#silly and cheesy gush post
sugrhigh · 5 months
BOY NEXT DOOR 7 - ( c.s )
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part six
summary- you and your roommates live beside a bunch of senior hockey players, one of them being the infamous team captain chris sturniolo. he’s effortlessly flirty and undeniably attractive, but he’s also a pain in your ass. you find that you have to fight between lust and hatred as you finally get to know the boy next door, whether you want to or not.
warnings- cursing, smut (oral m!receiving)
a/n: part 7 bay beeeee let’s get it, they’re falling yall 😳
@fawnchives @teapartyprincess4two @55sturn @l9vesick @mattinside @sturnioloco @rootbeerworshiper @stonermattsgf @dazednmatthews @chrisactualwife @mattybsbitch @mattsmunch @breeloveschris @sturnifyed @julessspoetry @beijhe @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @braindead4l @hearts4matty @orangeypepsi @ponyosturniolo @cupidsword @rainydayenthusiast @sturnvvz @wurlibydominicfike @poopydroopt @bernardsleftbootycheek @trilliwarner @rubyjanexxx @reallykaz @sturnlvrs @neatcarrot767 @kirby0strombolli @bunnysturns @junnniiieee07 @hrt-attack @sturnssmuts @stunza @beccaluvschris @asturniolos @slutz4sturniolos @mattslolita @alorsxsturn @sturnrc @chrissystur @kellsbells-18
the following week and a half are a complete haze. between classes and schoolwork and hanging out with chris, it’s been a whirlwind of both pleasure and stress, but you’re not complaining about it.
it’s the most fun you’ve had with a guy in a minute, the most fun you’ve had with anyone in a minute period.
you catch yourself smiling at your phone in class when he texts you silly things throughout the day, or when he gives you a quick call to tell you something crazy. he’s always insisting that you spend the night at his, just so he can wake up with his chin nuzzled into neck and his arm wrapped around your waist.
after practices he’ll pick you up to go get food, or bring something back for you if he stops on the way home instead. you’ve also been to a few of his games since making up, which depending on the result will usually end in some type of fun new sexual escapade.
he never forgets to kiss you hello and goodbye, is constantly giving you his clothes to wear because they “look better” on you, and he even throws his arm around your shoulder in public without shame.
he’s doing the little things, and you have to admit that you really like it.
ramona and cass have caught on at this point, always shooting you sly grins when you say you’re heading out, or that you have plans. you never even mentioned chris by name in the beginning, but they knew.
and despite prior flukes, they both support you whole-heartedly and are always gushing about how different he’s acting. you try not to read into their theories too much, but sometimes you can’t help but wonder.
why would he be putting in effort on all of these extra gestures if he didn’t truly want something more?
he’s already got the sex, so what else does he need?
but one thing you still haven’t fully learned about chris is that he’s selfish. he needs and wants everything, in almost all aspects of his life aside from his romantic interests. that is, until he met you.
and now that he has you, finally, he wants it all. whenever you’re not with him, he’s thinking about you. sometimes it’s the dirtiest fantasies that he’s just waiting to fulfill, and other times it’s wondering what you had for lunch, or what you dreamed about, or what you’re up to with your friends.
when you are with him, he can’t get enough; your smell, the way your hair feels against his palm, the softness of your lips all over him. he adores when he makes you laugh, when you toss one leg around him before the two of you go to sleep, when you’re standing in the crowd supporting him in his jersey.
he even likes when you scrunch your nose in disgust at him after he hits you with yet another cheesy pickup line.
chris has no idea how to handle the intensity of his feelings, or how to identify them. unbeknownst to him, you’re feeling the exact same.
but everything is still normal as you two lounge on his bed, both enjoying the wind down after a long day. the sun is well below the horizon now and you’ve been watching hockey for the past two hours—shocker. but you can feel chris growing restless beside you, hand stroking your thigh lazily.
“alright, what’s your deal?” you ask after he huffs for the fifth time, even though you know he’s just bored.
he pauses to think about it for a moment, rolling his lips between his teeth. then his eyes go wide and a grin takes over his face as you watch an idea form in his mind.
“wanna play super smash brothers?” chris asks, and you feel your own expression light up at the suggestion.
“oh my god, seriously? i didn’t even know that game was still around.” you gush in excitement.
“lucky for you, i’ve got it on my switch.” he wiggles his eyebrows a few times before he leans over to grab the device off of his nightstand.
you stay silent while he props the screen up on top of the covers, sitting up straighter like he’s preparing for war as he hands you a controller.
though the console is a completely foreign thing to you, you used to be decent when you played on the wii several years ago. you have a feeling the skill will translate.
“are you sure you’re ready? i’m a known pro.” he warns you with a smirk as the game loads.
you shrug, deciding not to boast about your own ability just yet. better to leave it a mystery, just in case you do actually suck.
“your threats are unimpressive.”
“i’d hold the sass, princess. we haven’t even started yet. plus,” he drags the word out for effect as he stares at you with a devious look in his eye, “i have a dare for you.”
a snort escapes before you can help it. “so we’re back in middle school now?”
“c’mon, humor me.”
“alright, let me hear it.” you give in, because you are wondering what he has in store.
“every time i beat you, you have to take off a piece of clothing. and every time i lose, if i ever actually lose, i’ll do the same.” chris explains.
it’s an enticing offer. you pretend to contemplate the challenge, tapping on your chin lightly with your pointer finger as you furrow your brows.
“okay, i’ll take the bait.” you finally say.
you don’t plan on being defeated anyways. he’s underestimating you yet again, and you can also tell that he’s surprised by your answer.
but regardless, he gives you a nod of approval. “very daring, i’m impressed.”
“you'll be even more impressed when i kick your ass.” you tease with a smile, leaning in to give him a quick kiss before you refocus on the task at hand.
“sure i will, now pick your character already.” he prompts, pointing a finger at the screen.
you already know who you’re going to play as, because you used to choose the same fighter pretty much every time. so you use your controls to scroll and select quickly.
“so you’re a kirby girl.” chris notes with a grin, like it makes perfect sense.
“force of habit, i guess.” you respond as you glance down at the switch.
he just shakes his head, clicking on the default stage so that he can get the game ready to go. “that big pink fuck won’t save you now.”
“hey! don’t you dare talk about him like that, he can hear you.” you motion to the screen in offense.
this makes him chuckle, a delightful sound that you’ve come to know and love.
“yeah, yeah, whatever. are you ready?”
you square your shoulders. “prepare to die, chris sturniolo.”
the game begins a moment later, and neither of you are relaxed in his bed anymore. you’re both quite literally on the edge of your seats, fingers frantically jamming at the controllers.
you’re the first to hit him, watching his XP fade just a little bit as a result. he grunts beside you while he continues throwing aimless attacks your way, eyes narrowed in determination.
he’s next to land a big one, which knocks kirby on his ass for a solid few seconds as chris pummels your character. you’re at nearly half of your health before you escape his grasp, so you grit your teeth and keep battling.
but it’s no use. even though you knock him off of the little island, he delivers the final blow a moment later and pikachu wins the first round.
“shit!” you yell as you watch your own fighter die.
chris throws his arms up in victory, already beaming over the fact that you’ll have to be the first to start stripping. you stare at the screen incredulously before you hang your head in shame.
“i think you owe me something, baby.” he chirps happily.
your mind races, trying to find some loophole to save your dignity. then the sides of your mouth turn up just a bit. you reach down to peel your socks off and toss them to the floor, fully smirking now.
chris shakes a finger at you accusingly, though he’s smiling regardless. “that does not count, you little cheater.”
“it totally does. socks are essential to daily life.” you argue.
he licks his lips as he grips his controller once more. “fine, but you don’t have an excuse after this, and puppy eyes won’t get you out of it.”
“sure they won’t.” you reply innocently, giving him a knowing look.
the next round starts up and this time you come out swinging, sending quite a few damaging hits his way. you’re satisfied with the head start, avoiding him by jumping around on the obstacles in the arena.
every time he’s about to strike, you feel him tense up beside you, so you decide to use it to your advantage. you back up as he advances, once again steering clear of any harm.
then you switch up and go on offense again, sending pikachu up into the air with the last strike of the match.
chris groans in disappointment as you let out a brief cheer, nudging him with your shoulder suggestively.
“i think you owe me something, pretty boy.” you mock him, unable to hide how pleased you are.
he just rolls his eyes in response, reaching to grab the collar of his shirt so he can pull it over his head. you honestly weren’t fully prepared yet, and your mouth goes dry as you watch his muscles clench while he shifts to chuck it to the ground.
you can see some of the hickies you gave him scattered across his collarbones, and although you’re a little embarrassed, it’s also a bit of a turn on.
“distracted?” chris taunts.
you narrow your eyes and turn back to the switch. “never.”
the third round commences and you’re feeling far more confident now. he may have a big ego, but he’s not as good as he made himself out to be, so you’ve at least got a chance.
it’s dead even for a moment while you each go punch for punch, bringing your health down quite a bit. you’re completely zoned in until you feel his hand grip your thigh, inching higher and higher rather quickly.
it makes your stomach flip, and you’re forced to look over at him in surprise. in that moment, you know you lost, because chris removes his fingers just as quickly as they were there and goes for the final kill.
he meets your eyes after he’s secured the second win, pure amusement evident in his expression.
“who’s the cheater now, huh?” you shove him lightly, but he just laughs.
“hey, you never said touching was off limits. i was just using my resources.” chris says, clearly deciding to maintain his innocence.
“that’s total horseshit and you know it. you’re lucky i’m a good sport.”
so you tug your own sweatshirt up, throwing it toward the foot of the bed without a second thought. you’re left in your lacey red bra, though it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before anyways.
but when you glance over, there’s a hungry glint in chris’s eyes that lets you know he's just as excited as the first time. his gaze flicks down to your chest, tilting his head forward a bit so his face is closer to yours.
“jesus, that bra is fucking sexy.” his words sound more like a whine than anything else.
you can feel yourself beginning to shake ever so slightly in anticipation, trying to steady your hands by holding your controller.
“don’t say shit like that to me.” oh, but it sounds so delicious.
“i’m sorry.” chris lies breathlessly.
his lips ghost over your cheek, his teeth clamping down on that sweet spot behind your ear a moment later. you let out a small gasp, placing your hands on his warm chest to push him away.
“we’re supposed to be playing.” you remind him quietly.
everything in your body is screaming for him to pin you to the bed, to let him have his way with you, but you won’t let yourself get carried away that easily. not this time.
“damnit, i’m not going to be able to win with you looking like that right beside me.” chris complains.
“sounds like a you problem.” you brush him off and click the button to start the next round.
you can feel your hands sweating as you move kirby around the stage. you know exactly what you’re doing now, walking right into his attacks as if you’re practically begging to die.
the attention chris gave you after you lost last time was intense, and you can only imagine how it’ll go once you take off your pants too.
so, you let yourself lose. pikachu defeats kirby swiftly, and now it’s time to face the consequences.
“you suck at this.” he grins widely after your third loss, clearly content.
but you don’t say anything. you just lay back, lifting your hips up so you can wiggle your sweats down your legs. you kick them off at the foot of the mattress, enjoying the way chris’s eyes go wide as he watches you.
“you’re evil, you know?” his voice is dangerously low as you sit back up, confidence flooding through your veins.
you nod, biting down on your lip to keep yourself from smiling like a cheshire cat. “what are you gonna do about it?”
he opens his mouth like he’s going to tell you, and then changes his mind.
not the answer you were expecting. you furrow your brows, completely thrown for a loop, when you get your own brilliant idea. an idea he won’t be able to resist, literally and figuratively.
“fine, then i have a game for you.” you say, trying to provoke him.
“i’m listening.” he sounds intrigued.
“let’s see how long you can go without touching me, because i bet you won’t last more than a minute. but i can do whatever i want.” your voice gets sultry at the end as you glance down at his mouth.
chris feels all of the blood rush to his dick just thinking about the dare, already turned on from seeing you in your tiny matching set. he knows he won’t be able to contain himself, but he doesn’t care.
“filthy girl.” he purrs, nodding his head yes.
you watch him situate himself against the pillows, laying so you can roll to your knees and straddle him. his eyes roam your body, lips tilted into a lopsided smile as he relishes the feeling of your silky skin on his.
your hands go to his bare shoulders, steadying yourself as you lean down to give him a brief kiss. you move to his jaw before he can get to into it, taking your time as you finally reach his neck. he spreads his hands out on the comforter, gripping it harshly to prevent himself from giving in.
your hips rock against him agonizingly slow, and you can feel his hard on as you grind your cunt into it. fingers trail down his stomach, raking at the skin lightly.
he’s choking on his breath underneath you, trying so hard not to buck into your movements even though he wants to so bad. you’re careful, leaving open-mouth kisses in new areas in the hopes of giving him more hickies.
chris’s eyes flutter closed, lips parted in bliss as a small whine escapes, and you can tell he’s just itching to truly feel you.
you move your face up so you’re right by his ear, whispering your next words without hesitation.
“come on baby, touch me. i know you want to.”
it’s your first time using the pet name with him, and you can tell by the groan he lets out that it’s enough to send him over the edge.
his hands reach to grip your ass, rocking you against him harder as he gives one side a little slap. chris tilts his head so he can capture your mouth with his for a real kiss, tongue and teeth meshing together beautifully.
when you pull away his lips are glossy and red, which you always love seeing. you shift yourself off of him so your hands can move toward his sweats, fingers dipping below the waistband just slightly as you look up at him for permission.
chris nods eagerly, biting down on his lip and squirming around for any kind of contact. you steady his hips with your hands, clicking your tongue once in distaste.
“you better be patient, or i won’t do a damn thing.” you chide.
“i’ll be good. so good.” he promises, practically pleading with you now.
the neediness ignites a fire in your stomach, so you slowly begin to work his pants and boxers down his legs. his erection bounces free, slapping against his stomach, and you feel your mouth watering just looking at it.
once you’ve officially discarded his clothes, you position yourself between his legs so that you’re eye-level with his cock. he’s already throbbing at the sight, waiting as you spit in your palm and wrap it around the base of his shaft.
chris lets out a moan as you start to move your hand up and down ever so slowly, making sure to tease as much as possible because you know how sensitive he is right now. your run your thumb over his slit, which is leaking with precum, and he trembles in your grasp.
after a moment like this, you finally bring your head down, wrapping your lips around him and swirling your tongue across his tip.
“fuckkk.” he hisses through his teeth, reaching to wrap a hand in your hair messily.
you take as much of him into your mouth as you can, using your hand on the part you can’t reach as you hollow your cheeks and bob your head slightly. your other palm rests on his thigh, steadying yourself as you suck his dick.
“feels amazing.” he praises through a whimper, involuntarily bucking into your throat now.
you can feel him pulling you by the hair, forcing you to take more of him as tears brim your eyes. you know he’s getting close just based on the way he’s beginning to shake, so you pick up your pace a bit.
“shit, baby, just like that.” chris groans, his body shuddering as you work your tongue.
he’s breathing heavy now, head thrown back with his eyes screwed shut, hair messy across his forehead. his grip on you tightens, a dead giveaway that he’s about to come.
“fuck, fuck, i’m—”
you feel him twitch in your mouth, body completely tense as his orgasm spills down your throat. his hand untangles from your hair so you can pull away to swallow, brushing stray strands from your face.
his chest rises and falls heavily as he lays there, riding out the high before he peels his eyes open to look at you through the bleariness.
“you’re incredible.” chris says as he reaches for your hand, pulling you down into bed beside him.
he presses a kiss to your forehead, a gentle touch that you’re not used to, and you feel your stupid little heart melt.
“and you’re getting soft on me, mister tough guy.” you joke, poking his side like you're making a point.
“for you, i think i can live with that.”
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wordsarelife · 10 months
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: you and theo bake gingerbread cookies for christmas
warnings: none
note: it’s literally so embarrassing that i forgot to post this because i was busy writing about mattheo riddle 🥲
"where are we going?" you were dragging theo through the castle. he held onto your hand like his life depended on it, you were moving along quickly and he was scared to lose you in the crowd of students.
"the kitchen" he wasn't sure if he had heard you right.
but just as he was about to question it, you came to a halt in front of a portrait of fruit. he watched in silence as you tickled the pear and the portrait swung to the side, revealing a secret entrance.
you closed the door behind the two of you and theo wondered how you had even come to find this place.
"welcome to the kitchen" you said jokingly.
"miss y/n!" a house elf appeared in front of the two of you suddenly.
"dobby!" you said smiling and shook the elfs hand. "this is my boyfriend, theo"
"hello" theo mirrored your action and shook the fragile hand. "it's nice to meet you"
dobby smiled widely "dobby heard a lot about you, master" he looked to you quickly, unsure if he had said too much, but before he could even start worrying you laughed.
"i told dobby all about you"
"i see" theo nodded.
dobby softly took your hand, leading you along the rows of tables. "dobby allowed himself to make everything ready" he explained
"thank you dobby" you gushed, as you saw that he had put out everything you needed. you hugged the elf and dobby smiled proudly.
"of course, miss y/n" he grinned "dobby will be off cleaning, just call him if you need anything"
before you could say another word, the house elf snapped his fingers and disappeared into thin air.
"isn't he cute?" you asked theo, who nodded and smiled about your unusual friendship with a house elf.
"do you come her often?"
you nodded "a few times a week, as you know, i love to bake and the elfs said i was allowed to do it here"
"that's very kind of them"
"yes it is" you pointed to the things on the table "shall we start?"
"start with what exactly?" theo asked "you haven't told me anything since you basically dragged me out of my common room"
you smiled sneekily. "baking of course, silly" you took the bowl and started filling it with flour. "gingerbread cookies"
the confusion still hadn't left theo's face. "how do you make them?"
"have you never baked cookies?" he frowned and your smile faded quickly "oh, sorry"
"no" he quickly shook his head, obviously feeling bad about killing the mood with his past. "it's not too late to learn, is it?" he joked and you relaxed.
"of course not" you kissed his cheek, silently apologizing "luckily you have the greatest gingerbread cookie baker with you"
"yeah?" theo looked around "where are they?"
you giggled and theo was glad that you were smiling again. that was most important.
"me of course" you held the sugar in theos direction "now add some sugar, sugar"
theo cringed and you had to laugh at the cheesiness. "that was terrible"
"yeah" you agreed "luckily you're already my boyfriend"
the baking was quicker than you had anticipated and suddenly the both of you were sitting next to each other, decorating the cookies. while you stuck to a strict green, white and red color scheme, theo's cookies looked like they had fallen into a rainbow. he didn't really pay attention if the colors matched, if he wanted to use green, purple and pink together, he would.
to your astonishment he actually enyjoyed it and even wined when you were finished.
"can't we make more?" he asked and you shook your head laughing.
"we already made like a hundred" you reminded, dragging him to the exit of the kitchen, a box filled with cookies under your arm. you had left a few on a plate in the kitchen for the house elfs to eat. you looked at theo. "and don't think i didn't notice you secretely eating about ten"
"what? i didn't!" he protested.
you looked at him with raised brows and pointed to his mouth "there's icing on your lip" you outstretched a finger, wiping off the sugar loaded substance and put it in your mouth.
"fine" theo admitted "you got me"
"see!" you giggled. he grabbed you face quickly, making you shriek and giggle, before he kissed you. the kiss was sweet, tasting like icing and cookies and if you were responsible for creating lip stick flavors it would be the way theo tasted right now.
"sweet" theo said after he had broken the kiss "just like you" he tapped your nose and both of you scrunched your noses in disgust at the cheesiness.
"thats was terrible" you pointed an accusing finger at it
"yeah" he agreed "luckily you're already my girlfriend" he put his arm around you, finally walking back to your common room. "and now give me one of these delicious cookies please"
taglist: @twistedhistory @bakingintheshire @mqstermindswift @taygrls @athenalikethegoddess @helpimhopelesslyinlove @ahead-fullofdreams
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Thank you all so much <3 (long post incoming, thank you if you read it!)
I normally don't take the time to mention numbers, especially in terms of followers or interaction. This is mostly because I'd rather focus on creating content both my followers and I enjoy, but today is a bit different. I woke up, checked my blog, and saw that there are 3000 people following me. For some, it may be silly to post about, but for me, it means the world.
When I began posting in January of last year, I had no idea if I was even going to keep this blog for long. Truthfully, I was still figuring out my place in selfshipping. I'd created f/o blogs in the past, but I never really kept them. This time, I'd promised myself that for once, I'd try to consistently post and create content that would bring me joy, whether anyone saw it or not. I added tags so that I could possibly find more people who felt the same way I did. I posted to not only create a space where I felt less alone in my personal bond with my f/os, but to also find others who may feel similarly. Over time, I've been able to create and post things that not only I enjoy, but that have also positively impacted others.
And while I didn't think I'd be on this blog for so long, I'm so glad I did. I am so glad I stuck with it, because there ar people who have followed me for my content and have enjoyed it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for letting me post and gush and get all excited about my f/os. Thank you for sharing and reblogging and interacting with my content, and telling me how much it means to you, even though you aren't obligated to. Thank you for making me feel so welcome and appreciated in this community. Thank you for each and every interaction. I cannot wait to keep creating new stuff, I can't wait to have more great experiences, but most of all, I can't wait to see what the future has in store.
If yall think I should do something special or have any ideas, let me know! Thank you all so much again.
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wolfmoonmusic · 2 years
My Person
A/N: Burst of motivation so used it for this rather than studying for my next test 'cause, why not? @lokisgoodgirl thank you so much for the ideas!! Kinda mixed 2 of them together here.
w/c: 1945
Summary: Loki decides to celebrate Valentine's a little early in view of you working hard for your exams.
Warnings: None, just pure fluff
Loki didn’t like seeing you stressed. However, your college didn’t seem to be on board with that plan, and it infuriated him. You’d been slogging off for 3 days, your sleep schedule, your food schedule and everything else being thrown out the window just because your college thought asking you a bunch of questions about the hardest subject Loki had ever heard of would be a good way to test your intelligence.
If only they knew how good you were at snowball fighting. He’d like to see them find some better at figuring out an angle to blindside the Hawkeye. 
However you’d told him it was important nonetheless and as much he disliked it, decided to at least support you in whatever way he could until the day of the exam. Which was today.
He lost count of how many times he checked the time, 2pm just couldn’t seem to come any quicker. And it was only 11.15. He groaned, sliding lower in his position on the couch. He didn’t know why he was so anxious, and yet he couldn’t stop his leg from bouncing up and down, pausing temporarily when his phone buzzed, resuming at a faster pace when he realized who it was.
The blonde God who is unfortunately my brother
Brother! I am going to the store called Target 
to buy a Valentine’s Day gift for Jane. Would you 
like to accompany me?
Loki sighed, he’d heard you gushing about Valentine’s Day to Natasha, although he couldn’t figure out what you’d planned for him, just that he was going to love it. He didn’t doubt that, a day full of cuddles in itself would be more than enough for him. However, he did want to get you something special, so begrudgingly he replied.
Alright, but you stay 5 feet away from me. I’m not
in the mood for your cheeriness.
He got up, grabbing a coat and the house keys as he stormed out of the house, with the realization that he knew nothing about what to get someone for Valentine’s day.
Thor had decided on a box of chocolates, a rose and a card for Jane, however Loki couldn’t find something worthy of you. He’d gone through an entire aisle of cards nearly ripping three of them after reading the cheesy lines written in fine print. Only one had seemed interesting, something about sending something sexy for valentine’s day but not being able to fit into the post box. But, after some consideration, he found it rather silly. He’d also managed to nearly ruin a card with a pull-out message on it. He’d pulled it too hard, almost pulling the heart right out of the fold, rather than unfolding it. Thor had stood there, laughing nearly the entire time, telling every person who passed that it was his brother’s first time Valentine’s shopping, earning amused chuckles from them and glares and threats from Loki himself. 
He huffed, throwing his hands up in the air. “This is an absolute waste of time,” he nearly yelled, turning to Thor. He pointed an accusing finger, “You put me up to this, you-you love watching me fail at this don’t you- you filthy little excuse of a-”
“Loki! We’re in public, save your insults for the car,” Thor stopped him, gently pushing Loki’s hand away. He fumed, but stayed silent, closing his eyes in defeat. “I have an idea,” Thor started. Loki opened one eye, tilting his head to the side. “What does Y/N mean to you?”
Loki straightened, opening his mouth to bite back - “For once take me seriously,” Thor said, shifting his bag of goods from one hand to the other. 
Loki sighed. “She’s special Thor. She just- there’s something about her. I can’t explain it. She knows exactly what to say when. She’s smart, funny, and talented. I can’t- I can’t just give her chocolates or some printed card, it’s-it’s not enough.” 
Thor smiled, “Then don’t brother, give her something personal. What would she like?”
Loki froze in thought. Personal. What was that phrase you always used? My person. You’re my person. If only he could materialize that. He placed his hands on his hips, and started pacing. Personal. Personal. My person. Us. He froze, spinning back to Thor. “I’ve got it!”
When you got home, you expected Loki would be all over you. You hadn’t texted him after the exam, and deliberately told him a time 2 hours later than the actual end of your test, just so that you could add a few final touches to the Valentine’s Day present you’d got him. It was tomorrow, which meant you were a bit late, but with your exam schedule, it’d been hard to get anything else done at all. However when you walked into the dining room, you froze, nearly dropping your bags.
Loki was standing there in jeans and a black shirt, with that emerald blazer you’d given him on New Year’s partly buttoned, a huge grin on his face. The table was covered in rose petals and little colored pieces of paper, with a box sitting in the center. 
You placed your bags down, immediately running over and engulfing him in a big hug. Loki laughed as he caught you, twirling you around once, before setting you down gently and bending over for a kiss.
“How was your exam darling?” He asked once he pulled away, his arms still around your waist. You smiled, “It went well,” you pulled yourself closer to him, your arms tightening around his waist. You kissed his shoulder, “Thanks for all your help,” you whispered. 
Loki kissed your forehead, rubbing your back gently. “Don’t thank me love, you deserve all that and much more.” You both pulled away, your eyes filled with nothing but admiration for your boyfriend. You turned, one hand still around his torso, as you used the other to gesture to the display in front of you.
“So,” You said.
“So,” he responded. You looked up at him. “What is all this?” you laughed. He smiled, “You can choose darling. An early Valentine’s Day present, or a reward for working so hard for your test,”
“But I only just told you that I did well,” you said, confused.
“Whether you did well or not is secondary,” he replied, “you did your absolute best, and a reward is in order.” 
You couldn’t help the huge grin that split across your face. “So how do I go about this?” you asked, stepping up to the table. “Read the notes first. Then open the box,” Loki replied. You suddenly turned back to him. “You’re not proposing are you? I mean- not that I would mind, I- I’d love it. But I mean, I still haven’t graduated and I- I just thought-” Loki placed his hands on your shoulders, silencing you. “I know love, it’s not. Don’t worry,”. You nodded, hoping he didn’t feel bad. You knew you loved him enough to marry him, but you wanted to graduate first. You were glad he understood.
You turned back around reaching for the first note. It was written in his handwriting, delicate cursive filling the small colored square.
I’m so grateful for the fact that Tony basically raised you. Otherwise, I doubt you would have forced me to confess my feelings for you.
You laughed, reaching for the next one,
Your smile is brighter than the Bifrost. And that, as you say, is saying something.
You grinned, picking up a pink one next,
I’ve never said it, but your hugs are my safe space. The world’s cruelty disappears when your arms are sound mine.
At this point your eyes were starting to water as you picked up the next 3 at once.
I do think at this point you are the one thing I could not live without. You make life worth living, for someone who has gone through and done as much as I have.
I know you don’t like me seeing you dance, but I will confess, that I have seen it once, when you thought I wasn’t home yet and you were blasting your favorite ‘Sucker’ by the Jonas Brothers and dancing around the kitchen.
One more thing I never say enough: You Are My Person
Tears were now streaming down your face, and Loki wrapped his hand around your waist from behind, wiping your tears away with the other.
He kissed your hair, “I love you,” he said. You turned around, pulling him down for a long kiss.
“I love you too,” you whispered, pulling away. 
“Open the box please,” he requested, pushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. You pulled away, walking back to the table as you gently picked up the small box. You opened it carefully, gasping immediately once you saw what was inside.
A golden colored necklace sat inside with a beautiful heart outlined with stones as the pendant. Inside the heart was your initial, a little plus sign and then an L. You turned around to Loki, holding it out. He carefully pulled the necklace out, and you turned back around. You pulled your hair out of the way, as he gently fastened the necklace around your neck, kissing your shoulder afterwards. 
“I love it,” you grin, placing the box on the table. “I’m glad darling,” Loki replied, a smile on his face. “My turn,” you walk over to your bags, going through them as you pick out a box. You hand it to your boyfriend, “Happy Valentine’s Day love.”
Loki carefully opened the box, lips curving into a huge grin as he saw what was inside. You’d gotten him a thin gold bracelet, with a small rectangular piece in the center reading: My person.
You gently turned the bracelet over, the underside had your nickname etched into it.  
Loki looked back up at you, “Put it on for me?” You nodded, carefully pulling it out and clasping it around his wrist.
He then promptly wrapped his arms around you again.
It took you forever to decide what you wanted to get him. When you were on your way home from college one day, you passed a store that was selling personalized jewelry and you couldn’t help but think it was perfect.
Loki pulled away slightly, “I have to admit though, Thor did help me a bit with the decision, not what to buy of course, but more of how to decide what to buy. That doesn’t make sense does it?”
You laughed, shaking your head, “I think I got it. But, you know what that means,” you said, pulling away. “Uh- no, no I don’t,” He responded, concern lacing his voice as you started carrying your bags up the stairs.
You turned back around, pausing, “You have to say thank you,” you smirked, then continued up the stairs.
Loki ran after you “No. Not in the name of the nine realms, no way,” he protested, as you packed everything away. “Yes,” you said your arms on your hips.
“Yes, you will.”
“No, I will absolutely not.”
“Fine then, no cuddles for 2 days. And that’s really saddening you know, considering I have a day off tomorrow,”
Loki gaped at you, both of you knowing full well that you’d cornered him. “I-You- You wouldn’t,” he said pointing at you. 
You shrugged, the smirk still on your face. “I just did.”
He groaned, “Fine, fine, I’ll apologize tomorrow.”
You nodded, jumping on to the bed with the TV remote. “That works.”
“So can I get cuddles today then?” he asked, cautiously approaching the bed.
You laughed, “Get over here ya big cuddle bug.”
A/N: This was soo fun to writee. Hope y'all like it!!
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raptorsaurusmelain · 1 year
Let me show you... Youtube - chapte 16
Guess who's bored at work and wrote a full chapter at noon ? Me.
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Victoria came back that afternoon with ice creams for Yuu, Grim and her.
She called them loudly from the lobby, saying that she had a good loot from Sam’s shop.
Both of them came quickly. The woman laid the different flavors of ice cream on the table (they were 500mL) and told them to choose one while she set up the TV on a cheesy movie.
While they were eating their ice cream -chocolate for Yuu, strawberry shortcake for Grim and banoffee cake for Victoria-, the older one asked. “What do you wanna do now ?”
Yuu was surprised. “Uh ? What do you mean ?”
Victoria ate her scoop. “Do you want to stay in school ? Do you want to go away to another school ? Do you want some time ? We can do what we want, I can cover the expenses.”
Yuu thought deeply for a few minutes. They had time, there was no rush.
Grim was the one who spoke first. “I want to stay here and be the best archmage in the world !”
Yuu said timidly. “I want to stay here, I just… need some time off. I am a little bit scared of going outside right now.”
Victoria nodded. “Understandable. Do you want to repair this old building with me ? It would occupy you  a little, you could learn a lot with me.”
Yuu nodded. “Yes, I would love to ! It seems very entertaining.”
Victoria laughed. “It is very interesting, we can also do little videos like dancing, doing jokes, giving advices… It would be fun.”
Yuu's eyes sparkled. “YES !”
Victoria thought. “How about we do an introduction video of ourself ? I already showed the dorm.”
And so, the evening was spent doing silly videos to occupy Yuu’s mind until the weekend where Victoria would begin the repairs. She posted everything on Giktok, with captions and cute music. She did one per person.
The videos were well received by the public, everyone gushing about how cute the almighty Grim was. The public were also stunned by Yuu’s smile and loved Victoria’s hair, since it was so long and jet black. Some people even asked her what her hair care routine was.
They had a few subscribers thanks to those videos.
When Friday afternoon came, the woman went to the store with her list of tools. Sam whistled. “Those are not in stock, you will need to go to the mall to get those…”
Victoria was dejected. “I don’t have a car, that’s going to be hard…”
Sam smiled. “You can ask them to deliver it to the dorm no worries. Say that you are here on my advice.”
Victoria thought hard while the man took care of customers. She could only imagine the ruckus it would cause to have Grim in the store. Unless…
“Sam, do you have those leashes linked to a cute backpack ?”
Sam smiled while looking her right in the eyes. “IN STOCK !”
Saturday came and Victoria gifted a tuna shaped backpack to Grim, innocently. She strapped Grim so he was secured inside and not having any trouble breathing. Then.. *click*
Grim yelled. “WHY DID YOU PUT A LEASH ON ME???”
Victoria reassured him. “It is so kidnappers won’t try to take you away. Imagine the almighty Grim not being able to attend NRC because of some fool.”
Her sentence immediately calmed the cat. “Ok… But !”
Victoria caressed Grim’s head. “I promise you will have premium tuna after this, But for the moment endure it please.”
Grim mumbled that it was unfair buuut for tuna ?
Victoria prepared her own backpack with her money, her phone, some snacks and water in case they were hungry.
Once they were done packing, they took the bus to the city and went to the mall.
Grim was astonished. “It’s… So… BIG !!”
Even Victoria and Yuu were flabbergasted. Victoria said “Indeed, I wasn’t expecting this on such a small island.”
Once they were in the building, Grim wanted to see everything. And by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. He wanted to go into every shop, trying clothes, grabbing toys, looking at books… Victoria had to pull the leash multiple times while Yuu was laughing at how hard the woman tried to control the fur demon.
And oh boy, in the hardware section of the store was another story. Grim AND Yuu wanted to play with everything.
Victoria had to say multiple times. “Noooo it is dangerous !”, “Do not touch that !”, “This is a saw !! Do not even think about it !!”
Victoria suddenly had respect for all the parents in the world.
She grabbed a little bit of everything they needed, nails, hammer, paints, sanding paper, tapes, glues… Then came the moment where she needed to ship everything to the dorm. While she was finishing the paperwork, she had given the leash to Yuu. But when Grim proposed to play hooky, Yuu said ‘Yes of course ! Let’s wander in this danger zone!’, from what Victoria deduced since she lost them.
She searched the entire store frantically. How could she lose her babies ? Was she a bad mom ? Was she not fun to be around ?
All those questions plagued her mind until an announcement was made.
“*Tudumdu* The young Grim and Yuu are waiting for their mother at the reception. I repeat Grim and Yuu are waiting for their mother at the reception.”
Victoria ran like a mad woman to the welcome desk. Her heart was beating so hard in her chest. What if they were hurt ?
When she arrived, she found them crying every tear in their body. From what she understood when she checked every aspect of their body, they came to the realization that maybe they would have to live alone in the store forever without her and someone found them bawling their eyes out in the middle of the paint aisle.
The woman  at the desk looked at her weirdly. Victoria was particularly well conserved for her woman her age and it brought many questions in the poor lady mind. Before she could ask anything, Victoria said “I got both of them from a teen pregnancy.”
The welcome lady was clearly having a brain freeze after that. Both of them ? Did she infanted a demon too ??
Once Victoria was assured that they were in one piece and healthy, they got to the general store to get some food.
When Grim was in front of the tuna section, he was in Heaven. “Oh ! I wanna try this one ! And this one ! Oh no, this one !!”
Victoria laughed. “You can only take five. Choose wisely.”
The demon exclaimed. “Five ? Yippee !!”
Victoria turned to face Yuu. “You can take some candies or chocolate too, Baby.”
The Child was in deep thought. Victoria asked “Are you alright ?”
They answered. “I was just thinking that it was odd for us to be this dear for each other when we only know each other for one week.”
Victoria paused. “… Those who are lost tends to stick to each others.”
Tag : @boba-tea-fish @hipsterteller
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beyondspaceandstars · 2 years
Treacherous (19)
Relationship: Druig x Reader Warnings: fluff, slight angst toward the end Summary: Soulmate!AU - Soulmate tattoos are incredibly rare but you’ve never felt really proud to have one. Everyone else around you gushed over it while you found the whole thing ominous and a little inconvenient. Truthfully, you were never really convinced you’d find your other half… That is until a random camping trip leads you to a quaint village run by a dark and brooding man who just so happens to be your soulmate. Stuck in the forest with nothing else to lose, you agree to join his world, his little village, and see if there’s actually love behind the markings. A/N: didn't think i would keep my March 27 posting promise but i did! for that reason it's slightly unedited, fair warning. Also, I was listening to the new fall out boy album this weekend and one song on the album has the lyrics "part-time soulmate, full-time problem" and idk guys i think that really resonated here
‘Treacherous’ Masterlist | Main Masterlist
"What do you think?" You asked Druig as you slid into a booth at the back of the diner. You didn’t know what kind of response you were hoping for but you two hadn’t said anything to each other since admitting you had missed him. There hadn’t been any awkwardness or tension that you could sense but you still felt some nerves creeping up and just had to say something.
This included asking him his opinion on a diner that was cosplaying the 1950s.
"It’s…quaint," Druig replied after seemingly forcing himself to look at the cheesy decor.
You felt like a train hit you as you remembered where you were and who you were with. "I’m sorry I took you to a retro diner, that seems really silly of me given the fact…" You motioned in Druig’s direction. He looked humored by you. "Well, you know what I mean. I’m sorry, this is—,"
You sighed. "But not in a bad way."
Druig chuckled. "No, not in a bad way. This is good. At least, I think it’s good." He cleared his throat. "But it is different."
You shifted against the plastic vinyl lining of the booth. "The village is really gone, yes?"
He nodded. "We managed to save some remnants of it here and there but, yes, it’s gone."
Not sure what to say, what could even be useful in a time like this, you glanced down at your menu laying in front of you on the table. You knew what you were going to order the moment you recommended the place but right now your focus needed to be somewhere else just for a second.
You were still feeling a lot, to say the least. Being away left a powerful bitterness but reuniting brought a wave of other emotions, especially when you and your soulmate had such special circumstances. Reuniting seemed like the goal but it wasn’t the ending. The credits weren’t rolling, the movie was still playing, and you had to bring yourself to realize there was a lot for you two to face.
"You’ve become popular," Druig said, cutting through the sudden silence.
You forced yourself to glance back over at him. "What?"
He smirked. "The internet forum. That post was yours, wasn’t it? If not, you and whoever wrote it could be best friends. Seem to have a lot in common."
You closed your menu. Druig hadn’t even touched his. "You—You saw that? How…"
"I may be old but I know how to access the internet," he replied. You shot him a look, completely unconvinced. He sighed and buckled under the weight of your stare. "Alright, Sersi found it. She showed it to me before I left for New York."
You fiddled with the corner of your menu as you tried to hunt for something to say. You admittedly hadn’t considered any of this when you wrote the post. You didn’t expect it to gain any traction and you certainly hadn’t expected your soulmate to ever come across it. Foolishly, you knew that now, but it was such a grey area of time and a release was imminent.
A waiter came by to take your orders, thankfully allowing you a couple more minutes to ponder over how you would respond. You happily recited your order and Druig followed suit, ordering something generic and simple. It was evident he had his focus on you and, more importantly, your response.
"I didn’t mean for it to turn into anything," you explained once the waiter left you two alone again. "I… I’ve spent so much of my life reading through those forums and learning about other people’s stories that I wanted to contribute. I wanted to just get it out there, share my experience, and maybe someone would find interest or even comfort in my…our story. It certainly wasn’t meant to go viral." You paused. "Are you upset about the post?"
Druig fiddled with the silverware in front of him. "No, darling, I’m not upset about it. I was a little…shocked at first but after I read it… Well, I guess I was a bit flattered."
You felt your cheeks get warm. "Flattered? Really?"
"After everything we’ve been through, all the disagreements and tension, I was quite pleased to see you still cared. Even after that time separated, you still cared enough to share what we’ve been through." Druig shifted in his seat as his gaze averted to the colorful table between you two. "I know this…soulmate thing can be intense but I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a part of me that feared I’d never see you again—that you’d never want to see me again—and am I relieved to be wrong."
"You really thought that?" You asked, your voice just barely above a whisper. Your throat suddenly felt dry.
"Well, can you blame me?" He shrugged. "We were the definition of ‘rocky.’"
The word ‘rocky’ was such a kind way of putting it. You two were almost complete chaos but, in hindsight, the situation you were put in wasn’t exactly traditional. Most soulmates do not move in with one another immediately upon meeting. Forced proximity seems ideal in the woes of it all but you were now the one to advocate against it.
"Yeah, we were something," you sighed. "I guess we are still something, right?"
"If you want to be," Druig replied. He was almost timid in his response. None of this felt real but you refrained from trying to pinch yourself.
"Where do we go from here?" You asked as the waiter returned to deliver your meals. It was such a shame — it looked delicious but your appetite was teetering on and off as this conversation progressed. You hadn’t really wanted to be the one to ask the question, you didn’t particularly like how many answers it could produce, but someone had to face it. Neither of you was sitting here expecting rainbows and sunshine all the time now.
"I… Where do you want to go from here?" Druig asked softly. Your meals cooled steadily. They looked like e fence separating you two.
There were moments in your conversation where, if you focused hard enough, you always felt like you two were back in your own world. Back in that forest, among the villagers. Back in the life that was everything and nothing all at once. But reality kept knocking at your brain and it was hard to ignore that you were truly in your world.
"You know," you muttered, "there is one thing I guess we never really discussed… I mean, we did briefly, but it wasn’t…"
"What is it?"
"Actually, I don’t know if I want to say—,"
"Shall I force you to spit it out?" Druig challenged. The playfulness in his tone was the only thing keeping you from throwing your drink in his face.
"You’re immortal and I’m not," you finally blurted out, almost loud enough for the entire establishment to hear. If the oldies station wasn’t practically blaring from the above speakers, you two would probably have a lot of explaining to do.
But it didn’t matter to you at that moment if anyone else heard. Only one certain someone had to hear. And he did. And he physically recoiled at the statement. You knew it wasn’t fun for you to think about it, and it certainly wasn’t exciting to hear your parents’ concern, but it was reality.
You two could ride off into the sunset but what happened when the sun actually set?
In an odd move, Druig took a bite of his food. You weren’t sure how he had an appetite at the weirdest time.
"Believe it or not," he said, "you’re not the first to bring this up to me in the past week."
He nodded. "I guess to everyone else it’s the biggest issue between us."
You frowned, instinctively. "What, is it not an issue?"
"It’s not not an issue," Druig agreed, "but let’s not ruin this moment. We can speak about it at a later date, yes?"
"What—At a later date?"
"Let’s focus on us right now," he said, interrupting you with little to no hesitation. You were suddenly reminded of how he always knew how to take control—in more ways than one. "I don’t plan for us to stay in New York."
"What?" He didn’t plan—what? Your hands gripped the edge of the table. Why was this conversation moving a million hours a second? You felt like you were on a rollercoaster getting jerked around at every corner. Was Druig nervous? Scared? You could sense some displeasure but this seemed next level.
You hadn’t meant to start any issues, you just thought now was the time to really have serious conversations about the future. The time in the village felt like a trial run. You both had survived. Now come the real acts.
"We can travel, see the planet. I know there’s probably so much of it you’ve never seen," Druig replied. "Maybe we could even find a spot just for us two."
"Maybe we should slow down," you pleaded. "There’s nothing wrong with New York, at least for now. I just reunited with my family, and I’m looking for a job, so we can start here. We have time, we can figure it out, okay?"
But that didn’t seem to please him in the slightest. "No," he snapped, "I have time. You don’t. I have endless days to spend walking around here and whatever other city this planet chose to construct. I can do it all but…"
The band-aid hurts so much when it’s ripped off. "Druig, I… I’m not going to disappear tomorrow. You made sure of that," you commented with a little laugh, trying to lighten the mood you had seemingly brought down. But he didn’t react. You sighed. "We have years, decades, to spend together. I’m really sorry I brought it up, it was unnecessary I guess—,"
"When all you have is time," he muttered, "nothing is really that long. Especially when you’ve faced the end."
You felt hints of grief creep up on you. The tattoo on your wrist started nudging at you. "It seems almost cruel," you said, "that you should have a soulmate who ages and I have one that doesn’t."
"This planet is full of mysteries," he agreed. "No matter how much time you’ve spent on it, there’s always something unusual."
"What do we do then?"
Druig let out a defeated sigh. Neither of you had answers the other one was going to love. "I guess we can spare one night in New York," he offered as a compromise. You were finding your footing as a couple.
You couldn’t help the smirk creeping its way on your face. You couldn’t help it — you liked winning against him. You liked knowing you had that bit of power over someone so powerful. And it was no secret you also liked pushing him a bit.
Druig’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as he stared at you. "What’s that look for?"
Your smirk turned into a full-fledged smile. "Would you like to meet some people?"
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j4mboree · 2 years
raph hcs les get it
full name is Hamato Rafaello but he shortened it down to Raphael
he is 15 years old
bisexual and cisgender
he/him pronouns
nicknames: raph, raphie, el, shorty, short stuff (both nicknames by casey)
raphael is rude, sarcastic, snippy, and sort of a loner. he can be real friggin mean sometimez but deep down hes a huge soft sack. on good days, he can be a huge sweetie if motivated enough.
he trains a lot just like leo and but not enough to actually improve his skills. most of the time he uses his brute strength instead of tactics and only knows enough about fighting to defend himself and a little more.
hes master splinters "problem child" as he describes himself, and while master splinter sorta agrees with the label he views raph as his most passionate child. splints thinks raphs anger can be beneficial and a good thing but he lowkey wishes raph would learn how to channel it more so it can be brought to its full potential. raph is rebellious tho and usually when splinter says something raph is usually the first to find something he doesnt like about it in it and point it out.
he cares deeply about his brothers and even if hes a lil mean to them sometimes or messes with them theyre his favorite people. just like leo, he also watches over the others but in a less apparent way like leo does cuz leo already does that but sometimes he will monitor the others in a way thats similar to leo if leo isnt present. he does this mostly cuz he kinda has a mindset in which he believes that he should be the leader of the group instead and this is his way of being in charge but usually he just pushes it to the back of his mind and tries to not let it affect how he acts.
silly hcs now
hes dating casey and he was the first to confess to him. his liking for casey developed as he got to know case better and hung out with him more
he likes to write and read a lot, and because of this hes pretty literate compared to his other brothers who have a basic understanding and ability of writing and reading (except donnie whos a pretty good reader). he invests a lot of his time into writing and reading poetry specifically gothic poetry.
he also likes music, but usually all he ever does is bang on the drum set he owns and sometimes records and posts the audio online to see if itll get any views and usually it doesnt and it pisses him off so he barely posts the music he makes online.
adores old halloween media like frankenstein, dracula, and overall halloweeny stuff in gen. he often gushes about this stuff to casey or leo or mikey or donnie.
watches a bunch of horror movies often either when hes alone or with other people. he likes the cheesy 80s horror films even if they piss him off sometimes because the titular blonde or brunette girl keeps on tripping and falling when someone is literally chasing her. he also likes gore but not like real real gore but like horror movie gore if you catch my drift, he cant stomach that real shit.
he bites or like nudges people to show he cares about them, like a playful nudge or bite to the arm
roughhouses a lot with his brothers mainly mikey and donnie, but sometimes he also roughhouses with april and usually loses cuz she ends up doing something absolutely unexpected and it confuses him so much to the point it stuns him.
if he wore clothes he'd wear a lot of goth or mallgoth clothing, or cyber y2k shit.
has anger issues fr fr, usually he manages them with music or literature
him and leo get into arguments a lot and even tho sometimes they dont agree with eachother he cares a lot about leo. he and leo often hang out the most and when they do hang out its gossip, video games, or training. however he still thinks of leo as being too soft and thinks that he doesnt take risks enough as a leader.
raph views mikey as his lil bro obviously but doesnt really treat him like it so he doesnt baby mikester. if mikey does something that gets him upset raph legit wont hesitate to rough mikey up a bit but usually he only ever tells mikey to cut it out instead of actually hitting lil bro and when he does its like a punch to the shoulder or slap.
likes donnie's style, even if he thinks don is kinda strange he loves him a lot and likes to hang out with him sometimes mainly cuz he thinks don can be pretty funny and cool. all the out of pocket stuff don sometimes says catches him off gaurd lowkey but overall him and donnie are cool with eachother. theyre kinda like a terror duo when theyre together cuz they cause mischeif sometimes.
raph gossips a ton, mainly about things he sees online that he doesnt like or that catches his attention. when leo isnt available he talks to casey or mikey.
his favorite type of pizza is pepperoni pizza, but only when the pepperonis on the pizza are slightly spicy cuz he likes spicy stuff.
owns a bunch of comic books that he lends to mikey, often they come back torn or dirty cuz mikey forgets to take care of em lol.
ever since april bought him some black nail polish, hes always been wearing it since. he likes the shine it gives his claws and he thinks it looks totally awesome.
also wears eye shadow and sometimez a lil eye liner, he likes the way it makes him look.
fav colors are black and red.
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Happy first friendiversary🥺🥰🌷
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Can you believe it? We've been friends for a whole year now. Isn't it just so lovely?🥺 I'm forever grateful for every single day I get to spend with you. I just wanna hug you so tightly but gently. That's why I chose these specific gifs hehe🤭
Thank you for being the most wonderful friend ever. Thank you for always being there for me, on good and not so good days. Thank you for being your beautiful, kind, smart, funny, generous, supportive, sweet and just incredible self. I hope you know that I have a long list of compliments for you🤭💖 Thank you for being you and for everything you do for me. I just hope that I can give you all the love back. Double and triple😌 And you bet I'm gonna cling to you forever. Friends 4 life. I need to gush and babble some more later. You know what I mean. I just love you so very very much and I can't wait to spend many many more years with you. You're the absolute best. Wahhhh, wiping my silly eyes🥹🫂💖
It's too early for you to be making me cry like this 😭 Gosh, Sukie, how do I even BEGIN to express to you how much you mean to me??? I don't think I ever truly could, but I'll still continue to try until the day I leave this world. Maybe I'll have an easier time expressing it to you in the afterlife in spirit language or something 👻🤭
The best I can do for now is through this song. I mentioned it to you before, a few months after we met, but it still makes me think about you every time I hear it. It expresses the way I feel about you and our friendship much better than I can most days.
💫 Ne Me Quitte Pas (Don't Leave Me) by Orion Sun 💫
After spending most of my life feeling lonely, unheard, unseen, unloved, getting to know you and experience your friendship really does feel like a blessing from the divine. Yeah, yeah, I'm getting all sappy and cheesy rn, whatever! I really mean it. You know I do. You're such an incredible person with the most beautiful soul. I cherish every bit of you -especially the silly, nerdy, crybaby, gushing over your favorite character at 3am when you should be sleeping, sides of you.
Thank you for allowing me the greatest honor of knowing you and being your friend. Thank you for showing me what true friendship and unconditional love and mutual understanding feels like. Thank you for being brave enough to push past your shyness to message me a year ago. I can't imagine what my life would look like right now if you hadn't, and I don't want to. All I wanna think about is how happy I am to have known you for a whole year and how excited I am to experience many, many more friendiversaries with you in the future! Just think of how many more wonderful memories we have yet to make!
I would give anything to hug you back just like that! And you know I'm clinging to you forever too hehe 🫂 Thank you for sending me this sweet message. While part of me is a little bit embarrassed for posting this sappy stuff for everyone else to see, I also would gladly shout from the rooftops how grateful I am to have an amazing bestie like you and how much I love and treasure you. And I actually think it's pretty sweet to have a post like this to memorialize today 🥰🥺
Sending you 1 trillion hugs HAAAAAA BEAT THATTTTT!!!!! Bet you can't! You better not say infinite hugs or I'll kick your ass. That's against the rules 🤭🫂
Ich liebe dich, Sukie 💜💖💜💖💜
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jslittlebirdie · 2 years
I've been feeling really angry and sad all day, but now I'm just growing exhausted. I need J... I want to crawl into bed with him. I want him to wrap me in his coat and hold me close so I can feel as much of him as possible. I'm longing for him so badly. I want his warmth and scent to surround me. I want to come home, I miss him so much that my heart hurts. And I want to talk to him and hear his voice until I finally fall asleep, feeling at peace at least for a little while. Nice dream...
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 2 years
love is stored in the sending your boyfriend the cheesiest posts you come across on pinterest and then both of you spamming each other with the pinterest heart button
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mischiefsemimanaged · 3 years
Mornings after a mission
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x female!Reader
Warnings: nothing, could be interpreted as implied smut but it doesn't have to be
Words: 1194
a/n: This is for @omgrachwrites 1k follower celebration! I chose the prompt "Stop moving and let me braid your hair!" Check it out; this girl rules! And thanks for the love on the last post!!
Russian is google translate, so my apologies. Feel free to leave a correction if this is wrong!
милый= darling
дорогой= sweetheart
It was the morning after a mission. You had gotten back late last night, and with the debriefing and how gross you felt, you hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Nat. You had recently started dating, and while you weren't to the point of sleeping together, you usually talked to her before bed and gave her a kiss. Stretching (and wincing when you realized how sore you were), you got up in search of Nat and maybe, breakfast.
In the kitchen of the common floor, Nat was feeling guilty. The mission had been rough. You had gotten hit pretty good by a couple of agents, and she had been busy trying to get to the hard drive, so she hadn't been able to check on you. She knew you were tough; it wasn't about that. Nat wasn't used to this feeling, the way she felt about you. She had fallen head over heels for the newest avenger, this girl fresh out of the SHIELD academy, the one who bounced on the balls of her feet when shown a new weapon. You were pure, something Nat wasn't used to. So here she was, attempting to make your favorite breakfast, planning out a day with you.
You shuffled into the kitchen, yawning. You were so focused on getting coffee that you hadn't noticed your girlfriend standing at the stove. What you did notice was your coffee, made the way you liked, set in your favorite mug, already on the counter. Looking up, you grinned.
"Nat! Thank you, my saviour!" you gushed dramatically.
"You're welcome, I wasn't able to check on you last night, милый, so I'm making up for it." she replied, snorting a little at your theatrics.
"There isn't anything to make up for! I didn't come to see you either! And check up on me? I'm a big girl, I'm fine!"
"Too bad, I'm spending the day with you. We're doing the dorky couple stuff, movie, dinner, whatever you want." Nat answered, ignoring your protest at her checking up on you.
"Whatever I want? I've got some thinking to do." you considered your options.
"Whatever you want, дорогой."
"Okay, first I want you to not burn the tower down trying to make... that." you told her, scrunching your nose up at the smell of burning.
Natasha whipped around, groaning at the burnt mess she had created. Scraping away what was meant to be a nice breakfast, she was grateful for her forethought to have a backup. Slipping away to her room (the greatest hiding spot, no one went into her room), she returned quickly, proudly holding a box of donuts from that little place down the road from the tower. You smiled and took your favorite from the box, happily eating.
"Donuts! Thanks, Red!" Tony exclaimed, walking in, much too peppy for this early and going for the box.
"Nope!" Nat answered, swiping it before Tony could get it, "These are for y/n."
"Come on! This is my tower, share the donuts!" he argued, a pout forming on his face.
Grinning at the exchange, you passed Tony a donut. Though Nat groaned outwardly at the action, inside, she was beaming. This was why she loved you. You were so kind to everyone. She expected this to happen, which was why there were more donuts stashed away. She retrieved them and set them on the counter as more avengers filled the common room. After a few minutes of quiet, filled with the sounds of eating and the occasional groan, Tony suddenly spoke up.
"So why does y/n get donuts? We were all on that mission!"
"Because y/n's her girl, that's what you do." Steve answered.
"That's right! We're spending the day together doing that coupley stuff so don't you dare call me down to the lab because you accidentally blew yourself up! Call dum-E.," you told Tony.
"Ooh, Red and y/n/n are going to be gross today. Thanks for the warning." Tony snarked back. "And I certainly will not call Dum-E. I like the building intact.
Nat shook her head, a fond smile on her lips. The rest of breakfast was filled with similar exchanges. You and Tony could go head to head for hours. You were the only one on the team that could match Tony without ending up in a snit for hours afterward, a trait Natasha and the rest of the team admired.
Soon the group dispersed. With a day off, the team had the freedom to do whatever they pleased. When you and Nat were the only ones left, you both started on cleaning up. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, you started talking.
"So let's definitely watch a movie. Maybe one of those silly rom-coms, and then we can go out for lunch. That can be your choice because I am not deciding everything we do. After that, we'll change into pajamas and do absolutely nothing. Take-out for dinner in one of our rooms if we want to be alone, or we can see what the rest of the team is doing."
"Sounds good, дорогой. But for lunch let's just go for a walk until we spot something that we want. Just a nice casual day." Nat replied.
With a plan in place, you finished cleaning up the mess that the Avengers tended to leave when eating and made your way to the movie room. Snuggled up next to Nat, you put on some cheesy movie and relaxed. An hour into it, you got bored; after all, you were used to being busy. You brightened up as you got an idea.
"Tasha, can I braid your hair? My hands need to do something." you whined at her.
This was a pretty big request. Natasha was quite proud of her hair. It was always perfect, something you were quite jealous of. You expected her to say no, for her to take your hands and lay back, but Natasha Romanoff was full of surprises.
Natasha shifted a little so you could reach her hair. You thanked her repeatedly as you got to work making the perfect Dutch braid. Nat sat still for a few minutes, watching as the man on the screen made some declaration to a girl who was not interested. Soon though, she reached a hand behind her and stroked whatever part of you she could reach. Soon that progressed to her snuggling closer. Finally, she turned her head to try and kiss you.
"Nat stop moving and let me braid your hair!" you complained, but your laughter and smile betrayed you.
Utilizing her skills, she wiggled out of your hold without pulling her hair and grabbed you. Pulling you close, she started kissing you, anywhere she could reach. You soon did the same. The two of you were delighted, close to each other, until...
"Oh come on! When I said you guys were being gross, I meant, like being cheesy and giving me cavities. Cavities not nausea!" Tony exclaimed, interrupting your moment.
Nat stuck her middle finger at him, pulling you up off the couch and into her bedroom.
You never did finish that braid.
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emsylcatac · 3 years
Hi! So umm I came across this post yesterday which could basically be summed up as the sun Vs subs debate??
I...actually prefer the English dub to the French one, and I just am kind of tired of hearing people say that the French dub is superior and all the French sub supremacy stuff.
I mean don't get me wrong, I actually love the French dub too, but I've seen people mocking the eng dub so much and even the English VAs and it just rubs me in the wrong way. Some of them are even rude and really just go all "Oh, the voices are so cheesy in English, the French dub is waaaay better" and I just feel disheartened:( I mean I think I have got attached to the english dub and guess that makes me defensive sometimes??
All of this is ruining the French dub for me, just like the fandom ruined Lukanette and Luka with all the salt. I desperately WANT to enjoy the french dub, but I just feel bitter at times, I guess? I don't know...
I wish people would stop being pretentious acting as though the French dub is "superior". I mean okay, maybe it's the original canon dub, but can they please stop making people who like the English dub more feel embarrassed for liking it? (Though I think I may be the only person who prefers English. Lol)
I might...not be the best person to ask that jfjd because I largely prefer the French dub to the English one 😅 I'm French so it probably explains why, but by being able to speak the two languages I can really feel the difference and I do believe the French dub suits way more the characters than the English one haha. But also, I heard that Thomas Astruc is there for the recording of the French dub and can supervise the VA, and I'm not sure he's there for the English dub recording (otherwise lots of traveling lol and joining by video sounds unpractical but I could be wrong) which might explain it too as he can direct the French VA to use the tones of voice the writers have in mind.
Now don't get me wrong, the English isn't bad just because I think the French is better to my liking. But they don't give off the same vibes and it sometimes changes widely the way a character is perceived or acts. An example is Chat Noir: when he jokes around and plays his Chat Noir persona, the French VA makes him sound playful, silly and overexaggerating his acts which makes it obvious he's not being serious. The English one however makes him sound a lot more pretentious and full of self confidence about it. So it's very different, you either prefer one or the other and personally I find that the French one suits Chat Noir's character way more, but maybe someone will think the opposite. It's just a question of personal preferences to be honest
I don't think most people saying French dub supremacy necessarily mean it in a way to shit on those who like the English dub or are being super serious about it, it's a question of tastes and they often share their view on why they vibe with a dub more than another. Like most people will say that Plagg French dub sucks and Plagg English dub all the way, while I way prefer French Plagg, so we have stupid debates often on discord (or even Tumblr) about it but no one is being really intense, it's a "fake war". And it's often kinda the same with the "French dub Vs English dub" debate, it's not really deep most of the time
That being said don't feel silly for liking the English dub, it's not a bad one and tbh everyone is free to prefer whatever sub there is, even if it's the Portuguese 😛. And there's a time and place to share these opinions or throw them at someone of course. I'm sorry some comments made you feel stupid for liking it, and if it helps I saw lots of people being excited to get the Ephemeral English dub and gushing about it, whether they preferred the French dub or not 😊 But yeah just like people will prefer to watch an anime in Japanese dub with subs and will prefer the Japanese dub to the English one or else, people in ML will tend to prefer the French one. And both will act like it's superior because it's the original haha
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huntingingoodwill · 3 years
i loved reading your response so much, that was a lot of fun indeed! and don't worry, rpat anon works fine for me! (i went through a horrible rpat phase 2 years ago so he is like an ex lover to me) i love it, it's so silly, so thank you! i also love the idea that we're gossiping on those telephones with the loopy cords, it makes it feel like a sleepover. now that we got primadonna #1 out of the way...lets talk robert fischer!
i totally agree with you that he smells like clean linen. i just feel like he smells so expensive. like a nice cologne, but very lightly. like you'd have to be very close to him to detect that smell. i also imagine him with like a very happy and cheerful s.o. just because he needs that sprinkle of joy in his life. like being with him would include a lot of teasing, messing up his hair, giving him kisses with red lipstick so he has a hard time scrubbing it off (he does this with a small fond smile while rolling his eyes), but most importantly, i like the idea that his wife is his secretary so when she hands him paperwork she'll put a sticky note on top of the stack with a little note like "smile, robbie! day's almost over, ily <3" and he when he looks up at her from the note, he blows her a small kiss to show that he's grateful for having her in his life. he's a bit of a sad boy yes, but she always makes him feel better. maybe on bad days he rests his head on her lap and naps the day away, but she lets him all because she gets to play with his hair, and him being affectionate is something wifey eats up. pls indulge and literally just gush about robert fischer with me because he is just so adorable to me, like i want to care for this man for the rest of my life, and if you don't feel that way about him....good luck, charlie.
🧸 send me hcs for 300. cmon lads. 🧸
anon thank you so much for the hcs. and your ideas!! dreadfully perfect every time- you're gonna put me out of a job soon
i get the rpat hype. those photos of him dancing with that cow?? obsessed. and he's such a strange little liar i adore it.
okay now back to the only robert that matters: robert fischer
okay hear me out: rob fischer x his personal shopper?? is it a vibe?? food for thought.
rob always smells fresh, and it's a light, expensive cologne. don't think he'd be into the heavier musky stuff and he wouldn't lay it on. just nice and clean. i think he puts some sort of effort/pride into his appearance, definitely. he doesn't have a lot of spare time to go shopping (hence... him x personal shopper??) but i feel like he'd definitely enjoy picking out clothes in the morning, putting together a sharp outfit. vibes. would definitely choose the ties/cufflinks that darling buys for him/says he looks good in more often than not. looking at them makes him smile :,))
yes a lot of purposely bumping into him in the office, ruffling his hair and then smoothing it back down for him before his meetings, lip tint on his cheeks and collar that he complains about but totally loves. yoinking his tie/snapping his suspenders to make fun of him is a definite occurrence. you're right about him having a cheery s.o., other cmcu characters would like that quality but in a more withdrawn way, but i think rob especially would love the sunshine
that post it-note thing is so so cute. think of the office interactions: helping s.o. carry files, making each other coffee, walking out with each other at the end of the day holding hands!! stealing a moment to lean over his chair to put their arms around him and their chin on his head as he works, a kiss on the cheek to boost morale. cheesy.
he's a vulnerable dude. i think out of the characters we discuss he's the one who shows it the most, not big on pda but he loves a good bit of affection, it's just comforting. on tough days he just comes home, takes off his jacket and collapses on the couch, head in darling's lap. he might even do it on the couch in his office, just curl up and relax during lunchtime. he loves a good catnap, and s.o. loves to run their hands through his hair, along his cheek, look at how peaceful he is. s.o. hates to wake him and he alw looks up at them kind of shyly when he wakes up but he can't help but smile
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zirkkun · 4 years
Maybe this is cheesy, but with all the praising on stream, I decided I wanted to just gush about my friends and people I look up to on here too. I’m gettin’ sappy and sobby at this hour and I just wanna go out on a high note.
(Started writing this at about the half hour mark before Unus Annus’s death, and now it’s like an hour later. Gosh I just don’t know when to shut up huh? lmao)
@zilthai37 - heya!♥ know you don’t follow Unus Annus stuff, so this will definitely be out of no where for you, but god. You’re too good of a person. I can go to you for literally anything and honestly I probably take it for granted. Something trivial, something serious, you’re always down to talk. I’ve never met another human being who’s so open with talking about things and so open to learn about other people and ideals. You’re honestly so great and so wonderful, man. I love talking to you and I just want you to know that you’re incredibly irreplaceable as a friend and a person.
@cheshiregrinnbuttoneyes - I think you’re the only friend of mine from high school that still talks to me consistently -- and that’s so wild, considering during high school we almost never had the chance to talk. God, you’re just so passionate about your works and you’re always working on your art, and your art is so cute and wonderful. You’re also one of the NICEST people in the world. I don’t know many people who would be willing to give away what they have to support someone else. I adore talking to you and I’m so glad I didn’t lose you, and I never want to, not prematurely.
@secretly-neurotic - heyo! i dunno if you’ve been watching Unus Annus at all, so this might be a little random, but I just really want to say that you’re such a great friend and such a great memelord to talk to. Your art is AMAZING and I’m so glad that you’ve had the chance to be able to spread it to more people recently. I should do a better job of reblogging it so even more people can see it, haha. I know you’ve been real busy with school stuff lately and honestly i just feel really proud seeing you work towards things that you’re really interested in doing, while memeing it along the way. Tell your dad good luck with his BOTW game, hope you get your Switch back eventually lmao
@thoughtfullytired - i think of all my irl friends on this list, i’ve know you the shortest amount of time, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less valuable to me than any of my other friends. You always work so hard to improve your art, and you’re always so amazing at being able to express your emotions into your artwork. I love talking to you about everything, whether it be our nerd stuffs or just regular stuffs. You’re also so incredibly kind to offer your help on Act to Flirt, completely unprompted, when I came to you just ranting about my inability to write music, haha. Hoping the best for you in school (and for your space ship!!) even though I haven’t seen you in a long while.♥
@sansismybitch - ah the name sticks out in this sappy list, but it’s still a very fitting name regardless lmao. you’re honestly a really great and really inspired person. your dedication and interest in supporting those whose works you like is honestly unparalleled. i love when i get asks and memey submissions from you, it brings a smile to my day! talking to you is just so wonderful, and i know a lot of people out there would agree. i just want you to know that you’re really a wonderful person, truly.
@alch3mic - we’ve not talked very long, and I know I definitely already wrote you an incredibly sappy message the other day lmao, but this write-off wouldn’t feel right without saying something to you, especially since the two of us have been watching this stream together (though separately!) You’re just so incredibly passionate with all your projects and I honestly really look up to you and what you do. I’m always so happy seeing when you post because everything you write or draw always brings a smile to my face. Keep doin’ what you do man♥
@teirrart - maybe we don’t really talk (unless it’s some intense thirsting over milo), but I still really adore the work that you do! i think you were one of the first couple of people i followed when joining the fandom and re-joining on Tumblr here, because I adored the buttons you had on your store and bought them IMMEDIATELY haha. It’s still kinda funny to me to realize I have a set of buttons with Ink and Lust made by you and you’ve got my charms of Ink and Lust too.. it’s like a trade in a way, but I’ve just never had it happen lol. Your work is so cute, your characters are wonderful, and your stories are so emotionally driven. I adore them and adore what you do.
@tatatale - god, I still think about the drawing you did with Lust, Insans, and Ace. It brings such a smile to my face and it makes me so happy. I never thought someone who’s artwork and comics I’ve been reading since they started and really admired would ever make something with the characters I’ve made. And you do collabs and fanarts of people’s others works a lot! It’s so incredible to see. This kind of fan interaction is honestly so precious and rare. I adore your comics, I adore your art style, and you’re just so kind.
@owl-bones - we’ve only talked a few times, usually passively talking about the development of our dating sims, haha, but honestly your artwork is amazing, and the work you put into what you do is amazing. sometimes I sit here, a bit jealous of just how good Bonely Hearts Club is, but it’s honestly some silly jealousy lol. You put in an incredible amount of heart and soul into every bit of that game, and it’s so clearly evident even in just the short demo we’ve had so far -- everyone can see that. You’re an incredibly talented person.
...and, well, although you two will probably never ever see this, I suppose I’ll take the chance and throw my voice to the wind anyhow lol:
@markiplier and @crankgameplays - jesus christ, I’ve been watching you two for so long now that i can’t even believe how long it’s been. i was literally barely in high school. it’s so funny to me how I literally had the thought of “Man, I wish Ethan and Mark did more collabs” when YouTube decided to recommend me the escape room video from Unus Annus, a channel that I had somehow MISSED entirely. (At that point, of course. I watched every video from then onward and the ones from the couple of weeks I’d missed). It’s just so wild to me to really think that... a lot of what you two have done have really shaped me today. People often talk down upon the idea of looking up to others because people can do things wrong in the future and then - oh no - now you’re suddenly regretting supporting them. But you two have never once given me that kind of vibe, and I don’t feel like I’ll ever get that from you two in the future. Your work ethics and dedication to what you do really inspires me. It’s gotten me to where I am. Unus Annus ironically made me want death less when I was at such a low point in my life, and made me realize the value of using the time I have been given. It just somehow clicked for me. So, if either of you ever do see this? Just - thanks.
Memento mori.
but also, memento vivire. Remember to live.
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dreamiesdotcom · 4 years
slow | n.jm, l.hc
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summary: Jaemin likes some things slow — slowly walking from your houses to school, slowly drinking warm drinks, slowly putting puzzle pieces together, slowly dancing to Jisung's upbeat playlist, slowly baring yourselves of masks, slowly learning to trust — but slowly falling in love, he's not very sure.
word count: 2563
a/n: this is based off this post of mine (as per @flirtyhyuck 's request) and im here to say that im sorry this wasnt supposed to see the light of day
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"Can you please tell Jeno to tell his best friend to stop staring at mine?" Jaemin almost growls, pulling your chair over nearer to him. You whine a little at being closer to the scent of his coffee, scrunching your nose up and pulling away. He gasps at the rejection but you smile at him and reach for his hands instead. He rolls his eyes and faces Renjun, "Please."
"Na, you know I don't talk to people. I'm allergic." Renjun grumbles. "Talk to Jisung instead, he's been hanging out with the music kid for a project."
"He's older than you, and he has a name," Jisung grimaces over a cup of hot chocolate. "His name is Mark. Mark Lee."
"See?" Renjun shrugs as if to prove a point. "He even knows his 'name'."
"But this is so unfair!" comes the inevitable whine from the younger. "Chenle is friends with Hyuck-hyung!"
"Chenle is friends with everyone. Whatever, one of you needs to do it." Jaemin sighs, turning his chair to face you. He raises a brow, "What're you thinking?"
Your hand still loosely wraps around his, and he slowly entwines them together.
Warm. It's warm like a cup of whatever the hell it is Na Jaemin is drinking. What were you thinking, though? A while ago, there was a lot — random numbers, other subjects, an article you read yesterday, the way Jisung's eyes shined at the mention of Mark. Right now, there's only one; Don't catch feelings.
Those thoughts are regular and they were haunting. These days, they're not as incessant as the past few months, but they still come and they are unbelievably strong — don't catch feelings. Something tells you that it's too late and you already did. Something tells you that you are stupid.
But, what if things worked, right? He's soft and kind and he's lovely. You fit in a lot of things and you disagree in some but that's just perfectly balanced, isn't it? He won't hurt you — oh, how he won't do that. He never will. Na Jaemin, this magical boy — what if?
"Damn, Lee Donghyuck is really in love with you," someone chimes loudly, and you don't even need to see who's rushing to your table before Jisung groans in disdain and makes space for this odd friend. Chenle makes a vague motion, asking people to look away. "He talked my ear off about how pretty you looked while painting at Art's class. He's whipped."
What if, huh? You turn away from the idea with a smile. Don't be silly...
"No, he's not, Chenle." You reply to the boy but keep your eyes at Jaemin, smiling still. "I wasn't thinking about anything. That was me spacing out."
Jaemin rolls his eyes again, seemingly moodier than usual. His soft giggle later makes you laugh, though. Oh, how weak this boy was. How weak he became when someone smiled at him. Or maybe, only when a specific someone does it.
"What do you mean 'No he's not, Chenle'?" The brat refuses to get the hint and live him down. He makes a quick show of turning around to the other side to check Lee Donghyuck and his friends' table, then pointing at them, "He's staring at you."
"He's not!" You hiss, glaring at the people who are either eavesdropping or watching or worse, both.
"Is, though." Jisung shrugs. "I bet he writes you love songs."
"Does not!" you glare at the duo, begs Jaemin through your eyes to tell them to stop. Unfortunately, Jaemin is already gushing at the two. You stomp your feet to get their attention, "We don't even know each other!"
And that was a lie. Renjun's eyes read those words, he must've known. He probably knew about the accidental bumping into each other at the playground, or the awkward laughs you two share at the convenience store; maybe he saw him helping you with Mathematics at the library, or he stumbled upon most of your accidental meetings; those were by coincidence, right? They had to be. Renjun's eyes also read another set of words: Don't break his heart.
But how can you not? You weren't in love with him. You were in love with somebody else, and you wished that the sunshine boy didn't adore you like that. Why does Renjun care about Hyuck? They haven't even spoken to each other. You sigh, and at that very moment, you hear the door open and close. Donghyuck and his friends left. The room mourns the lack of the warmth of their muffled laughter.
"You know what, I'll just go see Lee Donghyuck." You huff your cheeks, palms slamming on either side of the table. Jaemin startles, tries to speak, but you're already cutting him off with a much more determined gaze.
"I have his number from when Chenle got it for me. I'll go home, change clothes, ask him to meet up and I'll prove you guys wrong." you stand up, tearing away from his stare. "It'll drive me crazy if I don't."
"But we—" he bites back a sigh, but you notice the way his hands attempted to reach up and pull you back down to your chair. It seemed like a quiet plead to hang around. He smiles, "Do you need a ride?"
That day you told him no, and you pinched his cheeks instead of your usual kind of goodbye; that one where you pout and tug at his sleeves, wishing for fifteen more minutes without words but only your eyes, knowing you'd meet each other tomorrow but not quite wanting to even part.
If Jaemin knew that it will be the moment where everything begins to change, he knows he would have held you tight and never let you go.
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You officially got together with Donghyuck on the 24th of December. Jaemin isn't interested in knowing how it happened, but he briefly remembers the next few days after that: everyone talking about Donghyuck's sweet voice, Mark and Jeno playing the guitar, and a kiss under a mistletoe. Renjun and Jisung gave him as many sweets as they could manage to find, though they quickly realized that he isn't gonna give up on his little role of a boy not broken. Chenle was the one who talked him down, smacked his head, hugged him tight, and told him to snap out of it.
It was sure as hell disrespectful and he got an earful after that, but it did help Jaemin. At that moment, there was a silent agreement between the three that it was all that mattered: Jaemin accepted the pain and knew that he wasn't alone in all of this.
Heartbreak felt bitter and it wasn't kind, but Jaemin knew that much. Chenle's been saying those things to him for a while now — especially if it's because of someone you're close to. Even more if you haven't confessed yet, hyung. Damn it. It hurts so much — he said so many times Jaemin couldn't bother count. He never learned this, though, and he never even thought that he'd be in this situation: right now, he should be making a homework. Right now, he just realized that a heartbreak is even more extremely cruel if you never even realized that you had feelings until the moment you're hurting.
He looks down on his open notebook, glares at the unanswered question before ultimately giving up. Beside him, Renjun lost himself in a book and Chenle fell asleep. He searches for Jisung only to find him with a very familiar-looking boy — Mark Lee — shyly talking behind a bookshelf. Jaemin grits his teeth and wonders what the hell it is that this group has that he keeps losing his friends to them.
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Sometimes, Jaemin falls into the ways of an escapist, as Renjun said once. He and his big words were normal. What's not normal is his daydream — it wasn't the two of you and your friends in Neverland, and it wasn't his imagination of how future plans would unfold — because sometimes he tends to do that, imagine how things would go. Right now, he's not thinking of that sleepover at Chenle's. He's not drinking up the image of a long, aimless drive (that will certainly happen. Jisung won't allow it not to happen), stargazing and exchanging theories on extraterrestrial life (that will definitely happen once again, because of Jisung as well, but now with the help of Renjun). His daydreams center on rain clouds today.
In his mind, you're both in some comforting cottage in the woods and there's a thunderstorm. The scent of petrichor and deep wood mixes with a calm and cozy atmosphere. You're tucked safely in his arms and he has you all to himself; right now, in his mind, he can be as selfish as possible. You're talking and laughing over sweet little nothings, and Jaemin has to catch himself a little so that even if he continues to fall, it wouldn't be as fast. He likes some things slow. He likes soaking up certain moments just as much as he likes the other events' turbulence. With you, he loved everything slow.
Slowly walking from your houses to school. Slowly drinking warm drinks. Slowly putting puzzle pieces together. Slowly dancing to Jisung's upbeat playlist. Slowly baring yourselves of masks. Slowly learning to trust.
Slowly falling in love, he's not very sure. More often than not, he would ask himself in his mind: 'Would it all be different if I fell in love faster?'
Maybe there were some things that needed to be rushed. Some things that needed to be instantaneous. He laughs inside his mind and asks again, 'Can this heartbreak be quicker, then?'
The false memory is ruined.
Jaemin comes back down to reality at the scent of roses. His shoulders ache a little from leaning at the lockers, so he stands properly and meets your confused expression. Roses. Chocolates. Letters. You. You look awfully flustered and the pink hue in your cheeks becomes bolder and bolder each phrase your eyes read. Jaemin smirks and takes a peek.
I don't know what went through my head or whatever hopeless romantic spirit decided to posses me today, but I love you. And I miss you. Let's have a date?
Cheesy. His grin grows wider but he promises himself that it's the last. He won't look at you so lovingly again. He won't feel like this anymore. Donghyuck is bratty and headstrong but he was kind and he cherished you, ready to give you the world — Jaemin finds that he can do that, too. Except that it's Donghyuck whom you intensely love. He promises himself that he'll get over you but only because he knew that he's bad at promises.
"Against Hyuck?" he drawls as if to make a joke. His laugh sounded way too wounded for it to be funny, though, and he leans to the lockers again because his knees buckle at your gaze, the one that slowly makes him melt all the damn time. "There was never really a chance for me, huh?"
He thinks you'd run away and go as far as possible from him from then on. He thinks you should — he implied that he liked you. He implied that he wanted a chance. He implied that he hoped for it. When you didn't do anything but tear your eyes away from the lovely note, he assumed you've taken it as a joke, that you were dense — that you were dense again. Instead, you tilted your head to him, "This is where it gets painful."
He aches to ask what it is that you meant, but he found that he couldn't speak. He's tongue-tied and he couldn't move, couldn't find the right words to say. It's as if his ability to make a sound was stolen from him. He's unaware of the world because all he can see is tender gazes and all that he can listen to is a gentle voice, then the words he never thought he'd hear — you were staring at him and then you sighed.
"You did, once."
A series of unexpected events have already unfolded, but this probably was one of the top three. He doesn't know where he gets the strength, but he stands straight again. He tears all the what if's and what could've been's and what will never be away for this moment, and he doesn't dwell on the fact that you loved him. That there was a chance. That he completely missed that chance because he was so afraid, so scared of falling in love and ruining all that you both have slowly built together. He doesn't understand how he even got to crack up at that realization, but he does — "And that was a perfect exchange. Jisung would love that."
You wink at him in quick humor, but you laugh at him with unrest, "Why Jisung?"
"He's into this kind of thing these days." He shrugs. "Speaking of, isn't it weird how Jisung all so suddenly likes sappy movies? Is he going through something?"
"He hasn't said anything. Maybe he's not yet ready to share with the class, Jaemin." You reply, smirking, "Are you playing detective, or are you nosy?"
"I'm concerned." He lights flicks your forehead. You giggle as he does that, eyes fluttering shut, and his heart stings again. When you open them, he's staring at you.
The look in your eyes screamed of honesty and pure truth. Jaemin understands, he always does. And he knows too, he knows that you're aware as well. He knows that you saw the same sincerity in his eyes and you knew that every single bit of that intense moment was true. At that, he swings an arm at your shoulders and led the two of you to the exit, opening a talk about your other friends and plans of meeting at 12 pm at the usual for lunch, then he cracks a joke, and you genuinely chuckle.
"I used to daydream about us," used to be said to prompt a laugh. On a normal day, that was the joke that makes you fall over and not the multiple bizarre versions of "Why did the chicken cross the road?". On a normal day, you two would talk hours and hours about daydreaming about each other, some sappy and some downright comedy. On a normal day, that's the topic you both center around as you walk your way to your other friends.
Today wasn't a normal day, though, because today you shine under the sun brighter than others, and you look very stunning in yellow. Today wasn't a normal day because you didn't take the normal route, instead, you made a turn to bid someone a quick farewell. Today, "Do you think there's another world where we're together?" doesn't feel like a question elicited from Renjun's multiverse theories and "If you knew, would you try?" isn't just a verse from Jisung's surprising secret stash of self-written poetry. Today, "You were a dream that shined brightly above me and just like the fate of a gazer and a star, you are so far from my reach" isn't just something he read out of the book Chenle reads.
Today, Jaemin watches you fall in Donghyuck's arms like it was all you were meant to do, and his heart breaks.
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
Hey Alice... I think we’re lost. Please don’t get mad! If we just keep walking straight, we might be able to head out of the forest. As your guide, this little white rabbit can’t fail you here! But do tell me, Alice, did you multiply or am I seeing double vision? There’s five hundred of you!
Yes, five hundred! Five. Hundred. 5-0-0!!! Oh my goodness... this growth is absolutely insane especially since your journey down the rabbit hole started roughly about a month ago. Thank you for trusting me and the boys to lead you to a real happy ending. Thank you for not getting mad at me for disappearing every now and then.  And most importantly... thank you for not getting mad at me ahahaha! Do not panic. Remain calm. I know the way. I just need to start at the beginning... where is Ches- I mean- Chen’ya when I need him the most. Hey! Where are you off to? Come back this instant, Alice. These parts of Wonderland are dangerous! Ahhh I don’t think they can hear me anymore... Deary me... Oh look! A fork in the road! A sign too! Let’s see... what does it say....
Event Details:
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Perhaps you should have listened to that hopeless guide of yours, the meek white rabbit that lead you to this Wonderland. As unreliable as she may be, she probably has a better sense of direction than you. She would serve as lovely company now in this dark and eerie forest. The clouds shroud the moonshine. You shiver in the cold, pulling your cloak closer for warmth but to no avail. The grip on your basket tightens as the wind howls and the leaves crunch beneath your feet. Even the slightest sound sent you into a panicked frenzy. You regret your decision. You thought you could make more progress but it seems that you dug a deeper hole. Where is that silly rabbit?
What was that? Oh... just a twig.
And wolves too? Wonderful. Your pace quickens.
“Please, please, be dawn already!” you pray, running away from the source of those rather terrifying sounds.
Light on your feet and with a shaky breath, you ran as fast and as much as you could. The contents of your basket, snacks the little white rabbit packed for you, shook vigorously. They would probably crumbs by now. You lift the cloth wrapped around the carrier to check. And to no surprise they were. Nevertheless, every bit is present therefore if you submit to your hunger anytime now, broken cookies and biscuits would suffice.
“Later,” you chide yourself.
The task at hand is to find shelter for the night— preferably a cozy cottage of an elf or something of the sort, a safe haven where you could eat comfort food and spend the night. Wishful thinking. A cave would honestly do. You’re tired for crying out loud! What kind of shortcut did that rabbit have to take?
Irritation blinds you. You didn’t see where you were going. Not to mention this cloak’s hood covers a good portion of your field of vision. You pull back the soft fabric to see what you collided with. The surface isn’t hard enough to be a tree nor is it furry enough to be a creature of the night. You brace yourself for the worst. 
Drawing back the hood, an ethereal site greets you. He’s gorgeous, something out a fairytale. Quite princely. Too princely. Too good to be true. His skin lacks sign life. His complexion is of a sickly pale. Something isn’t right.
He reaches for you. You step back in shock. 
“Are you lost little lamb?” a smug voice coos.
Event Rules:
First things first: don’t save the event banner edit (or any edit of mine, really). Just click on it for better quality. 
Okay now we can get to the actual rules and details~
Yes! Another milestone event~ I will save the cheesy thank you note for the end as this isn’t the section for lovemail and gushing.
Lost in the Woods is an event where you, the reader, somehow managed to get lost in a rather spooky forest with no company whatsoever. While running away from the many dangers of this place, you bump into a certain someone. Who is that someone? What do they do?
Imagine the rest of it! Tell me what you want to happen. What do you envision? Daydream away, but don’t be too specific! Tell me what kind of vibe do you want i.e. fluffy, spicy, spooky etc.
Here is an example: “The person before me was Riddle! Oh how glad am I to see him... he knows his way around Wonderland and now he’s offering to help me get out of the woods though it would seem that he’s hungry as well. I would like to share some snack with him~”
Another example if you don’t feel like writing out a scenario for me: “I bumped into Riddle and I would like to share snacks with him. I want a fluffy vibe.”
Something like that. And for all of these event related requests, please put a “🌙” somewhere in your request so I can sort them out.
This event is just like my Café Rosé Event albeit with a different concept and procedure.
However, unlike the previous event, I will be writing headcanons, scenarios, and oneshots for this event. My general requests are still closed so you cannot request anything that is not related to this event. Also note that you can only request once for this event so choose wisely!
And of course, all of my standard rules still apply.
This request acceptance period for this event will be from Sunday, September 20th @ 1:00AM PST to Tuesday, September 23rd @ 1:00AM PST.
That’s a total of three days.
It may change depending on how much requests I get for this event, but I am swamped with school work and three other requests are rotting in my inbox so keep that in mind.
If you have any questions, please message me or send an ask off anon so I can reply to you privately.
Author’s Note:
First and foremost, I would like to apologize to anyone looking forward to my twstOBer spree. While I have written several pieces for the event, this milestone it more important to me so I dropped that event. I’ll still post the ones I have written so there’s that. Plus this event is just as spooky~ But anyways-!! I said this many times throughout this post, but I’ll say it again: thank you, thank you, thank youuuu! A number like five hundred may seem small to other blogs, but to me, it’s a very big number. Moreover, I achieved this milestone in a mere month and a half! That’s insane to me. I’ve never had such rapid growth on any social media account before. Thank you all for reading and enjoying my writing. I know I’m not the most active or most socialable blog on this platform but you all mean a lot to me. Old or new, I appreciate all of you. I hope that you’ll continue to support me until the next milestone event: 1000 followers. See you then~
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