#sickie seonghwa
darl-ingfics · 2 months
Concert Cooties
Fandom: ATEEZ
Sickie: Seonghwa
Caregiver(s): Hongjoong (the others are there, though)
Summary: It takes all of a day after their concert for Seonghwa to get sick, and it surprisingly, miraculously takes Hongjoong no time at all to get him to admit it.
Word Count: 2,390
Note: 1. I am still learning ATEEZ's personalities and relationships with one another, so sorry if they come off OOC. But this was the idea that has nagged at me recently. 2. All relationships were written platonic. 3. I don't know why there's so much exposition, but the puzzle subplot felt really important to me.
It was rare to have two weeks off in a row. Rarer still to have two weeks off right after a tour. Usually it was one week, then back to work. Which they rarely complained about; the adrenaline after a tour was absolutely exhilarating, and fueled creativity like no other. But it wasn’t like anyone was complaining about an extra break, either. 
The first day home, the team interacted as little as possible, catching up on sleep and refueling social batteries that had been dead for weeks. 
The second day home, at 10:04am, Hongjoong walked into the kitchen to find perhaps one of the most domestic scenes their dorm had ever been witness to. Puzzle pieces were scattered across the table, and Yunho, Mingi, and Jongho were in the process of dividing the pieces into two piles: edge and middle. Wooyoung was sitting at the head of the table, chin propped up in his hands, running quality control (or his mouth, if Jongho had anything to say about it). All four were still in their pajamas, (Yunho’s sweatshirt hood pulled over his head, Mingi wearing his glasses). The smell of coffee hung in the air, four gently steaming mugs placed strategically on the table to avoid the puzzle, the pot on the kitchen counter far from empty. 
Jongho was the first to note Hongjoong’s presence, quietly whispering, “I win,” to his hyungs gathered at the table. All eyes shifted dramatically towards Hongjoong. Mingi and Wooyoung both whined rather theatrically, their voices cancelling each other out aa Yunho playfully shoved Jongho’s shoulder.
“Good morning?” The leader held up his hands as if at gun point. 
Completely ignoring Hongjoong’s confusion, Wooyoung sat up straighter, “Hyung! Join our puzzle!” He pointed towards the work on the table.
“No! He’s gonna drop pieces again,” Yunho teased, shooting a heart-melting smile at the leader despite the insult. Hongjoong shook his head, smiling himself as he moved towards the coffee like a moth to a flame. 
“You’re not even part of this,” Mingi added, pushing Wooyoung’s shoulder lightly. Wooyoung whined, flopping back in his chair. 
“Joong-hyung, wanna start different a puzzle with me?” Wooyoung deployed his best puppy dog eyes. “It’ll be better than this puzzle!" But his attempt was curtailed but the sound of a door opening down the hall. 
“San!” Yunho exclaimed in a dramatic whisper, tapping the table twice to place his bet.
“Seonghwa.” Mingi tapped the table back.
“Hwa hyung.” Wooyoung tapped. 
“Hey, you can’t take my answer.”
“That’s not fair! We all know it’s not Sangie,” Wooyoung retorted. “We won’t see him for like, 29 hours at least.”
“That’s an odd number choice,” Jongho commented, almost entirely to himself as he was very absorbed in puzzle sorting. 
“What’s going on?” Hongjoong asked, slipping into the chair on Wooyoung’s right, which appeared to him to be the most out of the way of the puzzle. 
“We’ve been taking bets on whose awake every time a door opens,” Yunho replied. “Jongho guessed you last time.” The youngest gave a triumphant thumbs up, eyes glued to his task. Hongjoong nodded into his coffee cup as Seonghwa turned the corner into the room. 
Wooyoung and Mingi cheered, a double high five echoing loudly, prior bickering forgotten. Seonghwa started at the noise, as if he hadn’t realized there were other people in the room. 
Yunho looked over with a bright, “Good morning!” His face immediately fell, though, looking at the older man. Like the rest of them, Seonghwa was still in his pajamas, but, unlike the rest, he was wearing a mask. And the parts of his face that were visible looked so dreadfully exhausted, all pale skin and shadowed eyes, like all the life had been sucked out of him. To put it plainly, Seonghwa looked sick. Which was, unfortunately, something their eldest simply refused to acknowledge majority of the time. 
“Hyung, are you feeling okay?” Wooyoung asked, carefully, gently. There was a delicacy to dealing with a sick Seonghwa they’d all been forced to learn over the years. The problem, of course, was the unpredictability of their most uncooperative patient; there was no way to know how he’d respond to them at any given point in time. 
Seonghwa nodded in reply, surprisingly agreeable. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little under the weather.” A statement proven false instantly as he turned away from them, coughing harshly, a fist pressed against his mouth despite the mask. 
Yunho clicked his tongue. “Oh, hyung,” he cooed, pushing away from the table. His arms had barely reached hug height when Seonghwa flinched backwards, arms pulling into his chest, the violent suddenness of the movement freezing Yunho in place.   
“Don’t touch me! Please.” The last word was soft, a tad desperate perhaps, an attempt to smooth over the bite of the first ones. Yunho had yet to drop his arms, and while his lips had naturally defaulted to a pout, his eyes were much more sympathetic. “I… I’m sorry. I just… I don’t want any of you catching this.” Hongjoong frowned at that; an omission this fast meant Seonghwa felt significantly worse than he was letting on. He’d have to fix that. 
It was strange, Yunho would realize later, how in that moment Seonghwa simultaneously appeared as their ever-vigilant eldest yet also terribly fragile and young. Which was why Yunho rerouted his hug, gently cupping his left hand around Seonghwa’s face, his right hand moving to his forehead. “I’ll go wash my hands immediately,” the dancer promised, switching from the back of his hand on his palm. His frown deepened. “You feel warm. Have you taken anything yet?”
Seonghwa shook his head. “Can’t take anything on an empty stomach. That’s why I came in here.”
“Then why don’t you go back to bed and let us make you breakfast.” Hongjoong casually blew on his coffee mug before even looking up at his roommate. 
Even with the mask obscuring half his face, Hongjoong could read Seonghwa’s displeasure in the specific narrowing of his eyes. There it was, the denial demon; Seonghwa could admit to feeling unwell, but drew the line at anyone caring for him. “That’s okay, I can…”
“Then you won’t have to touch anything and risk getting your germs everywhere.” The already quiet room grew deadly silent, four pairs of eyes volleying back and forth between their eldest members. Hongjoong knew this song and dance, and had skipped straight to his trump card: Seonghwa’s fear of infecting others. Hongjoong held his friend’s gaze, watching the initial fire in his eyes dim as the reality of Hongjoong’s words set in, and then burn out entirely with compliance. His posture followed suit, arms falling limply back against his sides as his shoulders sagged, as if the weight of this charade had been a much bigger burden than expected. 
“Okay. Fine.” The room was silent as Seonghwa shuffled back into the hallway. 
“Hyung, that was mean,” Yunho chided as soon as they heard Seonghwa’s door close behind him. The dancer moved towards the sink to wash his hands as promised, flipping on their electric kettle with his elbow. 
“Hyung, that was impressive!” Wooyoung gaped at the leader, then at the empty doorway, and then back to to Hongjoong. 
“How did you learn to do that?” Jongho asked, genuinely impressed. His full attention was on Hongjoong now rather than the puzzle.
“Do what?” Hongjoong asked innocently. 
“Get Seonghwa-hyung to give into being taken care of?” “I learned from the best.” Jongho cocked his head to the side, prompting more. Hongjoong nodded towards the doorway. “The devil himself.” 
Mingi applauded. 
Wooyoung gasped. “You are in sooo much trouble.” 
Hongjoong snickered to himself as he got up to join Yunho in the kitchen. “He can be mad at me all he wants. That’s not gonna cure his concert cooties.” As Yunho poured the now boiling water from the kettle into a travel mug (smart, Hongjoong noted), the leader poked around in the fridge. They had a pitiful amount of food prepared, but thankfully some simple rice and vegetables sat in perfect microwaveable containers. He’d have to pay San back for those veggies later, but also knew the other man wouldn’t mind if they used his food for the sake of his precious Hwa-hyung. 
“Concert cooties?” Mingi laughed, turning to face Hongjoong, who was decidedly pushing the buttons on the microwave to avoid his gaze. 
The leader shrugged. “What else would you call it?”
“Concert crash?” Mingi offered. “Concert curse? Concert contamination?”
“Those are good, but I still like concert cooties best,” Yunho said, leaning forward against the kitchen counter. 
“Concert contamination sounds like an apocalypse movie,” Wooyoung replied. He nodded to himself, eyes far away. “It would either a cinematic masterpiece, or complete trash.” 
“Well, let us know when you’ve written the script and we can let ya know,” Hongjoong said as the microwave beeped in ‘done.’ After removing the warm bowl from the microwave, Hongjoong carefully accepted the travel mug from Yunho in the other. “I’m off to fight the dragon currently residing in my roommate’s bed.” 
“Good luck, valiant knight.” Yunho gave a sweeping bow, much to the delight of Wooyoung and Mingi. 
“Let us know if you need back up, hyung,” Jongho added despite still being absolutely zoned into his project. 
“And then you can come back and help us with the puzzle!” Wooyoung cheered. 
“You are not one of us; this is not your puzzle!” Mingi countered. 
“AHHHH! Just let me help!”
Hongjoong laughed to himself again as he backed into the hallway. He fought the urge to stick out his tongue as a means of maintaining his balance, shuffling his socked feet along the floor to risk spilling anything. Luckily, his efforts were successful. 
Without knocking, Hongjoong shouldered open the door to his room, which Seonghwa had thankfully left cracked open. His roommate didn’t notice him at first as he pitched forward, sneezing twice, “HhtCHU! Heh-ETchu!” 
“Bless you.” 
The sharpness of Seonghwa’s glare wasn’t hindered at all by the tissues obscuring the bottom half of his face. “I’m mad at you.” He sniffled harshly, wiping at his nose and throwing the used tissues into the trash bin he’d moved from the desk next to his bed. 
“I know.”
“How dare you use my own methods against me?”
“Well, why’d you teach them to me in the first place if not to use my powers for good?” That earned him an even sharper glare. “You’ll thank me for this. Promise.” 
“Sh-huh-shut up.” His breath hitched again, and snatched another tissue to his face before his body sagged, the impulse lost. “Shut up.” 
Hongjoong smirked. “No comeback? Is it because you know I’m right?”
“You should be nicer to me.”
“Cause you’re sick?”
Seonghwa responded by pitching forward with that third sneeze, desperate and followed by a raspy, “Fuck this.” Hongjoong instantly felt bad for teasing him. 
“Bless you again.” Hongjoong offered the bowl. “Eat up so we can get you medicated.” Seonghwa accepted the bowl without further argument. Hongjoong watched him eat the first three bites before asking, “What kind of meds would you prefer? Liquid or pills? Any preference?”
“Whatever’s strongest.”
“Got it. You eat. I’ll be back.”
The trip to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom was quick and uneventful. The strongest medication they had was the nighttime drowsy stuff, but Hongjoong figured it didn’t particularly matter. More sleep would be ideal, actual. 
When Hongjoong returned, proudly brandishing the medicine bottle, Seonghwa was eating as told but his eyes were focused somewhere beyond the wall he was starting at.
“Do you think Yunho’s mad at me? For snapping at him?” the older man asked before taking a bite of rice. 
“Not at all.” Hongjoong shook his head. Seonghwa instinctively pulled his knees to his chest to make room for Hongjoong at the end of his bed. “He knows you don’t feel good. He actually made that tea for you.” Seonghwa looked thoughtfully at the mug on the bedside table. When he didn’t say anything else, Hongjoong took the opportunity to crack open the medicine bottle. “The strongest shit we have is gonna knock you out, by the way. It’s the nighttime stuff.” 
“That’s okay.” Seonghwa’s voice was soft, small almost. “I don’t wanna be sick.” 
“I know, sweetheart.” He measured out a dose of the amber liquid and handed it over. Seonghwa took it and downed the cup without a fight. Hongjoong smiled, squeezing his friend’s knee. “I’m sorry the concert cooties got you.”
A dry but genuine laugh shook through Seonghwa’s entire body. “Concert cooties. Who came up with that?”
“Me. What do you think?”
“Don’t quit your day job.”
“And here I was planning to go into marketing.” Seonghwa laughed again, and Hongjoong couldn’t help smiling with him, patting the older man’s knees affectionately. “Okay, there, we got you food, meds, and laughter. Perfect ingredients to kick this cold’s ass.” 
“Thank you, Joong. For putting up with me. I.. it means a lot.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now go to sleep.” 
When Hongjoong returned to their room ten minutes later, the bowl on the nightstand was empty and Seonghwa was fast asleep, curled up on his side. Hongjoong smiled, unable to resist the urge to run his fingers through his roommate’s hair, but angel soft to risk waking him. That urge was followed by another to snuggle up with Seonghwa, with his silky hair and peaceful expression, nothing like the daggers and fire he’d been minutes ago. This softness certainly wasn’t something Hongjoong expected to feel at this moment when his roommate was so clearly sick and, by all definitions, gross. Not to mention he knew Seonghwa would be so upset later if Hongjoong did catch this cold from him. And that more than anything convinced him otherwise.
So Hongjoong settled for tucking his JJOONGrami plushie into his roommate’s arms, trusting the stuffed animal to provide the cuddles he couldn’t personally supply. 
(Wooyoung was never admitted entry to the current puzzle, because the bit was too funny to Yunho and Mingi. When San finally emerged from his room, he took pity on Wooyoung and started a second puzzle with him. They did not, indeed, see Yeosang for exactly 29 hours after Wooyoung said they would.)
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fairyniceyeah · 2 months
⌛🐶 I’m ready for the dark
Title from This World (ATEEZ)
Summary: Yunho is struggling to get through a grueling dance practice. He drops the moment it’s over.
CW: emeto, fainting
Sickie: Yunho Caretakers: Hongjoong + Seonghwa + Mingi + Jongho
It was hot.
And loud.
And Yunho was exhausted.
None of these things usually bothered the dancer much. Dance practice was the definition of heat, music volume on max and some sort of exhaustion. Yunho didn’t have problems with that. He liked dancing and even, if not especially, dancing till he was exhausted and the mirrors fogged up.
They were on their sixth hour of that day’s practice and for once Yunho was glad he was not leading it. The choreographer-noona was nice, talented and she pushed the group in all the ways they needed. She saw every detail, every tiny mistake, from her position at the front of the room - unlike Yunho who would miss mistakes when dancing himself - and she didn’t hesitate to call them out on it.
“From the top”.
“Jongho-ssi, you need to be a bit to the left.”
“Hongjoong-ssi, a bit faster.”
“Seonghwa-ssi, don’t look so scared. If you time it right you won’t run into San-ssi.”
“Yunho-ssi, pick it up.”
It went like this for a long time and hours blurred together. It was hot. And loud. And Yunho was exhausted. His limbs felt like lead, unable to move right. Jumping was strenuous in a way he didn’t remember it being this morning. 
At least he already had the dance down, remembering his every move with muscle memory, so he didn’t have to think about it.
“Hongjoong-ssi, you need to kneel down on three not on four.”
“Sorry, seonsaengnim”, Yunho heard his hyung apologize, “I’m a bit dizzy. I think I need to sit down for a moment.”
All attention snapped to their captain and the choreographer called out “take ten” the moment she spotted his complexion. Hongjoong indeed looked a bit pale and crouched down to the floor the moment she gave her okay. Yunho wiped the sweat from his brow and winced as droplets of the salty liquid dripped into his eyes, burning them, nevertheless. 
Seonghwa and Wooyoung were already with Hongjoong, helping him sit down with his head between his knees while Yeosang ran to get some water and a sweet snack. Good. They didn’t need Hongjoong to faint during practice - again. Reassured that Hongjoong was in good hands and knowing not to overwhelm his embarrassed captain, decided to drink something himself.
But when he turned to walk to his bag, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over him, nearly bowling him over. Yunho lifted his hand to his head and took a deep breath. Why was this happening now? He had been just fine earlier when he was dancing. Why was walking an issue?
Slumping down by his bag, Yunho for the first time realized that he felt … off. He couldn’t describe it any other way. The tiredness he was feeling wasn’t post-work out exhaustion but just exhaustion. His head felt weird, heavy and light at the same time. An annoying ache was spreading down his neck and into his upper back.
He wanted to blame the fact that he had slept badly or not enough. But he had gone to bed at a reasonable time and he had even woken up a bit late that morning to Yeosang shaking his shoulder and telling him he had overslept his alarm. That normally didn’t happen to Yunho, he liked being punctual, but they all had weird one-offs. He had been tired then too, achy. A shower and a coffee later he had felt much better, so he hadn’t thought anything of it. Now everything was hitting him again.
It was only an hour left. He had endured six hours of it, one more would be no problem. 
“You okay?”
The question startled Yunho badly enough that he nearly dropped his bottle he had been trying to fumble open for some time without success at this point. He hadn’t even realized he had taken it into his hands.
Mingi frowned down at him, holding his own - open - water bottle in his hand. 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine. Just can’t get this stupid bottle open”, Yunho replied. What else was there to say?
Mingi laughed at that, a loud, joyous sound. But for some reason it annoyed Yunho to no end, scraping at his ear drums. 
“Give it here, you big baby”, Mingi offered, grinning at him.
Yunho pouted. Mingi was the big baby, not him. But he couldn’t deny that he was thirsty, so he handed it to his best friend, who opened it without an issue. 
“You sure, you’re okay?”, Mingi asked then, raising one worried eyebrow.
Yunho nodded. He was fine. 
They continued practice soon after. Hongjoong was still sitting out, sipping on an apple juice and munching on a muffin somebody had found. You know that it happens sometimes, he had said, don’t worry, you know I just need to raise my blood sugar and rest a bit.
So they continued as seven. It was a bit more difficult now, the dance was made for eight and everything looked just a tiny bit off now. Maybe it was just Yunho, though. The earlier dizziness hadn’t vanished, in fact he now saw some members twice at times. It was confusing but Yunho was too tired to care. When he blinked everything returned to normal with his vision, so it was fine. A bit more annoying was the cold water that was sitting heavily in his stomach since he had drunk. It was a bit painful, a bit cramping and a bit nauseating. 
But it happened sometimes. It wasn’t the first time a member would need to sit out after eating or drinking too close to doing their extreme sport. It had been a rule to sit down when that happened ever since Jongho had thrown up on San’s shoes years ago. It was just a normal part of idol life.
Just, if Yunho sat out now, with Hongjoong already on the sidelines, then the practice would make no sense anymore. With two members missing the choreography wouldn’t work.
So Yunho carried on.
Despite the heat.
Despite the pain in his neck and back.
Despite the fact that he could barely see what was happening due to the stinging sweat in his eyes.
Despite the deafening music that seemed so much louder than normally, threatening to burst his ear drums or split his head.
Despite the nausea and pain in his belly that were becoming worse with every move.
“Alright, good job everybody”, the choreographer called out. 
“You did very well”, Hongjoong added, having joined them for the last few run-throughs. “Let’s go home for tonight.”
Wooyoung and San high fived each other and collapsed in an exhausted but happy pile on top of Yeosang, dragging their third down with them.
Seonghwa clapped Hongjoong on the back, asking one more time if he still felt faint, which the captain denied.
Jongho and Mingi were leaning on each other, panting but content.
Yunho’s knees buckled.
“Jong-”, he whispered, finding himself falling into the maknae’s direction. It hadn’t felt like his voice was very loud but apparently it was enough for the younger to hear him. It was a bit painful as he collided with Jongho’s shoulder, teeth rattling in his skull but at least he was lowered to the floor and didn’t bash his head in.
“Hyung”, Jongho called, his voice frantic, as he struggled to keep Yunho from falling even further. “Somebody help me!” 
His face was swimming in Yunho’s blurred eyesight. Yunho felt his back connect with the cool floor, the contact not painful at all. Then Jongho’s fingers tapped annoyingly against Yunho’s cheek. Hongjoong’s face entered his vision and gentle fingers started carding through his hair. Yunho closed his eyes, the bright overhead light stabbing at his retinas.
Suddenly yelling started up and the tapping on his cheeks became more pronounced. 
“Stop.” He wanted to protest loudly. It barely came out as a whisper.
“Don’t go to sleep, baby”, a familiar voice said. Right, Hongjoong-hyung. “Open your eyes for us, okay?”
“Too bright”, Yunho mumbled, turning his face towards the hand that was now caressing his cheek instead of tapping it. It was nice. Comforting. 
“He’s slurring and light-sensitive.” Was that Seonghwa? “Did he hit his head?”
Yunho wanted to protest, because Jongho had caught him. But no sound but a small whine left his lips.
“No, I caught him. I mean, he collided with my shoulder a bit but it wasn’t that bad”, Jongho said. His voice came from further away than expected. Hadn’t he just been by Yunho’s side? Who else was there?
Yunho blinked open his eyes, realizing that somebody had dimmed the lights. Still hot tears fell down his cheeks into his hair. Blinking to clear his vision he found himself surrounded by Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Mingi, all with similar faces of worry on their faces.
“There you are, love”, Seonghwa said, smiling down at Yunho. It was his hands in Yunho’s hair. “How are you feeling?” 
“Wha’ happ’n’?” The words were difficult to say, like lead was holding his tongue prisoner. 
“We were hoping you could tell us”, Hongjoong replied lightly, but even in his confused state Yunho could hear the underlying worry. “You collapsed against Jongho after practice ended. Do you have any idea what happened?”
Yunho tried to remember what had happened. He hadn’t been feeling well, had he? Hot. Loud. Sweaty. Pained. Nauseous.
Oh, God, the nausea.
Now that he remembered, he felt the churning in his stomach and the sourness at the back of his throat. 
“Don’ fe’ g’d”, he mumbled, swallowing.
The members discussed something over his head. Yunho was too tired to pay attention. So he just let his eyes slip shut. Now he wasn’t hot anymore but the shivering that was taking over his body covered in cold sweat wasn’t better. His head pounded. His neck felt stiff. Light and sound were exhausting. And he still was queasy.
Somebody started tapping his cheek again. Yunho groaned.
“Do you think you’re having a migraine?”, Mingi asked, a bit of hesitation in his voice. “You’re slurring. You seem to be in pain and you can’t tolerate sound and light well.”
… it made sense. A lot of sense. 
Yunho hadn’t even spared a thought to what made him so miserable but a migraine? That would explain a lot. The pain. The nausea. The general feeling of bah.
“Yeah”, he mumbled. “Think so.”
Hongjoong hummed in sympathy, knowing from first hand experience how bad it could be. And nearly fainting after practice was probably pretty bad.
“Do you think you can make it home?”, Seonghwa then questioned.
That was the question, wasn’t it? Yunho had no idea. 
Collapsing in a heap on the way would probably be very embarrassing but he, now that he first thought of it, wanted to be in a cold, dark room with a comfy bed and maybe Mingi cuddling him. It would not get better than that. But for that he also needed to get home. His thoughts were so fuzzy.
“Yeah”, he mumbled, hoping that it would work. 
“Let’s sit up first and see how it goes”, Hongjoong suggested, “how does your stomach feel?”
Oh yeah, that was a good question. Not very good, at all, was the answer. As if his body decided to react to Hongjoong without him having a say, Yunho gagged. 
There was a curse and then somebody shoved him into a sitting position. It was enough to also move his stomach up his throat. 
“Oh, Yunho”, Mingi whispered as Yunho bent forward and warm sick fell from his lips, the sound of it hitting a bucket echoing back at him. His stomach rolled and his head pounded and then he threw up again. And again. And again.
His heartbeat was drumming in his head and Yunho grit his teeth in a moment of respite, hoping to fight the nauseating pain. Now that he had started vomiting he knew that the real migraine pain would hit soon. What had happened before was just a warning, a mild pain compared to what would come. 
He groaned as more rancid throw up splattered into the bin, burning his throat, and he slumped forward even more. A blessedly-cool hand on his forehead stopped his descent head first into his own puke.
Then it was over. Somebody wiped the spit dangling from his lips away and a cold cloth washed away the sweat. Yunho was leaned back and he rested his head against the comforting shoulder of whoever sat behind him. Mingi?
The comforting rumble in the person’s chest clued him in as Mingi spoke. “Ready to go home?”
“Still feel sick”, Yunho muttered, only really realizing when he was speaking that indeed his stomach was still cramping unhappily. Maybe he really was out of it or maybe the nausea he felt was even more in his head and throat than in his stomach, uncomfortable nevertheless. 
“We got the bucket here, don’t worry”, Hongjoong said. 
Yunho barely remembered the drive home. He was in a car with Mingi who was combing through his hair in a comfortable motion and Hongjoong was holding his hand, as far as he knew. A manager probably had been there too, because Seonghwa couldn’t drive and the others hadn’t been there. All Yunho could do was cling to the plastic of the bucket, comforted by knowing it was there.
Had he thrown up on the way home? Likely. He didn’t remember it though.  
Now, he was in bed, buried under a layer of cool sheets. The room was dark. Mingi was a warm weight by his side. Hongjoong’s fingers were carding through his hair.
It would likely not get better until the migraine went away.
So Yunho slept.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - ATEEZ
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cuddlepilefics · 2 months
Better out than in
Fandom: Ateez
Sickie: Seonghwa
Caregiver: Hongjoong
Prompts: Vomiting / “I got your hair, it’s fine.”
No one’s POV.:
Seonghwa always loved visiting new places and making memories with his friends, so he was ecstatic to learn that they’d get some time to explore the cities while on tour in America. The weather too seemed to be on their side, blessing their outings with sunshine. A little too sunny from time to time, maybe. With the comfortable air-conditioning in their hotel, it was hard to convince anyone to go out and explore but Hongjoong didn’t want to disappoint his hyung, who had been looking forward to spending his free time outside. Exploring was always more fun together and going alone could get overwhelming, so it was understandable that Seonghwa was so desperate to convince someone to accompany him. With a sigh, Hongjoong reapplied his sun protection before joining the eldest and humming: “Let’s go. Anywhere specific you wanted to see?”
The leader already regretted his decision a couple of blocks down, as he was drenched in sweat despite not having gone very far yet. Seonghwa was in high spirits though, only tugging on his shirt occasionally to get it unstuck from his sweaty skin. Long hair could really make one’s neck sweat, he discovered, running his fingers through his hair. This was the hottest he had been since growing out his hair and he couldn’t help but fantasize about a short hair cut, despite usually liking his longer hair. Hongjoong swiped his wrist across his forehead, brushing off droplets of sweat before fanning himself with his snapback. “That looks like a mini-market ahead”, the leader panted, “Let’s grab something to drink there. Pretty sure, I already lost all my fluids through my pores.”Seonghwa chuckled at that but no matter the whining, he was still glad that the younger had agreed to accompany him.
While Hongjoong bought a bottle of cold soda, Seonghwa decided to wait and only buy a drink once he felt thirsty. He didn’t want to carry a bottle around and he also didn’t want to force himself to finish it quickly, so he wouldn’t need to look for a restroom while they were out. “You sure you don’t want anything?”, Hongjoong asked after drinking a few sips, “The cold feels amazing.” – “I’m sure. Maybe we can get some ice cream somewhere. That would be the perfect refreshment for a hot summer’s day like this”, Seonghwa laughed, wiping the sweat off his neck. It still took a while of touring the crowded streets for the two of them to come across an ice cream truck. Having just finished the last sips of his soda, Hongjoong frowned: “I just had a fizzy drink. There’s no way I could eat right now.” – “More for me, I guess”, the older beamed, getting multiple scoops.
After accidentally dripping some melted ice cream onto his shirt, Seonghwa proposed taking a break and the two of them found a shaded bench in a small park, where they could sit and rest for a bit. They probably wouldn’t be out for very long anymore anyway because it was simply too hot but there were a few sights, the eldest still wanted to visit and who was Hongjoong to deny him? As they resumed their walk though, Seonghwa was slower than before. It took a while for the leader to notice because he himself felt his energy zapped by the unbearable heat but when his friend slowly developed a limp, he couldn’t help but get concerned.
“It’s probably just because I ate something cold but my stomach kinda hurts”, Seonghwa admitted quietly. As if to prove his point, the organ grumbled noisily, making him blush. Shooting the older a crooked smile, Hongjoong reminded: “You know, we can head back if you want to. Maybe you’ll feel better if you lay down for a while and we can see if we get a chance to come out here once it cooled down a little.” – “You just wanna go back to the hotel, don’t you?”, Seonghwa chuckled weakly but agreed, “Since the heat probably isn’t helping, I guess, we can go back now, though I don’t think we’ll have another opportunity.” He grew quiet after that and they slowly strolled in the direction of their hotel. Seonghwa’s stomach was definitely churning now and he winced as every step jostled it.
Despite the sun beating down on them, Seonghwa suddenly felt cold and goosebumps covered his arms. Hongjoong seemed none the wiser and was mostly glad that the older finally decided to head back. This was no weather the leader enjoyed being out in and he couldn’t wait to stretch out on his hotel bed and let the air-conditioning blast cold air down on his overheated body. Deep in his fantasy, Hongjoong startled when Seonghwa gripped his shoulder hard.
It had become increasingly difficult for Seonghwa to place one foot in front of the other. Partly due to the pain in his abdomen and partly because the heat seemed to affect his circulation and he found himself growing a little lightheaded. The pain slowly morphed into nausea and he broke into a cold sweat, hands trembling as he tried to keep himself upright. This wasn’t good. Their hotel was still a couple of blocks away and Seonghwa could only hope they’d make it back there before he collapsed, or even worse, ended up puking in public.
Seonghwa’s prayers went unanswered and he stumbled, catching himself on Hongjoong’s shoulder as his stomach lurched. Shocked, the leader spun around and rushed to grip Seonghwa’s arm, steadying the older while muttering a curse under his breath. Strands of Seonghwa’s long hair fell into his face as he doubled over retching and Hongjoong quickly gathered them in one hand. “I got your hair, it’s fine”, the leader hummed, using his free hand to pat the other’s back. Unsteady on his feet, Seonghwa only tightened his grip on his friend’s shoulder as another wave splattered onto the pavement, the tips of his ears burning with humiliation. When his stomach finally stopped throwing a fit and he managed to straighten up, he was pale as a sheet, except for his ears. Tugging the older away from the puddle, Hongjoong frowned: “What’s going on? I expected your stomach to hurt, yeah, but that’s a little worse than you mentioned.” – “Don’t feel so good anymore”, Seonghwa mumbled, rubbing his face. “I can see that”, Hongjoong nodded but couldn’t get anything else from the older.
Linking their arms, Hongjoong guided Seonghwa back to the hotel, their pace slow. The eldest still felt incredibly dizzy though he couldn’t tell if it was the heat or anything else. Hongjoong too was confused. Seonghwa wouldn’t have gone on their nerves begging to explore the city if he had already been feeling low earlier, so what could’ve happened in the short time span they had been out? “The more I think about it, the more I suspect it was the ice cream”, Seonghwa groaned, slipping a clammy hand under his shirt to palm at his bloated middle, “Felt fine before that but now…” He muffled a queasy burp against his fist, which left a sour taste on his tongue. “Better out than in then, I guess”, Hongjoong sighed. Trying to speed up, Seonghwa stumbled into Hongjoong and the leader frowned: “Are you going to be sick again?” He crossed his fingers that the answer would be no because the hotel wasn’t even in sight yet but he wasn’t so lucky, Seonghwa giving an urgent nod.
By some strike of luck, Hongjoong managed to pull the older between some trashcans at the back of a building before gathering the sweaty strands of his long hair at the back of his head. Swallowing back bile, Seonghwa braced both of his hands against the bricks to steady himself against the wave of dizziness that washed over him but could only fight hack the nausea for so long. With Hongjoong reassuring him that he was perfectly concealed where they stood and that his hair was out of the line of fire, the eldest took a shaky breath and gave up fighting. A harsh retch tore at Seonghwa’s throat and made him shudder. He couldn’t even see the puddle at his feet as sweat had run from his brow into his eyes, blurring his vision. Was it still so hot? He had no sense of temperature but the air was still humid and hard to breathe, making him lightheaded.
Seonghwa stumbled, knees almost buckling before Hongjoong caught him around the waist and steadied him. “Breathe”, the leader shushed, pulling the older back and guiding him a few steps away. Slumping against the wall, Seonghwa winced. The warm bricks against his back reminded him of his damp shirt, completely drenched with sweat. It was definitely hot. He could feel it now. Lifting the hem of his shirt, he wiped his face and sniffled: “Gosh, I really wanna take a shower.” – “We’re almost there”, Hongjoong comforted, rummaging through his bag, “You want some gum? It’s your call when you’re ready to continue.” Gulping miserably, Seonghwa accepted the gum and pushed away from the wall. He swayed for a moment but groaned: “Let’s go. I really want that shower and I’d prefer the privacy of a bathroom next time.” Though Hongjoong had expected it, hearing Seonghwa confirm that he probably wasn’t done throwing up for long did stress him out a bit.
The peace lasted long enough for them to reach the hotel though and Seonghwa even managed to take his shoes and shirt off before finding himself draped over the toilet, heaving uselessly. Hongjoong had quickly pinned his hair back with cute, little clips and out of his face before running a towel under cold water and draping it across the back of his neck. “Let me get you some water and a fresh change of clothes”, the leader whispered, patting his hyung’s bare back before getting up. He hurried and also adjusted the air-conditioning. The water bottle he pulled from the mini fridge had condensation on it when he placed it onto the sink. Panting, Seonghwa pulled the wet towel off his neck and wiped his face on it. Only when he lowered it again did Hongjoong see the tears in his eyes. Gently removing the hairclips, the leader ran his fingers through Seonghwa’s hair and whispered: “You’ll be okay. Do you wanna take that shower now? Might help you feel a little better. If you’re not too dizzy, that is?”
Seonghwa decided to take a quick shower, though he opted for sitting down and he took Hongjoong up on his offer to wash his hair because his stomach cramped painfully when he tried to lift his arms above his head. Still, it took a lot out of him to wash up, especially after he spent another five minutes dry heaving over the drain. It was absolutely worth it though. Being clean made him feel more like himself, allowing him to relax after stretching out on the bed. Hongjoong set the trashcan next to the bed and draped a cold towel across Seonghwa’s forehead, humming: “Should I set the temperature a little warmer? You still got goosebumps.” – “Nah, it feels nice”, the eldest breathed, keeping his eyes shut, “Thanks Joong. And thanks for going out with me in the first place.” – “You’re welcome. Get some rest now”, the leader smiled, “I’ll be here.”
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sickonthedancefloor · 3 months
Y'all remember that Ateez teaser I wrote a billion years ago? Well.
Yunho wears himself down at the beginning of promotion season. Seonghwa notices, he always does.
Sickie: Yunho Caretakers: Seonghwa, Wooyoung
It’s just how Yunho operates, and yet it worries Seonghwa every time. Seonghwa had seen how tired the taller dancer had been lately, how this comeback seemed to be taking his energy from him every day. A new live filming at 4 in the morning, flying early to another concert performance, more interviews, more youtube specials. For the past week, Seonghwa has seen his soft eye bags darkening with each passing day, but in true Yunho fashion, there’s never any complaints.
It was the performance on M-Countdown that had been the first downfall. The performance went well, Atiny were energetic, and the group was in a rare form of ultra excitement. But during the wind-down, as they filmed tiktok challenges with other idols, Seonghwa had caught Yunho leaning heavily on their manager, walking oddly as they moved backstage. Yunho waved Mingi off with a smile, but Seonghwa caught the wince when Yunho placed weight down on his left foot. It was later when he’d learned that Yunho had stepped wrong during their last performance, and the adrenaline had kept he pain away until he was winding down.
Ice and painkillers and propping it up, the stationed medic recommended. It wasn’t broken, wasn’t very swollen, but if he hurt his muscle, it would just need some time to rest up. Annoying, Yunho had told Seonghwa later. But just a sprain. I’m okay.
Annoying in the sense that he can’t just shove both of his feet in his shoes and go. Frustrating that he needs to take a Tylenol and ignore the throbbing to perform, but his responses to the staff are just that he’s okay to power through it, he can walk just fine. They wrap it with bandages for a performance, and the pressure helps, but Seonghwa can see it taking its toll. Slowly but surely.
“Let me know if you need anything, okay?” Seonghwa tells him softly.
“I will, hyung.” He won’t.
But Yunho naps the hour-long flight to Tokyo, and he’s stiff and limping when they get up and takes a few moments to stretch before deboarding. He tells them he just wants to nap it off for a little when they get settled, and they let him when they arrive and get settled in their stay. They tug out his futon first and leave him to rest; and he wakes up with Wooyoung curled against him, drooling on his pillow.
The show goes well. Rehearsal was smooth, everyone felt great, Yunho even performed a freestyle cypher for the dance battle when he got into it. And when they came back, Yunho, being Yunho, goes to reassure Atiny that he’s fine. He was too forthcoming on their apps, a little too honest; but he just likes that transparency between himself and their fans. He likes being at least a little honest with them, even if it’s not always positive. His ankle doesn’t hurt much, and he’s tired, but he will be okay.
Yunho is not fine, which is why Seonghwa goes to join him. Yunho was fine enough that Atiny doesn’t catch on, and the two end their somewhat chaotic toktoq live with laughter and smiles while they tease San over his own live. Once the camera gets put away, app closed and schedule officially done for the night, Seonghwa watches as Yunho leans back onto the floor, letting out a deep breath as he closes his eyes.
Seonghwa doesn’t hesitate to lean over and look at him. Really look at him. He looks tired, even underneath the remnants of makeup, and he winces when he turns to his side when he moves his problem leg. His ankle must be bothering him again, Seonghwa realizes. But his cheeks, oddly enough, are glowing pink under the fading foundation. His oldest dongsaeng is just pushing through the day, he can tell.
“Hmm?” Yunho doesn’t move.
“When’s the last time you took any medication?” Seonghwa squats next to Yunho’s side, placing a slim hand on his forehead. There’s an unnatural heat, but he doesn’t feel scorching; it’s a fever probably just high enough to feel uncomfortable. Yunho leans into the touch and doesn’t answer for a long while. For a moment, Seonghwa’s concerned he fell asleep.
Then: “…before soundcheck, I think?”
That was… hours and hours ago. They had done soundcheck in the morning because of the festival’s length, and had done lunch, costume changes, the performance, even a dance cypher that had Yunho jumping around in pure excitement. They’d had a late breakfast then gone straight to the venue. No wonder he seemed so drained when the adrenaline wore off. Yunho hadn’t complained at all.
“Come on, let hyung get you something for the pain.” Seonghwa sighs, stroking back Yunho’s bangs. “Do you have any cold medicine with you too?”
Yunho nods, gesturing towards his smaller bag on the table. “In my bag. I can get it in a second. You don’t have to worry about it.”
But Seonghwa doesn’t wait. The older one just heads up to get the bag, rummaging through it until he finds a little pouch where Yunho keeps his medication. There’s just acetaminophen, some general cough suppressant, and a blister pack of heavier-strength cold medicine. He takes a few moments to read the labels before heading back to Yunho with his water bottle from the table. With a dramatic sigh, Seonghwa sits onto the floor next to Yunho, nudging his arm with his knee.
“Come on, Yunho, sit up for me?”
Seonghwa spares a glance over to Yunho, who slowly pushes himself upright, before just rolling to his side and setting his head on Seonghwa’s leg. “Can I just sleep here, hyung?” Yunho asks. His tone is light, like a joke, but Seonghwa can tell his dongsaeng is more than ready for some uninterrupted rest. Well, they won’t be up much longer. Meds, cleaning up and brushing his teeth, then sleep. He pops two pills out of the blister pack and puts them in Yunho’s waiting open hand. He then adds a Tylenol, then glances at the cough suppressant.
“Have you been coughing, Yunho-yah? I haven’t heard anything from you.”
Yunho shrugs idly. “Not much, just usually if my nose is runny, from the drainage. But it’s been okay today.”
Okay today. How many days has it been? Seonghwa nods in acknowledgement, deciding to set that pill aside for if those symptoms occur. He opens the water bottle and watches Yunho take the medication, encouraging him to drink a little more to keep from getting dehydrated. Yunho drops his head on Seonghwa’s shoulder, yawning softly.
“Hyung… I’m tired.”
“I know, Yunho-yah. Come on, let’s get ready for bed. Do you want to go take a shower and I’ll go find your pajamas?”
Yunho nods against Seonghwa, but he doesn’t move for a few extra moments. It’s only when Seonghwa’s sure he’s about to fall asleep does he bump him and tell him to get up, watching as the tall puppy-like member slinks towards the bathroom. Seonghwa goes to his suitcase and opens it, pleased to see Yunho’s organization habits were still the same; his pajamas and casual clothing were still tucked on one side together, everything folded by outfit plans. Seonghwa grabs a set of clean pajamas and underwear, delivering it to the bathroom. He sneaks into his own room to change briefly, figuring he could just do his skincare once Yunho fell asleep. Yunho came from the bathroom after a bit after, dressed and clean and a little dazed from the extra steam. Seonghwa just tucks him into his futon, covering him with the comforter and making sure his feet are covered up. He keeps Yunho’s foot propped on an extra pillow. The taller man smiles sleepily at him.
And in a lazy, cute little sing-song voice, to the tune of their song Thank U¸ he says: “Thank you.” And the two of them giggle.
“Go sleep, silly.”
“Don’t stay up tonight worrying about me, okay, hyung?”
Seonghwa smiles. “Of course. Good night.” He flips off his main light and stays in until Yunho falls asleep, then heads off to his own room.
When Seonghwa slips into Yunho’s room the next morning, he sighs when he sees his younger member fast asleep still, alarm beeping from across the room. Seonghwa turns off the phone’s alarm, a little surprised to see that Yunho didn’t stir at all. The tall member was curled on his side, sweat-soaked hair clinging to his forehead, blanket haphazardly pushed down to his waist. His shirt was also damp with sweat, breaths coming out in a rapid, huffy pace. At one point, his body trembles as he coughs roughly, before he stills.
Touching his forehead, he frowns; Yunho’s definitely gotten worse overnight. The touch has Yunho stirring, the man groaning as he slowly wakes up.
“Yunho-ya,” Seonghwa calls softly, pulling his hand away.
“Hmm…?” Yunho squints his eyes open. “Hyung?”
“There you are…” Seonghwa smiles. “Good morning.” He tries to keep himself calm, to not upset Yunho too early, especially as he’s waking up. He can see Yunho trying to get his bearings, glancing around the room before he turns on his side to cough again. Seonghwa is quick to rub his back, reaching over with his other hand to grab Yunho’s water bottle. He’s glad to see Yunho drank more throughout the night, so at least he was trying not to become dehydrated. When Yunho’s coughing spell stops, Seonghwa hands him the water bottle, and he takes a sip.
When he sets the bottle down, Yunho pushes himself to sit up, grimacing as he moves. “Good morning,” he mumbles. He pulls at his shirt from where it clings to his stomach. “Ugh…”
“Not feeling any better, huh…” Seonghwa guesses. He moves a hand back to Yunho’s back and continues to rub circles, trying to be somewhat comforting. “Did you sleep all night?”
Yunho shakes his head with a sigh. “Woke up coughing… So I took more medicine, went back to sleep.” At least he was trying. After a moment, he just shakes his head again and leans forward, ripping off his shirt. When the air conditioning hits his shoulders, he shudders.
“Yunho— At least let me get you a new shirt!” Seonghwa hurries to Yunho’s bag, grabbing another tee. He helps Yunho into it, pulling the blanket up to his stomach.
“Seonghwa-hyung… can you grab me new shorts too?” Yunho mumbles. His ears turn pink at the request, feeling a little embarrassed.
Seonghwa nodded, but paused to glance over his shoulder. “Do you want to take a quick shower? Maybe a little rinse off may make you feel better.” Especially if his fever is breaking, even if he took one yesterday.
Yunho shakes his head, but grimaces and sets his forehead into his hands.
“Oh… headache?”
Well, that didn’t help. Seonghwa goes back to Yunho’s medicine bag to see if he had any headache medication on him as well, but he sighs when he doesn’t find it. Yunho hasn’t had any terrible headaches in a while, so Seonghwa isn’t surprised that he left it at home. He just hopes Tylenol and more rest will help it pass. He tugs the medicine container over, along with a new pair of boxers and sleep shorts from Yunho’s suitcase. They’re not strangers to changing in front of each other, but as Yunho seems to be a little more sensitive at the moment—probably from the illness, rather than shyness—Seonghwa just focuses on trying to pull out new medicine while he changes. He laughs when he sees Yunho throw the dirty clothes in the direction of his suitcase, landing in a heap a few feet away from it.
“Do you remember what time you took your medicine last night?” Seonghwa asks.
“Uh… around one thirty or something? It was dark, I used my phone to find them but… didn’t really look at it.” Which honestly explained why it was further away. Yunho probably just tucked himself back into the futon and went back to sleep once he grabbed the pills. Seonghwa hums but knocks out an assortment of tablets, setting them in Yunho’s hand. The blonde doesn’t even question it, just tossing all the pills in at once and swallowing the water—which leads to another coughing fit. Seonghwa just rubs his back with a sigh.
“Next time, one at a time, okay?”
Yunho just nods in agreement. His eyes are closing, and as the fit subsides, he finds himself leaning into Seonghwa’s embrace. The older one just helps him lay down, fixing the blanket over him.
“Sleep, honey.”
He falls into slumber easily.
Yunho isn’t sure what he dreamt about, but he awakens in a panic, his heart racing and eyes glancing every which direction. He’s breathing heavily, and just from the force, his chest aches. His eyes burn with unshed tears, and as his shoulders begin to shake, he feels a pair of arms wrap around him and hold tightly. Wooyoung’s soft voice flits in his ear: “It’s okay, Yunho-ya, you’re okay. It was just a nightmare.”
Just… a nightmare. Yunho just focuses on his breathing, turning his head where he can hear Wooyoung’s voice coming from; he can barely see anything, with the room being dark and his vision blurring as he blinks falling tears. Wooyoung just continues to hush him, letting Yunho tuck his head into the crook of Wooyoung’s neck. His fingers run through his hair, and he rocks him gently while Yunho gets his bearings straight.
“Yeah… You’re okay, Yunho. Deep breaths, breathe with me. In…” They take a breath in. “Out.” And a shuddered breath out from Yunho. His shoulders droop. Wooyoung makes him take a few more deep breaths before he eases his grip, his hands moving to Yunho’s cheeks, thumbs brushing away the moisture on his cheeks.
“Yuyu… You just had a nightmare, that’s all. You started thrashing around.”
Yunho frowns, his face pressing against Wooyoung’s hands. Wooyoung just leads his to his shoulder and hugs him again. “I don’t… remember it. I just…” He groans. His mind feels so foggy, his headache mostly gone but lingering in the back of his mind. He feels so disoriented, and it takes him a little longer with Wooyoung just rubbing his back and smoothing down his hair to realize that he really is awake. He feels sore.
“Ssh, ssh, you’re okay. Do you want to try something to eat? It may help…”
He doesn’t want to move, to be honest. Yunho’s back hurts, but Wooyoung’s hand is easing away the tension that’s formed and he’s slowly beginning to feel like putty in his grasp. His eyes close, and with a soft sniffle, he turns his head to the side where it rests more comfortably. Wooyoung’s hands pause, and all it does is garner a soft whine from Yunho.
“Don’t fall asleep on me, silly!”
“ ‘m not…” He was.
That’s when Yunho hears a second set of footsteps enter, and given how light the steps were, he’s sure they’re Seonghwa’s. “He’s awake?”
Wooyoung leans back a few inches, bringing Yunho with him while he cranes his head backwards. “He’s trying to fall asleep again.”
“We should probably feed him,” Seonghwa says with a soft laugh. “He hasn’t eaten since yesterday and it’s almost noon…”
Wooyoung and Seonghwa’s voices, as soft and gentle as they were, merely lull him back to slumber, curled right up where he was against Wooyoung’s shoulder. Thankfully, the shorter member doesn’t nudge him for a few good minutes, and Yunho rouses to a delicious smell of ramen. When Wooyoung pulls him to sit up, he catches Seonghwa sitting next to him, a tray resting beside him with a warm meal. And it looks delicious. Yunho blinks sleepily, a small smile forming.
It's from their favorite ramen shop in Japan. They’d ordered, knowing Yunho would appreciate the little pick-me-up. The dish was more broth and vegetables than toppings, which worked for him as he wasn’t overly hungry in the first place. He doesn’t complain as Wooyoung repositions the two so Yunho is laying with his back to his chest, slouching between Wooyoung’s legs. Seonghwa scoots over, and he swats Yunho’s hand away when he reaches for the spoon.
“You’ll spill.”
He would. Seonghwa was right. Yunho just drops his hands on either side, and they find Wooyoung’s quickly. Wooyoung gives his hands a gentle squeeze. The two members talk casually on the morning earlier while Seonghwa feeds Yunho, updating him about Mingi’s accidental build-kit purchase and the lego snacks he found. Apparently, there was already a goody bag of snacks with Yunho’s name on it for when he was doing better. That had Yunho smiling while he chewed his latest spoonful. It was nice knowing his friends were so caring, especially while he was unwell like this.
When Yunho accepts another spoonful, he blinks as his eyes go foggy. It takes him a small sniffle to realize that he’s already about to cry, and when he finally blinks, a few small blinks in succession, tears roll down his cheeks.
“Oh, Yuyu!” Seonghwa smiles, setting down the bowl to reach for Yunho’s cheeks. Gentle hands wipe at the tears while Wooyoung hugs him a little tighter, curling in over his shoulder.
“I—I just.. I love you guys so much!” Yunho babbles, and the tears just fall harder.
That gets Wooyoung laughing softly, planting a kiss on the crown of his head. “We love you too, silly! Don’t cry!”
“I didn’t wanna…”
Wooyoung lets go of his hands so Yunho can wipe at his cheeks, but the smaller one hugs him closer because of it. The pressure from Wooyoung behind him, and the firmness of Seonghwa’s hands at his cheeks with the softness of his thumbs brushing his face, is a reassuring comfort. It doesn’t take him too long to stop crying, but the episode gives him sniffles. Seonghwa makes him blow his nose before he reheats the ramen and returns to feeding him. And the two keep the conversation lighter, talking about some new drama they watched, in the hopes of keeping Yunho from getting too overwhelmed again.
It has an adverse effect. As he eats, he droops, and after half the bowl, he decides he’s done. “Here, take these.” More meds from Seonghwa, but Yunho doesn’t even look at them all, just takes them two at a time as Seonghwa gives them to him. And after a few moments, he rests again.
“Comfy, Yunho?” Wooyoung asks him softly.
“I feel like… every time I close my eyes, I get sleepy.” Yunho’s begun mumbling. He’s exhausted.
Seonghwa just laughs. “Then rest, silly.”
And he does, knowing that even if he doesn’t say what’s wrong, he knows his team will find out. And they’ll care for him. Curled up to Wooyoung’s side, Yunho sleeps just a little easier.
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k-sickies · 1 year
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Fanfic Blog
Requests: Open
Request information: click here
Current number of requests
SKZ: 2
ZB1: 1
Ateez: 1
Currently working on:
Skz request sick Seungmin & I.N
Groups I mainly write for:
SKZ & Ateez
P1harmony, ZB1, TXT, solo artist
Beside that, you can request other groups too as long as they're boy groups.
Fanfics, drabbles, headcanons, reactions
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Bang Chan:
1/8 Migraine - Emeto feat Hyunjin
Lee Know:
2/8 flu - Emeto feat Han + Chan
x reader headcanons
Sick at the amusement park - emeto feat Chan / Hyunjin
Drabble - stomach ache feat Chan
Rest, please - emeto feat Han
3/8 not just carsick - Emeto feat Chan/Han
Leg cramps & nausea- Emeto feat Chan
x reader pt 1 - Emeto
x reader pt 1 (/2) - Emeto
x reader pt 2 - Emeto
4/8 passing out feat Minho
Is just a headache feat Minho
Drabble - stomach ache feat Chan
Upset tummy - Emeto
Drabble - Tummy cuddles feat Changbin
SKZ as caretaker
SKZ as sickies
SKZ - Food poisoning x reader headcanons
SKZ - they have stomach cramps
SKZ - they have UTI
Passing out feat Hongjoong
Drabble - Emeto feat Seonghwa
Drabble - Emeto feat Mingi
Carsick - Emeto feat Yeosang
Sick Woo is Moody Woo
Emeto - feat Yunho
Ateez as sickies
Ateez as caretaker
Unrequited love - WooSang
Drabble - Emeto feat Beomgyu
Fainting + angst feat Soobin
Cold feat Soobin
Snz feat Yeonjun
Drabble - Emeto feat Taehyun
Drabble - Emeto feat Yeonjun
Drabble - stomach ache feat Soobin
Emeto - day off feat Beomgyu and Soobin
TXT as sickies
TXT as caretaker
Our dumb secret - Emeto feat Theo
Emeto + homesick feat Keeho / Soul
P1h as sickies
Emeto headcanons
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kpopsickies · 2 years
I was thinking since I’ve never seen a Mingi sickfic and you’re my favorite writer, that if you had time, you could make an emeto Mingi sickfic!!! I feel like there’s not that many ATEEZ sickfic writers, so it’s awesome that you’re open to do them. maybe you could do an emeto Mingi one with Hongjoong and Seonghwa caretaker but mainly Hongjoong because I feel like Seonghwa would be a little squeemish. I was thinking one where they find him in the morning sick or something or you could base it off of mingi being drunk since san seonghwa and joong talked about alcohol tolerance on vlive before. be creative and have fun:)
sickie: Mingi
caretaker: Hongjoong+Seonghwa
content warnings: emeto, mentions of being drunk/drinking
Mingi p.o.v
I had told myself time after time that I wouldn't get drunk. The others were drinking, but I knew I'd regret it if I drank, and yet somehow I ended up the drunkest out of everyone. it was my first time ever being sick while in Ateez. And I already knew it wouldn't end well. I was always really good about not falling apart while drunk, but my hangovers were absolutely horrible. I'd get migraines that would completely knock me out. Making me nauseous beyond belief. So I wasn't surprised when I woke up the morning after our new years vlive feeling like absolute shit.
My head was pounding, it felt like someone was drilling spikes into my temples. On top of the pain in my head I felt sea sick, it felt like I was on a boat, swaying back and forth. the combination of the vertigo and the headache was doing nothing to aid in the growing nausea. I felt the bile rise in my throat, the acidic taste burning my throat. I tried to swallow, but my whole body seemed to reject it. I gagged, I tried not to panic, not wanting to throw up on my floor, I stood up to go towards the bathroom, but the dizziness worked against me as I lost my balance and fell down, landing with a painful thud on my floor, the jostling caused a shock wave of pain to be shot through my body and radiate through my head. Just enough to push my stomach over the edge. I gagged trying to cover my mouth, but the bile rose in my mouth and a second later my stomach flipped around and I removed my hand, expelling the contents of my dinner and a good amount of alcohol over my lap and floor. I muffled a painful sob into the sleeve of my sweatshirt, which was now covered in vomit.
Seonghwa p.o.v
I was startled awake to a thud. I looked around the room, blinking as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, a few seconds later I was able to register my surroundings and came to the conclusion that the sound was just a dream, I lay back down, fully planning to go back to sleep. But I heard something that changed my mind. It sounded like crying. I quickly got out of bed, worried. I followed the sound to Mingi's room. I knocked on the door and didn't receive an answer, which caused my concern to only grow. I gently pushed the door open, instantly being hit with a sour scent. I flicked the lights on, and was forced to fully wake up as I saw Mingi sitting on his floor, crying and covered in vomit. I didn't want to leave him, but I also knew it wouldn't be helpful I also got sick. I swallowed thickly, praying for my stomach to stay strong. I moved into the room and sat next to him, "Hey Min"
"hurts" he whimpered softly. "what hurts?"
"head, dizzy, stomach, too bright" He words were soft and mumbled, a barely coherent string. "your head hurts?" he nodded, but whimpered and pressed his head against my chest, "the lights" he said softly, "do you have a migraine?" he didn't answer, just whimpered softly. I took that as a yes, I stood up and turned off the lights, just as I did I heard him gag, and I turned around to see him expelling his stomach contents onto the carpet. I quickly moved to put the trash can under his chin, not that it was really doing that much. I felt my own stomach protest, but I couldn't leave him alone, he looked miserable, I moved behind him and began gently rubbing his back. "It's okay sweetie" I spoke softly, considering his headache. He continued to throw up, tear streaming down his face. He felt clammy, and a bit feverish, I assumed his body wasn't happy with everything he was feeling.
Once he finished I took the trash can from under his chin, "let's get you rinsed off"
"okay" his voice was small, "can you take your sweatshirt off for me?" he did so, moving slowly. I took it from him once it was fully off. I left the hoodie on the floor next to the mess of sick on the floor. I walked with him to the bathroom. He moved slowly and he was unsteady on his feet, swaying every few steps. Eventually we got into the bathroom, I instructed him to get undressed, I ran a bathtub of cool water, not trusting him to stand long enough for a shower, "promise me you won't fall asleep"
"I won't" he said, slowly getting into the bathtub. "Can I leave you alone in here for a few minutes" he nodded, barely moving his head. His eyes were closed, "don't fall asleep"
"Hurts too much to sleep" he said softly. His voice was so small, despite being one of the tallest members. I felt so bad for him. I left the bathroom and made a beeline for Hongjoong and I's room. I quickly shook the leader awake, "what's wrong hwa?"
"Mingi's sick"
"like how sick?" he asked, already getting out of bed, "migraine, he threw up a few times. He also has a fever"
"He threw up?" I nodded. "are you okay?" the leader asked, he knew how sensitive my stomach is, "yeah, I'm okay, I just didn't know how much longer I would be if I did this alone." Hongjoong nodded in understanding. "Did he get sick in the bathroom or his room?"
"Room, it's all over the floor" Hongjoong nodded, "where is he now?"
"he's taking a bath, I wanted to try and lower his fever" Hongjoong nodded, "can you go find pain medicine, water, and crackers... actually see if we have Gatorade, he needs the electrolytes" I nodded, "I'll go clean up his room. Have him move to the couch when he's done" I nodded, "sorry Joong" He smiled at me, "it's okay Hwa. not the first time, won't be the last time" He went towards Mingi's room and I went to the kitchen, finding gatorade and crackers. I set them on the coffee table in the kitchen, I went up to the bathroom where Mingi was still laying in the bathtub. his eyes closed, but he didn’t look peaceful, his face was contorted in pain and his skin resembled dough. “Mingi?” I said softly, he opened his eyes and looked at me, “do you want to stay in the bath or are you ready to get out?” 
“m ready, get out” He spoke, his voice was strained and sounded weak. “I’ll get you clothes” he made a soft sound of agreement, I left leaving the door open slightly, just in case. I went to his room, Hongjoong wasn’t in there, I guessed he went back to bed. I took clothes from Mingi’s closet and made my way back to the bathroom, as I got closer I heard, very clearly, the sound of someone getting sick. I stood for a few seconds, trying to center myself, not wanting to get sick, but also wanting to be there for Mingi. I stepped into the bathroom. 
Hongjoong p.o.v
I was coming back from the laundry room when I heard retching from the bathroom, I hurried and saw Mingi sitting on the floor of the bathroom he was leaning over the toilet gagging, a towel wrapped around his shoulders, silent tears streaming down his face. I came in and sat behind him, gently putting my hand on his back. I felt each gag rip through his body and cause his entire body to shudder. “hurts” he said softly, I gently rubbed his back, “I know, it’ll be over soon” I felt a sob tear through his body. He coughed up a wave of bile. “I don’t think you have anything else to throw up bud” 
“hurts” he said again. “I know” a few seconds later the door opened and Seonghwa was standing there, I saw he had clothes in his hands. “sorry, I went to get him clothes” 
“It’s okay” I said softly. The two of us slowly and carefully moved Mingi, helping him get dressed. Once he was dressed he helped him stand, he was still unsteady on his feet, but it seemed bringing his fever down helped to recenter him a bit. We moved slowly to the living room, where we settled him on the couch. Seonghwa got the designated “sick bucket” while I was in charge of forcing Mingi to eat the smallest bit of food, and drink the gatorade. “I know you don’t want to, but trust me it’ll help, because then you can take pain killers to get rid of your headache, then you can sleep.” He protested, “please Min” he whined softly. I handed him the open bottle of gatorade, his stared at it in disgust. I had forgotten how much of a baby he could be when he was sick. “please just a little bit buddy” he whimpered, but he lifted the bottle to his lips and took a small drink. He grimaced, but he took a few crackers and ate them slowly. During that time Seonghwa returned and sat down next to me. 
The two of us quietly urged Mingi on, until he finally ate and drank enough to take the medicine. He gagged after swallowing it. “Just try and keep it down” I said gently rubbing his back. He hummed, too scared to open his mouth. He lay down. “try and sleep” Seonghwa said, “mmkay” he said softly. Both Seonghwa and I breathed a sigh of relief when he finally dozed off. The two of us slept on the floor of the living room, just in case Mingi woke up sick. 
Mingi p.o.v
I woke up, I wasn’t sure how much later it was, but I heard voices and noticed that there was a light on in the kitchen, I also noticed both Seonghwa and Hongjoong were asleep on the floor of the kitchen. I quietly stood up and stepped over them and went to the kitchen. My head still hurt and my stomach was definitely sensitive, but I felt much better. In the kitchen I was met by San, Wooyoung and Yunho. “good morning Min” Yunho said smiling at me. I smiled back and sat at the kitchen table. “you feeling better?” San asked, I nodded, “what was wrong?” Yunho asked sitting next to me, “hangover”
“you were throwing up a lot for a hangover” Wooyoung said, “how’d you know I was throwing up?”
“you’re not exactly quiet” San explained laughing a bit, I blushed, “sorry” 
“it’s fine” they said at the same time. “but seriously, how come you were so sick if you were just hungover?” 
“I have like zero alcohol tolerance, so I’m not exactly bad when I’m actually drunk, but my hangovers are really bad.” 
“yikes, are you feeling better?”
“yeah, my head and stomach are still a bit sore, but besides that I’m feeling a lot better” 
“that’s good” I heard from behind me, I turned around and saw a sleepy looking Seonghwa behind me. “good morning hyung” San and Wooyoung said. He waved at them as he rubbed his eyes and sat down at the table next to me. I suddenly felt guilty, It was no secret to the members that Seonghwa had the most sensitive stomach out of all the members and really hated to be around people who were sick. “I’m sorry about last night hyung” he shrugged, “it’s okay, I’m just glad Hongjoong was there to help” he admitted, “where is Hongjoong?” 
“he went to his room and went back to bed” Seonghwa explained, “also, we have the day off for ‘recovery’” We all were excited to hear that, “Jongho and Yeosang are both at the studio practicing, do you want to text them so they know they can come back and we don’t have dance practice” San explained as he “helped” Yunho cook. Seonghwa nodded and pulled his phone out. “hey Mingi?” I looked over at him. “do me a favor and don’t ever drink again” the others laughed, “of trust me hyung, I don’t ever want to go through that again”
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Notices You Having Trouble Walking The Morning After ~ Ateez Reaction
“Y/N,” Seonghwa chuckled as he watched you walk around the room and across to your wardrobe, your steps slow, barely lifting your foot off of the ground as you moved.
You tried your best to ignore Seonghwa, concentrating on getting an outfit ready for work when he called out your name again. “I’m trying to get sorted, what do you want Seonghwa?”
“You just look to be struggling a bit.”
Your head snapped back to look at him, shooting a glare in his direction. “Now try saying that without sounding incredibly smug about what’s happening to me.”
“I can’t,” Seonghwa immediately admitted, “you can’t show up to work like this though.”
Your shoulders shrugged in reply to Seonghwa, “what choice do I have? I’ve got an hour to come up with an excuse before I walk into my office.”
“Why do you need an excuse?” Seonghwa quizzed, “why can’t you just confidently walk in and tell them that your boyfriend rocked your world?”
Your head shook straight away, “because he’s smug enough without people hearing that too.”
“I can’t help but enjoy this Y/N.”
“Do you want to come back to bed?” Hongjoong asked you, finally stirring to see that you were already up and about on your feet, even if you were a little wobbly.
At the sound of his voice, you looked around, shaking your head in reply to his question. “Why would I want to come back to bed?” You quizzed, carrying on with what you were doing.
“Are you not in any pain right now?”
A lump ran down your throat as you felt Hongjoong still watching you. “Is it really that obvious?” You nervously asked, groaning when Hongjoong’s head nodded.
“Pretty obvious,” he weakly smiled, “it was the first thing that I noticed about you.”
A heavy sigh came from you, sitting down at the end of the bed. “This is your fault,” you told him, pushing your hands against Hongjoong’s feet.
“How was I supposed to know that this would happen?” He innocently smiled, “it’s not as if I knew you’d struggle to walk this morning.”
Your eyes rolled as he defended himself, “if you hadn’t had been like you were, it’s your fault.”
“Nice try, but this is on you.”
“You’re struggling to walk,” Yunho laughed as your head continued to shake, trying your best to move around the house with Yunho following your every move behind you.
You could hear in his voice how desperate he was to get the satisfaction, refusing to give it to him. “I’m not struggling to walk; it’s just taking my body a little bit of time to wake up.”
“That’s the worst lie I’ve ever heard.”
You turned around and pushed against Yunho’s arm, “haven’t you got somewhere to be? What time are you due at the studio, it better be pretty soon.”
“I can’t go,” he shrugged, “I’ve got to look after you instead this morning.”
Your brows knitted together in reply to Yunho, “I don’t need looking after, I’m perfectly fine, I don’t understand what the big deal is.”
“So, if I was to push you right now, you’d be fine?” Yunho teased, resting his hand gently against the top of your arm to nudge you.
You stepped away from Yunho’s grip, “alright, so maybe I am a little bit uncomfortable today.”
“A little bit? Are you sure?”
“Y/N, why don’t you come back to bed?” Yeosang offered, tapping the space where you had just gotten up from. “You don’t need to go anywhere today.”
Your head shook as you continued to try your best to walk, despite the pain. “I’ve got things to do Yeosang, for starters I’m supposed to be at work, I’m already running late.”
“What if we tell them that you’re ill?”
Your head snapped around to shoot a glare back across at him, “you want me to pull a sickie because I’m in pain after last night? That makes no sense.”
“What’s the alternative?” He challenged, “go into work and have people stare?”
Your shoulders dropped as you realised how good of a point Yeosang made. “This is a one time thing, there is no way that we’re making this a habit.”
“Stay in bed,” Yeosang encouraged, beckoning you over again. “I mean you’re in pain, it’s a kind of sick, right?”
Your head nodded back across at him, “does that mean that you’ll look after me then?”
“I walked right into that one.”
“Is there anything that I can do to help?” San enquired, wrapping his arm around your frame so that he could help you to walk around the bedroom to get sorted.
Your head shook as you managed to lean forwards and open your wardrobe. “I think it’s a little bit too late for your help, don’t you think? Your help has got me in this position.”
“You weren’t complaining last night.”
You nudged your hip against San’s before pulling out an outfit for the day. “Last night I didn’t exactly think that this would be how I’d end up the following morning.”
“I’m sorry,” San weakly smiled, “I can’t help but feel partly responsible.”
Your eyes rolled at his admission, “partly responsible? You’re the one who wanted to carry on, the one who decided he wanted to try something new.”
“But you didn’t have to agree,” he smartly responded, unable to stop himself from teasing you, “you said yes Y/N.”
You hummed back across at him, “you have no idea how much I wish I’d said no now though.”
“Unfortunately, you can’t turn back time.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Mingi repeated for what felt like the hundredth time, with you telling him to stop laughing at your pain as you laid back down beside him.
Your head tilted to look across at him with a blank expression on your face. “I wish that you could feel the pain that I’m feeling right now, instead you’re just on top of the world.”
“After last night, of course I am.”
You let go of a sigh at how smug Mingi was about how good he was feeling. “I’m glad that you’re feeling ready to get up on your feet and crack on with the day.”
“I can help you,” Mingi offered, “I can carry you around for a little while.”
Your eyes widened at his proposition before having to shake your head. “You’re going to carry me around all day? Do you know how busy my day is?”
“I said for a while,” Mingi swiftly reminded you, “I don’t think your boss would be a fan of me carrying you around.”
You nodded in agreement with him, “my boss won’t be happy when I tell him this is your fault.”
“Maybe skip a few of the details though.”
“Y/N,” Wooyoung chuckled as he watched you try and make your way around the room, resisting the urge to pick up his phone and record you as you stumbled.
Your head shook at the excitement that was in Wooyoung’s voice. “This is your fault, my pain and suffering is all thanks to you, I hope the guilt of that sits well with you.”
“How’s any of this my fault?”
Your eyes widened as you just managed to turn around and look across at Wooyoung. “I told you that I was tired and that you needed to be careful last night.”
“I was careful,” he defended, “or at least I thought I was careful at the time.”
Your head continued to shake as a giggle escaped from Wooyoung. “You know, most boyfriends would be full of concern at their partner’s pain.”
“I am concerned,” Wooyoung sheepishly smiled, “but that is far outweighed by how funny this is for me right now.”
Your eyes shut as you took a deep breath, “I am so close to coming over and beating you up.”
“You’d have to hobble to get me first.”
“What do I do?” Jongho nervously asked as you let go of a groan, dropping back down onto the bed almost as soon as you stood up, struggling with the pain that you felt.
Your shoulders shrugged as you looked across at Jongho with a pained expression. “I don’t know what either of us do, I’ve never had to deal with a pain like this before Jongho.”
“Should I go and get some ice?”
Your head shook, reaching across and hitting against his leg. “I don’t think this is the sort of pain that calls for ice. I don’t think I’ve sprained anything; I hope.”
“Maybe I could get you some pain relief tablets?” He offered, “will that help?”
You shrugged again, letting go of another huff. “Anything is worth a try at this point. What were we even doing to end up like this Jongho?”
“What do you mean we?” He teased in reply, “I don’t know about you, but I am feeling absolutely fine after last night.”
You reached across and hit against him once again, “it’s alright for some not being in any pain.”
“Sorry, I’ll go and get some tablets now.”
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sickcoughingweakly · 2 years
ok so here is the second part of my woohwa sickfic, it's a bit short and had some sneezes, enjoy ❤️.
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It was the fifth (or sixth, he doesn't even know anymore) coughing fit in a row that Wooyoung had that night. His chest was so tight but he was enjoying way too much the sadistic look Seonghwa was giving him, so he just kept kissing his boyfriend lips until he needed to cough. In all these years they'd been together, he'd never seen that look before. It was different. Almost as if Seonghwa was enjoying having the power, so to speak, to make him cough.
His Seonghwa would never do any harm to him, but Wooyoung was very sure something different was going on from the times Seonghwa took care of him.
"Seonghwa hyung?" Wooyoung snapped him out of his trance with his voice hoarse and a little weakened voice from all the coughing.
"Yes, Wooyoung?!" Seonghwa replayed firmly.
"Do you like this?" Wooyoung asked suggestively.
"Like what?"
And then, Wooyoung started hacking again. His nose started to run and Seonghwa helped him to clean it by holding the tissues around his slightly pink nostrils. He coughed especially hard on the tissues.
"This." Wooyoung finally responds breathless.
"Am I being to obvious this time?" Seonghwa asks shyly, but relieved.
"TOO obvious?" Wooyoung asked exasperatedly but smiling in a playful tone. "You almost choked me" He says coughing, forgetting how he's still quite sick. He did noticed Seonghwa's eyes sparkling.
"You're so cute hyung" Wooyoung says in a lovely voice. "You could have told me you know?"
"I know, It's just.. hard to tell someone something like this." Seonghwa says looking down.
"Hey hey, look here, you don't need to hide anything else from me okay? we're together *cough* *cough* and we'll ever hu-- everrhu-- hutshew hutsh tch tch
"Aww Wooyoung-ah" Seonghwa says embracing his sickie boyfriend. "That's enough for today ok" Seonghwa says grabbing another tissue and whipping Wooyoung's long nose.
Wooyoung was feeling sleepy and kinda warm, maybe the meds Seonghwa gave him was working cause suddenly it was so comfy in his boyfriend lap's.
"That's it love, you can sleep now. I love you so much"
"I love *cough* you Hwa." Wooyoung mumbles softly coughing as he enters the dreamland.
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sneezyminniejo · 3 years
I would love an Ateez fic with some Jongho whump if you're up for it! It's pretty canon that he doesn't show emotions easily, but maybe he lets down his guard if he's not feeling well. No emeto pls, but fever, snz etc would be great- I love your fics!
Here it is hope you enjoy
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk
Jongho didn't really like showing his vulnerable side. In part because he's the maknae of his group and did want to seem even "younger". And also because he's crazy strong and can break apples and other fruits in half using his bare hands. It just wouldn't make any sense for someone as physically strong as him to have an obvious vulnerable side.
The only time Jongho gets even remotely vulnerable is when he is sick or injured. Jongho had somehow managed to make it three years without being sick in front of his members. He considered this quite a feat as he and his members are always in each other's space.
Today, however, was a different day. Jongho had woken up feeling absolutely miserable. He was feeling hot and cold, his hurt, and he couldn't really breathe through his nose. Jongho groaned as he looked at his phone. It was only seven in the morning. No one was going to be awake for at least another hour. Knowing he wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep, he decided to move to the kitchen to find some food.
Jongho, not wanting to put any effort into his breakfast, went with some cup ramen. He didn't really care about getting scolded for poor eating choices, but he also knew that if he does get scolded, it wouldn't take much to make him start crying.
The next person to come out of their room was Wooyoung. Wooyoung entered the kitchen and grabbed an apple. He always got a kick out of watching Jongho break an apple in half, and since he was awake he decided to ask.
"Hey Jongie, can you please break this a-” “EH-TIEW, hih-stish.” Wooyoung was abruptly cut off mid sentence by Jongho sneezing a rapid double into his elbow.
“Bless you Jongie. Anyway I was asking if you could please break the apple in half. You can totally have one of the halves if you want.” Jongho sighed, he really wasn’t feeling great, but complied nonetheless. He struggled a little bit and was almost unable to break the apple. He could feel tears beginning to form in his eyes, but quickly blinked them away before going to make tea.
Jongho took his cup of tea into the living room and turned on the tv. Some random children’s show was on. The plot wasn’t anything special. Just a dragon that lost a baby tooth and couldn’t find it, two human children that came from somewhere helping him find his baby tooth. In the end the tooth had been in the boy’s pocket the entire time as he had thought it was a cool rock. By the end of the episode, Jongho was a blubbering, crying mess.
Wooyoung hadn’t seen the entirety of whatever was going on, but did hear Jongho as he became more and more distressed. He decided to get one of his hyungs, even though they’d just be in the process of waking up themselves. Wooyoung knocked on Seonghwa’s door. “Hyung! Jongho is in the living room crying his eyes out. I don’t know what to do.” Seonghwa quickly exited his room, as did many of the other members upon hearing that their maknae was in some kind of distress.
The seven members quickly walked into the living room only to find that Jongho was indeed a crying mess. Seonghwa was quick to go comfort the crying boy by bringing him a box of tissues. “Hey Jongho are you okay?” Seonghwa was hesitant to get too close because he honestly had no clue how the younger preferred to be comforted.
Jongho accepted the tissues and went to blow his nose. Shortly after he started to blow, he felt the all too familiar tickle. He frantically grabbed more tissues and placed the wad against his nose.
“Heh-mphhh, huh-itcshhh, HIh-stiEW!” The others were a tad shocked at the mini fit. Hongjoong was the first to speak. “Bless you. Jongho, what’s got you so worked up?”
Jongho sniffled a bit while still crying. “It’s just that the one dragon l-lost his baby t-tooth and couldn’t find it, and the two children who had never seen dragons be-before helped him find it without any fear.” Hongjoong tentatively sat down next to the maknae and gently began rubbing his back.
“Okay Jongie. It was very sweet of the kids to help the dragon, but are you sure you’re okay. Is there anything you need to get off your chest. Jongho sniffled again and took another tissue to blow his nose. “I just love you guys so much. I’m glad I got to debut with you.” He paused for a moment and pouted. “Can I have a hug?” He asked no one in particular.
Since Seonghwa was on the couch right next to the youngest, he went in for the hug. While he was hugging the younger, he felt the heat coming off his neck. “Jongie, you have a fever. Is that what has you so worked up?” Jongho merely nodded.
Mingi was the next to speak. “It’s not an issue that you’re sick Jongho. It won’t be an issue to get you a day off to get better.” At that moment Yeosang walked in with a glass of water, a thermometer, and some fever reducers. Yeosang placed both the water and the medicine on the coffee table and took Jongho's temp. It read 101.8. Jongho put the medicine in his mouth and swallowed it down with the water. However, he miscalculated placing the water back on the table, causing it to spill all over the floor. This of course caused him to start crying all over again. Yunho went to grab a towel while San went to comfort the younger.
"Hey, it's okay Jongie. It's just a little bit of water. We'll clean it up, as they say in English there's no need to cry over spilled milk. Or I guess in this case water." Everyone chuckled at that, including the sick maknae.
It didn't take much longer for the other seven to figure out that Jongho wasn't upset about being sick, but the fever had made him extremely emotional. So they spent the next couple of days doing what they could to keep his fever as low as possible and reassure and comfort him whenever tears started to bubble up.
While the fever never got above 102, it didn't break for two more days without medication. Hongjoong had made sure to have his schedule cleared for the week as Jongho was in no mental state to go to schedules. Fortunately, the other seven had staggered schedules, so they took turns staying home with the sickie to make sure he wouldn't feel lonely. They knew he was feeling better when he was no longer crying over nothing and began teasing his members back. It was a bit rough, bit now Jongho's hyungs knew what to look out for if they suspected him of being sick.
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9ateez-multiau-bot · 4 years
I feew yucky, sicky icky🥺
Oh darling, let's get you some herbal tea, hmm? I'm free all day love, I'll look after you - Mafia!Seonghwa
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darl-ingfics · 8 days
Sicktember Day 13: Mononucleosis
Fandom: ATEEZ
Sickie: Wooyoung, Yeosang (mono)
Caregiver(s): Hongjoong, Seonghwa
Word Count: 2,199
Notes: I am, admittedly, not the most thrilled with how this turned out, but c'est la vie. I also finished this one pretty last minute cause I had several little bits of dialogue that needed to be strung together. I also know so little about mono, and everything is from Google.
When Wooyoung stumbled out of his room, feeling like death warmed over and craving a little attention from his members, he did not expect to find the room dark except for the light of the muted TV and the couch already occupied. Yeosang was curled up, looking just as bad as Wooyoung felt: skin dully pale, shadows under his eyes, body laying as if it weighed a thousand pounds. Their eyes locked. 
“Mind if I join?”
“Welcome to the party.” Yeosang curled his knees even closer to his chest to make room for Wooyoung on the other end of the couch.
“Your throat hurt like hell too?” Wooyoung asked as he collapsed on the other end of the couch. He stuck his feet under Yeosang’s blanket, and the other didn’t fight him. 
Yeosang nodded. “Tired as hell?”
“You know it.” 
“Great. Glad we can die of the plague together.”
“No one else I’d rather go down with.” 
Yeosang hummed. “I’m actually kinda worried, Woo. I felt totally fine last night, and now even the thought of moving is painful.”
“Funny you say that, cause I was starting to think the same thing. The ‘I was all good last night’ bit. I actually wasn’t all that worried. Until you just said that.” Yeosang’s foot reached out and met Wooyoung’s. “Now I’m less nervous.” Yeosang chuckled at that, but the sound quickly became a groan. 
They laid there, staring blankly at the TV, for an indefinite amount of time. Wooyoung had forgotten his phone in his room, and there was no way he was moving back there on his own. It wasn’t like Yeosang could help him. They were stranded on the couch until someone else found them. 
And that person ended up being San. “Good morning!” he chirped happily, passing the couch on his way to the kitchen. “You two have a sleep over without inviting the rest of us?”
“Something like that.” 
San stopped dead in his tracks, turning back to the couch comically slow. Wooyoung’s response may’ve been cheeky, but his voice was… off. He walked back around the couch, taking a good look at both Yeosang and Wooyoung. Lips pouted in confusion, San flipped on the lamp on the end table. His eyes went wide. “Oh my god, what’s wrong with you?”
“Is it that bad?” Yeosang asked. 
“You look like actual zombies,” San replied. 
“Maybe that’s what we’ve got, Sangie: Zombie flu.” Wooyoung tapped Yeosang’s foot this time, earning a single chuckle from the other man. San’s eyes flew wide, and he immediately brought his shirt up to cover his mouth and nose as he backed away. “San, it was a joke!”
“I know, but I’m guest MC-ing Music Core this week, and I really can’t afford to get the flu right now, zombie or otherwise…” Wooyoung couldn’t decide if he felt bad at San’s panic, or if he wanted to laugh at how ridiculous he was being. “I’m getting Hongjoong and Seonghwa…”  
“Noooo! Don’t wake them!” Yeosang whined, burying his face deeper in the throw pillow. San made a mental note to lysol off the whole couch. Maybe burn it. 
“I’m waking them.” He set off before either of them could complain. 
“Has he always been such a germaphobe?” Wooyoung asked. 
Yeosang shrugged. “I mean, I get it. I wouldn’t want to have zombie flu on camera either.”
“Fair point.”
“Now what’s going on here?” Yunho appeared seemingly out of nowhere, standing in front of the couch, hands placed on his hips as if inspecting some sort of silly shenanigan. This was not a silly shenanigan, thank you very much. 
“We are becoming zombies,” Yeosang announced simply. 
“Okay. How did that happen?” Yunho played right along, noting the glaze in the younger man’s eyes, and hoping to either a.) keep him awake long enough for the MATZ line to check his out, and/or b.) get him to say something funny. 
“Your guess is as good as mine. We have not been in contact with any other zombies or hazardous materials.” 
“Yeah, we both just woke up like this.” Wooyoung attempted to pose without sitting up at all, the movement awkward and looking more like contortion than modeling. Yunho tried his best not to laugh, and was thankfully saved by the entrance of Hongjoong and Seonghwa, San trailing behind them. 
“Now what is this about a zombie flu?” Seonghwa asked. Both and Hongjoong had their arms full of supplies from the medicine cabinet, and after depositing them on the coffee table, he immediately moved to lay a hand on Wooyoung and Yeosang’s foreheads simultaneously. 
“Hyung, I think we’re dying,” Wooyoung announced before Hongjoong slipped the thermometer in his mouth. 
“How so?” the captain asked. “Give me symptoms.”
“Extremely tired. Very sore throat. Entire body aches. Felt fine last night,” Yeosang rattled off. 
“See? Dying!” Wooyoung exclaimed around the thermometer. Hongjoong flicked his forehead. 
“Relax. You probably just caught Yunho-hyung’s cold,” Jongho rolled his eyes. Neither Wooyoung nor Yeosang had noticed him enter the room, but he was currently sitting in the recliner, supervising as Hongjoong and Seonghwa desperately tried to play doctor to the group’s most impatient patient. And Yeosang too. 
“Not nice. Mingi had it first!” Yunho poked the maknae’s shoulder. 
“And I didn’t have a fever,” Mingi (when did he get here?!) pointed out. “And I don’t think Yunho did either.” 
The dancer shook his head. “Nope. And neither of us were this fatigued.”
“Wouldn’t classify it as a ‘very sore throat,’” Mingi added, starting to count on his fingers. 
“Okay, okay we get it,” Wooyoung whined around the thermometer again, rolling his eyes as he slumped back against the couch. He frowned, whole face creasing as Seonghwa pointed the thermometer gun at Yeosang’s forehead. He thankfully waited until Hongjoong pulled the device from his mouth before asking, “Why did you only use the forehead reader on Sangie?”
“So you’d be quiet for a little bit,” Hongjoong answered plainly, assessing the numbers on the screen. Seonghwa showed him Yeosang’s reading as well. 
“Also, kinda gross to put the same thermometer that was just in your mouth in his,” Mingi commented. 
“Can we put a pause on the peanut gallery?” Wooyoung asked, pointing puppy dog eyes at Seonghwa. The eldest ran his fingers through Wooyoung’s hair, similar to a puppy, but the feeling soothed him somewhat.
“Well, you’re both burning up, so it’s probably not the cold the rest of you had,” Hongjoong commented, starting at the thermometers as if doing so would give him answers. “But I’m stumped. Fever, fatigue, sore throat, but nothing else…”
“Should we get them looked at by a doctor?” San asked from the back of the room. To Wooyoung, it almost looked like he was hiding behind Mingi. As if that would save him from their germs. 
“Most definitely.” Hongjoong was tapping away at his phone now, likely alerting their managers to the situation. 
“Do we have to go right now?” Yeosang’s voice bordered on a whine. Hongjoong couldn’t help but pout with him, ruffling the dancer’s hair affectionately. 
“Well, it’s only 6:30 in the morning. The doctor isn’t in yet, buddy. So you two can rest here for a bit longer. Hopefully they can fit you in ASAP.”
“Cuddle with me, Sangie!” Wooyoung lunged forward towards his friend, resting on his abdomen. Yeosang squirmed away with an annoyed whine, t-shirt riding up over his hips from Wooyoung’s grabbing hands. He pulled it roughly back in place, as if seriously upset that Wooyoung would even consider touching him right now, which did confuse Wooyoung as touching feet earlier had not been a problem…
“Wait! Sangie, hold still.” Both members froze as Seonghwa gently lifted the hem of Yeosang’s t-shirt. Yunho gasped as Seonghwa revealed Yeosang’s abdomen and chest, covered with an ocean of red spots. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” San continued repeating the words like a protection spell, covering his mouth with his hands and beginning irritatedly pacing far away from the couch. Seonghwa nodded to Yunho, who immediately suggested he and San go take a walk outside. 
“Wait, what the fuck?” Yeosang gasped. “What is this? I didn’t even feel anything!” His breathing started to pick up. “Hyung, what the fuck’s happening to me?!” Wooyoung simply stared at his friend’s abdomen, frozen in panic. 
“Oh Sangie, shhhh,” Seonghwa soothed, opening his arms and nearly falling back into the coffee table from the force of Yeosang clinging to him. “You’re okay. You’re o-kay. You said you didn’t even feel the rash, right?” 
“No!” Yeosang shook his head against Seonghwa’s shoulder. 
“Well, you’re not gonna like it, but I think this means you have mono, bud.” The eldest glanced over to Wooyoung. “You too, love.” 
Wooyoung blinked, shaking his head as if Seonghwa had just told him there was a dragon living in their basement. “What?” he exclaimed. “There is NO WAY we have mono! Isn’t that the kissing one?”
“Yeah, Hwa, are you sure?” Hongjoong asked, kneeling down on the other side of Yeosang. Seunghwa nodded sadly. “My brother had it once when we were in high school. It’s not just kissing, you can get it from other things too,” he explained, petting Yeosang’s hair gently. The dancer had stopped hyperventilating, but his grip on Seonghwa had only gotten tighter. “Sharing drinks; that’s how my brother’s got it. Sharing chapstick. Maybe even toothbrushes…”
“We don’t share toothbrushes!” Wooyoung insisted. 
“Maybe even toothbrushes touching,” Seonghwa finished gently. “Maybe. It’s possible that you may’ve mixed water bottles with another group at some point, maybe that’s how…” He was cut off by Yeosang lurching away from him, glaring daggers at Wooyoung.
“YOU kissed me!” he exclaimed, immediately wincing at the pain in his throat. “You kissed me when I asked you not to, and here we are!”
Wooyoung’s head cocked to the side. “When?!”
“After our all kill! During the encore stage? You got too excited and grabbed my face and I tried to squirm so you hit my mouth instead of my cheek.”
“That was a month ago!”
“Yeah, about that, mono does have a four to six week incubation period.” Hongjoong held up his phone, where he’d been fact checking mono symptoms. 
Wooyoung clapped his hands to this mouth as his face drained of color. “Oh my god…” Yeosang continued to glare at him. 
“Well, good thing we’ve been super strict about not sharing water bottles,” Hongjoong muttered to Seonghwa, who nodded emphatically. 
“Who would’ve thought there would be an upside to half the group sharing a cold.”
“And that it would be that the rest of us wouldn’t get mono.”
“I can’t believe you gave me mono,” Yeosang huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and physically turning his body as far away from Wooyoung as he could.
Wooyoung’s jaw dropped open. “Um, who said I gave it to you? Maybe YOU had it first and gave it to ME!”
“No. You kissed me. That means it’s your fault.” Now both Yeosang and Wooyoung were pouting on their separate side of the couch. Hongjoong and Seonghwa made the mistake of making eye contact and nearly burst out laughing. 
They were saved by the reappearance of Yunho and San, the dancer’s arm wrapped protectively around the vocalist’s shoulders. 
“Good news, Sannie. They aren’t contagious unless you kiss them!” Mingi cheered. 
“Well why would I ever want to do that?” San replied, pulling a face. Wooyoung threw a pillow at him, causing San to squawk in fear and dodge behind Yunho to not get hit with anything potential contaminated, despite Mingi’s earlier explanation. 
“Okay kids, settle down,” Hongjoong said, holding up his hands for a ceasefire. “I need everyone who’s healthy to go start getting ready for schedules. Yeosang and Wooyoung, I need you two to make up and take care of each other until manager-nim can come get you.”
“Kiss and make up, more like it,” Mingi snorted to himself as he disappeared down the hallway. Wooyoung wound his arm up to throw another pillow at him, but Seonghwa held him back. 
“Rest, Woo,” the eldest said gently. “I know it’s frustrating to be sick, and scary cause we don’t actually know what this is. But all you two can do is rest and let your bodies heal.”
“Okay,” Wooyoung relented. Hongjoong shook his head. Why didn’t Wooyoung ever listen to him like that? “Sangie, I’m sorry I may have gotten you sick.”
“Yeosang?” Hongjoong prompted. 
Yeosang sighed, releasing his arms from their cross. “I’m sorry I may have gotten you sick, and I snapped at you about it.”
“There we go! I think that’s earned you both popsicles later.”
Wooyoung’s eyes lit up immediately, but surprisingly so did Yeosang’s. The dancer never gave into bribery by snack, so he must’ve really wanted that popsicle to be so visibly excited. 
And sure enough, one doctor’s visit later, Yeosang and Wooyoung were curled up together in Wooyoung’s bed, officially diagnosed with mono and contentedly enjoying the promised popsicles, content with the assurance that there were plenty more in the freezer for them over the next few weeks.
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fairyniceyeah · 3 months
⌛⭐ We must going on
Summary: Seonghwa’s bronchitis rears its ugly head during a meeting. Mingi always pays attention to his hyung's wellbeing.
CW: mentions of fainting, emeto
Sickie: Seonghwa Caretaker: Mingi
Seonghwa felt Awful. Capital A. 
And Embarrassed. Also capital E.
If he had known how much time an idol spent in meeting during their careers he would have reconsidered auditioning. But, alas, he had not known which brought him to his current predicament: Sitting in a meeting with some high-up executives after a sleepless night of coughing and chills.
His throat hurt, he was freezing and every minute or so he had to turn away to cough into his elbow. Even the CEO was throwing him worried glances but - like everybody else - refrained from speaking. It was after all well known that Seonghwa did not get sick. Even if he was coughing and probably running a fever and feeling awful, he was not sick.
He refused to be.
Hongjoong had argued with him over him coming into work that morning but even he had had to admit defeat. San and/or Mingi must have snitched on him. Top Ten anime betrayals.
Seonghwa had long given up on paying attention to what the meeting was about. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure he had even known in the first place. He was more preoccupied with sipping on his tea and not spitting out the cough drop in his mouth every time he had to cough.
It hurt. It really hurt to cough - not just in his throat but also in his chest. Something really must have it out for him. Karma, he would have called it but he couldn’t recall doing anything that deserved this.
Even in Yunho’s borrowed hoodie (Seonghwa had had to grudgingly accept it earlier in the car because he had been so cold he was sure his fingers were about to fall off) he was still shivering and trembling. He sighed. 
God, he should not have done that. Another coughing fit took hold of him, causing his whole body to shake with the force of it. It was more violent than before and he turned away so he wouldn’t have to look at the other people in the room. His eyes watered and he couldn’t fucking stop. His throat was being shredded, at least it felt like it. Vaguely he was aware of the CEO stopping to talk and a worried hand on his back but all he could focus on was trying to catch his breath. His chest felt awfully tight.
“Hwa? Hwa?”, a voice came through the fog in his head and he glanced with eyes tearing up at his captain. 
“I’m fine”, Seonghwa gasped, finally able to draw a breath again, “I’m okay.”
“Why don’t you go home, Seonghwa-yah?”, the CEO asked gently, a bit of pity in his voice. Seonghwa hated it. He did not want to be pitied. He was an adult in his mid-twenties and the oldest of the group. He didn’t get to get sick. There were seven dongsaengs relying on him.
“I’m sorry for the interruption, abeoji”, Seonghwa apologized, “I’m fine. Continue, please.”
The CEO sighed and nodded, then continued his speech.
The next fifteen minutes Seonghwa painfully tried to suppress his coughs with more or less success. None of the managers or executives were able to meet his gaze though Seonghwa knew he must look unfocused and tired. His members were throwing him concerned glances which he ignored. Mingi even had a hand on Seonghwa’s back, soothingly running his huge palm up and down over Seonghwa’s spine. While he normally would have hated the attention from a dongsaeng when sick he couldn’t deny it felt nice. He glared at Hongjoong before the captain could even bring attention to it.
But even despite Mingi’s efforts Seonghwa was still sick, even if he didn’t want to admit it. His chest was burning like it was on fire and he constantly had to focus on keeping his breathing even. But he succeeded in not coughing again.
Until he didn’t succeed anymore.
He lost his focus on his breathing for just a second but it was enough. Seonghwa pitched forward, not even having time to turn around before the next fit took hold. He buried his face in his elbow and coughed. It felt like the eruption of a long dormant volcano, burning, hot and painful.
His mouth filled with something and he spat out some disgusting yellowish mucus into the sleeve of Yunho’s hoodie. He’d have to apologize to the other later. For now, he needed to leave, he didn’t want to disturb the meeting any further.
“Excuse me”, Seonghwa mumbled and pushed his chair, which was only saved from clattering to the floor by Hongjoong, back. He stumbled to his feet and rushed out of the room. He couldn’t stay in there, making them watch again and have them worry. It had been embarrassingly enough the first time.
But staying out in the public hallway was as bad as the meeting room, so Seonghwa hurried in the direction of the bathrooms, trying not to faint as his vision turned black from the lack of air and the need to cough again. He didn’t make it far until he stumbled, crashing into a wall and likely bruising his shoulder. It hurt. His throat hurt. His chest hurt. He couldn’t breathe properly. He was dizzy and his vision was spotty. 
With a frustrated yell, pulling at his hair, he gave up and sunk to his knees. Well, he tried. 
Suddenly a hand was at his elbow, the same spot he had spat the mucus into but the person didn’t seem to care at all. 
“Hyung? Hyungie?”, a frightened but at the same time determined voice asked, “please don’t faint on me.”
Seonghwa coughed again, blinking back tears and stared up at his savior.
It wasn’t as unexpected as his first instinct had him believe, Seonghwa supposed. Mingi, while easily scared and sometimes very much a maknae, always had been very in tune with Seonghwa’s health. And his easy-going nature and his puppy eyes never failed to make Seonghwa feel bad for pushing him away.
“Hyung?”, Mingi repeated, a bit more frantic now. Right, he hadn’t replied.
“I’m okay, Mingi-yah. Not gonna pass out”, Seonghwa reassured. Mingi, however, didn’t look reassured.
“Seonghwa-hyung, you’re clearly sick and not feeling well. I could hear you coughing all night. So could San. Stop pretending, please. We’re so worried”, Mingi whispered, a bit angrily.
Seonghwa breathed out and nodded. He really had no foundation to build his arguments on. But breathing - breathing of all things - triggered another coughing fit. He doubled over and gasped: “Mingi, bathroom. Please.”
There was no way he could hold back coughing anymore and he did not want to be the main attraction of a show in the middle of a KQ hallway. Mingi seemed to understand and immediately began supporting his hyung the last meters to sanctuary.
As soon as Mingi had shouldered open the door Seonghwa tumbled towards the sinks, bracing himself on the porcelaine and coughed. His long hair fell into his face but he couldn’t care less. All he could focus on was the burning.
He couldn’t do anything to stop the torture, his throat and chest working against him. He coughed over and over again, the only thing keeping him from falling forward and bashing his head in the sink was Mingi’s hands on his shoulders. Seonghwa tried to focus on that, the feeling of somebody being there while he felt like he was suffocating.
It was minutes of coughing without break and Seonghwa was starting to feel faint again. He was getting light-headed from lack of air and his vision grew spotty. Still his body didn’t have mercy.
It was the opposite really. Just as Seonghwa felt like maybe he could stop soon, he suddenly tasted sour bile in his throat and with the next cough a small amount of his stomach contents came up, splattering onto the white surface.
Seonghwa didn’t have the capacity to feel shocked or disgusted, despite his hair taking a hit. All he could do was squeeze his eyes shut and pray for death, as another cough triggered a new wave of vomit. 
Mingi muttered what sounded suspiciously like a curse and let go of him. Seonghwa whimpered. He didn’t want to be alone now, though he knew he was disgusting. 
“It’s okay, hyung, I got you”, Mingi soothed and then his hands gathered Seonghwa’s hair, uncaring of its state and bundled it up at the back of his neck. Once he could hold it with one hand, he placed his other on Seonghwa’s back and rubbed gentle circles on it.
It was probably the nicest thing Seonghwa had ever felt. It didn’t matter that the coughing made him throw up more and more, it didn’t matter that his knees were shaking, it didn’t matter that everything hurt. The only thing that mattered was Mingi holding him through it all.
And then it was over. He hadn’t even thought it possible anymore, thought he was forever trapped in limbo between breathlessness and pain. But finally the coughing stopped. 
His arms were shaking from the effort of holding himself up and just as they buckled he managed to shove himself backwards, trusting his dongsaeng to catch him. Mingi did. Of course, he did. It was like he had expected it: He wrapped his arms around Seonghwa’s waist and guided him to the floor.
Seonghwa shivered as he came in contact with the cold tiles and yet it was a relief, the coolness against his fevered skin. 
“Oh, hyung”, Mingi mumbled as he knelt down in front of Seonghwa. He was holding some paper towels and gently began wiping at the eldest’s face. Tears, snot and traces of vomit were easily wiped away, leaving a red-faced, flushed and exhausted hyung in its wake.
“I don’t feel good, Mingi-yah”, Seonghwa whispered brokenly. He hated to admit it but he couldn’t hold it in anymore. Hot, salty tears spilled down his face and the only thing preventing him from bursting into sobs was that his body was so tired it physically couldn’t. His strength was fading so quickly he wouldn’t even be surprised if he passed out.
Seonghwa felt humiliated, exhausted and so, so sick.  His head was pulsing, his chest aching and his muscles were sore. He just wanted to go home, take some medication and sleep. 
Mingi, seemingly sensing how close his hyung was to breaking, carefully gathered him in his arms and Seonghwa buried his face in his neck. Warm hands ran down his spine and never before had Seonghwa been so grateful that Mingi - despite his personality - was so tall. He felt … protected in a way he hadn’t for a long time.
“Hyung, let me call a manager, okay? We can go to the doctor, get you some meds and then you can sleep all you want, hm?”
Exhaustedly, Seonghwa nodded, not removing himself from the younger.
“Tell Yunho I’m sorry for ruining his hoodie”, he mumbled.
“Yunho cares more about your health than his hoodie, hyung”, Mingi said gently and pressed a kiss against Seonghwa’s hair.
Within seconds Mingi had his phone in his hand and was talking into it softly. Seonghwa didn’t care to listen, he just closed his eyes and drifted.
Seonghwa woke up to a manager coming into the bathroom and helping Mingi lift him into his arms. He let his eyes flutter close again and just laid his head against Mingi’s shoulder.
The doctor’s visit passed in a blurr. There were tests and questions but in the end Seonghwa could barely puzzle together what had happened in detail. He only knew that a larger hand never let go of his.
Once back at the dorm Seonghwa was dosed up with medication and a warm, fuzzy blanket was pulled over him. A solid weight against his back held onto him and Seonghwa let himself drift.
Maybe … maybe being vulnerable wasn’t so bad.
Notes: I am having an awful cold at the moment so I feel the anon requester and Seonghwa so hard at the moment. My voice is gone and my friends keep laughing at me. Fair, though.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - ATEEZ
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cuddlepilefics · 2 months
Not your day - August of whump - Day 1
Fandom: Ateez
Sickie: Wooyoung
Caregivers: Ateez
Prompts: food/risk/overexertion
No one’s POV.:
Only very little was going Wooyoung’s way today. He was about ready to call it quits and it was only ten AM. How was he supposed to last till tonight? It had started with him accidentally sleeping in, which he shouldn’t whine about too much because the same was true for Hongjoong and Jongho. His dorm mates would’ve woken him otherwise. Somehow, they seemed to find their footing much faster than Wooyoung, who still felt his heart racing trying to get into the flow of the day. Though sympathetic, the group couldn’t really consider their friends struggle, their schedule too hectic to allow room for personal adjustments. Hell, the trio hadn’t even gotten an opportunity to eat breakfast before finding themselves in front of their phones to hold video calls.
Though one fan worriedly commented on it when she heard Wooyoung’s stomach growl over the phone, he did get the whole event over with well. When they were done, San slipped him a protein bar and smiled: “To hold you over till you get an opportunity to have a meal.” – “I-I thought we could eat now?!”, the younger frowned, sinking his teeth into the protein bar. Catching up to him, Hongjoong denied: “We’re headed to an interview, so if you have any snacks in your backpack, better take the opportunity right now. Already kinda late, so there won’t be any waiting time for us.” The leader ignored the horrified look his dongsaeng gave him and scarfed down the apple Seonghwa had given him.
Worried about their friends who hadn’t even gotten the chance to pack any food that morning, the members went through their bags and collected whatever snacks they were carrying to make sure Hongjoong, Wooyoung and Jongho would have something to fuel them for the next one or two hours. It wasn’t much but they’d make do. They had to. Wooyoung’s stomach ached a little as he settled in for the interview, Yeosang next to him, shooting him an encouraging smile. Forcing himself to return it, the younger refrained from slipping his hand under his shirt to palm at his sore middle.
Wooyoung used to get stress stomach aches when he was in middle school, so he blamed the discomfort on the chaos of the day. Knowing this, Yeosang stuck close to him and occasionally rubbed his back in a comforting gesture. Though Wooyoung hid it quite well, Seonghwa caught on that there was a problem because he saw Yeosang acting just a tiny bit more affectionate towards their dongsaeng and made sure to check on the boy too. “Upset tummy”, Wooyoung mumbled, when the eldest asked if anything was wrong with. They were just making their way back to the company for a dance practice session. Resting his hand on the other’s shoulder, Seonghwa worried: “Is it hunger pains?” – “Not sure. Stress probably but the hunger isn’t helping”, Wooyoung winced, finally allowing himself to rub his stomach to try and soothe it.
Usually, the group would be able to squeeze in a little break but today they’d be working with their choreographers, who were also on a tight schedule, so their next break would have to wait for another two hours. Despite the pain slowly morphing into cramps, Wooyoung did his best to learn the new choreography quickly. He was a main dancer after all. Seonghwa encouraged him to sip water whenever he got the chance to but the younger eventually refused, claiming the liquid wasn’t sitting well in his empty stomach anymore. “We’ll have a break soon, so you guys can have a proper meal”, Yunho smiled before showing Jongho the move again. The maknae had trouble focusing and it took him longer to memorize the choreography. He’d have to revise it with Yunho and Wooyoung some other day.
Hongjoong too struggled but being the leader, he fought to hide it, not wanting to leave a bad impression with the choreographers. That could only work so long and he eventually found himself in Seonghwa’s arms, his only hyung manhandling him to the floor. “Sorry- sorry, just- just need a moment”, Hongjoong panted, sitting with his head bowed between his knees. His ears were ringing and he barely heard Seonghwa talking to him. Wooyoung brought him his water bottle, heart aching to see the older looking so faint. At the same time, it was reassuring to know his friends weren’t coping too well with the incident either. He didn’t feel as much as a failure, knowing that even their leader was still affected by it.
When the practice was finally over, Wooyoung remained splayed on the floor, drenched in sweat and still panting heavily. Hongjoong didn’t get up either, slowly sipping from his water bottle as he tried to catch his breath. Jongho leant against the wall next to his bag and dried his face on his towel before shooting Seonghwa a pained smile. “We have a one hour break before we need to perform, so should we order takeout here? You guys don’t look like you got the energy to go out somewhere right now”, the eldest offered, checking their schedule on his phone. “I vote yes”, Hongjoong announced, “’m starving.” Jongho was quick to agree but Wooyoung remained quiet. His stomach hurt… badly.
It took some prodding from Seonghwa and Hongjoong but Wooyoung eventually let himself be talked into having some rice, despite his cramps. To his relief, the first few bites soothed his stomach and he finally realized just how starved he was. “Woo, slow down”, San warned, watching worriedly as the younger scarfed down his meal, “You’re going to make yourself sick.” Shooting the older a frustrated glare, Wooyoung whined: “I’m starving, leave me alone. This is my first proper meal today and it’s already late afternoon.” – “Woah, no need to get defensive. Just saying that it’s a risk having so much food in such a short time span and so soon before performing”, San appeased, defensively raising his hands. Though he understood his friend’s point, Wooyoung didn’t manage to slow himself down. He had gone hungry for too long.
The meal seemed to restore his energy and Wooyoung settled into his seat with a satisfied smile, buckling his seatbelt. They’d only have to shoot the performance before their schedule would conclude for the day. He hadn’t thought himself capable of dancing anymore after practice but now he was confident that he could. Sure, he had eaten a little more than he usually would in one sitting and he felt the waistband of his jeans dig into his tummy but he hoped his stage outfit would conceal that somehow. Despite San’s warning that he'd feel sick, quite the opposite was the case. Wooyoung felt better than he had for most of the day, his stomach finally content and the hunger pains eased.
He wasn’t all that lucky with his stage outfit though and couldn’t help but feel self-conscious with the way the tight pants made his full middle look squishy. That couldn’t be helped now though and Wooyoung remained standing while they waited to be called up. Sitting down was just too uncomfortable in these pants and they didn’t squeeze his stomach as much when he was standing. Only this performance, the dancer reminded himself. He’d be back off that stage and in a pair of comfy sweatpants soon. His bed was waiting for him at the dorm and this dreadfully chaotic day would soon be over. He could only hope to wake up on time the next morning.
So deep in thought, Wooyoung almost missed them being called up and startled when Yeosang’s hand appeared on his arm to guide him to the stage. Ugh, for some reason, Wooyoung didn’t feel like dancing anymore all of a sudden and dancing in such a tight outfit when his stomach was already so full also didn’t sound too appealing. It wasn’t like he had a choice though, so he stifled a burp against his fist before stepping out in front of the cameras. He got this!
Running on adrenaline, Wooyoung wasn’t bothered by his clothes at all. He didn’t even feel them till he struck the ending pose, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath, his stomach turning as if he was still dancing. With every breath, his waistband dug deep into his tummy. His stomach lurched and Wooyoung barely managed to fight off the urge to gag. Not even waiting for the director to signal that they were done, he turned and clamped his hands over his paling lips before rushing off stage. He had just made it to the steps when his throat contracted with a gag. Stumbling down the steps, Wooyoung made it out of sight and retched into his hands. Tears sprung to his eyes and it took a second for him to see the trashcan in front of him.
Wooyoung clutched the trashcan a staff member had thrust into his hands. He hadn’t even caught his breath before it was cut off by a wave of sick. A hand appeared on his back and someone steadied him when he doubled over again. Over the ringing in his ears, Wooyoung thought he might’ve heard the other members get of stage but he couldn’t be sure. He also didn’t get a break to look up and check, his stomach too busy trying to turn itself inside out. “Come on, sit”, someone instructed softly and Wooyoung shakily stumbled along before someone pushed on his shoulders to ease him down in a chair. That had come not a moment too late because his knees already felt like jelly and he didn’t know how long he would’ve remained on his feet without losing his balance.
When Wooyoung finally got a moment to breathe, he glanced up at San with watering eyes, shooting the older a pleading look. “Not gonna say it”, San sighed, pulling up a chair. He sat down next to Wooyoung and rubbed his back through the next round. By the time Wooyoung was done and spat into the trash, trying to get rid of a string of saliva, Seonghwa stood in front of him, holding a water bottle and tissues. He handed his dongsaeng a tissue to wipe his lips with and smiled sympathetically: “Today’s really not your day, is it?” Tiredly cleaning himself up, Wooyoung shook his head and accepted a tiny sip of water before handing the bottle back. He placed the trashcan onto the floor between his feet and rested his head in his hands.
The day had been awful but a small smile crept onto Wooyoung’s lips, despite the headache he had developed in the last five minutes after throwing up. No matter how awful the day had been, it was over now. He had his sweatpants in his bag and only needed to get changed before they could ho home. Home, where his bed was waiting for him and he could go to sleep confident that the next day would be better.
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sicktember: Day 14
Sicktember Prompt: Day 14 - Clean Sheets / Fresh Pajamas Sickie: Yunho Caregiver: Seonghwa, Wooyoung, Yeosang
“And… up,” Yeosang says softly, his hands holding Yunho by the elbows. While the older man is taller, he’s barely stronger than a child at his current state. Roasting with a fever that has been taking days to break, weak with chills and hoarse from a rough cough that’s been plaguing him for past week, Yunho’s been barely able to get out of bed on his own. After his fainting spell earlier, Yeosang had called in Seonghwa for reinforcements, deciding that Yunho’s “I’ll sleep it off” method wasn’t working anymore.
Yunho takes in a deep breath—or tries, and Yeosang can hear a whistle in his wheezing—and feels Wooyoung’s hands gripping his waist for extra support. He stares at his roommate with a sad look.
“You’re okay,” Yeosang encourages. “Come on. Slow steps to the bathroom.”
Yunho doesn’t reply verbally, but Yeosang catches the small nod as they begin to shift towards the bathroom. Yeosang moves backwards but doesn’t worry about hurting himself—they’re going too slow for bumping into a wall or a door to do anything. And with Yunho’s room as clean as it is, they’re not likely to run into anything but his dog-shaped bedside table. Yeosang just continues to encourage him until they make it into the bathroom, where Seonghwa pulls his hands from the water at the tub.
“It’s warm, not too warm but should be comfortable enough,” the oldest member says.
“Thank you,” Yunho grunts. His eyes blink heavily and he sways, but the hands grip his arms a little tighter. Yeosang is practically holding him forward. “I… I’m sorry.”
That has Wooyoung laughing. “Silly. Come on, let’s get you in the tub.”
They make quick work of ridding Yunho of his sweat-soaked pajamas and helping him into the tub, sitting him gently. He shivers, the water not as hot as he’d hoped, but warm enough that it doesn’t make him whine about the temperature. Wooyoung takes over getting the soap and a washcloth, and as Yunho leans on the side and rests his head, he takes over trying to scrub his sweat-salty skin clean. Yeosang and Seonghwa slip away into the bedroom and start cleaning what they can.
Seonghwa wastes no time in stripping the bed of the dirty sheets, recruiting Yeosang to remove the pillow cases. Yeosang grimaces at the wet marks on the pillow, feeling bad. “He’s been sweating so badly…” he mumbles.
“But his fever still keeps coming back,” Seonghwa sighs in response. “If he doesn’t feel even a little better tomorrow, I’m making our manager take him to the doctor.”
“He’s going to complain,” Yeosang answers. He laughs, but he really agrees with his hyung; Yunho hasn’t been getting better and it’s been days. Both of them frown, before scooping up the old bed linen and carrying it to the washing machine.
Yunho coughs roughly and grimaces when he bumps his chin on the tub. He whines at the sudden pain, and Wooyoung reaches over to rub his chin.
“Oh Yunho… you’re just having a rough night, aren’t you?” Wooyoung tries to comfort him, voice soft and soothing.
Yunho just groans in response, setting his face back down on the tub side, sideways this time. “Bad week. Worst Tuesday.”
“It’s… Thursday.”
That has Yunho lifting his head quickly, surprise taking over his face, but he ends up covering his mouth with one shaky hand as he lets out a few more painful coughs into his hand. Wooyoung rubs his back until he calms down, and when he looks at his hand, covered in sputum and phlegm, he frowns and just sticks his hand into the water to wash it off. Wooyoung pulls his hand over and runs the washcloth over it, before putting his hand back in the water. Sighing, Yunho sets his head back down.
“Oh Yun… You slept most of yesterday, didn’t you?”
“If that’s what we’re calling it,” Yunho grumbles. He could barely rest peacefully, between waking up to kick his blanket off, waking up to cover himself, the nonstop chills, his cough waking him up, and then his most recent nausea and dizziness… It’s been awful. He doesn’t feel like he’s slept in days, but according to Yeosang, he’s just been staying in bed and living off water and crackers.
Wooyoung scoops water from the tub and washes away suds from his back, then over his shoulder. “It’s okay. Let’s just finish the bath, then get you back to bed, with soup and medication this time.”
Yunho sighs. “This is so tiring.” His voice even sounds exhausted. Wooyoung’s sure, especially if he’s been so sick he’s losing track of time. Wooyoung just continues to pour water on his back, rubbing it gently. He can feel Yunho relaxing under his soothing, until Yunho almost falls asleep. His coughing startles him to sit up again, and Wooyoung decides they’ve spent enough time in the tub. He lets out the water from the tub, then uses the detachable showerhead to rinse any remaining soap from Yunho before he calls for Yeosang again.
“I can get up myself,” Yunho grumbles, holding onto the side of the tub.
Yeosang hurries in anyway, to catch Yunho looking awfully green trying to right himself onto his feet. The two help him step out, only for Yunho to pitch forward at the toilet. He yanks the lid up and immediately lets out a mouthful of pale, sludgy vomit. He can hear both of them murmuring soft encouragements, both members easing him to kneel onto the bathroom rug to just throw up again. While he catches his breath, he feels Wooyoung rubbing the towel over his skin, trying to dry him a little bit. He tries to lean forward, but Yeosang pulls him over to lay against his shoulder instead.
“Wasn’t this bad… yesterday,” he mumbles against Yeosang’s shoulder. “I wanted… wanted to get dressed myself.”
“Come on, do you think you’re done?” Wooyoung asks.
Yunho nods. Yeosang helps him up again, slowly this time, and they hand Yunho his own boxers, letting him have the dignity of getting himself dressed. Once he tugs his shirt on, they help him rinse his mouth out with mouthwash, then take him back into his room. Seonghwa’s seated on his computer desk chair, checking the dosage on one of the medication bottles in his hand. Yunho realizes, as the two help tuck him in, that they changed his sheets and had a fresh blanket tossed on top. They have to tug him forward to keep him from laying down right away, which has Seonghwa laughing as he rolls the chair over. Yunho doesn’t complain when he sips the cough syrup, taking relief in the water bottle handed to him afterward. And his eyes droop quickly. As Wooyoung helps Yunho lay down, Yeosang hands Pudeongie into his arms and Seonghwa tugs the blanket up to his shoulders. With a yawn, Yunho settles down easily.
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k-sickies · 1 year
Hiii for your drabble prompts, could you do #3 with Seonghwa as the sickie and Hongjoong as the caretaker? The not wanting to lay on the floor sounds very Seonghwa like as soon as I read it haha. Thank u~
Warning: passing out
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"Hyung? Are you okay?" Hongjoong asked.
Seonghwa smiled softly "Yeah. I'm fine." 
Hongjoong didn't believe him and he had every right too. Seonghwa was pale and his hands were shaking. His every move was slow and sluggish. To be honest Seonghwa didn't feel so good. He felt hot and cold at the same time. It felt like he was swimming and his ears were ringing. While dancing he stumbled to the side. He leaned against the wall to support himself. His eyes focused on the ground. Everything was blurry but still the whole room was spinning. He felt like passing out. Hongjoong was quick by his Hyungs side. He grabbed him by the waist and pulled him over to the bench. 
"Hey? Hyung? Can you hear me?" Hongjoong asked, his voice laced with worry. 
Seonghwa nodded. The action making the dizziness worse. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. Only to open it to see a bottle of coke in front of him.
"Take a few sips?" 
"No. Just give me a minute." Seonghwa said. 
Hongjoong tried again but to no use. His Hyung just wouldn't take a sip from the coke. Hongjoong was a bit overwhelmed with the situation. Not really knowing what to do but he couldn't possibly force his Hyung to drink something. Maybe he is right and he would feel better in a bit. 
A few minutes later Seonghwa decided that he felt good enough to continue dancing. He didn't feel better it was just that the dizziness wasn't as bad anymore. It was still there but it subtled down a bit. However, it didn't took long for the dizziness to overtake again. He turned his body. Moving to the rhythm of the music. Staying in beat. Turned again and suddenly his side met the wall. He tried to hold himself up. The whole room spinning. His breath laboured. He was sweating a bunch but still he was shaking so bad that it seemed like a tiny breeze could knock him over. 
"Hwa? Hyung? Seonghwa Hyung?" Hongjoong called out. 
Seonghwa couldn't hear him. His ears ringing. His mouth couldn't form any words. All the could feel was how the room kept spinning and his knees wobble underneath him.
"H-Hyung?" By now Hongjoong was full on panicking. He doesn't know what to do. He felt so scared. He was never in such situation and now he was all alone with his Hyung. The situation overwhelmed him. Hongjoong pulled on his hair. He had a few tears in his eyes. "Fuck." He cursed.
The leader wrapped one arm around Seonghwas waist. "Work with me, okay? I will lay you down now" 
Seonghwa shook his head.
"I'll help you, don't worry." Hongjoong tried to sound as gentle as possible.
"It's dirty." Seonghwa could manage 
"What?" Hongjoong asked in confusion. 
"The floor.." The older mumbled again.
Now Hongjoong understood him. The older doesn't want to lay on the floor because it's dirty. If Hongjoong wouldn't have been so overwhelmed he would have laughed but right now he couldn't. 
"It's okay, just lay down, will you?"
By now Seonghwa had lost all his colour. He was pale as a ghost and shaking badly. Still he was stubborn enough to not lay down. "No..no one cleaned it. I don't wan' to.." he said, his words becoming slurred. 
"Fuck, Hyung!" Hongjoong cursed. 
The leader didn't know what to do so the best thing that came in his mind was to lift up the older and carry him like a bride over to the bench. There he laid him down as carefully as possible. The leader took off his jacket and placed it underneath Seonghwas head. Then he quickly went over to grab the coke and offered it to Seonghwa. The older was so out of it he couldn't hold the bottle by himself. Hongjoong helped him take a few sips. Seonghwa was conscious and his breathing slowly returned to normal again. His face slowly getting more colour.
Temporary relief took over the leader and he sat down on the ground next to the bench. He hid his face in his hands and took a deep breath. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes. He just needed a second to gather his thoughts. He was so overwhelmed by the situation. He doesn't know what would have happened if his Hyung really would have passed out. He felt so scared and small. Even noe he doesn't know what to do. Should he call someone? Should he wait? What was he supposed to do? Hongjoong leaned his hand back and stroked his hair out of his face. Stressed about the situation he took another deep breath.
Suddenly there was a hand wiping a tear from his cheek. He looked up only to meet his Hyung smiling softly at him.
"I'm okay, don't worry too much." Seonghwa mumbled.
"You're not..you almost passed out…" Hongjoong said as took a deep breath. "You gave me a real scare." He said as he reached out to hold his Hyungs hand. 
"I'm Sorry. I didn't realize it would get this bad." Seonghwa admitted. Feeling guilty to give the leader such a scare. "Can we go home?" 
Hongjoong smiled softly and nodded. "We will as soon as you can stand up."
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kpopsickies · 1 year
hey there, don't know if you write for ateez but if you do, I would like to request a sick whining wooyoung with a cough with caretaker jongho who's quite a germo but can't resist taking care of him cause he sounds so bad <3 (sorry if it's long or too specific 🥺
sorry that its kinda short
Sickie: Wooyoung
Caretaker: Jongho
Wooyoung p.o.v
I wish I could have enjoyed my day off like my members all were. But unfortunately I was cursed with the most worthless immune system ever and instead was spending it sick. Thankfully it was more of a bad cold than anything, but I still was annoyed. I woke up with a headache, a sore and itchy throat and a blocked, stuffy nose. I trudged downstairs, groaning softly at the spinning in my head. Downstairs I only saw Jongho, "Where's everyone else?" I asked, cringing at ow my voice sounded. I must have startled the maknae because his head turned quickly to look at me. "good morning hyung, they all left already. I didn't really want to do anything so I stayed behind." I nodded, clearing my throat, trying to fight a cough. "you okay hyung?" Jongho asked, looking worried. "yeah, just a little cold" I admitted sniffling lightly. "oh" he looked a bit uneasy, when I suddenly remembered how nervous the maknae was about germs. "Shit!" I said, stepping back from Jongho. Im sorry I forgot
"Its okay hyung" he said softly, I turned as far away from him as I possibly could and ducked as far into my elbow as physically possible and coughed, the coughs hurt my chest and caused my already aching head to throb with the feelinh. "Woo? Are you okay?" I nodded, my eyes pricked with tears, a combination of the force of the cough and the pain. "how long have you been sick for?"
"woke up like this" I said, coughing through the words. I heard movement coming from the maknae, and was shocked when I felt his hand on my shoulder. "bed time hyung" I shook my head, "Jonho, I'm okay"
"I cant leave you alone like this, you're obviously sick"
"But you dont like germs."
"I know. But I also cant bring myself to abandon you when you're obviously sick."
I shook my head, "I'll be ok-hhtch! Htchh" I said getting as a far away from him as I could, "bless you" he gently patted my shoulder. 
"I'll be okay Jongho, trust me. I'll take care of myself"
"I know you can, but it's not fair to ask you to, especially when you're sick" 
"But I-"
"Hyung it's fine. You guys have taken care of me so many times. Let me return the favor" I nodded, feeling a bit unsure, "go to the couch, I'll get you medicine and stuff" I nodded and did as he instructed. 
Jongho p.o.v 
I hurried to the bathroom and washed my hands all the way up to my elbows, I forced myself to breathe, genuinely scared. But I knew Wooyoung needed me. I put a mask on and grabbed the medicine that he needed plus a box of tissues and some water. I went to the living room. "Hey hyung" he looked up at me, I noticed how pale he was. "Here" I set the medicine and water on the table and slid the tissue box next to him. "Thanks" he swallowed the medicine then blew his nose. He went to set the tissue down on the couch, "don't do that" I said quickly, hoping I didn't sound too panicked, "I'll get a bag for the trash" 
I brought him a bag and he put the tissue in it, and set it opposite of me on the couch. "So I got a text from Seonghwa, him and Hongjoong will be home soon" Wooyoung said, he coughed after, thankfully turning very far from me. "Okay, do you know when?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too anxious. "I think he said 15 minutes" I nodded, "I'm sorry that I'm not very good at takong care of people." 
"Jongho it's okay. You've already done amazing. I know it's not easy for you. Remind you I owe you dinner when I feel better" he smiled, "just doing my job" I shook my head, "you've done more than that" I smiled, he shrugged. "Glad I could help" 
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