#silence wang
porcupine-girl · 4 months
Our Song S3 Episode 3 - edited video with annotations is up!
You get to meet Da Zhangwei, I'm so happy! And in his very first appearance, he says something so unintelligible that the Mandarin subtitles skip it. I love him so much.
Episode 3 on Google Drive
Annotations on Google Drive
Annotations on AO3
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@aleatoricwren @emmajanereading
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cloudburst-ink · 1 year
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Made for @porcupine-girl as part of @fandomtrumpshate 2023!
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k-airportstyle · 2 years
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Wang Sulong - December 27th 2022
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boyuans · 8 months
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130124 种地吧何浩楠 Weibo Update
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blmpff · 5 months
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HANK WANG (22s) 21.04.24
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genshinmp3 · 2 months
Secret Orders of the Sands from The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 4 Yuxi Wang, Xin Zhao, HOYO-MiX
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scarefox · 3 months
James about dealing with anxiety
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celestiall0tus · 6 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 14 - Silencer
Beginning || Previous || Next
            “Is everything set up?” Adrien asked Alya.
            “You bet. I already told Juleka we’d be heading that way to work on our project with, well, her. Unbeknownst to her, I also invited the entire class minus Chloe and Sabrina to join us at Liberty.”
            “Think everyone will come?”
            “The only one to worry about is Alix, but I’m sure the girls can handle her just fine. C’mon, let’s get going.”
            Alya led Adrien along the Seine to Liberty, Juleka and Luka’s houseboat. They stepped onto Liberty’s deck and headed into the hold. They eyed Juleka sitting with Rose, Nathaniel, and Ivan, but no Luka.
            “Hey, guys. What’s up?” Nathaniel asked.
            “Oh, you know. Here to work on the group project like you guys,” Alya answered.
            “Uh, I thought it would just be us and Rose,” Ivan pointed out.
            Juleka glared at Alya. “It was.”
            “Oh, c’mon, girl. It’ll be ok. We need to work with Luka, but since we can’t really, this might be the best way, no?”
            “Speaking of, where is Luka?” Adrien butted in.
            Juleka narrowed her glare. She closed her book and chucked it at Adrien. Alya pushed him down as the book sailed over him and hit a countertop.
            “Juleka,” Rose admonished.
            “What? Alix does it, and I see why now.”
            Rose crossed her arms, puffed out her cheeks, and glared at Juleka.
            Juleka sighed. “Right. Sorry. Look, you can stay, but you stay away from Luka and keep the volume to a whisper.”
            “Girl, please, you know you don’t need to worry about us. You’ll barely hear a peep out of us,” Alya reassured.
            Juleka hummed. She stood to retrieve her book when thunderous stomps and loud music gave her pause. She looked around as the noises came closer until Nino and Kim burst into the hold with Max, Mylene and Marinette behind them.
            “Yo, what’s up party people? Who’s ready to study?” Nino hollered.
            Juleka yelled out, but her voice drowned away by Nino’s music along with Nino and Alya’s whooping and hollering. She sneered and pulled Adrien aside.
            “What is going on here? What are you two doing?” Juleka demanded.
            “We aren’t doing anything,” Adrien lied.
            “Bullshit! I didn’t invite these people here. I didn’t want them here. I didn’t want any of you here. Get out, now!”
            “C’mon, Juleka, this isn’t so bad, right?” Marinette butted in.
            “Shut it, Marinette! This doesn’t involve you. I want all of you out now!”
            “But we came to study with you guys. We all did. Well, except Alix because she’s at roller derby and told us she’d literally kill us if we showed our faces, but you know how Alix is,” Marinette rambled.
            “I. Don’t. Care            ! I want you all out. I didn’t invite you guys and Alya had no business inviting all of you. Get out!”
            “Why though? Why can’t we hang out with you outside of school at your place? What are you trying to hide from us?” Marinette asked.
            “Yeah, Juleka, what are you hiding?” Alya butted in.
            Juleka opened her mouth when a scream tore through the music. They all turned as Luka entered the room in a purple and black supervillain suit and a helmet that covered his mouth with headphones on it. He held a hand to the earpiece as Rose’s voice was stolen and sucked inside. They all watched as Rose moved her mouth, but no sound came out.
            Everyone screamed and ran out from the hold. Luka set his sights on them when Juleka stepped in his way.
            “Luka, please, don’t do this. Please, it’s ok. They’re gone. Renounce these powers, please. This isn’t you and you know it. You can’t-.”
            Luka raised a hand to the earpiece again and stole Juleka’s voice. She clutched her throat as tears fell from her eyes. She fell to her knees, and he moved past her. He headed for the stairs as Adrien blocked his path.
            “Please, Luka, listen to us. They’re gone and we’ll leave. You don’t need to continue this,” Adrien said.
            “Yeah, believe us. We’re your friends, Luka,” Marinette added.
            Luka narrowed his eyes. He raised a hand and moved it as a voice spoke in Juleka’s voice. “Why should I believe any of you? What have any of you done to make me believe you? You didn’t listen to Juleka, you didn’t leave when she wanted you to. If this is what it takes to get you to listen, so be it.”
            “Luka, please, we’re your friends, right? You can trust us that we’ll do what’s right. We just didn’t know what was going on, but we do now. We’ll-,” Marinette started.
            “Understand me? None of you could possibly understand me. Nor could any of you be my friend.”
            “Wait! But, Luka-!” Marinette attempted.
            “Silence! I’m not Luka. I’m Silencer, and I’ve had enough of your voices.”
            Silencer raised a hand to his earpiece and stole Adrien and Marinette’s voices. They panicked while Juleka picked herself back up and confronted Silencer. She moved in wild, erratic gestures that left Adrien and Marinette confused, but Silencer understood.
            “I’m sorry, Juleka. I need your voice. It’s the only voice that people will listen to. Yours and one other. I promise to return yours once I have hers.”
            Juleka’s eyes darted back and forth when they widened. She grabbed her phone, wrote out Alix was at roller derby, and showed it to Silencer. Adrien and Marinette freaked out as Silencer nodded and headed out.
            Adrien grimaced as he ran through ideas in his head. He just lost his voice and couldn’t speak the transformation phrase. There was a chance Bloody Bug was ok, but if she is Alix, Juleka just sent Silencer to her. He grabbed his phone and sent a warning text to Bloody Bug before he ran out of Liberty. He ran up to Gorilla and showed him the address for Wang Fu’s shop. Gorilla gave him a look, but he puppy-dog eyed Gorilla until he agreed.
            Adrien hopped in the car as he was taken to the shop. He gave Gorilla a thumbs up when he ran in. He burst into Wang Fu’s room, who was mediating. Wang Fu cracked open an eye as he looked at Adrien.
            “Why, hello, young man. How can I help you?” Wang Fu asked.
            Adrien looked around before he sighed and pulled out Plagg.
            Plagg sighed. “Hello, Master.”
            “Hello, Plagg. What seems to be the issue? What have you done now?”
            “First of all, I didn’t do anything this time. Second, Adrien’s voice was stolen, and he can’t transform.”
            Wang Fu’s eyes widened. “How did this happen?”
            “Short story is an Akuma. And the villain is now marching on Paris, stealing everyone’s voices.”
            “Has Bloody Bug fallen?”
            “Not that I know but may soon.”
            “This is terrible! What to do? What to do?”
            “If you’re looking for a solution, I may have one.”
            “And what’s that?”
            “Let Bloody Bug unify. She’s surely proven herself enough and I doubt you want me of all creatures to deliver some random person a miraculous, right? And you can’t have Adrien do it as he is. If he was Chat Noir, that’d be different, but no voice, no transformation.”
            Wang Fu let out a long sigh. “You kids, and kwamis, know how to push the boundaries. Alright. Plagg, I’m going to trust you to deliver the elixir and a miraculous to Bloody Bug, but no one else. And you know what to do if your enemy should find you with either.”
            Plagg nodded.
            Wang Fu grunted and moved to retrieve the miracle box and a small glass vial. Adrien tilted his head as Plagg took the elixir. Wang Fu looked over the miraculous jewels. Adrien peeked over and saw the tiger jewel were missing. Adrien’s heart leapt at the confirmation that Lady Tigress had her miraculous now.
            “Here we are,” Wang Fu announced.
            Adrien watched as Plagg took a foxtail necklace before he left to find Bloody Bug.
            The crowds cheered around Alix before they quieted to a dull roar. She stood at the starting line with the enemy jammer beside her. She eyed the pack of blockers ahead of her that worked a defensive line for her to get through. She saw her team’s blockers do the same for the other jammer. She examined the enemy line when a short whistle blew.
            Alix took off with the other jammer. She approached the enemy pack as she swerved towards her team’s pack. The enemy’s pack took the bait as she juked them and went for the inside of the track, ducking under their arms. She glanced at the ref to see he pointed at her as the lead jammer. She took a deep breath as she lapped around the rink back to the packs.
            Alix observed the packs clash. Her team’s pack worked to hold back the enemies, while the enemy tried to get ahead of her team’s pack. She braced herself and entered the brawl. She swerved in and out as she tapped her hip against three of the enemy blockers. She moved past the bulk of the packs towards the two enemy blockers out in front. She juked the first and tapped her hip against them before she headed after the last blocker.
            Alix’s heart raced as her time ran low. She pushed herself to reach the last blocker when the whistle blew to end the last jam. She took deep breaths as she looked towards the scoreboard as the score updated. Her heart leapt to see her team had pulled out the victory by a single point. Her team celebrated with the crowd before they all headed to the locker rooms.
            Alix headed straight to her locker while her teammates buzzed around her. She grabbed her phone to check her messages. Her heart dropped seeing messages from Chat Noir, Marinette, and Juleka all warning her that Luka had been akumatized and was heading her way. Marinette had also sent her a link to Alya’s blog, showing a live recording of her running from Silencer, having her voice stolen, then thrown into the Seine.
            “Shit!” Alix yelled.
            “Alix? Is everything ok?” a blonde girl asked.
            Alix tore off her derby gear, threw it in her gym bag, and put on her in-line street skates and cap. “I need to leave. There’s a villain coming here for me.”
            Alix’s teammates buzzed while a pair ran back to the rink. Alix headed out of the locker room towards the entrance. She stopped as Silencer entered the building and faced her. She considered her best path when her coach entered the lobby and eyed Silencer. Her coach opened her mouth, but Silencer stole her voice before she could get a word out.
            Alix frowned. She chucked her bag at Silencer and bolted out the door. She turned down an alleyway the first chance she got. She weaved in and out of obstacles before she dived into a nearby dumpster. She hid for a few minutes when Tikki phased through the side.
            “Coast is clear,” Tikki whispered.
            “Thank you. Tikki, spots on.”
            Tikki disappeared into the earrings and transformed Alix. Bloody Bug crept out of the dumpster and surveyed the empty alley. She weighed her options against Silencer. At a glance, it didn’t seem like he had anything that would make him a threat like Chat Noire. She wagered he was more on par with Reflekta. She could go against him, but there was a chance he was hiding an ace up his sleeve.
            “Bloody Bug!” Plagg yowled.
            Bloody Bug looked up as Plagg flew down into the alley with her. She tilted her head seeing the vial and foxtail necklace in his hands.
            “Aren���t you Chat Noir’s kwami? Why are you here?”
            “Look, Chat Noir had his voice stolen by Silencer, so he can’t transform.”
            “What? How could he let that happen?”
            “He was there when Luka was akumatized. He tried to reason with Luka with that goth girl and pigtail girl, but Luka didn’t listen and stole their voices. So, I brought you this elixir that’ll allow you to unify with the fox miraculous here.”
            Plagg groaned. “Look, Master will explain later. Just drink it and unify with the fox miraculous.”
            Bloody Bug raised a brow but consumed the tasteless liquid. A shocking sensation rolled through her before it passed. She shook herself and put on the fox necklace. An orb shot out and circled her before it morphed into a fox kwami.
            “Hiya, hello there! Trixx here, kwami of illusions.”
            “Bloody Bug, pleasure.”
            Trixx looked Bloody Bug over and pouted. “Hey, what’s the big idea? She’s already got a miraculous. Unless, are we unifying?”
            “I guess so. How do I do this?”
            “Oh, it’s quite simple. Just say the names of the kwamis and unify. Go on. Try it,”
            “Alright. Tikki, Trixx, unify.”
            Trixx disappeared into the necklace and morphed Bloody Bug’s suit into a black, spotless version of it with bronze bands around her gloves, boots, and waist. A black cape wrapped around her shoulders that fell to her feet where it feathered out. A hood formed around her head with a plague doctor bird mask and black cloth mask over her mouth appeared on her face. She grabbed her yo-yo and flute as they morphed together in a hanging wind harp.
            “Woah! This is unification? This is… bizarre. Am I a ladybug or a fox? Or neither with this mask?”
            “Uh, technically a crow now. Like I said, Master will explain it all. Just know your power is now called Fog and it’ll let you cast hallucinations.”
            Bloody Bug hummed. She considered her options as she checked herself out before her attention turned to her tool. She held it up as a small breeze blew by. She shuddered at the eerie sound it made. She grinned and swayed it back and forth as shivers ran up her spine listening to the chilling melody it made.
            “Are you done?” Plagg asked.
            “What? I like it.”
            “You’re a freak.”
            “Why, thank you. Anyway, let’s go. Hide in my hood.”
            Plagg nodded and hid in Bloody Bug’s hood. She strapped the harp to her belt and leapt up. She panicked as she remained airborne with her descent slowed. She shook off the chilling sensation the music the wind harp made as she touched down on a rooftop.
            “What was that? Was I just… tactically falling?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “Something like that. Just, take care of Silencer and we can get your answers. Just… expect changes.”
            Bloody Bug nodded. She hopped between the rooftops until she heard cut-off screams nearby. She changed course and found Silencer stealing the voices of pedestrians. She hopped down onto the sidewalk and pulled out her wind harp. She swayed it about, activated her powers with Silencer as the target, and she approached him.
            Silencer shuddered at the haunting music that consumed the area. He saw shadows darken the edges of his vision as they grew closer. He heard a sing-song crow voice sing with the encroaching shadows.
            “Lovely little silence. Lovely little silence. No more noise. No more noise. Hear my tune play with the wind. Hear my tune play with the dark. Whoosh, whoosh, here I come.”
            Silencer took a deep breath as the street broke apart and more shadows emerged from the cracks. Color drained away that left behind a gray world. He stepped back as the shadows began to merge and morph. He let out a silent scream as they formed into a monstrous crow demon. It laughed and sang in a deep, demonic voice.
            “Sweet, villain. Lovely, villain. The lock cast away. The bird freed of its cage. Back to fill the silent world once again.”
            The crow demon broke apart in a tornado of shadows that circled around Silencer. A maelstrom of laughter, screams, and songs assaulted his ears. He used his powers to steal the voices, but the voices blasted in his head that echoed with the renewed outside ones. He clawed at his helmet as the voices continued, desperate for them to leave.
            Bloody Bug watched as Silencer swiped and clawed his helmet before he crumbled to the ground. She moved to destroy it when the Akuma flew from him, turning him back to Luka. She watched it fly up until the basin of her harp lit up. She swayed it again as the music lured in the Akuma. It landed in the basin before it flew up, purified.
            “Huh. Would you look at that,” Bloody Bug muttered.
            Cheers erupted from the crowd as they got their voices back. Bloody Bug waved and then checked on Luka. He looked at her with eyes clouded with shame. She peered under his hood and saw a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. She sighed and scooped him up. He gasped and moved the headphones, but she stopped him from removing them.
            “Keep them on. We’ll talk once we aren’t out in the open and in a nice, quiet place.”
            Luka nodded and put the headphones back on. Bloody Bug carried him across Paris to Wang Fu’s massage shop. She placed him in the waiting room on a chair. He looked at her and she gestured for him to wait one second. He nodded and she moved to Wang Fu’s room. She knocked once and entered to see Chat Noir and Wang Fu looking at a familiar phone she’d seen at school with Adrien. She cleared her throat and got their attention.
            “Woah, Bug! Look at you! Uh, what are you now anyway?” Chat Noir asked.
            “A crow apparently. Not a bad look for me, no?”
            “It does fit with your broody, mysterious ‘I’ll kick your ass if you look at me wrong’ vibe you have.”
            “I’d be insulted if you weren’t right. Anyway, I want answers. What was that thing I drank and what exactly happened when I did?”
            “Ah, yes. See, there are three different classifications to holders. The Novice, where Chat Noir and the others currently sit. Then there is the Adept, which is where you sit. Above that are the Masters. You’ve had a taste of Novice, but at Adept, you are capable of so much more.”
            “Well, do tell.”
            “The first is unification. With this ability, you can merge with up to four other miraculous for a total of five. If you wear more than that, it could be harmful to you. When you unify, it creates a new kwami in essence. So, you merged the ladybug and the fox, which created a crow. The powers and tools will also merge and become something new, as I’m sure you can tell.”
            “Huh. And why haven’t I turned back yet? There’s been no warning, chirping, or anything.”
            “Because with two kwamis, you’ll get two uses of the power before you change back. More kwamis, more charge.”
            “Woah. Ok, I see. And what about the other stuff?”
            “Ah, yes. At Adept, you will have more, let’s call them, passive powers, available to you. For the ladybug, you can now hover, control the speed you fall, and I believe scale vertical surfaces.”
            Bloody Bug blinked. She tore off the foxtail necklace as her suit reverted to her default. She hopped onto the wall and ran laps around the room on the walls.
            “Hell yeah! This is so cool!”
            Wang Fu laughed. “Alright, settle down. There’s more to discuss.”
            Bloody Bug hopped onto the ceiling and looked down at Wang Fu and Chat Noir. “Oh, yeah! I brought the victim here. He’s in your waiting room. I didn’t want to talk with him out in the middle of the streets.”
            “Oh. The boy we’ve seen Chat Noir’s friends fighting over?”
            “What’s going on with them?”
            “Uh, I’ll summarize. So, Juleka is mad at Alya and Adrien for the stunt they pulled and is blaming them for Luka getting akumatized. Alya is fighting Juleka on the matter, trying to justify her reasons, but Adrien admits to his part, even with Marinette trying to deny he had any part in it,” Chat Noir explained.
            “Yes. Well, this Alya was who you gave the bee to, correct?” Wang Fu asked.
            “It was. Do you want me to not give it back to her?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “Correct. Until she learns the error of her ways, she will not be the bee again.”
            “Heard. I’m doing the same with Chloe and the rooster.”
            “Good. I’m glad we both can count on you. Now, allow me to get some refreshments for the young man and your talk.”
            “Oh, question! Is Chat Noir going to get that potion thing too?”
            “Not yet. We sorta, kinda, had a conversation about that while you were dealing with Silencer. I… decided I wasn’t quite ready to move up in ranks just yet. I need to prove myself more before I can be on the same level,” Chat Noir butted in.
            Bloody Bug narrowed her eyes. The wheels turned in her head as the pieces fell into place. Plagg saying how Chat Noir was there when Luka was akumatized. The familiar phone case paired with the news of what Adrien did and Chat Noir’s “decision” to not take the next step. It seemed more like he was reprimanded for his actions, just as Alya was.
            “Anyway, get the boy. Talk with him,” Wang Fu said.
            Bloody Bug hummed and headed out. She grabbed Luka and led him back into the room with her and Chat Noir. She sat him down across from Chat Noir with her sitting adjacent to him. He pulled down his hood and took off the headphones.
            “Luka, what happened?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “I’m sorry. I just… I… I couldn’t…,” Luka attempted.
            “We heard what happened at your house. About the scene caused. Did it upset you?” Chat Noir asked.
            Luka nodded.
            “How so, if you don’t mind me asking,” Bloody Bug said.
            “I… I didn’t like all the noise. I went for my headphones, but as I put them on, I heard a man offering me powers to make things quiet again… and I accepted.”
            Bloody Bug and Chat Noir exchanged glances as Wang Fu returned. He passed out refreshments and took a seat at the table. Luka glanced at him before he stared at the cup of tea in front of him.
            “Luka, what about noises upsets you?” Chat Noir asked.
            “It… it brings up painful memories. Memories I don’t want to remember.”
            Chat Noir raised a brow as Bloody Bug sighed.
            “I know that feeling, Luka. I experienced something like it some weeks ago, but it was with my anger. I hurt myself and someone else when my rage blinded me. Even if I don’t fully remember what happened, the parts that slip in terrify me. So, when I feel that anger rise, I become scared and avoid whatever is making me that angry,” Bloody Bug lamented.
            “How do you do it? Deal with the triggers?” Luka asked.
            “I wish I had an answer for you, but I don’t. The best I can even begin to offer is to runaway, but even that isn’t a good answer. However, it’s better than the alternative. It’s better than becoming a monster and making everyone else suffer for it.”
            “Did… did you become a monster?”
            Bloody Bug looked at her reflection in the tea. “I did, and I didn’t need an Akuma back then to become one. So, I understand what it’s like to have those triggers and having to fight them just to keep the illusion of composure. Even if I don’t fully understand them myself.”
            “I don’t understand. How do you do it? How can you keep moving through life with them all around you? How can you keep your head high despite everything you’ve suffered?”
            “Because I made a promise to myself to honor someone I loved so dearly. Someone who’s absence I will always feel every moment of every single day. I told myself I would live in her memory. I would be strong in her place even when she… when she….”
            Bloody Bug choked on her own words. She took a deep breath as she felt their eyes burn into her.
            “Even when she gave up the fight. Even when she let go. Even when she left me. I will always live in her memory, her example because of how much I loved her. Even when it gets tough, when I might lose it, I keep going for her. However, our issues are not the same. What works for me will not work for you. You need to find your own reason to live your life. You need to find your own strength to be more than your past. And it’s the hardest thing you could possibly do.”
            “Bloody Bug, drink the tea. It’ll help calm you,” Wang Fu whispered.
            Bloody Bug shook her head and pushed the tea away. ���No. I don’t want to feel calm right now. I want to feel the hurt. I want to be reminded of my actions and my reasons for everything. I don’t want to ignore or forget.”
            Wang Fu bowed his head. “Very well.”
            Bloody Bug nodded and stood. “I’m heading out, Luka. I can take you back home, but if you want to stay, it’ll fall on Chat Noir to take you home.”
            Luka shot up immediately. He put his headphones back on and pulled his hood over his head. Bloody Bug sighed and scooped him up.
            “I’ll see you guys later.”
            Wang Fu and Chat Noir watched Bloody Bug and Luka leave. The pair sat in silence before Chat Noir spoke.
            “I’m sorry for what I did to him. I… I didn’t think it was that bad.”
            “We often hide many things beneath the surface. Always remember, men’s hearts hold shadows darker than any beast. That young boy… you can see the suffering in his eyes. His and Bloody Bug’s.”
            “If that’s the case, what makes them so different? Bloody Bug is so… bold, defiant, and brave. While Luka is just so quiet, meek, and withdrawn. They’re basically polar opposites.”
            Wang Fu sighed and shook his head. “You’ve a lot to learn about the world. You and that young man. Something it seems Bloody Bug learned long ago.”
            “How can you tell?”
            “When she was speaking just a moment ago, there was an air about her. One that the young boy didn’t have on him nor you. They’ve both experienced hardship, but Bloody Bug feels hardened by her experience. Where the boy danced around and avoided the topic, she tackled it despite the distress it caused her. And yet, she didn’t let that consume her the way it consumed the boy.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “Looking at the two, who would you say has been hurt? Who would you say hasn’t been?”
            “Well, I’d think Luka was given his nature. Bloody Bug I wouldn’t have questioned it because of how bold she is.”
            “Right. They wear their pain in different ways and it’s not until you begin peeling back the layers that you see what’s under the surface. Where most would see Luka’s hurt, they wouldn’t think that of Bloody Bug, but that is a problem.”
            “How? Isn’t it good to be strong? To not let your problems consume you?”
            “It is, but not when you don’t know when to be weak. The problem with always being strong is you never know when to ask for help or how to let yourself be vulnerable. It piles and piles until you collapse under the weight. It’s why I ask something of you.”
            “What’s that?”
            “Have her back. She’s going to need you at her side, Chat Noir. She needs someone she can trust.”
            “Does that mean you won’t take my miraculous away if I slip up?”
            “Not quite. I will still take your miraculous away if you pull a stunt like you did today. I chose you to be a hero, not an instigator. Be lucky you are getting a slap on the wrist today. Were I any of my mentors, you’d not be so lucky.”
            “Right! Uh, anyway, I think I better get going now. Uh, thank you for the talk and I’ll see you another time, Master.”
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astranauticus · 3 months
Hi! I saw your response to the songs that starts with the letters in your username post. We have pretty similar tastes! I’m trying to listen to more Chinese music and was wondering if you have any recs you’d be willing to share? Thank you so much!💖
sorry for taking so long to get to this haha, i had to stare at my playlist for a bit because my music taste is a bit all over the place nowadays (and also, a lot of jpop orz)
well there's always the classic cpop singer rec, Zhou Shen who's particularly fun to recommend to international listeners cuz like. you don't need to know what he's saying to realise his voice is goddamn incredible. also, if you watch cdramas at all you've probably heard him at least once because he is somehow in every cdrama ost (may i interest you in my translation of the three body problem theme song he did). everyone's first Zhou Shen song is big fish but i'd also shout out mirage, my favourite on (the first half of) his new album which is a much more electronic kinda sound than what he usually does
if you're into hip hop at all there's ice paper, the top artist in my spotify wrapped last year (somehow). i tend to enjoy music that sounds weird as hell and.. yeah on naihe bridge is my go to example of 'yknow rap music can sound real wild sometimes'. also, all the music that Fanka made for the show Link Click, particularly the season 1 ed
on the topic of music that sounds weird as hell, floruitshow's album is all bangers (set me free (translation here!) is my personal top rec it really sounds so unique)
finally, lightning round of artists off the top of my head: Mayday is kind of a chinese rock music all time classic. Mao Buyi is a personal fav but his sound is more... quiet low key quarter life crisis music so idk if that's your thing lol. Liu Yuning is a singer i was deeply obsessed with a few years back (also another guy who's somehow on every cdrama ost), his stuff tends towards more pop (especially the ost songs) but he's part of a rock band and some of his original music does reflect that
also, unrelated to music recs exactly but if you want a quick way to find cpop songs/singers to fall into a hole about you enjoy, i highly recommend looking up music variety shows since a lot of them are english subbed on youtube! Singer is a classic and Singing with Legends is a personal fav but that's probably a separate post lol
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cultivated-man · 11 months
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Don't post myself much on here but I really was feeling the MagicMan costume (I could only get one contact in I was bummed but oh well) feat @natisdumb
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porcupine-girl · 3 months
Our Song S3E4
Making a quick post in between PACKING and STRESSING ABOUT PACKING because I am LEAVING FOR CHINA TOMORROW
Episode 4 on Google Drive
Annotations (with link to episode) on AO3
Annotations on GDocs
@aleatoricwren @emmajanereading @dmzenya
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chineseredcarpet · 3 months
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Wang Yuwen shows support to Justin Huang Minghao as she attended the premiere of A Place Called Silence with Lin Yi & Qin Xiaoxian
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k-airportstyle · 2 years
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Wang Sulong - December 27th 2022
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miraculous-prompts · 1 year
Grab a dictionary, flip to a random page and point, use that word to create a scene using Rena Furtive, Silencer, Mireille, Socqueline, Knightowl and Stormy Weather
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oceanusborealis · 2 months
A Place Called Silence (Mo Sha, 默杀) - Movie Review
TL;DR – A film that wanted to be murky in its depiction of crime but ended up being muddled and frustrating. ⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 2.5 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is a mid-credit scene.Disclosure – I paid to watch this film.WARNING – Contains scenes that may cause distress. A Place Called Silence Review – Today, we are looking at a challenging film because it is filled with grand highs and…
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yeliuxi · 4 months
Is anyone else keeping up with Singer 2024?
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