#silver Grey
hippography · 2 years
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MISS MAUD PREECE ON MISS MONA DUNN’S SILVER GREY.  Winner of the Belvoir Cup for Riding Ponies at the International Show. 
Photo by Sports and General Press Agency. 
Baily’s Magazine of Sports & Pastimes, Vol. 102, July to December 1914
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one-false-hope · 2 years
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Out with the old, in with the new. So glad I got rid of those basic ass wheels. She looks much better with the M sport wheels.
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hazzabeast · 2 months
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Face of innocence (LYING)
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paveworld · 1 year
Grey granite paving slabs
Choosing the perfect paving material is essential when aiming to create an inviting and stylish outdoor space. In recent years, Misty Silver Grey Granite Paving has gained immense popularity in the United Kingdom, thanks to its remarkable durability, aesthetics, and versatility. This trend showcases the growing prominence of grey granite paving in enhancing outdoor areas throughout the UK.
The exceptional strength and durability of Misty silver grey granite paving slabs make it a preferred choice for outdoor paving in the UK. Granite, formed through the crystallization of magma over millions of years, is a natural stone known for its dense and robust properties. It can withstand the test of time, varying weather conditions, and heavy foot traffic, making it an ideal solution for the unpredictable climate of the UK.
The timeless elegance of silver grey granite paving complements various architectural styles. Its distinctive silver-grey Granite Paving hue adds sophistication and versatility to any outdoor space. The Misty surface of the granite paving slabs enhances visual appeal by creating intriguing interplays of light and shadow. Moreover, this unique texture provides excellent slip resistance, making it suitable for areas like patios, walkways, and poolside locations.
Misty Silver Grey Granite Paving offers a wide range of design possibilities to accommodate different preferences and outdoor spaces. Available in various shapes and sizes, including square, rectangular, and irregular patterns, it allows for creative and customizable installations. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern look or a more rustic and natural aesthetic, grey granite paving can be tailored to align with your specific design vision.
Maintenance of silver grey granite paving is relatively straightforward, which adds to its appeal for homeowners and landscapers. The non-porous nature of granite prevents moisture absorption, reducing the risk of staining or water damage. Regular cleaning with mild detergent and water is typically sufficient to keep the surface looking pristine. In cases where deeper cleaning is needed, pressure washing can be safely employed due to the durability of Silver Grey Granite.
The numerous benefits of silver grey granite have fueled its surge in popularity across the UK. Homeowners, landscape designers, and architects have recognized its ability to transform outdoor spaces into visually appealing and functional areas. From residential gardens and public parks to commercial complexes and city streetscapes, silver grey granite paving has become the go-to choice for those seeking a combination of durability, aesthetics, and ease of maintenance.
Misty Silver Grey Granite Paving has become a highly sought-after material for outdoor paving projects throughout the United Kingdom. Its durability, aesthetic appeal, versatility, and practical maintenance make it an ideal choice for enhancing outdoor spaces. Whether you're envisioning a charming patio or a grand walkway, silver grey granite offers a timeless and sophisticated solution that will withstand the test of time and elevate the overall appeal of any outdoor area.
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nuveau-deco · 7 months
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Octopus Chatelaine. Manufactured by William B. Kerr & Co. in Newark, New Jersey, ca. 1900. Medium is 800 silver, sterling silver. From the collection of Mary Nunn, exhibited by SFO Museum for their 'The Allure of Art Nouveau' exhibition, Feb 13, 2016–Aug 26, 2016.
(Source: sfomuseum.org)
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talos-stims · 1 year
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aleia on ig | source
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nightmarereverie · 2 months
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gigglyalex · 1 year
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Roman my second horse for the horse rp/ HARPG Equiis, he’s a half Pegasus half earth horse and has the tail and dusting of downy shoulder feathers to prove it!
Name: Roman
Age: 45
Gender & Pronouns: cis he/him
Personality: cranky, stoic, mildly unpleasant, Roman is content to be left alone despite Delilah’s constant company and badgering. He would never admit it but he finds her endearing and is her eyes when she cannot see, and is incredibly loyal to her.
Herd: none currently potentially a member of lightfoots herd with Delilah
Abilities: something he keeps to himself, but his skill with a blade and ferocity is rarely matched, and he uses elements of telekinesis to his advantage when in a tough spot.
Species: technically an earth horse, however he does have feathers and a tail from an ancestor that was a Pegasus.
History: to be decided.
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sunkissedlouis · 6 days
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“you are the god of this festival because football wasn’t available anywhere but you sorted it out...how did you do that?“
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solidsmax · 2 months
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X-MEN 97' - 1.08 | Tolerance is Extinction Part 1
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hazzabeast · 2 months
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Hi one quastion
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noonlight-stims · 7 months
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銀狼配信 by Skai_kun
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heartnosekid · 5 months
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diy punk fashion by c4b1n.1n.th3.wxxds on ig
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wonflirtz · 1 year
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  ҉ ๋⠀◌ ⠀🍷⠀◯𓂂⠀⠀i⠀x⠀Doll⠀@i04rei
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