#sigh this is what i get for constantly putting off writing the battles.
meistoshi · 1 year
........what if i just Told yall the endgame of the champion league arc n actually got to writing it fully retroactively
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gicosmo · 2 months
When They Neglect You Pt.1
One Piece Men(Luffy, Shanks, Mihawk, Corazon)
Warnings: Neglect, A bit a toxicity on Mihawk’s part, Corazon being a stressed, Doflamingo(he deserves his own warning), Just overall angst for this first part :((
This is my first time writing for One Piece characters lol. I’m sorry if any of them are ooc😔Part 2
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You knew Luffy would never intentionally ignore you. Let alone neglect the whole relationship. But that didn’t stop the pang in your chest when you realized you weren’t spending as much time with him.
Walking around on an island, the town was bustling with people. The crew finally had some air to breathe after continuous battles. Finally, you thought you had a chance to be close with your boyfriend again. Reaching for his hand to hold, he suddenly stops, snatching his hand away from yours.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt your feelings. It hurt. A lot.
“Looks like we’re fighting again.” Luffy chuckles, cracking his knuckles with a sly smile. Zoro huffed, readying his sword by his side. Sanji sighed, “Do we ever catch a break?”
“Sorry! Not now!” Luffy replied ever so quickly before jumping straight into fighting. Even though it was a moment to fight, a hurt feeling still rose in your heart.
You felt like you were overreacting… Or maybe this was just the result of being constantly pushed aside, regardless if intentional or not?
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Sadly, it wouldn’t be the first time Shanks had neglected the relationship. And it definitely won’t be the last.
But this incident ticked you off to the max. After sailing to an island, Shanks had conducted his usual business. After he was done, of course the crew had to celebrate(even when it wasn’t really necessary).
In the bar the crew cheered and laughed. The overall vibe was positive, nothing but smiles plastered on everyone’s faces. Well… Everyone except you. Throughout the night you had tried getting Shanks’ attention, but his attention was always elsewhere.
You were moping in the corner, your brow twitching in irritation. After a while, Beckman made his way over to you with a soft smile,
“Someone’s upset.” He chuckled.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” You sighed, rubbing your temples. Beckman just shook his head with a smile, “When is it never.” He grabbed a chair, sitting next to you, “Go on. Tell me what he did this time.”
You laughed. Beckman always had to be the peacemaker, “It’s what he always does, Beck. Every time I want a bit of his attention, it’s always elsewhere.” You sighed as you looked up, the sight you saw sending you over the edge.
There Shanks was, chatting it up with someone else. Being a bit too friendly for your liking. Beckman followed your gaze, immediately mentally face palming. He was about to speak but you had already left the bar.
All Beckman could do was sigh and shake his head. Seems like he had to be the one to make peace. Again.
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Your relationship with Mihawk was nothing but bliss. Everybody around you would be shocked to hear of such a sweet relationship ever happening with such an apathetic man like him. But he loved you… Or so you thought?
When Zoro and Perona lived with you both for two years, your relationship did have its moments of distance. Mainly due to Mihawk helping with training for Zoro and you doing your duties that you usually did.
You both knew having two strangers, two strangers that were practically your guy’s children during those two years, would put some type of strain on the relationship. But you both silently agreed that you both always found a way to make things work.
When Zoro and Perona left, you couldn’t lie about the slight emptiness that filled the castle. The only upside was now you could be close with your lover again. Well, you thought that was supposed to be an upside, only it didn’t happen.
“I’m busy.” Mihawk spoke with little to no interest, not even sparing you a glance as he read the newspaper. You crossed your arms, glaring at him, “Mihawk, it’s been weeks since those two left and you still haven’t at least tried to put some effort into our relationship again?”
Mihawk sighed, a sigh you knew all too well,
“I honestly don’t understand what you’re getting upset about.”
“And I honestly don’t know who you’re talking to right now.” You snapped back rather quickly. Mihawk placed his newspaper down, standing up and staring you down, “You’ve never been this much of a pain before. We were and are quite fine.”
Your mouth fell open in shock. He thought the relationship was… Fine? You immediately scoffed, “Oh? So you think us being distant from one another is fine?”
“I liked it when you weren’t a nagging brat.”
“I’m nagging now? Seriously?”
All you could do was shake your head. Not bearing to hear whatever else he had to say, you immediately stormed off.
Little did Mihawk know, you got on a boat and left. You didn’t know where you were going, but anywhere was better than being with someone who clearly didn’t care for you anymore.
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Corazon was also someone who wouldn’t intentionally neglect you. Your relationship was a secret from the Donquixote family, more specifically, Doflamingo.
Corazon and you took a liking to one another. You didn’t care that he was mute, well, you thought he was mute until he revealed who he really was to you one day. That faithful day solidified your relationship. He couldn’t have been any happier.
What he wasn’t happy about, however, was Doflamingo’s ever so obvious liking to you. Countless times he had to sit there and witness his brothers constant flirts and rather interesting remarks about you. The whole thing made his blood boil.
Everything changed when Law came into the picture. Corazon made it his mission to save him, and you, of course, tagged along on said mission. You really didn’t have a choice since Corazon wouldn’t dare leave you alone with his brother.
Going from hospital to hospital was stressful for everyone. Corazon witnessing how horrible society really was irked him day by day. He slowly began to lose hope, but didn’t show it much. But you knew better than that.
Day by day, he would pull away from you. In all honesty, you barely noticed it since you were so busy comforting Law. It was one day when Law was sleeping, you went to talk about your frustrations to Corazon only for his responses to be short. If you even got a response, that is.
Of course you were hurt, but you understood. This whole thing was stressful on everyone. You could keep your feelings to yourself or find other ways to let out your frustrations.
But you couldn’t.
Law thankfully had comfort from you. Corazon found comfort in occasionally smoking and sometimes maybe a drink or two. You? You had nothing.
You wanted nothing more but the love from your partner… But you felt selfish for wanting that when you all had more important things to worry about.
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rougepancake · 1 year
notre dame
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Ft. Rohan Kishibe & Jotaro Kujo x Eldest Daughter!F!Reader
Warnings: None. Just some hcs for how they’d act with a stubborn gal like the eldest daughter. (Please it’s mostly fluff I couldn’t help myself). Not proofread.
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Upon first meeting, he finds you incredibly unbearable. He hates that attitude of “everyone just depends on me, I can’t let them down” or “if I don’t step up then no one else will, and I can’t risk that”
What didn’t help was that you were a well known painter, which meant that he would constantly be seeing you at exhibits whenever they opened.
Mainly because your pieces were being put on display. (That only infuriated him more)
Upon further inspection, he realized that your pieces were of abstract things. And there was always a girl with her back facing the audience who was enjoying said things
He hated that he liked your style
In fact, he convinced himself that he totally hated you so that when Koichi brought you by the next time, he had a reason to be a dick
And to say he was stunned would be an understatement
He was genuinely surprised that you had just appeared because you were… worried??
“What do you want?” He leaned in the doorway, sneering down at you. “I’m a busy man so spit it out.” He was nagging you but he wasn’t really that annoyed. You were in front of him, your arms full of your art supplies and your tone serious.
“Koichi told me a while back that you tend you shut yourself up when you’re writing.” You began, and he had such a hard time understanding your tone. “So I figured I would give you some company. It wouldn’t hurt, right?”
And for whatever reason, he couldn’t tell you no. Which he also hated.
Dude was stunned that you went out of your way tbh. Was even more stunned when you began to paint in silence
He got distracted tho and accidentally ended up scratching himself with the pen pretty badly
You asked him if he was okay and immediately began cleaning up his ‘wound’ even though he didn’t ask you to
“Hey! Get your hands off of me!” He pulled his hand away from your grasp, shooting you a sharp glare.
“It’ll get infected if you don’t clean it.” You said stubbornly, returning his glare and grabbing his wrist harshly. “And I know you don’t want that to happen.”
That’s when it clicked for him
You spend all your time taking care of others. It was best demonstrated in the way that you often defended Josuke or Okuyasu in battle- even though you didn’t have a stand
Even if you were injured, you wouldn’t let Josuke help you. And your stubbornness bothered him
Rohan seemed to realize that you put yourself last for everything. Even when you guys have gone out and there’s something you want, you put it off for another day
Or if someone offers to pay for you, you refuse and pay for yourself
You’re just always last on your list of priorities
And in that moment he seems to have some sort of epiphany
“Why do you paint?” He looks down and into your eyes, ignoring the stinging in his hand as you tend to it.
“I don’t know.” You shrug it off, and he swore he heard your voice shake.
“Fine. Be that way.” He huffed and crossed his legs. “What do you paint?”
You froze. “Excuse me?”
“What do you paint?”
You sighed softly and looked up at him, your eyes shining in slight awe. “No one’s ever asked me that before.” You paused. “I paint my favorite things. Why do you ask?”
“Ah.” He said simply, looking away from you. “I’ll let you have this one.” He sighed. “You’re not as annoying as I thought you to be.”
After this he pampers you and gets called out by Josuke
But pampers in the sense of like “hey I saw these paints and thought they would look good with your style”
Watches you paint in silence a lot. He has come to the conclusion that it’s peaceful for the both of you and has found your presence to be quite comforting while he’s working on a project
Still finds that “everyone before me” type of personality annoying and calls you out on it A LOT
Rohan found you insufferable but Jotaro finds you ABSOLUTELY INTOLERABLE
He genuinely hates it and he hates how you’re okay with it
Like people come to you and just dump their woes on you and you’ve come to accept it and he’s like tf??? No???
It makes no sense to him because you just seem to take care of everyone and put yourself last. Like every single time someone gets injured, you pull some mom type bs and suck it up and help them
Even when Josuke is right there- like you insist on helping (Josuke heals them when you leave or turn your back since you don’t have a stand and won’t understand what’s going on)
Jotaro finds your “I don’t need people to take care of me but I need to take care of others” vibe to be useful, but at the same time he just can’t stand it
When he first met you, he had come across you while you were working. He found out later that you’re a good friend of Josuke’s mother and that’s when he officially got to meet you
Your arm was broken and yet you were running around the house, shouting at Josuke and helping his mother with her chores
It left him stunned in a way that he didn’t know was possible
When you introduced yourself to him, he brushed you off. He could tell you weren’t down for his tough guy act
He figured if you really wanted to get to know him, you’d push past his stubbornness and do so, but he soon found out you were equally as stubborn as he was
You found him at the Grand Morioh Hotel and offered to put your stubbornness to the side if it meant that you got to know him better
I’ll be so honest the first thing you asked about were the various scars on his body
He was surprised because typically people don’t ask about them. They just assume that they were from his delinquent days and move on
It was so weird to him that he just kinda stood there awkwardly and looked at you
“Since I’m here and all- why don’t we get to know each other?” You shrugged and walked over to a nearby chair, sitting down and crossing your legs as you looked up at him.
“Makes no difference to me.” He grumbled and crossed his arms, tilting his head just right the brim of his hat covered his eyes.
You sat in silence for a while, observing him. “Tell me about those scars. The ones at the base of your neck.” You pointed and propped your elbow up onto the armrest of the chair.
“Excuse me?” He looked at you and you saw the hint of surprise shining in those eyes of his.
“If you’re uncomfortable, then you don’t have to. But I’d like to know what happened. They look pretty rough.”
He told you and internally LOVED how you listened intently, asking questions and paying attention to his every word
But he didn’t tell you that 🙄
He’s picked up on how you both tend to put others first, and bit by bit, he warms up to you
It starts with slowly agreeing with what you’re saying, or helping you do minor things like clean up. It’s things like that that he secretly enjoys doing with you
And while helping you pick up after Josuke while his mother is away, you wound up cutting your hand on a shard of broken glass
Hurt like a bitch but you didn’t let him know that
He forced you to take a break and sit down so he could clean it up and OH BOY it was worse than he thought
Especially your reaction to it
“I’m fine, alright?” You huffed, trying to pull your hand away from his grasp. The palm of your hand was oozing with blood, and you just knew it was going to scar. It stung so bad that you had tears in your eyes, but you bit your cheek to prevent yourself from seeming weaker than you already looked.
“Shut up and let me clean that thing.” He argued, rolling his eyes and grabbing your wrist harshly, resulting in a hiss of pain from you. He slowly wiped away the blood from your palm, furrowing his brows in concentration as you worked. He felt his heart drop when he saw you shaking slightly.
“I said it’s fine.” You choked out, sighing at his determination. His grip on your wrist loosened and he hummed in response to your words.
“You don’t seem fine.”
“That doesn’t matter. I will be soon enough.”
He began to disinfect it, his arm instinctively flying out to hold you in place as he worked. You tensed up in pain, but said nothing, refusing to look down at him for fear that he might see your tears.
“You’re right.” He mumbled. “You will be fine.” He paused and grabbed the gauze. “But you can’t be stubborn all the time.”
He’s still a bit of a douche to you, but then again you are too
But then you guys come to a mutual realization that it’s okay to confide in someone and after that you really begin to warm up to one another
He still enjoys helping you, but hates doing it where Josuke can see or hear because he knows he’ll never hear the end of it
“Oooh you like my mom’s friendddd” “Shut the hell up.” “Yes sir.”
Takes no shit when it comes to you at that point. If he sees someone giving you hell after you’ve been through enough then he’s gonna kick their ass.
Tsundere type like Rohan but we love him so it’s okay
Is so willing to listen to all your family problems and such, constantly telling you that you’re his favorite out of all of them or cheesy stuff like that. (He hasn’t met a single one of your family members and would like to keep it that way for fear he’d beat them for looking at you the wrong way)
Both of you still nag each other for being stubborn, but now you’ve come to an understanding, so it’s slightly more tolerable than your first encounter
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Part 7
I love writing this story so much I am constantly going back and rereading my favorite parts. And when I write really, really good bits I want to put it up immediately so you all can squee with me. But I also know that it’s better to give each part some time between each one so the chapter can get the love it deserves. It’s ongoing battle I tell you.
This is the start of what I’ve been calling in my head the dark chapters. This is where we get to the tragic backstories that drove these two boys apart. TW: for panic attack in this and brief mention violence.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Chrissy came over to where the boys had sat down with Wayne after they had put their equipment away. She slid the beers over to each of them with practiced ease.
“So...” she began. “You’ve got history with my boy, Garnet.”
“Who the fuck is Garnet?” Jeff asked.
Chrissy giggled. “My boss is weird hipster who has all off of us go by gem names to keep up the mystic of the place. Jewels of the Queen’s Crown as it were.”
Gareth laughed. “And what do they call you?”
“I’m Opal for now,” she explained after taking a swig of her beer. “But Garnet says that before he leaves, I’ll probably be Sapphire or Emerald.” She thought for a moment. “Considering Diamond’s sense of humor? Probably Sapphire.”
“Why Sapphire?” Eddie asked, frowning in confusion.
Chrissy laughed. “Because I’m a lesbian?” The boys just stared at her with blank faces. “Sappho is the first lesbian? Another word for lesbian is sapphic? Sapphire, sapphic?”
Suddenly they got it and started nodded.
She turned to Eddie. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you avoiding the question. You and I are going to have nice long talk about it later.”
Eddie straightened up and looked guiltily at his beer. “We just aren’t in the same universe is all.”
Chrissy looked over at Garnet and sighed. “I think you guys are closer than you think.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Eddie growled. “In what multi-verse are me and that man even in the same hemisphere?”
Chrissy sighed. “I’m not one for spreading rumors around but from what I’ve heard, Garnet’s dad threw him out when he came out as gay.”
All four boys turned to look at Steve slinging cocktails like he was born to it in shock.
“He’s gay?” Jeff asked. “There’s no way. He was a known ladies’ man in high school. Him and his girlfriend were like the king and queen of Hawkins.”
Chrissy just hummed. “Trust me when I say that I’ve been working with him for almost two months now, and the dude ain’t straight. He never flirts with the girls. Like ever. And yeah, sure some of it can be marked down to Garnet being a consummate professional. But when guys flirt with him, he gets all flustered and turns pink.”
Eddie sat back. “Huh.” He shrugged off the gnawing feeling in the back of his mind of what it would have been like if Eddie had known that sooner. “Still, I wouldn’t have thought that pretty, rich boy Garnet would deign to work at a bar, even one as upscale as this one.”
“What the fuck you talking about, boy?” Wayne growled, speaking up for the first time. “I didn’t teach you that classist bullshit.”
Eddie ducked his head. “Sorry, Uncle Wayne.”
Wayne jutted his chin Steve’s direction. “I know you’ve been calling him something different because of the rules of the club or whatever, but if you lot are talking about that boy at the bar, then you need to check your bias. He worked at the plant for a year on the weekends trying to save money for college.”
Everyone turned to Wayne in shock.
“He worked at the plant?” Gareth said. “But I thought he was earning money babysitting. He used to babysit my sister Clara after school when I had to work or had band practice.”
Jeff shook his head. “Nah, man. He was working at Family Video that year. My mom would gush about how sweet and helpful he was when she was trying to find a good family movie.”
Wayne took a sip of his beer. “That boy did all three at the same time. He told me he’d work the video store during the time the kids would be at school and then babysit after. Then he’d work weekends at night at the plant.” He glared at Eddie. “Did such a good job, Ken wanted him to take over as foreman of the night shift when he retired.”
Eddie looked over at Steve and furrowed his brow. “Sorry, Uncle Wayne,” he repeated with more conviction.
Wayne nodded and the topic changed to what songs they should preform next time and in what order.
Sometimes Eddie would catch himself looking over at Steve in a new light.
Steve was having a bad week. There was no getting around it. He was trying to get to class, but the beemer wouldn’t start.
It ground and ground, but wouldn’t start.
He pounded on the steering wheel. He was going to have to take the bus, which meant he was going to be late.
He threw open his door and popped the hood. Maybe he figure it out. He checked the oil and the other fluids, but they were all at least decent levels. He check for any loose cables but everything seemed to be connected.
Steve was about to slam the hood back down when someone stopped him.
“What seems to be the trouble, Harrington?” Eddie asked, hand on the hood preventing its closure.
Steve sighed. “No fucking clue. And I’m going to be late for class. And since the midterm is due today, if I’m late, I’m fucked.”
Eddie hummed. “I’ll call someone to come get the car and I’ll drive you in.”
Steve stared at him wide-eyed and slack-jawed. “Why? You don’t like me.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “No, I don’t. However, I’m not going to let someone like you mess things up for Joyce.”
Steve wanted to protest and scream but he knew that’s what Eddie expected him to do. So he just shrugged. “Whatever, man. Just get me the number for this auto shop of yours and we’ll consider the transaction complete.”
Eddie slammed the hood down and Steve went to pull the keys out of the ignition. He kept the windows rolled up, but the door unlocked. He placed the keys under the visor and then grabbed his bag.
“The tow truck will be here in five minutes,” Eddie said, putting his phone back into his pocket, “so it shouldn’t be too long.”
Steve sighed heavily and followed Eddie to his van.
Once they were on their way Steve turned to him. “What did you mean that I might mess things up for Joyce?”
Eddie looked at him briefly before turning back to the road. “I thought you knew her.”
Steve sighed again. “Yeah, four years ago. Which is what I tried to tell Dean Ortega. Yes, I used to babysit her youngest son. Yes, I did that for a year. No, I haven’t spoken to her in the last four. Been kinda busy, you know, going to school.”
Eddie hummed. “There’s been so much trouble with the course the college is thinking of dropping it. And if that happens...”
Steve threw his head back against the headrest. “Then she’s out a job. Great. I was there for those two major fuck ups. I don’t know what happened with the last teacher, but the first professor was a real piece of work.”
Eddie licked his lips thoughtfully. “According to Joyce, Professor Martin was found sleeping with the live model.”
Steve blinked. “The basketball captain?” he asked, his voice squeaking in shock and outrage. “Holy fuck!”
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed. “Joyce said that she was surprised that they even gave the class one more chance.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, I guess. Jesus Christ.”
They got to class and Joyce looked at them with a big grin on her face. “Oh, I didn’t know you guys were friends!”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance.
“Oh we’re not,” Eddie said and Steve winced.
“We just live in the same apartment complex and Eddie came to my rescue when my car wouldn’t start this morning,” Steve explained.
Joyce smiled fondly. “That was sweet of you, Eddie dear.”
Eddie blushed and turned his head. “I was just being a good Samaritan.”
“Well, thank you,” she murmured.
Steve nodded. “Yeah, thanks Eds.”
Eddie bit his lip at the new nickname. “You’re welcome.”
Steve grinned and went to sit down.
Eddie blushed and got into position, striping down to his underwear. He kept his eye on Steve like he always did. But today, instead of the count of one, two, three and look away, Steve’s gaze lingered, drawing in shorter spurts and longer looks at his body.
He didn’t know how he felt about that, or rather his brain didn’t. His heart and libido were one hundred percent onboard with the heated regard. His brain told them to shut up.
It was an unseasonably warm day for March. The sun was finally starting to do more then hang in the sky and look pretty. Robin and Steve were on their way back to their apartment after a rare Sunday meeting at the bar. They were dressed for work. Robin all in black and Steve in his white button up.
They were a block and half from their place, having had to take the bus with Steve’s car still in the shop, when suddenly a storm rolled in and opened up above them.
Instantly they were drenched to the skin. Robin broke into a run to try to get to their apartment faster, but soon realized that Steve wasn’t with her. She looked back to see that Steve had sunk to his knees, his arms wrapped around his shoulders. As if he was trying to cover his back.
“Shit!” Robin hissed and ran back to his side. “Steve? Come on, Steve. We’re almost home.”
He shook his head and began to rock back and forth. “They’ll see! They’ll see.”
“Steve, there’s no one around,” she reasoned. “I’ll even walk behind you if that will make you feel better. But we can’t just sit out here in the rain, dingus.”
But try as she might, she knew it was futile. Steve was firmly locked inside his head and she didn’t know how to get him out. Even after years of seeing him like this, she hadn’t found a tried and true way to make him come out, except to wait them out and hope it didn’t take too long.
She sat on the cold wet pavement and settled down to wait out this nightmare.
Just then a van slowed down beside them and Eddie called out, “Hey, Buckley, everything okay?”
She looked down at Steve and then back at Eddie. She had a choice to make and it wasn’t an easy one.
“No,” she said, forcing out the best response for Steve in that moment. They needed help and if Eddie was willing, she’d be a fool to turn him away.
The van came to screeching halt and Eddie was out onto the pavement in an instant.
“What happened?” he asked, not sure if he should get close in case it was seizure again.
“It started to rain and his scars started to show through the white fabric,” Robin explained.
Eddie walked around to Steve’s back and cursed. “What the fuck?!”
Robin frowned. “How the hell do you not know about Steve’s scars? Like literally everyone in the whole god damn country knows how he got them.”
Eddie’s head reared back. “Um...not me. When did it happen?”
Robin stared at him aghast. “What do you mean when did it happen? It was literally a nine day wonder on all news outlets.” When Eddie just continued to stare at her as if she was mad, she said. “His senior year of high school? He was gone for like a week, how did you not notice?”
Eddie pursed his lips. “Probably the same reason you never noticed I was gone for that same fucking time period.”
She looked down at Steve who was still rocking back and forth. “Steve, hey can you hear me?”
Steve just continued to be lost in his own world.
Eddie took a step closer to see if he could help but Robin held her hand up. “Stay back! When he gets like this his fight or flight response is heightened and he’s been known to pack one hell of a punch.”
Eddie blinked rapidly. “Come again?” His hand came up to his jaw instinctively.
Robin rubbed circles along Steve’s back trying to get his to calm down. “There was once he had a panic attack in public and this guy came up and tried to help him, thinking he’d fallen or something,” she explained. “Steve lashed out not knowing what was happening. He said he woke up with a vague memory of the hit and bruised knuckles. Of course by then, the guy had booked it.”
Eddie took a step back. “That...that was me.”
Robin’s head shot up. “Oh fuck.” She looked back down at Steve. “You thought he hit you because you tried to help him.”
Eddie snarled, “He dislocated my jaw. I couldn’t sing for six months.”
Robin was on her feet in an instant. “Shit, shit, shit. He doesn’t know what he’s doing when he’s like this. That incident haunts him.”
Eddie took another step back. “It haunts me too.” He yanked off his jacket and threw it at her. “For his modesty. He can return it at the next class.”
He turned on his heel and ran to his van. He peeled away from the curb, like the hounds of hell were on his tail.
Robin stood there watching Eddie go, her tears blending with the rain. She didn’t even bother to wipe her face. She walked back to Steve and put the jacket around his shoulders.
The combination of the warmth of the jacket and the covering of Steve’s scars, he slowly came out of his panic attack.
She helped him to his feet and the made it the rest of the way to their apartment. She let him have the first shower and put him to bed.
They were going to have to have a long talk when he was sane enough to handle it.
Part 8 Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12 Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Epilogue
Tag List: @artiststarme @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @itsall-taken @m-owo-n @zerokrox-blog @runyousillydetective @grimmfitzz @wonderland-girl143-blog @sapphirecobalt-1 @scheodingers-muppet @victor-thee-corvid @apricottree @bookbinderbitch @sleepyboosstuff @biatcgh @pixiefallingupthestairs @grtwdsmwhr @thepainisspicy @carlyv @eboyawstenn @bisexualdisastersworld @bidisastersworld @abstractnaturaldisaster @evix-syne666 @nerdsconquerall @lololol-1234 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @a-little-unsteddie @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @elluminis @tailsfromthecrypt @danili666 @plyerice27 @alittlegreyfish  @n0-1-important @no-upper-limit-to-stupidity @maya-custodios-dionach @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @heaven428
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moonxmagix · 1 year
Daddy's Girl NSFW
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Pairing: Frank Iero x Fem Reader
CW: Age gap, teacher frank, student reader, light smut, daddy issues, soft frank, underage drinking, mentions of the word daddy, def sexual tension
Summary: Frank is your teacher and you two hit it off. Y/N has heavy daddy issues and Frank takes you in. He treats you like what your childhood self deserved, safety and love.
A/N: This is VERY long. I wrote 11 pages on Google Docs so I'm very sorry LMAO. It might be a bit wordy and not super smutty if thats okay. I wanted to write something softer in nature. Also apologize if there are any grammar mistakes. :)
Reblogs appreciated!
As I sat there in an uncomfortable school chair, surrounded by the ghosts of my past, I stared out the window that was covered in rain. The day was gloomy, constant thundering and on and off downpour. I tapped my foot up and down while playing with my bunny keychain as my anxiety washes over me. School always made me anxious and hate myself, constantly feeling at battle with myself and others. 
It was my senior year and I just turned 18, so all I had to do was wait to get out of here. Kinda like prison if you think about it. Our school had uniforms and if anything that was the best  part about this place, not to mention it looked like some old money school for rich kids. Which was funny because a lot of the kids here come from nothing, like me. 
My drug addicted mother raised me semi alone, meaning that she constantly had men in and out of her life. My real father left when I was only a few months old so I never had that strong, protective father figure in my life. I craved someone to love me, hold me tight, whatever fathers do with their daughters. My moms boyfriends that were long term, aka 6 months, would try their best to be there for me but as soon as I got comfortable with them they were gone. 
I tried to stay out of relationships out of fear that the same cycle would happen to me. 
“Y/N? Are you listening?” Mr. Iero said, pulling me out of my daze. My head quickly turned to him, almost embarrassed, “Yes sir, sorry.” He turned back to board, continuing the lesson. Mr. Iero was my english/music teacher, he taught both. The first day I walked into his class I had a massive crush on, like journaling and daydreaming about him crush. I never made advances to him because what would he think?
I can’t get him in trouble and I can’t jeopardize my education for some man. I once again zoned out heavily, staring out the window. I watched as a father checked out his daughter early for school it seems, hugging each other under the umbrella as they smiled together. I sighed, rolling my eyes at the sight. Almost disgusting to me but that's just the jealousy getting to me.
“Y/N? Please pay attention, we have an important test coming up and you can’t miss this,” he sighed, putting a hand on his hip. Everyone turned to stare at me as I got smaller in my seat. When I looked back at everyone else to me they had dark eyes, something evil brewing but also something dead. I know realistically that a lot of the people here never paid attention but were much better at hiding it I think. 
“Please see me at the end of school,” he said and a few people let “Ooo” escape their mouths. Thanks Mr. Iero for embarrassing me. I wanted to hate him for that but another part of my brain desired to have that alone time with him. Even a hug from him would suffice my animalistic hunger for him. Just, “I’m proud of you,” would motivate me for the rest of the year. 
Class was dismissed and I quickly got out of there but he caught my wrist before I could, “Promise me you’ll be here after school. You can’t ditch like the last time.” I nodded and promised him that I would be back. The last time that happened I left out of pure anxiety, I threw up in the hallway on my way to his class. But safe to say this time I could get myself through it. 
I went to my locker to change out books and my best friend Livvy came up to me, “Wanna hang out after school? I wanna get coffee,” she said excitedly. “Maybe, Mr. Iero wants to see me after my last class,” I said, I didn’t want to disappoint her. “Omg again? Did you space out again (nickname)?” she said, lightly punching my arm. 
“Yeah, I just hope it’s quick. If so, I’ll make sure to call you when I’m done,”  I said with a smile. We said our goodbyes as I went to all of my other classes. I watched the clock as it quickly rang, I took a few deep breaths as I prepared myself to see Mr. Iero. I know it couldn’t be that bad but my anxiety tried to convince me otherwise. 
I looked through the glass of the door and saw no one inside so I thought maybe this could be my excuse as to why I didn’t show. “Right on time!” a voice behind me said. It startled me so I turned to see that it was Mr. Iero. I softly smiled as he unlocked the door to let us in. I didn’t see it but I heard him lock the door behind me. 
I stood in front of his desk leaning against a student's desk. He stood in front of me also leaning against his desk. I kept my eyes to the ground for the most part, “Are you okay? You’ve been very quiet and dazed in almost every class,” he said in a soft voice. My tense shoulders relaxed, still not sure how to respond, “You can tell me, Y/N.” He took a couple steps closer. 
“Look at me,” he said in a more demanding tone. I looked at him and he smirked, I wanted to fall to my knees right then and there. He rolled up his sleeves to reveal his tattoos, “I..I’ve just been going through a lot at home,” I said to put it simply. “Sit, let’s talk about it,” he said sitting in the students chair next to me. I sat down hesitantly, I don’t know if he actually cared about me or what. I guess we’ll find out. 
I told him about my mom and everything that I’ve been struggling with. I didn’t outright tell him about my struggles with men and not having a father figure of sorts. But he’s smart, so he could probably piece things together based on  how I answered some of his questions. At the end of my story I let a few tears escape from my eyes, he reached his hand up and gently wiped them. 
He placed his other hand on my knee, rubbing his thumb on it. “You have nothing to worry about with me hun,” he said sweetly, maintaining tense eye contact. He was such a good listener and never interrupted me. “Your secrets are safe with me, I’m so glad you’re finally opening up to me. Since the beginning of the year I’ve had my eye on you, there’s something special about you, Y/N,”  he said, whispering the last sentence. 
He grabbed my hand and held it tightly in his. I felt my face heat up like a thousand suns and my heart rate picked up. I couldn’t help but let a smile form on my face, “That’s my girl. No need to be sad when you’re around me. Hey, I’ll even move your desk closer up to mine, yeah?” I nodded, feeling like such a typical schoolgirl. 
He looked at the clock, “I should probably let you go now. Here,’ he said, handing me a little piece of paper. I pocketed it in my bag and before I left he gave me a big, warm hug. The smell of cigarettes and cologne hit my nostrils, it was a smell so intoxicating that it would stay with me throughout the rest of the day. I left and ran out of there to my house, it downpoured on me though. It made me feel like I was in a movie of sorts, I let the rain fall and drench my uniform and hair.
I ran inside and went straight to my room to text Livvy, it was Friday so I told her to come spend the night with me. I really didn’t want to tell anyone about what happened but she was the only person I could trust with this information, she understood. She literally has a sugar daddy, she has no room to judge me! 
Livvy came over and got settled right in with snacks and cute pajamas. “Tell me everything!” she said excitedly. I giggled, “He asked me if anything was wrong, I avoided but he pried so I spilled everything. And now he’s moving my desk up to his, he touched my leg and hugged me!” We were both laughing and blushing over this. 
“Oh! I think he gave me his number,” I told her, remembering the paper he gave me that I still haven’t opened yet. “Bitch show me!” she said excitedly. I got the paper from my bag and counted down from 3, I opened it and it had his number inside. “Text him now!” she said getting my phone from my nightstand. 
I input his number into my phone, “What do I say though?” I bit my nails. “Something flirty for sure,” she said, taking a sip of her drink. I started to type: hii its Y/N, miss our time together already xo 
“Bitch that's good!! He’s bound to fall in love with you now,” she joked. 
Hours went by without checking my phone and it was around 8pm. I checked my phone during our movie and he asked to call me, I sat up straight with my eyes wide. “He wants to call,” I said suddenly. “Oh shit! I’ll turn the tv down and I’ll stay quiet,” she shushed herself. 
I gave the phone a ring and he picked it up almost instantly, I put it on speaker phone. 
Frank: Doing okay? 
Me: yeah, thanks for letting me vent. Made me feel a lot better 
Frank: I’m glad, honey. 
Livvy looked at me with shock, “Honey?!” she mouthed covering it with her hand. 
Frank: Um, I wanted to ask if you wanna hang out tomorrow? You don't have-
Me: Yes. I’d love to! 
Frank: What time are you free then?
Me: Umm maybe around 12?
Frank: Sounds like a date then
We both hung up and we’re screaming with joy, I never thought this day would come. Hanging out with a teacher outside of school? Is that legal? I couldn’t back out now, my fate was decided. “What am I gonna wear?” I said, asking Livvy for help. She’s always been the cooler one in terms of fashion, so I can trust her to dress me. 
It was 10 am and I had just the right amount of time to get ready. I checked my phone and he said he’d be picking me up at my place. Livvy left already and I sat down in front of my floor length mirror and put on light makeup. I got dressed in a black skirt, sheer black leggings, doc martens, and a white and black striped sweater. 
The clock finally turned 12 and I looked out my window to not see a car yet. I sighed with relief because in reality I definitely didn't feel ready. I checked my phone and Mr. Iero said he would be there in 5. I went ahead and stood out front to wait for him. 
His car pulled up and he got out to greet me, “Wow, you look great!” he said with a smile. He had on sunglasses and chewed his gum kinda obnoxiously but hot. He gave me a big hug and opened the door for me, his car was super clean surprisingly. “Where are we going?” I ask timidly. 
“Downtown, get some coffee and donuts,” he smiled, placing his hand on my thigh. “How’d you know where my house was?” I asked. “Teachers have access to those kinds of things,” I just nodded in response staring out the window. It was pretty cloudy and I was kinda hoping it’d rain. 
We got to the coffee  place downtown, “This is my special spot, for a special girl,” he smirked. I felt my stomach overfill with butterflies and a sparked joy I didn’t know I could feel around  somebody. He got out the umbrella and interlocked arms with me, I looked at him with such content but confusion. I felt like I didn’t deserve any of this, none of the kindness, none of the listening, nothing. 
He told me to sit down at a booth while he ordered us stuff. I texted Livvy while sitting there: 
Me: Liv i think im in love no joke 
Liv: i would be too 
Me: were getting coffee rn ill update soon 
He came back and sat a delicious smelling coffee in front of me, “Thank you Mr. Iero,” I said. “Call me Frank, no need for that outside of school,” he said, he grabbed my hand that was on top of the table. I looked at him, blushing hard, what if someone saw us? 
We talked about the things we both liked and hated, we actually had a lot in common. “You like Elvis?!” he said, shocked. “Yeah and?! It’s a comfort thing,” I defended. “Explain,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Sometimes when my mom was out I’d spend the night with my grandfather and in the morning while cooking breakfast he’d play Elvis,”  I said, reminiscing when I actually had a somewhat stable relationship with a man. 
I think Frank noticed my mood diminish into something solemn. “Let's grab those donuts, I have somewhere else I wanna show you,” he said, grabbing my hand. He showed me off proudly, it felt like he was telling everyone around him to look at me but not in the way I’m used to. He put his mouth close to my ear, “We’ll have to share a donut, they’re almost out of everything,” he said, placing a kiss on my cheek. 
We walked under the umbrella together as we started to share the donut, “Don’t lift a finger princess,” he said while holding the donut up to my mouth. He basically gave me the whole thing while he only had a couple bites. “Why do you treat me like this?” I asked him, curious as to why he is so fond of treating me like…a girlfriend? 
“I think you deserve it, Y/N. I’ll explain more later,” he said with such sincerity, gripping my hand tighter. Was this going to be a whole day affair? My mom hasn’t been home for a few days so I didn’t feel the need to tell her where I was, it wasn’t like she was answering my messages anyway!
“What’s wrong hun?” he said, taking down the umbrella as the rain had stopped and the sun came out. “My mom hasn't answered my messages, it's been days,” I said, a little disappointed. “I’ll look after you, don't worry about it,” he said as we showed up to a record store. I gasped as I could never afford to buy my own records, it felt like a dream. 
We went inside and looked around, I looked around for a ‘The Cure’ album. As I kept looking I felt a body press up behind me and place their arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. He placed soft kisses on my neck causing me to giggle, I felt him do the same in my neck. “Find what you need?” he asked. “Yeah, did you?” his hands were empty. “Yeah,” he smiled playfully like he was up to something but not sure what. 
“Bullshit. You need to get something or else I’ll feel bad that you spent all your money on me,” I said feeling slight guilt about him buying things for me. “I have you, that’s all I need,” he said, pulling me to the register and pulls out his card faster than I can reach for my purse zipper. 
He handed me the bag of my records and we left. We didn’t do anything much except go thrifting and it was already 7 PM. “I have one place left to go,” he smiled, pulling out of the spot. “I feel like we’ve been everywhere already,” I said, whining. “Be a good girl and don’t whine for me, okay?” that immediately put me in my place and I complied. I could see a smirk on his face, he knew what he did to me. 
I heard a song on the radio that I liked and immediately turned it up, it was You Get Me So High by The Neighbourhood. “You like them?” he asked. “Love them! I’ve seen them in concert  twice already,” I said proudly. Livvy knew I couldn’t afford it but she ever so kindly  bought them for me. 
After a short drive we made it to our destination, a bar. It was quite crowded, I wasn't even old enough to drink yet. I looked at him worried, “I’m not 21..” I said. “I can get you in darling, don’t worry,” he said reassuringly. I trusted him but I tightened my lips anxiously. He was able to get me in because he was close friends with the guy at the front. 
We got in and the music was at a comfortably loud volume. He dragged me to the bar and ordered me a drink but I couldn’t tell you what it was. Tasted great though! 
I downed a couple drinks and I basically became a melting mess in Frank's hands. I held onto  him for dear life like someone was trying to pull me away from him. I dragged him outside for a cigarette break, I pulled them out of bag and I forgot my lighter, “I forgot my fuckin lighter.” He laughed at my tone and lit my cigarette for me. 
We stood inches apart, he held my waist with his tattooed hand. I took a huff of my cig and blew it in his face, “Naughty girl,” he chuckled. He pulled me in to kiss him and our lips collided. The taste of cigarettes and alcohol mixed perfectly with each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting to release. 
I shared my cigarette with him and he whispered in my ear, “How about you come over to my place for the night?” My heart was beating out of its chest, “Are you sure that's okay? I would need to get my stuff at home,” I said. “We can stop by your place first baby, I do have a few room-mates if that’s okay,” he said looking away embarrassed. “More the merrier!” I joked. 
We drove back to my place and I led him up to my room, he sat on my bed and I packed up a couple things. I turned around putting my hands on my hips, “All packed,” I smiled. He patted his hand insinuating for me to sit on his lap, so I did. I wrapped my arms around his neck, “My pretty girl,” he whispered while pushing my hair out of my face. 
“I really don’t understand why you like me, Frank,” I said, that feeling of undeservingness washing over me. “Look at you Y/N!. What is there not to like about you? We have so much in common and I can’t get over how beautiful you are,” I need all the reassurance I can get. What if he leaves me? Would another man treat me like Frank does? 
“Do you promise not to leave?” I asked tearfully. “What? Of course I do, Y/N. How could I do that to you sweetheart?” he said, hugging me tightly. “We should get going,” he said softly. I nodded and he grabbed my bags for me as we walked back to the car. 
We got to Frank's place and it was dimly lit, it smelled of cigarettes and expensive musky candles. I saw band equipment set up, “What’s all this?” I asked. “Oh, me and my friends do gigs on the side,” he chuckled as we walked to the kitchen. A timid man turned around to greet us, he gave Frank a hug and gave me a handshake. Firmly. 
“Nice to meet you,” I said shyly. “Franks said a lot about you, nice to meet you,” he smiled kindly and I furrowed my brows a little confused. He talks about me? What did he say? More  questions to be answered. 
Frank hurried me to his room, it was spacious and had a few of his guitars displayed on the walls. He disappeared for a second and brought back a shirt and pajama pants of his, “Put these on,” I took them. I went into the bathroom bringing my toiletries along with me. I changed into his oversized clothes and  washed my face. 
I brought out my phone and snapped a pic of me in the mirror sending it to Livvy. She replied almost instantly: not you going home with him !! be safe !! she replied.
I went back out and put my other clothes back in my bag, “You have such a nice room,” I complimented. “Biggest one in the house,” he brags. I hadn’t noticed before but he turned the radio on and it was on a classic rock station. The room was filled with cigarette smoke and incense. Lamps created the perfect sensual ambience. 
I laid my head on his soft pillows and Frank hovered over me, caressing my face with his hand. Something came over me, my eyes filled with tears and escaped the corner of my eyes. “What’s wrong princess?” he said, worried. I shook my head, sobbing. Never was I good enough to ever receive a love like this before. Here I had it. 
“Tell daddy what’s wrong princess,” that broke me. I couldn’t tell if I was imagining all of this or if it was some sick joke. I straddled his lap, crying into his shoulder. His hand rubbed up and down my back sensually. “I’ve never felt such an overwhelming amount of love and adoration from a man before,” I stated plainly. 
He asked me to talk about it so I did. I told him about the men this time, while I did we drank. It got to the point where I only started seeing flashes of my surroundings. One minute I was taking off my clothes, then I was sitting on top of Frank, then throwing my head back and moaning. 
I remember seeing Frank go down on me and him forcing my legs open as I was ready to release on his face. Flashes of Frank saying things like, “You're daddy’s good girl…I’ll never hurt you…you’re safe with me…shh you’re okay sweetheart.” His voice vibrated through my skin. 
Soon enough I passed out, naked and covered up by the warm sheets. I woke up groggy and still a little drunk around 3 am and had my clothes put back on. I groaned and didn’t see Frank in bed with me but playing guitar across the room. “Frank?” I said, rubbing my eyes. He immediately rushed to my side to comfort me, “Are you okay princess?” he said. 
I nodded, “Could you get me some water?” I asked because my voice was hoarse. He brought back water to me and I downed it as fast as I could. He got into bed with me and I cuddled up at his side, holding on for life. 
I grabbed Frank's face pressing our lips together, I longed for his kiss and his desire. He pulled away and cupped my face, “If you were my little girl, I’d do whatever I could do for you,” he said softly. “I am,” I stated so desperately wanting him to take me in, live with him, devote my life to him. “I’d even run away and hide with you if I could. You’re daddy’s girl,” he said pulling me into his chest. 
To be safe and sound in his heart forever. 
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autumnpens · 2 years
What if Childe constantly pesters (light-heartedly) to his S/O that doesn't fight as much as him to spar with him a lot, they eventually agree to do so and things were going well! ..Until somehow they managed to beat him. I dont think I've seen any imagines of Childe losing against a spar//fight to reader so this might be neat!
✧ "can i spar you?" ✧
Characters ◦ Childe/Tartaglia
Warnings ◦ none, whiney Tart
Thoughts ◦ this was super fun to write! thank you anon for the ask! <3
Words ◦ 628
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“babe, can we spar?”
“come on, let’s spar already!”
“fight me?”
this was the question you had been pestered with ever since you had gotten close to the redhead at your side, Childe. though aggravating, it made sense, given he was a Harbinger of the Fatui. still, your boyfriend’s tenacity was.. irritating, to put it bluntly.
“милая, please?” upon hearing the plead in his voice, along with a nickname of his native tongue, your resolve had broken.
“fine, one fight. that’s all you get, though.”
cut to the Golden House, his preferred sparring grounds. you adjusted your gloves, and the blade of your polearm glinted in the dim light, reflecting your surroundings.
“don’t go easy on me, ‘kay?” Childe joked, readying his bow.
“yeah-huh.” you scoffed, circling your partner.
Childe had a knack for speed, but his battle prowess was something you had only witnessed from afar. he darted from place to place, keeping considerable distance between the two of you. it was disorienting, to say the least. following the familiar figure was something you had grown accustomed to in crowded areas like the Harbor, but this was much easier, despite the use of his vision creating distractions. the most you could do was dodge his arrows, hurling through the air in deadly arcs. you were used to projectiles, but this was something far more intensive than hillichurl arrows. they were your only frame of reference for this type of thing, as dating a Harbinger practically granted you immunity from the Fatui across Teyvat.
you knew Childe was purposefully missing you, but the arrows came too close to your skin for comfort. gripping your staff, you rushed forward, aiming to sweep his feet. he was far too agile for your out-of-practice attempts, though, and launched himself behind you, grabbing your shoulder and knocking your weapon out of your hand, sending it scathing across the floor in a singular motion. you heard the water of his blades condense into form behind you, and the knowledge of the water at your neck sent a shiver down your spine. you let out a heavy sigh. “fine.”
as soon as the word left your mouth, you were pulled into the air bridal-style, a pout appearing on your boyfriend’s face. “that wasn’t hard, though,” he whined, strolling across the room to retrieve your staff.
“yeah, well, it’s not like I have much to train against with you around.” Childe’s brows furrowed at the comment.
“that’s a good thing, right?”
“yes, fish boy, that’s good.” you smiled, looping an arm around his neck. your free hand outstretched toward your polearm. as you came closer, the weapon started to rattle, and in a swift movement you swung yourself around onto the ground, staff in hand and stunned boyfriend on your back. flipping Childe over, you slammed your weight down, restraining him with your blade at his neck. “do I win now?”
“I..” he laughed, glancing at his lack of non-lethal options, “yeah.” you smiled, stepping off his ribcage and pulling him up. “how the hell did you get your polearm? it was at least ten meters from you when you did that flip thing. you don’t have a vision you didn’t tell me about, did you?”
“no, no I don’t have a vision— I do, however, have alchemy. they’re only testers so far, but I’ve figured out how to implant magnets into these gloves that correspond to a magnetic plate around the pole of my staff! you like it?”
“babe, you’re insane. I love it!” Childe exclaimed, pulling you into a hug that lifted you off the ground. “archons, we’re gonna be unstoppable... you’re so smart you give me goosebumps— you know that, right?” you laughed, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
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Agitation 3.3 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
“No,” Brian intoned, “Such a bad idea.”
Awww, but isn't that a villain rite of passage?
(Yes, yes, I've read like 17 versions of the fic scenes where they point out it's a bad idea, all probably derived from this chapter)
“Come on,” Lisa wheedled, “It’s a rite of passage for dastardly criminals like us.”
Lisa. You're the Undersiders. Right now, you guys are anything but 'cool' and dastardly is reserved for 'cool' villains.
“Robbing a bank is moronic.  We’ve been over this,”  Brian closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, “You know what the average haul is for hitting a bank?” Lisa paused, “Twenty thou?” “Exactly.  It’s not millions like you see people getting away with in the movies.  Banks don’t keep a lot of loose cash on hand, so we’d be pulling in less than we would for most other jobs
Okay, yes, Banks don't keep a lot of loose cash, but really? Only twenty thousand? That's a lot of armored trucks going in and out every day then or something.
“We won because we picked our battles.  We wouldn’t have that option if we were cooped up in the bank and waiting for them to come to us, letting them decide how and where the fight happened.”
Brian, you're talking to Rachel, who I believe is the physical embodiment of this tumblr post:
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I’d almost forgotten I was a part of the discussion.  The last thing I wanted was to rob a bank.  Hostages could get hurt.  The fact that it would potentially put me on the front page of the paper wasn’t a high point, either, if I ever wanted to drop the supervillain ruse and become a hero in good standing.  I ventured, “I think Brian makes a good case.  It seems reckless.”
Come on Taylor! You know you wanna just cut loose! :P :rofl: (Jk)
“Figure that’s happening in the middle of the school day, and they won’t all be able to slip away to stop a robbery without drawing attention.  People know the Wards are attending Arcadia, they just don’t know who they are.  So everyone’s constantly watching for that.  Since they can’t have all six or seven of the same kids disappear from class every time the Wards go off to foil a crime without giving away the show, chances are good that we’d go up against a couple of their strongest members, or one of the strongest with a group of the ones with less amazing powers.  We can beat them.”
And if a certain overstressed healer hadn't been there to make a withdrawal, this probably would have been fine.
That, and he really wants us to do a job at that particular time.”
I believe that screams 'BAIT!' and 'YOU ARE A DISTRACTION!'
“They have ride-alongs or aerial cover from various members of the Wards and the Protectorate, so we’d be caught in a fight with another cape from minute one.  Same problems that Brian’s talking about, as far as getting caught up in a fight, difficulty accessing the money before shit goes down, yadda yadda.  Anyways, the Brockton Bay Central has cars coming in twice a week, and leaving four times a week.  We hit on a Thursday just after noon, and it should be the best day and time for the sheer size of the take.  Only way we’re getting away with less than thirty thousand is if we fuck up.  With what the boss is offering, that’s ninety thou.”
Not a bad chunk of change for a lunchbreak sized job.
Brian sighed, long and loud, “Well, you got me, I guess.  It sounds good.”
If Brian isn't physically facepalming when he says this, he has to be mentally. Just... such 'fiiiiiiiiiine! (exasperated)' energy.
Arguing against the bank robbery at this point would hurt my undercover operation more than it helped anyone.  With that in mind, I began offering suggestions that – I hoped – would minimize the possibility of disaster.  The way I saw it, if I helped things go smoothly, it would help my scheme to get info on the Undersiders and their boss.  It would minimize the chance that someone would panic or be reckless and get a civilian hurt.  I think I would feel worse if that happened than I would about going to jail.
Fair, on the civilian front. I have no idea how many civilians Taylor hurts, but it's probably low. Also, the rationalizations continue apace!
The discussion went on for a while.  At one point, Lisa got her laptop, and we debated entrance and exit strategies while she sketched out a map of the bank layout.  It was uncanny, seeing her power at work.  She copied a satellite image of the bank from a web search into a paint program, then drew over it with thick bold lines to show how the rooms were laid out.  With another search and a single picture of the bank manager standing in front of his desk, she was able to mark out where the manager’s desk was.  That wouldn’t have been too amazing, but without pausing, she then went on to mark where the tellers were, as well as the vaults, the vault doors and the enclosed room that held the safe deposit boxes.  She noted where the fuse box and air conditioning vents were, but we decided we wouldn’t mess with either of those.
It's amazing what you can find on the internet... and with a power that lets you do what Sherlock Holmes pretends to.
Of the four of us, I got the impression he had the least to contribute, at least strategically, and that he knew it.  I wasn’t sure if he just didn’t have a very tactical mindset or if he just didn’t care that much about the planning stage of things.
Despite the fact that he is (according to fanfic, not sure if this is canon) a sociopath, and at the very least, fucked up thanks to being one of Heartbreaker's Kids, Alec may be the most normal of the Undersiders.
And boy is that weird to say.
“Sure,” he said, “So let’s go down the list.  Team leader: Aegis.  You’d think he has the standard Alexandria package, flight, super strength, invincibility, but that isn’t exactly right.  He does fly, but the other two powers work differently than you’d expect.  See, he isn’t invincible… he just doesn’t have any weak points.  His entire biology is filled with so many redundancies and reinforcements that you just can’t put him down.  Throw sand in his eyes and he can still see by sensing the light on his skin.  Cut his throat and it doesn’t bleed any more than the back of his hand would.  The guy’s had an arm cut off and it was attached and working fine the next day.  Stab him through the heart and another organ takes over the necessary functions.”
*Me, shaking the powers* WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE NORMAL?!?!?!
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“I don’t need to hold back?” Bitch asked, her eyebrow quirked. “For once, no.  Go nuts.  Just, you know, don’t kill him. 
Very important that you added that extra detail there, Brian :P
“The upside is that whoever he touches is also untouchable.  Can’t be hurt, can’t be moved.  Period.  He uses that defensively, and he can do stuff like throw paper or cloth in the air and freeze it in time, making an unbreakable shield.  You don’t want to run into something that’s frozen.  A car that drove into the side of a piece of paper that Clockblocker had touched would be cut in two before it budged the paper.”
Everyone, get ready for our favorite game here at @got-into-worm-by-mistake!
*Wheel of Fortune Audience Voice*
(I say this a lot. I'll say it more. Because I absolutely love how nothing about any power in Worm can be 'normal' powers. Genuinely. Favorite part of the story that isn't my poor little meow meow babygirl Amy)
“Wherever our powers come from, they also came with some limitations.  For most of us, there’s a restriction about using our powers on living things.  The reach of powers generally stops at the outside of a person or animal’s body.  There’s exceptions for the people with powers that only work on living things, like you, Alec and Rachel.  But the long and short of it is that the Manton effect is why most telekinetics can’t just reach into your chest and crush your heart.  Most people who can create forcefields can’t create one through the middle of your body and cut you in two.”
I feel like maybe Taylor would have researched this more/better?
“I said most,” Lisa said, “Why these restrictions exist is a question nearly as big as where we got our powers in the first place.  The capes that can get around the Manton effect are among the strongest of us.”
And maybe, bitch, that's why you don't help tilt the girl who is teetering on the edge of becoming an S-Class threat over said edge?
(I am entitled to be irrational about some things.)
“That just leaves Shadow Stalker.  Bloodthirsty bitch,” Brian scowled.
AYYYY! Sophia! You horrid little bitch!
(Do we find out before Taylor does that Sophia is Shadow Stalker?)
“She was a solo hero,” Tattletale said, “Vigilante of the night, until she went too far and nearly killed someone, nailing him to a wall with one of her crossbows.  The local heroes were called in, she got arrested, and made some sort of deal.  Now she’s a probationary member of the Wards, with the condition that she uses tranquilizer bolts and nonlethal ammo for her crossbow.”
Furthers the whole "heroes kinda suck, be a villain" messaging from Interlude 2, really.
“I am,” I admitted, “as well as third thoughts, fourth thoughts, and so on.  But I’m not going to let that stop me.  I’m coming with.”
Valid af though.
“So unless there’s anything else, I think we just planned a bank robbery before noon,” Lisa said with a grin.  I looked at the digital clock displayed under the TV.  Sure enough, it was half past eleven.
Either Lisa is having too much fun with this, or the other Undersiders are having too little fun with it.
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imagines-by-cleo · 2 years
Hi! Hope you’re doing okay, if you’re taking requests, I’ve got this sick idea in my head of Erwin finding out about all the tattoos the reader has and just going absolutely feral 🤤🤤
I might have taken this prompt in a different direction than you probably expected but I'm sure you'll like this. In my mind Erwin is such an old man about tattoos in that he is both confused as to why someone would have them but completely fascinated by designs and such.
I'm glad I'm feeling better enough to get back to writing our favorite commander, and just in time for the new episodes to drop! It's been a long wait but it's been great to pass the time with all you guys giving me such great prompts, I can't wait to cry over the new season with you all lol
CW: SMUT, mentions of blood, biting, marking, slight exhibitionism, oral sex (fem receiving), manhandling, size kink, outdoor sex, unprotected sex
At first glance it would seem like titan blood simply evaporated when after a while, but it would still leave behind a remaining layer of sticky grime on the skin. Combined with the fact that it was hot to the touch meant it would mix with sweat, and it was only made worse on a hot summer day.
Most of the scouts would collapse from exhaustion after an expedition not even bothering to wash, while some wouldn't find themselves sleeping for days constantly trying to scrub the grime and every last reminder of battle off their skin, Erwin was part of the latter. Though outwardly calm as always, he could still feel his heart racing and the adrenaline pumping through his veins, and his extra alert state only made him more aware of the filth on his skin.
It was probably for the best that he didn't talk to any of the men once they got back to the fort, at least that's what he tried to convince himself. As soon as he dismounted his horse he made his way to the woods and down to the river, leaving his cape behind and unbuttoning his shirt as he walked. He sighed at the cool air touching his skin, thankful for the shade that the trees provided from the hot sun.
Erwin was glad to find that you were already at the riverbank, sitting on a rock while you pulled off your boots. He wanted to tell you how relieved he was to see you made it back, but the only sound he could muster was a tired sigh to announce his presence. You took a single look at him and continued undressing, not even flinching under his watch while as the last layer of your clothes came off and you waded into the water.
Taken aback slightly he realized this was the first time you had been completely undressed in front of him, save for a few dark nights when you snuck into his room. His nerves made him constantly check the trees for anyone that might be walking by, no one was particularly prudish in the corps when it came to hygiene but this was something more than camaraderie between you and Erwin wasn't about to jeopardize your privacy through negligence.
The sun had started to set, giving the water a golden glow as you waded in. He took your place on the rock, sitting and watching your tense muscles start to relax as you scrubbed your skin, hypnotized by the gentle care you showed your body, looking like a goddess in the shimmering water. For a moment he thought that maybe he had died earlier today and this was heaven, but one detail he didn't anticipate was one darker spot on your hip peaking out just above the water that looked like it wouldn’t wash away.
"Are you just gonna sit there or do you want to come join me?" You called, breaking him out of his trance.
Without a second thought he started to discard his clothes, mentally cursing the amount of straps attached to his gear. His whole body felt like it was humming, still wired from the expedition he had to restrain himself and calmly take off one article at a time with shaking fingers. The water was cool and soothing to his own stiff body, but the closer he got to you the more he could relax.
Putting his arms around you he held you tight, and kissed you desperately with all the energy he just couldn't get out of his system. His hands traveled your body, roughly grabbing everywhere just to prove to himself that you were still here. When he pulled away he checked to see if that spot was still here, for some reason he couldn't take his mind off it. To his surprise it was a tattoo in the shape of a flower, not only that it extended down your thigh like a growing vine.
"When did you get this?" He asked, tilting his head to get a better look.
"Oh that? I got that when I left to join the scouts, it's a flower that grows around my village, me and my best friends got matching ones to remember each other when we left." You explained, sounding a bit nostalgic but looking proud when you noticed him staring.
Picturing you and your friends sneaking off in the night to get tattoos together made him smile, it was cute and a little bit naughty.
"You can touch it, you know." You offered, turning your hip toward him.
He ran his fingertips gently over the colored skin, almost like he was expecting it to come off. His mouth watered, he wondered if it would taste any different than the rest of you and his teeth were itching to sink into it and leave his own marks around it. He put his hand on your other hip and tugged you closer as he sunk down into the water, leaving a descending trail of kisses down your stomach.
Goosebumps dotted your skin while you shivered at his touch, he pressed his lips firmly against the tattoo over and over again then nipping at it. A low groan rattled the air and it took him a moment to realize the groan came from deep in his chest. He remembered where you were, out in the open, where anyone could find you, before disregarding the situation entirely.
With one hand he held you in place and with the other he pulled your leg over his shoulder. You gasped as you almost lost your balance and then gasped again when you felt his lips touch your wet heat, threading your fingers tightly in his golden hair to both stay balanced and goad him on. After sliding his tongue quickly across your slit he started to move his mouth like he was starving for a taste of you, making your body jerk in reaction to his rushed motions.
"Commander, what's gotten into you?" You yelled surprised but not objecting.
Pulling back to respond without even thinking. "I'm tired of being a Commander. Say my name."
"Erwin..." You called just a bit above a whisper, and then again even louder as his mouth returned until you were practically shouting.
You continued panting for him as your legs shook and threatened to tip you over in reaction to every movement of his tongue but his firm grip on your thighs kept you perfectly steady. Especially where his fingers dug into your tattooed skin, kneeding into the mark he had left around it with his teeth.
Eventually his hips started to involuntarily buck into nothing but water, the throbbing in his cock was echoing through his whole body and he didn't have the patience to wait much longer. He pulled back, the whine you made when he left you untouched only shortened his thin resolve.
Lifting you out of the water he threw you over his shoulder and carried you to the riverbank, practically throwing you onto the ground before climbing over you and caging your body with his much larger one. He felt another low groan coming from his throat as he stopped to take in the sight of you helpless and soaking wet just waiting for him to come and take you.
It was like some feral creature was taking over his body, every wild impulse that ran through his mind he simply gave in to. Dropping all the restraint he was constantly under the weight of day in and day out was more than liberating, it made him feel like a complete beast and this feeling was only affirmed by the woman under him gasping out.
"You're an animal."
Prying your legs open and forcing your knees up to your chest, he nearly folded you in half before pushing in. No preparation was needed, if the water hadn't made you ready his tongue did more than well enough. He was patient enough to start slow, giving you one inch at a time and setting a steady pace so he could savor every noise you made.
You were beyond words, just making whatever noises he could force out of you. Bringing your hand up to your red face you tried to stop the sounds coming out of your mouth, but Erwin caught your wrist and pinned it to the dirt below.
This was all he fought for, all he would compose himself through the day for, just to survive long enough to have you one more time. He briefly dreamed of the day where he could be with you safely, free from the threat of the titans but for now this would have to do.
He could feel you wiggling underneath him, struggling to meet his thrusts in your awkward position. To fix this he pulled out and flipped your much smaller body over with ease, not leaving you empty for a minute longer than necessary. In this new position Erwin's eyes fixed on the tattoo and how it jiggled with every thrust, he smacked your ass hard just to watch it jiggle even more. He was deep enough inside to feel you clench around him in response to the rough treatment making him growl at the feeling.
Before he knew it he was going wild, feeling his cock twich inside you while all his muscles felt tight. You spread your legs wider to take more of him, whimpering as his thrusts became quick and shallow. Bending down his chest pressed against your arched back, trying not to crush you with his full weight while he rutted into you. His cum was already dripping out down your legs, your pussy stuffed too tight to keep it all in. Even when he was completely empty he didn't stop until he physically couldn't go on, pulling out making a long wet sound before he simply collapsed beside you.
Rolling onto his back panting he simply allowed you to crawl over him and cover him with kisses, only lazily putting his arms around your waist to return the affection. He took another look at your tattoo only to find it and the rest of you covered in dirt. In fact there was more mud and grass on the two of you than anything, leaving you no choice but to get back in the river once you regained some energy.
"I've never seen you like that." You commented, sitting up on top of him.
"You must have brought that out in me." Erwin remarked, propping himself up on his elbows
"I hope this isn't the last I'll see of my wild man." You teased, giving him a quick kiss before climbing off him
Standing up he offered his hand to help you off the ground before leading you back into the water. The sun had already set and it was getting darker, he was surprised to find that no one else had came by, but it was entirely possible they did and he didn't even notice.
He was half asleep while he washed himself, nearly dozing off completely until a splash of cold water hit his face.
"Wake up, you're sleeping on your feet like a horse." You giggled.
"Is that how it's going to to be?" He asked with a sly grin, splashing you back.
You yelped at the cold water before running away, he chased you onto the bank forcing an excited scream out of you when he finally caught you and scooped you up in his arms. You both laughed as you tried to wiggle away only settling down when he pressed his lips to yours. He set you down pinning you up against a nearby tree while his hand grabbed your tattooed thigh again.
Whatever was in him earlier was stirring up again, but as your lips parted he looked into your hungry eyes and shared a look that was just as wild as his own. It would be a long night before he got this out of his system.
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
I'm a lover of messy GrayFire. These two would have so many problems and that fueled me in the past. (Alongside Fireheart x Silverstream, but it's them realizing Graystripe is two-timing them and they use the other as a rebound but oops, somewhere along the way, feelings actually popped up and neither know what to do about that. She also survives so Fireheart ends up snatching the title of dad from Graystripe because he doesn't deserve it.) Here's an old piece I wrote. Feast upon the slander.
Also you do not understand the amount of restraint I am showing not writing Little Red Frostpaw and Big Bad Wolf Splashtail... You put that possibility in my head and I have ideas.
TW for a toxic relationship, cheating, and internalized xenophobia.
I'd like to preface this by saying my interpretations of the two.
Graystripe has no sense of loyalty to the Clan. He doesn't care about Clan laws and cares about his own comfort the most. More often than not, his attitude gets others hurt because he breaks the rules selfishly. He meets Silverstream, not telling her that he's with Fireheart, and ignores training Brackenpaw (who, canonically, is the son of his former mentor). However, he does have loyalty to cats... to an extent. He would throw himself into a battle to protect Fireheart, but he won't stop cheating on him.
I see Graystripe as the type to not be in relationships long. He's more of a fling type of guy. Long term with children does not work for him. He only enjoys the phase where sparks fly and it feels like a blissful honeymoon. After that? Count him as gone. However, he never explains this to anyone - especially not to Fireheart, who believes they're genuinely mates.
Fireheart, meanwhile, is loyal to the Clan almost no matter what. He has morals he holds himself to, but he feels very guilty when he goes against the Clan norm despite having done what's right. His optimism and steadfast personality has allowed him to keep his head up. At this point, he's dangerously optimistic and needs to be told that sacrificing himself all the time is very bad! He sees the best in Graystripe as a funny goofball who's his best friend for life... despite knowing deep down that Graystripe is doing wrong things.
Fireheart has also internalized his xenophobia very hard. Like, to the point that he blames himself for Graystripe cheating.
Yeah, it's... it's not a healthy relationship. It's hard to see it as one - especially within canon - with all of the mistakes both Fireheart and Graystripe make in their relationships. (With Fireheart cheating on Sandstorm with a ghost, which I constantly throw out completely because it's weird and gross and unneeded, and Graystripe being disloyal and abandoning his kids at the forefront.)
You Keep Lying
Graystripe saunters back into camp, a grin on his maw as he tosses a mouse onto the prey pile. Annoyance flares up inside of Fireheart as he watches his mate casually strike up conversation with Whitestorm. All day, he gave excuse after excuse for Graystripe. What's more, he trained both of their apprentices! His claws dig into the ground, his fur bristling.
I do all of that... Fireheart grits his fangs. For the last moon, Graystripe keeps going off to meet his so-called friend in RiverClan and pushing back telling the Clan they're together. What does the fish-breath of RiverClan have over him? Did he make some kind of mistake that led to this?
He stares at Graystripe, but the tom's yellow eyes never stare back. Graystripe's yellow gaze travels to every cat but him. Of all cats, he thought that Graystripe didn't see him as the kittypet outsider. They're lovers, aren't they? So why doesn't he look at him? Does he need to go get scarred to prove his worth for the millionth time?
"Oi, Fireheart." Yellowfang's raspy voice makes him jump. His head swivels towards the shaggy-furred molly. She sighs and sets a paw on his shoulder. "Calm your heart, kit."
Fireheart can't help but bitterly laugh. "My heart as in the thing that's somehow still in my chest or my fears?" Anger thickly drips from his tone and his eyes follow Graystripe. The other tom's ears draw back as Lionheart confronts him with a disappointed expression. Although, rather than apologize for skipping training his son, Graystripe shoots him a desperate look.
Why must he always lug him out of trouble?
He bumps into a paw. Yellowfang's brows press together as she stares at him. Silence thickly surrounds her before she mutters, "You don't gotta go rescue him from the mud he got himself stuck in."
His ears pin back, another laugh tumbling out like a hairball. Even if Graystripe hurts him, he... "But I do, Yellowfang. He's my-" He cuts himself off. Quickly, he presses his paw against Yellowfang's before moving it out of his way.
Even if Graystripe and him are keeping quiet...
Even if Graystripe keeps making mistakes...
He wants to trust him just one more time. It isn't so wild to dream. Hey, his dreams are quite magical and, according to Yellowfang, shouldn't be happening! And, even excluding his dreams, he has managed to become a real warrior despite his kittypet blood. He's special. That means that, so long as he perseveres, it'll work out!
Fireheart slips between Graystripe and Lionheart, flashing the golden tabby an apologetic smile. "Please don't be too upset, Lionheart. There's a reasonable explanation." He meows and glances back at Graystripe. No shame flickers onto Graystripe's expression, but he's sure that Graystripe is just acting.
This time, he will get a proper explanation...
Lionheart's tail lashes as he narrows his eyes onto Fireheart. It's so clear that the senior warrior doesn't believe him one bit, though he sighs. "Fireheart," his voice rumbles, "My former apprentice can stand on his four paws just fine. When Bluestar gave my son to him, I was under the impression that he would be mentoring Brackenpaw, not you."
His chest tightens. Panic sparks and the flames begin to shoot across his pelt. This next part needs to be convincing. Just... Oh! "I told Graystripe I could handle training Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw. It's good to keep siblings together, isn't it? Graystripe hasn't been feeling the greatest here lately, but I assure you that we won't slack on their training." Confidence floats through his voice because it's true. This whole farce will end. Graystripe can't keep going off and abandoning him.
It works out for everyone!
Although, Lionheart's expression contorts into one of fuming rage. The golden tabby unsheathes his claws and digs them into the soft soil. His fangs bare, yet none of his actions are aimed at him. "You won't slack on training them, Fireheart." He states before glaring at Graystripe. "But Graystripe? My son told me you aren't teaching him anything!"
Graystripe looks away, finally speaking up. "I'll make sure to work with him tomorrow." He begrudgingly meows. His eyes stare off into the distance... No, off towards RiverClan.
The complete disregard of not only himself, but Brackenpaw, makes Fireheart waver.
It's not like he hasn't known. The stars know he has been ignoring it in favor of trying to peacefully resolve things. If the Clan finds out, it's over for both of them. While Graystripe may be the one screwing up, he's the kittypet letting it happen.
Lionheart towers over Graystripe, glaring his former apprentice down as if he's a bug. The stench of fear rolls off of Graystripe as he stares into Lionheart's green eyes. "If your attitude doesn't change-" Within that very moment, Lionheart's paw slams down onto Graystripe's head and smashes him into the dirt.. "-Bluestar is going to have to beg StarClan to let me off with just exile to the Dark Forest."
For a few moments, Graystripe lays there stunned and helpless. His paws eventually twitch and he brings himself to croak out, "Yes... Lionheart..."
Without another word to Graystripe, Lionheart begins to walk away, not without whispering, "I don't blame you, young Fireheart," in his ear. But... Is he not to blame? He has been allowing Graystripe to do this by being a cover. Isn't he just... He's to blame.
Kittypets are always to blame.
"Are you alright?" Fireheart sheepishly asks Graystripe as he gets to his paws. The gray tom doesn't answer, so he decides to slowly tack on, "How about we eat outside of camp tonight? Just the two of us and the forest."
Graystripe looks at him. No warmth stares back at him. Nothing stares at him. There is no besides. He opens his maw, going to try something else, but Graystripe is already walking away. Desperate, he follows after him. Hushing his voice, he murmurs, "We both know that your secret meetings couldn't go on forever. Why not cut ties with your friend and-"
Finally, he gets a reply. "You don't understand, Fireheart." Graystripe snarls, not at all caring the Clan has its eyes on them. "You never do."
His fur fluffs out. Somehow, he bites back a hiss and manages to say, "Because you never talk to me." He doesn't even know who Graystripe is meeting or why! Yes, he has his assumptions - that being Silverstream - but Graystripe has never said it's her! For all he knows, it could be some tiny murderous outsider!
Tail lashing, Graystripe whirls around to face him. He recoils seeing his mate's honey-colored eyes morph into flames. Fear digs into his pelt. His chest tightens, swearing that the worst will be said. That everything will end because he was acting like a kittypet and not a Clancat when he chose not to tell Bluestar about this.
Getting nose-to-nose, Graystripe whispers under his breath, "Because it's my business."
Oh... It's- It's not. He can... He can work with this. Everything is fine. The tension in the air can always fan out. He forces up a smile, trying to get it together. "It's my business too," he defends weakly, "I've been training Brackenpaw."
Graystripe stares down at him, his gaze softening. His ears pin back as he slowly opens his maw. The gray tom's tense shoulders loosen and he lowers his head. "I'm sorry." He whispers at long last.
Fireheart waits a few seconds, desperate to hear him say more, but it never comes. In all fairness, the whole Clan is staring at them. Surely, Graystripe will tell him later.
He will, right?
"I forgive you." He says, nuzzling the crook of Graystripe's neck. The embrace is slowly returned and a purr builds in his throat. "How about we talk about it somewhere else?"
Graystripe jerks back. A laugh leaves him as he looks at the fresh-kill pile. "Let's get something to eat. I don't want all of it to be gone." The words are rushed out of him and he hurries towards it.
Tears sting his eyes. His head drops and he stares at his paws. He hasn't told a soul the truth. Even though it hurts, he has lied to those he respects and trusts all for Graystripe. No matter what, he'll protect Graystripe. He's shown that. So, why can't he be trusted? What more does he need to do?
Really, a bitter voice in his head pipes up, I shouldn't need to do anything! I'm his mate! I'm the one he said he'll be with till the stars all die! That makes me trustable, doesn't it?
Lugging himself after Graystripe, the answer weighs heavily in his gut. It sloshes around with the acid in his stomach. The taste of mouse lured him into Clan life, but now as he stares down at one, his nose can only scrunch up.
Agree, messy GreyFire is the only GreyFire that we accept 'round these parts. Also wait FireHeart+SilverStream with those circumstances is a good idea, throw GreyStripe into the dirt, FireHeart isn't the step dad he's the dad who stepped up. Also oh god oh shit oh fuck uhoh little red frostpaw be careful.
Honestly it seems pretty in-line for GreyStripe to be like that. Just like you said he's always leaving BrackenPaw and ends up with FireHeart always having to take over the mentor job, the poor guy not knowing that GreyStripe scatters off to cheat on him with SilverStream (GreyStripe told her he was single probably). FireHeart on the other hand having internalized Xenophobia is one of my favorites for him because considering the way he was brainwashed into the clan's hateful and war loving culture, it's a sad fate for him that's disguised as being an inspiring story. Also what a way to make FireHeart one of those positive people who take it to an unhealthy and extreme level, such an interesting idea for him! Full talk about the story under "Keep Reading" as to shorten the post more
Off to a great start with FireHeart recognizing that GreyStripe avoids his responsibility as a mentor. But also god…. FireHeart feeling like it's his fault that GreyStripe won't look at him or be with him often, FireHeart you're not horrible GreyStripe just needs to be hung, drawn and quartered. Side note I love YellowFang's call to FireHeart beginning with "Oi", really makes you remember the cats are British. FireHeart is trying to come up with more ways to defend him and even YellowFang has to step in and go "You don't have to always defend him, he got himself into that mess" but Fire still tries to defend Grey because he just desperately wants to see the good in him. FireHeart shows signs of dangerous optimism in his character, he thinks that because of his special dreams, he is special, and because he is special, then these things MUST end well because he - a presumably special cat - believes they will! Right?
But now we're back at the beginning of the cycle, FireHeart making pathetic excuses on behalf of GreyStripe. But instead of the cat he is talking to accepting the excuse, the cat instead becomes sick of these reasons that FireHeart brings up. LionHeart is pointing out GreyStripe's failure to properly mentor BrackenPaw, FireHeart may be handling it well, but it was GreyStripe who was assigned to teach BrackenPaw, not FireHeart. GreyStripe tries to make an empty promise that he'll do better because all he can do is "promise'" to be a better cat, all to get other's off of his back, all to avoid responsibility, all to visit Riverclan. The fact that GreyStripe's stupid ass is enough to make LionHeart - a calm, collected, and patient cat - snap and lash out at his former apprentice is truly telling of GreyStripe's ability to push even the most patient of cats over the edge. But FireHeart sees this and the other past events between him and GreyStripe and just- blames himself for it, specifically focusing on how he's the "kittypet allowing it to happen", his internalization against kittypets shows, he believes that kittypets are always to be the blame.
GreyStripe gives him a pathetic fucking apology, immediately trying to turn attention away from the situation/conversation at hand in favor of trying to distract FireHeart. He's yet again avoiding accountability and responsibility for his actions and words. He wants FireHeart to ignore the truth of their relationship but it only causes the truth to eat at FireHeart's mind, soul, and heart. FireHeart just wants everything to be better, to be normal, he wants their relationship to be just like how it was when he first joined the clans. But, he can't go back anymore, he can't go back and reject the offer of clan life, to live out the rest of his days as a Kittypet.
Poor FireHeart desperately clings onto desperation that GreyStripe will change despite the responsibilities he's avoiding. He just wants GreyStripe to love him and wants GreyStripe to know that his heart will always belong to him, but the same can't be said for GreyStripe. GreyStripe's heart, rather, belongs to someone else.
It's so sad to read about FireHeart's feelings, he genuinely just wants to love GreyStripe but GreyStripe is a cheating son of a bitch who wants Fire to defend him on every immature thing he does. FireHeart please just leave GreyStripe for good come on please
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sadisticyouko · 11 months
NOTE ! established relationship, kurama x hiei, this was supposed to be a whole one shot but i've been having trouble getting back into the groove of writing v_v so i'm shoving it off into the void to get it out of my drafts
SUMMARY ! kurama is tired of being perfect all the time. the strong one, the dependable one, the perfect one. hiei knows exactly what he needs.
Life is demanding…in a different way, Kurama notes to himself. Gone are the days of thievery and battle; of physical exertion and bloodlust. Everything needed to be precise now.
The longer he kept up his perfect son act, the longer he felt the term narrow. The image had to be held up higher and higher. He had to constantly outperform himself in every facet of his life.
He had a stepfather to impress. A younger brother to lead. A mother to keep warm.
Kurama’s laptop is knocked to the ground from his desk the second he steps through his bedroom door. The bag he had carried home from work immediately dropped to the carpet as his eyes dart to the sound.
The gossamer of his curtains drifts leisurely by the breeze.
Hiei plops down on Kurama’s bedsheets, shirtless and sweaty and still slightly coated in dirt. Leaning against the pillows, he eyes the fox with a calculating crimson stare.
“What’s wrong?”
Kurama sighs. Rolls the sleeves of his white linen shirt before approaching his desk and lifting his laptop. Readjusting the items on his desk back into organized neatness. Closing the windows, and eventually the drapes.
“Nothing,” his voice is casual; normal. “Just that my boyfriend has intruded into my home and has promptly made a huge mess.”
Hiei smirks from where he’s seated on the bed, shoes on top of the sheets no less. “Don’t put anything by the window if you don’t want me to knock it over.”
“You could use the door, you know,” Kurama retrieves his bag from the floor to proceed with his daily ritual. Emptying its contents. Setting up for another round of work before eventually getting dinner ready. “You’re not a stranger in this house.”
“I am as long as you are.”
Kurama pauses in his motions. The laptop slowly reboots. Black screen reflecting his practiced face, controlled emotions. Bright red hair smooth and shiny. Emerald eyes clear and intelligent. He looks nothing like himself. The screen turns blue and Kurama straightens once again.
©️ sadisticyouko | please do not plagiarize, repost, or redistribute in any way without permission.
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0rah-s · 2 years
Hi! It's my first time ever requesting something so I hope I'm not doing it wrong—
Would it be possible to have some friendship hcs with Bennet please ? I couldn't find your request rules so if you don't do this kind of x reader, please ignore this message!
- Phaoscuro
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You're my first ask too!!
And im currently working and an ask rule :)
Ill write for all types of reader: afab, amab, gn, child(platonic), adult...
Thank you for requesting!
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Being friends with Bennett will be one hell of a ride, better be ready for it!
• when you met you hit it of right away! He was super easy to talk to
• and even if you don't talk much for any reason, he will be happy to carry the conversation!
• things went on but after a while of tripping you got concerned and thats when he tells you about his bad luck(if you didn't already know)
• and as if to tell him it didn't matter- you carry on where you left of with your last conversation, it ment the world to him
• also gave him a mood boster for the remainder of the week! (my baby :)) )
" Are you sure? You really don't mind?? Wait wait wait.. I don't think you understand what i- " he near yelled. But you kept on insisting and after a while he gave up. " Alright then... " he joyfully sighed. " but you better keep to your word ! "
• you complete comissions together then have a picnic together
• it sorta became a routine between the two of you. Everyday you'll both cook/buy new food to bring and shate together ( 1/3 of the time his food ends up soaked or burnt but shusss)
• he appreciate every bit of effort you put into the friendship and doesn't forget to thank you everyday (even though you constantly repeat to him thay its fine!)
" WhoaaAAA!! You cooked THAT? " His eyes glit with admiration while he shook your shoulders in all possible directions. " I can't belive i get to be your friend, i really won the lottery! "
• non-comisom day includes: getting heald by barbara, making suspicious mix with fish, hunting with razor, and hanging out/training with the cavalry captain
• if you can fight you'll sometimes join in with bennet duting his training with kaeya
• kaeya thinks of the both of you like family
• one day you decided to cathc kaeya off guard and gang up him
• and it worked!!??
both you and bennett were wheezing on the floor after successfully pining the captain down. "Whao there, now whats going on here? " His worned knuckles from old battles ribed both of your heads while you all enjoyed this moment together. "Your laughing now but I'll get my revenge one day!"
• not including the ussual ill fate- your friendship is natural and comfortable, more than you could both ever wish for.
• You'll both grow one day but you'll grow together
You wouldn't trade him for the world
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leggerefiore · 2 years
I've been thinking about Station Master Emi lately. I am craving some subway kitty content. Perhaps. In the spirit of the season, we could perform a trade. If you write about everyone's favorite Purrloin, I will send you a picture of my real life cat (she is verrrrry cute and fluffy). Treat for treat?
Emi knew she was beloved. From her stunt as a stray temporarily as a kitten, many strangers would stop and pet her while offering her treats and food. Like many Purrloins in Unova, she was quite popular. It was at her investigation of a strange tunnel system that brought large amounts of people in and out that she was finally captured by a trainer. She purred in is warm arms as he pet her head. His bright silver eyes gazed at her strangely as he bit his lip. It was a look she had seen a few times before. “Will I, or won't I?” she knew was racing through his mind. He sighed and ran his hand along her silky fur. She worked to keep it clean, as she saw human's hesitation to pet the greasier of her species.
Now, she strolled around that very same tunnel system as its leader. Her hat and cap made it obvious. Days were spent greeting people and getting loved on, while nights were spent sleeping at the end of whichever identical silver-haired humans of her choosing. Both adored her endlessly. The second one she met, happier in appearance, was constantly playing toys with her when he had the time to, while trying to teach her effective moves for her duties in the station. The first one, stoic in nature, was kind and gentle towards her. He treated her with utmost care, and she loved him dearly. Everything was perfect for her, until…
A distraction came along.
First, they entered Emmet's life by battling him often. Then, through him, they entered Ingo's life. All three of them got along, and Emi did not mind her owners having friends. The issue came when this friend started staying over. They say in one of the brothers' laps and left her denied a favourite spot. Their attention was solely on this newcomer quite often. Emmet even locked her out of his room when he took the strange to sleep in his bed. Emi was furious. The little cat groomed herself in the station as she waited. They would come soon to bring food for Ingo. That's when she would strike. The feline was patient, knowing how to handle prey with easy.
On time, they entered, carrying a bowl for the Subway Boss. Emi growled as she lunged forward to trip them. The stranger crashed to the ground and their food escaped all over onto them and the floor. Instantly, people moved away from them and a depot agent rushed over from nearby to check what had happened. Emi watched from a crowd of people, licking her paw. She had won that round.
You cried as the depot agent helped you to your feet. He assured you the mess did not matter and guided you to the office area. Ingo was sitting at his desk when the door opened suddenly to reveal you, covered in a lovingly made soup, and distressed employee. The pen he had been writing with was put down while he took over from the agent. Immediately, he pulled out a handkerchief to wipe your eyes from the tears the streamed endlessly. “What happened, dear?” he asked, confused as to what caused this situation.
“Emi tripped me,” you explained with a hiccup, “She ran in front of me suddenly and when I stopped, I threw off my balance and crashed.” Ingo nodded.
“… It smells delicious,” he noted, “I'll have a word with her.”
“Ingo, she's a cat.”
Emi felt ashamed when Ingo refused to look down at her. He had suddenly come to scoop her up and bring her into his office. She was clearly not allowed to leave, as the door remained firmly shut. Her attempts and begging Ingo with her eyes had failed. Desperately, she pressed her front feet into his lap and whined. A scratch behind the ear did not satisfy.
“… I know it's an adjustment for you,” Ingo spoke with a deep breath after, “But, please be kinder to them. They make me happy, and they may one day come to live with us. We don't love you any less, I promise.”
Emi meowed.
“Brother, are you talking to her?” Emmet opened the door to the office and gave him a strange look, “Why?”
“She tripped our partner,” he explained, “I think she's jealous.”
Emi bit him, and Ingo hissed.
“Haha, verrrry jealous. What will we do?” Emmet asked with an innocent laugh.
Ingo had an idea.
Emi hated your lap, you could tell. She did not purr, and her body was tense. There was nothing more than to be free of your touch that she wanted. Ingo watched the scene with a slight grimace, while Emmet encouraged you to give her treats. In the end, however, she scratched and hissed at you before running off to hide under one of their beds.
Before you could whine, Ingo was already trying to rinse the bleeding scratch marks and apologising for his bad idea. You told him it was fine.
There was clearly a long and arduous path ahead in order for you to bond with Emi.
You squeezed out more of the purée for the feline, who excitedly licked it up. With her distracted, you gave her loving pets. Despite Ingo and Emmet's preferred methodology, you knew the best way to attract cats: treats and pretending you did not care about them. Soon, the purple feline crawled into your lap to nap. You pondered when a safe time to introduce your Skitty was.
Never was seeming like the best option with how she hated the other stray Purrloin that occasionally entered the station.
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lokisqueen69 · 1 year
Warning: mild swearing and Johann being a like character 🤣
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So, I need a little break from writing about Viggo. So, I thought why not go into my OC’s background and write about her and her dragons goes from oldest to young of her dragons. This is her oldest dragon and her first tame as a young child. She named it Bubu since she had no brothers or sisters Bubu was like family to her. She was raised amongst dragon hunters, but she was always fascinated by them. She kept her dragon and secret until she was 14 and her family disowned her. When this happened, she took off with Bubu and kept flying til she found a small island. She set up camp and stay there for many years learning more and more about dragons. She found she had a natural talent for taming and soothing all types of dragons. Bubu was her most loyal dragon and was sadly stuck down in battle when she tried to return home to make peace with her family. When she found him dead, she went on a rampage burning everything to the group with the help of the next dragon she had tamed. (This will be the next post) She loved him and when the fire settled, she made the island her own making a huge statue and memorial for him honoring him as family. She would continue this will all dragons she tamed. Even tho she loved dragons this didn’t make much of a profit, so she decided to go to the northern markets in search of work where she met Trader Johann. He had originally hired her to help with moved crated and boxes but we they encountered a Changeiwng and she was able to sooth it he knew she was different. After many moons he had approached her about this
”So pray tell my fair lady…but how does one have such an ability to SOOOTH such monstrous creatures?” He asks being as dramatic as normal for him. She chuckles and replies
“I’ve always been about to do this, back at home, I have tamed quite a number of dragons most have deem untamable and aggressive.” She smiles constantly.
“But yet you still have no issues killing them? One would only think that your passion might get in the way of well…business?” Johann inquired. She shrugged and replied,
“Business is business…taming dragons doesn’t exactly put food on the table as long as MY dragons are safe and sound, I don’t really care about the others as much.” She says and she takes a bite out of the mutton she cooked for them. Johann puzzled til he sighed and stated,
“My dear I wouldn’t want to end such a wonderful path with have together but I may be able to help get you a better job with a…working partner of mine.” She straightened up with curiosity
“Keep going Johann.”
He smiles seeing her interest peaked. “His name is Viggo Grimborn one of the best dragon hunter groups known to the Archipelago. He is looking for a new trainer for new recruits. I think you would be good fit for this position.” Johann says openly.
She thinks it over smiles and nods “What do I need to do? Do I need to get his attention or can you just kinda…get me in?” She says slyly.
Johann thinks is over “I suppose I could put in a good word, if one might be so kind…as to…give me the recipes that you’ve learn.” Johann says with a sheepish smile.
“Johann, I love and DESPISE you! I will have someone at the markets make a copy of my recipe book.” She chuckles and hugs Johann. Johann knew that Katie was a good fit for Viggo. Both business and not.
Please let me know if you have any questions about my stories or my character. Please be kind! And please ask to reblog my stuff other than that thanks to everyone liking my stuff! 😍
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nicascurls · 1 year
So, I already did this idea on @barclaysangel page, but I'm gonna write it so here:
"Alright, one video edited," Jake began. "Six more to go. I'm gonna be up all night-" He sighed. Yes, this was the usual - Jake never uploading videos he should and getting stuck with the editing process. Honestly, he wished he could be on top of things like Devon is. He's always posting episodes he should, keeping his podcast organized and being a clear speaker.
Jake, however, was none of these things.
So, it was no surprise when he got off-track, yet again, surfing Youtube in videos to watch to pass time, when he saw a new video pop on his homepage.
The title read "KING OF THE RING VS 15 MEN". The channel was anonymous, and the description was pretty vauge. "16-year-old fights a bunch of men, and wins."
But, Jake did remember Devon telling him a while back that it's possible that Chucky might have some blackmail on him. When he pressed the subject, the teen wouldn't budge. "It's better if you don't know," Devon told him. "I'm not particularly proud of that point in my life."
Could this be the blackmail, Jake thought. Why was Devon so ashamed of this? What happened in that point in his life that made him not ever want it to see the light of day?
As his boyfriend, it was basically his job to make Devon comfortable and respect his boundaries.
But also, as Devon's boyfriend, it was Jake's legal job to see what's wrong with this point, and if he can help.
So, Jake clicked the video. First there was an automated voice, declaring it was a free-for-all tournament, last person standing would be declared the winner.
Then, he saw a man getting punched, dead in the face, and knocked out of the ring.
Then another, on the floor as someone in a spotlight fought, 7, 9, 15 men at once. The weapons clattered and dropped on the floor, as the camera zoomed closer.
"Is that..." Jake began.
It was Devon, a clear thin film on sweat on him as he blocked a hit from another person, hitting them in the eyes with his elbow, punching them in the chest so fast Jake couldn't count before punching them in the face, and knocking the man cold.
He turned around, getting punched in the face but having little to no reaction to it as he punched the man back, harder. Then turning back around, to kick two men who were fighting to the ground. He grunted, stopping just for a few seconds to catch to his breath, before he started again.
Dodging another man being thrown, someone came from behind and tried to put him in a chokehold, just for Devon to elbow the man in his stomach to loosen his grip, wrapped his right arm around his neck and flung him over his shoulder.
But he wasn't done. Another guy stupidly charged at him, and Devon grabbed his wrist, his upper arm and with a grunt, flipped him over and into another player, knocking them both down. His arms were covered in bleeding cuts, as his chest heaved up and down, eyes darting around the ring.
By the end of it, his shirt was torn, wrist probably broken for lifting so much weight, and more cuts lined up his arms. Those cuts had morphed into scars that Jake would see Devon constantly putting cocoa butter on.
He was hurt, but he was alive.
Bodies of men surrounded him, and the timekeeper raised his arm high, declaring him the winner.
Then, the video ended.
Let me know if there's anything else you think I should add!
(Sorry this took a while, Tumblr was playing up and I had a battle with a raging migraine lol)
This was so unexpected but absolutely brilliant! I wanna see Devon fight Chucky so bad now XD
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brwnicons · 3 years
ive reread the rules several times but might've forgotten or understood this wrong but i had a prompt in mind!
May you write for a male (or gn reader. whatever floats your boat) who's the embodiment of the grumpy cat stereotype. (So he's a neko, is that allowed?) Like he's irritable but Itto just eats that shit up for lunch and constantly teases them because he's part of raiden's army (i haven't reached inazuma yet sorry 😭😭 idk the name).
So one day, Itto's being himself and reader is getting annoyed, as usual. But Itto scratches the reader's ears and reader purrs. For a split second he freezes and then the reader starts demanding him to scratch better. So Itto's teasing backfired and now he's stuck scratching the reader's ears or else he'll get clawed. Maybe in the end the reader goes to one of his beetle matches and cheers him on? (like very aggressively as well. "YEAH GO ITTO'S BEETLE! FUCK THOSE KIDS UP!")
very self indulgent request but im in need for itto comfort content 👈👉🕺
thank you for reading!
☆ I didn't understand if you wanted reader on the good or the bad side, so I put him on the good one, hope that's ok !! Also I made the purring scenario and a few headcanons undercut <3 ☆
Itto x Grumpy Cat Male Reader
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-> Gif: @c6jpg
-> Summary: Male Reader, fluff, One-Shot, Headcanons undercut.
One-Shot Summary: On your day off you go to cheer Itto on one of his beetle battles but, before, he finds certain sweet spot behind your ear.
-> Triggers: Swearing
-> Warnings: Don't tag this as yaoi or fetish mlm relationships !!
-> Scenario's words: 1K
Please tell me if you find any mistake
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- Scenario -
For some reason, the Shogun's Army paused its advance and preassure for a few days, mostly probably because of a lack of resources.
This little rest of the confrontation made you able to relax for a while and have a couple of days off, the canine general reassuring you that he would have everything covered. And so you accepted.
It was a bright sunny day with a clear sky, a gentle marine breeze refreshing the air. You decided to benefit from the weather by going out to take a little nap on some warm rocks outside, enjoying the calm environment.
But your little peace was soon broken as you felt your partner's loud voice piercing through your ears, gaining an annoyed growl from your part.
"The best Onikabuto beetle you've ever seen?" You sighed without even opening an eye
"THE BEST ONIKAB-" He paused, looking at you with wide eyes "Wait, how did you know?" He asked as he approached his face to yours
You lifted your eyebrows at him and stretched your arms without getting up, "Will you fight with it?" You asked, raising your body to sit on the rock
"OF COURSE!", he roared while lifting the purple beetle in the air, "M'gonna beat that kiddo this time for sure!"
"I'm sure of it"
After a moment of silence he looked you up and down and tilted his head, "Uh... What are you doing?"
You stretched your back and patted the warm rock's surface. "Just relaxing" you said as you closed your eyes under the comfortable heat of the sun, your ears ducking in a peaceful way.
Suddenly, you feel a warm preassure on your ear and when you open your eyes you see Itto's wide hand groping behind your pinna, giving light scratches here and there.
"What do you think you're doing, Itto?" You growl annoyed as you start twitching your ears, trying to get out from his grasp.
He grunted thoughtfully while he kept scratching your ear, "Aw, man, but it worked with Gorou", He mumbled softly, clearly disappointed.
You were about to ask what in hell he was talking about when your thoughts got interrupted by a sudden wave of pleasure. Not sexual pleasure, but as when you eat your favourite food or someone gives you a massage. And without even noticing, you started emitting a low deep rumble.
You both fell silent and looked into each other's shocked eyes.
"YOU CAN PURR! I KNEW IT!" Itto bursted into laughs as he bent over and tried to hold onto his knees.
"Don't you fucking dare to stop now, Oni" you deeply growled, showing him your sharp claws threathendly and a serious expression that let your fangs at his display.
Itto gulped into response and quickly continued scratching the previous point, giggling whenever your purring got louder or when your feet twitched before his attention.
It felt heavenly. In fact, both of you almost forgot about Itto's beetle match, which you hated to remind him since it meant that he would have to pause the scratching.
"Uhm, Itto, didn't you have a mighty revenge beetle battle against some kid?" You eventually asked between purrs.
"SHIT! I completely forgot! Thanks you, man, love you!" He quickly stumbled, giving you a little peck on your forehead before sprinting where the battle was agreed.
You arrived a few minutes later, grateful that the battle wasn't started yet. You slipped between a crowd of children that whispered gathered around a wooden table to find itto crooked down on the floor, talking indistinctly to his bug.
"You gotta show 'em who's the best, buddy, I believe in you" He encouraged the poor bug who could only walk confused in circles.
You sighed softly and sat down along the other kids, waiting for the fight to begin.
At last, Itto's rival appeared. It was a little girl on a blue kimono and a yellow hat, her face showed a smug smirk as his hands holded a little wooden box with the word "Slayer" writed on big red letters on it.
Itto's expression changed drastically when he saw the proud toddler appear.
"Ready to get your ass kicked, Mr Arataki?"
She asked in a intimidately high-pitched voice.
"You wish!" Itto immediately roared back, his lips curving into a confident smirk as his fangs joined his smile.
And the battle started.
You've never been specially excited for his confrontations but it wasn't as you really tried neither. But the way the kids cheered and the competitors encouraged their fighter really got into your skin and soon, without even noticing it, you were too cheering for your boyfriend. Though maybe too aggressively.
No wonder why some mothers would pick their children with a frightened face after every fight when things like
And a bunch of other profanities were shouted by a couple of grown ass men.
In the end, the smug toddler claimed her victory when Itto's beetle fell on his back, gaining both of you and Itto's endless list of curses.
But, even after losing the beetle battle, the confrontation ended pretty pleasantly, as the little girl unexpectly gave Itto a small chocolate bar, declaring that "Mr Arataki fought bravely and deserved a prize too".
God, you were starting to understand why Itto loved spending time with them.
"Thanks for encouraging me, man!" Itto exclaimed as he hugged you tightly, his mouth tightly gabbing his chocolate prize.
You quickly dodged his horns before they pinched you and patted his head repeatedly, gently stroking his white locks between your fingers.
"Anytime" you muttered softly.
The Oni between your arms then raised his head lightly, looking into your eyes with a devilish smirk, your confused face and raised brow making it funnier for him.
When you felt his nails on your scalp you didn't even needed to ask and as soon as you felt the wave of pleasure you knew you had already lost this battle.
"Itto, please" you tried to beg through whispers, but a low rumbling sound betrayed yourself and hiding your face on the crook on his neck and succumbing to his attention looked like the only exit.
"Man, wish I knew this before" You heard Itto giggle soundly.
And the only answer you could possibly give was a deep purr of satisfaction.
Maybe you could ask for a bunch of days off from the rebellion army and spend a few days with your boyfriend.
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- Headcanons -
• You two are the literal "no energy" & "too much energy" couple
• Itto always screaming and rambling about everything while you just stay still with a serious expression painted on your face
• Completely silent or giving short grunts of approval
• But always listening to his rambling <3
• Also Itto teasing you about literally everything you do
• "Aww, who's a cute little kitten?? You are!!"
• "Shut the FUCK up"
• He is always touching your weapons and playing with them
• You're genuinely afraid that he would hurt himself
• And you show that through anger
• Also plenty PLENTY of touches on your face, back, arms... But mostly, ears.
• You have a rule of not ear-touching, but this man couldn't give less about it
• Mostly because it's awkward, but looks like that rule won't last much long
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yanban-san · 2 years
i like to think it'd be a certain kind of funny if after everything, all the strings they've pulled nshit, the ONE thing that darling isn't okay with is dating their bosses. like darling's very very much into them too, had a bit of a "they're really popular though, idk maybe im reading too much into things?" talk with elesa that... well, it happened. i'll leave how that went up to you but EVENTUALLY at one of Gal Pal Hangout Time(tm) (gender neutral) darlings like "ok. im gonna do it." and elesa's all like "oh???" and audibly sweating because this usually doesn't end well-and lo and behold you pull a "im gonna quit." on her and her eyes almost bug out of her head. two pairs of eyes certainly bug out of the wall behind you, and before anyone else can say or do anything you follow up with a "i mentioned i don't feel comfortable dating my bosses earlier, right? so im gonna quit and then go for it; confess to ingo and emmet, i mean." and oh, bless you, you're all shaky and a little jittery about it but you look so damn proud of yourself and with the solution you thought up. this' been a damn long while coming because as much as she loves you goddamn are you dense (affectionate) - feather anon
Oh this is adorable-
Put it under the cut because- is long :)
Darling's been a nervous wreck ever since they started catching feelings for their bosses- Between the twins saving them, giving them little gifts, constantly praising them and treating them so sweetly-
Darling's tried to write it off- or perhaps has always been a bit of an air head when it came to these things- as just the two being nice. They are, after all, the legendary Station Masters! They're powerful trainers, both having a myriad of strong pokemon- They run the entirety of Gear Station and the Unovan Transit System like a well oiled machine! Darling's seen them with their coworkers, they've seen their kind encouragements to young trainers who they do battle with. Surely their behavior towards Darling is nothing special; it's just their way of gently encouraging them to do their best as a depot agent! Although, Darling does have to admit, they are rather attractive; Which explains why they have so many devoted fans. And of course people would consider them attractive- Even Gym Leader Elesa befriended the two!
And somehow, though Darling really isn't sure how, they ended up being friends with Elesa as well. They're really not sure what the beautiful model saw in them to approach them one day on their shift, but she did, and seemed oddly nervous talking to them- but they took it in stride and somehow ended up with her asking if they'd like to get coffee later- As friends, of course.
And so Darling and her set up regular hangout times, having coffee- or having a pokemon battle or two- Elesa showing off some of her more exotic electric types she owned, or offering Darling tips and training advice.
However, the conversations Darling has with her... quickly shifted to romantic discussions. At first, Darling thought Elesa may've been trying to ask them out- but she wasn't. She just seemed to genuinely like talking about dates she'd been on, or her friend's love lives- and she often asked Darling about their thoughts- was there anyone they were interested in? Anyone they were in love with?
Darling was shy at first- mentioning off-handedly a boy here or there, and swore- almost swore they saw Elesa look a little crestfallen when they mentioned anybody by name...
And the conversation would drift to your work- did you like your coworkers? Anyone particularly cute?
Or what about your bosses? You know, the handsome, beautiful twins who run the entire transit system- It would be difficult not to like them, right?
Darling sighs at the memories. So much had happened since then- and things had changed, for better or for worse. They’d considered their options, and they had arrived at what they considered the best course of action.
Things just couldn’t continue the way they were anymore. It was impossible.
Darling is sitting across from Elesa again, holding their head in their hands; And Elesa’s wondering what’s wrong.
“That’s it,” You announce, voice shaking. “I can’t- I can’t take this- this anymore-”
Elesa looks up from her coffee- She’s actually a little worried, you’ve been looking absolutely miserable these past few days, and you normally seem pretty cheerful- And now your eyes are practically sparkling with tears. Your emotions seemed to be effecting Emmet and Ingo, as well; They had been trying to lift your spirits so desperately, but no matter what, you just seemed.. melancholy at best, and ready to cry at worst.
And now the weather was reflecting just how upset they were as well; It had been raining on and off all week, and no sunshine- Elesa was called into the office of the twins rather urgently, and it was the first time she’d seen one of them looking... inhuman around her. Ingo was nowhere to be seen until suddenly the shadows of the office stretched, condensing into a strange black pool on the floor that writhed and shaped itself gradually into a being she knew was Ingo. Emmet simply did not appear.
The Ingo before her was remarkably... strange looking. His face was blocked by shadows, and he stood much taller than a human could- and his eyes, while still silver, were marked with darkened, slitted pupils rather than his regular eyes. He stood at attention, the shape of four arms wrapped around his back, like how he carried himself as a conductor. The edges of what should’ve been his coat were writhing and stretching into the pool of darkness on the floor, and Elesa should’ve been afraid-
But she wasn’t. It must’ve been some sort of subconscious reaction, she thought, but she felt more pity than anything else for this being in front of her, for some reason.
“Ah, Miss Elesa,” Ingo’s voice was deeper- And she felt her ears rumble at hearing it-
“Our darling is upset. They’re very upset.”
“W-What about?” Elesa asked.
The shadows quivered.
“We don’t know. You told us not to read their mind. To listen to their thoughts- That it was rude. But they are so horribly upset, they avoid us- They’ve been sobbing to themselves in private. They refuse to report to us. They have called out sick when they are not sick.”
Elesa felt a bead of sweat run down her face- Was Ingo going to blame her for this-
“You told us not to read their thoughts, Miss Elesa. I believe you did not intend for anything bad to happen.”
“I- I did not,”
“-They will not speak to us. But perhaps they will speak to you. Find out what makes them suffer. It makes us suffer so. Please.”
“-I really can’t. I just can’t go on like this,” You finished, sobbing again as Elesa snapped back to reality.
She needed to focus. She had a mission to complete- And she better complete it soon.
“Wh-What do you mean? Is everything alright?” She asks.
“I’m-” You hiccuped as you silenced your tears. You promised yourself; No crying. “I’m going to quit.”
The atmosphere in the cafe changed dramatically- You didn’t seem to notice.
Elesa noticed. The silence that fell over the cafe was markedly abrupt.
“I’m going to quit my job at Gear Station,” You proclaimed. Your eyes were wet with tears, but you were firm.
Elesa noticed the outside- Dark clouds had gathered over the city- Oh Sinnoh Above-
They were extremely dark clouds, she noted.
Those two were absolutely listening in, and judging by the darkness swirling around the cafeteria, and the fact that it was starting to look like the Fucking Darkest Day of Galar outside your window seat-
Elesa needed to act fast.
“Wait, Wait! Why on Earth would you want to quit? I thought you loved working at Gear Station!” She exclaimed, desperately trying to stop whatever was about to happen-
You looked at your friend- Surely, she of all people, would understand how you felt?
“I- I really do, Elesa...”
“-I love Emmet and Ingo more.” You finished, turning your face downward.
Elesa stopped. Oh, for the love of-
“Then why would you quit your job at-”
"B-Because they’re my bosses, remember? I would never date them like that- But, if I quit... I can ask them out!”
Elesa put her hands to her temples. Oh my fucking god oh my fucking god oh my fucking god- That’s what you’d been crying about, you were fucking working up the courage to- Oh Arceus above-
But no. This was Great! Right??? Elesa picked up her napkin, rubbing it along her brow.
“So, yeah... I’m going to quit. And... hopefully ask them out. Or well, I might- I might ask out... one of them at first... I’m not sure...? I don’t know-”
“DO IT. ASK THEM BOTH OUT.” Elesa practically shouted. It shocked you upright- “B-But what if they-”
“They won’t. I guarantee it. I will say- You’re exactly their type.”
You stared at Elesa in shock- Surely, not- Wait- Had they mentioned that to her?
“Re-really? You think so? I thought they’d like someone more like you-”
“Pfft- Absolutely not-” Elesa guffawed, letting out a genuine laugh. “They’re both idiots.” She noticed the shadow on the wall twitch at this remark. “But lovable ones, I’m sure- I’m sure they’ll accept your feelings, friend.”
You smiled- Elesa was always good at helping you through these things- encouraging you. “Thank you, Elesa.”
“No problem, dear!”
And for the first time in a while, you noticed the sun coming out- It’d been rainy these past few days, hadn’t it? Maybe it was a sign.
Or maybe you had no idea what you were about to get yourself into.
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