#shut up and get in the blimp
tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
New Puppet Unlocked: Pomni, the Last Harlequin!
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Pomni's character description:
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I actually finished this about three days ago, but I didn't wanna post it because I haven't started on the others yet. I eventually decided that fuck it, we ball.
Pomni is the most recent and last model of a Combat Harlequin; P-1210. She doesn't have any remembrance of her life before becoming a Puppet, only the fact that she has an itch in her head that tells her to keep fighting.
After hunting down The Puppetmaster and a duel ensues between the two, it ends with the Harlequin and The Puppetmaster forming an alliance in order to fix the destroyed City.
Now, Pomni spends her time sparring, sharpening her sword, bantering with the Puppetmaster, hunting down bosses and eliminating manic Marionettes.
Fun facts about Pomni:
She likes sandwiches. Specifically, salmon.
She REALLY hates it when someone eats it. (It's Bubble)
She finds some things annoying in other Puppets, and will be blunt about it.
But that doesn't mean she doesn't care. In fact, far from it.
Pomni may come off as cold and jerkish due to her hot-temper, but in reality, her emotions simply have ahold on her more than anyone would ever really think.
Caine thinks that a therapist would benefit her. (honestly though)
She hasn't explored any hobbies outside from anything involving combat.
Pomni occasionally gets glimpses of visions when she dies; she is unaware of what they mean.
Pomni rarely gets drunk; she'll only indulge in alcohol when there's an occasion. Aside from that, she tends to limit Caine's alcohol intake (reasoning that he smells like booze), much to the Puppetmaster's dismay.
She shuts down any form of philosophical advices, thinking they're "typical" and "unnecessary".
She tends to be careless and rude in battle.
When push comes to shove, Pomni can and WILL use her sharp teeth to her advantage.
Pomni initially disliked Ragatha. She found the doll's positive demeanor eerie, and even uncanny, borderline inhuman. Thankfully, a few interactions and heart-heart conversations later, she's changed her mind since.
Bubble usually accompanies her when she's out on missions, a condition she had to agree on just so Caine would let her fight overburdened Puppets. Even though she hates the blimp's nonsense, she knows that his presence is out of necessity, since Bubble is the only way keeping in touch can be possible.
She rarely ever apologizes.
She once stole Caine's cane to try and figure out how his attacks work. She immediately lost interest once she found out it's just a plain, and boring metal cane.
She unlocks the first stage of enlightenment after the first boss.
Battle quotes:
"Yeah, yeah, shut up."
"I didn't come here just for you to act like a wuss!"
"You. Me. This sword. In your head."
"That was pretty stupid of you to do."
"Between you and me, I prefer still having my head on my shoulders."
"This is getting annoying!"
"I've had it with you idiots!"
"I'm gonna celebrate with a Puppet head kebab once I'm done."
"I like the sounds of a sword slashing, and heads bashed in."
"Keep (talking/screaming), and I'll crack your skull open."
Hurt in battle:
"Ah! What the fuck!"
"You're gonna pay for that!"
"Eye for an eye, motherfucker!"
"I normally wouldn't mind... Actually, I always mind."
"When I'm done, you're gonna be unrecognizable."
"Fucking marionettes!"
"Useless scrap!"
"I really, really, REALLY wanna hurt you right about now."
"Ohohoho, you're picking the WRONG fight, BUDDY."
"Who do you think you are!?"
"This... wasn't supposed to go this way..."
"God.... dammit."
"Agh... fuck."
"That... fucking... hurt."
"I still...! Got fight...! Left in me..."
"This... isn't... over..."
"I'm... not... done..."
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thatfandomslut · 7 months
It's a Competition
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Janis Imi'ike / Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Trigger Warnings: girls competing for reader, not a poly story, a cliffhanger ending (two separate fics to follow)
Can you do a Janis Imi'ike x fem!reader / Regina George x fem!reader where basically they're just competing for the reader bc she's the prettiest/sweetest girl in school
Mean Girls requests open.
There were several differences between Regina George and Janis Imi'ike. For one, Regina was the school 'it' girl, the queen bee of North Shore High School, but Janis was the school resident art freak. Regina was refined and punctual, and Janis was loud and tardy. However, there was one similarity that caused them to hate each other more than they ever had before. They were both crushing on (Y/n), the school resident's nice girl. She didn't have a mean bone in her body while, let's face it, Regina and Janis had many. Still, their attempts at wooing (Y/n) did not go unnoticed by each other.
"Why are you flirting with (Y/n)?" Regina questioned, slamming Janis's locker shut before she could grab her book. Janis swore that Regina almost caused her to lose a finger that day. Regina's perfectly glossed lips adorned a sickly sweet smile as her eyes trailed over Janis menacingly. But, Janis wasn't one to back down from Regina's will. Instead, she narrowed her eyes, looking up at her. "Just so you know, (Y/n) is my future girlfriend, and you aren't going to ever get with her. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you. You're just not good enough for her."
Janis scoffed at this, crossing her arms. Damian stepped behind her just as Gretchen and Karen found themselves behind Regina. It was as if a turf war was brewing, even if (Y/n) wasn't property. "Right, Regina and you are? Your ego has made your head swell to the size of the Hindenburg blimp. Just a reminder, it caught fire. Just back off." Janis stated, a scowl forming on her face. She didn't care if Regina tried to scare her out of her relationship with (Y/n), it wouldn't work. She had just as much of a chance as Regina. Only, at least Janis wasn't terrorizing the entire campus.
Regina's brow quirked up at Janis's words and her smile fell into a frown as she glowered at Janis intensely. "So, it's a competition then?" She inquired, already knowing that her competitor wouldn't back down. She wasn't going to just allow Janis to ask (Y/n) out without wooing her herself. Regina honestly didn't think Janis had a chance, though. After all, as everyone knew, Regina was hot, rich, and powerful. Janis Imi'ike could not compare to Regina George in any sense. And, if Regina was going to have to prove this, so be it.
A smirk tugged at Janis's lips as she glanced back at Damian who gave her a nod. Leaning against the lockers, she examined the situation she had put herself into. "Yeah, Regina, sure. It's a competition." Janis confirmed, letting the words sink into the air as Regina's face grew a shade of red and anger began to seep into her chest. The tension between them grew thicker after the bell rang. Before a word could be shared between them, Ms. Norbury called them out for not heading to class. Regina sent a final glare Janis's way before Janis opened her locker again to grab her textbook before class. A class that she happened to share with (Y/n).
"I can't believe you challenged Regina George," Damian said as he waited for Janis to collect her things. Neither of them cared too much if they were late for chemistry. Their teacher also didn't care, as long as they made it within the first twenty minutes and weren't loud. Janis snickered at his words causing him to raise his brows at her. "You do realize that Regina is ruthless, right? She's going to make your life a living hell… Again."
Janis narrowed her eyes at him for a moment at the 'again' but sighed softly since she knew he was right. "I'm not going to let her bully me out of my chance with (Y/n). She's not Regina's property, you know?" Janis said, closing her locker and then locking it. She looked over to Damian who was giving her a stare that she knew all too well. "I know she isn't my property, either, and the competition is dumb, but I really like her Damian. I'm not just going to dismiss my feelings just because Regina thinks she is the only one that (Y/n) can date." Janis defended herself, walking to their class. When they entered, Janis immediately smiled at (Y/n) who waved over at her, and Damian had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes.
Of course, Damian was happy for his friend and (Y/n), even though they weren't official. He genuinely likes (Y/n). She was sweet and kind, and she was everyone's friend. (Y/n) was the perfect floater. The problem was, that Damian couldn't stand Janis starting a competition that was only going to get her in trouble.
The entirety of class for Janis was spent flirting with an oblivious (Y/n) until the bell rang. "What are you going to have for lunch?" She inquired as they walked down the hall. She hoped she could convince (Y/n) to eat lunch with them, however; this plan would soon be thwarted as Regina made her way over with her usual smirk that she wore when she bests someone. Janis wanted to knock the smirk off Regina's face as (Y/n) greeted the blonde happily. If Janis didn't find (Y/n) so cute, she would curse her for her oblivious nature.
"Hey, (Y/n)," Regina all but purred into the girl's ear. The action made Damian and Janis shudder as they looked at each other with two different emotions. Damian looked perplexed while Janis looked annoyed. Of course, Regina would swoop in like that. Janis wanted to curse herself for not asking if (Y/n) wanted to have lunch with her during their class. As predicted, Regina asks her to eat with her, which (Y/n) accepts happily. "Great, I already got you your lunch. Gretchen, Karen, and Cady are already at the table. We can go ahead and meet them there."
(Y/n) gave Janis and Damian a small wave as she followed Regina. Janis was about to groan in disappointment when she realized something. She could have Cady help her cause. That's basically what she was doing already. "What if we got Cady to talk me up to (Y/n)? We can have her tell her how great I am and she'll fall for me." Janis decided with a wide grin before walking into the cafeteria with Damian hot on her heels as he shook his head. Damian wanted Janis to win, too, but she was beginning to get obsessive.
At the lunch table, Regina flirted easily, flipping her hair over her shoulder. She made sure to laugh at anything remotely funny that came out of (Y/n)'s mouth as her hand fell gently on (Y/n)'s knee. From her peripheral, she watched Janis's eyes narrow to her. But Regina was unphased as she continued to flirt shamelessly. It was no secret from the school that (Y/n) was the girl who held all of Regina's attention and affection, that is why she found it even more infuriating when Janis decided that she should also flirt with (Y/n). But Regina worked too hard to allow Janis to win this stupid competition of (Y/n)'s heart.
"You look really pretty in that pink sweater, (Y/n). It really brings out your eyes." Regina stated, running a hand down (Y/n)'s arm gently. She was definitely more of a hands-on flirt versus Janis's approach of standing six feet away and pining. Regina decided that she had this competition in the bag as long as Janis stayed her six-foot distance. "Maybe we can go shopping this weekend. I have so many outfit ideas for you if you'll allow me to pick out some outfits for you."
(Y/n) smiled a bit, not backing away from Regina's touch, but she also didn't know that Regina was flirting with her. To be frank, she didn't even notice Janis flirting with her in their chemistry class. "I can see if my mom would be okay with me going. I wouldn't mind the hangout. I just don't know if my mom and I have the funds to actually buy anything right now. We're saving up for my Spring Fling dress." (Y/n) spoke thoughtfully, shrugging a bit. Her mom didn't want her to work during school so she could study and have fun. There was always the summer if (Y/n) chose, but she wasn't forced to.
Regina waved her hands as if she was swatting an imaginary fly as (Y/n) spoke. "No, no, I would buy you the outfits. You won't have to worry about a thing." Regina is a big spoiler. Even if she came off as mean, she bought various gifts for her friends. It was her giving love language, gifts. Though, if she is receiving love, she prefers words of affirmation. With her father's credit card, she was unstoppable when it came to buying the best gifts for her friends. She even took Cady shopping so she would stop looking like she was mirroring the 2010 fashion statement of flannels. Now, Cady looked amazing. However, (Y/n) already looked amazing, she just wanted to spoil her.
(Y/n)'s cheeks tinged pink as she looked down slightly. "Regina, I can't take your money." She said softly, staring at a spot on the floor. She didn't want to disrespect Regina's offer, but she also wasn't the best at receiving gifts. It made her feel bad.
Regina gently took (Y/n)'s chin with her finger and her thumb, allowing her to have (Y/n) look up at her. "It's no trouble at all. Maybe, we can exchange an outfit for one of those cute sweaters you crochet. Would that be a good deal for you?" Regina questioned, knowing that (Y/n) loved to crochet cardigans and sweaters. It was a win-win. She got to spoil (Y/n) and receive something sweet and homemade from her in return. Regina felt satisfied with her deal-making skills. It seemed (Y/n) did, too, as she simply nodded in Regina's touch.
"Okay, we can do that." She agreed with a kind smile. The kind of smile that made Regina's icy heart melt with warmth. She let go of (Y/n)'s chin gently before glancing at Gretchen and Karen. Gretchen was intentionally looking in every other direction than theirs as Karen sat there with a wide smile, watching the exchange, and Cady was just staring at the table not knowing what to do. As the bell rang, signaling that lunch was now over, Regina gave (Y/n) a hug as they separated from their classrooms. Regina cursed whoever made their schedules so opposite as she headed to the opposite side of the building from her.
As Regina walked away with Gretchen, Cady, and Karen behind her, she abruptly stopped, almost causing a collision. "This weekend, I'm going to ask her to Spring Fling." She said with a small, determined smirk playing on her lips. Regina wasn't going to allow Janis the opportunity to steal whatever was building between her and (Y/n), and she was going to make the first move. "Checkmate, Janis Imi'ike." She muttered as she entered her history class. Cady glanced at Regina before looking back to where they had just left (Y/n) behind for her class.
Cady Heron was now the person who either helped Regina or Janis accomplish their goal of asking (Y/n) to be their girlfriend officially. She knew she needed to get ahold of Janis as soon as possible, wanting to help her friend. She wasn't sure exactly who to be loyal to, but she knew that Janis at least deserved to hear Regina's plan so she could come up with her own. As her loyalty wavered with Regina, it strengthened with Janis as she texted her once she sat down for her class.
Regina's Ending | Janis's Ending
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rain0tes · 7 months
Hi hi love your hacker reader a bit too much it's great!! What would be their reaction to sir pentious trying to join the hotel? And the little eggbois once he starts staying there for real?
Hacker!reader's reaction to Sir Pentious trying to join the hotel.
Hacker!reader actually comes in after the heaven vs. hell battle, when Pentious has already been redeemed. This is an alternate scenario where you've been in the hotel a few weeks before Pentious makes an appearance.
Warnings: mature language and jokes, mentions of violence (although nothing too explicit), all the obvious hazbin stuff
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You've been at the Hazbin Hotel for a few weeks. Although not fully convinced by the idea of redemption, having a roof over your head while easing into your new life (or afterlife) was nice.
You find a friend in most of the other wayward souls in the hotel, especially Charlie, who was more than excited when you show up.
The actual story starts when Pentious comes crashing into the hotel the first time. Literally.
You were having tea with Alastor out on the balcony when you feel the ground below yourself shake.
"Show yourself, Alastor."
That earns the radio demon a side eye from you, which he only shrugs at.
You see the others go outside in your peripheral, wanting to check out what the commotion was about. You shrug and head down as well, actually using the stairs since not everyone can just warp through shadows.
You stand beside Alastor, squinting at the giant blimp as they conversed.
"When I've slain you, the almighty Vee's will finally acknowledge me as their equal."
"Ooh! Wait, who are the Vee's?"
"Aren't they that tacky trio with the crap network security?"
"They're no one important."
One beating later, Pentious is on the ground after Alastor has decimated his war-blimp...thing.
"Thanks for another forgettable experience."
"Thank...you...for letting your guard down! Haha!"
Pentious rips off a part of Alastors suit, causing you to physically wince.
"Ah, you shouldn't have done that."
You can't help but chuckle when you see him get sent flying.
"Looks like team rockets blasting off again."
You expected that to be the last time you'll be seeing of him (at least in a while), but it seems that fate has other plans when someone comes knocking on the hotels doors only six hours later.
Vaggie was the one to answer, and he almost got skewered upon sight. Charlie seemed excited that he showed up, tho, and somehow you're not surprised.
"Are you fucking nuts? This chump was trying to kill us like, literally six hours ago?"
"Yeah, exactly, are you seriously gonna let this pathetic loser live with us?"
They did, IN FACT, let the boyfailure in the hotel. You weren't too happy about it, and neither was angeldust (bonding through a common enemy).
You can't help but feel that something was odd about him, sensing an electrical device on him that was certainly not a phone. You remained quiet for the time being, if only to please Charlie by playing along with her activities (even if they did make you cringe just a tiny little bit).
You watch him slither sometime in the middle of the night, prompting you to follow him as you take a sip out of a monster energy can.
"A camera? Wow, that's pretty cheap. Certainly doesn't help my already low expectations of the Vee's"
Yeah, you caught him in the act when he was placing the camera. Angeldust already behind you, confronting Pentious while you pick up the device.
You take a screwdriver out of your pocket, disabling the thing but not damaging it, all while the two fight beside you.
Pentious immediately calls for backup once he's been outed to Vaggie and Charlie, only for Vox to laugh in his face.
"If they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself you miserable failure."
You immediately snatch the smartwatch. He may be right, Pentious certainly was a failure. But you've already decided that you're the only one who gets to insult him.
"Listen here, you musty little bitch. You either shut the fuck up or I do it for you."
He's tearing up as you throw the meanest sentences he's ever heard to Vox. Some of them even sound poetic to some degree.
"Two thousand years of constant human evolution only to make some simple minded cunt."
Immediately refers to you as his best friend after this. You waged war on an overlord of hell for him. There's no take backsies.
For once, there's someone in the hotel who's not actively looking out for you, but you're the one looking out for him instead.
You two would share ideas ALL the time.
One thing you'd accomplish together is making a clone of you. He made the android, you made the A.I it would run on.
"Would it technically be mastur-"
"Don't you dare continue that sentence."
The main difference is that the Vee's know who you are in this one. Actively waging war against them instead of remaining anonymous. All because you've decided that the weird boyloser snake is actually kind of endearing.
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I might make another part to this one where the reader participates in the hell vs heaven battle.
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crusty-chronicles · 8 months
Kite As A Dad Headcannons
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An: You can't make me shut up about this man 😤😤. He deserves so much love and I'm not ready for Ch 16 of Moon and Sun. Fluff, lots of fluff.
Kite, to put it quite simply, is a great father.
He never thought he'd ever have kids of his own. He always felt he was too busy, and relationships never tended to last with his line of work. But his perspective began to change when he met you.
He was content having you in his life. One of the only constants. He was content having the boys stop by occasionally. Already treating them like his own. And a part of him thought that was the closest the two of you would ever get to having kids.
So imagine his shock when you told him you were pregnant. 
The surprise when he could see two little blimps of life inside you instead of one.
He's the type of father that when his little girl is older, doesn't mind her giving him ‘makeovers’. Who doesn't bat an eye when she starts applying splotchy eyeshadow to ‘make him pretty.’ Who lets her braid his hair and put all of her glittery clips in. Who makes sure to sit in on every tea party, tiara and all, just to see her smile.
He's the type of father who can never say no when his son asks to go on a fishing trip. Who teaches him all his favorite tricks for the perfect catch. Who listens to him rant excitedly about the trout he caught, listing off each and every fact from the top of his head. Who is more than supportive when he decides to be a hunter just like his father.
But even in the early stages he seemed to excel.
Kite is the type of dad to listen and nod his head when his two infants start babbling. Cooing a ‘mhmm’ and a ‘your’re absolutely right.’ Acting as if he really understands what they're saying. Who, when they make little grabby gestures, always seems to know what they want. Whether they just want to be held or fed, he just knows.
Who, instead of being grossed out when there's a bit of spittle on his shoulder, laughs it off instead. He'll set his little girl down to clean it off, only for his boy to drool on his boot next. Who'd rather it be that then the throw-up currently on the front of your shirt. And who, when you eye him with a mischievous smirk asking for a hug, flees while the twins giggle and laugh at the sight.
He's the type of father to beam with pride when his kids start speaking. Who, after being gone for a few weeks on an expedition, returns home to hear his two toddlers arguing in their playpen. ‘Gib me!’ from his son trying to pull the pacifier from his sister's mouth. A ‘No! Maaaa!’ from his daughter. And he's definitely the type who's heart melts when they turn around and coo ‘Dada’ at him for the first time.
He's the type of dad who absolutely adores the fact that both of his children look exactly like you. From your hair to your eyes, they were both mini copies of you. Who loves you with his whole heart, and in turn loves his kids just as much, if not more. 
He's the type of father Who tries to be around more for you and them. Who makes sure he's not gone for more than a few weeks at a time so he doesn't miss any major milestones. Who immediately steps up to help you with the twins, and who tells you to rest so you don't overwork yourself. 
Who wants to be able to give his kids everything he never had as a child. Including a home filled with warmth and love. 
Who likes to tease you after a night of intimacy by placing a hand on your tummy and whispering, “Maybe we should have just one more. But knowing our luck,we'd end up with two again.”
This is how I cope!!!! I'm still not over MatPat 😞
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spyderlondon · 2 months
Harlequin Showtime
Harlequin AU by @tadc-harlequin-au @iamespecter (YOU BETTER GET HEALTHY SOON)!
Protectiveness: Can become overprotective
"I-Is that all y-you got...?" Pomni forced herself up and used her sword as a crutch as she narrowed her eyes at the boss puppet she had been tossed into a wall, making a giant crater in the wall. She huffed as she watched a bit of her outer shell of her chest fall from under her shirt but she refused to let that stop her. Not until she died. And even then, she would come straight back once The Puppetmaster revived her. This boss would be defeated by her- no matter how long it took!
'Pomni!' Caine's voice yelled out from Bubble's blimp with a concerned and commanding tone, 'Get out of there! I can hear how damaged you are from your voice!'
She could hear the frown on his stupid jaw but refused to be ordered back yet, "N-NO! I CAN BEAT THIS BASTARD!" She exclaimed before rushing off to continue fighting despite how she was slowing down from how much damage she already took during the battle but it didn't stop her attack.
She could tell The Puppetmaster was still trying to order her around but by the time the blimp got over to her side, the boss had slammed an arm against the temple of her head which ended up damaging her auditory wire nerves (I don't know, just roll with it) causing it where sound began to glitch in and out for her. But she didn't exactly notice as she flew to the side from the heavy hit yet she still forced her arm to shift into a gun and shot at the boss puppet a few times before she crashed into ground.
'P--- re--- at ----' The combat harlequin couldn't make out really anything Bubble was trying to relay to her, most of it sounded gargled to her which led her to weakly shove the blimp away from her.
She groaned as she struggled to get up again, using her sword as a crutch again. She watched as the boss puppet stumbled and almost fell after she saw that her bullets were able to incapacitate the boss' arms and one of its legs. It roared in anger, which she could only tell by watching its mouth enlarge a bit, before it used its able foot to stomp the ground hard enough to create a quake.
"Oh shit-" Pomni cursed as she was unable to get up in time and had to brace herself for most likely her next death. She shut her eyes and put her arms in front of her, preparing herself for when the quake got to her.
Only to suddenly feel nothing but two arms underneath her and some wind going past her face. She paused but didn't need to open her eyes to know who got her away from the battle, she cracked an eye open to see a rather pissed off Caine plunging an electrified cane right into the boss' head and finishing the fight for her. She wanted to yell at him for stealing her target but she was too busy, you know, finally dying herself from all the extensive injuries she sustained.
It was almost midnight of the next day when Pomni's die finally glowed and the harlequin puppet groaned as she sat up on the table in Caine's office. She noticed that he was already glaring at her, almost seething in rage by how reckless she must've been against the boss. She grunted as she took a moment to register what all happened before she opened her mouth to speak-
"I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT OF THERE! TO RETREAT!!" The Puppetmaster immediately put a stop to her even attempting to talk her way out of a scolding, yelling to the point of almost screaming at her, "BUT YOU DON'T LISTEN!" He roared.
Pomni's eyes widened as she stared at shock as he continued to yell and scold her but despite the pure anger in his tone, there was something more. It almost sounded like sadness and distraught over how he felt when she was almost damaged to no repair, "Caine- I..." She paused as she noticed how her sword was missing from her side and even from the office, ".....where's my sword?" Her own voice picked up a tone of anger as she asked that.
He growled lowly, "Locked away somewhere you can't find and even if you did, it would be impossible for you to break into." He answered, his voice harsh but hoarse, almost as if he had been doing more than yelling.
She narrowed her eyes as she was suddenly on her feet and grabbed his collar, "WHY?!" She snapped at him, her grip tight, "I need it to continue fighting!" She spat at him in pure anger. She felt almost naked without her sword on her.
"You won't be getting your sword. Not for a long while." His voice turned deathly calm as he forced her off of him, "You'll be staying where I can watch and train you. You're too reckless out there. One day your die will completely shatter." His voice broke but he was quick to mask it, she wasn't allowed to die on him. If she continued to fight like a hot headed maniac, then her die would eventually shatter and he'd lose her forever.
He couldn't risk it. Not anymore. If he had to, he'd make her a prisoner in this mansion.
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sinsandsuccubus · 1 year
Pregnancy Cravings - Meet The Harlow’s
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Context: Peanut butter chicken?
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 700+
Warnings: n/a
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
                                          ☽ ☾
You hated being pregnant.
Hated it.
You felt like a blimp, considering your size and how far along you were. You were roughly between six to seven months, and at this point, you really wished that the little thing would just come on out.
Maybe a premature baby was okay.
Not only did the pregnancy come with a size change, but a clothing change. No longer were you able to fit into the crop tops and items you usually wore around your shared home with Jack. As much as you wanted to wear your old clothing, Jack made it a good point that by wearing them, you’d stretch out the material, which would ultimately ruin your wardrobe once returning back to your “normal” size.
At least you hoped that’s what would happen.
Pregnancy weight was not a good look on you, in your personal opinion, although Jack found you hella attractive.
“Mamas, you look good, I swear. As a matter of fact, I take that back, you look sexy. Do I have to dick you down to prove it?”
Needless to say, Jack kept his word.
Another thing about your pregnancy that made you raise a question was your cravings.
Sure, you had heard the many stories about the different combinations, peanut butter and pickles, boiled eggs with horseradish, but peanut butter chicken?
Peanut butter chicken. The same food combination you shamed Jack for when you both started dating and he was comfortable around you.
“Come on babe, don’t knock it til you try it, it’s really good.”
“Jack, that’s utterly disgusting. I could never eat that.”
Oh, how the turn tables.
You and Jack were currently laying in bed, your head laying on his chest while he drew patterns over your pregnant belly.
“What do you want to eat mamas? It’s almost lunchtime.”
“I don’t know baby. Nothing sounds good right now.”
“Chick Fil A?”
“Not that either.”
“Hell no.”
“That’s not what you said yesterday. You were fuckin up those chicken wings and that dry ass biscuit.”
“Your dick’s gonna be dry if you don’t shut up.” You looked up at your husband whose eyes went wide, making a motion to zipper his mouth shut and throw away the key.
“You know… I actually have a craving for something really weird.” You looked up at Jack again, who’s mouth still mocked being zippered shut.
“Ohmygod, Jack, you can speak.” You smacked his arm, laughing as he gasped for air.
“Phew, I was running out of air.”
“Yeah, you mouth breather.”
“You love me though.” He spoke, kissing you on the forehead.
“I’ll love you even more if you make me peanut butter chicken with veggies please.” You spoke, smiling up at your husband.
“I remember there was a time you thought that was gross. Going as far as to say “That’s utterly disgusting. I could never eat that.”.”
“Yeah yeah, well, now I’m pregnant out the ass. And this pregnant momma wants her peanut butter chicken with veggies.” You gave him a stern look, to which he immediately hopped up from bed and saluted you.
“Yes ma’am.” You laughed as he disappeared out of the room, shaking your head at your goofy husband. You hoped your child would take after him, especially his personality. Just not his big head.
                                          ☽ ☾
To say you were hungry was an understatement. As soon as you sat down at the table, you dug into your food, moaning at the satisfaction from your tastebuds. Jack looked at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t you say a damn word.”
“Listen, I’m just saying, you used to shame me about my peanut butter chicken, and now you’re moaning like I just blew your back-“ The words silenced from his mouth as a fork whirled past his head, his eyes turning around to eye the utensil that clattered on the floor.
“What the fuck was that?!”
“It got you to shut up, didn’t it? Now, please get me another one so I can finish this delicious meal my beautiful husband cooked for me, whose dick I’ll be sucking later.” You spoke firmly, staring directly into Jack’s eyes.
He got up immediately, moving to pick up the fork from the floor and place it in the sink, grabbing a clean utensil from the drawer.
“If I had known that my peanut butter chicken would take you this far, I would have made it a long time ago for you.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t get your hopes up. I’ll probably hate it after giving birth.”
“Dang it.”
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a-998h · 1 month
Some People Know
Reader's POV
The news of the shortened extermination deadline has not been taken well. Charlie is pacing and panicking about how she now only has about half a year to save souls, and what will happen once the time gets cut shorter and shorter in the following years. Vaggie reassures Charlie that everything will be fine and that we'll figure something out.
" Yeah, but what about Reader?! They're only a kid and might be the first one the angels go after!" Charlie exclaims in fear while gesturing to me.
Well, that makes my heart rate spike. I mean, Charlie isn't wrong, the angels probably start with the weakest sinners. Angel briefly looks up from his phone, saying that Charlie had less than half a chance when she started all this "salvation bullshit". Angel's phone keeps buzzing, probably from someone blowing his inbox.
"And now, ain't no silver lining this time toots," he tells Charlie.
Charlie say there is a silver lining, but we have to look a little harder for it. Angel responds by saying that the rest of Hell is freaking out, not that I blame them. Angel show us posts and videos of people freaking out, mentioning someplace called the Doomsday district. Charlie looks closer and asks Angel what a donkey show is. Angel pulls his phone away and says that it's just his boss, Val, texting Angel due to him being freaked put about the news too. The way Angel talked about Val, and how quickly he hide his phone made me worry. Angel says that, once again, everyone in Hell is losing their minds over the news.
"Yeah, that's true. Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape extermination?" Vaggie proposes.
Charlie lights up at the idea, but Angel shows her another video of sinners freaking out and asks if she really wants to go out amidst the mayhem.
"Well, it's not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep," Charlie says.
I was sitting in the bar area, drinking my juice with Husk, when there's an explosion. Husk pulls me under his body and ask if I'm ok. I look and see a hole in the wall. We hear a somewhat raspy male voice, that has a hiss to it, coming from the hole. The voice demands that Alastor shows himself. Charlie, Angel, and Vaggie go outside to check. I try to go with them, but Husk grabs my arm.
"This is adult business, kid. You stay inside," he tells me.
I manage to sneak out the hole in the wall before Husk can stop me, and I look towards the sky. My field of vision is completely filled with the sight of a steam punk looking blimp with a pointed tooth smile and Dr.Doofinoofenshmirtz style ray gun on the front. The voice from the blimp shouts something about Alastor facing his wrath.
"Who are you?" Alastor asks, clearly being a teasing jersey.
"Who am I? Who am I? I am the great Sir Pentious! Investor, architect of destruction, villian extraordinaire!" The voice proclaims with a hiss.
During his whole spiel, Alastor turns into shadows, grabs me, and takes us both over to the rest of the crew. Vaggie pulls me behind her, telling me to stay behind her. Niffty pops out of nowhere on Alastor's shoulder, swooning over the "bad boy". Alastor puts her on the ground, saying that if Sir Pentious's claims were true then Alastor would've heard of him. Sir Pentious says that he attacked Alastor last week, and that they've "done battle, like twenty times".
"How could you forget someone who attacked just last week?" I questioned.
Alastor says that it's because this Sir Pentious guy must be really bad at being a villian. Sir Pentious tells Alastor to shut up and cower, saying something about how some people called the Vees will see Sir Pentious as their equal once he kills Alastor, or something, to be honest I stopped paying attention half way through because this sounds completely crazy. But I now wonder, why would killing Alastor make the Vees see Sir Pentious as an equal?
Niffty somehow reappears on Alastor's shoulder, asking who the Vees were and Alastor says that they're no one important. I know he's lying, because if they weren't important than why would Sir Pentious care about being seen as their equal. Alastor uses his powers and some black shadow tentacle appear out of the ground and grab the blimp. Vaggie covers my eyes, but I manage to peak through the spaces in her fingers.
Narrator's POV
"Someone who owes us much more than money, the Radio Demon is there, along with some angelic looking kid," Valentino tells Vox.
Vox's sharp nails dig into the wood and he tries to control his anger. Turing to look at Valentino, Vox asks what he just said as electricity crackles and his hypnotic eye start to pulsate. Valentino grins as he say the Vox heard him right.
"Alastor came back and he is with Lucifer's daughter, along with a possible angelic child, and that wasn't the first fucking thing you told me?!" Vox shouts in anger as he grabs Valentinoby his moth fuzz.
Valentino says that killing Alastor is Vox's kink as the screen around the desk come to life with glitching drone video feed of Alastor, Niffty, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Charlie, and Reader.
Reader's POV
Sir Pentious is begging for Alastor to stop as the black tentacles rip apart the blimp. Alastor laughs and Charlie tries to tell Alastor that she thinks Sir Pentious has had enough, but Angel say that Sir Pentious has a few more hits in him. Vaggie takes her hands off my eyes and I get to see the tentacle hold the blimp vertical to the ground as Sir Pentious falls out of the smashed cockpit window and land face first onto the ground, along with a few egg looking things with legs.
"Thanks for another forgettable experience," Alastor says as he dramatically spins his radio staff before leaning on it. I look at Sir Pentious, and the hiss in his voice makes sense now. I stare at the top hat wearing snake, really hoping he isn't dead. Wait, can sinners even die outside of extermination? As I ask myself this question, Sir Pentious shakily raises a red tipped claw like finger.
"Thank... you... for letting your guard down!" He says.
His tail grabs a piece of Alastor's coat, with a laugh of victory before Alastor gets taller, sports a set of creepy looking deer antlers, and blasts him away Team Rocket style. Alastor cheerfully says that he need to visit the tailor, while I just stare in shock about what happened. I guess at some point last week before I showed up bleeding on their doorstep, this Sir Pentious had blown down the hotel door and Alastor beat him up. As Alastor turns to leave, Vaggie tells Alastor that we need him to help and do his job.
"We need a wall," Angel says, gesturing to the hole that Sir Pentious's ray guy had made.
Alastor says that he can't let his "new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?" He snaps his fingers and some shadow looking voodoo construction workers appear. Angel pushes Vaggie out of the way and walks over to the tallest of these shadow things, trying to flirt with him. Angel looks at me and tells me to go inside as what he was doing isn't for kids to see. Before I can say anything, Vaggie grabs my arm and leads me back inside to a disappointed Husk. They both scold me for being out there during
*Timeskip, curtesy of Stayed Gone*
Narrator's POV
Vox Velvette, and Valentino sit at a table, their robot Fizz knock off Kitty serves them drinks.
"Alastor is getting close to Little Princess Morningstar and the angel kid. So our main concern now is to ensure that no deal is ever struck between Lucifer's brat, the angel, and that smiling freak," Vox says, banging his fist on the table.
Velevtte looks up from her phone and asks Vox how exactly they're supposed to stop it, to which Valentino, who is bedazzling one of his guns, suggests to "put something inside them". Vox points out that someone on the inside isn't a bad idea, and then asks if Angel Dust would. Valentino scoffs and says that Angel Dust won't even return his calls.
"We need someone who Little Miss Bleeding Heart would take in." Vox says as he walks past Velvette.
"Someone pathetic, desperate, with no direct ties to us." Velvette says.
Valentino points out that he employs every down on their luck loser that side of Hell, so who would be left? Vox smiles menacingly as he says he nows just the sinner.
Reader's POV
I sit on the parlor couch, getting scolded by Husk for supposedly putting myself in danger. Angel is one his phone, and the voodoo shadows are almost done fixing the bar wall. Vaggie and Charlie walk in, looking defeated. Charlie face plants next to me, and I give her a pat on the back. Angel asks how things went and and Vaggie looks upset as she says that her and Charlie didn't get a single new recruit.
"Yeah. Well, who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting," he says.
As I try to comfort Charlie, there's a banging on the door. Vaggie walks over and open it to reveal, Sir Pentious. He's holding his top hat as he greets her. Vaggie punches him and holds her spear to him. He says he comes in peace. I follow Charlie to see what's happening. Charlie says hi and I just give a hand raise of acknowledgement. Vaggie pulls her spear away and Sir Pentious explains how he wants Charlie's help to be better. Charlie leads him to the door, and I get a little nervous. This guy seems like the persistent type, so he might just be here to murder Alastor. Angel points out how this guy was trying to kill Alastor and broke a walk in the hotel 6 hours ago. Charlie says that the hotel is about second chances, and that Sir Pentious deserves one. Turning to Charlie I take a deep breath.
"Angel is right. He tried to kill Alastor and blew a hole in your wall, I don't think he's gonna change, I mean, his hat looks more nevrous than he does," I tell her.
Chalire just pats my head, saying that I'm a smart kid, but I need to be more in touch with my emotions. Angel rhetorically asks Vaggie if she's supposed to protect the hotel. Charlie turns to her, probably using puppy dog eyes, as Vaggie sighs. Vaggie admits that Sir Pentious isn't that big a threat with or without his war machine. Charlie hugs and spins Vaggie while repeating thank you. She leads him inside, and I follow behind as does Vaggie and Angel.
Angel's POV
As Charlie turns her back, I grab the snake guy by the shoulder. He looks scared, good.
"Ummm, hello mr.Angel Dust. Do you need something?" He asks me.
I tighten my grip and stare right into his eyes.
"Listen chump, I don't trust you. But, I will for the the sake of me having free housing, but if you hurt the kid, I'll leave ya to the extermination, got it?" I say to him.
He nods, promising to leave the kid alone. Charlie keeps showing him everything. I don't believe in all this redemption shit, but I feel something in my heart with that kid. They always remind us that they're a teenager, but I don't care, they're still young and innocent. They don't deserve to be killed by some heavenly fuckers. Charlie says she's excited to have the first real guest.
"Uh, what the hell are we then?" I ask, as I gesture to the kid and myself.
Charlie says that we're an important part of the family here. Vaggie say that the kid is like the ray of sunshine that puts guests at ease, while according to her , I constantly make this place look bad, sexually harass the staff, am a bad influence on mariposa, a.k.a the kid, and have never once tried to improve. Charlie tries to soften the blow by saying that she meant it was nice to have someone interested in this redemption stuff for once.
Charlie leads Sir Pentious over to where Niffty is playing with Keekee. Niffty jumps on his chest, holding his jacket collar, and tells him to never leave her again. I tell Sir Pentious she's as harmless as a house cat with a knife. Charlie is about to walk him up the stairs, when she sees Alastor is there. She re introduces those two as Alastor scares the fuck out of Sir Pentious. Chalire says that this can be used as a great first lesson, how to apologize, and that the first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you're wrong. She pushes Sir Pentious a bit closer to Alastor, making the poor guy even more nervous.
Sir Pentious stumbles out a nervous apology while handing Alastor the scrap of fabric he had pulled off his coat. Alastor takes the scrap of fabric, saying that not many people have ever took even that much off him. OK, so I know for sure Alastor is some sort of big shot in Hell. Alastor comments on how much the scrap meant to Sir Pentious, before using his powers to ignite it with green fire, or is it technically hell fire? Sir Pentious just stares before Charlie takes everyone else to the parlor.
Charlie says that with a new guest, it would be best for us to get to know each other. I'm included in this dumb game, while Alastor, Niffty, and Husk aren't. Charlie says her name and that she likes to sing in a sing songy voice while clapping before gesturing to me.
"My name is Reader *claps* I," I start, but I soon freeze up.
I never liked being put on the spot, and this is not helping me. Charlie gives me a thumbs up, and say I don't have to play anymore. She then gestures to Sir Pentious and he does it well, apparently the egg things are called egg bois. He gestures to Angel who says the game is stupid and Charlie tries to keep it going. Angel says he's too sober for this, and Vaggie sarcastically says he better get used to this because this will be the whole day. I feel like I'm little kid at summer camp who just wants to go home or talk to my friends.
We move onto a skit Charlie wrote, Angel as a crack dealer and Sir Pentious as an innocent kid. The giant lollipop and sailor suit on Sir Pentious made me cringe a bit. But the script, oh my god, I was dying of second hand embarrassment. Angel comments of the writing of the script and use of the phrase "devils dandruff". I think Charlie was trying to censor it for me, but it just makes me cringe. Angel is clearly not having a good time and probably wants the ground to swallow him up. Charlie is the only one clapping once this stupid skit is over.
I look at Angel as Charlie comments on how Sir Pentious will be redeemed in no time. He looks, hurt. I stand up and go to ask him what's wrong, but he says he's going to bed. I follow after him, and ask him what's wrong. He looks at me, his eyes full of sadness.
"It's... It's nothing you need to worry about, bambino," he tells me before going to his room.
I want to follow him, but I know pushing him to talk will only make things worse. Feeling upset that I couldn't help Angel, I rejoin everyone downstairs. Alastor looks at me, his creepy smile still plastered on his face, does he smile in his sleep too? Alastor asks me what's wrong, and I lie to him. He pats my head and says that it's my bedtime. I look at him confused and ask him to repeat himself.
"You're a growing child, and growing children need their sleep. So, you now have a strict bed time, petit ange," Alastor says to me.
I turn to Charlie, who say that it doesn't sound to bad. I glare and argue back that I'm a teenager and don't need a bedtime. Charlie says it's for the best, and storm off. Knowing I can't do anything against Alastor and Charlie might throw me out if I don't listen, I go to bed. I dream about a city with gold gates, and a woman. She is tall, with a calming voice, white dress, dark skin, and a glowing white crown. She keeps her distance from me, but it's clear she's happy to see me.
"Be not afraid, child," the woman tells me.
I ask her who she is and she says her name is Sera. She says she knows what I am and that I'll be saved soon. I stare at her and ask what the hell she's talking about. She says that she only has this short about of time, but I should rest assured, I'll be saved from Hell.
A crashing sound wakes me up. I follow the noise and see Vaggie and Charlie looking in Charlie's office. I look and see Angel holding Sir Pentious by the arm, saying that he was a traitor. Sir Pentious tries to lie, but Angel soon pulls back a book, revealing a camera. Vaggie pulls her spear and Sir Pentious tries to escape out the window. A voice comes from his watch. As the voice berates him, Sir Pentious backs away from the window and lays down on the floor, tearing up. I feel bad for him. Chalire reaches out to him and sings a song with him. Niffty pouts and is mad Sir Pentious is not a "bad boy" and says that the song was lame. Once everything is sorted out, I go back to bed.
Narrator's POV
Alastor walks out of the shadows and picks up the watch. Vox appears anger on the screen, thinking it's Sir Pentious.
"You'll have to try harder 'ol pal, you're never getting the petit ange," Alastor says.
He crushes the watch, laughs, and disappears into the shadows with his signature smile on his face.
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numericalbridge · 3 months
This is more of a first draft for a serious meta post i am planning to write, but since it would take me a few weeks (and the proper post will have screenshots, etc) i just wanted to address the popular fanon that Hunter had to prove himself for Darius to start to care about him/that Darius' care was conditional and he was just same as Belos.
And i feel like that notion just completely ignores the scene just after Darius collects the Emerald Entrails to his Blimp. And, yes, i will never shut up about that scene because that's my favourite Darius scene and - completely regardless of Darius and Hunter's relationship - showed that Darius had his own morals independent of the Coven expansionism and propaganda, and in this way that scene was clearly very intentional. There was no point for Darius to lie to manipulate Hunter, as some people had thought, since that wasn't what Hunter would want to hear/be asked about, so we can assume Darius was sincere.
And... Darius looked stern and strict and disappointed, not mean-spirited, not gloating about being proven right about Hunter - and if the fanon verison of Darius and Hunter's relationship was correct then in this, very intentional scene there was the perfect opportunity for that kind of reaction. And it was the first time we saw Darius as completely serious, without playing, and serious and stern in a very quite way. Same with the scene when they talk on the crow phone where Darius is complaining but, again, is not meanspirited or agressive, but since that scene is more comedic it might not have been that intentional. Back to the Blimp scene - as other people had said, if Darius truly didn't care or hated Hunter there would be no point for him to look disappointed.
And i don't mean he would care about Hunter in a very personal manner at this point, but as i see it he probably realized he had fucked up after the crow call (my headcanon-y interpretation of Darius' way of thinking in ASIAS here) and at the Blimp scene he saw that even if Hunter was a spoiled prince the kid clearly had problems. And thus Darius even nudged him in the direction of thinking for himself by just asking back whether this was something Hunter should be proud off. Yes, it might not be super gentle, but it is a far cry from what fandom usually sees in Darius' reactions. So with all this in mind, it seems like even if Hunter didn't change his mind, Darius still would have some notion of care to be disappointed and sad over this, and, imo, it would have set him towards more compassion or at least understanding towards Hunter even if Hunter didn't help his friends.
(and btw, nothing points towards Darius seeing Hunter as anything but the spoiled royality since there is a huge difference between a child soldier and a relative of the emperor assuming an important position at a young-ish age; and the Coven Heads are not even some inner court to be privy to the Emperor's life since he wouldn't allow witches to be this close. And even in their first scene while Darius was mean initially - especially with the cloak - it wasn't anything that s1 Eda wouldn't say, and we didn't even get to see how the cloak scene would've ended if Darius wasn't set off by his mentor's sigil).
And the thing is, sure there might be unfortunate implications with the way ASIAS ends, just as there are unfortunate implications with how 8 years old King was the one reaching out towards Eda with 'no more lies' while she barely had to apologize. And in the same way as King's development and choices are prioritized because the target audience is meant to relate to him and understand him more, i think the same happens with ASIAS. Yes, it is important to show that the adults shouldn't mistreat Hunter, but for a 10 years old watching it it is also important to show that, no matter how sympathetic the backstory, a 16 years old shouldn't push you to do something you don't want. So Hunter makes mistakes, learns from them and then gets rewarded by a nearest adult figure. It is a standart cartoon structure, and sure, it also shouldn't be free of criticism, but just not via demonizing and bad faith interpretations of Darius and only Darius.
And even in that scene, i feel like it is notable that Darius says 'make your predecessorS proud'. If Darius' care about Hunter was truly just conditional or if there was no intention to that scene, it would've been easy to say 'predecessor' or 'the previous golden guard' since that's who Darius cared about and in the beginning unfairly compared Hunter to, that's what the audience remembers, but Darius doesn't seem to have any connection to other golden guards, it is Hunter who cares about them and their legacy, so this, if intentional, also points towards Darius already realizing his mistakes and trying to just genuinely encourage Hunter.
And i feel like you need to look at the episode and Darius' character as a whole rather than focusing on only 2 scenes to decide whether there was the intention to paint him the way fanon sees him or not. And even if it is how the show intended us to see Darius - then maybe the fandom should examine this writing choice in the context of how the show prioritizes white and light skinned characters and their development, and how the show treats black characters, and why Darius is the one who wouldn't get a proper resolution or a way to verbalise his thoughts and opinions while Alador or Gwen or even Steve are allowed to do it.
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multifandoms27-blog · 6 months
The Sacred Cards
Content: (Platonic) Yugi Muto x gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: Been playing Yugioh: The Sacred Cards recently and I got to the end and it made me want to write about it
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You, a renown duelist, stood on the Kaiba blimp that soared over Domino city. It was the night before the final match. So much has gone wrong since you and seven other duelists stepped foot on this blimp. Your friends and yourself blindly trusted a man who turned out to be Marik, leader of the Ghouls, a group that had been hurting people since Battle City started.
But something happened to Marik. Something awful. He wasn't himself, not that you really knew him in the first place, but he seemed...more evil somehow. The semi-finals went smoothly at first, but it all came crashing down after a while.
First, there was a match between yourself and Yugi Muto. You, as his long time friend, knew of his other self when he dueled. Somehow, you were able to beat him, even if by a hair. Seto was not happy about that development, and had vowed to beat you in the finals.
However, that didn't happen. The next match was Marik and Kaiba, to which Seto had, unfortunately, lost. Seto then went into a coma and is being kept in one of the medical rooms with Joey and Mai. As far as you knew, this was his second coma. Couldn't be good for the body.
While you were thinking, you didn't notice your door room opening and someone stepping inside. "Y/n?"
You jumped and turned around. There stood was Yugi. He looked shy, as if he were approaching you for the first time. "I...came to see how you were doing. Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"I've gone over my strategies, but Marik could throw anything at me..." You look off to the side.
"So you're nervous?" Yugi wrung his hands. "I am too...I couldn't sleep..."
"Oh, Yugi..." You looked back down at him. "I'll be okay-"
"But what if you aren't? What if you end up like Joey? Or Kaiba?" Yugi looked worried now, and you swore you saw tears in his eyes.
You opened your mouth to say something, but you just walked forward and brought a hand to his cheek. A tear fell from his eye and you wiped it away with your thumb, though it smeared his eyeliner slightly. "Yugi, I'll be okay. I have full confidence in my deck, and I'm sure they'll all wake up after I beat Marik tomorrow. Then this will all be over."
Yugi sniffled and looked up at you. He put his hand over yours and took a deep breath. "I just don't want you to end up like them."
"I understand. I promise you I wont." You gave him a friendly wink. "Now try to get some sleep. I'll see you bright and early for the duel tomorrow, okay?"
Yugi nodded. "Okay. And what if you can't beat Marik?"
"Then I leave him in your capable hands."
Yugi nodded, then turned to leave. With one last look to you, he finally shut your door and walked down the hall. You weren't going to lie to yourself, you were very nervous. But that wasn't going to stop you from trying your hardest to beat Marik and win the Battle City tournament, and wake your friends up. That you were sure of.
• ───────────────── •
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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devinescribe · 2 years
Kyuma Ginji × Reader
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Based off that request!
I love making you hurt
Warnings: Swearing, death, angst
"(N/N)-Chan~ You should really be nicer to me," he whined, hugging you from behind. You rolled your eyes. "Fine," you said, turning around in his arms returning the embrace.
He shut his eyes, and just enjoyed the feeling of you in his arms. The quiet of the world. The tightness of your hug, your skin on his.
If this was the life he had chosen, he had chosen correctly.
Everytime he completed a game. At night, he would go to the highest point of his game arena and look for your blimp.
The Queen of Clubs.
Everynight, he looked out, longing for your embrace once more. Your smile, for your eyes to meet his own. Your laughter.
He longed to be near you.
Everyday was uncertainty. But as long as he knew you were alive, he was fine. You gave him strength.
"She's still good?"
"Yeah.... She's good."
"You're the person I'd want to spend my last moments with," you whispered, playing with his hair. He smiled, his eyes meeting yours. "Our last moments should be spent with the ones we love the most. They should be spent regretting absolutely nothing. You still want to die with me?" He whispered back. You nodded yout head. "Wel... I don't want to die. But if... if I had to I would want it to be with you," you mumbled, hugging him.
If he hadn't known physical touch was his love language, he would have learned it with you. Your touch was like feathers of an angel brushing against his skin. He loved it.
His hand reached for your face, cupping it in his hands. "I would be dying with one regret... if I didn't do this," he whispered, kissing you softly. You kissed back, a smile on your face.
"Not kissing me would be your only regret?"
"Of course."
He once more climbed to the top of the containers. In the middle of his game this time. Just because he felt he needed to. You gave him strength and this was one of the strongest groups he'd faced.
But there was another feeling. A feeling of darkeness, pressing down on his chest and shoulders. Heavy sadness. He didn't understand why. Today felt different.
But you were there. You were fine.
He knew you, he knew you were strong. You would be ok.
"Yo, Mira look!!" You shouted, showing the woman that you had taught one of the other citizens how to do a cart wheel.
Everyone laughed together. "Enji, its your turn," you said threateningly towards the boy. He shook his head. Kyuma watched you drag him from his spot on the floor. "Come on... if Kyu can do it so can you," you pleaded with the boy. He kept trying to break away, but it was never enough.
"Fine fine fine," you mumbled, fixing his hair. The boy laughed. "Better go tell your boyfriend you love him. He might get jealous," Matsushita laughed as you helped him up. "Nah. Kyu!"
He looked over with a smile.
"I love you!"
He didn’t think his smile could get wider. But it did.
"Hey hey Jack of Hearts," you giggled, ruffling the boy's hair, using his newly acquired alias. He laughed. "He's waiting for you again by the way," he said. You nodded. "Stay safe kid. Remember... you're not always going to be the smartest in the room, yeah?" You said, a sad smile on your face. He nodded. "You too... you're worse than me somedays."
"King of Clubs," Kyuma informed you as you walked up behind him. You smiled. "What a coincidence. Queen of Clubs at your service," you said with a dramatic bow. He smiled, hugging you tightly. "You be safe. Don't be dumb. I'm looking forward to the next time I can see you," he whispered, kissing your forehead softly.
His team was winning. So he climbed back up. To thank you. For giving him the strength and motivation to keep going. To keep playing, to keep winning.
He smiled at the sight of your blimp.
That smile was quickly wiped off his face when he saw the explosion. It head straight down, and he watched in shock.
Tears filled his eyes as he watched. (Y/N), his (Y/N)...
Was gone.
He went to the docks. To think. The be alone.
You were his only reason for his success in his mind.
That ballon was his only hope of seeing you once this was all over. Just like you two had promised.
Winning his game meant nothing now.
You leaned your head on his shoulder, the other citizens talking amongst themselves.
"I'm excited for tomorrow. A bit nervous. But it is going to be ok. I know it," you whispered to him. He nodded. "Of course it will. We will be ok. And I promise when the players lose, we will see eachother again."
Arisu had tricked him. But in a way, he was happy.
He had lived his life to the fullest. Until the very end. He had no regrets...
Except for one.
"And I shall die with no regrets. Except for one. That I broke my promise to her," he said, smiling at the other man. "Who? Arisu asked. "Queen of Clubs. (L/N) (Y/N). My one and only," he whispered. "Can I ask something of you Arisu?"
"Of course."
"Go to the Queen of Clubs arena... and even though she's not there.... you tell her I said... I love her, yeah?"
Arisu nodded. He felt like Kyuma was one of the most fair and kind people he had met so far. If only they had met in the real world.
Kyuma threw his head back, raising his arms, and awaited the laser.
And darkness.
Your smile was the last thing he thought of.
"Kyu... why are you crying?"
"Oh... (Y/N)... I thought... I thought I'd lost you."
"Well... you did for a bit. But we're here now, isn't that what matters? We're together... just like you promised."
Soooo... uhhhh... yay! Big sad, but kinda happy ending?
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Risk It All (23) It’s Not Too Late To Heal
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Genre: Chishiya X Fem reader, angst, 18+
Warning: mentions of drugging
A/N: there may be smut the next chapter, this was so unexpected I didn’t even know how I wrote this. Finally the slow burn is coming to an end!!
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You didn’t know what to do with yourself, you checked the house again maintaining some, albeit small, slither of hope that he was there. You went as far as checking outside too, not straying too far, of course, the very real threat of being shot to death wasn’t appealing even now so you did all you could do… you waited.
Maybe it was your exhaustion that gave it away or some suppressed memory from earlier but it became clearer with every passing moment he had drugged you.
Fucking asshole.
You watched the sun fade and set, your mouth had long grown dry and your limbs stiff when you heard the door open. Disregarding the pins and needles in your right foot you shoot up, running as fast as your body could let you to the door.
A wave of relief flooded you momentarily at the sight of him, it was a short wave of relief one replaced with a much more propellant anger.
Even in this world, you were only human, a human being with human responses, and although you weren’t a fan of violence it felt justified.
So you drew your hand back as far as you could and you slapped him, the sound resonating through the house. “You fucking drugged me.”
He grabbed your wrists, his own anger apparent. “You fucking hit me.”
Your body hit the wall with a thud, the door closing now his frame wasn’t in the way. You kicked your leg out catching his shin. “YOU FUCKING DRUGGED ME CHISHIYA.”
“Because you’re too stubborn to listen. You would have ended up hurt if I didn’t.” He justified.
“So you drug me? YOU ABANDON ME HERE? DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING WORRIED I WAS?” You screamed, pushing him hard enough to have him stumbling backwards. “Fuck you.”
“Fuck me?” He scoffs, standing upright to walk after you. “You’re too stubborn to reason with.”
“We are not skipping the fact you drugged me!” He was being unbelievable.
He raised his eyebrows, questioning you. “It was sleeping pills I didn’t give you too much if you slept that long you clearly needed it.”
“You’re such an entitled arrogant piece of shit.” You throw your hands up.
“So we are back to this.” He mumbled unamused, slumping on the couch. “Get it all out.”
“No Chishiya. You don’t understand because you’re a man and you have a privilege. Whether it be in this world or another men have a privilege. What would have happened if someone came in here whilst I was drugged out?” You explained as calmly as you could despite the fire bubbling under your skin.
He pondered it for a moment. “Wouldn’t have happened.”
“What are you a fucking fortune teller?” You laughed ironically, genuinely shocked by his response. “Grow the fuck up and face the real world.”
“Shut up for one fucking second!” He rolled his eyes. His tone catches you off guard. “You know what fine maybe I did some that that was less than decent but I did it with the right intentions and if you can’t see that then it’s on you. I won’t explain every single action to you, I’m not always fucking right I got thrown into this world too so stop acting like a fucking victim all the time and realise I’m doing the best with what I fucking have.”
You were both speechless and ready to debate every comment he made. “Is that it?”
“No.” He shuffles uncomfortably. “Sorry for drugging you.”
You brushed off his apology, not sure where his “sorry” had come from. “Where did you go?”
“Where I said, I hiked up, and found the clubs game.” He shrugged, as though the information wasn’t interesting. “Another blimp but no card on them.”
“You think they are waiting for the spades and clubs to end before they start any others?” It would make sense, especially if the games were bigger.
“Possibly.” A moment of silence before he continued. How do you feel?”
“You drugged me how do you think I feel.” You scoffed, he was not serious. “I trusted you.”
“You aren’t hurt.” He spoke it as a face, not a question. “Thanks to me.”
“I could have been hurt, thanks to you.” You retorted.
“You could have been but you weren’t, you definitely would have been if I had let you come with me.”
You feel the walls around your heart breaking, a wave of defeat encasing you. You sniffled, composing yourself before beginning. It was now or never, you couldn’t keep doing this anymore. “Don’t pretend like you care, every time you say you do, you kiss me and make me feel things that I know I shouldn’t. You bring me this hope Chishiya, hope I didn’t expect to find in this world and I keep on waiting and waiting for you to finally drop the whole “I can’t love you here” stance but either way I’ll die. I won’t live forever, the promise of death won’t disappear once we are back in the normal world and that’s if it still exists. You think love makes you weak but love gives you a reason to fight, I keep fighting for you, I keep putting myself in these positions to be hurt because I think I love you.”
“You…” he trailed off, the silence making bile rise in your throat.
Your lips tugged upwards at the corners.“I think I love you.”
“Because you’re an asshole but you still take care of me, despite how much you say you don’t care and don’t want me you are there every time something goes wrong, you listen when I talk even though you don’t say much you hear me. I know underneath all that stubbornness you have a heart and I know you’re capable of love.”
“I don’t love you.” He breathes, his words slicing your heart into two. You press your lips together, refusing to cry. “I like you though.”
You whipped your head up to him, staring in disbelief as he continued. “I don’t really know what love is but I don’t want you to get hurt and it’s nice having you here, I hated you at first because you were annoying and pitiful but then I spent time around you and realised I may have misjudged you.”
“That doesn’t sound too…are you sure you like me?” You scratched your head, not entirely endeared by his confession.
“Wait, that sounded bad let me try again.” He laughed, a sound you weren’t familiar with. “I thought you were the same as everyone else, you weren’t. You weren’t willing to sacrifice everyone else to survive, you tried to help as many people as possible. You reminded me of the reason I wanted to become a doctor, to help those who couldn’t help themselves. Regardless of how badly I treated you, I apologise by the way, you didn’t walk away and you didn’t want me to get hurt.”
“Oh.” Your face flushed red. “I didn’t like you when I helped you at first, I just didn’t want anyone to get hurt.”
“I know. I'm sorry for leaving you here alone.”
“What does this mean Chish? I can’t be in that state of unknown anymore.” You watch the way his eyes flick to you before looking out the small window.
“I think in our world people said “going steady, no?” He laughed, once again surprising you.
“I’d like that.” You let the silence settle, the conversation repeating itself. The last part has you snorting. “I never thought I’d hear you say that. Seriously, never use trendy phrases again..”
“Thank god I felt ridiculous.” He looks around laughing. “Have you eaten?”
You shook your head. “Didn’t really have time to.”
“I can make something?” He offers, eyes still fixed on the floor.
You laugh standing up. “After drugging me? I’ll cook for us.”
“Hey.” He reaches out, his fingers cold as the hook yours. “It was only sleeping pills, I’m sorry, I just didn’t want you to get hurt and you’re too stubborn to listen.”
“you’re forgiven, just next time maybe don’t do that.” You smile, you don’t want to let go of his hand but your stomach rumbles, ruining the moment.
“Let’s get some food.” He smiles and as though he can read your mind he squeezes your hand, tightening his grip as he leads you to the kitchen. “You know from the mountain it’s like the further it goes the worst the buildings get, I think we are in the clearest part of Tokyo, the further out it gets the more it turns from city to forest.”
You shuffle through the few canned goods in the cupboard, picking out some fruit ones. “So what, does that mean time passes differently here?”
“I think so, we all arrived around the same time, a day or two apart, the longest period at the beach between newcomers was a week. No one entered after that, of course, there could be some who kept to themselves and ended up dying. I can’t figure it out but I did decide something….”
The way he ended the sentence alarmed you. You nodded, encouraging him to go on. “I want to join the diamond game.”
“No.” You were resolute, and definitive in your answer. “You can’t.”
“It’s the only way I’ll learn more, I haven’t lost a game up until now.“ he reassures you, in a way he was right, it’s how this world worked.
“How is your visa?” You asked, dumping the contents of the cab inside a bowl.
“I have 12 days left. That’s presuming they restarted today. What about you?” He stole a piece of melon and you slapped his hand.
“Wait until I’m finished.” You open the second can, pouring it into another bowl. “You have enough days you don’t have to play. Adding the 10 from the beach I have around 22 days.”
“You can stay behind, I think it will be better if you don’t play anymore.” He helps you carry the bowl to the table, sitting opposite you. “I have to do this. This whole time I’ve been waiting for these games. I know you’re afraid but I will come back. I just-“
“You need answers.” You supplied.
“I do.” He nodded, chewing on a piece of pineapple. “This world gave me a piece of life I didn’t know I wanted.”
“I need you to promise you’ll come back to me.” You focused on the bowl of fruit, willing your fear away. “Promise me.”
“I will do everything I can to win.” His leg brushes against yours under the table. “Eat up.”
You ate in silence, although it had grown more comfortable. You winced as you brought the food to your mouth, a light pain shooting down your arm.
He lurched forward as you hissed. “Are you okay?”
“My arm.” You mumbled.
“Let’s go sit on the couch, I’ll have a look at it.” He helps you up, walking with you, only parting to grab the small first aid box.
He stares at you expectantly, his lip caught between his teeth.
He motions to you. “Your um.. shirt.”
You go red with embarrassment. “Oh yeah.”
You peeled under your shirt, your bra being the only thing you had on. “Uh, I don’t have anything.”
“It’s fine, if you’re comfortable I mean, it’s okay, I see it a lot…” you raise your eyebrows and he laughs “No no, not a lot being a doctor I see a lot, just, whatever.”
You laugh at his blabbering. “Can you help me take it off?”
“That’s different from your attitude yesterday.” He laughed, stepping forward. It was a little awkward but eventually, you got it off. He didn’t stare, he didn’t even look. His attention went straight to the bandages on your arm.
“It’s okay, just a little blood.” He explains. “No torn stitches.” He brings up a cleaning pad to wipe over the wound. “A week or two and we can take the stitches out, because they aren’t medical grade it has to be removed physically.”
“Will it hurt?” You grimace.
“Not as much as it hurt to have them put in, I’ll try to find some more pain medication there’s a relatively intact store about 20 minutes away.” He explains, wrapping fresh bandages.
“I’m coming this time.” You declare and he laughs, nodding. You continue, unable to stop watching his movements as you do. “The diamond game isn’t starting yet, we have time.”
“Let me guess, there’s something you want?” He raises an eyebrow, closing up the first aid box.
“You’ll come back from the game, you’ll be safe, I just want to enjoy whatever time there is before you go.” You selfishly had said them to comfort yourself, he had to come back.
He hums. “What do you want to do?”
“Have you ever played uno?” You had found a new packet in a drawer in the house, and other games around gave you the illusion there were once children here. It’s weird to think that In another world, in your world, there are children playing outside, animals bathing in the sun, mothers and fathers preparing dinner. Just because you were in a world that lacked everything normal it didn’t mean you couldn’t have a few days of good.
He watched your face, his gaze flicking from your lips to your eyes. “Uno as in the card game? I can’t say I have.”
“Oh, you’re going down.”
“Didn’t we say no more trendy phrases?”
You lifted your leg, kicking him lightly. “Asshole.”
He moved out of the way just in time, throwing your shirt back to you. And in this moment you had three thoughts:
Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad.
Maybe things would work out.
Maybe, just maybe, Chishiya will love you too.
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justatalkingface · 1 year
The 'Great' MHA Read Along, Part One (Chapters 1-4)
So, at the request of @lacunammmm, I'm going to be... well, rereading MHA. All of it, god help me. Because the chapter division is stupid and based off giving weekly (and often cheap) cliffhangers rather than smooth storytelling, I'm just going to reread arcs instead of individual chapters (the arcs I'm going to be using are the ones off the wiki, for the record), kinda summarize it, and write out my opinions as they happen in a stream of conscious kind of way.... which is going to be a mess, fair warning. If you've read my take on the War Arc as a whole, that is the vibe I'm going to be going for. Thankfully, the first couple of arcs are only a couple of chapters long, so I get to get some easy stuff as a warm up before it gets longer and more complicated. Anyways, I'll be doing this on and off, and if this gets any attention I'll probably move it up my priority list a bit.
Anyways, first impressions as I read: where the hell was this guy with dragon fire head the entire time? Right at the start of chapter one it has examples of Quirks and there's this guy freaking out, and it's like a fire version of all those dragon covenants from Darks Souls, which is fucking awesome. Seriously, talk about an underused idea.
*clears throat*
But. Anyways. There's some crazy nostalgia seeing normal kid!Izuku; I know he's technically the same character, but he's changed so much from then to now, it's almost like he's literally a different person. It's not just that he's more confident and stuff*, like, all his mannerisms are gone, too. I mean, hell, the only thing that really connects Izuku from then to the current version is him going Kaachan, of all things. There's this kind of disconnect because I can't think of Post War Izuku, or even to some extent before that, really acting like Izuku.
More than that, though, he feels... fleshed out, in the way later Izuku doesn't; this Izuku, for all his flaws, and often (but not just) because of them, feels a lot more like a person that late game SUPER-DEKU Izuku does. Man, I miss this version.
*Actually, now that I think about it, he doesn't actually seem to have grown in confidence, after a certain point. Maybe by BvI2, his confidence, as a person, seemed to have stalled a lot. He's more confident later on, true, but that's more in a, 'I have assessed I can take you' kind of way to various villains, where before he was more nervous and determined; he's more confident in his power, sure, and his power level means he can apply that confidence almost all the time, but beyond that? The Dark Deku bit is something I could see this Izuku doing, if with less confidence, and for him to go on for so long without really getting to value himself at all speaks of some serious lacking growth.
Ah, beginning Bakugou. I did not miss you. And geeze, Bakugou cares way too much about Izuku; that ego is as big as a blimp and as fragile as spun glass. God, I forgot how damn sinister he was early on; that smile while he's burning Izuku (which I note doesn't even to have marred his uniform) gives me 'child pulling fly wings' energy. I really could see early Bakugou going way too far on Izuku and seriously hurting him in that, 'I didn't mean to' kind of a way, only maybe regretting it afterwards, and that is a bad vibe to have. In a less serious note, how does the teacher teach anything with him in class? From the way his friends talked afterwords, the lack of reaction the teacher had to his fits, everything he did except the suicide baiting was standard. Yelling, standing on the desk, exploding shit? None of that registered.
I know he's supposed to get away with everything because the staff likes his potential, but how much of the class does the teacher have to yell over him and his explosions? Or does he patiently wait for him to shut up before the lesson can continue, because clearly Bakugou's not getting punished for any of that.
...Sweet flying fuck, it has just got to hit me how much that must have hurt, the slime villain thing. Drowning is supposed to be a horrible way to die, and I doubt drowning in slime is any better, and to add insult to injury? He calls Izuku 'his hero', fuck. All things considered, that's probably the first time Izuku's been told that since his mom played games with him a a kid, since I doubt it's as common a phrase in MHA as it is now...
Now that I think about it, I refuse to believe that some sort of All Might related slang doesn't exist in MHA somewhere, and is this super common thing that people say all the time. It makes too much sense to me, considering the semi-literal worship the man has, and makes me want to laugh too much for it not to be real.
Speaking of All Might, popping out of the sewer, while carrying his groceries, as you do: in retrospect, that's like Superman crossed with your favorite idol popping out of the sewer, dressed in a normal outfit, holding groceries. It is both hilarious and without the reader's context brings up so many questions.
God, I miss this All Might. He's posing as he jump/flies away, long past the time Izuku should be able to see him, delightfully extra about it, and he's just so casual about this interaction, as he checks on Izuku, secures the villain, and even gives him an autograph on sheer autopilot.
I... I think this might be peak!All Might? Like, I know we get more of his story later on (but not by much, and generally just to introduce another character), but as a character I feel like his entire personality just started to flatten out after this initial arc, and by the time the next arc hits he's already getting flanderized into the useless character we end up with. Give it a second, let's get to a bit later in the story and I'll expand on that.
That said, the fact Izuku managed to stay on his leg and not get flattened by the jump or something is amazing.
Ah, instant karma on Bakugou. But, as has been noted, not punishment; he's not being punished for being an asshole, something bad just randomly happened to him, in a way that makes readers subconsciously want to think he's been punished for being an asshole, without having to make up for it in anyways, in a kind of half assed version of the dying for redemption trope.
Alright, real talk time: All Might and turning down Izuku. A lot of people hate on All Might for this, and I mean, a lot. They call him hypocritical and cruel, and like, did you pay attention? The man is being consistent; he didn't become a hero (student) until he got a Quirk. More than that, he tried to let him off gently, told him about how else he could help, and he really was just being honest. He may have been wrong, but he was honestly wrong. The fact Izuku took it so bad was because All Might was his last hope, but you can't blame All Might for Izuku's entire life when this is literally the first time they met.
*side eyes Bakugou*
Anyways, and now we come to it: the big moment. Well, a big moment, anyways; a lot of big moments in these chapters.... but yeah, Izuku saving Bakugou. It's... I feel like hindsight is tainting me here, in all honesty. Because that face Bakugou makes, as all those heroes stand around*, it does get you in the gut, it really does, especially when it drives cowardly Izuku to charge forward to save him. Asshole or not, he is just a kid, and he doesn't deserve that...
But. I can't help but look at that and think, 'This is Hori skipping on characterization'. That is, rather than making him better (though, to be fair, these early parts are the part of his biggest growth), or kinder to fix his character, Hori is hitting us with a poor Bakugou moment to smash some sympathy into us to try and undo all the shit that made us hate him not five seconds ago, while still leaving him as is. I don't know, maybe I'm too cynical, but I can't shake the thought.
But yeah, this is like, the defining moment for who Izuku is as a person, and it still is great at making him feel heroic in this really realistic, yet still impressive and admirable way. I really do love these early chapters. As much as I hate to say it, though, if All Might wasn't there all that would have happened was he would have gotten killed, like, two seconds after that so the heroes kinda had a point yelling at him.
Trying to recruit the recently traumatized victim, though? That is pure shit. Less, 'do you want to work for me', and more, 'Do you have lung damage', please; you're apparently professionals so I'd love it if you acted like it.
*Yeah, I feel like Aizawa would have expected all his students to try and rescue someone trapped by the slime guy, Quirk match up or not; there's certainly enough bad match ups they have in literally every school sponsored fight we've seen that it feels off that someone just said, 'I have a disadvantage' and gave up. I can't tell if this is an excellent demonstration of how half assed the heroes are getting, that UA is just better, or all heroes got flanderized as the series progressed into just charging in all the time anyways and this kind of characterization got forgotten. Some of everything, maybe.
Also. You, Fire Hose Man. Backdraft. Look, you stupid fucker, I get you're putting fires out (the second Bakugou is not responsible is the second his Quirk starts being treated seriously, interestingly; can't light a shirt on fire but once the slime gets to him the city starts burning? After this I don't think he'll ever start a fire again, no matter how hard he's going on someone or how flammable various things are) but you know what might be more helpful? Stopping more fires from happening, and saving a literal child! Two-for-one!
The villain is made of slime. You have access to high pressure water.
Do I need to draw you a map?!
...Sweet fuck in any other context than him being hammier than ham, All Might would be terrifying. How much of that persona is All Might going, 'Don't be afraid, I'm here to rescue you', and how much is, 'Don't be afraid of me, I'm so extra! Clearly I can't single handedly cause natural disasters when I'm not carefully monitoring my strength; there's no way you're going to explode if I touch you!'
God Bakugou, your ego, dial it back. Izuku, why are you complimenting how he refuses to get over himself?
Actually, right before All Might shows up, Izuku basiclly moves on from what... All Might said, which is interesting. He clearly still wants to be a hero, but that moment in itself just seemed really grown up to me. I respect that.
And... ah. I think this is my favorite moment.
'You can be a hero'.
God that's so damn powerful, the way you can see Izuku's composure fail, second by second. And... look at the way All Might is standing, look at how confident he is standing there, even when he's Skele-Might. This is the All Might I like, this is the man who helped get me into this story in the first place; even at his weakest, even after burning past his limit, he's still got the aura of a top hero to him, before promptly being shown as a Real Human, and it's so different from how cringing he seems to get later on, and so different from all these other mentors and heroes. All Might is both larger than life and starkly human in these chapters and that contrast is glorious.
And then the training, and I just hate we can't get this for rest of the series; All Might has that retired coach kind of a feel to him, of a guy who has done everything and knows how it works, and is just surprised and delighted by how Izuku is not only keeping up with, but surpassing his expectations.
The training we see is short, but when Izuku ends up screaming his victory, god it feels like he earned that win, and it's viscerally satisfying to see him improve like that.
'Now eat this', lol.
...What the fuck is UA's budget. They have a fucking town, like, an actual town, to train in. More than one? People could live there. And it's nice to see Iida be a character again, and the little arc he goes through here is interesting; he's well meaning, but abrasive, and in Izuku's mind almost bullying him, but you can still see how he means well; he maybe be a bit of a jerk at this moment, but he's not an asshole, which makes him (for what, one chapter?) a far more satisfying rival character than Bakugou ever was. If the story was spun different, you could really see a competing sort of rivalry between them forming where they both ultimately respect each other even as they try to one up each other, the thing everyone seems to think Izuku has with Bakugou for no real reason.
On another retrospective note, I have mixed feelings about how OFA is working here; when I first read this, I got into it, Izuku's struggles really brought me in. And then he kept struggling. And kept struggling. And the way All Might is suddenly unable to see this obvious problem coming, when he was so competent until Izuku got to UA, for literal months, leaves a bad taste. Looking back, it feels like Izuku is getting nerfed so he can suffer and panic all the time, and All Might is getting dumber so he can be a joke, and that.... ugh.
Uraraka coming in clutch on that rescue, though.
And Bakugou, yet again I'm harsher in hindsight, or maybe just less connected to Izuku's view on him, who would of course expect Bakugou to be the best, but the way it's focusing on his 'sheer battle instinct' and that he ends up in first place just feels like Hori hyping him up just because he can.
And to wrap it up... I'm assuming the 'Your Hero Academia' makes more sense in Japanese, because that phrase just feels...awkward, reading that in English. Was it different in the official stuff, or did it just stay as that weird almost title drop...? I can't quite sympathize as much with Izuku here, because of course he was going to get in, but it's nice seeing him win anyways.
In all honesty, this ended up meatier than I expected for just four chapters; in the future, if/when I keep this up, and the arcs get bigger, I might need to break it into multiple chunks to stop them from getting too big. Or, maybe this intro is meatier into such a short span because it's the intro. Guess we'll have to see.
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ontheshroom · 2 years
Don’t Be Anxious I Got You
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Jack Harlow x fem!reader
Synopsis: Just smut no plot.
Jack helps a shy reader not be so shy.
His touches are gentle and teasing. His fingers just barely touching your thong but somehow perfectly applying pressure to your clit, the amount that leaves you wanting more and needy but not enough to let you cum. You smile up at him as he’s towering over you on the bed.
“Hmm?” He asks you.
Your face reddens. Jack’s main goal is always to get you out of your shyness when it comes to sex.
“More.” You ask quietly.
“You want more?” He asks with a smirk.
“Like this?” He asks applying more pressure.
A moan rips through you, it feels good, but it’s not what you wanted.
“Mmm mmm” You shake your head.
Jack’s eyes widen, he expected that to fully be what you wanted.
“I- I want you.” You tell him, his fingers still circling your clit.
You’re sure your slick has started to seep through the cloth.
“What about me?” He asks you, pulling down your thong.
He licks a stripe up your cunt, collecting your slick on his tongue and swirling it on your clit.
“Fuck.” You sigh, again feels good, but not what you want.
“No, Jack. I want you to fuck me.” You moan.
Jack pauses out of shock, the vulgar sentence his new drug of choice. He wants to hear it every day and as many times as possible.
Jack quickly shuffles to get undressed. It doesn’t take long to get him situated in between your legs and before you know it he’s slowly pressing against your opening and sliding in.
“Feels so good.” You moan.
“This what you wanted, princess?” He asks you.
The pleasure has already clouded your mind and you’re far gone. You grip the covers over and over trying to ground yourself. Jack notices and chuckles, he grasps your hand and holds it. You try to move your head to the right to hide it.
“Let me see that pretty face as I make you feel good.” He says, watching as you center it in front of him again.
“Good girl.” The praise sends numbness throughout your limbs.
“Oh.” You moan as Jack speeds up his pace, your back arching off of the bed.
You bite down on your lip, trying to hold in the whines and moans leaving your lips at an embracing volume.
“I’m so close, Jack.” You moan, screwing your eyes shut.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You chant, gripping his hand tighter and your legs lifting a bit.
You cum hard, blanking out of the real world for a moment.
The moment looks like an Oscar award-winning cinematic masterpiece to Jack prompting him to orgasm along with you.
You blimp back into reality as Jack pulls out. He watches as his cum slips out and thrusts back into you to slip it back in.
“I can’t.” You moan, already so sensitive.
“I know, baby.” He says pulling out gently.
Your legs feel weak from how much shaking they’ve done. Tears stick to your face and hair.
“C’mon let’s get you to the bathroom, then we can take a nap,” Jack says, holding his hand out for you to take.
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hexmidriffgobrr · 12 days
So I heard that astro bot has some wild inflation in it so I'm getting many ideas
Imagine how tiny they are compared to a human so it makes it so much easier to puff them up. You could just sit them down on your desk and give them the end of a tiny pump, the little bot eager to follow whatever you say. Slowly pumping up the little robot to what it's used to, humming happily as it pats it's puffed up stomach. Then you start to pump it up further and further, listening to the tiny robots quiet whines as it feels itself get stretched. But in your own opinion, the little thing is barely bigger than a rubber band ball. So you keep pumping and pumping, watching in delight as the robot starts to round out, eyes shut tight from the strain as it tries to sooth it's aching stomach. It's hands can barely even reach now as you continue to fill them full of air, it's arms now waving helplessly as they try to keep their balance. You're much more satisfied at the little blimp in front of you, so you give them one final pump and chuckle as you hear your subject spark and whine. They let out quiet digital gasps as they try to rub their bloated stomach, so you aid them a bit and give them gentle rubs to help you little toy.
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chickenpeep77kirbyau · 2 months
Popstar creatures part 5
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1 Gordo: Levitating sea urchin/starfish like organisms with a hard spiky shell, sharp arms, and a ring of stalk eyes.
2 Long Gordo: Gordo but long. Needed more points of articulation for the shell.
3 Blado: Gordo relative with cutting implements.
4 Turbite: Small electrical magic user relative of gordos.
5 Floof: Curious levitators that create a cloud cover around them for camouflage. May pick up objects.
6 Haley: Fast floof relative.
7 Bo: Shy shadowy things. Hangs out in darker areas like caves during the day.
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1 Noo: Territorial fire magic users preferring to live in caves. A pair of tendrils are bigger and more specialized for manipulation.
2 Plasma Wisp: Cave dweller with electricity magic. A pair of tendrils are bigger and even more specialized for manipulation.
3 Booler: Lacks tendrils. Has some illusions of fire and invisibility cloaking at its disposal.
4 Mumbies: A levitating organism protected by ribbons of its own silk.
5 Degout: Mumbies relative that uses a metal shell. The opening can be used as a pseudo beak.
6 inside Degout/Mumbies covering
7 Cupie: Flying critter that can shoot arrow shaped magic projections.
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1 Kabula: Big floating sky creature. Its mouth is ringed by six eyes. Its markings resemble a scary face. Its single arm can generate orb shaped magic projections. It is often used for interspecies combat, but is known to sometimes attack any flying creature or object big enough to be seen as a rival. Shots are not usually fatal, but still pack a punch (Can't have them be murdering each other constantly). Imagine looking up and seeing a couple of blimp like creatures shooting orbs at each other from a distance but neither will back down so they end up arm wrestling.
2 Smaller Kabula: A smaller species.
3 Magical Sweeper: A floating slime creature that covers itself in a shell. It has six eyes, two of them long ones. If it opens up its shell it can shoot magic projections.
4 Laserball: Orb with a metallic shell. Perceived threats will be warded off by stinging lasers. Can become intangible. Imagine how frustrating it would be to have these around. You can't keep them out of your house if that's where they want to be for some reason.
5 Bubbles: Slime creature with a slick coating on its elastic skin. Attempting to grab it may result in bouncy shenanigans.
6 Droppy: A creature capable of mimicking other organisms, even down to its magic abilities. Its not always perfect in its mimicry though.
7 Oro: Normally low to the ground. If its disturbed it will attempt to make itself look large and intimidating.
8 Mahall: Also known as a trap door slime.
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1 Floaty Drifter: Snake like organism with a large frill with fake eyes to startle predators. Can leap into the air and float away.
2 Perara: Flat flying creature.
3 Maiga: Slug like thing. Attempting to eat it will result in it releasing a gummy slime that will glue your mouth shut.
4 Chilly: Slime creature with ice magic.
5 Floaty Cell Core: Aquatic organism that keeps itself moist by surrounding itself with its slime as it levitates. The slime can also be used to make appendages to pull in prey or be launched as projectiles.
6 Pluid: Water mimicking slime.
7 Drop: An unrelated water mimicking slime.
8 Sparky: Slug like creature with electricity magic.
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1 Caller: Fuzzy flying creature with wind magic.
2 Bouncy: Uses its coiled tail to bounce. Blade arms are usually kept tucked against its body.
3 Popon: Large slime with acidic flesh and attacks.
4 Twister: Levitating creature with wind magic. If disturbed it will spin into the air. Its eye stalks and large four pointed mouth is the only thing outside of its metallic shell.
5 Mopoo: Levitating creature.
6 Boxy: A creature that produces silk and an explosive substance. It wraps up globs of it to hurl at enemies. It also wraps up prey and food for later. Sometimes it gets its silk packages mixed up and ends up hurling food instead of bombs.
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1 Mosomoso: Floofy floating bug things.
2 Soot Bug: Small floofy bug things.
3 Pasara: More floofy floating bug things.
4 Tick: Slug thing with a stabby proboscis to paralyze and liquify small prey.
5 Apolo: Bug things that suck sugary plant sap. They are tasty. If disturbed it will rapidly move itself to the other side of the plant. (I've seen some plant bugs do this irl its cute)
6 Uja: A bunch of bugs in a telepathic hive mind. The work together to form a solid magic surface over the group in order to attack prey or threats.
7 Soarar: Flying creatures. Sometimes grab things and fly away with them.
8 Capiller: Large caterpillar with inflatable fake eyes to startle predators and announce its bad tasting toxins. Not that big of a deal, unless you happen to be allergic to it or something...
9 Needlous: Spiny caterpillar like creature.
10 Beetly: Somewhat resembles a beetle in appearance.
11 Mariel: Fuzzy poisonous bug thing. Gloms seem to be immune to the poison.
12 Barampa: Flying creatures with an exoskeleton that group up in lines to appear larger.
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CHAPTER II: Airplanes and Early mornings
Koopa Man: This is your pilot speaking. Thank you for flying Air Goomba. We should be arriving at Shadow City International Airport in just under 5 hours. The skies are relatively clear so we expect only a slight amount of turbulence. 
Luigi sighed as he stared out of the airplane window. In just 7 hours he'd be at Bowser's Castle to act as the nanny for the Koopalings and their brother Bowser Junior. He still didn't know how his brother managed to convince him to take the job. Then again he hadn't managed to get a job since he'd been fired by his fiance, so maybe he was just open to any suggestion.  
Goomba Steward: The emergency exits are located there and there. 
The goomba gestured towards the orange colored emergency exits.
The green dressed Mario brother looked around the cabin. 
There were Toads on their way to vacation. 
Business Koopas on their way home. 
Humans who would transfer to a plane headed to the Luncheon Kingdom for a wedding. 
And a few others whose goals varied from migration to a short vacation. 
As the plane's engines revved up, and the fasten seatbelt sign went on, the emerald clad human closed his eyes, hoping to get some sleep before he arrived at his destination. 
The means people used to travel in this world were as diverse as the beings that inhabited it. 
There were cars, bicycles, motorcycles, and hot air balloons. Trams, buses, trains, and blimps. There were planes, ships, koopa copters, and spaceships. There were things I had yet to mention and that most people of our world had yet to imagine. 
But of all the methods used to traverse distances, the most famous was the warp pipe. A technological marvel that could get you from A to B in a fraction of the time it took all but the fastest commercial planes. 
It was, sadly, also the least comfortable, most expensive to build, and hardest to maintain form of transportation. Which is why it was generally only built when money was no option. Such as in certain government buildings so doctors, politicians, military, aid workers, and refugees could easily get to an allied nation or a nearby province. Or temporarily in the case sporting events, or kidnappings. 
Teenage Male Koopa: GIMME THAT! 
Slightly Younger Male Koopa: NO IT'S MINE! 
Teenage Male Koopa: YOU DON'T EVEN USE IT! 
Much Younger Male Koopa: I'M TELLING DAD!
Bowser woke up like he did every morning to the sound of his children arguing over something. 
Teenage Male Koopa & Slightly Younger Male Koopa: DON'T YOU DARE!! 
Much Younger Male Koopa: DAD! 
In this case the argument was between three of his least favorite kids. 
Iggy & Lemmy: SHUT UP LARRY!
Larry started crying
There was a moment of silence before the three brothers started laughing. 
Bowser sighed. 
He knew he wouldn't send them to boarding school, and they knew he wouldn't send them to boarding school, but at least they stopped fighting and that was all he really wanted. 
Bowser got up and looked in the mirror. After a month without Kamek's help, he looked and felt tired. He'd grown a beard, the same shade of red as his mane. Normally he'd shave it, but he felt too tired to even try to. 
He put on a white dress shirt with french cuffs and a spread collar, silver cufflinks shaped like his logo, a navy blazer with gold buttons with his logo on them , Khaki colored dress pants, white socks, brown leather dress shoes, a red silk tie in a half windsor knot, a gold pocket watch, and a forest green shell with white spikes.
Normally he'd just wear a shell and some spiked wristbands, but he had a conference in two days, so he had to get used to dressing up. 
He didn't mind the clothes, in fact they felt quite good, but in his mind he wasn't the type of guy who would wear them. Or wear a beard, or do a lot of things for that matter. 
He looked at his watch. 
Bowser: Three hours till Mario's brother gets here. I hope he lasts longer than the last one.
The king muttered to himself. 
Somewhere in the skies near the coast of the Darklands an Air Goomba plane was preparing to make its final approach to Shadow City International Airport. 
Shyguy Stewardess: Sir, wake up, we're almost at our final destination. 
Luigi: Wuh huh? 
Luigi slowly got up. 
He'd been able to sleep through most of the flight, only waking once to go to the toilet, once to stretch, and once to eat his breakfast. His breakfast consisted of an omelet with fried mushrooms and fire flower, some somewhat stale bread, an assortment of overripe fruit native to the Mushroom kingdom, and some coffee, which he'd been told was a type popular in the Darklands, and was unfortunately the best part of the meal. While it had been a bit too dark for his taste, he still enjoyed it. 
The landing had been uneventful, some passengers had clapped, but that was nothing out of the ordinary.
The lesser known Mario brother thought of his situation as he made his way through the airport. He'd met Bowser only a few times in his life, and couldn't remember the last time they'd exchanged more than a few words. Even after Bowser's wife died a few years ago, he'd only sent him a short letter offering his condolences, and never gotten a reply. And now he was on his way to babysit the man's children. 
He giggled nervously. 
The only time he'd babysat anything was his neighbor's Yoshi, and even that almost went wrong. 
He made his way to Darklands Customs and Border Protection.
Koopa Woman: Passport? 
Luigi showed his passport
Koopa Woman: Business or Pleasure?
Luigi: Business
Koopa Woman: Staying long? 
Luigi: I hope not! 
Koopa Woman: Haven't heard that in a while. 
Luigi chuckled nervously
Koopa Woman: Luigi … Mario? Huh, same last name as Mario Mario. 
Luigi: He's my brother
He smiled proudly. 
The koopa burst into laughter
Koopa Woman: Yeah right! And I'm the queen of the Darklands! 
She regained her composure
Koopa Woman: Regardless everything checks out. Welcome to the Darklands mister Mario. 
The man in green finished going through security, got his luggage, and walked outside, somewhat disheartened by what happened at customs. 
Shyguy Driver: Linguine Mario? Lugini Mario? I'm here for a Loogy Mario! 
Luigi: It's Luigi. 
Shyguy Driver: Can I see your passport ? 
The shyguy looked at it briefly 
Shyguy Driver: Looks good. Ok, get in the car. 
Luigi nodded, and got in the car. 
Shyguy Driver: Lets hope you don't end like the last ones. 
He muttered to himself. 
Time is a funny thing. Seconds can feel like minutes, minutes can feel like hours, hours can feel like days, and days can feel like years. Or in the case of one unfortunate King Bowser, ruler of the Darklands. Hours can feel like Centuries. 
Bowser looked at his watch. 
Bowser: 3 minutes till he's here. 
His children were all waiting in front of the door. 
He'd told them that he'd send them to the moon if they what they did to the last people that babysat them.
Not that it mattered, he was too tired to do anything, let alone punish them if they did what he feared they were going to do to Mario's brother . 
The doorbell rang.
Teenage Female Koopa: Ready! 
A security guard opened the door remotely
Oldest Teenage Male Koopa: Aim! 
The door opened
Second Oldest Teenage Male Koopa: FIRE! 
Bowser: NO! 
Bowser reacted too late. In unison the Koopalings blew scarlet balls of fire at their unfortunate target. 
Iggy: That was number 39! 
The crimson firestorm which wrapped around the figure in the doorway, gave way to emerald and viridian flames, behind which were intense eyes which seemed to burn with lime green fire. 
The mix of red and green fire dissipated as the man dressed in green dusted himself off. 
As he looked around the room, his composure shifted from intense anger to an equally intense nervousness
Luigi: Hello… I'm…
Bowser: The Nanny. 
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