#pietro tickles reader
lowkeyerror · 5 months
The Family Business Ch. 9
WandaNat x Reader
Word count: 2.5k
Ch.Notes: emotional turmoil, jealousy
Summary: After last night's events things only grow more complicated between Wanda, Natasha, and the reader.
An: So... I have blown through all of the pre-drafted parts I have for this and am now writing in real time the goal is to do post every monday but bare with me if I slip up.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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The smell of coffee is the first thing to enter your sense as you stir from your place in the bed. You can't move much as your legs are tangled with someone else’s. You can feel soft breaths tickling your face. Your brow creases, but you make no other movements.
There’s a slight shift in the bed, and that's when you begin to feel a finger dragging itself along your collarbone. It’s gentle as it draws patterns lightly tracing up your neck and jaw. A thumb ghosts over your lips, but you stay still.
“Even after this life has been so cruel to you, and you've grown this hard outer shell; your skin feels so soft. So pretty under my touch.”
You are fully awake, but something stops you from opening your eyes. Instead you scoot closer to the woman and pull her body closer to yours. Your arm flexes as you hold her in place.
“Enjoying the cuddling?” Natasha’s voice enters the room.
“She’s so peaceful like this, I don’t want to wake her,” Wanda shifts in your hold.
She maneuvers so that she's sitting up right in the bed. Your head falls into her lap, and her hands start running through your hair.
“We have to, I’ve heard from Pietro that people are already being made aware of the oil spill. They’re scrambling, he’s already at the office with Kate taking orders.”
You hear Wanda sigh, “This is nice, it almost feels domestic.”
Natasha laughs lightly, “Yes, having your wife bring you and your lover coffee, screams domestic.”
“She’s not my lover, Natasha,” Wanda’s voice sounds harsh.
It takes everything to keep your body from tensing as you listen into this conversation you aren't directly involved in.
“It’s a joke baby,” you can almost hear the smirk on the woman’s face.
“Jokes are supposed to be funny Natasha,” she deadpans.
“I agree there's nothing funny about you being in love with Y/n.”
You hear shuffling and then a quick thud as Wanda throws something at Natasha. By her exasperated sigh you can tell Natasha caught it.
“Can we save this discussion for… I don’t know, when Y/n isn’t laying in my lap,” Wanda says defensively.
“Fine, but the last thing I’m going to say is your taste in women is 10 out of 10,” Natasha chuckles.
“Fuck you,” Wanda can’t help but laugh as her wife exits the room.
Wanda refocus her attention back to you, “We have a big day ahead of us little krolik and unfortunately it starts now.”
She shakes you gently and calls your name a few times. You pretend to wake up. The sight of Wanda in the morning is something entirely ethereal. You can’t help but stare at the woman. Especially after what you heard this morning.
Your intense gaze makes the woman shift and clear her throat, “Natasha made coffee for us.”
You laugh a little, your voice groggy from sleep, “Sounds like a good thing to wake up too.”
“It can’t hurt, we have a busy day ahead of us,” she says getting out of the bed.
“Your bed is like 10 times more comfortable than mine,” you sink further into the mattress.
Natasha enters the room, “Glad to hear you slept well.”
There’s something grateful about the look you give the spy, “Thank you for that. Both of you.”
“The door is always open for you lisichka,” Natasha smiles warmly back.
With much reluctance you get out of the bed. Your feet shuffle across the bedroom floor and you scratch your head, suddenly becoming more aware of the fact that you aren’t in your home.
“I guess I should go get ready at my place,” you say stretching.
“We’ll meet you over there and head to work together, ok?”
You agree to these terms and make your way home. When you get there the composure that you usually carry yourself with slips.
The brief conversation that played out between the married couple echoed in the walls of your mind. It was a joke, that’s what Natasha said in the beginning. However after claiming Wanda was in love with you, it didn't sound like a joke anymore.
Wanda is a married woman. You know this and you’d feel confident in saying that the marriage is a happy one. Natasha is good for her, better than you could ever be. Wanda being in love with you wouldn’t make sense.
As you get ready for work it’s nearly all you can think about. Every moment where you hugged each other for too long, where her hand would find it’s way in yours, where the two of refused to break eye contact was now floating in your head.
It was hard not to romanticize it, you had feelings for Wanda since you were a teenager, and now you are being told she feels the same.
It's a heavy feeling that sits in your stomach. Every part of your being wishes it could be joy, but it’s sorrow and dread. The other accompanying thought with this revelation is, Natasha.
The woman was amazing in her own right. She deserves the same love, attention, and kindness that Wanda does. You refuse to be a home wrecker. Their love it’s organic, it’s feels true. It was enough for Wanda to bring home a wife, knowing her family wouldn’t approve. There wasn’t a reality where you’d let her throw that away.
Your thoughts don’t get to consume you any longer when the doorbell rings. You put on a face of determination as you leave your home with Wanda and Natasha.
Once you’re at the office everything seems more hectic than usual. The three of you are all whisked away in different directions, answering to the influx of calls.
The sheer volume of people you have on your line, startles you a bit as initially you thought this would be enhance the unlawful business practices, but it has also benefited the business used as a front.
This might’ve been a million dollar move. However, it truly wasn’t about the money. The supply for the family was endless. It was to regain control of the city and to assure them whether Dragos was in charge or not the Maximoff’s would be running this city.
The victory is bittersweet as thoughts of Dragos invade your mind. He should be here celebrating with you all yet he lay still in a hospital bed, using machines you couldn’t name to help him breathe. With Flora likely sitting there with him, tremendous sorrow on her shoulders and the wish that he would wake up so she could scold him.
There were bigger things to worry about aside from what you had heard this morning. The health of your father figure, the health of the business, preparing for a war, there was no room for your feelings right now and you accepted it.
“Alright, it’s time for you to go on break,” Kate knocks on your office door before allowing herself in.
“Too busy,” you mumble typing away at your computer.
“I brought you lunch, meaning you have to atop working to eat it,” Kate plops down a bag on your desk.
The smell fills your nose, making your mouth water and stomach growl. You sigh moving your keyboard out of the way to open the bag of food.
“Thanks Katie,” you say before munching on a french-fry.
“No problem, how are you holding up?”
You stretch a bit, “It’s been nonstop in both businesses. I’ve got to be careful not to mix them up as I write the orders. I’m a bit stressed, but I think this is a good stress.”
“And outside of work?”
Your face drops, “I’m barely holding on to be honest. Constantly worried about Dragos, but not just him; Flora, Wanda, Pietro, all of them. I feel so helpless, I haven’t felt this way since I was a child.”
“I feel like I’m failing, Kate. We’re fighting against a war, but it’s inevitable at this point. There’s no way Kingpin is going to take this lying down. We can’t afford to lose, but I don’t think any of us are prepared to fight.”
Kate takes your hand in hers causing you to gaze into her eyes. There’s a fire there, one that you forgotten lived inside the assistant.
“Y/n, whatever happens this family will not fall. Others might have alliances, weapons, and political power, but what every single one of them lacks is loyalty. We have people on the outside switch sides, but everyone in this building is here for the long haul. We stand by each other no matter how hard it gets. Maybe you’re right, we’re not prepared for a war right now, but we will be. You aren’t alone in this Y/n, you have a family… thee family backing you.”
She’s right and you know it. It’s a hard a reality to swallow in the sense that with or with Dragos the Maximoff’s don’t have a choice but to win. They will win, but what will be lost on the way to victory. The longer you’re in the position you understand what they mean when they say heavy is the head that wears the crown.
“Something else is bothering you. I can tell,” Kate’s voice is soft when she speaks, snapping you from your thoughts.
You can feel the tip of your ears heat at her question, but you try to play it safe, “It isn’t important and I don’t think it will ever be. We have bigger things to worry about.”
Kate rolls her eyes at you, “You’re right about having bigger things to worry about. Things that you are clearly being distracted from by what’s on your mind. So as your best friend it’s my job to sit here and press you for answers until you tell me.”
It's your turn to roll your eyes, “Can we just drop this, my food is getting cold?”
“There’s a microwave somewhere in this building,” Kate took a seat at the edge of your desk, her hand still in yours.
“You aren't going to let this go are you?”
She shakes her head a little, “Nope.”
You take your free hand and place it over your face, “I heard Natasha say that Wanda is in love with me.”
“Oh my god. Y/n that’s- what’re you going to do?”
“Nothing, I’m not going to do anything.”
Kate’s eyes widen, “Why would she say that? Did she sound mad? How did you hear this? What if she is in love with you? How would you-”
“Enough!” You raise you voice at the girl and she stops.
“Sorry, but this is crazy.”
You sigh, “I know.”
“Do you love her?”
Your eye hit the floor immediately, “I’ve had a crush on Wanda for as long as I can remember. She’s seen me at my lowest, but found value in me nonetheless. Even after all these years she just makes me feel safe and I would do anything for her.”
“But she's married to one of the most intriguing women that I've ever met. Someone I know who feels like I do. Someone who takes good care of her and can be there for her in ways that I can’t. They’re the perfect couple. They both truly deserve each other and I refuse to put myself between them.”
It is fully intended to sound strong, but by the end of it you can feel your eyes start to water. You do your best to hold it in but tears start to fall.
“Fuck,” you attempt to cover your face but Kate just pulls you to her by your office chair.
Her hands rests on your face wiping at the tears. You lean into her touch as she begins to rub your back.
“It’s alright, you’re alright,” Kate speak gently.
There’s a soft knock on your office door that gets you to straighten up. The walls are glass so you’re aware that they could see what was transpiring.
“Is everything ok in here?” Natasha let’s herself in, knowing the answer to her question.
You look to Kate, who then looks to Natasha, “Do you want to take over?”
Natasha gives a curt nod. You watch Kate walk out of the office closing the curtains on the way out so no one could see inside. She tells you to call her at the end of your day and you make a mental note to do so.
“Lisichka, talk to me,” she takes Kates previous position. She reaches to wipe the tears from your eyes, but you flinch away.
“I’m fine,” your voice dies as you speak.
“I think we both know that’s not true.”
You glare at her, but then your eyes soften, “I’m just overwhelmed Nat.”
“Maybe it's your turn to go home early n" she suggest.
“I have to stop by the hospital before I go home.”
Natasha hesitates, “I don't think you're in the right space to be there.”
“Someone has to go check on Flora and Dragos,” you stand firm.
“Wanda and I will go,” Natasha says.
You debate for a second on telling Natasha what you heard. You wonder how she would react. However you could never do that to her , not like when she’s looking at you like this. This is the second time in 24 hours that Natasha has been there for you in a time of need.
“I- I’ll see if Kate can take me home,” you abruptly stand from your desk.
You don’t get far before Natasha is wrapping you up in her arms. You melt in her hold, she smells good, her arms are strong. She kisses the top of your head.
“Let me know when you’re home safe, ok? We’ve got everything under control here.”
You nod before heading off in the direction of Kate’s office. When you get to her door she’s on call and you debate leaving, but when she sees you she ends the call.
“Can you take me home, please. I know I could ask Clint, but I just-”
Kate cuts you off, “Of course, let’s go.”
You stay close to Kate as you leave the office. Unbeknownst to you, Wanda watches the two of you exit. She heads to your office to find her wife in your chair.
“What happened to Y/n?”
Natasha sighs, “I don't know she wouldn't tell me. I saw Kate sitting on the desk and wiping her tears away so I stepped in. She said she was overwhelmed, but there had to be more to it. I told her to go home.”
“I just saw her leaving with Kate,” Wanda adds.
“She said she’d ask Kate to take her,” Natasha explains.
“I could've taken her,” Wanda says with worry in her voice.
Natasha shakes her head, “You have a business to run and I promised Y/n we’d stop by the hospital after work.”
“I wish she would’ve seen me before she left,” Wanda’s upset, but she contains it well.
“Jealous of Kate?” Natasha tries to tease, but there’s something in her tone that Wanda detects.
“Are you jealous of Kate?” Wanda throws the question back at her wife.
Natasha gaze lingers on her hands, “What if I was?”
Wanda carefully straddles Natasha’ lap in the work chair. She buries her head into the crook of Natasha’s neck before mumbling into the soft skin.
“Then we’d both be jealous.”
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok @tarathia @bgwlsmahf25
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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Pietro Maxmioff x fem!reader
Summary: You and Pietro are just friends, right?
Prompt: friends to lovers - "I have never heard a bigger lie."
While Pietro asking you to stay at his and Wanda's apartment for another few hours is a tempting offer, you want to go home.
You miss your bed.
"I'll come with you," Pietro pipes up, standing from the couch and stretching out his arms above him as his sister sends him a confused look.
You turn, wrapping your scarf around your neck. "Oh, it's no problem Piet. It's late and I live pretty far," you tell him and slip on your boots. Pietro, however, is dressed to leave in seconds and he crosses his arms and looks you over, smirking.
"I'd offer to carry you home but last time you almost threw up," he snickers, his accent thicker from how tired he is. It is quite late. "This is the next best thing. Plus, I am not letting you take the subway alone at almost 2am, Princezna (Princess)"
"Let him play hero, Y/n, he lives for this," Wanda interiors from the living room, laughing. 
"Drž hubu (Shut up)!" Pietro calls out, only causing Wanda to laugh harder. He turns to you and extends his hand. "You ready?"
You can't lie, you're grateful for Pietro's hand in yours as you walk to the subway station because of how chilly it is outside. He squeezes your hand as you make your way down the stairs and lets you put in your ticket first.
"Thanks," you mumble, feeling all warm inside as his hand finds the small of your back as you walk, a silent promise that he's here. You're safe with him. 
"Y'know, I could keep you warmer if you were closer, drahoušek (darling)," he whispers as you sit down next to him, your knees touching. You look up at him, sending him a fake exasperated look and push his knee away a little. 
"You're such a flirt," you chuckle, still glaring at him as you fiddle with your hands. 
Pietro grins and pushes his knee against yours again. "You love it," he leans in and kisses your cheek. 
You laugh as his stubble tickles your cheek and you push him away. "I do not!"
The train isn't crowded at 2am, so apart from the occasional drunk passenger, it's only you and Pietro. He hums and shakes his head, his face close to yours again.
"I have never heard a bigger lie, Princezna (Princess)" he quips, shaking his head. 
How can he always read you so well?
"It's not a lie! I think you're insufferable," you say and Pietro sends you a look as if waiting for you to finish the sentence.
"Sometimes," you whisper. 
"Never," Pietro corrects and guides his hand to rest on your cheek, pulling your head to the side and kissing your lips. "Isn't that right?" he teases, licking your cherry lip gloss from his lips as he smirks. He looks awfully proud of himself. 
Your heart leaps and you find yourself nodding, unable to be stubborn as you lean in to have him kiss you again, your mind fuzzy.
"Never. You're never insufferable to me," you repeat in a whisper and Pietro smiles against your mouth, his hands cupping your face.
"Good girl."
tags: @tansgirlfriend, @brokeaesthetic, @sayitlikethecheese, @lqrlei, @princesssunderworld
238 notes · View notes
Learn To Love Again - Chapter Twenty-Two: Orgasm Denial
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
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(I couldn't resist this gif I'm sorry)
Work Summary: You have a hard time letting go. Pietro helps you out. An exploration of kink with Pietro Maximoff. Each chapter from chapter 2 onwards will be a different kink.
Chapter Summary: You and Pietro finally go home.
Series Masterlist
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4751
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @ifilwtmfc @mcximffs @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @lanemarvels @maddieisbored @marrigold-2002 @kathrinchek @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye @strawberrysoldat @tayswozle @noz4a2 @rottenstyx @tiredbut-here @blueallover @alternativeprincess @annocaprosmaloka @thrutheburnout @idkman5335 @starmansirius
Taglist info.
Previous Chapter
Hello my beloveds.
Warnings for orgasm denial (or perhaps extreme delay), jealousy (and grappling with it), slight possessiveness, slight objectification of women, sex that isn't necessarily rough but is very energetic, alcohol, tipsy sex, reader being a little bratty and bossy in bed, pietro and reader being somewhat codependent (they're working on it, okay), overstimulation, neck grabbing, (non-sexual) tickling,
The plane ride home was bittersweet. On one hand, both you and Pietro had been growing restless, and you missed the rest of your friends. On the other, you loved having Pietro all to yourself.
Soon, you would be back to training and meetings and missions. Gone were the days of swimming in the ocean, having sex on five different surfaces and watching movies until you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
But that was okay. You still had each other. That was what mattered.
“You excited to see everyone again?” you asked, nudging Pietro’s shoulder.
He grinned at you. “Of course. It’s been forever. This is actually the longest I’ve ever been away from my sister.”
You blinked at him. “Wow. I hadn’t even thought of that.” Wanda and Pietro had lived their whole lives joined at the hip until they became a part of the Avengers. You wondered how she was taking the separation.
“Wanda is my best friend,” he said. “My partner in crime. But we’re not children anymore. She won’t be by my side forever.” His tone sounded a little sad. You took his hand between both of yours and squeezed.
“Why not?” you asked softly.
He chuckled. “Because we both have lives outside of each other now…” He glanced around, as if to check if anyone else was listening, although the two of you were alone. The only other person in the plane was the pilot, and he was in the cockpit. “To be honest, I love her more than anything but… there is a lot of… pain between us. It’s hard not to think of everything we have been through when I look at her. Our parents. Our lives on the streets. Hydra.”
“Oh Pietro,” you said, bringing his hand up to your lips to kiss it. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry if this is painful for you to talk about.”
He shook his head. “I feel better for having told you. I’m sure she feels the same way. Things haven’t been the same between us in a while. We’re no longer in ‘survival mode’. I have a lot of things to work through. We both do. Besides…” He smiled. “Most people are not as close with their siblings as me and Wanda are. I’d say we’re doing pretty well.”
“Well, I’m here for you. You know I’d do anything for you.”
The plane touched down on the tarmac outside the Avengers compound, and you and Pietro gathered up your bags. You pulled your backpack on and reached for your suitcase, but Pietro got there first, shooting you a wink.
“Can’t let my girl carry her own bag. What would people think?” His tone was teasing. You gave his shoulder a light shove.
“Probably that I’m a superhero, so I can carry my own bag.”
“You might be a superhero but you’re also a prinţesă. Royalty don’t carry their own bags.”
You rolled your eyes at him good-naturedly. “Of course. Royalty.”
“It’s true!”
“And what does that make you? My humble coachman? A porter? My personal concierge?”
“I prefer devotee, but servant works too.”
“Good to know.” You stroked some hair behind his ear with one fingertip, gratified when he gave a slight shiver. All the months you’d been away together, and you still marvelled at the way he reacted to your touch.
Pietro led the way, carrying your bags down the ramp onto the tarmac. As he adjusted his grip, you swiped the bag from between his fingers and took off towards the main building.
He caught up with you at once, of course, half-tackling you to the ground. He wrestled the bag from your grip, the two of you giggling all the while.
“I really thought you two would’ve got this out of your system by now.”
Your head snapped up to see Wanda standing by the doors to the compound, arms crossed.
Pietro straightened up, grinning. “I could never get my prinţesă out of my system. She lives in there now.” He put out a hand and you let him help you to your feet.
“Disgusting,” said Wanda, but she was closing the distance between them. When she reached him, she threw her arms around his neck.
You stood by, feeling a little awkward. It was good to see Wanda, but you felt like you were intruding on a moment. Thankfully, you were saved by the compound doors opening and Natasha stepping out.
“Nat!” you called out.
She said your name, amused, and you ran over to hug her too. Natasha wasn’t usually the most affectionate of people, but she received your embrace warmly.
“So, how was it?” she asked, glancing from you to Pietro, who was still hugging his sister.
“It was probably the best few months of my life.”
She snorted. “I’m going to need more details than that, but that can wait. We’re having a little party tonight. Just Avengers.”
“That sounds perfect.”
“What sounds perfect?” Pietro had finally broken away from Wanda, and came over to stand by your side. “Hello Natasha.” As Natasha relayed the evening plans to Pietro, you turned to Wanda.
“Hey, Wands,” you said, a little shy. You liked Wanda plenty, but you were always a little self-conscious around her. She was so important to Pietro, and the idea of doing or saying anything that might make her dislike you was untenable.
“What, don’t I get a hug?” she joked. You opened your arms to her. She squeezed you tight, and then murmured, “Thank you for taking care of him,” into your ear. Before you’d had a chance to respond, she pulled back. “Do you need help carrying these bags?”
“Pietro keeps insisting that he should carry them, because he’s a man.”
“Ugh, what a chauvinist pig,” she said, grabbing the handle of your suitcase.
Pietro turned to look at his sister, offended. “Hey! I’m not sexist! I love women!”
You snickered, and Wanda again rolled her eyes. “You’re the worst.” She looked at you. “I don’t know why you put up with him. “Come on.”  You followed her into the building.
You and Pietro went back to your respective rooms. It was a little strange, after spending months entirely in each other’s space, to be on your own.
You emptied out most of your clothes from your suitcase into your laundry basket, snagging a sundress that you hadn’t worn in weeks from it. It was clean and comfortable, so you laid it out on the bed as you unpacked the rest of your things.
Once you’d put your suitcase back in your wardrobe, you decided to take a shower. You were starting to feel normal again, like you hadn’t even been away. It wasn’t necessarily a good thing or a bad thing, it was just something you were noticing.
Wrapped in a towel, you returned to your bedroom to find Pietro lounging on your bed, playing games on his phone. He wasn’t looking at you, so you dropped your towel, which got his attention immediately.
You were rifling through your chest of drawers, looking for a clean pair of panties, when you felt the heat of his body behind you. His chest pressed against your back, one hand sliding over your hip and down your stomach.
You leant back into his touch. With his free hand, he groped your breast, while the other hand slid between your thighs to cup your pussy.
“We don’t have time,” you said as he started kissing your shoulder. “We promised Wanda we’d meet everyone downstairs.”
“She’ll understand,” he said, and grazed his teeth over your shoulder, making you shiver.
“You’re a bad influence.”
His index finger, which had been toying with your entrance, slid inside you. “Uh-huh.” He kissed up the side of your neck until he reached your ear, and then nibbled on your earlobe.
“Fuck, Pietro.” You sagged against him, and he readjusted his grip to take most of your weight. He slipped a second finger into you and your eyes fluttered shut. You could feel the tight, heavy feeling in your loins of an approaching orgasm.
He gave your breast one last squeeze and pulled his fingers out of you. Once he was sure you were standing under your own power, he drew back completely.
You whipped around to face him. He was smirking at you, licking your juices off his fingers.
“What the fuck, Pietro?”
“You’re right, we’re going to be late,” he said, “you should get dressed.” He playfully smacked your ass, grinning at your answering scowl.
“You’re an asshole,” you said, pulling on a pair of panties. You were uncomfortably wet, and it seemed likely you were going to stay that way. You slid your sundress on over your head.
It fit the curves of your body well, and didn’t allow for you to wear a bra underneath. You straightened it out and then slipped on your sandals.
Pietro was leaning against the wall, watching you with a predatory expression in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to devour you. You wished he would.
“Who you dressing up all pretty for?” he asked, hands fingering the material of your dress as you passed him.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” you teased.
When you saw the world the way that Pietro did, it was easy to spot the little things that other people might miss. Other people may not have noticed the split-second that Steve’s eyes lingered on your boobs before he looked back at your face, but Pietro certainly did.
He knew that he shouldn’t blame Steve. You were a beautiful woman wearing a low-cut dress with no bra, and Steve was only a man. Pietro himself had certainly been guilty of looking at boobs when they were presented to him on such an appetising platter, even if he knew he shouldn’t. It was just instinctive. They drew the eye.
Still, he felt the smile fall off his own face as he watched Steve awkwardly clear his throat and look away from you. Either you were oblivious to Captain America’s embarrassment, or you were ignoring it, because you pulled him in for a hug.
He hugged you back, keeping a respectful distance between your bodies. Still, Pietro was trying his hardest not to grit his teeth.
He knew it was stupid. He trusted you with his life. He knew you would never cheat on him. And Steve Rogers was nothing if not a gentleman. He wouldn’t make a pass at a woman he knew was unavailable. Pietro was sure of that.
But still. There was something about that look that had put his stomach on edge. You were his girl. His prinţesă.
Steve turned to Pietro now, as you went off to go and say hello to Scott and Hope. Pietro forced his face into a polite smile in order to make small talk with the man he’d just caught ogling his girlfriend’s breasts.
That wasn’t fair.
He hadn’t been ogling. He’d just been noticing.
It wasn’t even that Pietro was particularly bothered by men looking at you most of the time. He had seen men rake their eyes over you as you walked down the street. He had seen the magazine headlines and twitter comments of people lusting over you, and the most he’d felt was annoyance and a touch of protectiveness, not this all-encompassing, stomach-churning jealousy he was feeling right now.
Maybe it was the months that you and he had spent sequestered away from the world. You were his and he was yours and you didn’t have to share each other with anyone. Pietro was going to have to get used to not having one hundred percent of your attention one hundred percent of the time. That was fine.
Or maybe it was because he knew Steve. Unlike all of the anonymous people on Twitter, and the creepy men in the street, Steve would actually have a chance with you if you were single. He was handsome and charming. He was also taller and more muscular than Pietro. Not that Pietro had any reason to be insecure about his appearance. He knew he was hot. He knew that you were deeply attracted to him.
“Are you alright?” asked Steve, and Pietro grimaced.
“Fine. Just. Tired. Long flight, you know?”
“Of course.” Steve didn’t look like he believed him, but he wasn’t one to push.
“Excuse me, I’m going to…” Pietro vaguely gestured towards the rest of the group, and Steve nodded, stepping back to allow him to pass.
You were hugging Sam now. Had you always been such a hugger? Pietro reached the two of you just as you pulled back, and laid a hand on your lower back.
“Pietro, hey,” said Sam, putting out a hand to shake Pietro’s.
“Sam,” he said, accepting the handshake. “How have you been?”
You leant back into Pietro, so he wrapped his arm more fully around your waist. “Sam was just catching me up on what we’ve missed,” you said.
“Not a lot,” said Sam. “But I imagine you guys will be getting a full debriefing sooner or later.”
Pietro groaned, and you poked him in the ribs. “Probably,” you said.
“I don’t want to talk about work,” said Pietro. “I thought we were supposed to be having fun tonight.  And alcohol.”
“Then you can go and get me a drink, handsome.” You patted his cheek patronisingly, and he rolled his eyes.
“Fine.” And then, to be polite, he turned to Sam. “Do you want a drink?”
Sam held up his beer, so Pietro zoomed off to the drinks table. He was in the process of pouring two rum and cokes when his sister sidled up to him.
“What’s got you in a mood?” she murmured.
“I’m not in a mood.”
“Pietro, you know you can’t lie to me, right? We shared a womb and I can read minds.”
He huffed, but didn’t respond. He picked up the two glasses and started to walk back over to you, but Wanda intercepted him.
“You know, you have just spent months with your girlfriend. The purpose of this party was for you to socialise with other people.”
“I know that.” Pietro glanced over to you. You had made yourself at home on one of the big, plush sofas. Nat was on one side of you and Steve was on the other. He fought the urge to frown. He didn’t want Wanda reading into it. “I need to give her this drink,” he said.
“Fine. But when you’ve done that, come and talk to me, okay?”
In truth, he did really want to talk to Wanda. He had missed her. He had so much to tell her. But seeing you sitting with Steve set his teeth on edge.
He walked around the back of the sofa and leaned over your shoulder, holding out your drink.
“My lady,” he said in a fake simpering voice that made you giggle.
You took the drink from him. “Thanks, Piet.”
He kissed the top of your head. “I’m going to go talk to Wanda.”
“Alright, have fun.” You grabbed his shirt, pulling him back so you could kiss him on the cheek, before releasing him.
Nat and Sam were watching on in amusement, but Steve just seemed embarrassed. Pietro ignored them all.
“I love you,” he said.
“Love you too.”
And that was that.
Wanda had tucked herself away at a table in the corner, a glass of wine in front of her. Pietro settled himself down across from her.
“So…” she said as soon as he was sat. “Captain America…”
Pietro blanched. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t make this a thing. It isn’t a thing.”
“Mm. I don’t think I’m the one who’s making a big deal out of this.”
“There isn’t… It isn’t…” Pietro sighed.
Wanda took pity on him, reaching across the table to take his hand. “You know, it’s totally normal to feel jealous when you see someone looking at your girlfriend. You know that, right?”
“I know.” Pietro sounded defeated. “It’s stupid. It’s nothing.”
“If it makes you feel bad then it isn’t nothing. Are you going to talk to her about it?”
“Why? So I can embarrass myself?”
“She loves you. She wouldn’t want you feeling bad.”
He sighed. “… I know.”
“So you’ll talk to her?”
“… Fine,” he said, only half lying.
Wanda didn’t push any further. “Good… So… How was your trip?”
Pietro cracked a smile for the first time since the conversation started. “I’ll spare you the details.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Please do.”
“It was… incredible. I’ve never felt so in love.”
She smiled at him. “I’m glad. You deserve it.”
“What about you? How is-” He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Vision?”
“He’s good. We have been spending a lot of time together lately. He is good to me.”
“Good. Just so you know, if he ever hurts you-”
Wanda rolled her eyes. “I know-”
“I’ll kill him.”
“No, you won’t.”
“I will!”
“No, what you’ll do is buy me lots of ice cream and watch sappy movies with me while we both cry. But it won’t happen. He’s not going to hurt me. He’s not like that.”
Pietro frowned at her. “If you say so.”
You were tipsy when you made it back to your room with Pietro in tow. You’d been waiting for hours to get him alone again.
You’d been pretty wet from the way he’d been touching you before the party, and the fact that you hadn’t cum had left you antsy. The door had barely closed behind you before you were tugging at his t-shirt, your lips sealed to his neck.
“Wow, somebody’s eager,” he murmured, and you let out a little growl of annoyance.
“Whose fault is that?” you asked, grabbing him by the wrist and guiding his hand under your skirt.
He chuckled, playing with the edge of your panties. “My poor prinţesă, I’ve neglected you, haven’t I? Let me make it up to you.”
He bent down and hooked both arms under your thighs, lifting you up into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you over to the bed. He laid you down carefully, and then slid the straps of your dress down your shoulders so that he could pull down the front of your dress.
“Hello, ladies,” he purred, and then cupped your boobs in his hands.
“You know, that’s so not sexy- Oh!” He had taken one of your nipples into his mouth while hooking his leg between yours, pushing your thighs apart with his knee.
He released your nipple with a wet popping sound. “You were saying?”
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
His lips grazed over your other nipple and your head tipped back. He was gentle, and persistent, with an occasional scrape of his teeth that sent shivers down your spine. His mouth was soft against your sensitive skin, and his stubble made you tingle all over.
He stayed there between your breasts for far longer than usual. It felt like an act of worship, and he murmured sweet nothings into your skin like a prayer. It felt good, but you were getting impatient.
“Pietro,” you whined, trying to grind down against his thigh. He pulled back from your breasts and gave you a soft smile, like he’d forgotten you were there.
“Sorry,” he murmured. “I just like you a lot.”
Your heart fluttered as he started kissing down your stomach until he met fabric. Instead of trying remove your dress, he shoved the skirt of it up until the entirety of it was wrapped around your waist like a belt. He resumed his trail under your dress until he got to the waistband of your panties, and then he stopped, looking up at you again. You groaned at his ceaseless teasing.
“What do you want from me, prinţesă?” he asked, settling himself between your thighs. His thumb was tracing patterns on the skin of your lower stomach.
“I want you to touch me.”
“I am touching you.”
“I want you to put your fingers inside me!”
He chuckled again, sliding the gusset of your panties to the side. “All you had to do was ask.” You let out another noise of frustration, and Pietro relented, sliding his fingers through your slick. “Wow. You’re so wet.”
“Don’t tease me. I need you, Pietro, please.” It came out as little more than a whimper. He slid his middle and ring finger inside you, and you sighed with relief.
“So easy for me, prinţesă,” he cooed. “Your slutty little pussy can’t get enough.”
You were about to speak, but the words were lost as he closed his mouth around your clit. With him sucking on the sensitive little nub and pumping his fingers in and out of you, you weren’t able to form sentences for a little while.
Your hands came up to play with your boobs, and found your nipples still spit slick from Pietro’s ministrations.
“So sexy for me, dragă.” He sped up, his tongue drawing patterns on your clit as he slipped a third finger inside you.
“Pietro,” you whimpered, hitching your thigh up over his shoulder so he could press his fingers deeper inside you. “I’m close.”
He chuckled, warm air puffing over your clit. “My little slut, about to cream all over my fingers. You’re so easy, you know that? I bet you’d let me stay here for ever, just playing with your body, using you as my little fucktoy. Go on then. Come for me, my love.”
You squealed, your hips lifting off the mattress. He fucked you through it, that cocky grin never leaving his face. Your orgasm ebbed, and you settled back down onto the mattress, breathing hard.
You didn’t get much respite, because a moment later, he was flipping you over onto your front and sticking his fingers into you from behind. This new position had his fingertips pressing against your g-spot harder, and your eyes fluttered closed as he started licking your pussy again.
Your legs were trembling. You didn’t stand a chance. Within a minute, you were cumming again, your moans lost in the folds of your duvet.
“Nuh-uh-uh, none of that,” said Pietro, grabbing you by your hips and pulling you back. “That one doesn’t count. I want to hear you screaming my name.”
He rolled you both to the side so that he was spooning you, his knee pressing your thighs apart. His hand reached over your hip, spreading you open.
At some point, he must’ve shed his clothes, because you could only feel bare skin and his hard cock pressing into your lower back. Everything was moving so fast that it was dizzying. You clutched at him, your only anchor.
He nibbled on your ear, making you whimper. All you could hear was his breathing and the wet sounds of him strumming between your thighs. His other arm came to wrap firmly around your neck, holding you in place.
“Pietro,” you practically bawled, your legs trembling.
“My prinţesă,” he growled, wringing another orgasm from you. He didn’t stop until you grabbed the hand that was between your thighs, tears running down your cheeks.
For a moment, the room was silent except for your heavy breathing.
“Are you alright?” he asked, pressing his nose against your cheek.
“Yes. Just sensitive,” you said, breathlessly. He started to detangle himself from you. “Where are you going?”
“To get tissues?”
He tried to pull away but you grabbed his wrist again to stop him.
“Aren’t you going to fuck me?” you asked, blinking up at him through wet eyelashes.
“I thought you’d be too sore,” he said.
You shook your head. “I want your cock. Please?”
His cock, which had wilted slightly, was standing to attention again. He let out a little laugh and stroked it to full hardness.
“Anything for my prinţesă.”
It took a moment for the two of you to rearrange yourselves. In the end, you rolled onto your back, your legs wrapped around his waist. When he slid inside you, you grabbed his hand and squeezed tight.
“You like that?” he asked, cockiness returning. “You like when I fill you up with my big cock?”
“Yes, Piet,” you whimpered, clutching him closer.
He lay over you, your legs curled around his hips so that he could fuck you nice and deep. You tangled the fingers of your free hand into his hair, moaning with each thrust.
“Who do you belong to?” he asked, looking down into your eyes.
“You, Pietro.”
“Good. Are you gonna let me fill you up with my cum?”
“Yes. Please.”
He let out a deep groan and buried his face in your neck. You held on tight, clenching around him until he shuddered, spilling inside you.
You lay there, letting him catch his breath on top of you. Carding your fingers through his hair, you murmured, “You gonna tell me what’s been bothering you, baby?”
“Ugh. I can’t get anything past you.” He slipped his arms around your waist and squeezed you tight.
He rolled off you so that the two of you could face each other side by side. “It really is nothing,” he warned, but you just looked at him expectantly. “Steve was looking at your boobs earlier when you greeted him.”
“Oh.” You stared at Pietro, trying to assess his reaction. “I mean, can you blame him?” you joked, gesturing at your bare chest.
Pietro grumbled, low in his throat, and then, faster than you could see, put his hands in your armpits, tickling you.
You shrieked with laughter, trying to push him off you, but he held steady, now digging his fingers into your ribs as well.
“You… asshole!” you gasped between peals of laughter. After a moment, he relented, letting his hand come to rest on your hip instead. He rested his head on his other arm. You pushed closer to him, pressing against him until you were chest to chest. “God, you suck sometimes,” you said, nuzzling into his neck.
“You love me,” he said, and then kissed your forehead.
“Did it really bother you that much? Steve looking at me?”
Pietro made a noise in the back of his throat that made it clear he’d rather be talking about anything else, but he still responded, “It’s not… I’m not insecure about the way you feel about me. I know you’re not leaving me for Steve. I trust you more than anything. I know those things… It’s just…”
You leaned back, looking him in the eyes. Your hand came up to cup his jaw. “Sometimes knowing isn’t enough. It doesn’t change how you feel.”
“I feel it too, you know? Sometimes a beautiful woman will talk to you and I’ll feel the urge to give her a nasty electric shock.”
“Really?” The smile had returned to his face now.
“Of course! Have you seen yourself? Half the world would jump at the chance to have sex with you!”
He chuckled. “You say this as if you’re not the most beautiful woman in the world.”
You scoffed. “Pietro, please.”
“What? It’s true.”
“I’m not beautiful the way you are. Before we started dating, I thought I was going have to throw elbows with a bunch of strangers for the chance to be with you. You’re beyond beautiful.”
“There was never any competition. It was always you.”
“Pietro…” Your cheeks felt very hot all of a sudden. He was looking at you with warmth and sincerity. Trying to meet his eyes felt like looking at the sun. Your heart was thrumming in your chest. “So you know you have nothing to be jealous of?” you deflected. “I’m yours.”
“I know,” he said softly. “But it’s nice to hear you say it.”
“I’m yours,” you repeated.
“And I’m yours.” He kissed you then, soft and tender. You melted into his embrace. After a moment, he drew back. He grabbed your thigh and hitched your leg over his hip again. You gasped at the sudden contact, still sensitive. “Now, onto business.”
“You didn’t cum.”
“Pietro, I came three times.”
“One of those didn’t count! And you didn’t cum while I was fucking you. I want to feel you cum on my cock.”
You could feel that he was half-hard again already. You giggled, your head falling onto his shoulder. “If you insist.”
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~1k
Summary: Wanda betrays you.
A/N: Some domestic fluff
Warnings: Fluff
“I thought you loved me, Wanda.”
You’re scowling at your wife because this is honestly something you don’t think you’ll be able to get over easily. She’s never done something like this before, and you don’t know why she’s decided to betray you in quite possibly the worst way imaginable. You tighten your hold around the prickly piece in your hand as you throw a hard stare in your wife’s direction.
Wanda just smirks at you before her gaze follows yours with a satisfied hum.
“I like to win, detka. You know this.”
You tap the red checker on the table and consider chucking it across the room in a fit of rage, but you hold off. You’re a very sore loser, but you don’t need to prove that point tonight. Wanda is very aware of it.
“I’ll get you for this.”
Wanda just smiles smugly as she watches you move your piece to the top of the board to the only available place for you to play in order to keep her from winning. You stare at the three black pieces that you’re about to block, and then the other three right beside it that Wanda will be able to win with right after your next move. To be fair, you’d been talking about your day and not super attentive to the game in the beginning. You weren’t as good of a strategist as your wife anyway, and right from the start she’d planned out her moves to try and win this first game.
Sometimes when the two of you were stressed and too tired to go out or make dinner, you sat down and played a game together. First it started with cards when you taught Wanda how to play a few games you’d learned when you were a kid. Those were fun, but as these nights became more frequent, Wanda suggested branching out a little. The next day you had off from work, you took your wife, disguise and all, to a store to buy a few board games. Little did you know, you were encouraging your overly competitive nature by choosing your favorite games that you claimed to be ‘amazing’ at.
Much to your disappointment, Connect 4 had been one of the games you’d thought you were unbeatable at. You barely took comfort in the fact that Wanda was only bad a Mario kart as she beats you at this game for the third time in a row. You sigh as you finally drop your red piece through the slots to stack on top of Wanda’s three black checkers. You’ve lost again and you just lie back and sigh dramatically as you wait for Wanda to make the last move. You turn to your side to see where Boone’s lying on the couch, and you smile as you reach out to scratch his head.
“This is what I get, huh bud? I should have known that marrying a genius would mean losing all of the time.”
You miss Wanda roll her eyes as she quickly ends the game before moving around the coffee table between the two of you. You don’t notice her come sit beside you until Boone looks up from licking your hand. You turn toward your wife when she speaks up, and you can’t help but smile evilly.
“You’re so dramatic, detka.”
You strike before Wanda gets a chance to reach out for you, and she jumps in surprise before screaming as you grab her sides. She’s squirming and trying to escape as you tickle her mercilessly as payback. You’d found out that Wanda was ticklish during your first sleepover. You’d had a sitcom marathon one night when her work hadn’t finished until after 1 in the morning. You’d insisted that Wanda spend the night at your apartment. She’d slept better with you than she had in years, but when she woke up to you squeezing her waist she’d almost immediately started laughing. It was a secret that you kept for the most part. Pietro knew, so the entire family knew Wanda was ticklish, but you wouldn’t dare tell anyone else for fear of retaliation. You were also painfully ticklish and Wanda’s revenge to you outing her would be horrendous.
“N-no stop! Y/n!”
Boone just watches as you continue to assault Wanda’s sides until she’s flushed and breathless. You give your wife a break, and you just hold onto her so she can catch her breath. You smile at her before raising your eyebrow in question. The game has been forgotten for now because you’re focused on Wanda’s very true statement that you’re still going to argue against.
“Me, dramatic? That’s ridiculous. I am so reasonable.”
Wanda’s still panting but she opens up her mouth to argue when she feels your fingers flex where they rest on her sides. She decides not to try her luck because if you keep tickling her, she’s probably going to end up screaming loudly enough for Steve and Bucky to hear her down the street. Wanda just sighs before she puts her hands on yours and pulls them into her lap with a smile. You meet her lips with a hum before you’re pulling Wanda further so she’s practically in your lap.
“Fine, I guess you can be reasonable, Y/n.”
You smile victoriously at this before you release Wanda’s hands so you can hold her close. She goes to stop you thinking you’re going to start tickling her again, but you shake your head before kissing her cheek. You look behind Wanda, ignoring the game as your set your sights on the television.
“Thank you. Now let’s forget the game, love. Want to watch something?”
209 notes · View notes
chokememaximoff · 1 year
Sparks and Smoke: Wanda, Y/N, and the Unanticipated Connection
stoner Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Abstract:Y/N, the seemingly perfect sister of Natasha Romanoff, finds her world shifting when the sassy and enigmatic Wanda Maximoff joins the Avengers. As they train together and forge a unique bond, Y/N's facade of perfection begins to crack. When their relationship takes an unexpected turn, Y/N must navigate the complexities of sisterly support and newfound love, all while discovering the beauty of embracing her true self.
TW: weed, smut,fluff
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Y/N Y/L/N had always been Natasha Romanoff's shadow, the embodiment of the perfect little sister who never dared to step out of line. She admired Natasha's strength and determination, and she yearned to be just as impressive. For years, she'd followed Natasha's lead, absorbing every lesson and advice with an eagerness to please.
But when the enigmatic Maximoff twins, Pietro and Wanda, joined the Avengers, everything changed. Y/N's focus shifted from trying to emulate Natasha to the sassy and intriguing Wanda Maximoff. Their shared training sessions turned into opportunities for banter and laughter, with Wanda constantly poking fun at Y/N's impeccable behavior.
One sunny afternoon, Wanda pulled out a joint, the pungent scent of weed filling the air. She grinned at Y/N mischievously. "Come on, Y/N. Ever tried something a bit wild?"
Y/N hesitated, her eyes flickering between the joint and Wanda. She felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach. "I, uh, I've never..."
Wanda chuckled. "Don't worry, it's legal here in New York. A little harmless fun won't hurt."
Emboldened by the thought of proving herself, Y/N took the joint from Wanda's hand. With an awkward smile, she took a small drag, coughing as the smoke tickled her throat. Soon enough, giggles escaped her lips as the effects of the weed took hold.
Wanda laughed at Y/N's reaction. "See? Not so uptight after all, huh?"
The two stumbled into the Avengers' kitchen, raiding the cabinets for snacks with a newfound sense of camaraderie. But their lighthearted moment was short-lived when Natasha walked in, raising an eyebrow at the scene.
Wanda waved casually. "Hey, Nat. Just getting some munchies."
Natasha's gaze narrowed as she surveyed the situation. She shot a pointed look at Y/N. "Y/N, mind explaining this?"
Y/N's giggles were uncontainable, making it difficult for her to form coherent sentences. She turned to Natasha with a dopey grin. "Wanda offered... and I thought... I should... try..."
Natasha's lips twitched, a mix of amusement and disbelief evident on her face. She stepped closer to Y/N, cupping her cheeks gently. "Oh, Y/N. You really have gotten yourself into a mess, haven't you?"
Y/N's eyes widened as her senses cleared a bit. She glanced between Natasha and Wanda, her cheeks flushing. "I... uh..."
Natasha's gaze turned serious as she turned her attention to Wanda. "You know you're being a bad influence, right?"
Wanda rolled her eyes playfully. "Come on, Natasha. We're just having some fun."
Natasha sighed, her lips quirking into a half-smile. "Fine. But don't let this rub off on Y/N too much."
As Natasha led Y/N away, Y/N couldn't help but glance back at Wanda, a mixture of exhilaration and uncertainty bubbling within her.
In Natasha's room, Y/N's giggles hadn't stopped, and her thoughts were consumed by Wanda's beauty and badassery. Natasha looked at Y/N, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Having fun, Y/N?"
Y/N burst into more giggles, her cheeks flushed. "Nat, you don't even know. Wanda's so pretty and so cool, like, I can't even..."
Natasha raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "Is there something you're not telling me, Y/N?"
Y/N's giggles turned into a fit of laughter. She shook her head, trying to compose herself. "No, no, it's not like that. I mean, I admire her, she's just... really awesome."
Natasha leaned against the wall, her arms crossed. "Uh-huh. Are you sure you don't have a little crush on her?"
Y/N's eyes widened, and she erupted into another bout of giggles. She tried to sound serious between laughs. "Nat, come on, I don't have a crush on her. I mean, she's amazing, but..."
Natasha chuckled, her laughter echoing in the room. "You're terrible at being subtle, you know that?"
Y/N's laughter finally subsided, and she gave in, her face turning redder. "Okay, fine, maybe a little crush. But don't tell anyone!"
Natasha laughed, her teasing tone gentle. "Don't worry, Y/N. Your secret's safe with me."
As Natasha's laughter mingled with Y/N's, a deeper bond formed between the sisters, one that was strengthened by shared moments, laughter, and a hint of harmless teasing. It was a day Y/N would never forget, where she let loose and allowed herself to explore new connections, even if it meant giggling about crushes with her sister.
The next morning, Y/N woke up early, ready for another intense training session. Natasha was already in the training area, and they worked together for hours, pushing each other to their limits. They finished with a grueling 10-kilometer run, their breaths heavy as they entered the gym.
As they walked in, they spotted Wanda, who seemed to have just arrived. She was in the middle of stretching, her eyes narrowing slightly as they landed on Y/N. Natasha couldn't help but notice the not-so-friendly look Wanda gave Y/N, almost as if she was checking her out.
Taking a sip of water, Natasha shot a knowing glance between Y/N and Wanda. Y/N, seemingly unaware of Wanda's scrutiny, smiled and approached her. "Hey, Wanda! Ready for another round of training?"
Wanda blinked, a bit taken aback. "Wait, didn't you just train from 5 AM to 8 AM?"
Y/N and Natasha exchanged a glance before chuckling. "Yeah, we did. But it's no big deal for us," Y/N said casually.
Wanda raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Seriously? How do you have the energy for that?"
Y/N's playful side got the better of her as she grinned at Wanda, leaning in slightly. "You could say I'm just insatiable."
Wanda's eyes widened, and a flush spread across her cheeks as she looked at Natasha. Natasha burst into laughter, unable to contain herself, and walked away to the other part of the gym, leaving Y/N and Wanda standing there.
Embarrassed, Wanda cleared her throat and averted her gaze. "Right, well... I guess I have a lot to learn from you guys."
Y/N, now realizing what she had said, felt a warmth creeping up her own cheeks. She tried to backtrack, her tone more flustered than she intended. "Oh, uh, I didn't mean it that way. I just meant... you know... in terms of training."
Wanda's smirk was both teasing and amused. "Sure, sure, Y/N. We'll just leave it at that."
As Natasha watched from a distance, she couldn't help but enjoy the interaction between Y/N and Wanda. It was clear that there was some chemistry, even if it had started with an accidental flirtatious comment. She knew Y/N well, and she could see that her sister was growing more comfortable in her own skin, even if it sometimes led to amusingly awkward moments.
And as Y/N and Wanda continued their training, bantering and laughing, Natasha couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and affection for her little sister. She knew that Y/N was slowly coming into her own, forging her own connections and friendships, and discovering that she didn't always have to be the perfect golden sister. It was a step towards independence, and Natasha was there to watch and support every awkward, endearing moment.
After the training and banter-filled morning, Y/N returned to her room, deciding to take a refreshing shower to unwind. Wrapped in a towel and with damp hair, she stepped out of the bathroom, only to freeze in her tracks as her gaze landed on Wanda, who was sitting on her bed. The towel slipped slightly, and Y/N squeaked, immediately clutching the towel to her chest in embarrassment.
Wanda's eyes widened as she turned towards Y/N. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to invade your space like this!"
Y/N's cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson as she hurriedly wrapped the towel around herself, her heart racing. "No, no, it's okay! I should have knocked or something."
Wanda looked away, her own cheeks flushing. "Yeah, I should have waited outside or something."
Y/N quickly grabbed some clothes, turning her back to Wanda to change. Once dressed, she nervously approached the bed and took a seat beside Wanda. "So, uh, what brings you to my room?"
Wanda grinned mischievously and pulled out a blunt, waving it casually. Y/N's eyes widened in both surprise and curiosity. She gave a nervous smile, knowing that this time Natasha wouldn't be there to keep her from getting carried away.
Wanda noticed Y/N's hesitance and shrugged. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
Y/N shook her head, summoning her courage. "No, I want to. It's just... I've never really done this before."
They lit up the blunt, taking slow drags as the room filled with a fragrant haze. In the midst of the smoking, Wanda glanced at Y/N and patted her lap. "Hey, ever done a shotgun before?"
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Shotgun? What's that?"
Wanda smirked playfully. "I'll show you. Come sit on my lap."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, but curiosity got the better of her. She cautiously moved to sit on Wanda's lap, looking a little bewildered. "Okay, now what?"
Wanda took another drag from the blunt, then held it close to Y/N's lips. "Now, when I blow the smoke out, you'll inhale. It's called a shotgun."
As Wanda exhaled, Y/N instinctively inhaled the smoke. When they pulled back, Y/N was left in a dazed state, her thoughts scattered and her heart racing. She stammered, "W-What was that?"
Wanda chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Just a shotgun. You okay, Y/N?"
Y/N's cheeks were tinted pink as she fumbled for words. "I-I... yeah, I think so. That was... unexpected."
Wanda's smirk grew more pronounced, and she teasingly tugged at the hem of Y/N's shirt. "Well, it's a new experience, right?"
Y/N's attempts at being coherent failed as she babbled, her words tripping over each other. "Uh, yeah, totally. Unexpected, but... um, yeah."
Wanda's laughter was soft and genuine as she gently patted Y/N's shoulder. "Relax, Y/N. It's all in good fun. If you're ever uncomfortable, just let me know."
As the effects of the smoke settled in, Y/N found herself leaning into Wanda's warmth, feeling a newfound connection that went beyond training and awkward encounters. In that moment, she was reminded that life was meant to be explored, even if it led to giggles, flustered moments, and unexpected experiences.
With the room bathed in a hazy glow, Y/N mustered the courage to engage in more conversation. "So, Wanda, what made you drop by my room today?"
Wanda leaned back, taking a contemplative drag from the blunt before exhaling slowly. "Honestly, I wanted to spend some time away from all the chaos. Being an Avenger can get overwhelming."
Y/N nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get that. It's nice to have a space where you can just unwind and be yourself."
Wanda's gaze softened, and she looked at Y/N with a hint of gratitude. "You know, you're not what I expected at first. I thought you'd be all serious and uptight, just like your sister."
Y/N chuckled, a playful gleam in her eyes. "Well, believe it or not, I have my moments of rebellion."
Wanda raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Is that so?"
Y/N's smile turned into a mischievous grin. "Let's just say, there's more to me than meets the eye."
Wanda's lips curled into a teasing smile. "Oh, really? So, you're not always the perfect little sister?"
Y/N winked, her demeanor growing more confident. "Let's just say, there's a side of me that likes to break the rules now and then."
Wanda leaned in slightly, her voice taking on a flirtatious edge. "I have to say, Y/N, the rebellious side suits you."
Y/N's heart fluttered at Wanda's comment, and she playfully nudged Wanda's shoulder. "Oh, really? You're not just saying that?"
Wanda's gaze locked with Y/N's, a hint of intensity in her eyes. "No, I'm definitely not just saying that."
The air between them grew charged, the room filled with the lingering smoke and an undeniable tension. Y/N found herself drawn to Wanda's confidence and the way she seemed to see through her perfect facade. It was a side of herself she rarely showed, and Wanda's presence was bringing it to the surface, making her feel more alive than ever before.
Wanda puts out the blunt and lets the ashtray down on the ground , then she takes Y/N by surprise cupping her cheeks and kissing her. The more their lips moved in perfect rhythm the more heated it got.
Wanda got on top of Y/N and helped her pull off her shirt."Is that okay?"She asks and Y/N nodded quickly.
"I trust you Wands"Y/N said and Wanda smiled genuinely .
She leans down and connects their lips.She bites Y/N's lip, causing the younger girl to gasp which she uses as a chance to slip her tongue into her mouth.Their tongues fight for dominance and Y/N quickly let her win knowing she had no chance against her.Her hands move down and she unclasped her bra then pulled it off.
She trails her kisses down my jaw to her neck once again softly sucking on her sweet spot putting enough pressure to make it pleasurable and leave plenty of marks decorating Y/N's neck.
She moves down to the younger girls chest and leaves gentle kisses then her tongue swirls around Y/N's nipple and a moan erupts out of Y/N's mouth, closing her eyes in pleasure.Her hand massages her other boob and the moans get louder.
"Wands please.."Y/N mumbles and Wanda bites her nipple gently to which a mixture of a yelp and a moan sounds in the room.
"Patience darling.I want to make your first time perfect."She says and Y/N nods.She makes her way to give the other boob the same treatment only difference being that this time she left a hickey higher up on Y/N's boob."Is that okay?"She asks and Y/N nodded.
"I like it." Y/N says and she smirks nodding.She moves her kisses down the girls toned stomach now and she leaves a hickey right where the waistband of the jeans was.
Her hands move to the zipper and she unzips it and the girl under raises her hips helping her pull the pants and panties down.She kisses her inner thigh and then leaves a hickey there too.
"Wands please.. I can't anymore..",comes out of the girls mouth as a pant and the older one finally gives in.
She lets her tongue circle around her clit and Y/N moans loudly reaching down and holding onto the sheets.One of Wanda's hands moves up to hold one of Y/N's who holds on tightly, moaning and enjoying the new sensation she was experiencing.Wanda teases her entrance with her finger and Y/N bites her lip.
"Tell me if I do something you're not comfortable with."She says and Y/N nods. Wanda's tongue connects back to her clit and she gasps as Wanda's finger moves inside. She gently moves it letting the younger girl get used to the new sensation.
"Faster please"Y/N exclaims and Wanda speeds up curling her finger hitting her g spot making pants and moans of her name slip past Y/N's lips.
"I..Im going to-"Y/N's sentence gets interrupted as pleasure takes over her and Wanda's name is moaned out as she shakes her eyes rolling to the back of her head.
Wanda let's her ride out the orgasm and when she opens her eyes she sees Wanda now above her, she pulls her in kissing her. Wanda kisses back and Y/N moans as she tastes herself on her lips. Y/N tries to pull the red heads shirt off but Wanda holds her hand."What?"Y/N asks and Wanda shakes her head.
"It's about you tonight there is time for that."Wanda says and Y/N's lips form a frown.
"But you need t-"Wanda pecks her lips cutting her off.
"You will pay me back don't worry about that."Wanda says and Y/N plays with her hair.
"Are you sure?"She asks unsurely and Wanda nods.
"Yes котенок."Wanda says and kisses her softly.
"You want to take a shower?"She asks and Y/N nods.
Y/N was in the kitchen, focused on making dinner, her mind far from the events that had transpired earlier. She was chopping vegetables when the sound of footsteps drew her attention. Natasha had returned to the compound, and Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her sister.
Natasha sauntered into the kitchen with her signature casual grace, a small smirk playing on her lips. "Hey, Y/N. Long day?"
Y/N smiled, grateful for the distraction from her thoughts. "Yeah, training was intense, but it's good to wind down in the kitchen."
As Natasha leaned against the counter, her eyes flickered to Y/N's neck, and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What's that on your neck, Y/N? Looks like you got into some trouble."
Y/N's hand flew to her neck as she realized what Natasha was referring to. A blush rushed to her cheeks, and her usually articulate speech faltered into a series of incoherent stammers. "I-It's, uh, nothing, really. Just, um, I bumped into something earlier."
Natasha's expression turned mockingly stern, and she folded her arms across her chest. "Really, Y/N? Because those marks look a lot like something other than a bump."
Y/N's eyes widened in panic, her heart racing. She opened her mouth to respond, but her words seemed to escape her.
Natasha burst into laughter, her stern façade crumbling as she leaned against the counter, her amusement evident. "Oh, Y/N, you're terrible at lying."
Y/N's shoulders sagged in relief, and she chuckled nervously. "I guess I can't really hide anything from you, can I?"
Natasha's laughter subsided, and she stepped closer to Y/N, her expression warm and supportive. "You know, Y/N, I just want you to be happy. Whoever you're with, as long as they treat you well and make you smile, I'm on your side."
Y/N's eyes glistened with gratitude as she met Natasha's gaze. "Thank you, Nat. That means a lot to me."
Just then, the sound of approaching footsteps caught both of their attention. Wanda entered the kitchen, her presence filling the room with a kind of magnetic energy. She wrapped her arms around Y/N from behind, resting her chin on Y/N's shoulder.
Natasha's lips curled into a knowing smile as she observed the scene. "Well, well, seems like someone's been busy."
Wanda smirked playfully, her gaze meeting Natasha's. "Can't deny that."
Y/N's cheeks flushed, but she couldn't suppress her smile. She leaned into Wanda's touch, feeling a sense of contentment and belonging that she hadn't experienced before.
Natasha's gaze softened, and she looked at the two of them with genuine affection. "You two better take good care of each other. Y/N, I expect you to keep Wanda in check."
Y/N chuckled, the tension easing from her shoulders. "Don't worry, Nat. We'll look out for each other."
Natasha's smile widened, and she gave a subtle nod of approval. "Good. Just remember, if anyone hurts you, I won't hesitate to intervene."
Wanda's grip on Y/N tightened, and she pressed a soft kiss to Y/N's temple. "Don't worry, Natasha. I'll make sure she's well taken care of."
As the three of them stood in the kitchen, a sense of understanding and acceptance hung in the air. Y/N realized that while life was full of surprises and challenges, having the support of her sister and the newfound connection with Wanda made everything a little easier to navigate.
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smalls-words · 2 years
Demons Are Angels When It Comes To Love
Summary: Natasha loves a demon. And she definitely shows it.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Demon!Reader, Wanda and Pietro and Tony x Reader (besties), Carol x Brunnhilde (lovers <3).
Warnings: Demon stuff, Rhodey being an asshole, Tony not being an asshole (that’s a first), protective twins. Body image issues, shapeshifting causing mental harm, blood, injuries. 
A/N: I don’t know why I wrote with Demon!Reader. Just kinda came to me since I’ve been doing my Nat series. Enjoy.
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*not my gif*
The world knows about aliens, androids and wizards, a few of them on the Avengers mighty team that stretched across galaxies. But the creator, Nicholas Joseph Fury, kept a small secret from them all.
Demons and angels walked amongst them.
He had found you when you’d gotten high off of a drugged mortal, who eventually overdosed six hours later. You were in a holding cell and it wasn’t your first time, but your powers were out of whack because of the mix of heroin, cocaine, MDMA and alcohol. He took you home after paying the fine for being drunk and disorderly, but luckily the blood wasn’t questioned since it was Halloween.
Nobody really questioned your appearance, it wasn’t unlikely given what they’d previously dealt with, but the whole demon side was new. They’d seen horns, wings and a tail before - yours were very much what they’d pictured in ‘cartoons’ and in biblical manners.
But then… Then you met Natasha.
Natasha was the best thing you’d come across in your entire life. Her soul was pure, even if she thought her actions and past made her darker than your own soul. Then you explained to her one night that you didn’t have a soul, which made her giggle.
You made sure you heard that sound everyday you could, and so far in your one and a half month relationship, you had. She would come around to your place almost every day, and on the days she couldn’t, you’d send her funny texts and she promised to use the voice messages to calm you down.
Natasha’s friends, however…
Being a demon came with pros and cons. Pros - shapeshifting, magic, immortality, general superpowers like invulnerability and super senses and reflexes. Cons - Hard-core Christians, old people, immortality. Most young people saw the pros and often asked for a demonstration, whilst older people threw crosses or swore at you.
You really didn’t want that to happen when you moved into the compound. 
It was an order given by Fury, who demanded you be transferred from a regular SHIELD agent to the Avengers, and Tony was very pleased to have you. He admired your ability to consume alcohol with no or little effect, your intelligence gifted by time, your powers that he could test his machines on with your consent, and he loved your personality and relationship with Natasha.
He never thought the Triple Impostor could learn to love. But, if it had to be anyone, it would probably be a demon. 
Sitting in his lab, you watched him fiddle with something in his suit’s knee before a knock came to the door. You smiled widely, giving the redhead a flash of your fangs, before she leapt into your arms and you easily caught her.
“Hey, sweetness.” You kissed her softly, holding her jaw and some of her neck.
“Hi.” She gleamed up at you.
“How was your mission?” You asked, seating her on your lap whilst your tail curled around her waist.
“It was good. We got two more Widows free, and Yelena’s gone to make more vials.” She murmured as she leaned into you, her hand coming up your shirt to tickle against your back.
“Come on, then. Let’s go and get you showered.” 
You stood, your tail keeping her by your hip, and you patted Tony on the back. “See ya, Stark.”
“Don’t forget about the party tonight! I need my demon girl there for drunk poker!” He called out as you left. 
You helped Natasha shower, washing her hair for her whilst she just leaned against you, and you thanked her when she washed your bat-like wings. You wrapped her up in your fuzzy towel, taking the rougher one instead, and helped her get dressed before laying her down in bed.
“Tasha, I have to do some work for Fury, so you should have a nap and when you wake up, I’ll be done.” You kissed her forehead, but she grabbed onto your wrist.
“But we always cuddle after a mission.” She whined.
She watched your eyes change from their dark auburn to their acidic yellow, looking over her. She stayed still and watched them change back, grinning when you sighed. “Come on, then.” 
You sank into your chair and opened up the files needed finishing, waiting for her to sit down on your lap. She nestled into you, kissing you gently as she admired your features.
“Are you excited for the party tonight?” She queried, braiding a small section of your hair.
“I sure am. Haven’t seen Wanda and Pietro for ages. I missed my speedy buddy.” 
“What about me?” She smirked, and you snickered into a kiss on her temple.
“I always miss you. If I was allowed, I’d come and visit you.” 
She grinned, proud of herself, but you saw in the reflection of the screen that she was getting sleepy. You warmed yourself up and exchanged her shirt with one of your own via summoning, leaving the buttons undone but her bra covered her boobs to stop tempting you.
“Sleep well, my sweet.” You kissed her head softly before dulling the sounds around you, giving her as much peace as she needed.
When she woke in her bed, you greeted her by a surprise teleportation on top of her. She grinned sleepily at you and you gently sank on top of her, peppering her cheeks with little kisses. “Good evening, Sleeping Beauty.” 
“Have you come to wake me from my slumber, Princess Y/N?” She gently kissed your lips, tasting a bit of cinnamon.
“Doughnuts, my human.” You answered her thought and she quickly rolled on top of you. 
“What time is it?” She plopped down on top of you but you didn’t get winded.
“6. Party starts at 7.” 
She nuzzled her head into your neck and kissed your skin. “I don’t wanna go.” Her groan was muffled, but you caught it.
“I know, sugar. But we do need to make at least an hour’s appearance.” You gently ran your nails up and down her back.
“If you keep doing that, I’m gonna fall back asleep and we’re gonna be late.” 
“I can get us ready in a flash, my darling.” You chuckled.
The hour passed quickly before Natasha and you made your appearance outside in the courtyard, your suit matching her dark velvet red dress. Eyes were drawn to you both, but you made no effort in your magical ability and Natasha’s arm linked in yours showed she was very much taken.
You made your rounds to whom you needed to before you spotted platinum blonde hair next to brunette, the two turning into blurs until they hugged you tightly.
“Demonica!” Pietro yelled in excitement.
“Hello, Pietro and Wanda.” You smiled at them both.
“This party is going to be so boring if you don’t do something.” He whined, the childish soul of his desperate for dopamine.
“You both look stunning.” Wanda complimented, especially on the little chains that hung from your horns and woven into your hair.
You kissed Natasha as she left, admiring how she walked with self-confidence and almost regality before Pietro sped you to the couch. 
“Alright, let’s play!” 
You looked at your surrounding opponents in this game of drunk poker - Carol and Brunnhilde were together, the blonde sitting on her king’s lap; Tony and Pepper, but the strawberry blonde wasn’t paying attention; Pietro and Wanda, the girl not knowing how to play; and Rhodey was your final opponent, sitting by himself on the couch to your right.
The game started off with everyone having 20 chips, divided evenly by Peter who was now talking to Happy and Fury. You won the first two rounds with a royal flush and a full house, earning yourself a total of 56 chips since everyone had bet highly. 
Tony won, then Carol and Bruni (as you nicknamed her), and Pietro won a hand with Wanda’s help. Rhodey, however, was getting pissed off as he was now down to 6 chips. 
“Hey, Demonica, want a drink?” Pietro asked and you nodded, thanking him for his offer before he sped away.
“Why does he call you that?” Rhodey questioned.
“Because he likes Metallica and I’m a demon.” You replied, answering Rhodey’s call of one chip.
“Wow, never would have guessed from your get-up.” He chuckled sarcastically, watching Carol/Bruni and Tony fold, Pietro having done so to get drinks.
You thanked FRIDAY for dealing the next card, your set of ace/king fairing well with the ten and nine. “I wouldn’t call it a get-up, for it is my natural shape. Our king is a kind one, and accepting of all shapes and sizes of us.” 
“But you know that everyone is terrified of you, right?” 
Your hand was outstretched to raise the bet, but Rhodey beat it to you and called all-in. “W-What?” 
“You don’t know? Really?” He scoffed. “Wow. You really don’t understand humans.” 
“How am I not understanding you?”
“Rhodey, cut it out, man.” Tony grumbled.
You turned your powers back on and sniffed Rhodey’s scent, almost gagging from the amount of alcohol in his veins. “You are intoxicated, James Rhodes. I will not be speaking to you anymore tonight.” 
You guided your chips to Carol and Brunnhilde before going to the bar, finding Pietro there with Wanda and Natasha. You came to Natasha’s side and placed your hand on the small of her back, kissing her forehead gently before listening to the conversation.
“So there was this one girl in HYDRA that Wanda really liked, and dare I say even kissed… and they were so cute!” Pietro grinned at his blushing sister.
“Shut up, Pietro! I told you that in confidence!” Wanda grumbled, looking over at you.
“Oh, hey Y/N/N.” 
“Hello, my favourite twins.” You smirked. “Is it okay if I steal my beautiful girlfriend from your conversation?”
“Of course!” 
You took Natasha’s hand in yours and gently guided her to the fountain outside, sitting down on a bench that faced the beautiful structure. Natasha sat next to you, still holding your hand, and sat in the silence with you.
She knew you struggled with your pure demonic side. The instincts that lay beneath the shell of an intelligent mind. The urge to drink from humans, to punish and make them serve you. She understood what it was like to want to fall back onto those instincts, and she gently kissed the back of your hand to gain your attention.
“What is it, Y/N?” She asked oh so gently, as if her very breath could knock over the tower of your emotions like they were cards.
“I am alright, Tasha. I just needed some air.” You murmured, gently taking her hand in yours to trace your nails over her hand.
Though she doubted your words, she didn’t question them. 
“Thank you for loving me.” You looked at her, eyes full of love.
“I could say the same, my dear.” She cupped your cheek and kissed you softly, pulling away ever so slightly.
“I think we’ve stayed past our hour. Let’s go to bed.” 
You nodded, guiding the shadows to encase you and your love.
Natasha was right. She was always right.
Over the coming days, you were taken on less missions and nobody could enter your room. On one day that almost everybody had gone, you found yourself looking in the mirror at your reflection. 
“But you know that everyone is terrified of you right?” 
Really? Were you really that hideous to look at? You pushed and pulled at the soft skin of your stomach, the already red tone not showing any evidence. 
*I guess I could show a little less skin… Maybe even do…* You shifted into human colours, sifting through them until you found something you felt was normal.
You looked at your horns and gently shrank them until they disappeared, doing the same with your wings and tail before shortening your nails and fangs. You did a little google search and found the selection of eye colours, picking one that sorta matched the human skin.
*Hmm. I’ll have to get Rhodey’s opinion.* You muttered, looking around for your phone.
“Who… the hell… are you?”
You lifted your head to see Natasha aiming her gun at your forehead, calling out to FRIDAY to alert the team of an intruder. You quickly raised your hands and undid your magic to reveal your eyes, realisation flickering through hers.
“Y/N/N? What…? I don’t understand.” She threw her gun down and came over to you, patting her hands and walking around you.
“Where are your wings? Your tail, your horns, your fangs?”
She looked up at you and cupped your cheeks, her thumbs brushing over your skin - skin she didn’t see as yours.
“Bring it all back. Right now.” She demanded pleadingly.
You closed your eyes and easily broke down your façade, letting her check over you once more to make sure everything was back. She hugged you tightly and sat you down on the bed, taking your hand.
“Y/N, I need you to listen to me. I love you. I love you more than anything or anyone on every single plane of existence, and you need to know that so deeply that you will never doubt it. You need to know it in your bones. And if it takes me telling you every single day for that to happen, then so it will be.” 
You stayed quiet as she studied your hand. “Who made you doubt yourself? Because I certainly know it wasn’t me, Pietro, Wanda or Tony.”
She looked at you after you didn’t answer straight away, her stare piercing through your eyes and into your soul; if you even had one. “Who was it, Y/N? First name, last name, birthday, I don’t care how much information you give me, because I will hunt them down and make them pay for hurting you.” 
“Nobody can hurt me, my love.” You murmured.
“No? Then why do you wish to hide your true self? I do not love you for that other form, I love you for you.” She retorted hastily, your hands taking hers quickly.
“Okay, okay.” You kissed your hands that encompassed hers, closing your eyes as you sent the name through to her mind.
*James Rhodes.* It echoed as her vision turned red.
“Stay here.” She ordered and you did not move for the time she was gone. 
How long it was, you didn’t know, but she came back with bloodied knuckles and a split lip. You instantly stood, your eyes glowing as you towered over her. “Who hurt you?”
“I fought Rhodey for being an asshole to you. And I won.” She smirked, placing a hand on your chest.
“Breathe, my demon. Relax.” 
You took a deep breath and pushed down the instincts, most of which listened to her command. You then opened your eyes, taking another deep breath before you kissed her knuckles. “Come on.”
You took her to the bathroom and gently cleaned her hands, doing a little bit of magic so that they’d heal faster. You turned her around and kissed her deeply, holding her by her waist so that she wouldn’t fall back.
“Thank you, my love.” 
FRIDAY’s call for dinner had both of you wide-eyed, with Natasha leading you by the arm around your waist. 
“Where is your tail?” She asked.
“Right here, Tasha.” You gently wrapped it around her forearm and watched her visibly relax, realising something. 
Your form was what kept Natasha calm. The familiarity of it. Natasha needed you to be her demon to keep herself controlled. Unfamiliarity brought out the Widow hiding in the crevices of Natasha’s bones, and you knew she could do some damage.
As you entered the kitchen, you could feel the tension in the air. Well, actually, it was just your skin tightening from body language, but that’s the same thing.
“Where’s Rhodes?” Steve asked as he walked in with Bucky, the man giving you a pat on the shoulder with his metal arm before serving himself dinner.
“Medical wing.” Tony replied.
“Natasha beat him to a pulp. He had to resort to his War Machine hand to hurt her.” 
He looked over at Natasha and she glared at him. “Have something to say about it?”
“What did he do?” He asked instead.
“Insulted Y/N’s demon biology.” She shrugged, standing in front of you even as your tail stayed on her forearm.
“He did what?” The twins growled, Wanda’s eyes glowing and Pietro’s fists blurring in place.
“Good job, Romanoff.” Tony saluted her, dishing himself some dinner too.
“Wait. You’re all just going to agree with this?” You asked.
“Of course. You are a part of the team. You live here, which is a step up from Rhodey in the friendship circle. You are our friend, and we love having you around.” 
“FRIDAY, what is Rhodey’s assessment of injuries?” Bucky asked the AI.
“One punctured lung caused by five broken ribs, another two on the other side, snapped tibia, humerus and radius, dislocated shoulder, black eye and broken cheekbone.” She reported.
Everybody turned to Natasha, watching her curl your tail around her waist whilst wrapping your wing around her body. “My demon. Nobody hurts her without repercussions.”
The group laughed at her antics before sitting down for the movie, Natasha’s hand in yours as she took you over once she served your dinner. She fed you the dinner, making sure to give herself some too in case you scolded her, before snuggling up to you halfway through the movie.
“I love you, my demon.” She whispered against your collarbone, kissing it after.
“I love you, my human.” You replied, keeping her warm as she fell asleep.
You gladly fell asleep with her.
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
figurants still exist even during commercials break | agatha harkness
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Agatha Harkness | AO3
synopsis: You are lucky. At least, that's what you've spent your whole life believing. After the blip, seeing what the world has become, you finally understood: you were a witch. Afraid of what that meant, you decided to isolate yourself. It would be safer for everyone. You just didn't think you would end up in a sitcom. Or that you wouldn't be the only person to realize that. [6K]
warnings: agatha fantasize about killing you (you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid). mutual hate to reluctant allies to future lovers. sunshine x grumpy. murder (but only if you really think about it. so just don't). reality stone powers. what if... manifesting was a power. probability control. post-blip. discovering powers. blue magic!reader. reader is pretty much a reckless being to the point there is a borderline suicide attempt. curse words. female!reader. wanda maximoff. pietro maximoff (dead). geraldine (monica rambeau). dottie (sarah proctor).
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Some people have difficult lifes. Some people need to work hard and don't even get what they want. Some people always lose. Don't matter what they do, don't matter how much they try. Of course you feel terrible sorry for them. You just can't relate.
You don't have the time to count how many times you heard stories about people hating their new haircut. That must be sooo awful. Or that myth that some people don't like how they look in front of a dressing room mirror. And imagine how painful it must be to break a nail.
You can't even imagine how complicated this might be. Life is just... easier for you. You collect coincidences, are best friend with chance, can guess the writings of fate. What else can you say? You're lucky. Very, very lucky.
Yes, you don't know how it feels to miss a bus. And yes, you quickly got a new, better job everytime you got fired. And yes, it's true, you are guilty. At least if having what you want, how you want it, when you want it is considered a crime.
But apparently you are not that lucky.
Because all those things... they don't really matter. Your life wouln't end if you got one or two B grades at school. And breaking a nail probably isn't that painful. At least you think so. Having a bad haircut must be a... humble experience. Working in a horrible job because money is the only thing that separates you from death must be a traumatic lifestyle, but you can do it. You can. Yes, you totally can.
There was only one moment that you needed to be lucky — you didn't want to, you didn't prefer if you were, you had to. You needed to be lucky, you needed to. And in the only moment that really mattered... all that lucky just vanished.
And it only took one snap.
In a moment, you were trying on the earrings you saw through a shop window. Swarovski. You didn't intend on buying it, dear lord, you just wanted to see how they would look on you. Black swans in pavé on two-centimeter pearls. They cost more than half your salary.
And when you turned around to ask if you could try on the white swan pair, all you saw was an abandoned storefront.
There were no more display windows, no more sparkling crystal, no more saleswomen with bright smiles and elegant attitudes. There were no other customers, no mirrors, no white light. No furniture, no movement, no life. Empty. Countertops smeared with dust. Sheets covered the display cases, but dim light filtered through them.
That must be a weird dream. You pinched yourself and the pain surprised you. You could hear your heartbeat, feel your hair tickling your face and your mouth drying. Awake. Alive.
You guess that, well, that mean those earrings... are yours now?
Slowly, you walked to the locked door. The moment you grabbed the dusty doorknob it broke in your hand and the door opened by itself. The light blinded you when you left the store.
Everything was different. Completely different. It wasn't in that street you walked on earlier. These cars... you've never seen anything like this before. And why is it getting dark? You were on your way to work, it's still early. Why it is so dark out of sudden?
Then you noticed the powder... no. Not powder. This was different. These particles came together and in moments there was a person in front of you.
You... No. No. That's not happening. You're not... Nothing made sense. Nothing was right. Your heart began to ache in your chest, your heartbeats deafened you, your mind no longer knew what to imagine.
Horns woke you up. You were in the middle of the street. Have you been walking? You don't remember moving. You tried to cross the avenue, but there were so many cars. Some managed to stop, causing others to hit their rear. Some drivers swerved to the side and ended up hitting other cars.
When you reached the sidewalk, there was only chaos left behind you. And you didn't have a single scratch.
You're lucky, you always knew that, but this... This is not a coincidence. This is not chance. Something is really wrong.
It didn't took you that long to understand what happened. Five years for others, mere seconds for you. For days you felt like you were trapped in a nightmare. But there was one thing that kept you on your feet. One thing that stopped you from going batshit crazy.
Your luck. Or, well, something else. Entirely. You can't call it luck anymore. It's a Thing. A Thing that helps you, that protect you, that shapes the world around you.
Little by little, you started to notice things. How you never got sick. How you don't remember feeling pain. You just don't. Nothing bad really happened to you. Your life wasn't perfect, and certainly you don't enjoy being blipped for five years, but before that nothing bad happened to you.
And the world has changed a lot. Its been so long since powerful people started to show up. And you saw somethings. They were really so different between one another, from a nordic deity to a rich genius, but they were more than normal people. And since you come back, you think you might be more too.
So you made a decision. And you assume it was reckless. You assume it may have gone really wrong. But you never were know by your caution.
You started to test that Thing. You started to try it out. To play with its limits. To see at what point it would stop working. At what moment it would break.
You crossed the street without looking. Let knives fall towards your feet. Went to places without knowing how you would get out of there. Ignored police warnings. Touched bloodstained blades. Walked towards the subway stop. Took off your belt during turbulence in the plane.
You did everything you could, but it just wasn't enough. Not enough to prove that something wrong was happening to you. So you did something else. Something stupid. Something so uterly reckless that it was borderline a suicide attempt. Something that, if you survived, would mean that you were right.
You had no idea it was so easy to climb over the railing of a bridge and hang over the river. Shouldn't it have some kind of protection? What if someone tried to do something to themselves?
You hesitated. You prayed. And then you jumped.
In your defense...
You have none.
Except that you didn't fell into the water.
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Westview wasn't on Agatha's initials plans. She didn't plan on going to a bankrupt small town in the middle of nowhere. Agatha could be anywhere, doing anything, but she sensed it. The power. The desolation. The inexperience.
It was such a strong presence it seemed like a trap. Agatha couldn't help but to give it a chance. The reward was worth the risk.
When she saw the hex, Agatha couldn't help but feel hunger. Crossing the deep layer that separed the town from the rest of the world, Agatha was able to read the signs. Read the project signature so to speak. That made her giggle in antecipation.
Agatha got so melancholic when Thanos snapped and Wanda Maximoff was turned to dust. She had so much potential. Within good condition and time, Wanda could grow. She could become stronger, wiser, effective. Agatha always wanted to drein it from her.
Now she has the chance.
And that's how she became Agnes, the nosy neighbor. She enjoyed the black & while aesthetic, and its been long since Agatha got the chance to have fun with her prey. Pretending to help Wanda with her special dinner, Agatha settle everything for her to fail. For her to wake up from this humiliating dream and left those stupid things behind.
She assumes that making Mrs. Hart beg for Wanda to stop was a little too much. Agatha thought she needed to be abrupt, sudden, but it's not the case. That dinner was too much. Agatha needs to be more subtle, more unerving.
There was the moment she came up with Dottie. Intimidating, but not violent. Assertive, but not too aware of her surroundings. Confrontational, but too busy to focus on something.
Dottie was the perfect character to ruin Wanda's ilusion. It was suppossed to create just the right amount of fear and anxiety to make Wanda stop that bullshit. It was suppossed to be the end of Agatha's struggle and the beginning of Wanda's. It was suppossed to be so many things.
But you.
Disobedient, friendly, conciliatory you.
"We only have a few hours until show time", Dottie picked on Wanda's distraction as quickly as she could. Such a great pawn. "So a little less cross chatter and a little more focus."
Wanda tried to hide her embarrass. When she was about to say something, you placed your glass on the table, drawing everyone's attention to you.
"I agree with Geraldine. Those are some really nice pants, dear", you smiled to Wanda. Looking at Dottie, your smile seem to grow even bigger. "Please, go on, Dottie. It's an honor to count with you to bring a smile to those little boys and girls. For the children."
"For the children", the women spoke in unison. Except by Wanda, who was followed by a laugh track. The same thing happened during the round of palm.
Whenever Dottie was about to make Wanda uncomfortable, you found a away to step in. You pest. You kept on smiling at the wrong moment, reassuring Wanda whenever she couldn't understand a social clue, making Dottie laugh and lose track of what she was saying.
Agatha was so close of snapping your neck. She could see life escaping from your eyes, your warm blood against her skin, your pain emanating until there were no you anymore. Agatha didn't care if you weren't her target, if she wouldn't take any power from you: she wanted to see you dead.
But Wanda would notice your abscence on this stupid nightmarish town.
So Agatha tried to stop you. To lure you into being quiet, into being mean to Wanda, into saying you needed to go. Apparently Wanda's desire for you to be the kind, young neighbor was too strong. Perhaps Agatha thought too little of her.
What Agatha didn't know was that she'd also underestimated you.
As soon as Wanda wasn't near she grabbed your wrist and pulled you to a more private place. "Stop talking", Agatha said through her teeth. "And don't be near Wanda."
Your smile was filled with distrust, but she didn't notice it. "Sure, Agnes", your sweet words were almost replaced by an incredulous laugh, but you managed to hold back. You blinked to her, still into your character. "As you wish."
You watched as that lying bitch went closer to whisper something on Sarah's ear. No. You have to make sure to remember to call them by their fake names. So you watched as that lying bitch whispered something on Dottie's ear.
You did as Agnes — or whatever her name is — said, but not because she could control you. You did it because you had a lot of questions, and you knew that being subtle was your only way to maybe get some answers.
You're getting to know Wanda. Trying to understand if she has control of what is happening. If she even understands what she's doing. Wanda is a hero. She saved so many, fought so much, lost more than someone should ever. Your know that someone must be controling her. Using her. You just don't understand for what.
But why that fucker was pretending to be part of that town? Agnes wasn't here before. She wasn't here even at the time this whole magic trap started. Why did she entered the town? What did she expect to get from here? Why she is stronger than your neighbors?
Agnes isn't the only intruder. Geraldine also is not from here, but she don't seem to get a say into what happens. Agnes ordered you to do what she wanted, Geraldine seem like someone trying to get information. While one treated you like a brain-washed puppet ready to obey, the other tried to understand why you were in this situation.
And honestly, you also don't really know. At the time it seem like a wise decision. But now... Now it just looks like you're unlucky. And you never thought you would believe such a thing.
Your powers were the reason why you runaway from NYC. Not even a million dollars would made you stay there, not now that you are so sure you have powers. It would be only a matter of time for you to end up drawing atention. This city looks like it has magnets to super villains. You didn't want to fight anyone, to be part of any group, to fear for you and your loved ones safety.
Moving on was great. You got your house in such a great deal. And in Westview you can really breath in. The world is crumbling, the blip made everything worse, but there... There you feel like a person, not like a being that lost five years of your life. You felt a little bit less empty.
You planted blue lilies. You didn't know you had a talent for gardening, it was a nice surprise. Sarah Proctor and her daughter welcomed you with chocolate cake and cherries. Your favorite. For the first time in your life you bought a welcome mat. Sharon — now Mrs. Hart — became your gossip buddy.
It was nice there. Westview was a good place to grow up and rest a little bit. You would even say it was perfect. Until it happened.
At first you thought it was just a weird sensation. You had weird dreams, dreams that looked like someone else's memories. It was entering in rooms someone had just left. Or knowing that someone is just waiting for you to get out of a room to enter it. It was words that didn't felt like yours, actions that didn't felt like yours, clothes that didn't felt like yours.
You felt trapped, but couldn't see your jail. Today you woke up after a nightmare that wasn't yours, put on clothes you never saw, and walked towards a neighbors meeting you didn't know would happen. And in that moment, when you saw Wanda entering the club area all your neighbors were silently waiting for her, you woke up.
You could hear Wanda whispering into your mind. Sending you directions of what to do, what to say, what to think. After you started to help Wanda you could also hear Agnes' instructions, normally going against Wanda's ones. They wanted different things from you. Wanda wanted empathy, Agnes wanted you away from the avenger.
So you gave them both what they wanted.
You didn't talk to Wanda for the rest of the meeting or got near her. But whenever you felt that she was scared, or uncomfortable, you just did something to draw atention to you. Dropped a glass, spoke louder than you should, fell into the pool.
For Wanda, you were the comic relieve she needed. For Agnes, you kinda of behaved.
"Wanda", Dottie called the redhead when she was almost getting out of the pool area. Wanda came back with a bright smile and anxious eyes. "You were selected to clean the area today."
"I'm so lucky to help", Wanda's smile got even bigger. So obviously fake. "Who else will help me?"
"No one", Dottie blinked. "It's work for one woman."
"I can help", you raised your hand. "Two brains are better than one, and four hands get the job done."
Before anyone could speak, you felt arms getting intertwined with yours. Agnes gave your forearm a gentle squeeze, her flashy smile catching your attention. "Haven't you agreed on helping me with my presentation? If I depended on Ralph's help I know for sure that everything would just explode."
You forced an sweet laugh, pretending to know what she's talking about. "Sorry, Wanda. But the next time you're selected, I gonna help you for sure."
"It will be soon", Dottie whispered. "Now you both should finish your own presentation. And don't forget-"
"For the children", you three shouted at the same time.
That made Dottie relax a little bit. Poor, Sarah. It may be something your mind made up, but you see melancholia on her eyes. She must be so scared. If everyone here can also hear Wanda's instructions and nightmares, than she's also so tired.
Will the Avengers came to help? Will they save everyone and defeat whoever is controling Wanda? Do they even know this is happening?
What can you do? What should you do?
Agatha started walking, what made you do the same. You kept yourself quiet, unsure if this curse made Westview' citizens stay in their character even if they are away from Wanda. You forced a smile, just in case.
"I'm guessing Ralph isn't a helpful..."
Agatha held your wrist, her nails marking into your skin. "Quiet", she ordered. You chose to do as she said. And you did it with a smile.
Walking throught the neighborhood, Agatha didn't even knew she was making you a favor. You spend the last days locked into the same scenario, and just now you could understand what was happening to your brain. With Agatha forcing you to follow her, she gave you the chance to see how things are going.
Even without Wanda near, all your neighbors acted how they were suppossed to. Infinite smiles, chores done perfectly, key phrasew repeating here and there. But the more you walk, the more haunted this town seems. The more lifeless it is.
And when you almost thought this all may be just a bad dream, Agatha pulled you against a wall. Surprised, you didn't knew how to react when she grabbed you by your chin.
"Wanda worked a lot on you." Her eyes glowed with a deep purple tone. Her hands were warm against your skin. "So obedient to her, so difficult to work with." Agatha looked into your eyes. It was so difficult to keep on looking at her, but you did it anyway. "I'll love to break you."
Before you could open your mouth, she touched your forehead and a electric wave passed through your body. When you opened your eyes again, Agatha was still in front of you. But her eyes, her forest green eyes, were lifeless.
And with a certainty you never expected to have you just knew: Agatha was into your mind. You could feel her wandering. Exploring. Trying to find a breaking point hidden inside of you and destroy it.
And you just couldn't just let her do whatever she wanted to you.
You didn't knew how your magic works. You don't know if you can be considered a witch. All you know is that reality bends towards your needs and desires. So you did the only thing that has always worked for you.
You thought about what you want to happens. You desired it with all your being, closed your eyes and begged to have what is yours, and waited. So you waited.
And before you could say hocus pocus, Agatha blinked. She spend a few seconds just looking around, completely lost. It remember you of all the times as kid where you woke up in your bed, so scared and confused because you had slept on the couch.
"I was", Agatha dry tone come out. Not those high pitches she uses to appear friendly, her real voice. It was so different. So mature and certain. "What was I doing?"
"I thought you were about to kiss me", you still used your fake tone. "I'm not Ralph, sweetie!"
Agatha stared at you, but this time you didn't feel threaned. You just felt seen. She looked at every detail, not caring about the time she was wasting. Agatha analized your eyes, looking deep into your soul. Her gaze seem to carress your skin, shivers went down your spine. Agatha eyes landed on you mouth for a second, and then came back to your eyes.
"Yes." Agatha like she has touched something secured and received a chock. "You're nothing like him." It wasn't a fight nor a battle, but she felt like she lose one. "What are you?"
Something glimpsed in your eyes, Agatha was sure she seem it. Did her little tricky woke you up from Wanda's magic? But at the moment she was sure something happened to you, that same bright smile came back to your face. "Clearly not Ralph", your forced laugh hurted Agatha's ear.
Agatha made you follow her, but this time she didn't felt the need to be violent. Her silence wasn't a threat, but a sign that she was thinking. Maybe Wanda is stronger than she thought. Maybe she was able to create a protection barrier in some of her play things.
But that does not change what she saw in your life yes. When Agatha made sure Dottie would behave, for a few minutes she saw pure fear. Dottie tried everything to get help, then everything to get away from her. But you... She didn't saw fear.
She saw determination.
When you both got near to your house, right in front of Wanda's, everything was normal again. Neighbors talking more, their gestures making sense, their eyes not showing any emotion. Wanda must be at her house now, so life quickly decided to follow her steps.
At your doorframe, you took the keys from your pockets and unlocked the door. "Do you already know what you will do for the talent show? I'm really good with flowers, but I don't think it can be of any help."
"I won't do anything", Agatha didn't noticed she answered you. A few minutes before she would ignore you, but this time she just talked back. "See you in the next scene."
When you closed your door, you locked it really slowly. When nothing happened, you breathe in and tried to calm yourself. Everything is okay. You can do it.
You need to.
On her way out of the entrance of your house, Agatha noticed the blue lilies — they were black and white, but Agatha knows they're blue just as she knows that Wanda's flowers are red and hers are purple.
It wasn't just a fabricated line. You really are good with flowers.
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Your usually don't notice the decades changing.
The last time it happened everything was still black and white and you could hear laugh tracks from inside your house. You thought you were on a Lucy episode, the moment you realized it wasn't the case was when you found pants on your wardrobe.
Althought Wanda changed everything — and you have a theory that she does it at her sleep, not even aware of what is happening —, you still found little ways to retain your autonomy wherever it happened.
Like those pants. Their tissue was too thick, it didn't feel nice. You prefer when it is more silky. So you put them on your wardrobe and closed the doors, imagining what you wanted them to be.
When you opened it again, they were perfect.
Your powers don't look like the witch movies you grew up watching, nor with the things you know Wanda can do. You don't cast spells, no one taugh you magic, you don't have black cats waiting for you at your house. But you do have a way with changing reality.
And, yes, it can be seen as a selfish act. Like when your hair was cut during your sleep. You took a bath and your hair grew while you washed it. Easy, peasy. Mostly selfish, but you also use it to help your neighbors.
You restored your neighbors clothes. You know it worked because you saw Sarah using her worn out mom jeans at her bedroom during the 60's. And you also shut Wanda's mind. Now they can have dreamless sleeps. All those horrible nightmares now are only hers. And yours.
Wanda has a lot of them. About her parents, her brother, her husband. She's always suffering, remembering her bombered country, her days at Hydra, her moments with the Avengers. A monster after another, a death after another.
You could feel melancholy taking over your body, rising like static through your legs and freezing your mind. It is impossible to speak, move, change something. It's disabling. Is this how Wanda feels?
Is this how Wanda always feels?
You wanted to be able to help her, to fix everything, but you never have a chance to be alone with her. Maybe if you could only talk to her, not playing a character or trying to fool her, you can do something. Just a genuine sign of kindness, of care, of worry. A friend. Maybe this all she needs. A good friend.
But they are always following her. Vision — you were so sure he died, but now you don't know if you can trust the things you heard —, Dottie, Mrs Hart. Geraldine. She is still a question mark for you, but you feel she have good intentions. But it wasn't just them. It would be so easier to make them go away. The real problem is Agnes.
You're sure she's plotting something. You know that. Maybe there is someone hidden in this town and Agnes is using Wanda's powers to found them. Maybe she's dreining her. Or she's being paid to do that. You wished you were smarter. Than you may have already found a way to stop her.
But what can you do? What could you ever do to those help people? You don't know how to fight, how to protect you, how to protect them. You don't even really know what exactly you are. What scares you is... what if this is all you can do? What if this is your best? That all you are able to do is make them sleep better at night?
That night you went to be wishing for someone to taugh you how to use your magic. You desired it with all your heart. And in some ways your wish was granted. But not how you wanted. Not how you expected.
It was as easy to noticed when it changed to the 70's as to hear the babies' crying from Wanda's house. When you got there, accompanied by your closest neighbors, the next hour where the scariest of your life. You've never felt so uncomfortable, small, impotent. And you have your reasons to be sure about it:
1) Wanda wasn't pregnant the day prior her labor;
2) Those babies were way older than just a few hours;
3) Geraldine was at her house and now she is nowhere to be found;
4) You have a husband.
And that is way more than you can take. Isn't enough all the anguish you're going through enough? All this concern, fear, hopelessness? Apparently you are the only person that could do something, but you can't and this is killing you. And now this. This!
He followed you everywhere. Talked to everyone. Held Billy and Tommy while implying that you both would be the next couple to have kids. He even tried to kiss you!
And no matter when it was finally night and you went to your house: he kept on following you. Calling you love. You did all you could, screamed at him and slapped him across the face,but it never worked: he ate dinner with you, walked around your house with you, went to sleep with you.
His snoring kept you awake all night.
You knew that being subtle was the best choice, but your bondaries have been crossed a long time ago and now you can't take it anymore. That's enough.
"My husband will dissappear", you murmured to yourself. You kept on saying this again, and again, and again. A new mantra, your own way to fall asleep.
You had a dream, and in this dream you were a witness.
You saw two kids. They were young, their faces so rounded, you couldn't help but to smile. They were watching something, a old soap opera where someone finally revealed their true identity. One of the kids, the little boy with naive eyes, gasped so loud you almost got scared.
You only looked at her when the little boy stared at the other side of the couch. Somehow you knew that he wanted a confimation that this was really as surprising as he thought. But when you looked at the redhead girl, all you saw was a blank expression.
She wasn't bored. You knew that. She was just sad. Filled with melancholy, she glared at the TV but didn't really payed attention.
The little boy got up. He was what, four eyes old? Maybe five. He left the room, keeping the sad girl even more apathetic on her seat. Time passed, the commercials started, and when the boy came back he was holding a glass.
"Your happy juice", said the kid. He reached for his sister, waking her up from her daydreaming.
"You are sad", the boy explained. She took the glass from him, it was so full some drops fell on the couch. "And you always smile when you drink your juice. I want to see you happy again."
"Thank you", the girl smiled, and it reached her whole face. It was like a breeze passed through her, taking all the sadness with it. She drank everything in two big sips. "Now lets clean the mess you made at the kitchen, Pietro."
You woke up with tears running down your cheeks. You touched them, your hands trembling against your face, and imagined Wanda doing the same thing.
With lights turned on, you saw that you were alone. Barefeet, you wandered around your house. No one was there. You were alone. Just like Wanda. Lonely, confused, hurt.
Back in your room, you saw by your window that Wanda's bedroom. And you saw the lights turned on.
You didn't planned anything when you get out of your house and runned towards hers. You just knockes on the door, using all your strenght, and screamed her name until your throat ached.
Wanda was in need of a friend. A true one. And you can be that person. You can be her person.
When someone touched your shoulder, all did was shiver. "What do you think you're doing?" Agatha was right behind you, so close you could feel her warmth.
You tried to clean the tears marking your face. "I had a nightmare", you whispered. You couldn't think of a good lie, so you told her a half truth.
Agatha sighed. She's getting tired of this mess Wanda created. Nightmares, really? She should've be able to control them. "Come with me", she ordered.
You didn't move an inch.
Before you could even understand what was happening, something pulled you. Not a hand, not a body. Looking down, you saw a purple energy around your waist. It made you float, following Agatha as she walked towards your house.
She only let you free in your living room. You fell on the couch and immediately try to go back to Wanda's house. Without even looking at you, Agatha locked the front door. "Don't try me, sweetie."
Agatha touched the photos hanging on your wall. Real photos, with real people. She touched your friends smiles, pouted at your childhood friends, slid her fingers throught your degree. Her eyes land on a photo of you in front of the house you're in now.
"Damn", Agatha couldn't help but laugh. "You're new here? How unlucky you need to be so this happens right when you move in?"
You didn't answer her. Agatha turned her head, glaring at you on your nightgown. "It will end soon. Don't worry so much."
You swallowed hard. "Why do you say that?"
Agatha noticed your voice wasn't a high pitch. No pretty words, pretty expressions. Just you, with traces of tears on your face and a real question. "She will be done soon."
"And when will you be done?"
Agatha crossed her arms. "You're a really talktive puppet", she got closer to you. Agatha was taller than you, and she seen stronger too. You felt vulnerable under her watch, but not scared. You don't have time for that anymore. "You really will never behave?"
You breath in, closed your eyes, and gave her the best smile you could. "I need to sleep, Agnes. Good night, girl!"
Without giving her time to say something, you went up the stairs. You don't want her at your house, touching your things, messing with your life. You entered your room, turned off the lights, and when you were about to lay down her voice came back to haunt you.
"Where's your husband?" Agatha asked you.
"On the bathroom."
"No. He's not." Agatha pointed at the open door. "Where's he?"
"Well, I-", you sttutered. You never did that before, and Agrha noticed it. Agatha understood it. "He must be doing something in the garage. You know, men and their endless projects."
Agatha smiled at you. "Sure." She turned around, and you turned your back to her. You heard the sound of the door closing, the silence lingered, but you knew. Agatha was still there. This stupid chase reached its end. "What's your coven?"
You sighed and sat down on the bed. Agatha managed to see you, without any trace of acting or pretending. She saw your tiredness, frustration, impatience. You tucked your hair behind your ear and rubbed your eyes. "I have no idea what that means."
Purple cables attached themselves to your limbs. They were made of the same energy that forced you to return home. They pulled you, stretching your members, glowing against your skin. "Who are you?"
"Oh, don't you know?" Even though it was the worst thing to do, you provoked her. "You couldn't find anything in my mind, witch? Was that what you did to Wanda? Did you mess with her head so you could control this town?"
Agatha stepped closer to you. Instead of screaming at you, using her magic to hurt you, she did something pretty simple. She laughed. At you. "You think that was me?"
"You're using Wanda."
"Oh, sweetie", Agatha held you by your chin. Even with all the lights off, her eyes seen to shine. She carressed your skin. "Your hero is the one doing that. I'm only trying to stop her."
"No", you defended her. "Wanda would never do that."
"Can you tell me who's nightmare woke you up then? Who's desires are being attended by this act? Who's dead husband is alive?" Agatha touched your hair gently. "Done thinking already? I gonna give one more chance of saying the truth. Who are you?"
There was nothing you could do. No wish that would change Agatha's memory. That was the end of his little theatrics. And if this really is the end, you will not die in despair. You won't die begging. If this is the end, then so be it.
"You already know my name. If you want to know what I am, I won't be able to give you that answer. I don't know what I am. I can't cast spells, no one taught me magic. I don't even know what is happening here. So if you want to kill me, just do it already."
With your eyes closed, you were at peace. No one could say you didn't try. That you didn't want to change the situation for the better. Waiting for pain, the mercy of a quick pain or the sadism of a slow one, the strands of energy disappeared. Slowly you fell onto the bed, the feeling was like waking up from a bad dream.
When you opened your eyes, Agatha had her hand outstretched to you. You hesitated, but accepted the touch. She helped you sit down, and it was impossible to silence the question. "You're not going to kill me, Agnes?"
"Agatha", she corrected you. It was a pretty name. "You want to save this city, don't you?" Agatha asked. That was the first time you felt like she actually cared about the answer.
"More than anything."
"Good." Agatha breath in. "So help me make Wanda wake up from this scripted nightmare. Make it end and you will have your town back. As well as your life."
You blinked a few times. "Why are you offering me this?"
"The people of this city are useless to me. Their life or death doesn't hurt me or make me happy. I don't strive to hurt them in the same way I don't strive to save them. But I need Wanda to wake up. For her understand reality. Be my partner, do what I ask, and your life will be yours again. I think offering you this is a purely logical decision", Agatha extended her hand to you with the intention of sealing this contract. "Or maybe this is just your lucky day."
You didn't know if that was a genuine response from Agatha or her desire manifesting itself. You didn't know if Agatha cared about Wanda, if she was trustworthy, if what she promised you was true. You didn't know who Agatha was, what she wanted, how she would treat you. You didn't know so much.
Lucky day. Yeah, that part kind of makes sense.
You shook Agatha's hand. "We have a deal."
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dontsh0vethesun · 2 years
i swear i loved you, ‘til my dying day
inspo from my tears ricochet by taylor swift
wanda maximoff x reader
summary - a blossoming relationship, let’s watch it unfold…
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Wanda Maximoff looks beautiful when she dances, she has this carefree grin and a scrunch of her nose with her laughter. She spins like nobody is watching whether her feet are moving in time with the music or not. The first time you saw her dance was at a party, one she practically dragged you to but you couldn’t say no to that face.
You sipped on overly sweet cocktails in various unnatural shades, spending the night side by side until she forced you onto the crowded dance floor. She moved your stiff body along with hers until you reluctantly joined her in her actions, it was barely dancing, more akin to jumps and swirls to nondescript music but it didn’t take away the fun.
She smiled brightly with cheeks flushed with liquor and excitement and you caught yourself wondering if her lips would taste the same as yours, hoping that maybe one day you’d find out.
Wanda looks beautiful when she wakes up in the mornings with ruffled hair and a pink tint to puffy cheeks, sometimes a smudge of mascara beneath her eyes from a long night prior or maybe an indent in her skin as evidence of a good night's sleep.
Either way it astounded you. You watch fondly as she shuffles into the kitchen with a yawn, making a beeline towards the coffee you’d always brew with her in mind before sitting beside you where you sip on mugs over small chatter. You’d make her laugh just to hear it, it’s thickness with sleep, a sleepy rasp when she’d fondly call you stupid with a soft push to your arm.
You’d watch her walk away to get dressed for training with a fond smile, awaiting your session with her with a blend of nerves and excitement.
“You really need to tell her.” Natasha muttered from beside you.
“Tell who what?”
“You’re so annoying. You need to tell Wanda that you’re in love with her - it’s getting tiring watching you stare at her like she’s the best thing on this planet but never doing anything about it.”
“She is the best thing on this planet.” You countered. “And I’m not in love with her. I just think she’s pretty and has a cute laugh and- no. It’s - I’m not in love with her, shut up.”
“Okay, Romeo.” She chuckled with a push of her shoulder into yours, following where your eyes watched across the room as Wanda laughed heartily with Pietro.
When Wanda hugs you it’s always tight, holding you so close you can feel her heart beating with a steady thump. You smell the soft, rose scented shampoo she uses on her hair and the perfectly distinct smell that is hers. Vanilla body lotion and floral perfume, the perfect cocktail of scents that made you feel safe.
She’d always lean into your touch when your hands would stroke through her hair, scrunching the material of your shirt in her fist with her chin resting on your shoulder and a fond smile curving her lips.
And sometimes she’d break the hug to tickle you just because she knows how much you hate it, giggling as she’d chase you through the compound.
A kiss to the forehead is one of Wanda’s simple pleasures, the way the soft touch brings a warm soothing feeling and the accompanying touch to the arm that makes her feel so safe.
She enjoys when a long hug ends with foreheads pressed together with matching smiles on lips and a small kiss before pulling away completely. When she kisses she’s soft, cherry lip gloss coated lips tasting sweet and her hand holding your head close.
Wanda’s eyes light up at the suggestion to share a room, with her immediately planning the positions she’d place her abundance of plants, where she’d hang her favourite photo of the pair of you. When she’s excited she bounces on the balls of her feet slightly, clasping her hands together in front of her with that exquisite grin you’ve loved from the beginning.
Her new room instantly adopts her scent, sweet and lovely, cinnamon candles and patchouli incense. Plants bring life to the place and the guitar she never learned to play leans against the wall continuing to gather dust - just in a new home. She always makes the bed when she gets up in the morning, plumping the pillows ready for when she can climb back in.
Wanda always cherished the simple things, the way you’d effortlessly compliment her even if it was on something small like the colour of her nail polish. She loved when you’d hand her coffee in the morning or save her a seat in a team meeting, how you’d always ask her about her day even if you knew it hadn’t been eventful.
You always brought her favourite soup when she’s sick, carrot and parsnip with extra coriander - she’d always found it funny how much you hated the herb but you always made it how she liked. You’d keep her warm by piling endless amounts of blankets onto her body, preparing her a bath with her favourite sandalwood oils.
You knew how she took her coffee and her favourite herbal teas. You’d always listen to her nonstop ramblings of the book she was reading or the sitcom she’d been rewatching and you’d often watch them with her.
She loved how you always gave her the small things, making her feel so important in your life and she truly was. All you’ve wanted since the beginning is to see her happy with that shining glint in her eye as she grins with genuine joy.
You never thought you could be stunned into complete and utter silence by something beautiful but you were proven wrong when you saw Wanda in a white gown walking down the aisle with a bouquet clutched between her hands.
That smile you’ve always loved was plastered on her face and you both had tears pooling in your eyes. It wasn’t fair how astonishing she looked, nobody else even stood a chance in comparison; the white satin made her glow and the small curls that framed her face let you see her natural beauty.
The kiss after the ‘I dos’ was electric, anybody could see it. The perfect pair, the perfect love. And it ended with foreheads touched together, arms looped around waists and joyful tears coating cheeks.
It was no different that night than any other time that had come before - Wanda looked beautiful as she danced. Her long dress brushed against the floor as she spun and the bright, toothy grin never wavered the entire day.
The perfect pair, the perfect love, the perfect bride.
Just as with everything else, Wanda was a beautiful mother. She’d always had all this love inside her, there was plenty for the twins to be showered in. You’d seen her happy but this happiness was different, finally content. You could see it in her smile when she looked at them that she felt complete, she had everything she’d always wanted and you couldn’t be happier.
You’d rock the twins in your arms, whispering to them how much you love their mother and they’d just babble and laugh obliviously. Billy and Tommy loved you as much as you loved them and it made your heart burst with warmth; they made you play with them, running around the compound like three mischievous children.
You’d watch their favourite movies on repeat until they decided they hated it and moved on to another, you’d read them stories and build elaborate houses out of Lego bricks.
It was common for the three of you to fall asleep sprawled on the ground beneath an expertly (in your opinion) made fort, soft snores being drowned out by the movie still playing on the TV. Wanda would smile fondly at the sight, stealing photos she’d never let you see and sometimes she’d be right there with you. All four of you sleeping soundly on the ground.
“Shit, Y/N, where are you?” Natasha breathed down her comms, hurrying through corridors to find you when all she received was static. Her stomach dropped when she turned a corner to see your body slumped on the dusty ground, lazily holding yourself up on an elbow with your free hand pushing onto your stomach.
“Y/N/N, fuck. Okay, it’s okay, you’re gonna be okay.” She hurried out, kneeling beside you with her hands immediately pressing into the deep wound that hadn’t stopped bleeding. Your skin was growing clammy and your eyes were glazed over and she didn’t know when help would arrive.
“Hurts, Nat.” You slurred with your voice weak and groggy.
“I know, I know it hurts. Just hold on a little longer, stay with me, okay?”
“I loved Wanda from the beginning, y’know?”
“I know you did, sweetheart.” She responded, cradling your head in her lap with salty tears falling past her chin and a thumb swiping over your own tear stained cheek.
“As soon as I saw her I knew.” You coughed and Natasha couldn’t hold back the small sob at the back of her throat at the way she could feel you growing weaker. “I knew she was the only one I could ever love like this, the only person that I could give my heart to.”
“Mhm.” She nodded for you to continue but honestly she couldn’t find her voice, too scared it’d only come out as a cry.
“She just looks so beautiful when she dances. And when she - when she smiles. I love everything about her. Wanda Maximoff is perfect to me.” You could hardly breathe as the tears continued to pour and your vision started growing hazy. “I love her so much, Nat, and I’m never gonna see her again.”
“Don't say that. We’re gonna get you out of here and you can see that smile you love so much, the one you’ve rambled to me about so many times.” She sniffled with a tiny huff of a laugh she struggled to muster.
“I wish I told her.”
“I know.”
“Maybe if I’d told her how I felt, it’d be me instead of Vision. All of that could’ve been mine.” You sobbed. “I just wanted her to be happy, Nat. As long as she’s happy, that’s enough for me.”
“You deserve to be happy too.”
“I am. Wanda’s happiness is mine. Promise me, Nat-“ You cut yourself off with a gasp for the air that was growing even more difficult to inhale. “Promise me you’ll make sure she stays happy. You’ve gotta promise.” You lifted a weak, blood coated hand to hers and she wrapped her pinky finger around yours with a trembling lip and red, tear stained cheeks, watching as your eyes glazed over and you fell limp in her hold.
“I promise.”
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wanda-little-baby · 2 years
Restless Dreams - Wanda Maximoff x romanoff!Reader
Summary: When the past haunts you, it's best to have someone to hold on to or it sucks you in.
Warnings: mentions of death, injuries, weapon, there is a shoot, needles, sedative, kidnapping, sleep-inducted, and many other bad things... | +18 DNI
A/N: Sorry for my absence, but between the holidays and various reasons I have stretched the broth too much.
Words: 8.674
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You stood on the roof of the compound with your girlfriend staring up at the stars under a blanket. "How did you get your powers?" gazing at the starry sky Wanda, your girlfriend, she asked.
"I don't really know. I think they've always been there, just one day something made them activate" you stared at your fingers, passing a little magic ball through your fingers, reflecting on the origin of everything.
The atmosphere between you was getting more tense, you both had a bad history with discovering your powers, and that doesn't brighten the moment at all.
You turned on her side to observe her better and smiling you spoke to her. "But all in all, if I hadn't 'activated' them I wouldn't be here with you, and we just can't allow that" you kissed her cheek, underlining your happiness in being there, and also making her giggle.
"No we can't" she giggled she moved your tickling hands off her lap before she couldn't breathe anymore. "Who knows where I would be if you weren't here? If you hadn't saved Piet?" more serious she asked she, more to herself than to you, you too then think of an answer; then smile.
"You'd be down in your room in a more advanced stage of your emo phase surely despairing over Pietro's death" you made her understand, with no malice in intent, your thought.
She reacted by patting your shoulder in annoyance at the emo phase comment, making you giggle even more this time. "I'm not in an emo phase!" clearly lying she tried to hide, to no avail since you know her well, and your minds are connected.
"Your black nails, the many rings you wear on your fingers and a list of a hundred thousand other things would say differently, darling" you alluded more and more to everyday Wanda, loving her in all those little details, just like she does with you .
"I miss when you were too cheesy" she with a sad smile she moaned softly.
"And I miss your lips. You see, we're both unhappy." you pouted at her, thrusting yourself closer to her, still failing to make eye contact.
Your huffs rang in her ears, cracking her frown, eventually forcing her to turn around to look into your beautiful blue eyes. When you finally managed to look at her, seconds later her lips met yours, in a slow, sweet kiss.
Just before you needed a big breath of fresh air you interrupted your moment by leaning your foreheads together. "Better?" opening those gorgeous emerald eyes, with a smile full of love, your girlfriend asked to you. "Much better" savoring the remaining taste of her lips, you narrowed your eyes basking in all the warmth you emanated.
"What do you say, let's go back to our stars?" she made you open your eyes again with a confused look, which caused her to giggle, before realizing and gasping. "That's why I'm the cheesy one" you pouted, without real intentions, and together you resumed observing the starry night sky.
Your room has never been quieter, and the only thing that made it more comfortable was the memory of one of those late night dates with Wanda.
The two of you rarely sleep in different rooms (and different beds), but the few times you do, the night is always particular.
You've been lying on the bed for hours, under the covers, lost in thought, you could say you've reviewed your whole life but you would seem exaggerated.
A lot has happened lately, your friend Kate has moved to the compound (although she commutes between here and her apartment), you start to think that something is brewing between her and Pietro (but for now it's just continuous teasing), life inside and outside the missions is strangely easy (or maybe you're in love and everything else seems insignificant to you) and the 'be human' project with Vision proceeds slowly but steadily.
And as you stare into the void in the walls of your room, you start to hear a strange sound.
Beep... Beep... Beep..
A kind of beep, getting louder and with a constant rhythm, grips your mind, chasing away all other thoughts.
You try not to think about it but the more you ignore it the more persistent it becomes. It starts to get unbearable, so you violently get out of bed and walk out of the room in search of the source.
You go into the kitchen and dig a hole in the water, you wander around the other areas of the compound with no results, you even try to see in the living quarters (the empty ones) but you just can't see anything abnormal.
You were about to give up and reopen the door to your room, yielding to the pressures of the mysterious sound and growing sleep, when you pass Wanda's room and hear soft moans.
Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...
The closer you get to her room and the louder and faster the sound gets, there's no doubt that whatever it is, it's from her. She should be sleeping therefore it's useless for you to knock and enter by forcing the handle a little.
The room is dark, you can barely distinguish the stretched out shape of your girlfriend's body, and it's a bad thing that every beep corresponds to a gasp from her.
This is one of those nights huh? WHY I didn't get it before!
Sometimes at night Wanda still had nightmares, they could be about her parents, or they could be the memories of the tortures that Strucker called 'experiments' that came back to haunt her.
In these moments she goes back to being a scared child, increasingly fragile, your heart hurts to see her like this.
In a heartbeat, you wrap your arms around her, she's still shaking and desperately muttering words in Sokovian. You don't know which of her usual torments haunts her tonight, but you hope that your presence can help her in some way.
In your attempt to banish the painful memories, a sad realization comes to you.
The continuous beeps, all in sequence, as if they were a countdown, are one of the things that terrifies Wanda the most. The ticking of the countdown of that cursed missile torments her very often, even before you met her (Pietro once told you so).
That beep handed down in your mind was nothing more than a request for help from her subconscious.
Suddenly, still wrapped in your thoughtful cloud, you notice movement beneath you. It's Wanda who woke up abruptly, she was reliving that memory crap, so when she opened her eyes she didn't expect to feel two arms around her and so she gasped a little.
"Hey, it's me. Still the nightmares?" she whispered into her ear, trying to keep her tones as low and calm as possible, just to not scare her further. "Mhm" wide awake, and very shaken, she admitted in shock.
"Why did you come here?" now more conscious she formulated her curiosity about her, unfortunately continuing to mentally reproduce that annoying sound. You wince at her continued concern for you, even though the one needing treatment now is her. "I felt you needed me and I ran right away. However I was still awake" you reassure her without giving her further worries, she is already too shaken.
She sighs, turns in your grip, and only now can you see traces of tears covering her cheeks, her eyes still red from crying. "I keep seeing them, the seconds until the explosion. Under that bed, I keep counting the seconds until that damned missile explodes" sobs escape her lips, she closes her eyes before shrinking smaller and smaller .
You basically became the big spoon in no time, with Wanda curled up with her head on your chest, you making concentric circles on her back to help her calm down, and an impending outburst.
"I shouldn't have done it! I... I shouldn't have volunteered for Strucker's experiments. There wouldn't have been Ultron if I hadn't let hatred and vengeance take me" she gets caught up in anger and pain, towards herself, and the more she continues the more she hyperventilates.
You try to calm her down, but all attempts fail, then you remember what she did when it was you who hyperventilated. "Hey, hey, hey, Wands breathe. In and out, follow me." you take her hands, now that both of you are sitting in the middle of the bed, and together you try to take deep breaths.
"Remember what you tell me when I'm in trouble? Focus on my thoughts, let go of everything else, just you and me now" you look into her eyes, thinking about the things she needs to hear (they're all true, for you), just waiting for a change.
It's not your fault, you did what you thought was right, and when you understood the truth you quickly changed your mind.
Do you remember? I was there, I saw you. And then Ultron is gone, we defeated him, together.
Now you're here, you have a lot of people who love you, and above all you have me.
You've said the last part many times in the last few months of dating, yet those three famous little words are struggling to get out, perhaps it would be premature to even think so. It used to be normal for you to say your love for each other without doing it, either physically or with a veiled version of ILY, but every time you had to soothe Wanda out of one of her post-nightmare outbursts you were very tempted to spill the beans.
Focusing on the words you were thinking, taking deep breaths, and anchoring herself in your touch, she finally calms down. "Goes better?" you worried, probe the ground, staring fear into those once joyous eyes.
Honestly she doesn't know what to answer, you understand it too, that's why you caress her cheeks, brushing away the last traces of tears with your thumbs. "Shall we go back to sleep?" finally you propose to her, you also open your arms so that she can sneak in, as she likes to do every time.
At this point in the night, you are both mentally tired, both from the exhausting day and the recent late night episode. You are already leaving for the world of dreams again when something unexpected happens.
"Thank you Y/N for always being there for me. I love you so much." are the words that Wanda says, probably just before falling asleep, since after coming out of the trance for the realization of her you try to call her without success. "I love you too Wanda" you finally whisper before kissing her head and falling asleep too.
Of course she may not have heard you, or she may have said it in a moment of tiredness, or she had said it but she doesn't mean it in that sense, but tomorrow you would (perhaps) make sure you tell her again.
≈≈≈≈≈≈ a few weeks later ≈≈≈≈≈≈
"Are you sure everything will be fine?" near the Quinjet, Wanda asks you, worried about the mission. You rolls your eyes before receiving a serious warning look, and shakes your head confidently. "Wands, everything will be fine, the mission is no big deal. Don't worry, I won't be alone, Steve and Kate will be there with me too." you keep her shoulders still, your eyes fixed on her, and your words as sincere as possible, you are sure that everything will be fine.
How can she say no when you're so sure, and then when you stick you can be so stubborn.
"They'd better protect you, otherwise they'll have to deal with a very angry girl" she tells you, accentuating the last part of her for the two avengers inside the jet to hear. You give her a tender smile followed by a too-short goodbye kiss before you turn and step into the aircraft to admire a sorry pout from your favorite brunette afterwards.
I love you, girl
I love you more Y/N, and be careful
Everything is fine isn't it?
You just had to search a building, neutralize the threats and recover the resource. You Steve and Kate split up, eliminated all threats for each floor and now you were looking for a very stupid crate marked with number 74.
"It's like looking for a needle in a haystack" rummaging through a kind of warehouse among the papers, you communicate into the earpiece. "Only it's a huge empty building here" from earpiece Kate equally bored, huffs plaintively.
"Girls stay focused, danger can be everywhere" as usual, as a good leader he is (or as a good pain in the ass) Steve interfered in your bored complaints to the research.
As much as you huff, surely Kate does too, given her clear laugh at your flippant reply. "All right capsicle, we'll be careful we don't end up frozen for seventy years" you tease the poor super soldier, you torture him on this whenever you like.
"What does this have to do with it?" annoyed, he clearly wonders about the relevance of the topic. "Oh nothing, it's just that I find it funny" as a thing like any other you say by taking an interesting folder, leafing through it a bit and then continuing to rummage elsewhere.
The musty smell of the basement, mixed with the immeasurable quantity of files stored in this horribly disturbing place, makes you considerably speed up the search for the desired object.
You're browsing through the shelves of a bookshop when you notice a door, a door that really shouldn't be there, on the maps you studied earlier this place had to have only one exit, and it's not that.
Stealthily you approach cautiously, secretly hoping that it is closed, even if it would not serve to block you, in fact it would only slow you down. "Guys, I found something..." you try to communicate, the mysterious door getting closer (and more disturbing), and a deafening silence.
You wait impatiently for an answer, time passes and you feel only the recondite silence in the air, and you start to worry slightly. "Guys?" try again, hoping for a futile attempt, whose failed attempt only made you more nervous.
You sigh disconsolately, the situation worsens rapidly, and you have only one conclusion.
Shit, there's no signal.
It looks like a horror movie, and I'm going to do exactly what I'm not supposed to do.
As bold as ever, you turn the doorknob and leap inside. The room is exactly like the rest of the basement, damp and smelly, except that there's a 90's computer on a desk in the center of the room.
"Not at all creepy" you mutter cautiously, obviously it's a trap, if there were signs their 'it's a trap' arrows would be pointing at the vintage knick-knacks.
Now given up on having communications, you continue the mission's purpose, and thus approach the obvious pitfall.
Behind you, however, hidden in the shadows, there is a masked figure ready to ambush you. It approaches as shrewd as a cat in a flash, and before you knows it he's injecting you with a powerful sedative behind your back, powerful enough to make you collapse not before saying your last words. "блядь..."
Your sedated body was dragged to an unknown location, leaving you hanging around your mind while someone did what they wanted with you.
Steve and Kate after trying several times to get in touch with you reunited in the empty dungeon discovering your having been kidnapped. Defeated and morally demoralized, as well as empty-handed, they were forced to return to the compound without you.
Wanda and your mother (just back from a mission) were waiting for you at the landing zone, and what they didn't expect was not to find their favorite person.
As soon as the Quinjet landed they expected to see your sunny presence rushing towards them, that's why they are surprised when they hear only the deafening noise of the rotors fading away. Neither of them want to break the terrible news to your mother, who is also a very protective ex-assassin when it comes to her adopted daughter, or to your girlfriend, a powerful witch in love with an expert in torturing mind.
Fortunately for them, or rather unfortunately, those two girls are very suspicious and in fact after a few minutes they are already inside the aircraft very worried. "What happened to Y/N?" the concern written on your mother's face, arms folded and a glare, emotionless on the outside but trembling with concern on the inside using all her spy training to hold back worried tears.
The uncertain looks that the super soldier and the young archer exchange and the obvious strong thoughts that emanate, involuntarily make your girlfriend understand the sad truth.
Her whole world seems to collapse, the only person (besides her brother) who has not been afraid of her powers (or of her in general) and with whom she felt different, more herself, has now been kidnapped, subjected to god knows what atrocity, and no one knows better than she what those people can do.
She can no longer stand from the pressure, so with tears still just welling in her eyes, she drops to her knees, one hand over her mouth to keep from screaming at the searing pain in her chest.
Natasha still unaware of your kidnapping, understands the gravity of the situation by closely watching Wanda's rapid collapse and fires a quick 'tell me what the fuck happened to my daughter' dart at Steve, before ducking just a little to Wanda's level and giving her a hug of comfort; she is your girlfriend after all, she should show some affection to her too, and then she too suffers for the same reason and understands.
Sure, that hug maybe didn't calm Wanda, but it allowed the widow to seriously experience how down in the dumps Steve and Kate were. Kate is the most experienced, she sees traces of tears still fresh, her hair is all messed up, and she probably cried on the flight home.
Steve on the other hand is very shaken, since you've been here despite your problems you've tried to make him feel at home, and he was the first one you met so he feels guilty for not having come to check sooner, maybe he could have caught the kidnapper .
"They took her..." the blond from America finally confesses.
At these words the young archer gets up and from the seat and walks away at an accelerated pace, with more tears starting to flow, she doesn't want to see the same mistake again, not after she keeps seeing it in her mind every single second.
"Taken? Who did it? How could this happen?" as a mother terrified of losing her daughter, she shoots questions deeper and deeper into her wound.
"She entered an area with no cover, the enemy was waiting for her…they ambushed her" in a cracked voice, a battered Steve sums up what he knows about what happened to you.
"You should have protected her...you should have..." between a sob and a shower of tears, accusing words, not really to Steve, more to herself for not coming with you (you said you could handle it) and maybe even to you for being so careless.
She is increasingly desperate, not even Natasha's reassuring gesture manages to keep her rooted without sinking into the abyss of pain. As always, the redhead has to be the strong one, now she has to do it for you, to find you as soon as possible, and she has to do it for Wanda too, deep down she cares a lot about the girl.
From the position next to her, he faces and puts his hands on the shoulders of the Sokovian, perhaps perceiving a minimum point to give her hope. "Wanda listen to me, I promise we will find her. I will find her, and I swear I won't stop until she's here again" she promises stubborn as ever, and truly she won't stop until she finds you.
"We'll Find Her"
They took your body to a research facility, which is something a normal person would do when they 'get' someone with powers, didn't they?
From the few minutes of sleep-wake they let you have between one dose of sedatives and the other you understand that you are probably attached to a heart rate monitor and they have certainly put you on a stretcher.
Every now and then in the sleepwalking void you feel like pricks, so you assume they are studying you, your powers and abilities, or they are other drugs because you are too awake to feel them. After all the void of sleep isn't that bad, it feels like sleep but this time you don't know how conscious you are until you fall back into induced sleep again.
You don't understand if the hours, the days, the weeks go by, and everything seems like a boring monotonous silence.
At the same time as the compound, your mother doesn't rest for a second, puts all her energy into finding a link to where the Hydra has locked you up and literally hasn't slept in who knows how long, she has the whole team involved in your research (not that there was any need, they would have done it even if she hadn't asked), everyone does everything possible to remind Natasha to at least feed, as well as spending every way for the slightest clue.
Everyone except Wanda, she hasn't left your room since she found out, she spends her days crying in your bed and when she's not crying, she reads all the little notes you've stuck in the room to remind you of the most mundane things (such as: training with mom at 10 am, date with Wanda tonight!✨, etc...) just to remember what your voice would sound like.
The night is the worst moment for her, since nightmares have kidnapped you, they are a daily thing and they are all about the fear of losing you, of seeing your lifeless corpse in her arms, that's why her eyes are glassy from tiredness and from despair all day.
Three weeks have passed since day X, they have just reduced the dose of sedatives and moved you to an isolated cell, very dirty and full of mold everywhere. However it's not like you could go anywhere, they tied you to the bed and you can't move from there.
They come every three hours to check if you're awake, and two times out of three they put you back to sleep, so you stay awake about long enough to sort your thoughts. You're stuck and shut down, barely able to read very strong thoughts from weak minds, so an escape is unlikely.
However, now you feel a strange feeling in your stomach, and then a rush of energy. A rush of familiar emotions, anger, worry, revenge but above all love, give you a new rush of power.
The only person capable of restoring your magical power is the only one you would now like to see in your arms, so a new strength makes you sit up abruptly, breaking the belts that held you to the bed. "Wanda!" burning red eyes and a hopeful smile accompany you as you quickly get off the bed.
You've just discovered that you're wearing a hospital gown, and by the meager marks on your body you understand the length of your stay with the enemy. With a flurry of hands you unhinge the door and with very little energy you trudge out. You can feel Wanda, she is here, wherever here is, you just have to find her.
Obviously being an enemy base it is full of soldiers, ready to shoot you as soon as they see you. You trudge tired and luckily thanks to your powers you manage to take out one by one (slamming them from one wall to another) all the obstacles, at least that's what you thought after passing a few floors.
Slowly exhausted from the walk and very hungry you continued your desperate search when you feel a thud behind you and then a warmth in your leg. You are already too exhausted from everything so the bullet that entered your leg is the straw that breaks the camel, so your fainting is quick, unfortunately you do not notice the red flash behind you and a familiar walk behind you.
It took them three weeks, but your mother finally found you. They kept you imprisoned in an old abandoned Hydra base, or so the team believed, well hidden from prying eyes, but not so well from some satellite.
Within minutes the information had spread throughout the compound, and the entire team was already mobilizing for the rescue.
If you were there with them you could have described your mother and girlfriend in three words: hope, determination and revenge.
As soon as FRIDAY had announced your location in your room Wanda was incredulous, in less than five minutes she was already out of the compound ready to go and very pounding.
When they arrived near the 'abandoned' structure Pietro did a quick inspection counting the exits, the enemies and maybe spotting you, so after a few minutes the Avengers burst into the building.
When Wanda found you she had just split from the rest of the team, convinced she had seen something, she had just turned the corner when she heard a shot, a little further on there was a guard holding a gun pointed at someone, in a fit of rage he flies off the building and looks at the shot victim.
Her eyes are shocked, you just fell to the ground, exhausted and with a hole in your leg, you pass out before she reaches you. When she takes you in her arms she sees your glassy eyes, your malnourished body and pale skin, you basically got here by miracle. You're so thin that she can pick you up bridal style and make her way to the jet.
They rescued you and blew up the building (after successfully eliminating any form of threat), but you had been too neglected in the three weeks and also aided by your gunshot wound you fell into a coma.
The team took you back to the compound where you were met and treated by a world-class medical team, you were cleared of the drug cocktails those Hydra scientists had injected into you, but you still didn't have enough strength to wake up. Days go by and the team, or rather your family, continues to visit you assiduously.
Sometimes only Kate will come, and whispering she will ask you a billion times sorry for she knows not what reason, she feels guilty for her friend and somehow holds herself responsible for your suffering.
Steve comes to visit you at least twice a day, the first time he brings you one of your favorite books, he changes them every day and he knows how much you love to read so he hopes it helps, the second time he does it for Wanda, he brings her a hot meal, given who refuses to leave your side until you wake up. Not that this helps, however she wouldn't eat it anyway, at least maybe she doesn't show it but she appreciates Steve's gesture.
Sam stays a while and then goes away, but he always wishes you a speedy recovery and tries to make Wanda smile every now and then.
Tony came the other day too, his usual manners getting him kicked out of the infirmary by your mother before he said anything to arouse Wanda's wrath. However what he wanted to give you he had already put in your room so the visit to the infirmary was just pure courtesy.
Vision is the one who showed up the least, he had calculated that you would wake up within a week and therefore there was no need to worry, he will only have come to check on you twice.
The only people who never or very rarely left the room were Natasha and Wanda.
The brunette always sat by your side and as the rest of the world went on she stopped hers for you. Even if you're standing there right in front of her, your pulse being monitored on the screen, she's terrified that one day, the wrong one, the pulse on that monitor will stop.
Her favorite activity has now become holding your hand, hoping that you will respond to her squeeze, or in cases where she feels suffocated and misses you too much, she rests next to you, with her head on your chest, to remain anchored here only thanks to the sound of your heart.
If Pietro hadn't been there, she would have gone mad with pain, it may seem excessive but in a short time you filled a hole in her life that she didn't even know she had, and now that hole is reopening, and blood is coming out. As close as he could was to his sister, as well as her friend.
Natasha took the hit of the coma better than Wanda, she had you at home safe, and she's too stubborn to think you can die, you'll just wake up full stop. The only times she left the room was when someone else was with Wanda, just to get some air, or something to eat, after which she would quickly come back to you two.
A silver lining was that at least they talked to each other more, when they were in the mood for it, and mainly share the best memories they have with you. Your presence certainly helped the twins settle better in the team, let's say you gave both sides a boost.
She takes care of your girlfriend as well as she does you, she knows that's what you want, and it's also a way to postpone the pain so welcome.
For a couple of nights Wanda has fallen asleep exhausted curled up against you, and each time Natasha takes and puts the blanket on for you two, letting you rest, then she sits down on one of the chairs and dozes off, also very tired.
It is now afternoon, twelve days have passed since you were shot, and one month and five days since the fateful mission.
It is the first time that Natasha has left the room leaving Wanda alone, nothing should happen after all she is sleeping which is rare in recent days.
The first thing you feel is a big headache, you're completely dazed, you don't even know where you are or how you got there.
When you open your eyes slightly the yellowish light of the sun blinds you and you can barely see the white ceiling of the room.
The continuous background noise that has accompanied you in the last month, that of your heartbeat on the monitor, is always present only this time it seems to you that you are less bedridden.
Then all of a sudden the memories of the last month come back to you, the constant sedatives, and the withdrawals, the tests, the confinement to the bed, and then the escape, only for it all to vanish in smoke.
Realization hits you when you try to move and you realize there's someone leaning against you, why didn't you notice it sooner?
Your blood rushes to your brain at the very thought of having to fight in this state but you immediately cheer up when you see that it's your girlfriend.
She is clinging to you as if her life depended on it and you even mind breathing if it means disturbing her graceful sleep.
The light breeze that moves her hair makes you aware of where you are, the dear infirmary of the compound, much better than the last bed you woke up in. The soft light already gives you a daily context but you are quite tired of lying down.
With a lot of effort you try to get into a sitting position, but as you suspected, in addition to the impending difficulty, you wake up Wanda. "Y/N!? Oh my god, you woke up!" her eyes widen in disbelief, she quickly unravels from your arms, her happy expression changes when she sees your strained face.
"Stay down, don't force yourself, you'll hurt" with strong hands she brings you back down again, with one goal, to let you rest. "I'm fine Wands, I'm just a little dizzy. I just wanted to be a little straighter" you reassure her, making the situation clear, and hoping for a slowdown in the restrictions.
Her expression doesn't waver, she's not going to make you move a single muscle, and she'll take care of it personally.
"No you're not well, you woke up after almost two weeks in a coma and now you won't even move a muscle, you have to rest" like a good nurse she commands you, even pointing at you with her finger, her concern screams from all over her.
You sigh yielding, you missed her caring side too, even though sometimes it's too much, this time you have to indulge her. Stop all your futile attempts to get your body to move and embrace the idea of ​​lying down.
At this point it would be better to restart the conversation completely, so in order not to undermine it even more, you prefer to enjoy the silence and stare, with an unconsciously pained gaze, at the caring emerald eyes of your favorite brunette.
The thought that she was too brutal by preventing you from getting up doesn't even cross her mind, after all you were in pain getting up and she doesn't want you to suffer, if anything she could help you…maybe.
Now sitting more composed, on the edge of the bed, with her legs crossed, she thoughtfully massacres her lower lip with her teeth while with one hand she strokes your numb legs. A flash of genius comes to her in these few seconds of reflection, a light in her eyes, literally when she approaches and she fixes you by putting an extra pillow behind your back to make you stand a little higher.
"I missed you so much, I thought I was losing you" moving, close enough to have her long brown hair on your chest, her strong arms gripping your forearms, she lets go of all the sadness and especially that little constant dread of never hearing your voice again.
The benefit of being a telepath yourself, even if you're exhausted, is that you feel all the plethora of painful thoughts gripping her brain, and you're perhaps the only person who can put an end to them right now.
"I've missed you a lot too Wands, and I'm never, ever leaving you. I promise." with your heart in your hand you promise her something for which you will fight to the last drop of blood in your veins, to seal this pact you also raise your little finger, one way for another to make everything lighter.
Her little finger quickly reaches yours, and you squeeze it to seal your solemn promise.
Don't miss the opportunity to push your face a little closer, so that your lips come together in a kiss that has been requested for more than a month.
"Never do that again" now that the kiss is done, in fear her whole facade crumbles. "What... kiss you?" you look at her amazed, usually she liked your kisses, maybe there's something deeper underneath her, or maybe you wanted to make her smile already knowing the answer.
"No stupid, leave me alone" she smiles at your antics, sometimes they really change her day, but this time her fears are well founded.
"I can try to do this, after all I have good reasons to go home" you linger over the last words, sketching in your mind a series of valid reasons, while you give her a look that is both sincere and provocative at the same time give. "And what would these reasons be? I'd really like to hear them" provocative eyes, malicious intent, are hers when the space between you increases, sitting again in the space next to your outstretched legs.
"Hmm let's see....It's movie night on Friday..." with a thoughtful look, fingers on chin, your eyes in full defiance, you tease her. "Friday movie night?" with her mouth hanging open and an expression both surprised and disappointed, she surely she was expecting something romantic, aside from the fact that you can be romantic as well as be a tease.
"Then there are... my mother's failed attempts at cooking... Vision's lingering philosophical quotes... the grandfatherly air Steve brings... Sam's incomprehensible jokes..." you list one by one very random motifs, some unnerving, leaving a little pause between each one to give the brunette a little more suspense. "AND?" she shakes her arms in exasperation, she knows she's at the end of this, but you're really dragging your feet.
At her insistence you laugh, maybe you shouldn't since lifting your chest so much causes you a little pain (which you're good enough to hide) all over the ribcage area, you can see that maybe you shouldn't have scoffed her insistence. Your brief reward is when she pouts, that tender pout she only gives you, the one you can't resist, anyway you would have told her in the end.
"Annnnd... you Wanda, you are the biggest reason to come home" with soft eyes, heart in hand, and aching limbs, once again you confess your love to her.
Joy is not quantifiable on Wanda's face, of course she knew you would say it, in practice she was begging you to finish that sentence in this way, but it always does her heart good to feel how much you love her.
For this reason, immediately after your fatal words, she jumps on you, in a bizarre way too, considering that you are half-reclining, forgetting all the precautions she had imposed on herself to make you respect.
She nearly chokes you at how tight her arms are wrapped around your neck, and all in all her reaction was not quite like the usual Wanda you know.
When you met her she was always standoffish with others, the only one she literally wasn't bitter with was her brother, certainly the situation you were in wasn't the most favorable for making friends, among other things you were probably still enemies, but with you she always behaved differently from the others. It may be because of your bond, or curse if you prefer, unique, but right from the start there was an incredible chemistry. Time has only helped, until now and her attempt to smother you in a hug.
"Hey…it's okay…it's okay… I love you too, there's no need to choke me" you force yourself to speak, giggling at her grips, knowing that maybe this will lead you to be free. Fortunately this time it suits you because you are immediately released, but in exchange you get the best show you could ask for.
Red as a tomato, her hair all tousled, your beautiful girlfriend cackled loudly, using one hand to push her dark hair away from her face and behind her ear and the other in a failed attempt to hold back the laughter, drawing the your gaze in love like a magnet.
Your constant staring only makes the Sokovian grin even more, almost making her breathless. "W-Why are you staring at me?" she mumbles still trying to suppress the rest of the laughter, still beaming as always, only now you realize what you were doing perhaps unintentionally and this in turn makes you laugh.
"I was just thinking that I just picked the right Maximoff" you nonchalantly tell her smiling. Your answer makes her raise an eyebrow in disbelief. "You say?" she asks you curiously. Whereupon you shake your head and already prepare yourself for other flattery to give to your declared crush.
"Very convinced. Pietro isn't as witty as he thinks, and then he's really a messy..." you explain your reasons when the lock on the handle clicks and the door opens revealing Pietro following Natasha who were chatting softly.
When your conversations have petered out together, looks of astonishment and wonder come to their eyes, the next thing you know is that your mother is on the other side of the bed, showering you with hugs and kisses.
It is literally the greatest amount of affection that Natasha has given you, of course there have been hugs, kisses of various kinds, other things between mothers and daughters, but never as concentrated as now.
"Sleeping Beauty has finally woken up" in his usual sarcastic way, Pietro comments, and if you could see him, even if you already know he's got it, you'd see that cursed smile he's given since he's been teasing you.
"I missed you too, Piet," you tell him, after extricating yourself from your mother's forest of arms and red hair. "When did you wake up?" more composed and less attached to you, but always on the right side of the bed, your mother asks for hours.
You give Wanda a quick quizzical look, since she was the only one in the room, but she has the same uncertain expression you have so you don't know what to answer. "a few minutes ago..." you try again a look of support "... yes minutes, practically recently" Wanda backs you up, as uncertain as you are.
"You had a long sleep" begins from behind her sister, that dear sprinter you have as a friend. Speechless with a single glance you address the unspoken question to the two women on either side of you. "Almost two weeks" by rubbing her hand over your outstretched arm, your mother updates you on your forced rest period.
"I bet C-3PO tried to calculate when I would wake up, did he?" smile thinking back to the synthezoid while he tries to calculate your shooting time, sometimes the way he talks you can't help but chuckle. Your smile is contagious, because the other three smile at your joke too, but only Pietro intervenes.
"Speaking of robots, there are a couple of people over there who can't wait to talk to you" with a grimace he teases you, he knows you hate all this attention, oh how much he knows.
You roll your eyes and mutter "let's take this band-aid off" as you pass your right hand over your face, you also manage to make Wanda smile with your manners and all in all this is not bad.
Within a few minutes, one by one all the members of the team, or for you of your family, arrive in the now crowded room.
In the short waiting time, you have the opportunity to take a further look at the room and smile when you see the book on the bedside table on your left, already knowing who brought it to you and planning to thank him.
As you suspected, Steve was the first to cross the threshold of the medical cabin, an expression of relief when he saw that you were well and in good company. "Captain" you greet him formally, still a little aching, stupid headache. He approaches you, making room for himself on the side of the bedside where Natasha used to be, now out to go and call the others.
"Girl you really scared us" a serious but also concerned tone takes the super soldier. You sigh in amusement, ready to answer, you adjust your position, firmly helped by Wanda's arm. "Well what do I have to say, I haven't slept for seventy years but I'm tired of being in the REM phase" with a slight arrhythmia from the effort you make a slight joke.
A reproachful look nevertheless reaches your eyes, even if it dissolves immediately after, by now your jokes on this topic missed him.
A sound getting closer, almost like a scream, you start to hear. "Y/N!!!" Kate bursts into the room, held briefly by Sam, hell the girl is nimble.
Her eyes are shining with contentment, her feet far apart, her arms stretched out for the run, and all her disbelief is enclosed in her being. "Kate..." you whispered in surprise, sincerely at everything, at her hasty manner and the faintly remorseful expression on her face. "Oh my god…"she covers her mouth with her hands before almost throwing herself at me.
She literally pushes Steve away for space and before long she's wrapping you up in a tear-jerking hug. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, sorry sorry..." she murmurs into the crook of your neck, so sorry and finally relieved to empty herself of the guilt she feels she has that she doesn't mind your surprised expression at all.
Like a brick all the stormy guilty thoughts that sink her suddenly hit you, thoughts from her point of view very concrete, having suggested to split up to cover more ground was her idea without most likely you would not have fallen into the trap.
But what he doesn't know is that you wanted to venture alone into an area with no signal and that clearly reeked of a trap. "No no... No Kate, stop apologizing, you didn't do anything. It was all my idea" you cautiously move away, alienated by the amount of hugs you've had in the last few minutes, but with a more important task.
Apparently your intentions weren't clear because she's still insecure so try again with more conviction. "I knew what I was doing, nothing of the last month is your fault" even more convinced you take her by the shoulders, eyes convinced, and you indicate your body to explain above all the shot.
She is really shocked
She took all the blame for your kidnapping before and your weak coma now
She shouldn't have, she shouldn't, the responsibility for that is mine alone
I don't know what to do Wands, should I use my powers?
I think this is for you to decide детка
Her posture is all hunched over, mostly due to the fact that she was holding you, but you have to continue despite her evidence of upset from her. "Are we still friends? I mean... aren't you angry with me?" she comes out, surprising you suddenly, a sudden question but with a lot behind it.
Take a deep breath and before you can say anything Wanda reaches the young archer from this side placing a hand on her shoulders.
"If I were to be angry about all the plans gone awry that caused me some injuries, I would most likely hate the person who is about to walk through that door" without a hint of sarcasm, alright maybe just a little bit, you finally tell her, concluding the last part just as Sam was panting through the door.
"This...girl...runs...a lot" taking deep breaths, Sam gestures at Kate, completely oblivious to your previous conversation with the archer.
The exclamation plus the birdman's breathless pitiful state (he hates when he's called that so you'll keep calling him that in your head hoping he can hear it) brings out a hopeless watery smile at the girl as well as a knowing look between you and Peter.
"Sam" you greet him trying not to let a smile slip, acknowledging your active presence. "Y/N, well woken up" between a sigh and the rest now more composed he too returns the smile. "Trouble breathing, bird man?" teases Pietro as only he can do, he is on par with Tony sometimes as far as it can be a joke, it would be an exciting fight.
If a look could kill then the sprinter would now be stone dead from the glare that the literal "not birdman, they're just wings" throws at him. Then you really can't resist any longer and you grin maliciously laughing both at the joke and at the look (even at your thoughts), a light pat comes on your shoulders when Wanda makes you understand that laughing at other people's misfortunes isn't so nice after all, even if you pout however her idea remains the same.
Right now Natasha walks into the room too, before the now tangible body of the world's most motor-skilled toaster pops out of the wall, further boosting your laughter as he makes poor Sam take a hit. "What are you doing so funny?" says your mother, aware of your laughter, but for Sam's sake she tries to deflect the subject.
"I entered and ..." Vision believing he has to make a list, all serious he gestures undermining what he has done and then staring at the others in confusion. "Vis what did I tell you? It was rhetoric, she doesn't want to know what you did." particularly precise on this point, he had asked you to learn to understand the human being and you are helping him, rhetoric is part of all this. A sad look however took him.
"Oh. Well woke up anyway Y/N." dejected dejected he shut up.
That's what you've done for the next hour, talking to all the people who have given color their way into your life.
At least until your mother pleaded that you needed to rest, which you were already tired of doing since the last month in bed, kicking everyone out of the room.
The only people left inside were you, Natasha and Wanda, or as you dubbed them in your head: your new nurses.
They literally instituted very limited visiting hours beyond which only the two of them in exchange could see you.
When you insisted on the first night to go back to your room they protested and so you ended up staying in that kind of hospital room for another week. The biggest torture was that you couldn't do anything.
'Rest and see that you'll get better' your mother tells you all the time, even if it's true that whatever they injected in there could be dangerous now you're bored.
The only activity that wasn't eating (all rigorously prepared by your girlfriend), sleeping, chatting with your 'freedom holders' and other things that don't move much is reading.
You love Steve after all those books he stole from your room and brought them here, literally even if you know them by heart you devour them out of boredom.
When they finally let you out you are strictly accompanied, no longer by two prison guards but only by Wanda (perhaps you can fool her with her big eyes) which you don't mind.
The missions for the first three weeks are off-limits, you can't even talk about it, then slowly, pushing the right buttons, you convince them to trust you.
Of course of all these treatments you know that as soon as they run out the rest of the team will mess you around until you die. Especially Pietro
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Remember, the night we met?
Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
request - Can i request the wedding day of wanda maximoff x male reader and time skip to where they having baby girl called 'natalie'
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Wanda is in her wedding dress and she is looking in the mirror. She is feeling extremely nervous and she sighed. Pietro walked into the room and he smiled.
“Wanda, what’s wrong? You don't seem happy” Pietro said.
“I am feeling happy but...” Wanda said.
“You feel that you don't deserve to be happy?” Pietro said.
She nods “I don't think I deserve to be happy or marry him,”
“Listen to me Wanda, you deserve to be happy. He makes you happy and you smile a lot because you are in love with him. It's okay to be nervous. You and Y/n, deserve to be happy and much more. Don't let your doubt fool you” Pietro said.
“How come, you know what to say,” Wanda said.
“Because I am smart and good looking” Pietro smiled.
He hugged Wanda and she is ready to be married.
You watched Wanda walk down the aisle and you can't stop smiling. Everyone is looking at Wanda. You and Wanda stare at each other then you and Wanda hold hands.
“You look so beautiful, Wanda” You smiled.
“Y/n, you look so handsome. I love you” Wanda said.
You and Wanda are officially married. Everyone cheered and clapped for you and Wanda. Pietro hugged you and Wanda, now he is ready to party. You did have your first dance with Wanda, everyone is watching.
“We leave tonight to Scotland,” You said.
“Can’t wait to go. Planning the wedding was very stressful” Wanda said.
“Yeah, I agree with you. But now we can have a good time and other stuff” You smiled.
“Long as we can be alone then I am happy about that” Wanda said.
Hours later, you and Wanda made it to Scotland. Tony paid for an expensive hotel suite, it's a gift for you and Wanda. You and Wanda do explore the town and try new food together, also taking a lot of pictures together.
Time Skip...
Wanda wants to surprise you and everyone else. She is going to throw a party and it's a surprise baby shower. You don't know that she is pregnant. Wanda told Pietro to pick up the cake and decorate the living room. He already finished in 3 seconds. An hour later, everyone starts to show up for the party.
“Babe, why are throwing a party?” You asked.
“You and everyone will find out, soon enough” Wanda smiled.
“Okay...” You said.
“Okay, everyone I want to make an announcement. So... The cake will reveal which gender is the baby” Wanda said.
Everyone is in shock and they look at you, it's taking a few seconds to process what she said.
“Y/n, did you hear what she said?” Bruce asked.
Wanda is smiling at you. Five seconds later... You understood what she said. Your mind is all over the place and you are speechless.
“I’m a dad?” You asked.
“Yes, you are going to be a dad” Wanda smiled.
Everyone hugged you and you can't stop smiling. Now, Wanda cuts the cake and it's green.
“Green? What does that mean?” You asked.
“Pietro!” Wanda said.
“Oh... Looks like I got the wrong cake...” Pietro said.
“Well, happy st Patrick,” Natasha said.
“Are we going to have a green baby?” You asked.
Wanda laughed.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
Time Skip...
Wanda gave birth to a baby girl named Natalie. Pietro is the fun uncle and everyone loves to spoil Natalie. You and Wanda like being parents but at the same time, it can be scary.
“Y/n!” Wanda yelled from the living room.
You thought she is hurt or Natalie is hurt. You ran to the living room, but they are doing fine.
“I thought you were in trouble,” You said.
“Sorry, babe, I didn't mean to scare you. I had to call you because Natalie just said her first word” Wanda smiled.
You smiled back at your wife and Natalie starts to giggle.
“What did she say?” You asked.
“She just said, mama,” Wanda said.
You and Wanda can't stop smiling. You picked up Natalie, she starts to touch your face. You start to tickle her and she starts to laugh and Wanda took a picture of you and your daughter.
Later, you and Wanda cuddle on the couch. Natalie is sleeping in her crib. Wanda gently put her hand on your cheek and kissed you on the lips. You start to kiss her back.
It's summertime, you put on sunscreen on your daughter. Wanda teaches Natalie how to play in the sand. Later, you go in the water with Wanda and Natalie. The water is cold and Natalie doesn't let go of Wanda.
“Yes, sweetie I know it's cold. But it won't be cold for long” Wanda said.
Wanda kissed her daughter’s head.
“Do babies have magic powers at birth?” You asked.
“Yes, she has her powers. But when it will start can be unpredictable. We just have to be prepared for it” Wanda said.
Natalie starts to splash water and she starts to giggle.
“Awww, look at her trying to splash me with water,” You said.
Wanda laughed. Later, you and Wanda go get ice cream, and you feed ice cream to your daughter. Her cheeks start to get dirty and you wipe her cheeks with a napkin.
You and Wanda take Natalie to the zoo. She starts to smile at the animals, you and Wanda take family pictures with the animals. You bought souvenirs and Natalie loves her plush panda. You and Wanda take turns pushing the stroller.
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aliorsboxostuff · 2 years
oh my goood i'm in love with your tangerine fics <33 if that's alright, may i request something with a nonbinary reader please? maybe something cute and domestic like grocery shopping or doing chores. thank you in advance <3
A/N: Thanks so much! I'm glad you like these words i spew out anon! And yes of course, a domestic, fluffy and slightly smutty Tangerine x nb!Reader fic it is!
Normal Day
Tags: Tangerine x nb!reader, no use of Y/N, They/Them for Reader, merc!Reader, cursing, not brit picked, fluff and smut, implied smut, domestic fluff, doing everyday things, soft!Tangerine, reference to Avengers Age of Ultron, reference to Pietro from AOU
Tangerine and you finally get a week off together, so you decided to do ‘normal couples stuff’ because despite it all, getting to do things together with Tangerine is the best way to spend a week off.
Tangerine and you rarely ever get a day off in sync. The unfortunate routine was; whenever you had a week between missions, he'd be halfway across the world with his twin in some life-threatening work while you busy yourself in the house, and vice versa. You and him would call, obviously, late at night while it's early in the day for him. He'd tell you the latest gist of what's going on in his mission while you try to fight off the hands of slumber and stay up for your boyfriend. Once, when you were in Borneo for an intel mission, Tangerine called you in the middle of the day, surprising you whilst you were on the runway to get on your helicopter. What amused you was how dedicated he was to calling you at the right time despite having to wake up at 5 AM, and Tangerine is not a morning person; despite his defense.
So yes, a day off together is truly a rare occurrence. 
You and Tangerine are spending the month in your apartment in Queens, running from London's usual rain. You awake slowly, feeling Tangerine's strong arms wrapped around you and his mustaches tickling your nape from where he's snuggling. You chuckle, cherishing the warmth of his body and the rays penetrating the blinds as the sun makes its entrance. Tangerine pulls you closer despite already flushed chest to back with you, and you sigh in content. Your eyes travel to his hands, just below you chest, splayed possesively over your nightshirt. Scars and weak tissues litter his long fingers, his knuckles just healed enough after his last mission, veins slightly prominent on fair skin.
His hands move slightly, now one is balled on the sheets in front of you while the other presses on your stomach. You feel his eyelashes flutter behind you, knowing soon your boyfriend will awake and you'll get to spend the week with him. A week! Not just a day off, a week! God, you're excited. 
Carefully, you bring his free hand to your lips and press on the various scars scattered on it. One kiss, then two, then the ones on the back of his hand, then on his knuckles and following to the tips of his finger, until you feel him humming awake when you kiss his palm, breathing in his scent, trailing down to press your lips against the vein that indicates his consciousness. 
"Mornin' darling," The low vibration of his morning voice is intoxicating. You humm as the hand that you were holding cups your jaw, running calloused fingers softly on your cheek, turning you so you meet blue eyes shattered with gold from the sun. His face is relaxed, cheeks dusted pink highlighting the gleams of healed scars that he usually kept under makeup, a small smile on his lips. His curls are a shade lighter, illuminated by the rays peeking through. Unruly bed hair is what Tangerine calls it, but despite it you're obsessed with how it makes him look. Without his gell, his hair would travel down and cover his ears, then curls adorably on his forehead. Not to mention that's the same hairstyle when he's screaming your name at night.
Truly ethereal.
You blink, focusing wholly on the warmth on your face as he traces circles just near your eye, his fingers tangling your hair. His eyes gazes down to your lips, making you grin, before you push yourself enough to kiss him. He moves to hold your hip, smoothing down the fabric as your hand finds his strong chest, the smallest of hair felt beneath your fingers. His lips sealed over yours, lazy pecks until you slip your tongue into his and he makes a hum of approval. Its warm and soothing, awaking the sensation you and Tangerine shared last night, and you'd love to continue and spend the whole week fucking him but you had other plans, and you needed to get them in motion.
Shifting beneath the comforter, you break the languid kiss and position yourself on top of him, your legs between his while you rest on his chest, getting a good view of a slightly grumpy and aroused Tangerine. 
"Hey," You chuckle, one hand reaches to smoothe a curls away from his eye.
"Hello you," He smiles then raises a questioning brow. You huff, dropping your head to rest on him, his steady heart beat relaxing you.
"I was thinking," You started, Tangerine busy playing with your bed hair. "We can do some…. Everyday things, today,"
He scoffs, making you pick your head up in question. "'Everyday things'?" 
"Yeah, y'know like uh… Clean our office, do the laundry, or go get groceries, we are out of cheese so-"
"So like, do our chores or sumn'?" 
You pouted, making your boyfriend's brows shot up. "No, I mean like… Domestic stuff, the things couples do everyday?"
Suddenly, Tangerines face reddens and he blinks, once, twice, before he stutters. "D-domestic like… normal stuff?"
"Yeah, i think that'd be fun, a little different than our jobs y'know," You smile, bright and wide almost as blinding as the sun outside Tangerine gapes, then slowly the red from his face dissipates into a smirk.
"Well, if you're thingkin' 'bout normal-coupley stuff, let's start here yeah?" His hands are suddenly on your waist, fingers digging at your skin.
"What do–" Then he suddenly grinds between your legs, a low groan punched out of you. You glare at Tangerine, his signature smirk in place and more coy than ever. "Alright, let's do that,"  
If you and Tangerine ended up leaving the bed at 10 instead of 8 then that's no one's fault, you were simply following your boyfriend's wishes. 
After showering together—And spending another hour cleaning each other and sharing kisses—You dressed for the day and began preparing breakfast. While you were busy making the pancake batter, you could hear Tangerine in the bedroom humming to himself, probably picking an intricate top to go with his also intricate trousers. You smile to yourself, knowing despite the day off he'll always dress extra. You picked something to rival him, of course; a sleek white dress shirt and dark gray pants, with the belt that Tangerine got you on a 'impulsive' spending spree.
Finally, when two plates of pancakes are ready and so is Tangerines morning tea, the man himself exits the bedroom, clothes, hair and makeup ready for the day. He takes a seat on the kitchen island next to you and you retire your phone to pay attention to him, whistling when you take in his outfit. Navy waistcoat with matching trousers, a white top with a sheer pattern that ghosts over the color. 
"What gala are we going to, babe?" You snicker, earning a huff from him before he starts eating, and so do you. 
Half an hour spent talking about mundane things around the infosphere. The recent politician who's done something dumb again, the weather, the prediction of the weather, and the small crime that the police have hyperbole enough to make it into the news. You and Tangerine shared a laugh at that last one, knowing most of the shit you both do is worth putting in museums instead of the lowly cops. 
After doing the dishes together, you open your phone to the list about today that you've planned since last night. 
"So, since we're both dressed to go out," Tangerine takes a seat beside you, his arm already resting behind the couch. "I'm thinking we do grocery first, get the stuff we're out," He nodded.
"I've put our shopping list here, is there anything you wanna add?" 
Tangerine reads the screen. "Why's my shampoo there? ain't it still enough for another month?" 
"Well… about that," You avoid your boyfriend's questioning eyes while your face reddens, before he slowly catches up and takes a whiff of your hair, holding you by the shoulders while you giggle and try to pry yourself away.
"You have been usin' it! I knew i smelt something familiar, ya' cheeky bastard," 
"I like it okay! Plus it makes me smell like you…"
"Yeah?" He's smirking again and thank god he's your boyfriend because instead of slapping him you press your lips to his in a short kiss.
"Yes. Problem?" You huff, Tangerine grins.
"Not at all, love," He slides back to you side, squeezing your hip and rests his hand there.
"Alright, next. After we shop, we could stop somewhere near to get lunch," You point back at your loss. "I'm thinking maybe the cafe that opened next door?" 
"Oh yeah! Been eyein' their coffee for days now," You grin, turning back to your phone and scrolling.
"Oh and here!" You pointed. "When we get home, we'll do a cleaning of our office, then spend the rest catching up on our shows,"
"What movie you thinkin' then?" He sleeks back a fallen fringe. You note he's wearing less gel than usual. 
"We can continue our Marvel marathon,"
"Sure, what's the next film after Avengers again?" 
"Age of Ultron, i think," You tried to recall the list, when he suddenly groaned from behind you, making you turn and crunch your brows.
"Oh bollocks, its with the fuckers who's similar to me ain't it?" He huffs. "Lemon bugged me all the time about 'em,"
"Who? Pietro?" 
"Yeah, him!" 
You laugh, careening to the side until you're holding your stomach. Tangerine side eyes you, sharp and annoyed, until you finally stop laughing but still giggles in huffs. He turns his head, looking away from you and you know he's a bit more pissed than usual. So you smile slowly, pulling your boyfriend just enough to press a warm kiss on his cheek and hold his chin to tilt him to meet your eyes.
"Don't worry babe, y'know i only fall for one Tangerine," He sighs, a smile tugging on his lips, then he presses a kiss on your knuckles. 
"Plus, you can go undercover as Aaron Taylor-Johnson if you ever want to," That makes him pout again, pushing your hand away from him and sending you into another fit of laughter. 
And so you and Tangerine spent the day outside.
You both went shopping for the things you've run out of, and picked out the ingredients for future recipes. Tangerine spent the better half of the hour picking through champagne and wine, ensuring to get the best one thay had before he decided; "Let's just go to a wine shop, this place got nothin'." Which made you laugh while he pulled you away from the mediocre drinks.
Finally exiting the shop, you and Tangerine went to the Cafe that you mentioned. Despite them being opened quite recently, the establishment is run by an old married couple. The wife takes care of the orders and cashier while her husband is in the back. While Tangerine placed his, the woman looked at you and said "And what will your friend be having?" 
Which made Tangerine's eye tick and you had a millisecond to hold him back before- "My partner will order for themselves." 
You only huff in amusement as the old lady blinked, before she nodded sheepishly and you placed your order quickly. 
"Quit hissing at old people, dear, she didn't mean it," You had said when you and Tangerine were in the middle of your meal.
"Yeah well if we can learn about their damn repetitive history then they can learn to respect our choices," His eyes are narrowed and burning holes the poor womens back, you had to pry him away when you're done.
Tangerine took a detour to actually purchase good, genuine wine and champagne, and while he was with the worker who was presenting him the sparkling beverages you busy yourself looking around, afraid to touch those on display because despite your combined income from yours and Tangerines work, you're still cautious about these bougie things.
Finally, when you two arrived home, you and Tangerine moved in tandem as you retire the groceries into their places, Tangerine taking care of the expensive drinks while you changed your clothes in the other room. Tangerine joined you shortly after, wrapping his arms from behind you while he buries his face in the side of your neck, taking lungfulls before he suddenly attacked the sensitive skin with a bite. You shrieked, of course, before you swatted him away and pushed his clothes into his hands, making Tangerine chuckle. As you pass the bedroom mirror, there's a prominent red mark from where he bit. It sent a shiver as you pressed it, before you blinked and exited the room.
The 'office' is the safe name for ou and Tangerines house weapons bank. It's located next to your bedroom with a hidden keypad beside the door, hidden behind a wall, and changed every 2 weeks. Cleaning the room just means cleaning the weapons and doing check-ups, making sure the guns are properly cared for and the knives are sharpened. So you and your boyfriend spent an hour and a half making sure all your weapons and ammunition are in place, stocked, and cleaned. When you both finally finished, Tangerine closed the door behind him while you attacked his neck with kisses that made him groan, before you placed your own bite just above the deep scar on his left.
Now, the clock reads 9 PM, leftovers from dinners are stored into the fridge, dishes cleaned, and living room vacuumed. You’re currently in Tangerine's arm as he grumbles throughout Avengers: Age of Ultron. Every minute the ‘Pietro guy’ as he calls him, appears on screen, he would squint and send death glares to the unassuming character until you had to swat at his arm, making him huff before pulling you closer. One of his arms rests behind his head while the other hugs your middle, you sigh in content when he finally quiets down from his complaints and lets you continue the movie in peace. However, it only lasts another 20 minutes before he scoffs again, hearing Pietro’s accent, which made you pout, peering up at him.
“What?” His eyes twitched.
“You have an accent too, dumbass,” You grin, making his eyes widen.
“Are you usin’ my accent against me? Last I remembered you said I sounded ‘hot’,” He exaggerates, making you giggle. “And ‘sexy’, where did that go, hm, love?”
“Sure mr. Oh-So-Sophisticated,” 
“I’ll show you sophisticated-” He says before he attacks your sides with his nimble fingers, burying his face into the crook of your neck. Both his fingers and mustache tickles you, making you squeal. You try to push at his hands and he knows you’re strong enough to flip him over if you want to, but instead you play the role of helpless and laugh while Tangerine keeps up his act. It wasn't until he finally stopped tickling you and your giggles settled down did he hug you again, pull you close and press a kiss to your nose. 
He stares, a soft smile tugging on his lips, your hand reaching to cup his jaw. He turns slightly into your touch, inhales slowly, before his striking blues meets yours.
“I enjoyed today,” He smiles. 
Your eyes widened slightly. “Really?”
“Yeah, this whole- domestic bullshit,” He sighs. “I liked it, we should do this again,”
The moon might be out but your smile brings the sun right back into the apartment, making Tangerine chuckle. “Thank you,” You grin, and kiss his lips when he brings you closer.
“Of course, love,” He breathes into the kiss.
My Requests are Open! 
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Summer Fic Week 2023 - Day 5: Tracing Every Part of You
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
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Work Summary:
No powers, college AU.
Spending a day at the lake with the Avengers.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3727
Read on AO3.
Summer Fics Masterlist.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye @mcximffs @noz4a2 @rottenstyx @starmansirius @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @lanemarvels @marrigold-2002 @kathrinchek @alternativeprincess @annocaprosmaloka @thrutheburnout
Taglist info.
Sorry it's slightly late (it's past midnight here). I haven't had as much time to edit as usual so I hope it's good.
Everyone is in college.
Warnings for overprotective/jealous/possessive Pietro, FWB to lovers, mentions of drowning, alcohol, tickling, a lot of bickering, mentions of a car accident, mentions of casual sex, these bitches suck at communicating, background Stucky and Wanda x Vision
Wanda and Pietro were bickering in the front seat of Wanda’s battered station wagon. She wouldn’t let him drive, since he totalled her last car, and he was sulking about it.
“It’s been three years,” he muttered, “when are you going to get over it?”
“Oh, so you’re reckless and rusty, and you want me to let you drive?” Wanda rolled her eyes.
“I took a refresher course,” he said, slapping the dashboard. “I’m a better driver now! I won’t crash!”
“That’s nice. Get your own car.”
It had been like this for the entire drive. At least they weren’t speaking in Sokovian. They only did that when the arguments got serious.
You sat forward, leaning between their two seats. “Wow, you guys sure know how to make a girl regret riding with you.”
“There was no room in Steve’s car. You had no choice,” said Pietro.
“I’m sure Bucky would’ve let me ride on the back of his bike,” you said, a hint of suggestion in your tone.
Pietro frowned. “And end up splattered all along the sidewalk, I’d bet,” he huffed.
There was a not insignificant part of you that liked to get Pietro riled up. He wasn’t your boyfriend, not by any stretch of the imagination, but you’d been hooking up with him since the beginning of the school year.
Since summer break had started, you had spent almost every day over at his and Wanda’s place. Sometimes, he’d put his arm around you, or lend you his hoody, or sit a little too close to you while you played video games on the couch. But he wasn’t your boyfriend.
He was your friend that you sometimes kissed on the porch when his sister had gone to bed early. A friend who drew patterns on your back with his fingertip whenever he got bored. A friend who had seen you naked.
He never said anything, but he always got a little grumpy whenever you talked about spending time with Bucky or Steve. You couldn’t think of a single reason that he would have to dislike Steve, so you assumed – or hoped – that it was jealousy.
You encouraged it. Maybe if you kept pushing his buttons, he’d get his head out of ass and ask you on a date. A real date, not just you blowing him in the deserted laundrette after midnight, or him going down on you in the backseat of your car.
“Don’t worry, P, you’re still my favourite,” you said, lightly punching his arm. His lips twitched.
Wanda rolled her eyes. “Don’t make you leave you two by the side of the road.”
“We aren’t doing anything,” you said, raising your hands.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that one before.”
The first time you’d hooked up with Pietro was on the first night you’d met. You shared a psychology class with Wanda, and you’d struck up a friendship with her. She’d invited you to her birthday party, and you’d ended up chatting with an extremely pretty, very cocky boy with bleached blond hair.
When she’d stumbled in on the two of you in Pietro’s bed later that evening, she’d practically screeched, “What are you doing with my brother?”
You hadn’t known that Pietro was her brother, but it made a lot of things make sense. The fact that it had also been his birthday should’ve clued you in, since she’d told you she had a twin.
Your friends were already waiting for you at the lake when you pulled up. Tony had brought a portable stereo, and there was a large cooler full of ice-cold beers.
You were pondering the drinks selection, but Pietro had other ideas.
“Come on,” he said, grabbing your hand. “Come swim with me.”
You wrinkled your nose. “In the gross lake water?”
He let a laugh. It was a sweet, musical thing that made you feel warm inside. “Why do you come to the lake if not to swim?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Ambience?”
He snorted. “What about to cool down?”
He had a point there. It was blisteringly hot in the sun, and only mildly more bearable in the shade. You were already wearing a bikini under your clothes, so it wasn’t like you weren’t prepared.
“Alright, fine.”
A grin spread across his face. “Last one in’s a rotten egg!” he shouted, and then bolted towards the lake.
“Pietro!” you shrieked, but you were already following him. He kicked off his t-shirt and flip flops as he ran. You were having more trouble with your denim shorts. You had just reached the edge of the water when he took a running jump into it.
You swore. You shed your clothes, leaving them in a haphazard pile, and waded in.
Despite the hot air, the water was very cold. You got to knee depth, and then hesitated. Your reluctance wasn’t missed by Pietro.
“Come onnnn,” he whined. “Come play with me.”
“You’re a child.”
“If I was a child, I would be splashing you right now. What I actually am is a gentleman.”
You put your hand on your heart sarcastically. “Wow. My hero.” You waded in a little deeper, and his eyes lit up. You kept going until the water was just under your boobs.
This was the hard part. “Come on, dragă. If you get it over with, I’ll come warm you up.” There was a prickle of warmth across your skin.
You took a deep breath and then plunged under the water. Even under the water you could hear Pietro whoop. When you resurfaced, his eyes were on you, a wide grin on his face. He held out a hand to you and you took it, letting him pull you into the deeper water.
“Much better,” he murmured, pulling you close. “You want me to warm you up?”
His fingers played with the string of your bikini. “Everyone is right over there,” you said, nodding towards the shore.
“Who cares about everyone? Let me take you somewhere quiet and make you feel good.”
The offer was tempting, but you had a new resolution. No more casual sex with Pietro. If he wanted you, he was going to have to work for it.
“No, thanks,” you said brightly, and turned to swim in the opposite direction.
Nat was wading in up to her thighs. As you swam up to her, she put her hands on her hips.
“Pietro is watching you like a hawk right now,” she said, a half-smile on her face. You had already filled her in on your resolution.
Other people were getting into the water now. You watched as Victor (although everyone called him Vision) paddled in the shallows. He had come with Tony, although you knew he and Wanda were friends, and you were starting to realise why. Pietro was the worst cockblock in the world.
Wanda was watching Vision with a fond smile on her face. Their eyes met, and she gave him a little wave. He waved back, flushing bright red.
“What do you think?” asked Nat. “Are they already boning, or are they about to?”
“There’s no way they’re already boning. He’s way too shy and I don’t think Wanda is in the headspace to make the first move.”
“What are you talking about?”
You spun to see Pietro standing behind you. The water was waist-deep for him, and he had his hands on his hips, mirroring Nat.
“It’s not polite to eavesdrop,” you said, and he huffed.
“I wasn’t eavesdropping. You’re loud.”
You looked back over to the shore. Wanda was wading into the water now, wincing with every step. You knew there were some sharp stones around there. Vision offered her a hand, which she gratefully took.
When you turned back to Pietro, his jaw was very tight. “I’m gonna-” he started, but you put both hands on his chest, pushing him into the water.
He flailed around, grabbing at you, and managed to pull you down with him.
“Gross,” said Nat. She swam off to go and talk to Clint.
“What did you do that for?” Pietro growled, but he still had his arms around you.
“I’m not letting you cockblock my friend,” you said, pushing him deeper.
“She’s my sister.”
“And she’s an adult. If she wants to get dicked down by literally the dweebiest guy I’ve ever met, that’s her choice.”
He groaned. “Don’t say ‘dicked down’.” You smiled at him, innocently. His hands came to rest on your hips. “Come swim with me? Watching her talk to him makes my skin crawl.”
“He’s nice. She could do a lot worse.” You also thought she could do better, but Pietro didn’t need to know that. Besides, you were sure that no one would be good enough in his eyes for his beloved sister.
“Come on.” He tried to pull you out into the deeper water, but you stopped him.
“Nuh-uh. We’re staying right here where everyone can see us.”
His eyes glinted dangerously. “Kinky.”
You lightly slapped his shoulder. “Not like that. We’re not fucking, Pietro.”
“We’re not?”
“I know you’re used to getting what you want right away, but delayed gratification can feel so good. You should try it sometime.”
“Well, you should try being less of a tease.” His hands went straight to your armpits, tickling you. You screeched, grabbing onto his shoulders so that you wouldn’t go under.
“Pietro!” you squealed. “You’re… gonna… drown me.” It was a struggle to get the words out. You were breathless from laughter.
“I won’t let you drown, pretty girl.” He stopped tickling you. His arms wrapped around you again, holding you in place.
In spite of yourself, it felt good. Pietro’s arms felt safe.
“I can’t say the same,” you said, and then you pushed down on his head, dunking him under the water.
He came up a few seconds later, spluttering, wet hair plastered over his eyes. You were laughing. You couldn’t help yourself. As soon as he’d managed to swipe his hair out of his eyes, he splashed you.
“Demon woman,” he growled. “Trying to kill me.”
The two of you play-wrestled, tickling and splashing each other until Tony’s voice cut through the air.
“Hey! Lovebirds! If you want some of this barbecue, you’re gonna have to hurry up.”
You looked at Pietro. “I’m pretty hungry.”
“Me too.”
The two of you swam back to the shore. You were the last ones out. Most other people already had their food on paper plates, sitting on beach chairs or towels.
Wanda and Vision were sharing a picnic blanket. You could see Pietro eyeing them, weighing up whether he should go sit down with them to break up whatever was happening.
Too busy watching him watching them, you didn’t see the empty bottle until your foot rolled over it. The ground was flat here, so it slipped out from under you, and you fell forward, letting out an undignified yelp.
Bucky, who had been manning the barbecue, grabbed your arms before you could go all the way over.
“You okay, doll?” asked Bucky. He pulled you upright. “You nearly took a tumble there.”
“I’m okay. Thank you.”
“You want something to eat?”
“Yes please.”
As Bucky served some food onto your plate, you snuck a glance back at Pietro, and found that he was staring right at you. His lips were pressed into a hard line.
“N-nothing.” He tried to modulate his expression, but he still looked upset. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
Bucky handed you your plate. “Pietro? You want some?” he asked.
“Uhh…” Pietro glanced at you, and then back at Bucky. “Sure.”
While Pietro was getting his food, you decided to sit as far away with Wanda as possible. You were pretty sure Pietro was more interested in being with you than cockblocking his sister, but with Pietro, who could say?
Sure enough, as you dug into your burger, Pietro sidled up to you. You were sitting on a stump that was definitely only large enough for one person, but that didn’t stop him from trying.
“Sorry, dragă. Not enough seats.”
You looked over at the empty beach chair next to where Steve and Bucky were sitting, and rolled your eyes. “Right.”
“We can share, right? You don’t mind sharing with me?”
“God, you’re so fucking clingy today.”
Pietro’s face fell. He shifted off the stump so that he was sitting on the floor. He didn’t look at you as he picked at his food.
You grimaced. You hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings. It was in line with the kind of playful banter that you and Pietro usually had, but maybe you’d hit on a sore spot.
The two of you ate your food in silence, and it was strange. You weren’t used to him being quiet. Once you were both done eating, you took his paper plate wordlessly, stacked it on top of yours and then put a rock on them so that they wouldn’t blow away.
You could feel Pietro watching you curiously. You stood up, brushed yourself off, and then said, “Come here.”
Bemused, he got to his feet. As he stepped closer to you, you put your hands on his shoulders, manoeuvring him down onto the stump. Once he realised what you were doing, he sat.
You sat down in his lap, sideways on, so that you could put your arms around his neck.
When he gave you a questioningly look, you said, “Not enough seats, right?”
He smiled at you then. “Right.” His hand rested against your hip, thumbing against your skin there.
You had to suppress a shiver. You looked at Pietro, expecting him to look cocky or turned on, but instead, he just smiled at you affectionately.
“You know…” he said slowly. “I hear there’s supposed to be a meteor shower tonight.”
“I was thinking maybe we could… stay out here?”
“How would we get home?”
“Uh… walk?”
“What if it rains?”
“It’s not going to rain!”
“Fine, it’s fine if you don’t want to.” He closed his mouth, looking away from you, and you felt a pang of longing. You wanted to watch the stars with Pietro.
You glanced over at where Wanda was sitting. Her and Vision were side by side, looking very comfortable with each other.
“Give me a sec,” you said to Pietro. He looked confused as you walked over to where Wanda was sitting, but didn’t try to follow.
“Wanda,” you said, flopping down onto the edge of her picnic blanket. Vision pulled away from her quickly, glancing nervously around to see if Pietro was with you.
Wanda glared at you. “What do you want?”
“I was thinking that you could do me a favour, and then I could do you a favour.”
She brought her eyebrows together in confusion. “Explain.”
“You let me borrow your car-” She groaned. “Let me finish! Pietro wants to stay here tonight. If you ride with Tony and let me use your car, you can have the house to yourself.”
You glanced at Vision, who, taking your meaning, flushed again.
Wanda gave you a hard stare. She pulled her car keys out of her pocket. You reached for them, but she pulled them back.
“Two conditions. One: Pietro doesn’t drive.”
“Fine.” You’d been expecting that one.
“Two: no sex in my car.”
“I wasn’t gonna-”
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem, right?” She dangled the keys in front of you.
“Right.” You took them from her. “Thanks, Wands. You’re a lifesaver.”
The rest of the group had begun packing up. The light was starting to fade.
“Hey,” said Bucky, stopping you on your way back over to Pietro. “You coming for the afterparty? Think we’re gonna get some beers in and watch movies at Steve’s place.”
You glanced over at Pietro. Although he couldn’t hear what Bucky was saying, he was giving him a hard stare.
“No thanks, Buck. Me and Pietro are gonna stargaze.”
Bucky gave you a knowing look. “Alright, doll. Have fun.”
You walked back over to Pietro and plonked yourself down in his lap. He hesitated for a second, and then put his arms around you again.
“Don’t look so sour,” you said. “Look what I got.” You dangled Wanda’s car keys in his face. His eyes lit up, and he made a grab for them, but you held them out of reach. “No way. Wanda will kill me if I let you drive her car.”
You put your finger over his lips. “You wanna sleep here tonight or not?”
Slowly, begrudgingly, he nodded.
As your friends packed up their cars and made to leave, you said your goodbyes, and then the two of you were alone.
They had left you few a couple of beers, a bag of chips and some of the leftover barbecue. You still had Wanda’s picnic blanket, which you laid out on the dirt riverbank. Steve had even had a pillow in his car, which he was happy to lend you.
When you were finally alone, you put your clothes back on – shorts and a t-shirt and a hoody – and Pietro gave you a funny look. He was already lounging on the blanket, but he tugged on the fabric of your hoody as soon as you were in reach.
“Kind of counter-productive, don’t you think, dragă?”
“I thought we were here to watch the stars.” Ignoring his searching hands, you opened the bag of chips and offered him one. He didn’t take it.
Instead, he slid his hand under your t-shirt. “Among other things.”
“I meant what I said, P.” You grabbed his wrist. “We’re not fucking.”
He drew his eyebrows together in an expression that reminded you of Wanda. He leant up on his elbow. “Why not?”  
You rolled onto your back, stealing the pillow from where it had been lying between you. “Maybe because it’s all we ever do?”
Pietro went quiet. You could feel his gaze, hot and prickly on the side of your face, but you refused to look at him. You wondered if he was angry at you.
He took a deep breath, and you braced yourself, but his words came out very soft. “What’s wrong? You’ve been acting weird all day.”
You huffed out a mirthless laugh, staring up at the sky. It wasn’t quite dark enough to see the stars yet, but it was getting there.
“Has it never occurred to you that maybe I want something real?”
“What do you mean real? This is real.”
He touched your thigh, not sexually, but creating a bridge between you. You didn’t shake him off.
Finally, you turned to look at him. His lips were parted in confusion, eyes fixed firmly on your face.
“Well, maybe I’d like the kind of relationship where you go on dates. The kind where kissing doesn’t always lead to sex. The kind where I know you’re not gonna be off with other girls the second I’m too busy to hang out.”
His face grew red. “That was one time! And we’d only slept together like, twice at that point! It was casual! We were casual!”
You sat up so that your face was level with his. “I don’t want casual.”
He frowned. “So you think Bucky can give you that? The kind of relationship you want?”
You drew back, brow furrowing. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s cool. If you’re seeing him too. I guess we never said we were exclusive or anything.”
“I’m not seeing Bucky. He’s a friend.” You wondered if your efforts to make Pietro jealous had gone too far. He looked hurt, one hand pressed against his chest.
“Right, but you have, yeah?”
You shook your head. “No. Not with Bucky. And I haven’t slept with anyone but you since winter break.”
He stared at you, disbelieving. “Me neither.”
“Pietro… are we dating?”
“… Maybe?”
“Do you wanna be?”
He exhaled sharply. You scooted in closer, nose almost touching his. The longer he went without speaking, the more this felt like a rejection. Still, you held your breath.
“I’ve done this all wrong, dragă,” he murmured. “Do you want to go out with me? On a date?”
Your nose brushed against his as you nodded, and then he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you in.
You were in his lap again, kissing him fervently and feeling the hot skin of his neck under your hands. It felt like he was everywhere at once, his tongue between your lips, his hands in your hair, his firm body under yours.
He rolled you over onto your back, and you felt a little breathless as he went straight for your neck. He already knew exactly how you liked it. He knew how to find and suck on that spot that would make you keen.
This time, though, when you gasped, it was for a different reason. Pietro didn’t notice. He was too busy biting your neck.
“Pietro,” you gasped, slapping his shoulders. “I saw a shooting star!”
He pulled back so that he was hovering over you. “What?”
“A shooting star. Look!”
He rolled over onto his back, but it was obviously long gone by the time he was in position. “I don’t see one.”
“You have to wait. Be patient.”
He groaned. You both knew patience wasn’t his strong suit. After about five minutes, his hand started creeping up your thigh. You put your hand on his, stopping him.
“You’re gonna miss the meteor shower,” you said.
“You’re prettier,” he said smoothly, but you rolled your eyes.
“We’re dating now, remember? You can see me whenever. You can only see the shooting stars tonight.”
He huffed, but turned back to the sky. “This is rigged, they never happen when I- Ohhh.” He gasped. “I saw one!”
His childlike glee warmed you. You rested your head on his shoulder, but he barely seemed to notice. He was too busy staring at the sky.
“They’re pretty, right?” you murmured.
“Beautiful,” he agreed.
“More beautiful than me?”
“Ehh, it’s close.”
You giggled and rolled over so that you could look at his face.
“And another thing,” you said, “you know Bucky wasn’t flirting with me, right? He and Steve have been banging since, like, the first week of college.”
“… No. I did not know that.”
Preview of tomorrow's fic: Getting railed in a sundress by your dad's friend, Dmitri Antonov. Hopper!Reader.
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tessatales · 2 years
Touch Starved Series: ✨Wanda✨
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Wanda x F!reader
Warnings: Non, touch starved Wanda (duh)
Theme: touchStarved!Wanda, you help, sad girly, she needs all of the love, comfort. Vision isn’t dead- but he can be seen as platonic if you're reading this as romance between reader and Wanda!
A/N: heyyyy- gotta get my head back in the game here my dudes and get some more fics out for you guys! so i apologise if the writing is a little messy 
*Your POV*
‘Dance with me’ you say, extending your hand out to Wanda as the avengers living room flooded with light music. Wanda frowned
‘And why do I want to dance?’ Wanda asked, crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow. She was defensive; but luckily, you’d expected this.
Over the year and a half since Wanda had been taken in by the Avengers team, she’d been through a lot. The death of her brother only just becoming manageable. But even with her many trails, you’d noticed Wanda allowing people into her little world. Vision had been first, with you not long after. You’d become a comfy little group, with the other members of the team getting more and more comfortable with the powerful girl.
But no matter the comfort or care, you knew Wanda still harboured sudden black moods. Today being one of them.
She’d started the day alright, her emotions plain on her sleeve, but as the day grew so did her sadness, the black mood consuming her till her only responses to people were snappy comments or flying objects. That’s why you’d asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to time your favourite playlist to play, and it’s why you now stood with your arm outstretched to Wanda, a small smile playing on your lips as you saw her contemplate turning you down.
You knew she wouldn’t, she rarely said no to you.
You tried your best to not get a big head about it.
Taking your hand, Wanda looked uncertain as you pulled her from her sitting position. The music was slow, almost waltz like in its melody. perfect for close up dancing. Wanda stood before you, her elbows locked to prevent her body getting any closer to your own. 
“Oh, come on Wanda, this is prom dance music!” you say, keeping your voice low as you tug her closer until her body sat flush with yours.
“Hydra had no time to teach me the tango you know, to busy making me like this” Wanda said, shifting awkwardly as she made the table behind her float. 
“Best time to learn then; for example, I learned this one from all the rom coms I’ve watched” you declare as you placed Wandas hands around your neck before placing your arms comfortably around her waist, clasping them together at the base of er spine. 
Once comfortable, you began to guide Wanda into a slow sway, your feet barely moving as you moved to the music. 
*Wanda’s POV*
Wanda wasn’t sure how long they’d been stood there, their body’s flushed together as they moved slowly to each song that played. She’d never had a friendship like the one she had with Y/N. This intimacy foreign to her compared to the years of abuse she’d sustained from Hydra. Back then, she’d only had Pietro, and even then they could rarely touch; the cell wall between them making every hug precious.
“I wish I could of hugged my brother more” Wanda said, shocked at the words leaving her lips. Y/N’s arms tightened around Wanda’s waist.
“I know. I’m sure he’d say the same.” Y/N murmured, her breath tickling Wanda’s cheek. Wanda let out a shaky breath.
Resting her head in the crook of Y/N’s neck, Wanda let the tears slip silently down her face. Y/N sighed, resting her head against Wanda’s as she cried.
“Come on you, let’s go get a hot drink” Y/N whispered, pulling away slightly to look her in the face. Wanda nodded, looking up as she wiped her eyes.
“Thank you.” Wanda said, searching Y/N’s eyes.
“What for?” Y/N asked, looking confused. Wanda laughed half heartedly, placing her now damp hand into Y/N’s warm one.
“For always knowing what I need when I need it.” Wanda replied, squeezing her hand. Y/N smiled, leaning forward to kiss Wanda lightly on the forehead.
“Come on, hot drink” Y/N said, pulling Wanda lightly towards the kitchen.
*Your POV*
Even though the thanks was nice, you never wanted to be thanked by Wanda. You didn’t want anyone you cared about to think they had to thank you for your care and kindness.
As long as Wanda needed her, as long as anyone in the team needed her, Y/N will be there.
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fluffymcu · 3 years
Hi! Do you think you could possibly do a Pietro x reader fanfic where the reader is kinda depressed, so he comes and starts to give her neck kisses but she ends up giggling which leads to the tickling? If not, I totally understand! Thx 💕
Better (Pietro x reader)
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FINALLY AFTER LIIE A MONTH I GOT THIS OUT. It’s still short but I did what I could, hope you like it :,)
“Princess, what’s wrong?” Pietro asked. You heard him woosh in the room a second ago while you were wrapped from head to toe in your comforter. It was one of those bad days where the antidepressants weren’t working and you felt numb all day. You weren’t even sad about anything. Just numb inside.
You shrugged, though you were sure he couldn’t see it; you being covered and all. “Just tired.” You mumbled. Pietro frowned and stepped closer to your side of the bed.
“Something’s up. You’re upset.” He said, his voice laced with concern. Sometimes you hated how he knew you so well.
You sighed audibly staying silent for a few more moments before starting. “Just not a good day today.”
You heard Pietro hum and nod. He took another step. “Did I do anything?” He quickly sounded worried and you shook your head.
“No Pietro. It’s not you.” You said. He relaxed and looked at you with a small smile.
“Do you want some cuddles to make it a little better?”
You smiled lightly from under the covers. Pietro had a magic touch that always seemed to brighten your day when he hugged you or kissed you. But you honestly kinda wanted to be alone and feel miserable, going through this bad day by yourself. But you knew if you actually said that, he would in no way let you do that.
“I just wanna be alone honestly. But I’m fine Piet. Go hang out with Wanda or Clint for a bit.” You said, your voice muffled. Pietro’s nose scrunched up in surprise.
“And leave you to feel like this by yourself? Absolutely not!” He exclaimed, jumping onto the bed and pulling you flush against his chest. “We’re in this together, принцесса. I’m here.” He hummed, burying his head finding an opening in your little blanket cocoon to nuzzle into your neck.
You sighed and let yourself be engulfed in his hold, not able to complain about the situation since like I said earlier, Pietro’s touch always made you feel better.
Pietro pressed gentle kisses into your neck, going up to your jawline and back down, pulling you impossibly closer to him. He smiled when he felt you melt into him. He loved making you feel better any time he could.
It’s been a while since he’s cut his hair, so you started to feel his little strands brush lightly behind your ear. You were extremely sensitive everywhere around your neck and you tried to take your mind off of the feeling but it was futile. You had already become aware of it and now you couldn’t stop feeling it. And that itself made it tickle even more.
You bit back a grin, taking a sharp breath in when he pressed a long kiss on your collarbone, his stubble scratching your skin. You couldn’t contain your snort, as you smiled widely biting your bottom lip bashfully. Pietro lifted his head to look at you and smiled. “Am I tickling you?” He chuckled audibly. Your face heated up at his blunt question and giggled, trying to bring the blanket back over your head. Pietro tittered as he realized he was, and nuzzled his beard into you neck again, eliciting the same reaction.
“Pietrohoho. Not nohow.” You groaned halfheartedly, shrinking in on yourself. This only egged him on more as he chuckled to himself before diving his hands under the covers and pinching your belly and sides. “Plehehehease Pietrohohoho!!” You squeaked, attempting to grab his hands but he was un ironically too fast.
Pietro grinned and pulled you into another hug, using his left arm to wrap around you and shake his fingers into the middle of your back before using his right hand to tease your ribs. You burst out into louder giggles, the tickles in your back only making you arch closer to him. “I love to hear these little giggles you make darling, you are the cutest.” He hummed, placing a kiss on your scrunched up nose.
Your laughter became desperate when Pietro flipped you in your back, partially laying on you and tasing your hipbones in circles while chuckling against your skin in the crook of your neck, adding to the torture.
“NohOHOHOHO! GEHEHET OHOHOFF! BAHA-I CAHAHANT!” You cried, loving the closeness you two were having but you couldn’t stand much more of this. He knew just how to drive you crazy. Pietro began to laugh along with you and targeted your sides for a few more seconds before letting up with a chuckle.
“Love you, my princess.” He whispered, laying on top of you and hugging your waist. With residual giggles still putting out, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held him close, relishing in his comforting warmth and closing your eyes.
“I love you too, Piet. So much.”
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sillyfeathers · 4 years
Wanda Always Wins (Wanda & Pietro x Reader)
Wanda Always Wins Prompt: The reader is adjusting to life in the avengers tower, she’s really shy with everyone except her siblings. So while Wanda is away training, Pietro finds her curled up in her room and asks her what’s wrong and tickles her to cheer her up and then Wanda comes in later, catching them in a tickle fight and proves that she wins all tickle fights. Characters: Wanda & Pietro Maximoff, reader (platonic) Summary: It turns out there are multiple ways to cheer up a grumpy butterfly. Warnings: anything in the prompt that makes you uncomfortable Words: 868
A/N: for @notmeblahh​ ! As always it took forever and I am deeply sorry but I hope this does the wait at least some justice. The reader is ‘butterfly’ as she is with my other sibling fics :))
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“Thought I’d find you up here.”
You started, glancing up to see Pietro hovering in your doorway. You beckoned him in, shifting closer to your pillows to give him room to sit.
“Nah — not having any of that.” He poked your side affectionately, opening his arms, and you offered a weak smile as you let him pull you into his side.
“You know, there’s no rush,” he hummed after a few minutes of silence. “No one expects you to just be...ready. Not after everything you went through.”
“But you and Wanda are ready,” you mumbled, blinking back tears.
Pietro sighed, his arm tightening around your shoulders. “Yeah, but we’re older. Plus, it’s different for everyone. Some people need more time, and who are we to tell them how their recovery should work?”
You felt yourself relax. He had a point.
“Since when were you philosophical?” you asked.
“Since it meant cheering my grump of a sister up,” he responded, winking down at you. You let out a gasp, and went to push yourself away, but his hands grabbed at your waist to keep you in place.
You couldn’t hold back the giggles, and barely a second passed before you felt the inevitable feeling of fingers wiggling into your sides.
“If philosophy doesn’t work, then this might,” he teased. He didn’t hold back, digging his fingers into your sides and between your ribs, flashing between the two at a lightening speed.
“I HAHATE YOUR SPEED!” you squealed, your brother’s powers giving the sensation that you were being tickled by a dozen hands. That little comment was met with fingers curling into your hips, and you practically bucked yourself off of the bed, leaving Pietro to double over with his own laughter.
“Tickle fight?”
The two of you turned towards the door to see your sister biting her lip and smiling, clearly trying to hold back a much larger grin.
“It was hardly a fight,” Pietro said before you could speak, and incoherent protests spilled out of your lips alongside the residual laughter.
“I don’t doubt that,” Wanda chuckled, and you whined, flopping to the floor in defeat.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your knees, Pietro,” Wanda said slowly, and you shot up, locking your eyes onto your brother with a predatory grin. He jumped to his feet, and you could see him preparing to turn on his superspeed and get the hell out of there — but so could Wanda, and when it came to relative strength of powers, she had him beat.
“Wait —Wanda!” he yelled, betrayed by the red magic keeping him in place.
“His knees, you said?” you called to Wanda, ignoring your brother’s pleading.
She let her magic go, but before Pietro could run, his sisters had pounced and he was a shrieking mess on the bed, unable to muster even a millisecond of speed.
You went for his knees, per Wanda’s advice, while she darted around his upper body, never staying in one place long enough for his hands to catch hers.
You were so focused on giving your brother a taste of his own medicine, you didn’t notice Wanda drawing back out of the corner of your eye. By the time Pietro’s hands latched back onto your sides, it was too late, and you fell backwards off the bed, hanging upside down.
“Looks like you’re in quite the predicament, butterfly,” you heard him say, and even though you couldn’t see him, you knew what was coming.
Still, when his prickly scrap of a beard descended upon your stomach, shaking his head as he blew a raspberry, the shriek that left your lips was something out of a horror movie.
“Pietro, no, you’re not doing it right,” you heard your sister say over your own heavy breathing. She grabbed your wrists and pulled you upright, and despite (again) knowing what was coming, you instinctively slumped into her.
“You gotta make her giggle, not scream.” 
You felt fingers graze your sides, and you pursed your lips, not wanting to give her the satisfaction so early on. But as one hand continued to gently tickle your sides and stomach while the other fluttered around your ears, helpless giggles spluttered out.
“But that’s not as fun —” Pietro went to protest, but with a wave of her hand, he too collapsed onto the bed, laughing just as much as you. 
“Enough,” you giggled breathlessly, and Wanda let both of you go.
“You weren’t apart of this,” Pietro groaned. “This was between me and Y/N.”
“You didn’t think you could have a tickle fight without me, right?” Wanda’s mouth dropped open. “And without me winning?”
“We might win one day,” you mumbled, finally finding the strength to prop yourself up on your elbows. Your sister raised her eyebrows, and you and your brother sighed simultaneously. “Fine.”
She lay down between the two of you, pulling you closer with a couple of jabs to your sides.
“Wanda always wins,” she said in a deep voice, and all found yourselves giggling again. And despite their constant exploitation of your weaknesses, you knew that it was a small sacrifice to make to have them by your side.
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leviathanspain · 2 years
Hey... this is my first time ever requesting something with smut so- I might seem a little awkward 😅😅
(My request is for Pietro maximoff btw) (Aaron taylor johnson pietro) um, I was wondering if your could write something were reader rides Pietros face (😀 THAT WAS SO HARD TO WRITE STOP-) so um, yeah that's my request, and if you could, could you write fem reader? If not that's 100% ok (also if you could, could you also make it a bit of Dom reader, sub Pietro? But it's 100% up to you tho)
here she comes now
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pietro maximoff x reader
synopsis: it’s your birthday and pietro is your gift..
pietro threw you against the wall, his mouth hot and heavy on yours as you gripped his belt buckle. it was your birthday, and as far as pietro knew, you were just getting started.
“draga..” he held a hand out to you, holding you still as his eyes found yours in the dim lighting of the room. your pupils were wide with desire and love and pietro mirrored that with his own. he smiled, “do what you want with me. im yours. completely.” he paused and smiled, “mistress.” his tongue hung on that last word and he saw something unlock in your eyes. lust.
you grabbed pietro by the arm and led him to the bed, sitting him down before pushing him onto his back gently. his shirt had been shredded off in the hallway and what remained was the sorry excuse of jeans, covering his erection tightly behind them.
you leaned over pietro and blew air on his skin, your fingernail gently tracing down his neck, reaching towards his abs, the hard muscle never seemed to leave you as anything other than speechless. he was handcrafted by god. pietro shivered as you got closer down his belly button but you abruptly stopped.
“tell me what you want me to use you for.” you gave him a choice, letting up the domination he gave you and pietro pursed his lips, thinking. his eyebrows raised slightly as the idea stuck in his head, “ride me. my face, ride my face.” he spoke. your ears turned pink at the answer and you smiled, “are you sure?”
pietro nodded, “climb up, draga. my tongue awaits.” he wiggled his tongue out to you and you laughed, “alright.” you didn’t even need to strip much as pietro had torn your clothing off before dinner was even over.
you crawled to the head of the bed, “you’re beautiful.” you muttered, kissing him quickly before his hands round your hips, pulling you on top of his face. you settled in, your legs locked in on either side of his face, your fingers finding a hold in his hair as pietro rumbled a laugh under you.
“that tickles.” you scoffed, and pietro smiled, “wait till you see what else tickles.” and you felt a wet tongue brush against your clit, the sensation making you shudder. you were already dripping just at the thought of him, and pietro rolled his eyes in pleasure of just tasting you.
“draga-“ he cut himself off as you moaned, your fingers gripping his hair as he lapped up your juices, going faster and faster.
pietro was fast, he was the fastest man alive. but in that moment, you could’ve sworn even he had beat his personal record of quickness.
his tongue fluttered as you came and you nearly pulled his hair out at the roots. pietro groaned at the way you squeezed his head in between your thighs, shaking on top of him.
“more.” you demanded, and pietro nodded into you, “whatever you wish, mistress.” he fell into the sub roll so easily, often you two would switch and you loved how fluid you could be with him.
pietro continued his pace and again you gripped his hair, “fuck-“ you moaned out as pietro gripped your thighs, acting as if he could swallow you whole.
another orgasm.
and another.
one by one, they all fell into order.
“here she cums now.” pietro toyed with your clit as you came and you fell off him, shaking as you did so.
pietro sat up and you could see your slick still painted on his face, he held up five fingers and smirked, “your personal best is six, why don’t we try to beat that today?” he offered and you nodded, “only if i get to fuck you for one of those times.”
pietro smiled, “deal.”
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