#sick Sousuke
tizzymcwizzy · 4 months
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just wanted to draw them chillin :)
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reinygoaway · 7 days
Noticed how their expressions switched if we compare these two panels from ch48 and ch118.
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eatmy-customjorts · 2 months
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Panel redraw!!!
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moofshroom · 2 years
this scene is so important to me because post-school mystery mitsuba has just had his main motivations as to be a person, be someone with an identity. hes a whole different entity from mitsuba the og but hes trying so hard to emulate that sense of humanity and this scene is so integral to that because its this exchange of, “you care for me like im a person and not just a jumbled mess of somebody else’s memories” and kou’s reaction to that and realizing this and i just.... guys im not okay
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blonding · 1 year
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oh you guys i think imngonna throw up
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aizenen · 1 year
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sageokami · 1 year
One of my friends once said that yashiro would one day try to kill hanako but this would be her only motive
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kaorukaoru88 · 18 days
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Full Metal Panic Family, some spoilers:
The official last name for their family is Sagara but they always make up last names to hide their identity, the funny thing is they use their classmates last names like Onodera, Mikhara, etc.
Kaname is still being targeted and wants to use her but the family already knows how to handle the enemies, Natsumi and Ando are bad-ass and helps dad protect their mom. At this point, it seems like the enemy wants all of them. They have to change their names and location from time to time. Just to be clear Sousuke does not kill anymore. Nami and Ando also do not kill. They use unconventional ways to defeat the enemy.
Kaname got pregnant before they were married but living together, she asks Sousuke if he wants the baby and he said yes, but they felt it was not the right time, they were both scared as well. She had a difficult delivery, Sousuke was at first in the delviery room but then have to be kick out. Her pregnancy with Ando was much more smoother. I believe at that time they were already married.
Kaname got leukemia but she is now completed healed, due to her therapy the family unfortunately been separated for years. They are now all back in Japan so they can be together again but even in Japan, Kaname is being targeted.
Kaname is the head of a military company and is a billionaire (Yo go girl!) So they are super rich with personal chauffeur and assistants. The family has personal bodyguards, even Sosouske which he gets so annoyed, “I don’t need a bodyguard” but it's Kaname's orders. For Sousuke, what Kaname says, no arguments. Sousuke has been offered high profile jobs and $$$$ payments many times but he always turns down for his family as this will cost him to be away from them. So he just does odd regular jobs. The funny thing is that in his jobs, his bodyguard is also around with their expensive car waiting at the front of his job as a waiter one time. One of their bodyguards is a previous enemy who now changed her ways. Whenever they are in danger, the bodyguards listens to Sousuke more than Kaname even if she is the boss. Nami enjoys running and her bodyguard can’t keep up with her. When Sousuke does his run, he just run around the neighborhood, so his bodyguard just ends up waiting for him than run with him. (In short, they also cannot keep up, so they just wait)
Ando is confused why his dad won’t work for those military companies offering him $$$$ but Sousuke just wants to be normal. Kaname supports whatever he wants.
Sousuke still likes Calorie Mate and went crazy when his favorite flavour got discontinued.
They met with their friends as well, all seem very happy.
Natsumi once ask where her name came from, so Kaname has to explain it to her. Natsumi says, it seems like I cannot ask dad. It was Kaname who name her Nami, Sousuke hated it and does not understand why name her Nami, as it is a painful past. He feels very guilty and feels Nami's death but as his daughter grew older, calling her name all the time made him at peace. The name now sounds beautiful to him. He once said, "this child save me".
Sousuke and Kaname are very much in love. When Kaname was pregnant and sick, he felt very helpless, not able to protect her. He had a talk to Hayamizu, and tells him as long as his wife is healthy, he is happy.
One day when Sousuke woke up Kaname, he calls her “it’s time for my commander to get up”
In the kitchen scene, Sousuke wants to do lovey dovey with Kaname but they got interrupted , Sergeant Sagara has come along away, he literally tells Kaname “you are my food” and she is still shy whenever they shower together. She calls Sousuke “our spoiled Sergeant” which he acknowledge it.
Mao sents Kaname her old uniform, she was thinking of throwing it away but Sousuke says she should keep it. Kaname tried on her High School uniform and made a twirl for Sousuke, and Sargent Sagara went wild and boy crazy over her. His breathing got harder and tells her this is “destructive” he started calling her Chidori again, "I love you Chidori" "You are so beautiful Chidori" and carried and threw her in bed. Kaname is confused why he started calling her that name again. "Why are you calling me Chidori again?"Like seriously, his fantasy of doing naughty things with High School Kaname is coming true, They made lovey dovey the whole night until morning. Kaname woke up in extreme pain- her jaws, legs, groin. Her forehead was also in pain as she kept banging it on the glass window. Sousuke felt guilty afterwards. (Gatou in his tweet mentioned that in this scene, they were like monkeys playing with the school uniform). The children have to buy breakfast at the convenience store since Sousuke was not able to cook breakfast as for them, yes he cooks for them!
Sophia is still in Kaname's head, ugh! Hate her!
The family has a group chat and they have trackers to know where everyone is.
Ando can protect himself using drones and Nami is literally like mini Sousuke, she can pilot and AS. When she introduced herself to class, the writer paid homage to Sousuke's first introduction to the class. she is basically Sousuke but a girl. Kaname was the only one who did know about Nami piloting AS. Ando knows it too. When she found out, she was so mad, "Why am I the only one not know this?" and Ando was like because we know you would say no. There was a heartwarming scene where Nami and her AS carries Ando and Kaname to safety. She has been well trained by Sousuke.
Mikihara married Hayamizu. Kyoko married Ono-D. Mizuki is single but dates all sorts of men including Tsubaki. Hayamizu and Ren has 2 children. Kyoko and Ono-D has 3. Kazama and Sousuke has not connected in 10 years. Again, the family has been all over the world.
Al protects Ando online as he plays online game across the world and shuts off the internet if he won't sleep, so Sousuke is not worried about his gaming. Ando is literally on his gadget 24/7. He is also short which makes Sousuke worried. He is only 10 though so he has lots growing. Ando is not your ordinary child though, one time he set his classmate on fire because that classmate is a bully to others, he did have a fire extinguisher right away, still he got in trouble and Kaname was called.
One time Tessa contacted Ando to ask for a bday present for Nami, he suggests books and took a pic of Nami’s books. He finds Tessa fascinating and can’t help use proper honorific on her. He does not know about Mithril and finds it strange that Sousuke sometimes call her colonel.
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ryujnn · 2 years
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► akuma ゚。 ⋆ fallen and lonely (00).
► chapter summary ゚。 ⋆ the founder of the shio clan. the arranged partner. the twins. the eyes. the doting mother. the elements. the sorcerer.
► chapter warnings ゚。 ⋆ referring to women as “bitches” & “whores”. mentions of death. childbirth. mentions of alcohol. i know prologues are a pain but i strongly recommend reading this to understand the rest of the series. send me an ask if you have any questions.
tag list. visual + character board. prev. next.
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Yuuto Shio loved being praised. Whenever he’d go out to pick up some bitch off the street; he’d lure them in by using his energy. He didn’t even have to try— was just so gifted. No one could ever say no to those black eyes.
“Ah, lookin’ for a good time, baby?” Yuuto raises an eyebrow to the girl, eyeing her body up and down. She’s got the skimpiest outfit, heels that she can barely walk in— and a few dollars hanging out of her bra.
She stumbles forward, raising a finger to the man in front of her. “Only if yur’ willin’ to give it.”
He tucks his ring and pinky fingers, raising the rest up to his face. With a flick of his wrist, her skirt raised, the wind suddenly blowing from right under her. She squeals, using a hand to stop her skirt from lifting up and exposing her bare pussy.
A whore who’s only thought is to be fucked senseless in the backseat of a strangers car would soak it all up; watching the random man manipulate the natural elements around him. He was the only who could, especially all five.
Therefore, it wasn’t hard for him to knock up five women. He didn’t mean to, but he didn’t care, either. He could just leave the women after they have his kids— and continue traveling the world right after. Keeping all five women in a janky and foul establishment; waiting for them to give birth to his children. 
All for him to leave after, but they didn’t know that.
As those nine months went on, Yuuto Shio realizes how much he hates the two top clans -- the Zenin and Kamo households. They started to grow bigger, gain more reputation. They were praised, they were adored for having such unique power. Energy that was inherited; and dominating the jujutsu world. All that attention for knocking up some women and birthing some powerful babies?
He could do that. Yuuto Shio wanted the power. He wanted to be a prominent figure. He wanted the praise... the attention... the money… the hierarchy. How come he’s poor and living in and out of stranger homes whenever they weren’t there— when he do exactly what the Zenin and Kamo clans can.
He’s the original bearer of five; he could easily breed and breed women, right? If he could have generations of strong men, all wielding one natural element; his family would become one of the strongest. He could topple over the Zenin clan. He could destroy the Kamo household. Then, he’d get all the praise. 
That’s exactly what Yuuto Shio did. He began the journey of the Shio Clan; with the ultimate goal of becoming one of the biggest clans with the strongest men on this earth.
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Moments like these are when you’re restless. Each step towards your father’s room made your stomach twist— the sound of your black pumps weren’t enough to distract you from the crippling anxiety bubbling in the pit of your stomach.
Your father — Sousuke Shio — now head of the Shio Clan, was one certain individual. Someone who feeds off power more than food, someone who’s impulsive, intimidating but most of all…. a sick and twisted individual.
Your feet stopped, tip of your shoes against the wooden door. Quickly, your dainty hands brushed the imaginary lint from your black dress, shifting from one foot to the other. Something was tugging at your dress, screaming for you to get the hell out of there. The feeling you had for this meeting…
It was horrible.
The door slid open. You didn’t have to check to tell your sweat had made an imprint on it— closing it a little too hard in pure anxiety.
A room filled with people. Your family. House helpers, chefs, a few household pets, two guards protecting each door in the room and your lovely parents. The chatter that had been going on halted, and all eyes were on you. The bearer of five.
This was something you were entirely used to. Eyes glued on you like were a black sheep in a pen full of cotton ones. Sticking out like a prodding thumb. You’d expect it from outsiders, but your own family? Give it a break, they see you everyday.
Bowing, you clasped your hands behind your back, raising back up and taking a few careful steps towards the platform that held your parents up on their respected thrones. You cleared your throat, raising your head to see the two people who had (unfortunately) conceived you.
“Father. Mother.”
“Y/N.” Your father responded, looking over to your mother. She’d stay silent, keeping her eyes stuck on you but speaking with a gentle smile, causing your nerves to settle just a little.
You adored your mother. The woman who birthed you and lived through years of torture, shielding you from all of it. You cannot express your love for this woman verbally or physically, but if you could wrap her up in a blanket full of that love, you would.
Your father huffed, “We’ve arranged a partner for you,” His head bobbed towards the guards, alerting them to allow in whoever was standing outside. “You‘ll be married in two months.”
Before you got the chance to process the words that your father spilled, the latch of the door opened, snapping your head towards the entry. This quick? Also, how long did they have someone waiting how there?
Long legs, dressed in black slacks, entered the door first. Your eyes followed up his frame, following the hem of his pants, up to the white button down tucked below his satin belt. Typical matching suit jacket— a black tie being adjusted by his pale, slender fingers. His white hair framed his face, despite not being too long. A beautiful color contrast with his black glasses.
Yeah, you’ve got to be kidding me.
Even past the threshold, the man walked with confidence pooling from his pores. He took each step as if he’d own the place, no concern that this could be a set—up, his eyes catching yours for a split second before checking out one of your cousins beside you.
You’d be an absolute liar if you were to pretend not to know who he was— he was someone your father wouldn’t seal his lips about. Gojo Satoru, the head of the Gojo Clan. Possibly your father’s fucking idol (despite the questionable age gap).
In seconds, you coughed up a laugh, searching the rest of the room to see if anyone was onto this joke. No one cracked a smile. Not even a stifle. This was a joke, right?!
“I…” You began, pulling your eyebrows together, turning your focus back to Sousuke. “Father. I… I decided that I wouldn’t do marriage. I decided on fighting.”
“And I’m deciding you’re getting married.” He responded, almost as if he was answering something you should’ve known. Like you were stupid. “You cannot face your brother. You’re inexperienced, Y/N. He’ll kill you. We’re practically doing you a favor, here.”
“You’re not.”
The people around you gasped, stunned at the sudden tone change. Of course they’d all expect you to speak to your father with such obedience. Like a submissive dog. They wanted you to get on your knees and lick the shoes he’s traveled through the mud with clean— because you were a woman. That’s how he looked at you, and that’s how he expected everyone to.
“You… You gave me the option to choose. To fight or get married. I’m only inexperienced because I haven’t had proper training,” You look over to the guard standing by the door, the man who you’d ‘train with’ but only actually ran for an hour before he called it quits to find a box of Twinkie’s. “No offense.”
Your father began to grow visibly upset. If this was a cartoon, he’d be crimson red, steam blowing from his ears. Maybe even with a little horn, too. “You don’t get to choose anymore.”
“Does Ryou get to choose?”
Ryou — Ryou Shio — The unfortunate case of your twin brother. The other bearer of five. Rather, most people would use that term for you. The other.
The other. The sister. The woman. The second.
Considering you were a woman, you were frowned upon in your family. Unlike you, your brother has been traveling, training, learning how to use his unique power in different areas of the world. Somewhere in the dessert so he could practice air and fire, somewhere on a island to practice water, deep in the jungles to practice earth— and up on the mountains to practice space.
All the while, you’ve been here, stuck training with family members and guards who promise to “take it easy on you.” It was entirely unfair.
Your fathers hand slammed down on the gold of his throne, causing everyone in the room to jump. Everyone except for the white—haired sorcerer in the corner; who’d been leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He had the slightest smirk on his face, watching the whole thing unfold as if it was a sitcom.
“You know why Ryou gets special treatment?” He stands from his seat, storming down the steps, b—lining straight for you. “Because Ryou doesn’t act like a spoiled—brat, and takes what’s given to him!”
He stops right in front of you, towering over your smaller frame. “You seem to forget… You may hold all of this power, but that can quickly be taken from you. Your life was spared— you could’ve easily been put down like the other bitches before you.”
“Those bitches were your children.”
The way your family hated women was absolutely grotesque. A woman being born into the family and not being killed was rare— so yes, you had gotten lucky.
To anyone else, they’d love the princess treatment. Arranged marriage, stay at home, no violence, give birth. There’s just that 19% chance you’ll grow sick from carrying a baby with such power and die before you see your child turn 30.
“I’ll marry whoever you want me to, fine. Even if this is just a power move for you, I’ll do it.” Your fists were balled, your trimmed nails digging into the skin of your palms. Aim for blood… aim for blood. “But I am going to fight. Married or not.”
Sousuke laughs, access spit landing on your face. “Fine by me. I’ve rooted for your brother, either way,” He turns around, resting his palms on his stomach. “Less work I have to do.”
As your father returned to his chair, your mother stood to her feet. She was thin and frail— having a guard help her up as she pushed to her full height. Her bony fingers gripped his hand, keeping her eyes on you.
“Dress fitting, rehearsal dinner, cake—tasting and hair & makeup trails must be attended by you. We will handle the vendors, budgeting, invites and registry. The wedding is in two months, please confirm that you both will be attending.”
Whatever she had said went in and out of your ears. You couldn’t help but focus on your mother’s health that was clearly deteriorating.
Then, the voice behind you cut your thoughts right off.
You looked over to Satoru, sending him a questionable look. Why was he agreeing to this in the first place? He hadn’t met you before, doesn’t owe you anything either… considering the rumors you’ve heard about him, he’s usually off traveling or helping children.
What the hell was he doing?
“Yeah,” You looked back at your mother. “Whatever.”
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“Give me one big push Himari,” The nurse hisses at her hand behind squeezed, biting back the urge to pull it away — she knew she couldn’t, disrupting an important childbirth can get you mutilated.
She pushes once more, the baby slipping out of her womb, additional nurses catching the newborn carefully in her hands. After holding the infant up, she assists the baby’s butt, showing the mother her knew child.
“The other is a beautiful, baby girl.”
Himari smiles, watching the baby girl squeeze her fists. “She’s…” She clears her throat, moistening her dry mouth. “She’s not crying. She’s moving but she’s not… she’s not crying, is she okay?”
The nurse looks over to the baby, watching her blow bubbles with her spit, opening and closing her hands. She smiles, looking back to the mother.
“She’s incredibly healthy,” She stands, moving to hand Himari her other, new bundle of joy. “Some babies don’t cry, especially gifted children. How about you hold her?”
Himari makes room with her other arm, already holding her son in one, next holding her daughter in the other. They have their designated blankets wrapped around them, one blue— the other pink. Her hearts swells at the sight of her babies.
“Ryou, meet your sister—”
The door opens, revealing the father of her children at the door. He squints at the colors of their blankets, huffing out a breath. Almost as if he was annoyed.
“Himari.” Sousuke walks over, three guards following into the room behind him. “You just had to give me a useless twin, didn’t you?”
The woman shakes her head, holding her children close to her chest. Her eyes went wide, fear oozing from her pores. She’s pleading with just a look to her husband. “Sousuke, please,” She cries, looking down to her babies and then back to the man before her. “Please don’t hurt her. They’re… They’re different. Look at them!”
Sousuke looks down at the boy who’s got his tiny lips attached to the woman’s nipple, baby hands grabbing at the flesh. The girl is still blowing bubbles with her split, puckering her lips and then poking her tongue out, repeating the process in different steps.
He frowns. “She’s just asking to get tossed.”
“Sousuke!” Himari pulls her eyebrows together, bouncing the girl on her arm. She beckons her over to him, Sousuke carefully raising her up and cradling her into his arms. “Their eyes. They don’t have color. They’re black. What does that mean?”
For a moment, Sousuke feels like he’s seen a ghost. His blood pauses for a moment and his skin goes cold. “B-black?” He uses two fingers to pry the girls eye open, looking deeply for any hue. Were they just a dark brown? That means she’s an Earth wielder. It’s really easy to mix the two of them.
But they weren’t. They were pitch black.
He quickly places the newborn baby back into his wife’s arms. “Don’t…” He begins walking, pointing to the three guards before exiting. “Don’t go anywhere! Guard this room with your lives!”
Sousuke storms off, and with each step, he grows more infuriated. A baby in the Shio Clan with black eyes hasn’t been born in over seventy years, not since Yuuto Shio had been born.
Was he really about to be surpassed? This quick? The heads of clans usually shift within fifty years— he’s the first person to take the crown after Yuuto. Sousuke has only been crowned for a decade. 10 whole years— and he’s about to possibly be surpassed.
The rules are as followed: any wielder of more than one element born in the Shio clan will fight for head of the clan— not just the head of their generation. Sousuke got lucky being born with three… he’d thought he would be the only child born with just more than one.
Now he’s got a set of twins— both wielders of five elements— and one of them is a woman.
When you were four, your mom would braid your hair.
“Mommy, how come you always braid my hair?” You looked up to the sky, watching the clouds slowly drift over the night.
Himari smiles, brushing your hair down your back. “Cause you just have so much!” She laughs along with your tiny giggles. You’re seated between her legs which were guarding your smaller ones. Both sat on the grass, ignoring the possible bugs crawling on your skin, simply taking in the sound of the wind. “It also makes you look strong. Strong women always have their hair placed nicely, just in case we have to take things in our own hands.”
You nodded, feeling your mothers fingers rake through your hair, beginning to braid. Your eyes drifted to the little, pink socks on your feet that your mother had sewed. “Mommy?” You call for her.
“Am I strong?”
She pauses before finishing up the braid, pulling out small strands by your ears to finish up the hairstyle. She turns you around, facing you towards her. Leaning forward, she gives you a grin.
“The strongest.”
You smile back, reaching off the ground to wrap your arms around your mothers neck. You melt once feeling her return the gesture, the smell and feeling of your mother was something you loved. You felt safe. You felt like you could do anything.
“I get it from you, Mommy,” You smush your cheeks with hers, small hands rubbing her back. “You’re so strong too!”
Himari feels a tear slide down her cheek, quickly wiping it away before pulling you from her shoulders, holding you up in front of her. “Time for bed, ‘kay?” She leans forward to kiss your forehead. “Grab a scarf and the book we didn’t finish last night.”
Nodding, you bounced off your feet, running towards your home. You waved to one of guards, slipping between them and entering the household.
Himari finally coughs into her hand, holding back the urge while you were around. She looks at her palm, seeing the red dots splattered around. With a simple sigh, she wipes it away on her pants before standing back up, following behind you.
When you were twelve, your mother would watch you play baseball with your cousins.
You spun your bat around, legs apart, taunting the pitcher in front of you. “Harutoooo!” Now raising the bat, you stuck your tongue out at your cousin. “You’ve got nothing on me.”
You loved baseball. You loved spending time with family and doing something so normal— you liked feeling warm with other people around. It reminds you that you’re living, that you’re not alone. You’re safe.
He laughs at your antics, shaking his head towards you. “No powers, either.” Once he raises the ball, you hear a loud voice boom from the side of you, halting the game — and catching everyone’s attention.
Sousuke walks with a boy beside him, his hand rested on top of his head. “Looks who’s joining us today!” He allows the boy to jog forward, following right after him.
The boy smiles, watching everyone drop their objects and run over to him. They all crowd around him, like a celebrity who’d just gotten off a plane, asking him multiple questions and welcoming him to the game— claiming how excited they were to see him.
How boring the game was without him.
Your father takes a spot in front of you, holding his hand out for your bat. “Ryou’s gonna take it this year, okay?” He retrieves the bat from you before walking back over to his son. He takes it every year.
“Ryou! How was the Sahara Desert?”
“You’re definitely gonna be the best clan member this generation.”
“Can you show us something cool?”
“Can you make it rain right now? Or make an earthquake? How about a wildfire?”
“It must be tiring having all that power. How’s your body? You doing okay?”
You frown, watching your brother soak up all the questions. Watching him get asked everything you wanted to get asked. He steals the show, like usual. He’s so cool. You’re nothing like him— you wouldn’t be anything like him. You knew that.
You were accepting it.
You look over to your mother, hoping to see that she was free and available to take you in her room and show off her huge lipstick collection— like she does every time she purchases a new one. You needed out of here. You wanted to see her seated in her spot under the umbrella, cheering you on like she did whenever you practiced. Not only did she enjoy watching you play— and have fun, she enjoyed the outdoors.
She loved being by the water or even sitting on some grass. Simple, she loved everything simple.
Instead, she squatted down, arms open as Ryou ran into them. She squeezes him tight, tired eyes peering down at him. She had deep bags, and her hands would shake all the time. She couldn’t hold anything without sitting down. She’d always say,
“I’m okay, don’t you get all worried about me.”
She places a firm kiss onto Ryou’s head, squeezing his cheeks between her palms. She mouths a few words to him before sending him back to the field, standing up and stumbling back to her seat.
You hated baseball. You hated being around the twin who was simply superior to you— feeling small with him around. It reminds you that you’re living, that you’re not alone. You’re second.
When you were eighteen, your mother would ask you to help her to the couch.
You helped your mother, safely sitting her down on the couch. She grabs the popcorn from your hand, keeping it warm in her hands. Her dull eyes peered up at you, forcing a smile your way. “Nothing sad. No sobbing into my shirt again.”
You huff, “Okay, rude,” You laugh, turning around to squat down at the television. “This isn’t sad, I think it’s action. That’s okay?”
You began flipping through disks in a container, searching for the movie you suggested, all while the smile on your mother’s face completely dropped. She raised a hand, placing it over her chest, shutting her eyes at the chronic pain in it.
She breathes in and out, forcing the pain that was hurting her out of the body. She slows her breathing, the pain slowly fading. The ringing in her ears began to quiet down, the blur in her vision subsided, and she felt okay again. Even if it was temporary, she was okay right now.
With you.
“Mom?” You looked over you shoulder, watching your mother meet your eyes with a smile. “Sound good— the movie?”
She hadn’t heard anything you recommended, and she didn’t need to. With a small nod, you returned the smile and turned back to the television, inserting the disc. “I’m telling you, this is really good. There’s a bunch of dinosaurs, but they’re cool ones, not the old ones they show in class…”
As you continued to talk, all Himari could do was look at your braid, the one she had did last night— under the stars— like normal. You had grown up so much. Your hair was much longer than when you were younger, too.
Once the movie was in, you walked over to the couch, snuggling under your mother. You were both stretched out, covered with a nice blanket she had sewed herself, popcorn accessible for the both of you to eat.
The limited time she had healed herself with was going to worth it. Himari wraps her arms around you, snuggling her face into your neck, making you giggle.
“M..Mom! You’re gonna miss the dinosaurs!!”
When you were twenty one, your mother offered you your first drink.
“Happy birthday, h…honey.” Your mothers shaky hands lit the two candles on your cake, slowly pushing it towards you.
You smile, looking up to your mom. Her hair began to break off, collarbones apparent, along with the bones on her fingers. She’s got the million dollar smile, though. That smile you loved seeing from her.
“Save your energy, mom,” You chuckle, reaching forward to blow out your candles. “Thank you.”
Although your mother was the only one who had ever wished you a happy birthday— who had ever given you a present or even a cake, you enjoyed it. It was like it was a tradition for you both. You looked forward to it every year.
Your mother sets a small glass in front of you, pulling another bottle from behind her back. It’s a dark liquid filled to the brim of a glass bottle— a very fancy glass at that. You’ve seen it before, seeing your father pour himself a glass whenever you both had finished bickering, or after having to visit a doctors appointment with your mother.
She tugs the top off, “Gotta drink the… the whole thing, okay? If you sip it… you’ll hate it.” It took her a little longer to speak now, having a full conversation with her was a little challenging, but she always made it work.
She could answer with a smile.
You nodded, watching her tip the bottle over and fill up the shot glass. Though, she never stopped pouring. It began to overflow, and after a few seconds, everything drops. Glass shatters and there’s a thud— and soon, your mother was on the ground.
“Mom?!” You dropped to your knees, ignoring the glass that had now stabbed you. You shook her body, attempting to wake her up, but it all failed.
When you were twenty four, your mother asked the strongest jujutsu sorcerer to marry her daughter.
She orders the guard to drop the duffel bag onto the table, sliding over the bag of cash towards the sorcerer with her shoe.
Himari crosses her arms over her chest. “That’s 20 million yen, including extra protection for your students — and if you decide to have children, your kids will be the most powerful. You’ll get brownie points for that, too.”
Gojo sat up straight, legs crossed over one another, watching the entire situation unfold. He’s had multiple cases where mothers suggested their daughter for marriage, women have proposed to him— hell, he’s slept with a few mothers in his own lifetime. But never this. This was new. It was exciting.
He raises an eyebrow, eyes never dropping to the money. He wouldn’t say it, but he doesn’t need that. He spends the amount of money in that bag in two days, regularly — and that’s just that’s on absolutely nothing. Maybe some rare collectibles he’ll buy just for the fun of it.
Though, if she’s a woman from the Shio Clan— that has to be just her money. Gojo’s heard about the clan, he’s even heard about the men— had conversations with them before. He could figure out in seconds that this was off the job— completely behind the heads back. This must be serious.
This was risky… so why was she doing it?
“You want me to marry your daughter for pocket change and something I already give my students?” He leaned forward, uncrossing his legs to balance on his knees. “Thank you for the offer, I’m sure she’s a lovely—”
“She’ll die.” Himari keeps her hand on her stomach. Her words stopped Gojo from pushing off the seat to leave, stilling him in his position.
“She’s a twin. She holds all five elements, the first in the clan to do it since Yuuto,” She begins to cough softly, applying more pressure to her stomach. “Y/N wants to fight her brother. She holds a resentment towards him, so she’s not giving up on fighting him.”
“She doesn’t even have protection. She hasn’t fought a thing— she can’t even kill a spider without setting it on fire. She has no control… Even then, there will be no one.. no one in her corner after I die.”
Gojo pulled his eyebrows together. “Die?”
“The affect of birthing one Shio is already dangerous on the body… I just got lucky with having two.”
Obviously, Gojo feels bad. He feels remorseful for the entire situation. But marriage isn’t something you can just throw into the equation for a few weeks and then take it out. It’s like adding eggs to brownie mix, and someone tells you they’re allergic to eggs. You can’t take it out now, it’s been fucking mixed in! Marriage is serious— especially when it comes to merging two clans.
Himari clears her throat, looking down to her lap. Gojo’s eyes are rested on her, watching her push more and more pressure on her stomach— though he was curious about something.
“Why’d you pick me?”
She looks up to Gojo, studying his features for a quick second. He was either asking to get his large, ego fed, or he was asking out of general curiosity. There was no need to dissect, though. His answer probably won’t change.
“I read about what you’re doing for that boy, Yuta,” Himari smiles, looking back down at the material of her dress. “You’re fighting for that little boy. You’re not making it easy for him, either. It’s authentic, and I… I think you enjoy helping people. If I’m wrong, I’ll find myself out.”
He hums. Gojo’s banking on a lot here. He’s used to making reckless situations, having to choose between this or that— who’s life is at stake. He’s just not sure why this one decision is kicking him in the head.. he’s having a hard time deciding if this is a good idea or not.
Is there too much at stake, or is he afraid of being responsible for another mistake?
“If I agree, I don’t want your money, don’t need your protection…” He leans forward, close enough to whisper these words to her face.
“I need…”
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©️RYUJNN: 01/02/2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. do not translate, plagiarize or remake any of my work! reposting my work is allowed — likes, reblogs & comments are appreciated.
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 days
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"Sorry, I saw the opportunity to play a SICK PRANK BRO and I took it."
"You uh. could have destroyed our relationship."
"But it was funny, right?"
TBH I can't blame her on this one, when the opportunity to torment people for fun comes up you gotta take it, you just gotta. I was being really hard on her a few days ago, but I do genuinely find her being like "no I just really enjoyed pranking you" with no emotion pretty endearing.
The only thing that unsettles me about it is I do think she has a crush on Sousuke so I do worry about ulterior motives that would make it a bit creepier. And the power imblance but anyway. For now, I'll take her at her word.
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asparklerwhowrites · 1 year
ohhh shima sousuke makes me so sick. what do you mean he distances himself from the world and goes with the flow and does whatever he thinks will please others because he's so out of touch with his own emotions?
manga spoilers
him and mitsumi breaking up was so sad and simple and the fact that when you're almost permanently disassociated from yourself and feel almost nothing it is impossible to be in a loving healthy relationship. a relationship cant fix you. and sometimes, you can love a person with all your heart and soul and still feel nothing and be tricked by your own mind that you don't really love them. because when smiling and crying and being angry are just. things. they aren't emotions. they arent really what you feel. neither is love.
and if youve neglected your needs and yourself like shima has for years and years youve created a trap for yourself which you cant escape because loving someone means confronting yourself and your trauma and baggage. it means you need to get better and you start to realise that. it means feeling things and thats the worst.
manga spoilers end
skip and loafer is not just a sweet high school drama it depicts extremely unhealthy behvaiour in the way it exists irl. your best friend might be someone who smiles because its the same as not-smiling. things are just routine, its easier to smile and be approachable and make small talk than hole and shut yourself up. this series makes me so sick.
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godkilller · 1 month
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SHE LIED WELL FOR WHAT SHE WAS; A FLOWER CAUGHT IN A STORM, and Gin contemplated her with an eerie tip of his head to one side, as though deciding whether or not to humor her redirect. He saw through it well enough, knew even without the taste of their reiatsu in the air who had done this to her. He could smell the jealousy and spite a mile away, the bitterness and bickering of lowlifes wishing to become the center of Aizen Sousuke's world -- when no one could draw his eye, especially when so pathetic and hasty. As Gin languidly stepped forward, he brushed past Orihime in favor of absently surveying the disarray -- dismissive, seemingly, of her state and as though he falsely needed a closer look to discern what happened.
He saw in her the dislike for conflict, so her lie was predictable enough, the protectiveness of her assailants not necessarily a full bloom of compassion, but a weak dive for control. In another instance perhaps Gin could've taunted her for trying to play him off like a fool, but he wasn't in the combative and cruel mood most perceived him to constantly linger within. Pale fingers picked a stray petal up, flicking it away after the idle gesture served its cause. He watched it flutter to the pale tile flooring at his feet.
Perhaps he was feeling cruel, but not the senseless kind that sought to bite simply to see how the recipient thrashed. There were many veils within Las Noches; deceptive corridors that changed once one turned their backs on them, smoke and mirror tricks -- and then the entirety of Kyoka Suigetsu. But there was another veil lesser known, and he sought to shred it. They played friends -- well, she had, at least, and Gin had played along, dumbing himself down to seem less threatening, slouching to seem smaller, smiling in a less sinister way, playful even, teasing, saying funny things... it was high time she caught a glimpse of validation for her wariness of him, even if she had made a point to bury it as of late.
❝ -- ah, course you tripped. You've always been awfully clumsy, haven't ya? ❞ The air did not lessen its chilling bite. The thrum of his presence remained a slithering shadow, white cloak flowing in his next few swaying steps in a lazy circle around the perimeter of her room. Her cell. Her prison. They were both imprisoned here, though she hardly knew that and Gin held no intention of allowing that sentiment to become known. The ache of homesickness ran deep, a thick sickness that threatened to choke him.
Gin grinned sharply. Disgusting.
❝ A pity Ulquiorra seems so inept at his duty, though, hm? Havin' no sense of security. And lettin' ya have glass like this -- well, maybe you ain't the type to slit throats with a broken shard, or turn it onto yourself to get th' last laugh. Either way, y'could've really gone 'n fucked things up with that whole resolute attitude y'got goin' for ya, steelin' yourself like you're gonna make some big move. Don't tense up so much or pause so long before sayin' whatcha say ---- makes your bullshit stand out more. ❞ A sharp hidden gaze cut whilst still remaining out of sight, a squint half-shaded by a mess of silver strands cast across his brow.
Her ploy tasted familiar, if only because he himself had lied about stray blood in his hair once, laughing it off as though he had struck his head yet healed the wound, forgetting to wash out the blood that most certainly hadn't been his own. She was planning something by the look in those eyes; she reminded him of -- ... all steel-eyed, pouty even, so utterly determined. Part of him felt sick from the comparison, a foul scent of bitter nostalgia, and the other felt an immense pity ---- neither of them could control a damn thing in either of their scenarios.
All of her resolve and power meant nothing when Aizen Sousuke wanted something. In the end, nothing mattered at all when that man decided he wanted to use her, use anyone and everyone, to achieve something. And if Aizen said the command for it now, Gin would have killed her where she stood regardless of any sentimental attachments made thus far. She was, ultimately, not worth ruining his century's worth of plotting. He'd make it quick, relatively painless. His words will sting more.
❝ If you're gonna plan to do somethin'... you oughtta act like you have somethin' else planned instead. Better yet; don't. There ain't nothin' you can do that cap'n Aizen ain't already aware of as a possibility, 'n nothin' you can do to trick him into thinkin' you ain't gonna try. So don't. Or I'll stop ya myself. ❞
Stepping toward her rather than around her, Gin imparted a smooth and lighter tone, as though remembering something pleasing. ❝ Ah... and I'll haveta stop by 'n ask Loly 'n Menoly if they know anythin' bout this lil mishap. I'm sure they must've at least heard ya trip 'n cause this mess given how recently I sense they must've stopped by. ❞
Gin brushed past her again, ghostly and fluid in his swift steps toward the door. He raised a sleeve-draped hand off to his side whilst departing, sparing a peek of slender fingers and thin wrist in a languid wave.
❝ -- see ya 'round, kid. Try not to trip again~! ❞
@rejekshun continued from this.
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eatmy-customjorts · 11 months
my favorite genre of tbhk official art is mitsukou agreeing to be violent together against someone else
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 month
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Finished! Score in a few days - I have a friend I've been talking about these with every week and I kinda wanna talk to him first. He's not choosing my score or anything, but I think the back-and-forth will help me get my thoughts in order and decide where to leave it. Because as it stands I think I'm between 6 and 7 - and 6 sounds low after all the praise I've given (and am about to give) but then part of me wonders if it isn't just that I'm surprised how much it improved over the first season, like if that surprise factor isn't the main reason I'd want to score it a 7. We'll see where I end up with.
Anyway, good last episode. It had an extra 5 minutes in length which really benefited it, because it meant we got to see quite a lot of plot points and character moments come to nice resolutions with wiggle room for cute scenes as well. Felt really fucking bad for the twins though man, the dead one's corpse being puppeted around by Gates was fucked up, and the sister not being strong enough to even enact revenge and going down in seconds actually made me upset. We get to see Kaname restore Sousuke's faith in himself more or less, that was pretty nice, although honestly I could've done with at least less of the slapstick. The ensuing fight between Sousuke and all the Venoms is pretty dope, I haven't spoken about it much but yeah no KyoAni mecha action is really good lol. The final setpiece is really sick - Gates in his own Venom is holding another AS hostage, and Sousuke charges up this insanely sick looking punch, stops right in front of the hostage, and then Lambda Driver fuckin makes the punch go through the hostage completely safe. It's absolutely dope as shit. A level of excitement I never thought this series could offer me. Just really good all around.
And then yeah, Sousuke's back in action, knows what he wants, and all the villains are dead. Couple scenes of various emotional catharses, Sousuke's still staying with Mithril because we wouldn't have much of a show otherwise but he lays down the law, has the full support of Tessa, her moe anime waifu scene here is actually earned because she's been a character up to this point, it's all just pretty good. If I can be honest I was actually thinking about watching Invisible Victory and I still might - but Second Raid so neatly wrapping up most of its stuff makes me think I'll be fine even if I don't. It's really just Tessa's brother that's a variable here, but we'll see what I decide to do.
But yeah, that's me done. Mostly. I'll watch the OVA tomorrow. That was definitely good - I don't think I have too much to say that isn't just spread throughout the other posts I've made, but I mostly had fun here. The series takes itself seriously and has pretty strong plotting and lots of good character moments, which is all you can really ask for. Villains weren't great this time around, I didn't really talk about him ever but I don't think I liked Gates at all, him jacking it to small animals is almost too bizarre an inclusion for the series, but hey. Craziest thing I can say by far is that I am largely endeared to the characters now, which was an unfathomable concept to me back when I finished the first season. Even Fumoffu only got me liking Sousuke, Kaname and the like still pissed me off. Actually being able to point to the characters and say "yeah I liked them" goes so hard. I think I'll call that the end of the post. Like I said, OVA tomorrow, Invisible Victory is a maybe, and then uhhh I mean that's it. Although as one final sidenote, the OVA is the last Kyoto Animation thing for me. Insane.
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rinusagitora · 1 year
I'll be the villain you blame.
Fandom: Bleach Characters: Momo Hinamori, Sousuke Aizen, Nanao Ise, Izuru Kira, Shuuhei Hisagi, Renji Abarai Pairings: badship AiHina, minor RenShuuKiraHina Words: 2.5k Summary: A study in invisible labor, gender inequity, & rage. Warnings for abusive relationships, cannibalism, & mild gore. AO3: works/50610688 A/N: I forgot what list I used for this & can't keep a schedule worth shit, so I'm just posting it now lmao I used various black metal, In This Moment, & Otep songs as inspiration. There are so many good ones.
"What do you mean you won't make dinner?"
It's not a question, but a demand for a damn good answer. Momo is elbow-deep in a wash basin bubbling with soap and waterlogged shitagi. Sweat pours down her sides from her pits.
"I have shit to do," he replies.
Her teeth grind. "And I don't?"
"You're washing laundry."
Thank you, Captain Obvious, and here she thought her hands were cramping from doing nothing.
"These stains are going to take hours getting out," she says, "so unless you want dingy laundry or dinner late, I need you to make us some food."
"I'm going to an Association meeting. I'll be eating there."
Momo's seen the Shinigami Men's Association. It's an excuse for officers to goof off.
"Okay. And what am I going to do for food after washing the laundry? It's going to be late when you finish."
Sousuke rolls his eyes. He doesn't even shut the door behind him when he fucks off.
It's times like these Momo wants to take his skin and put it through a wash cycle while he cries for help from their bed. See how he likes it.
Momo ought to, at least, lock the door behind him. He'll have to sleep on the engawa and explain to a passerby why that it. Briefly, it makes her smile thinking of it. My wife locked me out because I'm a piece of shit who dicks around while she scrubs my house clean. What a bitch, right?
It's pipe dreams. Even if someone catches him sleeping on the engawa, he'll make her look like a hysterical cunt.
He's home at three. Wakes her up to regale her with the fun he had while the Men's Association sang songs around a campfire.
Momo groans. "Honey, I need some sleep before we go into work."
He snorts. "You've slept for hours."
She really hasn't. There's maybe four hours under her belt. The bottoms of his socks took hours to whiten completely. Part of her was tempted to leave it, but picturing her husband in gray laundry just reminded her how bad his feet smell, and she couldn't bring herself to neglect it the way he's able to.
"I'm really tired, Sousuke, laundry took forever."
His face scrunches. "God, is it such a chore for you to listen to me?"
Momo wants to laugh, but knows it would start an argument she's much too tired for. "Fine. Go on."
She tries to sleep while he blathers, but he doesn't stop talking until the blue light of morning peeks through their window.
Sousuke takes a sick day. If Momo joins him, nothing will get done in the office, and he'll bitch about it for days like it wasn't something avoided easily enough by just having made dinner.
Nanao sometimes visits during lunch breaks. Momo thinks their friendship spawned of their mutually useless men. Her uncle can't even be bothered to wear socks or spit out poisonous reeds he chews on.
At least his feet don't smell as bad.
"Oh my god, you look exhausted."
Momo hums. "Sousuke was out late and woke me up when he came home. I couldn't go back to sleep."
"On a work night?" Nanao says while she scowls.
"It was a Men's Association gathering."
"Well, that's stupid," she says while unpacking bento. "I brought goodies, though, if you'd like to take a break."
The smell of soup and steak wafts to Momo and it makes her misty-eyed. When is she ever cared for? How long have she and Sousuke been married, and what has he done for her?
Momo wracks her brain while she and Nanao eat but can't think of a single chore he's done, or even a single thank you he's uttered.
All she wants to do is sleep when she comes home, but Sousuke has other plans.
"The irori is full," Sousuke says. Sure enough, the pot is laying on coals. "I have some paperwork to finish. Can you clean it out before dinner?"
Momo's teeth grind. "What's this paperwork?"
"November's budget."
"Wasn't that due yesterday?" she says.
"Yeah, but I was busy,"
"Busy goofing off with the Association members."
Sousuke scowls. "Can you just clean the fucking hearth?"
Her teeth grind. "Fine. Please run a bath for me."
"I told you, I have to do the budget."
"The budget that was due yesterday. Yesterday, which you spent hours goofing off during, instead of working."
"Will you stop nagging me?" he snaps. "Just clean the fucking irori."
Momo takes a deep breath. There's a beat of silence between them. "I'll clean it... please run me a bath so I can wash off when I finish."
"I just told you I'm fucking busy," Sousuke says.
Another beat of silence. "You can't take ten seconds to turn a fucking faucet?" she says.
"You can run it yourself. You're a big girl."
She curls her fists and utters a long groan. Her teeth grind. A headache radiates into her skull. "Indeed. I'm also a big girl who hasn't slept since three in the morning, am very tired, and would like a bath after cleaning the irori. I'm fairly certain your budget can be turned in twenty seconds later than it would be without you running a bath for me."
"What the fuck is this martyr act about? Seriously, you're behaving as if I've shot you."
"I don't know how to explain it anymore clearly than I have already!" she snaps. 
"You haven't explained shit, Momo!" he returns with equal vitriol. "You're blathering on about nonsense like I'm some fucking criminal. What the fuck is wrong with you tonight?"
Something inside Momo snaps like a dry twig.
"You fucked around last night instead of doing the budget, and now it's overdue, then you woke me up, chat for hours about how much fun you had procrastinating the budget so I've gotten no sleep, then you called off work because you fucked around too late to get any meaningful sleep before we're supposed to go to work, which left me to pick up your slack, and when I come home utterly exhausted, you can't even bother to turn a faucet for me while I get filthy cleaning out the motherfucking hearth. Is that fucking clear enough, Sousuke?"
His hands slam on his desk and he flies to his feet. It rattles Momo like he's going to hit her. "I don't have to fucking listen to this shit, Momo. I'm your superior officer and you will treat me with respect I'm owed."
"You're my husband! You asked me to marry you because you loved me!" Her scream is so shrill that she wonders if the windows will shatter in its wake. It would be nice to be validated. To have some fucking control. To turn Sousuke into a pin cushion of glass shards. Maybe then he'll listen. Maybe he'll tiptoe around her instead and give into her whims so she can fucking rest.
He spits on her instead.
The glob of saliva and mucus rolls down her cheek. It leaves a trail like a snail. She's stunned while he storms out. It's like there's a delay between her and reality. Like time decompresses. When it returns to normal, there's an explosion.
Momo throws her fist into the wall. It gives underway. She's bleeding and full of splinters when she frees herself but can't bring herself to give a flying fuck. Instead, she storms out like Sousuke, hearth be damned.
She needs a fucking drink.
She doesn't even know the name of the bar she storms into. Momo thinks she scares the bartender because he doesn't make a peep when she asks for a pitcher of beer, just places it in front of her a few moments later. She doesn't even use the provided glass and tips it into her open mouth instead. Some of it dribbles onto her collar but she doesn't fucking care because it doesn't even begin to wash down her outrage.
Beer goes down the wrong tube when she hears her name. Izuru takes a seat like nothing happened. For a moment, his fair face has semblance to the wall she put her fist through, and her brain feeds her an image of his skull exploding around her right hook. It makes Momo want to throw up.
Izuru pats her back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"No, it's fine, I'm just a little absent-minded because I haven't slept well."
Momo hates that she's making excuses, that she's covering for her husband, but she isn't sure she has it in her to be told she's making mountain out of mole hills, even if it's by a dear friend.
"I can tell," he says. "Hey, Abarai and Hisagi are with me, why don't you drink with us? It's been awhile."
Momo kind of doesn't want to, but isn't able to concoct a reasonable excuse to decline, so she follows Izuru to their booth.
"Hey, it's been awhile," Shuuhei says while she slides into the booth next to Renji. "How's it going?"
"Fine," she fibs politely, then sips beer like she isn't a ravenous, vexed alcoholic.
Renji looks her over but he doesn't say anything. Momo wonders if he's clocked her exhaustion. He's always been good at reading people.
Shuuhei laughs. "Good to hear. We thought something was wrong when we saw you pounding your drink."
Momo groans. "It's fine. My husband and I just got into an argument and I wanted to blow off some steam."
"Makes sense," Renji replies. He reaches under the table and rubs her leg. It makes her head fall onto his shoulder. For now, she'll chalk it up to exhaustion.
"Marriage seems... hard," Izuru says.
"I can imagine so," Shuuhei says.
"It's just..." Momo trails off. She pinches her sinuses so she doesn't start bawling her eyes out. "I just don't get why he can't do simple things. Like, I was cleaning the irori when I asked him to run me a bath, but he threw a tantrum over it for some reason."
Part of her expects them to shrug it off, to call her hysterical, but Izuru says, "I don't understand why that would be a chore for him."
"Thank you," she says with wry laughter.
"Yeah, it's not hard," Renji agrees.
Momo takes another drink. "I'm sure all couples argue about chores." She hates herself more for bitching about him and then covering for him. It feels wishy washy. It feels like malicious lies.
"Sure, but... I don't know. It doesn't seem hard to just run a bath while you clean," Izuru replies.
It's times like these Momo wishes she married Izuru. It makes her sad she thought poorly of Izuru's intentions. For now, she'll chalk it up to exhaustion, like the day dream she has of being facedown in her pillow with Izuru's fist around her neck while he rails her slick pussy.
She laughs. "I thought so too. Alas, I'm the insane one asking for a simple favor."
"Why'd you even marry him?" Shuuhei asks. "He's unpleasant to be around as, like, a whole. He's pedantic."
"He was different not too long ago." Alas, this is her punishment for fucking her superior. Blow up the relationship and the squad blows up. Her career blows up. Everything blows up. The shrapnel will only go into her face, and he'll be unscathed, even if she screams about his incompetence from the rooftops.
Momo should've fucking married Izuru. He isn't an asshole even if he doesn't put his socks in the hamper.
In the lulls of her contributions to their conversation, Momo daydreams of each of them kissing her sore limbs and making love to her. Of being passed around them. She doesn't say anything even after taking her home around eleven. It's later than Momo would've liked but she didn't really want to escape their company after Izuru bought them a round of tequila shots. They took her home because she could hardly walk between exhaustion and intoxication.
Momo knows she passed out the second she covered herself in her quilt, but it's like she hasn't slept a wink when Sousuke shakes her awake and kisses her.
She's expecting an apology, but then he unties his obi. He's hard.
He's an asshole and expects her to fuck him at three in the morning when she's exhausted and angry. Somehow, his sobriety makes her even angrier, like this shit would be better if he was wasted.
Momo throws a right hook into the center of his face. Bones crunch under her fist, like the wall, and he squeals like a stuck pig.
"You wanna fuck after everything you said?" she screams in disbelief. "You can't even be bothered to fucking apologize?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Sousuke howls while he clutches his face. He's like a petulant child. It makes her cunt recede into her pelvis.
"What's wrong with me? It's four in the morning! I haven't slept hardly five hours since yesterday morning, but you wake me up after a huge fight when I'm utterly fucking exhausted to fuck me like you weren't a raging fucking asshole earlier!
Sousuke doesn't get a word in before Momo is on her feet and knees him. He's pushed into a fetal position, grunting and crying, and it's oil on fire.
"You're the most neglectful fucking asshole I know!" she screams. "You can't do anything! You're seriously a fucking baby and you expect me to fucking spoon feed you! If I wanted to marry an infant, I would've robbed a fucking cradle!"
Magic coils in her hands. Her rage is consistently underestimated, the same as her labor is unappreciated and unreciprocated. She could spend months cleaning his home-- his home, because it's not hers, its not theirs, she's just a maid-- without so much as a thank you or a finger lifted to help.
It coalesces as fire in her palms. It barrels into Sousuke's face and roasts his hair and his skin. The smell is acrid, but there's no air for him to scream. She can see him trying to but all it's doing is burning his insides. There isn't enough oxygen to scream, not when its eaten by fire.
Sousuke wheezes when the fire stops. Momo assumes his vocal chords are fried. It's pathetic and blissful. 
Momo recenters and sends fire to his crotch. She'll find better cock.
She's quite bedraggled and the floor is blackened once she finally finishes. Sousuke's top layers are charred to shit. The smell of burnt hair is long gone, and there's just the smell of seared meat now.
It makes her belly rumble.
There's the issue of the body, of course, and the most horrific epiphany occurs to her while her chest heaves.
He can't make dinner. Why can't she make him into dinner?
Momo sends a courier to Izuru, Renji, and Shuuhei inviting them over for dinner when she goes to work in the morning. She sliced Sousuke's buttocks and thighs into steaks, rubbed them with chilis and spices, and served them over potatoes, onions, and asparagus. There isn't a clean plate in the house before the night ends. They even help with the dishes.
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shadowi8 · 2 years
It occurred to me this stupid idea. Sousuke has a cat, and this cat is really surly with him, but in some weird way they get along. Sousuke gets a boyfriend, and this bad tempered cat who doesn't like people is suddenly attached to him
Makoto doesn't understand what Sousuke means when he says Haruka (his cat) is difficult to deal with, because Haruka always behaves when Makoto is around, and he loves Makoto's pets, and how tenderly he talks to him
And Sousuke just sees how his cat is in fucking love with his bf like. He is always sticking to Makoto and cuddling with him, and whines when he is not around and even gets aggressive when Sousuke argues with Makoto or when they're to close or hugging or kissing
Haruka is always grumpy but when Makoto is around he acts like a baby
Everytime Sousuke pets Haruka even in the most gentle manner, Haruka just looks at him as if dumped all the mackerel on his plate. But then Makoto is right there and Haruka is rubbing and purring against him just to be caressed
Sousuke has to search where is Haruka even tho they live together cause he is never in sight. When Makoto is in his apartment, Sousuke just had to look for his bf to find Haruka
Haruka doesn't like to be carried but the moment he sees Makoto he is like "uppies, uppies"
And in exchange, Makoto has a dog, yesssss, and this dog, obviously Rin, is fond of Sousuke. He loves Makoto, of course, but Sousuke is his fave
And Makoto gets a little sad, and Sousuke asks, and when he knows what's wrong he goes like
Sou: You're Haru's favorite
Mako: Well, yeah, but...
Sou: And mine.
BRO THATS SO CUTE Shut up. I'm thinking about SouMako
Oh how about Sousuke getting sick, Haruka is a little bit worried until he sees Makoto really anguished even if it's just a cold, and Makoto asks him to take care of Sousuke while he is at work and Haruka obeys, laying next to Sousuke and purring a little to help him
Makoto is happy when he gets back and sees them kinda cuddling. The tenderness of Makoto brushing Sousuke's hair back and looking at him with such a compassionate and lovely smile ughhhhhhh
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