#shut up rory
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sadtrashking · 1 month ago
Tr!tubbo and tr!Owen could be great toxic yaoi but the world isn't ready for that statement
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the-starkindler · 2 years ago
if the player character from pikmin 4 would be in smash bros, can they ride on oatchi to differ from olimar?
It is hard to say. I don't really play smash, but I know that attention to detail and being faithful to each character is important. I don't know if Sakurai will be involved or to what extent, but anything is possible.
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everyone SHUT the fuck up I'm rewatching day of the moon and rory just said amy "can always hear me, always, wherever she is, and she always knows I am coming for her" and that with the doctor telling river's ghost "you are always here to me, I always see you and I always listen" like.....SHUT up I love them
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twojamie-o-clock · 8 months ago
Something something Doctor who healer to soldier pipeline
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Doctor (literal) —> Soldier
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Nurse —> soldier
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Medical Student —> soldier
Aand a bonus: soldier->nurse?? Vice versa? Not sure. 🥔
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sarabethsilver · 2 months ago
Another reason why it sucks that Lorelai chastised Jess for missing one phone call: it made Jess' actions seem random. Because what happened here is that Jess "messed up," received feedback, and immediately changed his behavior.
But Rory doesn't know that Lorelai spoke to him, so from her perspective it just seems like Jess is hot and cold. He didn't call her Friday night, then he "randomly" surprised her with concert tickets Saturday night. No wonder she thinks he's unpredictable.
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starry-eyed-wild-child · 4 months ago
y'all, I need to see rory as a hot psychiatrist like right now!!!
like, dr jonathan crane vibes?! his patient is obsessed with him?! she draws him?! she makes a tally table of the days they're not together?!?!
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teddypickerry · 2 months ago
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alexis for seventeen magazine, 2003 🌾
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anxiouspotatorants · 6 months ago
Is ASP a complete stranger who does not owe neither me nor any other viewer anything at all? Yes. Do I still refuse to forgive her for never delving into how much of a mirror Lorelai and Jess are to each other and for never letting them even come close to confront that for 6 seasons (7 not counting for obvious reasons) and a revival? You bet your ass I do.
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angelhummel · 2 years ago
the teenage girl character that everyone hates bc omg she's sooo annoying & everyone knows that the worst thing a girl can be is kind of irritating so everyone hates her and thinks she's vile and irredeemable (she's 15) and then the show goes on and her personality changes as she grows up and those same people are like omggg they ruined her character she's so different from how she used to be how could they do this it's such a shame 💔💔
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 2 years ago
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#What Soulmates Look Like (Gilmore Girls 6x8 | HSMTMTS 4x7)
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sadtrashking · 1 year ago
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Fuck it this get's to be its own post.
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coldshrugs · 1 year ago
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goddamn, you look holy hit from behind with light you're a painting of a saint and i'm nervous, stumbling over my lines
@sunshinemage causes me yet another cardiac arrest with smoochy io and estinien. thank you rory, i'm never getting over this!! ♥♥♥
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the-starkindler · 2 years ago
This is probably a hot take, but you know how folks think it makes NO sense for the Zora in Windwaker to have evolved into the Rito? I am here to counter that lol. Evolution is only change over time, right? And I hear you; if the world is mostly ocean now, why wouldn't they just stay in the ocean??? Competition for food and resources.
Think about it. Why did whales, creatures who originally evolved from water-dwellers into land-dwellers, revert back to the water? If there is too much competition in your habitat for resources, you are either going to get better at surviving, or find somewhere else to hunt/forage. It is like this for the Zora/Rito, I think. There was too much competition in the waters now that everything that remained got much better at surviving down there, so they were forced inland. Over time, the Rito that had mutations that made land-life easier would have had higher chances of survival and reproduction, ensuring THOSE genes got passed down again and again until they were suited for flight. The ONLY potential problem with this, is the matter of time. Evolution often takes maybe a million generations or more to have this drastic of a change, but Windwaker supposedly only takes place 100 years after Ocarina. There have been instances of evolution occurring within an observable lifespan, but it is bacteria; something that is a much simpler organism than something in the Eukaryote domain. I doubt the devs really thought hard about that, seeing as not a majority of folks really study evolution beyond the basic definition you might* get in grade school. We also have the whole fantastical/magical aspect of the universe here, so there is definitely a way for that to have played a part. I'm just saying, if Ocarina were reasonably far enough in the past, it makes sense for the Zora to have become the Rito. Yes, I am absolutely ignoring their co-existence in BotW/TotK because that's just it's own thing and I hate the Timeline shenanigans anyway lol. AU's are allowed, they are fine, I promise. Anyway, was just listening to a playthrough of the Windwaker whilst I was working today and had to pause and think more critically about it after what I learned in school last year. Man, I really should go back for a biology degree or some shit. Just some fun thoughts to mix with a cool game. *Some places are so hostile to the concept of evolution because it directly contradicts creationism that it is discouraged or outright banned so. Your mileage may vary.
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rorydrawsandwrites · 2 months ago
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Reaction image material
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rorytunes · 3 months ago
I love this guitar so much. You don't understand. I love it. It's perfect
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starry-eyed-wild-child · 2 months ago
my favourite thing ever about the rory community is that we have all collectively agreed that kappa is absolutely packing a HUGE cock
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