#silently and in his own way but come on yamaguchi hears it i know he does
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suckishima · 1 year ago
ughhhhh the way that tsukishima and yamaguchi pull off their first ever serve and block and we get a glimpse into tsukki's thoughts at that moment and he isn't thinking about how sick it felt to get that stuff block or excited about making the point itself, no, he's remembering snapshots of yamaguchi—from the first "lame" and how he started off so small behind him, to the steps yamaguchi has taken to run full speed ahead of tsukki, surpassing him not in skill but drive and passion and "cool," to the courage it took for yamaguchi to stand up to tsukki and throw that hated "lame" back in his face, and now they're here standing on the court having pulled of what is considered volleyball's perfect play together and tsukki's response to that feat, to those memories of previously getting left behind by this person he once probably saw as beneath him, is to run straight back toward him and celebrate with a smile
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hyeque · 3 years ago
messenger [tsukishima kei]
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synopsis: you and yamaguchi are best friends with tsukishima. nearly everyday girls come up to the two of you to ask about the blonde and you both have had just enough. little do you know that yamaguchi has a plan of his own to get the chatting to stop...
notes: based off the sole fact that it's canon that girls only go up to yamaguchi to ask him about tsukki, which obviously means he's popular with girls. this was originally written as a stand-alone but i decided to submit it for lexi's @suckerforsugawara first time for everything collab! i apologize for how late this is, writer’s block got the best of me.
warnings: reader is very much in their head, angst at first but eventual fluff with good ending
word count: 4kei
for as smart as tsukishima kei is, he sure is oblivious to how girls flirt with him.
everyday a good number of girls around campus whisper and talk about how they find the blonde middle blocker attractive. about how much a good boyfriend he would make. it amazes you to no end how much the tall and silent type attract people. you could probably end up rich with how much you hear about him, because there's seriously not one day where you don't hear his name.
at first, most of the comments make you laugh. over time though, you begin to roll your eyes and scoff. you don't understand why so many people like him. half the time you see how tsukishima interacts with hinata and kageyama and it isn't in the nicest or most pleasant way. it just looks like a complete circus act. you truly feel sorry for daichi and suga.
tsukishima is just...mean. if you had a boyfriend who treated you like that, you'd dump him on the spot.
but maybe you are a hypocrite because while you think of all these things, you're still friends with him.
...if you can even call it that—you're sure tsukishima just 'tolerates' you. but the fact that you and yamaguchi are the two he spends the most time with obviously means something. he also begrudgingly helps you with your homework and walks you home from class all the time.
it means something...right?
today is no different from many other days as you watch hinata and kageyama get into a heated screaming match about god knows what. tsukishima is on the side snickering to yamaguchi. everyone else is helplessly by standing.
but you, on the other hand, are in your own little world. you're one of the managers for karasuno university's volleyball team. currently, you're filling up water bottles for the team. being in the role as manager, you've become a master at zoning out hinata and kageyama's bickering.
but you did not expect that this skill would one day work against you.
"hinata, kageyama! watch out!" ennoshita shouts, but it's already too late. you feel the unruly force of a volleyball hit you, making you drop the bottles you're filling up and spill water on the ground.
"are you okay?" yamaguchi rushes to help you to your feet, shooting the offending people a small glare. kageyama and hinata shiver at tadashi's gaze and begin to profusely apologize.
"i'm okay, yams. thank you." you dust off your clothes and laugh, "it's nothing i can't help when those two get carried away."
"we are so sorry!" hinata cries, nearly tripping over himself to get to you. kageyama sheepishly let's out a 'sorry' before his face flushes a bright red.
you open your mouth to assure them you're fine, but a certain voice beats you to it.
"are you two that incompetent that you'll take out our manager in the middle of one of your childish games?" the voice hisses. "i knew the two of you were stupid, but you both surprise me every day. i have to start lowering my bar more."
you don't have to turn to know who it is.
tsukishima turns to you, a displeased look on his face. if you squint, you can see his concern. "and you really need to work on watching your surroundings. i'd rather not have to take you to the hospital." he scolds, picking up the bottles from the ground. he swats your hand away when you reach out for them and you puff out your cheeks, frustrated.
he always does this, where you can't tell if he cares for you, or if he's just being mean. maybe you’re reading into things too closely.
you watch his eyes scan your figure intently and you flinch when you feel him touch you. your breath hitches at how close he is, close enough to see the specks of gold in his eyes from behind the lenses of his sports googles.
his hand gently turns your face to either side, "are you hurt anywhere?"
at the feeling of his hand on your arm, you feel it burn at the source of his touch.  you quickly recover and answer that you're fine. he studies your face for a moment longer to detect if you're lying but doesn't prod for any more answers.
not too far away does yamaguchi note the gesture between you two, but doesn't say anything.
the rest of practice runs by smoothly and you have practically forgotten that you were hit with a volleyball. before you know it, it's over and everyone calls it a day before filing out to the lock room.
tsukishima announces that he has to go somewhere after practice and for you and yamaguchi to not wait up for him. neither of you question him on his whereabouts because chances are he won't even tell you anyways.
as punishment for hitting you with the volleyball, kageyama and hinata are responsible for cleaning up the gym and locking up, which gives you the advantage of getting home early. down to two, you and yamaguchi start your trek home, the convo floating between school, volleyball, and other interests.
the two of you turn at the sound of a girl. she looks anxious and nervous and holds a pink envelope in her hands.
"hi! what can i do for you?" he smiles, green eyes bright and inviting.
the girl seems to gain confidence at yamaguchi's smile. "i have this confession for tsukishima-kun...but i don't know how to give it to him, so i was wondering if you would give it to him for me?" the girl explains shyly. her eyes shift to you and widen. "you're not dating tsukishima-san are you?"
your eyes widen at the accusation and you bust out a laugh, hard. maybe too hard.
"me? date him? i could never!"
after your embarrassing and short-lived laughing party, yamaguchi reluctantly agrees to take the letter to give to tsukishima. a strange feeling wells up in your chest at the sight, and you don't know why you felt disappointed in him doing so.
as soon as the girl leaves, you see yamaguchi's shoulders sag and his smile fades. 
"what's wrong, yams?" you nudge your best friend in the side, noting the way he picks at the skin on his hand anxiously.
"nothing," he answers, "we need to get going now."
you pull him back. "it's not 'nothing'. come on, what is it?"
you watch as he takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he replies, "i appreciate and care about tsukki and all, but it really sucks that girls only talk to me about him." he pouts, puffing out his cheeks.
"it's probably because you're much more approachable than mr. blonde beanpole." you suggest, shrugging your shoulders. "frankly, I don't know why or what people see in him. he's not very people-friendly. plus he always walks around with a scowl on his face. but i too wish they would stop asking us about him. what did suckyshima do to get so many confessions all the time..."
your freckled faced friend raises his brows, amused by your passionate rambling. "are you jealous?" he asks, head tilting in inquiry.
"w-what? no! why would i be?" you scoff, feeling your heart race in your chest. "the only thing i'm jealous of is that beanpole blonde's attention." you say. "i would very much like to be confessed to as often as he gets!"
"you would hate it," yamaguchi chuckles, "you don't even like getting attention. especially from guys."
you click your tongue, not knowing how to disagree with him. "maybe, but it wouldn't hurt to have it happen once in a while, you know?" you sigh, "i can't go my entire life without experiencing a confession!"
you must've had a terrible past life to have such an unlucky dating experience. you've never had a guy ask you out. and while you don't like to be arrogant you consider yourself cute and a decent person—more so decent than glasses-kun.
"well, more guys would approach you if it wasn't for tsukki." yamaguchi says, and immediately upon speaking covers his mouth.
you raise a brow at your friend, "eh? what do you mean by that?"
before he can answer, you huff, "you're telling me blondie is messing up my love life? what does he gain from doing that?" you huff, feeling irritated that the number of cute boys you could've encountered is very little due to the fact that they were being cockblocked by the most annoying person on the planet.
yamaguchi would never tell you, and god bless your soul, but he's forever thankful for how oblivious you are at times. his skin is saved from having to explain to tsukishima why his crush on you has been outed.
but on the other hand, he desperately wants these confession shenanigans to be over with and for the two of you to confess to each other. to him, it's painfully obvious that there are shared feelings but neither one of you want to acknowledge the fact that there's something going on. he'd rather take the risk of tsukishima biting his head off if it means you two will end up together.
"let's just say that the two of you complain about each other too much for there not to be something going on between you two." yamaguchi says. "i just wish you'd both make out with each other or something."
panic swarms you, at the meer thought of locking lips with blondie. "tadashi, i would never be caught kissing him. i'd rather be dead." you say sternly, although an itch in your throat tells you otherwise.
"yeah, i totally got the vibe of that earlier when he came over to see if you were okay." he laughs, rolling his eyes.
"it didn't mean anything, he was just oddly nice..." you argue, the rapid beating of your heart mocking you.
the sudden silence could be cut through with a knife as you two walk. your knuckles grip your bag tightly as you focus on your feet in front of you.
"your crush never went away, right?" yamaguchi stops walking and looks at you intently.
when you don't respond, he knows his answer.
"that's another reason why i don't like getting these confessions. i don't want to see you get hurt by all of this." he reveals, his hand gripping the pink envelope he was given earlier.
"it doesn't matter, though. what i feel is irrelevant.” you shrug.
yamaguchi perks up, a light bulb going off. he presses the envelope to your hands. "you give this to him. you can find out what he says about the letter and how it makes him feel. he might act differently. that way, you can also decide if those feelings for him are still there, or if you've moved on. if you haven’t, then confess."
you turn away, not taking the envelope. your feet then move briskly. "what makes you think that he would accept my confession? there's no way he would."
"what's stopping you?" he presses, following you. "you don't know that unless you try."
a sharp exhale of air escapes you, your nerves taking your own words out of your mouth. "because i don't want to make a relationship awkward possibly. besides, he'll just make fun of me for having a crush on him and then reject me. so no way is tsukki going to accept it."
"he wouldn't do that. and you know he wouldn't. look, we both know tsukki better than anyone else does. i'm surprised at how blind you are to how he feels about you. or maybe you're denying it?"
before you can reply, you realize you've reached your apartment.
"just think about telling him? it'll ease your mind somehow, won't it? at least you'll have your answer and you can stop letting this eat at you the way it has for years." yamaguchi says, concern written on his face.
you sigh. "sure, tadashi. i'll think about it."
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you don't get a wink of sleep that night. and despite you wanting more time to think, you are meeting up with tsukishima and yamaguchi to hangout the next day. so even if you want to put off your thoughts about the situation, you can't.
"you look like shit," tsukishima says once you sit down at the cafe the three of you always meet up at. "like a zombie with the life is sucked out of them.”
“wow, how did you guess?” you say, response dripping with sarcasm.
a guilty look appears on his face before he changes it to a softer expression. "here, i already ordered for you." he says, pushing your favorite order across the counter.
"oh, thank you. you didn't have to." you reach into your bag to pay him back, but he pushes your hand away, a grimace on his face.
"yeah, well i did anyways." he says, turning away. a faint hue of pink can be seen across his cheeks. “you should really try not to over exert yourself. we can’t afford to have our manager collapsing.”
you stare at the drink, mind rambling. “right…”
tsukishima distracts himself with the time, noticing how late yamaguchi is. it isn’t like him to be late. once the male checks his phone, everything clicks into place.
"tadashi says he won't be able to make it to the movies." tsukishima tells you, slipping his phone back in his pocket.
"really?" you go to pull your own phone out of your bag to check, but something else catches your eyes first.
the pink envelope.
you gasp, gritting your teeth. "tadashi, you bastard..." you hiss, wondering when he slipped it into your bag.
"yeah, something about feeling sick..." the tall man's eyes slide down to look at you, and as attentive as he is he asks, "what are you grumbling about?"
you eyes glance between him and the letter, panic washes over you as you try to improvise a lie.
tsukishima leans over, peering into your bag. “what is that?” he asks.
solemnly, you hand him the pink envelope. cotton has lodged itself in your throat but you manage. "this...this is for you."
“from?” he questions, but he already knows it’s not you. you don’t dot your i’s like that.
“the usual. some girl with a crush on you.” you answer, “she didn’t know how to give it you directly.”
opening the letter, his brown eyes scan the contents carefully, silence overcoming him as he drinks in each word.
meanwhile, your heart races rapidly. you can feel yourself beginning to spiral in your mind, thinking of all the possibilities of what could happen next after he finishes reading the letter. instead of hearing anything, the blonde simply puts the letter back in the envelope.
“let’s go.” he says, standing up to leave.
wait...that's it? you watch him leave the cafe and scramble after him, confusion trailing you.
when you catch up to tsukishima, your eyes glance at him, trying to gauge anything. something.
"well?" you ask, brow arching up.
"'well' what?" he replies, staring at you expressionless.
"are you...going to accept?" you prod, leg bouncing.
the man seems to contemplate your question, not answering for a moment. the anticipation is killing you. swallowing you whole. you have to say something before you’re buried alive.
"don't accept that confession." you blurt.
"huh?" the blonde slips the envelope in his pocket. "and why not?"
you shift uncomfortably in your spot. "b-because."
"'b-because', isn't an answer. i hope you're aware." he mocks before stepping closing to you, a sly smirk on his face. "why do you look like you're about to throw up? is the thought of me getting a confession that repulsive to you?"
"shut up!" you hiss, the burning in your cheeks spreading like wildfire now. "i never said that."
"you didn't have to. your face said everything that i needed to know." he replies, "why are you so eager to know anyways?"
you shrug, "i mean, we're friends right? why wouldn't i be curious?"
a soft chuckle leaves him. it's pretty, and pretty looks very good on him. how annoying for your nerves. "right, and let's say i do accept the confession. what would you do then?"
you blink, your hands clammy, body scorching at this point. "dunno, maybe throw a party with a sign that says 'congrats kei, you're lovable after all'."
"you're a horrible liar, you know. it's very annoying." tsukishima scowls, grabbing your wrist and turning you to look at him.
"who said i was going to accept the confession?" he tilts his head to the side, leaning in slightly. "hmm? i think you put that idea in that pretty head of yours all by yourself."
you huff, irritated by his teasing manner."it's not funny to joke like that."
he blinks. "when did i make a joke?"
"you always do...i don't understand you, tsukishima." at this point you can feel your face burning up. you look away from the blonde, frustrated and also internally panicking. when you go to walk away, his large hand catches your wrist, pulling you back.
"so now we're back to tsukishima?" he asks, distaste in his tone.
you bite your lip, too scared to say anything.
he clicks his tongue. "listen, i didn't have to read the letter to know my answer. i didn't even need to receive one. i've already had my mind made up."
a soft 'oh' leaves your mouth. "is that right?"
"yes, because i already have feelings for someone." he confesses, and your heart nearly stops.
you weren't expecting this at all. you bargained for more than you wanted, but it’s your fault and your fault alone. you start to yell in your head about how wrong yamaguchi is, about how you're too late to confess now, because someone else has already stolen—
"this is for you." tsukishima hands a eerily similar pink envelope to you with a small plushie. your eyes widen as you look at the plush, recognizing that it's your favorite animal. you remember talking about how you still sleep with stuffed animals and made the mistake of having tsukishima overhear you. the teasing that day never ended.
when squeezing the plush to you, you're surprised to hear it play your favorite song. reading the letter, you recognize the handwriting as his immediately. you're familiar with how he loops his y's and g's. you recognize the eloquence in his words. but you feel alien reading how he pours his emotions—about you—into words. words that are a lot kinder and sweeter than his usual moments.
"why would i joke about my feelings?" he answers, pulling at his hands, fingers fidgeting. "if you don't reciprocate them—"
"no! i-i mean, yes! yes, i do!" your face is on fire at this point. "i'm just shocked, i-i wasn't expecting—"
"for someone to be into someone like you?" he finishes.
you blink, stunned by his response. "well, yeah."
and tsukishima kei does what tsukishima kei does best.
he flicks your forehead.
he rubs the spot where he flicked your forehead and his gaze becomes soft as he stares at you, his large hands not pulling back from how it gently cradles your face.
"i've been into your annoying ass since you yelled at those bullies for picking on tadashi." he mumbles, a fond look in his eyes.
your eyes look over him rapidly. "i don't get it. how? why?"
he pinches your cheek, rolling his eyes. "you keep saying that and it's really annoying." he continues, "it's simple. you're...you're a much better person than i am. you're smart...and funny. and you understand me even when my words don't always say what i mean. you've pushed me to be a better person." he tries to make himself smaller, wanting to escape his vulnerability, but it's hard when you're a walking lamppost.
"i can't stand the sight of other guys looking at you. at thinking they have a chance with you. call me a hypocrite because i know i'm the last person who deserves a chance with you, but—" he cuts himself off, fiddling his his hands.
"but what, kei?" you push, heart pounding.
"but i want one anyways. i've never felt like this with anyone before and i don't want to stop now. i...i'm willing to take the chance to ask to go out with you...even if i know you deserve better than me." he explains, head bowing low.
this time, you reach up and flick his forehead.
"ow? what the hell, dumbass?" he scowls.
"it's annoying when you do that, too," you say, teasing, "you always undermine how brilliant you are and it has to stop. you may be an asshole, but you're also perceptive, and caring, even if you don't really know how to show it in conventional ways."
he doesn't say anything because he knows you're right.
you speak again. "for the record, i think that you're pretty amazing. and a lot of other people think so too. learn to give yourself more credit, kei."
"i can say the same about you." he says, brushing hair back from your face. his eyes shift down to your lips before looking away just as quickly. his single strand of vulnerability left snaps.
"c-can i kiss you?" he stutters, and you're shocked to see the snarky blonde asshole you know in such a shy state.
"yes," you breathe, "please."
he can’t resist when you ask so nicely and look so pretty right in front of him.
and what you learn is that kei's kisses are sweeter than any words that can come out of his smart mouth. how that is possible, you don't know. but you surely don't mind at all.
he tugs you close to his body, his scent overtaking your senses. he smells like mint and whatever cologne he put on today and it's easily your new favorite aroma.
you pull away and can't help but note how pretty kei looks after kissing. hair disheveled, swollen lips, glossy eyes, and glasses nearly falling off his face. you quietly laugh and push the frames back up his face.
"i love you, you know." you say, holding his face.
he leans into you, kissing your palm as he reciprocates the words in a quiet voice. a quirk in his lips and he adds, "i would hope you do. i don't want to be seen having to return to build-a-bear for a second time to return a bear."
you grin, holding up the bear teasingly. "this plush?"
"oni-chan said i should give you something...that you'd appreciate. it's yours as long as you don't replace me with it." he answers, red creeping up his neck. "if you do, i'll return it."
"don't worry, kei. i promise not to replace you with a stuffed animal when i need cuddles." you latch onto his arm, clinging to him easily. he tugs you impossibly closer.
sending yamaguchi a text thank you and a picture of you with your new bear—now named tadashi—with an annoyed tsukishima holding you tight in the photo. 'new family photo! you were right!'.
yamaguchi only grins at the message, laying back on his bed as he smiles. his work as cupid is over. he'd figure out the third wheeling issue later.
for now, mission accomplished.
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do not copy and or repost. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated though! (c) 2022 hyeque
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0rchard · 4 years ago
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Minor do not interact
🍎 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: Yamaguchi x f!reader
🍏 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: stepcest, femdom, masturbation, footjob, degradation/humiliation(if you squints)
🍎 𝓐/𝓝: So 👉👈 It's my first time writing dark content/smut scenario i only do hcs usually, it's also my first time writing for the haikyuu fandom. And I do that for my first hq crush 🥺 Anyways! This scenario is a part of the hqcest collab made by the amazing @dilfsuna ! Thank you Mabel to let your 😌💅 anon take part of it!
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Yamaguchi didn’t know when everything went that wrong. Was it when he started to have a wet dream about you? Or maybe when he started to jerk off at the thought of you? Or has everything always been wrong since the first time you were introduced as his step-sister?
Probably all of the above… And things surely took another turn when both of you had to live together once you got into college, financially not able to pay for two different flats.
It was probably at that moment that everything started. He thought you would never notice how he always insisted on doing the laundry. He thought you would never notice how at least one of your panties was missing and magically was back again the next laundry. He thought you would never notice how he was looking at you when you bent in front of him to grab something. He thought you would never notice how painfully hard it makes him. He thought you would never notice how he quickly excused himself to his room. He thought you would never hear his voice moaning your name as the moon was rising high in the sky.
He thought he could do abstraction of his feelings because it was wrong. You were his step-sister and he shouldn’t feel like that toward you. And yet, was knowing that it was wrong preventing him to do what he was about to do? No, it didn’t. 
Your flat was silent, only the light buzzing noise of the fridge could be heard in the living room, as he crossed it to go into your room, his heart beating fast, so fast that it was almost painful. Each beat was making his body shake a bit more as his trembling hands quietly turned the door handle of your room. You were out, needing to grab something at the grocery store near your flat.
He knows he didn’t have a lot of time, that it was risqué, that he had to be quick. But he couldn’t help it. He needed to know if they were there. The black panties you’ve been chilling in yesterday, only wearing them and a loose shirt. They were his favorite ones, he thought they were the ones sublimating the curves of your ass the most. So when he noticed they weren’t in the basket laundry today, he was pretty sure that you left them somewhere in your room. It's not his fault if you left them there… As a good step-brother in charge of the laundry, he should be sure that no dirty clothes should be left behind right? 
Even he knew it was just because he wanted to smell it. To smell you. To get off at your scent again and again…
His heart stopped to beat ofr a moment as he op, noticing them innocentlyheart stopped for a second as he opened your door, spotting the precious panties, standing there, on the ground, innocently. 
He could already feel his cock twitch into his pants, as he could smell your sweet scent surrounding the room. He knows he doesn't have a lot of time, that he should be quick, just taking the panties and leaving would be the less risqué thing to do, but something about getting off in your room sent shivers of excitement down his spine. It's not like he would last long anyway, he never did when he got off with your panties.
He brought the dirty panty to his face as he took a deep breath in, his nose against where your core was supposed to be, freeing his hard cock from his sweatpants. 
"F-fuck… You smell so good…" a small whine escaped his lips as he sat down on the ground, one hand brushing against his cock, but not totally stroking himself yet. 
He shyly tugs out his tongue to give a quick lap to the crotch of your underwear, hoping it could give him a light idea about how divine his step-sister was tasting like. 
Another whine left his lips as he felt the sweet taste spreading in his mouth. 
"So good… you taste so good…" 
He was now sucking on it without a shame, high-pitched noise of pleasure leaving his mouth, redness of his cheeks covering a bit his freckle. He was already panting, his eyes closed as he hoped he was licking your wet pussy instead.
His cock twitched, the tip as red as his cheeks, asking for more attention. 
One hand stroking his dick, the other playing with his nipple, as the panties were stuffed in his mouth, his tongue licking its crotch, eyes closed, he could already feel his end coming. 
He was moaning again and again, and if it wasn't for the piece of clothing in his mouth preventing him to talk, he would probably moan obscene things like "Please, let me taste you", "I beg you sis' you smell so good", "I'm sure your wet pussy taste even better..." or even worst "I love you so much, sis…"
His hand was stroking him faster, without any regular rhythm, as continued to whine. He pinched his nipple, making himself arch his back a bit more and his legs shook under the overwhelming pleasure. Your panties were now soaked in his drool, letting some escape, rolling down his chin. 
He was so lost in pleasure, so lost in his own fantasy, imagining that he wasn't sucking your panties but that you were sat on his face instead like he always dreamt about.
He wanted to feel your thighs squeezing his head between them. He wanted to make his hands run on them, feel your soft skin. He would kiss them, again and again, leaving small marks on them if you allowed him to do so. And as he would come closer and closer to your crotch, he would be able to see how wet you already are, how wet his affection made you go. He would be a bit hesitant at first, giving quick laps on your panties to hear you moan, before putting them aside and finally… finally tasting you… 
Maybe if he wasn't that lost into his mind, he would have heard the door of your flat open. And maybe he would have also heard your footsteps going toward your room. He would probably have heard too that you shouted that you had forgotten your wallet in your room. But he didn't.
Neither did he hear the door of your room open… And he barely registered your voice calling his name. 
"Tadashi? What are you-"
He froze up, his eyes widened, looking at you terrorized. What were you going to do? How would you react to see your step-brother jerking in your room, your dirty panty stuffed in his mouth? 
And yet, he couldn't explain why but the shame, the humiliation provoked by being caught by you doing something so dirty, so forbidden… It excited him, it was such a delight that he almost came from that only, or maybe that was because of the sight of your bare thighs that he just fantasmed about. 
"I-i could explain!" he quickly said, taking off the panty from his mouth, whipping his drool away, trying to hide his hard cock the best he could.
What could he explain exactly? How much did you turn him on? How perverted he was? How the scent of your dirty panties sent him to heaven? That he always dreamed to be between your thighs to taste his sweet sister? That he always wanted to suck on your nipples? That he always hoped to one day fuck you slowly on the couch, to prove to you how much he actually cared about you? To prove to you how much he loved you? How did he want to kiss you, to hug you, to be there for you in another way than your step-brother?
He gulped as you silently walked toward him, not saying a word, nor showing any emotion. You were thinking he was a dirty pervert, he was sure about that. He was also sure you will tell everything to your parents and that he would be disinherited, that you will expose him on every social media, telling everyone how dirty he was… He was screwed. His whole life was screwed. 
He was surely not excepting the sudden pressure of your bare feet on his cock, which made him moan in a loud way. 
"So like that you jerk off by using your step-sister panties? You're such a naughty boy Ta-da-shi~"
His eyes widened, as he could feel excitement running in his blood. The way you were looking at him… The way your eyes were clouded by the same lust than him… It made his cock twitch under your feet.
"I said I could explain I- Ah!"
He could feel your foot putting more pressure on his cock as a pitiful and ridiculously loud whine left his lips. 
"Shhh~ Keep quiet Tadashi, the walls are thin, you wouldn't want the neighbor to hear you, or… would you?"
He shook his head from right to left, unable to say a word that would turn into a moan. He was heavily panting, his heart pounding in his chest. Never in the best scenarios, he made by his imagination did such a thing happen… And deep down he wished for that to not be another of his wet dreams about you.
“Look at you Tadashi~ All worked up from your sister's dirty panties scent~” Another loud whine escaped from him. He already felt so pitiful, so horrible to act like that. It wasn't good, it was not okay to feel like that… They were step-sister and brother, what was wrong with him? He wishes he could go back in time to prevent himself from feeling like that but… Now that it was happening… He couldn't deny how good it felt. How much he loved that. How much he loved her. 
"You're a loud one huh? It's not like it really surprises me, you're always so noisy when you get off in your room… Moaning my name~" you teased him as your feet came up and down on his dick, already leaking in precum
He felt shame burn his chest. So you know how he felt since the beginning? You were acting like that on purpose, knowing how it affected him? 
"What a shame, I would love to hear you moan my name again and again as you rut against my feet, but I can't take the risk for the neighbors to know what's going between us, right Tadashi?"
He nodded again, as he opened his mouth when you presented to him the panties that were already stuffed in his mouth some minutes earlier.
"You're such a good boy Tadashi~ Knowing how to act to please me…" 
Was it the way his name sounded awfully sexy when you were the one saying it or the way you called him a good boy that made him arch his back a bit more and bucking his hips for more friction?
He could feel his arousal already building up in his stomach, and his cheeks turning into a darker shade of red as muffled whine escaped him again and again.
"That's it Tadashi, be a little good boy for your sister" you whispered at the ear, nibbling on the lobe of his ear. He bucked his hips, even more, as his moan became a bit louder, but overall, needier. 
He was looking at you with so much love… so much adoration… so much lust… it was such a beautiful face, the same as you ever imagined when hearing him reaching his end and moaning your name out loud in his room. 
"You want to cum for your sister Tadashi?~" 
He nodded quickly, his heart beating faster and faster, sweat starting to pearl on his freckled skin.
"Then cum for your sister, pretty boy~" you whispered before softly kissing his cheek, lifting his face with your hand, to be sure to not miss anything about the beautiful expression you could see on his face.
His back arched, head thrown back, as his whole body was shaken by a powerful orgasm, his loud moaning that even the wet piece of clothes in his mouth couldn’t stop echoing in the room, while the white loads of his cums were staining both his stomach and your feet.
With a devilish smile, you looked down at him again, whipping out the cum of your feet on his pants, down his ankles, as if it was nothing more than a doormat.
Picking up your wallet on your nightstand, you looked at him again. He was a mess, panting, legs spread, wide open, as his cum was slowly dripping down his belly.
“Since I got what I’ve forgotten home, I can finally go to the grocery store now. You better be rock hard again when I will be back, understand Tadashi? I’m sure you wouldn’t lose an occasion to feel your dear sister’s pussy around your cock just because you didn’t behave well, right?” 
He eagerly nodded as he gulped. 
"You're such a good boy Tadashi…" you softly kissed him on the lips, after taking out the "gag" out of his mouth, vaguely able to taste yourself, before finally leaving the room.
The panties you were wearing were soaked in your excitement… Maybe that you should lend it to him as a reward tonight? He surely would be the happiest. 
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mintmatcha · 4 years ago
I want giggly cuddly sex with tadashi 🥺 where there’s no power dynamic just us two having a good time and wanting to make the other feel good :((
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I combined these two little ditties into a fic!!! I hope you don’t mind!!!
CW: established relationship, praise, sex, fluff/smut. 
yamaguchi x reader 
(reader has a vagina- no pronouns or gendered language used)
first time
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It's one of the pitfalls of a new relationship; everything the other person does is endearing. 
"I'm just saying, it's weird that the fourth movie is so good!" Yamaguchi digs his hand into the bowl on your lap, picking through the entire bowl to scrape at the popcorn kernels. He tosses the bits into his mouth and chews thoughtfully, cracking through each kernel loudly, before pausing to suck the excess salt off of his fingers. 
God, if anyone else did that, you'd probably be disgusted, or at the very least annoyed, but there's something about Yamaguchi that makes it unbearably endearing. Maybe it's the little shoulder dance he does every time he takes a bite. Maybe it's the way your heart skips a beat when his tongue swipes over his knuckle, catching a bit butter. "Name another series that has a good fourth movie. You can't. Scream 4 is one of a kind." 
He does it again, crunching through the kernels happily, tongue peeking out once again to wipe across his fingertips.
God, you wished he would lick you like that. 
"Tadashi, you're gonna break a tooth." you chide, even as you sink further into his lap. There was plenty of space on the couch, but you had somehow migrated to his lap sometime during the previous movie. The arm around your shoulder tightens, pulling you into a kiss on the cheek. It's greasy with butter residue, but somehow it still makes your heart flutter. 
Fuck. Only 3 months into the relationship and you were wrapped around his finger, watching movies that you didn’t have any interest in. Any little annoyance was forgotten as soon as he flashed you that freckled smile. Every little nuance you discovered made you fall deeper into .... like.
Not love. Like. You weren't ready to admit to the 'love' word quite yet, but it was getting closer. You had been 'in like' with Yamaguchi since shortly after he moved into the cubicle next to yours.  Maybe it had been the way he always remembered to grab you an extra sugar packet for your coffee, or the way he laughed at whatever podcast he was listening to that day, or the way he silently procrastinated at the end of the day so you could walk to bus together: whatever it was that won you over didn’t matter, what did matter was that Yamaguchi made you feel happier than anyone else.  It felt natural to be with him, to be held by him, to be ‘liked’ by him.
...Your only complaint was the pacing. One of the best and worst things about the two of you was that you were both polite, constantly dancing around unsaid boundaries, trying overly hard to respect each other, avoiding any situation that could possibly make the other one uncomfortable. Which meant your physical relationship was nothing more than the occasional kiss.
Honestly, you were beginning to think he didn't want to. His hands never wandered, his texts never turned dirty, and you certainly never initiated anything. It felt like there was never an opportunity to start anything; even now, sitting on his lap while wearing a sweatshirt he had left at your apartment weeks ago, it felt wrong to interrupt a wholesome moment.
Not that you didn't want to. God. You wanted to.
"You know,  I don't think anyone's ever worn my hoodie before." he comments, eyes never leaving the television. He’s enthralled with this stupid movie, even though he had seen it 'dozens of times.'
"Really? I’ve been wearing it as a shirt. " you grab at the fabric, "Do you want me to take it off? "
"Yeah, sure." he responds blankly, attention still glued to the movie. Then, he seemingly realizes what he said, face immediately erupting into a furious blush. He's quick to separate for you, almost spilling the entire bowl on the ground. You mirror him, unsure if you should laugh at his panic or cringe. "No! Do not take your shirt off! I do not want that!" 
"Tadashi. Calm down." You laugh, even as disappointment settles in the back of your throat. Does... does he really not want to see you undressed? Is this why you guys having had sex yet? Did he just see you as a friend? For his comfort and not your own, you inch farther away, back against the opposite arm as him. "It's fine, I get it."
"No, I-" he takes a moment to settle himself, "You look phenomenal with my hoodie on, I just, I don't want you to take your shirt off unless you want to, because it’s totally something I want. I think about it-" he pauses mid sentence, ears burning so red that his freckles seem to disappear, " I mean, if- I'm not like that- if you're not ready- that's not why I invited you over. I'm not expecting anything." 
He gives a nervous chuckle, widening the distance between the two of you more. You let his words sit, only the sound of the movie in the air. 
"So." you begin slowly. "You think about me without a shirt on?"
“I mean, of course.” He is acutely aware of the edge of the couch, his body teetering at the brink, but he bares it. "Can I tell you something? You can't laugh at me. Or think I'm a pervert." 
"I can't promise that. Are you, like.... sniffing my underwear or something?" you joke, a grin sneaking across your face.
He snorts and shakes his head almost violently. 
"Okay, no! Now the real thing doesn't sound as pervy." he adjusts only slightly, his shoulders unbunching themselves. Most of the tension in the air has melted away. That's what was so great about Yamaguchi; even when things turned awkward, they quickly returned to normal. "Do you remember that time Yakki split that water all over you?"
You roll your eyes at the memory. "Of course."
"And you had that little white blouse on?" he swallows, "My productivity at work dropped about 50% that day. It was so bad that the boss scolded me." 
"Yeah, because you were too busy worrying about me catching a cold!" you say, "You even gave me your jacket!" 
"No, I gave you my jacket because your shirt was see-through.” he admits, “My productivity dropped because all I could think about was how I wanted to take you and that little see-through shirt into the storage closet."  
Oh God. This is it. This is the opportunity. 
You lean forward with a tilt of your head, the gapping neck of the shirt falling forward past your collarbone. His eyes are glued to the neckline, tracing over the hint of skin, silently begging for more. You tuck your knees up under you and begin to crawl, only half convinced that this is sexy.  The closer you get, the more he can see down your shirt. His breath hitches slightly at the sight, but he doesn't dare to look away.
"Oh? What were you thinking about doing to me in that storage closet?" Yamaguchi lets his legs fall apart and, hesitantly, you place a hand between his knees, fingertips grazing the grey cotton of his sweatpants. The band of his bright red underwear peeks out from under his shirt and, without thinking, you trace over it with a pad of your finger. At the touch, he leans forward, lips tickling the shell of your ear as he speaks. Your heart is thrumming in your eardrum, so hard you can barely hear what he's saying. 
"First, I would have ripped that wet little shirt off, button by button." he chuckles, reaching to tuck a tendril of hair behind your ear. Your pussy clenches at the low rumble of his voice, so hard you feel like your stomach is cramping. "Then, I-"
A scream cuts through the room. The both of you jump forward into each other, knocking your skull against his jaw. Almost in unison, you both reel back: you clutching your ear, him clutching his lip.  The bowl spills across your laps, scattering popcorn all over the couch and floor as you both frantically search for the source of the noise. The dramatic music of the movie drums through you as some damsel in distress is running across the screen, screaming for help.
One beat. Two beats. 
Then, you laugh. It's one from the belly, that makes your gut ache from effort. You're trying to reach for Yamaguchi, make sure he's okay, but your eyes are watering, and your whole body shaking.  He's giggling too, still covering his lip. 
"The movie scared me!" you explain through tears. He nods in agreement, gesturing to the mess across his lap, including a huge butter stain across his crotch. It's not a funny moment, not when both of you are aching, but an intangible something has you both snorting and sobbing through giggles. The moment is way too long, way past the point of any humor, but Yamaguchi's snickering feeds into yours. 
Finally,  Yamaguchi manages to collect himself, scrunching his lips into a straight line. The corners of his mouth twitch upwards and you dissolve into giggles once again.
"I want to fuck you so bad right now." he breathes. His directness surprises you. "But not on top of the popcorn." 
You pull a deep breath, trying to center yourself. "We could move?"
"My roommate is going to kill me when he comes home to this mess." he says, but he stands anyway. You follow and his hand finds the small of your back, pulling you into him softly. He presses a kiss against your lips, warm and gentle, and then pulls back with a grimace. 
"I think you bruised me.” he touches his lower lip gingerly, as if testing it. 
“I’m sorry, we don’t-” he silences you with another kiss and now you can feel the swollen corner of his mouth, gritted slightly with salt. He clutches on to your top as he steps backwards, dragging you along with him so the kiss doesn’t break. Each step is rocky and unsure (you barely miss colliding into the wall) but you stay embraced, your hands clutching into his dark locks, partially to keep your balance as blindly follow. His hands trace up under your shirt, thumbs digging into the soft of your hips, pulling you flush against him, forcing you deeper and deeper into him until-
“Oh, shit.” he breaks away suddenly, pushing you back slightly. “I- my room- I need you to stay here.” 
“What are you talking about?”
“My room’s a mess, I really didn’t expect that you would- that we-” he shakes his head. “Gimme 30 seconds- please. I don’t want you to see me like this.”
You don’t object as he scuttles away, clicking the door firmly closed behind him. You can hear the muffled sounds of drawers slamming and objects being tossed about as you wait. It feels like you have been standing there, starting at the generic art hanging in the hall, for ages. It’s much longer than 30 seconds, but not quite the eternity it feels like.
The door creaks open and your favorite freckled face peeks out.  “Hi.” 
“Hi.” you repeat. Somehow, every amount of tension had returned in the scant amount of time you had been apart. Both of you knew what you wanted to do, but, the knowledge seemed heavy. It was an explored territory, sleeping with someone new. No matter what your past relationships were, each new experience with a new person (especially a new person you CARE about) brought its own pitfalls and challenges. It seems so serious, so scary, until you tear your eyes away from the floor and actually look your boyfriend in the eyes.
"Did you just brush your teeth?" you reach out and brush a little bit of white foam from the corner of his mouth with your thumb. He leans into your palm with a smile.
"I didn't want to taste like popcorn." he says and you can't help but laugh as he leads you into the room. It’s his brand of organized chaos; there’s clothes peeking out from the closet, miscellaneous knick knacks on the nightstand (including a still foamy toothbrush) and half hung posters across the walls. . You break away to sit on the bed, tracing over the pattern of the bedspread. 
“I like this.” you comment, “Very nice.” 
He nods, frozen in the doorway. Slowly, he reaches up to the lightswitch and flicks the light off. The darkness feels heavy with anticipation and worry as he pads around to the other side of the bed. He feels it too, you decide, as you watch his adam’s apple bob in the low light, this insane mixture of pressure and excitement.
For Yamaguchi, it’s the thoughts that usually plague his mind at night that grate away his confidence. The dreams of your skin between his fingers, your taste on his lips, are so close to reality, but he can't bring himself to make the first move. Even in the low light, he can see the curve of your waist, slowly contracting with every exhale. His own breathing matches your pace and, for some odd reason, that realization makes his chest burn with longing.
"I'm not expecting anything. If you don't want to." he reiterates as he lies down. How pathetic, he thinks. He really wasn't expecting anything, but, god, was he thinking about it. He'd been thinking about it since the first time he had seen you from across the If he could just reach out, just grab your collar and pull you to him, he could finally-
"Tadashi." his skin jumps at the sound of your voice and the sound of you shuffling, laying across the mattress. It's enough to knock him out of his thoughts and back into reality. He swallows back the tightness in his throat as he inches closer to you, his knees brushing against yours. He feels the gravity of the mattress shift as you shuffle closer and closer, until you're within inches of him.  You're almost face to face now, close enough that he can feel the way your breathing picks up as his hand finds your shoulder. You hum at the contact; he's warm. Even through the thick cotton, his skin is unusually hot against you. 
"You're like a little space heater." you whisper. Yamaguchi blinks, thinking, before his lips peel into a smile.
"Is that a good thing?" He doesn't wait for an answer.  He squeezes gently and you let him pull you forward, nose pressed against nose, hip against hip. His own shoulders shake with a silent laugh and you can't help but join him. It's something about the novelty of the situation, the joy in doing something new, breaking an unspoken boundary, that makes you laugh. You both dissolve into giggles, shifting closer and closer until you're laughing in each other's arms, fully pressed against each other. Even through your sweatpants you can feel the suggestion of his cock pressed against you, heavy against his thigh.
" ’Dashi." you whisper into the thin space between you. 
"I- Yeah?" he lets out a shaking breath. You take his hand and guide it to your chest, his fingers immediately cupping the flesh, massaging the flesh with a surprisingly steady touch. The way he sucks in air, fast, surprised, and hungry, sends heat pooling to your core.
"There's no popcorn here." you joke, "If you wanna fuck me." 
It's enough to break through his anxiety and he's against you again, this time with no laughter to keep your lips apart. His mouth finds yours, hungrily catching your lower lip between his teeth, tugging it ever so slowly. The sharpness makes you gasp and he uses the opportunity to kiss you deeper, tongue against yours. He tastes like his brand of toothpaste- soft and sweet mint. It's unexpectedly hungry, unexpectedly rough. 
The kiss doesn't break as he rolls over on to you, pressing your back into the down of his bed. His heart is already racing, battering against his ribs, as he continues tugging and teasing your breast, but he can't find it in himself to slow down. His free hand pushes up the hem of your shirt (his hoodie) to expose your chest. The kiss ends as he pulls away, forcing the short in-between your teeth, holding it up to give him free reign of your body. His head dips to join his hand, breath hot against your nipple. The cloth muffles your moan, but not enough to hide it from your lover.
He pauses, mouth open and tongue lulled out of his mouth, gazing up at you through his eyelashes. "Is this okay?" he's not touching you, but you can feel the low vibrations of his whisper against your skin.
"Yes, please." you whine through the sweatshirt, wrapping your hands into his hair. "Please, Please."
His tongue traces over your nipple delicately before he pulls back,  just far enough to watch it pebble under his touch.  He returns to work, clamping down and sucking, leaving the dull pain of a blossoming bruise behind. Your hips rut up into nothing, looking for any sort of friction.
He continues like this, leaving scattered marks across your skin as he worships you. Yamaguchi seems so content, just learning the scape of your body, but the building tension in your core is wearing thin.
Trailing touches down his body, you slipped your hands under the band of his sweatpants, gripping him through his boxers. Yamaguchi breaks, resting his forehead against your collar bone with a swallowed groan, as your fingers trace around the crown of his cock. Unwilling, he bucks into your light touch, dragging his length through your grasp. You tighten your fingers as he continues fucking himself against your palm, his own hands drifting to grasp your hips, pushing down your shorts just a fingers-length. Finger pads traced against the newly exposed skin, dipping lower and lower until tracing over the lace of your underwear.
"Wow." he breathes, lifting his head up to press a kiss against your chin. "Lift your hips for me, beautiful." 
You comply, letting him peel off your shorts and underwear in one pull. The cool night air made you shiver, but his warm hands soon returned to explore the newly exposed skin. 
"Oh, you're so..." his hand dips in between your legs, dragging a digit through your folds. The sound of your slick against his fingers makes his cock pulse in your grasp. He leaves his thought unfinished as he starts circling your clit with a steady touch. The pressure sends you keening, hips rolling into his touch eagerly, but he remains steady, patient.
He's building you up embarrassingly fast, leaving you sweaty and panting under his touch. Just as your legs start shaking, your body right on the brink, he withdraws. His tongue darts out to wipe away your fluids from his hand and he groans at the taste, eyes fluttering. 
"I'm sorry, beautiful. You can't  cum until I'm inside you." he whispers, sitting up to peel off his shirt. Clusters of freckles dapple his shoulders and it's all you can watch as he scrambles away to the nightstand drawer.  He returns a moment later, eager tearing through the tin foil packet with his teeth.
"Tadashi! Be careful!" you scold as you throw the blankets aside.
"It's not ripped!" he says, grabbing the bunched up shorts from the crook of your knee and tugging it completely off, dragging you a couple inches down the mattress with them. He tosses them aside as he pulls off his own; even though you just had your hand around it, the sight of his cock makes you anxious. It's thick, much thicker than you anticipated, and around leaking, a bead of precum catching at little light in the room.
As he begins rolling the condom on, you peel off your top and Yamaguchi's mouth falls open, eyes darting around the entirety of your body.
"Holy. You-" he sighs happily. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." He surges forward, pressing you down into the mattress once again. His mouth is against yours, swallowing your whines. His hands are at the small of you back again. but now it's about but pure. He's forcefully angling your hips back and forth against his cock, dragging your clit against his spongy head and spreading your wetness against the plastic film. 
"I can't believe I get to fuck you." he says in between kisses. Yamaguchi continues to fuck your folds, his calm pace finally losing it's rhythm. "I can't believe I get to play with this perfect pussy. Can't wait to see you cum around my cock." With a trembling hand, he reaches down and presses his tip against your entrance, hesitating before sinking just the head inside you. The pop of his cockhead entering your cunt makes both of you gasp in unison- and another wave of giggles over takes the both of you.  As he dips down onto his elbows, eyes screwed shut, he doesn't make a move for a long moment, the only sound in the room is his steady breathing.
"I'm sorry, I'm just-." he presses a kiss against your neck, another laugh bubbling up, "You just- ah, you're so pretty. I can't believe this is real." 
Your hand catches his jaw, pulling his face up into yours. Your thumb traces over his cheek, tracing over the subtle dimpling of his pock marks. The freckles scattered across his cheeks, the crinkle at the corners of his eyes as he smiles- he's the beautiful one here. At your touch, he pushes further into you, steadily feeding your tight whole inch by inch, watching the way your mouth gapes and twists at the pressure. Once he's fully seated in you, he pauses, watching your chest move with each breath. 
"Dashi," you whine, hooking your ankles together around his waist, "You're so thick." 
"I know, you're doing such a good job." he presses a kiss against your forehead as he begins rolling his hips against you. Each thrust is rough, your hips angled up for him to sink his full length into you. "Keep being good for me, baby." 
With an unexpected strength, he tugs you closer, lifting your hips off the bed. Each stroke is steady, pumping his entire length in and out of you at a tantalizingly slow pace. His name falls out of your mouth like a prayer, begging for more, but he doesn’t oblige. It stays sinfully slow, building you up in a controlled burn. Each kiss, highlighted by the mingling of your hot breaths, is further raking the coals. 
“Is my pretty baby gonna cum for me? Look how great you’re taking me.” he groans.  He’s praising you blindly now, neither of you sure of exactly what he’s saying, all of his attention focused on grinding into you.
Your back arches further, and you’re seeing stars as he fucks you just right. You can barely keep your vision focused on him, those grey eyes clouded with concentration Your orgasm knocks the breath out of your lungs and you come undone with a strangled laugh, fisting the sheets desperately. The way you clench down around him makes his hips finally stutter, a hiss escaping his gritted teeth. Your chest is filled with a flurry of emotions as you sling your arms around his shoulders, unable to wipe away the goofy grin in your face. 
A few more snaps of his hips has him melting into you as he cums. He tucks his head under your jaw with a hum, dropping you on to the mattress. His hands find their way back to your chest, giving you a final squeeze.
"Fuck." he whispers into the soft of your neck as he withdraws. He's quick to peel off the condom and tie to off, discarding it off the side of the bed. Yamaguchi rolls onto his back, holding his arms open expectantly. "You're so hot when you laugh, you know that?" 
Curling into his arms, finding some sort of gross comfort in his sweaty warmth, you can't help but suppress another giggle.
"Hey, be careful. Keep laughing and we'll have to do that again." he grips your jaw, tilting your face towards him to capture you in a kiss. "Don't test me; I'll fuck you so hard you'll need a standing desk on Monday."
"Oh yeah?" you tease, your hand tracing down his chest, connecting his freckles. "Prove it."
"Oh, I will, come here-"
The distant sound of a door slamming catches your attention. "Yamaguchi, what the fuck?" a familiar voice echoes through the apartment. 
Yamaguchi shoots up, frantically searching for his pants in the sheets. "Fuck, I forgot about the popcorn!"
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justauthoring · 4 years ago
Amongst Them All, I See You
Prompt: Hey! I saw that you’re taking requests, and wanted to toss one out there for you. Hope you don’t mind. by the way, i absolutely LOVE your writing!! it’s always so heartwarming and nicely worded. Anyways, I had this idea for a Tsukishima Kei x reader where maybe basically Him and the reader have a enemies-to-lovers relationship. and maybe it has something to do with yamaguchi? i was thinking it could be some kind of angst 👉👈 but if you don’t write angst that’s perfectly fine!! it doesnt have to be. feel free to twist this any way you want :) Requested by: anonymous (thank you darling!).
A/N: salty beanpole has finally made his arrival ;) Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x F!Reader
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From the moment he met you, Tsukishima didn’t like you.
Now, he couldn’t exactly explain why. There wasn’t necessarily a real reason for it, just a feeling, an instinct if you will, and Tsukishima felt it best to listen to his gut. It’d never failed him before.
“Tsukki! I brought Y/N!”
By now, this is a common occurrence. Yamaguchi was all but determined to make the two of you friends, though Tsukishima couldn’t even begin to understand why, and it didn’t matter who ended up getting dragged along, the two of you found yourself constantly forced to spend time together.
Today, apparently, is no different. And the apprehensive, hesitant expression on your face is the same as always as Yamaguchi holds tightly to your wrist, you two steps behind him as you’ve probably spent the last few minutes trying to desperately convince your friend that it was alright, you didn’t mind eating lunch alone, you didn’t need company, etc. that Yamaguchi basically never listens to.
After all, you are a lot easier to convince then Tsukishima is.
You can never really say no to Yamaguchi’s soft eyes and hopeful smile, it seems.
Yamaguchi forces you to sit, before taking the spot next to you with a pleasant smile, reaching into his bag as if he hadn’t all but forced you against your will there.
And Tsukishima stares for a moment, one, two, before placing the lid back on his bento box. “I’ll be taking my leave then,” he says simply, voice dull, face blank as he moves to stand.
As Yamaguchi rushes to stop him, a hand over his own, practically pleading and spouting something like we’ve never not eaten lunch together -- something Tsukishima could really care less about, he misses the second of hurt that flashes in your eyes. It’s brief, passing with a blink, and then your face is settling into a scowl, cutting Yamaguchi’s begging off;
“Am I really all that awful to be with?”
Yamaguchi glares at him, to which Tsukishima rolls his eyes, finally sitting back down in his seat with a sigh.
And so, lunch continues on as it usually does. Tsukishima sits there silently, maybe putting a word in or two if Yamaguchi looks at him expectantly, while the two of you talk adamantly amongst one another. You’re loud, painfully so, like you always are, and Tsukishima is all but torturously reminded of Hinata, and he can already feel a headache coming.
He doesn’t listen to the conversation, not really at least. He does take note, mainly because he can’t help to, like he always does, that while you always seem to be loud at lunch, or after practice, it’s only ever when you’re with Yamaguchi. In class, you’re quiet. Almost eerily so. And you’re usually alone. 
Scratch that, before Yamaguchi and him, you were always alone.
Tsukishima pretends like he hadn’t noticed, like when Yamaguchi comes bounding up to him one day, excited to introduce you, he didn’t already know who you were. Because, it seemed like lots didn’t. Your presence is often lost amongst the crowd, and for the longest time, Tsukishima felt like he was the only one who did see you.
Head turned down, arms wrapped around yourself, you so purposely tried to avoid attention but Tsukishima always noticed you.
He doesn’t tell people things very often, and even Yamaguchi doesn’t know the things he swears he’ll never tell anyone. So, for the longest time, you’re like this secret he keeps. He notices you, you don’t notice him, and he sees things that no one else does.
He sees the frustration on your face when you open your locker only to find that your books and homework have been ripped. He sees the way you rush from class to class, desperate to be in the halls for as little time as possible. He sees the way that one girl from class, Tsukishima doesn’t care to learn her name, slams you up against your locker one day after school, and hears the low threats thrown your way, ones he can’t make sense of.
And he sees the way you always wear your blazer, even when it’s blazing hot outside. You choose the longer skirt option, and are always wearing knee high socks. Your skin is constantly covered, hiding something.
But then Yamaguchi introduces you to him one day, like he didn’t already know who are you, and you’re all shy smiles and quiet whispers to him but you’re bright eyed and giggly when you turn to Yamaguchi. You speak to him like he’s a friend you’ve had for years, rather then a few weeks, and Tsukishima jealousy bubbles up to hate towards you for some sick, twisted reason he can’t properly explain.
And it’s just been like that for the past two months.
“We don’t have practice after school,” Yamaguchi offers, eyeing Tsukishima before turning to you. “Would you like to hang after school?”
Tsukishima notices, out of the corner of his eye, the way your body straightens at his words, eyes widening slightly in panic. Panic that’s only there for a moment, something that Yamaguchi completely misses.
“Uh, sure. I just have to, um, uh, drop something off quickly after class. I can meet you outside, by the gym?”
Yamaguchi shrugs, “sure.”
And Tsukishima wonders how Yamaguchi didn’t notice how plainly obvious a lie that was.
“Anyways, um,” you move to gather your stuff, quickly, movements stiff. “I have to talk to the teacher before class, so I’ll just meet you guys there, okay?” And you’re standing before Yamaguchi can really say otherwise, waving at him, before your eyes fall on his, as if debating, before turning, rushing off.
Yamaguchi turns back to his food, completely obvious.
“I’ll be late after school too.”
“Oh?” Yamaguchi mumbles, obviously confused. “Is everything okay?”
“Fine,” Tsukishima nods, “just got to grab something.”
“Ah, here you go, Y/N-chan! I’ll need them done by tomorrow!”
Your jaw all but falls to the floor.
“T-Tomorrow?” You whisper, hesitant, voice shaky. “But... this is like three days worth of homework, Suzuki-san, I couldn’t possibly--”
“But you will,” she cuts in sharply, your own eyes falling on her with a blink of surprise, wincing slightly at the deep frown on her lips. “Because you know what will happen if you don’t.”
Fingers tightening around the stack of papers, you sigh, trying to stop the shaking of your limbs as you numbly nod. “Of course, Suzuki-san,” you whisper, “I’ll have them done by tomorrow morning.”
Her hand raises in your peripheral and you flinch, expecting the worst, lips parting to apologize for whatever you did wrong -- but her hand simply falls on top of your head in a mock pat. “Perfect.” And then she’s turning without another word, not even a thanks, and as you watch her walk off, you feel your vision blur.
Your grip on the paper tightens, turning painful as you curse softly to yourself, turning around so your backs against the hall and you hastily rip open your locker to hide yourself the best you can. Luckily, everyone’s most gone off now, so there’s no prying eyes watching you cry to yourself.
Not like anyone ever notices anyway...
“You shouldn’t let her talk to you like that.”
Jumping at the voice, the eerily familiar one, you spin, wiping at your eyes desperately as you peer up at Tsukishima, shocked. “Tsukishima!” You gasp, shaking your head. “You scared me,” you try to laugh off, pressing a hand against your chest and pretend like you hadn’t just been sobbing to yourself seconds prior. “Did Yamaguchi send you to find me? I’m surprised you agreed, but i’m almost--!”
His hand slams against the locker next to yours, causing you to jump once more, blinking up at him as he glares down at you.
“Cut the bullshit.”
Laughing nervously, you shake your head; “I-I don’t know--”
“I saw everything Y/N,” he cuts in, “don’t lie to me.”
And sudden anger flares in you, frustration from before, and frustrated at him, at people constantly interrupting you, walking all over you like you were nothing but dirt. “What do you care,” you hiss, voice low as you turn, ignoring him as you grab the paper, slamming your locker shut. “You hate me.”
And there’s a pause, Tsukishima blinking in surprise that you don’t notice, before the papers ripped from your hands. You spin back around, ready to yell at him, before you notice him moving towards the trash and all but dumping the pile in.
You try to stop him, to no avail, and your eyes widen as you lean over the rim of the garbage can, eyeing the papers that have spread amongst the trash, rotted food and spilled drinks, soiling the paper.
Eyes wide, disbelief flooding your entire system, you turn to Tsukishima. “Why would you do that?” You whisper, shaking your head. “You don’t understand, she’ll--!”
“She’ll what?” He asks bluntly, gaze never wavering.
Swallowing thickly, you shake your head; “it doesn’t matter. Just-Just help me get the paper, most of it might still be okay--”
Tsukishima grabs you by the wrist, halting you from grabbing the papers.
You spin, blinded by your anger, and shove at him in the chest. But Tsukishima barely budges, just staring down at you as you glare at him, the tears now falling once more as you feel your emotions that you’ve been hiding and building up inside of you, finally come pouring out.
“What do you even know!” You yell, voice booming. “Why do you even care? Don’t you hate me? You only tell me how annoying I am every day, constantly, and now she’ll... Suzuki-san...--”
“Y/N,” grabbing both your wrists, Tsukishima pulls gently, pulling your eyes on him. You find yourself surprised at what you see when you meet his gaze, baffled by the softened look in his gaze -- and... is that? Guilt? “Just look at me.”
You fall silent, puzzled.
“You don’t have to worry about her,” he says simply, “she won’t hurt you anymore.”
How does he...?
Lips parting, you try to find the words, bewildered, at a loss of words.
Pushing at his chest, you stumble away from him, shaking your head. Eyes blurred, watering, you glare up at him, while he simply stares back down at you, that same stupid guilty look on his face.
“Tsukki? Y/N...?”
Blinking, you both glance back, Yamaguchi having come to a stop before the two of you, clearly confused.
That seems to snap you out of your stupor. Wiping at your eyes, you turn, “I have to go home,” you whisper, voice quiet. “Sorry Tadashi, but I won’t be able to hang tonight.”
And then you’re taking off into a sprint, desperate to get as far away as possible.
“Tsukki?” Yamaguchi whispers after a moment, turning to look at his friend imploringly. “What happened--?”
Scoffing, Tsukishima just shakes his head. “Nothing.”
“Take your hands off of her.”
Blinking, you shift, enough to glance at the shadow that has fallen over both you and Suzuki, bewildered at the sight of Tsukishima.
But he simply ignores you, keeping his gaze trained on Suzuki who seems just as confused as you, though more angry. It doesn’t phase him however, and he simply stands there, one hand in his pocket, the other clutching his school bag tightly, as the glare on his glasses stares her down.
Suzuki lets go of you, and you crumble to the ground in a heap, turning to Tsukishima with a scoff. “Who are you to tell me what to do?” She laughs, shaking her head with a roll of her eyes. “Besides, this is the girls washroom, you’re not--”
He catches the hand that she waves lazily at him, and it doesn’t take a genius to know his grip is tight. She gasps in response, her face falling in pain as he glowers down at her. “I’d say bullying is worse,” he mumbles, and somehow the drawl, the uninterest in his tone of voice is even more terrifying then him being actually angry. “And I’d wonder how your teacher would feel if she knew all your perfect grades were because of Y/N?”
Suzuki’s eyes widen, clearly scared, before scoffing. “And what proof do you--”
“It’s mine and Y/N’s word against your own, Suzuki.”
She turns to you then, and so does Tsukishima, and your lips part, unsure.
“Like Y/N will say--”
“I’m done with warning you,” she whimpers slightly, and your eyes fall to the grip he stills hold of her, a hand going to your lips. “Either leave and never bother Y/N again, or you will regret it.”
He lets go of her, and there’s a pause in which Suzuki sends one last look at you, before rushing out of the bathroom without another word.
“Here.” Tsukishima’s grabbing ahold of you before you even notice, gently pulling you to your feet, and helping set you against one of the sinks before he turns, locking the bathroom door.
“Thank you,” you whisper when he turns back to you, hugging yourself.
“I told you,” he shrugs, “she won’t hurt you anymore.”
Looking down at your feet, you bite your lip. “How’d you know?”
He blinks, turning to you; “yesterday--”
“No,” you shake your head, turning to him sharply, “before that. How’d you know? No... No one ever notices. No one ever sees. Not even Tadashi.”
And Tsukishima tenses at the mention of him, the way you regard him on a first name basis when you said it right there and then -- he’d never noticed. No one did. But him.
“I noticed,” he whispers, “and I should’ve done something about it earlier.”
“It wasn’t your problem,” you shrug, before letting out a short laugh, “besides, you hate me, right? So it makes sense--”
He’s before you in seconds, shocking you to silence as he stands close, desperately close, but avoids your gaze, head tucked in, shaking his head. “I don’t...” And the words seem hard, forcing them forward, and Tsukishima suddenly seems less scary then and just... awkward.
Like he doesn’t know how to express what he’s feeling.
“I don’t... hate you.”
And you pause, letting the word sink in, before letting out a giggle, one that has Tsukishima glancing up at you in bafflement.
“Well, I’m glad,” you smile at him, the first time you’ve ever smile at him so... genuinely. “Because I don’t hate you either.”
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tommybaholland · 4 years ago
how they deal with spiders/bugs
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featuring: kenma, bokuto, nishinoya, yamaguchi, and suna
thought i’d try a different style this time and i liked how it came out! hope you enjoy it too :)
he usually doesn’t notice until you say something 
when he does spot the spider, he isn’t fazed by it either 
but he’s still disgusted that there’s a spider in the house 
grimaces as he kills it, especially if it makes a crunching noise
“ken, there’s a spider right there.”
“really? oh. i didn’t notice it.”
“how could you not notice when it’s practically dangling right in front of your face?”
typical kenma, too engrossed in his new game that he can’t even see the spider crawling down the wall in front of him. he could catch the hint that you didn’t want to take care of it though. or rather, he wants it gone just as much as you do. 
“ew. okay. i’ll get it.” 
he grabs a tissue and plucks it off the wall like it’s nothing. you see the disgusted look on his face as he turns back around, tongue poking out as he looks into the tissue to confirm the dead spider corpse. he goes into the bathroom to flush it before returning to continue his game. 
once he’s back in bed and comfy next to you, you lean over to give him a lingering kiss on the cheek. the gesture makes his cheeks flush with pink, effectively grabbing his attention.
“thank you, ken.” you lean your head against his shoulder, snuggling up to him.
he returns the affection with a small kiss to your head. “of course, cutie.” 
he’s the type to act tough when taking care of a bug 
but then it’ll move like .01 millimeters and he’ll freak out 
needs a super long broom to swat at it  
you usually end up being the one to deal with it 
after about five minutes of consecutive, “i’m going” declarations, he finally gets up from his seat next to you to go inspect the wall behind you. 
“this thing’s gonna regret ever stepping foot into this-- oh my god, BABE!”
“what is it?”
“this isn’t ���mid-size.’ it might as well be paying rent-- oh my god, and it has all these legs. ew ew ew. why are you making me do this?”
you laughed a little. “you said you wanted to do it!” 
“ughhhh, okay. i did say that. alright. let me just get this--oh my god, it just moved. babe please, can you come help me?”
you turn around in your seat to see your defeated boyfriend holding up his weapon of choice: a broom. he held it out in front of him like the bug was suddenly going to grow a thousand times its size and attack. you get up and take the broom from him and swat at the wall, making the small intruder fall. he stands behind you, his hands on your shoulders as he shields himself away. 
you make sure it’s dead and everything before using a tissue to pick it up and dispose of it where he won’t find it. 
“it’s gone, right? yay! great job, babe!” he praises, wrapping you in a bear hug and hugging you tight. “i have the best s/o ever and no bug will ever come between us!”
he’s admitted that he used to be scared of many things as a kid 
but he’s passed all that now and bugs are no exception 
you’re the one to encourage him NOT to kill it, especially if it’s harmless
he just wants to protect you at all costs
“where is it, babe? i’ll get it,” your boyfriend declares, holding up a shoe.
“over there, but noya you don’t have to--”
“okay, bug. you don’t mess with my beautiful, gorgeous, sweet s/o!” 
he gets all amped up over this tiny thing and puts all his power into launching the shoe right at it. you kinda felt bad for the bug, wincing at the sound of impact. 
“you didn’t have to kill it, you know,” you stated. 
“but sweetheart, i just wanted to take care of it for you,” he pouts. it seemed he thought you would have the opposite reaction.
“i know but it wasn’t any threat to me at all.” 
“it’s just a bug,” he retorts. “get over it.”
you stay silent after that and it makes him immediately regret what he said. it’s not uncommon that he’ll take something over the top. for the most part, you’ve accepted that he’s not perfect. but you have your own sensitivities and the last thing he wants is for you to be upset with him. he’s willing to swallow his pride for your sake. 
“i’m sorry, baby. i didn’t think it would make you upset. it was stupid and i’ll try not to go crazy next time.”
you hear apologies from him quite often but you’re never stone-cold about it. 
“it’s okay, yu. i know you didn’t mean for it to be like that. but i can get the bug next time, okay?”
he laughs, wrapping his arms around your neck and kissing your cheek. “okay. that’s my tough s/o. i love you.” 
not a fan of dealing with bugs nor killing them
would rather you or someone else take care of it
but if he has to, he’ll muster up the courage to do it himself
talks to the culprit in question to hype himself up, and will not accept any help from you
“okay, mr. spider, don’t jump out and bite me--”
“are you sure you don’t need any help, tadashi?”
“no, no. i got it. it’s almost gone. don’t worry-- AH.”
you hear a few thumps and are about to get up to go investigate until your boyfriend stumbles into the room. his cheeks were flushed and the cowlick stood comically tall on his head. 
“it’s gone.”
“wow, you seemed to have put up a fight,” you joked, getting up to go hug him. 
he takes you in his arms, laughing softly as he wraps his arms around you. “well, you should’ve seen him. but maybe i should’ve let it bite me. then maybe i’d have cool spider powers.”
“hmm, no. i like you just the way you are. so tough...tough tadashi.”
you lean up to kiss his freckled cheek before resting your head on his chest. “thank you.”
he grins softly at your affection. he will definitely be taking care of all the bugs now. 
will want you to take care of it bc he can be kinda lazy :P
and if you’re willing, he’ll encourage you not to kill it and take it outside 
you’ll receive a lot of praise and kisses after the fact 
but if it really bothers you, he’ll get up and take care of it 
“oh, you scared me,” he replies, walking up closer to you. “i thought this was something serious.”
“this is serious, rin,” you frown as he rubs a comforting hand over your shoulder.
“baby, it’s just a little bug. i think you can handle it.” 
you hug him from the side, holding him closer to you. 
“can’t you do it?”
“he obviously chose you to help him get back outside so i think you should do it,” he beams, patting you gently on the head.
“you just don’t want to do it, do you?” you reply, unamused. 
“if it really, really bothers you, then i’ll take care of it,” he compromises. “but i’ll give you a reward if you do it.”
“and i can’t kill it?”
“no. it’s close enough to the door that you can get a cup and some paper to put him back outside. now, go ahead,” he encourages with a soft push on your back. 
he coaches you through the entire operation of getting the bug back outside and once it’s gone, he makes sure you get all the praise and attention.
“see? i knew you could do it,” he reassures, his arms wrapped around your waist. “now for your reward...you get all my kisses and hugs.”
he makes you giggle as he kisses all over your face, not missing a single spot. 
“you get that anyway but i’ll give you extra this time.” 
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hope we’re having a lovely haikyuu night! send a request for more..
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t0wnspersonb · 5 years ago
Practice Makes Perfect (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Rated: Explicit
Word Count: 3,823
Warnings: SMUT, loss of virginity, bad language, Tsukki being too damn beautiful.
Summary: It’s been several months after Tsukishima’s confession in the infirmary. You two are dating now, and after a study session in his room, you two decide to take your relationship to the next level.
I hear you guys! I fucking see you!😂 we all need some Tsukki smut in our life so here is part 2 of Kiss it Better, I’ve included the link for anyone who hasn’t read the first part. I hope you all enjoy it and I would love the feedback afterwards:)
ALSO. I AM TAKING REQUESTS. I know I have some sitting in my inbox right now that I need to get to still so I apologize in advance if I can’t get your request out right away. But I literally adore all of you so much. Thank you for taking the time to read my shit writing:’) Anyway please enjoy the shit show lol.
It had been several months since you and Tsukishima started going out, after his confession in the infirmary, and after you guys had walked home together – well – things just naturally fell into place.
 It felt like your interactions were the same, he was still a cocky little asshole, teasing you and harassing you endlessly.
 But it was different somehow. You guys were almost inseparable it seemed. There were sides to Tsukishima that only you got to see, an unsaid trust that went both ways. You confided in him, sought comfort in him, and he did the same. He was your person, and you were his.
 You hadn’t realized how same and different it would be once you guys were in a relationship. 
 But you loved it all. 
 You loved every second of it.
 You loved him.
 You were in love with him, and while it was something that neither of you had said yet, that feeling was definitely there.
 It was said through his endless lectures on how you needed to eat better, it was said through the way he held your hand, or when he carried your bag. It was said in the way that his eyes gleamed when you proudly showed him the latest photos you had taken.
 It was said in the way that you praised him for being an amazing blocker in volleyball, it was said when you would give him a new dinosaur figurine. It was said when you would introduce him to a new song that reminded him of you.
 No, you guys had never uttered the words ‘I love you’ to each other, but you did.
 He did.
 And that was all that mattered.
 Right now, you two were currently cleaning up the classroom together, since it was your week to clean.
 You guys easily conversed with one another as you wiped down the blackboard and Tsukishima swept. 
 “– because of those dimwits we had to do twice as many drills.” Tsukishima said, finishing his story on how exhausting yesterday's volleyball practice had gone.
 “Kageyama and Hinata sure are energetic.” You mused, pausing your wiping to glance over at the tall blonde in amusement.
 He sighed and looked over at you, “They’re idiots. They act like everyone has the same amount of stamina as them. It’s ridiculous.”
 You couldn’t help the soft laughter that bubbled up from your lips. “I think you’re just lazy Tsukki.”
 His eyes narrowed, but not at your comment, but at what you had called him. He had told you weeks ago to start calling him by his first name, considering that you guys have been dating for a while now.
 He leaned the broom against one of the desks and walked over to you. You were near the teacher’s desk as you surveyed your work. He moved in front of your vision, towering over your small frame, causing you to crane your neck back to just look at his face.
 He moved closer, his palm resting on the desk behind you, trapping you in.
 “What’s the matter Tsukki?” you asked in confusion, your head tilting to the side. 
 His eyes narrowed further, a frown creasing his lips. “I told you to start calling me Kei.”
 A soft blush covered your face as you broke the eye contact with him, suddenly feeling incredibly nervous. 
 “I – I know. It’s just a force of habit.” You mumbled quickly, shifting from foot to foot.
 Tsukishima couldn’t help but smirk, leaning in closer to you, causing your back to press into the edge of the desk as you tried to put more distance between the two of you.
 “Why are you acting so nervous?” he murmured, the hand not resting on the table coming up to move your hair over your shoulder.
 You visibly flinched, which caused his smirk to widen as he saw the blush coating your face. 
 “I’m not nervous stupid!” you fired back, looking at him now. “You’re just too close!”
 You could feel your heart racing, your palms accumulating sweat. 
 “I’ve been closer.” he said simply and pressed his body against yours, one of his thighs coming to rest between your legs. This caused your skirt ride further up your thighs, and you couldn’t help but clutch at the front of his uniform helplessly as you attempted to stabilize yourself.
 Tsukishima wasn’t lying, he had been closer. Many times, in fact, in the comfort of his bedroom. While you guys had never actually had sex, it had gotten close. 
 If Tsukishima was being honest, it was because he couldn’t help himself. Your expressions were just too much, the sounds that escaped your mouth were incredibly sweet, it made him want more. Every time. 
 But the same could be said about you. Tsukishima was incredibly good looking, his lust filled expressions drove you insane, and the way he made you feel was just too good.
 “S-Shut up idiot.” You moved to push him away from you, but he was already cupping your face and tilting your head up for a kiss.
 You melted against him, kissing him back with vigor. You all but breathed want and need into his lungs as Tsukishima explored the wet cavern of your mouth, his tongue hot and wet as it rubbed against yours gently.
 The kisses you shared always spoke volumes with how you were feeling. They ranged from short and sweet, to something incredibly passionate and needy. 
 Either one, they always left you breathless and needy, your head spinning with so much want and need. 
 Tsukishima’s grip on your jaw tightened ever so slightly as he continued to explore your mouth. His tongue tracing over your teeth and bottom lip before going back to massage your own tongue. You were at his will completely, not that you minded. Not that you could even think about anything else other than the way he was making you feel.
 The leg between your thighs shifted suddenly and you felt yourself being pressed against his clothed thigh in the most intimate way. A surprised noise could be heard in your throat, and desire rippled through your body like a tidal wave.
 Tsukishima pulled back slightly, allowing his lips to flutter against your jaw and down your throat. His fingers working at the buttons of your uniform.
 You were left feeling delirious and incredibly achy. Your grip on his uniform tightening as you tried to get your bearings. 
 You finally realized where you were. 
 You couldn’t do this here. 
 “Tsuki - ah - shima. S-Stop, we can’t do this here.” You gasped out, eyes fluttering shut in pleasure as he nipped at the exposed skin of your collarbone, and at the same time pressed himself harder against your core. His hands were now on your hips, and at the same time that he pressed his thigh closer to you, he had moved your body forward, causing you to grind against him.
 Pleasure rippled through your being; you knew that you were soaking wet right now. It was unfair how well he touched you, how he knew how to make you hot and bothered.
 “I told you to call me Kei.” he murmured and dragged your body against his thigh again. A delicious gasp escaping your spit stained lips. 
 “K-Kei. We c-can’t do this.” You whimpered out. “W-We could get caught. A-And if y-you’re late to practice, you know that Yamaguchi will be sent out to find you.” 
 He sighed deeply, and reluctantly pulled away from you, adjusting himself accordingly. You were right. He didn’t want anyone seeing you like that, that was for his eyes only. 
 It was so hard for him to not want to continue after he saw your disheveled form. It was fucking beautiful. Your lips were swollen with his kisses, your shirt unbuttoned, exposing the dark mark he had left on your soft skin. Your skirt was hiked up on your thighs, and your face was dazed with want and need.
 Tsukishima gritted his teeth, stopping himself from pushing you up on that desk and having his way with you finally.
 It was silent as you guys made yourselves presentable and finished cleaning up the classroom. The tension was thick in the air, lust buzzing in the air between you two. 
 Club activities flew by and so did the walk home. The tension never disappeared between the two of you, which had made Yamaguchi a bit nervous as you all walked home together. Of course, he wasn’t aware of what had transpired in the classroom, nor could he decipher what exactly the tension was, but he could feel the strange energy between the two of you.
 “You’re coming over tomorrow right?” Tsukishima finally said as he dropped you off at home.
 “Yeah. I definitely need help studying for that math test next week.” you sighed frowning slightly.
 “That’s why you need to take better notes in class. You can’t just keep drawing like a mindless idiot all the time.” Tsukishima said, causing you to scowl at him.
 “Whatever asshole! Goodnight! Text me when you get home. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” You said childishly slamming the door in his face.
 At least some things would never change between you two.
 You grumbled under your breath as you attempted the math problem in front of you. 
 You were in Tsukishima’s room, the said male was currently reading a book, sitting across the table from you and ignoring you completely as you struggled.
 “I don’t get it.” You sighed, slouching your upper body on the tabletop. You hated math. It was your worst subject despite the good grades that you got.
 His eyes flickered over to your dejected form before going back to his book. “Whining about it isn’t going to change anything.”
 You scowled at his blunt statement, pulling your head up from the table, you stuck your tongue out at him. “Don’t be such an insensitive jerk.”
 His eye twitched at your statement as he looked at you once more. Before he could retort his older brother entered the room carrying a plate of snacks.
 “I thought you guys could use some food.” he said brightly, carefully placing the plate of food on the table.
 Your mood brightened immediately. “Thanks, Akiteru!”
 Tsukishima felt his eye twitch further, so you could easily call his brother by his first name but not his.
 His brother smiled back, “No problem Y/n-chan! Ever since you and Kei started dating his mood has improved a lot!” he said, giving you a thumbs up.
 Tsukishima slammed his book shut, placing it on the table and glowered at his older brother. “Don’t you have to go practice?”
 He waved him off as he turned to look at you. “Who knew that Kei could get such a cute girlfriend!”
 A soft blush coated your face much to Tsukishima’s annoyance, he stood up and began pushing his brother out of his room. As soon as he slammed the door shut and locked it, he turned his glare on you.
 “S-Stop looking at me like that! I didn’t do anything.” You said nervously. He ignored you completely and took a seat right next to you, leaning in closer. 
 “What are you doing?” You whispered, your heart racing in your chest as he grabbed your chin, turning your head to look at him.
 He was staring at you intensely. “You better pay close attention; I’m only going to help you go over this stuff once and if you miss any of the problems you can just go home.”
 You frowned at his bluntness but nodded, nonetheless.
 You weren’t sure how long it was, but you somehow finished the problems, and luckily didn’t get any of the answers wrong.
 Tsukishima was surprisingly a good teacher. At least when he wanted to be, he was still incredibly impatient when teaching you, but you learned the material. 
 “Finally.” he muttered as you finished putting everything in your bag away, before you could say anything, he grabbed your arm and slammed his lips into yours.
 You made a noise of surprise before kissing him back, eyes fluttering shut. 
 The kiss was hungry and desperate, his tongue prying your lips open and immediately beginning to fight your tongue for dominance. It was hot and wet and sent a wave of arousal throughout your entire body. The hand that was resting on your arm slid up to grab your jaw, fitting his mouth against yours perfectly.
 His other hand moved to rest in the middle of your back, and before you knew it your world shifted.
 Tsukishima had maneuvered your body to the floor, hovering over you. The hand that was on your back moved back around and you felt long slender fingers wrap around the back of your knee, carefully hiking your leg over his hip.
 This new position allowed Tsukishima to get closer to you. He pressed his body into yours gently, being sure not to crush you with his weight. He adored the softness of your body, and the sweet smell of your skin.
 But it wasn’t enough. 
 He wanted more.
 Tsukishima carefully snapped his hips forward, pressing his growing member against you. The only clothing separating him from your weeping core was a pair of thin panties.
 He groaned against your lips, pressing harder against you. A soft whimper from you egged him on, he couldn’t help himself. He grinded his hips harder against you, his member uncomfortably hard and searching for some kind of relief.
 His lips began trailing kisses along your jaw and down your throat, his fingers brushing against your collarbone, pushing your shirt away to reveal more skin.
 You gazed up at his ceiling in a daze, softly gasping at each thrust of his hips, you could feel your panties dampening further with your arousal as you clutched at his shoulders.
 “Take these off.” he demanded huskily in your ear. He tugged at your jacket and shirt, his fingers dipping underneath the fabric and brushing against the delicate skin at your stomach.
 “You first.” you breathed out, your own hands sliding beneath the blue shirt he opted to wear today. The tips of your fingers trailing softly against the hard lines of his stomach, his skin was warm and soft, the muscles flexing as he exhaled in a shudder.
 He sat back on the balls of his feet, his hands easily removing his shirt, tossing it behind him on the floor. He almost moaned at the sight before him. 
 You were sprawled out on the floor, legs bent slightly at the knee, your skirt was hiked up just below your panties. Your face was flushed red, your eyes half-lidded as you stared him with desire. Your chest heaving up and down.
 “Your turn.” he said simply and helped you sit half up. But before you could even remove the clothing yourself, Tsukishima was already at it. Pulling the jacket off your shoulders and then tugging your shirt over your head, revealing the soft white colored bra to his greedy eyes.
 “Fuck.” he whispered under his breath, you were fucking beautiful, and you were all his. “Come here.” he breathed, pulling you easily onto your feet and then pushing you down onto his bed, crawling on top of you.
 You loved the way he looked at you, like you hung the moon. Like you were the brightest thing he had ever seen in his entire life. It made you feel wanted, loved, adored. 
 Tsukishima’s lips easily found yours once again, still needy and urgent. He was pressed against you between your legs once more, grinding softly against your soaked core.
 His fingers trailing up softly from the hem of your skirt, up your stomach, to your ribs, and then they were cupping your right breast. 
 Kneading you softly through the cup of your bra. Like before, his lips began trailing kisses along your jaw, sucking at your throat, and then to the tops of your breasts.
 His breath was hot and damp against your overheated flesh, his tongue flicking out to taste your soft skin. You tossed your head back in pleasure, unable to stop the sweet moans and gasps that were escaping your lips as he began sucking and biting.
 “K-Kei.” You stuttered out, eyes slipping shut in pleasure. He glanced up at you and reached to pull one of the straps of your bra down, allowing one of your breasts to pop out freely.
 He watched as your exposed nipple began to harden before softly engulfing the pebbled bud into the hot cave of his mouth.
 Fuck, he’s never heard anything as sweet as the moans and high-pitched whines that escaped your swollen lips.
 You couldn’t breathe, the pleasure was overwhelming as he began flicking his tongue back and forth against your nipple. The back of your hand resting over your mouth, attempting to quiet the moans that were escaping your lips. Tsukishima began rolling your nipple between his teeth carefully, causing you to arch your back off the bed.
 Hot white pleasure shooting into your body, your lower half was on fire, burning with so much need. You had soaked through your underwear completely, and your cunt was throbbing to be touched now.
 “Please.” You whined out, chest heaving as you struggled to catch your breath. “K-Kei. Please.”
 He hummed against your breast, releasing your nipple with a soft pop before moving up and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
 “What do you want?” he asked, voice low and deep. But he already knew that answer, his fingers already dancing across the zipper of your skirt, easily opening it, and pulling it down your legs, where you kicked it off of your ankles. 
 Tsukishima could have cum in his pants then and there. You had luckily decided to wear a matching bra and panties today, but that wasn’t why he was in awe. He could visibly see how wet you were.
 Your wetness soaked through your panties; a dark wet spot easily being spotted by the tall blonde. 
 “Is this because of me?” he murmured, a long finger gently rubbing up and down against the stain. “You’re soaked.” he breathed out, feeling the moisture collect on his finger.
 “Kei.” a high-pitched whine left your lips. “I-I want you. Please.”
 He exhaled loudly through his nose and began removing the rest of your clothes, his gold eyes drank in your exposed body greedily. 
 This. this was all his. You were all his.
 He then removed the rest of his clothes; his body bare for your eyes to see. 
 Tsukishima was the most beautiful person you had ever laid your eyes on. The muscles in his body flexing as you took him in, and then… he was fucking hard. It looked incredibly painful, his member pulsing and leaking precum.
 Gently parting your legs further, he carefully rubbed his member against your glistening slit, moaning at the wetness.
 This was it.
 “Are you sure?” he asked softly, gazing at you with a gentle expression, his thumb rubbing softly against your knee.
 You nodded, fearing that your voice would shake with the nerves you were experiencing, but the desire for Tsukishima overshadowed that. You wanted him.
 He shook his head. “I need to hear you say it Y/n.”
 “I want you Kei.” you said breathless. “I-I love you.”
 You weren’t… fuck, you weren’t planning to say that. You could feel panic rising in your chest, your eyes widening as you took in his expression.
 Tsukishima’s eyes were wide, his lips parted softly at your statement. A soft blush coating his face.
 “I love you too.” he finally said, and then pushed his hips forward.
 The sudden pressure below, the intrusion you weren’t used to had you gasping loudly, throwing your head back at the unfamiliar sensation. 
 The stretch wasn’t uncomfortable, there was the slight fear at the back of your mind that it would hurt based on all the stories that you had heard from your friends and senpais. 
 It was just different… but fuck. The expression that was now on Tsukishima’s face wiped away any kind of discomfort you may have been in.
 His face was contorted in pure bliss, his eyes squeezed shut, lips parted in pleasure. It was a beautiful sight.
 You were the one making him feel that way, you were the one that was giving him all this pleasure. This was yours to keep, this moment.
 You gasped softly as he began moving, carefully rocking his hips against yours. His cock rubbed against your velvety walls, reaching a depth within you that you didn’t even know you had.
 “Y-You’re so tight.” He stuttered out. “Feel so good.” he praised and began moving in and out of you more. 
 You were getting used to the uncomfortable feeling of being full; and that’s definitely what you felt when Tsukishima was inside of you.
 It started to feel… good actually. 
 Tsukishima must’ve realized that as well, his speed and force increasing a bit more. He reached down and carefully began circling your clit with his thumb. 
 Oh fuck. No, that was good. That was really good. Your body jolted in pleasure, a soft whine escaping your lips. 
 “I’m close.” Tsukishima said panting, his eyes began to focus on your expression, wanting you to feel just as much pleasure as he was. 
 You were beautiful. You were so fucking beautiful, naked, and gasping, taking his cock so well. He gritted his teeth, hastily removing himself from your weeping core. Tsukishima grasped at his member tightly and thrusted twice into his fist before spilling himself onto your lower belly.
 His cum was hot and thick as it splattered onto your skin, you had never seen anything more perfect than the way Tsukishima looked coming undone. 
 You couldn’t help but stare at him as he came down from his high. His blonde hair was disheveled, sweat gleamed on his pale skin, outlining the hard muscles in his arms and stomach. 
 When he finally opened his eyes they immediately softened as they took in your spent form. 
 “Hold on.” he murmured softly and got up to find a towel, carefully cleaning up the mess he made on your stomach.
 You couldn’t help but to continue laying there, exhausted despite the fact that you hadn’t done much. After Tsukishima finished taking care of you, he pulled the blanket on the edge of the bed up as he laid next to you. You moved closer to the blonde male, resting your head against his chest, his fingers began combing through your hair.
 “I’m sure that wasn’t good for you.” he said quietly, after a moment of comfortable silence. “But I plan on making you feel good every time from now on.”
 “It was good.” You said softly, on the verge of sleep. “We just need more practice… like volleyball.”
 Tsukishima laughed softly against your hair. “Shut up stupid. Go to sleep.”
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plutosexc · 4 years ago
— Haikyuu Boys Responding to You Being Jealous P2 —
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⍟ feat. yamaguchi , suna , and tsukishima x gn!reader
⍟ warnings + genre ; none + fluff
⍟ part 1 | part 2
⍟ check out part 1 if you haven’t <3
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☈ Yamaguchi
⇔ Yamaguchi is so sweet idc idc. He loved you and would never do anything to purposely hurt you. Yamaguchi wasn’t even really the teasing type.
⇔ Y’all were out shopping at the store for him, he wanted new clothes. You insisted on going because you wanted to help <3.
⇔ One of the workers took a liking to Yamaguchi. When you had come from grabbing him some jeans you overheard her complimenting your boyfriends style. it wouldve been fine if she aint overdo it 🙄
“Y/N, you’ve been pretty silent since we left the store, but you were fine before. Is something wrong? Did I do something?”
⇔ When he noticed you were feeling jealous he felt really bad. Poor bb thought it was his fault you were feeling that way. You ended up reassuring him (💀) because at the time he really didn’t know.
“Oh, no I’m fine. I just didn’t like how that girl was acting toward you. But really, I’m okay now.”
⇔ He sort of picked up on you indirectly saying you were jealous. 💀 Definitely took note of that and moving forward he’d try harder to shut down any flirting.
☈ Suna
⇔ Suna is a little less vocal about things so sometimes it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking.
⇔ He would initiate some form of physical contact, so casually. It’s his way of reassuring you because he kind of new you were feeling upset.
⇔ The waitress at this restaurant was being a little flirty toward your boyfriend, but you chose to ignore it because you didn’t want to seem jealous. (mf you were jealous anyways 👩🏽‍💻)
⇔ Yea, Suna noticed despite you poorly trying to conceal it. He subtly grabbed your hands and engulfed them in his own. Then shot you a dreamy gaze
⇔ Shoots you a dreamy gaze that truly shows you just how much he loves you
☈ Tsukishima
⇔ Tsukishima is pretty observant, but he’s also a tease.
⇔ If he noticed you were jealous, bruh you’d never hear the end of it. Once he made sure you were feeling better he’d most definitely tease tf out of you.
⇔ This was also kind of an ego boost for him. Tsukishima was flattered by the fact that you wanted him to yourself.
“You were actually jealous? Well, I guess I am pretty great. Honestly, that just proves you’re crazy about me.”
⇔ He had that sly ass smirk on his face (it’s kinda hot 👩🏽‍💻)
“You know what, I’m not jealous anymore. You’re just annoying.
“Yea well you put up with my annoying ass. Obviously there’d never be anyone else idiot.”
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⍟ yuhh promised p2, hope yall enjoyed 🙏🏽
⍟ Taglist | Taglist Form
@asaincy @morosis-haze @mypimpademia @angiebug101 @fatgumshoneybun @royalelusts @keiwaizumi @racistareversa @b4ngal @brithedemonspawn @artickitafox @0risha @g0joluvrrr @soupfrogy @crapimahuman @iheartgirl
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sugawaraxo · 5 years ago
safe place
warnings: reader comes from an abusive household. will include both physical and verbal abuse.
characters: tadashi yamaguchi, satori tendou, tobio kageyama, tetsuro kuroo
request: hii!! can i request scenarios with yamaguchi, tendou, kageyama, kuroo (and maybe akaashi 🥺👉👈) with a crush on a girl who comes from an abusive household and how they would confess/help her? thank you sm🥺💗
an: i’ve been writing so much smut lately that writing fluff felt weird bahaha, but i hope you enjoy it! :)
- there has been a dramatic shift in your personality since tadashi first met you
- and he notices it instantly
- though you pretend to be, you’re no longer the cheerful and bubbly y/n you once were
- and yamaguchi hates seeing you this way 
- so he debates whether he should bring it up for a long while, not knowing exactly what to say
- but when you show up to his house one day, shaking harshly with tears pooling down your face
- he knows something’s terribly wrong
“hi y/n.” tadashi says with a big grin as finally he opens his front door after hearing his doorbell ring a couple times. that smile quickly drops and forms into an expression rich with concern. his eyebrows furrow and his eyes widen as he takes in your appearance. you’re shaking violently and breathing heavily. your eyes are bloodshot from all of the tears that are quickly rushing down your face, dripping silently onto the concrete of yamaguchi’s front step as you avoid eye contact with him. you’re not quite sure why, but you’re embarrassed about crying in front of him. so your eyes stay locked on the bland grey of the concrete ground beneath you as you wait for tadashi to say something. 
“c-come in. it’s super cold, you can tell me what’s wrong inside.” he says sweetly, reaching out a hand for you to grab. he leads you into the kitchen, watching as you take a seat on the counter. then he grabs a kettle from the stove, pouring you a cup of tea with the water he was boiling before you had shown up on his doorstep. you two remain silent as he does so, neither of you being quite sure of what to say in this moment. so you let the stale silence consume you, only the delicate sounds of yamaguchi pouring the cups of tea filling your ears. once he’s done preparing your tea the way he knows you like it, he walks over to your spot on the counter and hands you the mug.
“careful, it’s really hot.” he informs and you smile softly at his concern. you take a small sip of the tea after blowing it to cool it a bit, sighing at how warm it makes you feel. tadashi always makes it so perfectly for you and you can’t help but feel extremely safe in this moment as he stands next to you silently, though his eyes are asking for an explanation. 
“my mom yelled at me again, but it was worse this time.” you sigh, tears starting to sting your eyes again at the recollection of your previous screaming match with your mother. 
“about what this time?” yamaguchi asks, locking his eyes with yours. his demeanor is soft but his gaze is harsh and you can tell he’s upset that this is happening again. 
“all i did is forget to wash the dishes and it led to her screaming at me that i’m a lazy, good for nothing piece of shit who leeches off of her for food and shelter. basically the usual spiel of how i’m useless and just take up space. how she wishes she never had me because then she’d have one less problem to worry about.” you explain, attempting to choke back the sob forming in your throat. you don’t notice since your eyes are focused on the mug in your hands, but yamaguchi’s own orbs are brimmed with tears. he sets his mug down on the counter beside you and moves between your legs so that he could be as close to you as possible.
“hey, look at me.” he says, but you refuse. you hate having him see you like this. it’s only happened once before and you swore it wouldn’t happen again but here you are, sitting on his kitchen counter while forcing yourself not to break down in front of him. after you disregard his request, he takes matters into his own hands. 
he cups the sides of your face timidly with both of his hands, them still being warm from holding his mug. he lifts your head so that your eyes meet his and you feel your heart flutter a bit. you notice the tears that have yet to leave his eyes, resting there but threatening to spill over at any second. instinctively, you reach up to wipe the tears away as you see them finally fall and he smiles a weak smile at you.
“you’re not useless y/n.” he starts “you are so, so special whether your mom sees that or not. i truly hate that she doesn’t. because if she could even just see a fraction of the most mesmerizing sides of you that i get to see everyday, maybe she would change. or maybe she wouldn’t. despite what she thinks, i know how genuine and kind you are. i know how beautiful and selfless you are. you’re far from good for nothing, i hope you know that. and if you don’t, i’m more than willing to help you realize just how incredible you really are, because i love you. i love you a lot y/n, and i hate seeing you so upset. so i’ll do whatever i can to make it better. i promise.” yamaguchi confesses. tears are streaming down both of your faces at this point. this is everything you need to hear right now and then some, and you feel completely at ease with yamaguchi’s words.
“i love you too tadashi, thank you so much. god, i love you.” you coo before lightly grasping the back of his head and pulling him down for a kiss. your action catches him off guard at first, so he’s a bit timid in terms of kissing you back, but after a few seconds he catches the rhythm and kisses you softly.
“you can stay here if you want, for as long as you need.” he offers, giving you a shy smile.
“i’d love that.” you smile back. 
- you and tendou have a very playful friendship
- always play fighting or teasing each other and whatnot
- the typical ‘we like each other and everyone around us knows we like each other but we’re completely oblivious so we don’t know we like each other’ type friendship 
- one day the two of you are at tendou’s house at the kitchen table “studying” (which really means “fighting”) as per usual
- tendou playfully hits you very lightly, not even a toddler would have been fazed by the slight shove
- but you wince roughly at the touch
- and tendou gets suspicious
“i barely even touched you, what’s up?” tendou asks for what seems to you like the billionth time. 
“it’s nothing, i was messing around. just drop it.” you huff, growing annoyed at tendou’s persistence in finding out what the issue is.
“the look on your face was clearly not a joke y/n, tell me why it hurt so bad? what aren’t you telling me?” tendou pushes and you’ve just about reached your limit.
“i said it’s nothing so just please stop fucking asking, ok?” you snap, though in the process you lift your arms to cover your face in aggravation. the motion raises your shirt a bit, allowing tendou to catch a glimpse of the huge dark purple bruise spread across your ribs.
“y/n. what the hell happened? that looks terrible.” tendou whispers, the shock of what he has just seen revoking his ability to speak out loud. you catch his gaze locked on your stomach and quickly remove your hands from your face, not even realizing that the movement had lifted your shirt. your face flushes to a sickly shade, all life leaving your body as you realize you can’t lie your way out of this anymore. you have never in your life had someone look at you with as much concern as tendou is now looking at you with, his eyes scanning your face dumbfoundedly as he anticipates your answer to his question. you sigh heavily, mentally preparing yourself for the draining information you’re about to tell.
“well um. i got into a disagreement with my dad.” is all you can manage to get out. you planned on explaining more, but just bringing it up makes your stomach curdle with fear and you feel as though you’re about to vomit. tendou notices and rests a comforting hand on your thigh, rubbing it in small gentle motions.
“he hit you?” tendou asks softly, trying to better grasp the situation.
“well he was drunk and i had an attitude with him, so he got a little worked up and ended up pushing me over. i fell and hit my side on the kitchen table on my way down. but it was just an accident, it’s ok. i made him upset and he pushed me. i just lost my balance is all. it’s not his fault.” you find yourself trying to defend your father and you don’t even know why. you know him pushing you wasn’t an accident. you falling and hitting the table was, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that your father just grunted at you as he watched you sob on the floor in agonizing pain before going back to his previous spot on the couch and finishing off his glass of whiskey. but you don’t want to tell tendou that. 
“y/n no, that’s not ok.” tendou’s voice breaks and your heart breaks with it. “accident or not, no man should be putting their hands on you like that. better yet, your own father. is this the first time he’s done something like this?” tendou asks, attempting to keep his voice steady but failing.
you shake your head no and tendou sighs, shaking his head in dismay. 
“i need to get you out of that house y/n. i’ll figure something out.”
“no satori, it’s fine. i’m fine. i can hold my own.” you argue.
“i’m not denying that you can, but i’d feel like the most terrible human being on earth if i let you go back there and something else ends up happening to you. so you’re staying here. my parents and i will figure out a way to take care of any legal actions that need to be made, but until then you are staying here and i will not let you argue with that.” tendou states firmly. although his words are firm, you can see in his eyes that he’s hurting for you. you couldn’t argue with him even if you wanted and luckily, you don’t want to. 
“thank you tendou, that means more to me than you’ll ever know.” you say.
“you don’t need to thank me, i care about you too much to see you get hurt. i want you right here with me so i can know you’re ok.” he says, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. you melt at his sweet gesture, and suddenly feel like everything will actually be ok. 
- kageyama is very attentive and tends to notice things about you that the typical outside viewer wouldn’t pick up on
- like the way you’ve been spacing out whenever he speaks to you
- or the way you flinch whenever someone slightly raises their voice around you
- the way your eyes look tired and lifeless lately, despite the huge smile you may be carrying on your face
- he has a hunch that he knows what’s going on, so he pulls you aside after his practice that you sat and watched while doing homework to talk 
“hey y/n, can i talk to you for a second?” kageyama asks as he walks to your spot in the stands. you frown up at him, not really sure what he would want to talk about, but you shrug with a quick ‘sure’ and let him lead you behind the gym. you frown again because this is where he takes you whenever he has something serious to tell you, or when either of you are having a really bad day and need to express your emotions in private.
“what’s up?” you ask curiously, searching his eyes for any sort of hint of what he’s about to say.
“that’s sort of what i want to ask you. what’s up with you lately? i mean, you’ve been pretty good at hiding it, but i can tell something’s going on with you and it’s not good. i just wanna make sure you’re ok.” he says softly. you contemplate telling him what’s been going on at home, his gentle expression seems so caring and genuine. it’s difficult for you not to just open up to him and let him in. but you’re scared of what he might think or how he may react, so you bow your head down to avoid eye contact and mutter,
“it’s nothing really. school has just been a bit stressful is all.”
“you’re lying.”
“what?” you ask, lifting your head to meet his gaze once more. to you, your performance was believable. but kageyama’s been your best friend for the past two years now so he’s become somewhat of a master in knowing whether you’re being honest with him or not.
“you’re lying. what’s really going on?” he asks. he’s looking down at you with his deep blue eyes drowning in concern. you can tell he won’t let you leave without hearing the genuine truth, so you decide it’s for the best not to lie anymore.
“my mom hit me the other day and we haven’t really talked since.” you explain sadly, tilting your head down again. kageyama sighs at your confession because his hunch is correct, and he hates that it is. “we were arguing as usual, but this time she umm, she got a bit too carried away.” you continue. kageyama physically feels his heart break for you. he’s always known how terrible your relationship with your mother was from his first few weeks of knowing you. you would constantly tell him all the awful words she spewed at you in the heat of your arguments, and he was always there to comfort and reassure you afterwards. but it was always verbal, never physical so he wasn’t quite sure if him stepping in to try and help would do any good or just make matters worse. but hearing that it’s now escalated to physical harm makes his stomach ache.
“i’m so sorry y/n, i should’ve helped when i first heard about how she was speaking to you. that should’ve been my first sign that something like this would happen. i feel terrible for not doing anything.” he let’s out, his head now bowing along with yours.
“hey.” you say in an almost whisper, lifting his head up by placing your finger underneath his chin. his tear glistened eyes meet yours and you can feel the guilt radiating from his body which makes your heart shatter. “none of this is any of your fault. you did help me, ok? you’re the only person i’ve ever even told any of this to and you have always been there to comfort me when i do. you’ll never realize how much that means to me tobio. i appreciate you so much.” you explain.
his eyes jump back and forth between yours as he absorbs everything you just said. then his eyes glance down to your lips and linger there for a moment. yours do the same to his, both of you mentally questioning whether or not you should just go for it. eventually the pressure of the moment pushes you two together and your lips graze tenderly. kageyama’s hands find their place on your hips as your arms wrap behind his neck instinctively. the kiss is sweet and filled with so many emotions. most importantly, it’s filled with love. a kiss that you both have been craving for so long yet never had the guts to pursue. and finally, you’re able to give in. after a few moments you pull away, flushed and flustered a bit yet completely content.
“you can stay at my place tonight. we can figure out how everything will play out once we get there.” kageyama says as more of a question than a statement. you just smile and kiss him again in response.
you’re slightly worried about what the future holds, but having kageyama by your side will forever ease your nerves.
- though kuroo can be a bit of a tease sometimes, he’s also immensely caring for those that he loves
- you being one of the people that he loves beyond words
- though he hasn’t confessed it yet
- means he’s very protective of you and would do anything to keep you from getting hurt 
- he’s always been your rock, and you his 
- so when he finds out that your parents have been emotionally damaging you
- he gets fairly upset
“jesus, i look so disgusting.” you say in what you think is a joking manner while looking at yourself in kuroo’s closet mirror. but the way kuroo’s head snaps up from his phone to give you a glare, you can tell he didn’t take it as a joke. 
“why are you always talking about yourself like that?” he frowns.
“like what?” you respond dumbly, knowing exactly what he means but really not wanting to embark on your trauma right now.
“you’re always referring to yourself as if you’re the grossest thing in existence and it hurts me to hear you say those things. is there a reason why you feel like that?” he asks, sitting up straighter on the bed to get a better view of you in the mirror. you sigh and turn to face him, walking over to his bed and sitting on the edge of it. 
“yeah, i guess there is a reason.” you admit, looking down at your hands as you fidget with them.
“well, what’s the reason?” kuroo asks. you look up at him nervously. you told yourself that this is something you would always keep to yourself because you don’t want to bombard others with your issues. but there’s something about kuroo that makes it immensely difficult not to just tell him everything. maybe it’s the way he fully listens to you whenever you have something to say. it’s like nothing and no one else around him matters but you and whatever you have to tell him. he always makes you feel heard and validated. important. something you never get at home. 
“it’s just my parents i guess. no matter what i do, i’m never good enough for them. i’m always trying so hard to impress them, make them happy. but all i get in return is being yelled at and told how much of a disappointment i am. do you know how hard that is? being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be and still not being enough for the people who are supposed to love you unconditionally? it hurts so bad kuroo, and it makes me feel like i’m nothing. so that’s why i’m always talking about myself like that. because it’s how i see myself, as nothing.” you tear up. hot tears begin rolling down your face uncontrollably as soft sobs leave your body. kuroo completely softens at your words, moving closer to you so he can wipe your tears with the pad of his thumb. he pulls you closer to him, your head tucked into his chest while his large arms suffocate you in his warm embrace. 
“i’m so sorry y/n. words can be so damaging, especially coming from your own parents and i really wish you didn’t have to go through that. because now you don’t even see yourself the way you should see yourself. the way i see you.” kuroo says, trailing off a bit on the last line. “i think you are the most captivating person i have ever met and probably ever will meet. every time i’m around you i just can’t help but feel this sharp pang in my heart which i can only assume is love. because i feel it when you’re gone too. you’re unbelievably amazing y/n, and insanely beautiful too. please don’t let your parents destroy that for you, although i don’t think they ever could.” kuroo finishes. 
you lift your head from his chest and look into kuroo’s kind hazel eyes as he looks back at you, flashing a small smile. 
“that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me tetsu.” you smile “and i love you too.” you finish causing kuroo to immediately go red. he was somewhat hoping you would have forgotten or missed his accidental love bomb, but how could you? you’ve been waiting to say the words yourself for who knows how long, so your heart almost couldn’t take it when it slipped from kuroo’s lips. 
“thank god.” kuroo laughs lightly, “now what are we gonna do about your parents?” 
“completely forget about them?” you joke, though in the back of your mind you’re somewhat serious. 
“i was thinking confront them and put them in their place, but that works too.” kuroo chuckles before lightly grasping your chin and kissing you. you’ve never felt happier nor safer than you do in this exact moment. 
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ilydenji · 5 years ago
Please do a pt 2 of toxic traits that had kenma, kageyama, and Tsukishima. Please make it fluff in the end🥺. I loved it
❝toxic pt. 2❞
↳haikyuu boys toxic traits part two
characters: kenma kozume, kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei
warnings/tw: toxic relationships
a/n: I'm so glad you loved the first one !! I hope this is good enough afndjsmsj
(this kinda long sorry lmfoaodjrnf)
part one here
kenma ;
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-its been a few weeks since the two of you had talked properly.
-you did what he wanted, you had broken up with him.
-it felt weird going back to your regular life as if nothing had happened. as if you didn't spend half a year with him.
-it did hurt when you realized he didn't even care. that day when you walked away from him, you doubted that he gave it a second thought.
-but, unknowingly, the whole situation was slowly eating kenma up with guilt.
-after your breakup, he briefly had talked about it with kuroo and that’s when he realized how much of an asshole he really was.
-he missed it when you watched him practice, apparently, the other members of his team did too.
-“where’s y/n? are they okay?” lev would ask the most.
-“they broke up idiot- if you’re wondering how they are ask them yourself” of course, yaku would hit him for even mentioning them.
-up until now, kenma never noticed the little things that you did for him. how you would praise his hard work after practice or a game.
-how you would softly comb your fingers through his hair while playing games. or how you would bring him lunch every day in case he forgot to eat.
-not only that, but he started missing the little things about you as well.
-how your nose would scrunch up when you laughed,
-when you would hold his hand, you’d always rub circles on his thumb.
-how you would hum when playing with his hair.
-all those things, why hasn’t he realized them before? why did he let you go?
-why did he hurt you so bad?
-he wanted to— no, he needed to apologize to you.
-he wanted to be with you again, though he didn’t really think he deserved you anymore.
-he wanted to try anyway.
-you received a text from him in the afternoon. you were hesitant to answer. what could he be asking for? his hoodie that he left a month ago?
-when you finally decided to answer it, it read-
-“Can I please talk to you.”
-he wanted to talk now? he had a chance weeks ago. months even.
-you just sighed and texted back saying yes. he asked if he could come over and you agreed, maybe things would end off on a better note? you’d be lying if you said you didn't miss him.
-when kenma came over, he looked different than how he usually did. he didn't have his psp and he didn't use his phone once.
-he slowly walked to your bed and motioned you to sit next to him.
-“I’ve been a big fucking asshole to you, y/n. I'm so sorry I treated you like that.” he would start.
-he ended up apologizing for everything and told you he never realized how much care relationships need.
-“you deserve so much better. it’s selfish of me to even consider the fact you’d take me back but. I missed you a lot, I'm so sorry for hurting you.”
-you wanted to be with him again, to hold him and tell him it’s alright.
-instead, you rest your hand on his shoulder with a squeeze.
-“it's okay, it’s fine. I messed up along the way as well.” you’d start. kenma kept the same stoic expression he usually had. but you can tell in his eyes, he was hopeful.
-“but maybe we don’t belong in a relationship. maybe not yet at least.”
-kenma understood what you meant.
-in the end, the two of you had agreed that to ever get back into a relationship again he had to work on letting himself be vulnerable around you.
-he had promised to be better for you, and wait until you were ready to be with him again. although you had promised to be with him sometime in the future, the pang in his chest didn't fully go away.
-the day ended with him in your arms, comforting him.
-his arms were wrapped around you, his head in the crook of your neck.
-“kenma, I still love you. you know that right?”
-kenma didn't exactly answer. instead, he pulled you closer to him. you could feel his smile against your neck.
-you both still loved each other but decided to take it slow this time. not wanting to hurt each other.
kageyama ;
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(reader is into photography bc that's the only thing I could think of I'm sorry lfmsoakedjdnsn)
-it’s been a few days since his last game, where he basically told you that you “clearly didn’t love him”
-in those few days, kageyama couldn’t explain what he was feeling.
-he always had trouble expressing his emotions. so he often ignored them.
-but this time, there was a pit in his stomach that just wouldn’t go away. whenever he looked at his phone he would be tempted to call you.
-he wasn’t so sure if that was a good idea, but the silence was killing him.
-one day during practice he had asked hinata if he had seen you.
-hinata nodded and told him you were out in the courtyard doing club activities.
-kageyama didn't know you were in a club? though, he hardly payed any attention to that stuff.
-he wondered how he could be so clueless, you two have been together for months.
-that day, he skipped practice. that on its own was a whole different story.
-he managed to find you outside, taking pictures of the flowers and anything remotely interesting you could find.
-but no matter how mundane, kageyama didn't fail to notice the smile you had.
-he recognized that look in your eye, that was the look he had whenever it came to volleyball. how could he have not realized how happy your little hobby made you?
-he wanted you to be happy, to see you smile with so much passion like that.
-kageyama approached you cautiously, trying not to scare you.
-“what do you want kageyama?” you started. it startled him a little.
-you didn't need to turn around for you to know he was there. hinata had texted you that kageyama was coming, of course.
-“Nothing... I just.. missed you I guess” he sat down next to you. neither of you had talked, it became awkward fast.
-“so... you like photography? I didn’t know”
-“of course you wouldn't.”
-kageyama cringed at the words. you weren’t wrong in the slightest, he had been ignoring your interests for the longest and he feels like such an ass for it.
-“I'm sorry for not paying attention” he stated. you nodded at his words. but that wasn’t enough for him.
-“I should’ve payed more attention to you, it’s my fault I got so caught up in my own head” still, you didn’t say anything but you did turn your attention to him. progress he thought.
-“I should’ve realized that this, is just as important to you as volleyball is to me.” he rested his hand on top of yours. in return, you squeezed his a little. he smiled softly.
-“I’ll give you more of my attention from now on. okay? I'm sorry y/n. I love you, I really do.” he finished. and that’s what you wanted to hear.
-you wanted him to acknowledge his wrongs and apologize. you knew kageyama struggled with his emotions sometimes but he would eventually come around.
-you rested your head on his shoulder.
-“did you really skip practice for me?”
-“of course I did”
-by the end of the day, kageyama had learned that relationships aren’t just a one-sided thing. that you cant constantly be supporting him without him supporting you.
-he promised to you that no matter what it is that you would do, he would be right by your side cheering you on.
tsukishima ;
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-the days had turned to weeks, and tsukishima was barely paying any attention to you. after your little fight, it was clear that he wouldn’t say a word until you said something first.
-but you were scared to.
-how could you not be? his teasing crushed your self-esteem.
-you would notice things about yourself that you never saw before. picking at your skin for the tiniest imperfections.
-or even trying to change your appearance in any way you could to seem different, but in the end, tsukishima didn't pay attention.
-but someone else did, yamaguchi. he was close to tsukishima and knew what was going on.
-he was the first one to comfort you after your fight with your boyfriend. he promised to you that the things he said weren’t true and he never meant it.
-yamaguchi was slowly replacing tsukishima as the days went by. still, the two of you remained friends.
-“I think you should talk to him, y/n. he misses you I know it” he told you one day. he was on his way to practice and asked you to come with.
-you didn't know if that was really true but you decided to put your trust into him.
-instead of going into the gym yourself, you waited for practice to end nearby. you didn't want to be a distraction.
-when practice did end, tsukishima and yamaguchi ended up being the first ones to come out. yamaguchi was smiling as he yelled out for you. tsukishima stayed silent.
-walking towards the two made your anxiety rise. it was nerve-wracking honestly.
-the three of you ended up walking to the gate before yamaguchi told you that he had somewhere to go first and he’d meet you two later.
-after that, it was just the two of you. you noticed how although his house was in the opposite direction, he still walked with you. you smiled a little at that.
-“So what’s up with you and yamaguchi?” he said bluntly. the abrupt interaction kinda scared you a little.
-“Nothing, we’re just friends. why?”
-“nothing. I just don't like seeing you all friendly with him.”
-“Are you jealous?”
-“I guess so”
-his words were so blunt it left you confused.
-you asked him how he could say something like that when he’s been ignoring you for days. and not only that but just straight-up bully you.
-tsukishima stayed silent at that. he had stopped walking at this point, and so had you.
-“listen. I'm sorry for saying those things to you, I was just stressed and took that out on you. I never meant to hurt you y/n, I mean it” you knew tsukishima wasn't the type to talk so openly about how he felt.
-he probably meant it.
-it doesn’t take away the fact that it hurt you. you told him what his words had done to you, that you had tried to change yourself for his approval.
-at this, tsukishima brought you into a hug. he held you close to him, softly petting your hair.
-“I'm sorry y/n, I’m sorry for taking it too far, for making you think so low of yourself. I promise you I never thought those things about you, I was just mad. I should’ve never taken it out on you.”
-at this point, you didn't know if you should be happy about it or cry.
-“it hurt tsukki.” was all you said to him.
-“I know. I'm so sorry y/n, I understand if you cant forgive me.” he pulled away from you to move your hair away from your face, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on your forehead.
-“I understand that I’ve hurt you. you don't need to forgive me. but please know that I love you so much.”
-afterward, tsukki ended up walking you home, holding your hand the rest of the way.
-he knows things might not go back to being the same, but he’s willing to work on letting you past his walls, being nicer towards those he loves, you especially.
-you know old habits die hard and that relationships aren’t always easy. but this was a journey you both were willing to take. both learning from each other to make sure this never happens again.
I'm really hoping this is okay uh- I tried to make this as wholesome as I could but continuing the theme from last time. I might have to just make fluff has for these three after HANDFJDNN (i’m also very sorry for my terrible english @(*$@*(24)
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mochi-marie · 4 years ago
Hello, How are you? Hope your doing well!
If it isn't too much, Can I request headcanons of how Oikawa, Osamu, Suna, and Tsukishima will react when someone hits on them when their s/o isn't around?
Thank you, Have a great day and Take care!! 💗
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author’s note :: this was such a good idea, tysm for the request! 🤩💛 this was kinda fun to write ngl! didn’t have much to say for suna and tsukishima, so their’s are a teensy bit shorter.. !
perspective :: here
characters :: oikawa toru, miya osamu, suna rintaro, tsukishima kei
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♡ … because of oikawa's many fangirls, it isn't a strange occurence for the pretty captain to be hit on or complimented throughout his week.
♡ … honestly, it has happened in front of you before, where a fan would shyly walk over and gently shove a card or some sort of gift to you both before running off. sometimes they will just straight up walk over and start complimenting him as well.
♡ … when you're not around though, i feel like he may chuckle nervously and scratch the nape of his neck in the effortlessly charming way that he does.
♡ … "that's very sweet of you! but, i'm in a relationship!" is what he'll say in that sweet voice of his. his fans would either respect it or interrogate him.
♡ … but it doesn't matter -- in fact, it gives him a chance to talk about his lovely s/o more!
♡ … the more they question him, the more they see the adoration grow in his eyes the more he talks in depth about you and your relationship together -- hell, he'll even start to brag a bit!
♡ … when he find you again? oh ho, you best believe that a cheeky smirk will replace the soft smile that greets all of his fans. all you really need to see at this point is his hands clasped behind his back, foot swinging with the smug look on his face.
♡ … "(name)!~" he sighs in a sing-song voice. "guess what happened today?" with a playful grin tugging on his lips, he runs a hand through his utterly soft hair before continuing : "your super-talented, handsome boyfriend got hit on!"
♡ … "but don't worry," he says, wrapping his arms around your hips and pulling you to his chest loosely, looking down to you through his fluffy hair that flopped into his view.
♡ … "I'd never leave my (name), never in a million years!"
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♡ … osamu, while cool and collected on the outside, gets a bit shy and bashful when confronted with someone so forward like that, glancing away awkwardly.
♡ … i feel like he's just so used to atsumu getting all of that kind of attention, that he dosen't consider the fact that hey, other people might find him utterly attractive as well!
♡ … so, getting a rather bold compliment in passing, he might go silent with an awkward blush rising, ears burning a pink color.
♡ … "uh, uhm, e-erm, yeah-" will kind of just stumble around until he finds the correct words to respond -- but by then the mysterious flirt has already walked on.
♡ … i feel like he just wouldn't say anything about it unless it came up in conversation? something about osamu just strikes me as the type of person to not mention a whole lot of things that happens with him unless someone asks about his day, or if he knows its something that needs to be discussed.
♡ … so knowing osamu, atsumu would probably find out one way or another, and then mention it.
♡ … "you got hit on?" "w-well i, ya see, er-"
♡ … osamu may not show it, but he gets a little nervous at the questioning look on your face after atsumu's mouth just had to blurt out the little tid-bit of information.
♡ … honestly, it's adorable to watch his ears grow more red with every passing second as he tries to explain what happened, though an involuntary smile grows on his face as he watches an identical one grow on yours.
♡ … now, whenever you compliment him, you just say "are my compliments better than their's?" teasingly, and his ears burn but a grin washes over his face as he presses a kiss to your forehead -- "always."
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♡ … would not expect it, and probably wouldn't care all too much. he seems very analytical, chill, and laid-back, so it wouldn't surprise me if he kind of just.. shrugged it off?
♡ … nods to the person respectively before wandering off to continue whatever it was he was doing before they had interrupted his train of thought.
♡ … you would probably never knew it happened until weeks later, when suna was having a conversation with someone -- perhaps atsumu ( he seems to be a bit of a chatter-box when it comes to gossip ).
♡ … at the confusion on your face, he'll probably just shrug before looking back down to his phone; "yeah, some person just kinda said some things to me i suppose,"
♡ … he looks back up to you from the corner of his eyes, shrugging again, "honestly? i wasn't really paying attention."
♡ … suna doesn't see it as a big deal, especially since he truly didn't care what they had to say about him, or what they thought. the only opinion that matters to him is his own, and yours.
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♡ … if someone were to ever casually hit on him when you were not around, i also believe that he wouldn't really care all too much on what they had to say.
♡ … i mean, he'll be polite about it -- nodding his head with the thank you, maybe if he's caught in a good mood he'll give a small little half-forced smile that will either be painfully obvious or be so obvious that they believe it's a genuine smile -- but it doesn't matter all too much to him.
♡ … if you ask about his day, that will be in his little run down of things that had happened to him, otherwise, you could go weeks or months without ever hearing about this.
♡ … he probably wouldn't tell anyone else, so the only people that could possibly know would only be you or yamaguchi, unless others were around to witness it.
♡ … it may give him a little confidence boost, but other than that, he'd rather be showered in your praise rather than some flirt's off-hand compliment based on his appearance or assumptions about his personality.
♡ … if you were to get jealous, he would just sigh and after enough time or talk about it, he'll pat your head and place a small kiss to your hair, rolling his eyes with a simple; "meant nothing, doesn't matter now," or something along those lines as a little reassurance.
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© — mochi-marie.tumblr 2021 ⊱ please do not plagerize, repost, reproduce, edit / alter, or claim any works as your own.
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karasimpno · 4 years ago
Hi can I request a short drabble about how everyone thinks suga is innocent but in a threesome with daichi he's the one sittung in a chair telling you and daichi what to do pleaseee
I love your writing 🥺🌌
Oh wow this made my mouth water this morning.... this was low down in my inbox but I saw it and I was suddenly like..... oh..... of COURSE
Also omg thank you that’s so sweet of you!!! I love hearing that <3 :)
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Suga x Daichi x CisFem!Reader
Contains: voyeurism, dom/sub dynamics, oral (f receiving), hint of breath play but not really? (suggestion of being out of breath), orgasm denial, suggestion of either anal or dp who knows!!! Thank u to @bluntkingkuroo for beta reading!!!
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You find yourself gasping, unable to catch your breath as your hips stutter clumsily across Daichi’s again, and again, and -
“Again,” comes the cool voice from behind you. You feel your heart pound in your chest and you obey, your sweet core gushing over the unbelievable thickness filling you as you buck your hips once more.
It had been his idea.
You were out for a fun night of drinking and clubbing with the old Karasuno team, many of them in town for various holiday breaks. Tanaka and Noya had been ribbing Suga, giving him a hard time about what he must be like in bed. 
“Oh please, I bet you Suga’s even more vanilla than Yamaguchi,” Tanaka smirked confidently, taking a swig of his beer.
The silver-haired former setter just laughed softly, his lips quirking slightly as he knowingly caught your eye over the rim of his drink. You gulped down some of your own beverage and looked away, afraid you would laugh or somehow give him away.
You had graduated with the guys, but it wasn’t until after you’d gone off to college that returning to your hometown held an extra special appeal. One night when you were home for the summer, after a couple of drinks, things had gotten a little handsy with Suga, and your friendship quickly became one with an impressive array of benefits. 
“Yeah - honestly Suga, what’s your body count even? Do teachers even get laid?” Noya laughed, a little more obnoxiously than he would sober.
“Alright, alright,” Daichi said paternally, “we don’t go around talking about your sex lives, do we?” his voice was dry, but you had also noticed him avoiding Suga’s gaze. 
Daichi, another close friend, had only grown more muscular since joining the police force. You knew there had always been a spark between him and Suga, and you silently wondered whether anything had ever happened between them. They probably wouldn’t have told you because you three had been so close in high school. You laughed at Daichi’s remark, tearing your gaze away from his impressive biceps, still just as authoritative as ever.
“No, ‘cause you don’t have to. It’s practically the first thing out of their mouths,” you teased with a smirk, elbowing Noya, who pretended to be more hurt than he was.
Shot after shot and before you knew it, you were on the dance floor, sandwiched tightly between Daichi—your hips rolling back into him as he wrapped his arm around your waist—and Suga, your knees interlacing as you ground your crotches against each other, his dark eyes dangerously close to your face. In other words: you were exactly where you wanted to be. 
Suga was being a tease, a playful smile on his lips as he watched you undulate your torso into him over and over in an attempt to get closer to him. He kept his lips just out of reach, but you didn’t mind - you smiled at his games and played right along, your nose brushing with his as you danced. 
Daichi’s firm chest pressed into you, heat flooding your back as Suga’s lean forearms came up to rest on your shoulders, his hands reaching beyond you to caress Daichi. You very nearly shuddered at the responsive snap from the hips behind you - strong and staccato in contrast to Suga’s sensual sway. Daichi reached past you and placed a firm hand on Suga’s side, squeezing it roughly and pulling it closer to you. 
Leaning your head back onto Daichi’s shoulder, you caught the intense stare that Suga met him with, and you had a feeling you knew where the evening was going. You felt your heart race a little as the two men’s lips connected over your shoulder, Daichi’s chest pressing into you as Suga pulled him closer. You let out a sigh that would probably have been closer to a moan if the music weren’t so loud. 
The tangling of Daichi and Suga’s lips was so hot, so practiced, that you were almost certain your sneaking suspicion was true: Suga had benefits with both of his good friends. Inhaling, you placed a hand on both their cheeks, calling their attention back to you as their hungry mouths broke apart. Both their eyes were dark with lust, and a wicked smile had spread across Suga’s lips, one of his greatest fantasies coming true just as he had hoped.
And that’s how you find yourself completely naked with Daichi’s full length suctioned into your gummy walls, heat flooding your body as you feel Suga’s eyes on you both. 
You had felt smug, getting the attention of the two men in the back of car ride on the way to Suga’s place. But walking in the front door, as the two men shot each other heavy, meaningful glances, you had decided you wanted your share of the affection. Your eyes first landed on the thick ropes of muscle connecting Daichi’s shoulders to his neck. You zeroed in on your target, knowing what it would do to Suga. From behind him, you had draped your arms over his shoulders, standing up on your tiptoes to place a wet kiss to the corner of his jaw, maintaining your eye contact with Suga all the while. He merely smirked, disentangling himself from the grip Daichi had on his hand. Suga’s eyelids lowered as his pupils widened with lust. You grinned at his reaction, pulling back your lips to scrape your teeth gently down the side of Daichi’s neck. Rolling his hips to feel more of you, his arms came back, squeezing any part of you he could get his hands on.
Suga had always talked about this fantasy of his. Seeing his two friends with benefits, well, benefiting each other? It was a dream. But you knew what he really wanted. 
“So you want to play it that way, hm? Giving Dai all the attention?” he crooned, the threat of impending authority dripping from his voice. It sent shivers to your core; you could already feel Daichi melting beneath you. Whether it was from Suga’s words or your tongue, however, you couldn’t be sure.
“Get on the bed,” it wasn’t a request, and it made your heart pound.
Daichi moved so quickly your jaw nearly dropped. Before you could even move towards the bed, he was crawling over it, pulling his shirt over his head. Your eyes fluttered to see the rippling of his toned chest, the mere sight of him luring you to the bed with greater force than Suga’s words. Was he always this pliant with Suga? you wondered.
Suga knew what you liked, and it certainly wasn’t the vanilla any of his former teammates had suggested. Something about that man unlocked something animalistic in you - he knew exactly what he was dealing with.
Pretending to ignore Suga’s presence, you followed suit, climbing over the bed to seek out Daichi’s lips. But before you could indulge in the sloppy kiss that was calling your name from the flex of his muscles, you were interrupted by the soft voice of your original lover.
“Make her pant, Dai. If she’s able to catch her breath, you’re not doing enough,” Suga had said calmly, having settled into an armchair perfectly placed to provide an optimal view of your activities on the bed. You grinned at his position, loving the idea that he would just watch while you and Daichi pleasured each other. You couldn’t wait until you knew you would be able to hear the sweet tension in his voice, strained over the sound of skin on skin as he got off to two of his best friends getting each other off.
But so distracted were you by your racing heart and the situation that you found so enticing, you just about had the wind knocked out of you, taken by surprise when Daichi’s strong hands pounced on you in acquiescence of Suga’s instruction, throwing you into the mattress before kissing you breathless. It took you a moment to recover, but when you did, you were overwhelmed by the musky taste of Daichi in and against your mouth and the heady pleasure of his knee pressed between your legs. His change in demeanor was so shocking that you found yourself moaning at the contact. Soon, you couldn’t keep your hands off of his muscles, your fingertips working – and sometimes scratching – into the impossibly toned flesh of his back.
“Daichi,” Suga’s voice rang out. There was no command attached to it, but the muscular man above you acted as if trained to do so, instantly kissing your neck, pulling your blouse off as he tongued and bit his way down your torso, lighting up a trail of heat that shot straight to your already-soaked panties, every nerve standing on end.
As Daichi’s head progressed further down your chest, making quick work of your skirt, you were able to get a clearer view of Suga from where he sat, his erection pressing painfully against his pants. His fists were clenched firmly on top of his knees and though he was trying to maintain an air of unaffectedness, you could see the way his shoulders were beginning to rise and fall with more frequency. You smiled lightly, blissfully, and made a point to keep eye contact with him, making sure he could see your reaction to every single one of Daichi’s caresses, sometimes letting out soft “oh”s or moans or screwing up your eyebrows in pleasure, just for him. Suga swallowed before you realized you had become so focused on Suga that your attention on Daichi had wavered. You gasped when you felt his broad tongue swipe a messy lick up the cotton of your panties. That took your attention off Suga, making you miss the utterly delicious smile that your reaction had evoked from him.
Slightly shocked at Daichi’s boldness, you had let out an airy laugh when he used his teeth to pull the material down your legs, completely exposing you to both the men in the room. From your periphery, Suga visibly shuddered and you were sure you saw a hand dart to his crotch.
Daichi’s eyes were hooded and hungry, drinking you all in as he hovered over you. Biting his lip, he ran experimental fingertips up your shin, tickling you in their wake. 
“Put your feet flat on the bed,” Suga said, still calm but with a strained edge to his voice. Your eyes rolled over to him, a little annoyed at being the only completely naked one in the room, not an article of clothing missing from the watching party.
“What, and who’s gonna make me? You?” you challenged, meeting his gaze.
“No,” he said with a grin, “but he will—” Suga didn’t even need to tell Daichi what he wanted. Before he had even finished his sentence, you felt two large, calloused hands grip your ankles, pushing roughly upwards and forcing your knees to bend with the angle. You found your feet planted flat on the bed, just as Suga had commanded.
Within moments, Daichi’s face was between your legs, his tongue laving over your sweet folds and taking you in, sending tremors of pleasure up through your body. He wasn’t quite as good with his tongue as Suga, but his fingers were so much thicker that their presence was just as appreciated.
It’s not until what feels like hours of pleasure and panting and passion later that Suga finally lets you slide down on Daichi’s cock. Wickedly, he only lets you top Daichi like he knows you’ve wanted all night when he’s sure you know who’s really in charge.
“Fuck, baby, just like that.” 
So lost in your own pleasure, you’re not sure whether the voice comes from the man below you or the man to your side, stroking his cock to the sight of you bouncing on his best friend and lover. Your ears are filled with the lewd squelching sound of your movements, all your concentration centered on the way your palms rest against Daichi’s toned chest, struggling to keep your balance as your mind fills with a lusty haze. Daichi’s eyebrows are screwed up in pleasure, and you feel like you could practically drool, your body’s strength beginning to falter.
You’re too absorbed in the intensity of the stretch inside you to pay much mind to the sound of movement off to the side of the bed, though still keenly aware of how hot Suga’s penetrating gaze makes you feel. 
Suddenly, lithe, smooth hands are wrapping around your waist and you cry out with pleasure at the shock of the unexpected gentle contact. In an instant, Suga’s now-bare chest is pressed to your back and you keen openly from how overwhelming it is to be touched in so many ways by two very different men. Already trembling from the thickness of Daichi’s cock inside you, you feel as though your body will give out, pleasure surging through you as Suga’s hands creep up to play with your pert nipples. A blinding white light plays at the edges of your vision, a euphoria rising through your throat just before—
A strong, slender hand pushes down hard on your back, sending your chest tumbling over Daichi’s, effectively ripping your climax from you and causing you to cry out in both shock and frustration. The hand on your back lightly traces down to your backside.
“I hope there’s still enough room for me?” Suga asks, his voice saccharine sweet.
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general taglist: @goddessofchaosleo @kodzurin @honeybunny-sawamura @bluntkingkuroo @waitforitillwritemywayout
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oinkawa-bb · 4 years ago
first time dads!haikyuu pt.3
request: Hiii I just read everything you’ve posted and I. Am. In. Love with your writingggg! I was hope to request a part 3 for your first-time dad series for Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kenma, and Akaashi :) -@lollypop-lam
note: ahhhh!!!! helloo bb~~ thank you so much for your luv<3333 i was rly not expecting so many ppl to read this series!! but i enjoy writing it so here’s a part 3 for you (i tried to add more variety of scenarios for y/n so it’s not all the same!) hehe i hope you like it! thank you for ur request!<3 here is dad!tsukki, akaashi, yams, and kenma
mentions: pregnancy, domesticity, fluff, slight angst, timeskip, fem!reader
part one (daichi, kuroo, oikawa)
part two (iwaizumi, suna, atsumu, osamu)
☀︎—kei tsukishima
he already knew something was different since the day you took the test
kei could sense that you were tenser than usual 
Exhibit A was when you slightly jumped as he placed one hand gently on the small of your back,
it was really nothing out of the ordinary...
so he raises an eyebrow at you, not saying anything, but just questioning with his curious expression
you bite your lip,,,, 
this was unplanned and even though you’ve recently discussed having kids, you’re worried about how kei might feel because honestly you’re pretty anxious,
but when you break the news to him,
the corners of his mouth are upturned into a soft grin
and he quietly pulls you into a hug
you also could’ve sworn that there were tear stains that he left on your shirt after
but when ur in his arms while he’s whispering about how excited he is, you know that you’re ready to have a family with him<33
tsukki likes to express his care for you and his child through subtle affectionate gestures,,
like his favorite thing to do when he comes home from work is envelop you in a back hug,
and he likes to run his large hands gently over your bump, waiting for a kick
when he feels one, you bet your ass that this man is grinning bc he just can’t hide his excitement !!!
i feel like he’d be a super cautious dad-to-be,
like if you’re given prenatal vitamins or told not to eat certain foods,
he has scrutinized the labels and the internet to make sure everything in the house is safe for you and his bb<33
during your whole pregnancy, he’s more logical and clear-minded, but there’s a stark contrast on the day you actually go into labor owo
like i’m talking sweat beads running down the side of his forehead
and his hand clutching yours for dear life as he guides you to the hospital room
during the entire labor, tsukishima can’t be separated from you...
like when you get up to go to the bathroom and make him stand outside, he’s leaned against the door with his arms crossed
he’s acting like a bodyguard?? but like for what idk
he’s quite tense until his baby makes their appearance,
but when he does get to hold the baby, his body is wracked with silent sobs and he’s overcome with a wave of emotion
he’s silent on the outside, 
but his mind can’t even begin to process the monumental amount of love he feels for u and this little bb <333 🥺🥺🥺
dad tsukki has fallen in love all over again.
☀︎—keiji akaashi
akaashi slips into the bedroom when he hears ur sniffling,,
your back faces him, but he can tell that ur hunched over something in your hands...
when he approaches you and sees that your eyes are puffy n swollen,
his voice is filled with concern,
“what’s wrong?”
it takes a moment for you to choke out your words but you manage,
“keiji, i-i’m scared,”
then he catches sight of the white stick in your hands,
and he sees two faint lines sitting on its little screen
he takes a seat next to you, pulling your body against his and pressing a kiss to the temple of your forehead,,,
“what are you scared of when you have me?”
the two of you have a long conversation that night,, 
mostly with akaashi reassuring you that he’s prepared for whatever decision you make and that he’ll always be there to support you🥺
the next morning,
you’ve calmed down and thought clearly about this, realizing that many of your anxieties stemmed from how keiji would react,
but after realizing his willingness to support you,
you can’t help but smile and press a hand to your belly as you look in the mirror in the bathroom
and when akaashi sees this, his heart is so full and excited!!!🥺
throughout your pregnancy, akaashi is overwhelmingly supportive and emotionally reliable,,
he listens to your concerns both physically and mentally, helping you talk through your worries and find solutions,,
he’s also suuuper intimate with you,
bathing and pampering you,
staying up late to talk with you,
waking you up with kisses nd breakfast in bed,,
he’s just the most perfect partner to you. 
and every day you spend beside him reaffirms your excitement to have his child
when the day arrives, you’re beyond anxious,
he can just tell from little gestures you make that you’re more nervous than ever before,
so akaashi has one hand on you at all times during labor, so you can physically feel his support
the process couldn’t have gone more smoothly than it did, and akaashi’s so grateful 
and when he gets to hold the baby against his own chest, 
he’s smiling through the tears that are welling up bc
his eyes now lay upon the most beautiful replica of you.
fugg i luv keiji🥰🥰🥰
☀︎—tadashi yamaguchi
the day you tell yamaguchi you’re pregnant?
he’s probably crying.
no, he’s definitely crying.
he’s also definitely overexcited
so when he went in for a hug, he immediately lets go bc he’s worried that he hugged you too tightly🥺
he’s just a ball of emotions and kind of all over the place!!
but he gets it together asap and is already on dad duty the very next day
making doctor’s appointments, listing purchases to be made, planning for your baby shower, n anything he can do to be prepared
he makes many a few unnecessary purchases
something like a bougie hundred dollar memory foam pregnancy pillow for u 
and a temperature controlled collapsible baby stroller for his bb
his heart was in the right place but his money was not asdgfd
but he wants to treat you like the queen that you are,
so he’s always excited to come home to see you after work
and he likes to bring home things that will make you happy
food and baby clothes and flowers uwuwu
i also think tadashi came up with the idea to start scrapbooking the memories of your soon to be little family of three <33
so he takes cute little polaroids to keep them in a scrapbook
and he also definitely keeps a lil photo of the baby’s ultrasound in his wallet that he often takes peeks at while at work
and he can’t help but smile and tear up at the thought of starting a family w u 🥰
every morning, he just feels so blessed to wake up to the sight of you n your lil bump aka his future child ?!?!!?
and when that realization registers in his brain,
he just has to pull you close to him, plant a kiss to ur belly, and cuddle you for as long as he wants <333
the day you go into labor, yamaguchi lugs like 3 hospital bags frantically out of the house (he definitely stuffed them fully to the brim)
he’s overall pretty anxious but he’s mostly anxious about the pain you’re going thru🥺
with each hour that passes at the hospital, he’s pacing the room back and forth, always coming back to ur bedside to hold ur hand and kiss it many times
when the time finally comes, yamaguchi can’t believe that he’s actually seeing his child irl
like.... he’s in awe of the beauty of his child, just utterly speechless...
it registers a little bit later and he’s crying again
but back home, yamaguchi is always so eager to take care of his baby and he’ll do anything n everything to take care of his child and help u rest and recover
dad yamaguchi melts my heart
☀︎—kozume kenma
so u decide to plan a little surprise for kenma one morning
and he’s all groggy from just waking up, 
but he peeks his eyes open when he hears you shuffling back and forth right at his bedside,,
he sees that you’re only wearing a white oversized tee and he’s about to pull u back in bed for more sleep,
but then kenma’s eyes focus on the text that’s handwritten in sharpie in the center of the shirt over your stomach
“kenma jr.”
he’s never seen this shirt before, and then he’s realizing what it means and his eyes widen in anticipation !!!
so u crawl on top of him and lay your head on his chest while he’s processing,,
“yes, kozume. i am.”
he’s smiling with his eyes closed, 
and he lifts his head to kiss your hair before wrapping his arms around you and whispering in your ear that “he doesn’t know a kenma jr. but he can’t wait to meet them”
you swat at his chest jokingly, and he smiles even wider, 
but you don’t see the love that resonates deeply in his eyes when he looks down at you🥺 
bc you end up falling asleep on him lmaooo
but ever since that day, kenma is on high alert whether it looks like it or not...
he’s especially protective of u in public, 
observing those closest to you and gently shifting you out of the way when someone gets too close...
kenma is most affectionate though when he thinks you’re not aware,,
meaning he likes to run his hand over your stomach, admire your sleeping expression, nd gently kiss your hair
all while he thinks you’re asleep but you’re not tho and it makes ur heart explode
kenma also doesn’t struggle to sleep at night, but he ends up choosing to stay awake for as long as u are 
and he stays awake even after u fall asleep bc he likes to whisper some of the sweetest words to just kenma jr uwuwuwu
on the day when kenma accompanies you to the hospital, he’s listening intently to the patterns of your breathing,
so he knows when the pain is worst and he holds onto you tighter during those times,,
after hours of labor, kenma ends up super teary eyed at the sight of his baby,
he’s silently swaying the baby in his arms nd just thinking about how much his heart is overfilling with luv...
he knows kenma jr now... and he loves kenma jr with his whole heart<333
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dokifluffs · 5 years ago
Playing With His Hands | Yamaguchi, Akaashi, Ushijima
Pairing: Yamaguchi X Reader (gender neutral), Akaashi X Reader (gender neutral), and Ushijima X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: soft 
Author’s Note: yamaguchi, my son. that’s it. 
Tendo, Tsukishima, Oikawa // Suga, Bokuto, Sakusa 
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Yamaguchi: baby🥺 
The two of you sat side by side during lunch in a brightly lit stairwell, in your own little world
His voice echoed off the spacious walls, clearer and stronger compared to how meek his voice was when you first met him
His voice would tremble and the words stuttering out of his mouth whenever he tried to speak to you
But now it was like he was entirely different  
Your eyes were wide looking into his as you listened to him intently about how he was able to score multiple points with his float serve at the recent game
You absolutely adored it when Tadashi was able to talk about something he grew to love from a young age, slowly growing more and more as an athlete and growing more confidence
You felt amazed hearing it, imagining how it went in your head but you felt bad since you couldn’t make it to his games since you had responsibilities at home
His hair bounced a bit as he spoke and you could practically see the stars twinkling in his eyes as he spoke, the sun hitting him just right
You could see the features of his face to closely, seeing each freckle defined and perfect just the way he was
But you really did feel guilty for not being able to be there to cheer him on personally
So you took his hand in yours, his right hand that he served with
You wished him luck in the palm of his hand drawing the character representing it with your finger, drawing a line signifying strength down his index, luck down his middle, success with his ring, knowledge with his pinky, and confidence down his thumb
This was your support that you gave him since you couldn’t make it to the actual games
Your touch tickled his skin since it felt so feather like when you drew on his hand
He loved it when you did this
However, he also couldn’t help the sudden shyness that welled up inside of him, a pink blushing tinting his cheeks
No matter how much time he spent with you and no matter how long the two of you had been together, you were able to melt him down to a shy, blushing mess
He was weak when it came to you but you also made him his strongest alongside his team and your words of encouragement mixing with theirs
But maybe, just maybe, you were able to make space in your schedule to see him play and score even more points for his team
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The cafe was somewhat busy, gradually filling up and getting busier we they went on
Akaashi and you planned to spend the day here to catch up in studies, spending time together while also studying for your majors
You were getting tired of studying in your and his room with your roommates always staying in and the library was where everyone went to
So the two of you went to this cafe that had been empty whenever the two of you went and it was open late
However, that was during the nighttime
You tried your best to focus, ignoring the people the best you could, listening on the calm, slow music, the deep sound of the cello that you tried your ground yourself too
But as people took the seats in the booth beside you, you hadn’t even realized your unsteady breaths
And that was when you felt his warmth by your side
Akaashi sat beside you and took your hand in his
He pulled you out of the fog in your mind and made a clearing. He turned his laptop so it faced the two of you and it acted as like a wall like he did
He was the space that separated you from the rest of everyone else in the ever growing crowded cafe  
He became the new thing that kept you grounded, his hand opening and closing to distract you from your surroundings as he rested it in your lap
You played with his fingers as he occasionally opened and closed his hand, his fingers long and thin, delicate and soft to the touch
You tapped the tips of his fingers, jumping back and forth from each one as if you were counting them repeatedly in your mind
He continued on his work, relieved he was able to be use to you
He for sure was going to look for a more secluded space for the two of you to relax and spend time together so you wouldn’t have to worry about people
Your focus was suddenly on his fingers, watching it in your lap as he opened and closed it in different ways
One way would all at once, another would be opening and closing it one at a time
It was so simple but it worked to pull yu from your thoughts and your breathing returned to normal
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Snow slowly drifted from the dark clouds that concealed the moonlit, starry sky
The air outside was dry and bitter cold that burned whenever you inhaled
But fortunately you were inside beneath the plush covers of the bed, most of the heat you felt in bed coming from Wakatoshi’s body as he laid still
His slow deep breaths filled the quiet room, no sound coming from anywhere outside or inside, only from him as you laid beside him, wide awake
Your eyes watched the shadows of the snowflakes as they fell, the light illuminating from the old street lamp just outside, across the window
You reached your hand up into the dark room as if you could grab onto the shadows from the light on the ceiling, but all you could see was your own arm being illuminated by the golden light
The snow made everything feel so dampened and quiet, unlike in a rainstorm, you could hear it all. This was the opposite. Snow fell silently and made everything cold
You couldn’t bring yourself to fall asleep despite the heaviness you felt on your eyelids
Looking beside you, you somewhat envied how easy it was Wakatoshi to sleep
You noticed how still he laid, the only movements coming from his chest as he breathed
But unlike him, you didn’t spend a couple hours everyday exerting energy by playing a sport
His practices were getting longer, starting earlier, ending later as his team prepared for an upcoming game a little more than a week away
But as his team practiced longer, there was something different about this upcoming game
He tweaked his diet and workout regiments, determined to get stronger. He spent hours at the gym, coming home soaked with sweat only to shower, eat dinner, and then sleep for the night, this cycle repeating
You could see his body changing over weeks- his overall bigger but he was also a bit slimmer in the waist
Turning to your side in bed, you faced him
You knew he was a professional athlete. He knew how to take care of himself more than anyone and he know how to get strong
But you couldn’t help but hope he could treat himself more
As he slept soundly, you took his left hand that rested on the blanket beside him in yours, bringing it to you. Your heart still flushed with a warmness feeling the size difference of his hand to yours despite having held it so many times
“Don’t over work yourself, Toshi... you’ll get stronger. You’ve always been so strong, you’ll blow away any opponent you face. I’ll cheer you on,” you whispered into the quiet room, lightly pressing your lips to his left hand
“Thank you, Y/N.” His voice was low and strong, sounding through the silence, dripping with sleep
“You’re not asleep?” You asked, surprised
“I was, but I woke up a little when you held my hand and then I heard your sentiment. It was very sweet, thank you. Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“I can’t seem to fall asleep, but don’t worry about me. You should sleep, you have practice tomorrow,” you said, drawing a circle in the palm of his hand
“Mmhm, sleep well,” he spoke. Filling your touch on his hand, he opened his hand up, resting it beside his pillow
You slowly drew whimsical designs all along the palm of his hand, tracing small ovals and circles over the pads of his fingers
It wasn’t long until you heard his deep breaths once again, his chest slowly raising and falling like the snow outside. It slowly fell
Your touches grew lighter and lighter until you could feel yourself drifting. But before sleep could fully overcome you, you entangled his hand with yours, your lips pressed to his skin throughout the night until he had to pull away the next day
 ~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @sammy-i-am​ @1-800-wholesome​ @realityisoftendisapointing
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sugako · 4 years ago
college!yamaguchi x f!reader
summary: yamaguchi gets jealous after watching another guy eye you up at a party and wants to prove who you’re really with 
warnings: 18+ minors dni, smut, public sex, car sex, semi-exhibitionism dubcon (someone sees & reader doesn’t want them to), jealousy, D/s themes, use of the nickname ‘puppy’, slight breeding kink
wc: 1.4k
a/n: the amount of times i rewrote this bc my computer kept crashing is embarrassing 
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“Tadashi!” You yelped when he bit down into the soft skin between your shoulder and neck. “What if someone sees?” Squirming in his hold, you pitifully tried to pull his hands off your body. 
Truthfully, you hadn’t riled him up on purpose. When you drank you were just naturally friendly. You didn’t even notice when the guy you bumped into and made idle conversation with leered down at you. From across the room, Yamaguchi glanced your way to make sure you were doing okay, and he saw. He saw exactly how the guy looked down your cute little dress and knocked some empty cups off the counter just to watch you turn around and pick them up. 
So now you were bunched on his lap in the driver’s seat of his car just outside the house. It was so dark you could barely see his face in front of yours. 
“Good.” He mumbled with his lips ghosting over the top of your chest. “I want that perv to see you’re mine, puppy.” 
You were clinging to the back of Yamaguchi’s neck, already panting. 
“Didn’t mean-” You’re cut off by his gentle voice. 
“Shh, shh, shhhh,” He holds your chin back so you have to look at him in the eyes. “I know you didn’t mean to. You’re so oblivious my sweet little puppy. Didn’t even notice him staring at your tits and ass.” His hands come up under the skirt of your dress to grope at your panties. You shift just enough, feeling the slick pooling up between your legs, so he can pull them off. “Bet he wanted to fuck you right there in front of everyone. You know that?” He reached between your thighs to tease your slit with one gentle finger. With soft motions, he circled your clit slowly before easing into you. 
Whimpering, you hid your face in his neck. Any inhibitions you had about being in the car were thrown out the window at that point. 
“Ahh, n-no. Just want you, ‘dashi.” You gasped, head spinning. 
“Uh-huh,” he chuckled, “I know, my sweet little innocent oblivious puppy.” He could make you so dumb with that silly little nickname so fast and he knew it too. “You want me?” 
“Ahh, uh-huh.” The words stumble out of your mouth with a little gasp as he pulls his finger out of your and brushes it against your bottom lip. 
“So messy.” He teases while you take his digit into your mouth and suck your own cum off. “For me?” Yamaguchi challenged, sticking his finger so far back in your throat you nearly gagged. 
“Just for you, always, ‘dashi.” You stammered as he took his fingers away. 
Really, you hadn’t noticed the guy flirting with you or staring at you, but sitting in the car now you didn’t really mind. The possessively jealous look that steeled his pretty features sent butterflies to your stomach. 
His hands and mouth roaming and eating up every piece of skin he could made you squirm in his lap. With shaking hands you blindy groped for his belt buckle in the darkness of the car. 
“Fuck,” he hissed when your knuckles brushed against his hardened cock through his pants, “such a pretty puppy. So fucking oblivious. Gonna fuck me?” 
“Uh-huh.” You pressed a fast kiss to his soft lips while pulling his length out of his underwear. It was obscene how well you knew the veins and ridges of his pretty cock even without looking. When your thumb swiped over his sensitive, weeping head, that you were sure would be a cute little shade of pink if you could see in the shadows. He had to pull your hands away, pinning your wrists together with one of his hands. 
“C’mon, get on me then.” He growled, lining himself up with your entrance. “Fuck yourself like a good little girl.” 
You whined as the fat tip passed between your folds, thighs shaking. Your hands came up from where he was loosely holding them to dig into his shoulders and rest your head in the crook of his neck. 
“Too big…” you cried. Yamaguchi rolled his eyes. 
“You take me all the time, puppy, just sit down.” A smirk bloomed on his lips unbeknownst to you when he saw a side door open to the house. The same asshole who had been eyeing you up like some meal earlier was peeking around the corners looking for someone. Looking for you. Yamaguchi glanced at the windows, slightly cracked to keep the car from steaming up too much.
You were too focused on your breathing and easing yourself down into his lap to notice his momentary silence. One of his hand absentmindedly circled your clit, easing your struggled. Finally, after a long minute, you felt your thighs hit the rough material of his pants. His tip kissed deep inside of you already making you squirm. His gentle fingertips teasing you clit were just enough to send your sensitive body into a delicate orgasm. He flinched when he realized you were cumming, too distracted by his own thoughts. 
“D-did it.” You panted against his ear, grinding your hips ever so slowly against his. 
“Good girl,” he smiled and shifted his feet to plant them on the ground. “Now I want to hear everything, okay puppy?” 
You knew that just meant he wanted you to be loud, and while you were a little embarrassed and still had an aching worry about someone noticing, you agreed. 
Before you could really start lifting yourself, his hands were clamped around your waist and he was pistoning himself up into you. A purely pornographic screaming moan tore out of your throat at the sudden motion. 
Yamaguchi watched as the man’s head snapped toward the direction of the noise. He deftly looked scanned around before his eyes landed on the windshield of your car. With an evil grin, Yamaguchi fucked up into you hard. Each slide of his cock making you moan out again. 
You only looked up when one of his hands left your waist. His eyes were glued on something behind you. You hurriedly glanced behind you where Yamaguchi was flipping off the man from the party who was just turning away from where he had obviously been staring into the car. 
“So pretty you get an audience, puppy. Glad I actually got to show off that you’re all mine.” He hummed. Your face filled with mortified heat. 
“Ta-tadashi!” You cried, hiding your face back into his shoulder as if that would take back what had already transpired. “Don’t, ah, want anyone else to see me beside you.” You needily clung to him. 
His heart swelled with the admission. “It’s okay baby, he couldn’t see anything below the dash. Sorry, to embarrass you though, puppy. Just wanted him to see you’re mine.” With each word his tone got a little lower, melting you into a puddle in his lap. Your cunt clenched at what he said although you still felt a little flustered. 
Yamaguchi knew he couldn’t last much longer in this position, especially with the little whimpers and the way your sweet pussy fluttered around his cock every few seconds. His arms wrapped around you to hold you close as he thrusted up a few more times. On the final thrust, he slammed you down into his lap, his tip just kissing at your cervix. You shuddered at the feeling, collapsing in his arms. 
Hot strings of cum painted your pulsing walls as he silenced his own sweet moans by kissing you hard. You grinded your hips softly, working him gently through it. After he had stopped twitching inside of you and began to grow soft, he carefully helped you off of him and into the passenger seat. You clenched your thighs together, desperate the keep the mix of cum between your legs. 
Panting, he cleaned himself up with a soft pack of tissues in the center console and tucked himself back in. 
“Good girl,” he softly palmed your face and gave a sweet kiss, “You okay? Want me to clean you up, puppy?” He said glancing down to where your thighs were tensed. 
“No, wanna see if I can keep it in until we get home.” You said a little teasingly, watching as he clenched his jaw. He kept one hand tightly intertwined with yours as he silently started the car. 
“Let’s take the shortcut.” 
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lostinthewiind · 4 years ago
𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳
Tsukishima Kei - Haikyuu
Synopsis: before you met Tsukki, Yamaguchi was the go-to person for girls who wanted to confess their love for the tall, blonde middle blocker. Now that the two of you are friends, however, you collect love confessions for him on the daily. And why shouldn’t you? You and Tsukki are just friends; you say so yourself all the time.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
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“You’re sure you don’t mind?”
You shook your head as you took the letter and box of chocolates from the small, trembling girl before you. “No, not at all.” You forced a sweet smile. “I’ll be sure to tell him.”
The girl grinned wide, her face lighting up. “O-okay, thank you! I don’t think I could ever tell him in person about how I feel.”
“He’s really not as scary as everyone likes to think he is,” you said as you tucked the gifts of affection into your bag, pretending to pay careful attention but in reality, not exactly caring whether the card got crumpled or if the candies melted. 
The girl’s cheeks flushed a bright shade of red and she chuckled. “Really? Maybe I’ll try talking to him at lunch then!”
“You should.” You feigned interest, not quite sure why you were encouraging this girl to personally confess her undying love for the boy that you yourself held deep feelings for. Maybe it was because you felt that if you played the part as the supportive best friend, you would eventually just fall into that roll and forget all about how his smirk gave you butterflies or how your heart skipped a beat whenever he offered to share his music with you.
“Okay, I will!” A wave of confidence flooded over the girl’s features. “Well, class is about to start, so I better get going. Thanks again!”
“No problem.” Your assurance fell on deaf ears as the girl turned and headed to class with her friends, the lot of them giggling and whispering as they went. 
As soon as the gaggle of girls had turned the corner and disappeared from sight, you exhaled and turned on your heel to head toward your own classroom. Managing to make it just before the first bell rang, your mood lifted as soon as you spotted your friend sitting in his assigned seat beside yours, eyes closed and headphones positioned over his ears, almost as if they were a permanent fixture of his head.
Fishing the offerings out of your bag, you dropped them down onto his desk rather harshly to get his attention as you slid into your own seat. Hearing the items drop onto his desk and feeling the vibrations through his arms, which had been folded across the tabletop, Tsukki eyed the card and chocolates and sighed.
“Again?” He pulled his headphones away from his ears and hung them around his neck, the music still blaring enough that you could faintly hear the bass. 
“Again.” You confirmed with a slow nod. 
Yamaguchi, who sat on the other side of Tsukki, stared at the gifts with wide eyes. “Wow, Tsukki, you really are popular!”
“I really wish I wasn’t.” He picked up the small box of sweets and tossed them onto Yamaguchi’s desk. “Do you want them?”
Yamaguchi, who was used to laying claim to the rejected love offerings, nodded happily and accepted them. Sometimes he gave them to you as well, and as much as you appreciated the thought, eating the physical representation of unrequited love wasn’t something you particularly enjoyed, so you usually ended up just throwing them out when you got home.
“I wish you would just stop being so mean to everyone who isn’t Tadashi and I, that way people would actually confess their love for you to you and the two of us would be left out of it,” you grumbled. “It’s getting annoying.”
“How do you think I feel?” Tsukki lazily ripped open the card and scanned its contents quickly with his eyes, scoffing at the girly handwriting and hand-drawn hearts. “Pathetic.”
Without a second thought, he handed the card over to you so that you could read it as well. You chuckled to yourself as you took in the words of affection that resembled a Victorian-era love poem. You felt a little guilty about snooping on the private emotions of a girl who, as far as you could tell, seemed perfectly nice; however, you couldn’t deny the joy you experienced when Tsukki shared yet another sappy love note with you, inviting you to participate in the flat-out rejection and tug on your heartstrings just a little bit more. 
As long as he didn’t love anyone else, there was still hope for you. 
“‘The way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight makes my heart sing.’“ You read a particularly descriptive part aloud before handing the card over to Yamaguchi. “If only these poor girls knew that their most vulnerable feelings get scrutinized by a panel of three cynics like us.”
Yamaguchi chuckled heartily as he took his turn reading the card. Before another word could be said on the matter, however, the second bell rang and the teacher strolled into the room, bringing a halt to any and all side conversations.
By the time lunch had rolled around, you had almost completely forgotten about that morning’s events. Your stomach grumbling and your only thought being getting something to eat, you stood up to grab something from the vending machine but stopped in your tracks when you saw the girl from earlier standing by the door, her face even redder than it had been that morning and her eyes drifting from you to Tsukki, who had yet to notice her.
Suddenly, you remembered that you had encouraged the poor girl to talk to Tsukki herself, which even you knew was a horrendous idea. Sure, you had told girls that in the past, but never once had one actually followed through. Usually, you received a love confession, you gave it to Tsukki, you laughed about it together, and the girl would take her broken heart and retreat with her tail between her legs when Tsukki never so much as acknowledged her existence.
This was uncharted territory and you had no idea what to do. 
Turning to Tsukki, you pulled his headphones off—which he absolutely hated, but that was besides the point—and looked him dead in the eyes to set him straight before he could snap at you. “You see that girl by the door?” you asked him, and after glancing past you, he nodded. “She’s the one who gave me the card and chocolates to give to you this morning. She’s going to come in here and talk to you and I need you to not smash her heart into a million pieces. Okay?”
Tsukki opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, the girl had worked up enough courage to make her way into the classroom and was now standing beside the two of you. 
Smiling sheepishly, you backed away to give the two as much privacy as possible and pretended to be busy by digging through your bag for something.
“Tsukishima-san, did you get my card and chocolates?” the girl asked, her fingers intertwined together and her feet shifting weight nervously as she spoke. 
Tsukki simply nodded. With that, Yamaguchi returned from using the bathroom and you stood next to him near the door, the two of you watching from afar as the unknown girl confessed to Tsukki in the partially-full classroom. 
“What do you think he will say?” you inquired out loud.
Yamaguchi shrugged, never taking his eyes off of the interaction before him. “No. He’s never interested in any of the girls that confess to him. I don’t imagine this one will be any different, even if she is doing it in person.”
“Yeah . . . I just hope he doesn’t make her-” You stopped talking mid-sentence when the tears started welling in the girl’s eyes and she turned to rush out of the classroom. “. . . cry,” you finished your thought. 
Rolling your eyes, you returned to your desk, having completely forgot about getting something to eat from the vending machine, and looked to Tsukki, who was completely unfazed. 
“That looked like it went well,” you quipped. “Remind me to never confess my undying love for you.”
“All I did was tell her that I wasn’t interested,” he explained. “I don’t know how I could have possibly been any nicer.”
“Well, no offence, but considering you are you, I’m sure there was a way.”
For the following 24 hours, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get the look on that poor girl’s face after being rejected by Tsukki out of your head. Of course, you had no idea what he had actually said to her, but whatever it had been had been enough to make her cry . . . would he say something as equally insensitive if you ever decided to tell him how you felt?
By some stroke of luck, Tsukki wasn’t at school the next day, giving you time to clear your head without having to put up a facade for hours on end. However, you hadn’t been completely alone the entire day, and Yamaguchi was more observant than you had originally thought he was.
“Something’s bothering you,” Yamaguchi said out of nowhere as the two of you walked home after school that day. “Do you want to tell me or do you want me to guess?”
You chuckled softly. “You have three guesses and if you don’t get it right, you have to buy me a snack from the corner store when we pass it.”
“Deal.” Yamaguchi nodded, an aura of self-confidence practically radiating off of him. “Okay, let’s see . . . you got a bad test grade?”
You shook your head, convinced there was no way he could possibly guess correctly. “Nope.”
“You don’t like what your parents are cooking for dinner tonight?”
You snorted. “Nope, that’s not it.”
“Ah, okay. One guess left.” He was silent for a moment as he thought. “Could it be that you’re upset with how Tsukki turned down that girl at school yesterday because you have feelings for him but now you’re afraid that he will reject you in the same way?”
You stopped dead in your tracks, your jaw dropping. Yamaguchi just grinned. The sneaky bastard had been playing you all along.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” He played it off as a lucky guess. “Does this mean you’re buying the snacks then?”
“I . . . I guess so?” You were unsure how to respond. “But, wait, how did you know?”
“Tsukki may be completely oblivious to the general concept of feelings, but I’m not,” Yamaguchi said as he started toward the store that was in sight in the distance. “Now come on, I’m hungry!”
Completely shaken, you moved forward without really thinking about it and followed Yamaguchi. After you paid for two candy bars, the two of you continued on your way, Yamaguchi munching happily as if nothing had even happened and you staring at the still-wrapped treat in your hands, at a loss of words.
“If you knew I liked him this whole time, how come you’ve never said anything?” You finally found your voice.
“Because I figured you would share when you were ready,” he answered. “But now I think you’re never going to tell him because you’re too scared.”
“Of course I’m scared!” You threw your arms into the air dramatically. “You saw the poor girl running away with tears in her eyes. You’ve seen how he laughs at sappy romance stuff. How could I possibly feel anything but scared?!”
Yamaguchi thought for a moment. “Well, sure, it’d be scary if you were anyone else . . . but you’re not. You’re you. Judging by this whole situation, you don’t know this, but he likes you too.”
For the second time in less than an hour, you had been completely floored. “He what now?”
“Did you think he really hung out with you all the time and blatantly turned down other girls’ confessions in front of you because he just thinks you’re a good friend?”
You nodded, flabbergasted. “Y-yes?”
“You two are so unbelievably oblivious it’s actually hard to watch you guys running in circles around each other. Just tell him how you feel. I guarantee he won’t turn you down.” Yamaguchi suddenly stopped in his tracks and gestured to the house behind him; Tsukki’s house. 
Without even realizing it, Yamaguchi had lead you right into your waking nightmare. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. “You conniving little-”
 “You’ll thank me later. You both will.” He shoved you up the walkway to the front door before continuing down the road to his own house. “Good luck!”
“Yeah . . . thanks,” you huffed, eyeing the closed door in front of you. You had stood on this porch a hundred times before, knocked on the door a hundred times before, but today was different. 
Maybe Yamaguchi was right. Maybe Tsukki did like you back, and the only way to know for sure was to simply ask.
Before you could psych yourself out or change your mind, you pounded on the front door three solid times and glued your eyes to the doorknob, waiting for it to turn. 
Less than a minute later, you could heard footsteps inside and felt heat rush to your face. Were you actually going to do this? 
When the door swung open and Tsukki stood before you, dressed in pajama pants and a sweater, definitely looking a little on the ill side, you felt your heart jump into your throat. 
“Hey,” you greeted. “How are you feeling?”
The boy eyed you curiously. “Better now, thanks. Why are you here?”
“I, um . . . I have a confession for you,” you said before you could stop yourself. The words just sort of tumbled out of your mouth and now there was nothing you could do to avoid the situation. 
An amused look spread across Tsukki’s face. “You didn’t need to come all the way to my house for that. Just throw the card out and eat whatever candy came with it. You know the drill. It’s just another girl who-”
“There’s no card or any candies,” you told him and he cocked a brow. “And it’s not from just another girl . . . this one is from me.”
His face paled and his hand dropped from the doorknob he had still been holding onto, an indication that he had been ready to say goodbye to you pretty quickly. Now, however, he seemed to sense the seriousness of the conversation and had decided it was worth sticking around a little longer for.
“I won’t stand here and tell you that your eyes sparkle in the sun or that my heart does backflips when I see you, because you’ve heard that shit a million times,” you said. “But I will say that I like when you share your music with me or when you let me in on your inside jokes. You make me feel really special and I like that. I like you, Kei, and I just thought that I should tell you.”
“Oh.” He looked eerily similar to a deer in headlights and you were just waiting for him to slam the door in your face. But he didn’t. His hand did reach for the doorknob once again, but instead of closing the door, he opened it wider. “Do you want to come watch a new documentary with me?”
That hadn’t exactly been the response you had been expecting, but considering you weren’t currently a sobbing mess, you knew it could have gone a lot worse.
“I would like that.” You smiled and stepped into the house. “I might not have a whole box of chocolates, but I do have this.” You pulled the candy bar out of your pocket. “We can share it.”
“I would like that.” Tsukki closed the door behind you.
From that day on, even though you and Tsukki never officially declared your love for one another or referred to each other as ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’, you knew you had moved on from simply being friends.
And sure, sometimes you still got confessions for him from random girls, but it didn’t bother you nearly as much anymore. How could it when you knew, without a sliver of a doubt, that Tsukki only had eyes for you? 
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