hmshermitcraft 22 days
Katherine's had a lot of suitors, as in a lot. She didn't like one, not one. It concerned her parents quite a bit, all these handsome men and her daughter didn't want even one? Ah, I guess they just have to keep trying. Eventually they land on the Prince of Rivendell, Prince Scott. Katherine is oddly accepting of this one? Well, it's good for both kingdoms so they can't protest.
Truthfully, Scott and Katherine are friends, very close friends. Thing is, they both swing the other way, this is just, well, a cover up of some sorts. To get their families off their backs, and their partners Jimmy and Tango for Scott and Shelby for Katherine, know about it and have no issue with it.
When they tell their parents they're out on a date, they are. Just not with eachother.
It's the perfect cover up, in their opinions. Because if their parents find out now, they'll simply have to accept it. Making a big deal about it would cause more issues for their families - why fix something that isn't broken!
As long as they get to keep living their lives how they want to, they're happy.
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hmshermitcraft 1 month
Shelby has wings, big bright colorful wings. She takes great pride in them, she makes sure to preen them very well and they're always presentable. They're very sensitive though, one wrong touch and you'll suddenly hear loud thunder and have Shelby's scythe pressed to your neck.
Which is why Katherine is extra gentle with them, so utterly gentle as if the wings were made of glass. Katherine's the only one allowed to touch it without asking, she can preen them aswell. Katherine even makes little accessories to hang off them!
Katherine is so sweet, only problem is. Katherine is pinning, and she doesn't know what these actions mean in Avian culture. So while Katherine panicks and worries about how to ask out Shelby, Shelby assumes that they're already dating.
Shelby is wearing the accessories with all the pride of a doting partner. She shows it off to everybody possible, and at this point anybody even slightly familiar with avian culture assumes they're dating.
So imagine the surprise when Katherine comes to Scott asking how to ask Shelby out. Scott can't believe he's the one having to break this news - of all people!
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hmshermitcraft 2 months
Katherine loves shopping, specifically, clothes and plushie shopping! Shelby loves Katherine. Katherine drags Shelby along for shopping trips often, and it will always end with Shelby getting covered by the mountains of stuff Katherine buys. Katherine doesn't even notice!
Shelby loves it! Look at her, being all strong and cool, carrying all her girlfriend's stuff. Yeah! You wish you were her! Then they get to go home and find a place for all their new plushies to live, and model outfits for each other... Shelby lucked out!
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hmshermitcraft 1 year
Any omegaverse omega!Shelby x alpha!Katherine headcanons/ideas, if you will? -馃惡
You wouldn't be wrong to believe Shelby is a docile, sweet omega. Often she is! Katherine loves doting on her too. Their sex can be as soft and gentle as it can be rough and fast.
The mistake is to assume Shelby is only a docile, submissive omega. People assume Katherine is the person to be scared of in the relationship. And she still is! But get on Shelby's bad side and she packs just as much of a punch as Katherine's axe. Then, she'll turn on the tears and innocence to pull people to her side.
She only uses it to people that deserve it - so many alphas think they can push omegas around just because, or that she shouldn't leave Katherine's side and ugh. They deserve what's coming to them.
She returns to Katherine's side with no guilt, gleefully nuzzling into her neck and enjoying her girlfriend's scent.
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hmshermitcraft 1 year
Any Vampire!Katherine x shelby ideas? Dark or soft, sfw or nsfw(suggestive?)
Katherine met Shelby through the local blood bank. Shelby was one of the volunteers that helped run it! She also assisted in the growing and processing of plasma fruit, which was used to keep the supply topped up. Not quite as tasty as normal blood, but it works!
Katherine was surprised to see a human helping at the blood bank, but Shelby was perfectly nice. More than nice, even. Katherine would describe her as cute (as long as nobody was listening.) It's pure coincidence she changed her collection schedule to figure out when Shelby is in so they could continue their little chats.
Shelby has a pet cat, she's a practicing alchemist and volunteers at the blood bank because she likes being able to help others. Katherine is a woman with a van, helping do odd jobs for people that need them. The short chats become long chats become "Hey, do you want to go out for a coffee sometime?"
It turns out, Shelby knows some very nice cafes with options for vampires. She helps distribute the supply after all.
Shelby tells Katherine, on maybe their third date (they're not sure when to start counting) that she isn't interested in sex. It's nothing about Katherine, no, she's very hot! Very sexy vampire! Shelby just... Never has been interested. She says it in the way that makes Katherine wonder how she expected Katherine to react.
She shrugs, and they continue dating. But Shelby seems a little lighter in their interactions now, like she was before they started their dates.
(And, they discover that drinking blood? That can be a pretty fun activity between couples with no sex involved. As long as they don't cover their bedroom in blood like they did the first time...)
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hmshermitcraft 1 year
And Katherine loves how sheby doesn't take shit from anyone, alpha, beta, or omega. Including her considering when they first met Katherine had made a comment about how most omegas come in for a collar and not a hat and if she really didn't want anything else, without thinking about it.....
....Which shelby had not yelled but definitely told her off....she still ordered the hat, though. Katherine made sure to apologize and bring flowers as an apology along with the hat
Now that the princess thinks about it- that's probably what piqued her interest in the omega -馃惡
first ask!
People have treated Katherine differently since she presented. Sometimes she enjoys it. Sometimes she finds it frustrating. She just wants to be a normal person occasionally! Not powerful, or to be worshipped, or... Whatever. She's tried to fit into the role of an alpha and what's expected of her, but it's never quite worked for her. Like a dress that's just a bit too tight in the wrong places.
Shelby didn't let her. Shelby shut her down, dressed her down, and left Katherine feeling thoroughly embarrassed.
She thinks she needs that in her life; somebody that isn't afraid to talk back to her. If somebody's agreeing with everything she says to make her happy then that's just... It's not what she wants.
Shelby. Shelby is what she wants. Now she needs to put the work in to win her over.
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hmshermitcraft 1 year
Glimmergroves nobility and royalty is especially strict with the structure and dynamic, as they are the oldest kingdom and have a lot of beta and alphas(so lots of bias) and so their omega laws arent as good as...literally every other empire(the sanctuary has the best btw)
This is mainly due to the nobles of glimmergrove keeping the laws in limbo through bribery or arguments, etc. A lot of the laws in limbo have passed since Katherine inherited the throne. But also she's spent all her time around nobles and their ideals and has been traumatized/influenced by them. So she's hesitant on others unintentionally....until shelbys comes along and she starts to unlearn everything she was, wrongly, taught. And it starts from their frost meeting
the argument went a bit like this: most omegas come in for collars you know- are you sure enough only want the hat?, .....I'm sorry- what?, well most omegas usually have someone special when they come in here and so order collars- or have a mark you don't got either, so?, nothing just a bit odd, you do realize what you just implied right?, hm?, not all omegas have a partner you shouldn't assume they do- and even if they do they shouldn't have to buy a collar they don't belong to whoever their dating, I- I know I didn't mean it like that-, yeah well it sure as hell sounds like it., I- I'm sorry, I didn't think-, yeah a lot of people dont...., ....sorry...., just don't do it again.
That was how Katherine learned that unlike what other alphas taught her, omegas do not think of the collar as a gift. But as an insult, like they are below everyone else. And most of the classes below nobles and royalty know this- it's why when Alpha and omega couples come into her shop(the oens who live here) seem awkward, the alpha seeming guilty and the omega seeming nervouse. She always just thought it was because she didn't have enough varieties of collars or they had a fight before coming in(gg has the ancient and biased law that omages gotta wear a collar or bite mark to show their not single so they dont 'tempt other alphas' katherine realizes how biased it is now)
So now if she doesn't understand what a law for omegas means or thinks it's weird she'll get shelbys opinion on what exactly it'd mean for omegas.....to her suprise these laws have been passed in every empire, that's in the are aka the main other 11 minus s+k, except hers which makes her feel angry and sick/guilty. Shelby reassures her by saying shes doing more then any previouse ruler of her land and how its 'better late then never right?'(It also makes so much more sense now as to why so many omegas moved out of glimmergrove)
She still faces a lot of resistance, treading a thin line between change and fighting against the nobles. That's before her own life experience even gets involved. She refuses to be like her parents, though. Everybody should feel welcomed in Glimmergrove. (Katherine wants Shelby to feel welcome here, in her home.) She knows how it feels to be ostracized for something out of your control.
She does what she can to form relationships between communities. People are understandably reluctant to meet with her. Shelby must see something in her, because she often helps Katherine get her foot in the door. Katherine doesn't think she'd have been able to meet Sausage without her help (his expertise was incredibly valuable. And to her surprise, she didn't even think to ask what his designation is!)
Things are going well, and Katherine begins drafting up more powerful laws to protect the omegas within Glimmergrove - ensuring they have the same right as any beta or alpha to exist as their own person. She's already noticed the bristling in court, but she's an alpha for a damn reason. How is it fair that omegas aren't even allowed in these discussions about the laws and leadership of their kingdom? Laws that affect them, especially!
Money and power, it turns out, talks.
Katherine can barely get a word in as one of the oldest council members argues that she is a curse upon the kingdom, just as was foreseen at her birth. They say her corruption will tear the kingdom apart. They've lived in comfortable stability for centuries, they cannot let the cursed princess shake the foundations of their peace.
In a room of threatened, powerful betas and alphas with a whole lot to lose, Katherine is alone. Her counter arguments are ignored, because of course they would be. For all their fancy words about peace and stability, she knows they mean 'power'. She wants to cry that if their stability is built on injustice then it deserves to fall, but she doubts that will win her any favours.
The first assassination attempt is only a few days later, clearly discontent with the long process of stripping her political power formally. Katherine is lucky it was one of the nights Shelby was visiting. Her visits are in secret, especially considering the current situation. But it meant the would-be assassin wasn't expecting her.
When they step outside the room, all of Katherine's guards are gone. Not dead, no. But not a single one is at their post. They've stuck a target on her back and cleared the way to it as well.
Shelby squeezes her hand tightly. Katherine grits her teeth and squeezes back.
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hmshermitcraft 1 year
Shelby knows Katherine's trying- whe fell for the alpha very quickly. Though no matter how much she loves her and wants to be her mate she's not gonna let any comments slide
Katherien doesn't mean any of the comments- she doesn't even realize their offensive or she makes them! It's just stuff she's heard other, much older, alphas say or been taught
Shelby knows that, which is why she accepts the courting gifts and gives her own, katherines not going to forget what's been drilled into her head for fear of being a 'failure of an alpha' after all
1 & 2
Katherine is sweet! Shelby wouldn't give her the chance otherwise. She listens to Shelby when she explains why something can be offensive and she's trying to change! Shelby imagines the hierarchy is even more regimented for royalty. The fact Katherine is willing to put the work in for her means a lot.
Shelby is happy to meet her halfway. She accepts the gifts (and they're so sweet and well researched! Potion ingredients and flowers.) She gives the occasional gift in return as well - usually fabric she can use in her shop! She can see Katherine bristle at first. It goes out of the usual omega and alpha structure, after all. The alpha is supposed to be the provider, the one chasing the omega, blah blah. She shakes it off eventually, excitedly bouncing around with the fabric and rambling about what she could make with it.
It's the first time anybody's given her a gift in return.
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hmshermitcraft 1 year
For the theme:
Katherine hosts another boring ball. It's always like this, once a month, she has to make a party, and it's always boring as hell
Maybe seeing Shelby in that dress makes it a bit less boring, though. She looks cute, Katheirne likes it on her! She looks so pretty! she'd like it better if it was torn off by her
If she had a choice, her parties would be different. It would be her and her friends actually having fun, not dancing around with basically strangers that just want a marriage proposal. It's all politics and keeping up appearances. Katherine may hate it, but she knows how to play the part.
Shelby always looks stunning. It's the highlight of every ball. Never outshining Katherine (as it's rude to outshine one's host) but Katherine still can't take her eyes off her. Why should she dance with all these mediocre men that look the same when she could dance with someone beautiful?
Mostly, she wants to take Shelby's hand and run away. She wants to run through the halls eating stolen pastries, their laughter echoing off tall pillars. She wants to dance in the garden, under the moon's glow to their own music. They don't need to follow steps or a routine. She wants to kiss her against every wall of the castle, feeling Shelby's hands - warm - fitting perfectly on her waist.
She wants to just be them.
Instead, she smiles politely at Shelby across the room. Shelby smiles back, dropping into a curtsey. And things continue as they always have - separately.
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hmshermitcraft 1 year
If they want to play dirty, Katherine well play dirty to. She'll get tricky she'll get cleaver. She's younger then all of them- shes...younger the all of them.....huh....
She'll use their hatred of weakness and so onegas aganst them, the younger ones 30-40yrs are more in the fence but listen to their elders that are 70-92yrs so.....she passes a law that makes it so you can't be in the court if your older then 70yrs
Of course, theres backlash, but well, she knows how to appeal to them after all "after you reach 70 your scent starts to qeaken as well as you alpha strength, speed, hearing, eyesight, etc. You don't want an alpha or neta as weka as an omega in your court now do you?"
It makes her sick to say.....but it works, and she's lost 70% of her court due to the law passing, bad to most but well. It's all part of her plan. Their understaffed now thye have so much paperwork to get through...so it's inevitable they'll start skimming and passing laws and signing paperwork without fully reading it
So as long as she words the laws correctly, with just the right amount if fancy words the laws well get passed without a 2nd thought. Meaning she passes all the pro-omega laws she can and tries to get rid of a much power the alphas and betas have as she can. Aire some are caught by the older betas but almost all pass! Their WINNING
Of course, Katherine doesn't stay in the castle. It's not safe, something that's proven when the tower her rooms in blows up and older alphas and betas are suprised to see her still alive. Like they planned it....she uses a secret tunnel to get to the edge of the other empires so they can't follow her and attack her friends or her beloved
And it's working! Their winning- Their alive, she's finally helping people hats proven when he notices the rise in sweet sugary scents, omegas starting to dump their (once forced due to their acents 'distracting and tempting alphas) suppressants in the trash. And eveyrone, who's aid birthrate would go down? Their TRIPLE then umbrella they were the last few years because omegas aren't constantly distressed by the forced medicine and crime rates against them
part one
She knows she needs to reform the attitudes as well, but it's far easier now she can talk on an equal level with her court. It's not easy, no, but Sausage has been wonderful getting her resources to support her talking points. She can point to statistics and studies and show the benefits these laws will have to their kingdom overall.
Eventually, she wants to restructure the court completely. Proportional representation of each group, with members elected by those in that group. Regular elections as well, so nobody is stuck with a person that it turns out doesn't hold their best interests at heart. It's a system that will benefit all of her people - not just the nobility with money to throw around.
She keeps her current living location a secret, not wanting to put Shelby in danger either. And though Shelby is by no means what Katherine considered a 'typical' omega (whatever that even means, she's now realised) there's still something calming about knowing, at the end of the day, she can come back to her. They'll both lie around, and Katherine doesn't need to be a queen. She can just be plain, ordinary Katherine.
The way Shelby smiles at her, she thinks she likes that best.
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hmshermitcraft 1 year
Shelby is the one who brings up retiring first, a new ring on her finger, considering she actually has a stable place to live and ao doesn't have to do these jobs to get money, plus her degree has been given back to her since it was uncovered her principle actually rigged her finale project to blow up so she can get an actual job
and maybe she's getting tired of being chased by the heros and destroyed corrupt company's only for nothing to be done- maybe shes just tired, maybe she doesn't want to be so stressed out all the time because of it........and maybe because she'd like to get married officially with their family and friends(shelbys grandma and Katherine's friends)
So she's gonna have to disappear or fake her death, and considering the heroes would freak and all that, she wanted to run it by Katherine before she does anything cause she doesn't want the hero to be given a bigger work load because of her, but seeing how happy and supportive Katherine is....is nice, reassuring even
1, 2 & 3
A lot of villains make it their identity. Shelby was never interested in that. She turned to this life because she had nowhere else to go. Maybe that's why she was so desperate to fall into Katherine's arms in the first place.
It feels like she can choose for herself this time. It's up to her where she goes and what she does. She has a degree, though she's not sure if she'd want to work in the field anymore. She has a fianc茅e that she adores. She's even thinking of adopting a cat!
Leaving her old life behind just feels right. It's a new start, and she wants to grasp it with both of her hands and make the most of this opportunity.
They have a bonfire, the two sitting in the cool evening and burning anything Shelby no longer wants. They roast marshmallows and Katherine kisses the fluff that gets stuck to Shelby's cheek. It's quiet, and it's peaceful, but it doesn't feel like a funeral. It feels like a new start.
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hmshermitcraft 2 years
False loves Katherine, Gem loves Shelby. Unfortunately neither Katherine nor Shelby love them back, they love each other. Guess they'll just go to a corner and sulk.
They softly complain to each other, sometimes it just how pretty their crush is, and other times it鈥檚 how they know that Katherine and Shelby won鈥檛 fall in love with them. Gem and False had talked so much, shared so much together, they grew close to each other, to the point were their hearts felt fluttery and they felt hot, before they realized they fell in love with each other, but they still love their original crushes.
Now when they meet up, they exchange soft kisses, before 锟紅alking about their dat as they cuddle up with each other. They know Katherine and Shelby were dating long before False and Gem had started as well, but they can see the appeal for their partner鈥檚 crush, maybe they can try to woo them, but until then, they are willing to bask in each other鈥檚 warmth
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hmshermitcraft 2 years
Gem is in love with Shelby. Unfortunately though, Shelby doesn't love her back. Shelby loves Katherine! That much is very very clear, considering she fought to the death with Joey to win Katherine's affections. It's alright though! Gem will continue to love Shelby, even if Shelby doesn't love her back. Ahah, what're you talking about? She isn't crying! That would just be silly!
She didn鈥檛 immediately go seek comfort from one of her closest friends who knew about her crush on Shelby, just like her heart absolutely didn鈥檛 break when she saw Shelby kiss Katherine.
False and Pearl curl around Gem, as she sobs, they hate how hurt Gem is, but they can鈥檛 do much beside pet her hair, and whisper words to her, in comfort. They won鈥檛 be able to fix the problem. Mainly because they can see how Shelby probably won鈥檛 love Gem, and if she does, Katherine won鈥檛 share with Gem.
But that would be silly, and it totally didn鈥檛 happen, just don鈥檛 ask where those three are, and don鈥檛 go snooping in False鈥檚 base.
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hmshermitcraft 2 years
Gem knows she shouldn't love Shelby. She knows Shelby won't ever love her back. She knows Shelby loves Katherine. She knows they probably won't ever break up. She knows she should give up on Shelby. She knows that there's no use crying over this. She knows, okay!? So why is she still crying over it.. why. Why.... why does it hurt so badly...?
Because she fell in love with her, she was willing to give Shelby everything and yet she chose Katherine over her
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hmshermitcraft 2 years
Gem hates the fact that Shelby is dating Katherine, hates the fact that Shelby isn't hers. Despite how much she hates their relationship, she'd never try to make them break up. Shelby just looks so happy, so lovestruck, so.. so something! Something that Gem can't make her feel. She wants Shelby to be happy, even if Shelby isn't being happy with her. She can deal with it, totally! She's totally eating normally! Totally getting sleep! Totally caring for herself! Totally not crying every night! Heh
She just wants to be the one Shelby loves, but that won鈥檛 happen, of course it won鈥檛 she being delusional, Shelby loves Katherine and she doesn鈥檛 need to love anyone else. Plus why would Shelby even look in her direction
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hmshermitcraft 2 years
Cleo is flirty, she can flirt with anyone! But for some reason, whenever she tries to flirt with one of the lady hermits or Katherine and Shelby, she just can't! She can't flirt with them! She becomes red, and tongue-tied! She swears to Notch she can hear her undead heart beat.
She gets cooed at, when they see her blush. They find it adorable that the strong, flirty zombie can鈥檛 even say a sentence in their presence
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