the-bibrarian · 4 months
Pétition pour demander l’union des gauches aux législatives 👆
On ne devrait pas désespérer ! Avec le report des voix le système à deux tours est défavorable au RN et on a encore une chance de les bloquer, mais à condition de se mobiliser 💪
Parlez-en, partagez, signez et surtout votez ! Le 30 juin et le 7 juillet les électeurs du RN et de reconquête ne resteront pas chez eux. Ne les laissez pas faire ! Ne leur donnez pas l’occasion ne taper sur les plus fragiles, ne les laissez pas saboter toutes nos lois contre la crise climatique, détricoter l’état social, ruiner encore plus le pays pour enrichir les grandes entreprises !
Allez voter, et proposez des procurations à ceux qui ne peuvent pas !
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foolmoonwarlock · 2 months
There's a petition going on to save Everhaven / Project Dragon
If you can, please go sign ! This game truly deserves it !!
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heartspark · 2 months
Someone made a petition to bring back project dragon! Idk how effective it will be but maybe the developers can use it to show Investors that people are interested and want this game! Please sign it if you want to see project dragon come to fruition!
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 months
The University of Grenoble (France) is planning to remove Catalan classes from its curriculum next year. The students are organising this campaign to ask the university to keep it. Help them by signing this petition!
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queallow-artblog · 1 month
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I had lots of fun participating in the everhaven oc challenge Cami made on twitter!! really hoping this game is able to bounce back
Anyways here’s the petition to try and give project a second chance It’s ALMOST AT 7500!!! MAN THY SAILS AND SIGN SIGN SIGN
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dyaz-stories · 4 months
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Bonjour tout le monde, une fois n'est pas coutume, je fais ce post en français pour les gens qui me suivent et qui pourraient le voir. Une pétition intitulée Touche Pas Ma VF a été lancée par les comédiens de doublage, contre l'utilisation de l'Intelligence Artificielle dans le doublage.
Des Intelligences Artificielles, entraînées sur la voix de vrais comédiens, pourraient mener à la disparition complète du métier de comédien — et avec eux, de tous les autres qui fonctionnent en collaboration avec eux, comme les ingénieurs sons, les directeurs artistiques, tous les rôles dans la production, et les auteurs et adaptateurs de doublage, sous-titrage, etc. Elles ne permettent bien sûr pas de reproduire leur savoir-faire, mais bon, elles coûteront moins cher, donc...
Évidemment, une pétition a une portée limitée, et en parallèle, les comédiens encouragent à interpeller Rachida Dati, ministre de la Culture, sur les réseaux sociaux. Malgré ça, signer la pétition permet de montrer le volume de personnes à qui ça tient à cœur et soutiendrait le mouvement.
Vous pouvez déjà signer la pétition ici :
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seanconneraille · 5 months
allez les baguettes, on go signer
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Hi! There's a petition to counter the one made by Eric Duhaime against drag queens: https://www.change. org/p/pour-l-heure-du-conte-drag It's at 22k signatures right now, I think it's important to share to show that our politicians don't represent all of us.
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Les premières projections de ce que pourraient donner les futurs vitraux
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Qu'est ce que c'est cette histoire ❔❔❔ Macron impose son choix
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La date du 08/12/24 a été choisi au moins depuis juillet 2022 pour être celle de la réouverture officielle de la cathédrale. Outre que c'est à une fête catho, elle porte la marque des nombres 128 et 64 (8+12+20+24) pour les ritualistes obscurs. En gématrie Macron = 64, YHWH = 64.
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kayliebeanie · 2 months
Petition going around to save the cancelled game, Project Dragon, which would have later been called 'Everhaven'. Please sign if you would like an additional way of raising awareness about it!
All that's required is your name and email. You will be given the option to hide your name before you sign, however, and the email is just to send you a confirmation email.
Petition artwork created by Nicholas Kole, please go check out his X/Twitter for more info about the game and what it would've been, as well as TONS of artwork being shared by the other artists on the team who poured their heart into this project.
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Poésie et ainsi de suite (ou pas ?!?)
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elinaline · 5 months
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yannig · 4 months
Pétition pour que la gauche française bouge son cul et s'unisse pour les législatives à venir, histoire qu'on se tape pas une Assemblée Nationale d'extrême droite. Merci de signer et de faire circuler.
Petition for the French left to join forces and actually work together for once so we can stop the far right from winning the upcoming legislative election. Please sign if you're French and reblog anyway.
(Quite summary of the situation: in France, the main far right party just won the European elections by a far margin (>30%, aka twice the score of the party in power), and the President decided to dissolve the lower house. So new legislative elections in 3 weeks. We're facing a very real risk of the far right becoming the main party in the lower-house. It's bad.)
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gunplon · 2 months
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Under the reccomendation of Camisleeps on twitter, who did character work on Project Dragon/Everhaven, I have drawn this picture.
When I first found out about this cancelled game I was upset that it was cancelled because it seems like so much fun. Even the art we have has an air that it was made by people who are having fun. Finding more and more details about just how far into development it was (including an operational main menu, an opening cinematic, and a working character creator/editor) turned that sadness to fury.
with that being said I'm glad that there's a petition to bring it back. One that's only 500 signatures away from being complete. That'll be under the read more.
I also have a QR code if you fancy using that to get to the petition instead.
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frimoussette88 · 4 months
Rima Hassan, a Palestinian refugee with French nationality, jurist, human rights activist and and politician, has launch a petition to stop the association agreement between the European Union and Israel.
The European Union (EU) must suspend its Association Agreement with the State of Israel as long as it continues to commit massacres against the Palestinian people in Gaza, while at the same time pursuing a policy of apartheid and illegal colonization of the Palestinian territories in the West Bank. “After five months of military operations, Israel has destroyed Gaza”, declared Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, as opening remarks of her report presented on 25 March 2024. The report states “that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating Israel’s commission of genocide [against Palestinians of Gaza] is met”.
These conclusions confirm the provisional measure order of 26 January 2024 by the judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)who found that some of South Africa's allegations that Israel was committing genocide were plausible. This ICJ decision has direct consequences for third States to the Genocide Convention. These States must uphold their obligations to use all legal means available to compel Israel to comply with the Convention. These concrete measures include the termination, reduction or suspension of all forms of assistance, as well as the suspension or revision of trade negotiations and agreements with Israel.
Meanwhile, and despite repeated UN condemnation, Israel is pursuing its policy of occupation. There are already 800,000 Israeli settlers in the Palestinian territories and 85% of the Gaza Strip has been destroyed. Today, more than ever, the viability of a Palestinian state is at risk.  THE EUROPEAN UNION MUST ACT The EU , Israel’s biggest trading partner, continues to import products from illegal Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories (worth €350 million in 2022).
The EU conditions its Association Agreements with third countries on respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter. Article 2 of the Association Agreement between the EU and Israel establishes that "relations between the Parties, as well as all the clauses of the Agreement itself, shall be based on respect for human rights and democratic principles, which guides their internal and international policy and constitutes an essential element of this Agreement”. Violation of the so-called "essential elements" clauses allows the EU to denounce or suspend the agreements in whole or in part. The EU must use its economic leverage to force Israel to respect international law and the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people. It has an obligation to stop importing products from the Occupied Territories.
Several countries have suspended trade with Israel while it continues to occupy and illegally exploit Palestinian territories. The Spanish and Irish states, joined by nearly 80 Members of the European Parliament, are calling for a review of the EU-Israel Association Agreement. By maintaining this agreement, the EU is sending a clear signal to all of its partners: contrary to the explicit provisions of its statutes and treaties, the EU does not make its cooperation instruments conditional on respect for human rights. HISTORY IS WATCHING
The UN Security Council resolution calling for a temporary ceasefire on 25 March must be accompanied by a strong response from the EU. The example of economic sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa showed how decisive economic leverage can be in promoting a political solution for a just peace. We, the citizens of Europe, call for the immediate suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement until a political deal for peaceful coexistence has been reached between Israeli and Palestinian stakeholders, including elected representatives and civil society. Over 200 European civil society organizations are also calling on the EU to suspend this agreement, in light of the human rights violations committed by the State of Israel. We, the citizens of Europe, still want to believe that the EU, through its commitment to the respect for international law, is capable of protecting a people in the face of genocide, and of liberating the Palestinians through the recognition of their political rights and sovereignty.
We, the citizens of Europe, demand that the State of Israel be held accountable for its actions. We are not powerless in the face of one of the world's last colonial conflicts.Together we have the power to act to end Israel's impunity. History is watching. Each of our actions counts. Each of our messages matters.
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