#not me sneaking wuwa in here recently
Aeon of Creation as one of those events in Simulated Universe !!!
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You feel a familiar presence near you; radiating light and consuming shadows, creating perfection and resignation to all who are graced with their radiance. But you can't put your finger on it. Who is this? Why do THEY feel so familiar to you? Who are THEY?
"Don't fight the pull now, Trailblazer!" Though you can't see her, Herta seems quite excited about your current situation. As if she'd ever admit it. But why does she seem so excited? Is she excited because of THEM? Who are THEY?
"Affirmation: Please keep your focus steady. Even though you have been blessed by the Creation countless times, THEIR presence in the Simulated Universe is scarce," Screwllum notes beside the puppet. Countless parts of the cosmos and nebulae that have been created by THEM, the first breath of life and death were all made possible by a single flutter of THEIR fingertips. But why did THEY do this? Who are THEY?
Oh, that's right.
You remember now.
> Do you really?
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The everlasting expanse of the universe is laid before your eyes, undefined and unmeasured by the untrained eye. Those who are able to truly comprehend this world lies with the celestial beings THEY THEMSELVES held and caressed so gently, even to those who held unbridled hate and wrath for this oh so cursed Aeon.
You feel it all wash over you— this familiar feeling. The way THEY first cradled you with such care and love, with unconditional warmth and tenderness THEY held you with the moment you ascended.
It was one of the first moments in your life when you truly felt adoration for who you were, in the lonely life you lived for so long.
The stars before you pave the way and lead you to THEIR benevolence, each one more welcoming than the last. They dance and sway at your arrival— a familiar face! Another visitor after so long!
> Yes, do you remember now?
> How can you forget?
> Who are THEY?
Indeed, this is the Aeon of Creation; the One Above All, the Principium Omnium, the maker of this world— a sight to behold. You can't help but hold your breath. THEIR hand is reached out to you, beckoning you to come closer like a siren's call. You feel entranced by THEIR radiance, as you've done so countless times before.
This was the feeling you felt when you first awoke, guiding you through the Antimatter Legion invasion in the Herta Space Station, the Stellaron crisis in Jarilo-VI, Phantylia in the Xianzhou Loufu, and through the trials you faced in Penacony. Why didn't you remember THEM before? Why had you been so foolish as to not realize you were observing THEIR besottedness?
"Stay focused, Trailblazer. You're drifting from their path," Ruan Mei scribbles something in her notes beside the Intellitron. You notice a hint of worry in her tone. Is she worried for your mental state, with how you're so closely tied with THEM, or is it because she's worried about the outcome of this encounter?
Ah, but alas, all things come from a culmination of one's thoughts: destruction, preservation, remembrance, abundance, and many more are but simple branches of THEIR grace. The Creation had yet to be truly grasped by a mortal without drifting off course from THEIR path.
> You know better than to taint the divine visage and reputation THEY had; an unspoken rule to all things organic or inorganic.
> But do you truly know THEM?
Your vision darkens as you slowly succumb to unconsciousness. Yet as you fall back into reality, that oh so familiar presence doesn't dissipate like the previous times you've encountered in the Simulated Universe.
Are THEY happy with your performance, acting as Akivili the Trailblaze infront of THEIR simulated counterpart? Were THEY satisfied that you still let THEM control the way you interacted with this carefully constructed decoy?
Well, you may still have time to ask THEM of THEIR opinion in the future. Besides, THEY seem content with sticking with you for the time being. Who knows, maybe THEY will never do so even after the Stellaron in you returns to its maker, perchance.
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— A/N : HEY Y'ALL IM BACKKK 🥰 pretty sure none of y'all missed me /hj
I was supposed to post this after mass last Sunday but school bit my ass again 😇
I'll try to post some fics like this on the weekends if i can bc im running outta sahsrau fics to read, gotta ruin the once a month posting sched anyways 🙏
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