#shut up funtom
darkspellmaster · 2 years
A Phantomhive in Night Raven College, or One hell of a twisted tale...has now reached Chapter 80
I'm rather shocked at myself for getting this far in the story. Usually I end up getting stuck at some point, but somehow this is working out for me.
To Summarize: Ciel has so far been taken to Night Raven College, met Grim, befriend Ace and Deuce after nearly getting killed by a possessed dwarf. He's become the Ramshackle dorms Housewarden and prefect, and dealt with Riddle Rosehearts. Joined several clubs, or been sucked into them. Created an investigation club, and then dragged into investigating Leona, and Savannaclaw. He's built his own new Funtom store, thanks to Cater and Idia, made friends with the Heartslabyul boys, Savannaclaw boys, Rook and Epel, became friends with Ortho after saving Idia from a dark hallway. Ended up dealing with the Phantom Bride, became closer to friends with Most of the Diasomnia boys, and is now participating in Halloween. Oh and Che'nya is making a move on Lizzy.
Preview below the link.
With a quick pace Ciel hurried after Azul and Jade who were making their way from the library and down towards Main Street and he called to them.
            “Azul, Jade, could you wait a moment!”
            Azul stopped and gave him a smile. “Yes Phantomhive? What can I do for you?”
            “I’d like to have one of those pamphlets you’re selling if you please.” Ciel requested and Azul looked at him curiously but asked Jade to hand one over to Ciel who flipped through it. “Ah…I see you did a page about my location too.”
            “Yes, they’re all in there.” Azul smiled happily. “We made sure everyone was included.”
            Ciel stared at it. “Oh. And I see you gave your location an extra page regarding the Monstro Lounge.”
            “Of course. It is there for guests to come and visit.” Jade told him. “We wanted to make sure that people knew where it was.”
            “Uh-huh.” The young Earl said and stared at them. “So this was why you were in there to help Idia. Not because you were worried about him, but because you didn’t want him shutting down his location and making you do a reprint.”
            “Well that is true.” Azul agreed. “It would be costly to…”
            “Liar!” Ciel snapped and stared at him and Azul scowled.
            “Excuse me? How am I lying?”
            “It wouldn’t be that costly to you because of how you went about getting the tank for your location.” Ciel pointedly said. “Even though it’s nicely made you probably did a deal where menus or other items for your lounge would be printed by the company that made this. You wouldn’t be doing this for anything expensive.”
            Jade chuckled as he smirked. “Oh? Someone has been actually paying attention it seems Azul.”
            “Yes. I see that.” Azul said frowning. “And what of it if I made a deal? Surely you, as a businessman, must understand the reasons behind what I’m doing?”
            Ciel stared at him. “I’m not saying I don’t. What bothers me is the cost. This is a ONCE a YEAR event. That means that this would be useless after a year’s time, since none of these locations will be back next year. It’s one thing to charge for a location that is always there, a museum, but this…this is robbery.”
            “Robbery!” Azul coughed. “How is this robbery? I’m charging a fair price.”
            “Twelve thaumarks is NOT in any way a fair price. It’s two marks per page, and this paper is not expensive enough to cover that.” Ciel told him and stared at the Octavinelle Housewarden. “You’re charging more for something that should be given away at the front with the stamp card.”
            “I see no problem with this. I’m fixing a problem we’re having.” Azul pointed out. “And people that want to be in the know and don’t want to be missing out, well they can just pay. Everything has it’s price, Phantomhive.”
            “The same way you tried to fix Silver’s problem?” Ciel snapped and Azul’s eyes went wide and then narrowed.
            “What was that?”
            “You were trying to get Silver in your debt, just like you’re trying to get Idia in your debt by promoting his location.” Ciel hissed. “I know your game. I’ve seen it in action before being done by other people. You should at least offer some sort of free or less expensive option, Azul.”
            “Are you accusing me of something, Phantomhive?” Azul glared and Ciel held his head up.
            “Perhaps I am.” Ciel stated and Azul laughed.
            “Please, and what would you think I would do with Idia or Silver?”
            Ciel crossed his arms. “With Idia, use him for doing something with your lounge. I don’t know what exactly, but you’re the type that probably has plans, upon plans. Silver, that’s an easy one. You want access to Housewarden Draconia.”
            Azul stared at him for a moment and Ciel smirked. “I’m right aren’t I. You weren’t worried at all about Idia. In fact I would wager you could give a damn if he shut down the whole location, but for your damn pamphlet here. Just like you could care less about Silver, and instead just wanted to use him for your own social climbing.”
            Jade blinked and then a strange smile came on his face. “Well, well, he wasn’t lying when he said you would be interesting.”
            Ciel glanced at Jade who chuckled. “Sorry this is between you and Azul.”
            The young Earl raised his eyebrow at the older blue-green-haired boy for a moment then turned back to Azul when he snapped.
            “My business with Silver and Idia is none of yours. As for the pamphlet, it’s up to the customer. They don’t have to purchase it if they don’t want to.”
            “I know that, but I also know you made it difficult for them not to.” Ciel said and held Azul’s stare.
            “You’re one to talk,” the sliver-haired boy said with a sneer. “You’re selling your toys at your location. How is this any different?”
            “I’m letting people win them as well. So while they can purchase a Bitter Rabbit or Grim Cat, they still have a chance at getting them free.” Ciel pointed out. “You’re not even offering that option to them.”
            “And it’s my choice to not. A child like you wouldn’t understand.” Azul said with a huff. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have other places to be, Phantomhive.”
            The Octavinelle Housewarden stormed off, leaving Ciel to fume by himself. As they were walking away Jade glanced at Azul and warned him softly.
            “I would be mindful of Phantomhive. He’s more cunning than he lets on.”
            “I doubt it.” Azul said, not realizing Ciel was already plotting against him.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
in funtom sweets au how does the real ciel reveal go? and how is o!ciel's relationship with the midfords? i am soooo curious. your au has grabbed me by the heart
Real Ciel just shows up in the shop one day, buys a single dark chocolate bonbon and informs o!Ciel that his little stint as a commoner has come to an end. o!Ciel doesn't really have any time to process this before his store in engulfed in flames and the police are after him for a few murders he was nice enough to solve for them. He has decided he's never doing anything for free ever again, no matter how bad murders look for business. Sebastian shows up while o!Ciel and his staff are hiding out at Lau's (he was rather cheaply bought, Tanaka's stuff is good and he has an addiction). He offers to fix everything, for a price. o!Ciel tells him to shut up or get out, so they have a not very helpful demonic tag-along.
His relationship is. Strained. Because when Elizabeth saw him, she called out for Ciel. He doesn't talk to her much. Her parents still come to check on him but are a little unintentionally patronizing. He gets along quite well with Edward (especially considering he doesn't want to marry his little sister), and in this AU he's the reason o!Ciel goes to Weston for a bit - he noticed something a bit off. Ciel thought it might be kind of fun, not that he'd admit that. Prince Soma comes with him (he's pretty unimpressed with most english cooking, but Futom Sweets are to die for and that's kinda won o!Ciel his life long loyalty.)
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Can you do the prompt cottage for Doll x Our Ciel ?
A couple of a man and woman walk arm linked to arm along the dirt path, the night consuming their vision but they giggle and walk along either way. The gentleman stepped forward and opened a door of the cottage they walk to with a grin, the woman giggles and pulls him inside when she walks in.
The second the door was shut, after a moment of silence, screams of terror and pain beckons out as banging happens against the door much to no one's rescue.
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"Murders within a town?"
The young Earl look up to the man dressed in black, the second Earl of youth laying in the bed beside him. Sebastian nods and continues, "They supposedly take place in Dublin's countryside. No police reports were made nor any press created." The weaker twin of the two sat up slowly and speaks, "Then how are we summoned to this case? Is it in favor of the Queen?" "Not this time."
The twins look at each other before looking back to Sebastian, who hands his master a letter with a odd seal he never seen before.
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The Earl, lost within his title and name, wanders up the street in cover before hurrying to a male with long silver hair dressed in fine clothes. The man look up, grey eyes clashing with the lone blue.
"Ah, I see you got the letter." "Why are you asking me and Ciel to investigate a unaware murder in Dublin? All you know there is no murders to begin with."
Charles Grey tsked a sigh and walks in the gardens, the small following like a dog. Once beside some roses, he speaks, "I received a letter a few nights ago from a lad I went to Weston with. He was a bright eye noble with a good name and spirit. His letter, however, mentioned he was running away from home to a area in Dublin's countryside with some maiden brothel's owner's daughter to elope. In this letter he mentioned the area was somehow a secret place for lovers run and be wedded."
Ciel look at him confused, "An eloping spot? And you suspect murder?" "He failed to return home. Which I would've guessed since he's eloping with a girl no one would approve of. But even I haven't gotten a letter on it. Upon me going to this location, I was shunned away. And me and Phipps took a look in this small investigation, there we found many people of different ranks who went to this location never returned."
Hmm... A secret location where people elope never returning...
"You want me and Ciel to look into it?" The Queen's loyal butler plucks a rose and sniffs it, losing his fingers' grip he watch it fall to the floor unwavered. With a grim voice he speaks, "If anyone could do this justice, it would be the Queen's little pups that guard London's sickest Hell."
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The sounds of some sort of dripping and a wheeze of a pump fills the room as long black finger nails tap a needle's head before it goes into pale flesh that turn a flush tone fast. Undertaker sits by his master loyally as Doll stands by the bed's other side staring at the blood within the glass container.
Ever since the events and effects of the two Phantomhives meeting again and fighting tooth and nail with one another, they found a ground. They both had a goal to fix, find those who caused their terrible memories and bring justice to each other. After fixing the damage Ciel, or as some preferred as Sirius still after it all when addressing him, caused for his baby brother, the two began to work on the shared title of Earl Phantomhive and the Queen's Guard Dogs. On many occasions the twins swap places of their names to attend a party or do a piece of work, Ciel took back his Funtom company and has been working hard still, the engagement of Lady Elizabeth Midford was place on hold for the now and neither boys have went to the world outside the manor that much. As for Doll, Sirius' very good donor helper from the F.O.L. Orphanage, she was captured by Snake and Finny, two workers of Ciel's staff, and forced to stay beside her Lord until he says she's free to go. Despite the still bickers of the brother and her.
The bedroom door creaked opened and the demon butler dressed in black and the small Lord he follows and listens to step in the room, the butler holding some papers. "I recon you got some words on the matter Young Earl?" Said Undertaker, his face cheeky. Sebastian showed the papers to the bed sheets to show what he had found in the forms of names and drawings of locations, "Heaven's Cottages is a secret valley of cottages placed in the deep countryside of Dublin Ireland, reports for those who hear of this place, more of people who went and returned, describe it as a couple get away that helps couples in search of elopement an escape of society. Two people who arrived to Heaven's Cottages and returned safe and sound talked about the two owners of the land helping them set up a small wedding of sorts. However, upon deeper look, the pattern of missing persons become very clear."
As the demon explained, Ciel glanced to Doll who look back at him, her face quickly twisting in a scowl, "What?" "Could you please leave? This is important matters-" "When do I listen to you?"
Lord, if storms can be made by the tension the two show when they glare at each other-
Sirius throat clear interrupts any angry bursts that may crack soon, "Not now you two."
The two humphed and turned away from each other.
As Sebastian poured the two nobles tea, they chatted more, "What shall we do with this case? Your condition seemed to have been getting worst due to the cold weather." Said Ciel, his eye now showing the worry Sirius must've felt all these years with his asthma. Sirius shrugs and sighs, "It has but it also gotten better. We can't ignore this case, it won't be fair to the families or dare I even say Grey since he asked for us special." "And it isn't like we could easily send someone in. Even with Sebastian or Undertaker, not knowing much what we're getting into is far more dangerous. Especially with your health lately."
As Ciel reached for one of Undertaker's well known biscuits, Doll reached over and snatched it in front of his eyes, earning a glare from the boy and a cackle of Undertaker. "The answer of the problem is simple me Lord," The two boys looked to the silver fox of a ex reaper with curious eyes, "You must go in guise as a eloper."
The very thought made Ciel's head spin.
Why in Hell would he need to pretend to be someone who's running away from their family to get married in a murdery cottage village?
What's worst, who the hell would even be the bride?
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Ciel groaned into his cold hands, his cheeks and knuckles already flushed with the nippy autumn air. His less than his normal well tailored attire not helping in the case as he has only one of Sebastian's tail coats keeping him warm. "Why must this happen?" He cursed some as he tucked his hands in the coat's armpits in secret as the tall handsome devil dressed in black stand beside him snickering. "Come now Young Master," Said Sebastian, "You will be on holiday with your beloved at long last."
This earned a glare from his master in return. "She is not my beloved. Tell me again why it has to be me and her alone working this case?" He hissed, sneezing at the slight ping of stray cat fur hits his nose. Sebastian hummed with a grin as he answer the question in hand, "It seems easier for Miss Doll to be the one to make sure the Young Lord is safe and sound as he solves this case sooner than later. Besides, Lady Elizabeth wouldn't be able to help this case and we had no time to politely ask Mr Lau if we could borrow one of his kind female workers to help pretend to be the little Earl's bride, no?"
Before Ciel could snap at Sebastian again, a carriage rides up, catching their attentions. The doors open and Finny helps a woman out of the carriage. The young woman is dressed in a fine silk robin blue dress with a high white lacy and robin blue neckline of buttons coated in silver, soft white Engageantes with frilly white lace pokes out the somewhat puffed sleeves, the skirt reaching the little top above the ankles with lace and beautiful silk all around with a clean sign of a bustle, her short brown hair tied up in a up-do with a hair pin stabbing the softness of the hair's texture to keep the average sided blue and white rose styled poke bonnet with a white ribbon tied perfectly under the chin but the bangs sweep the right side of her face, her face lightly powdered with a soft pink tint as her lashes are fluffed and well groomed like her eyebrows as her cheeks have a flushed tint to it.
The boy's cheeks warmed some seeing her, a soft hum filling his chest like summer bees. That feel quickly dipped into a sour flavor when that typical scowl comes across the coated face.
"Remember you two, your names for this place are Jane Swiften and Tom Maurice," Said Sebastian as he gives the two the money they need and train tickets as well as some few small items that could sell their pitch of two love-birds, "You will play the role of a noble woman running away to elope with her family's recently fired servant boy." The butler gave his master's hand a light squeeze as he mutters lower than the previous words, "Due call me when you are in trouble."
The two teens glance at each other, almost seeing if the other one would chicken out and they don't have to do this game of masks and fake names, before nodding in unison answer.
Ciel leans on the railing of the very short boat trip as his throat heaves. The two teens have just gotten off their second train ride and hopped to the ferry ride that only lasts 3 extra hours to guide them to the beautiful lands of Dublin. Beside the lad is Doll who does nothing but watch and scold the person she's meant to pretend to be running off with, "You serious should've eaten before we left."
The young man with dark hair turns to her with a frown, a tsk hitting his teeth. "Alright listen," He started, earning the attention of his "bride". He continued, "In order for this to work we have to lay some sort of ground we can step on. Without it this case would fall apart faster than we could take a step in Heaven's Cottages."
Sapphire eye roll but the girl sighs, "Okay, I'll start. I'll call you Smile in this trip." Ciel's cheeks burn from that terrible circus name. Instantly be protest but a gloved hand stopped him, "And you will call me Doll. It'll be easier for us to spread information to each other but also to add a lair to this whole "lovey-dovey" guise understood?"
Not willing to lose, Ciel nods and grumbled a "fine". But before Doll could share a cocky grin of victory, he quickly added, "I'll go next. If anything we do make each other uncomfortable we speak up fast and stop whatever it is. That means I'll stop if you say I do something that makes you uncomfortable as you will do the same if I say something you did made me uncomfortable." Doll tsked and nodded, arms folded over her chest.
After a moment, the ferry stops to the port and those on it hurried out with their luggage. For the two they had only one bag for each so it was easy to grab onto their items and leave the boat.
Peacock-blue eyes scan the waves of people as he tries to locate what would make this search of a hidden elopes valley is, "Reports say there's a man with a carriage who'd take your there, a man in a blue coat." Doll started looking around before pointing to the grass area, away from everyone else, sitting by a wooden wagon with a cigarette in his mouth. A blue coat over his baggy shirt.
After looking at each other, the two nod and made their way over to the man with their luggage. "Evening sir, could we request a ride?" Asked Ciel, taking a second to glance at Doll who suddenly wrapped her arm around his. The man scoffs, "Piss off lad, Ay ain't takin no body to anywhere." Before Ciel could protest, Doll spoke, her voice soft toned almost like when she was performing in the circus, "We must've gotten the wrong man Smile. Best we try looking for the cottages soon before the weather gets colder." Misty eyes of age stare at the two some before a grin of teeth that hasn't been taken cared of shine as the man speaks through his smoke, "Ahh, ye shoul'da told me yer were goin' to the cottages. Hop on up lov birds."
The two teens listened fast and hurried on, Ciel helping Doll up due to her new outfit having a limit stretching course.
The smell of dirt fills the senses of smell as the city disappear from view, the aches of pains already settling in in the asses of the travelers sitting in this wonky wooden wagon and their feets being sore from the standings and walkings they endured already. With a softer volume, Ciel spoke to his partner in this case as the wind cancels most of the conversations, "That was some fast thinking back there." As he turned he caught Doll as she was removing the bonnet and undoing her hair for a moment, the setting sun making a painting of her cold weather flushed face. There's that warmth and buzzing again...
They must've been riding for a few minutes, maybe some hours, but time was lost within the somewhat tired head of Ciel as the wagon stopped in front of a small valley dip of grass and dirt. "'His how far ay take ye. Best of luck lov' birds."
Grabbing their luggage and waves the wagon man away for their free ride, the two wandered south down the hill. That wander wasn't so easy with Doll's new fashion not used to her and Ciel's lacking of such movements growing up. How they not fall on their faces and rolled down the hill was a shock to them!
But luckily, they stumped upon many small one story cottages far across the valley only being guarded by one single wooden fence and a small two story brick home right beside it.
"Cute." Said Doll in a mutter, a smile on her lips. Ciel looked around the fence until two figured walked out, a middle aged woman with her equal aged male. "Hello there, this is private property." Said the woman, her voice was sweet and gentle toned despite the small threat laced in there. Ciel walked forward, "Uh- I'm Tom Maurice. This is my lover Jane. We were hoping you can give us a room tonight-" The man snarled down to him, "This is private property!" He howled. His voice, unlike the woman's, was rough and harsh with a thick coat of British accents.
Doll stepped forward in a sign of plea of her voice, "Oh please sir and ma'am. Just for a night we'll be out of your hairs right after." Ciel could easily sense the raise of boiling tension, fear of losing this mission already settling in his small thin body. Then a idea hit him. Shaking knees, the dark haired boy fell to the dirt. This got the attention of Doll who hurried over. "Smile! Are you alright?" She asked, her voice a clear sign of worry. With a quiver of his lip, Ciel spoke, "I am so terribly sorry m'lady. I thought at long last we found the patch of Heaven's grounds that'll welcome us openly no matter our titles. I have failed to bring us happiness...Forgive me Doll." As he brought his hands to his face to "hide his shame", Doll caught on and gently cupped his face, forcing their blue eyes to lock. With a soft voice, she said, "You didn't fail us my love. We just made a misstep. We will find the cottages and be together."
With a small but secret glance, Ciel can see the faces of the lands' owners that are soft and sympathetic.
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Ciel stared at the ceiling of their cottage. The cottage was cute and simple sized with only one other door beside the front door was the bathroom which was now shut with the sound of someone bathing on the other side.
The two were so happy they managed to "prove" they were elopers to the cottage land's owners, Mary-Anne and Roger Thompson, and to let them stay. The one downside of the whole finally getting a cottage was the single one bed fit for two.
He sighs, "I'm willing to sleep on the floor if you feel uncomfortable." He can hear Doll's voice through the door, "No it's fine. I rather you sleep in the bed with me. Makes me sleep better y'know?" Ciel remembers her reasoning back in the circus of them sharing a tent, nodding as it made sense to him. Still, they are a unsupervised unmarried boy and girl sharing a bed, his parents would be rolling in their graves upon hearing such things of their son.
Ciel's thoughts were stopped when he heard Doll's call out of "No! This is terrible!" "Is there a problem?" There was a pause. Now Ciel was thinking something happened. Should he run in? What if she isn't clothed? That'll be a dishonor on her part for his worry. Would she care though? She did offer to bathe with him and made him touch her breast in the circus.
After a pause as his mind race, Ciel decided to hurry into the bathroom to check on her. But he was stopped when the door opened to show Doll dressed for bed, angry embarrassment on her face.
Ah, seems Sebastian offered Doll the night gown Lizzie gifted him but customized it to her size.
"This is terrible! I can't wear something so frilly and cute, it doesn't suit me at all!" Groaned Doll, her hands gripping the ends of the skirt of the dress in a grumble as her cheeks burn pink deeply. A snort from the small Earl stops the girl of her rant of her sleep attire, his face was a snickering mess. That boy got a punch in the arm in return.
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The warm morning sun drips through the curtains, the scent of the late night rain seeping pass the roof and walls as it makes it a gentle warmth of protection of the two souls resting in bed. Two bodies were softly rested together under the covers, their arms lazily locked around each other as so their legs, a brunette's head was laid to rest on the thin small chest frame of a pretty boy who looks so peaceful.
Peacock blue eyes slowly fluttered open and glanced to the freckled peaceful sleeping face so close to him. He blinks for a moment before he feels his face go red.
Before the young man could shake her awake or crawl away, there's a knock at the door that awoken the sleeping maiden. "Breakfast for the happy couple~!" Said a cherry female voice, the woman who runs the cottages. The two didn't have time to part away before the door open to show Mrs Mary-Anne with a younger woman holding a trey of food.
The older woman giggles at the sight and spoke with a soft posh Irish accent coo, "You two are simply adorable. Must be nice to finally freely cuddle like this yes?" Ciel put his arms around Doll and puts on a smile, silently thanking he slept with his eyepatch on this time. "Oh yes ma'am. Thank you so much." He said with chipper chirp. Doll groaned tiredly in response, a small nuzzle deeper in the lad's arms was her words, but her head lifted some upon smelling food.
"We had prepared some breakfast for you two to enjoy. Eat up and wash up, cause you two can join the activities with the others." This perked the interests of Ciel while Doll watch the trey get placed down, he asked, "Activities?" Mary-Anne smiles, her voice soft again, "It's to help the bond of a fated pair grow stronger. You'll meet others through these and have lots of memories."
The two women left, the sound of the door being locked being heard and then footsteps walking away. "I didn't notice it last night, but the cottages must be locked from the outside instead of inside. Why would they be the case if she or her husband have free rein to come in at anytime?" Mumbled Ciel, finally glancing to the breakfast of two of each item: Sausages, preserves with a side of breads and one stick of butter to split, bacon, and eggs. Beside the plates are two cups of freshly squeezed orange juice.
He sighs and joined in on eating with Doll, for a moment the two forgetting they are in a bed alone together just for the moment of bliss of eating at last after barely anything the day before and the comforting warmth the cottage brought.
The open fields were filled with people going about their merry way in lovers bliss. The skies were clear and happy. What a beautiful day to be.
After eating breakfast and getting dressed without dare speaking or looking at each other, Ciel and Doll went and followed Mary-Anne and George to these "activities" where they met many other people living in the cottages to be free to love each other.
After introductions were made and small talk was created, the activities started.
Oh boy did the two want to pause on these activities.
Each one was a sort of bond activity, like "I trust the person to catch me" and bonding with the other elopers. Ciel wound up going to the land with some other men while Doll watched with some of the women and some other men who they would guess be the "bride" of certain relationships giggling away before she stabs her fingers with the needle work. In one moment Ciel fell in some mud getting dirty, and upon seeing Doll's laughing face, he grinned and chased her until he wrapped his arms around her as she laughs and playfully pleas for mercy.
Oh how they would want to pause these activities this very moment. . .
George finished tying the fabric around the two's ankles and readjust the knot of their wrists as Mary-Anne speaks, "To know you're perfect for one another, you must have full trust with each other. You must trust your partner will guide you through the toughest times. With these knots symbolized the strength and bond you and your true love will share as you go on a small adventure together to gather berries and flowers for tonight." Ciel bit back the urge to roll his eyes as he senses Doll is doing the same.
After everyone looked at each other, the elopers went to the forest area as Doll and Ciel carefully try to walk and not drag each other.
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"No no we should go this way." Argued Ciel as he tugged his body left. Doll firmly stood still before tugging right. "No. I saw Angel and Pepper go this direction, that must mean we can get food there." The two tugged back and forth for a bit before they stumbled and fall to the floor beside a bush.
Ciel sat up and looked to Doll, seeing as she laid in a pile of dead leafs as her brown hair wavy from the two times she had it up sprawled out like a halo around her head, the gentle light coming through the leafs and branches of the trees making a beam to show the nature around the two. His beautiful eye glance down to the lips of her partner, the buzzing feeling within his chest returning once more as his though moved about; Is this okay? I should move. But how would we do that with our wrists and ankles bound together? She's not voicing a concern imminently. Is she okay? She...looks beautiful...as always...
The moment he snapped out of his thoughts he realized how much closer the two got and instantly sat up with each other's help. W-What just-? Why were we so close?
Ciel noticed some of Doll's dress got some cuts from the bushes and hang his head, "I apologize. Your dress-" A finger pressed on his lips stopped him from speaking further, he looked up to see Doll standing with a smile with some leafs still in her hair. "It's fine Smile. It's just a dress."
It's a chilly wind, that's why it feels warm...
A peacock blue eye glance away to get away from the buzzing feeling of unknown, spotting a odd silhouette far deep within the valley's trees. "Look there." He said. Doll turned her head to the spot he seeks and makes a curious noise, "Is that a cottage?" Locking eyes again, the two nod and made their way over there.
Indeed, it was a cottage. A single two story cottage with a loft being a second story and resting area and a small sized dining area to see when they stepped in the dusty home. Yes, dusty. Dust was floating about and on bits and pieces of the cottage, plants of grown in and through the walls that gives the nature scent a bigger feel. It was oddly beautiful for the two.
They walked around inside some, seeing each bits and piece for any hints of why this was hidden. "Oi Smile, looking over here." Said Doll as she stands near one of the beams holding the loft. Ciel turned his head and looked at the wooden piece, covered in some plants and age, to see a small carving of sorts right in the center. "CP AC..?" As he examines the carving, he sees small hooks with silver rings on them. "Hmm, now why would these still be here if this place is abandoned?" He asked. Doll looked to his view and cracked a grin as she snorted, "Maybe to keep Tam Lin at bay." "Tam Lin?" The brunette look at him confused, "You don't know the Balled of Tam Lin?? You're much richer then I am!" "Well I apologize for not knowing a kids story!"
Doll snorted and laugh, "It's no kids story Smile. It's a tale that tells when you wander the forest you must leave a green coat or ring behind or else Tam Lin would take your virginity instead." Ciel's face turns red as he blubbers, "What?! What kind of tale is that?!" His face burned redder as Doll howled in laughter.
The sky has grown dark by the time the final activity ended, a large fire was built as the elopers and land owners sit around eating some food and drink some drinks, George being a large barrel of beer and many bottles of wine for all. So it implies they get some sort of income, noted Ciel as he watched his cup be filled with some booze.
"You two took a while in the forest, I hope you were alright." Said the soft tone of one of the brides, Maggie, beside the two detectives of this odd case as food is passed around. Ciel luckily came up with the lie, "Oh, yes. It's just been a while since I was in the forest, never with my hand and ankle bound of course." Maggie's lover, Lucille, looked between the two and chirped a rather odd question, "Why are one of your eyes covered?" Maggie smacked her love's arm lightly in response. "Don't be rude." Before Ciel could possibly try and think of a lie, he was first taken aback from Doll's voice, "He was in the yard when a tree branch nearly hit my family's dog. Smile pushed him out of the way and got injured. Had to be in bed for a long while. As for me," She touched her bangs softly as her voice dipped, "My father did this...Never been one to treat a daughter as one you know? It doesn't hurt much now but it will never heal." Suddenly, a smile came upon that cute freckled face, "It was only then was when I decided to run off. I would rather be beside the one I love most who loves me regardless then with him any longer. Blood or not."
Both women smile and praise, "You two truly are brave." Ciel only smiled and slowly realized upon looking down his hand was locked with Doll's. He has been doing that a lot huh? Spacing out at random moment...
With a few blinks, the lad answered the sudden question of their nicknames rather easily, "O-Oh..well...look at her. She's preciously beautiful." There was a pause. Did he...did he mess up? Slowly, he glanced to Doll who's face was pink as roses. Her voice was suddenly meek as she looked away, "U-Um...well...you should really see the world when he smiles..."
Ciel and Doll soon ate together in silence, sometimes chatting the ears off of the people around them as they drank. Before either noticed, dancing was done my some of the lovers. Before he realized, Ciel was forced to his feet as Doll pulled him to the crowd giggling. "Wait, Doll-I-I can't dance properly-" "Relax Smile, just be calm."
One hand went to his shoulder and soon his hand went to her waist as they danced on the grass barefoot, albeit clumsy and awkward which earned snorts from the brunette.
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By the time the night activities were a end, both teens simply collapsed to bed with sore tired souls, only having moved was Ciel when both had to change to their night attire.
As the earl climbed back into bed, he watched as Doll look and stare at him, "What is it?" He asked, his voice a rasp whisper of hush which given his usual voice and cute face made Doll giggle. "Do you always have to wear that patch to bed? I've seen what it looks like. Unless he comes when you take it off?" Ciel shook his head at her question and replied, "No. He comes when I ask him. It's just a habit. Especially since there's a chance they'll come into the room."
Slowly, both scooted closer to seek warmth from the chilly night. Their breaths lingered of wine and food against their hot breaths. Doll's finger tips lazily undid the knot of Ciel's eye patch and let it fall. Ciel's hand slowly rose up and softly rubs the bangs that cover half her face.
"That story was true you know..."
That voice caught Ciel by surprise as he stares at Doll, her wound now shown pass her hair. "My father really did that to me...Hit me with a fire poker fresh off the fireplace...Right after he left me in the East End..." Suddenly, a meek yet weak sad chuckle left those lips he's been staring at the whole time, "I can't remember my own name. Pathetic ain't it?" "... No." Doll look at him, tear eye widen in surprise. He continued, "He's the pathetic one to hurt someone so precious to begin with."
Doll smile, a tear sliding from her damaged eye caught on Ciel's thumb, "Thanks Smile..." She muttered before she seemingly drifted off to the land of sleep.
Ciel stared at the girl sleeping beside him, the realm of night calling to him to sleep as he stares so longingly to her resting face. How damned would he be to desire to order Sebastian to find her father just so he could yell at him? How wrong is it he wants to comforts all her tears like this and kiss away her sorrows? How bloody tortuous does it feels in his chest right now as memories pluck away the feeling of happy glow hidden in the darkness of shadows and moonlight?
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A sudden jerk awaken Doll from her slumber, as her mind woke up so did her body as she slowly began to feel the senses of being cold and in some place new. She opened her eye and sees herself in darkness, then her eyes readjusted to see the ceiling and walls of what seems to be a carriage.
She sat up and looked around, she was still dressed in her nigh gown with a black coat over her, her bags at the carriage's floor, and just across from her seated nicely is a gent dressed in black as the nightly shadows dance across his handsome face. "Did you have a good rest my lady? I would be heartbroken if you were discomforted." Said his deep handsome voice as his dark eyes glimmer in smirk.
Doll glares at him and barks, "Why are you here? Where am I?" Sebastian tilted his head like a curious bird while his grin lingers, "The Young Lord requested you to leave. I am simply following orders to take you back."
She felt her heart sink at the words. Smile was... asking her to leave...
Was it her past? Her scar? Could it be he never liked hanging out with her to begin with?
"Humans are strange aren't they?"
Doll, blue eye tearing up for her emotions, glare back at the butler, "What the bloody fuck are you talking about demon?" Sebastian's grin grew as he speaks, "You two can't stand to even look at each other yet you both have the same face at the idea of being away. He says he doesn't want to spend another day with you hating his being then orders me to take you away for safety. Indeed, humans are strange."
Flashes of memories of the circus hit Doll's vision as each blink recreated a moment of the two all the way up to now. Yes, she still remembers that feeling of fire warmth near her skin, she'll never forget that. Yes, her eye still stings with tears but she still wants to cry, she'll never forget that. Yes, she still thinks on those moments, she'll never forget that...
Like she'll never forget Smile now... She'll never forget his betrayal... She'l never forget his smile... She'l never forget his glimmer of shine of his peacock blue eye... She'll never forget the warmth of his hands... She'll never forget those words her aching heart desperately desired more than air...
Without warning, hands grabbed to the butler much to his shock, pulling his face towards the face of the small bitter female.
"Take me back right now you demon!"
Dark eyes shine a glow of magenta for a moment before a grin appeared once again.
"Of course my lady."
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A weak back hits against the wall, cold wind spiking out the lips of it's owner.
It was mere hours since Ciel curled back into bed after Sebastian took Doll from the cottage, the scent of lavender and jasmine filling his sense of smell making him crawl deeper in sleep by force. Just when his eyes grew so heavy and his arms can't move he heard the door unlock and open-
Ciel coughs when he gets punched rather hard in his soft stomach by George, unable to hear the man's grumblings of questions on "Jane Swiften". Oh, right, Doll's alias...
The boy shivered slightly at the feelings of cold wrapped around his wrists as he's forced to stand up right, only then through his dark hair he was able to glance up at the man and the room itself. The room seemed to be darker than a normal one, bigger, with tables of trinkets and items that shine and glimmer under oil lamp light, another table with cut up clothes and picked apart bags of many, and a large pile of what he knows are corpses stayed back in the corner in the shadows so he's unable to see who the bodies belong to. So, they've been taken in elopers and taking away any valuables from the richer folk and killing their partners. Thought Ciel as he examines the remains and tried to think of a way to get out. Surely Sebastian had just finished getting Doll to the manor by now yes?
Before the name of his demon left his tongue, Ciel paused upon hearing a voice of a young woman calling out for Mary-Anne and George. "DOLL! Leave!" He coughed as he shook in his chain. It was no use, it's clear he can hear the outside by the outside can't hear him.
His heart was beating so fast as he tried to think of a way to get out and get Doll out. No, get Doll out first. She's most important now!
He breathed in before his blood turned freezing cold, his body aching from the cold and pain, his heart beating so hard and so loud it's for sure bruising his insides.
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The feeling of sunlight touches tired eyelids as they slowly opened up to see a field of moving grass and pink skies of a rising sun. Ciel head spun lightly as he shifted to his side and see a swollen red eyed brunette staring at him. "Doll-" "Don't move too much. You still have to rest Smile."
After a pause, he realized he's on a wagon going up the hill with his butler driving them. He feels the warm blanket over their still nightly attire bodies. His wounds have felt more sore than painful now. And Doll is here... Doll is safe...
The little lord let out a sigh of relief as he rests his head against her tender chest, his eyes feeling pure water as he shook not from cold or pain but the feeling of many emotions leaving him at once. "U-Uh...Smile..." "Never leave me...I beg you...The world has been cruel to you...has as I...I plea for forgiveness and will plea forever...I will do whatever it takes to repair every pain you feel no matter the cost...Ever since that night I never once had a thought without you in them... You have bewitched me my dear Doll...and for that I...and I...I...I love you..."
His words were flowing out like water down a fountain, his heart was aching and oozing out each word like a gospel of a Bible verse. She can hate him forever. She can hit him and spit at his name. But while he's here he shall lay down his crumbling walls and show off his tender feelings he will never forget nor remove no matter what life gives him. He wants to see her smile. He wants to see her eye shine. He wants to hold her hand. He wants to wipe away her tears. He wants to hear her voice. He wants to taste her sorrow...
He wants her...all of her...and he felt like a idiot that it took a few nights in a deadly cottage town to realize how special she is...
11 notes · View notes
tomorrow ;)
Chapter 15: Pay Me (Sebastian X Reader X Claude)
Here it is, the final threesome! It's been a filthy few days ;)
The final threesome request came from EchoShadows, who said ' if you don't mind.. I would love to see a threesome with Sebastian x Reader x Claude... I have a friend who teases me about liking them both, and well.. you get the picture'
There's nothing wrong with wanting more than one man, especially when they're both sexy as hell ;)
I also promised a list of upcoming stories, so here we go;
1) Pluto and the Wolf Woman (or something similar)
2) Circus-Era Sebastian getting his claws into someone close to Joker
3) Undertaker's lost love *sobs*
4) Grell behaving badly (so basically, Grell)
5) Snake doing some snake stuff
There may also be a foursome at some point, once I've gotten over the shock of writing so many people having sex at once :P
Hope you all enjoy ;)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
It's midnight, and the whole world is covered in darkness. You should be sleeping, yet it has eluded you tonight.
Your mind is too busy to rest.
Recently, you came into possession of a document, which shows that the Funtom Corporation have been less than honest about how profit much they make in a year. You've no doubt it's for tax reasons, which is unusual given The Earl of Phantomhive's close relationship with her Majesty. You also have no doubts over its authenticity, given that it fell the Young Lord's carriage. You've spent the entire evening wondering what do do with your newly-acquired knowledge. Do you return it to the Phantomhive estate, in exchange for a favour in the future? Do you blackmail them? Or do you sell the information on to one of the family's numerous competitors?
All three options are extremely tenting, and you're finding it hard to decide which one sounds best.
You've always thought blackmail to be beneath you, but the thought of having a powerful Earl at your mercy is an enticing one. It's just a shame he's so young, otherwise you would have been happy to trade the information for sexual favours. If only that father of his was still around…
Selling the information to a competitor is also an intriguing idea, as you do love the idea of helping someone else topple an empire. The thought makes you feel rather powerful, in fact. To sell or to exchange… it's this very thought that is preventing you from sleeping!
Well, that and the fact that you've hidden the document in your pillow case. The stupid thing is so uncomfortable now!
You close your eyes tightly, planning to force yourself into sleep. You give up after only three minutes, as your eyes are starting to hurt from screwing them shut so firmly. The room seems darker when you open them, although that's probably just your eyes needing to readjust to the low lighting.
Sure enough, after a few moments, the room seems a little brighter, and you can make out objects in the darkness. Your bedside table, your dresser, a figure sat on your chair…
What, what was that last one?
You sit up and gasp, reaching for the candle on your bedside table. You light it with shaking hands, almost as if you're reluctant to discover exactly who has managed to sneak into your room so quietly. As you strike a match, you tell yourself that there's no one there, that your mind is playing tricks on you!
The candle is lit, and you aim it towards the chair, before almost fainting in shock. Sat on your chair, as calm as night and as clear as day, is a man dressed in black. His crimson eyes stare into your very soul, and his words chill you to the bone.
'Sorry to barge in like this, but I'm afraid that you have something belonging to my master. I'm pretty certain you know of what I speak; I would appreciate it if you would hand it over without a fuss.' His master? Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Is this the Phantomhive butler? You've heard rumours about this man, and none of them are good. Well, unless you're the Earl of Phantomhive. You imagine he's probably pleased to have a butler than can eliminate an entire mansion full of thugs (if that rumour is true)! You try your best to remain calm, thinking of way to still get something out of him.
'If you'll pay me, I'll gladly hand it over.' He smirks, which puts you at ease a little; at least he doesn't seem angry.
His words are full of amusement. 'My, you're quite fiery, aren't you? Most women would faint with embarrassment, or give into my demands whist pleading for their life. It makes me interested in taking more than I came here for.' He places his hand on the bed, and it lands on top of your thigh. You're only wearing a chemise and underwear, so your sheet is the only thing separating his hand from your thigh. The heat of his hand permeates through said sheet, making you blush profusely. You're about to stutter a response when another voice joins the conversation.
'The only one taking anything tonight shall be me. Earl Tracy has requested that I retrieve that document for him, and I have no intention of leaving empty-handed.' Earl Trancy? What does that brat have to do with anything? Maybe he seeks to use the information against the Earl of Phantomhive? No matter what the motivation, you find yourself in a rather dangerous situation; alone in a room with two strange men, who both want the same thing. Who do you give it to?
Your first visitor starts to speak. 'Ah, Claude, I should have known you'd be sent to steal my young master's documents. I fear you've had a wasted journey though, as I too refuse to leave without my prize.' The way he's talking, and the fact that his hand still rests firmly on your thigh, is almost enough to make you believe he's talking about you.
What makes it worse is how much you wish it was you they were fighting over.
After all, how often does a lady find not one, but two devilishly attractive men in her room? It's like something out of a dirty dream, made real by some delightful coincidence. You consider yourself fortunate to have picked up the document in contention, for otherwise this opportunity would never have presented itself to you. The only question is, do you have the nerve to seduce the two men?
You address the one named Claude. 'I'll tell you the same thing I told this man; if you pay me, I'll gladly hand it over.' You chew on your bottom lip, in a move you hope is seductive. It seems to do the trick, as his hand grabs your other thigh.
'Payment, you say? I can give you that. I can give it to you anyway you desire.' He slides his hand up your sheet, until he finds the apex of your legs. You turn your gaze toward your other visitor, silently asking him what he can offer you. He smirks at you again.
'I think I've found a way to resolve this little problem of ours. A game of sorts. Are you both willing to participate?' A game? You love the sound of that, especially with his riding up to join Claude's.
You other visitor sighs. 'I've no time for games, Sebastian. At least, none that involve you.' He looks at you, practically devouring you with his gaze. Looks like your plan to make the most of your opportunity is working.
You smile sultrily. 'I like the sound of playing with both of you. What kind of game do you have in mind?' Instead of answering you, your initial visitor (evidentially named Sebastian) yanks your bedsheets away, making you gasp in surprise. Claude looks at him in confusion.
'It's quite simple. We're both going to take it in turns pleasuring this little minx until she can't walk. When we're done with her, she'll give the document to the one who satisfied her the most.' Your underwear immediately grows damp. You like the sound of his game.
Claude takes a moment to consider things, his eyes roaming over your body. After they drink in their fill of you, he turns his gaze back to Sebastian. 'I hate sharing prey, and you know it. I'll let you take the document if you leave me the woman.' Your underwear goes from damp to flooded, and you feel your body growing hot. Normally you hate people deciding things for you, but on this occasion you're more than happy to wait and see what they decide to do with you.
Sebastian doesn't seem impressed. 'That's an odd thing to hate, given how often you try to steal away my prey. If you're unwilling to play, then I'm taking the woman and the documents. I did get here first, after all.' At this point, you don't care who gets what, so long as someone does something about the burning need in-between your legs. The two men stare at each other, eyes locked as if they're preparing for battle. Your arousal is growing more pressing by the second, until you can't take it anymore.
You pull off your ruined underwear and fling it straight at them, earning you their complete attention. Both of them are staring at you now, a mixture of confusion and hunger in their eyes. The air is thick with tension, and you swallow hard, wondering if you've just made a big mistake.
It's Claude that breaks the silence. 'If you let me have the first taste of her, I'll play your stupid game.' Sebastian lets out a low chuckle before springing into action. In an instant he's behind you, hoisting you into his lap. He spreads your legs as wide as they'll go, and lifts up you chemise, revealing your soaked opening to Claude. He licks his lips, clearly desperate for a taste. Before he moves though, he looks to Sebastian for confirmation.
Sebastian moves one hand underneath your chemise, sliding it up your body until he reaches your breast. He starts toying with your nipple, which has already hardened due to your aroused state. You start to let out a series of gasps and moans, and almost miss Sebastian's words. 'Eat your fill of her, Claude. It'll be the only taste of victory you'll have tonight.' He pinches your nipple to punctuate his sentence, which earns him a particularly load moan. Claude doesn't waste anymore time, placing his glasses next to your candle before jumping onto the bed and diving face first between your legs.
Your initial reaction is to scream, the sudden burst of pleasure almost too much for you to handle. Your whole body tries to squirm away, in an attempt to get away from the intensity of his pleasuring you. Sebastian refuses to let you move away however, keeping your legs spread wide open for Claude using one whole arm and an elbow, one hand still working on your nipple. He lowers his head to your ear, whispering to you in his low baritone.
'Now, now, be a good girl and stop squirming. It's very rude to interrupt someone's meal, after all. I bet you taste divine, given how greedily he's feasting upon you. Not as good as you'll taste after I've filled you up though. His tongue shall be nothing compared to the feeling of me coating your insides with my essence. I shall have you screaming my name tonight, before I take what you should have given me in the first place. Then again, I can't say I begrudge paying for it. If this is your price for information, I shall certainly become a frequent buyer.' He nips your ear, which sends you over the edge. Your juices flow into Claude's waiting mouth, and he laps at them furiously, desperate to capture every last drop.
As you come down from your high, you expect Claude to stop his ministrations. He doesn't no such thing, instead continuing to eat you out enthusiastically, your essence coating his mouth. You feel extra sensitive, and begin to wonder if your body can take it. You try to escape the sensation again, only to be retrained again, Sebastian chuckling darkly.
'My, my, he is a hungry one, isn't he? I hope he doesn't swallow down all of nectar; I'll need some for when it's my turn. In the meantime, you just keep these legs of your nice and wide.' You let out a string of desperate moans, your whole body feeling like it's about to explode. Eventually, it does explode, in the most glorious way imaginable. Your vision goes black as you reach your second orgasm, your legs spasming uncontrollably. His pace still doesn't falter, and you begin to wonder how many times he plans on making you finish tonight.
You get the feeling he'd keep going until you fainted, but you don't get the opportunity to find out; Sebastian pushes his head away from you, and inserts two of his fingers into you. He shoves them in and out of you rapidly, making sure you're nice and stretched before he adds a third. It occurs to you that he's preparing you his turn, which you're certain he plans to take next.
Claude eyes him up enviously, clearly unhappy to have his new toy taken away. 'I wasn't finished with her! In case you haven't noticed, I'm rather desperate for some kind of relief!' He pulls down his expensive-looking trousers to reveal his erection, which is throbbing in anticipation of release. It's thicker than you'd imagined; you'd expecting Claude to be the kind of man who has length rather than girth. Sebastian doesn't seem at all phased by his erection, his fingers never halting. You feel your third orgasm brewing, and begin to believe Sebastian was being serious about you not be able to walk in the morning.
Sebastian's palm rubs against your clit, and that's enough to force you over the edge again. Your orgasm this time is almost painful, but the pleasure accompanying it is so sweet it makes you cry. The ecstasy on your face seems to give Claude an idea.
'Alright, how about a different deal? If you let me take her mouth as you take her quim, I'll let you take that document. I think that's more than fair.' Sebastian considers his proposition for a moment, before pushing you off of his lap and onto all fours. Claude seems to take this as Sebastian agreeing to the deal, and he grabs your hair, forcing your mouth around his erection.
You have to fight not to choke on him as he thrusts into your mouth, clearly desperate for release. You're so preoccupied with not chocking that you barely register the sound of trousers being pulled down behind you. Before you have time to register what's happening, Sebastian is shoving himself inside of you, his forceful entrance forcing you to take Claude even further down your throat
The two men start to work in tandem, one pushing in whilst the other pulls out. The pace is a brutal one, neither man desiring to be gentle with you. Sebastian's hands are digging into your hips hard enough to leave bruises, and Claude is tugging on your hair with such force you're surprised it isn't coming out in clumps. Sebastian moves a hand down to toy with your bundle of nerves, trying to make you climax for a forth time. You suspect it has something to do with him trying to match Claude's achievement, but you're not certain.
Claude starts talking to you, sounding almost delirious with pleasure. 'You're a filthy whore, do you know that? Willing to let two men abuse you at the same time… It's depraved, and not the way a young woman should behave. You are, without a doubt, the most delectable human being I've ever encountered. Should you desire, I could spend days between your legs, corrupting and consuming you until all you desire is sex and sin. This shall not be the last time I take you like this, and I doubt Sebastian shall be willing to leave you alone either. Your body is ours now, and we intend to use it often.' His words are ultimately what finish you off, although you suspect Sebastian's efforts are in part to blame too. Your scream of pleasure is muffed by Claude's cock, the vibrations causing him to reach his end, spilling into your throat with a groan.
Sebastian watches the two of you fall apart, before experiencing an orgasm of his own, flooding your insides just as he told you he would.
The two men seem to pump into you forever, a seemingly unending amount of fluid being injected into you from both ends. You're glad when they final finish and withdraw, because it allows you to collapse onto the bed. You feel as if you've swam the channel six times over, your whole body aching. Sebastian and Claude both tuck themselves away, before Sebastian reaches into your pillow, taking what he came for. He gazes down at you, the smirk returning to his face.
'I look forward to doing business with you again, my dear.' He says, before disappearing into the night. Claude picks up his glasses before staring down at you too, taking in the sight of you naked and exhausted on the bed.
'Not if I get here first.' He saids, before he disappears too.
You let out a huge sigh; at least you'll have no trouble sleeping now.
Here endeth the threesomes ;)
So, I've been thinking a lot about my writing lately, and have come to the conclusion that I need more variety. Therefore, I'm thinking of doing a few one-shots for various other series'.
With that in mind, if there's anything anyone would particularly like to see, feel free to say something. I'm planning to do a FMAB one first, almost certainly involving Scar (I'd like to do a whole series, but I doubt people would read it :P). You can also expect some Soul Eater and Deadman Wonderland fics too, so keep an eye out if you like ;)
If you have any Black Butler things you'd like to see, then feel free to tell me :) as I've said on numerous occasions, I'll write anything!
See you soon (perhaps o.O)
Chapter 16: Make-Up (Black x Reader)
I owe you all a huge apology.
I know it's been ages since I last updated this...
Basically, I had that weird specific writer's block that I get, which meant I had difficulty fulfilling the next request on my to-do list (Pluto x Reader). It was a tough decision, but I've postponed that story for a while, at least until I get an idea for it. I'm really sorry to anyone looking forward to it, and to the person who requested it. Fear not, as someday it shall appear! Just not today... I'm really sorry :(
For now, I have a request from Andpeggy, who said'Can you do one with Black/Sebastian?
Like the reader is Jokers sister and she catches Sebastian's eye.'
I have done my best. I hope you all enjoy :)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
'I need a real job.' You say to your reflection. You've been sat at your dressing table in your tent for what feels like hours, trying to do your makeup for the big performance tonight. You just can't get it right for some reason…
You joined the circus about six months ago, after reuniting with your brother, who is known here as 'Joker'. You were delighted to discover that he was still alive, but concerned over his career choice. After all, 'Ringmaster' isn't the most conventional career choice for a man with one arm! Nevertheless, you've seen with your own eyes just how happy he is here, with a group of friends who treat him like family. He even has a girlfriend! You'd decided to join his merry crew, if only to stay close to him. You've already lost him once, there's no way you'll risk that again.
Your role is that of a clown. It's completely undignified, and it scares as many children as it amuses, but it's what you're good at.
You just wish you could be good at something that doesn't require a stupid amount of make-up!
You growl angrily. The show is due to start in less than an hour, and you're not even dressed! You prefer to put your costume in after your make-up, as you don't want to risk staining it. It's stretchy enough to slip over your head without it rubbing off your make-up, although it does ruin your hair. Still, that's not an issue, given that you wear a wig on stage.
You decide you have time to redo your make-up one last time. Wiping away the current layer, you make a start on your mouth, drawing a nice, wide grin…
The tent flap rustles. 'Miss, are you in there?' The sound makes you jump, your hand jolting violently. This causes you to streak make-up all the way to your eye, ruining this attempt as well. You throw the vanity product onto the dressing table, screaming in frustration. Your visitor takes that as an invitation, letting himself into the tent.
Your heart stops when you see his reflection in the mirror.
Your visitor is none other than Black, one of the Circus' latest recruits. As clichéd as it sounds, he really is tall, dark, and handsome. Those raven locks, slender muscles, and dazzling red eyes are enough to make any woman swoon over him. You yourself are no exception, fantasising about most nights. Alas, there's no way he'll pay any attention to you, at least not romantically. As Joker's sister, you're pretty much untouchable, the other members of the Circus giving you a wide berth for fear of his reaction. You're certain Black will be even more cautious than the others, fearing the wrath of his newfound employer.
Still, a lady can dream.
That dream is more like a nightmare right now, as you remember the state of your face. You hope he hasn't clocked your make-up mishap yet, or else you're in for a whole world of embarrassment. Then reality hits you like a bucket of ice water; you're currently sat wearing nothing but your underwear, and a loose shirt that dips low enough to display the tops of your breasts. You may as well be sat stark naked for all your clothing covers! Your face turns scarlet as the reality sets in, and you have to take a moment to compose yourself before you can turn around and greet him.
Just as you turn, he opens his mouth to speak. ‘Sorry for the intrusion, Miss, but you sounded as if you were in some degree of distress. I do apologise for walking in on you in such an… exposed state.’ His eyes roam your body, drinking in the sight of you. When his gaze falls upon your face, he smirks. ‘I see you’re having difficulty getting ready. Care for some assistance?’ You feel even more embarrassed than you did a moment ago, but carefully consider his offer. At this rate, there’s no way in hell you’re going to be ready in time to perform. Then again, what could this man possibly know about clown make-up?
You wipe away your last failed attempt, before sighing heavily. Help of any kind sounds fantastic. ‘I’d appreciate the help, Black. Have you got any experience with this kind of thing?’ His smirk grows wider.
‘Oh, I have plenty of experience in a whole multitude of things. I’d be more than happy to demonstrate them for you.’ He produces a chair from somewhere, and positions it next to yours. He takes the make-up you’re currently holding (a lip crayon), his hands deliberately caressing yours as he does. You look him dead in the eyes, and you swear you can see a hint of lust in them. You must be imagining it though, as he gets down to business straight away, positioning your head in a way that gives him full access to your face.
He brings the crayon to your lips, gently dragging in across your lower one. You can feel it sticking to your lip, staining it crimson. He repeats his actions on your top lip, making it match its twin. When he’s satisfied with his work, he sets the crayon down. He examines your face, as if he’s trying to figure out what to do next. Inspiration clearly strikes him, as next he decides to go for the white face paint.
The paint is cold against your skin, making you shiver slightly. At least, you presume that’s what caused it. It could just have easily have been caused by the man sat mere inches in front of you, doing your make-up for you. It hadn’t occurred to you before, but the act is very intimate. Usually only lovers get this close…
His words break you out of your thoughts. ‘Such soft skin. Tell me, why stay here? A woman as lovely as you must surely have better ways to spend her time.’ Your blush returns. No one has ever called you ‘lovely’ before. How do you respond to such a thing? Do you act coy? Flirt with him? You feel so lost!
You sputter out a response. ‘I-I’m here for Joker.’ He chuckles lowly at your reply, face never dropping that damned smirk.
‘I see. You’ve sacrificed much, following your brother so closely. I’ve been talking to the other males here, you know. Not one of them called you anything other than stunning. Yet when was the last time you felt a man’s touch? I bet you lie awake night, dreaming of the day someone finally decides to ease the longing ache between your legs.’ You shift your legs together automatically. He’s being so bold! It’s starting to affect you in the best possible ways…
He finishes coating your face in white. You’re about to look at yourself in the mirror, but he stops you by gently grabbing your chin. ‘Ah, ah, ah. No peeking, you curious little minx. I want you to get the full effect.’ He picks up a jet black eyeliner. ‘Close your eyes for me.’ His words are stupidly sexy, all but forcing you to comply.
The eyeliner is wet, which makes the application of it feel strange to say the least. Having your eyes closed heightens the sensation of each brush stroke, as well as setting your nerves on fire. Black could be do anything to you right now, and you wouldn’t be able to see it coming. It’s exciting!
He finishes far too quickly. ‘There. Take a look.’ You open your eyes slowly, breaking out of your anticipatory state. You take a look in the mirror, gasping at what you see. Your whole face is ghostly pale, with the exception of your crimson lips and jet black eyes. You look like a doll! It’s almost beautiful, but it’s totally wrong! You’re supposed to be funny, not pretty! How do you tell him that he’s done it totally wrong?!
He stands, positioning himself behind you. His hands land on your shoulders, subtly pushing the fabric of your top down your arms. He leans down to whisper in your ear, your eyes locking in the mirror. ‘I’ve made you up like a Geisha girl. They’re a special type of whore from Japan, praised for their beauty and grace. From the moment I first saw you, I have desired to make you my own personal Geisha. I want nothing more than to steal you away, and keep you hidden from the world. No other man deserves to bask in your radiance. They are unworthy of you, goddess that you are, and I shall delight in denying them your heavenliness.’ The shirt has been pushed down far enough to reveal your breasts, exposing your erected nipples to him. A part of you think that is wrong, that you should push him away, but the rest of you is aching for his touch. After all, you’ve been fantasising about him constantly. This is almost like a dream come true.
He reaches for your nipples, toying with them as he maintains eye contact. You lean back into him, allowing pleasure to wash over you. You're past caring if this is wrong any more. Right now, he's the only thing in existence.
One of his hands slides it's way down your body, heading straight for your underwear. He slides his long fingers into them, and you shift your hips to allow him better access. He lets out a groan when he discovers how wet you've become.
He teases your folds lightly, his other hand continuing to tease your breast. He starts whispering to you again, his teeth tugging at your earlobe. ‘That’s it, surrender to me. Let my touch consume you whole. Be a good girl and stand up for me; I want you to see something.’ You do as instructed, slowing rising from your chair. Black moves back a bit to accommodate your new position. Your eyes remain fixed on the mirror, taking in the sight of your mostly-nude body. As you gaze travels lower, so does the hand on your breast, joining its twin when you eyes fall on your underwear. When he’s certain your gaze is fixed, he tears the garment from you, throwing it away somewhere in the room. He coaxes your legs apart with one of his own, giving you a view of your glistening sex. He runs his fingers across your folds, caressing them softly. Your eyes begin to drift shut, the pleasure of his touch overwhelming.
Your eyes snap open when he inserts two fingers into you, the intrusion unexpected but not unwelcome. You let out a moan without even realising it, body no longer your own. You’re all his now, pure and simple.
He leans you forward, encouraging you to place your hands on the dressing table. When you’re bent over, he slips a third finger into you, increasing the pace in which his fingers pleasure you. He puts his freehand next to yours so that he can lean over you. You can feel his erection pressing against you, rock hand and clearly desperate to be inside of you.
Suddenly, Black bites down on your neck, causing you to gasp in pain. The bite is so forceful that you’re certain it will remain visible for weeks after he’s finished with you.
Black stands a little straighter, so that he can use the hand on the desk to pull your hair instead. His fingers continue to toy with you relentlessly, and you can feel an orgasm on its way. His words are little more than a growl when he speaks again.
‘There, now everyone can see you’re taken. Speaking of which, I think it’s time we finished this. I fear I’m out of patience.’ He removes his hand from you, earning him a wanton moan from you. You hear him fiddling with the fastenings of his trousers, before feeling something solid against your entrance. He slips into you with ease, exhaling as your warmth consumes him.
Both of his hands grips your hips as he starts moving, his pace unrelenting. All you can do is lean against your dresser and let him pound you into euphoria. You can see what he’s doing to you in the mirror, which only turns you on more. It’s obscene, watching a mostly-clothed man have his way with you. It’s also the single sexiest thing you’ve ever seen, and you hope it never ends.
Alas, you feel your orgasm wash over you with great intensity, signalling that your tryst is nearing it’s end.
Sure enough, Black finishes moments after you, spilling inside of you as he moans your name.
He doesn’t withdraw straight away, leaving his softening cock inside of you as he trails kisses down your spine. You’re too tired to do anything more than hum at his affection, enjoying the tickling sensation his kisses produce. Eventually, he slips out of you, his release trailing down your leg. You should probably clean up before…
Oh god. The show! You’re late for the show!
Panic sets in, and you desperately begin to search for your outfit. Black chuckles, clearly finding your stress amusing. As he tucks himself back in, he lets you in on the joke.
‘Your services aren’t required tonight. I was sent by your brother to tell you that you’re to relax tonight. After all, there are plenty of new cast members that can take your place for tonight. Speaking of which, I really should be going now. I shall be back tonight, my sweet little Geisha Girl, to show you just what kind of man you’ve affiliated yourself with. Fear not, for I shall not tell your brother of our affair. Yet, at least. See you soon.’ He swiftly exits the tent, leaving you feeling dazed.
As you wipe away the evidence of your passion, you make a mental note to ask him for make-up tips.
Hope that was worth the wait :) I'll try not to leave it so long next time.
Maybe see you soon?
Willing Patient (Sebastian x Reader x Claude)
I'm going to make a conscious effort to fulfil all of the request that I have as quickly as possible, so expect plenty more chapters over the coming weeks :) Though I've decided to abandon my schedule, as I think that it was holding me back a little. If I didn't have an idea for a story with the specific character in mind, I just gave up and did nothing. This way, I'll be fully flexible creatively, while still fulfilling your requests.
On that topic, if you have left a request with me then fear not, for it shall be done in due course :)
Now, on with the chapter, which comes from a request from N who said 'You should do a version of [Examination] with Sebastian and Claude maybe, ike RPing or a doctor's appointment that quickly turns dirty'
As I already have a story with those two characters, I've decided to write this as a sequel fic. I hope that's okay with you :)
Now, here be smut!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Your footsteps sound heavy as you approach the doctor’s office.
A fortnight ago, you’d received a mysterious letter from someone calling themselves Doctor M (the ‘M’ presumably standing for mystery, how terribly cliché). He’d informed you that you were long due a physical examination, and that as a doctor, it was his civil duty to perform one for you. He’d told you to report to a specific location at a specific time and date. He’d also insisted that you come alone, but had assured you that there would be a nurse present for the duration of the examination.
At first, the letter had seemed suspicious, to the point where you’d considered throwing it away. Then, something had occurred to you…
A few weeks ago, a pair of mysterious yet handsome men had broken into your bedroom, looking for a document you’d accidentally come into possession of. After a small amount of debate, both men had ended up taking turns pleasuring you, whispering sordid words into your ear as they made you fall apart time and time again. They’d both said they be paying you a visit in the future, but you’ve had no contact with either of them since. It’s gotten to the point where you’d be willing to believe that it was all just a dream, were it not for the soreness you’d felt for days after their visit. Maybe the letter was from one of them?
You’d doubted it, but decided to accept the invitation regardless. The location is in a heavily populated area of London, and the time is noon. If anything went wrong, or if it’s some hind of elaborate kidnap plot (you are a noble lady, after all; your family would pay a great deal to ensure your safety), you’d easily be able to call for help. In your mind, that was all it took to reach a decision.
You were going to meet Doctor M.
That’s how you ended up here, cautiously making your way to the agreed location.
The hospital in which Doctor M wants to meet was shut down about a year ago due to budget cuts, so the corridor is lit only by sunlight. The choice of location should have made alarm bells ring, but your resolve refuses to waiver. Now that you’re here, you have to find out who asked for you.
You reach the door, but stop yourself entering when something catches your eye.
Everything else in the hospital is old and dusty, having clearly just been left here when the shutdown happened. However, on the door there are two brand new name plaques. They read;
S. Michaelis, Attending Physician
C. Faustus, Attending Nurse
‘Strange,’ you think to yourself. ‘Maybe this place wasn’t completely shut down.’ You’re about to knock on the door, when you hear a voice call out on the other side of it.
The voice is an imperious one, compelling you to do as it says. You enter the room, closing the door behind you.
The room is considerably better-lit than the corridor, the person behind your mysterious invitation clearly wanting to see everything that happens in here. Speaking of the one who invited you here, he’s currently sitting behind a desk, clad in a while lab coat. He has a pair of half moon spectacles perched on the end of his nose, and is currently engrossed in an article of some description. Slowly, you approach the desk, causing him to look up at you immediately. Your heart begins to race when you recognise him.
It really is one of your mystery callers! The man calling himself Doctor M is Sebastian.
He smirks at you. ‘Ah, my twelve o’clock is here, it seems. Please, take a seat while I talk you through your examination. Nurse Faustus, if you would be so kind as to take the lady’s coat.’ A pair of strong hands remove your coat before you get the chance to speak, and you turn around to see who’s taken it.
Unsurprisingly, it’s your other visitor; Claude, just as handsome and bespectacled as you remember him being.
You take a seat, mentally deciding to play along with the scenario. After all, the last time you’d let them take charge and lead the situation, it had worked out beyond fantastically.
Doctor M smirks at you. ‘So, from what I can gather from reading your notes, you’ve been a very naughty young woman. Forgoing your yearly check-up, staying up until ungodly hours, engaging in carnal relations with perfect strangers… the list goes on.’ You feel yourself growing damp at the words ‘carnal relations.’ With any luck, that’s exactly what the two of them have in store for you today.
Doctor M continues. ‘However, as I am simply one hell of a doctor, it seems only right that I rectify that. I plan to start by giving your body a thorough examination. After that, we’ll determine the appropriate treatments for any afflictions we may uncover during the examination phases. Does that treatment plan work for you?’ Your mouth turns dry. This is officially the best decision you’ve ever made. Still, you’d better play it cool, as you’d hate to break out of your role as reluctant patient.
You give him a nervous smile. ‘That sounds fine, Doctor… Michaelis, was it?’ He nods. ‘Forgive me, but I’m terribly nervous. It’s been so long since my examination, so I’m unsure of how to behave.’ Instead of the doctor addressing your concern, it’s the nurse who answers you.
‘Just do everything we tell you. Trust us.’ You feel a pair of slender hands slide down your neck, indicating that the nurse is stood just behind you. They tease the sleeves of your dress down your arms a little, exposing your shoulders to the room’s chilly air.
You take a deep breath, trying to focus on talking again. ‘Very well. I shall put myself in your hands, gentlemen. You both seem like consummate professionals, after all.’
Doctor Michaelis smirks at you. ‘Oh I assure you, we’ll take very good care of you, my dear.’ He looks up at the nurse. ‘Nurse Faustus, strip the patient, so that we may begin our examination.’
The nurse moves so that he’s directly in front of you. He encourages you to stand, eyes roaming over your chest as he does. Were this any other situation, you’d either act affronted or cover yourself. But right now, you don’t want to do either of those things. Right now, you want to reveal yourself to them both, inch by inch.
That’s clearly what they want too, as the Nurse takes his time undressing you. He steps to one side as he begins, making sure the inactive party gets a front row seat to your unveiling. He takes the bottom of your sleeve between his teeth, slowly dragging it down your shoulder. As it descends past your elbow, one of your breasts breaks free from the confines of the dress, causing both men to lick their lips. Clearly, they were both expecting to have to deal with a corset today. However, as you were mostly certain who sent you the invitation, you’d decided to take a small risk and forgo any kind of undergarments.
Right now, that risk appears to be paying off.
The nurse starts kissing his way up your arm, occasionally tracing a blood vessel with his tongue. He pauses briefly, smirking into your skin. ‘Just checking for any signs of clotting. Your blood seems fine in this arm. Time to check the next one.’ His kisses keep going up your arm until he reaches your shoulder. When he gets there, he starts nibbling at the sensitive flesh there, causing you to gasp and moan out loud.
The noises cause Doctor Michaelis to rise from his chair, moving it around his desk so that he can sit directly in front of you, rather than being blocked by the desk. As he sits back down, he makes a tutting noise. ‘Tsk, tsk, nurse. Beginning your own checks without me? That’s a serious offence. Kindly move the patient closer, so that I may begin examining her mammary glands,’ the look he gives you is so full of lust that it makes you tremble, body anticipating his touch.
The nurse starts nibbling your ear, whispering to you in that low baritone of his. ‘You heard the doctor. Shuffle forward so he can examine you. I’ll carry out my test on your other arm while he does.’ He puts his hands on your hips, coaxing you forwards until your exposed breast is directly in front of the doctor’s face. The doctor traces over you areola with his tongue, causing your nipple to harden almost instantly.
As the nurse begins to give your remaining sleeve the same treatment he gave its twin, the doctor peers up at you, leaning back and removing the spectacles still perched on his nose before placing them on the desk. He licks his lips. ‘I fear that my initial test results compel me to perform a follow-up. After all, one can never be too careful when it comes to matters of well-being. Now, let us find out if you’re still in working order, shall we?’ with that, he takes your nipple into his mouth, suckling on it eagerly. You close your eyes, surrendering to the pleasure your two lovers are providing you with. Doctor Michaelis’ rough treatment of your nipple is perfectly contrasted by the soft kisses Nurse Faustus is littering your arm with, the two sensations so pleasurable that you feel the rapidly accumulating moisture between your legs trickle down one of your thighs, no fabric to halt its journey south. You feel so wonderfully debauched, and they’ve barely even started.
When he’s satisfied that he’s kissed your arm enough, Nurse Faustus grabs your dress and forcefully shoves it down your body, leaving you totally exposed. Doctor Michaelis releases your nipple with a wet ‘pop’, his eyes greedily taking in your newly-revealed skin.
He looks at Nurse Faustus. ‘I fear I’m in need of a second opinion. Why don’t you examine her other breast, whilst I prepare her for her final diagnostic?’ You hear a grunt of consent from behind you, punctuated by a quick nip of your ear. Nurse Faustus walks away from you, heading towards the desk. He places his spectacles next to Doctor Michaelis’, before heading to his colleagues’ chair.
Doctor Michaelis stands, allowing Nurse Faustus to take his place. The newly-seated man takes your neglected nipple into his mouth, nibbling it rather than suckling. His ministrations are far more aggressive than the doctor’s, causing you both pleasure and pain at the same time. It’s intoxicating, and completely distracting.
So distracting in fact, that you don’t notice a certain someone sneaking up behind you.
The only reason you know that he’s now behind you is the fact that he’s inserted two of his slender finger into your channel, stretching your opening slightly. He moves them in and out of you lazily, whispering in your ear.
‘This is a test of your reflexes. I must assess if your body is responsive to certain stimuli. Although, judging my how easily I managed to insert my fingers inside of you, I’d say you don’t have a problem reacting to stimuli.’ His twists them suddenly, and your scream out, body begging for release. You feel a hand rubbing your clit, presumably Nurse Faustus’. The added stimulation helps send you over the edge, your orgasm both intense and sudden. You move your hips as much as you can in your current position, attempting to ride his fingers until you’re completely spent.
When you finally come down, both men abandon your body simultaneously. Nurse Faustus stands, and together they encourage you to lie down on an examination table nearby. Once there, they strap your legs down on either side of the table, preventing escape. Not that you’d want to escape anyhow; you’ve been dreaming of this carnal reunion for months!
Once you’re firmly secured, the two men stand either side og the table, absent-mindedly stroking your body. You begin to writhe under their touch, desperate for one of them to take you properly.
It’s Doctor Michaelis that speaks first. ‘I’m afraid I have some good news and some bad news. The good new is that your examination results have all come back fine. A couple of injections, and you’ll be as fit as a fiddle.’ He smiles, the kind of smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.
His words excite you greatly. You can’t wait for your ‘injections’. Still, you have to ask…
‘What’s the bad news?’
Nurse Faustus smirks. ‘We’re not qualified medical practitioners.’
You roll your eyes at them. ‘I know that. You’re Sebastian and Claude, butlers to the Phantomhive and Trancy households respectively. You crept into my room a while back, and the three of us had the best sex I’ve ever had. Speaking of, I hate to break character, but I really need one of you inside of me now.’ They both smirk at you, Sebastian even going so far as to chuckle.
They grab a breast each, grasping at them forcefully. You cry out, the action more painful then pleasurable. You look at each of them in turn, planning to scold them for being too rough.
That’s when you notice their eyes.
Their beautiful, unnatural red eyes, with a catlike pupil.
You want to scream, but can’t bring yourself to do so. You’re mesmerised by them, despite every fibre of your being telling you to be afraid. You want to ask them about their eyes, but the words catch in your throat.
Thankfully, Sebastian seems to see the unspoken question in your eyes. ‘We’re demons, Claude and I. We exist purely to devour souls and commit ill deeds. Yet, that doesn’t mean that we’re immune to the siren call of the joys of the flesh. After much discussion, the two of us have decided to make you our personal concubine. You shall see to our every carnal desire, just as we shall see to yours.’
Claude pipes in. ‘Surrender to us. Let us claim you as our own. We desire you above all others, and we demons do so had being deprived of the things we desire...’ they’re both touching you again now, their hands moving with precision and haste. They’re trying to re-stoke your arousal, which has been slightly dampened by their revelation. You consider their words as best you can in your distracted state, mind trying to make sense of the situation.
Then, one of them brushes a hand against your still-sensitive opening, and all sense and consideration flies out the window.
You moan loudly. ‘Take me, mark me as your own. I want you both so much.’ They simultaneously start biting either side of your neck, hard enough to leave marks. You arch you back, offering yourself to them. Their mouths begin to move down your body, kissing and biting until they reach your breasts. The demons shower them with affection, their mouths moving over every inch of them before taking your nipples into their mouths once more. Cries of pleasure fall unbidden from your lips, mind completely hazing over with lust.
When they notice how far gone you are, they start conversing as they play with you. ‘So,’ begins Claude, ‘how should we proceed?’ He looks at Sebastian, clearing expecting him to take the lead.
Sebastian smirks. ‘I suggest we blindfold her. Then, we’ll take turns defiling her. It’s probably best if we do this in demon form; it’ll make it that much easier to claim her.’
Claude makes a small noise of agreement. ‘Sounds good to me. What about you?’ He looks at you, seeking your consent. It’s a surprisingly thoughtful gesture, one that isn’t totally lost on your lust-addled brain. Still, you wish he hadn’t bothered. You’re long past the point of backing out now, body still yearning for the two of them.
You cry out in frustration. ‘Stop wasting time already! I already said I wanted you both!’
Sebastian chuckles. ‘Such an eager young thing. I suggest we give her what she wants, Claude.’
Claude lets out a chuckle of his own. ‘That sounds like a good idea, Sebastian.’ Both pairs of eyes glow even brighter, as if they’re planning something.
That’s the last thing you see before your vision is cut off.
Somehow, one of them managed to sneak a blindfold over you without you noticing. Normally, you’d panic over such a thing.
Normally, you don’t have two ridiculously attractive demons toying with your body.
The sensations you’re currently experiencing is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It’s as if the two men are somehow caressing every inch of your body, exploring you in ways no man ever has before. You think yourself lucky to have attracted the attention of the two men at all, even if they’re not technically men. Do demons even have genders?
All thought stops when you feel something hard slip inside you.
You’re not sure which man has finally decided to stop teasing you and start fucking you, but you really don’t care. Now when he’s doing it so skilfully, and with such force that you’re glad your legs are restrained. If they weren’t, the force of the thrusts would be enough to send you falling off of the examination table!
Despite the fast pace and constant movement of your body, they somehow manager to continue teasing you, intent on bringing you to a second climax. You feel a hot breath on one of your ears, followed by a voice that doesn’t sound quite as it should.
‘How does it feel, being taken by a demon? I bet you’re loving it, aren’t you? You truly are a delectable little human. It’s going to be so much fun, being able to take you whenever I desire. I hope you’re not a fan of sleep, because you shan’t be getting any at all in the foreseeable future...’ a pair of teeth nips at your ear, triggering your release. You clench yourself around whichever demon is currently inside of you, which sets them off too, their release flooding your insides completely. You feel a burning sensation above one of your breasts, but you’re uncertain what that means. You don’t care either, not when your whole body is awash with sensation.
As soon as you feel your parter slip out of you, his softening length is swiftly replaced by a different, harder one. They continue where the other left off, continuing to plunder your depths with vigour and impunity.
Like the first, this man also decides to whisper in your ear, albeit choosing to use the other ear. ‘He’s not the only one who’s going to be enjoying your body. I intend to be even more persistent than him, so you’d better be ready for me when I come calling. I do not care how many times he’s used you; I will not be denied my fix.’ He climaxes suddenly, his words affecting him as much as they’ve affect you. You feel something rub against your clit, trying to make you finish again.
They somehow succeed, your orgasm s violent and intense that you lose consciousness, your last thought being that your other breast feels like it’s burning too.
It’s late afternoon when you finally wake up, eyes bleary taking in your surroundings. You’re in your room, safely installed in bed.
Was that all just a dream?
You make to stand, bare flesh rubbing against your sheets. ‘Odd,’ you think, ‘I never sleep naked.’
You rise from bed, and start making your way over to your dresser, planning to pour yourself some water from the jug that’s currently sitting there.
A jug that you don’t remember filling.
You’re about to call and ask if one of your servant did it, when you catch sight of your nude body in the mirror. Just above your breasts there are two marks, one on either side. One mark looks like a pentagram, while the other looks more like a star. You tentatively run your hands over each one in turn, considering their meaning. When your mind draws a blank, you return your attention to the desk, only just noticing that there is a small note next to the jug.
It reads;
I imagine you’re rather confused. Don’t be. Life is far too short to waste on such things. I’m sure you’ll remember every detail in time. For now, let’s just say that your examination is complete, but that you’ll be requiring regular check-ups from now on.
All the best,
Doctor M
I hope that was to everyone's liking :)
See you all soon, I hope :3
Chapter 18: Mistress (Vincent Phantomhive x Reader)
Hello all,
So, who here had given up hope of an update? If so, I really can't apologise sincerely enough. I've had... difficulties... coming up with one-shot ideas for various characters, which frustrated me to the point where I just lost the will to write them. I'm hoping I've snapped out of that now, so expect more chapters in the future (however long that might be).
Also, huge thank you to all of you who waited for an update. I only hope the wait was worth it.
With that, allow me to present to you the result of a private request I had months ago. It read ' For the Vincent one, I was thinking more specifically that the reader could be the nanny for the twins and that both Vincent and the Reader have been attracted to one another for awhile, but have never acted on it. Rachel has a period of time where she feels healthy enough so she travels to London to visit Madame Red. One night while she's gone both Vincent and the Reader are up late and he's in the library, reflecting, when she comes in to return a book that she had been reading the twins that night. Then deliciousness ensues.'
Hope I've done the request justice ^.^'
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
‘Pwease can we haf annuder story read?’ A small voice asks you shyly. ‘It helps us sweep.’ The owner of said voice looks at you, eyes wide and expectant. Unfortunately for him, puppy dog eyes don’t work on you, especially given your profession.
You work as an on-site nanny for Lord Vincent Phantomhive and his wife Rachel. You’ve been here for just over two years now, watching over their two little boys with the kind of care and professionalism expected of a Phantomhive servant. Your job can be extremely taxing at times, given how many enemies Lord Phantomhive has made over the years. Still, the pay is excellent, and watching those boys grow is a reward in and of itself. However, you fear that it may soon be time to leave this place forever...
You give the boy a stern look. ‘No, Master Ciel. I’ve already read you both a bedtime story. It’s time for you to get some sleep now.’ You stand up from your seat, and head for the door.
‘But, but, but…’ Another voice contributes to the conversation. Honestly, you’ve never known anyone who loves stories as much as these Phantomhive boys do. Perhaps they get it from their father…
You smile at them. ‘I’m sorry boys, but no means no. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Your mother is due back from visiting your aunt tomorrow afternoon, and I’d hate her to return to two overtired sons. Now, if you’re good, and go to bed nice an early tomorrow, I promise I’ll read you an extra story tomorrow. How does that sound?’
Both boys immediately perk up, and reply in unison. ‘Thanks, Miss!’ They then snuggle themselves into bed, closing their eyes and trying to force themselves to sleep. You roll your eyes at them affectionately; bribery works every time.
You leave the room, closing the door gently behind you.
Now that your shift is technically over, you’re free to do as you wish for the rest of the evening. Your first stop is the library on the other side of the manor, where you plan to put away the book you’ve just been reading to the boys. Then, you’ll stop by Lord Phantomhive’s study. He’ll be in there as always, writing out a report or planning a party, or whatever it is that well-to-do Lords do. You’ll give his door a firm knock, and he’ll grant you entry. You’ll tell him that you’re retiring for the evening, and he’ll flash you that gorgeous smile of his, the one that never fails to make your heart skip a beat. He’ll bid you goodnight, and you’ll scurry back to your room like a nervous schoolgirl, cheeks ablaze and mind racing. The rest of your evening shall be spent trying to alleviate the dull ache between your legs, as you imagine what it would be like to kiss away that smile of his…
You’d be lying to yourself if you said your relationship with Lord Phantomhive was strictly professional. Well, that wouldn’t be a lie per-say, as your relationship thus far has been professional, the only exceptions being the few times he’s asked you to join him for a nightcap. Those have occurred more frequently since Rachel went to London for the month. The poor man must miss her terribly, if he’s willing to settle for your company constantly. Still, you doubt he’d do such a thing if he knew how you feel about him. You’ve had a crush on the man since day one, and over time it’s developed into something a little more serious than that.
You might even go so far as to say you’ve fallen in love with the man.
You know in your heart that nothing will ever come of it. He’s a married man for starters, a Lord for goodness sake, and he has two young sons. If only one of these things was present then maybe, maybe you’d have a chance. All three together however… the man is unattainable, which makes your feelings foolish and unwelcome. It’s reached the point now where you know you’ll have to leave this place soon, if only to spare both yourself and him the humiliation that would follow if your feelings are ever discovered. You’ve heard of a few interesting-sounding jobs up North, and plan to investigate them as soon as you’re given a day off. You only hope Lord Phantomhive doesn’t pester you for answers when you leave. He can be so very astute at times, so he’d be sure to see through any flimsy reason you give him straight away…
Now really isn’t the time to think of such things. You don’t know for certain if you’re leaving yet. If you can’t find alternative employment, you’ll just have to keep you head down here for a while longer. After all, you’ve kept your feeling a secret so far, and if you can’t continue to keep them secret, then what kind of Phantomhive servant are you?
You’ve been so busy thinking things through that you’ve made it to the library without even realising. Your body must have moved of its own free will whilst your mind was occupied. You enter without knocking, certain that it’ll be empty this time of night.
You make your way over to the children’s bookcase, and almost shriek when you realise that someone else is in the library.
You manage to stop yourself when you realise that it’s Lord Phantomhive.
He looks over at you, a small smile forming on his lips. It’s not the dazzling smile you’re used to, and that worries you. Is he okay? What’s he doing here all be himself at night? Is it even your place to ask him such questions? You don’t want to overstep the mark with him…
He speaks before you can ask him anything. ‘Good evening. I take it the boys are both asleep?’ His voice sounds more maudlin than usual, confirming your suspicion that something isn’t right with him.
You answer somewhat apprehensively. ‘They should be soon, my Lord. I told them I’d read them an extra story tomorrow if they settled down now. After all, I assume you don’t want them overtired for Lady Phantomhive’s return tomorrow.’ At the mention of his wife’s name, Lord Phantomhive’s face seems to fall even further.
‘That’s tomorrow, is it? I’d completely forgotten. Some husband I am...’ Is that why he’s so gloomy? He’s feeling like a bad husband? Maybe you should say something, if only to put his mind at ease.
‘You’re a wonderful husband, Lord Phantomhive. You’ve just been busy, that’s all. It’s natural to let things slip when you’re busy, that doesn’t mean you love her any less.’ You offer him a sympathetic smile.
He makes a noise of dismissal. ‘I’m beginning to wonder if I love her at all.’ His confession shocks you. Has he truly fallen out of love with her?
You shake your head at him. ‘You’re probably just overthinking things, my Lord. I’m sure that you care for your wife a great deal. You should get some sleep, help you to think better.’
He snorts out a laugh. ‘Is that an order, coming from one of my staff?’ Oh, shit. You’ve overstepped your mark. You should apologise to him immediately, before he fires you. It’ll be so much harder to find a new job if you’re fired from this one...
You make a few desperate stuttering sounds, trying to apologise to him. He lets out another laugh. ‘I was only joking, you know. It’s nice knowing that you care about my mental state. Then again, knowing that you care at all makes things so much harder for me.’ If he thinks it’s hard for him, he should hear what it’s like for you…
He rises from his chair, and begins to make his way over to you. You can’t read his expression, and that troubles you. What is the man thinking? Does he have a problem with you? Unwilling to hold his stare, and somewhat concerned about what you’ll try to do when he reaches you, you walk over to the bookcase, determined now to complete your task and leave, lest his proximity causes you to behave recklessly. You shouldn’t have allowed yourself to be left alone with him, not with your feelings becoming difficult to contain. Removing yourself from the situation really is the most sensible course of action.
As you reach up to put the book away, you feel a hand cover your own. It’s warm, and so wonderfully soft. The hand of a man who works more with his brain than his brawn. You can practically feel the heat of it permeating through your own kin, and making its way through your whole body, setting between your legs. No man should be able to affect a woman like that, but then again, Lord Phantomhive has always seemed like more than your average man.
He brings his mouth next to your ear, his breath even warmer than his touch. ‘Do you have any idea what you do to me?’ If your legs didn’t already feel like jelly, his words practically have them melting. You really need to get out now, because if he continues talking like that…
Your mouth however seems to have other ideas, and it somehow operates of its own free will. ‘I could ask you the same thing, my Lord.’ You hear him gasp, yet you can’t decide if you’ve said the right thing or not. What is the right thing to do in a situation like this? Is he being genuine, or is he still toying with you? If the latter is true, then opening your mouth might just have been the most stupid thing you’ve ever done.
His other hand grabs your waist, and pulls your body closer to him. ‘Minx. You’ve ruined me, you know? I was perfectly happy to go along with the path my family chose for me. I was happy to choose a wife from the two selected for me. I was happy to share my bed with her, and to have her bare my children. Then you came into my life, and I came to realise that I wasn’t happy at all. If only I’d been given the chance to find a wife on my own… I may well have chosen a woman like you. Then again, if I had, you never would have come into my employ, and I wouldn’t know that I wanted such a woman. Life can be so terribly unfair at times. Why can’t a man just have what he wants from time to time?’ You’re now well past the point of wanting to leave this conversation. If your employer is speaking to you like that, then surely anything goes? Now might be the best chance to have to clear the air with him, and let him know just how you’re feeling.
You press yourself against him further, trying to test the waters. When all you get is a grunt, you speak. ‘You have a wife, two sons, a huge mansion… you seem to be a man who gets what he wants most of the time. As for me, I’m the woman who’s spent two years watching the object of her affection play house with a woman he doesn’t even love apparently. Tell me again how life is cruel, my Lord.’ His hand travels upwards from your waist, settling just below one of your breasts.
He leans in, this time nibbling on your earlobe before speaking. ‘Life is cruel, because someday, I’ll have to watch the object of my affection do the same. Unless of course I decide to lock you away in this manor of mine, but what would that achieve? You deserve more than that. A beauty like yours should be allowed to bloom, free from any confines. The kindest thing for both of us would be if you left this place, yet I fear I’d do anything to keep you here. My thoughts keep going around in circles, to the point where I just don’t know what to do any more. Should I force you to leave, and spare us both any future pain? Or shall I allow you to remain, and force myself to control my longing for you? Or shall I ravish you, and convince you to become my mistress?’ You’re beginning to think that you dozed off after reading the boys their story. Surely this can’t be real? You’re going to wake up the second it gets interesting. Still, if it is only a dream, then what have you got to lose? And, if this does turn out to be real, do you really want to miss an opportunity like this? In the two years that you’ve known him, you’ve never once seen Lord Phantomhive repeat an offer. This may be the only opportunity to do something like this with your no-longer-secret love. Besides, you’d be lying if the thought of being his mistress doesn’t excite you. All the secret rendezvous in the dead of night, sneaking in passionate kisses between locals, thinking of things to tell the lady of the house, when she notices the little marks your lover will inevitably leave on you…
You grab Lord Phantomhive’s hand, and bring it so that it covers your breast. ‘I don’t need any convincing, my Lord. Just tell me what you want of me.’
He flips your body around to face him with almost alarming speed, somehow managing to pin both of your hands over your head and against the bookcase, using only one of his. He begins pulling at the front of your dress, trying to free your breasts.
He begins to tell you exactly what he wants. ‘Firstly, you’re to call me ‘Vincent’ when we’re alone. I don’t want to bring titles into our relationship. Secondly, I won’t allow any other man to touch you for the duration of our affair. You are, however, free to court as you see fit. Just make sure they refrain from doing anything untoward. Finally, we must this a secret from everyone. My position doesn’t allow for anything less that a perfect reputation. As such, you must make sure to remain totally professional in my presence. I shall tell you when we can initiate relations. You are free to reject my advances if they are unwelcome, though. This relationship only happens if both of us want it to. If, for whatever reason, you decide to end things, we’ll stop all contact immediately. You have been a wonderful nanny to my boys, one that I’d happily recommend to anyone. Therefore, when this ends, I shall be more than happy to find you employment elsewhere. I’m hoping it won’t come to that for a long while though; there are so many things I plan to do to you.’ With that, he finally manages to free your breasts from the confines of your dress. If you weren’t already aroused by his actions, the cold air of the library would have caused both of your nipples to harden. As it is, they’re already completely solid, so Vincent takes one into his mouth, causing you to mewl with pleasure.
You whole body begins to writhe under his touch, especially when he free hand toys with your free nipple. Your arms struggle against his grip, desperate to touch your new lover. Your legs rub together of their own free will, your groin longing for direct contact. You hope he doesn’t tease you for long, or else it’ll be too much to bare.
You continue to let out a litany of little noises, music to the ears of your lover. When he hears his own name amongst the noises, he abandons your breasts in favour of attacking your neck with his mouth. He bites and suckles at it like a starving man, almost certainly leaving a trail of marks all along your neck and shoulder; you make a mental note to wear a dress with a high collar tomorrow. You can hear him muttering something into your neck that sounds suspiciously like your name, but you can’t be certain. You’re not certain of anything evermore, except that you never want this night to end.
Vincent works his way back up to your neck, growling in your ear. ‘Well, aren’t you a vocal little minx? I might just have to gag you next time, if only to stop you waking the entire household.’ He pulls back to he can look at you. He smirks at you, looking you dead in the eye. ‘Just this once though, you can be as loud as you want. Although, you may want to tone it down when I drag you into my chambers when I’m finished with you here. I’d hate to have to explain to the boys why daddy is making their nanny scream his name.’ He presses his lips against yours, his tongue asking for entry almost immediately. You grant it willingly, and he drops your wrists in favour of grabbing your hips with both hands and lifting you up, encouraging you to wrap your legs around his waist. Your hands weave their way into his hair, grabbing onto it to help you keep balance.
Vincent takes a few steps forward, using his whole body to pin you to the bookcase. When he’s certain you’re secure enough, he sneaks a hand underneath your dress, and heads straight for your underwear. He moans into your mouth when he realises that they’re soaked right thought.
He pulls back from the kiss to speak. ‘I think I shall have to add a fourth instruction. You are hereby forbidden to wear underwear, if only for fear that you may end up ruining them all as our affair gets evermore passionate.’ He steals away your reply with a kiss, before trying to tear your underwear off of your body.
When his initial attempt fails, Vincent grabs a knife from his pocket, carefully slicing through the too-sturdy straps of your underwear. It falls to the ground almost silently, although the same thing can’t be said of the knife, with hits the floor with a metallic clanging noise. You’d find the noise quite unstintingly, had Vincent not taken it upon himself you insert a finger inside of you at the exact same moment. You scream him name into his mouth, and can feel him grinning wickedly against your lips.
He risks removing his other hand from your hip, so he can deal with his own clothing. He heads straight for the button on his fly, undoubtedly desperate to liberate his erection. He sticks a second finger into you as he shoves his trousers and underwear down his legs in one go, and you cling onto him for dear life, an orgasm beginning to grow deep inside your groin.
Vincent removes his hand from you, and begins to focus on lining himself up with your entrance. His erection ends up sliding across it a few times, struggling to gain purchase due to the ample lubrication your arousal provides. When he finally finds the right angle, he doesn’t hesitate, pushing into you without a moments hesitation.
You break the kiss so you can scream his name, before realising that you really shouldn’t have done that. What if you wake the children? You look Vincent in the eyes, worried that you’ve taken his permission a little too far.
You concerned look earns you a breathy laugh. ‘I told you, you can be as loud as you want this time. In fact, I actively encourage you to be vocal. I plan to save up all of these wonderful mewls of yours for future use. After all, a man can get very lonely on business trips. So please, scream for me, my little minx. Let me know how much you want me.’ With that, he begins to pull out slowly, before thrusting back in forcefully, earning him a surprised grunt. That seems to spur him on, as he does it again, only this time much faster and with even more force. He repeats this a few times, before setting a brutal pace that has you alternating between screaming his name and thanking God for his very existence. You suddenly begin to feel jealous of Lady Phantomhive, who must get to experience Vincent’s sexual prowess on a regular basis. Still, now it not the time to be thinking about that. Now is the time to be focusing on the man in front of you, and the orgasm preparing to shatter your mind.
As his thrusts continue, the force ends up knocking most of the books off of the shelf, include the one that you’d only just put back there. With all of the books falling, it feels like the whole world is crumbling around you, yet Vincent remains a constant fixture. It’s as if you two are the only real things left in the world. Everything else is just an illusion.
The coil in you finally snaps, and you orgasm hard, your inner walls squeezing your lover with almost alarming force. The sudden tightness is too much for Vincent, who finishes just after, biting down on your neck to keep himself from screaming your name loud enough to wake the entire country; and there he is suggesting that you need a gag!
When you both come down from your respective highs, he sets you down gently, making sure you can stand properly before he lets go of you. He bends over to redress himself, before reaching over and caressing your check.
His smile is an apologetic one. ‘I fear I got a little too carried away there. I had planned to tell you of my feelings in a far more gentlemanly fashion, but for some reason I couldn’t. I fear that I was driven more by my trousers than by my brain, and for that, I’m sorry. However, everything I said was truthful. As I cannot have you as my wife as I’d like, I want you to be my mistress. It may sound selfish of me, but I fear I simply cannot live without your company. If you think my approach has been too callous, I’ll be glad to surreptitiously court you until you’re satisfied that I am a man worthy of having such a wonderful woman. Alternatively, my offer still stands if you wish to find work elsewhere. The choice is entirely yours.’ He looks fairly contrite, though you’re inclined to believe he’s not as half as sorry as he says he is.
You pick up your ruined underwear, cover up your exposed breasts, and strut over to him, this time wearing a smirk of your own. ‘I believed you mentioned something about dragging me into your chambers?’ You give him a wink for added effect.
He responds with a low chuckle. ‘I think this may be the start of a most wonderful relationship.’
So... I really hope that was worth the wait, and thank you all again for being so patient with me. It means a lot :)
Hope to see you all soon :)
Chapter 19: Alpha Female (Pluto X DemonHound!Reader)
Bet no one expected this! So soon after the last chapter, it's almost as if I feel guilty for neglecting you all...
Ages ago, I had a request from Illilex0DarkFire. They wanted a Pluto x Reader story. I had huge difficulty trying to do it, to the point where I found I couldn't actually write anything. However, after receiving the following comment from Illilex0DarkFire, I was suddenly hit with an idea: 'I would love if that Pluto x Reader one I requested a while ago, if the reader was a dominant bitch and pushes Pluto around but he still loves her even though they're both demon hounds'
You'll find that this fic is quite a bit different to my other stories. I wanted to try something new, something that I felt fit the situation quite well. This story is mostly written in the past tense, and there is no speech. Given that Pluto can't speak in the anime, it wouldn't have made sense for him or the reader (a fellow Demon Hound) to speak in the fic. I hope these changes don't detract from your enjoyment ^.^
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
It can be hard work, being an Alpha female.
In the human folk-tales of your kind, Alphas are always these hulking great males with a short tempter, and even shorter periods of brain functionality. All they care about is fighting, food, and sex, with everything else being inconsequential. While this may be true of the males, Alpha females are something else entirely.
Your average Alpha female Demon Hound is interested in much more than pleasure. For an Alpha female, the only thing that matters is power. You desire to be powerful, to find a powerful mate, and to produce powerful offspring, the kind that makes humans tremble with fear as they tear up villages. The best way to guarantee such offspring is to find yourself a strong mate, the kind that is willing to fight anything that gets in your way, and that is willing to protect his family even with his dying breath.
However, therein lies the problem. The strongest of your kind are all Alpha males. As an Alpha male, they automatically assume they have control over everything and everyone, including females all of kinds. You’d sooner live your life alone than submit to the will of another. What you’ve always desired is mate who is willing to submit to you at all times, yet fight for you when the situation calls for it. So far, the few lesser males you’ve given attention to have all proven to be less than useless, acting much like Alphas, in that they spent the whole time trying to breed with you. As if you’d give any male that privilege without him proving himself to you! It’s just as well you did refrain from such activity, as all of your potential suitors fled at the first sign of trouble; in all cases, that trouble was an Alpha, seeking a mate. Your yourself had been forced to flee those situations, for fear of the Alphas trying to mate without your consent. On one occasion, the cowardly male had returned to you, begging for forgiveness. All you’d given him was a hard swipe with your paw, and a warning never to cross your path again.
After his departure, it was months before you found another potential mate. This male had a pure white coat, and the most beautiful eyes you’d ever seen. He had approached you with caution, weary of your status. You had shown him your usual customary amount of interest, waiting for him to make his move on you. To your surprise, he didn’t do anything of the sort. Instead, he got onto a submissive position, asking for permission to follow you. You’d granted it gladly, on the understanding that he wasn’t to lay a single claw on you without permission. He’d thanked you by liking your face, earning his ear a warning nip. He’d whimpered at first, feeling sorry for himself, before he apologised for getting carried away. You remember at that point thinking you’d made a mistake in allowing the male to stay. He seemed even weaker than his predecessors. However, you were soon to learn that that wasn’t the case at all…
Over the following months, the male wolf (who you decided to refer to as ‘Pluto’) followed you blindly, keeping his side of the bargain beautifully. Not once has he tried to mount you, although you have caught him sniffing you on several occasions. You remember almost feeling sorry for him, having to control his bestial urges with an unclaimed female around. Still, you didn’t let him see that sympathy. In fact, you showed him nothing but cruelty, making unreasonable demands of him on an almost daily basis. In fact, you’d occasionally set him impossible tasks just so you could punish him for failing. For example, you’d send him to fetch something a hundred yards away, while insisting that he stay within fifty yards of you at all times. He’d looked at you with confusion in his eyes, as if he was asking what the right thing to do was. When he didn’t get an answer from you, he bowed his head to you, willing to accept punishment for failing his impossible task. You’d given his ear a bite, your favourite way of pushing him. As you left your camp the next morning, the two of you came within fifty yards of the thing you’d asked him for the day before. He’d grabbed it for you without hesitation, presenting it to you with a great wolfy grin on his face. You couldn’t stop yourself from returning his smile, his gesture too sweet to resist. You’d been slightly softer with him after that, in the hopes that his sweet gestures would continue.
Your newfound softness worked wonders. Pluto became even more obedient than before, wanting to please you at every turn. You needed only to ask him once for something, and you could consider it as good as done. He also made a habit of bringing you gifts from time to time, like flowers or something extra to eat. Granted, you still treated him like the inferior male he was, but he still remained completely loyal to you. It almost made you feel bad, until you remembered yourself. You’re an Alpha female. You should have power over lesser males. Yet, in many ways, Pluto never acted as a lesser male. In fact, he was a better male than any others you’ve ever met, willing to obey you without question or reward. However, he was still yet to prove himself as a worthy mate, so how could you reward him? If you allowed him to mate with you, and he turned out to be a liability in a fight… you simply couldn’t take the risk, as much as you told yourself you’d like to.
One night, a particularly vicious storm raged through the land, coating everything in the land with sheet upon sheet of rain. The forest offered you little shelter from it, and there were no caves nearby. The water began to seep through your fur, chilling you to the bone. In order to make yourself smaller, and therefore able to find shelter, you’d transformed into human form. Immediately, Pluto hovered over you, protecting your nude form from the torrential rain from above. You grabbed onto his soft fur, and he’d carried you to a gigantic oak tree, with a great hole in it’s trunk, big enough to fit two humans inside comfortably. Once you were safely inside, Pluto curled up outside of your hiding place, allowing you to have the entire shelter to yourself. You were content to do just that, until you noticed him shivering. Feeling guilty, you’d ordered him to transform and come inside, not wanting to watch him suffer any more. He’d obeyed hesitantly, keeping his now-nude human form as far away from you as possible. His actions had confused you, until you’d remembered your own self-made rules. However, with the wet and the wind making the world feel so cold, all you wanted was warmth. So, you made your way over to him, your movements slow and exaggerated. He’d eyed you with curiosity, confused by your actions.
He’d all but yelped when your bare flesh touched his. He tried to back away from the contact, but you wouldn’t let him. You crawled onto his lap, and snuggled into his chest. He kept his arms firmly by his sides, until you let out a whimper of disapproval. After hearing that, he gently wrapped his arms around your body, breathing a sigh of relief when you didn’t tear his throat out. You snuggled into him even closer, and in response he held you ever tighter.
After a while, you’d felt his lap stiffen beneath you. You were surprised at how long it had taken for his body to react in such a way. Maybe he had no desire at mate at all? You’d dismissed that idea, as his erection was adequate enough evidence against that, even if it was delayed. You’d ended up reasoning that it was nerves, and felt guilty yet again. You realised that if you kept up with your mistreatment, you might end up putting him off mating with you, even after he proves himself. You’d decided then that a reward was a good idea, after all.
You’d sat yourself up in his lap, so that your breasts were directly in front of his face. Breasts may not be the most sexual organ to your kind, but males still enjoy play with them occasionally, providing his mate isn’t rearing their young. Pluto seemed more interested than most males however, licking his lips at he stared at your chest. He’d looked you in the eyes, seeking permission to touch them. At your command, he’d buried his face between them, making groans of approval all the while. He began to toy with each breast in turn, treating them with care and reverence, like he’d never get the chance to touch them again. You’d allowed him to do as he pleased, letting yourself enjoy his ministrations.
Eventually, he’d gained more confidence, and started to be a little more firm with your body. It was that, or his breeding instincts kicked in, and his inner desire to dominate came out. Either way, as his confidence grew, he began to touch other parts of you, parts that he had no permission to caress. Still, you made no move to stop him, as lost in sensation as you were. Only when his hand slipped between your legs did you stop him, for fear of the situation escalating to the point where you end up taking him as a mate. As much as your heart told you that that was what you wanted, your head protested again the union as always.
Pluto had whimpered, but immediately stopped all of his ministrations. You could tell he was concerned about being punished, so you snuggled into him again, trying to show him that you weren’t angry with him for taking things too far. The two of you had proceeded to drift off into a deep sleep, the rain masking the sound of your snoring.
A few hours later, you’d woken up alone in the tree, Pluto no where to be seen. At first, you’d assumed he’d finally had enough of you toying with him, and decided to go off.
Then you’d heard the snarls.
Two sets of very male snarls were coming from just outside your hiding place.
You’d shifted into wolf form as soon as you had room to, fully expecting to either have to fight or run. What you didn’t expect to see was a gigantic Alpha male towering over Pluto, fangs barred and nostrils flared. The male must have caught your scent, and come to claim you as his own.
You’d readied yourself to run, until you’d remembered that two males were snarling.
Pluto, unlike the others, had his teeth barred too, and looked more than willing to fight the Alpha. This came as both a pleasant surprise, and an unwelcome reality. Of all the rivals your past potential mates had faced, this one was by far the most impressive. Pluto was by no means weak, but he was still considerably weaker than the Alpha. Despite everything you thought you wanted, you realised at that point that having a protector means nothing, if it means losing them. You’d tried to tell Pluto to run, but he didn’t listen; he was determined to protect you, no matter what.
The fighting was intense and violent, both males fighting for their most basic biological right. At one point, it seemed as if Pluto was doomed, as his competitor had him pinned to the ground and was threatening to tear him to pieces. You’d cried out in anguish, the thought of watching him die just too much for you. The Alpha, curious about the noise, looked straight at you, taking his eyes off of Pluto long enough to give your potential mate an opening. Pluto lunged at the rival male’s neck, tearing it’s throat out before it had time to register what happened. It fell to the ground with a loud thump, the ground shaking underneath it. Pluto began to pant heavily, exhausted by the fight.
You’d approached the victor cautiously, making sure his opponent was dead as you did. As you drew ever closer, you could see the wounds that the Alpha had inflicted upon your dear Pluto. As soon as you reached him, you began licking his wounds, silently thanking him for protecting him. He had lain still as you did so, still trying to regain his energy.
When you had finished licking his wounds clean, you nuzzled your nose into him, trying to see if he had recovered at all. He nuzzled your nose back in reassurance, and at that moment you knew that he really was the one for you. Without thinking, you’d presented yourself to him, giving him non-verbal permission to claim you. Pluto accepted your invitation, mounting you without hesitation.
The two of you had rutted quickly, both desperate to belong to each other. It didn’t take him long to start filling you with his seed, howling as he did. You’d let out a few howls of your own, letting everyone know that someone had finally claimed you.
When the mating was over, you’d both collapsed onto the ground, all energy spent. You remember feeling glad that the rain had abated during your sleep, or else you’d have ended up completely drenched. As you both lay down against the slightly marshy ground, Pluto had slowing approached you, nuzzling his nose into you. You’d given his ear an affectionate nip in return, playfully reminding him that you were still in charge. He barked out a chuckle, before shifting slightly and inviting you to cuddle into him. You’d taken him up on the offer gladly.
That all took place about two months ago now, and life for the two of you is still going well. Pluto is as affectionate as he’s always been, making sure that all of your needs are met. You rarely cross paths with any of your kind any more, you scent no where near as alluring as it once was. After all, you no longer need to attract a mate. Not when you have one as kind and as loyal as Pluto.
You’ve spend the entirety of the last few months looking for a place to call home. Wandering aimlessly around the forest is no longer a suitable option. In the end, you find yourselves setting near a little human town called Houndsworth. The locals are all too afraid to venture into the forest, and there are plenty of food sources around. You’d managed to find a perfect little clearing, one that suits your needs perfectly. Pluto has left you to go hunting, even more concerned about you than usual. His attitude is understandable though, given the circumstances.
You’re about to bring his pups into the world, after all.
So, what do you think? Did the stylistic choices work, or should I stick to what I know in future? Be sure to let me know (if you want to) ^.^
Chapter 20: Patience (Madame Red x Reader)
I messed up.
I honestly didn’t realise how long ago some of the requests were made. I went back through the comments a few days ago, and realised that a lot managed to slip through my net completely. For that, I am truly, deeply sorry.
So, to make up for it, I’m going to try and blitz through a load of requests over the next fortnight. If you do have an outstanding request with me, please feel free to nudge me. I know you may think that sounds like pestering, but please, feel free to pester; sometimes, it’s the best way to get what you want.
Also, to the person who requested Alan, could you specify if you want him with a man or a woman? I should have asked at the time, but I forgot. Also, sorry for not looking up your UN, but it’s late, and I’m only just awake enough to publish this (I was barely awake enough to write it)
So, if you can all find it in yourselves to forgive me, I promise I’ll do better in the future.
Now, this fic was requested by ‘Deanna’ (I really hope I wrote that down right), who requested ‘more of [my] Madame Red.’ They had a few ideas of what they wanted to see, but I appear to have misplaced them, so I’m sorry if this isn’t what you wanted >.<
Here goes nothing
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
‘Ha! Missed!’ You yell at the would-be assassin, his knife missing the side of your head by inches. He’ll have to be quicker than that if he wants to take down a Phantomhive servant!
Unfortunately for him, he won’t get the chance to try again, as Mey-Rin manages to hit him square between the eyes with her sniper rifle. It’s a pity, as you would have preferred to question the man; in your experience, the only people stupid enough to try and assassinate Ciel Phantomhive are those blinded by the thought of a large payout.
Still, there’s nothing to be done now, and as you wipe away the small amount of blood that managed to splash into your face, you think about your real objective today; the young lord’s aunt is due any moment, and you yourself have been tasked with seeing to her every need. You suspect that it has a lot to do with you being a former mercenary, but you can’t confirm that. Maybe Madame Red genuinely needs someone to button up her petticoat in the morning.
Sighing with a feigned exhaustion, you head back up to the manor, and begin waiting for you your charge to appear.
From what you’ve heard, Madame Red is a most curious woman. She’s a doctor, which is uncommon enough for women in this day and age, but she also has a flair for the unusual. For example, she tends to always wear red, hence her nickname. You’ve also heard that ever since her late husband’s passing, she has made no attempt to remarry, but instead spends her time either in the company of her nephew (your young lord), or with a variety of young ladies, all of whom seem to leave Madame Red’s home looking rather flustered. Perhaps her new hobby is baiting nobles? It sounds a lot better that sitting around and moping, that’s for sure.
You reach the foyer of the mansion, and are shock to see a carriage pull up at the mansion’s entrance; your guest is here already? Is it really that late?
A single glance inside the carriage confirms your suspicion; all you can see is red.
A flash of black zooms past you at lightning speed, and it takes you longer than you care to admit to realise that it’s Sebastian, rather than an oversized cannonball. He lets Madame Red out of her carriage with practiced ease, and your jaw drops.
She’s gorgeous.
The shape of her face, the makeup that stains her lips crimson, the delicate flow of her hair, the swell of her…
You cough loudly, trying to snap yourself out of your thoughts. It isn’t proper, thinking of another woman the way you just thought about Madame Red. If she knew what was just going on in your head, she’d have you arrested for indecency! You have to control your inner thoughts, you have to snap out of it…
A feminine voice breaks you out of your thoughts. ‘My, my, what a lovely young thing. Are you sure you want to leave her with me, Sebastian? Who knows what might happen.’ She’s standing right in front of you. You’ve been wrestling with your thoughts for so long that Madame Red has now left the carriage and come straight up to you. You have no doubt Sebastian just introduced you, but you weren’t paying any attention. What do you say now?!
Thankfully, Lord Phantomhive takes this moment to appear at the top of the stairs, tutting as he does. ‘Madame, please refrain from molesting my staff; they’re harder to replace than you’d think.’ He makes a fair point; how many female mercenaries are there out there who know how to lay out cutlery properly?
Madame Red chuckles. ‘It isn’t molestation if they touch me back. Still, I promise that I’ll try to behave myself. For now, at least. Now, who’s going to show me to my room?’ Please not you, please not you…
Sebastian grabs her bags. ‘Allow me.’ Phew, that was close! You’re not sure you could be in her general proximity right now without getting all flustered!
Madame Red pouts. ‘Okay. I suppose you’ll do for now. I will need help dressing for dinner later though, and I’ll need a woman to help me with that.’ She winks at you, and your insides do a flip.
You give her a quick nod. ‘I-I’ll be with you for that. We don’t want you to feel uncomfortable here.’
Your guest smirks. ‘I don’t see how anyone could feel uncomfortable around someone as divine as yourself, do you?’ She heads up the stairs before you can formulate an answer, leaving your mind spinning, and your underwear damper than you’d care to admit.
It’s evening time now, and despite your orders, you’ve barely seen anything of Madame Red. She’s been in discussion with Ciel for most of the day, and the only staff members privy to such meeting are Sebastian and occasional Tanaka. The additional free time has given you the opportunity to think on your earlier interaction with the household’s guest, and you’ve reached a valid conclusion that explains her actions; she was testing you. Oh, yes. You must have the look of a woman that fancies other women, and she must have baited you to see if she was right. You have no doubt that, had you risen to it, she would have had you locked away, and let medical professionals remove such unseemly urges from you.
Yes. You’re definitely better off not falling into her trap.
For now, you’re content to wait for her until she calls. Then, you’ll get her dressed, and get her to dinner. After that, she may require you to undress her, which you’ll do slowly and sensually…
Quick and methodical! You mean quick and methodical! Get a grip! You’re a Phantomhive servant for goodness sake; if you can’t contain your lust, then what kind of Phantomhive servant are you?
You hear the a bell ringing; it’s the bell that corresponds with Madame Red’s room. Sighing, you try to clear your mind as you make your way to her room, hoping that your urges won’t get the better of you.
When you reach her door, you give it a firm knock, and announce yourself. ‘It’s your maid, my lady. You called for me?’ You assume she was after you; unless she wanted Sebastian to pass a message to Ciel?
You hear a feminine chuckle. ‘How very punctual of you. Come in, my dear; I’ve been waiting for this all day.’ Well, that sounds ominous. Still, you have a job to do, and you can’t let the household down.
You open the door and slip inside, shutting the door behind you. After all, if she’s called you to assist, there’s a good chance she’s in a state of undress, and you’d hate any of the men in the house to see her exposed in any way.
It’s just as well you did that, because when you see her, your jaw drops; she’s sat stark naked in a copper bathtub, her breasts poking out of the water like two islands of pure pleasure…
You begin blushing and apologising immediately. ‘I’m so sorry, my lady. I didn’t realise you were nude. I should have averted my eyes.’ Why would she even allow you in if she’s in this state.
Madame Red chuckles again. ‘If I didn’t want you to look, I wouldn’t have invited you in. Tell me, do you like what you see? Would you like to touch them?’ Yes, yes, yes, oh god yes please.
No! You must be strong! Remember your earlier conclusion. This is a trap, it’s has to be!
You shake your head vigorously. ‘No, my lady. I have my own, after all.’
Madame Red flashes you a salacious smile. ‘Please, call me Madame. Or Mistress, if you’d prefer. I think I might prefer that myself actually.
‘As for the subject of your breast, I’m certain that they are different to my own. Why don’t you give them a squeeze? Find out for yourself. Come on, I won’t bite. Unless you want me to.’ She winks, and you feel your resolve waiver and your underwear dampen. What harm would it do really? You could just say you were examining them for science! She’s a medical woman, after all…
Against your better judgement, you walk over to the bath, peering into the clear water and straight at the nude form underneath.
If you thought that Madame Red was beautiful fully-clothed, then she’s positively irresistible naked. Your protests are completely silenced as your hands move to grope her chest of their own volition, the surprisingly firm flesh yielding to your touch almost immediately. Your ‘mistress’ as she would have you call her lets loose a powerful sigh, and you get the feeling she’s enjoying being touched as much as you are doing the touching.
Madame Red begins to squirm in the bath, splashing water out over the sides, as your fingers move to tease her erect nipples. For some reason, watching yourself touch her like this seems to illicit the same response in you that it is in her; that is to say, it almost feels as if someone is teasing your nipples as well.
After a little more writing, Madame Red sits up suddenly, the movement causing water to completely drench your uniform. Have you done something wrong? Was this really just a trap? Are you so bad at it that she doesn’t want this anymore?
A painful grip on your hair sends your thoughts flying out of your mind, as Madame Red pulls you in for a powerful kiss.
The woman before you only waits a moment before shoving her tongue into your mouth, trying to assert dominance over it while her hands begin to tug at your uniform, clearly desperate to rid you of it. Too pent up to do anything other than obey her whims, you slide your maid’s dress down until it pools at your waist, your bare torso now on display.
Unsurprisingly, no sooner than you rid yourself of the dress’ top half, Madame Red paws at your chest, acting far more blasé than you had when you’d touched her. Maybe it’s due to her experience, or to her higher social position, but all of her movements seem precise and calculated, like she plans each little thing meticulously in her head before she executes them. Right now, the reason behind it is immaterial, as long as she keeps using her technique to pleasure you…
All too soon, Madame Red breaks away from the kiss, leaving you both gasping for air. In a breathy voice she whispers to you. ‘As a friend of the Phantomhive family, I like to make sure that all staff are fit and healthy. Therefore, I’d like to give you a quick physical if I may. Just strip down completely and spread yourself down on my bed just there, and I’ll make sure that I’m a thorough as I can be.’ Well, how can you refuse such an offer? It would be an insult to the Phantomhive name if you refused such hospitality!
Without a word, you stand to full height,, pushing your clothes off as you go. You spread yourself far from demurely on the bed, making sure to keep you legs wide open (as you’re sure she’ll be interested in checking the health of that particular region).
Madame Red stands, exiting the bath with an elegant step. Instead of towering herself off as one might expect, she heads straight for you, become climbing over your body and straddling your midriff.
Your breasts are both given a good squeeze as she settles, before she moves on to torment your nipples. ‘Mm, as I suspected. These breasts really don’t get the attention they deserve. As a doctor, I recommend that you have them fondled at least once a week, preferably by me; I am an expert on these things, I assure you. As for the rest of your body, I must make sure that your taste is as delightful as it should be.
‘Now, for my test to be truly all inclusive, I’ll need to scream every time I do something that feels nice. Does that sound okay?’ Is this really happening? Did you fall asleep waiting for your guest earlier?
Still, if this is a dream, why not embrace it? ‘Yes, Mistress. I promise, I’ll scream for you.’ Even saying those words makes you feel filthy; you love it.
So does Madame Red, as she wastes no time, and wriggles her way down you until she’s settles on her knees between your legs. She shoves her face right up to your opening, before inhaling deeply.
The last word to leave her mouth is ‘delicious’, before she worms her tongue inside of you, the sudden intrusion causing you to cry out in shock; it feels so good!
Madame Red wasn’t kidding when she said she planned to be thorough; at this point, you’re certain she’s in danger of actually eating you, rather than eating you out. Her tongue seems to be everywhere at once, determined to cover every square inch of flesh possible. Not that you’re complaining, as every swipe seems to bring on a new wave of pleasure, to the point where you think you may actually die from it.
Somehow, her pace increases yet again, and you find that your body can’t take it. You scream loud enough to wake the dead as orgasm reaches you, your legs clenching up so tightly you’re concerned you’ll be unable to move them ever again
Despite your end, Madame Red doesn’t relent, milking your release for everything it’s worth. You almost push her off of you, the sensations quickly blurring the line between pain and pleasure. Fortunately, you don’t have to, as your lover seems to understand; she moves away with a sinful slurping sound, flicking your clit with her tongue for good measure.
From between your legs, Madame Red offers another salacious grin. ‘You really do taste exquisite. I do hope you’ll let me sample you for dessert later.’ She stands, making her way over to a wardrobe. You stare on in confusion, which doesn’t go unnoticed. ‘Your examination did not raise any big issues, so why do you look so concerned?’ Well, there’s a million and one reasons for that, but one that’s at the forefront of your mind.
You tilt your head. ‘Don’t you want me to do the same to you?’ It hardly seems fair that only one of you gets to walk away in shaking legs tonight…
All you get is a smile, and a single word; ‘Patience.’
Again, I’d just like to offer my sincerest apologies, and to say thank you for your continued support.
I should also add that I am still accepting requests, so if there’s one that you want to make, I will find time to make it happen; I do so love writing requests for people ^.^
Thank you, and I’m still very sorry that I’m terrible with dates and schedules
So, what did you all think?
Feel free to leave feedback. As I always say, please be gentle with me *sighs dramatically*
Alternatively, if you have any requests, feel free to leave them too. I'll write pretty much anything ;)
Hope you all enjoyed
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 2 of Short Story Collections
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ggreyearl · 3 years
hi besties! i’m pretty upset over my roomies boyfriend ❤️ hes basically a non-paying roommate at this point 😊 i am so scared to confront her but i will 😩 and hopefully she can be mature about it 😔
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naransha · 3 years
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shut up and look at finny here
(rereading black butler for the first time in years.)
ah yes i love the nintendo funtom ds
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abybweisse · 3 years
Do you think R!Ciel is angry at O!Ciel(I feel like I also see some jealousy)? How would you describe their relationship as of now compared to before?
Real Ciel’s feelings?
There might be a level of jealousy now, since our earl had “taken” what real Ciel considered his, but I think there has always been envy. That envy goes both ways. Our earl envied numerous things about real Ciel, like his good health, his default as the heir, and possibly even the fact there was a girl lined up to be his wife. Real Ciel’s life was basically planned out for him.
But there’s one major thing real Ciel might have always envied about our earl: the “freedom” of not having to fill their father’s shoes. Real Ciel felt tethered by expectations. Even the prospect of helping his younger twin get a toy store started was only slightly helpful to quell his desire to shirk his future responsibilities as earl and watchdog. And, honestly, inheriting those responsibilities might have made him less interested and less able, over time, to help his younger twin. Emotionally, financially….
Even though Rachel told him that his younger twin might need help with his future endeavors, idk if he realizes what a struggle it could be for his younger twin to make it in the world, since he wasn’t planning to live in the manor, wouldn’t receive an inheritance (possibly a small allowance), wouldn’t have a title, wouldn’t have much in the way of status, and wouldn’t even have the luxury of an automatic wife. Let’s face it: he’d be expected to find a woman to marry, even if he didn’t want to; the pressure would be there.
And now, real Ciel has all of those lost things back. He’s even come to realize his younger twin did a good job managing the estate (with servants’ help, of course)… even bringing the estate back from the brink of financial ruin. Would real Ciel have done so well? Railways and other transportation would have been a sound investment, but only if he knew what he was doing. Would he have anyone as shrewd about business deals as Sebastian? Tanaka would be useful, of course, but what does he know of innovation? I’m pretty sure Sebastian’s demonic abilities are a big part of why our earl’s endeavors have been so successful. Our earl is a strong thinker, for sure, but Sebastian is the ultimate doer. It’s a must with “impossibly” short deadlines.
So there are still things that real Ciel might envy, namely things like a demon who does as commanded. Doesn’t really help that this same demon devoured his soul. He must still wish for his soul back, even if his own cinematic records have been altered to give him other goals. And that might make him wish revenge specifically against Sebastian.
He wants (completely misguided) revenge against his younger twin, even though he’s already reclaimed his birthright and seems to have ordered Tanaka to shut down Funtom’s production. (I’m hoping that Tanaka is actually keeping it going.)
Despite practically proclaiming war against his own twin, real Ciel still wants his brother to be near. This might actually have something to do with their souls being similar!
Two things real Ciel still isn’t too interested in? Managing the estate as earl and presenting himself to the queen to take up the reins as queen’s watchdog…. He took the titles from the younger brother who actually earned them, but he doesn’t seem well prepared or enthusiastic to fill the roles.
He’s angry… but mostly for the wrong reasons. And realizing this fact is probably the main thing that can possibly stop him.
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Hhhh time to drop more info on my kuroshitsuji reincarnation au I guess. I've actually written a bit of a prologue now and have started plotting things out better so it's less of a jumbled mess.
While o!ciel doesn't properly remember things from his previous life at first, he feels a big connection with the funtom company. It was shut down three years after it started despite doing well as a company, but researching all those old designs makes him feel happy and proud.
Sebastian and Grell are kind of friends by the 21sy century. Sometimes they play board games at phantomhive manor, though it's in a state of disrepair from years without proper care.
Sebastian took good care of a lot of the servants/o!ciel's things despite his claims of having not been bothered by their deaths and he keeps them in the basement of phantomhive manor. He shows all of this to o!ciel after a certain plot point in the au where Sebastian starts to realise that maybe he does care. O!ciel realises at this moment that he's never going to see the servants again and cries over it ✌😔 afterwards he takes one thing for each one, all things that he had gotten them in his past life. Mey-rin's glasses, finny's straw hat, the tin of candy he bought for bard, and the big bag he got for snake. He starts using snake's bag as his go-to one, and this marks the end of the first arc of the au. Once they all reunite again he gives them back their things and ask if they'll stick by him in this life too, but as family this time, and they tell him that they always saw themselves as family anyway. Also,, group hug and Sebastian gets forced into it. Get over here loser ur part of the family.
It really varies on how much characters remember from their past lives. Bard wasn't always very aware of his memories but he's older than the others and has pretty much remembered everything by the time the plot starts happening in the au. He spent a while in his early twenties being pretty lost after realising he won't meet the people in his memories but he picks himself up afterwards. At the moment he's living near he phantomhive manor because of nostalgia.
Snake doesn't remember anything at first. He eventually meets bard, who recognises him and helps him get a job at the zoo in town since bard knows the locals and knows that snake loves snakes. Snake starts to remember things though he doesn't talk about it for a while, and after accidentally stealing all the snakes from the zoo because he just really wanted the snakes and the snakes like him, he starts living with bard.
Finny has lived in Germany for the whole of this life. He'd known some German in the emerald witch arc so I just took that and headcanon him as German. As a child he hasn't understood that his family were his family. In his mind he already had a family with the young master and the phantomhive servants and he didn't want this different more normal one. He meets sieglinde at school and though she doesn't remember anything she's very enthused about ghost stories and has always wanted to go to phantomhive manor because it's said to be haunted by a demon. So finnian joins sieglinde and her adoptive father wolfram on their holiday to England, which is when he meets o!ciel for the first time in this new life.
I haven't worked out mey-rin's backstory in this au yet but either she barely recognises them all at the start or she is overjoyed to meet them again.
There's definitely going to be an arc about Lizzy and Edward though I haven't figures that out yet or what their lives in this au are like. I'm thinking this would build up to meeting r!ciel in the au, and then as the relationship between r!ciel and o!ciel is on rocky grounds the main plot gets thrown at everyone.
Another thing to say is that this hasn't been tied into the plot yet but agni owns a cafe and soma is a regular customer. And across the road is lau and ran mao and idk what their store is yet but they have a friendly rivalry with agni
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akatmitsu · 5 years
that’s an order | sebastian michaelis
i recently finished black butler and i am so in love with every single character in the series. sebastian especially, of course, you just can’t ignore someone that drop dead gorgeous. this is an au concept, i hope you enjoy! i almost wanna do a part two but we’ll see.
( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡
pairing: sebastian michaelis x reader
word count: 2,749
warnings: nudity but not really
summary: you are ciel phantomhive’s older sister, you and the household are preparing for a ball that was set to take place in the late evening. as you help the three servants get ready for the ball, ciel is given a notice that a skeptical man was attending the ball. not wanting to worry you or the servants he tells sebastian, his butler, to keep it between them. the evening starts and ciel begins to get nervous about having you there unattended, he orders sebastian to not let you out of his sight. the evening gets tense as the man arrives. the skeptical man has brought many men to target you at the night’s event. 
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Though it seems you were just starting to fall into deep sleep, you hear a faint knock on your bedroom door. You ignored it figuring you were just hearing things in your sleep. Surely it couldn’t have been the next morning. The door opens, the creaking of the door making you alert. It was oddly quiet, surely somebody would’ve said something by now. A deep feeling of panic sits at the bottom of your stomach. Thinking you hadn’t heard a knock at all but now the door has opened. 
“My lady?” 
You sigh in frustration, the tight grip you had on the duvet that was held to your chin released. You sat up on your bed, moving long stray hairs from your face, you gazed at the tall, strikingly handsome butler. You held the duvet against your bare chest, flushing slightly.
“What are you thinking sneaking around like that while I sleep?” 
You watched as he stepped into your bedroom, clothes in one hand, the other behind his back. “My apologies, my lady, I assumed you had heard me knocking,” Sebastian Michaelis bows before walking toward the curtains, pulling them back with just one hand. You flinched, expecting a bright sun to hug the room, not noticing a change in brightness behind your eyelids you opened your eyes to see the gloomy outdoors. 
Still clutching the duvet to your chest, you swung your legs over the side of the bed, one exposed after the other. You stood up, letting the duvet fall and follow you as you make your way to the window. Sebastian stood aside, eyes following every move you made. He was mesmerized by the way your body moved, the sinful thought that you were completely bare beneath that duvet hovered over. He smirked at the thought.
“What an ugly day.” 
“Now, now, my lady. You’ve just seen a brief glance of the day, the clouds could move and it could be the most beautiful day you could’ve ever wished to see,” Sebastian’s smooth voice made your eyelids flutter in the slightest. He was a charming man, every word was captivating. 
You gaze out of the window, Phantomhive manor stood tall, the view breathtaking no matter the weather. Sebastian took brief glances at you as you did, he had admired the outside view one too many times, the sight of you, a fresh faced natural woman standing before him, a man could never complain. 
Though the day was much too busy to be standing around gazing at beauty. Sebastian clears his throat, “We do have a big day ahead of us, my lady,” he offers his gloved unoccupied hand to you, “Shall we get you dressed?” 
You hesitated, “Where’s Mey-Rin?” 
“She is downstairs preparing for tonight’s ball like I asked. If you so desire, I will be more than happy to send her upstairs for you,” Sebastian still held his hand out for you. This wouldn’t be the first time he has dressed you, though the thought of it made your whole body flush every time. 
“No, it’s alright,” You rested your hand on top of his, he tightens his grip slightly, you look up to meet his eyes, “I won’t look.” The soft gesture could’ve made you melt right at the spot. He lead you over to your bed, he stood tall in front of you blocking your view of the window. He started to close his eyes, placing the other clothing items other than your dress and undergarments on the bed behind you. 
“Whenever you’re ready, my lady.”
You shyly drop the duvet onto the floor, you watched as it fell to your feet leaving your body exposed in front of the man. You gaze up at him, eyes wide, mouth open slightly. Just open them, you thought. Gazing at him for just a few more moments, you took in a breath, heart beating slightly faster. 
“Open your eyes, Sebastian.” 
The room was silent, the word slipped from your tongue. Your eyes never leaving his stoic facial expression, eyes still remained closed. Sebastian leaned closer to you, his right cheek brushed against yours, he stopped just before he passed your ear, “Is that an order?” 
Your breath hitched, eyelids fluttered closed. 
“M’lady! Oh m’lady! I’ve come to dress you!” The shrill excited voice of the hand maiden Mey-Rin surrounds the silent room. Sebastian quickly reaches for the duvet that fell to the floor, covering it around your frame just before Mey-Rin reached the entrance. 
“M’lady! Oh, Sebastian!” Sebastian slowly opens his red eyes, Mey-Rin stands at the doorway with her mouth agape not expecting to see Sebastian there with you. She paid no mind to your covered frame, her gaze focused on the handsome butler. 
“Mey-Rin, have you finished what I asked you to do?” You gaze up at him, Sebastian kept his gaze on Mey-Rin, you flushed as you thought he was slightly annoyed that Mey-Rin had fulfilled her duties so quickly. 
“Yes, Sebastian! I finished what you asked for, yes I did!” 
Sebastian leaned closer to you, shocking you, he made eye contact as he set down the dress and undergarments on top of the rest of your clothing. He was so close to you, you had almost completely forgot your hand maiden stood just a few feet away. 
“Quickly dress Ms. Phantomhive. We have a busy day ahead of us, in fact it’s almost time for tea.” Sebastian walked away from you leaving your body feeling slightly cold, you watched as he left. He walked by a flustered Mey-Rin giving you one last glance before leaving the ladies’ sight. 
Mey-Rin lets out a deep breath, “Oh, that man is the most gorgeous man.” Realizing what she had just said in front of her majesty, she tenses up. “M’lady! Let’s get you all dressed up for the day shall we? Yes, we shall!” She shuts your bedroom door and begins to dress you, you were comfortable in front of her. You couldn’t help but zone off as she dressed you, had she not interrupted your explicit intentions, what bizarre thing could’ve happened? 
As you offer to help Mey-Rin, Bardroy and Finny with decorating and prepping for tonight’s ball, Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive migrate to his office. Sebastian held a sealed letter in his gloved hand, already knowing the contents withheld inside the envelope. 
“Young master, you have received the official guest list for tonight’s ball. While you overlook the list may I offer you some tea?” 
“What kind?”
“Jackson’s Earl Grey, my lord.” 
Sebastian starts to pour a glass of tea for his master as the boy skims over the list he was given. Tonight’s ball held a new look on some new toys created within the Funtom company. He skims over each and every name, Sebastian patiently stood in front of his desk, gazing at the boy. His mind trailed off as he continued to watch his master.
The sinful thought of him given the opportunity to see Ms. Phantomhive bare in front of him. A dangerous woman, he thought. The older sister peaked the demon’s interest from day one though respectful of his master, he never intended on making any not so smart choices. However, recently it’s been difficult, you were growing, you were graving every need a growing girl could muster and Sebastian knew it. It thrilled him. 
“Edward Adley, where have I heard that name before?” The young master’s voice broke Sebastian’s dirty trailing thoughts. 
“Edward Adley was a common bidder who was favored by Aleister Chamber, viscount of Druitt.” Sebastian’s words seep into the young master’s head. The words disgusting him, a human trafficking bidder was attending tonight’s ball. 
Ciel Phantomhive did not bother reading the rest of the list after this man’s name. He impatiently tapped his finger against the desk, he pondered what should be done about this. Taking a few sips of his tea, he thought of what Edward Adley would want to do with Funtom toys. 
“If you’ll excuse me young master, I must see to it that Lady Phantomhive gets her tea.”
Ciel stopped tapping his fingers. That’s it. He mumbled your name to himself.
“Pardon me, my lord?”
“Sebastian. This man is not just attending this ball without a purpose, this man is after something, or rather someone. We must be fully alert during tonight’s ball. This man is not to be underestimated.” 
Sebastian smiled at his young master, “Of course, my lord.”
The evening has begun, after much too long of corset tightening, you were finally tidying things up before heading downstairs to greet your guests along with your younger brother. You met both Ciel and Sebastian outside as soon as the first few guests had arrived. You greeted them politely, Sebastian stands at your side watching you greet them but trying his best not to be too distracted. He was on the lookout for this Edward Adley, there was no time to be in another place. 
One of the last few cars had arrived, a handsome man just a tad shorter than Sebastian had stepped out of a nice carriage. His attention immediately set to the gorgeous woman greeting her guests. He stood awestruck by your beauty, Aleister Chamber’s words not false in the slightest bit. Ignoring the two men that stood beside you, he focused his attention on you. 
Out of nowhere the man grabs your hand almost too roughly for your liking, “Good evening, my love. My name is Edward Adley, I must say I am absolutely mesmerized by your beauty.” His predator eyes made you extremely uncomfortable but there were other guests around, you didn’t want to cause a scene. 
“Oh, well thank you, Mr. Adley,” You politely curtseyed, you tried to lightly tug your hand from his but his grip seemed to tighten. “Please, my love, call me Edward,” The man placed his lips over your hand. 
“Mr. Adley, I do hate to intrude but please do not touch Lady Phantomhive without her permission.” 
Sebastian’s deep, stern voice made Edward Adley jump in his place, he released your hand. Deciding this weird man was the last guest you would greet before heading inside you announced you were departing to the young master and his butler. They made sure to keep you until after Mr. Adley had been long gone into the manor. 
You were uncomfortable to say the least, you had felt grimy after that man had kissed your hand. Finding time to distract yourself by chatting with numerous guests inside the ballroom, the thought of that man had simply left your mind. 
Ciel Phantomhive stood near the food display with his butler, his mind strictly focused on Edward Adley. He did not let the man leave his sight for one second. He began to feel uneasy, the way that man had grabbed your hand, confirming his earlier assumptions about him being there for you and you only. 
“Yes, my lord?”
“Do not let (Y/N) out of your sight, you are to be near her at all times. Should you see that something strange is going on you act on it immediately. You take her away from here if need be. I do not trust that man.” 
There was a pause, Sebastian smirked to himself waiting for his young master to finish.
“That’s an order.”
“Yes, my lord.”
You were exhausted, the impact of not getting enough rest the night before has you losing your energy for this ball fast. As the guests quickly make their way to the dance floor, you found this the perfect opportunity to sneak away and catch some air. You were sure if Ciel or Sebastian had seen you they would be upset, you were extra careful making sure their attention was elsewhere. 
Exiting through the kitchen to the back door, you caught your breath once you hit the outdoor air, gazing up at the beautiful sunset laid out before you. It was stunning, Sebastian’s words from earlier this morning were remarkably true. You slowly make your way toward the gardens, you loved coming to the gardens when things became too much to handle. It was something you had carried on from your parents. Both of them loved the gardens, they told stories so your father would put it. 
You closed your eyes listening to the ambient sounds of the outside. They were closed for just a few moments. Opening them once more you noticed a man standing far from you, you couldn't quite see who he was but you could make out an object in his hand. The sound of a gunshot pierced through the soft ambient noise. There was an immediate impact of pain searing through your right shoulder. Your hands start to shake, your knees had given in from the sudden weakness surrounding your body. Blood cascaded down your exposed chest into the small crease of your dress. 
You were shocked at the sudden turn of events, you noticed three men running toward you, their faces covered with masks. One of the men lifts you up and carries you to a familiar carriage just behind the manor where no one would see. You tried to scream or fight back but it seemed nothing was happening. 
The man who carried you to the carriage roughly shoved you inside, he shut the door harshly. Expecting him and the three other men to pile inside and take advantage of you, you sobbed and awaited your untimely death. You looked around the carriage, the three men were talking outside, they were muffled but as they spoke you started to recognize this carriage, it was Adley’s. 
Sobbing even more once you realized who was behind this, you lay on the carriage floor. It took nearly all of the strength you had in you to rip a piece of your dress to create a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Painfully, you tied the fabric around your shoulder as best as you could. You noticed that it was quiet outside of the carriage, you sat up and peeked out of the window. 
You jumped and screamed as you saw a bloody hand press against the window, Sebastian’s face appeared in front of you, his eyes soft once he realized you were okay. His beautiful face was covered in blood spatter he was almost unrecognizable. 
“My lady, may I ask a favor of you?” Sebastian’s voice muffled through the glass window. Confused by what was happening, you merely sat there looking at his stoic face. 
“Cover your eyes and ears. Please, my lady.” 
You nodded slowly, obeying his request, you lay back down on the carriage floor. Covering your eyes and ears, you waited patiently, you counted to ten before you felt soft hands remove your hands away from your ears. 
“Keep your eyes closed, love.” 
Sebastian carried you bridal style away from the three dead men, you rested your head against his neck making sure to keep your eyes closed knowing fully well what was beneath you. 
He carried you through the manor careful not to run into any guests along the way. He hummed as he walked up the stairs making his way to your bedroom. He was gentle with laying you down on your bed, untying the pathetic excuse for a tourniquet, he placed the blood stained cloth on the nightstand. He reached underneath your nightstand to find a kit with gauze and thread. He had asked you to sit up so he could see the wound better, he let you lean against him as he proceeded to fix the wound. 
You could’ve slept being leaned against him like you were. You were almost numb to the pain now, not too worried about it since there was no worry from Sebastian. 
“I’m going to have to undress you, my lady.”
You nodded, he helped you stand, turning you around he unzipped the back of your dress, letting it fall to the ground. It was faint, faint enough to where you could've sworn you were feeling things but a soft kiss was pressed lightly to your injured shoulder. Sebastian gently untied many tightened strings until your corset was limp, he took off the corset, your back still facing him. 
He closed his eyes waiting for you to get comfortable in your bed. He gathered the dirty clothes on the floor and started to make his way out of your bedroom. 
“Yes, my lady?”
“Stay with me. Just for tonight.” 
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bhairston · 5 years
(demon)Ciel Phantomhive x reader (lemon )
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Ciel is nineteen in this and you are eighteen. You find out that your family has been invited to a ball at Phantomhive manor for the young earl's fiancee. You have no clue of to who he is nor what he looks like.
Reader's pov
"(Y/n) What are you doing out here?" My older sister, (ss/n), asks.
"Do I have to go with you to the ball?" I asked. She nods and tells me to get ready. I put on a beautiful  (f/c) dress with matching heels after I put on undergarments and corset. I walked down the stairs to the carriage.
Ciel's pov
I really hate Elizabeth. I wish I could marry someone else. I hear a knock on my door. I tell them to come in. Elizabeth came in. That's weird she normally doesn't knock on the door.
"What is the matter Elizabeth? "I say.
"I'm breaking of our engagement. I'm in love with someone else."she says. Thank you! Gosh she was so annoying.
"It's alright Elizabeth. "I say and head down to the ballroom. More guests arrived and I greeted most of them.
Reader's pov
We arrived at the Phantomhive manor and a butler with red eyes helped us out of the carriage.
"Welcome to Phantomhive manor, my ladies. Please enjoy the party. "The butler says. We enter the manor it was truly breathtaking. I felt like I was being watched and looked around. I am meet with a pair of ocean blue eyes. The guy had navy blue hair, ocean blue eyes, a cane almost like father's but instead of (f/g) *(f/g) means favorite gem)* it had sapphires and he had an expensive looking suit on. The guy was handsome to say the least. I walked into the ballroom with my sister and mom. My dad was talking to the butler. A girl with blonde pigtails came up to us and squealed.
"All of your dresses are so pretty! "The girl said.
"Why thank you lady Elizabeth. These are my daughters  (y/n) And (ss/n)." Mom says to Elizabeth.
"I'm Elizabeth Milford but please call me Lizzy. It's nice meeting you. "Elizabeth said. The guy from earlier walks over to us along with the butler, Sebastian I believe his name is. Elizabeth left a few seconds ago.
"Hello Lord Phantomhive. It is a pleasure seeing you again. "Mom said.
"Hello lady (f/l/n) and the same goes to you." The guy who was staring at me says.*(f/l/n) means family last name )*
"These are my daughters  (y/n) And (ss/n). They are both single. "Mom said. I curtsy and bow slightly.
"Nice to meet you Lord Phantomhive. "I say and he takes my hand and kisses the back of it. I blush slightly. He smirks slightly.
"You as well lady (y/n). Please call me Ciel." He says.
"Well if we are going to be on first name bases please just call me  (y/n)." I said. He nods and asks if I wanted to dance. I agreed to it. He pulls me towards him once we are on the dance floor.
"So Ciel tell me a little bit about your self. "I say.
"I'm an earl. I own funtom toys. Was engaged to Elizabeth but am now single. What about you?"Ciel asks.
"My father is an earl. I own (company name). I'm single never been engaged. I'm not that much into parties. I prefer (hobby). I know how to play  (f/in)."I say.* (f/in) means favorite instrument)*
"Are you a virgin? "He asks as he dips me. I nod embarrassed.
"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Come with me." He said and leads me upstairs to his study. He shuts and locks the door. He walks over to me and kisses me passionately. I kissed back. His lips feel so right against mine. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I granted it. He slips his tounge into my mouth and explores my wet cavern. I moan softly as he grips my thigh. He pulls down my knickers and pulls away from the kiss. His eyes were a fushia color.
"So you're a demon? "I ask. He nods and takes off his pants along with his boxers. His member is huge and long. He flipped me over on his desk and pounded into me from behind. We make love until the ball was over.
~time skip~
Ciel and I fix ourselves. We walked back down the stairs holding hands. Ciel proposed to me during our love making and I said yes. Now it is just a matter of telling  my parents.
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fragmentedshards · 5 years
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The Final Curtain, Chapter One
A Shocking Revelation and Several Changes
The room was full of people all looking at each other sorrowfully, adding to the nervous atmosphere hovering above them. Lau and Ran Mao stood by the window, exchanging confused glances. Elizabeth sat on the piano bench and sobbed on Paula's shoulder, prompting Agni and Prince Soma, who had been mourning nearby, to join in the attempt to comfort her. Tanaka, Bardroy, Mei Rin, and Finnian stood together nearest to the door, each with furrowed brows and dejected auras. At one point, Finnian squeezed his eyes shut, and tears began streaming down his face. Mei Rin pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and began to dry the boy's tears, while Tanaka rested his hands on the boy's shoulders in a fatherly fashion and Bard gently rubbed the boy's head. Even the Undertaker was there, standing alone next to a small end table, looking almost like a lost puppy. It was, perhaps, the most solemn wake anyone could imagine, though the wake of the deceased Earl Ciel Phantomhive had passed several days ago.
Sebastian took a turn about the room, speaking to each person briefly. His talk with the Undertaker took a little bit longer than the others. When he reached the other Phantomhive servants, he spoke to them in low, gentle tones, as he had done to the rest of the visitors. Finally, he gave Bard and Tanaka each light pats on their shoulders, raised Finnian's head, and cupped Mei Rin's face before striding to the center of the room, calling everyone to attention. He glanced at his pocket watch and sighed, putting it away as if it were irrelevant. This action on his part only served to further the queasy foreboding the others felt. Taking a deep breath, Sebastian said, "I don't suppose there's any use dawdling, nor do I believe there is any easy, clean way to go about this endeavor. I have brought you all here today because someone wishes to speak to you."
With that, the door near the servants opened, and in walked none other than Ciel Phantomhive.
The resulting buzz from the rest of the people in the room ranged from joy to panic. Even Lau and Ran Mao seemed caught off guard. Only the Undertaker kept his composure, merely raising and tilting his head in curiosity and near amusement. Ciel held up his hand to the small crowd, refusing to look at them. "Silence," he said, in just as irritated a tone as ever. "I have something to tell all of you.”
A fearful and anticipatory silence settled over the whole room. Although Ciel had clearly tried to keep his normal aloof attitude, he could not help it when that mask fell and was replaced by something that could almost be mistaken for guilt. Standing with his back to Sebastian and his face towards the rest, he began to speak.
"When I disappeared after the death of my parents and the destruction of my home, I was, in reality, captured by an underground cult. I still to this day do not have a clear picture of their purpose, although fairly recent interactions with the remains of this cult have given me a decent clue. During my time there, they branded me, tortured me, and nearly killed me. It wasn't until the moment before I would have died that I resorted to what is called the Faustian contract."
Ciel paused a moment, debating the diction of his next sentence, ignoring the horrified gasps from various people in the miniature crowd.
"Moments later, I found my enemies lying dead all around me, and myself restored and bound to a demon who would act as my butler until the day I avenged my parents. On that day, he would devour my soul."
Bard, Mei Rin, and Finnian all glanced at each other briefly, so many past experiences suddenly making sense. Mei Rin stared at Sebastian blankly. At length, Sebastian looked her way, prompting her to look emotionlessly at her shoes. Sebastian, in turn, did the same, holding his head lower than normal.
Ciel continued to speak to the small crowd. "Doubtless this is connecting many inexplicable events in your minds. At any rate, there's more. The fire that ravaged this city - the one that Pluto caused - that was the day I got my revenge. The exact details are too complicated for me to explain to you lot at this moment, but the long and short of it is, an angel of massacre had corrupted Queen Victoria and led her to attempt to cleanse the country. That resulted, in part, with the annihilation of the Phantomhives, or at least that was the intention." Ciel paused to shudder at the thought of what had really happened to his parents.
"However, after my family had been avenged, complications arose. Sebastian found himself unable to devour my soul, as an injury sustained during the avenging battle caused the temporary loss of our contract seal." At this, Ciel removed his eyepatch and Sebastian slid the glove off of his hand with his teeth, both of them revealing the contract seal. The others all gasped once more. "This allowed another demon, this one rather a miscreant, to tamper with my soul. Once again, I'll not labor through the details of this with you. The result of that struggle ended with my becoming a demon and Sebastian remaining my butler." Ciel allowed his eyes to glow red in order to demonstrate, garnering more gasps from the rest of the people in the room.
Ciel's eyes returned to their normal midnight blue, and he once again donned the eyepatch. Sebastian followed suit with his glove, white as ever. "As it seems Sebastian is bound to me forever, and I do not appear to be dying unless killed in a certain way, I have decided to continue running Funtom as a demon. Obviously my - species, I suppose - is not a fact that anyone else need know. And besides, why let a perfectly successful and expanding company go to ruin like that? I will also continue to operate as the Queen's Guard Dog; no sense in letting England's Underworld go without proper control either. For all intents and purposes, I am back and I am staying - except, I realize, for one particular circumstance which is beyond my control, and I must mend that.”
Ciel paused and took a deep breath.
"Soma. Lizzy. Please come forward.”
Elizabeth and Prince Soma both obliged, looking bewildered and a little dazed. They reached Ciel, who held out his hand to each. He held Soma's wrist, palm facing upwards, and placed Elizabeth's palm down on it gently, grasping them together. There was a moment of solemn silence before Elizabeth's eyes grew wide.
"Ciel, no!" she tried to remove her hand, but it would not budge.
"I don't care if you're a demon, I don't care about all the things you and Sebastian have done!" Elizabeth exclaimed, her voice rife with desperation. "I love you, Ciel, please don’t-"
"Lizzy!" Ciel's voice, previously a weary one, now silenced the entire room once more. "This is the best, I promise you. You have to trust me. I know things you do not know." He turned to Soma, who was standing as still and as shocked as if he had been turned into stone, his golden eyes wide and his lip nearly trembling.
"Ciel..." Soma began, as if to make absolutely certain of the earl's decision. Ciel just slightly nodded his head, somber as ever.
"Take care of each other," he instructed them. "And rest assured that this is the right way of things. I promise." He gave their hands a firm yet affectionate squeeze before releasing them. "Now then," he said, closing his eyes and running his hand through his hair to fix it. "I have things to do. Life will resume as usual, more or less. You may now all go about your daily business. Oh, and you four -" the young earl looked at Bard, Mei Rin, Finnian, and Tanaka, who still seemed to be processing the entirety of what had just happened. "I believe Sebastian will want a word with you soon." And with that, the earl departed from the room, followed by a Sebastian with a slightly changed demeanor.
Author’s Note: hey everyone! I’m starting to post my stories on here finally, so that’s exciting... I’m sorry if the formatting is off, I’m currently mobile. As soon as I can figure out how to log back in on my laptop I’ll try to make better posts. Meanwhile, you’ll probably have a deluge of chapters on this story. Enjoy!
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yandereaffections · 6 years
Haunted House with Demon!Ciel ~ Deary
Hey deary anony! I’m assuming your asking for a the real haunted house option?
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Walking along side you patiently, a smile settled on his lips while walking through the entrance doors into the vast space between the doors and the gigantic stair case
The Funtom company existing through out the years, your family being incorporated and invested into it
Meeting you multiple times along years, enjoying the conversations you two share, for the first time he puts someone above himself regarding praise
Your parents currently thinking over marrying you off too a rich man to be able to finically support the family more, pushing you to chose between two families before their financial foundation crumbles
Ciel taking up his best gentlemanly act trying to impress your parents, whether it’s with looks, money, intelligence, or manipulation
Even then your parents wanted you to be able to chose, sending you over to the other options property the other day, todays the Phantomhive household
While still feeling awkward about pushing him into a relationship and having to judge him for whether you want to spend the rest of your life with him or not
Though ciel seems delighted to have you here you couldn’t help but feel bad about it.
His butler taking your coat that once protected you from the cold outside air, ciels arms wrapped around yours as you both walked up the stairs with a persisting conversation connecting you two
The hallways dim, illuminated by the sunset through the windows and the candles along the walls, the atmosphere comforting
A day spent outside at beautiful locations, sight seeing and enjoying eachothers presence
While the night was planed to be a few boardgames then a good nights sleep, well that’s what you thought.
Setting down the chess board sebastian quickly organizes the chess pieces on both sides. Sebastian on the side lines watching while providing background music.
The game stretching over a long time, ciels of course in the lead from taking out most of your pieces, not getting to the queen or king yet.
“That knight of yours is doing a rather good job pushing me into a corner” you comment, moving a disposable piece without consequence. A smile tugs on both ciel and Sebastian’s lips, looking across the board before averting his gaze towards you while moving the piece against one of many belonging to you, eliminating it.
A small hum of agreement “I suppose so..” the game continuing on as you start to get considerably out numbered. Ciel suddenly abandoning his mainly used piece to the king. “That has a bit more risk to it wouldn’t you think?” Questioning his actions
“You’ll see why, it’s only a matter of time. The king will abandon its queen to ultimately achieve his goal.” Ciel focusing on his next move, as you focus on what the meaning behind his sentence is.
“Care to explain?” Focusing now on your turn, taking out a useless piece.
Sebastian and ciel sharing a barely noticeable look before the majority of the candles suddenly extinguish
The moon light faintly shining through the hardly transparent curtains hanging over the window, taking a moment before getting up to open the blinds looking back to the table only to find a abandoned violin and knocked over chair. Swallowing hard you look back out the window, shadows moving as if there were creatures surrounding the manor, seeing distinguishable red highlights in the far distance trying to figure out what they were before they turned to look directly at you, making you close the curtains out of fear.
Breath getting heavier and your blood pumped through you faster, a singular candle on the opposite side of the room was the last resort of light, slowly and carefully making your way to it near the exit of the room making sure not to run into anything.
Grabbing the candle handle you walk out the room, calling for Ciel quietly concern and confusion obvious in your wavering voice. The windows against the walls of the hallway illuminated more light than the candle would be able too.
Looking back out side as you tried to remember how ciel lead you to the room, looking behind you without thought before seeing a slight outline of a figure and turning around quickly to face the unknown entity
The moon light tracing over the features, backing away from it a hand slightly over the candle to not have it blown out. Keeping your sight mainly on it as you look off to the side for a moment to try and find a quick escape.
A room down the hall on the opposite side of where you were, slowly trying to lean off to the other side while paying attention to the possible threat. Trying to make sure you don’t miss the door
Foot steps are the only thing heard throughout the dead silence of the manor, your heavy breathing slowly coming to a relaxed pace
approaching the room you quickly turned around and bolted for the door, hearing the steps behind you quicken in speed as you through the door open and slammed it shut, holding in closed just in case.
The candle miraculously surviving the run and still shedding light to a small area around you. Keeping the door closed still trying to catch your breath while listening for sounds of the creature behind the door.
Looking around and behind you noticing the two red highlights you saw before, now much closer
Highpitched gasp before twisting yourself around, hand still on the door knob just waiting to run out the room
The candle illuminating ciels figure sitting with his legs crossed on the edge of the bed seemingly waiting for you with a smirk
“You’re ok!?” Mixture of relief and surprise in your voice, wondering what was happening. Your grip on the door losened
“The king will abandon its queen to ultimately achieve his goal.” He repeats standing up and walking towards you. Confusion obvious across your face
“You will be abandoned, so you can ultimately reach your fate.” Restating it, taking the candle out of your hand, holding it inbetween the two of you “you’re smart, make the rest of the connections.”
“My fate?” Ciel nodding, urging you to start from the very beginning
Mumbling the words to yourself, “I’m the queen? You left? So you’re the king?”
“Correct, now one last thing to figure out..” looking directly at you, “my goal is your fate, and do you know how I achieved it?”
Thinking over it, suddenly having shortness of breath as you tried to open the door behind you
“Seems like you’ve figured it out. The door locks from the outside, you’re fate now resting with me, oh your parents will be so happy to be apart of the phantomhives.”
“Let me go!” Screaming directly at him as you tried to break the door open with your side
“Now don’t hurt yourself, even if you do manage to escape the room you’ll never escape my grasp on you.” Ciels voice calm and smooth, pleased with the outcome.
“Theres nothing standing in the way of our marriage now,” a smile across his face as the candle is blown out leaving you to absolute darkness.
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mcgnuficentia · 6 years
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modern edward is a bit more laid back than canon edward. we’re social and cultural beings, which means that we are subject to change if our culture does. this is what happens with modern edward. 
compared to the victorian era, we’re in another times. things that society used to see as immoral or inappropiated are now in the spectrum of normal ( they always were normal though ) but the point is that our society today is a bit more accepting than it used to be. that means that edward’s belifs are going to adapt to the modern era. 
we know edward is very traditional, so to keep that in him and not changing completely his character, instead of bothering all women for showing legs, he is gonna be petty about the tomboy culture. like yeah, he respects it “but it’s not very feminine is it?” yikes, edward. hopefully modern nina is gonna shut your little mouth again.
i like to think he is still very devoted to the queen. i’m not really aware of the actual situation in UK, but investigating a little i noticed that there are modern knights but they can also be whatever they want ( i mean, the princess is an actress! ) that’s why, for some ridiculous change of events, edward ended up being... a singer. let’s say, he owned a favor to his young cousin, and knowing the little shit ciel is his answer was “become an artist”. of course not! that would be outrageous because he doesnt have social skills, someone so bland like him wouldn’t be able to be famous. yet lizzie was so chaaaarmed with the idea of her older brother being a singer in the sensational multi-ethnic boyband Phantom / Funtom Five that he couldn’t say no. the surprise there, was realizing his old comrate herman greenhill was also in the scene and lol what even happened to his hair? being competitive he thought if greenhill could, he could do it too. besides, this way he could still work alongside with the queen, because every time there’s a political stunt, the entertaintment business casually acts as a cover up. why would it be? 
edward is not a bad singer, not at all. but he wishes to become a lawyer. totally the opposite, huh? at least, he can still go to college and fulfill his sister’s dreams of seeing him as an idol. “oh brother, all my friends talk about you, aren’t you a popular one?” not really, lizzie. because edward is someone else on stage, when he is not singing he is just an awkward normal boy who is very good at fencing. he likes to dance, actually he likes electronic music but his mother doesn’t let him go out much, and she actually hates the fact edward is on stage moving his butt to charm people, how disgusting edward. what have you become? 
he is still a noble, but just situate a modern marquess in 2019. 
this is my modern verse, on hand with it i have the actual funtom five edward. but the modern knight verse is let’s say, the backstage edward, the normal boy edward, the edward who wants to be a lawyer yet still a noble. stole your heart verse? edward is the heart breaker we see on stage and he is pretty different than what he actually see in his daily life. 
funtom five is not very famous though, lucky edward. 
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nominalbutler · 7 years
If it's okay to request more than one, could I suggest (42. "Is this okay?" ) and (83. "Stay there. I'm coming to get you.")? If not that's totally okay!
I think I’m going to be making these a little longer than the last ones, so I’m only going to do one at a time!
83. “Stay there, I’m coming to get you.”
The obnoxious trill of a marimba ringtone tore through the veil of sleep and unceremoniously yanked Sebastian from his dreams. Bleary-eyed, he groped around on his bedside table until he found his phone. He didn’t even bother to check the screen to see who was calling; it was too bright. “What, hello?” He rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling fan in the center of the room, blades meandering carelessly in a circle. “Hey…. Sebastian.” The sound of the other person’s voice shocked Sebastian. It was the last thing he expected to hear, and his surprise couldn’t be disguised. “Wait… Ciel?” The caller sighed. “Yeah, babe, it’s me… I’m sorry…. Were you sleeping?” The familiar melodic voice was disrupted with a scratchy warble; the words slid and bumped into one another in a soft slur. Sebastian sat up on one elbow. “No. I mean, yeah…” He rubbed his eyes and slung his feet out of bed, hunched over on the edge as he switched to rubbing his temples. He didn’t know what to make of the call. They didn’t fight often, but every now and then, a rift developed between him and Ciel and they couldn’t help but let all their frustrations out in a vicious and angry argument. Their last encounter had not ended well, and Ciel hadn’t spoken to him for almost a week. All of Sebastian’s texts and calls went unanswered. He didn’t need Ciel to admit he was wrong; that wasn’t important anymore. He just wanted to know he was alright, and now was his time to ask. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Ciel scoffed. “Why you always gotta worry about me? I’m fine,” he spat. “Then why are you calling me?” Sebastian asked carefully. There was silence on the other end for a moment.“Because I wanted to. Jesus, can’t a guy call his boyfriend just to see what he’s up to?”“I didn’t know if you’d still want to call me that after last week. You haven’t talked to me in days.” “Oh, shut up,” Ciel hiccuped, and Sebastian frowned. “You’ll always be mine. Just because I hate you, doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you. I can’t escape you that easily. You’re the only one for me Sebastian, you know that…” It was quiet again, and Sebastian knew Ciel was drunk. His words were slurring heavily and it was unlike him to get this emotional and poetic over the phone. “I miss you.” Sebastian couldn’t bring himself to say it back. Of course he missed him, but it somehow felt wrong to say it now. Too forced, unnatural. It wasn’t the time for it. “Have you been drinking, Ciel? Where are you right now?”Sebastian could just picture Ciel’s face as he heard him laughing on the other side of the line. It was a bitter laugh, cruel; cold as Ciel’s frigid blue eyes. “I’m outside Funtom’s pub, smoking a square.” The mention of that single cigarette was enough to have Sebastian reaching for his keys and his jacket. Ciel only smoked when he was seriously drunk; his asthma dissuaded him otherwise. But right now, he was risky, reckless, lustful and relentless. Sebastian was out the door in a matter of seconds. “Stay there,” he instructed, “I’m coming to get you.” “I don’t need you.” “I can practically smell the alcohol through the phone, Ciel. You’re not driving home.” “Then I’ll walk, I don’t give a fuck.” Gravel crunched almost angrily under his feet as Sebastian made his way to the car. He stopped, keys in hand, and even used his teacher voice to get the young man’s attention, let him know he was serious. “Ciel.” “What?” “Let me do this.” “I don’t want to see you.” “Then you can sit in the backseat with your eyes closed and ignore me. I won’t talk to you. But you’re in no state to get yourself home. Just wait there for me, okay?”Sebastian grimaced as he heard the raspy drag of air as Ciel took a deep pull on his cigarette and exhaled. The boy was gonna kill himself with those, and there was nothing Sebastian could do right now to save him from himself. Ciel sighed. “Fine.”
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Another Cup
"When someone tells you they have a secret, i bet it's just more lies." Ciel pranced through life with all the privilege he could have dreamt of; a high paying job, easy work, and the freedom he desires. All until he spills his secret, leaving him struggling to gasp for more air that floats on the surface. The only good coming clean did was forcing him to the Oolong Tea House with Sebastian Michaelis as his waiter. There's just one thing standing in both of their ways; the vital information kept from the barista.
Another Cup is a Sebaciel (Sebastian x Ciel) fanfiction filled with truths, lies, and most of all, secrets.
This is my first fic on AO3 so this is pretty exciting (:
(Feel free to point out any spelling or grammatical errors!)
Thank you!! -Cal
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1
Chapter Text
Instead of drying my tears, 'The Whale' by Mark Beauregard fills me with regret. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why am I so idiotic? Why am I so blind? I should have known! I should have kept my mouth shut, alike the characters that somehow thrive within these pages.
My teary eyes fail to read the words that fill the paper, causing me to throw the overpriced book across the room, knocking over a glass on the coffee table. An inhuman noise escapes my lungs in distress; I can never talk to him again.
12, 1, 2, 3am.... And at 9 I'm working for the same man that shunned me from his life.
Classical music, people talking, and the smell of the assortment of tea fills my senses. Surprisingly, I rolled out of bed and ran out of my apartment just in time to make it here at 9:00am on the dot... even though I don't plan to meet anyone.
"What could I get for you, sir?" The blonde lady beams at my tired, gloomy figure.
"Uh, earl grey would be good." I don't even bother to look up at the menu. It's packed with teas that I had never had, let alone heard of.
"Would that be cream, decaf, or regular earl grey?" I stop in the middle of the attempt of tugging my wallet out of my jeans.
"Uhm, regular's fine." I frown to myself. Although it's going fine so far, his place feels a bit too fancy... especially because I was charged $4.89 for a fucking tea. Vincent picked the wrong place for me to persuade.
I get to a small square table, flip up my laptop lid, and open my email. '63 unread messages' Floats at the top of my work inbox. Shit. The last thing i want to do is read all these stupid-ass messages (90% sure most of them are e-vites to shitty picnics that already passed.)
As a scroll through my emails, I find there's an absence of messages from my father, the CEO of Funtom co., my boss, and the very human who's now avoiding me at all costs. I'm at Oolong tea house today to work for him. I've been jumping from independent coffee shop to independent coffee shop for him. He's been telling me the time, place and details; but this time, he fails to send an email encompassing the very facts, in which I can't begin work without. Thanks, father.
I try not to scream as my hands shoot up towards my face. "shit." I mumble as my body tenses up and shrinks from an embarrassing memory that somehow floated into my mind. My trembling hands, the shitty wording, that fucking letter causes me so much damn pain. I shake my head in an attempt to get rid of my stale memories and continue to stare at my, now empty, inbox.
I sigh, take my book out of my bag, and waste my time getting lost in the story.
Well. At least I try to.
'...But the old three-cornered hat,
And the breeches, and all that,
Are so queer!'
The poem stands apart from the rest of the story. And that single word stands apart of the poem like a sore thumb.
Ha, it would have been much easier to tape a simple word to my forehead instead of humiliating the shit out of myself.
"Excuse me, sir." my eyes flutter open to a young red-haired boy who nudges me on the shoulder. "We're closing." His face remains placid enough for me to realize that he could give less shits for his job.
"Oh, sorry." My eyes shoot open and my head darts up; my face hot and painted bright red. I look down to the table. My book is propped open as well as my laptop, which turned itself off. I stuff them into my messenger bag in a hurry; an attempt to make it out of this coffee shop without dying of embarrassment.
The brown, wooden chairs are flipped and stacked on the tables after a not-so-thorough wipe with a beat-up cloth and a bright blue liquid that resembles Windex... for all I know it could be Gatorade. Just as my bag swings around my shoulder, the chair opposite from the one I was previously sitting on is turned and stacked by a tall man with longish black hair and a neutral expression plastered on his face. Right as my sapphire eyes meet his blood red ones, he flashes a grin then turns to the table behind him.
As I leave, the air in the room is still dead and silent, with the frequent spray of "Windex" or the chairs dragging on the hardwood floor.
Wet hair, a shitty microwave meal, and a bottle of red wine... but usually it's just a glass.
I pace around the small couch that casually sits inside my prestigious apartment, taking slight glances outside the ceiling-to-floor windows that gives me a view of buildings that tower over the streets, cars, and people.
"I don't care how you do the job,"
I continue to pace, and pace, and pace; until my head drowns in thoughts of the call I had just received.
"just as long as you get it done."
I had always heard people telling others to come out as if it wasn't a big deal, although it is. Some people are blind to the fact that they're putting a lock on the door that leads out to happiness and freedom, because of the closed minded people that those individuals "trust".
"I shouldn't be anyone more than the person who pays you."
I take another gulp of red wine. The bottle gets lighter and lighter, just as the sky gets darker and darker. It could have just been three words, 'I am gay.' but even then, he would have acted the same; so why did I waste my time?
And why should I still have to?
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler characters belong to Yana Toboso, Yen Press, FUNimation etc.
The plotline and story belong to myself.
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hancfubuki · 4 years
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modern edward is a bit more laid back than canon edward. we’re social and cultural beings, which means that we are subject to change if our culture does. this is what happens with modern edward.
compared to the victorian era, we’re in another times. things that society used to see as immoral or inappropriate are now in the spectrum of normal ( they always were normal though ) but the point is that our society today is a bit more accepting than it used to be. that means that edward’s beliefs are going to adapt to the modern era.
we know edward is very traditional, so to keep that and not changing completely his character, instead of bothering all women for showing legs, he is gonna be petty about the tomboy culture. like yeah, he respects it “but it’s not very feminine is it?” yikes, edward. hopefully modern nina is gonna shut your little mouth again.
i like to think he is still very devoted to the queen. i’m not really aware of the actual situation in UK, but investigating a little i noticed that there are modern knights but they can also be whatever they want. that’s why, for some ridiculous change of events, edward ended up being… a singer. let’s say, he owned a favor to his young cousin, and knowing the little shit ciel is his answer was “become an artist”. of course not! that would be outrageous because he doesn't have social skills, someone so bland like him wouldn’t be able to be famous. yet lizzy was so chaaaarmed with the idea of her older brother being a singer in the sensational multi-ethnic boyband Phantom / Funtom Five that he couldn’t say no. the surprise there, was realizing his old comrade herman greenhill was also in the scene and lol what even happened to his hair? being competitive he thought if greenhill could, he could do it too. besides, this way he could still work alongside with the queen, because every time there’s a political stunt, the entertainment business casually acts as a cover up. why would it be?
edward is not a bad singer, not at all. but he wishes to become a lawyer. totally the opposite, huh? at least, he can still go to college and fulfill his sister’s dreams of seeing him as an idol. “oh brother, all my friends talk about you, aren’t you a popular one?” not really, lizzy. because edward is someone else on stage, when he is not singing he is just an awkward normal boy who is very good at fencing. he likes to dance, actually he likes electronic music but his mother doesn’t let him go out much, and she actually hates the fact edward is on stage moving his butt to charm people, how disgusting edward. what have you become?
he is still a noble, but just situate a modern marquess in our time.
this is my modern verse, on hand with it i have the actual funtom five edward. but the modern knight verse is... let’s say, the backstage edward. the normal boy edward, the edward who wants to be a lawyer yet still a noble. stole your heart verse? edward is the heart breaker we see on stage and he is pretty different than what he actually see in his daily life.
funtom five is not very famous though, lucky edward.
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