contains 12 months, so after we multiply 2 months by 7 days, we get a year and 2 months. So, ladies... Good luck.
→ 1 month = 5 years
14 × 4.34 = 60.83 ÷ 12 = 5.069446_
A year here is sixty years in Teyvat
Yes, I had to use a calculator on this one. 14 months multiplied by 4 weeks is 60 months, divide that by 12 months and you get 5 years.
→ 1 year = 60 years
5 × 12 = 60
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5 years multiplied by 12 months is 60 years - better act faster on that immortality potion, hun. You don't want your favorite character/s acolyte/s to die, now do you?
C/N: wanted to make this for myself and writers about how time dilation ACTUALLY works in genshin (and yea sure i also probably made this just so no one would make it first 👉👈)
But yes, writers feel free to use this as a guide for any of your future fics (mention me if u use it /j)
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theguyinthemathexamples · 1 year ago
spoiler for the lil gift i'm working on (to show that i'm not dead and forgot about my promise)
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the main drawing is already done, i'm just working on some extra parts bc 💞💞
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theguyinthemathexamples · 2 years ago
You've heard about how your size, sleep schedule, way of talking, how you'd process flavours, etc. would be different/affected, right?
Now how about,,,,,,
The amount of things you eat?
Like, if we added the "you being (literally) massive" problem, it'd be more than understandable if we'd have a larger appetite. For example, what'd normally be a hearty dinner for 5 would be your average meal. Or, what mayhaps would be considered as a buffet fit for 10 people is enough to make you full. Basically a Mitsuri/the cat called Nelson in Diona's hangout quest.
At this point you might aswell get one more insecurity alongside the other balls of insecurities you already have to juggle.
Haha, balls.
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theguyinthemathexamples · 2 years ago
Unfamiliar Familiar
ft. Kamisato Ayaka & Kamisato Ayato
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The sounds of lyre strings getting strum, the soft crashing of waves against rock and sand were the only sounds that both siblings could hear.
Or... Were they both actually siblings?
In a technical sense, they would be - were it not for the fact that one belonged to another world.
They both had the same blood, same last name, similar first names, similar looks and the same parents.
Ayaka would be in absolute heaven if she was able to play instruments with her brother again - bonus points if it was an instrument from a foreign land.
Even when she was a child, she wouldn't play instruments all that often. More often than not, she would be spending most of her time with her brother sparring - or using other, somewhat more safer, bonding methods.
But ofcourse, there'd be a time where she'd occasionally play something. She could faintly remember the days when she played a flute, along a few others, with her brother playing something that could make her tunes more rhythmic.
She'd brush off this one as well, if it wasn't for the fact that this wasn't her brother.
This wasn't the one she knew.
They weren't related in any way possible.
They shouldn't even be remotely related to each other.
Yet this... other Ayato shared every single detail that hers had.
He had the same dexterity, the same looks, the same voice, the same personality and the same memories. Wasn't that enough for her?
Ofcourse not.
This wasn't her brother; he was the brother of another her, not her herself.
The uncanny feeling she had every time she looked at him was unsettling, one she'd furrow her eyebrows at as silent chills went down her spine.
She'd be lying if she didn't feel that this other Ayato hadn't felt the same discomfort as her.
He looked at her with an unreadable expression, as she did with him; one that looked like he both was savoring the moment, or silently disturbed and confused - just like she did.
The scenery was quite... Unsuitable for a harmonic symphony that the two of them were doing.
Jinren Island was mostly known for harbouring alot of Nobushi and a few Kairagi on it, almost using it as their outpost. And while both the sunrises and sunsets were beautiful as is, the two would rather play in the safety of the Kamisato Estate than here.
While, yes, they had already taken out most of them not too long ago - save for the ones at the top of the weirdly-shaped mountain/cliff - , they'd rather play in their home rather than an isolated island around 800 meters from their house.
It was a nice collaborative act that both Their Graces decided to unite them to do something that, while they didn't do often, they'd enjoy all the same. But...
Perhaps, there was... Another, more conventional, way to do so?
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C/N: got this idea when trying to farm for PMA boss drops for my Ayaka; my friend stopped me and told me to stay still, only put Ayato at their front party slot and started playing a random tune using a lyre - the tune probably being a song or something else
i just played another random tune for bg music and ended up playing undertale/deltarune music lmao
might actually make this one into a series - not of just Ayaka and Ayato btw
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theguyinthemathexamples · 2 years ago
^^^^^^^^This^^^^^^^^ but with the actual height you'd (possibly and probably) get in Genshin.
Take a shot every time i say "even".
I've tried measuring it myself in Genshin, even using Diona and Zhongli for reference.
And like, even if you zoom in real hard and zoom in more using the adjustment in the Paimon camera feature, you'd see that even the characters in the "Tall Male" category would reach to just around your knees.
I'm not even joking, try it for yourself.
No matter what device you have to play genshin, they'd at least reach just below your hips
Now, if we were talking about how big you are if you were zoomed out...
Let's just say that you'd be around ⅓ to a half long the length of Yashiori Island if you were to lay down— hell, i even bet my entire primogem balance that that no matter how short you are, your head will still be sticking out of the crack.
Zhongli was like the size of my eye when I did it 😭
Seriously. Even if you're like 4'2 due to shit genetics you'd still probably be around or even more massive than the tree in Sumeru City.
Honestly, if the zooming out feature didn't have a limit, you could legit get as big as Dragonspine— maybe even larger than that.
Anyways, to the "controlling your size" part, I'd guess that you'd be able to use even an ordinary Kamera, or something similar, for that
There's like- just so many things that would affect your lifestyle and your overall way of getting around Teyvat
Like even I doubt that you could go to Inazuma by boat/The Alcor even in the maximum size that you could shrink yourself into 😭😭 (i mean you could technically and actually go there by yourself by naturally walking there if you wanted but you might spook the citizens if you did do that)
Creator!reader who's MASSIVE . They are big enough to hold the characters in the palm of thier hand.
Some people (like venti) sit on thier shoulders without shame,whilst others are extremely intimated by thier mere size.
(Bonus points if creator can change thier size at will)
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