#sibilla reading
Every Day Oracle (Vera Sibilla Italiana)
Published by Lo Scarabeo
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cloudgremlin · 19 days
Fanart Time
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I started reading Off Colors: Contrasts by @sibillascribbles08 and HAD to draw this over the top Donnie (he has no thoughts in that head only Splatoon music and the desire for chaos). To the right is the first sketch I blundered out after reading the various descriptions of Donnie’s outfit (it did originally have rings, but I hated that because wearing rings while fighting is a sure fire way to mess your hands up so after some aid from friends I gave him gold belts instead), and then I realized Sibillascribbles has ART so I went to look at reference and realized OH I made this boy too punk XD. To the left is a much more canon rendition.
I do think it’s hilarious that this AU’s Leo saw this dude and was like “wow that’s an unbelievable amount of jewellery” meanwhile canon design has like, a single necklace. OffColors!Leo is a precious soul <3
I also realized I have accidentally been influenced way too much by my own AU’s Don in relation to fashion choice, so here’s a little dumb sketch bit:
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The benefits of having a younger sibling: they steal all your clothes smh
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qldqueerboy · 9 months
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The hostility experienced today between you and someone else is still ongoing. It has gone past the point that you can safely communicate with each other except by record your requests or demands via the written word. You are not facing this dispute alone as two individuals have volunteered to intervene on your behalf. They may approach the situation from two different angles but their single focus is on restoring a harmonious and respective reconciliation.
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multimystica · 7 months
I'm a Brazilian Tarot reader and Oraculist just trying to make a living to pay for college and help with house expenses, I work with the following divination methods:
Tarot (Rider Waite; Osho's Zen Tarot; Tarot of the Holy Grail)
Lenormand a.k.a. Petit Lenormand ( French Cartomancy, or Gypsy Deck if you're Brazilian)
Vera Sibilla Italiana (a.k.a. Italian Cartomancy)
Elder Futhark (a.k.a. Runes)
Very sporadically I use the pendulum and radiestesy & radionic graphics as well.
My main objective with this profile is to work professionally with divination and spirituality online. If you want to know more about myself before you book a reading or service feel free to ask, I'm an open book.
As this is a professional page and not only a hobby, I plan to charge for my readings, I take payments via Paypal or PicPay (if you're in Brazil, I take payments via pix as well).
However, I also intend to serve spirituality itself, so once a week I'll answer simple questions with 6 card Lenormand readings free of charge via Tumblr's ask function.
My rates in US Dollars:
$5 - 1 card reading using Osho's Zen Tarot Deck
$5 - 3 runes reading using Elder Futhark Runes
$10 - 6 card reading using the Lenormand Deck
$10 - 3 card reading using Rider Waite's Tarot Deck
$25 - Pack of three 6 card readings using Lenormand Deck
$25 - Pack of three 3 card readings using Rider Waite's Tarot Deck
$50 - Lenormand Grand Tableau reading + 3 clarifying questions.
$60 - 1 hour of unlimited questions using your oracles of choice (from those currently avaliable) + 1 Osho's Zen Tarot card advice.
Readings can be made online (texts or videocalls if the app of choice supports it, you choose) via Tumblr Chat, Discord, WhatsApp, or delivered on a PDF via e-mail. I'll always send pictures of the cards drawn and explain everything.
Other services I offer:
$30 - Spiritual Guidance and Advice Sessions ( 1 hour sessions via Discord or Whatsapp Messenger)
$60 - Tutorial on Energetically Cleansing Spellwork (delivered via Discord, E-mail or PDF)
$120 - 30 days of Spiritual Guidance and Advice + three 6 card readings with Lenormand (via Discord or Whatsapp Messenger)
On Spellwork:
I can perform certain types of spellwork, such as:
Abundance, prosperity & wealth rituals
Self-love, self-esteem & self-respect rituals
Peace and positivity rituals
Those don't have a fixed pricing, the price is to be discussed depending on the severity of the situation, on the pricing of the required materials to perform the ritual, and on the financial situation of the client.
I may as well prescribe baths and rituals which you'd have to do yourself. If you come to me just for the prescription of baths or rituals I just charge the symbolic value of $5 for said prescriptions; however, if you booked a reading or another service with me and I find it to be useful or necessary in your situation, I'll do it free of charge.
Onto the much necessary disclaimer:
I DON'T do binding or karmic return rituals. Do not even ask about it. It goes against my values as a light-worker. Divine justice is there for a reason. I'm not here to rip off anyone so if you really need a certain service and can't afford it just message me about it and I'll see what I can do to help for FREE.
Most importantly: I am not a scammer, I'd rather be scammed than be seen as a scammer so you don't even need to pay upfront, I don't care to work for free if it means I'll get to help people with my cards.
Payment info:
Paypal info: [email protected]
PicPay Info: @multimystica Pix (for Brazilians): [email protected]
I just want to make an honest living, if you don't want a reading at all yet want to make a difference, feel free to donate any value to either of the payment methods stated above. Thank you!
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 3 months
hello :))
i saw you giving free tarot readings and i wanted to get one. if I am late and the seats are already filled, it's alright.
if not then -
i basically wanted to know about my love life. i am in college and never had a partner in life. never had anything even 🤏🏽 this close to romance. i want to know why is that? i know I am not pretty looking but is it all that matters to people? and i have people tell me I am still too young and i agree but it's difficult to ignore that feeling when everyone is hanging out with their partners except me.
my initials are RV and i am a libra sun
thank you for your time and energy <33
Well, let's see. I'm gonna use my Vera Sibilla deck because the ruuuuuuuuuuuuumors say it's the very best for romance and love shit so Idk. I need to practice with it
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Sudden luck + Prison + Young lady + Falsehood + Hope
HSAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my fucking god, they weren't kidding. Let me tell you, this is funny but funny because the deck is soooo dramatic. Like, when I did the same question (because my romance life is also non existant ahsha) this little bitch gave me the Priest because apparently I'm a fucking prude.
The cards are first that anything saying: YOU'RE TOO YOUUUUUNG!!. You're still a child! What were you expectiiiiing!!
Sudden luck and Prison say that you're hoping for love to appear in your life by doing sweet nothing, just waiting. I'm gonna guess you don't leave home a lot or move in social circles, and it can be very lonely. You're waiting for Cupid's arrow without moving a finger.
And in the other side of the reading, Falsehood and Hope say that you're not being quite honest either. You want to show only the very best side of yourself hiding the rest under the rug hoping that someone bites. Again, "hoping". Waiting for the things to happen without opening yourself.
Well that's your answer. Damn, I need to reprint this deck.
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(via Example Spread: Guess Who's Coming For Dinner?)
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thefugitivesaint · 6 months
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Giulio Aristide Sartorio (1860-1932), ''Sibilla; poema drammatico in quattro atti'' (Sibyl. Dramatic poem in four acts), 1922 Source
This is just a selection of the relief etchings that Sartorio did for the above work. A more detailed accounting of the book (in Italian) can be read here.
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servantofthefates · 7 months
How many decks should you have?
As many as you can love.
Someone who has 100 decks and uses them all is being more respectful towards the craft than someone who only has two decks but rarely uses one of them. All you have to do is ensure that all your decks are regularly consulted, and that none of them is left to rot on a shelf.
1) Do not buy a deck you are not completely enchanted by. If you do not love it at first sight, you will likely end up setting it aside.
2) Avoid owning similar decks. I only have one pocket-size tarot deck, and one that is giant-size. Give each a chance to be unique.
3) Know that a gifted deck is a deck that chose you. Even if you do not like its design, find a way to love it, the way it found its way to you.
4) Store your decks in a queue. Before you read, get the one in front. Afterwards, put it in the back. This way, you get to use the whole stack.
5) Learn each of your decks. If you have not yet mastered your first two, do not acquire a third. Be a cartomancer, not a hoarder.
Tarot is the proudest of all cartomancy instruments. But this also applies to Lenormand, Sibilla and oracle decks.
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The participating authors for the Italian Lit(erature) Tournament: the general list + a google form to add other proposals
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Podesti Francesco - Torquato Tasso reading Jerusalem Delivered to the Estensi court
The start of the Italian Lit(erature) Tournament (first edition) is getting closer, but first I want to post the general list of the authors partecipants.
The principal issue is that every literary canon is constantly changing, with more critical studies over the years. I've thought about it, read and searched, and the solution I found has two parts:
I will take the principal authors from this list, which in turn is based from the studies of Gianfranco Contini and Asor Rosa. The list is too long and many names are only chronicles and essayists, so I'll chose the principal ones, trying to balance between north/south Italy and male/female authors (taking into account that many authors that we study are men). As you will see below under the cut, the list is already pretty long, doing some math the challenge will be 2/3 months long.
Still, I recognise that this isn't 100% unbiased and fair, so I opened a free and quick google form when you can add a maximum of two authors that you don't see in the list. This considerable limit is to avoid having too many names - if in some answers I see more than 2 names, I'll take into account only the first 2 listed.
After much thoughts, I also chose to don't include living authors or authors death only recently (before January 2023). The reason is simply to avoid potential issues in the community, like bashing between fandom or admirers of some specific author, or going too far like offending some people near the author still alive or recently deceased. Maybe if this tournament will end well, a second edition could be made next year and maybe with the addition of living authors! (I'm already thinking to do an italian or european cinema tournament in the future but this is still in the draft).
Under the cut, you will find the list of the authors already part of the challenge, name-surname with the surname in alphabetical order. If you don't see a name that you want to see, use the form to add it!
edit: I added the ones from the surbey so far, all in italics. There are names that have been sent but already on the list.
Dante Alighieri
Sibilla Aleramo
Vittorio Alfieri
Cecco Angiolieri
Pietro Aretino
Ludovico Ariosto
Matteo Bandello
Anna Banti
Giambattista Basile
Giorgio Bassani
Cesare Beccaria
Maria Bellonci
Pietro Bembo
Matteo Maria Boiardo
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giordano Bruno
Dino Buzzati
Italo Calvino
Andrea Camilleri
Giosuè Carducci
Guido Cavalcanti
Carlo Collodi
Vittoria Colonna
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Giacomo da Lentini
Caterina da Siena
Alba de Céspedes
Cielo (Ciullo) d'Alcamo
Edoardo De Filippo
Federico de Roberto
Grazia Deledda
Umberto Eco
Beppe Fenoglio
Marsilio Ficino
Dario Fo
Ugo Foscolo
Veronica Franco
Carlo Emilio Gadda
Natalia Ginzburg
Carlo Goldoni
Antonio Gramsci
Francesco Guicciardini
Tommaso Landolfi
Giacomo Leopardi
Carlo Levi
Primo Levi
Carla Lonzi
Niccolò Machiavelli
Alessandro Manzoni
Giovanbattista Marino
Giovanni Meli
Pietro Metastasio
Eugenio Montale
Elsa Morante
Alberto Moravia
Anna Maria Ortese
Giuseppe Parini
Goffredo Parise
Giovanni Pascoli
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Cesare Pavese
Francesco Petrarca
Luigi Pirandello
Angelo Poliziano
Luigi Pulci
Salvator Quasimodo
Gianni Rodari
Lalla Romano
Amelia Rosselli
Umberto Saba
Emilio Salgari
Jacopo Sannazaro
Goliarda Sapienza
Leonardo Sciascia
Matilde Serao
Gaspara Stampa
Mario Rigoni Stern
Italo Svevo
Antonio Tabucchi
Torquato Tasso
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Pier Vittorio Tondelli
Giovanni Verga
Giambattista Vico
Renata Viganò
Elio Vittorini
Giuseppe Ungaretti
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feminist-butch-menace · 2 months
Women in art - history series (Medieval times)
In these times countries developed a political system based on the monarchy. Most people were farmers who lived in small rural villages. Women were primarily responsible for childcare, food preparation, tending livestock, and helping at harvest time to gather crops. Women who lived in the larger towns were responsible for childcare and food preparation. They also helped their father or husband in the many trades and crafts needed to support city life, including creating textiles, leather goods, or different metal objects or managing shops and inns.
In this period, the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic church generally informed people's lives. Biblical readings reflected in medieval art frequently portrayed Eve as responsible for leaving paradise, generating the long-held belief that women were weaker than men, easily tempted to sin, and inferior to men. Based on this story and other biblical tales, men's authority over women was emphasized, teaching women to be submissive.
Hildegard of Bingen
Was born in Germany. Her family name was unknown, although early writers did note the family was wealthy. She suffered from poor health as a child, with trouble walking and seeing. Hildegard entered the convent and learned to read, write and sing religious psalms as part of her spiritual training. Even as a child, Hildegard believed she had visions of the future. Hildegard's works included medical information, visionary messages, and philosophical theories. She became a well-known composer of sacred music, and more of Hildegard's liturgical chants have survived than any other medieval composer. Hildegard wrote letters and poems, doing her extensive writings into illuminated manuscripts.
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Herrad of Landsberg
Was the Abbess of Hohenburg, which is a convent in eastern France. She was born into a noble family and entered the abbey when she was young. Many girls and women were from wealthy families and received a broader education than most young girls at the time. As Herrad grew older, she rose within the abbey, eventually becoming the abbess. At first, she worked to rebuild the abbey and incorporate more of the surrounding land under the abbey's jurisdiction. As the abbess for twenty-eight years, she was well-liked both inside and outside the abbey.
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Sibilla von Bondorf
Was a nun in a Clarissan convent in Germany. Much of von Bondorf's work was for prayer books or books used in the liturgy. Her primary work was a set of illustrations based on the lives of Saint Francis, Saint Clara, and Saint Elisabeth. Copies of her work were widely used among other convents. Religious changes in Germany in the 1400s brought opportunities for women in convents to create and produce manuscripts and liturgical books.
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Source: GUSTLIN, Deborah and GUSTLIN, Zoe, 2023. Herstory: Women Artists in History.
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mindful-mateo · 3 months
closed starter for @hector-sibilla
Mateo had long ago decided that he would do his best to make the library a quiet, comfortable, safe space for anyone who needed it, obviously, but especially the unclaimed slaves in the Undercroft. While he didn't regret coming to work at Krovs (being able to wear the collar was absolutely worth it) he still felt guilty that he was essentially working for people who enslaved others. If his life had gone even slightly differently, he easily could've been down there as well so he did his best to ease their burdens when he could. Part of that duty that he'd set himself was keeping an eye on who the new slaves were and making sure, fairly early in their time at the Castle, to rent them for "work" in the library. That was the reason he gave when he filled in the rental, anyway, though he never forced anyone to help him shelve books or catalogue new inventory if they didn't want to. Mostly, he just wanted them to be able to relax for a few hours and not have to worry about masters or anything like that. Granted, Mateo couldn't stop the masters from coming into the library and he supposed they could always override his work rental and take someone for themselves but that hadn't happened yet and Mateo hoped it didn't.
Today was one of the days where he'd sent for a new slave, Hector Sibila, and greeted him and the guard at the library doors when they arrived, smiling and friendly. "Hola, come on in." He nodded to Hector and thanked the guard, watching him walk away then heading further into the library, talking as he did. "My name's Mateo, nice to meet you. Don't feel like you actually have to do anything up here. Mostly I figured you might want a break from the Undercroft. There are some comfortable reading rooms if you want to grab a book and read or just sleep for a few hours. I can send down for food, too, if you're hungry. We don't have to talk or interact at all if you just want some time to yourself. Let me know and I'll disappear into the stacks." Mateo liked to let them know early that he had no expectations, sexual or work related, though some were naturally more suspicious than others. Mateo couldn't blame them and just tried to prove it with his actions as well as his words. "We can chat, too. It's up to you, really." Giving the slaves choices when they had so little in their lives was a small kindness Mateo could do for them and he was more than happy to.
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Spring Sibilla
by Tarot Collectibles
James Battersby & Christine Aguilar
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pikopuri · 3 months
summer reading list:
- the bell jar by sylvia plath
- silk by alessandro baricco
- forbidden notebook by alba de céspedes
- a woman by sibilla aleramo
- persuasion by jane austen
- the gentle spirit by dostoevsky
- the iguana by anna maria ortese
- a couple books by banana yoshimoto
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qldqueerboy · 1 year
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Delegation has fallen upon your shoulder to arrange a social engagement. You really don’t think that you are the best person to do it and saying no to the people that have asked you is creating a major headache. The issue is not about bringing people together and having fun but the riskiness of upsetting all that attend by your choice of venues and food.
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princepotatosack · 1 year
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Hello one and all and welcome to the The Duchess Affair name post. This is a list of period-accurate given names you can give your MC if you need some inspiration or want to know what kinds of names ladies had back then. I've combed through the 1809 edition of Debrett's Peerage for names of noblewomen in the 1600s and 1700s in Britain, which is where I'm taking the liberty of assuming TDA is set.
As always, you can drop any questions in my inbox, I love love love playing reference librarian :-)
Most names in this period either came from the Bible or from literature. The Bible was the most common book owned and read, so Biblical names were frequently seen. Some nobles liked to show off how cultured and educated they were by naming their children after mythological figures or characters from poetry and history, but most people of all classes named children after ancestors or loved ones (which explains why it seems like it was the same dozen names getting passed around again and again.)
Very common names -- the majority of women back then had one of these names:
Catharine (not a typo – this was the standard spelling in the 1700s!)
Maria (pronounced like “Mariah”)
Less common but not unheard-of names:
Amelia/ Emilia/Emily
Rarities and oddities -- I only came across these names once or twice each, use them to add a bit of flavor and eccentricity!!!:
And just for fun, some extremely British sounding surnames I found that made me chuckle aristocratically:
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 3 months
Hi, thanks for clarifying
If you can answer one more I'd love to know
Where will I be be living for the next 5 years?
I am in UK for work but born in India. I want to know if I will be in uk long term?
Mg 🖤
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Hi. They say you're right now in a luck strike and everything is going pretty well in the UK, however, you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. Once you run out of luck, you will be moving.
I'm not seeing exactly a "moving out of the country", but the Butterfly goes with the wind. From flower to flower, never in the same place.
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