#sillyfeathers marvel
sillyfeathers · 3 years
Round 11 (Yelena x Reader)
Round 11 Characters: reader, Yelena Belova (platonic) Warnings: physical fighting (sparring)
Yelena has her methods of dealing with you, however surprising they may seem.
A/N: reader is magic & works with Strange for unneeded context, first time writing for Yelena so I pray I got her voice somewhat right.
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“Who is it?” Yelena’s voice echoed from the kitchen as you entered the room..
“Agent Y/L/N just got home,” FRIDAY responded pleasantly, and you had to bite back a smile at the way Yelena jumped upon hearing it, still not quite used to the amount of technology at the compound.
“Ah, Y/N! C’mere, I made you food.” She was gesturing towards a large plate of cookies, the chocolate still a little melted from the oven. You beamed at her, throwing your bag aside and taking a seat atop the counter, legs swinging.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your cooking?” you asked through a mouthful.
“You need your energy if you want to spar later,” Yelena replied. “I mean, the fighting, the studying – you’re going to collapse from it all one day.”
You let out a laugh, finding it ironic that even with everything she went through at your age, she was still worrying about your menial problems.
“Something funny, hmm?” Yelena asked, eyebrows raised.
You swallowed the last bite of your cookie, dusting your hands as you slid off the countertop. “You’re turning into Natasha, the way you care about me,” you teased, grinning. Yelena faked hurt, placing a hand on her heart. “You wound me.”
Rolling your eyes playfully, you turned to leave.
“Actually, before you go, Y/N, I have an…uh, ulterior motive,” Yelena said, awkward.
You turned around, perplexed. “You don’t say.”
“I’ve received, uh…notice from your school of some strange happenings. Apparently they sent something out to every student’s home, so there’s no connection to you yet, but…” she trailed off, tapping her foot.
You groaned. “I haven’t done anything bad, just weird, stuff to make people laugh,” you muttered. “Thought you’d find it funny.”
“Well, I do, but apparently you’re scaring the tea– the teachers.” Yelena couldn’t hold back a laugh as she spoke, truly finding the idea quite amusing.
You looked up to see her holding back a smile.
“You’re bad at telling me off,” you said quietly. Yelena groaned, slapping you across the back of the head before you could dodge it.
“Shut up, I’m trying. No more scaring teachers!”
“No more scaring teachers!” you echoed, retreating to your room to warm up for sparring.
When you arrived at the gym, Yelena was already there, doing her own warmups and stretches.
“Ah!” She jumped to her feet when she saw you, clapping her hands. “You ready to go?”
“As I’ll ever be,” you sighed, taking up position on the padded floor. You genuinely enjoyed having Yelena as a mentor, but sparring with an assassin who had been training since she could walk usually left you with more than a few bruises.
By your fourth round, you could tell today wasn’t going to be any different. You were improving – there was no question about that – but as you got better, Yelena upped the pressure, so it never really became easy.
“Alright, go again,” Yelena said after you’d tapped out, releasing your body from the weight of her knee. You waved her off, rolling onto your back.
“Can’t you just let me get you once?” you asked, panting.
“No can do, курица. Now up you get!” She extended her hand to help you up, but through half-closed eyes, your brain told you she was trying to get another hit in. Unprepared, your instincts took over, throwing up a weak shield. Yelena’s hand ricocheted off of the magic barrier, and she jumped back in surprise.
“Hey, no magic!”
“Sorry!” You sat up, withdrawing the shield. “I didn’t mean to, I promise, I thought you were gonna hit me,” you laughed, getting to your feet. Yelena rolled her eyes in amusement.
While accidental, the effectiveness of your magic sparked an idea. You let another few rounds go by, going over the motions in your mind’s eye.
The reason you’d started training with Yelena in the first place was to develop your practical fighting skills. Stephen was always warning you to not become over-reliant on your magic just in case a situation ever arose where you couldn’t use it. Naturally, it was a rule that you couldn’t use any sort of magic when sparring like this. But with what was now ten rounds behind you with not a single win, you were getting a little antsy.
“Okay, two more rounds and we’re done for today,” Yelena said, backing up and letting you get to your feet. “Ready?”
You bit back a smile as you got into position, nodding. “Ready.”
The first few beats were too chaotic for you to make any decent magic moves, but when you saw a break, you ducked under Yelena’s arm and spun around, putting some space between the two of you. It was hardly two seconds before she was swinging her leg around towards you, but it was all you needed to throw up another shield, grinning as she stumbled backwards from the force of hitting it.
“Hey, Y/N, none of that – ”
Before she could get much else out, you shot a small spurt of magic her way – nothing serious, just enough to make her stumble backwards.
Yelena’s eyes narrowed. “Y/N, I’m serious – ah!”
You directed a small wave of magic to sweep under her feet, sending her sprawling onto her back. Knowing you fully had the element of surprise and her annoyance on your side, you let go of all the magic and quickly pinned her under your knee, beaming down at her.
“I win,” you said smugly.
Yelena grumbled, shoving you to the side. “You know damn well you didn’t.”
“I dunno, from where I was it sure looked like – h-HEY!”
It was your turn to yell out in surprise as Yelena used her full body weight to throw you back against the floor, sitting across your hips with her knees tucked tightly into your sides.
“That doesn’t c– that doesn’t count,” you breathed, squirming a little as her knees shifted against your skin.
“You forget I spar with Natasha, and with her, I’m the annoying one,” Yelena said, grinning wickedly down at you. “She’s taught me plenty of tricks.”
Her hands latched onto your sides and you gasped, your suspicions of her plans confirmed.
“Yelehena, don’t!”
Yelena gave no indication she even heard you, fingers skittering across your stomach. You erupted into loud laughter, digging your heels into the floor and throwing your head back.
“You brought this on yourself, I have no sympathy,” Yelena hummed, her fingers now running up your sides to drum against the edges of your ribs. You attempted to bat at Yelena’s hands, but your laughter had weakened you to the point where it was futile.
Your laughter suddenly became more frantic as Yelena gently clawed at your lower ribs.
“Bad spot,” Yelena commented, amused at the reactions you were producing. “You’re worse than me – Nat would have a field day with this information.”
Your eyes went from scrunched shut to wide open, and you madly shook your head, unable to get out any words through the giggles Yelena’s fingers were eliciting. Yelena let out her own shout of laughter, relishing in the power she felt right now. She flexed her hands, lightly fluttering her fingers across your exposed skin, lingering at the base of your ribs and laughing at the way your body practically went slack, dissolving into giggles from the effort of it all.
“I could do this alllll day,” Yelena said, drawing out the words and marking them with gentle tickles to your sides. Desperate, your brain fumbled for a way out, made fuzzy by the feeling of Yelena’s thumbs vibrating between your ribs. Your opportunity came when Yelena tried to shift her weight forward, and the burst of adrenaline propelled your leg to wrap around hers and pull downwards, throwing her off balance just long enough for you to roll yourself back and out from underneath her, curling in on yourself.
Yelena looked both surprised and amused, raising her eyebrows as she looked at you. “You know, that was pretty impressive.”
You whined. “Hmmph – shut up.”
“I’m serious!” Yelena laughed, sitting down beside you. “I mean – apparently when you’re tickled you turn into a noodle wearing clothes, but you still managed to get away!”
You shook your head, getting to your feet and walking backwards away from Yelena, grinning. “You will not speak of this.”
“Where do you think you’re going, курица? We still have one more round left,” Yelena replied, cocking an eyebrow.
You groaned, throwing your hands in the air. “Seriously?!” Despite yourself, you didn’t put up any further protest as you returned to the mat.
“Besides, I want to test out this new…incentive of yours,” Yelena said, smirking. “You better not lose this round. And no magic!”
You definitely lost the round.
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sillyfeathers · 4 years
Go Fish! (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Go Fish! Characters: Bucky Barnes, reader, Steve Rogers Prompts: “I guess I’m going to have to punish you…” / “Just tickle me already!”
In which you let slip a secret you didn’t know you were keeping.
Warnings: fluff Words: 876
A/N: catching up on requests, this one is for an anon :)
“Go fish.”
You stuck your tongue out at Steve, adding yet another card to the growing cluster in your hands. Either he or Bucky had won every round so far, and you weren't thrilled at the prospect of giving them something to hold over your heads.
“Alright... YIN! Any 3's?” Bucky asked, the 6 cards in his hands practically an insult to your situation.
You glanced over them. "Go fish!" you declared proudly, grinning as Bucky narrowed his eyes at you.
As the round continued, Steve asked you for an 8, and as you shifted your cards around to find one, you saw a 3 of clubs, tucked amidst the array of cards you'd acquired.
For a second, you considered turning yourself in and giving the card to Bucky, but your competitive side took over quickly. There was no way you could win — surely you could claim this little victory.
“Buck, any 3's?” you asked when it was your turn. Of course, you knew what your answer would be, you still relished in the look on his face as he handed over three cards.
“I believe that's a set,” you said smugly, placing the cards down with glee. Your next turn fell through, but as the proud owner of one full set of cards, you didn't care.
The round proceeded, looping around back to you before Bucky held his hand up.
Steve sighed dramatically, rolling your eyes. “Problem, Buck?”
Bucky narrowed his eyes, pointing an accusatory finger at you. “Y/N, where did you get the 3 of clubs?”
“I picked it up,” you replied, nonchalant.
Bucky shook his head slowly. “No…you put the card you picked up on the end of your deck, and you pulled that one from the middle.”
Steve chuckled. “Buck, that is some overkill observation –”
“Maybe so,” he interrupted, grinning at you. “But the fact remains — Y/N cheated.” He shifted his focus towards you. “I guess I’m going to have to punish you.”
You pursed your lips, glancing between him and Steve. You’d been in similar situations before with Steve, Nat, Tony…basically every Avenger who’d decided they wanted to make you blush.
“What to do, what to do…” Bucky mused, stroking his stubble with his index finger and thumb. “So many options, so many ways to humiliate –”
“Jesus, Buck, just tickle me already!” you blurted out, not wanting to sit through the ‘planning’ phase you’d experienced a thousand times before. You could feel yourself starting to get nervous, so better get it over with, right?
Bucky, however, had frozen in his place, eyes wide. His confused expression matched yours, the two of you looking to Steve, who was chuckling.
“Y/N, he wasn’t going to tickle you, he didn’t know,” he explained quietly, knowing that all hell was about to break loose..
Your stomach dropped. “Oh, well, nevermind then.” You cleared your throat, avoiding Bucky’s gaze.
“Well, since you asked so nicely, I just might,” Bucky said, his giant grin evident in his tone.
Unable to contain yourself for any longer, the corners of your lips twitched upward, and you started to shuffle away. Bucky was on a similar mission, and before you could get away, he seized your ankles and dragged you towards him, straddling your waist. You let out a yell, your hands already flying out in front to defend yourself.
Bucky tutted. “I’m sorry, Y/N, but I have to doll out the appropriate punishment for such crimes.” Five fingers pressed into your stomach in a claw, and you cringed, shaking your head madly. His other hand — the metal one — curled into your side, and you cracked, bursting into helpless giggles.
“Is she seriously this ticklish?” Bucky asked Steve, hands spidering across your stomach and swirling against your hips. 
“Unfortunately for her,” Steve replied, looking on at the two of you fondly. Your giggling had escalated into wheezy laughter, Bucky’s hands relentless in their tickling. His fingers had located a spot beneath your ribs that brought forth the most elegant of snorts and squeals, and you wished you weren’t endeared by the smile on his face.
“BUHUCK– ” you gasped, the first word you’d managed since he’d begun.
“You never call me that,” he remarked. “It’s always Buck-ee — I really must be breaking you down, huh?”
You couldn’t even muster up the strength to shake your head. Bucky somehow knew each and every one of your worst spots and just the right way to tickle them to send you into hysterics, and your energy was sapped.
“Alright, Buck, you don’t wanna kill her on your first go,” Steve chuckled, and Bucky obliged, backing off with a poke to your stomach. You rolled over, still clutching at your sides as the ticklish feelings faded.
“You’ll be thinking twice before pulling something like that again, I’m sure,” Bucky said proudly, earning him a glare from you.
“You’re a cruel, cruel, man,” you muttered, half-smiling. “Yet the facts still remain — I have the set of 3s.”
The look that passed across Bucky’s face would have had you thinking you were facing off with the Winter Soldier — had it not been for the glint in his eye.
Running seemed like a good idea.
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sillyfeathers · 4 years
A Little Longer (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
A Little Longer Prompt: can I request a small fic of Wanda x reader where Reader is feeling extra playful one day and tries to get Wanda to fight her, Wanda soon plays along and easily overpowers her girlfriend with tickles? Characters: Wanda Maximoff, reader (romantic) Summary: Being Wanda’s girlfriend, you believe it’s in your right to put her superpowers — or lack thereof — to the test; even if it puts you at risk.  Warnings: fluff, playful physical fighting Words: 718
A/N: And starting off my almost 6-month-late fic requests is this one from anon! I sincerely hope you haven’t given up on me (although very fair if you have) but now that I’m 18 I feel alot more comfortable writing romantic fics and I really enjoyed this one ^_^
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You skidded into your girlfriend’s room, trying to recover your balance as she met your gaze with a grin.
“Hey,” you said, beaming.
“Whatcha doing?” you asked, drawing the words out. 
“I’m preparing for training, with Nat,” she replied, turning back around to continue putting on her gear.
“No, I wanted to hang out with you,” you whined, flopping down onto the bed next to her. “Stay a little longer?” You tilted your head, and she chuckled over her shoulder. 
“Maybe. But, hey, get this –” She turned to you, and your face split into a grin, excited to hear what she had to say.
“She – well, everyone – wants me to learn how to fight without my powers.” 
She paused for effect, and you found yourself searching for a response.
“That’s not crazy to you?” she continued.
“I mean…” you trailed off, trying to choose your next words carefully. “If the situation ever arose where you were unable to use your powers...I don’t know how well you’d fare.” You glanced sheepishly up at her.
Wanda scoffed, but there was a twinkle in her eye that told you it was all in good fun.
“You really don’t think I could win a fight without my powers?”
“Maybe not,” you replied, pulling her to her feet. “But there’s only one way to find out.” You tilted your head at her, backing up. She laughed. 
“You want me to fight you.”
You nodded eagerly, taking up a comically bad fighting stance. “Let’s go!”
Wanda chuckled, and mirrored your pose. “So, do we count down from three, or…”
“FIGHT!” you hollered, charging towards her. She let out a surprised yell as you tackled her onto the bed, apparently caught off guard by your sudden aggression. However, once you got in that position, you found you didn’t really have a plan, and that tiny slip in attention was enough for Wanda to flip your positions, her now straddling your waist. Before you could even begin to fight back, you felt her hand latch onto your side, and you yelped.
“Okay, you win!” you squeaked.
“No, not just yet,” she replied, smirking and shaking her head. She fluttered her nails around your ears, and you giggled, squeezing your eyes shut. “This isn’t fair!”
Wanda gasped, faking being offended. “I’m not using my powers, how is this not fair?”
You searched for the words, but her nails were still tickling gently at your neck, and you couldn’t think straight. “Because — because —!”
That was all you could get out before her fingers dashed down and scribbled up your sides, and you dissolved into helpless giggles, shaking your head madly.
“Awh, babe, does it tickle?” Wanda teased. You blushed — she knew exactly what she was doing — and the laughter spluttering from your lips was not doing much in the way of defending your honour.
“YOU WIHIN!” you squealed, your hands never quite able to catch hers as her fingers danced across your upper body. She wrestled your wrists into one hand, and the other hovered above your ribs.
“Alright, time to count your ribs,” she said, giggling at the horrified squawk that followed.
“WAHANDA! This is stupid!” you squealed, but she ignored you.
“One...two...three...awh, you messed me up,” she sighed, seeming to tune out the laughter she was eliciting from you. “That’s too bad.” She let go of your wrists, and you instinctively pushed yourself up and forward, but that only sent you straight into your malicious girlfriend’s arms. She victoriously locked her arms back around your waist, clawing her fingers against your skin. You collapsed into her in a fit of giggles, fruitlessly attempting to squirm out of her grip.
“Was proving me wrong worth all this?” she whispered in your ear, nuzzling against your neck. You just about melted, your face bright red and chest heaving with laughter, curling into her despite yourself. She finally stopped, giggling as she softly kissed your neck, murmuring, “I love you.”
You straightened up, only to pull her down on the bed beside you and cuddle up.
“I love you too — only if you don’t go to training just yet, though,” you suggested, smiling hopefully up at her. She glanced at the clock.
“I can stay a little longer.”
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sillyfeathers · 4 years
Wanda Always Wins (Wanda & Pietro x Reader)
Wanda Always Wins Prompt: The reader is adjusting to life in the avengers tower, she’s really shy with everyone except her siblings. So while Wanda is away training, Pietro finds her curled up in her room and asks her what’s wrong and tickles her to cheer her up and then Wanda comes in later, catching them in a tickle fight and proves that she wins all tickle fights. Characters: Wanda & Pietro Maximoff, reader (platonic) Summary: It turns out there are multiple ways to cheer up a grumpy butterfly. Warnings: anything in the prompt that makes you uncomfortable Words: 868
A/N: for @notmeblahh​ ! As always it took forever and I am deeply sorry but I hope this does the wait at least some justice. The reader is ‘butterfly’ as she is with my other sibling fics :))
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“Thought I’d find you up here.”
You started, glancing up to see Pietro hovering in your doorway. You beckoned him in, shifting closer to your pillows to give him room to sit.
“Nah — not having any of that.” He poked your side affectionately, opening his arms, and you offered a weak smile as you let him pull you into his side.
“You know, there’s no rush,” he hummed after a few minutes of silence. “No one expects you to just be...ready. Not after everything you went through.”
“But you and Wanda are ready,” you mumbled, blinking back tears.
Pietro sighed, his arm tightening around your shoulders. “Yeah, but we’re older. Plus, it’s different for everyone. Some people need more time, and who are we to tell them how their recovery should work?”
You felt yourself relax. He had a point.
“Since when were you philosophical?” you asked.
“Since it meant cheering my grump of a sister up,” he responded, winking down at you. You let out a gasp, and went to push yourself away, but his hands grabbed at your waist to keep you in place.
You couldn’t hold back the giggles, and barely a second passed before you felt the inevitable feeling of fingers wiggling into your sides.
“If philosophy doesn’t work, then this might,” he teased. He didn’t hold back, digging his fingers into your sides and between your ribs, flashing between the two at a lightening speed.
“I HAHATE YOUR SPEED!” you squealed, your brother’s powers giving the sensation that you were being tickled by a dozen hands. That little comment was met with fingers curling into your hips, and you practically bucked yourself off of the bed, leaving Pietro to double over with his own laughter.
“Tickle fight?”
The two of you turned towards the door to see your sister biting her lip and smiling, clearly trying to hold back a much larger grin.
“It was hardly a fight,” Pietro said before you could speak, and incoherent protests spilled out of your lips alongside the residual laughter.
“I don’t doubt that,” Wanda chuckled, and you whined, flopping to the floor in defeat.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your knees, Pietro,” Wanda said slowly, and you shot up, locking your eyes onto your brother with a predatory grin. He jumped to his feet, and you could see him preparing to turn on his superspeed and get the hell out of there — but so could Wanda, and when it came to relative strength of powers, she had him beat.
“Wait —Wanda!” he yelled, betrayed by the red magic keeping him in place.
“His knees, you said?” you called to Wanda, ignoring your brother’s pleading.
She let her magic go, but before Pietro could run, his sisters had pounced and he was a shrieking mess on the bed, unable to muster even a millisecond of speed.
You went for his knees, per Wanda’s advice, while she darted around his upper body, never staying in one place long enough for his hands to catch hers.
You were so focused on giving your brother a taste of his own medicine, you didn’t notice Wanda drawing back out of the corner of your eye. By the time Pietro’s hands latched back onto your sides, it was too late, and you fell backwards off the bed, hanging upside down.
“Looks like you’re in quite the predicament, butterfly,” you heard him say, and even though you couldn’t see him, you knew what was coming.
Still, when his prickly scrap of a beard descended upon your stomach, shaking his head as he blew a raspberry, the shriek that left your lips was something out of a horror movie.
“Pietro, no, you’re not doing it right,” you heard your sister say over your own heavy breathing. She grabbed your wrists and pulled you upright, and despite (again) knowing what was coming, you instinctively slumped into her.
“You gotta make her giggle, not scream.” 
You felt fingers graze your sides, and you pursed your lips, not wanting to give her the satisfaction so early on. But as one hand continued to gently tickle your sides and stomach while the other fluttered around your ears, helpless giggles spluttered out.
“But that’s not as fun —” Pietro went to protest, but with a wave of her hand, he too collapsed onto the bed, laughing just as much as you. 
“Enough,” you giggled breathlessly, and Wanda let both of you go.
“You weren’t apart of this,” Pietro groaned. “This was between me and Y/N.”
“You didn’t think you could have a tickle fight without me, right?” Wanda’s mouth dropped open. “And without me winning?”
“We might win one day,” you mumbled, finally finding the strength to prop yourself up on your elbows. Your sister raised her eyebrows, and you and your brother sighed simultaneously. “Fine.”
She lay down between the two of you, pulling you closer with a couple of jabs to your sides.
“Wanda always wins,” she said in a deep voice, and all found yourselves giggling again. And despite their constant exploitation of your weaknesses, you knew that it was a small sacrifice to make to have them by your side.
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sillyfeathers · 4 years
So We Learn (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
So We Learn Prompt: The reader’s powers accidentally get out of hand on a mission, causing a small setback of some sort and when the team is back at the tower, Wanda talks to the reader and then cheers them up :) Characters: Wanda Maximoff, reader (platonic) ft. the Avengers Summary: After a slip-up gets your friends hurt, your sister reminds you that she, more than anyone, understands the pain of making a mistake. Warnings: descriptions resembling a panic attack, fluff, mention of injury/death Words: 823
A/N: The reader is the youngest Maximoff sister OC, and as it tends to go with Wanda I ended up making it fluffy because I love her a lot. Set post Civil War. I also included a not-so-sneaky reference to my very first MCU fic because I thought it fitted in well!
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You didn’t remember much of the fight. All you could recall was a lot of noise, and light, and feeling like you were being suffocated.
The ride back to Stark Tower was blurry, too, but by the time your sister was carefully escorting you to the sofa, everything came back to you.
“Wanda?” You were surprised to hear your voice crack on her name, and you only just realised that your cheeks were damp with tears.
“Hey, butterfly,” she replied softly, and for the first time, you looked around.
You could see Tony checking a wound on Peter’s leg, and Nat was rubbing her shoulder while Steve looked on in concern.
And then, it really came back to you.
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“Y/N, you and Sam get the citizens out, we’ll handle the rest.”
Everything was too much, too loud, too bright, you were losing control.
“Sam? Sam! Get them out of here!” Your voice was breaking.
Everyone was out, everyone was safe. You stumbled outside, into the rubble. You had to block it out, block it all out, you needed it to stop.
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The wave of memories and emotions hit you, and you broke down.
“I’m so, so sorry,” you sobbed, and if anyone replied, you didn’t hear them.
“I — I didn’t mean to, I swear, I just got — I got stressed, and —” you gulped, choking on your words — “I didn’t mean for the rubble to hit you guys, I’m so, so sorry —”
“Y/N!” Wanda’s voice was loud, and you flinched, but before you could even look back towards her she was pulling you into a rough hug, holding your head against your chest. “It’s okay.”
You bit your lip as your shoulders shook with silent tears, hugging your sister tighter.
“Seriously, kid, it’s not a big deal,” Tony chimed in. “Spider-Kid probably heals the best of all.”
“It’s true!” you heard Peter pipe up, and you smiled weakly, twisting out of the hug to face everyone.
“What’s important is, you got the civilians out. None of them got hurt. For us, it’s just a part of the job.” Wanda pressed a kiss to the top of your head as she spoke, and the crushing guilt became a little less crushing.
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You curled into your sister’s side on the sofa, her hand thrown loosely around your shoulders and absentmindedly stroking your hair. Despite everyone’s constant affirmations, you still felt horribly guilty, and by 10pm, when it was just you, Wanda, Steve and Nat in the living room, you were once again on the verge of tears.
Your sniffle alerted Wanda, who hummed as she tilted her head down to look at you.
“Butterfly — hey, hey.” It didn’t take her long to realise what was going on, and she quickly pulled you closer. You forced a weak laugh.
“I’m sorry, I’m okay, I just...I can’t stop feeling bad, you know?”
“I know.” Wanda paused. “More than most, believe me. Remember Lagos?”
You felt a pang in your chest, nodding. 
“I never, ever thought I would be able to get over that pain. And it’s still here. I regret what happened there every single day. But now I use it. I use it to calculate my next move, to predict the consequences of my actions. We may be superhuman in our abilities, but we’re still...human. So we learn. And I promise, what happened today was nowhere near as bad as Lagos.”
She finished with a small sigh, and the silence hung heavy in the air, only to be interrupted by another sniffle.
“Well now I’m crying even more,” you mumbled, and she laughed weakly.
“I can’t have that, can I?” You felt a twitch at your side, and your lips curled into a smile. Wanda met your gaze, and she tilted her head. You gave her a tiny nod, and she grinned, curling her fingers into your sides. You erupted in helpless giggles, but didn’t try to get away, instead folding into the touch, muffling your laughter against your sister’s shoulder. She skittered her fingers across your hips, scribbled up your sides, fluttered around your ears and neck — just enough so that you were in a state of soft, breathy giggles, full of gasps and tiny squeaks.
“Feeling better?” she murmured as she tickled down your back, and you nodded, eyes closed and light laughter still bubbling from your lips. You pulled yourself closer to you, and she let one hand wrap around your shoulders to pull you closer. The other remained, tracing circles against your skin, and your giggles softened to the odd flinch or mumble. 
Steve and Natasha had slipped out quietly, and you could feel Wanda’s breath slowing. You closed your eyes, laying your head on her chest, and curling into her side.
You weren’t sure when, or really how, but at some point you fell asleep.
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sillyfeathers · 5 years
Three AM (Natasha x Reader)
Three AM Prompt: could you do natasha x reader with "I will not repeat what I just said" and "I suggest you run"? Characters: Natasha Romanoff, reader (platonic) Summary: Nat and you get to see each other’s playful sides, and it takes place in her kitchen at three in the morning. Warnings: fluff, there’s a couple of knives just laying about Words: 893
A/N: For @rosegiggles ! Ler!Nat being a softie makes my heart uwu so even though it’s not super long, I hope you like it! Sorry it took so long hnG anyway @ everyone else, enjoy <3
“Morning, Y/N.”
You almost jumped out of your skin, Natasha’s voice scaring you. It was 3am, after all, and you weren’t expecting an interruption to your bowl of cereal.
“Jesus,” you breathed, putting a hand over your heart. Nat smirked, leaning on the bench beside you.
“What are you doing up?” Nat asked as you rinsed the bowl you’d been using. You just shrugged. 
“I can’t sleep. I got hungry.”
“Modern-day Shakespeare,” Natasha mused, earning an eye-roll from you. Both of you were closed off and tended not to show much affection, but for some reason, when you’d first met you’d simply clicked and a whole new side of you was unlocked when you were together. The Avengers found it amusing; there was nothing quite like seeing Nat running the blunt end of a knife down your back to watch you squirm, or to see your eyes drift shut as you fell asleep on the assassin’s shoulder.
“What are you doing here?” you eventually asked, raising your eyebrows. 
“This is my kitchen, thank you very much,” Nat scoffed, pretending to be offended. You smirked.
“I thought it was Tony’s.”
“As long as I’m in it, it’s mine.”
“Why are you wearing that?” You cut her off, pointing at her waist, where she sported a loose belt equipped with about a dozen throwing knives. She chuckled.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s not yours.”
You paused, before grabbing one of the knives and jumping back, just out of reach. “How about now?”
Nat grinned, advancing towards you slowly. “Give it back.”
You narrowed your eyes, challenging her. “But as long as I’m holding it, it’s mine, right?”
“I will not repeat what I just said.” She was getting closer, and you found yourself backing up slightly. All the same, you held onto the knife, smirking back at her.
“No can do.”
She stopped inching towards you, a glint in her eye.
“Either you give it back, or I suggest you run.”
You sensed an oncoming attack, and decided to go with the latter, but you were a moment too late. You felt Natasha’s hands on your waist, a preemptive squeeze making you bite back a squeak as you were pulled backwards.
“Nahat, I’m sorry,” you mumbled nervously, the knife clattering to the ground as you tried to get out of Nat’s firm hold. But the moment you felt fingers starting to crawl across your sides and over your stomach, you might as well have been fighting off the Hulk.
“Nahahat!” you giggled, a blush rising to your cheeks as you felt long nails flutter at your sides. “I said I was sorry.”
You could practically hear the smirk in Nat’s voice. “Oh, I think it’s a little too late for that,” she whispered. 
You were wearing pyjamas, so it was too easy for Nat’s hands to slide under your top. You felt her fingers scratching between your ribs, and you practically melted, dissolving into giggles.
“This isn’t fahahair!” you squealed, kicking backwards at her. She let out a mock cry when you hit her on the knee, and you felt her thumbs kneading up your sides.
“I gave you an out, it was your choice not to take it,” she hummed, unable to stop herself from smiling at the way you were squirming in her arms. You let out a whine in protest that quickly dissolved into a shriek of laughter as her fingers wormed their way up under your arms, where they happily stayed, wiggling away. “NOHOT THERE!” you laughed, twisting madly from side to side.
“We’re awfully squirmy tonight, aren’t we?” Natasha mused, tightening her left arm around your chest, pinning your arms to your sides. You felt her right hand spidering down your ribs, fully aware of the ticklish havoc her nails were wreaking on you. 
“Say you’re sorry, Y/N, and this could all be over,” she teased, her nails tracing circles against your stomach. You crumbled once more into helpless giggles, tugging weakly against her grip. “I – alreheheady said I was sohohory,” you managed, squirming as you felt her pinch your sides. “What for?” She whispered it in your ear, and her breath tickled your neck. You let out a squeak and an involuntary jerk.
“What’s this?” 
You shook your head, still giggling she ran her nails over your skin. “Nohohothing – ack!”
She had carefully scratched under your chin, stopping your sentence, and you squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for the worst.
“Dohon’t do it, Nat,” you giggled, breathless. She squeezed you tight for a moment, but then her grip loosened.
You were so shocked you didn’t think to get away. “Really?” “Nah.” Before you could react, she’d pulled you back in and was blowing a raspberry under your ear. You squealed, your laughter kicking straight back in as she dug into your sides, a newfound ruthlessness about her. She wasn’t completely horrible, however, so after making you suffer for a few moments, more, she let you go. You tried to break away from her, but the tickling had rendered you weak, and you only made it to the couch before you collapsed, still giggling.
You heard her approaching, and while a part of you wanted to run back to your bed, you stayed.
It was 3am, after all, and it would be nice to have some company.
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sillyfeathers · 5 years
Rest (Wanda & Pietro x Reader)
Rest Prompt: no official prompt for this one, just me being soft and in my feelings. Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, reader Summary: Rest: verb – cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep, or recover strength; to stay. You’re struggling with it, and your sister is here to help. Warnings: fluff, slight profanity, mention of death/trauma (Hydra’s experimentation) Words: 1270
A/N: There isn’t much dialogue in this one, which was a challenge, but fun! This is of course written from the perspective of my Maximoff sister OC, see my previous fic Butterfly for a bit more insight into that! It’s mostly Wanda x reader, with a dash of Pietro in for good measure. Very soft, a tad emotional, but I found it comforting to write.
You scratched another line into the wall of your cell, marking exactly 226 days since you and your siblings had been roped into this experiment so you could finally get your revenge on Tony Stark.
You lay back on the hard floor. You knew that if you weren’t here, you would’ve been dead, but it was hard not to wish for better circumstances. I mean, stuck in a freezing stone block, having wires and needles stuck into you every other day, not to mention the headaches you constantly had from being forced to overwork your brain. It was times like these, when you felt utterly alone and lost, that you wondered what it would have been like if you were never found.
You were awoken from your contemplation by the squeaking of metal against metal as your cell door was opened. The guard muttered something to you, but you didn’t care – you just knew that it meant you could get out of this damn cell and see your brother and sister again.
The moment you made eye contact with Pietro, you almost started to cry. You ran into his arms, wanting to make the most of the small amount of time you were allowed to interact with each other.
“Hey, butterfly,” he murmured, cradling your head against his chest. You didn’t respond, just pulled closer to him and closed your eyes.
“Is there room in this hug for me?”
You jumped as you felt two slender hands pinch your sides, and allowed yourself to smile as you pulled Wanda in beside you.
You stayed like that, just you, Wanda, and Pietro, for about 5 minutes – which was approximately 3 hours too short, in your opinion. That’s all the guards allowed before they pulled you three apart, and then it was just sitting and talking.
“I went fast today,” Pietro hummed after a few moments of silence. You couldn’t help but raise your eyebrows.
“No shit, Quicksilver,” you remarked. He snuck a poke to your stomach, making you flinch and jerk away. “Hey!”
“I’m glad to see human experimentation hasn’t had an effect on your snarkiness – or your ticklishness, for that matter,” he said, tasering your side with his other hand. You giggled, half-heartedly batting him away.
“They said I’m almost perfect.”
Your sister’s comment made you and your brother look up from your mini tickle-war. 
“Yeah, um...I just have one more test to pass, then...I’m finished, I guess.” She trailed off, staring at the floor.
“What’s gonna happen afterwards?” you mumbled, worrying at your bottom lip. “They’re not gonna take you away, right?”
Wanda hesitated, but before she could say anything, Pietro butted in.
“God no. If anyone tries to take you away, Y/N and I are going to raise hell. Not gonna happen,” he said, winking at his sisters. That was enough to make you both smile, and you squeezed each other’s hands, just for a moment, before you heard the guards coming to take you back to your cells.
That night, you couldn’t sleep. I mean, you could never really sleep, but tonight was bad. Your pounding headache wasn’t helping either, and as the minutes turned into hours, you found yourself curled onto your side, crying softly, wishing that the tears could wash away all the pain you felt and sweep you back to your home.
A quiet tap of fingernails against glass pulled you out of your stupor. You glanced up to Wanda’s cell, wiping tears. She tilted her head, her brow furrowed. You just shrugged in response. There was no point talking – the cells were heavily soundproofed – but you seemed to be able to communicate anyway.
Wanda bit her lip, and then held both her hands up to you, a questioning look on her face. If you squinted, you could just see the tiniest bit of red light darting between her fingers. You weren’t 100% sure of what she was trying to tell you, but you nodded. She offered a weak smile, and sat back, concentrating.
Suddenly, you felt something like a spurt of air brush against your side. You jumped, glancing down to find the source, only to see tiny red sparkles hanging in the air. 
You felt the same sensation again, but on your other side, and you found yourself smiling. You looked back up at Wanda, raising your eyebrows. She wiggled her fingers in the air, and you felt the magic move with her, spidering against your skin. This time, it was enough to make you splutter, and that grin was all Wanda needed to see.
You caught a glimpse of red sparks in the space between you two before the tickling spread to your stomach, and you fell back, a steady stream of giggles now pouring from your lips. The sensation was light, soft and playful, and no amount of wriggling or hand-batting could dispel it. It seemed to scribble along every inch of your skin, maddenly gentle touches tickling everywhere Wanda commanded them.
It wasn’t long before the tickly magic had covered your upper body – grazing up and down your sides, running circles on your stomach, darting between your ribs and curling carefully under your arms. You broke from giggling into full laughter, squirming and occasionally squealing when Wanda found a particularly sensitive spot to tickle. Try as you might, you couldn’t get away from the ticklish sparks and light that skittered along your skin, and you found that you didn’t really want to. You managed to get a look at Wanda during your ticklish predicament, and your heart swelled when you saw the giant smile she wore, the tip of her tongue poking out of the side of her mouth as she concentrated on making you laugh.
After a few more minutes of watching you squeal and squirm, Wanda pulled her magic back, leaving a few tendrils behind to crawl around your hips and neck. You fell back against the wall of your cell, giggling, your face flushed red. You made eye contact with Wanda, who was still beaming at you.
“I love you.” The moment you could speak again, the words rolled off your tongue, and while she couldn’t hear you, she knew what you said, and – accompanied with a scratching under your chin that made you scrunch your shoulders up – you saw her mouth the words back.
I love you too.
You saw another flash of red in your peripheral vision, and you curled inwards, giggling preemptively. Your sister chuckled, shaking her head. You narrowed your eyes, but trusted her as the magic drew closer. 
When it first touched your skin, it tickled down your arms and collarbones, and you giggled, but it soon began to feel heavier. You looked at your sister, confused, and she smiled.
Close your eyes.
So you did.
You felt the magic press in slightly, squeezing against your upper arms, tightening again around your waist. You shifted, and when you felt a small weight settle above your hip, your mouth fell open in a silent gasp.
Your sister was hugging you.
You cracked your eyes open to see Wanda was curling herself around a small ball of magic, her eyes closed. You let yourself hold on to that sight for a moment longer, before closing your eyes again, relaxing into the magic – into Wanda’s arms.
And it was then that you finally drifted off to sleep, resting at last, comforted by your sister and the knowledge that even if she couldn’t touch you, she was always going to be there for you.
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sillyfeathers · 5 years
Demonstration (Carol x Reader)
Hilarious Prompt: Not much, just tickling [Name] to pieces / You think you’re so funny. Characters: Carol Danvers, reader, ft. Wanda Maximoff Summary: Your sister decides that you would be the perfect candidate to jog Captain Marvel’s memory. Warnings: fluff Words: 654
A/N: For @theambracer88 ! Sorry that it’s so short, and I hope you don’t mind that Wanda is featured as well! As usual, the character is Wanda’s sister <3 Carol was a little tough to write for, so hopefully it isn’t too OOC.
“Yes? What’s up?”
“I don’t actually, do you mind telling me?”
“YOU’RE –”
Whatever you were going to yell out next, you were cut off by the feeling of your sister kneading your hips while curls of feathery magic darted around your neck and under your arms. You shrieked, throwing your head back in mirth. Your sister had only been tickling you for a couple of minutes while you waited to meet with Carol about a new mission, but she’d clearly decided you were long overdue for some sisterly bonding.
“Hey, Wanda – oh, okay, what’s going on here?” You felt the magic disappear and your sister’s fingers slowed as Carol entered the room. 
“Not much, just tickling Y/N to pieces,” Wanda replied smugly, and you let out an embarrassed whine, squirming away from her and curling up into a giggling ball.
“Tickling…” Carol said the word slowly, and paused, as if she was searching for something. “I remember that. How does it – it’s involuntary laughter, right?”
You could hear the evil grin in Wanda’s voice as she spoke. “We’d be more than happy to demonstrate,” she said, and before you could resist she was pulling you to your feet and pinning your arms behind your back. “Wanna try?”
“Ms Danvers, don’t,” you mumbled, blushing and trying to wriggle out of your sister’s grip. But it seemed to go unnoticed as she approached you, the corners of her mouth upturned.
Gently fluttering fingers reached your sides. You pressed your lips together, a grin spreading onto your face as you squirmed. Carol furrowed her brow, carefully crawling her fingers across to your stomach, where they rested for a moment.
“It doesn’t seem to be working,” the woman eventually said, and as she spoke, her fingers began to curl and uncurl in a claw against your skin. You let out a small squeak, shaking your head madly. 
“It – it’s not, you should stohop,” you managed to get out, but all she’d been waiting for was for you to open your mouth, and the moment you did, she attacked.
Her fingers scribbled up and down your sides, and you let out a shriek, which quickly dissolved into giggles. You crumbled under her quick, light touches, hardly able to keep standing as you felt your knees buckle.
Of course, this was literally Captain Marvel, so the moment you fell out of your sister’s arms, you were immediately swept up by your opposition. She locked her left arm around your waist, wiggling her fingers into the skin there while her right hand tickled around your neck and ears, making you scrunch your shoulders up with a squeal.
“MS DAHAHANVERS – CAHAROL –” you yelped, squirming in her grip.
“Yes?” she laughed, very much enjoying herself. “I really don’t think it’s working.”
She sensed that you were running out of breath, and so she let you go, leaving you to shrink to the ground, giggling and gasping for breath.
“You – you think –” you broke off, breathing heavily. Your sister was practically doubled over herself, trying to keep her laughter contained as she watched you try to keep yourself together.
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” you huffed, but there was hardly any bite behind the words when they were coming out between giggles.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Y/N. It wasn’t working,” Carol said, her voice impassive. You didn’t respond, and she took that as an invitation to pick you up again, only using one hand while the other slowly dragged across your ribs. You spluttered, shaking your head madly, unable to move much else of your body.
“Actually, yes.”
The tickling wasn’t rendering you speechless yet, so you managed to reply. “Wh – yes?”
“Yes, Y/N. I think I’m hilarious.”
Your laughter filled the room once again, and any discussion about the mission was put on hold for a little while.
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sillyfeathers · 5 years
Sunshine (Bucky x Reader)
Sunshine Prompt: “Wake up, or I’ll tickle you.” Warnings: none :) Relationships: Bucky Barnes x reader Summary: you won’t get out of bed. Bucky provides you with an incentive. Words: 580
A/N: This is for @rosegiggles! I decided to go with Bucky :) thank you for the prompt!
”Wakey wakey, sunshine.”
You groaned, pressing your face into the pillow as a glaring light filled the room.
“Go away, Buck,” you mumbled, your voice muffled. You felt the bed shift as he sat down beside you.
“I got up an hour ago, Y/N. I’m starting to think you don’t even want to spend the day with me.”
You lifted your head to face him, squinting against the light. “Shut up and stop guilting me.”
He let out an indignant laugh as you turned your back to him. “I’m not guilting you!”
The mattress sank lower as he shifted closer. You pulled the blankets over your head. “I can’t hear you. I’m asleep.”
“Well wake up.”
You stayed perfectly still, your eyes closed and your hands wrapped around the blanket.
“Wake up, or I’ll tickle you.”
Your eyes flashed open, a nervous giggle already rising in your throat. You instinctively moved your arms to cover your sides, but, with horror, found that there was already a hand there.
“Buck, wait,” you spluttered, but it was far too late. You felt a cold hand easily lift your arm up to the side, as his other hand spidered along your skin. You dissolved into a fit of giggles, trying to squirm away from his fingers.
“I’m gehehehting up!” you squealed as he pulled you out by the waist, now tickling you with both hands as you struggled half-heartedly in his arms.
“Are you sure?”
He paused, tracing over your skin with painfully gentle touches. You let out a half-giggle, half-whine, and despite yourself, you found your face buried into the crook of his neck.
“Aw, is it too much for you?” Bucky teased, crawling his fingers up to your armpits. You nodded your head, your face heating up as you were overcome with giggles.
“You know, I’ve discovered something interesting,” he mused, finally stopping, his fingers hovering over your ribs. You finally looked up at him, a smile still on your lips.
“What’s that?”
“You never actually asked me to stop.”
Your eyes widened, and you felt your face go impossibly red. But before you could say anything to defend yourself, you were pinned against the bed and Bucky was straddling you, and his fingers were tickling every part of exposed skin.
“BUHUCK!” you squealed. He just smirked and squeezed your side with his metal hand, making you audibly gasp.
“I know, I’m trying to warm it up!” He grinned down at you.
Despite everything, you rolled your eyes. “That’s not how it works, you son of a–”
Your laughter jumped a pitch as Bucky began to drill into your hips, his fingers expert kneading every ticklish spot there was.
“I’LL GET UP!” you finally yelled, before immediately crumbling into giggles as Bucky gently attacked your stomach again.
“And?” he asked, creeping up to your ribs.
He finally stopped, smirking down at you. “Was that so hard?”
You tried to glare at him, but it wasn’t very effective considering there were still giggles spilling from your lips.
You got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom to get ready. Just before you left, however, Bucky spoke up again.
“You still didn’t ask me to stop.”
You blushed, and gave him the finger behind your back. There was silence, and then the quietest of footsteps creeping towards you.
“Oh, you’re gonna regret that, sunshine.”
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