#silence of the clones
zyphnn · 11 months
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late nights on the Negotiator
@codywanweek day 4: flimsiwork and tea
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solsilverpine · 2 months
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Dedicating this piece to my wife @hayesflint, who yelled "Wait, Scorch has s*** armour" unprompted in the middle of last weeks bad batch episode 💛
I always knew I'd draw fanart of a clone eventually and honestly I'm only like 30 percent surprised Scorch doing a Nightwing pose is what finally motivated me.
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imperial-daffodil · 5 months
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The Emperor's Love - watercolour ink, watercolour, alcohol markers, and pigment ink on paper.
. . . He Weaves, He Makes, He Gives, He Takes.
He Reigns, He Conducts, The Grandest Orchestra of All, That of Perfectly Crafted Dolls.
. . .
I have but a little poem this time, so here is an abstract from a song that I love, it is from Black Math, the song is called Sirens:
"How open is Your empty space I’m moving in We’ll see the end of something unfamiliar I saw your hand You took awhile The cold was crisp I thought your warmth Would break the silence But all I hear are sirens
You take me Far, I’m far from safety Lines where you try to chase me On hollow ground I’m navigating this mystery While I follow you into your history"
. . .
Link to the song under the cut:
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im-smart-i-swear · 7 months
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daggerkid · 19 days
Tbh I'd like to imagine that a lot of the clones have their own unique way of expressing their voices. Like--
Some would probably sound more gruff than others, some may even pitch their voices higher, some may have a rasp to their voice, and others might speak more clearly and even loudly.
To most that don't know them, they all sound the same, but to the clones it's very important to their individuality and also brings them closer together as brothers.
No one really knows when they start doing this-- as children, in training, or when they become assigned to their rank and role --but those that are close with the clones will instantly notice which clones they may be speaking to or not.
This could get into some Shenanigans until people start figuring it out, I'm sure, imagine some infantry clones taking each other's places just to mess with their commander and be grinning behind their helmets.
But also imagine, for a moment, a voice missing in the long halls of the barracks. A gentle tune missing among the chatter in the mess hall. A voice lost.
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the-senates-one-fear · 5 months
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simping-for-fives · 29 days
Your first Clone Presentation got taken down by old man Google 😭
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OMG LOOOOL the pussy eating one. I don't know why, but my 3rd presentation isn't available on tumblr either. How the clones use their hands. It's like it never existed. Sorry thots 😔
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ninjigma · 1 year
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Uhhhhhh… yep. More of em. Because I love the small joy it inspires, and my friends incoherent noises and nice cutting out are very inspiring/motivating.
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sheena-isa-punkrocker · 9 months
seeing how small ahsoka was during the clone wars only proves my point that the only reason why she won against maul is because she's a good guy fighting a bad guy in a kids show and in reality his 32 yr old ass would've molly whopped her across the floor easily
ill die on this hill ill burn at the stake
argue with the wall because you know IM RIGHT
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kybercrystals94 · 9 months
Unconventionally Easy
(Part 1)
By KyberCrystals94
Read on Ao3 here!
Whumptober 2023|Day 7|Prompt 7: Radio Silence | “Can you hear me?”
Bad Things Happen Bingo: Please don’t leave me!
Rated: T
Words: 1,459
Summary: A mission goes awry, leaving Tech and Echo trapped, and their brothers racing against time.
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“I hate this planet,” Wrecker’s voice whines through the comm. “It’s too hot.”
“Say that one more time, I’ll shoot you to put you out of your misery,” comes Crosshair’s sympathetic response.
“I’ll shoot both of you if you don’t stop the unnecessary comm chatter.” Hunter’s threat is followed by a moment of blessed silence; however, Hunter breaks it with, “Tech, Echo, are you about done in there?”
Tech and Echo swap exasperated glances. Tech can’t actually see Echo’s facial expression because of the clone’s helmet, but his body language is read easily enough. The drop of his shoulders, the subtle tilt of his head. Tech chuckles. “It seems the heat is wearing down our brothers’ patience.”
“What patience?” Echo mutters back, but he picks up his comm to reply. “Just about, Sarge. Give us five more minutes.”
A meaningful pause. “Roger that. Take your time.”
“I can think of so many beautiful responses to that,” Echo tells Tech, “He’s setting me up.”
Tech starts another decoding program on his data pad as he grins. “More like setting Crosshair up.”
“Oh, I bet the man is biting through his tongue right now,” Echo agrees.
Jokes and teasing aside, the splicing duo did feel sympathy for their brothers having to work out in the heat while they had the benefit of working in a temperature-controlled room. Even the short distance they’d had to traverse from the Marauder to the control center had been suffocating, leaving their blacks damp under their armor from sweat and humidity.
“I thought our blacks were supposed to withstand extreme weather,” Echo says, making conversation while he works on sorting information through his scomp.
“Ideally, that would be the case; however, there is a limit to everything, I suppose.” Tech plugs a data stick into the console. “You may start the download whenever it is available.”
“Downloading now.”
“At this rate, we may be done in only two minutes,” Tech says.
“Life Day came early this year.”
Sweltering climate aside, this mission had proven to be unconventionally easy. Tech fights his impulse to make mention of it, not that he is in any way given to superstition. His brothers, on the other hand, are. He can just imagine the curses he’d receive from all four of them if he even utters a word about it. So, he keeps his mouth shut, even as his mind trundles through the statistical likelihood of their mission being completed without a single “hitch”, so to speak. It would be their first. Fascinating.
So enraptured is he in his own train of thought that he doesn’t notice the slight tremor beneath his boots until Echo asks, “Do you feel that?”
“Yes,” Tech says, clicking through the controls. “We haven’t tripped any alarms.” There is a noticeably gradual increase, and the floor begins to sway.
Tech shakes his head, having already checked the planet’s environmental radars on his data pad. “I suggest we get out of here now.”
“I just finished the download,” Echo confirms with a nod, and Tech snatches the data stick out of the console, tucking it in his pocket.
Echo begins to speak into his comm as they stumble across the now aggressively shaking floor. “Something’s not right. We’re leaving the facility now. We will meet you --”
Tech isn’t sure if Echo even finishes his sentence, because the whole building begins to crumble around them in a roar of heat and explosions. The floor disappears and he is aware of the sensation of falling; then the sickening thud of landing, forcing the air from his lungs. Then there is nothing.
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“Echo, come in! Tech?”
Static is the only response to the shared and private comm lines. Hunter growls, going back to the shared comm. “Crosshair, what do you see?”
“The building collapsed,” the sniper huffs. It sounds like he is actively running.
“More like imploded,” comes Wrecker’s assessment.
Hunter sensed as much, both through his enhancement and the literal rumble of the earth under him, although he can't see anything from where he was situated. He briefly debates if he should join Crosshair and Wrecker in running to the facility or go for the Marauder. He is equal distance from both; however, common sense quickly overrides his need to race bodily to his brothers’ aid. The Marauder will have scanners and medical supplies, which they will likely need.
“I’m going to retrieve the Marauder,” Hunter says, “Keep in touch and be aware of your surroundings.”
He waits until he gets two brief responses before he starts for the ship.
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Echo can’t move. He’s enclosed. Trapped. Skako Minor. The Algorithm. CT-1409, CT-1409... He’s back in the stasis chamber, his mind, his memories, his thoughts being harvested as a weapon against his brothers. He tries to struggle, tries to rip himself free from his restraints. He can’t.
Panic burns his skin. The icy cool of a stasis chamber.
“No! Let me out!” he screams.
The voice is familiar but safe. Not one of Techno Union’s scientists, not a captor.
A savior. A brother. A friend.
“Tech,” Echo sobs. “Help. Don’t leave me here. Please.”
There is silence, and Echo wonders if he imagined it. Tech isn’t here at all. He is alone. No one is here to save him. Alone. CT-1409. CT-1409...
But Tech’s voice breaks again through the emptiness. “I am not going anywhere, vod. We are going to be okay, Echo, but we must remain calm.”
Vod. The word finds purchase on the verge of his hysteria, anchoring him to reality. Not Skako Minor. Not the Algorithm. He’s Echo. He’s free. But he’s still trapped. Breathing still hurts.
“Where are we?” Echo asks, voice pressed thin and trembling.
“We were on a mission. A simple data extraction. The building we were in collapsed. We are currently trapped in the rubble; however, Hunter, Crosshair and Wrecker are going to get us out. We will be alright.” Tech ticks off the facts of their situation like it’s simply a debriefing.
“Are you injured?” Echo asks, voice still wobbly. Focus on Tech. Focus on reality. Focus. Focus.
“Not critically,” Tech assures him. “You?”
“I’m pinned, can’t move,” Echo says. His throat hurts, trying to keep his voice steady.
“That is not ideal,” Tech admits, “but our brothers will have that remedied in short order.” He doesn’t sound as confident as his words.
But Echo agrees anyway. “Yeah.”
“Is your helmet still on?”
“That is good. The air quality in here is incredibly low at the moment.”
Echo breathes a hollow burst of nervous laughter, the adrenaline still surging through his blood stream. “Never would’ve guessed.”
Tech chuckles. “I will say it is probably still cooler here than it is where the others are.”
“Lucky us,” Echo grumbles lightly.
It isn’t like Tech to make offhanded and useless comments. They always have a purpose. Distantly, Echo realizes the purpose is to keep him calm, to drag him from the spiral of panic. Thank the force it’s working.
“Our comms are down; however, our last location is known. And while we are not able to communicate with the others verbally, they should still be able to use the trackers to pinpoint where to find us in the destruction.”
Echo wants to ask how long Tech thinks they’ll be stuck down here; however, he probably won’t like the answer, and it won’t change the situation. Instead, he asks, “Why do you think the building exploded?”
“I speculate that it was a remote detonation. Perhaps it was planned to sabotage intruders such as ourselves, or they were hoping to destroy the information before we retrieved it, and we were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“Is it safe for the others to try and get us out?” Echo asks, suddenly concerned for his squad mates on the other side of the rubble.
“Probably not,” Tech responds, “Although, we don’t really have a say in the matter, and I trust they can handle themselves without our supervision, surprising as that may be.”
“You know, it’s usually your plans that get us into trouble.”
“Untrue. It is our squad diverting from my plans that get us into trouble.”
“Maybe there’s a good reason we have to divert from your plans...”
Tech interrupts with a huff of annoyance. “I believe that this line of conversation is ineffective.”
Echo chuckles. “I believe that you know I’m right and are trying to end the discussion.”
“Agree to disagree,” Tech replies primly.
Despite being trapped, a sense of calm has come over Echo. He is with his brother; their other brothers are coming for them. They are going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.
Please let it be okay.
Tag List: @isthereanechoinhere96 @followthepurrgil
✨Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list✨
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bibannana · 2 years
Fives *draped on a bed in medbay*: I'm dying!
Kix *standing next to him making notes on his datapad*: You're fine. Stop being dramatic.
Fives *clutches Echo's hand*: Death had come for me vod!
Kix *shaking his head*: It's a cold.
Fives *tugging Echo closer*: Do not weep for me after I am gone!
Echo *who just wants to go get some food and sleep*: I won't.
Kix *who keeps getting distracted by Fives*: Fives, if you're dying please do so in silence.
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imrowanartist · 2 years
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Cosy after-war family times for Hoagie and Si and their kiddos, Kai and Senna <3
Hoagie belongs to @anstarwar and Kai and Senna are shared OCs! Have some ramblings about Senna under the cut:
You can read about how Hoagie and Si adopt Kai here! Senna is a later addition.
After Hoagie and Si join the Rebels, almost 8 years after O66, they stumble across an old abandoned Kaminoan outpost on a distant planet. Inside, they find a left behind experiment frozen in cryo. It turns out it's one of the earlier prototypes for Boba, but abandoned because they detected some unusual brainwaves (Senna has autism).
After rescuing the poor child, Hoagie and Si decide to name him Senna and add him to their little family <3
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neutrallyobsessed · 5 months
She is ✨️a loser✨️ and she'd feel better out with ✨️other losers✨️
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
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Been playing some Fortnite with @british-hero and @milfcutlawquane (Rogue got me the 501st and 212th skinpack, bless). We have been having fun :)
Bonus under the cut ---
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Depending on how you look at it, it's either a good thing that Sponge defected during the Temple March, or a bad thing because Vader would have not lived as long as he had if they'd stayed a little longer...
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jedi-lothwolf · 2 months
Febuwhump Master List!!
So I am so very late but oh well right? Anyway it was a lot of fun and I definitely look forward to next year! Febuwhump is one of my favorite Promt challenges!
Each fandom has a color which will be listed below! My favorites have a star beside them! All summaries/warnings are with the story!
Star Wars Rebels, EPIC the musical/the Odyssey, The Bad Batch, Star Wars The Clone Wars, Miraculous Ladybug,
Day 1: Helpless
Day 2: "I Love You" (Alt Prompt 2)
Day 3: "Bite Down on This"
Day 4: Obedience
Day 5: Last Words (Alt Prompt 7)
Day 6: "You Lied to Me."
Day 7: Suffering in Silence
Day 8: "Why Won't it Stop?"
Day 9: Bees
Day 10: Killing in Self Defense
Day 11: Time Loop
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royalarmyofoz · 1 year
i love how nicole sullivan casually posted a picture of herself at wonder con with #clonehigh then dipped. what a legend
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