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I Love My Friends
#its my birthdayyyyy#DEVON DAY#doldilic#goth#emo#scene#goth model#emo model#emo boy#emo kid#2000s emo#emo scene#scene king#scene boy#scene kid#gothic#2000s scemo#2000s scene#alt aesthetic#emo aesthetic#I3UNGiE#Nero Valentine#Nero#Bungie#dmc#devil may cry#dmc: devil may cry#above the moon#sigilstar#horror
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a adar adderport aelyndar aerenal ahdryatmin ak an and aqat arcanix ardev ardhmen areksul argarak argonnessen argonth arolangard aruldusk arythawn ash ashtakala askelios athandra atoll atur aundair avaroth aventus b baran barra barrel barren bastion bay below bitter black blackbriar blackcaps blackwood blade blades blood bluespine bluevine boneyard borunan brek breland brey bright broken brom bull by byeshk c cairdal castle category cauldrons caves cazhaak cerulean chance chasm citadel city clanhold corvagura cove crag cragwar crescent crimson crossing crown crying cyre d dagger dannel danthaven dar darguun dark daskaran dawn dead deathsgate deep deepdark delethorn demesne demon desert desolate desolation deth dhak dhakaani dhavin dol dollen dolurrh dor dowron draaka draal dragon dragonreach dragonroost dragonwood dread dreadhold drik droaam drum durat duskwing duskwood dvaarnava e eastwood eberron eldeen empire endworld erlaskar esk eston everice eyes eyrie f face faded fairhaven fairhold fangs farlnen festering field fields fire first fist five flamekeep flint forest fort frostfell g galethspyre galifar games ganitari gap garay gate gatherhold gathering ghalt ghoza glass gloaming glowing glyphstone goradra gorge gorgonhorn gray graywall great greenheart greenland greentarn grimwall gulch gundrak h haka halkhad hall harbor harrowcrowns harrowgard harvest hatheril havrakhad haztaratain highwater hills hilt hoarfrost holds hollow holt howling hydra i ice icehorn icemaw inner ironroot irontown island isle j jarp jern jhegesh jin jungle k ka kalazart kanatash karnel karrlakton karrnath karrnwood karthoon kasshta keep keeper kenn kennrun ker kerkulin keth khashana khorvaire khyber king kingdom knowledge korranberg korrandar korth korthos korunda krag kraken krona l lair lakashtari lake lakeside lanamelk lanharath larunor last lathleer lessyk lhaz lhazaar lidless light liugwen location locations loom loran lorn lost lyrenton m making maleer malharath malshashar mar maradal marches marguul marketplace marquan marsh mel menechtarun merylsward metrol mevakri minharath mirrors mist mistmarsh monastery moonshadow moonwatch mordai morningcrest mountains mournland mror mun n nail narath natek nathyrr nations nevitash new newthrone nightbit nightwood norinath novakri nowhere o obsidian of olath on onatar orcbone orgalos orioth orthoss oskilor otharaunt overlord p pain panitari parmelk pass passage paw peak peaks peninsula pillars pit plains plateau port post pra pride principalities pylas q qalatesh qat quesk questor r rage rath ravar reaches realm red regalport region rekkenmark rellekor rest reven rhashan rhenshia rhonewatch rhukaan riedra ring ringbriar river rock rotting ruins ruukosi s sarlona saval scions sea seaside seawall senne sentinel seren seven shadow shadukar shae shalquar sharavacion shargon sharn shavalant shield shining siber siberys sigilstar silver sinara siyar skyfall smuggler sorashana sorrowdusk sorrows sound springs starilaskur starpeak sterngate stone stonespur stormhome stormhorn stormreach storms straits sun sunscale sword swoz sylbaran syrkarn t taer tal talaear talenta tamor tanar tangleroot tansend tantamar tapestry tarandro tariston tarn tashalatora tashana teeth tellyn tempest teryk thakakhad thakashtai thaliost tharkgun thatari the thinharath thousand thrane three threnal thronehold thunder thunderwall thurimbar til titan tol tooth tor torch torvhak totens tower traelyn trag traglorn trebaz trolanport tronish tundra turakbar twilight type tzanthus ul underdark v valaestas vale valenar valiant valiron valley valshar varna vast vathirond vedykar venomous verge vigilant vom vralkek vulyar vurgenslye w ward warden wastes water whisper white windshire wolf woodhelm wroat wrogar wyr wyrmwatch wyvernskull x xandrar xen xephanan xirek y yrlag z zantashk zarash zi zilargo zilspar znir zolanberg zombie
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From The Weekly Firebrand (Thrane) Special Edition, 20 Rhaan, 998 YK
A devastating blow to the worlds of education and natural magic today: The Compound, the alchemical institute centered in Sigilstar was the site of a terrible, tragic accident this week, resulting in the deaths of all 84 students, 12 faculty, and all but one postgrad researcher. Local guards report that sometime during the heavy lightning storms plaguing the town recently, a large supply of Strzygwort condensate caught fire in the central stairwell of the institute. Strzygwort was the subject of a recent published study lauding its evaporant’s healing properties, but this seems to be the hidden downside to the proposed panacea. Strzygwort’s condensate, when burned, produces a vapor that effects a near universally fatal reaction when inhaled. According to experts, Strzygwort condensate poisoning would have been extremely quick and painless; victims hearts and brains would stop before they had time to register anything was wrong.
Investigators say they have cleared the survivor of any wrongdoing, but that she will be held for further questioning by Master Inquisitives when they arrive in town. In the meantime, guards are calling this a tragic accident, a reminder that even experts can fall prey to their own studies if they are not careful. The Khorvaire Society of Alchemists is also calling for an immediate criminalization of Strzygwort, saying the potential healing properties do not warrant the danger of the process’ waste product.
A vigil remembering the lost scholars will be held this Sar, weather permitting.
In a bizarre turn of events in the wake of House Lyrandar’s historic exclusive transportation agreement with Karrnath, a high-profile airship crash has thrown the entire agreement into disarray.
Early Zol, in the Thrane town of Sigilstar, Baron Kwanti d’Orien and an unknown female guest boarded a privately booked airship, attempting to reach Flamekeep in time for a series of meetings. Reports reached this news outlet almost before the airship had arrived. The fact that the head of House Orien was booking airships rather than taking his own trains would, by all rights, make for great Gotcha Journalism, and that brand of headline might even have made today’s front page if not for what happened next.
Witnesses say the Baron was rushed aboard by a rude and impatient captain, one Wirther Doorwright of Sharn. Baron d’Orien was concerned about inclement weather, especially the second tornado that had touched down outside of town. However, Doorwright pressed the issue, saying he was on a schedule and would leave without the Baron if he didn’t board immediately. The airship took off without incident, but shortly outside of town, seemingly without cause, the airship crashed. Due to the inclement weather, there were very few witnesses outside on the scene other than the Captain and his passengers—the only exception being a small adventuring party investigating the tragedy at The Compound.
The airship’s elemental ring shattered on impact and the fire elemental inside was loosed, furious and rabid. Baron d’Orien and his traveling companion were saved—only barely surviving the crash and still both in critical condition in a House Jorasco hospital in Sigilstar. The adventuring party on hand was able to defeat and kill the outsider, but not before it had itself burned to death both Captain Doorwright and the airship’s third passenger: one Vydo d’Lyrandar.
Vydo d’Lyrandar was an airship captain of some renown, and the airship was one of his four-airship fleet. Witnesses say Vydo had been at a fundraising event hosted by d’Orien the night before, but no one had seen him board in Sigilstar. Vydo is survived by a wife and eight children.
However, his presence has sent shockwaves through the international community, as Baron d’Orien says he was not aware of the man’s presence; he even willingly submitted to a Zone of Truth to confirm his claim. Inquisitives now believe the two captains were planning an assassination attempt of Baron d’Orien and that a disagreement led to the crash and their demise. If the adventuring party had not been in the vicinity, all four would have died anyway.
Because of such a high-profile potentially traitorous clash between two Dragonmarked houses, Karrnathi transportation department officials have announced they are putting all plans for airship collaboration on hold indefinitely.
House Lyrandar has denounced the incident as the work of a lone madman, but their protests seem a bit tonedeaf, as, just last month, Vydo d’Lyrandar was personally gifted two airships by Baron Esravash d’Lyrandar herself.
Master Inquisitives have been called to investigate, although their arrival has been delayed by the aforementioned twin tornadoes.
#Baron Kwanti d’Orien#Thrane#abovethefold#Karrnath#House Orien#House Lyrandar#the compound#Sigilstar#alchemy#Strzygwort
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Sir Valtar Ravadanci. Noble of Sigilstar and changeling spy. #dungeonsanddragons #roleplayinggame #dnd #tabletopgames #eberron #npc #sigilstar https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx3I9inh7cU/?igshid=wuoh1xe88l7r
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Hidan and Kakuzu d&d au! Two more members of the Akatsuki Fellowship!! They are travelling around Khorvaire, in the world of Eberron!
au! Akatsuki D&D
All the info related to places and clans is from the canonic lore of Eberron, or from interpretations that I’ve found here and there, and also a bit of my own homebrew lore. I’m gathering all the info and sources in my WorldAnvil page so you can check it out if you want :)
And this is the map with notes so you can pin all the locations.
This time I chose to put only the info relevant to the characters to make the post shorter. But still, this will be a LONG post so be prepared xD
Founding of the Akatsuki Fellowship
All the members of the party met in Sharn, the biggest city of the continent of Khorvaire. They were there for different reasons but ended up travelling together across the world.
Hidan the bloody warlock
Hidan was born in the warrior nation of Karrnath in the city of Atur, where the living and dead coexist in a daily basis.
His parents were members of the Blood of Vol cult, and actively participated in the life of the Crimson Monastery, the largest worship site dedicated to Vol in the entire continent.

From a young age, his parents instructed him in the faith of the Divinity Within and encouraged him to follow their path and become a Seeker of the Blood of Vol.
The Blood of Vol is a religion centered on the belief of Divinity Within, which means that they do not revere any deity but the blood that courses through their own veins. The followers of the Blood of Vol are called Seekers, and many of them are necromancers employed by the government of Karrnath to control their undead soldiers.
Seekers believe that death is a curse prevent mortals from achieving divinity, so by breaking the curse of mortality, humanity will be able to live a plenty existence. Necromancy is an attempt to fight the curse of mortality and prevent the loss of the knowledge and skills obtained by past generations.
Contrary to the popular belief, Seekers cherish life and do not want to become undead. Those who become undead are considered to be martyrs who have given up their own chance at divinity to help others, since they will become tools for the living.
The Blood of Vol cult is ruled from Atur by The Crimson Covenant.
At the age of twelve, Hidan showed signs of possessing magical abilities, which catched the interest of the Cult and welcomed him into the Crimson Monastery to train his powers in favor of their religion and ulterior plans.
Hidan had always been an avid follower of his faith, but soon after joining the Monastery he started to interpret it in his own terms.
His warlock status made him believe that his blood carried the divine will, and that his mission was to actively fight for the Divinity Within by converting all the misguided mortals to The Blood of Vol, or sending them to their deceiving gods to see for themselves how misguided they were.
The years passed and Hidan only grew more powerful and reckless, learning and crafting unique invocations to unleash his magic at its fullest potential.
His ever growing power mixed with his free interpretation of the beliefs of The Blood of Vol, marked him as an individual too independent and powerful to escalate in the ranks of the Cult.
In an attempt to channel his energy and give him a purpose, The Covenant prompted him to join the Order of the Emerald Claw, the paramilitary arm of the Blood of Vol, and sent him to Rekkenmark.

The Order of the Emerald Claw is an outlawed organization of Karrn patriots and Blood of Vol worshippers spread throughout Khorvaire. They continue to operate in a semi-terrorist fashion to this day, proclaiming their desire to see Karrnath once again rise to power.
Their connection to the Cult is only known by highest ranking members of the Order.
Hidan was sent to Rekkenmark, in the border with Thrane. His cell had the undercover mission to hunt down any paladin of the Church of the Silver Flame that entered Karrnath with the intention of killing Vol’s vampires and undeads.
The Blood of Vol is a forbidden religion in some regions of the continent due to the evil connotations associated with their practices, and many groups such as the Church of the Silver Flame actively works to destroy them.
His days as an Emerald Claw Knight were short, though.
At the beginning, Hidan thought that the Order was his rightful place, that surrounded by powerful patriots he will be able to bring the divine will to all the mortals and spread his faith to the edge of the world.
However, he soon started to feel disenchanted with how the Order handled their business and how little they cared about his divine will. He realised that like in the Monastery, the Order also lacked of determination, and so he began to make their creed his and reform it by his own standards.
The time passed and Hidan grew more reckless and discarded his superior’s orders more frequently, which caused friction within his cell.
By recommendation of The Covenant, when the situation became unsustainable, The Emerald Claw “prompted” him to take his own path and fight for the Order by himself in his own terms, far away from Rekkenmark.

Instead of going back to Atur, Hidan decided to travel the world, free from any restraints, finding misguided mortals to convert to the Blood of Vol and killing all those who didn’t want to achieve immortality.
Unsurprisingly for everyone but himself, his homicidal activities granted him the status of “kill in sight” in many cities, and soon the bounty for his head was high enough to buy a villa in the upper levels of Sharn.
So Hidan, a powerful warlock and Seeker, spent the following years running away from the law and inquisitors of every city he stepped on. He never bothered to hide his presence anyway...
After a near death experience with a Flame paladin in Sigilstar, he traveled to Sharn, where he knew he could hide from prying eyes and find refuge in one of the Order’s liars.
However, The Emerald Claw rejected to host him as he attracted too much attention, forcing him to hide in the lowest levels of the city, where he was told that there was a unofficially Vol-friendly tavern run by elves.
Little did he know, that in the Callestan district lived one of the most renowned bounty hunters of Sharn, who was currently drinking a pint in the same tavern he choose to spend the night in.
Kakuzu the bounty hunter
Kakuzu was born in the port city of Zarash’ak, in The Shaodw Marshes.
His father was a human from House Vadalis (beast tamers), while his mother was a human with a quarter of orc blood from House Tharashk with the Mark of Finding (bounty hunters).
He was raised within the Tharashk House and learned how to bounty hunt from a young age. Even though his training was focused on the ways of his mother’s House, he enjoyed spending time with his father and help him train and sell his imported beasts from the Eldeen Reaches.

Kakuzu spent his childhood proudly working for House Tharashk, dreaming of becoming a renowned bounty hunter and awakening a powerful Mark of Finding. However, his dreams would sunk when at the age of seventeen he finally manifested his dragonmark.
It was an aberrant dragonmark.
The dragonmarks are passed through bloodlines and when two members of different dragonmarked families reproduce it often results in aberrant dragonmarks. Originally aberrant marked were seen as outcasts and outsiders, often shunned by the houses and eked out a pitiful existence. Now they unite under their own House, House Tarkanan.
Kakuzu tried to hide his new mark, constantly covering his body as much as he could and not getting intimately close to anyone for fear of being discovered and casted aside. His mood soured in a couple of months, and he ostracised himself from his closest friends and family.
But after a couple of years it had grown up so much that it almost took his entire back, and inevitably the House found out about his condition and expelled him from the clan.
Abandoned by his people, he traveled to Sharn in an attempt to join the Aberrant Dragonmarked House Tarkanan.
House Tarkanan is a house only formed by aberrant markeds, from any race and clan. They are usually bounty hunters, mercenaries and accountants.
When House Tarkanan first established itself in Sharn, the halfling Boromar Clan attempted to assimilate them, but the offer was turned down. This resulted in the Boromars attempting to destroy the House. When this proved too difficult a deal was struck. Since the Boromar clan doesn't traffic in assassinations, it was agreed that so long as House Tarkanan doesn't take contracts against the Boromars, they would be permitted to stay in Sharn without paying a fee.

Despite being shunned away by his family and now working as a bounty hunter for a bunch of criminals, Kakuzu found his place in Sharn. He also worked as an accountant for the clan from time to time, a nice changes of winds from his usual, dirtier, business.
He made himself a name in Sharn, and over the years was granted the title of Baron, as a senior assassin of the Clan. Kakuzu was well known in the city, especially in the districts of Lower Dura.
He established his residence in the lawless district of Callestan mainly because the rent was cheaper, but also because his best informants also maraud those streets, inns and ateliers.
Kakuzu is a baron of House Tarkanan, and his main income comes from the clan’s dealings. However, he takes freelance work if the pay is good enough, and he usually doubles his fees if the contract is from his former House.
House Tharashk, despite expelling Kakuzu many years ago, is often interested in hiring his services in the big city, since bounty hunters that are not from House Tarkanan or the Boromar Clan are not allowed to make business freely even after paying a bountiful fee.
House Tharashk has deals and a close relationship with House Thuranni. The elven house team with them whenever they need to find artifacts or people, in exchange for influences and intel. They are currently working together with the Emerald Claw in Stormreach (Xen’dirk), seeking ancient artifacts for Lady Vol.
House Thuranni is involved in many dubious affairs and unofficially allied with many organisations, such as the Blood of Vol and the Emerald Claw. The Thuranni fought alongside Karrnath during the War, and they have an important presence in Atur with their True Shapers academy.
These unofficial affairs turn every Thuranni establishment into a safehouse for those allies who need refuge or a meeting point.
So Kakuzu visits The Shadowkeeper tavern whenever the Tharashk need something from him, to catch up with his informants, or just to drink a large pint.
...though cashing in a good bounty for a dumb Seeker, is also interesting.
We have 6 out of 8 members of the party!! yeyyy!!! now i need to finish the other two ;)
#naruto#akatsuki#hidan#kakuzu#au! akatsuki d&d#d&d#Dungeons and Dragons#eberron#my art#there's only 2 more left to go!!!!!#now i need to update the info in the WA page and also the map#anyway! check the other two posts too bc their lore is connected in some characters and you may understand them better#i know this is A LOT of lore to read hahaha but i hope you find it interesting#i tried to stick with the canon as much as i could and build their backstories and characters based on the canon material#some things are homebrew but most of it is canon so that's pretty cool for an au :DDDD#hidan is always like: why nobody wants to join the BoV? why is everyone prosecuting me? i have never been wrong in my life#kakuzu is done with life in general#also! kakuzu doesn't like itachi bc he's a thuranni and thuranni are allies with the tharashk#itachi doesn't like him bc he's an aberrant marked and he has prejudices against him which is not nice#itachi helps in the tavern when he's not assassinating people for his House. but he really doesn't work there#sasori and kakuzu exchange intel very often. both visit the tavern almost daily and gossip about everything#first sasori only went bc of the intel. now he has extended rants with deidara about art and their academies and how much they actually suck#deidara lives in the garret so now he's neighbours with hidan who rented a tiny cheap room#kisame's there too. he has an orc sized room for him and his tiny orclet. so he's their neighbour too#now there's only konan and nagato left!! and if you haven't noticed. there's a bit of foreshadowing in hidan's story ;)#i hope you like their designs and lore!! and tysm for reading all this text xD i know it's long but i really enjoy sharing it with you!#and as always if you have any question just send me an ask!
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Not gonna lie, Nox’s hair is really fun to do.
Also redesigned his outfit because I felt like his previous one was tacky af. This one’s a lot better and more fitting of his overall personality.
I figure I should tell you guys a little more about him, as I haven’t written quite a lot. So more of that under the cut.
If you like what you see please consider donating a little bit to my ko-fi! If you do, I’ll do a quick sketch of your character provided you give me a description that’s 15 words or less.
Birth Circumstances
Nox is the only child of a changeling mother and a human father. Having tried and failed numerous times to conceive a child, Nox’s parents doted on him and were ecstatic to see his shapeshifting abilities manifest at a young age. Both parents own and operate a popular apothecary/potions shop in Flamekeep and his father’s side of the family are primarily alchemists. His mother’s side of the family is largely unknown, most of them being changelings themselves, but what is known is that his mother was born in the Talenta Plains. When asked about it, Nox’s mother tends to dodge the question and move on.
Nox primarily spent his childhood following in his parents’ footsteps, learning about the basics of alchemy and botany. A curious boy, Nox’s room was always something of a mess, the result of numerous experiments of varying degrees of success. As both of his parents ran a popular shop, they in turn got to know a fair amount of people around the city, and when she had a free day, Nox’s mother, Gaal, would teach him about his shapeshifting abilities and pass on her social and shady skills onto Nox, but left it up to him to decide what he should do with his life.
One particular thing that she taught him was how to play “I Am You,” a common game amongst changeling children where they shapeshift into other children from around town, and keep track of how long it took for someone to notice them.
One day, while playing, a young girl around town saw right through Nox’s ruse, accusing him directly of being someone else entirely, though it wasn’t out of irritation, but of excitement. Nox quickly realized that this little girl was also a Changeling, and like her, he was very delighted to see someone like him that wasn’t family. The little girl introduced herself as Ash, and they became instant friends that day, hanging out and playing games together.
As they grew older, the pair started getting into more nefarious shenanigans, with Nox posing as a faraway traveler doing tricks with his Alchemy, and Ash using the crowd surrounding him to her advantage to pickpocket unsuspecting townspeople, particularly nobles who were either too prideful or too stupid to leave their heavy coinpurses at home. Eventually, though, they did get into gambling, and often got chewed out by the religious guard of Flamekeep over it, though they hardly did anything.
At some point, Nox gathered enough courage to ask Ash out, having fallen in love with her, and she happily accepted. As neither of their parents let them be in a room alone together, Ash and Nox often resorted to finding hidden nooks and crannies within the city to either hang out alone or make out, typical teenager things.
Eventually, Ash had expressed her wish to leave Flamekeep for better pastures, having come of age to do so. Nox asked her to wait a few weeks so that he could join her, saying that he wanted to run an alchemy shop of his own and hone his abilities further. Of course, while his intentions were true, this reasoning was little more than a farce; he wanted to follow Ash whereever she went-- he couldn’t bear to see Ash walk out of his life, but he never let her know this.
And so they left. They reached Sigilstar shortly after their departure, and after finally getting a room to themselves, finally admitted his true feelings for her after Ash saw through him once again. Ash felt the same way about Nox, and consummated their love.
Both Ash and Nox established desert dwelling personas, with Nox disguised as a human named Azad, making potions. Together, they established a traveling caravan, where he sold his creations and Ash scavenged for bits and baubles to sell off to others looking to have a bit of history. They eventually made enough money to hire mercenaries to make trips into the Mournlands, where they would gather artifacts and treasures to sell off, and even caught the eye of House Cannith, who hired them both to gather broken down warforged in exchange for a decent amount of coin, or so they thought.
Eventually they both found out that House Cannith was shorting them of gold by the thousands, and so they both abandoned their job assignments, returning to their normal gig.
Their next trip into the Mournland would be their last, moreso for Nox than for Ash. While they were about to leave with a stockpile of treasure, a massive, mutated crab ambushed them and the mercenary party. Two of the mercenaries died, and Nox was badly injured protecting Ash. He used his scarf on the minor wound Ash had in an effort to stop the bleeding. Just as they were about to escape, Ash stalled him, insisting that he heal himself.
The crab launched another volley of arrows, this time finishing Nox off. He died in Ash’s arms, pleading with her to leave him behind in the Mournland, and that her wellbeing was far more important. Ash refused, and had to be carried out by one of the remaining mercenaries, kicking and screaming along the way.
Ash was deeply traumatized by his death, so much so that after two weeks of drinking her life away, she came to Jeremy, a mysterious kitsune merchant, and begged him to remove the traumatic memory, replacing it with one that didn’t haunt her nearly as much. And so he did.
As far as Ash remembers now, she did try and save Nox, but he bled out far too much. So she buried him in a forest that they had visited previously, as it became one of his favorite places to gather plants and camp out, and later got a tombstone for him with the help of her brother, Kai.
So as of now, There’s a tombstone with his name on it, in a forest that he loved, but there is no body to be had. And ever since then, Ash has never had the heart to return to Flamekeep to tell his parents of the news, especially given that he was the only child that their parents were ever able to conceive.
Ash does plan to tell them very soon, especially now that she is currently in Thrane, but depending on what happens next, that may need to wait awhile still.
#illustration#art#dnd#dungeons and dragons#alchemist#changeling#eberron#digital art#character design#oc#nox#my writing#sketch#nephdoesanart
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You are my only SigilStar
#doldilic#goth#emo#scene#goth model#emo model#emo boy#emo kid#2000s emo#emo scene#scene king#scene boy#scene kid#gothic#2000s scemo#2000s scene#alt aesthetic#emo aesthetic#I NEVER EXIST#BungieWitch#SigilStar
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HAPPY DEVON DAY!!! My 24th birthday... crazy..
I'm awesome :P
#its my birthdayyyyy#DEVON DAY#doldilic#goth#emo#scene#goth model#emo model#emo boy#emo kid#2000s emo#emo scene#scene king#scene boy#scene kid#gothic#2000s scemo#2000s scene#alt aesthetic#emo aesthetic#I3UNGiE#Nero Valentine#Nero#Bungie#dmc#devil may cry#dmc: devil may cry#above the moon#sigilstar#horror
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I've seen it many times.. But for whatever reason, as I watched the Moon set.. It felt overwhelming unique and special. I won't forget this birthday or this moment. Now, back on schedule for taking over the ENTIRE WORLD MUAHAHAHHAH
#doldilic#vineyards#goth#emo#scene#goth model#emo model#emo boy#emo kid#2000s emo#emo scene#scene king#scene boy#scene kid#gothic#2000s scemo#2000s scene#alt aesthetic#emo aesthetic#Limbo#above the moon#moon#sigilstar
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*BOOM*....... I'm 24 now.. YIPPIE! It's been quite the ride since my last birthday. First performances, school, work, music, art, drama, death, travelling; I'm surprised I'm not skitzo yet lol. At the same time, lots of people have entered my life. Lots of people have left it too. All by their own means. To say it's been challenging to juggle all kinds of emotions surrounding the well being of family and friends while doing what I have to is putting it lightly. But we all go through it. I won't stop for nothin. I have a purpose... COMPLETE AND UTTER WORLD DOMINATION!!! I will see it through to the end that I achieve this no matter what. I'd like to thank everyone that has supported me through this past year of my life. Everyone who has talked to me, shook my hand, walked with me, ate with me, hugged me, and showed genuine hospitality. You all remind me that we're all silly little humans doing our silly little human things (with style ofc). You all make me feel human. I appreciate every opportunity to just meet any of you. It means the world to me. The memories will always last and I replay them constantly. I hope to continue making more memories with all you beautiful people :) I keep progressing just like always. I always win, even when I lose, I still win ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ. I'm actually really shocked at how much better I am at stuff like drawing and music production. It always feels weird to look back and just be like "damn I sucked then but I'm hot shit now lol". Just gotta keep going. Who knows where I'll end up! Everyone, thank you all for being around. Seriously. This world is so amazing and it's wonderful to make shit happen and meet new people and make new memories. Let's all keep pushing forward and be the best niggas we can be. If you ever wonder where I'm at, I'll be above the moon and stars. All you'll have to do is look up and you'll see me there. I love you guys. Stay safe. Stay Dandy. -Devon P. S. GO SEE DA FULLMOON TONIGHT 🌕
(Sharing my insta post here because thank you to all :3)
#Instagram#its my birthdayyyyy#DEVON DAY#doldilic#goth#emo#scene#goth model#emo model#emo boy#emo kid#2000s emo#emo scene#scene king#scene boy#scene kid#gothic#2000s scemo#2000s scene#alt aesthetic#emo aesthetic#I3UNGiE#Nero Valentine#Nero#Bungie#dmc#devil may cry#dmc: devil may cry#above the moon#sigilstar
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Commencing The 🄽🄴🅁🅾 Invocation

#doldilic#goth#emo#scene#goth model#emo model#emo boy#emo kid#2000s emo#emo scene#scene king#scene boy#scene kid#gothic#2000s scemo#2000s scene#alt aesthetic#emo aesthetic#horror#I3UNGiE#above the moon#moon#sigilstar#Nero
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Virgen de Guadalupe
#doldilic#goth#emo#scene#goth model#emo model#emo boy#emo kid#2000s emo#emo scene#scene king#scene boy#scene kid#gothic#2000s scemo#2000s scene#alt aesthetic#emo aesthetic#above the moon#moon#sigilstar
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She told me I can sleep gracefully in my own victory. So I did.
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Photodump from yesterday
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Wait 'Til It Gets Really Dark You Are My Only SigilStar Come And Find Me Shameful Heart Let's Meet Again Above The Moon And Stars
#doldilic#goth#emo#scene#goth model#emo model#emo boy#emo kid#2000s emo#emo scene#scene king#scene boy#scene kid#gothic#2000s scemo#2000s scene#alt aesthetic#emo aesthetic
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#doldilic#goth#emo#scene#goth model#emo model#emo boy#emo kid#2000s emo#emo scene#scene king#scene boy#scene kid#gothic#2000s scemo#2000s scene#alt aesthetic#emo aesthetic#BUNGiEWitch
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