#siiiiiiighs. ok
vinestaff · 20 days
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z-13 the saboteur
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gemharvest · 1 month
The biggest con to staying up really late aside from like, the fucking up ur sleep schedule thing, is that nobody close to ur timezone/ in it is awake to talk to unless they're also insane (/lh, like my bestie but they're 2hrs behind me so still doing better than me rn).
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dear-mrs-otome · 1 year
The fact that Jude's story event is 100% setting up the same 'Kate can't stand 1 (one) Rich Bitch' dynamic as a certain someone else just spells my doom doesn't it 😫
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scenekitteh · 2 years
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anyways its been a while!!! hi how r u all doing!!!!!! tell me in the tags how ur doing RIGHT NOW. or dont!!!!! either way its chill :p ive been busy with school and stuff but i drew this 2day cuz its the weekend and i had time and motivation!!! i hope u all like it :]
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fifty-ten · 29 days
i say this at the start of every semester but I'm really worried about getting sick… seasonal vaccines come out soon pleaseeeeeee
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angeltism · 11 months
hrrghgh . noo don't add a silly-ass thing to uur dni that will is unwarranted except for the fact uur immature and bitter and kinda childish that'll make uu seem like a heartless immature bitch and also probably just make uu lose a lot of mewtuals for a silly immature thing aka basically no reason . uur too sexy . aha .
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lollipopstheclown · 5 months
every time I have a day off I'm all "ok, today I'll clown again!" and then I just don't because I'm so tired and don't have it in me to spend an hour doing makeup and stuff
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nya-dragonaxi · 8 months
I have to write fluff and a bunch of happy stuff...
Alr it's not actually a problem, I guess it should be time to do that. 2 main things I'll do is to bring attention to characters I should be writing (or more generally talking) about more. Like I know already I'm gonna write smt with Yelena and Infinity that won't be needing you to have read the ggl doc
The second thing I'm gonna do is send Media to therapy. /hj
Ok actually it's mostly that I keep writing her as being completely miserable in her life even tho that's not the point of her character, and I've said that before. So yeah, I will write more happy stuff with her. I have 2 one-shots that I know what they'll be about :3
Now, ig it's pretty obvious, but while I'm saying all of this, I won't be writing much because my current issues haven't disappeared in just a day. It's more like a little update on what I have planned next ;]
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kleinstar · 2 years
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👋for three things that describe our muses relationship.
eiden handmade duke octavius flag for her
hot guys and merchandise related
the weird kinship, eiden can act a little *siiiiiiigh* with with her but he considers her a friend regardless! i think one day eiden will go all gung-ho along with some of the more antics with all his heart eventually too though (depends a little)
☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
Name: Mary Sue (...i think????? has she ever introduced herself tho???) Picture: he just asked a pic for her there and she sent 50 and eiden just picked the first one
Last text received: [txt] D̸̨̠̩͔̲͕̣̰͚͈̞̣̦̀̀̂̾̿̀ͅĎ̴̠͍̼̙͓̜͈̼̳̯͊̀̋͒̆̓̔̋̆̒͘̚͝͠ͅḰ̴ͅF̶͘��̮͍̯̌̏͠F̶̡̹̥͔̘̙̟͚̗̾̾̈̊͜͠K̵̻̐̓̈̚͝F̵̧͉̣̻̱͙͙͉͔͙̑̋̀̽̋͒̇̎͌K̶̢̥̙͚̫̤̬̠̦̲͎̺͎̋͛̈̊͝F̵̛̲͇͐́̈́̽̽́́̈́̓͝L̴̡̡̨̙̝͎͙͍͎̳̮̭̔̅͑͑̀̊̋̂̓̓͜͠ͅD̸̗̲͍̑̈́L̸̡̨̦͔̖̞̯͔̽̓͑̀̓͗͂͗̊̆̊̿͊͝ͅͅF̵̧̰̜̤̠͎̃̐̈͑̃J̸̢̢̨̛̜̭͓̪̹̬̮͕̳̩̎̒ͅK̸̢̡̹̰̱̹̺̯̮͖̺̯̳̲̆̓̓Ḑ̴̼̪̤̮͚̯̫̱͈̠͔͚̰͔̃̎ Last text sent: [txt] um. your text is spilling again....? [txt] did you miss new merch? i secured some just in case, ill just forward them to you
Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours.
" Ahh, well, I get what you're saying... "
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" But I don't think she means any harm so don't be too harsh on her? Ok? Honestly she told me to act mean but like I can't do that... So I don't know maybe you could just act along with me? That works better doesn't it? "
// ...what did she sign up him for - talking to some npc probably
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weabooweedwitch · 2 years
siiiiiiigh so uh know how I was made to feel really shitty yesterday over not getting enough work done. So tonight I go in, spitefully motivated, thinking "ok I technically did stuff wrong yesterday, maybe if I do it differently". I was picking through entire pallets to find the specific boxes of like hanging clothes that I could get through as fast as possible. So I literally found all the hanging clothes that were there, picked every applicable box out, and went through those and then started getting onto the folding stuff, like I am literally coming at this with a strategy to do it as fast as possible
Wanna know that magic number of pallets i had completed by the end of the morning? The result of all that extra effort that my manager thinks i can just will into existence?
3. The exact same as yesterday.
So yeah I basically hate that manager now because I'm realizing uh, the amount of work I am doing, especially as a brand new employee, is perfectly fine if not above average for most starters and that these people just have insanely unrealistic expectations. I really cannot emphasize enough that even though I'm sticking with this job, it is going to self destruct. And you know why? Because the woman who is there 99% of the time, who has worked there for over 2 years, the one showing me how to do things, the only who told me "oh yeah I am almost always by myself, I am basically the only single person working this area until you came along"?
She's pregnant. So. My biggest fear is, what the fuck is going to happen when she needs to finally go on maternity leave. What the fuck is going to happen when we get closer to Christmas?
They absolutely need to hire more people. It is insane the amount of work they are expecting one single person to do. When I say there is quite literally no possibility of us ever catching up unless we had 3 or 4 people total...
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fluidstatick · 5 months
> call in medication refill
> automatic line claims it's too early to request refills (known glitch)
> walk to pharmacy, not far from therapist, to request refill in person (it's 10:25 am)
> "sure, we can get that filled for you in five (5) minutes"
> 11:00 appointment down the street. "thanks"
> twenty minutes pass
> "here's your meds"
> time to jog to therapy and fuck up my knees
> "[therapist] is running fifteen minutes late so we're adjusting your appointment time"
> "oh ok, thanks" [my fuckin Knees!!]
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spikeymike · 9 months
HUGE hajime no ippo spoiler circa ch 1200 just keep scrolling bro if you’re not there yet //
i stayed up until 3am last night to finish ippo’s comeback against the new filipino champion and :( well :( let’s just say i stayed up even later just crying and reading more and more to see if ippo would actually retire…i woke up still devastated…….i think it’s cool that ippo would be a second and a trainer but………….is he really never going to fight again ? there’s only like 200 more chapters and i don’t really see him changing his mind in that amount of time ? i’m just so shocked tbh like it was after volg’s fight right around ch 1000 is the FIRST TIME EVER ippo ever said he actually wanted to fight the world and just 200 short chapters later that dream is over ?
to be honest, i’m not totally surprised that he retired within the duration of the manga because there has been foreshadowing but i never thought he wouldn’t even get a chance to fight (and probably lose) to ricardo martinez ???
also funny that i’ve read a few other posts about this and a lot of (cis men) are blaming kumi ?????? honestly ippo hasn’t been motivated since he beat sawamura ryuhei so :( i guess i will never watch another ippo fight
brb i just need to sob crying again
ok one last thing….in the last like 500 chapters or so….i feel like the manga really just abandoned all realism so for ippo to make the very measured and realistic decision to retire for preventative measures is just so….siiiiiiigh
if u have thoughts and opinions on this PLZ send me a message i wanna talk to someone who would Understand :/
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icequeen1371 · 1 year
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My daughter made me a sushi bowl to cheer me up😭💜I had to tell my good friend that I can’t make it to her wedding in late Oct. I was REALLY looking forward to it & planned so hard for it. Got my passport applied for in time so it would be mailed to me in plenty of time, saved money (what little I could cuz I’m on a super tiny fixed income) and got some cool little things for the bride & her groom that we’re suited to their likes and personality. Even made a Wicca box for her to store her tarot cards in, my daughter made the bride a necklace....so much planning. Then my bff who was supposed to have her shot together, discovers she needs a certain certificate for her passport application and she tries getting it from the courthouse, and after 6 weeks it still hasn’t come in. She swore she had her shot together and no problem no problem, don’t worry, we’re going FOR SURE, it’ll be so much fun, we really need this get away etc and all this was after her telling her brother and stepsister that she couldn’t go to a weeklong trip to Cuba the week before that because she would only be getting back the day before we had to make a 10 Hour Dr. to Kentucky. And she was in such a bitchy mood when she told me yesterday too. Just blurted it out. “Yeah, you know we’re not gonna be going right?“. She’s done a lot of work on yourself, but honestly? When she gets in moods like that, it makes me think she did it on purpose. Because at her core when something does not concern her or she feels as though her life is getting terrible [she’s one of those FML people that lets one thing ruin her entire day] she gets extremely selfish and starts talking like she wants to end it all. She never means it. Ever. And she says it like it’s a joke like it’s OK to say it just because she’s in a bad mood. As though that something that’s OK to joke about. Meanwhile, myself and my daughter are in the car, both with depression and taking meds for it, and she saying stuff like that. Really? But it’s like those people that have blind tempers, they don’t notice the effect that they’re having on other people until afterwards pet. I’m not excusing it at all, trust me. Pisses me off when she does it and it makes me resent her. But still. Anyways, it’s starting to feel like she did it on purpose. Like I said. It doesn’t mean she is, I could just be resentful and pissy that her ADHD had her sit on her ass for the 2 1/2 months prior when she had plenty of money to apply for her passport and should have done so, but didn’t. Just pisses me off. Because honestly, if I had my own car, I have my passport. I have the money. I would just go on my own. Anyone in Southwest Ontario wanna go to a costumed wedding the weekend before Halloween? LOL paid glamping tent included? LOL JK. Anyways, someone ordered a cheer me up, this is what my daughter made me. I slept in a lot today which I really need it. But after a very very long bath I was scrubbing myself from head to toe, my chronic illness kicked in and I’m absolutely exhausted. But then I realized I hadn’t eaten all day. So she made me this. Made me notice that I’m actually starving. I have a funny feeling that from now until November 1, I’m going to be depressed and in this mood and getting easily triggered by saying Halloween things or a forest with changing leaves because we were going to be in the middle of a forest for the wedding, it’s just making me feel like I want to skip fall this year which is very much not like me. Siiiiiiigh. And of course I’m coping with it all by using dark humor, sarcasm and putting LOL at the end of everything. Make no wonder people never think of me as bad off as I say I am. 
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Dating sim for Slatum (had to do it)
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Name: Slatum Fanact
Their Profession: Explosive engineer rising star filmmaker
Where they can be found: In any abandoned buildings, DvD shop, cinemas, or the mall.
Favourite food type: Juicy meat dishes!! And also burgers
Favourite alcoholic drink: Hard on liquor of any types Honestly
Favourite trait: Passion, Flirtation, Sexuality
Where they would go on a date: anywhere you'd wanna take her, it's the time spent with you that counts to her :] also abandoned buildings and the mall
Ideal gift: Fake blood, magazines, and boots.
How many dates until they go to bed: one <3
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avelera · 3 years
Talk about falling for the rarest of rare-pair ships, Ghosts of Tsushima came out last year, my favorite ship is Jin/Norio, there are TWO FICS of it and the most popular slash ship is Jin/Ryuzo and let me say while I completely understand why people ship Jin and Ryuzo (childhood friends turned rivals turned angsty enemies? juicy stuff) I absolutely despise Ryuzo with every fiber of my being in a way I haven't hated any video game character who is romanceable or romance-adjacent since goddamn Anders in Dragon Age 2 who I also hate with every fiber of my shriveled soul so basically it's a special kind of purgatory for me to be currently buzzing with ficlet ideas for a video game no one is really talking about anymore (despite the recent DLC release), with a fandom that was small to begin with, and with a most popular slash ship that is one half my most despised character in the game (and meanwhile sweet, wonderful Norio is right there being sweet and wonderful why do you punish me thus, fanfic gods??)
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spacewitchqueen · 3 years
me at my most 🤡: maybe they will announce TOG 2 tomorrow because 11-monthversary something something
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