#silly ticklish lil guy
* drops and runs *
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They love it, don't let them fool you
Edgar belongs to @fluffomatic Finch/Flint belongs to me :)
I've got an obsession-
I need someone to knock me tf out and tell me to stop /lhj!!
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awkwardlyflustered · 5 months
Best Babysitter Ever
A/N: I have been watching too much Criminal Minds recently, I just started it over for like the 5th time. I love the BAU so goddamn much, and I specifically love Reid (he’s just a lil guy) so y’all better get so ready for so much lee Reid in the upcoming weeks. For now though, Reid and Hotch interacting has my entire soul and being so here’s a quick little story for the two of them. 
“Hotch, I promise you everything will be okay, I read five parenting books on the way here just to prepare.”
“I know, I trust you’re gonna be fine, you’ve just never babysat by yourself before, and JJ was supposed to come over and help…” Hotch trailed off, unable to keep the overprotective dad side from surfacing. 
“We’ll be fine! I’m great with kids,” Reid continued to argue, “We’ll have so much fun, isn’t that right Jack?” Both men turned their eyes over to the small six year old playing with his trucks in the corner. Jack agreed enthusiastically and ran over to hug Spencer’s leg. 
“Alright, I’m sure you guys will be fine,” Hotch finally relented. “Reid, call me if you need anything at all, and Jack, be good for Spencer” Spencer gave a salute towards his boss as Jack ran to hug his dad goodbye. 
A few hours later, Hotch walked back into his house and was immediately greeted by the loud screams of laughter from Jack. Smiling, he made his way towards the two, not saying anything. 
“SPEHEHENCEHEHER!” Jack squealed as Reid’s fingers scribbled across his belly. 
“Spencer? Who’s Spencer, I’m the tickle monster!” The curly haired boy announced, scooping up the small kid’s wrists in one hand, and drilling into his underarms with the other. Jack kicked out and tried to squirm away from the intruding hands, finally noticing his dad standing over the two of them. 
“You can scream all you want, no one can save you from the tickle monster!” Reid called out with a grin taking over his face as he turned to Hotch as a greeting. 
“You heard him Jack, I can’t save you, there’s nothing I can do.” Hotch had a soft grin taking over his face as well, though not quite as smug as Spencer’s. 
“PLEHEHEASE,” Jack whined out, obviously enjoying himself. 
“Hmm alright fine, I’ll do my best but no promises.” Hotch threw his coat that he had just taken off onto the couch and crouched down by the two of them. “Let’s see here…” he muttered out, taking a hold of Jack’s arms and pretending to pull as hard as he could. 
“You’re no match for my incredible strength!” Spencer continued in character, vibrating his fingers into Jack’s ribs causing a whole new round of laughter. 
“Hmm I have an idea,” Hotch thought aloud as he stalked towards Spencer. 
“You’ll never beat me! Jack will be mine forever,” the so-called tickle monster called out yet again, too busy with his charade to pay any attention to the older man getting closer and closer to him. Without warning, Hotch practically tackled Spencer and started digging into his ribs. Spencer squealed and kicked his feet, completely caught
off guard by the attack. Jack quickly stood up from his position on the floor cheering and encouraging the attack. 
“Well well well, looks like the tickle monster is ticklish.”
“Nohohoho” Reid giggled out, weakly swatting at the offending hands currently wracking his nerves. Hotch grabbed Spencer arms and held them above his head, waiting while Reid panted beneath him.
“Hey Jack, come here,” the father beckoned his son over, and started pointing along Reid’s torso. “You know if you poke him right here he makes a really silly noise.” Jack, excited he got to play too began poking his little fingers along Spencer’s tummy. With every poke Spencer gave a hiccupy squeal, that quickly advanced into hiccupy giggles when Hotch’s fingers found their way to his upper ribs. 
“Wahahahait guhuhuys,” he pleaded, being careful with his squirming to not hurt Jack. 
“This is only fair after you tickled Jack for so long, what do you think buddy?”
“Yeah! You did this to me, you deserve it!” Reid just squeezed his eyes shut, threw his head back, and gave into the ticklish sensations. 
The Hotchner duo continued their attack for a few more minutes, making sure to get thorough revenge on the tickle monster before letting him up. Spencer sat up panting, with slight tears in the corners of his eyes. 
“The tickle monster isn’t gonna forget this, you better watch out,” he teased Jack, reaching out to pinch his side. 
“My dad will rescue me every time!” Jack replied indignantly, clinging to his dad’s leg. 
“I absolutely will,” Hotch reassured, ruffling his son’s hair, “But until you need more rescuing, it looks like it’s time for bed. Go start getting ready.” With that, Jack starting running off to get ready for bed, but quickly back tracked to give a crashing hug to Reid.
“Goodnight Spencer, thank you for playing with me.”
“Of course kid,” Reid replied, hugging Jack tightly. “I had fun playing with you.”
“Are you gonna come back tomorrow?” Hotch interrupted the interaction before Reid could be put on the spot.
“No buddy, not tomorrow, but you’ll see Spencer again soon.” Jack just nodded and finally left the two to begin getting ready for bed. Spencer stood up from the floor to stand next to Hotch.
“So I take it the babysitting went well?” Hotch asked with a slight smirk. Spencer nodded happily.
“Yeah, Jack is great. We had a lot of fun together.”
“I could see that. Do you maybe want to come back next week to babysit some more?” Spencer nodded again, much more enthusiastically. “And I take it the tickle monster will be making another appearance?” Spencer blushed out to his ears at the mention of the silly character. 
“Maybe he will.”
“Well then it looks like I’ll have some more rescuing to do, won’t I?” Reid just smiled and looked down at the ground, too sheepish to continue meeting Hotch’s eye. Hotch smiled warmly, remembering just how young Reid actually is despite his age. He quickly pulled Reid in for a hug.
“Thank you again Spencer.” 
“You’re welcome, it was nice getting to feel like an older brother for a little while.” Spencer’s eyes widened and he pulled away from the hug as he realized what he just said. “Not like that I just meant-”
“You’re the best big brother Jack could ask for,” Hotch assured the genius, clapping him on the shoulder. Spencer smiled an almost cheshire grin as the pink tint returned once again to his cheeks. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” he called out, slinging his bag over his shoulder. 
“Yep, and I can’t wait to see the rest of the team and inform them of what a great babysitter the tickle monster is,” Hotch teased, a smirk taking over his features. Reid froze, his hand on the doorknob. 
“Hotch you can tell anyone and everyone you want, but don’t tell Morgan I’m ticklish, he’ll never let me live it down.”
“I don’t know, I think Morgan would really like to know…”
“Alright alright, I’ll keep it to myself, for now anyways.” Spencer breathed a quick sigh of relief and waved goodbye before leaving the house. 
Hotch smiled fondly, and pulled out his phone to text Derek. 
Tomorrow morning you should ask Reid how babysitting went. He has a really funny secret to tell you
“Technically, I’m not gonna tell him anything,” Hotch muttered to himself, smiling. “Plus what fun is having this information if I’m just gonna keep it to myself?” With that, he walked towards Jack’s room ready to tuck him into bed. His heart was full between his son and his work family, he couldn’t be any happier. 
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mythica0 · 1 month
Fop: a new wish Tword headcanons!
Because, once again, hyperfixation lol. In this is Dev, Hazel, Cosmo +Wanda, and Peri, in that order. (long post)
Dev (I love this silly lil guy)
-he is def a lee, although he likes twording ppl as well.
-he didn’t know until after he got really introduced to it(he always knew what it was and kinda what it felt like, but never really experienced it that much.) but he really likes being tworded. [don’t worry man, same 🙏]
-his death spot (and coincidentally, his favorite spot to be tworded) is his tummy!
-his laugh is the happiest sounding giggle you’ve ever heard. This laugh is so bouncy and bubbly and sweet. It’s the kind of laugh that you just know whoever’s producing it is having the time of their life.
-Whenever he’s tworded he stims, usually with flappi by his hands or little kicks. However, he never seems to try and get away.
-very easily flustered, both by the fact that he’s ticklish and that he likes it. however he can say the tword with ease(unlike me)
-would try to hold off his laugh but fail miserably
-he is weak to raspberries and tword games, but as much as he likes to deny it he loves them.
-after being introduced to twords, he gets lee moods, and the first one he ever got he did not understand. ‘Why do I feel all buzzy? Why do I want to be tickled?!’ Peri was happy to explain and assist (probs gonna write a fic of this one)
-Now, when it comes to being the ler, Dev is an absolute little shit.
-he likes to tword others, both because it’s fun for him and because he likes seeing others laugh. (He will tell you it’s just the first one. That it’s fun for him to make other ppl powerless)
-He’s pretty new to the whole thing, so he’s not super good at it yet, but he’s trying, and getting better!
-She is a ler leaning switch!
-she loves to start tword fights and absolutely loves it as a bonding experience.
-Her laugh is very wheezy, but don’t worry she’s fine.
-her worst spot is her ribs
-She doesn’t actually squirm all too much, kinda just goes limp.
-she is immune to visual teases after the twords start, because as soon as she starts getting tworded she shuts her eyes.
-Hazel loves to use twords as a way to cheer up her friends. (Although she tends to leave Jazz out of it since she’s afraid of being tworded)
-she is not shy about her love of twords at all. She’s very open about it.
-I didn’t come up with this one,(that award goes to my mootie @randommusicalfluff) but after finding out Dev is twordish, she absolutely gets him any time he’s being pretentious or pushing people away.
-she uses baby talk. And lots of it. A fave of hers is definitely to just repeat the tword over and over again in a teasy voice.
Cosmo + Wanda
-putting them together cause they’re basically a package deal.
-both of them are even switches.
-they love to team up, but also love to get into tword fights with eachother.
-sometimes after a tword fight they’ll have a cuddle sesh and watch a movie
-Cosmo’s worst spot is his wings, and his laugh is very funny, and kinda high pitched.
-Wanda’s worst spot is her armpits, and her laugh is kinda rough but very sweet sounding.
-they will use their magic to their advantage in a tword fight, or when lering as a whole.
Peri (my fav boi!!)
-he’s a ler but he likes being tworded too.
-his worst spot his also his tummy (him and his godkid have something in common that way.)
-when he’s tworded he squirms but mostly just curls into a ball. Most of his movements are in his wings, which usually flutter around rapidly.
-his laugh is very smooth, but also very frantic sounding. And it can get very loud.
-Now, as you’ve probably gathered, Peri loves to tword Dev. Especially to cheer him up. He just loves to see his godkid happy.
-he has a ridiculously good sense of when someone is in a lee mood. He just knows
-he loves to make a game out of it, and is overall a very silly ler
-the more he can make someone laugh the better he feels.
-hasn’t thought about using his magic before, until he sees his parents do it.
And that’s all I have today! Hope you enjoyed reading these and expect more fics of these guys in the near future!!
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mushyblushyredhead · 1 year
TickleTober 2023 🎃
Presented by @august-anon
DAY 2: Accidental (Marvel)
Lee!Peter 1
Lers!Peter 2 & 3
Summary: An innocent brotherly cuddle pile between the three Spider-bros suddenly turns ticklish when the older Peters make an interesting discovery about their youngest brother.
So cuddly…so warm.
A collection of content sighs filled the air of the oldest Peter’s apartment. The three Spider-Men were currently cuddled up next to each other in a makeshift blanket nest that the younger two begged Peter 2 to let them set up.
And so here they were: the oldest Peter in the middle of the cuddle pile with his two younger brothers snuggled up on either side of him. He had his arms wrapped around the youngsters, his fingers gently running through their fluffy hair.
“Mmm…this is nice,” the middle Peter said. The youngest hummed happily in agreement. “This is honestly like, free therapy right here.”
Peter 2 chuckled. “Aww. As long as it makes you guys happy. I’ll admit, this brotherly cuddle nest you guys set up really is nice. I think we were all due for a nice cuddle. Especially our newest little Spidey here.” He gave a squeeze to the youngest Peter.
“Heyyyy,” Peter 1 whined. “I’m not that little.”
“Are you kidding? You’re our adorable baby bro!” Peter 3 cooed, reaching over to ruffle the younger’s hair.
“Aaah! Heheyyy! Quit ihit!”
“Alright you two, relax,” Peter 2 said with a fond eye roll. “But he’s got a point, little Pete. You technically are the baby brother of our trio.” The youngest pouted with a huff. “Hey, don’t take it in a bad way. It just means you’ll get double the hugs and affections because you’re so cute!” Peter 2 booped the youngest’s nose.
Peter 1 rolled his eyes. “C’mon guys, you both treat me like I’m five. Have you forgotten that I’m frickin’ Spider-Man?”
“An adorable Spider-Man!” The middle brother chirped. He sat up from the cuddle pile to playfully squish the littlest Peter’s cheeks. “I don’t know how you could ever have any enemies, little bro. You’re too cute! How can your enemies not spare you or constantly stay mad at you if you’re this adorable?”
The teasing combined with the face squishes was making Peter 1 blush and let out involuntary giggles. “S-Stohohop, you weirdo!”
Peter 3 kept talking. “I mean look at him, Dos! If you were his enemy, would you wanna keep fighting this kid?”
The oldest couln’t help but laugh at the unfolding predicament. “No, definitely not. If anything, I think it would make me want to do this instead for all the times he’s foiled my plans!” He surprised the youngest Spidey by suddenly scooping him up in an upside down hug, making Peter 1 squeal as he now dangled upside down.
“Hehehey! Put me dowwwn!” Peter 1 couldn’t stop giggling. The silliness of being upside down made him feel like a little kid again.
The little wholesome moment was interrupted when Peter 2 gave a playful squeeze to the younger’s sides. The reaction was instantaneous; Peter 1 squeaked loudly and kicked out his legs, almost hitting his older brother in the face.
The room fell silent. Finally, Peter 3 broke the silence. “What was that? Did you just squeak, lil’ Pete?”
The youngest blushed. “Uhhm…n-no..?”
“Then what was that noise? Did that hurt when I touched you there?” The oldest Peter frowned with concern. “I’m sorry if I did.”
“N-No its not that..! It’s—I’m just—uhm…”
When the littlest brother didn’t respond, Peter 2 gave another experimental squeeze in the same spot and the same thing happened; Peter 1 jolted with another loud squeak. Crap-eating grins spread across the two older Spider brothers’ faces.
“Ohh I think I know what it is,” the oldest said in a sing-song voice.
“I think a certain little Spider-bro is ticklish~” Peter 3 sang.
Peter 1’s blush darkened. He rapidly shook his head, attempting to squirm out of the upside down hug with no luck. “N-No I’m not! Get a-away from me! Both of you!”
“Gosh, he’s squirming so much,” Peter 2 said with a huff.
“Why not put him down?” the middle Peter suggested.
“No! Nohoho c’mon guys!” In a matter of seconds, Peter 1 was dumped onto the pile of blankets and immediately pinned by his older brothers. His oldest brother had him trapped in his lap; wrists grabbed and pinned above his head. And his other older brother took a seat by his legs, resting his fingers on his kneecaps. “Guhuhuys! Guys pleaheeheehease! y-you don’t have to—EEEEHP!!”
Peter 1 squealed as his sides were tased. The culprit turned out to be his cheeky middle brother.
“And just how come you never told us about this, little Spidey?”
“Yeah, how come you didn’t tell us our little bro was ticklish?”
“I-I dihihidn’t know! And I’m not even tickliAAAAHA!” His lie was cut short when the fingers that tased his sides now vibrated and stayed glued in that spot. “NAAAHAhahaheeHEEE! Qhuihihit thaHAAhat!”
“Awww someone’s not a very good liar~” Peter 3 sing-songed. He moved his fingers upward, spidering them to Peter 1’s ribs next. He grinned when he saw how his little brother twitched with a girly squeal.
Feeling a bit left out of the playful banter, the oldest Spider-Man finally joined in. His free hand fluttered against Peter 1’s neck, resulting in another squeal and leg kick.
“Whoa! Easy there, little bro,” exclaimed Peter 3. “Don’t kick me.”
“I-I caHAHAhan’t hehehelp ihihit!” Peter 1 squeaked out. His blushy face was really starting to rival his Spidey suit. Out of all the embarrassing things his brothers could’ve discovered and exploited, it just had to be this one.
Things got worse when the middle Peter decided to scribble across his belly and the oldest fluttered his fingers under his arm.
“Not where?” Both Peters innocently asked.
“T-Thehehehere!! Both…Both plahahahaces!!”
“Awww!!” Peter 3 couldn’t help but coo. “Ticklish tummy and armpits?” The littlest shook his head rapidly as more giggles poured out. “Awww! We got a ticklish tummy and armpits here! How cuuuute!”
“S-StAHAhap teasing, you jeheherk!” Peter 1 giggle-whined.
“Peter Dos, do you hear that sass?” The middle Spidey pretended to be offended.
“Yeah, I heard it. And I don’t think I like that tone you’re using, little bro.”
Both spider brothers cracked their knuckles for dramatic effect before plunging their fingers down and tickling anywhere they could reach: underarms, in between ribs, behind the knees, even Peter 3 got evil enough to slip his hands under his squealing bro’s shirt to scribble at his bare tummy.
It was maddening. It was torture. But it was…fun. Gosh, how long has it been since Peter 1 even laughed like this? A long time, in fact. Long before Mr. Stark left.
But here he was now, red faced and giggling brightly. Instinctively kicking and squirming, but not putting up too much of a fight to get away. Turns out, it’s not so bad letting his older spider counterparts know of his one little weakness. It was fun, and it made him feel genuinely happy to get to play around with the other Peters like this after everything.
So yeah. It’s not so bad letting his ticklishness be exposed and exploited. As long as they didn’t find out about his extra sensitive belly button or that one spot right under his arm and above his highest rib—oh nope. Too late.
There’s nothing Peter 1 can hide from his counterpart brothers, apparently. And that especially includes tickle spots. Ohh he was so getting them back for this!
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missamyrisa2 · 2 months
how would you tease a veeeery cocky guy with a veeeery sensitive butt 😇
Oooh I've gottten soooo into tush tickling lately ~ eeep
And that means I'm totally calling it a tush the whole time as I pin you down sitting on your legs ~ which is just a lovelyyy position because you can't possibly get a strong enough kick with those feet and any kicks just open your feet up to tickles anyway ~ and I'm safely out of reach from your arms even if you're coordinated to reach back and try to get me ~ alsooo I'm gonna tickle allll the fight outta you from my position~!
Which is gonna start with pinchy tickles on the backs of your upper thighs and taunting squeezes on your sides. Oooh yes I'm gonna taunt you with anticipation. Coochie coooo giggly boyyyy. Where's all that sass now huh? You don't sound so tough and buff when you're squeaking like that ~ what happened huh? Oh you're so ticklish here. Are you a ticklish toughie? I thought guys weren't ticklish. Guys aren't ticklish? Nooo you don't make silly cute squeaks do you. You're not a helpless wiggly boy under a silly giggly girl huh?
Look at that tushy bounce~ such an eager volunteer oh yesss oh my my myyyyy let's just see here. Let's jiggle them cheeks huh? Look at you bounce look at you wiggle. Ahh yes have to check you for ripeness yes we doooo. Always gotta make sure the peach is niiiice and sweeet and we do thattt by whatttt? Squeeeezingggg~ yess squeezyy on the left and squeezy on the right and inspect here under the curve. Ooh look at you go! You can pound the bed all you like darling, oh my yes you can kick too! I'm not stopping nope nope nope. You're such a strong guy why don't you just bounce me off huh? Why don't you fight me off? It's just tickling. What happened here? You were all bluster and shine and now you're just squeaks and giggles and wiggles. Is that all it takes hmmm? Can't take a little tickle tickle on your tushy tush?
Let's see how you do with booty skitters ~ yes that's where I take my nails and grasp and squeeze and skiiiiittter~! Oooh do that again! Bounce for me baby. Be giggly. Be squeaky. You know you wanna. Yes, mama's got you and we're gonna tickle tickle that tush until you can't pound and kick no more mmhmmm~ gonna get alllll that sass mouth outta you now. Do my nails tickle soooo bad down here? Ooh you're so tense, clenching up like that. Do we need miss feather? Yeahhh I think we need miss feather. She's sooo cute and pink mhmm. And your peach is getting a little pink itself huh ~ why it looks like I spanked you~
Nowww let's test under those tush cheeks mmhmm. Just take miss feather and yessss glide riiight under the left to the right. Oooh what a ticklish line. What a sensitive peach. What a peach you are~! Coochie coochie cooo giggle boy. Are you my giggle boy with the sensitive peach? Come on, tell me you're my sensitive giggle boy ~ and call me mommy too ~ mmhm come on, say it cocky boy, say it for me. Noooo? Don't worry. You'll say itttt. You'll say you're my giggly boy. I will get you to say it. I always do. What ticklemama wants ticklemama gets.
And right now what ticklemama wants is to tickle that cuuuuute lil dip. So you're gonna unclench for me mmhmm. Let's just mmmh open this up hereeee and oooh myyyy sooo cute. Look at you twitch. Ooh precious, this is gonna tickle. I'm not gonna lie. This is gonna tickle sooooo bad. Just miss feather teasing that sensitive sensitive lil peach dip. Don't worry, you can try to clench alll you like I've got this cheek now and I'm not letting goooo ~ my myyyy that's definitely the way to get your sass drained huh? Just tickle between your peach cheeks and you melt into my helpless whining giggle boyyy~
Noww ~ let's try that againnnn. We'll get out my biiiig rainbow fluffy duster and we're gonna swish everyyyy part of your tush. Ticklemama wants to see you bounce and hear those sweet sounds. And once we get all those squeaky giggles out we'll just try again for those sweet words I wanna hear ~<3
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Would you ever expand a little on the dottore turning into the fox and reader taking him in thing? 👉👈 I know it's a trope done many times before but I just find it amusing that Dottore would have such a mishap and then a complete stranger finds him and takes him home 💞
OMG OF COURSE ANON!! I'd love to, I'm happy that you enjoyed that silly little brainrot ❤️ (This is the post for reference!) Hmm let me think... Although he'd prefer to leave your house, Foxttore is a wee bit injured and tired... so it would be a better idea to just lay low in this residence for now. He's very good at hiding in your house. Probably knows it better than you at this point. You can search for hours and you won't find him, and then he'll pop out of nowhere, stare at you blankly, and then quickly exit when you try to catch him. This mf is TEASING you, he loves getting you riled up.
You want revenge? Pick him up by his tail and watch him suffer as he's unable to reach and scratch you. You didn't hear this from me but, his paws are ticklish. He can somehow... divide himself into tiny fluffballs with a red eye too. And then he commands the tiny segments to return back into his body. It's strange but you don't question it. Foxttore would avoid physical contact at all costs in the beginning. If you put horror movies on, he'll come and watch but then get bored quickly. He gives you strange looks with that one eye of his if you get scared (this is basic compared to what he's seen 😨) The fox seems to enjoy documentaries more though. Will nab your food off the plate as well. He's a devious lil guy. The day he leaves is the day you think you'll never see him again, and you can't help but be sad, but what did ya know? He returns later, again with some more... blood. Walks through your house leaving paw prints of blood on your floor and plops himself in your bathtub, looking at you expectantly. (The fox gets the best bath of his life, princess treatment fr) He once got himself stuck somewhere in your house and you laughed for a good couple of minutes while he just growled the whole time. Foxttore has never cared much for his fur but he appreciates how you keep it clean and fluffy. He's surprised at himself for how he keeps coming back to you... but he just convinces himself that you're a rare, good find because most humans would never go to these lengths for a creature like him. Totally not because he's also become emotionally attached.
You are nearly in tears when you find out you've been housing a grown man who can somehow turn into a fox creature thing this whole time??? But Dottore just acts like it's no big deal and eventually starts demanding attention as if you're his lover or something... haha... or 😉 ? If you're cuddling with him in his fox form and you try to leave, he'll turn into a human and just crush you with his weight. Also if you give him a little kith he transforms right on your lap with one of those grins of his. Uhhh and he also kills people who even try to disrespect you ❤️ Washing the blood off of Foxttore is a normal thing for you :) Your relationship is kind of... complicated. He goes out and does his own thing and he doesn't tell you anything but you don't question it nor do you care... but you always look forward to seeing a certain fox curled up on your bed!! Idk why but I'd love to put him under my shirt. He's very soft and fluffy and I would like to hold him.
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mediauser325 · 5 days
Fairly Oddparents tickle HC's
(Headcannons of Cosmo, Wanda, Timmy, Peri (formerly poof), Irep (Formerly Foop), Hazel Wells, and Dev Dimmadome) Writer's note: THIS TOOK 2 WEEKS IN MY DRAFTS TO WRITE! Hope you all like these silly tickle headcannons. If you don't like them, Idc I'm still having this up
Cosmo: 65% Lee, 35% Ler
Cosmo's such a playful fairy! His tickles are mainly to play, or cheer someone up! Having been a fairy godparent for up to 300 years at minimum, Cosmo knows cues like when to stop, when someone is able to be cheered up via tickles, etc. He's a master at teasing, and WILL use it to his advantage. He does use the classics you know the ones, but he also makes up brilliant teases. He's an amazing tickler, and does play the 'Can I guess where you're ticklish?' game. A couple scribbles here, some pokes there, the whole shebang. He also gives his lee wiggle room unless it's PERFECTLY CLEAR they don't mind being pinned. Cosmo CANNOT take what he dishes out, he squirms, squeals, kicks, his wings flap crazily, he is MEGA ticklish and a silly mess. Cosmo and Wanda have done tickle fights but Wanda always wins. The same tickle fights have happened with Hazel, Timmy and Peri at different times, but Cosmo was too good a ler for the trio to stop. Cosmo's worst spots are his sides, neck, and underarms.
Wanda: 50/50
Wanda's a good ler but is usually gentle, opposite of Cosmo who tries to wreck everyone he tickles. She usually just lightly scribbles across a spot, gently teasing and cooing. The people she tickles the most are Peri and Cosmo. But if you wreck her, she's gonna wreck you just as badly. As a lee, she's most ticklish on her ribs. She'll giggle helplessly, but that's it. I'll add more if I get more ideas.
Timmy Turner: 80% lee, 20% ler
Poor Timmy has no ler skills. He's almost always is the tickled and never the tickler. He's VERY ticklish in many common spots, and always just laughs his lil head off, and has the BEST giggles. If he ever tickled someone successfully, it was dumb luck or a huge amount of stealth. Other than that, he's mostly a lee. He squeals and begs, it's adorbs
Peri (Formerly Poof): 55% Lee, 45% Ler
He's a really embarassed lee and it's adorable. Cosmo and Wanda occasionally tickled him when he was a baby, and it was precious. As an adult, he's not tickled as much, but when he is, it's either Cosmo or Wanda tickling him in front of Hazel or Dev, and embarassing him in the process. As a ler, he's mindful of boundaries more than a normal ler would. He pays CLOSE attention to cues and responses and may have a safe word so he doesn't go too far. He hasn't had much experience with humans and doesn't wanna come off as anything negative. He's most ticklish on his belly. He's a squealer. You can NOT convince me otherwise.
Irep (Formerly Foop): 95% ler, 5% lee
This guy refuses to be tickled. He's always the tickler. As a wittle baby, he was a huge lee much to his disapproval. Anti Cosmo and Anti Wanda didn't tickle much, but it was adorable when they did He's very ticklish, but was never caught later in life. As a ler, he's RUTHLESS! He will wreck you until you tap out. If you ever tickle him, expect him to threaten you while kicking and squirming helplessly on the floor. His worst spots are his underarms and sides
Hazel: 50/50
One heck of a good ler. Her main Lee is Dev, and they get into the silliest tickle fights you've seen. She usually wins. She can be either gentle or ruthless, depending on what someone's comfortable with. Definitely stole some of Cosmo's teases to use for her lees. As a lee, she's squealy, giggly, squirmy, AND kicky. She'll squirm tooth and nail to do anything to make the tickles more bearable. She's ticklish in the most common places, but mostly the spaces between her ribs
Dev: Complete lee.
He's a touch starved 10 year old that has never been tickled and never experienced tickling. That is, until he met HAZEL. He will fight tooth and nail to get away from a Ler, especially if the Ler is merciless. He may use his rocket boots or drones to help him get away. THE LEE-EST LEE TO EVER LEE! Ticklish everywhere, has no ler skills, can NOT fight a tickle fight to save his life, it's silly and kinda sad too. Can only ler if someone like Peri, Hazel or Cosmo are helping him
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uh-oh-kinky · 19 days
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I wanted to make an updated introduction post since it's been a hot minute. So here's that, welcome to my blog. Taken by my lovely, gorgeous, super ticklish partner @bigtittygothwitch.   Here to make friends and maybe do sessions along with my partner(we’re conjoined).  My name’s William, I’m amab non-binary (he/they). I’m 26, and I work as a professional writer while I'm studying to become a nurse! Tall dorky alty writery somethingelsery boi. I also have a random assortment of other hobbies like doing nothing with my partner all night reading, d&d, video games, youtube, origami, and just like generally whatever art I find interesting or fun(bigbig horror fan), plants, animals, any and all kinds of art, being outside.  Idk if some of those count as hobbies, moreso “interests” I suppose.   Feel free to reach out and talk to me! I’m generally friendly even to mean people (and that has totally never been a problem in my life hahaha).  I’m happy to chat about things from kinks to random interests we have.  I usually like to get to know people a lil before any flirty/sexual talk and I also am in a committed relationship.  I might not always have the mental energy to respond but I’ll do my best!  Asks are always open too, should you be so inclined. My weird little blog feels a myriad of silly kinks that my silly little brain likes: Tickling(crazy I know) General BDSM nonesense Being a silly little guy Feet I suck at making lists help Body worship CNC Oh and I’ve posted videos of my hands before?  If that counts?? This blog, weird as it may in fact be, is a safe space.  So, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t be a hateful shithead.  Accept all body types, support the lgbtq+ community, don’t be racist--all that good stuff that should really go without saying. Understand that while intense scenarios may be depicted on this blog on occasion, consent is key in all play, and people who don’t respect the boundaries of others are not welcome here.  On that note... Sometimes I follow aesthetic blogs that I like as a buffer between the endless sexualized content on my feed because I am in fact not a robot who is constantly all about his kink lol.  But if you saw a weird blog follow you, that’s why! If you’re uncomfortable with seeing anything on this blog, feel free to remove me!  I won’t be offended whatsoever, prioritize your mental healthy and safety besties <3 even if it’s hard sometimes.  Also minors DNI, obviously. Thank you to @tickle-ghost for the template.
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rachi-roo · 11 months
Hii! I saw your requests open and I wanted to ask could you perhaps write some tickle headcanons for Vash from Trigun? Any version is fine, I just need more tickle content of that silly lil guy--
(Love your blog btw! <3)
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Trigun: Vash - Tickle Head Canons!
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YES! YES! THANK YOU! I've wanted to write about this goobie woobie for so long! I've actually had some HCs written up for ages but never found silly Trigun fans to share them with! 😭 Bless your little socks anon!! Thank you for the opportunity to go HDBDIAOWKDBAI over my Vashy-Washy! XD Love you dust bunny!!!
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Being inhuman has its perks. Not many but a few. Immortality is pretty cool. But in Vashs case, hanging out with the humans has brought upon a strange, problem, when it comes to physical touch.
At first, Vash had never heard of tickling or being ticklish. Why would he when everyone has only ever wanted to kill him? Until he met Meryl and Millie. One drunken party had led to a cuddle pile where the two females decided to attack the defenceless male, leading to the discovery. He is, in fact, very ticklish.
He is ticklish absolutely everywhere. Luckily, his huge coat and armour protect him most of the time. You'll have to catch him out of uniform to make him squeal.
Saying catch isn't really right, though. He loves being tickled and won't try to avoid an attack if he sees it coming. Like an obedient pup, he'll lay there and take it. Despite his wriggling, he does his best not to get away or stop those scribbling fingers.
His laugh is wonderful. Bright, loud, full of life. And he's very chatty whilst being wrecked. Being his usual goofy self, he'll say the most random things between his laughter.
"H-Hehey! Ahaha! Gohod I could reheheally go for a snAHAHACK rigihight now! Aha! Hah... Aww, why you stop?"
Brat. Brat. Bratty brat brat. Big playful goob. If he wants tickles, he'll follow you around all day until he gets them. Even if it means tickling you first to get a response, he'll do it. He'll poke you. Scare you. Steal a snack. Even throw some playful cheesy flirting your way.
His favourite are reward tickles.
"Didn't I do a good job taking care of those bandits? Come oooon, you know what to do~" He'd say, sprawling happily over your lap.
Praise him. Tell him how cute he is. It's the only time you might be able to fluster him instead of the other way round. If you manage to accomplish this, he'll cover his ears, trying to hide how red they go.
Drunk Vash tickles? Yes. His gangly limbs are so uncoordinated that he'll just flop around like a wet noodle. Hiccuping and snorting happily. Wolfwood takes full advantage of this as he's usually on the receiving end of tickles~
His most sensitive areas are his knees, ribs, and underarms. He also loves it when you tickle his palm. Having only one real hand means the one he's got needs extra love. The teddybear song is a personal favourite of his. Since he's a big kid, really.
Basically, he loves being tickled. Any time. Any place. For any reason. Laughter is so important to him. How could he not crave the sensation?
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Run. Just run. This man is a menace. Ever heard of the tickle monster? This guy gives him nightmares. In the best possible way.
For whatever reason, you look down in the dumps, or maybe you just committed the unspeakable SIN of eating his last doughnut. Vash is gonna getcha~
He'll chase you round all day, laughing with you as he puts on his 'villain' voice, cooing and teasing as he makes grabby hands at you as you try to flee.
"I'm gonna getcha~!"
"Mwahaha! You think you can escape the claws of Vash the humanoid Typhoon!? Nae! You will suffer at my hand, Mortaaaal!"
"Wow, you're quick! What's got you so frantic, I wonder? Haha!"
Once he catches you, it's over. He'll use his mechanic arm to hold your wrists, allowing his free hand to do the work.
He's a skitterer. Spider fingers are his favourites since they make his victims giggle the most. Changing spots every couple of seconds to keep you wriggling.
The sharpshooter had also invented his own adorable little game! He calls it 'Don't shoot'.
The ler surprises the Lee, aiming finger guns at them and calling 'Hands up!' The Lee has to respond quick as they can with 'Don't shoot!' Whilst throwing theirs hands up. If they're quick enough, the ler, Vash, approaches with his finger guns, circling and teasing the victim with anticipation. Faking a prod or two. The victim has to not flinch or giggle or they get 'shot' or rather, bombarded with tickly pokes.
Vash, being Vash, always makes the sound effects as he's poking you. "Pew! Pew! Pew! Should have stayed still, bandit!" He also loves being on the receiving end of this game, always losing, curling up as soon as those fingers get too close.
He's so gentle as a ler. Teasy and bubbly as always. He'll pull you into a hug, wriggling his fingers into your sides, blowing raspberries on your neck. He's a big guy, holding you still isn't difficult.
"Ah, Mon précieux, what a lovely singing voice you posesse~"
"A snort!? For me!? Oh my gosh, do it again!"
"Huh? Don't say tickle? Why shouldn't I say tickle? Is tickle a bad word? Is ticklish a bad word, too? What about tickled? Oh gosh, I'm saying all these awful tickly words! Oh well, I've sinned now, might as well go all out~ Tickle, tickle, tickle!"
Once he's tired you out, he'll hold you close to him, chuckling quietly at how flustered you are as he pets your hair. He'll share a doughnut if he feels he's been particularly mean~ Lucky you!
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Vash, Vash, Vash. What a goobie woobie he is. My beloved sunflower 🥹 Making this a world build upon love and peace!!! 🤞 Marry me FUCK SAKE! XD
100% Switch!
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jichuzip · 6 months
Can I request ler mcd headcanons? Idc what characters as long as it isn't Ein or Aaron
# Ler! Aphmau & Guard Trio!
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Minecraft diaries // Aphmau, Laurance, Garroth, Dante // Headcanons
Dying, she's sooo innocent and gentle with everything she does.
Wonder and whimsy in her eyes, she loves tickling people she loves.
She's short but don't let that fool you, takes it her advantage to wrap around your waist like a goddamn snake.
Just very gentle
Very very playful! Lots of (mostly accidental) teasing.
"Come on! Smileee!"
Mainly targets her guards (help them) & kids!
Ever since she (re)discovered tickling she has NOT let it go
Reslly just wants every one to be happy, even if she has to make them giggle madly about it
Smiling and giggling with you the entire time
Jumpscares any guards who aren't paying attention with a tweak to their side oml
Evil bastard gremlin man pt1
SUCH a meanie
Lee mood telepathy, whenever you're feeling lee he just KNOWS
Has this shit eating grin on his face the ENTIRE time until you look away, then the goofy, fond smile breaks out
"How can someone be THIS ticklish? How are you even still alive?"
Will ask you if you're ticklish every. Time. The bastard already knows he just knows it flusters you when he asks
He's perpetually pretty cold, and frankly learned how to use it to his advantage
Definitely one to just.. squeeze your sides in passing
Main targets are Aph and Dante! But Garroth's also pretty high on that list
Will not stand for brattiness, you will get wrecked
Definitely one to use tickling as flirting by the occasion!
Incredibly nice yet also so mean about it
Very, very gentle and uses it to his advantage
If you're on the guard and you make a simple and unserious mistake.. well, the man has to punish you just a little bit, no?
Does this stupid lil chuckle when you react in a way he finds particularly cute
Cheer up tickles galore oml
"Oh, you like this, don't you?"
He's a generally pretty serious and stern man, he appreciates the silly little way to let loose
Absolutely one to put you in his lap and make you giggle yourself silly
Targets mainly his fellow guards! Aphmau occasionally, but he's a littleee shy with targeting her
Has this little fond smile the entire time augh
Not usually one for passerby tickles, only Laurance really gets those from him.. he just loves seeing the guy flustered, screw him
Evil bastard gremlin man pt2.
Be careful if you're ever out on patrol with him and he gets bored, you will end up a giggly mess
A little shy, especially when he just starts as a guard in Phoenix Drop, only really tickles anyone who explicitly lets him
Energetic, never stays in one spot too long so you don't get used to the tickles
"Wow! It must really tickle if you're begging this much!"
A little more rough with it, but can and will go softer if asked too.
He's usually everyone else's targets, so he REALLY just eats it up whenever he's the ler
WILL give you a tickle based nickname. He's a menace to society
Definitely giggles along oml, you'd think he was the one getting tickled
Not above giving raspberries and nibbles, they're in fact his favorite techniques
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SPY TK HEADCANONS FIMALLY!!! (this post was created for my spy loving mutual, and to spite people who don't like spy <3)
NOTE: these are about the RED Spy, not the BLU 1!!
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-Hooo boy. Here we go
Id say he's a ler-leaning switch!! He much prefers being called a ler though LMAO
-I cannot tell you why, but he gives me ticklish tummy vibes, I have no idea why, he just DOES, don't @ me.... other than that i think hes rlly ticklish on his back (irony...) and behind the knees!!
-if u ask him if hes ticklish, he'll either a) ignore the question and just look at u funny as if thats the most RIDICULOUS thing hes ever heard, or b) answer with a simple "no" and go on with his day. ofc hes a fuckin liar but he just hopes and prays nobody tests it for themselves. he thinks tickling is silly, and its ridiculous 4 him to be ticklish!!!
-hes super mega embarassed abt his laugh, bc snort, and he doesnt want anybody hearing it >:( again, he thinks its silly and he doesnt wanna be percieved as silly, hes a SPY, an ASSASSIN !!
-once someone ACTUALLY tickles him though??
-ofc he'll try not to laugh or anything, in hopes youll give up, but that wont last long
-i wouldnt say hes SUPER ticklish, but a happy medium on the ticklishness scale, maybe like a 6.5 out of 10.
-his tickle laugh is just. OUGH chefs kiss, he snorts A LOT too, just BFHGHDHFBCHVN,,
-tends to slip into his native language when tickled
-his laugh can get pretty high pitched depending on where ur tickling him and u can sorta use this to gauge how bad a spot is
-i feel like he'd try either try negotiating or threatening u to get out of being tickled
-fun fact, he hiccups if u tickle him too long, so imagine him like giggling with lil hiccups n snorts mixed in there OUGH DEAR GOD hes so cute wtf
-fair warning b4 you tickle him though- he WILL get you back, no matter what. it is inevitable. no escape
-raspberries kill him. do what you will with this info
-as a ler, hes a very tease and drag things out type of guy
-hes almost never rough, but that doesnt mean he cant wreck ur shit ofc, hes gonna kill you either way. hes very gentleee and slowww about it, and hes gonna be teasing u the whole time too like. holy shit. please tickle me spy tf2
-"oh, not here? And just why not?" "im barely even touching you."
-imagine him "playing" u like a piano
thats all ive got 4 now!! i rlly hope u guys like them :3
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ticklish-n-stuff · 11 months
hi there sakura!! :3 hope you’re doing well, i hope it’s alright if i send in a request for tickletober <3
you’re never gonna guess who i’m gonna ask for…
tsukasa tenma from project sekai whaattt who would’ve guessed😅😅
anyways hear me out, i was thinking number 28 with lee!tsukasa and ler!toya (platonic obvi…) where tsukasa is absolutely exhausted after a long day and toya offers him a massage but little does he know kasa is just a silly lil ticklish guy
i absolutely adore the way you write for tsukasa it lights up my whole day
anyways there’s no pressure at all feel free to turn this down if you don’t wanna do it LOL
take care!! -ur local kasa stan
Tickletober day #28: Massage
Man you're lucky the 3rd anni came around this time cause it's like I've been injected with pjsk fever
Anyways hope you enjoy! And happy candy hunting :D
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Tsukasa x Toya (platonic)
Lee: Tsukasa
Ler: Toya
Warnings: Tickles!
“You really didn’t have to do this, Toya”
“Please, Tsukasa-senpai, I insist. It’s the least I can do for all the times you’ve helped me.”
Tsukasa wasn’t one to like getting pampered like this, but he couldn’t bear to disappoint Toya.
“Oh fine, but just for a bit”
Toya’s face lit up as he possitioned himself behind Tsukasa, placing his hands on the older one’s shoulders.
“Let me know if this is alright” and with that, Toya started to rhythmically squeeze and rub the spot. Tsukasa couldn’t help but let out a loud sigh of satisfaction.
“That’s perfect, actually! How’d you get so good at this?”
“I’ve had a lot of practice…”
Toya’s words started to fall deaf to Tsukasa’s ears yas he started feeling fingers creeping ever so close to his neck, causing him to shiver involuntarily. Poor Toya quickly halted his hands, brows furrowing in concern.
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”
“NO! It just erm…”
“It just what?” his junior tilted his head like a confused cat.
“…it just tickled a bit…” the blonde’s cheeks slowly flared up at his revelation. His voice not above a whisper, Toya almost didn’t catch it.
“Oh… okay” the bicolored haired male couldn’t help but smile as he went back to rub the stress away frol his senior, not like he wouldn’t have a bit of fun with it…
As he worked down Tsukasa’s back, Toya focused on massaging the back of his ribs. His fingertips softly pressing between each bone.
“EEP?!” Tsukasa let out a startled squeak, his body instantly jolting.
“Hold on, Tsukasa-senpai. I can’t massage you if you keep squirming” Toya’s face was as deadpan as ever, and yet there was a hint of playfulness in his voice.
“Ah right, sorry…” Tsukasa hung his head sheepishly as skilled fingers continued their onslaught of tickles- I mean their massage. The blonde held his breath as if he was drowning in a pool, but no, he just wanted to hold back his adorable reactions.
Toya’s short nails softly traced all over his back: down his spine, inching ever so closely to his sides before pulling back, trailing all the way up to his neck and even teasing his ears.
“Pfft! Ehehehe! Toya…! How much lohohonger?!” Tsukasa couldn’t take it anymore. As gentle as the touch was, it just made him feel more ticklish. The world future star curled slightly on himself as he giggled like a little kid. Toya couldn’t help but softly chuckle along.
“Okay, okay. I’m done” he quickly retracted his hanfd away, watching senior slump against him, slowly catching his breath. The sudden proximity caused the stoic boy to flush a bit. “Are you okay…?” he asked feeling a bit nervous.
Tsukasa still felt tingly, so he looked up at Toya with a wide smile and gave him a thumbs up, causing Toya to smile with him.
After a comfortable moment of silence, Tsukasa spoke up “So, how about I return the favor?~”. The blonde had a devilish grin to him as he teasingly wiggled his fingers towards the younger male.
“W-wait! Tsukasa-senPAHAHAI!”
Don’t mess with the Tenmas. Kidding, Tsukasa loved every second of it, he's just too prideful to admit it.
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hugemilkshake · 6 months
Saw this and now I just have to request hcs...for like...butter roll x ticklish reader!
I hope you enjoy your milkshake! Personally if someone tickles me I will curse their bloodline but that’s just me-
Ticklish Reader x Butter Roll headcannons
-Platonic or Romantic headcannons-
Butter Roll is a silly guy, a little sociopathic but still a silly lil guy
So he’s going to probably enjoy making you laugh until you can’t breathe!
If your sides are predominately ticklish then your dead, because if he has the chance he will make you double over in laughter.
He’s definitely decently strong since he can huck dough into the mixer with ease so he’ll probably use that to his advantage in some way.
But at the end of the day Butter Roll is just a silly lil guy
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hypahticklish · 1 year
Ticklish Headcanons for
DnD Honor Among Thieves
Listen…I love the shit out of this movie and if I had more expendable funds I would go see it again in theatres to bask in the good good vibes. This goes out to @amazingmsme for banging on pots to rouse the TTRPG Podcast branch of the TFB community from it's winter hibernation. Please ignore that it's taken me months to get this out ✌️😅
Bardic School of Lee Moods
Edgin is the kind of lee who will instigate for that sweet sweet retaliation
Which is so so very foolish for someone with a terribly ticklish torso
Sides that make him fold like a cheap tunic, belly that makes him gasp for breath, ribs that have him swearing fealty to whom or what ever is demanded of him
Like seriously? What did he think was gonna happen when he flicks Simon's ears or scatters Holga's potato cache?
Or when he presses Dorick and Xenk's buttons by talkin' mad shit about their respective organizations?
And then has the audacity to dial up the drama in staunch protest at the torture inflicted upon him
Have I made it clear how much of a goofy lil guy, what a silly lil brat Edgin is?
With his crinkled crows feet eyes and a smile so bright it makes the Neverwinter sun seem dull
But but but
While he lives deep in the Lee trenches, he enjoys giving lil tickles here and there as a form of affection
As well as introducing others to the joys of tickling and inviting them to explore it on him
Taking the time to encourage when they've found a good spot and guiding them toward more effective techniques
Freely and generously leaning in to his reactions, and inspiring theirs; seeking laughter just as he does song (though Edgin argues they're one in the same to his ears)
Totem Switch Barbarian
Most assume that Holga is a ler of the highest degree since she can turn any table in her favor, but she loves receiving as much as giving
She adores easily hoisting and grappling her play partner into a submissive hold
And plucking all the silly noises they make from all the tickle spots she can find
While her grip may be firm and holds taut, her touch ranges from soul scrubbing to breeze kissed depending on what gets the best reactions
If someone is fast enough to tickle her back before they're trapped?
She crumbles endearingly quick
Her most ticklish spots are the easiest to normally defend - under her arms, behind her knees, the circumference where her legs join the rest of her body
Holga is so very aware of her strength that she makes concerted efforts to not flail or fight when getting got
And while she's usually distrustful of being bound, she finds it helpful and a relief in these sorts of situations with her true friends
Allowing her to let go and fall like a comet into the moment
Cackling, happily and wildly, for as long as the moment lasts
Ancestral Switch Bloodline Sorcerer
Simon gives off such lee energy which makes him like a sleeper agent switch that no one expects
Can he actually say any variant of the word "tickle"? That's entirely dependent on his proximity to being tickled
Or teased
Simon cannot handle being teased in the slightest, becoming a bumbling blushing mess
Soft n squishy lil spellcaster with his tender legs and uncalloused feet that make him helplessly squirm
His sensitive ears and neck that melt him to quivering giggling goo
Should he get the upper hand though? He is ruthless
Cooing and toying with whomever is trapped, either by spells or comrades, and drawing slow attention to their vulnerability before studying their every reaction
An absolute menace of a man utterly inebriated on laughter
"Oh shut up, you're not dying, I cast Detect Thoughts and know you're fine"
Circle of Ler Druid
It takes her quite a while to come out of her shell but once Dorick does, she's a devastating ler
Equipped with nimble fingers that can easily slip into all sorts of ticklish nooks and crannies
A dexterous whip thin tail that gives her quite the advantage when startling those used to only worrying about two hands
And unshakable confidence that defies any sort of embarrassment when hunting for peels of squeals
Speaking of hunting, you know Dorick gets the biggest thrill out of chasing and hide-n-seek
Flexing her wild shapes to delight and frighten her friends while draining the fight outta them
Does she have a signature move?
Oh yea
Pouncing on their back and taking then down
Making it all the easier to ensnare her mark with tickle torture until they tap out
Where she can then spend her time in peaceful silence, watching the scenery while idly stroking their scalp and back
Oath of Turnabout Paladin
Like everything about Xenk, he is an utter enigma that the party can never figure out
And likewise it takes him a while to determine when they want him to rise to the bait and engage in play fights
(Not that that ever stops the party from starting them)
He's incredibly ticklish damn near everywhere but most of his reactions are subdued, internal, compared to the others
Soft snickers and squinchy eyes and slight curls away from his assailant betray the perceived immunity
Meanwhile his heart and belly flip at the waves upon waves of ticklish butterflies fluttering head to toe
But Xenk always comes next in the initiative
And is a mirror - replicating their tickling ministrations practically perfectly
Tutting when someone cries at how unfair he is being by holding them accountable for their "crimes"
And congratulating them afterwards for valiantly overcoming such a challenge while they're panting on the floor
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amazingmsme · 1 month
- lee!tadius. LEE!TADIUS. someone make that now PLEASE.
- Ella is the textbook definition of a straight down the middle 50/50 switch
- Justine, Lucy, and later down the line Tadius, were able to show Ella that it’s okay to let loose and laugh
- guys. hear me out. so we know how the Prince has a couch for uh… letting himself go for a bit. WHAT IF.. he had a couch that he used when he had pent up energy that he needed to get out through tickles?? (whether that means wrecking Tadius until he’s bored, or forcing Tadius to tickle his energy out of him is up to you)
- look at crumb and tell me he isnt a ticklish little goober. you cant.
- Sir Hop-A-Lot will give Crumb a little poke to the stomach to get him back on focus (when Ella spilled to Crumb where Hop-A-Lot was ticklish, there was no peace ever again)
- when Putrice and Rancilda got their human forms for the first time, they discovered what it was like to be ticklish, and tried to torture each other with it ALL THE TIME (Step mother put an end to that IMMEDIATELY)
- ☁️
Tadius was honestly one of my faves, he’s so funny & I think he’d be the cutest lee! The Prince totally wrecked him all the time
Ella is literally my sweet angel ok she loves being on the receiving end just as much as she loves dishing it out! She’s so bubbly & cute I just know she’d be so open about how much fun she’s having
Justine & Lucy probably had a whole game they’d play with Ella just to make her even more giggly & excited before they’d strike. & I LOVE the idea of Tadius trying to get her to loosen up once they get to know each other better
I’m dying the Prince would TOTALLY have a couch dedicated to getting his shit absolutely wrecked/wreck someone else. Honestly idk which he’d like more lmao, another true switch
CRUMB WAS SO CUTE I LOVE HIMMM! When he said she could rub his lil pink tummy my heart melted! I know Sir Hop A Lot would use it to tease him all the time, their dynamic was so fun to watch!
I legit LOVED Putrice & Rancilda, they were so funny & they had so many great lines & their physicality was just so lively & fun to watch! They would be so confused but also so excited to use this new torture method on each other. They would probably think it was more fun than they expected & it would piss Stepmother off SOOO MUCH! Just let the troll girls be silly!
Thank you so much for these! I’m in love with this show now, so let me know if y’all have anymore headcanons or a prompt you wanna send my way!
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missamyrisa2 · 1 year
Read about your tendency to milk and tickle… I’d love to know the extent of your machines and tools used to torture and extract those giggles and juices… I’m sure you have a few different types depending on the person. Is this all true? Seems pretty sadistic and where do I sign up?
Sooo ~ when working by hand, the important thing is finding the milking spot. I don't mean the royal part, we'll get to bullying that cute rod in a moment. I mean the spot on your body that is in equal measures: ticklish, erogenous, and makes you squirm so sweetly. For a lot of cutie pies who need to be taunted and tickled and drained, that would be the sides, like equal distance between the hip and the last rib. It might be the hip itself, or it could be the armpits. It also needs to be a grabbable spot. The navel might be bigly ticklish and erogenous, but it's hard to snare a guy by the bellybutton ~ at least by hand ~ soo let's say it's your side. I'll clamp your side and start rubbing with my thumb earnestly in little circles. You'll take the tickles because they're sooo good on that hot spot. You'll start wiggling and squirming because it tickles so good ~ which means those undies are gonna start straining and my other hand is just itching to get to work. Ooooh don't get sooo naughty ~ you're gonna get punished, oooppe look at that swelling volunteer ~ now I'm gonna bully that royal prince part soooo much. The key to a good tickle handjob milk is to keep the rhythm steady. My thumb rubs away, never leaving that hot spot because there's no shortage of giggles, and every squirming buck is pressing right to my hand which is not going to relent in pumping and jerking that adorable boy part ~ Not that you can resist anyway ~ and of course the speed overall will vary, I'll slow you down, but my tickles will follow and lead ~ the jerking almost stops and then the tickles pick up to restart more exhausted gaspy giggles which is going to cue up the milking because you're sooo cutely sensitive you just can't help making such sounds and taking your milking like a perfect giggle boy~
When it comes to tools, there's a lot of options ~ I like to do the tickle swap ~ that's where I take something like a blush brush ~ makeup brushes are sooo fun for milking tickles because they're all girly and pretty and it's like having another girl there to taunt the guy ~ so with the tool, I'll go right for the royal rod and start tickling under the tip to wake it up, and I'll give you all my sass, cooing and imitating your sounds and admonishing you for resisting these lovely sensations. I know you'll fight it, every guy thinks it doesn't tickle, that stupid brush won't get them or that feather can't possibly make them stiff ~ and that makes it ever so much satisfying when your regal part is coaxed into swelling up for me ~ like it has betrayed your sensitivities, and is now under my spell. And you know what we do with a cute bothered penis volunteering for attention? We milk and tickle it to bits, that's riiight ~ Tease mama is gonna punish so hard for you getting all hard ~ jerking frantically at the base and working upward until your good and moany ~ and then I'll hold it with a squeeze and start dusting that tip merrily with my brush ~ awwwe, let's get you alll pink and sweet on your throbbing lil head ~ oooh so close huh? Nooope nuh-uh tickle tickle tickle ~ and now we're back to the base ~ pumpy pumpy pumpy ~ you can't not gigglemoan for your tickle mama mmmh mmmh ~ and we'll keep going, perhaps swap for a detail brush to paint your veins and bring out a fan brush to play over the length when you're teetering at the edges~
Which brings us to the machiney milkings ~ sooo you know I looove the magic wand for this. I love to take the big buzzy bulb and hold it right under the head as I throttle that rod silly ~ This is the tool I love to use with a guy who absolutely needs to be drained of every last giggledrop, which makes it a nice second act for any of the above milkings. But if I'm just doing the magic wand milk, I'll be an absolute wicked tickle bully ~ tackling you with tickles and taunting with wriggly fingers and the most sassy babyish coochie coos ~ I will tickle you until you are a weak mess, attacking your muscles and your tummy and your neck, humiliating you by stripping away your clothes, claiming them as prizes to be discarded over my shoulder until you're a quivering naked pile ~ and then I'll pull out the wand and smirk, firing it up and prying your legs open. You want to fight it but you're so tickled and worn down ~ and oooh it feels so good huh? This wand on your tickled body, just a little massage ~ keep you nice and vibrated and now we're going to drain every bit of that naughtiness from you. Working the vibration speed up and down to keep you guessing, keep you in suspense. Maybe you'll gigglecum this time? Maybe not. Mama needs to milk it all out now and you produce the most when she keeps you in suspense after all~
And then of course~~~ there's all the fun fantasy tickle milking machines I could talk about ~
Alsoooo~ doo any naughty girls want to hear about the sort of tickle milking machines I can use on their royal girly parts?~<3
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