#silm drawing prompt
eri-pl · 4 months
Suggestion for anyone who can draw:
AtLA x Silm fanart
Ulmo in the waves, Katara on the beach, he asks "But can you sing?" Katara answers "I'm too busy washing my brother's dirty socks!", and Ulmo says "See, that's why I live alone."
Or Katara and Uinen(? Osse's wife) complaining about their brother and husband.
Aang before Manwe, with totally awed expression, Manwe's thought bubble "What a sweet child, I'm going to adopt him"
Toph in Aule's forge, with critical expression, making some comments about what she would do better. Aule's thought bubble: "Oh my Eru, she reminds me of Mairon." He looks terrified.
Ozai and Melkor. Ozai says "I'm the Phoenix Lord, ruler of all the world!", Melkor looks at him as if he was a curious bug and does something nasty.
Bonus: Oroma and Sokka sitting in the forest together, Orome in a fatherly pose. Sokka is proud, shows his bumerang. Orome with fascinated expression asks "It comes back?"
Bonus bonus: "My cabbages!" "My Trees!"
Bonus^3 Iroh and Olorin, drinking tea and complaining about their young companions.
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fistfuloflightning · 6 months
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Ents with flower crowns.
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There are few things Ents do in haste. It is tradition after strong storms to gather all the fallen flowers—since it is a waste for them to wilt and fade so needlessly without one last use—and decorate themselves with them. The younger and less tree-like shepherds even go so far as to wind them into wreaths for the oldest who can no longer move.
thanks to @sharpestsatire for a challenging prompt and a new headcanon!
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hirazuki · 2 years
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I saw someone (I’ve forgotten who!) post a couple months ago, asking if it’s ever established in canon whether Mairon ever found out it was Finrod in Tol-in-Gaurhoth. Short answer, after perusing the relevant text: no. 
My personal interpretation, for my own amusement: I think he’d figure out Beren, since his run-in with Luthien and Huan happened shortly afterwards, but had a complete Kronk moment with Finrod, years down the line. Like, you know when you’re an expert in a subject and some things totally fly under your radar, because it doesn’t occur to you that anyone would do anything that dumb? I think that, being a master of deception, he wouldn’t realize what Nereb and Dungalef stood for, not for literal ages, because who uses their real names just backwards/anagrammed when infiltrating an enemy stronghold (and arguably the most dangerous stronghold, second only to Angband), that’s just so stupid so stupid it actually worked XD 
(In his defense, there was a lot going on in the First Age. A Lot.)
I like to think it plagued him for years :)
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sakasakiii · 1 year
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ohhHHHh brother,,, is this another sketch dump after an undisclosed number of weeks of absence and online inactivity? yessir it sure is but i sure hope it won't stay that way 🤞 apologies again for disappearing, but im on break for the next couple of months for the summer so i have a lot planned and im hoping to catch up with... everything!
i put a little status update under the cut but feel free to skip that cuz its just me explaining some things ive had on my mind hoho 😙😙 happy 1st of june everyone!!!
a lot of things have been happening irl that im still getting used to, but thank you for always being very patient 🙇‍♀️ i apologise for disappearing again after i promised id start being more active again in... januARY??? man oh man the year is passing by tooooo fast holy smokes
i havent had much time to be on social media since then, but ive gotten some email notifs from ppl sending in such kind messages via inbox, and its really made me go AUGHHHHH in the midst of whatever im doing cuz it means the world to me 🥺❤️ if youre someone who's sent in something over the past year since i started hiatus in march 2023, IM REALLY SORRY AGAIN 😭😭 i always try to keep up with my policy of one-art-piece-per-ask, but because of that sometimes i just procrastinate a lot or get stuck on finding relevant things to draw as thanks. ive been brainstorming some ideas, though, and its my goal to get through a hefty sum of em before things get real busy again in a few months 😤
im really sorry again for being so inconsistent this past year, but im gonna do my best! i hope everyone on here's been doing good and im raring to see everything new with silm tumblr ❤️❤️ also if anyone has any recs for any new content pls feed me for i am starvedddd
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that-angry-noldo · 9 months
If you're still taking doodle requests...
Legolas and Gimli, with one stuck somewhere? Gim in a tree or Leg in a cave, or something? Too complex? 🤨
Thank you! I love your doodles!
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hanging in a tree all by yourself, handsome?
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myceliumelium · 11 months
Absolutely love your art — I thought I was following you before now! If it’s alright with you, could I request Idril & joy for the silm art asks?
Aww thanks! So I got kinda sidetracked from the actual prompt bc i've never really draw Idril before, but I had a great time designing her.
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legit, i think she's one of the most beautiful designs ive ever come up with
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thelien-art · 4 months
I'm sorry you've been getting confrontational asks only a few days into the Pride requests! It's incredibly generous of you to take so many requests for free, and it already strikes me as slightly entitled for someone to treat these prompt requests with the level of specificity that's usually reserved for paid commissions - but since you and the first requester cleared up the language/translation miscommunication, I can't understand why yet another person is getting all up in your inbox just to be accusatory. (Especially since this new anon a) doesn't even seem to be part of the Silm fandom and b) has clearly never bothered to look at your work if they think you're in some way opposed to drawing POC characters and designs! If they'd taken 30 seconds to scroll through your blog a bit, they could have saved themselves the trouble of straw-manning and putting words in your mouth.)
And I'm sorry you've been having a tough few days in general - I hope things get a bit easier soon, and don't worry about doing whatever you have to do to protect your mental health a bit in the meantime! <3
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polutrope · 1 year
ohh I love the Silm prompts! may I request either 7 (could not escape and would not yield) or 11 (because he is the son of his father) for Celebrimbor? ~ maglor-my-beloved <3
Thanks for the ask @maglor-my-beloved, and glad you like the prompts! I went for a combination of both. Also sharing today as part of @fellowshipofthefics Forged in Fellowship day.
Celebrimbor at the sack of Sirion, 875 words. Angst.
Warning for moderate violence and a canonical character death.
* * *
What if his father had been among them? It was the first question Celebrimbor asked himself when he smelled the smoke and saw the flames licking the night sky on the outskirts of Sirion.
The next thought, when he pulled his hauberk over his head, was the sickening realisation that, if Curufin had been among them, the mail may have hung less heavily on his shoulders. That he would have lifted his sword more willingly against his own father. The one who had stood by when it was forged, the one whose approval Celebrimbor drank up with a wretched thirst. 
Hatred, that poison he had spent years drawing from his heart, now coursed hotly through his veins. 
Celebrimbor was not a kinslayer. And despite his burning rage, he had no wish to become one. But now, they offered him no escape. To flee would be far worse than to fight. 
He pushed back against the clawing fingers of his bitterness and girt himself to face them—the foes of his chosen kindred—with calm determination. 
He ran through the streets, calling forth the small contingent of fighters Gil-galad had placed under his command. His voice competed with the clamour of others orders: to take up arms, to seek shelter, to fly to the ships, to guard the Lady. His courage contended with the chilling drone of a chorus meant to inspire terror: the voices of seasoned warriors led by the greatest minstrel the Noldor had ever known. 
It did not take the Fëanorians long to force their way to the centre of the town. They spilled out over the quay. Few resisted their advance. Some threw themselves into the river rather than fight. Whether seized by the madness of terror or because they would rather drown than take up arms against another elf, Celebrimbor could only guess. Others, many of them once-warriors of Gondolin, resisted fiercely, unhesitating as their axes bore down upon distant kin, eyes glinting with cold light as their swords found the weak points in their opponents’ armour. Driven, perhaps, by memories of ice and betrayal that had eaten away at them for five long centuries.
Celebrimbor did not allow his gaze to rest on the faces of any of the Fëanorian soldiers. He lifted a fist, signalling to the archers on the roofs behind him to nock their bows. He lowered it, and a spray of arrows whizzed through the air. Few found their mark. 
One of the enemy soldiers turned on him. Celebrimbor drew his sword, his muscles instinctively flexed to fight. His gut churned. His thoughts were elsewhere, where they could not persuade him to drop his weapon and run. 
Then the soldier addressed him. “Lord Celebrimbor.” 
Celebrimbor tightened his grip on his sword hilt, resisting the urge to lower it. The man’s name came to him unbidden. “Calandur.”  
Having spoken it the rage in Celebrimbor’s breast cooled.  Calandur’s jaw was set, his mouth drawn down into a frown, but there was no threat in his eyes.
“Stay behind us, lord.” 
With that, Calandur spun around with a great cry. “A runandor!* Faithful servants of the House of Finwë!” he shouted. “Redeemers! Now is the hour! Turn! Turn and stand your ground!”
Suddenly, a wall of bodies encircled the remaining Fëanorian soldiers. They had only two ways of escape: to cut through their own people or to leap into the river. 
The progress of the battle came to a gasping halt. Then one of the Fëanorian commanders shattered the stillness with a cry. Celebrimbor caught the glint of a long russet braid as he turned to see that his soldiers were gathering around him. 
He caught the river of red that spilled from his neck when an arrow sank into the flesh above his collarbone.
He watched him fall.
As easily as if he were a withered leaf upon the bough, Amras Fëanorion fell. 
In the moment of shock that followed, Calandur and two others stepped forward and tossed the thrashing  body of Celebrimbor’s uncle over the quay’s edge. It was a mercy. Fëanor’s youngest son would receive no burial rites; but nor would a hateful swarm descend upon his corpse, hacking to pieces one who was—who might have been—a noble lord of the Noldor.
Fierce fighting resumed, with the defenders of Sirion now gaining the upper-hand. Celebrimbor was blocked from entering the fray by the tight circle of those who called themselves Redeemers. 
It was then he realised there was another choice. To escape was not to yield. To escape was to preserve; to dare to hope.
He called to one of his archers to follow him, then ran down the quay, untethered a sturdy fishing dory, and leapt in, bidding the other elf to join him. Then he rowed furiously into the darkness, towards the Cape and the ship havens. There was little hope that the people of Sirion would prevail, even with the aid of the Fëanorians who had turned against their lords. But there would be survivors, and they would need strength and skill and courage if they were to rebuild their ruined lives in the years to come. 
It would not be Celebrimbor’s lot to die here, needlessly; not yet. 
* * *
*'A runandor!' is Quenya for 'O Redeemers!'. Thanks to Shihali on the SWG Discord for the translation.
It’s my headcanon, based on a map in The War of the Jewels with a dot labelled ‘Ship Havens’ on Cape Balar, that there were actually two settlements on the Bay of Balar: one built on or very near the actual mouth of the river Sirion (called simply ‘Sirion’), and one, much smaller and chiefly for the purpose of shipbuilding and mooring, on Cape Balar to the northwest (called simply ‘the Cape’). Almost all the survivors of the sack of Sirion were those who were at, or fled to, the Cape at the time of the attack.
I also headcanon a Beleriand-born Celebrimbor, though there could be other reasons he is not a kinslayer.
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cilil · 1 year
Summer Stories
AN: Another ship I've been wanting to try for a while, especially after reading @i-did-not-mean-to's recent fic. I'm dedicating this one to @ettelene as a thank you for running Silm smut week (so excited for that already).
Prompt: Picnic | Fëanor x Fingolfin Synopsis: Fingolfin makes another attempt at gaining Fëanor's favour. Warnings: Incestuous attraction
"What is this? Another attempt at gaining my favour?" 
Fëanor sneers at him when he looks up from his notebook, but Fingolfin can't help staring at him regardless.
How is it that his half-brother, so proud and unapproachable, can still draw him in as if he's under some kind of spell, like a moth to a flame? He's beautiful, brilliant, everything, making him feel small and insignificant, but in a way that makes his skin tingle and his heart race.
Oh Fëanáro, what are you doing to me...
Taking a deep breath, Fingolfin places the basket on the ground in front of his half-brother. 
"I brought you something to eat and drink," he says, attempting to stop his voice from shaking. "I thought you could use some refreshment after working all day." 
"So I was right," is all Fëanor says, referring to his previous question, and he shifts his attention back to his notes, ignoring both his half-brother and the basket. 
"You can go." 
Fingolfin hesitates. He doesn't know why he's still hoping for more in these interactions, and yet – 
"I said you can go. You know I won't be swayed by a few petty gestures." 
"Of course not," Fingolfin mumbles and with his head lowered, he turns to leave. Perhaps Fëanor is right and he's just a fool, but he knows already that he will try again and will keep trying until maybe one day he receives affection instead of contempt in return. 
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Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider liking and reblogging! ♡
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hello, hello...
Oh, that is so kind and nice of you! Let me see...
There is not much to be said about myself or my job lol
I am not exactly a Bagginshield writer even though I have written that pairing. I do not engage with any of the others, and I'm only familiar with Good Omens and Sherlock (but I don't interact with the fandoms).
I don't have any OCs, sorry, I do write a lot, but I do mostly Ori for the Hobbit, Farawyn for LOTR, and the Silm in all its breadth.
I love prompts! OMG so much.
I have 1 ugly cat and two lovely dogs. Please feel free to ask about them any time you want. They're my beloved!
I am a terrible gardener (it's shameful), I do a bit of crochet (in winter), a bit of art (very badly), and a thousand other small things :D
I love being tagged in all kinds of things. Animals. Jokes. Tolkien content. Memes. I'd love to be tagged.
Okay, let me shoot back with a list of things I adore getting:
Movie/Show recs (I love historical things, docus about animals, horror movies, romantic movies, NO biopics, war movies, or action movies)
Memes about Tolkien/GRR Martin/The Boys/Sherlock/Lucifer
Inspirational quotes :)
Updates from you. What are you doing? DId you see a nice dog? What weather are you having today?
Pictures of animals
Thank you so much for reaching out, this made me so happy <3
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echo-bleu · 1 year
ALRIGHT Ask game time.
Two games, because I want to draw and write both.
I've recently fallen into a Silmarillion hyperfixation, and I want to explore characterization/character design a bit, so
PRIDE game: send me a Silmarillion or LOTR character* and a queer identity (genderqueer&trans headcanons especially welcome) and I'll do a sketch of them with their flag.
WRITING game: send me a prompt from this list and a character (or two) from the Silmarillion* and I'll write something short. You're welcome to elaborate on the prompt or send me a time period as well.
*For Silm characters, preferably Noldor, or at least characters that aren't too obscure. The Children of Húrin storyline kills me (not in a good way) so I won't do those. For LOTR characters, I favour the Gondorians (especially the Húrin and Dol Amroth families) and Imladris elves. Fellowship members, Rohirrim or anyone else are welcome, but I might not have many original thoughts about them. It will all be book canon, not movie.
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maironsmaid · 1 month
Seeing as I currently am back to rotating my Silm blorbos in my head, how about yall send me some characters/ prompts to draw so I can flesh out some more character designs? 👀✨️
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aregebidan · 2 years
"... he had no great love for Indis, nor for Fingolfin and Finarfin, her sons. He lived apart from them, exploring the land of Aman..."
This is from page 65 of the published Silm, and I'm dying to draw something with Fingolfin and Finarfin's view on Feanor at this point. Feanor as the remote older brother, the living reminder of the specter of Miriel that haunts and disrupts the happiness of the Finwe-Indis household. Feanor as the distant older brother who you only hear about from others' stories of how amazingly talented he is, maybe even prompting you to start comparing yourself to him or imitate him to best figure out how to get your father to look at you with that much love too-- and then on the rare occasions when he does show up at Finwe's house he treats you with nothing but disdain. Feanor as the brother you have a weird parasocial relationship with: you have to measure up to him, you have to be better than him, you have to be like him, he's constantly on your mind and you've barely spoken to him!!
I may be reaching too far with this one line, but considering how distant and famous Feanor was and how much Finwe favored him Fingolfin and Finarfin's feelings toward him in these early days must have really been. Something
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hirazuki · 2 years
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Expression practice with Mairon! Because I wanted to draw something but everything else I'm working on is pretty sad and would make me even sadder than I currently am, but I'm also not in the mood for humor yet.
So here is the boy happy/content, excited (I headcanon that his sclera turns yellow/orange and he glows :D), what the fuck Melkor, and blushing (it's subtle on his cheeks but he can't hide it on his ear tips!). Originally, I had only planned to draw the blushing one, but he was too cute to resist making more ^^
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imakemywings · 2 years
I know kink memes sort of fell out of favor with fandom as Dreamwidth and Livejournal declined in usage, but since we’re making an effort for the new Silm kink meme I just wanted to say for any younger fans who aren’t familiar: yeah it’s called a “kink meme” but requests and fills don’t have to be explicit, or sexual at all. There are X-rated and G-rated and everything in between prompts on there, so if you have an idea of any kind that you want to see but don’t have time to write or draw...go ahead and throw it up.
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myceliumelium · 11 months
So I'm bored. And I I wanna draw, but I don't wanna decide what to draw, you know? So I thought I might outsource the Thought having process. Basically, send me an ask with like the name of a silm character and a one word prompt? I can't promise I'll get to them all, but like there will be at least a few mediocre sketches out of this. Please feed the wild animals that are currently chewing on my brain. It'll be great. I promise.
Edit: Not taking any more at the moment! Thank you for your ideas!
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