#sick piece of shit loser
I've been on and off of genshin, but let it be known that Elliot Gindi is a sack of shit scum that deserves every single waking moment of his sorry pathetic excuse of an existence in perpetual agony and suffering. the fact that the piece of that oxygen he inhales could be given to someone else who deserves it more than his sorry ass will always make mad. if it was possible for me to beat his ass and get away with it I would but he's lucky I'm probably no where near him
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shima-draws · 6 months
Anyway speaking of poly trios. Have any of you considered Lawlusan because MANNNN.
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧JOHN OTTO🌠🌠🌠
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giverofempathy · 1 year
mannn i'm so sick of living with abusive people literally LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEE
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girlboypersonthingy · 5 months
Could you maybe write a Sally Face One Shot, where Sal developed a huge crush on reader. But he thinks she doesn’t feel the same way. So he writes a love letter in which he puts no hope in, but then she actually tells him she does feel the same.
Does that even make any sense?😭
Yes…it makes sense and I’m weeping over this omggggg 😭😭😭 bruh this had me screaming and kicking in bed as I wrote it omfgggggg. Sal is pretty smart so I know this mf would write some pretty, thought out, poetic type shit
Notes: gn!reader, established friendship, friends to lovers trope
TW: none, just so fucking sappy and fluffy
Sal x reader- Sincerely Sally 💌
Dear (Y/N),
I want to start by telling you that you’re an amazing friend. I’m beyond grateful we’ve met. You’ve always made me feel so comfortable, so wanted, so important. No words could ever truly explain my feelings for you or the thoughts behind them, but I’m going to try.
Since we met, I’ve seen nothing but good in you and I think you’ve made me good, too. You make me feel good. You make me a better person. I don’t know who I’d be without you, but I know who I want to be now.
I want to be the one on your arm when we walk into a room.
I want to be the one you wake up to every morning and fall asleep next to every night.
I want to kiss you every time we say ‘good bye’ and every time we say ‘hello’ again.
I want to be the one you point to with a smile and say ‘him’ when talking to others.
I want to be the one to hold you when you cry.
I want to be the one to hug you when you’re excited.
I want to go every where you go.
I want to slow dance with you.
I want to head bang with you.
I want to paint with you.
I want to sing to you.
I want to hold you.
I want you.
I love you.
I’m in love with you.
And I’m sorry.
Sally <3
Sal felt like a total loser while sneaking over to your place, which was just down the street from Todd’s house, and slipping the letter in your mailbox. He felt like he could puke just from writing the letter, there’s no way he could ever say these things to your face. He couldn’t help but hesitate, staring at the mailbox as his heart beat rapidly in his chest. ‘They’re going to hate me. I’m gonna ruin everything. What the hell am I doing?’ Sal thinks to himself, staying frozen in place for a good few minutes as thousands of thoughts race through his mind, shaky hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets.
He jumps a bit when he notices the light in your bedroom flick on through your window. He ducks his head and turns to leave, not wanting to get caught lurking around your house in the middle of the night. As he rushes back home, the panic begins to set in because now he realizes he left it…he left the letter behind. It was done. No turning back. He felt sick to his stomach and like he was already grieving the loss of your friendship.
Sal tip toes back in the house, praying neither Neil nor Todd would catch him sneaking in so late and ask questions. He trudges to his room, shedding his clothes before flopping onto his bed. Sal lays on his side and after taking his prosthetic off, stares at the wall for hours thinking about all the ways this could go wrong, all the ways you could reject him, every excuse and lie he could use later to act like it wasn’t even serious, like it was a dumb joke or something. Finally, after his brain had tortured him enough, he drifts off to sleep just before the sun begins to rise.
~next morning~
‘Holy shit…’ You think as you hold the piece of lined note book paper in your shaky hands. “No way…no way!” A giddy smile grows on your face as you clumsily drop all the other mail you had in your hands, besides Sal’s letter, on the ground and take off running for him. It was early in the morning and you were in pajamas still but nothing could stop you now. His house was not far at all and you were too excited not to immediately run to him and profess your love for him.
You and Sal had been friends almost as long as he has with Larry and Todd. You’ve slowly fallen in love with him just as hard as he has with you- the issue is that you are both dummies and think the other person sees you as a friend and a friend only. You’d find yourself dreaming of Sal, not knowing he was dreaming of you too. You’d absentmindedly doodle his name on piece of paper and blush, he’d find a strand of your hair on his shirt and smile so big under his mask. You two have been pining for so long but both so afraid to wreck the relationship you already have. Eventually, Sal felt like he couldn’t get anything done, couldn’t focus on his studies or the ghosts or even eating throughout the day. His brain was full, flooded even, with thoughts of you. He just had to get it out, he had to say it to you now or he would be haunted by it forever. Unbeknownst to Sal…you felt the exact same way.
Bouncing up to his doorstep with an uncontrollable smile on your face, cheeks aching and turning red, you knock on the door and ball your fists up out of excitement. Finally, Todd answers the door, smiling at you before greeting you. “(Y/N)! What are you doing here so early? We-“ “Sal! I-I’m sorry. I need to talk to Sal.” You interrupt, your crazy smile making Todd chuckle softly just as Neil comes up behind him. “Morning, (Y/N)! Sal isn’t up yet. He’s still-“
You weren’t trying to be rude, you adored Todd and Neil but you were currently completely 100% hyperfixated on the sleeping blue haired poet behind the door at the end of the hall way and you just had to see him immediately. “I-I’m sorry…” You laugh softly as you push past them, sprinting for his door, gripping the knob excitedly before swinging the door open. The sound of the door swinging back against the door frame stirs Sally from his sleep, making him groan and glance over at the doorway. Before he can react to you being in his bedroom, in your pajamas still with bed head and an adorable love sick smile on your face, you’re jumping into his blankets with arms wide open. As you practically belly flop on top of him, he huffs softly then chuckles, groggily blinking at you.
“Uh…morning…” He mumbles just before you place the folded love letter on his chest, giving him a small smirk. His eyes open wider now, his prosthetic eye not in its usual socket. Sal scrambles nervously to sit up more, his breath hitching in his throat. He was so half asleep for a moment there, he had forgotten all about the letter he planted in your mailbox last night. “Oh I uh….yeah uh-uhm-“ Sal can’t seem to move his mouth correctly, can’t focus his brain on the words he wants to say. And he just breaks down even more when he realizes you’re in his bed, still in pajamas with the cutest messiest bed head. He can’t deal with the cuteness and his gnawing anxiety…So you speak up instead.
“I love you too.” You smile sweetly before pulling yourself up closer to his scarred face and rubbing your nose against his. Sal lets out a whiny little hum as he lets his nervous hands very slowly move up to rest on your back, smiling like a sappy dork as he hugs you softly. He’s not sure what exactly he was expecting to happen after giving you that letter but this is most definitely the best case scenario. “Let’s just…fucking kiss already.” You say with a cheeky smile, eyes half lidded as you lean in closer. Sal sucks in a breath before letting his eyes close along with yours, pursing his lips out as his hands move up your arms and to your cheeks. His big palms caress your face so perfectly, his thumbs sliding back and forth over your skin as you lock lips, gently moving your mouths together as soft sighs leave both of you.
As his hands pull your face closer, your hands wander up and down his bare arms, legs tangled up in his blankets along with him now, you couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh against his lips. “I’m glad you finally told me…that letter was so beautiful.” You whisper, lips gently ghosting against his now. Sal keeps his eyes closed but smiles brightly. “I wrote 153 of those letters.” He confesses, face burning bright red. “No you didn’t.” You scoff, looking down at him, finding this fact hilarious and also adorable and flattering.
“Oh yes he did!” Todd and Neil are leaning in the open doorway. Oops…you got so excited you didn’t shut the door behind you when you ran in. “Proof!” Neil laughs out loudly as he points to Sal’s trash can in the corner of the room, overflowing with balled up pieces of paper. You laugh as you look over, Neil and Todd laughing along with you. Sal drapes an arm over his face, trying to hold back his flustered smile and embarrassed expression. “Stoopppp.” He complains before you’re standing and playfully glaring at the two boys in the doorway. “That’s enough teasing. Shoo!” You grin at Todd before shutting the door on them and turning back to Sal.
“153, huh? Wow. That’s some dedication, lover boy.” You climb back into his bed, sitting cross legged beside him. “Why didn’t you just tell me in person, Sal? Would’ve been way easier.” You scoot closer to him and run your fingers through his tangled hair. “Uh, I totally disagree. I nearly had a panic attack just putting that letter in your mailbox and then having to walk away from it.” A laugh rings out from you as you toss your head back. “Ha! So, What? You’re afraid to say you love me but not afraid of ghosts or demons or cults?” You taunt him before leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes for a second. “You’re strange. And I love that about you.” You rest there with him for a moment before a fantastic idea hits you, making you sit up and gasp excitedly.
“Can I read the other ones too?!” Before Sal can answer, you’ve jumped up and ran to the rejected pile of love letters in the corner. “No! (Y/N)! No no nononononono!” Sal jumps up and runs to tackle you, his face blushing so red from his ears and down his neck. You laugh loudly as he wraps his arms around your waist and tries to pull you away from all the other embarrassing things he wrote and considered saying to you. “They’re…in the trash…for a reason!” He laughs and huffs as you you push forward, trying to reach even just one crumpled up piece of paper. “Pleeaaassseeeee?” You plead but your strength leaves you as Sal tickles you and has you cackling on the ground instantly.
And the next 10 minutes are spent wrestling with him on the floor of his bedroom while laughing like drunk idiots and occasionally pressing a kiss to the other’s lips. Eventually, you do get ahold of a few of the discarded love letter drafts and they are either like Shakespeare poetry type shit, or so fucking dorky and corny, full of puns and shit. Larry probably tried to help him with that one lol
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amywritesthings · 2 months
seven days. | part one.
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: armin arlert x gn!reader (attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin) Word Count: 3.9k Summary: Armin gets bamboozled into joining the annual Yeager family beach vacation — and accidentally meets you.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI - alternate universe (modern), beach house, summer vacation, eventual romance, alcohol, partying, Armin deserves a romcom, Eren & Zeke have zero braincells Credits: dividers by @saradika-graphics
part two. | masterlist
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“Zeke, you Point Break bitch, did you steal my boogie board?!”
Ah, yes. 
If he was looking for a week of tranquility and peace, then Armin Arlert should have declined the invitation to join the Yeager family for their annual summer vacation.
Time and time again, Eren has begged his best friend to tag along.
As far as he's aware, this has been a family tradition ever since his best friend was a toddler.
One week, the same week, every single year.
Not to mention it's the same beach house merely two blocks away from the boardwalk and sandy shores.
Home away from home.
It’ll be amazing!
(Eren likes to claim.) 
There is so much sick shit we can do!
(His words, not Armin’s.)
You’re gonna sit on your ass and read anyway, so why not do it by a beach?
(...okay, maybe that sold him.)
Then again, nothing is more humbling than standing with your duffle bag in one hand, filled to the brim with ‘maybe’ shirts and ‘just in case’ medicines, and your pillow in another while the Yeager family chaotically dissolves into a panicked army of four battling to even get to said beach in one piece.
It’s their collective middle name.
“Armin, sweetie, do you want any snacks for the road?”
Carla Yeager — doting mother figure and matriarch of the family.
She’s the reason they’re taking two cars this year, too afraid she may forget something important at home.
From fresh tangerines to a plethora of board games, she’s thought of it all.
Shuffling his bag to give his hands some equal soreness — ouch, that's freaking heavy — Armin offers an apologetic smile.
“No, Mrs. Yeager, I’m fine. Thank you.”
“How many times do I need to tell you to call me Carla?” 
Every time, actually.
Although Zeke very easily calls his stepmother by her first name, Armin can't bring himself to do it.
Blah, blah, raised a certain way by his ever-traditional grandfather, blah.
The awkward blonde merely nods once and watches as Carla shuffles by to throw another box of napkins into the trunk.
“Here,” she gestures, waving her arms while she’s in front of the hatchback, “that looks bulky.” 
It is, but he’s a kindred spirit in the name of overpacking.
“I can find a spot for it,” he promises, but relents when the woman gives him that mom look that straightens out her son and stepson. “I— Thank you, Mrs. — Carla.”
Close enough.
He hands her his duffle bag, careful to spot the bottom of it in a sneaky attempt to help her ease his luggage into the first car.
The front door bursts open to reveal Zeke and Eren, shoulder to shoulder, frantically fighting to see who can walk out first.
Grunting, Zeke tries to push ahead with his neon-green boogie board against his torso, but Eren manages to dip at the hip and rush down the steps. 
The momentum nearly knocks Zeke’s oval glasses off the bridge of his nose.
“Could you be normal for two seconds?” the blonde groans.
Eren merely answers by sticking his tongue out and holds up a hand, wiggling his thumb and pinkie back and forth. “Fucking loser.”
Carla immediately glares. “Eren, language.”
“Forking, sorry, forking,” Eren corrects with little remorse.
“Seriously?” Zeke laments as he walks by, squinting at his brother. “What are you, ten?”
“Zeke,” a voice chastises softly from the garage. "Be nice to your brother."
Grisha Yeager, father of the year, rolls out a large cooler to bring it towards the second yet-to-be-filled car.
He’s wearing a Margaritavilla button-down, his long hair tied similar to Eren’s. On his forehead is a tie-dye headband.
“We'll be within close quarters of one another for seven whole days," Grisha reminds in that airy tone of his. "We should hold off on the in-fighting until day four at the very least.”
"I'll give it until day three," Zeke mumbles under his breath as he passes by, shoving his boogie board into the first car and smushing Armin's duffle bag down to half its size.
This is what it’s like to vacation with the Yeagers.
Except when your grandfather gets a new girlfriend, and they go to Key West for the summer, you’re stuck without being able to say no to your best friend’s family.
Seven days.
He can handle the Yeagers for seven days.
— —
  It took less than three hours for Armin's pale skin to burn like an overcooked egg.
“It’s really not that bad,” chimes in Eren, mouth occupied by the hair tie between his teeth.
Invading his pessimistic mirror space, the taller brunette dips to look at himself while fixing his staple half-up bun hairdo.
The shorter blonde frowns even further as he checks out his tomato-red shoulders, standing shirtless and shoeless in front of him.
“It looks pretty bad, Eren.”
“Nah. Just slap some aloe on it, alright?”
Ruffling sounds behind him.
Glancing over his shoulder in the reflection of the mirror, a bag of potato chips flies into view as Eren carelessly rips it from the cardboard variety pack — courtesy of the emergency snack stash in the corner of the room.
(The emergency snacks are, quote: So that bitch-ass Zeke doesn't steal the goods.)
The sun-kissed boy walks barefoot to the edge of the twin bed and flops down.
He forgot to mention he’s sharing a room with Eren, which only makes matters forty times worse.
Two twin beds with doily-esque blankets and flat pillows.
Thank god Armin had the sense to pack his own.
“Besides, the alcohol will make it feel better," Eren adds, chewing on a potato chip.
With a noise of defiance, Armin turns from the mirror to stare at his best friend.
“You do realize alcohol dehydrates a person, right?”
“So—” Armin protests tightly, “—it’ll make it worse.”
Eren pops another chip in his mouth, shaking his head. 
Eloquent as always.
Groaning, he slowly — agonizingly — pulls his pastel blue polo over his aching shoulders and breathes out through his nose.
That SPF 50 was supposed to work, but he must have lost track of time binge-reading his first book of the trip.
A spy thriller, actually, that fell flat right around chapter three and nosedived bad just at the cusp of act three.
The wildly out-of-left-field twist made him so mad that he missed his alarm to reapply another coat of sunscreen, and—
As a result, human lobster is now on the menu tonight.
Regardless, he promised to go out.
It isn't ideal, but a promise is a promise.
About ten or so blocks away from the beach house is the coveted spot known as The Point.
From what he could gather from Google, The Point is a tiki bar boasting high-top bar tables nestled in sand, recreational volleyball courts, and live music all week long.
It’s about the only lively place in this rather family-friendly beach town.
While not technically a dry town, bars are few and far between and there are approximately a whopping zero nighttime entertainment venues, so The Point was about as wild as any college kid stuck on vacation was going to get.
Earlier, Eren spent most of the car ride to the house hyping it up.
Zeke, in surprising fashion, seemed to hold the same sentiment.
(It’s probably the only thing the brothers could agree upon.)
Plus, Zeke apparently had some surfer friends he’d met online that were going on the first night of vacation, so that solidified the night’s plans.
After showering, dressing, and having family dinner with the parents, it's go time.
A little past nine at night, the three boys walk on the sidewalk in a triangle unit, with Armin trailing behind.
Ever a wallflower he keeps quiet, observing carefully as the two brothers figure out their game plan.
Zeke is anti-shots.
Eren wants shots or nothing at all.
“We’re on vacation, why the fuck wouldn’t you do shots?”
“Because,” Zeke explains, “if you start with shots, then you’re setting yourself up for failure.”
“Yeah, if you can’t hold your liquor.”
“Eren, you just turned twenty-one.”
Eren’s nostrils flare. “So?! I had plenty of practice at university!”
“Is he a lightweight, Arlert?”
Oh, shit, they’re including him.
“Be honest,” Zeke adds over his shoulder.
Like a deer in headlights, Armin blinks between the brothers. “Uh… sometimes?”
The yell out of his best friend is piercing.
“You goddamn turncoat!”
“You’re not exactly somebody with an iron stomach, Eren,” the blonde reminds softly as if calming a petulant child, only to wince when he's met with a look of pure anger. “But that isn't to say you can't hold a shot down.”
“Or five,” Eren challenges.
“Three at best,” Armin relents.
“Three and a half.”
Armin squints as they turn the corner leading towards the entrance of the bar.
“In what world does half a shot cou—”
Eren yelps, holding out an arm to stop Zeke in his tracks.
Armin subsequently also stops — as does his wearing patience.
“I have a solution.”
Zeke pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “And what’s that?”
“Look at me, dude.”
The boy with the man bun demands attention, using his pointer and middle finger to gesture between him and his half-brother. 
“You know what I’m thinking. Give it nine seconds.”
Not ten, because Eren’s favorite number is arbitrarily nine.
Zeke squints with about as much confusion as Armin’s feeling, but Armin knows by now how this is going to go.
Although they’re born with two different mothers, they’re eerily in sync with one another when they want to be extra annoying. 
Some kind of Yeager sixth sense tying them together; they fall silent, staring—
Then the thought strikes.
Like two brain cells clicking together, they simultaneously grin at one another.
So even worse than a shot or a beer.
That’s all it takes for the two to become best buds as they stroll into the tiki bar like they own the place.
The blonde and brunette zero in on an open spot at one of the several pop-up bar locations at this venue—
—leaving Armin in the dust to fumble out his I.D. to the bouncer.
It's nothing new.
Cover charge? Paid.
Hand stamp? Accomplished.
Careful not to get any sand in his sneakers, Armin treads carefully across the uneven landscape towards the same lively bar as his best friend.
Music thumps right into his ribcage. 
Flashing lights threaten to blind him if he so much as looks over his shoulder to the west.
It’s more than he’s used to.
More than he wants, really.
(What happened to the leisure part of vacation again?)
“We got you one!”
Blinking back into his body, Armin glances at the shot glass filled to the brim of Jagermeister waggled in his face. Immediately responding with a grimace, he steps back.
“No, I’ll just grab myself a drink, alright? You two enjoy — that.”
“What?” Eren’s frown is immediate. “Seriously? How else are you gonna get wasted with us?”
I’m not, is what he’d like to argue, but he knows Eren by now.
“What do you mean us?” Arnin shouts over the music. “I don’t see Zeke!”
“He got a text from one of his dumbass surfer bros and ditched,” Eren answers, “but to be perfectly honest, I’m thinking of playing the field tonight.”
“The what?”
“The field!”
“Eren, it’s really hard to hear you when they won’t stop mixing Pitbull with ABBA!”
Oh, this is impossible.
He raises his hands to gently push the shot glass towards his best friend’s chest. 
“You take it and show Zeke you can handle it!” Armin calls back at the top of his lungs, his shaggy blonde hair waving in the wind as he nods with encouragement.
That: giving Eren a challenge.
(Works like a charm.)
Determination spreads across his face. Eren nods, hyping himself up for a double-fisted success story. 
Armin simply nods, too, using the chameleon effect to build up Eren’s trust.
(Maybe he shouldn’t be using his psychology notes against his best friend, but desperate times call for desperate measures.)
Eren shouts while dropping the shot into the energy drink left perspiring on the bar top.
“I’m gonna!”
“And then I’m gonna talk to a girl! Or a guy! Or someone!”
Armin’s eyes shoot wide with surprise, but he chooses not to rain on his best friend’s parade because Eren is already chugging the drink, spilling a little of the Jagerbomb down his oversized black tee.
(Good call, wearing dark colors, unlike Armin’s poorly planned pastel.)
Slamming it down on the bar top with a howl of victory, he pats Armin on the arm and trudges forward to the dance floor to do…
Well, that’s between the power of Charli xcx and God.
“Oh, Eren,” Armin mumbles, watching the little man bun bounce in time with the beat of the music until it’s consumed by dancing bodies.
Turning back to the bartenders, the blonde debates.
Agonizes, really.
He doesn’t drink very often.
It’s not really his thing.
But… when on vacation, right?
(Alone, apparently, since Zeke isn’t coming back anytime soon and he’s going to need to deal with dragging Eren’s drunk ass home in the next two hours.)
“Vodka soda, please,” he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.
The bartender behind the counter nods his way before pulling out a plastic cup. 
Within a few seconds the simple alcoholic beverage is concocted, and he leaves a reluctant ten-dollar bill on the sliver of the bar that isn’t covered in condensation or sloshed liquor.
He reaches—
That’s not a cup.
Freezing in his place, his blue eyes zero in on a pair of fingers entwined with his, nestled on the very same cup.
He can feel them tense under his own slender digits.
Dread. Pure, existential dread.
Apologize, apologize—
“I’m so—”
A stranger’s voice yelps with his in unison.
Before he can move, their hand rips away from his, leaving his fingers to meet with the cold plastic.
His neck cranes to his left and—
Oh, no.
Blinking several times to get his wits about him, he can feel his mouth growing dry.
The way the blinking lights illuminate off of your face completely force his train of thought off the damn tracks.
Flickers of blues, greens, pinks — they compliment your face so nicely as each shade seems to highlight another feature that he hadn’t noticed a second before.
He shouldn’t stare, but he can’t help it: you’re drop dead gorgeous.
“It’s okay,” Armin breathes out after holding his breath for some time. “That was my bad. I didn’t see you.”
Your eyes are just as wide as his. “No! No, it was my fault. I thought that was my drink.”
“What did you order?”
“Uh, a hard seltzer? I think?” you answer, scrunching your nose as you respond.
That’s a type of adorable he is not equipped to handle in his sunburnt state.
“You think?” he repeats with a small chuckle.
You move your head side to side, tilting with an uncommitted air about it.
“It’s bubbling, right? Means I’m on the right carbonated track.”
“Yeah, but don’t hard seltzers usually come in cans?”
“Not always at this place,” you correct, before pushing the cup towards him. “I also kind of panicked when I ordered, so sorry for almost being a drink stealer.”
“Trust me, I know a thing or two about panic ordering,” Armin admits with a huff, taking the cup into his hands.
You give a carefree laugh that causes his stomach to give an Olympian-grade somersault.
“Is that why you got a vodka soda?”
“Guilty as charged.”
“We’ve all been there,” you empathize, briefly pouting your lower lip. “I won’t judge.”
He’s not nearly drunk enough to deal with this (see: at all) but that doesn’t mean Armin is going to waste his opportunity.
He may be a wallflower, but he’s equal parts an opportunist.
“So you’ve been here before?” he tries instead, hoping you don’t suddenly snatch your seltzer can and walk away.
You do get your seltzer from the same bartender — a slender aluminum can, nothing fancy — but you don’t walk away.
The opposite: you angle towards him.
Shit, okay.
He can do this.
“My friends love this place,” you tell him over the music. He finds himself leaning closer, angling his chin down, so he can hear you better. “So I just tagged along to make sure no one got black-out drunk or made out with anyone weird.”
“A noble effort,” Armin teases, and your eyes sparkle with amusement. “My friends dragged me here, too.”
“Dragged?” you catch with a growing smirk as you take a sip. “I said I tagged, not dragged.”
“I mean, it wasn't — yeah, no, I was definitely dragged here,” Armin confesses, sipping his vodka soda for some liquid courage.
No use in lying to seem cool.
That facade would crumble like a house of cards.
“Partying at The Point not your scene?” you ask without judgment laced in your tone.
Armin nods. “I could be sitting on the balcony reading right now.”
Your brows slide high with intrigue. "Reading?"
Yeah, he should have expected a reaction like that.
The blonde shuffles, shrugging his shoulders.
"I know, lame."
"I don't think it's lame at all," you answer instantly.
His eyes widen. "I— no?"
"Uh, no," you snort. "If I had a choice, I'd probably be doing the same thing."
Oh, shit.
Oh... shit.
So he's not lame, and he found a possible fellow bookworm.
Armin sips his drink so fast that a little dribbles out the corner of his mouth.
Liquid courage; he needs it, badly.
"If you could be home right now instead of here, what would you be reading?" he decides to ask, knowing it's the most unsexy question he could offer.
You scrunch your nose again, seriously contemplating the question while bobbing your head to the music.
"I brought maybe two books? I should have brought more."
He nods eagerly, his blue eyes round with interest.
"I have a romance that takes place in the summer — I know. Very on the nose," you relent with a small huff. "And, uh, this thriller? But I'm not crazy about it, so I'm mostly reading the romance book on the beach."
"I brought a thriller, too," he admits. "Bounty Run."
"Shut up, you too?"
You laugh, and it's a melody that makes the music at this venue pale in comparison.
"I literally bought Bounty Run last month and never got around to it until now! It's so bad!"
To whatever deity is smiling upon him today, Armin has to thank them.
Not only has he met someone who likes reading, but they think Bounty Run sucks.
Maybe he's hallucinating from the burn screaming through his polo right now.
"It's really bad," he agrees breathlessly with a chuckle.
"Like dogshit terrible!"
"I know. What the hell was Tracy thinking in chapter six?"
"Oh my god, when she decided to call the hostage guy?"
"Like, I'm pretty sure that's not how those situations work."
"Not even close."
You both laugh, and all Armin Arlert wants is to know every miniscule thought of yours.
What other books you may have read.
If you have any recommendations.
If you're single.
He's not Eren Yeager.
He is not his best friend— 
"Are you from here?" you ask over the music, breaking his panicked train of thought.
Armin swallows more alcohol, shaking his head. "No, we're not locals. We're just vacationing."
"So are we!"
"With your friends?"
"My friend's family," you correct, leaning closer to stop shouting so loudly.
He can feel his blood pressure spike exponentially.
"I'm with my friend's family, too," Armin tells you. "Our shore house for the week is something like ten blocks from here."
“For the week? Which way’s your house?” you ask, before holding up your free hand. “Not in, like, a mega-stalker way.”
“Oh, I didn’t take it that way,” he promises, earnest intent pouring from his mouth. “It’s, uh… wait where are we — oh! That way.”
He swivels and points, like somehow that’ll triangulate where the beach starts.
Your chin turns, noting the direction. “So near the… beach? No fucking way, our house is that way, too, but more like a seven-block walk from here.”
No fucking way, indeed.
"Seriously?" Armin asks, voice cracking just a tad.
"Yeah! Do you guys camp out on the beach by third street, too?"
He nods almost too eagerly. "We were just there this afternoon."
"So were we," you confess with a light laugh. "Small world! We were both being subjected to that god-awful book and could've warned each other to pick a less shitty book."
"Well, I brought about a dozen books if you want one to borrow."
Way to go, mouth.
Armin tenses instantly as the words pour from his mouth.
"I... you know, just in case the romance book doesn't work out! Or if you're a fast reader! Or if you—"
Your question cuts through like a knife.
He is in awe.
He'll give you all of his goddamn books if it means you'll talk to him after tonight.
Suddenly your chin drops, and your free hand fishes for your phone in the back pocket of your jean shorts.
A frown tugs at the corners of your lips, causing the blonde to simply wait.
Don't go.
Don't go, don't go, don't— 
"Shit, mayday with my friend."
You sigh as if you were expecting a disaster.
Hell, he's expecting one, too, but he's selfishly forgotten about saving Eren or finding Zeke.
"Are they alright?"
"Yeah, just..." You trail off, typing back a response. "They pre-gamed before we came here to save money. I told them not to, but... best laid plans, right?"
"I could give you my number?" he blurts, and your attention leaves your phone.
Your eyes round with surprise, and he feels immense shame in even offering.
"For the books," he adds hastily. Shakily. "To borrow. O-Or if you ever want to just... talk about them."
"For the books," you agree, biting your lip between your teeth. "Yeah, sure, give me your phone."
His cup is empty, but he almost drops it trying to yank his phone out of his pocket.
Armin holds it out to you, unlocking the screen. He watches as you pocket your own phone and take his, typing your number into a new text chat window.
This is happening.
This is seriously, actually happening.
"Here," you offer, handing his phone back. "I put my name in."
He glances down, memorizing your name with newfound vigor.
"Okay, perfect. Oh — my name. My name is Armin."
"Armin?" You repeat. He nods. "I like that name."
Suddenly, he likes it, too.
"See you around?" he asks hopefully.
With a parting smile, you take a slow step backwards.
"...yeah, Armin. See you around."
You look just as sheepish as he feels when you turn on a heel, disappearing into the crowd.
For a moment he stands there, dumbfounded — phone in hand, slack jawed —
Maybe Armin Arlert won't hate spending seven days at the Yeager shore house after all.
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author's note:
Thank you SO much for reading part one of my little summer story! I've been dying to write a proper Armin fic for a while now, and a casual, warm vacation setting felt perfect for him. This is meant to be a cozy read, so I hope you enjoy my love letter to my favorite boy. xo
How are we feeling after part one? Let me know in the replies! (And thank you for any reblogs, likes, engagement, etc. Every comment gives this writer wings.)
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breathinlove · 6 months
glue 002 ellie williams imagine
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read this
sinopse: you might have a crush on your friend, college!au
cw: swearing, basically fluff, ellie plays soccer, puppy love again because that's my thing, slightly nerdy loser!ellie, reader and ellie are oblivious, not explicit if reader is fem or masc, not exactly proofread.
you had been up all morning, not up really, awake. it was 11:43 when you actually got up, sick to your core. niyah had checked on you before she left for her classes, leaving you some cash for lunch, it's not like you didn't have any but niyah just felt like a mom sometimes. she also gave you a forehead kiss.
you rubbed your eyes while your other hand hugged your aching stomach. you grabbed your phone and squinted at the brightness of the screen.
“shit fuck.” you hissed, boy did your head hurt. you had suspicions that ellie had made so much nervousness pile up in you that it was threatening to explode your head and your poor stomach.
you had always been a little… anxious and got nervous when you hung out with new people, especially without your best friends. they were your safe space, you smiled sweetly thinkin about them, so you read over the texts on your group chat ‘take ur meds’. never the instagram one, because it's just your friend luana spamming instagram reels.
you laughed at your phone, turning it off just to wait for your friends to show up, you knew they would. you grabbed a piece of fruit and sat down again.
you grabbed your little notebook where you did all of your journaling, you always read some pieces before actually writing in it, so you did that. ‘ellie’ this ‘ellie’ that, from just last night before you got sick. but maybe you had already been sick from the moment she stepped into the room.
sick in your stomach, crippling nervousness. you and ellie hung out so much 1 on 1, so you assumed that's what happens when two anxious people get together to talk alone, even though you had known each other for a while now. you didn't give it much thought, well maybe you did. you wrote in pink ink...
‘she's so cute’ ummm late night thoughts were so funny to read over, right? just hilarious. ‘ellie williams #8’ adorned with stars and hearts? you were already sick last night, for sure!
on the other side of campus, ellie was at class but her mind was on the same side of campus as yours. ellie was very much in tune with her feelings for you, she'd say. ‘we're so awkward, we need to get closer!’ that's all you two needed, right? just that. she sighted, you looked at her adorned name in your notebook, she imagined your face adorned with flowers and asteroids?
she needs to pay attention in class! she'll think about you later, she wants to text you but she'll see you at lunch anyways so she decides against the text. ellie tried her best to focus on her boring class, impatiently waiting to see you again.
abby had texted you a few to let you know she was coming over, she was your childhood friend, inseparable at that. caring and loving, gentle giant abigail anderson. she was now on your carpet in front of you bed.
“so, did you take your meds?” she laughed, abby was a med student and definitely a good one but damn her she didn't know shit about pharmacy.
they might’ve teached her some of it, but this girl had very selective memory, it's not like you know what they teach at med school anyway. but you still thought she should cure you everytime you got sick, all your other friends agreed too.
“yep, i looked it up. turns out my friend being in med school doesn't serve me anything.” you stretched my leg to touch her with your feet and she gave you a disgusted look.
“you're such a bitch to me, i came to see you, sick girl.” she grabbed you by the ankle and pulled you with no force.
“abbyyy!” you laughed and tried yanking your feet back and she used more of her strength. she laughed with you and you felt less sick.
you two kept it up until you were falling off your bed onto her, she grabbed your torso, manhandling you so you looked at her. she looked mischievous, she had something up her sleeve.
“how's our favorite soccer star?” she smirks and you look scared, head jumping up and hitting hers. “hey! ouch lil girl…”
she soothed her head before soothing yours, with harsh pats... you weren't sure if she was soothing you or actively making it worse. you both laughed again, what the hell was wrong with you? you had slipped out of her thighs and sat on the carpet, right next to her.
“she's…” you coughed. “she's alright, i saw her yesterday.” you nodded to yourself and abby nodded back.
“right… right…” abby stared at you, smirk still in her lips, waiting for something.
you thought of what she might’ve wanted you to say. you used your brain so much that you realized something, eyes widened and eyebrows furrowed.
"what? you look like you developed your first thought.” she chuckled and you looked frightened.
“i forgot to tell her i'm sick.” you searched for your phone around the carpet and the bed.
“why would you have to tell her?” abby leaned back, watching you look for you phone.
"you know, even if she was a nurse in your wet dream, i don't think she can help.” she added when you ignored her.
“abby.” you actually slapped her nape and she hissed. “we were supposed to have lunch together, i don't wanna be rude and leave her hanging.”
“oooohh you're bailing her on your lunch date.” abby loved pressing your buttons and she knew which ones to press.
“yeah, our date at the campus cafeteria, abigail.” you found your phone under a pillow, one that you were sure you checked before. whatever, you texted ellie.
“abigail is crazyyy…” abby got up and peeped your phone from behind and you pushed her face, the fat on her cheek smushed. “sweetness, let me see.”
abby had a big sweet tooth growing so when you became friends, her dad started calling you tooth and sweetness, since she could never get enough of you. she clinged to it even now, when she was being nice but really often when she pissed you off.
“fine, tooth.” you caressed the cheek you had pushed. she laughed and playfully bit your shoulder as you turned off your phone.
“it's fine, y/n. she'll understand, of course.” abby slurred, you turned to her.
“yeah, i know. i wanted to see her though.” you rubbed your nose sitting on the carpet again, followed by abby.
“you'll see her soon, it's alright.” she patted your head and you looked at her blankly. “what? don't wanna see me too?” she pushed you head and snickered.
“i do, stop abby!” you laughed, pushing her back.
“you gotta crush and now you're gonna abandon me and lua.” she shook her head. “you won't abandon niyah because you live with her, but who knows! you might move in with ellie.”
“what are you even talking about?” you chuckled at her while she tried to maintain a serious face. “i'm not abandoning anyone.”
"AHA! so you do have a crush on ellie, lil girl…” she laughed loud, slapping her knee, now it was your turn to maintain a serious face while she laughed.
“first, you’re not funny. second, i don't have a crush on anyone.” she arched her eyebrow you held her temples, pressing her eyebrows back to their place. “stop, i don't”.
“be for real with me, pookie wookie.” you cringed hard with her.
“you can leave.” you both laughed so loud until she stopped and tapped your lap. “but she makes me nervous.”
“i know she does, might be something, don't you think?”
“mmm, i don't think so, we're both pretty anxious people so…” you shrugged and abby did too, she'd never pry.
“you might be right, time will tell.” she casually says as gets up. “you wanna order some? “i'm hungry.” you nod and she takes her phone out.
ellie on the other hand, is frowning at your texts, she's upset she won’t see you and she's upset you're sick. she immediately texted her friends dina and jesse about it, asking to have lunch with them instead.
she'd waited for them to meet up with her on campus, holding her phone. she wanted to text you again, but you probably needed rest so she opted out to spam texting cat, who wouldn't reply to the groupchat texts. cat was a fucking ghost most of the times, even when they dated... girl gets busy. when dina and jesse finally got there they walked together.
“y/n bailed on you, damn.” jesse shook his head ironically and dina rolled her eyes.
“shut up, jesse.” dina tickled his ear and smirked. they were walking towards the local subway.
“yeah shut up, she's sick dude.” ellie replied, with little to no humor.
her friends noticed. her hands were in her jeans pockets and she was looking down, jesse and dina knew her all to well to know she was even just slightly upset. childhood friends are like that, you'd know. abby was exactly like that with you.
“what's wrong?” jesse asked, palming her shoulder. dina stopped walking but ellie kept going, making them get back to walking too.
“nothin’. it's dumb, i just miss y/n or whatever.” ellie slurred, looking at her sneakers. jesse and dina chucked and she snickered.
“okay, okay. my bad.” jesse looked sternly at dina so she'd stop laughing. “you had plans?”
“actually yeah, i was gonna invite her to see me play saturday.” she looked up.
“it's wednesday, man. you can ask her later.” jesse started. “right?” he looked for ellie's eyes.
“as in a date?” dina asked, not afraid to. ellie was always open with them, she wasn't embarrassed by her feelings even though sometimes she was confused.
“nah, not a date. and yes i can ask later, but i get nervous and… i dunno.” she held her fingers as she sighed.
“just say it, els.” dina chuckled, jesse and ellie chuckled back.
“yeah, alright. i want her to see me play but i get nervous to ask and i thought i’d do it today.” ellie laughed at herself. dina and jesse nodded, they understood her.
“it's alright, you will ask. don't worry, she's gonna be thrilled.” jesse slapped ellie's back and dina looked at him in disgust.
"thrilled" dina mocked jesse, holding her fingers up as quotes.
they all busted out laughing as they got closer to the subways shop, talking about the saturday game, but never distracted ellie from the thoughts of you.
taglist: @mikellie @amberputh @ellslvr @elliesactualgirlfriend @macaroni676 @onlinelesbo @aispike @kalyxvfx @ellieschair
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sanjisboyfie · 1 year
one piece smau: misc. edition
— miscellaneous :P probably pt.1 bc this is so fun to dooooo
— no romantic pairings, just the strawhats being cutie friends, male reader!!!
ー idk if the formatting is weird on desktop bc i did this all on my mobile 😭😭😭
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liked by freeluffy, roro.zoro, and 8.6k others
-> ._.[name]: luffy is recycling, recycling is good for the enviornment!!! be like luffy <3
tagged: freeluffy
dni_nami: who on earth would want to be like that idiot ???
-> roro.zoro: no bc shes right
-> ._.[name]: you guys r so mean 😭😭
dr.law: im surprised there arent more bottles, u guys had the whole block awake....
-> freeluffy: we had to make five trips :DDD
-> ttchopper: FIVE TRIPS?????
-> dr.law: and when your guys' livers fail ill b there to laugh
-> ._.[name]: actin like u werent sneakin in shots of vodka :/// alright buddyyyyy
-> uso_pp: LMFOAOAO
-> SUPERCOLA: u jus got exposed
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liked by ._.[name], dni_nami, and 4.6k others
uso_pp: im beggin yall to stop getting into drinking contests w zoro and nami
tagged: ._.[name]
._.[name]: naw trust next time i got em
-> uso_pp: didnt u say ts last time???
-> dni_nami: the fact he keeps thinking hes gonna win is crazy
-> ._.[name]: imma win back all my money
-> uso_pp: AND YOU BET MONEY??? ur gonna b in eternal debt [name]
princesanji: my beautiful nami is always coming out on top 😻😻😻
-> ._.[name]: who r u ???
-> princesanji: i dont interact w losers
-> dni_nami: sanji, ur the reason my username is what it is please do not test me rn
[liked by ._.[name], robinkills, and 80 others]
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liked by ._.[name] and 7.3k others
robinkills: nami and i showing sanji and [name] who exactly they gotta jump
tagged: dni_name, ._.[name], princesanji
dni_nami: skank ass bitches invading a party that our friend is throwing jus to talk shit is crazy
-> ._.[name]: glad we took em outside 😋
-> ._.[name]: one time ill agree w sanji on smth
freeluffy: no fair i wanted to come :(((
-> dni_nami: the pouting at not being involved in a fight is crazy
-> boahancock: my beautiful boy luffy i have many people you can have the pleasure of taking care of 🥰🥰🥰
uso_pp: their stupid ass bfs thinkin they stood a chance against sanji AND [name] was hilarious nglll
-> robinkills: it was over before it even started
[liked by dni_nami, princesanji, ._.[name] and 40 others]
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liked by freeluffy, portgasdace, and 4.1k others
princesanji: someone donate this brokeass some money so he can buy his own packs
tagged: ._.[name]
._.[name]: HOW MANY OF MY LIGHTERS HAVE YOU STOLEN??? this is compensation
-> princesanji: stop lying i didnt steal shit from u
ttchopper: smoking isnt good for u [name] :((
-> ._.[name]: suddenly i no longer like cigarettes
-> ttchopper: :DDD
-> roro.zoro: walked like a dog.
-> ._.[name]: ur just mad cuz chopper actually likes me
-> roro.zoro: im gonna kill u
-> dni_nami: chopper doesnt like either of u pls stfu
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liked by robinkills, roro.zoro, dr.law and 13k others
._.[name]: my hearts <333
tagged: portgasace, freeluffy
portgasace: YALL SEE THIS im [name]'s favorite u wish u were me
-> freeluffy: i think [name] likes me the most, sorry ace!!!
-> portgasace: im beggin u to shut the fuck up
-> freeluffy: ur jus mad cus im right :DD
uso_pp: i wanna see a fight between these two over [name]
[liked by dni_nami and 50 others]
-> ._.[name]: u jus wanna see a fight mf shut up 😭😭😭
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liked by dr.law, freeluffy, and 7k others
tagged: roro.zoro
roro.zoro: we r never going to the gym tgt ever again im sick of ur bullshit
-> ._.[name]: can u pls come home and meet my parents i told them all abt us 🥺🥺
-> roro.zoro: i hope u die in a fire
uso_pp: unexpected couple of 2023 😱😱😱
[liked by ._.[name], robinkills, and 70 others]
._.[name]: he looks soo fionneneee
-> dni_nami: pls stop thirsting for zoro on ur main at least take it to the finsta [name] i cant stand this any longer
-> roro.zoro: how abt he jus stops in general???
-> ._.[name]: ur ltr in love w me stop being so obsessed in replying to my comments zoro 🙄🙄
-> roro.zoro: unlock ur apartment door im outside
-> ._.[name]: i feel unsafe.
442 notes · View notes
luveline · 1 year
More zombie au! Steve!!! Please! It’s literally so good I love how you write Steve all protective <3
thank you ♡ steve zombie au —steve gets sick. you meet a dark-haired stranger while looking for meds. fem!reader 2k
You compare your arm to the bottle in your hand. You've written a list of generic and brand name antibiotics in biro on your forearm, but they're smudging from nervous sweat. You're getting desperate. 
Nothing seems to match. You're shaking with aching arms and legs, fucking terrified as you sift through a floor of orange and white pill bottles that nothing is going to match your list, and worse, the pharmacy grows darker by the hour. You don't have a torch. 
Things are getting pretty bad at camp. There's not enough food to go around, no batteries, and now Steve's… 
A bottle slips out of your hand and knocks into another. You cringe and pick up the next. You've been searching for hours without sitting down, as hiding underneath the bottles is a carpeting of grainy glass from the smashed shelves. Three of your fingertips have cut and scabbed since you got here. 
"Fuck," you whisper, glaring at another wrong medication. "Fuck, fuck." 
Amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, flucloxacillin. Anything to stop Steve's infection from getting into his blood. It's a gross wound, oozy and inflamed, and when you'd left him with Robin dutiful at his side his skin had glowed with heat like glass held in the centre of a furnace. Even with his eyes closed, he'd known what you were about to do. 
"Don't fucking leave," he'd grit out, fingers twitching up for your hand. 
You'd leaned forward and kissed his damp forehead. "I have to go. I love you. I'll be right back." 
That was ten hours ago at least. You have no idea what condition Steve might be in, so sure you'd find the pills and be back in arm's reach by noon. How sick can he get before it's too much? 
"Shit," you whisper, your fingers tingling. 
"What are you looking for?" 
You fall backward with a sharp gasp, pill bottles biting into your thighs. Your face swings around but the source of the voice is unclear, empty shelves and aisles either side of you. 
"Chill out–" 
"Where the fuck are you?" you demand, scrambling onto your feet with the use of one sacrificed palm. Glass like needles serrates your skin. "Fuck! Come out, loser!" 
"Hey, no need to be mean. I'm up in the ceiling." 
You look up. Peeking out from a displaced ceiling tile is a pale face silhouetted by a matt of dark hair. 
"You fucking little freak," you say, though you feel bad immediately. He's smiling and he isn't pointing any weapons at you, which is more than most strangers allow on the road. "Why are you up there?"
"I wanted to see if you had a gun, stupid." 
"You're stupid, stupid. What if it was in my bag?" 
"Point it at me, then!" 
You stare at him in silence. 
"That's what I thought," he says, framing a face in two hands like a baby angel on a gift card. "Can I come down or are you gonna keep bitchin'?" 
"Don't fucking come down here." 
"Or what?" he asks. 
"I'll get my gun out." 
"Mm, okay," he mocks. "I'll come help you find whatever it is that has your panties in a twist." 
"I swear to god–" 
"Listen. I'm a good guy, I swear." 
"That's what bad guys say." 
The stranger laughs a weird giggly laugh and climbs backwards. The ceiling tiles stress visibly under his weight but make no noise as he disappears from view. He swears a couple of times on the way down, unseen, before the stockroom door swings open and he appears in his intimidating glory in the doorway.
"If you kill me," you say, eyeing his spiked wristbands and the machete strapped to his waist with horrified apprehension, "my boyfriend will avenge me. Like, hunt you to the ends of the earth and slice you into little tiny pieces of vengeance." 
"That sounds like my kind of party, but your boyfriend has nothing to worry about. I got a girl." 
"Don't say rock and roll." 
"How the fuck would you guess that?" he asks, hand flying to the back of his neck for a bashful scratch. 
"My life feels like a shitty gimmicky horror movie, and you look the part." You bite the inside of your cheek. "I need antibiotics." 
"You and everybody else in the world. This for your vengeful boyfriend?" 
You don't need him knowing who they're for. He could be an evil guy, and the threat of Steve waiting for you might be your trump card. "No. My vengeful boyfriend left to look for cans in the shelter." 
"He'll be back soon, then." 
You take a step back. "I'll gouge your eyes out if you try anything, I'm serious. I don't care how big your knife is–" 
"I'm Eddie." Eddie smiles at you, shoving his hands into cargo pockets. Despite his weird questions and his choice of apparel, he looks less intimidating in the lingering light of the setting sun as it seeps between window shutters. "I don't want to hurt you." He frowns. "Any kind of hurt." 
"Can I have the machete?" 
"Nope. I can go put it down somewhere, though, if that's less scary." 
You shake your head, and with a great big sigh, lean down to sift through bottles. If he's going to hurt you, he might as well get on with it. The longer you spend talking to him, the sicker your Steve becomes. 
"You need antibiotics bad?" Eddie asks, his voice softening. 
"My best friend is sick." You toss a bottle, pick up another. "Infection probably getting into his blood. If I don't find something tonight, he's gonna die." 
"Well, we can't have that," Eddie says, crouching down to help. 
You sweep through bottle after bottle of things you wish you needed. Painkillers, sleeping pills, laxatives. Good shit, and nothing you need. 
"You know…" Eddie sighs. "I know you could lie to me, but is it just you, boyfriend and the dying bestie, or?"
You're not sure what the right answer is. Better for him to think you have an army waiting if you get lost, or better to hide them? He could belong to a cult of cannibals. Only… his clothes are squeaky clean. His curls shine with a gloss that comes solely with conditioner, which means he has the time and security to really wash things. 
But murders can wash their clothes, right?
"There's a couple of us," you say. 
"You're not from that place west, are you?" 
You put a pill bottle down slowly. "West?" 
"Yeah, there were people there, hundreds of 'em. We got a few stragglers, survivors from the fucking massacre that happened a few weeks ago. One girl said there must've been thirty, forty kids there, it's fucking awful." 
You swallow a lump. "Awful," you agree.
"Hopper says we can track down the people who did it if we just follow the blood trail," Eddie says, slipping into a theatrical bravado that won't stick. "I don't know… someone needs to stop them." 
You choke, "Hopper? Chief Hopper?" 
"Wait, you're from Hawkins?" Eddie asks. 
You give each other boggled looks, a thrumming hope building in your chest like a flickering flame in the dead of winter. 
"I think you better come back with me," Eddie says. 
"I need antibiotics," you say, wanting to explain it to him and now knowing how. Or even if you should. Awesome, Hopper's alive, but that doesn't mean Eddie's group are good people, or that they can help you. There's nothing anyone in the world can do for you right now if they don't have a handful of Augmentin. 
"You're from The College." 
"I don't have time for this," you say, half apology and half frustration. "Yeah, we were from The College, and now it's gone, and my boyfriend's gonna die if you don't help me find the right pills." You wince and snatch up another stupid bottle. 
"I can get you antibiotics," Eddie says, "but you're gonna have to trust me. Can you do that?"
Steve wakes up two days later in an unfamiliar building. 
His eyes are made of sand, he can hardly breathe it's that cold, each breath as sharp as a needle as he sucks it in, but there's a roof over his head, a blanket over his chest, and your voice, your laugh rings like a song in the air. 
"He didn't do that, you're lying," you say with a laugh, pulling Steve's hand to your chest. 
"He did." Steve stiffens at the voice. Deeper, rougher than yours. "I swear on my life, he jumped right into Lover's Lake and swam backstroke to prove he could beat Louisa Park's best." 
"Did he beat her time?" 
"No, but he had a condom stuck to his ankle when he got out. Wasn't worth it." 
"Steve," you say. Steve thinks you've noticed he's waking up, but you hug his hand with a sympathetic sigh. "That's so embarrassing. You better wake up soon, I have making fun of you to do." 
"I think I'll stay asleep," he says hoarsely. 
You gasp and choke his fingers between yours. "Steve?" You climb up onto the bed, your weight dipping the mattress under his back. Your hand comes careful and warm against his chilled cheek. "You're awake. You're awake?" 
He strains to unglue his top lashes from his bottom lashes. You beam at him, the little scars around your mouth from a cruel hand shining in the white morning light. 
"What time is it?" he asks. 
"It's, like, seven in the morning." 
"I've been asleep that long?" 
"You've been unconscious for nearly two days," you correct. 
Steve can't remember anything. He has the barest memory of your lips on his forehead. Robin splashing cold water on him and calling him an asshole, and then, much quieter, her best friend. 
"Where's Robin?" he asks. 
"She's being Robin somewhere, you know, she loves being helpful. The kids need help getting settled." 
"And you're being lazy," Steve pokes. 
He lifts his chin so your kiss lands exactly where he wants it, the stubbly space below his jaw. You wrap your arms around him and hug him severely, squeezing his tender ribs. 
"I wasn't lazy, I had to go save you by myself." 
"Save everybody," the familiar but impossible voice adds. Steve doesn't want to believe it. He refuses to. "Like, an entire generation." 
"I didn't do anything," you say, kissing Steve again, a short path to his chapped lips. "Honey," —your voice lowers, your confession for Steve's ears alone— "I'm so happy you're okay. I was really, really scared." 
Steve feels the weight of your fear like a dumbell on his chest, but he's uber confused. Propping his chin over your shoulder and hugging you back, the evil wound on his arm that caused this whole mess throbbing like fire under his bandage, Steve sets his eyes on the boy sitting on the chair next to yours. 
"Hey, Harrington," Eddie says warmly, eyes dripping with a put upon affection. "Miss me?" 
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Steve asks. 
"Saving the day, obviously." 
"I can't believe I found one of your friends," you say, sitting up a little to smile at him. You really are gorgeous in his eyes, better than any movie star. Your beatific little grin stirs something, but Eddie's snort stomps it dead. 
"We're not friends," Steve says. 
You stroke Steve's face with the back of your hand. "Don't be like that. He's really nice…" Your smile melds itself to a concerned frown. "I thought you were kicking it, Stevie. How's your arm feeling? Does it hurt a lot?" 
"It's fine," he says dismissively, wrapping his stronger arm around your waist. He's not jealous or anything, it's just cold in here, honest. "Munson, where the fuck did you come from?" 
"Right here, Stevie." 
"We're not far from the camp," you explain, stroking his face once again. "Or, we weren't when it was there. We're merging with this one to make a mega camp." 
"Why would we do that? We don't know that we can trust these people." 
"No, but we can trust Hopper." You smile. Steve knows things are gonna be okay, as long as you can smile like that. He leans his cheek into your hand, loved and relieved and– 
"Hopper?" Steve asks. 
"Jesus, Harrington," Eddie says, rolling his shoulders. "Keep up. If you can't comprehend the easy stuff, you're not gonna believe what we haven't told you." 
"What haven't you told me?" Steve asks. 
You push his shoulders down into the pillows. "I think you better lay down first." 
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hugshughes · 6 months
Casual J. McCarthy
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JJ McCarthy x fem!reader
synopsis - Although your relationship with JJ has always been categorized as no strings attached, the way he makes you feel is anything but casual.
wc - 4.6k
contains - she's angsty :( takes place in a universe where JJ and Katya broke up during like spring 2023!!! friends with benefits but more!!! "casual" relationship that acts like more, cursing, kissing, making out, reader's not great family life is mentioned once or twice, sex references (no elicit smut!), caught feelings, arguing, misunderstanding, shouting, eating, crying, hurt with comfort??? i think that's it!!! lmk!
an - wowwwwww this oneeeee. this took me so long to write like SO FUCKING LONG. started it, got sick, got better, wrote some more, got sick again, got better, THEN FINALLY FINISHED! ummmm idk... OH! i was surprised with tickets to Olivia Rodrigo and flew out to her Charlotte show A WEEK AFTER I COME BACK FROM THERE FOR SPRING BREAK to go with my favorite person ever! and Chappell Roan is her opener currently and SHE PLAYED CASUAL AND I CRIED.
my friends call me a loser, 'cause i'm still hanging around.
You often got shit from your friends over your relationship with JJ McCarthy. If you could even truly call it a relationship. The two of you had gotten "together" around the beginning of the school year. He'd followed you on Instagram after meeting at a party. How romantic?
He and his long term girlfriend, Katya had broken up about 6 months prior and the boy was not ready for another true commitment of any kind. You'd also gotten dumped by your boyfriend of over two years over the summer, so honestly neither were you.
You two were strictly casual. Just two not quite friends but also definitely not dating kids who made out and fucked, but also cuddled and kissed each other with no sinful intentions. He took you on dates but God forbid you call him your boyfriend.
i've heard so many rumors, that i'm just a girl that you bang on your couch.
You knew people talked about you two. Girls at parties and in random classes in hushed conversations while they glared into the back of your skulls.
"No, she's not like his girlfriend. She's like his no strings attached side piece or something."
Your eye twitched when you heard it whispered all too loudly behind you in a marketing class. You sighed and shrunk into your chair, reminding yourself that you were gonna private your Instagram.
JJ treated you like his girlfriend, point-blank. It wasn't even like a switch from in private to in public. He always did. But nevertheless he always said that it was all informal. There had been many nights where you stayed up questioning it all. Was you falling sleep on his chest while he played with your hair and kissed your head just another Saturday night for him?
i thought you thought of me better. someone you couldn't lose.
JJ made you feel special, like you were special to him. Special was something you didn't feel often, not after how your ex treated you. You were lucky to even get the bare minimum from him, yet you stayed because he made you believe that was what you deserved.
You and JJ both truly cared about each other. Even though you two were not together, you guys did everything two people that were together did. You went on dates, went together everywhere, cuddled, kissed, had long conversations. It was hard to not imagine how it would feel for him to really be your boyfriend.
You remember the night JJ unknowingly broke your heart. You were at a party, and you'd left to get drinks for the two of you. You were walking back over when you heard one of JJ's friends ask a stupid question.
"Where's your little girlfriend, Jay?"
"Oh, we're not together."
you said "we're not together". so now when we kiss, i have anger issues.
He laughed awkwardly as he said it, rubbing the back of his neck. You turned around and explored the rest of the party for a little while before going back over to JJ. When you returned and stuck a can in his hand, he pulled your arm towards him and kissed you deeply. It was a good kiss, all kisses with JJ were, but it left you hurting.
you said, "baby, no attachment",
It was always the same with JJ. There would be a long while where you and him were in a blissful and amazing haze of acting like a couple without having to be one. Then someone would ruin everything by asking if you were together, causing you two to realize you acted too much like a couple.
You and JJ trusted each other entirely. You'd seen every inch of each other. Helped each other through the bad days, all of it. You'd held him in your arms while he cried over the pressure he felt because of football. You cheered him on at every game. You spent countless nights in each other's beds. He listened while you talked for hours about problems with your family.
but we're... knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out.
You'd done stuff with JJ you'd never have the heart to repeat to anyone. You got closer to each other than you'd ever been with anyone else, and still there was a strict separation between you.
Your head often drifted to one of the many nights you spent in intimacy with JJ. Flashes of you in the backseat of his truck, in his bed, his shower, all of the above. You never let the words JJ said to you while he groaned above you in bed get to your head. You wanted to believe them, but knew you were better off to not. He made you the happiest you'd ever been while also making you completely miserable sometimes.
is it casual now?
Over the winter JJ had even brought you to dinner with his family. You'd met his parents, and his sisters, and they immediately fell in love with you. They assumed you were his girlfriend, though he never actually said that. They were so glad to see their boy so incredibly happy after being in the dumps over Katya all summer.
You remember at that same dinner freezing in your seat when his mom had what she felt was a bright idea.
"Oh, JJ, she should come to the beach this summer!"
You had to awkwardly laugh it off, throwing a joking 'Maybe!' out as his sisters boasted about how that was a great idea. JJ smiled uncouthly, laughing and carelessly nodding his head. You knew that topic would never be brought up, JJ would definitely not be asking you to spend the summer with him.
two weeks and your mom invites me, to her house in Long Beach. is it casual now?
You liked to pretend he was your boyfriend, it wasn't that hard most of the time. You were exclusive with each other, that was made clear at the beginning of your "relationship". JJ said something about how he wasn't the type to see more than one girl, and that you were that girl for him.
You were the one with him when he won the National Championship. He'd invited you to sit with his family. Like, what the fuck? How were you supposed to not be in love with him?
You knew JJ only wanted something casual. You tried not to think about how he was probably just with you to get over his ex. He told you about her, sometimes. He said how he thought he was gonna marry her, but she didn't want that. You couldn't imagine why. JJ was everything you'd ever need in a man. He was stable, and loyal, and made you laugh so hard you cried. He cared for you, no matter the status of your relationship.
i know what you tell your friends. it's casual, if it's casual now. but baby, get me off again. if it's casual, it's casual now.
What you had going on with JJ was great, and you were in no position to ruin it with your stupid feelings. You didn't really care what you were, as long as it was with JJ.
Now you were getting ready to go over to JJ's apartment for the night. He invited you over a couple hours ago, telling you he wanted to watch some movies and hang out with you. Of course you said yes, how could you not? He'd just finished up with the NFL Combine a couple days ago. And spring break had just ended so you hadn't seen him since before then, you were excited.
You adjusted your hair for the fourteenth time before you were satisfied. You would only be going from your place to the car to JJ's apartment. You still wanted him to think you looked good, good enough to be more than just his fling.
You grabbed your small overnight bag filled with the barebones of your necessities and left your apartment, swiftly locking the door behind you.
You listened to low music while you drove lowly through the college town. It was only a seven minute drive, so you got there right away. You parked your car and sat for a second as you were overcome with a random wave of dejection. You took a deep breath, your brain reminding your heart not to get too excited. You shook off the feeling, grabbing your bag from the passenger seat and exiting your car, locking it behind you.
You knocked lightly on the door you'd walked through all too many times. Barely ten seconds passed before the door opened, a bubbly dirty blonde with the cutest smile you'd ever seen standing opposite you. JJ immediately grabbed you by the hips, pulling you to hug him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tucking your head into his shoulder. You let yourself believe all the stupid fantasies for just a second.
dumb love, i love being stupid.
"Missed you, gorgeous."
dream of us in a year.
You shut your eyes, squeezing him. He giggled, turning his head to kiss your neck. You felt his smile against your flushed skin.
"I missed you."
He held you tighter, pulling away to kiss your forehead and grab your hand. He shut the door behind you and pulled you further into his apartment. He led you to his bedroom before dropping your hand, turning to go back to the front of the apartment. You dropped your bag next to his bathroom door before taking your shoes off and tucking them just underneath his bed so they were out of the way.
maybe we'd have an apartment. and you'd show me off to your friends at the pier.
"How're you doin' pretty?"
JJ's voice echoed from the kitchen, you could literally hear his smile.
"'M doin' okay! Nothing new, y'know."
JJ heard something different in your voice. Something other than happiness, which obviously concerned him. You sat back on his bed, sighing.
"What's wrong? Sure you're good?"
"Yeah, it's fine! Some shit happened over spring break so I've just been a little out of it is all. Don't worry!"
The blonde came through the doorway again, this time holding a plastic bag with a logo you knew all too well. You gave him a smile that didn't aid his now worried mind.
"What happened? You could've called me."
"Oh come on, Jay. You were literally at the NFL Combine. I was not about to distract you with my stupid problems."
It's not like I'm your girlfriend. JJ shook his head as he sat the bag next to you, turning to open his closet door and rummage through his clothes.
"You can always call me. I wanna hear about all of your problems. You're my best friend, y'know."
i know, "baby, no attachment." but we're...
You winced, fuck. The man you were certain you were in love with just 100% friend zoned you. Just his best friend that he kissed, laid skin to skin with, told his family about.
knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out.
"I know! But still, you're Mr. National Champion and I'm not gonna bother you with dumb things."
"You're never bothering me. You don't bother me."
He came out of his closet, now shirtless and in new sweatpants. His eyes found yours and he raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to agree with him.
"Okay, okay, whatever. Come eat."
He climbed over you onto "his" side of his bed. You ate while asking him about the combine, as if you hadn't watched the videos of JJ's performance. You definitely appreciated how he looked in his tight red shirt.
"It was fun, nerve wracking as hell though. Kinda like made me realize that like I actually am going to the NFL. It's a lot closer than it feels."
He could say that again. You knew your time with JJ was coming to its end. Whenever he got drafted to an NFL team he wasn't gonna keep wanting a random girl from his old college. Not one that wasn't actually his girlfriend or anything. He'd find another one very quickly, you knew it.
"That's so scary. I couldn't imagine that. Having so many people depend on you for their happiness is too much. But you're good at it."
He threw you a smile, moving closer to you.
"I just love it. It's so fun for me. Obviously not like losing but having so much support is actually really nice sometimes."
You nodded, trying to fathom how it was possible for the boy to be so positive always. You both were done eating so JJ took all of your trash and threw everything into the garbage. When he came back he pulled you closer to him, your head on his shoulder and your back to his chest.
"But enough about football. How was spring break? D'you have fun?"
"Um, yeah! For the most part it was really fun. Florida was fun but when I went home for the last three days it was honestly the worst. My mom was so mean for no reason the whole time, I don't know."
He ran his hands over the tops of your thighs before wrapping his arms around your hips. He kissed the side of your head sweetly, not moving as he spoke into your hair.
"'M sorry baby. Y'don't deserve that."
"Eh it's whatever. I'm used to her not being my biggest fan at this point."
JJ felt so bad. He couldn't relate to you on this level. He'd never know what it feels like to not have good parents.
"Well if it helps any, my mom's your biggest fan, to be completely honest. She keeps texting me to make sure you know you're invited to the beach this summer."
two weeks and your mom invites me, to her house in Long Beach.
It comforted and hurt you all the same. There's no way you could accept that invitation, no matter how sweet it was. You couldn't survive a week with his family while still only being casual. No way in hell.
"That's really sweet, Jay."
You shifted in his arms, turning so your cheek laid against his bare chest. You smiled and lightly kissed his pec.
is it casual now?
"So, what are we watching, Jay?"
"Whatever you want."
It was just another small thing that made you fall harder for him. You didn't know how much longer you could pretend like you didn't want him more than physically.
"How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days?"
"Are you plotting or somethin'?"
You can't lose something that isn't yours. Your smile faltered but you let out a forced giggle, telling JJ to just play the movie. You watched the majority of the movie in silence, answering JJ's questions whenever he had them. At some point the movie got boring, you'd seen it a million times before. You started running your nails over JJ's pec, unknowingly distracting him. He traced his hand up your back and to your hand on his chest, interlocking his with yours.
i know what you tell your friends. it's casual, if it's casual now.
You leaned away from him just a bit to look him in the eyes. You stared at each other for just a few seconds, just until JJ took his hand out of yours, grabbing ahold of your jaw. The thoughts filling your mind seemed to quiet down as JJ kissed you. The kiss quickly grew hot as JJ's hands traveled back down your body. Your tongue hit the seam of his lips, a downright immoral sound leaving his mouth.
You shifted onto your knees over JJ, the connection between you persistent. Your hands ran through his hair, tugging slightly at the dirty blonde locks.
but baby, get me off again. if it's casual, oh, oh, oh.
Your chest pressed against his as he pulled you closer, leaving no space between you. Every move of JJ's mouth and hands cushioned your spiraling thoughts, muting them. Your could focus your thinking on nothing but the physicality of the situation. Until JJ shifted his hands to the curve of your ass and gentley moved so your back was flush with his comforter, the quarterback kneeling over you. It was the position change as much as what he groaned out when your lips parted for just a moment that had you stopping in your tracks.
"Fuck, my girl."
His girl. His girl? How could you be his girl? You didn't mean to hesitate in your kiss with JJ but you did, pausing for just a second. Though it was long enough for JJ to notice and immediately grow concerned. He pulled back from you, his eyes full of worry. Did you not want this?
"Hey, what's wrong? We don't have to do anything, you know that. Right? Sorry I got carried away, baby."
He comforted you immediately, like a man who loved you would. Not like a no strings attached fuck friend would. It soothed you but also made you ache even more. Why did he have to act like he cared? It wasn't fair.
"No, Jay. Sorry, it's fine. I just,"
You trailed off, wanting to hide from his concerned blue eyes. You kind of wished he'd get pissed off that you were hesitant, asking 'The fuck is wrong with you?' instead of being the most gentle and loving person you'd ever known.
"Hey, it's more than okay. Alright? Is something else wrong?"
Yes. Something else was wrong. You're in love with JJ but he's unattainable. You wondered if he knew, if he knew and was still treating you the same just to keep you loyal. Your silence proved JJ right, something was seriously wrong.
"Talk to me, okay? I wanna make you feel better."
You finally looked into his eyes. He was now next to you, laying on his side, confused and concerned.
This is where it ends, you told yourself. There really wasn't a way around telling him, and all you could do was imagine his reaction. You sat up, crossing your legs and looking down at your hands. How the fuck were you supposed to start this? Do you just break it off with no explanation, or let him do it after you tell him you're in love?
"Well I just, I don't know if I can do this anymore, JJ. And I'm sorry, I really-"
"What? That's really not what I thought this was about."
He was shocked, his chest tightened as he leaned away from you, moving off the bed to stand. He crossed his arms over his chest for some comfort.
it's hard being casual, when my favorite bra lives in your dresser.
"JJ, I'm sorry, really. I just, we're supposed to be strictly casual and it's honestly kinda hard when we're so close to each other. Like a quarter of my clothes are in your closet! It's just kind of a lot."
You too stood from his bed, now standing on opposite sides. You didn't want to hurt JJ, but it would only hurt you worse and worse in the end if you kept letting yourself indulge in him.
"Baby, what changed? I thought everything was fine the way it was."
it's hard being casual, when i'm on the phone talking down your sister.
"Jayj, it's just kind of a lot of pressure. Like, we FaceTime your sister when we hang out! Your mom invited me to your summer vacation! Like how is that casual?"
JJ stood there, astounded. He was shocked you felt this way. He thought everything was better than okay. He would've never guessed it all felt too relationship-y for you.
"So, what? Are you like breaking up with me, or?"
"That's exactly my point, JJ! What do you mean by breaking up? There's nothing solid in between us! Our quote unquote label is 'friends that fuck but also sometimes just lay skin to skin and talk for hours on end'. That's fucking confusing JJ! I don't get you!"
and i try to be the chill girl, that holds her tongue and gives you space. i try to be the chill girl but, honestly, i'm not.
Your volume rose as felt tears pricking behind your waterline. You brought your hands to your eyes, rubbing aggressively with the heel of your palms. JJ was so hurt. He didn't think of you as just something casual, not since the very beginning had he thought you two were just random and informal. He knew you two weren't a couple, but he didn't think of you as anything near just his fuck buddy. Watching you, obviously distraught, almost crying in his bedroom over him being too much of a boyfriend had JJ rethinking himself.
"Am I too much? I thought we were more than that to you. I thought I was more than that."
"You are! You are and it's ruining my fucking life!"
knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out. two weeks and your mom invites me, to her long beach house. i know what you tell your friends. baby, get me off again.
You shouted, tears starting to fall down your face. You tried to wipe them away as you hiccuped, cutting JJ off before he could respond.
"You tell me all you want is something casual so that's what I give you! I was there when you needed it, I left you alone otherwise. But then you just didn't let me go! You make me feel important! And like I'm special to you, then I hear you tell your friends we're nothing serious! I met your family, I went to your championship game and sat with them! Do you know how fucked that is? To tell a girl that is obviously invested in you that she means something to you then doing that! I just- I really wanted you to like me, for real. And you act like you do! But I know you don't really care about what we are. I can't pretend to not like you more than that, JJ. It's not fair anymore."
i fucked you in the bathroom, when we went to dinner.
Holy shit. You'd just practically told JJ you were in love with him. He was even more confused now, was this a joke?
your parents at the table, you wonder why i'm bitter?
"What are you talking about? This hasn't been casual to me since fucking October! I do this shit because I like you! Like, I really like you! You know, before I got broken up with in February last year, I thought I was ready to fuckin' marry her. And then seven months later you come into my life, and you're supposed to be this girl that I'm not really committed to, and that distracts me from how hurt I am. But, I'm more in love with you than I ever was with her! And I thought I would spend my entire fuckin' life with her! Do you know how scary that is? That someone I've known for barely seven months is making me feel more than the girl I dated for years! I'm terrified, it fucking sucks!"
bragging to your friends, i get off when you hit it. i hate to tell the truth, but i'm sorry dude you didn't.
Your mouth fell open, pupils constricting under the haze of tears. JJ just told you he was more in love with you than the girl he thought was gonna be his wife. His tears were flowing by the end of his emotional outburst. He buried his head in his hands, turning away from you.
You couldn't believe what you'd heard. The boy you were convinced didn't want you enough to really have you had just poured his entire heart out over how much he loved you. You were in love just as hard.
You moved slowly around his bed, watching for signs of him shifting again. You gently grabbed his wrists, urging his hands from his face. You jumped to throw your arms around his neck, wrapping him in a hug. His arms wrapped around you so tightly, he cried into your shoulder.
i hate that i let this drag on so long. now, i hate myself.
"I'm sorry."
"'M so sorry."
You both let out your apologies at the same time, causing JJ to let out a wet giggle into the crook of your neck.
"I just love you so much."
Your heart squeezed as JJ spoke into your shoulder, teary and sweet. You loved him just as much. You couldn't believe what was happening.
"I've been in love with you since you took me to the lake."
You whispered it slowly, muffled by his shoulder. On that chilly day in November JJ had driven you guys an hour or so to the coast of the nearest Great Lake, Lake Erie. You ate of the sandy shore and watched the water. It was one of the first times you two were together where it really felt like you were boyfriend and girlfriend.
You'd realized he was the sweet and caring one you'd been waiting for for so long. And it ruined you.
JJ squeezed you tighter. A little sob mixed with a giggle shaking through him. He sniffed, kissing your neck gently.
"I didn't wanna believe I was in love with you, as obvious as it was. I was scared of really being in love after what had happened before. You were just so amazing, and kind, and you listened to me. I've been trying to push it away 'cause I didn't think it was how you felt. Which I can't believe you didn't just tell me, by the way."
You giggled now, pulling away from his shoulder to look at him, jaw dropping.
"Alright, Mr. I don't really need anything serious right now I'm still hurt over my ex. Yeah, sorry I never told you I was in love."
JJ just kissed you, and it felt so incredibly right. Kissing the boy you loved, in his bedroom, where half of your clothes lived. The boy who's whole family, including him, loved you and thought you were perfect for him. You smiled against his lips, you just couldn't help it.
"Can't believe you went from friend zoning me to telling me you loved me in two hours."
JJ pulled away from you abruptly, confusion filling his face.
"When did I friend zone you? I didn't do that!"
"'You can always call me. I wanna hear about all of your problems. You're my best friend, y'know.' It wasn't very soothing to a girl who was actively debating telling you she was in love with you."
"Well you are my best friend! But also the girl I want so, two for one."
You laughed, rolling your eyes playfully as you pulled him by his neck to kiss you. You both couldn't help it as you smirked and giggled into your kiss, hands and minds wandering.
JJ pulled back from you for just a second, causing you to groan.
"Can I be your boyfriend?"
Your annoyance was quickly replaced, your eyes widening. You just smiled and nodded pulling him back in.
Your boyfriend squeezed your ass at your playful response, kissing you deeper. Your head was spinning, JJ was finally yours, for real. You were his girlfriend and he was your boyfriend. And one day, you'd walk down the aisle with him waiting at the altar, not that either of you knew that now. So much for keeping your relationship casual?
i hate that i let this drag on so long. you can go to hell.
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katsus-world · 8 months
Bakugou watching saltburn with you because you saw THAT Jacob elordi edit on tik tok
Y’all know exactly which edit I’m taking abt 😉
Grunts when he saw u save the edit LMAO
Anyways he’s weirded out by the first scenes to saw the least.
“He doesn’t even know how to fix a fuckin’ tire. Fuckin’ loser.” He rolls his eyes as you hush him. Annoyed that you liked this fucking actor 😭
Doesn’t like Oliver. Doesn’t like Felix, doesn’t like ANYONE LMFAO
“Y/n, the fuck you makin’ me watch?”
I’m not making you watch anything, you are sitting here willingly dumbass.” You throw a piece of popcorn in his mouth to shush him
He catches it 😭
Once Oliver gets to the house, katsuki is SOOO ready to make you turn it off! 😭
“Why are they naked Ina’ field?! This some Pornhub shit!”
I don’t blame him, ts movie was actually something else 😭
Covers your eyes when Felix is in the tub 🌚
“Why the fuck are they showing the water? 🤨”
“TURN THIS SHIT OFF! Y/N WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??” Omg katsuki is on his feet now, grabbing your phone that’s on the coffee table in front of you and shuts off the Apple play 😭
As much as you complain, he won’t finish the movie with you.
If he sees you trying to finish the movie
The period scene is playing when he finds you hiding under your covers, AirPods in and you didn’t hear him call your name TWICE.
YANKS the sheets from u omg 😭, a scream shoots from your throat as you feel the breeze of your soft covers flying across the room.
“This movie is fuckin’ sick! Stop watching this shit and come eat woman.” He grumbles some shit under his breath about the movie
“Nasty ass porn shit what the fuck..”
Goodluck trying to finish the movie bc as long as you two are hanging out, you ain’t gonna finish it with him by you. 😭😭
( ˘̀︹˘́ ) ( ˘̀︹˘́ ) ( ˘̀︹˘́ ) ( ˘̀︹˘́ ) ( ˘̀︹˘́ ) ( ˘̀︹˘́ ) ( ˘̀︹˘́ )
You eventually did finish it when you were with Mina AND kirishima 😭😭
Anyways that movie was a roller coaster. Hoped y’all liked ts little brainrot, not proof-read. Sorry for any misspellings!
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cloudzoro · 9 months
♡ op masterlist ♡
♡ - oneshot/fic
☆ - reaction/headcanon
s - suggestive/smut
Ace Portgas - 4 works
kink discovery
discovering a new kink with your partner (☆/s)
posted: 28/01/24
You and your boyfriend, Ace, are staying aboard his little brothers ship and the cook takes a liking to you. Ace is initially jealous but when he catches Sanji eavesdropping on the two of you, he issues a punishment that has him realising how much fun he can have with the cook. (♡/s)
posted: 15/02/24
getting caught
getting caught having sex with your man by one of his friends (☆/s)
posted: 20/02/24
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Dracule Mihawk - 1 work
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Law Trafalgar - 7 works
kink discovery
discovering a new kink with your partner (☆/s)
posted: 28/01/24
face sitting
law convinces you to take a seat. (s)
posted: 30/01/24
clothed sex
law likes to sit back and watch you move (s)
posted: 06/02/24
post-sex bliss
a sweet moment between you and law right after your first time together
posted: 15/02/24
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
you're struggling to fall asleep so your boyfriend helps out (s)
posted: 30/06/24
non-sexual turn ons
small, innocent things you do that turn them on (☆/s)
posted: 04/07/23
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Nami - 4 works
kink discovery
discovering a new kink with your partner (☆/s)
posted: 28/01/24
there's a slanderous article about you in a newspaper and nami makes you feel better the best way she knows how (s)
posted: 05/02/24
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
non-sexual turn ons
small, innocent things you do that turn them on (☆/s)
posted: 04/07/24
when they're jealous
how the one piece girls react to jealousy (☆)
posted: 06/07/24
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Reiju Vinsmoke - 1 work
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
when they're jealous
how the one piece girls react to jealousy (☆)
posted: 06/07/24
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Robin Nico - 5 works
robin is a sweetheart
robin helps you get over your loser ex-boyfriend (s)
posted: 12/01/24
kink discovery
discovering a new kink with your partner (☆/s)
posted: 28/01/24
Nico Robin views her devil fruit power negatively as an object of destruction until she meets you. (s)
posted: 06/02/24
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
non-sexual turn ons
small, innocent things you do that turn them on (☆/s)
posted: 04/07/24
when they're jealous
how the one piece girls react to jealousy (☆)
posted: 06/07/24
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Sanji Vinsmoke - 3 works
kink discovery
discovering a new kink with your partner (☆/s)
posted: 28/02/24
You and your boyfriend, Ace, are staying aboard his little brothers ship and the cook takes a liking to you. Ace is initially jealous but when he catches Sanji eavesdropping on the two of you, he issues a punishment that has him realising how much fun he can have with the cook.
posted: 15/02/24
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Sir Crocodile - 2 works
getting caught
getting caught having sex with your man by one of his friends (☆/s)
posted: 20/02/24
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Tashigi - 1 work
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
when they're jealous
how the one piece girls react to jealousy (☆)
posted: 06/07/24
✩♬ ₊˚.☁️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Zoro Roronoa - 11 works
kink discovery
discovering a new kink with your partner (☆/s)
posted: 28/01/24
you have feelings for zoro and you know it, zoro has feelings for you and doesn't know it. everyone is collectively sick of your shit. It isn't until you get hit on in a bar and zoro has to step in that he realises how deep his feelings for you run. (♡/s)
posted: 28/01/24
zoro likes to keep you satisfied (s)
posted: 30/01/24
size kink
you struggle to take zoro during your first time together (s)
posted: 02/02/34
Zoro wants to get you pregnant (s)
posted: 05/02/24
zoro likes it when you scratch up his back (s)
posted: 12/02/24
getting caught
getting caught having sex with your man by one of his friends (☆/s)
posted: 20/02/24
you've had a terrible day and your boyfriend is the only person that can make you feel better. (♡/s)
posted: 20/02/24
“I know we can't get married. Being reputable pirates, no one would risk having a legal record of us in their registry. But I don't give a fuck about a ridiculous party or a piece of fucking paper." (♡/s)
posted: 23/02/24
hand placement
where they put their hands during sex (☆/s)
posted: 18/06/24
non-sexual turn ons
small, innocent things you do that turn them on (☆/s)
posted: 04/07/24
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lenacosse · 8 months
hello! can you please write tangerine x reader where he and his wife are working on the same mission without knowing it. she has ladybug as her usual partner and they have to pretend to be husband and wife. at some point, ladybug and tangerine are fighting and since ladybug wants a break from it, he’s like « wait, my wife’s coming » and when tangerine turns around its actually HIS wife
pairing: tangerine x reader
cw: violence, strong language
word count: 3,842
(laughing cause this turned into the whole movie, obviously not cannon accurate but i had so much fun writing this)
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"Alright that's me," you say as you zip your suitcase, you were going out to Japan to work on a mission with Ladybug. Tangerine did not know where you were actually going, when you first started dating you didn't tell him your job because it was too dangerous and you didn't want to scare him away and when things got serious between you both you were too scared to tell him because you didn't want to jeopardise things between you both so you fabricated a seamless lie about your occupation and he didn't suspect a thing.
"Same here," replies Tangerine. You walk towards him and put on hand on his bicep the other on the side of his neck, his hands go to your waist.
"Try not to miss me too much," you tease, a playful smirk forming at the corners of your mouth.
"Same can be said for you love." Tangerine winks, you roll your eyes and lean forwards. You press your lips to his and you share a passionate kiss, one that'll leave you longing for more later on when you lay awake thinking of him.
You arrive in Japan and instantly the whole new world amazes you, Japan was truly impressively innovative and futuristic. But you weren't here to enjoy the culture, you had a very simple mission to do, retrieve something from a train with Ladybug, what could possibly go wrong?
Ladybug answers the call from your operator for the mission, you're both given your code names. You got given Kitty- slightly humiliating you thought but you've had worse.
"Kitty?!" Ladybug complains, "I see you're playing favourites." He says to your operator.
"Oh I'd never," she responds. "Oh and also, you two are a newly wed adventurous couple who are on their honeymoon."
"Are they also complete losers?" You ask.
You both get to the train station which is bouncing with life, you walk alongside Ladybug who is talking with the operator about why exactly you two had been picked for the job, something about someone dropping out sick maybe? You weren't really listening.
"Shit." Ladybug says.
"Shit what?" You respond with a sigh, it was always something going wrong.
"I think I lost the key back there, some guy bumped into me."
"I'll get into it, what's the locker number."
"523." Replied the operator.
You get into the locker whilst Ladybug still talks about Carver, you do nothing but roll your eyes at how much he cares he wasn't a top priority for the mission. You gather the items in the locker, the pair of you put in your ear pieces and pack the little bag. You had no idea why half of the things were necessary but it really didn't matter, you were sure time would tell. There was a gun in there, which you wanted to take but your partner was on a no killing strike and wanted to become more peaceful, you thought that was ridiculous considering your jobs but his therapist had been filling his head with nonsense.
"Ladybug!" You grab his attention, ending his useless conversation. "The train.. it's about to leave."
"Oh. Let's go."
The two of you quickly shove your way onto the train, it was a very close call. Immediately you were impressed by your surrounding's, the train, even economy was borderline luxury.
"This place is nice," says Ladybug, nodding his head approvingly.
"Agreed." You respond, you both make your way down the train whilst your operator informs you both of the trains different compartments. Then she tells you what it is you're retrieving. A silver briefcase with a sticker on the handle.
"Briefcase owners are not simple to take from." Ladybug states.
"Can't say I've much experience stealing briefcases." You reply.
"The owners should be in economy class,"
"Owners? Plural. God I knew we should have taken the gun, fuck you and your therapist Ladybug." You tut.
"I was choosing spiritual enlightenment, besides there's two of us, two, hopefully, of them. We'll be fine."
You just sigh in response, the two of you continue walking where you're met with the ticket collector. You look to Ladybug who was the one in charge of the tickets, the prolonged pocket search told you everything you needed to know. You sigh once again pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Shit I think I dropped our tickets with the key,"
"Great! Fucking brilliant."
Another pocket search and Ladybug finds the receipt which the man reluctantly accepts.
"The takeaway from that is from now on I will hold onto important things, got it?"
"Fine by me." Ladybug concludes.
You both continue your walk through economy where you heard an all too familiar voice, the man who you just walked past sounded exactly like your husband. However you didn't see his face because Ladybug was blocking him, nevertheless there was no way it was him, he was on a business trip in London. Immediately that thought leaves your mind as you and Ladybug get to the luggage, you scan over the different bags.
"There's no fucking way were finding this," Ladybug scowls.
"Just did." You reply and grab the case careful of causing attention.
"Great work Kitty,"
"Hm, what's the catch?" You reply, things felt too easy.
"Just get off the train."
You both oblige and Ladybug attempts to conceal the case in his jacket, you would argue that it would only bring suspicion but your only focus was to exit. You both make your way through the different compartments again, your heart was thumping and you felt uneasy, but persevered until you stand at a door to exit.
"Ahh look, maybe my luck has increased," Ladybug says triumphally.
"God I hope so." You respond.
The train slows down and the door opens, on the other side is a very angry looking man with curly hair, a neck tattoo and a white suit. Who is looking at you with a look so intense it makes your skin crawl. Before you know it he is lunging at you and Ladybug with a knife in his hand, you gasp as he stabs Ladybug. The two of them fall back onto a glass door, shattering it and falling to the ground. But as he removes the knife it's revealed that he just got his phone, you sigh in relief and walk into the room they fell into as Ladybug stands up.
"You stabbed me?!" Cries Ladybug, it's a mere second until he lunges at him again. You watch as they fight, you look for a weapon.
You smash a champagne bottle over his head and at the same time Ladybug kicks him, making him stumble back. The comical fight between them continues, the man reveals his motive, something about you two being responsible for his wives death, which is ridiculous because it wasn't true. The man throws his knife at Ladybug who holds the briefcase up for protection, however the knife bounces back and hits the man right in the heart, killing him almost instantly.
"Well, so much for no killing." You say, as you take the knife from his chest and wipe it clean on his jacket. You put it in your pocket for later.
You help Ladybug clean up as you both attempt to figure out who he is with no luck you give up and you set him up on the seat eating a packet of nuts. Hopefully to distract from the fact he was dead, better than nothing you thought.
You and Ladybug split up, your job is to find a table and sit there for when he finds the owners of the briefcase. All the operator knew was that they were twins. Soon Ladybug comes to sit with you, telling you about how the twins aren't actually twins and how he just fought one in the quiet car.
You rolled your eyes. "Okay, we just have to get the case and leave."
"I can't just walk off they know what I look like."
"Well then, I'll get the case you try get off and I'll get past with the case, look at me no one will suspect me. You know this is a very sexist industry, but as of now it has its advantages."
You leave the other way of the train to make it back to retrieve the case whilst Lady bug works on finding a way to exit the train. You go to the place where you stashed the case, you however quickly learn it is no longer there.
"Fuck! For fuck sake. Stupid fucks must've got to it." You rant on as you practically tear apart the room looking for the case. And much to your dismay it is absolutely nowhere to be seen. You pace back and fourth trying to rack your brain on what to do- it was your only upper hand that the twins didn't know of your existence so you couldn't blow that by trying to retrieve the case of off them, you also didn't know what they looked like. Just as you're pacing you get a text message, it was from Ladybug.
'need ur help. i'm cornered.'
You sigh in dismay, but you knew you had to go and help Ladybug with this. So you work your way down the train, checking everywhere for your partner. You hear struggle in the distance so you knew you were getting closer, you brace yourself to walk in.
"Gotcha now, there's no way you're escaping you slithery bastard. Give me the case and you walk away untouched."
"For the last time we don't have the case."
"Yes you fucking do cause I ain't got it."
"Stop. My wife is coming, I don't want her to see this."
"Your wife? What sad sack is married to you."
"She's actually really hot I'll have you know." You walk in as Ladybug says that, you mentally gag.
You freeze on the spot as you see the back of the man fighting Ladybug. For some reason his hair was identical to your husband's hair, the height and build was also the same. But no... you were definitely wrong and simply overthinking. That is until he turned around and you swore you heart stopped momentarily.
"What the fuck?!!" Tangerine says.
You just stare at him as he stares at you, you had absolutely no idea what the fuck to do. How on earth has this happened? Ladybug looks between the two of you, the confusion plastered over his face.
"That's my wife. Not yours." Tangerine says, the expression on his face is unreadable, he didn't look angry.. but he wasn't happy to see you that's for sure.
Ladybug just starts laughing, clearly he doesn't believe it. But he soon stops once neither of you laugh with him. "Wait.. is this true?"
"Yes." You reply.
"You're married to this geezer?!" Tangerine says, he looked like he was going to kill someone, his fists were clenched and his breathing was quick. You couldn't help but let fear wash over you.
"No obviously not- we're on a mission." You sigh trying to find the words to explain yourself.
"I'm so fucking confused right now." Ladybug says, you glare at him and he quickly shuts up.
You lean against the counter and run your hands through your hair, Tangerine just stares at you and you get a proper look at him. He was roughed up, splattered with blood and messy hair. In any other context you'd be drooling over him.
"You're working with him to get the case?" Tangerine questions, crossing his arms.
"...yes," you awkwardly pick your nails, this whole situation was throwing you off, it felt weird between you and Tan now considering basically your whole marriage was a lie. Looking at him you wondered what else you didn't know.
"You lied to me." Tangerine walks closer to you.
"You lied to me." You narrow your eyes at him, standing up straight you raise an eyebrow at him.
"Well this is fucking weird," Ladybug says, you and Tan in sync tell him to shut up, and he does.
"We can talk about this later, I need that case." You say.
"No. You're not leaving my side, there's someone else running around here, I can't have anything happening to you."
A sense of relief washes over you as you learn he doesn't completely hate you anymore. Maybe your marriage wouldn't go to crap, but there was absolutely no way you'd be staying by his side like some helpless victim.
"No. I need the case, I can protect myself. And I will, I don't need you to hold my hand."
"(Y/N).." Tan starts.
"No." He just nods in response and passes you his gun, you take it and put it into your pocket, the air is filled with deadly silence. That is until Lemon walks in.
"There you are... oh (Y/N)." Lemon says, he stops dead in his tracks and does a take back. "(Y/N)?!" His face drops and he sends an alarming look to Tangerine who just shakes his head in response.
"What the fuck?!" You look between the two men, you truly couldn't be more taken aback.
Lemon nervously laughs. "Are you enjoying Japan? We had a change of plans, you know work is so unpredictable these days." He looks to Tangerine for help, he just runs his hand over his face whilst sighing.
"She knows everything and she's working with this dickhead." He points to Ladybug who just raises his hand.
"Right... well um great," Lemon falters you found it funny how confused he was, he never was great in awkward situations.
"Okay this was interesting but we've got places to be, come on Kitty."
You take one final glance at your husband who looks extremely stumped and Lemon who just looks puzzled, you weren't sure how the rest of this mission would go but you just knew you couldn't wait for it to be over.
You leave with Ladybug to go find the case again and leave the train, you knew Tangerine would be fine so you felt confident in your decision to leave him. Besides you had a mission to carry out and that you were going to do.
"How come I didn't know you were married?"
You sigh. "Because it is private information, I didn't want to put him in danger."
"He seems lovely.." Ladybug says, the sarcasm dripping off his words.
"He is lovely, you don't know him."
"Neither do you- he's an assassin and you had no idea."
"Shut up. We just need to get the case and get off this stupid fucking train."
You both make it to the first class longue and there the case is, back in its original spot. "That was not there when I looked." You furrowed your brows.
"You mustn't've looked properly."
"I fucking did, ripped the whole place apart."
Before you knew it you were in yet another fight, the Hornet lunged at you making you fall onto the table, you hit her over the head with the case allowing you to get up. It was a messy fight, arms and legs flying around. But here you are with a venomous needle inching towards you throat, you flip her onto her back and pry the needle out of her hand. You inject it into her neck and watch her face drop.
"Being killed by your own methods, that's dark." You watch as blood pours out of her eyes and her throat starts to close over, her struggled gasping and choking fills the area. You get up and watch as she dies, withering in pain.
"Fuck that was close." Ladybug sighs.
"Come on, we need to go."
The two of you make your way back through the train and down to economy. That's where you see Tangerine standing pointing a gun at a girl in pink with a bob. His expression is devasting yet full of a rage you've never seen in your life, it makes your stomach drop. Something has happened. You quicken your pace, Tangerine sees you and lowers the gun.
"What happened?" You ask, he looked borderline psychotic.
"Lemon, she." He points the gun at her, "killed Lemon."
You face drops and you look back to Ladybug.
"He's lying! Please help me, please." The girl pleads. You turn to her and punch her square in the face, knocking her back into the chairs. You punch her again in the throat, the move makes her blackout and you turn back to your husband.
"Fuck this job we need to get off this train."
Ladybug grabs the case and you three walk back the opposite way, ready to exist. Your mind is fuzzy and your head hurts, there's no way Lemon is dead, that reality devasts you. Lemon was like a brother to you, it broke your heart knowing things would never be the same. As you walk out of the train Ladybug doesn't follow you and Tangerine.
"Ladybug?" You look back to see him struggling against the girl in pink. "For fuck sake!"
"Just leave him, come on."
"No. I can't leave him. We need to help him." You walk back onto the train, Tangerine following you.
With much struggle you get the girl in pink on the ground, using zip ties you found in her bag you tie her hands together and force her into the seat. The four of you sit waiting for the next stop. No one uttering a word. A man comes to sit at the table next to you four, he immediately recognises the girl, she tells him his son is dead, his grandson next, yet he was one step ahead of her, so she sits useless and defeated, a look of triumph overcomes you, you wanted nothing more than to slit her throat but you knew she would have later value, so you leave her sitting there wallowing in her stupidity.
The man tells you all his story, you pick up on his wisdom, feeling nothing but trust towards him. So when he tells you all to follow him- bar the girl, you do. He takes you to the bathroom where his son, and Lemon lay. His son turns out is not dead and reaches for his father. Your eyes fixate on Lemon, unlike Tangerine who is leaning against the wall beside the bathroom. Your heart thumps as Lemon somehow yawns? His eyes open and he looks around, extremely confused.
"Am I in hell?" He questions.
"Oh my god!" You gasp, you turn to Tangerine who instantly stands behind you looking at Lemon.
He rips open his shirt, showing his bullet proof vest, where bullets sat, things were piecing together but you were extremely confused as to what exactly happened.
"Oh.. you drank the water." Concludes Ladybug.
"Water? What water?" Tangerine asks, looking to your partner.
"The water spiked with sleeping powder."
All of you go to sit, awaiting the next stop.
"I can't believe you're an assassin." Lemon says. As he sits opposite you.
"I guess I'm full of surprises," You shrug.
"We need to get off this bastarding train, no more being held back." Tangerine says, you could tell he wasn't half with it. None of you were but he was right.
"We need a plan," Ladybug says. You all agree, and the elder comes up with roles for each of you to properly execute the plan.
You go with Lemon to try and control the trains route, Tangerine goes with Ladybug to hand in the case and cause a distraction whilst the elder goes to take on the white death, something dramatic he said about getting his revenge.
"Fuck it's all in Japanese. There was no Thomas episodes in Japanese." Lemon scowls.
"It's fine, we'll figure it out." You respond trying to be optimistic.
"Okay, we just have to slow this down. Fucking stupid thing! Fucking slow down." Lemon curses.
"So far so good." Ladybug says as he approaches you both, "you can stop the train."
"We don't know how to fucking work this shit!" You groan trying to suppress your frustration.
Lemon and Ladybug go back and fourth, you head hurts from listening to them. Suddenly two men come through the door shooting their guns, you all duck down to shield yourselves from the bullets. You and Lemon lunge at the men, taking them down whilst leaving Ladybug to stop the train. One of the men had you up against the wall, hand over you throat choking you, you felt the life slowly draining your body and with every passing second you become more and more weak. You watch Lemon trying to take down two other men, he doesn't know you're being straggled. Just as you are about to accept your fate, Tangerine comes in, knocking the man to the ground and shooting him in the head. You gasp for air your fingers gently caressing your tender throat, Tangerine is instantly at you.
"Are you okay love?"
You nod and he strokes your cheek, a great sense of comfort overrides you, then he and goes to help Lemon take down the other two men. Whilst they do that Ladybug finally figures out how to stop the train. Or so you thought, the manual book flies out the window and the train collides with the one in front, you all grip onto something. Another two men make their way up to the driving cart, which you all in a group effort defeat. Ladybug starts pulling out all sorts of wires which make the slow down and ride right into a wall, sending you all flying forward through the train as it destructs its way through a village. You land laying on a patch of dirt, Tangerine beside you. You heard a gunshot and jump up, you see The White Dead dead with his brains blown.
You two make your way over to where Ladybug, the elder and his son are, not even two minutes later the girl in pink comes with a machine gun, talking about her fate and luck, which doesn't last long before she's hit with a moving vehicle.
"What the fuck..?" You sigh, you look to Tangerine who looks just as puzzled as you. Ladybug goes off with Maria your handler who came to get you both, you decided to stay with Tangerine and the two of you go to find Lemon.
"Can't believe I didn't realise you were an assassin. Seems so obvious now." Tangerine says, taking your hand.
"Yeah well I didn't notice either, besides. I think I'm done with it, today was too messy."
Tangerine nods in agreement, you both find Lemon who turns out was driving the truck that hit the girl. The three of you decide to go home, of course Lemon didn't rest until he found out the ins and outs of your work. You were relieved to know everything Tangerine had ever told you- besides obviously his job was true. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.
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mugiwara-lucy · 22 days
Side note; this is going to be an ANGRY rant.
So if you all didn’t know; Trump and his campaign went to Arlington Park to honor the fallen soldiers. That sounds okay in hindsight, right?
Well this picture made headlines and was met with REASONABLE backlash:
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This is a CEMETERY yet he has his dumbass thumbs up gesture??
I recently found out this NOT violated a FEDERAL CRIME and they were told NOT to film there:
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And there was an altercation where Trump’s squad attacked the people there and they’re not pressing charges out of fear of retaliation….
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And it’s so bad even the US ARMY issued a statement of disgust towards Trump’s actions:
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My point in this?
I am SO SICK of this piece of shit CONSTANTLY getting off and let’s NOT forget him calling our fellow soldiers who fight and die for the freedoms we can enjoy as “suckers and losers”:
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Yet he’s gonna try and act like he cares for brownie points.
And IF he gets back in office he will NEVER see accountability for ANYTHING. Need I bring up the UNEARTHED January 6th footage?
But yeah LET’S VOTE BLUE so he can go to prison since that is the ONLY reason why he’s even running.
FUCK this piece of shit 🖕
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potchi-fics · 11 months
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have you ever read something where person A likes person B but they just can't seem to confess? as it turns out, person B likes them back? their story either turns good or bad.. NOTE: torpe means when someone can't make a move on their crush. try to listening to the pinoy song "Romcom" by Rob Deniel
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you hear bada grunt, the chair letting out a small squeak, "my date went horrible."
"again?" you snort. "how? i mean, that's been you're fifth date and you were only with her for like 45 minutes."
"i don't know, alright? we don't seem to click. like, at all." she complains.
a smile overtakes your face, finding her childish behaviour cute. you've always had a crush on her, ever since you two were in high school-- you don't know what happened, you've never had the courage to confess. now here you are, pining on your best friend of years.
her voice snaps you out of bubble, "it's so calming to see you make your own coffee."
"and why is that?" you throw her a quick look.
she just gives you a shrug, refusing to give you an answer.
"you're so annoying, you know that? i give you a question and you can't even give me a proper reply." you give her your middle finger, "what if i punch you right here, right now?"
her boisterous laugh pisses you off even more because you know you can't be mad at her for long. you two finishes your breakfast and head to your university.
"see you later at lunch, loser." she ruffles your hair.
you two part ways. aiki and noze comes up in your sight, and you know what they're gonna say to you.
"why don't you just confess?" aiki tries to ruffle your hair but you avoid her. "wow, are we not best friends?"
you've known them for years, too, just not as long as bada.
noze stops the two of you from fighting like children, "she has favouritism, aiks. and you two stop that, we're gonna be late."
hours pass by and it's finally lunch time. the moment you step out of the room, you see bada standing there-- your sundo. her eyes light up like the stars when her gaze fell on you.
"hey," you look up at her, "been waiting long?"
she grabs your stuff, "nah, just got here like three minutes ago. let's go, i found a new coffee shop."
"if only i drink coffee, i would have palpitations because of the crazy amounts we go to a cafe." you jest.
bada's dance club, team bebe, watches the two of you walk away.
lusher starts, "why doesn't she just..."
"date y/n." the rest of the team finished.
aiki and noze, who were walking by, heard them and exclaimed in defeat.
"right?! good lord, they're both torpes." noze kidds out.
the red haired woman can only sigh, "they're a living romcom."
back to the two of you, you are currently hitting bada as you laugh at something she said.
"no shit?" bada gives you a cocky grin. "okay, ms. womanizer."
you see her open her mouth but a random woman suddenly came to your table.
"bada? fancy seeing you again."
you're guessing this is the woman whom she took out on a date earlier. you excuse yourself to go the washroom, bada was hoping to stop you but the woman was basically hogging her to herself.
you go to the washroom, fixing yourself and gathering your thoughts. but the woman from earlier suddenly came in.
"hi, y/n."
"hello..? you know my name?" confusion etched on your face.
she giggles, "who wouldn't? bada talks about you all the time-- yes, even on her blind dates. no wonder they don't go too well. piece of advice, make a move on her." ending the sentence with a wink.
you stand there dumbfounded for a few seconds before exiting and saying thank you on your way out. you're stuck in a dazed, that information confusing the shit out of you.
"what's wrong? you look like you've seen a ghost." bada feels your forehead.
you stare up at her, "'m not sick."
she returns your gaze.
at this moment-- this very moment, bada feels a gush of air enters her lungs. being like this, so close to you; she realises one thing: you are everything to her.
"do you.." her thumb rubs your cheekbone, making you lean to her touch. "wanna go on a date with me?"
✮⋆˙♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧🦭✧˖°
let's take a quick break from steamy scenes hehe
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lunicho · 5 months
Good lordddd I need to suck Kei’s dick so baddddd
He loves being watched I 100% agree if there’s one thing Kei loves it’s performing…
I’d like to believe that sometimes he’ll masturbate just to get you to watch behind the door
Like imagine he knows you’re coming home from work or college so he will start making himself feel good and he’ll “pretend” that he didn’t hear you come in so you end up looking at him through the small crack in the door he intentionally left. he’s so pretty and making such delicious noises that you don’t have the heart to disrupt him and your mind is so busy watching him you don’t even think about walking in and joining.
He loves getting off on the fact that you’re completely unaware he knows you’re there. The way you just stand there and watch makes him fuck his fist faster.
If you stand there for too long he’ll finally make eye contact and call you out saying shit like “do you like the show, baby?” Or “if you wanted to watch all you had to do was ask” maybe even an “I know you’re there baby, you think I wouldn’t know when my pretty lover is watching me?”
Omfg just imagine his hair all messy and he has that signature piece of his bang that lays in the middle of his forehead 🤯
Our Keikei 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Keikei who loves to corner you even if he’s not even touching you 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Keikei who moans and cums into his hand while keeping eye contact with you 😵‍💫😵‍💫 Keikei who smirks and tells you to come closer 😵‍💫 Keikei who’s grin widens as you slowly walk towards him, knowing that you’ll follow his every command 😵‍💫
-😵‍💫 anon who is now plagued with Kei AND Harua thoughts…
Don’t write any Euijoo thoughts or else that’ll be my whole bias line and I don’t think I can take all three of them without exploding 😔 /j
oh my eyes are watering i can't believe you
u must genuinely want me dead like WHAT. imagining him getting fully undressed in bed, his clothes thrown near the door for extra effect. his hand would stroke up his length so smoothly because of the lubricant he's using,, he loves when his hand is able to glide easily, the sound of his hand on his cock filling the room. it'd make him even harder, the sound being reminiscent of your pussy. it'd take everything in him not to gaze over at the door, not to give into the fact that you're already there. he'd throw his head back and still his hand, thrusting up into his fist. a bud would grow in his stomach so fast but he doesn't wanna cum without you. i feel like after so long he'll just sigh out like, "watching me is that fun? come in baby.." his hair would def be so so messy cuz i feel like he pulls his own hair/touches his hair a lot when he jerks off like it's just a habit of his.
him knowing the affect he has on u is deadly, the way he knows you comply with him so easily. he can see in your stature and the way you walk that he'll be able to mold you and play with you however he pleases. he doesn't even need to speak for you to listen, he could just pat the bed or motion over to you for you to come over and join him ooh i'm sick
this is making me think of like.. what if one of the other members is a bit of a loser, super lame but super pervy and he always watches u and kei have sex, he has a fascination with u, one that kei is aware of. kei knows he's there, he knows he gets off to the way you moan and cry but kei pretends he's not aware until it's time to expose him..
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