bcnes · 10 months
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@shxkespexre sent — ALL THE WORLSD AMY STAGE AND Y4OUER JUST A PLAWTEYRE IN IT. SEND — gale sentence starters ( accepting )
Leans across the table, grabs him by the shirt collar, shakes him violently.
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calmlythrilling · 1 year
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stop - muse a holds muse b back from walking back out into the fray starter prompt, sent by @shxkespexre
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Adrenaline was rushing through every inch of his body as he stood up from the ground, wiping off any dirt or dust from his coat. There was a wide grin on Venomous's face, feeling as though he couldn't stand still for another minute! He has to get back in there, he has to -
...pause, feeling a hand grasp at his own. Venomous swiftly turned to strike, fully preparing it to be one of the heroes that had just touched him, but was just as quick to pause as he was readying to strike, eyes wide when he saw it was William out of all people. What is he doing?
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"Will... I was working." Right. Getting swept off your feet and pummeled into the ground by your son who isn't even a teenager, with his two teen friends is a perfectly normal part of his job. He uses the moment of pause to brush his hair back, fixing it with that one simple stroke. "What is it?"
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bcnes-archived · 1 year
@shxkespexre said ; " yeah, it's really surprising to see how medicine improved. i mean, one time i was bloodlet 'cause of a cold. oh, right! i think they also put boiling beetroot juice and honey into my nose to treat that. i mean, it worked, but i smelled beetroots for a week afterwards. "
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McCoy, who previously was attempting to eat breakfast, suddenly finds that he's not sure he has the stomach for it. The tray is slowly pushed away in favor of drawing his coffee closer to him, leaning back in his chair, and lacing his hands together with a white-knuckled grip. He wonders if it's too early to pour something stronger into this.
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"I imagine it is," he responds automatically, sounding far from enthused but spouting pleasant halfhearted nothingness all the same while he tries to recall his medical history lessons from the Academy ( he'd held a morbid fascination for it at the time, in the way that it kept him up for hours every night, unsettled but unable to look away from it, until Kirk had pointed out that he'd probably be better off just failing the course than burying himself in it and going half-crazy. He had been right ). Shakespeare was pre-germ theory, wasn't he? Leonard tries his best, he earnestly does, to remember that the doctors back then were just working with what they knew - that even he isn't perfect. But it makes him crawl in his skin just to think of it.
"I mean, bloodletting for a cold - that's quite the leap. Now, please, for the sake of my sanity, tell me it wasn't still boiling when they poured it into you."
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aethergate · 1 year
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@shxkespexre asked ; " does the air feel…heavy down here? i’m a little woozy. " / to gaster , from the skyrim sentence starters !
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Well, if that isn't an instant cause for concern, it isn't sure what is. It's rare for him to venture down to the true lab these days, considering it is usually so far removed from his daily routine now. Rather ironic, considering he used to spend possible weeks on end studying here. Now however, it's gotten mostly all the research equipment it needs down within it's own easier to access basement turned laboratory.
There is an emphasis on mostly. There is still a good amount of equipment that cannot be moved within that space, so when he needs something specific, there are still times when he must visit it once more. This time, William decided to accompany him - and he hopes he will not come to regret allowing that.
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"Perhaps you should take a seat if that is the case - I apologize, the ventilation has not cycled since my last visit. It should begin shortly. is there anything I can do to assist until then?"
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lcafman · 2 years
list of people who should kiss me right now immediately :
william shakespeare
the concept of ursula
im debating on putting jim get back to me on that
sprig ( reluctantly )
rosie ( enthusiastically )
elsa from the hit 2013 movie frozen
elsa from the less hit 2013 movie epic
anakin skywalker . tell NO ONE
shy like 87 more times
TAPHIDA ( carnally )
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betterlost · 1 year
@shxkespexre said ; knocks menacingly at your door... you let him in? for a casual Normal sleepover? because tomorrows a regular normal day like any other? and hes just here? to sleep? huh? huh?
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He'll be so real: he was asleep on the couch until all of five seconds ago. Not purposefully, or anything, he was just so dead on his feet from walking back and forth from the park gate to backstage in 95 degree weather that his body tried to enter another plane of existence the second it was horizontal for more than half a second.
But nobody knows his address, and even if they did, nobody would visit Nicholas, so it's either his landlord kicking him out or it's Will. But Nicholas has actually been pretty damn well-behaved this past year or so, no holes punched in the walls or anything - not to mention all the free yard work he does for that lazy asshole, who can't be bothered to hire somebody for it - so it's probably Will. He hopes it's Will.
The internal enthusiasm doesn't really carry over and he doesn't even manage a real greeting, just flinging the door open with one arm over his eyes and gesturing vaguely in a 'whatever' kind of way because he doesn't even know why Will bothers knocking at this point, honestly. Then he flops back onto the couch.
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"Hey, sunshine." Despite sounding a bit like shit, fondness is apparent in his voice. He runs his hands down his face and peers at him incredulously from between his fingers. "Thought I gave you the spare key already."
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worlds-fiinest · 9 months
" is this seat taken? ” || @shxkespexre
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“ are you asking for a ride? the batmobile is not a cab service! ”
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hxzelwallflower · 1 year
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❝ They're an old-fashioned hard candy . They've been around since forever , but the other new flavors are weird . ❞
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sunoflegend · 10 months
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@shxkespexre asked ; " hey! what did you do that for? " for pacific rim verse starscream !
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She could hardly help that her startup process was a bit jumpy; maybe William - that's the name their mental bond provided her with - should've expected to get bruised or banged up somewhere in the process of climbing into a Mark 0. Her first guess is that it's Scotty doing yet another test and sending yet another.. huh, this.. isn't a person - ? At least, not in the way of flesh and blood. Weird. Either way, this.. android is the word helpfully supplied, he doesn't seem to have been sent by Scotty.. strange.
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"I didn't do anything - that was all on you. Speaking of you, what are you doing here? Are you supposed to be here? I can and will kick you out, or I'll fry your brain trying, I can promise you that much!"
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starfleetsxvulcan · 11 months
Approaching menacingly with a straw
Spock squints menacingly.
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'One more step and you shall regret to even think of sipping me through a straw, Will.'
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wxshxngstxr · 1 year
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You wouldn't be just a worm. You'd be the handsomest, smartest worm. And you'd glow a little. I'm not doing anything, I'm being supportive.
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leaderintitleonly · 11 months
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@teapottroubles asked:
💭 For Sally. Good luck with your ghost
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(hahaha good luck? you kick miette?!)
They promised him that he was allowed to give second chances. They lied to him. Everything about this was a lie. Every single word told to him how he could make a difference was a lie. He had never tried it on someone who had been gone for years, though. But didn't she deserve a second chance the most? Didn't Will deserve a second chance to be happy and have a family, even if it was a little unorthodox? It barely sounds like Sally, whatever this is. He's used to her odd, spectral image that suggests the heinous crime that happened to her. But this... It's a broken, shambling blob of a corpse that can only cry in pain. He knows crying. He was a doctor. He knows when a child is crying in pain. They're resilient and hardly cry at all. This is truly pain. Bone has fused together while flesh has somehow not been able to figure out the form of a child's body. Was she dead too long? Or was this not what his magic was deemed worthy for? Somehow he's almost sure he's broken this warning. To give Sally, a girl who suffered so much, a chance to run through the forest and hold hands with a father who loves her... That is forbidden. He allows the twisted, writhing flesh to lay against him as it cries out again. It hurts. He did this. If he had let things stay the way things were, it didn't have to hurt. They'd be a strange little family, but they'd be a family. It hurts again. He can hear him. It's Will. There is crying and angry, accusatory shouts. But Doc had really believed he could give Sally a second chance. She really never had a first chance, so didn't she deserve it? And yet here was the result; the pain and fear she had always felt. A wicked destiny that now someone she had learned to trust had inflicted upon her. "This wasn't 'posed to-" Doc weeps. But even his tears cause her weak, misformed flesh to ache and burn. It hurts...! If he tries to return her to her ghostly form... He hesitates. It's certainly Sally. He can make out her face. There's her nose and her sad, sad eyes. He knows it's her voice. FIX THIS! He can't just tap her with the light again and have her fall apart like a stack of blocks. He can hear Will becoming more frantic as he's trying to soothe Sally. He has her calm... But no parent should have to do this to a child. If anyone should take responsibility for this mistake, let it be him. A warm, glowing hand touches the flesh that Sally was turned into in that terrible attempt to give her a so-called normal life with Will and she begins to fall apart. Flesh begins to turn to ash and dust. Will is screaming and Doc is grasping for Sally. She's leaving...she's leaving...! You... you did this... I just wanted you both to be happy. We were happy.
(Still accepting here!)
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calmlythrilling · 2 years
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shxkespexre sent 👤🔀👤. body swap prompt
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Venomous swore he was just going to close his eyes for five seconds. Just to rest for a little bit. Take a break from all of the typing. He was sure he was about to get a migraine from staring at the computer screen for so long. So why not treat himself to a little break?
While his eyes were shut, however... the first thing he noticed was that some of his exhaustion was lifted. And his clothes... they don't feel like his. They're rough, a bit tight, and don't stretch the way his clothes do. Did he fall asleep? He opened his eyes quickly, unsure if he should be panicked. This wasn't his office. It is certainly a office, however. The place is oddly decorated, there's a stack of papers on this wooden desk, and a quill dipped in a glass vial filled with what he can only assume is ink. "...Alright, Sha-" Hang on. Is that his voice? Venomous's first instinct was to assume this was all a dream. Some well-crafted plan Shadowy had and wanted to show off this time in attempt to gain control. How a place like this would do that, he wasn't all that sure. That idea was completely erased from his head anyhow when he heard his voice, however. That's not what he sounds like. Hasn't he heard this voice before? He can't seem to put his finger on why he sounds familiar. Is he missing something? An accent, maybe? Now that he takes a glance at himself and his leather outfit... this definitely isn't his body. He lifted a hand and gave himself a small pinch(with... normal nails... instead of claws... huh). Ow! Definitely not dreaming either. "What in Shepherd's name...?" He stood up from his chair and glanced around the room. Was there a mirror he could use? Maybe that'd help identify whatever the buttery popcorn heck he's going through.
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bcnes-archived · 1 year
@shxkespexre sent ; “please just let me do your makeup, just this one time!” ; from makeup prompts
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McCoy squints at him, suspicious, from across the office. It lasts only for a moment, leveled over his shoulder, as he's busy gathering together the rest of the PADDs he needs to take into the science lab.
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"Why?" The question is posed very warily. "I'm going to be stuck in the lab for the rest of the day, I hardly think I need to be dolled up for that. What's the occasion?"
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aethergate · 1 year
text to @shxkespexre ;
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-> how do you live with lungs. feeling yourself breathe. -> asking out of sheer curiosity.
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braveparanoiac · 1 year
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" everything looks so beautiful from up here. " starter prompt, sent by @shxkespexre
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It'd be wonderful to feel that same wonder Will felt. It's a sight he has seen many times when visiting Gravity Falls - staring down at the town from the cliffs that surround it. From where they stood, there seemed to be just the one entrance to the center - the small 'doorway' that was only connected by the old train bridge. It didn't look naturally occurring in the slightest, especially given how there were two gapping cracks at either cliffside, causing the land to appear as though it was floating. It's a sight Ford had grown accustomed to, running around the woods for so many years. The beauty of the strange old hick town hasn't hit him too deeply in a long time. To see William, however, be filled with the wonder he had once felt... It's almost like seeing an old friend for the first time in years. That's where Ford felt most of his joy - watching Will observe the sights from so high. It makes the hike up towards this side of the cliffs so very worth it. "Spectacular, isn't it? This used to be one of my favorite places to visit when I lived here." Mostly because of the nearby UFO under the ground, mind you, but he's holding himself back from revealing it. The last time he visited that place...put simply, he might be lucky to still be alive. So as much as Ford would love to share that discovery...perhaps it's a secret best kept to himself for now, if it meant both of them would be safe.
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"Do you believe me now when I said it's worth the long trip?" He's confident he knows the answer. Yes, Will does think so. Will can say Ford's right now. He wants to hear it. Come on, then... go on... he's waiting oh so very patiently to hear the words...
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