#shrugs. oh well! no penalties <3< /div>
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oensible · 2 months ago
[Image description: Five Sharks skaters clumping around a Wild player after a shoving exchange between him and Will Smith, who stands aside, gazing upon the chaos he has sown with his back to the camera. End of image description.]
sharks immediately coming to defend smith, we love to see it
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another-random-object-show · 1 year ago
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Another Random Object Show: SEASON 1
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EPISODE 20: Death Penalty!
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Sunny played with some toys as Cuby watched over him. David began to sign to Cuby, to which Cuby signed back. Through this, Sunny tried signing too and barely understood. “You think we could bring him with us?” David signed. “èȘ°ăŒïŒŸâ€ Cuby signed. “Sunny, do you think we could bring Sunny with us to the finals?!” David signed. “ăȘăœïŒŸâ€ Cuby signed. “Because he’s so silly! C’monn, please??” He asked, signing. “Just look at him!” He pointed after signing.
“Hello! ă‚‚ă—ă‚‚ă—ïŒâ€ Sunny signed, using both ASL and JSL, learning from David and Cuby. “AWWWWWW, LOOK AT HIMMM!!!” David signed, energetically. “...fine.” Cuby signed, using ASL. “YAY!!” David signed. Sunny then tried signing again, but it was broken and came out to “Orange give Orange yes?”, before he realized what he meant and signed “I love you. æ„›ă—ăŠăŸă™!” in both languages.
Meanwhile, Moony, Question Mark and House were all sitting together in a therapy bubble.
“...so. We’ve lost many people.” Moony said. “First Star, then Starry
 maybe not so much Lunartic, but still.” House nodded. “and I was doing so well
 until Penta got
 y’know?” He sighed. “I already miss him.” Question Mark now stood up. “Hey! Let’s not get sad! Listen, Exclamation Mark and Period may be waiting for me, Starry might be waiting for Moony, and Penta is most definitely waiting for House, but we can’t let their sacrifices drag us down! We’re SO CLOSE!” She exclaimed. “Besides, Penta never went to THE INBETWEEN, is that right?” She said, “Correct! I’m still here, by the by.” Penta said. “PENTAAAA!!” House went to try and hug him, and wrapped his arms around where Penta would physically be. “Ah. Nice to see you again, House.” Penta said.
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“That's adorable
 wait, you two are a couple?” Question Mark now asked. “...well, I may be dead, but the dead can still become infatuated with the living, y’know.” Penta shrugged. “Huh
 y’know, I think I knew you two would always be like that. With you being so interconnected and all
” Moony said. “..why thank you.” Penta said, now scruffing House’s roof.
“OOOOhhHhHhH!! I’M TELLING THE GOURD! >:)” Mime said, spotting Penta, who immediately grabbed him. “Firstly, I already live here. Secondly, It would fail. I already escaped THE INBETWEEN, many, many years ago, and I’m overruled by a deep anger towards the family that cut my phone lines before my death so I couldn't call for 911, even though they broke in and robbed me after I had died.” He now glared at Mime. “and thirdly, I’m going to HELP you.” He says. “All of you, actually. I have seen Today’s Challenge, and it will become increasingly impossible, so if you want to STAY in the show, WORK with me.” Mime now thought, looking at Cuby and David, still with Sunny, who now told Mime; “C’mon Mimester! <D”

with that, Mime agreed to the plan, just as Penta went invisible.
“FINAL 7!” The Gourd clapped his hands, summoning the contestants. “Today’s Contest is VERY special, it will be the most HARDEST, BONE-BREAKING, HEARTATTACK INDUCING CHALLENGE YET!” He now unveiled the challenge, which was being held up by numerous steel beams. “THE! OBSTACLE COURSE! OF! CERTAIN DEATH!” He unveiled a seemingly innocent Obstacle Course. “UNTIL ONLY 3 OF YOU REMAIN, THE CHALLENGE WILL GO ON!” The Gourd cackles. “Now.. go.” He snapped his fingers, summoning the 7.
“Listen, when it gets tough, I’ll carry you over the obstacles.” Penta told everyone. “I’ll reappear in 10 Minutes.” He said, as the Course Track activated, forcing everyone to get moving.
“This doesn't seem so bad! Hup!” Sunny told David. David nodded, and helped Cuby duck. Meanwhile, Question Mark was struggling. “ACK! NO!! EESH!” She yelped, avoiding the course. “My goodness! This is difficult!” She told House. “..House?” She looked around for House. “...what's this..?” She swiftly grabbed a sticky note.
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“Out with Penta, be back I swear
?” She seemed confused, then realized. “...OH. What a fun time for him!” She jumped.
After 10 Minutes, the tracks were speeding up, Penta returned with House, who was utterly flustered, and began to carry everyone over.
“Wee!” went Sunny, “HOW AM I NOT DEAD?!” screamed Question Mark, “THaAAAaAAAaAnKs!” Mime gurgled. “...” Cuby, David, and Moony were silent, though Moony did thank Penta as he dropped her, and House went— “Heheheheeee
 heeeee ^///^” when being carried by Penta.
The process repeated until

“20 MINUTES ARE UP!” The Gourd said. “...and there's 7 of you
 SUDDEN DEATH!” He said, as the Course now went backwards and repeated itself. Penta desperately tried to carry everyone over, but eventually

“ACK!” Moony was flung off by a ball.
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“MOONY! YOU! ARE! OUR! 7TH PLACER!” The Gourd said. “Say your goodbyes, meet me at the Elimination Ceremony!”
Moony stared as Penta came down to profusely apologize “I am
 deeply sorry, I
 caused all this trouble for you and—” Moony now stopped him. “No
 it’s my time.” She stated. “..you’re leaving? :-(“ Sunny said. “...like Starry?” Moony kneeled to Sunny. “...listen, Sunny
 you're far ahead of me.” She chuckled. “You might even be the better Moony
 sigh. You've got this in the bag, sweetie.” She pats him. “Go on.” Moony now walked to the Ceremony.
“I’m ready to go.” Moony said. “...M-mom? I.. I uhm.. I..” Sunny tried to stop her, but Moony remembered something. “Sunny
 remember him?” She pulled out a plush of a yellow dog. “...y-yeah
 we found him in The Junkyard and
 he was my best friend
” he said. “...remember me.” Moony said, giving Sunny the plush dog. “...I.. I will.” Sunny said, tearing up.
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“..now, as a space object, you will simply disappear, so.. goodbye, Moony!” The Gourd snapped his fingers, sending her to THE INBETWEEN. “..now, I will see you all
 next time.” The Gourd said, turning the Torches out.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“Halt!” Starry calls out. “Who goes?” She asked. “..I am Moony. This is Lunartic. We are
 moons.” She explained. “...a moon?” Starry said. “...yes. We orbit planets and watch over them, gently caressing their oceans
 but we haven't a planet, so here we are. Deciding to orbit.. your people.” She said, “...have some Moondust, it’s on us.” She nodded. “...alright
 be careful, we have young ones.” Starry said, allowing Moony to pass.
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iwritebutshouldi · 3 years ago
The Boy Savior - Part 8
Summary: When you lose your family in a shimmer factory accident you lose everything with them. All you want is getting your revenge, but then you meet him
 The Boy Savior.
Happening during the last two acts of Arcane at first (probably advancing further as I have plans with this story)
A/N: I have to use made up names for the Firelight members because I can’t find their names anywehere :(
Ekko x Reader
Content Warning: -
Link to Prologue, Link to Chapter 1, Link to Chapter 2, Link to Chapter 3, Link to Chapter 4, Link to Chapter 5, Link to Chapter 6, Link to Chapter 7, Link to Chapter 9, Link to Chapter 10, Link to Chapter 11
Chapter 8
"When I'll be old enough," the little girl whose face was burned whispered to you - her name was Aether as you learned earlier. "I want to be Ekko's wife!" She said proudly and you chuckled, shooting a look towards the boy who was sat not far from you.
He was deeply entangled in a conversation with a boy, named Syler, about something you couldn't hear what was - but it seemed to engage the both of them quite much.
"Oh yeah?" You asked as you gently pushed your shoulder against the little girl's.
"Yeah!" She reassured you knowingly and you couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Understandable. He's a nice, handsome, and clever young man after all." You replied and looked at the boy again, who still seemed to pay all his attention to his conversation. He probably had visited these kids a hundred times before, because they seemed to know him very well and vice versa. Ekko told you they couldn't come to live with the firelights because they all had someone, they had to take care of...
Your smile faded a little when you looked at Aether again, who couldn't open her left eye anymore because of the chemical burn that ran all along the left side of her face. Working in such a dangerous place like a shimmer factory with only one eye was like death penalty for someone this young...
"Hey Aether, can I ask... can I ask how did you get injured?" You gently brushed the remaining strands of black hair out of her left forehead as you spoke.
"I tumbled because I was hungry and fell against a table on which we pour the shimmer into the vials. The shimmer was still hot." she replied, shrugging as if it was the most natural thing on this earth for a hungry child to work in a factory... your heart sank as you watched her opened eye that shone so brightly. She deserved more... All of these children deserved more. Just like your family...
"I have a gift you know." you leaned closer to her as you spoke as if you shared some deeply confidential information - which was kind of true in your case.
"What gift?" Aether asked, furrowing her brows. You couldn't decide whether she was curious, confused or suspicious as she looked at you - maybe all three at the same time.
"If you give me a hug, I'll show you in exchange!" you said seriously and since the deal seemed fair for the girl, she agreed. You hugged her to your chest and leaned your head on hers as you started concentrating on your heartbeat again.
But after a while Ekko came to your mind, you couldn't help it.
You remembered him standing by your figure still sitting on the ground in front of the tree, his hand reached out for you and you felt the warmness inside your chest greater than ever as it rushed through your veins. Your palms felt hot when you placed them onto Aether's cheeks and after a few seconds only, you felt that you were done.
You slowly let go of the girl to look at her. The skin that was scarred before now seemed fresh, healthy and pink, but most importantly, she could open both of her eyes now! You smiled at her - a little tiredly - as you said: "It will grow back." you brushed her hair behind her ear once again. "I've healed plenty of chemical burns in my life and the hair always grows back." and you weren't lying. You had to heal injuries like this all the time when your family was still alive...
"Whoa..." you heard the single word of amazement before all the kids rushed to surround you at once.
"Are you okay?" You heard Ekko's voice coming from your left side. He stood next to you, watching your face as you tiredly nodded at him.
You ended up surrounded by the children, all showing you where they hurt and telling you how they got injured with their wondering eyes opened widely. In the end they even formed some kind of a messy queue waiting for you to heal them one by one.
And you did.
Ekko stood a few steps away from you all the while, watching you work silently. Sometimes he talked with the kids that showed them their healthy arms or legs or fingers, but he did not interrupt you.
When you healed the last boy's - his name was Thomas - wrecked ankle as well you felt drained. Like never before.
Your whole body felt weak and heavy and it was hard for you to even lift your arms, but when you looked at the kids, not a single one of them limping or wearing a bandage anymore, you were content. What was the point of even having an ability like yours if you were not using it at all...
You were made for this.
"Better than ever!" You lied. You didn't want to draw him back from his businesses he might still had to take care of with your tiredness and after this place, you wanted to see more.
The young firelight might had been right about Zaun. You just needed a little more to believe it...
You said your goodbyes to the children soon after.
It was getting too late already and Ekko still had one more thing he wanted to show you. You leaned against his back as he navigated the hover board under you - you felt your head becoming too heavy. You were only lucky because the boy drove the device much calmer than ever before, otherwise you were sure you would have fallen off behind him...
You saw that you were flying towards the higher parts of Zaun, you could even see the sky above you in the distance, laying a huge purple cover over the city. Puffs of smoke tainted it here and there, but it still seemed so clear for you.
You closed your eyes and took deep breaths of the cold air flowing around your head, hoping it would help you clean your mind and get some oxygen into your brain.
You felt yourself almost falling asleep when:
"So, you think I'm handsome?" Ekko asked playfully and your eyes popped open.
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embearsilly · 4 years ago
Hello! Call me Anarchy Anon! Take your time with this please. Can you maybe do a c! SBI + platonic husbands that are all exploring the nether and they find "The NetherVoid" Also find the "Quartress" Then Tommy drags Tubbo and Ranboo to the "Quartress" to steal stuff, but Blaze Empress reader caches them and about to send blaze guards, but Philza (first one to realize the trio was gone) stopped reader and reader recognized Phil [because he is a old and good friend of hers] {Season 4 Lore}
Don’t Steal From The Empress
Ooooooooh, this is such a cool idea! Also, hello new anon, could I have your pronouns please! I changed it up a bit. Hope its to your liking.
Pronouns - She/her
Warnings - slight explicit language, small mention of nsfw (just saying that someone got busy and nothing else)
The sickening humid air flowed around the crimson dimension. The heat is almost unbearable unless you are used to it.
Loud footsteps rang out around the blonde as he ran through the large nether fortress, two pairs following close behind.
“Tommy! Wait up!” The ram hybrid called after the blonde haired boy. Ranboo followed after the two, close behind his husband, Tubbo.
The blonde skillfully weaved around the monsters which roamed the hall of the fortress, the other two struggling to keep up.
After around a few minutes of non-stop running the blonde boy finally came to a halt. Tubbo was the first to reach Tommy while Ranboo was huffing and puffing behind them, trying to catch his breath.
“Tommy,” Tubbo paused, letting out a huge breath of air before he continued, “where are we going.”
The blonde gave the hybrid his signature innit grin before he began to speak, “Well yesterday I was exploring the nether void and was messing around when I found something that was almost as cool as a big man here.”
Tommy began to mine away at the ground when all of a sudden he dropped down into the abyss. Ranboo let out a gasp while Tubbo looked down the hole noticing the boy falling onto a white thing down below. Tubbo glanced at Ranboo before jumping in, Ranboo following after.
When they soon were greeted with a large white fortress which they fell on top of, no it was more castle than a fortress. It’s quartz walls stood around thirty blocks tall, a tower on each corner. In the center of it stood a large castle with towers on all corners of that as well. In front of them was a beautifully crafted bridge that hung over the lava.
The two husbands looked on in awe at the castle, I mean they had seen amazing builds before but nothing like this, it was marvelous.
“What, who's is it?” Questioned the enderman. Tommy shrugged his shoulders and continued down the path leading towards the kingdom.
Tubbo noted the two guards standing at the entrance of the large doors, they were tall and looked buff.
“Tommy don’t you think this might be a tad bit dangerous,” Ranboo’s  tail flicked from side to side as he continued, “I mean what if these people aren’t friendly, we might be killed.”
Tommy let out an annoyed huff, “Has that ever stopped me before?” he questioned.
“Look, I have a plan! We sneak in there, find some shiny things, borrow them and get out of there.” Tubbo raised a brow at the ‘borrow’ part.
“Are you going to be returning what you ‘borrowed’.” Tubbo air quoted when he spoke.
“Then that’s not borrowing. It’s stealing Tommy.” Tommy rolled his eyes and glanced at the guards.
“Look, I promise nothing bad is going to happen, okay? We get I and then we get out! kapeesh?”
Ranboo and Tubbo glanced at each other, going with what the other would say.
“Okay, we're in.” Tommy pumped his fist in the air. “Let’s goooooo.”
Tommy struggled against the grip of the guard, he was much shorter than them.
“Let go of us, and we won’t tell the great Technoblade about this!” The guard only let out a small chuckle as he led Tommy to a larger room.
Behind Tommy was Ranboo and Tubbo who were being forced to go the same way as he was going.
Ranboo was panicking, his heart beat picking up to high speeds. Tubbo placed his hand on Ranboo’s shoulder, “Everything is going to be okay."
They were led into a large room, which Ranboo believed to be the throne room possibly due to the large throne which stood at the end of the room.
As they made it down the hall Ranboo began to make out the person sitting on the throne.
She stood around nine feet tall, maybe taller than that. Around her were 3 pairs of arms on either side of her, they weren’t attached to her body which made Ranboo wonder how she could move them. Around her arms were the regular blaze rods which circled around her.
Her crown looked like antlers; it was a crimson red. She was a sight to behold. Her dress.
Standing beside her throne were two guards, the one on her right had their mouth gaped open and the one on her left had a smile on their face, they stood around 9 feet.
The woman narrowed her eyes when she spotted the boys coming down the hall, standing up to her full height. She was actually thirteen feet tall, making her tower over the enderman and the others.
When they finally came to a stop the four guards kneeled in front of the empress. She glared at the three boys before drifting over to them.
Ranboo stared in awe when he made eye contact with her, she snarled, "I didn’t think that the Ender King would send one of his own kin to die, oh wait I forgot he already did that to every single one of his subjects, now the only ones left live in the overworld and here in the nether. He was too greedy, he wanted every biome and dimension in his world, he instead fucked it all up and caused a mass extinction.” her voice echoed around them.
“You talk too much, woman.” She narrowed her eyes at the blonde and growled, “You were caught stealing, and I do not-"
“We weren’t stealing, we were just borrowing.” The Empress let out a thunderous laugh.
“A thief and a liar, now what I was about to say, thieves in my kingdom are given the penalty of death.” Ranboo’s heart stopped.
“Now how would-“ she was interrupted by a loud voice, “Y/n! Stop!” The empress lifted her head trying to locate the source of the voice, when she saw it.
“Philza Minecraft,” she called out, he flew down the hall and landed in front of her, bowing his head in respect.
Phil had been brewing some potions with Techno when he noticed something was off.
“Techno. Does something seem a tad bit off to you mate?” Techno paused for a moment before shaking his head no.
“I think today has turned out to be a good day though, its been a while since we’ve had one of those.” Phil nodded before returning to brewing.
All of a sudden he let out a loud gasp making the pigeon hybrid jump slightly.
“The boys!”
“Y/n L/n, s’been a while.” he let out a small chuckle. He glanced at the boys shooting them a ‘we’ll talk when we get home’ look.
“We can talk in a few moments. I'm in the middle of something if you can’t see.” she glanced back at the boys.
Phil put his hands up in front of him, “Yeah, I noticed, but I have to interrupt you with this. I can’t let you execute them,” he let out a loud huff, “they’re mine."
The empress raised a brow, “They are your kids, I would have never known, I mean the blonde here shows no manners, and is a liar. The next one here is a ram hybrid and the other an enderman hybrid.”
“Yes, yes I know. The blonde is my son, the other two are his friends.” She let out a small chuckle, “For a moment I thought you had a way with the ladies."
“I must apologize for the three of them, if you may spare them and punish them some other way.” She raised a brow and let out a sigh.
“As long as they return what they have stolen and apologize, I will give them no punishment.” The blonde cringed slightly at the thought of apologizing to her.
The other two apologized right away while it took Tommy a bit more to get himself to apologize.
“Thank you Y/n,” Phil dipped his head for her. “We will meet again soon.” she nods a goodbye before taking her place on her throne once more.
Once they had been escorted out of the kingdom Phil had smacked all three of them on the back of the head. “What were you idiots thinking.” he placed his hand on his head, “My god you three could’ve died if I didn’t show up.”
“We had it under control.” The blonde whined, “No we didn’t.” the other two said in unison."
“You guys are supposed to have my back on these kinds of things.” Tommy let out an annoyed huff.
Let's just say that they were all grounded.
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sailsonaseaoffate · 2 years ago
DWC February -  Day 3: Velvet
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The sharp clack of heels struck the metal floor as the astral elf walked across the small room to stand before the holding block, her thing hands held pleasantly enough in front of her blue swirling dress as she eyed the mismatched eyed man before her.  Her smile was as cool as her words tried to hide in their warm greeting.  "We meet again, Mister Candell.  Or is it captain now?"
A weak grin would cross Zexx's face as he looked up to the woman, his once towering frame well below her as the metal gauntlets kept him tied to the floor by the limb separating power of the magnets set in them.  "Oh yer ladyship, you know you could always just call me Zexx."
Governor Ana'lyse Centaruiach did not so much as flinch as she reached forward to pat his head gently,  as she began to circle him like a cat with a caught mouse in a trap.  "No Mister Candell, we are not on friendly terms at all so I will refrain from your request.  Though I have to say I'm surprised to see you again so soon.  As I last remember when you graced our halls, you and yours were informed not to grace the steps of Antioch again."
"Well if you call being 'asked' by being fired upon by cannons and driven off by a cadre of your little stingers.  Yeah, I'd say you were very polite in your request," Zexx grunted as he tried to adjust his awkward stance against the floor, his knees and back aching from the odd crouch he had to keep.
"It was not a request," the governor responded in kind as she circled again, her dress shimmering and changing shades by every few steps she took.  Magic cloth was quite the fashion as deep blue shifted to black.  "For there is quite a penalty for stealing.  Especially such a priceless item as a spelljammer.  Did conscience led you to return what you taken?"
The hero for hire wince and shrugged softly.  "Well, that would mean lean into the idea of me just borrowing it.  But if you'd like to me to try and find a few floating chunks of debris from before I'd be happy to give them to you."
"I see, so you came with a new ship as repayment?  A crude trade for sure with your sloppy finding, but I'm sure we can use it for scrap none the less."
"Look she ain't much but I'm sure scrap is kind of insulting don't you think, my lady?"  Zexx grimaced as he finally gave up to rest on his knees before the woman, a brief flash triumph in her cold smile as Ana'lyse paced about her 'guest'.  "So what's the penalty your ladyship?  Do I owe a fine?  Time?  My life?  Because honestly, the way my wrists chafing in these things I'm starting to see the value of being chucked out into the sea."
Centauriach came to a halt in front of Zexx, her dress shimmering again as it began to lighten from the black into a crimson as the fabric began to match the color of her lips while she looked down at him.  "Your life.  Your life, Mister Candell, is not worth the air we currently think we're breathing."
"But your children."
A flash of rage came to the one blue eye as the mechanical green eye only did it's best to copy the movement of the true one.  "Leave them alone."
"Mmm, is that where your bravado ends?  And so quickly too.  I had hoped we'd have more banter or at least more witty words," Ana'lyse sighed as she tutted the trapped warrior, smoothing the front of her dress as the red began to fade out now from just the brush of her hands.  Stark white began to flow from her midsection from down to up as her own lips began to change color to keep up with the magic of the garment.  "I will return in a few hours, I have a previous engagement to attend.  Not nearly as interesting as this one, but perhaps I will bring you a souvenir.  I do have four to pick from."
The hero for hire sat helpless as the governor turned away from him and walked with that same click of her heels, the white already shimmering to silver.  It was as if the very stars of the astral sea were on draping her in triumph as she left him to fester with how she held the pieces so close.
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matsbarzal · 4 years ago
can I please request angst #14 with Petey??
angst #14. "are you going to talk to me or?"
pairing: elias pettersson x reader word count: 1.3k warnings: angst (happy ending)
Elias Pettersson knew he was good at lots of things. He knew he was a good person, a good friend, an even better hockey player. But the one thing he wasn’t good at? Understanding what he had done to upset you.
It wasn’t that he didn’t have a relatively good understanding of the stupid things he did, he knew he had made plenty of mistakes in your relationships, easily fixable ones, really. Except this time.
It had been almost four days of complete radio silence, no text, no call, no FaceTime’s, nothing. You had sent him a thumbs up the moment he landed and told you he had landed, and no response since. Elias could easily tell you had been on your phone, snapchat stories and twitter likes popping up on both his feeds every now and then, but he could not fathom why you hadn’t texted him in days.
You had fought hundreds of times before, little spats here and there, petty arguments that just turned into nothing when he brought home your favourite food, but never an argument to the extent that you wouldn’t even text him.
“You alright over there, Petey? Lookin’ a little queasy
 oh shit that rhymed, look at me go,” trying to ignore Brock was even more difficult than trying to understand why you weren’t texting him, especially when said blonde was his best friend and could pick up on every social cue Elias was giving off.
“Fine, yeah.”
Shrugging his shoulders slightly, the Swede thumbed through his phone, bringing up your contact card and then exiting out every few seconds. “Y/N still not texting you? You sure you didn’t do anything before we left?”
Tossing the phone onto the table in front of him, Elias groaned as he tried to rack his head for what he could’ve done wrong before leaving Vancouver. There was a multitude of things it could be, there was a spat right before he left the apartment, an argument over moving the cars, which somehow turned into him suggesting that the two of you should get a dog.
The Swede couldn’t pinpoint an exact moment in your last two days with one another where he might have upset you to the point of not speaking.
Halfway across the country, your eyes had barely left the box you had found sitting in Elias’ top drawer since he left. It was all you could focus on, your eyes constantly moving to find the little black box that you had moved to the top of the dresser, its closed lid haunting you, taunting you the more and more your eyes peered to it.
Elias hadn’t made any indications that this was what he was pushing towards, you hadn’t even realized he was considering this. Two years into a relationship, you knew it was possible, but you just didn’t realize how possible.
You loved him, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t, but did you love him enough to get married? Maybe. But add in the constant bickering, the continuous fights, the never-ending spats that had no regular conclusion and usually just consisted of some form of idiotic makeup in the hopes the both of you would forget about what you were arguing for anyways.
The silent treatment may have been petty, all of Elias’ texts going unanswered, snapchats only being sent back every time the timer would appear next to your streak. You knew it was childish, and was probably terrifying your boyfriend, but your brain couldn’t fathom what to do, couldn’t fathom what you wanted.
The game against the Canadiens had been explosive, the Canucks losing horrifically, and Elias’ play just an even bigger catalyst to the team. It was the first game you had watched where he hadn’t played his best, the turnovers were consistent, his numbers were down, his penalty minutes were even higher than usually.
And you knew there was a large possibility you were the main cause for his deterioration of play.
Pulling up your phone from its spot stuffed under the covers, you scrolled until you reached his contact name, the little blue dot beside it just an indication of how many messages had gone unanswered in the last few days. Before you even had the chance to send a message through, his contact name appeared at the top of your list.
are you going to talk to me or am i going to come home to an empty apartment tn? not sure what i did wrong but this isn’t fair
You could feel the guilty instantly seep through your body at the text message, your eyes welling up with unshed tears at the message that came through. Elias was your best friend, the epitome of everything good in your life, and something about that just terrified you.
i’ll be here when u get home, ‘Lias. have a safe flight xo
A large sigh of relief left the Swede’s lips when the three bubbles popped up under your name, an even bigger sigh leaving his lips when you said you’d be home when he got there. He allowed his phone to drop in between his legs, his eyes focusing on the iPad in front of him, currently playing reruns of New Girl, your favourite show to watch together.
Almost six hours later, you heard the sound of the lock clicking, the door swinging open to reveal a dishevelled and thoroughly exhausted-looking Elias Pettersson.
“So, are we going to do this now? I told Brock to set up his guest bedroom, I’m not arguing all night so let’s just get this over with,” his keys were tossed onto the centre island, his eyes never leaving yours as you tried to rack your brain for what to say.
“I found the ring
 in your top drawer.”
Your stomach turned as you watched the array of emotions fly across Elias’ face; confusion, frustration, anger, sadness, everything smoothing together before he placed a stoic look across his features.
“You freaked out and ignored me for almost five days, because you found a ring in my drawer?” The scoff fell from his lips almost beautifully, his features twisting into annoyance as he looked at you.
“I just
 I didn’t know how to react. We argue about everything, ‘Lias. We literally fight about the colour of the sky, and you’ve already bought a ring?”
Moving so he was sitting on the couch opposite of you, the Swede turned so his entire body was facing you, the stoic look now turning into a look of concern.
 we fight about everything because that’s just how we are. Our fights have never, ever turned into anything serious. We argue with each other because we both never want to be wrong, that shouldn’t be a reason for you to freak out and not want to marry me one day, my love. Just because I have the ring doesn’t mean I want to get married tomorrow. It’s my grandmother’s engagement ring, Emil let me have it for the day I eventually propose to you. I didn’t buy it, it’s been sitting in that drawer for ages.”
You could feel the embarrassment settling in your stomach at his words, your stomach turning as you tried to think of a response. The only thing you could muster up was an apology, your eyes never leaving your hands as they twisted amongst each other.
His body moved closer to yours, one arm wrapping around your back as he gently pulled you into his side.
“You don’t need to apologize, just maybe instead of going ghost, argue with me instead? Since when are you one to hide your feelings, especially something like that?”
Shrugging your shoulders at his words, you felt his lips press against the crown of your head gently, his hands squeezing your side as he did so.
“Pinky promise that you won’t do that again? Scared the shit out of me and Brock, and Brock never gets scared.”
Pushing your pinky finger towards him, he wrapped his own around yours with a smile small, his head pressed against yours as he squeezed your pinky with his own.
“And quit going through my drawers, nerd.”
“Don’t leave your clothes in the dryer then and I won’t have to put them away for you, Pettersson.”
note: thank you for requesting this!! i hope you enjoy, and it's everything you wanted. it's not too angsty, and it has a happy ending so hopefully that's perfect. <3
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dialovers-translations · 3 years ago
DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.2 Kino [TRACK 1]
Tumblr media
Original title:  ćœ“ăŸă‚Šć‰ăźæ—„ćžž
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 2 Kino [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tomoaki Maeno
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
*Pew pew pew*
*Pew pew pew*
“Score! That makes a...20-hit combo!”
“Awesome! Victory is mine! ...Too bad for you~” 
You shrug. 
“Heeh~? What’s with that reaction? Did you go into this fully expecting to lose? Oh come on! If you think that way, you’ll never have a shot! And above all, it’s boring for me!” 
You apologize.
“If all crimes could be solved with a single ‘sorry’, the police would lose their purpose. God! I can’t believe you weren’t taking it seriously from the very beginning.”
You frown.
“Hmph. ‘It can’t be helped’, huh?”
Kino pins you down. 
“What am I doing, you ask? This is your penalty game, obviously.” 
You admit defeat.
“Exactly. You did lose to me. Heh...Anyway, how should I punish you? What would you like? Blood-sucking after all? 
You shake your head.
“You don’t want any punishment, huh
? Unfortunately, that won’t do. After all, this is fun to me. Fufufu~”
You puff out your cheeks. 
“You love pleasure as well, don’t you? Don’t you like me because I can make you feel good with my fangs? In that case...I don’t see the problem? That being said
“Fufu...Pretty nice view I’ve got from on top. Let’s get this penalty game started...~”
*Rustle rustle*
“I’ll start off easy by...Mmh
“Nice reaction. Makes me want to plunge my fangs right in.”
You wonder why he didn’t bite you just now. 
“Did you perhaps think I would just suck your blood now? That wouldn’t be a very good penalty game, would it?”
“It doesn’t count as a punishment unless you dislike it. That’s why...Like this...I’ll simply press light kisses against your skin instead, okay?”
You whimper.
“...Fufu~ It tickles, huh?”
You protest.
“Oh come on, behave. We still have to get to the good part after all
*Rustle rustle*
!? Hey!! Why are you trying to run away!?”
Kino grabs hold of your wrist.
“No ‘buts’! ...God. I show you my kind side, and immediately I get this in return. I guess I have to regularly remind you of just how scary I can be, huh?”
â€œăƒŒăƒŒ Like this!”
He suddenly bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
“Hah...That hurt, didn’t it? Fufufu...Of course it did. I’m making it painful after all!”
You apologize for earlier.
“Heeh? What was that~? Can’t hear you...~?”
You mutter another ‘I’m sorry’.
“Hm? What are you apologizing for? You’ll have to be a little more specific. ...Mmh.”
*Gulp gulp*
You apologize for not taking the game seriously earlier.
“...Good. Perhaps I should forgive you, since you seem to realize your own mistakes. ...Mmh.”
“...That was a reconciliation kiss, okay?”
You gaze at him.
“Hm? Is something wrong? Is there something on my face?”
You quickly avert your eyes and tell him it’s nothing.
“No point in trying to dodge the question now.”
“Tell me. I promise I won’t get mad this time. ...Come on.”
You admit to wondering whether he truly cares for you.
“Hm? Oh. That’s it? ...Why would you have doubts about that anyway? Am I really that untrustworthy? Even though I’ve been very considerate of you, doing all sorts of things for your sake. Don’t you think you’re being a little cruel? Besides, the fact I’m giving you this much attention proves that I love you more than anything, don’t you think?”
You tilt your head to the side. 
“Exactly. I wouldn’t go out of my way to make time for someone I don’t care for. ...Mmh.”
â€œăƒŒăƒŒ It’s true, I swear! God...Next time you spout such nonsense, I’m not letting you get away with it, understood? ...Whoops! It’s almost time for the event quest! I want to be able to focus, so I’m heading back to my room, okay?”
Kino gets up.
He leaves the room.
“Hm...To be honest...I don’t quite understand concepts such as ‘love’ and ‘hate’...I guess that’s why romance games aren’t my forte either.”
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katsukavi · 4 years ago
"OH SHIT!" part 2
"I WANT AN ABORTION." Sung Jin-Woo said abruptly, tapping his foot up and down from the agitation. "I'm afraid that's not possible. The baby is far too healthy and because of the amount of health potions you drank, it will be almost indestructible by our means. It even accelerated its growth.."
Sung Jin-Woo didn't think that far into it that night. He gave the baby's father an icy glare and took out his dagger from his inventory. "You can't abort it by your means huh..." he locked (M/n)'s hand onto the hilt and pointed it at his stomach.
"(M/n)! Stab me!"
"Why not? We're already at the hospital, so you could just rush me to the emergency room when I start bleeding," Jin-Woo explained, but that still didn't make a drop of sense to (L/n) (M/n). "NOT IN A MILLION YEARS WILL I STAB YOU!"
"Fine. I'll stab myself."
The doctor's face paled at the S-Rank hunter's lack of care for his unborn baby's life—even attempting to stab himself. Luckily, (L/n) (M/n) was there to stop him before the blade could touch his skin.
"Jin-Woo! Come on, you could just hold on to it until you give birth. We could set it up for adoption later.."
"I don't have time to wait 5 months. I could be leveling up using that time."
Scratch that. (L/n) (M/n) was also a horrible parent-to-be. The doctor forced a smile, wondering if all S-Rank Hunters were like this. He cleared his throat and stared back at them.
"How did you even conceive this child?"
"I have no idea. I drank too much. Hey, aren't you immune to alcohol?" (M/n) nudged Jin-Woo's shoulder, since he was the one that wanted to play video games all night. "I don't know. I can't remember much either. There was this scent.."
"I see. It must've been a heat."
"No? I wouldn't have left the house if that were the case."
"Then..." The doctor's eyes set on to (L/n) (M/n), making him feel a cold sweat. The man with red eyes smiled awkwardly, blinking repeatedly at the doctor. "Why are you looking at me?"
"It's incredibly rare but I assume you went through a rut, Sir. So I understand how you may perceive this as unbelievable since this situation is one in a billion or even more so." The doctor scratched the back of his head, trying to consider the rarity of the situation.
It was even more impossible if he considered the fact that male alpha and omegas were less likely to have a baby, then they were both S-Rank Hunters, both with their respective systems and (L/n) (M/n) had suffered from a rut that only one in five alphas experience.
[The Orion System is extremely happy!]
[☆*:.ïœĄ. o(≧▜≊)o .ïœĄ.:*☆]
[The Orion System is wondering if it would be a girl or a boy??]
[The System is rejoicing for your offspring.]
"I hope it becomes a miscarriage. I'm too busy for this," Sung Jin-Woo said, glaring at his slightly bloated stomach. "Since you are a male omega, there is a 78% chance it would be a miscarriage if you're constantly stressed and you didn't receive professional help from us.."
"Good. I'm already stressed from this situation."
[The Orion System is ignoring your wife's statement.]
[Yay! Baby! \\Ù©( ^ω^ )و //]
'He's not my wife, you stupid system. We're friends at best,' (M/n) thought at his system. He and Jin-Woo left the hospital with conflicted thoughts. (M/n) wasn't as extreme as Jin-Woo to forcibly kill it, but he was wondering what he should do next.
That's right. They were hunters. They didn't have time to raise a baby when they could be saving lives through dungeons. It's a simple choice of one life for one hundred.
[The Orion System is rejoicing for you.]
[The Orion System has contacted (totally didn't take over wink wink) the Player System for the child's sake. (*'ω*)]
[The Player System has agreed!! ٩( ᐛ )و yay! yay!]
'What are you celebrating for? Stupid Orion..' (M/n)'s mood turned sour, looking away from his system. Jin-Woo held his phone and pressed Jin-Ho's contact, making (M/n)'s eyebrow twitch. "Oi, what are you doing?"
"I'm going to contact Jin-Ho. He's the Vice Guild Master of Ah-Jin so he has to understand our circumstances."
"What? You know how weird that kid's imagination is. What if he thinks something weird?"
"I'll blame you for that then." Jin-Woo shrugged, his phone ringing for a few seconds before Yoo Jin-Ho picked up. "Hello Hyung-nim. Are you doing okay now?" Jin-Ho's voice made Jin-Woo smile, responding quickly.
"Yeah. I just visited the hospital."
"Ohh. Is (M/n) Hyung with you?"
"Yeah, he's right beside me. Turns out I have to lessen my work hours."
"I understand. You are the Guild Master, Hyung-nim. Everything is up to you. But why do you need to?"
"I'm pregnant."
Yoo Jin-Ho choked on his saliva, falling into a coughing fit as he doubted his ears. "Excuse me? What?"
"You didn't hear? I'm pregnant?"
"THAT'S BAD HYUNG-NIM! YOU NEED A FULL VACATION, NOT REDUCING YOUR HOURS!" The beta shouted, making everyone else in the office stare at him. What?! His Hyung-nim was pregnant? So he had a secret lover this entire time, and he didn't know?
"Then, could you decrease (M/n)'s work hours?"
"Yeah, sure. Why him though?"
(L/n) (M/n) hid his face in his hands, feeling so embarrassed that Jin-Woo just admitted that out loud. His own system was bombarding him with weird messages as well, it was creepy.
[There's no need to be embarrassed, Predator-nim~]
[( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°). We all know what you did~~]
"He's the father of my child."
Jin-Ho choked yet again, throwing his fist at his desk as he fell silent. So (L/n) (M/n) and Sung Jin-Woo had been in that kind of relationship the entire time? Sure, he didn't know a lot about Sung Jin-Woo but even (L/n) (M/n)?
Is that the reason he joined Ah-Jin? So he could see his lover?
Then all those times they left together..
"Jin-Ho? Are you still there?"
"...If you need any help, you can call me Hyung-nim."
'Oh my God, so they were doing that so many times Hyung-nim got pregnant?!' Yoo Jin-Ho's face flushed as his imagination ran wild, smashing his forehead on his desk to cleanse his mind. 'I'M SO DENSE! I SHOULD'VE REMINDED THEM TO USE PROTECTION!'
"Yoo Jin-Ho-nim.. Is anything wrong with the Guild Master?"
"Ah nothing, he's just on maternity leave."
"Huh, he hung up. He must've been shocked.." Jin-Woo said, looking up blankly as (L/n) (M/n) gritted his teeth. His face was red, mostly out of embarrassment than out of anger. "SHOCKED MY ASS! OF COURSE HE'D BE SHOCKED! AND WHY DID YOU TELL HIM IT WAS ME?"
"What else should I tell him? He politely asked who was the father."
[The Orion System agrees with your wife.]
[Calm down, host!! \Ù©(àč‘'^'àč‘)Û¶//]
(L/n) (M/n) took a deep breath, rubbing his temples to soothe himself. "Okay, let's just call it a day and go home and sleep." (M/n) felt like it had sucked his life out of him, so he just wanted to sleep.
"I'll see you then."
Sung Jin-Ah was feeling suspicious for the past two weeks, noticing that her older brother's movements have become strange. At first she thought he got sick, but that would be strange for a sickness to last weeks, especially since he's an S-Rank Hunter.
"Hey, I ordered pizza. You feeling okay, bro?"
"Yeah. I visited the hospital earlier," Jin-Woo said, plopping down on the couch beside her. "Where's Mom?" he asked, grabbing a slice of pizza from the box. "She went out to get something. So she said she wouldn't be able to cook tonight," Jin-Ah answered him.
As soon as Jin-Woo took a bite from his pizza, his face turned sour. He swallowed it and bitterly gulped a glass of water. "Actually, I don't want any."
"Huh? What do you mean you don't want any? You practically inhale this stuff!"
"It doesn't taste good."
"It tastes just fine, get over here!"
Sung Jin-Woo completely ignored his beta sister and holed up in his room. Confusion crossed her face as she gobbled up a slice of pizza. 'Something weird is definitely going on with him.. He's sus...'
The next morning, Jin-Woo got up early to do his daily regimen. But his fatigue had raised twice the number it had before. He felt annoyed from it and tried even harder, exhausting himself in the process.
'I haven't even done half yet?'
[[The Player System has cancelled the 'Daily Quest: Preparation to be Powerful'.]]
[[The Orion System has requested it to be changed to 'Daily Quest: Meet up with your Husband<3']]
Sung Jin-Woo wanted to middle finger the systems and ignored the new Daily Quest, thinking it was an awful prank from Orion. (That Constellation liked to bug them a lot.) So he continued to do the old Daily Quest, but he unfortunately got sent to the Penalty Zone all the same.
["Since you lovers don't wanna meet up. I have no choice but to force you! Hmph!! ăƒœ('⌒'ュ)ノ"]
"I— Jin-Woo?!" (L/n) (M/n) hollered, his eyes setting on his partner on top of a floating marble platform. Jin-Woo was behind a translucent wall, safely protected in a small room filled with comfortable pillows, blankets and cute stuffed animals. Just in front of him was a coffee table with a full set of snacks one could crave for.
[[You can sit back and watch the show~ Daddy is going to go on a little run!! (ل⁀▜⁀ )]]
On (M/n)'s side of the wall was a scorching, fiery desert, his shoes sinking in white sand as an enormous monster rose from the ground. The gigantic lizard roared, sending a breath of flames towards (L/n) (M/n) as he tried to run for his life. He screamed and cursed at the system while Jin-Woo watched from above like his Alpha was a gladiator.
"ORION! WHY THE HECK IS HE BEING CHASED BY LIZARDS?!?" Jin-Woo punched the orange wall, making it glitch for a few seconds before spitting his fist back inside the enclosed room. He could only look down at (M/n) with worry, slamming into the wall to attempt an escape to go help him.
[[HEY!! Don't help that idiot! He's a loser who doesn't even bother to look after his pregnant wife! (҂'  ')]]
[[You know what! Since he's so bad, let's go torture him more! Yay! Yay!!]]
Three more lizards surfaced from the sand, breathing fire like dragons. (M/n)'s face paled in shock as he retrieved his rapier from his inventory. A fifth lizard rose from where he stood, making him tumble down on the sand as it bellowed a menacing tune.
"UGH.. FIVE OF THESE THINGS?!" (M/n) shouted, burning his palms from the hot sand as he tried to get up and away from such a life-threatening situation. Sung Jin-Woo felt more anxiety for (M/n) and banged on the walls.
[[Don't worry~ He won't die. He can handle it! (b ᔔ▜ᔔ)b]]
[[He has to be at least this strong to be a wonderful Daddy of course. ᕩ(ĂČ_óˇ)á•€]]
"We're not even keeping the baby!" Jin-Woo glared at the cute emoticon on his screen and gave it a middle finger. He took out his dagger from his inventory, slicing open the wall and using the slight gap to escape.
[[Wait! No! If you get hurt, the baby will die! (Âș □ Âș l|l)/]]
"Good," Jin-Woo said with a smirk, landing on top of one of the lizard's heads. "Hey, you need a little help?" he shouted after (M/n), riding safely on the monster. It only seemed to be hostile towards (M/n) and not him.
[[NOO! IF IT ATTACKS MOMMY, ALL HOPE IS LOST! (â•„ _ â•„ l|l)/]]
"Nah, I got it!" (M/n) responded, sliding under one lizard's feet and stabbing it's heart from underneath. Its skin was thick, but (M/n)'s high strength stat could make up for it. The beast let out a small cry of pain as his blade pierced through like a needle. He soon coated the blade in a reddish orange hued mana, poisoning the lizard internally in just a few seconds.
"Jeez. I was a little panicked. But I'm fine," (M/n)'s skin was harder than steel, like an indestructible material. Just like in the myth of Orion, he was like the indomitable scorpion that the legendary Hunter could not beat.
"I was a little offended, you know."
[Noo!! Predator-nim, I hate you!! ((╬◣ïčâ—ą))]
[Hmph! Hmph! You big IDIOT! ]
"Orion, shut up."
[I'll be nice to you just because wifey's pregnant okay! humph!]
[Go kiss kiss fall in love now! I don't wanna see you be stupid IDIOTS! (҂ ĂČĐ·Ăł )]
The lizards evaporated quickly like Orion made them out of ice in the blistering sun, making Jin-Woo suspended into the air. (M/n) reached out his hands and ran under him, catching him quickly in his arms. Jin-Woo could've landed safely on his feet, he wasn't that fragile..
But in (M/n)'s princess carry, he felt some sense of relief. Jin-Woo hugged him, inhaling a breath of his friend's pheromones. (M/n) really enjoyed wearing Axe Body Spray (a pheromone masking agent in this world) because he always met up with an Alpha female named Cha Hae-In. It was because of that, Jin-Woo didn't notice any of his alpha pheromones.
But with a whiff, he preferred this version. It made him imagine the fragrance of lit scented candles. It was a very specific scent that calmed him down. "Hm, are you okay?" (M/n) asked, making Jin-Woo snap out his momentary trance. What was going with him?
"Yeah, uhm. Were you still sleeping?" Jin-Woo took notice of (M/n)'s disheveled hair and casual set of light blue pajamas. "Oh right, I haven't showered yet.. Fuck. My handsome complexion!" (M/n) said dramatically, looking down to his lovely rapier covered in sand.
As much as he wanted to get it and polish it until it was shiny, he didn't want to drop Jin-Woo yet. It seems like Jin-Woo was the same, wrapping his arms around his neck in a comfortable hug. Yeah, they should hug more often. It was very comfortable.
[Yes!! NOW KISS!! Ù©(♥Δ♥)Û¶]
"Ew gross, Orion is back from a tantrum.." (M/n) set Jin-Woo back down, making a look of disgust. Jin-Woo also didn't like the constellation. So he joined (M/n) in spiting it with all the malice he could.
[Ugh, you guys are so mean! (ïžč ||| )]
[It's like you're perfect for each other. (You are btw (^ω~))]
[I'll bring you back home now. (╬ ÒïčĂ“)]
"Oh nice. This is your room?"
"It's a little messy, but don't mind it too much." Jin-Woo scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not knowing what to do in such a situation. He and (M/n) had teleported back to his house together, convenient for him. But (M/n) was still in his pajamas.
"Damn, I haven't even combed yet. How do you expect me to walk home in this?" (M/n) sighed, fixing his bedhead with one hand as he scratched his stomach with the other. Even though he just went through a terrifying experience, he was still tired and planned to sleep until noon.
"I mean you could run like really really fast. You'd just be a blur to normal people."
"But.. I haven't been to your house before.." (M/n) looked around Jin-Woo's room. Despite him claiming that it was messy, no clothes or wrappers were on the floor and the only thing messy were his blankets. This guy's sense of "messy" was on a whole other level.
(M/n) just leaves his cans of energy drinks, chips and bowls on the floor and leaves the cleaners to go clean it up. His appearance was the only thing that was respectable.
"So I can't navigate on my own. You know."
"You can use Google Maps."
"I don't bring my phone everywhere."
"You don't? I thought you were an addict."
"Your perceptions of me are so warped. What even made you think I was a beta?" (M/n) sighed, glancing over to Jin-Woo's stomach before blushing. He wasn't that different. He thought Jin-Woo was an alpha precisely because he gave off those vibes.
"Ah, it was your Hunter Wikipedia page. I skimmed over it a while ago.."
"My Hunter Wiki what??" (M/n) got confused, watching Jin-Woo take out his cellphone and search something online. He peered over his shoulder, watching him scroll down to the gender option. It actually said [Beta Male].
"That's really stupid. What part of me is beta?"
Sung Jin-Woo looked over to (L/n) (M/n) for a few seconds, his appearance to his language. Yeah.. (M/n) was right. What part of him seemed Beta? (M/n) right then screamed 'I-AM-A- DOMINANT-ALPHA. STAY-5-METERS-AWAY-FROM-ME-BECAUSE-I-WILL-ATTACK-YOU'
Then, he saw his picture on the wiki. Jin-Woo held his phone up and looked to his left and right, comparing the one in person, to the picture. "Now that I've thought of it, this is the first time I've seen you in pajamas."
(L/n) (M/n) was someone that barely swore, kept calm and wore modest clothing. But it looked like stress took over him so much it affected his personality. His mouth was foul with curses.
"Yeah, I mean the last time you saw me, I was naked."
"Oh," Jin-Woo blurted out, his face heating with that in mind. (M/n) quickly shut his mouth and looked away shyly, fixing his hair to seem more like himself. "Now we're in this situation, huh?" (M/n) mumbled, staring down at Jin-Woo's belly. It wasn't noticeable, but it showed a bump if you touched it.
"Do you.. wanna hug?" (M/n) diverted his vision away from Jin-Woo, a light blush on his face. "What made you say that?" Jin-Woo asked calmly, avoiding looking at (M/n). The (h/c)-haired alpha cleared his throat, extending his arms in the air.
"I don't know. You seemed to like it earlier.."
[Definitely you right now: ÎŁ>―(ă€ƒÂ°Ï‰Â°ă€ƒ)♡→]
[(ïżąâ€żïżą )]
Sung Jin-Woo nodded, placing his chin on (M/n)'s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around his torso. The same fragrant pheromone relaxing him enough to close his eyes. He felt safe in those arms, like he was under an unbreakable set of armor. "I feel like I could fall asleep like this.."
(L/n) (M/n) didn't know why his heart was beating so quickly, making his skin feel like they were on fire just from touching this omega. "We should hug more often," he said, rubbing on Jin-Woo's back calmly. It was fine for friends to hug, right?
But could we could even consider them friends when one of them was pregnant?
"Oppa, I think we ran out of dish soap—" Sung Jin-Ah opened the door, letting out an 'Oh' sound as she gazed at her brother. Then, Sung Jin-Woo noticed how odd it was to have (L/n) (M/n) there. "Wait, Jin-Ah! It's not what you think—"
"Sung Jin-Ah!" Jin-Woo yelled, squeezing her cheeks with one hand as she struggled to run away. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT SO BAD WHEN I SMELLED ALPHA PHEROMONES ON YOU! IT'S VERY STRONG NOW!!" she screamed and kicked her feet in the air.
"Hold on. I'm not his boyfriend—"
(M/n)'s voice gradually got weaker as he pursed his lips awkwardly. There was no room to protest in the screaming girl in the room casually being battled to the death by her older brother. He just gave up.
It was that quick giving up that people thought he was a beta.
"Oh! You finally brought home your boyfriend. That's great," Park Kyung-He said as she stood on the doorframe. She smiled at (M/n), then stared at his sleepwear. "Jin-Woo! You even let him stay without telling us?"
"I didn't—"
"Shush! I know it could be embarrassing to reveal your first love. Come on, dear. What's your name?" she looked over to (M/n), waving her hand to call him over. "It's (L/n) (M/n), Maam.. Nice to meet you," he said shyly, not even refuting her words at all.
His cute demeanor made Kyung-He fall in love with him already. What a good future son-in-law. No wonder Jin-Woo liked him.
"Ah, come here now (M/n). I'll cook you breakfast too."
"If you don't mind me intruding. Thank you.." (M/n) said, following Kyung-He like he was an imprinted chick. "I'll be there too!" Jin-Ah said, wrestling with Jin-Woo's arm. "Let me go, you jerk! I wanna see what your boyfriend is like!"
"I already told you. He's not my boyfriend."
"Why are you even saying that at this point?" Jin-Ah made a face at him and slipped through his grasp, running out of his room in fear that he would catch her again. "I caught you red-handed! Hehe!!"
[[(¬‿¬ ) hehe..]]
"Orion.. What have you done to my system?" Jin-Woo grumbled, walking out of his room with a long sigh. He could explain to them later that he and (M/n) were just friends. But sadly, he would never get the opportunity to.
"So, when did you and Jin-Woo meet? Was it nice?"
"Oh! I met him at work. He was my partner for a while. And you know, when I saw him, he was so scary I thought he was an alpha!" (M/n) was suddenly very talkative, amusing the curious Kyung-He and Jin-Ah.
"Ohh.. So how did you fall in love?"
"We didn't!" Jin-Woo butted in, receiving sympathetic eyes from his family. "Oh, so it was Jin-Woo who fell first. I see," Kyung-He assumed. He asked (M/n) how he did, but it was her son that answered. Their romance was very cute.
"No.. That's not.."
"Wow, I didn't think Oppa would be the one to confess. He's being super shy about it right now. How could he even proclaim his love now..?" Jin-Ah exclaimed in shock, looking over to (L/n) (M/n). He did provide the juicy details she wanted in a romance novel. Jin-Ah approve!
But even though he was the one who confessed, why is he suddenly saying they weren't together? Was her Oppa too shy about it and only stayed sweet in front of his one true love? Isn't that.. too cute?!
"Huh? What are you all talking about? Jin-Woo didn't confess to me?"
Sung Jin-Ah's world was then flipped upside down. It all made sense. Jin-Woo was denser than the Earth itself. If (M/n) was he one who asked him out, it would make even more sense! Their trope was... Shy Omega x Outgoing Alpha! Jin-Ah prayed internally to her lord and savior, KatsuKavi. She was in a romance novel and she could watch the protagonists.
"Oppa, you're no fair! How did you get this lucky with KatsuKavi's pairing rituals?!"
"The author!"
(A/N: ignore the fourth wall. There is no such thing.)
"Ah, we got too distracted! (M/n) could you clear the table?" Park Kyung-He stood up, moving towards the sink. (M/n) nodded obediently and helped her wash the dishes. Jin-Woo was dumbfounded at his goody good behavior.
He didn't even clean up at his own house. What was he doing being so good with his mother and sister?
"You're a good kid, (M/n). I approve of you."
"Thank you," (M/n) said, chatting a little bit with Kyung-He until he could call her 'Mom'. Sung Jin-Woo gritted his teeth as he watched (L/n) (M/n) be the new favorite.
"Oppa, (M/n) is so good to us. How dare you hog him for yourself," Jin-Ah glared at him from across the room, getting an angry look from Jin-Woo. "Wow, so possessive.." she murmured to herself, skipping happily to her new brother-in-law.
Possessive? No, Jin-Woo wasn't being possessive. He must've just been jealous (L/n) (M/n) was getting all the attention. But when did Jin-Woo start caring about being the center of attention?
He looked over to his best friend, biting his lip to ignore the tight feeling in his chest. He wanted to scream 'look at me!', but he was so dense he didn't know who he wanted to look at him.
"Ah, that's Jin-Woo?! He looks totally different!" (M/n) exclaimed, looking through Jin-Ah's older photos of Jin-Woo. He did look like an omega before, but he drastically changed after becoming a S-Rank Hunter. It was like he was a totally different person.
"Yeah, he used to be so cute and sunny. Now look at him! He's growling at me for taking you away from him."
"I am not growling at you!" Jin-Woo argued, knitting his eyebrows together. He didn't know why, but he felt so annoyed being so far away from Jin-Ah and (M/n). Normally, he wouldn't care but for some weird reason, he didn't like being treated like air.
(L/n) (M/n) soon changed out of his sleepwear and took a nice shower. He didn't wear any pheromone masking agent, so everyone could smell his masculine pheromones leaking out. As much as Jin-Woo liked it, he felt a little annoyed that his 'friend' was being used as incense.
"Mom, did you let him wear dad's clothes?"
"Mhm. It wasn't being used anyway," Kyung-He answered Jin-Woo. She put her hands together, making a sad smile as he looked over to (M/n). "I think it should go to good use, you think?"
"He suits it well, right?"
"He's more handsome now, isn't he?"
"I agree."
Sung Jin-Woo crossed his arms over his stomach. (L/n) (M/n) was very attractive in his eyes and a fuzzy feeling would come when thinking of him. "I can tell you really love him. So don't let him go." Kyung-He coaxed Jin-Woo. His mind was blank, only focusing on (M/n).
"Oi, Jin-Woo! Why did you smile so weirdly in this photo!"
'Ah, I hate him so much,' Jin-Woo thought as (M/n) made fun of him. "Don't look at those!" he marched over, snatching the photo album from his hands while Jin-Ah and (M/n) laughed on the floor.
"Pfft! I don't want our child to look like that!"
"It'll be even worse if it looked like you!"
"I'm a handsome bastard and you know that!"
"I didn't know you wanted children. I hope they look beautiful in the future," Jin-Ah's eyes sparkled at the thought of cute children saying 'Aunt' at her. She wanted to squeeze their chubby cheeks immediately.
"Wait five months, then you decide if the baby will look good."
"Five months? So you're getting married in five months?"
"What? No, I mean Jin-Woo is giving birth in five months." (M/n)'s laughter soon ceased into silence as Jin-Woo walked closer to him menacingly. He then understood why (M/n) didn't want him to tell Jin-Ho about his circumstances. It was so embarrassing for them to know. Now they're never going to let him give it up.
In front of his family, his face became tomato red with both anger and embarrassment as he crouched down to strangle (L/n) (M/n). "Why did you tell them, you dumbass?!"
"Eh?? I thought they already knew from how you told Jin-Ho from the moment we left the hospital."
"Shut up." Jin-Woo balled his fist and set it in the air, his other hand on (M/n)'s chest to prevent him from moving. "Wait, wait! Don't actually—"
"Oppa, you're pregnant?" Sung Jin-Ah's shock had multiplied by 900, so did her happiness. "MOM! IM GOING TO BE AN AUNT! WOOHOO!" She stood up from her place and fetched her phone with a massive smile. She was going to brag to all her friends all about it, wasn't she?
"This is a pleasant surprise. Jin-Woo! You don't tell us about anything going on your life." Kyung-He also smiled, half scolding Jin-Woo. He was already 24, so he could decide as an adult. She had no problem with it. "First, you're a hunter, then your secret fiancee, now your child? Hoo, you.."
Wait, why did secret alpha boyfriend evolve into fiancee? They weren't getting married after the birth of the child!
(M/n)'s ears were about to bleed. He forgot about it! But because of their excessive happiness, he couldn't bring himself to disagree with what they were saying in fear they'd be disappointed. So he could only regrettably nod.
[Yay! Yay! Baby!!]
[We're getting a little hunter!! (☆ω☆)]
Jin-Woo's complexion became pale blue. They were doomed.
278 notes · View notes
alluringjae · 4 years ago
until dawn; pt. II - ljn
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part I | part II
‑ summary: basic number one rule of the museum is not to touch the art. but no one told jeno that falling for one of them isn’t allowed either.
‑ pairing: jeno x female reader
‑ word count: 12.2k
‑ genre: ANGST, fluff, romance, smut (f receiving, dom!jeno waow, dirty talk, wrap it everyone) | broke architecture major!jeno, historical figure!reader, enemies to lovers!au, college!au, night at the museum-inspired!au
‑ warnings: references to actual historical figures, explicit language, graphic details, major heartbreak caused by another party, expect time jumps too
‑ author’s note: happy jeno day!! i’ve been so excited to post this part, and i’m happy we’re here!! perhaps, this is the last long fic i’ll write for a while so i can rest, but i’ll still be posting short stories within the weeks to come! i’m excited for may to say the least hehe
btw, for the smut scene (indicated with **), i highly recommend you listen to strange (feat. hillary smith) by kris bowers!! this song is from the bridgerton soundtrack, and oh man, the feels!!
with that, enjoy!
italicized text either means they are personal notes or flashbacks.
this was meant to be more angsty, but either way, i screamed every time i wrote something gut-wrenching.
‑ taglist: @renjunniehome
​ ‑ ctto above!!
‑  leave me some feedback, constructive criticism, or hellos!
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“You ready to get your butt beaten by me, Lee?”
“Prepare your final words when I win instead, (Y/L/N).”
Mischievous banter exchanged between you two became a new norm. Almost every night, someone within the art pieces established a contest over anything and it released the competitive sides of you two. So far, Jeno has been winning. Not like it hurt your pride, but maybe just once, you could conquer one game to feel better. Not only that, there’s a mini penalty for the loser. So far, you’ve cleaned up the lobby yourself and acted cutely to everyone the entire evening (or aegyo as Jeno called it).
Tonight, a game of archery was held by the Greek gods. They pushed away any extra pieces away, leaving the whole room vacant with two boards right beside Zeus’ throne. Numerous arrows were produced and sharpened, Zeus in the center announced to everyone participating.
“It’ll be 1 on 1 games. First to go are Jeno vs (Y/N), followed by Athena vs. Hermes, Cleopatra vs. Freddie, and last would be Hades vs Aphrodite.”
Cutting the chase, you didn’t expect Jeno to be that good at archery. Sure, he told you that he took classes with his friends for fun when he was younger, though it showed that he’s a fast learner and even hit one bullseye in the middle of the game.
Not slightly threatened until the last rounds, you fixed your aim and lessened your overthinking when preparing to shoot. Thus, you scored 2 bullseyes shot. It was a close fight, having the audience on the edge on their feet again because it’s the two of you. Your dynamic with the night guard always elevated the mood, shifting their bets over and over again.
By 1 point, you received your first victory against Jeno. Unlike you, he showcased his sportsmanship sweetly without any comments of disbelief. He’s never bragged about anything big in his life, not unless it’s a high grade for his plate. Normally, he celebrated wins in a laid-back manner. But don’t be fooled: he loves giving penalties.
“This is why I don’t make bets with my friends because I really go for their weak spots.”
“You’re cynical, Lee Jeno.”
“Only if you’re close to me, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Aren’t we already past that stage?”
Almost halfway through his job, he sustained a meaningful friendship with you. Out of everyone, you were his default person to hang out within the nights he had a shift. If he wasn’t present, he made sure to give you small treats or gifts as much as possible. An innocent friendship, it was that the world would’ve never believed in.
Or was it?
“To celebrate your win, what do you want me to do?”
“You’re too kind for me to play around with, even if you’re the complete opposite of me.”
“I’ll make it simple and worthwhile since I don’t know when I’ll win a game again.” As your finger tapped your temple as you pondered deeply, a smart idea came through. “Grant me 3 wishes.”
He chuckled, lowering himself to view you better. “Am I like some genie now to you?”
“No room to complain, I won, didn’t I?” You grinned, raising one brow to show your dominance.
“You’re petty in your own way, aren’t you?”
“Perhaps. Now come on, I want to use my first wish.” You shrugged it off like no big deal, loving the high feeling of triumph. You lead him to the center of the lobby, where a beautiful grand piano only selected people get to play during exhibits. “Open the museum piano.”
Ever since you were brought to life, you never used it. Tempting but because people from the outside might here, maybe it’s time to try something new. A new challenge, and besides, you missed entertaining people through it. The last time you touched the delicate piano keys was to your family before you ran away.
It’s a good thing that in the shackle of keys Jeno held, the needed key was there. Unlocking the lustrous black instrument, you sat by the matching black bench. Crackling your fingers, you tested by pressing a few keys to get the hang of it again.
“What are you planning to play, (Y/N)?” Jeno leaned against the side, his arms crossed.
Humming the first notes of your piece, the nostalgia ran through your veins. “Nocturne No. 2 in E flat by Chopin.”
Your fingers took off and played each chord slowly and calmly. This piece reminded you the most of your mother, who sat by the couch in front of your old piano with your father while guests from the party they hosted crowded around you. Being the youngest, they often requested you to perform as entertainment so you always put your best foot forward. Or so you tried.
Nevertheless, no one else in your family was capable to play this piece as perfectly as you. By the way your eyes closed and your body swayed to the mellow tune, Jeno observed how you memorized this piece by heart. A passionate flame you were, outshining every pianist out there.
He wasn’t surprised at how multi-talented you were, though there’s a different kind of aura you present when you played the instrument. From your hard and tough front, you could be soft and sweet to the right people.
In a way, you showed your comfort toward the boy by serenading him with the piano. Sketching him with him in the past was one thing, but this was another. You’d sketch with people you’ve grown used to, but you play piano to people you want to cherish in your life. As dangerous as it seems, Jeno was someone special to you, only wanting to have good moments with him.
Junmyeon will always have a huge part in your museum life, but Jeno filled the emptiness that he left behind. This loneliness for a human friend vanquished thanks to Jeno, and you didn’t want to jeopardize it at all. Sure, whenever he acted like a gentleman around you, let you inside the Foreign Art Room, or brought you food sometimes, you couldn’t help feel honored.
Though lately, every time he showed off his strength when he defeated Zeus and Hades during an arm wrestle game the god held again. You seriously had to catch a breath at every flex his arms made, like the goddesses. Maybe how he pushed his black hair back when he’s drawing another plate, you’d give yourself a few extra seconds to see his long fingers skim through them. He’d bit his lower lip when he’s in too deep with his creativity, wondering if he’d bite the lower lip of the girl he’d ki-
All right, (Y/N), relax. Maybe you’re thinking this way because it’s been decades since your last relationship. You wouldn’t want to fall for another possible trap and hurt yourself again, right?
Ever since this job, Jeno’s university life drastically changed. Yes, he still hung out with his friends and performed extremely well in his classes, though he prioritized anything related to the museum wherever he was. If they were drinking out, he’d buy an extra bottle of soju for you on his way back to the dorm. Rarely does he get shitfaced anyways.
If he and Renjun visited the bookstore to purchase pens or any art-related materials, he always bought either an extra sketchpad or set of pens. Even if you were simply a figure to everyone else, he appreciated the bond you both developed.
Every night, he’d tell you about his day from the start. Normally, it consisted of a lot of schoolwork and coffee, some stories about his roommates too. Speaking of them, he’d insert a lot of humorous words about his entire group of friends, whom you learned their names too.
Mark, Jaemin, Renjun, Jisung, Chenle, and Donghyuck, each of them presented a different color in their group. Jeno, who’d admitted to being shy and quiet, grew out of his shell because of them. A friend of Jeno’s would automatically be a friend of yours, if only you were allowed to leave the museum or become a human.
Jeno learned more about your past explorations that never got documented because you no longer had an interest in jotting them down. They were adventures you’d kept to yourself, memories only close to you then would know. Except now, Jeno was another addition. You’re not the type to instantly open to people, though again, a sense of relief surrounded him every time you encounter each other. It grew gradually like a warm hug, softening your heart and breaking your walls.
The more he spent time with you, nothing feared Jeno the slightest. He’s always maintained himself intact, avoiding lines to be crossed and giving respect to those who deserve it. However, he began to question himself where exactly his feelings lie with you after Jaemin tried to set him up on a blind double date just so the best friend of his date wouldn’t feel left out.
He’s rarely one to get crushes on people, even when other girls in his college openly showed their affection towards him. Valentine’s Day or his birthday, several girls sent him chocolate or flowers. Jaemin and Renjun got sick of girls reaching out to them first so they could reach him. It’s not because he’s not the dating type, but because he’s so goal-oriented that unlike his roommates, he doesn’t have a slight clue about dating.
Though one-night stands while at a party and dating were completely different, he’d still say he had experience with girls. Plus having an older sister, he never took advantage of them. He’d rather tell them in person that the feelings weren’t mutual than ghosting them. He’s not like Jaemin anyways.
With that, he’s so lost when his heart beats twice as fast the second you’ve woken up from your posing slumber. He doesn’t comprehend how flustered he’d be when you highly insist to help him with his plate or how cute he finds it when you’re playing fetch with Mochi. On top of it, when you chose to sketch each other for one of your sketching sessions, he’d take a longer stare at your visage before he drew some strokes.
A lot of historical accounts mentioned how your beauty was the standard of the Victorian era, wherein you were the jewel of your neighborhood and numerous men wanted your hand. Women envied you, especially having high intelligence skills that were equivalent to a man. That time, that felt like a threat to most men. Though surprisingly, it turns out there were men who liked intelligent girls.
Jeno knew he liked you as a friend, though liking you past that he didn’t intend. Nor was it allowed because it’ll break one of the golden rules. Before he’d go beyond contemplating, he had to stop himself. This was so unlike him. The feelings will fleet away, he’d repeat to himself. Don’t waste a great friendship because of your silly emotions.
Individually, both of you swallowed these harboring feelings down your guts and simply kept your friendship status safe. Doing your typical activities or whatever else you could think of, none of you minded to change it whatsoever.
Unknown to you though, it was obvious to the other art pieces ones that you two practically passed off as young lovers. Although they know that pushing one towards the other went against the rules, Aphrodite begged to differ.
“Holding them back from expressing what they really feel just because of the law here is a tragedy. They should at least try, you know?”
On another typical night, Jeno invited you to the Theater Room for a movie marathon. After finding out that you’ve never seen any moving pictures, he wanted to be there to introduce it. Luck was on his side to not have plates or requirements due for the week and everyone was behaving themselves, so he started with rolling out short films from the 88mm projector. Having premade popcorn and drinks, the two of you shared roars of laughter and emotional tears.
Switching to the cd player for longer and clearer films, you’d opt to believe that you were born at the wrong time. With all these advancements, it came with a lot of new beliefs. One of them was allowing women to study and work. Then again, she was a pioneer according to historians. Without her, it wouldn’t help shape society as it is today.
Nonetheless, this movie Jeno played on the big screen was what he defined as “one of the classics”, 10 Things I Hate About You.
This outspoken character named Kat was presenting a poem to her class, trying to hold in her raw emotions towards Patrick, the boy who broke her heart. Too engaged, you didn’t notice how Jeno stretched his arms out so he could wrap one around your shoulder. Not that you were complaining, his warmth reassuring you safety.
“I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.” The way she attempted to keep her strong ground only reminded you of where you were weeks ago, especially once she excruciatingly broke down.
“I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” Only when you leaned back to the chair, you felt his arm. His thumb caressing your covered shoulder, you peeked him a little bit. His eyes fixated on the screen, absorbed in the acting and how Kat’s tears weren’t scripted as she stormed out of the classroom.
Not that you were her, but it sparked the past memory of how you merely disliked him because of his job. But as a person, not even close, not even once did you hate him. How blessed that he never judged you for it, staying patient all this time.
Right before he could look back at you, you moved your face back to resume your watching. Jeno definitely noticed what you did, though not sure as to why. Whatever it was, it wasn’t harmful.
Once the film ended, Jeno checked his watch for the time. 4 am, he wanted to do something else now instead of film viewing. You were on par with it, wanting to walk it out after being seated for hours. As you both cleaned up and bid the posters outside goodbye, the doors to the museum were locked unexpectedly. Impossible on Jeno’s half because he had the keys for every room, but he double-checked his bunch.
Alas, the keys for these doors specifically were missing. But there was no other way anyone could’ve gotten it, plus it’s not like the last person he talked to, which was Aphrodite, would need it.
Or did she?
Rather than putting any blame on each other, your only wish now was to return to your section before sunrise. You and he could just relax momentarily before yelling for help.
“Maybe we should watch another film first?”
“Alright, you choose while I return the rest.”
As Jeno inserted the cd of Cinema Paradiso inside, the background music of the opening played. He hummed the first notes, already feeling the love from this film. Another must-see classic as recommended by Renjun, he wanted to rewatch it with you.
Slowly returning each cd and film roll to their respective drawers, the melodious theme had you waltzing in the small space. Even beyond your life, classical music never gets old. Aging like fine wine, sounding spectacular as time passes because of people’s creativity.
Jeno gazed over your sudden movements, smiling uncontrollably at how immersed you were as you multi-tasked. However, you took a wrong turn by the desk and almost dropped a priceless film roll. But before you fully slipped and fell, a pair of strong arms caught you at the right time. Panting from the nerves, mostly when he was inches from your face. Never has he pressed his body this close to you to protect you, and never have you seen his captivating eyes this up close.
As enchanting as the background music of Ennio Morricone was, it only became noise once Jeno took ahold of the film roll on your hand and placing down on the desk. Taking another step closer, you were backed up by the edge. Not to mention how his height dignified his impact on you, your arms were still situated by your side with nowhere else to go.
That was until his finger elevated your chin so he could meet you on eye-to-eye level. His other hand gripping your waist, you became brave enough to place your hands by his broad shoulders. Licking your lips, you glanced at his lips quickly. But he noticed it, and as risky as this was, it was a leap of faith to take.
“May I kiss you?”
Always such a gentleman, even when he already knew how much you desired him through your returning affections. Calming your breath patterns by the speed of everything occurring, you came back to your senses. He’s the one who constantly told you not to forget your roots, so you were going to take this one.
You trust him, and he does too.
Since the first film, some kind of tension increased the closer he moved or intimate his actions were towards you. You kept pushing it back in hopes not to ruin what you both have. But it only turned out to be mutual, especially how none of you held back as soon as his lips passionately clashed yours.
Tangling your arms around his neck, you stood on your tiptoes to press even closer to him. Feeling his lively heart pumping against your hollow chest, you bit his lower lip. Something you’ve secretly craved to do, he growled from the pleasure. He hoisted your waist to the desk, his impatient hands earnestly traveling all over your body. While your legs locked around his torso, your feisty nature leaned back so your entire body lied on the small desk.
Jeno was on top, placing one hand down to hold himself while the other squeezed your waist firmly. Even if you’re made of wax, you’re like an actual living woman at night. Everything about you becomes real until dawn. You emitted vulgar moans, giving him more access to your neck. Peppering a mix of soft to hard kisses, your hand teasingly snaked under his shirt. He really wasn’t joking when he bragged that he was quite ripped since he enjoyed sports and going to the gym, cupping a part of his toned abdomen.
“If you want something, all you have to do is ask.” He sluggishly sucked the area between your ear and neck, one of your weakest spots. “What’s on your mind, baby?”
The growing moistness in between your legs left a stain in your panties, trying to close your legs out of embarrassment. It’s been decades since you’ve been stimulated like this. However, Jeno beat you to it as he trailed the hand that was on your waist and lowering it right above your covered sex. He cupped it agonizingly slow, making you folding your leg from the pleasure. For a man who doesn’t date around, he knew exactly what he’s doing.
“I just kissed you, and you’re already this soaked. Can you handle me, baby?”
As the strong woman that you present yourself to be, it would selfishly take the right touch from the right man to weaken you. With his savage lips back on yours while your hands clutched on his shirt, he was simply waiting for a verbal answer, yet driving you completely mad. Everything was happening so fast, and here he was to please you in anywhere you seem fit.
You were deprived, and oh, you needed it more than ever.
However, seconds before you replied, there was loud rumbling from the main doors which stopped your devilish antics. As Jeno moved back from you to see the ruckus, you lifted yourself back up, pulling back your dress sleeves and flattening out the creases. The last thing you wanted was a trail of familiar red marks from the aggressive male, finding any reflective surfaces to check.
“I wouldn’t be that dumb to leave you hickies now, would I?” Jeno ended your worries as he placed his hands by your side again. His face leaned towards yours again, reliving the warmth in your cheeks. His lips were plumper, catching traces of your coral lipstick smudged there down to his jaw. He slotted himself again between your legs, grazing a hand on your waist and the other to your warm cheek. “The door’s unlocked now, and it’s 5 am. Do you want to clean up now?”
You playfully scoffed, aware that neither of you had plans to do that yet. Such a player while in the heat of the moment.
“Spare me 15 more minutes with you first.”
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Hiding the romance you’ve both built failed without trying. Aphrodite spotted all the signs from your open physical affection and words of admiration, calling you two out in front of everyone without shame. She is the goddess of love, after all. You couldn’t fool her even if you tried.
Plus, she’s the one who locked the two of you up in the Theater Room that night. But neither of you know that.
“Sketch my ideal home?” Jeno bent down to the table, testing out his newly bought pens so they wouldn’t spill.
“Isn’t that why you decided to pursue Architecture in the first place? Come on now!” You pestered across him, opening your new sketchpad since your last one ran out of pages. As expected, Jeno bought you one when he went to the bookstore. As much as you insisted not to because he should use the money somewhere else, he did it anyway. He loved your works, encouraging you in any way he could.
When he was reminded of his humble beginnings of his passion for architecture by you, never had he envisioned exactly how his perfect home would be like. Settling down was so far beyond his mind, only focusing to graduate university then study for the licensure exams. However, he did miss drawing something for fun, not as a requirement. He also was the one who took charge of designing his dorm.
“Fine, only if you draw what your ideal home would’ve been if you never left London.”
Now as lovers, the only addition to your relationship were the public and private exchanges of affection. Deep conversations, film viewing, back and forth banter, you’re both still the same competitive duo everyone expected to be together. In public, the two of you held hands, hugged, kissed each other cheeks too when it felt right. Cleopatra’s face of fake nausea was priceless every time, while Princess Diana, Anne, and Katherine enjoyed it. It’s been years since they’ve seen this glow of adoration in you. Bit by bit, you’re going back to the old you. Except now, you’re a lot stronger.
Perhaps, this version of you proved wrong for the need for romance. Even if you made the choice not to settle down then, it would’ve been different if Jeno was in your universe then.
“Are you done there?” Jeno asked while you were finishing up your masterpiece. Life in London sounded fun when you were younger, having all these ideas on interior design and the like. An innocent time.
Instead of replying, you strode to his side and compared your pieces together. He pictured a two-story home, with a backyard and rooftop area. He definitely wanted to stay in the city as his whole life was based there. Although you preferred living in the countryside more for more freedom, you gave it a shot by pinpointing every detail of a wealthy typical Victorian-era home you liked. You desired a spacious lobby with a grand staircase in the middle, a crystal chandelier there too. The living room would have a small library and a grand piano, where wide doors leading to the grasslands were beside it.
Considering you two lived from different times, in a way your ideal homes were similar. Somewhere private, surrounded by nature and minimal furniture, you’re curious as to how it would look if the two of you fused them together. A mix of old and new, will it look pretty?
“What will look pretty?” Jeno questioned your random thought, looking back and forth at your sketches. “You know who’s pretty though?”
“If you say what I think you’re going to say, I’m lea-”
Jeno has gotten flirtier since that night, always finding the right opportunity to flatter you. Although you denied them out of embarrassment, the butterflies in your stomach can’t lie to you.
You’re so smitten, and so was he.
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Jeno’s always one to follow the rules, but so far, he’s been breaking some of them already.
Just last night, he gave Renjun access to the lively museum because he needed more research regarding you. Initially, he practically interviewed Jeno for every piece of information he gathered because he used to be so deep in the books to study everything about you. Now in the past, Renjun still couldn’t forget how Jeno drunkenly admitted how crazy he was going to be over you and your coldness whilst sobering up in the dorm.
He didn’t understand one bit by that, especially when you’re technically dead. But by the sight of the first piece Renjun saw alive, which was Zeus, he almost passed out. Piece by piece, he viewed these artworks come to life from his fresh eyes. Right before he could’ve screamed when Athena shot a lightbulb in their exhibit, you happily called out Jeno’s name.
Renjun froze on the spot upon seeing your wax figure come to life. He’s browsed through this museum numerously due to the new exhibits, but lately, he checked your section out to find any tiny details that were linked to your life. Aside from the sketchpad, compass, and hairpins, he wanted to know if there was more to your life as an explorer.
As human interactions except the night guard weren’t allowed, Renjun needed help for his project in Women Studies. Just like Jeno’s assignment, you aided him. Fruitfully answering every question he gave you, Athena popped out of nowhere to inspect Jeno.
“I see you’re breaking another rule.”
“I’m sorry, Athena. He was desperate, and it would be selfish of me to let him fail.”
“This is the last one I’ll let slide, alright?” Athena huffed, not impressed by the reckless behavior Jeno acquired over time. She saw this coming, but for a change, she couldn’t punish him. He was a young adult, still learning more about life. Only will she step in if things turn for the worst. “I can’t believe I’ve gained a soft spot for you.”
Jeno laughed, hugging the figure like his older sister. “You love me though!”
Glad to say, Renjun aced his project and kept his word of not telling anyone about the happenings in Jeno’s job. Jeno even made a makeshift non-disclosure contract so Renjun wouldn’t spill the slightest details.
Lately, so much has been happening in the museum that having alone time with each other was rare. And when you did, the two of you made sure to maximize it and make every intimate moment count. From each touch, each longing kiss, each moan, and groan, never were you left hanging whether you’re at the Theater Room, Jeno’s office, or the Foreign Art Room.
The only time the two of you went beyond the boundaries was at the indoor garden. Jeno managed to get the key to it, lighting up some candles before you invited you inside. Thanks to the magic of the Greek gods, the cameras were bewitched to display fake imageries when security checks in the morning after.
Upon your deep conversations, you’ve mentioned once or twice about the indoor garden. It was the latest addition of the museum, opening in the early 2000s. Because it was a sacred place, no art piece was ever allowed inside.
Yet again, Jeno challenged the rules again when he invited you inside. A few minutes before, he set up some lights along the hallway of the garden, where he placed a blanket, a picnic basket, and his laptop right at the end of it. The best place to view everything, he just knew you’d love it.
He was undoubtedly right once you gasped at such a pretty sight. Seeing the silhouettes of various flowers and plants together with the night sky with all the stars sparkling, it was like you’re attending another ball with your sisters, who were looking for suitors then.
Once Jeno leisurely led you until the end, he brought out all the delicacies from the basket. One of them was this Italian savory dish of dough with toppings such as cheese and pepperoni, or pizza as they named it. The next ones were fresh strawberries and melted chocolate, followed by grape juice.
“I’d drink actual alcohol with you again, only if I didn’t get shitfaced and do my job properly.”
“Point taken. Besides, this is close enough. So pour me a drink please.”
Perhaps this was the closest to a date Jeno could ever ask you out to. With the restrictions and being constrained with time, he brainstormed all sorts of ways to bring the outside world to you. From simply letting you wander around this fascinating room, he unleashed the inner romantic in him. None of his friends would’ve thought since they never asked him about it, so he kept it to himself only. Finally, he’s satisfied with what he prepared. After eating, the two of you would watch more films before the sun rose again.
You’re just the right person for him at the moment he can act that way.
After your quiet stroll and sitting back down, Jeno surprisingly handed you a tiny box.
“A gift?”
“Open it.” He sipped on his juice, paying attention to your actions. Gently untying the box, the amazement in your eyes couldn’t fathom such a lovely present. No words were required to verify that Jeno outdid himself again, just your facial expression alone is enough.
When Jeno said that he pays attention to the tiny details, he doesn’t bluff. Throughout your growing relationship, you’ve cited how you wanted another special flower in your life. Just because you couldn’t view lavender roses the same way ever again, it didn’t mean you wanted to kick them out of your life. Flowers were one of nature’s beautiful creations, so you’re wishing to find the love you once had for lavender roses in other ones.
Thus, you came across what you thought held the highest form of meaning: red roses. Despite its thorns, it’s still a marvelous flower. Innocently, you told him that just because of the memory of your father giving them to your mother on her birthday yearly.
Red roses represented true love and romance, a discreet message only those eager would know.
Jeno was one of them, which was why he reserved this gift for this very moment. It was a necklace he found through a college fair recently, a subtle red rose pendant in the center. Since he couldn’t give you huge gifts, he settled for something light. Something none of the guards or the director wouldn’t pinpoint out when they do their inspections.
“Do you like it?”
Not one utter from your mouth since you’re so hypnotized, your lips quirked up in a charming smile. “Is that even a question? This is astonishing, Jeno.”
After you attempted to put it around your neck, Jeno sighed and stepped in to help you out. “Turn around, (Y/N). Let me.”
The tension gradually heightened once you held your hair up so Jeno accessibly viewed your clean neck. Clasping the lock, it took all his might to hold himself back from you. Even from behind, your silhouette was attractive to him. The lights he set up weren’t helping the slightest of what he’s thinking to do with you.
“Done.” He breathily whispered in your ear.
If he thought he was the only one feeling something powerful, he’d be more than wrong. The lingering sensation of his slim fingers gracing your dĂ©colletage area unhinged another kind of want, the one you’ve only imagined in your mind when you were needy and alone. It shouldn’t be a sin unless you’re with the person you’ve fallen for, right?
Facing him again, the eye contact didn’t last long when you were the first one to strike a move. Jeno kissed back right away, his hands pulling you closer by your waist. Whatever sultry music Jeno played, it gave you the perfect momentum to grind on his lap. He groaned against kisses, adding his tongue. His thumbs sensually rubbed your hipbones, one of your hands toying around with his hair while the other one balled up his shirt by the chest. None of you cared if anyone caught you.
The last time you’ve been this aggressive was at the Theater Room, which eventually increased the hidden lust you’ve had towards each other. Taking things slowly at first, it’s about time to delve in for more. The mood was already set from the start, even if Jeno didn’t plan this to happen here. But being the prepared man he is, he did have a condom in his back pocket.
Your fingers trailed from his neck until his crotch. He was hard, sensing how suffocated he must be. But he kept himself in control. Locking eye contact, you sweetly spoke.
“Grant my second wish, Jeno.” That same hand of yours held one of his, planting it in your breast. “Make love to me.”
Giving the go-signal, he crashed his lips on yours while stripping you off your dress. Carefully, he turned you around to untie your tight corset. Once it fell, your neck leaned sideways as his lips attacked it madly. Your breaths were tremulous, placing both his hands on your freed breasts to knead with. His touch felt like fire on your skin, yet you couldn’t stop.
“Jeno,” Obscene moans from your lips choked out. You desired more, shifting back to face him again to attack his lips. Slowly feeling one of his hands laying you down, you spread your legs with ease just for him. He parted after your head landed on the cushion to unbutton himself. The way your mouth dropped to selfishly stare at his bare body, flexing them before getting back into position. He was fit and toned just as Cleopatra predicted.
As much as Jeno knew how wild your thoughts were getting, he was more taken aback by your perky chest.
“Fuck, you are divine.” He sucked one nipple as his fingers ventured to slip your panties down. So much was going on, you didn’t know which stimulated you more. You tried to close your legs around his hand, but he slapped your inner thigh to stop you.
The cool breeze shivered you, especially from your core. Jeno’s fingers adventurously grazed from your hip area to your lower lips. He teasingly rubbed it up and down in your essence, his index finger settling it right at your needy clit. Another moan escaped your lips, an opportunity for Jeno to slide his tongue in your mouth. Enjoying the moment, his fingers dipped inside you. A gasp broke your kiss, making him giggle in your ear.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
“Oh, angel. The things I want to do with you.”
Sliding them back and forth, curling it even, you squirmed for more. Dropping himself to meet your core, Jeno placed your legs on his shoulder. Pushing you closer, his steamy breath felt like friction. Your hips grinded against it, so he gripped on them so you stay put.
“Angel,” He chuckled darkly, his crotch tightening at how powerless you looked. “You’re so pretty.”
You were drenched from arousal. But to Jeno, you were glowing under the lights. He wanted to take his time to admire what he had done to you. His independent girl, only weak for him.
His fingers unfolded in your lower lips, diving in to your orbit. You could hardly speak from his skilled mouth, especially his tongue savagely lapping your clit in numerous paces. You’ve only daydreamed about what it could do aside from kissing, and it exceeded your expectations. By the heated sensation that had the heels of your feet digging his back deeply, you affirmed to have seen more stars than the night sky above you.
Your back arched uncontrollably while his hands grasped your hips to stay in place, the tears in your eyes formulating while tugging on his hair. Your thighs clenched around his face, but his broad shoulders widened it to taste more of you. No use of pulling away when his grip on you was tight, so you could only cry out from the pleasure.
The ringing sounds in your off were going off, your throat drying up from moaning once another orgasm was about to hit. Once the knot in you snapped, nothing could hold back your screams of pleasure whilst panting for air. Sensitive as he licked every remaining essence he caused, he smirked as he got up to unbuckle his jeans.
Oh, boy. He got quite a package behind his boxers.
Even while you were overly sensitive, you had to grasp it in your hands. He was yours, and you were his.
The way you clenched around his protected length, pausing to readjust yourself to the feeling. The foreplay deemed helpful, though the girth of him overwhelmed you. He stretched you out so good.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” The stunned face you made was expected, still feeling worried that it may be too much.
Biting your lip, you moaned once everything felt bearable. “You can move, Jeno.”
None of you could track exactly how many rounds you went through. Even in the semi-public area, it didn’t hinder either of you. There’s that thrill, and surprisingly enough, you both shared the liking of it. Always switching the positions, you decided to call it quits after another sloppy round in missionary. Something seeing Jeno on top, fully submitting yourself to him, made you feel calm to be vulnerable. It’s really the trust you’ve established from the start, making you rely on humans again once you’ve let the past be.
Jeno brought out another blanket, initially meant for cuddling. It was still applicable though, curling your body into a spoon towards his racing chest. Music was no longer noise, the intimacy creeping back instead of lust this time. The afterglow of Jeno, sweaty and knackered as his legs sprawled under the sheet, was a sight for sore eyes. He’s always been handsome while on duty, but post-sex gave him an extra boost.
Plus there’s pride from the red marks courtesy of you on his chest, grazing over it softly.
Jeno chuckled softly at your smooth fingers, lifting them up to kiss them tenderly before kissing your lips again. Only humans were capable of and to love, but you’re some kind of an exception. Regardless of the magic from the plate, you’d be able to love too if it weren’t for your background.
There’s so much love Jeno wanted to offer you, even if he hasn’t said it out loud yet.
Perhaps one reason was because time was beginning to tick. Finals were a few weeks away, then the one-month long semestral break until a new semester kicks off. Time really flew by, and his bank account and heart expanded too. Enjoying the now was all he could think of doing, but those uncertainties bothered him.
The biggest would be where you and he would stand when his job ended.
Jeno was too absorbed in his internal debate, as portrayed by his eyes staring off in space and running his hand in his hair repeatedly. Something was disturbing him, and you’re concerned as to what it was.
“Jeno,” Around his arm, you tapped his chest to get him out of it. “What’s going on in your head?”
Jeno approached every obstacle he faces straightforwardly, not wanting to let him hold back. Rarely did he keep secrets, especially from you. Instead of hiding away, he voiced it out.
“(Y/N), will we work out?”
“What do you mean, Jeno?”
You’re so occupied in the present that thinking of the future was never in your field. Like him, you’re just enjoying being in the moment. Though after tonight, it’s making you wonder if there’s a future.
“Well,” He placed his hand on top of yours, affectionately observing you. “Times flies faster when you’re having fun, and well, the semester is ending.”
His last words crushed a part of your heart, remembering his initial plan. None of you expected your friendship to bloom into what it is now, but life was just full of surprises without a schedule. At the same time, none of you wouldn’t have it any other way.
It may have been a few months since you two committed to each other, but the spark was still strong. It wasn’t like a summer romance kind of feeling. Time was not a determinant of love either, which you were certain of it with Jeno. A lot more than Junmyeon.
It should’ve frightened you when you realized your love for Jeno, but it didn’t. Even if you didn’t age physically, your mindset did. You’ve learned to forgive your younger self, and through Jeno, you let your guard down completely. From that, you let love in. Platonic to your fellow art pieces, and all of the above to Jeno.
Throughout your relationship, you regained all confidence in yourself and everything you set your mind to.
“I wouldn’t want to worry too much about it if I were you.” Your body flipped to lie on your stomach, resting your head on your palm.
“Why shouldn’t I, angel?”
Gazing back at him, you left a velvety kiss on his lips to rest his thoughts. His hand wrapped your neck, deepening it. But you pulled away with a giggle, all too knowing of his secret intentions as his cock began to harden again. His eyes narrowed down and his lower lip stuck out at your attempt of being a tease.
But enough about sex, you wanted to address a point.
Lee Jeno was going to be the biggest risk you wanted to take and fight for, and no one should try to stop you.
“I’ll ask Circe for a potion. For me, for you, for us.”
If it weren’t for insistent questioning towards every art piece, who kept their mouths shut, only Circe herself banished him from his suffering. Her series of potions varied, and the one you requested years ago which you threw out was capable of turning any art piece into a living human. No potion of Circe ever failed, so you entrusted your life for the day you do drink it.
“Are you sure, angel?”
Jeno knew about that one specifically, and as great to hear that you never threw it out, he never put pressure on you. He wanted you to do whatever felt right, even if deep down, he wished you’d use it. He was only worried about how the flow of the entire museum would be disrupted.
Typical Jeno always looking out for you, but you saw right through his concern. Here you were, caressing his check as reassurance. With an honest smile,
“I’ve never been more certain with anything in my life here until you came, Lee Jeno.”
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Jeno opened up more to his life outside the museum, telling all sorts of experiences not just his days as a university student. From his childhood, his family, his travels, heck you even want to meet his friends at this point!
Newly, he shared with you how the sunrise and sunset looked like in Seoul with much vivacity. It’s a luxury as a human to witness as day breaks and ends, so you could imagine by yourself how it would look like. Sure, you had drawings and all, but that was from the real (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
This version of you wanted to live more; that’s your greed now.
“You’ve never touched snow too, right?” Jeno, who had his arm wrapped around you, silently watched the first batch of snow from inside.
“Yup, that’s the thing when you’re imprisoned in this place.” You sulked by his side, earning a chuckle from him who pulled you in closer.
“Don’t tell me now that you despise this place.”
“I don’t, but it hinders me to experience new things. The whole pattern of being awake at night by a plate gets tiring, Jeno.”
All Jeno would do when you’re frustrated was placing your head on his shoulder, listening as you talk.
“I know, angel. But it won’t be long until you leave this place with me, right?”
“You know it!” You interlocked your hands with him, eyes trained at every falling snowflake.
Sometimes, moments in silence with Jeno were all you needed for the night. Being within each other’s presence, focusing or admiring something from afar, it was all the peace you’ve needed from the bustling art pieces.
This week was the last of the semester, and Jeno’s off duty for tonight to focus on his exams. You’ll see him tomorrow night, which was his last shift ever, and also yours too.
Perhaps the biggest milestone you’re committing to without any regrets.
However, it took an unnecessary conversation you accidentally eavesdropped on to rock your decision.
You needed more ink after running out mid-way of sketching the sculptures as a secret parting gift. Before you could take a single step inside your exhibit room, a series of voices were full-on arguing. Booming back and forth, you peeped your ear out whilst hiding against the door.
“Athena, how dare you did to her?! She’s done so well from moving on from it, falling in love even! And now you’re telling me this?!” The distinct voice of Princess Diana, who spoke sweetly most of the time, boomed towards the Greek god. “You’re heartless.”
“I did what I had to do for the sake of this place, Diana!” Athena raised her voice, the lightning in her hands holding back from lashing out. She hated it when anyone argued with her, especially when she does things according to what she believed was necessary. Out of everyone, she had more leadership. “She had to know that her place is here as a wax figure, not outside. Talking Junmyeon out of it was for the best, plus it’s ideal when he drank the potion of memory loss from Circe.”
“But it tore her apart when he left her, and it’s going to tear her again if you do the same with Jeno.”
“How else are you going to approach the situation then, Diana? Those two have broken the highest golden rule, so they need to wake up.”
Right when she celebrated within herself for healing, hearing the unbearable revelation behind the past devastated you. This whole time, she internally blamed herself for being ageless and lashed out at others. The scary past barged back in, and you couldn’t handle it anymore.
Somewhere in the corner, you wept without a trace. You could care less about Athena’s opinions, but you found yourself agreeing to some of her words. You had a role to fulfill, and leaving that behind would be selfish and it could make the museum go topsy-turvy. As painful for Junmyeon to leave you, it was because the truth hurts. Nothing could change it, even if Circe could be your solution because it’ll leave a lot of questions. You didn’t want Jeno to be seen as a suspect.
Oh, Jeno.
There’s nothing wrong with falling in love either, you didn’t intend it to happen. But it becomes unfair when it compromises with your purpose, and that’s not how you are. You’ll always remember Jeno as your biggest risk, though it’s time to end things. Treacherous as it was to accept for you, risk-takers have boundaries too.
Fast forward, on the night of Jeno’s last shift, you’ve cherished every second with him. Playing around, chatting with other art pieces, kissing in private, you made it count. Before dawn broke, that’s where you chose to come clean by the garden, your sacred place. Not even your self-reassurance could prepare you to witness the hurt and confusion Jeno felt.
“You’re a mortal, and you still get to choose your path. Mine is already predetermined here as a wax copy of a historical figure.” You advised as you held both his hands, your voice shaking at the reality.
A few days ago, you were beaming with exhilaration at a new journey but now you’ve permanently backed out. Jeno couldn’t comprehend, and as much as he tried, he couldn’t. A life without you by his side would be empty and dull. “Even so, there are things about you that the original person didn’t have.”
Arguing with him wasn’t your favorite, and it’ll leave the two of you in a bad mood. But there is no way to negotiate this; you’ve already made up your mind. “We must end this, Jeno. You need someone who can grow old with you, and I can’t be that person for you.”
“But we can make it work!” His hands gripped on your slumped shoulders, whilst your face avoiding his to spare yourself from the heartache. “There’s still Circe.”
“I know, but recently, I found out that she’s an indirect cause of my misery.” Pulling away from his touch, you belted with frustration. “I cannot do this anymore, Jeno.”
You’ve always fought for whatever you wanted in life, and Jeno knew he was one of them if it weren’t for you telling him that. So he did the same, thinking of ways to make you feel whole. Now, he couldn’t tolerate the sudden crumbling of his heart from your outburst, and all he wanted to know was why you felt this way. How could he help you?
You don’t keep secrets from Jeno, but the truth behind your harsh actions cannot be revealed for the sake of the museum. Plus, you didn’t want him to despise this place he admired. Causing him pain wasn’t on your list, but keeping him safe was. It may be shown differently and he may not understand it now, but over time, he will.
“Jeno, you’ll find someone better out there. Someone with their whole life ahead of them, who’ll love you for everything that makes you who you are.” Repetitive punches in your guts urged you to barf at your half-lie, but you held it in.
“Why are you pushing me away? What happened to taking risks, (Y/N)?” Jeno interrogated, taking your hands in his hands again. They unconventionally quivered, like his lips. Jeno has never cried in front of anyone, not even when he was younger. Though for you, he just might. “Am I not worth it for you?”
Dear heavens, he was wrong. You internally screamed that, but you can’t let your selfishness seize the night. As Athena said, you had to wake up from your dream. “Committing to you was my biggest risk of them all, Jeno. Everything else that went along with it, I don’t regret it one bit. But time’s really up for us, and we must resume our normal duties.”
“I can’t lose you, (Y/N).”
“You never will, Jeno.”
He crouched lower to meet your height, his finger moving your head so you’d look at him back. Weakly enough, you did. “I want you to be a part of my normal life, angel.”
“I’ll always be here, you know. I’ll be standing in my usual spot upstairs, and you can drop by whenever you can.” You pressed your lips, lifting your head to avoid incoming tears. Meanwhile, he began shedding a few. You’ve hurt him big time, and you’ll never forgive yourself for this. “I still have one wish, right?”
Jeno’s sorrow was beyond his capacity, leaning his forehead against yours to kiss it. No matter what he could say or do, he already knew it won’t be effective. You’re affirmative in your choices, yet he still wanted to challenge it. All he wanted to know was why you’re doing this.
“Let me walk you one last time to your section.”
The black night sky had remnants of blue, motioning that dawn was approaching. Other figures gave their goodbyes to Jeno earlier, cleaning up their areas before they pose. Though none of them anticipated such a cold atmosphere between you two, they could only spy on what was bound to happen.
“My last wish is for you to let me go, Jeno.” You avowed, blinking your eyes with faux positivity. Your hands patted his blazer so it wouldn’t crease. “I already have a role to fulfill here, and you’re on the way to yours, future architect.”
“I love you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Only tonight did he muster his courage to finally admit it to you after giving himself more time to analyze it. Timing was always crucial, and the badness of it showed.
Deep in your heart, you resonated the feeling. But it’ll make things more complicated, and it was the final thing you’ve wanted to occur. Someone had to be the strong one, and now, it should be you. With one more compassionate kiss on his lips, you stepped inside your section and readied your position.
“Goodbye, Lee Jeno.”
The sunshine brightened the room, and you’ve frozen to slumber again.
All Jeno could do was drop on his knees, sobbing over your rash actions. Unknown to him, a single tear left your eye as you posed.
Regardless of what status you were in, the pain of it all remained.
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Jeno spent most of his semestral break with his friends to travel or whatnot, trying to forget it all. Even if he aced all his finals, his efforts felt like nothing if he never had you by his side to celebrate.
The sting over his short-lived romance with you never diminished the slightest, no one whom he could express his pain about it to especially when Renjun drank the memory wipe potion that Athena initially left for Jeno by his desk.
Forget it all, and live a peaceful life. You have so much potential, my mentee.
- Athena
Perhaps this was the same thing Junmyeon drank all those years ago, but unlike him, he didn’t have the guts to. He still wanted another chance.
So every day since the new semester began, he spent every afternoon break at your section. He’ll be seated by the bench, doing his assignments and talking about his day while sometimes stealing a glance of your figure. Some habits don’t change.
He never got sick of the same smile you exemplified, falling even more for you. He’ll often wonder what you’ve been up to.
What are your new sketches?
Are you taking care of Mochi well?
Have you apologized to Sanghoon yet?
Speaking of him, he surprisingly scooted over to Jeno’s side. This was the first time Jeno met the man, and politely enough greeted him. Sanghoon interviewed the boy, asking all sorts of questions that Jeno had every answer to. The biggest change that Sanghoon noticed since he left was your personality. You no longer bite, but treat everyone kindly without bias. You’re always active to help him out in cleaning the lobby, and you don’t go easily defensive.
Once he found out that Jeno was the reason for that, he was overjoyed at the start and wanted to meet him some way. You were a tough cookie, but now you relaxed. That was all that mattered to him, hoping to know more about him from you. That was until Diana stepped in and told him everything that happened. Mostly, the bad.
Playfulness eventually bore love. The last time you fell in love was in the 80s and Junmyeon pushed you away, he recalled. This time, you’re pushing Jeno away because you simply agreed with Athena’s points.
This wasn’t right, but it wasn’t his place to interfere.
But then again, he finally caught Jeno for the first time today and this time, he was open to hearing his side of the story. Lessen his misery too.
“No matter how stubborn she is, she loves you.” He advised him, bringing out one of your full sketchbooks. As Jeno opened it, the majority of the portraits were him. Sleeping, smiling, laughing, you drew him from every minor detail you could spot like the mole near his eye and his crescent eyes.
A handsome face I would never get sick until the end of time. Someone I want to wake up to every day in the morning if it weren’t for that plate.
- (Y/N)
Towards the end, a sketch of a house unfolded. The interior was a fusion of modernity and old royal design due to its white walls, wide space, and the placing of less furniture, plus an open backyard. There’s another tiny comment on the side from you.
I was right. Joining our varying designs together is pretty. Maybe Jeno and I could live in a house like this one day.
- (Y/N)
If you loved him so much, why did you let him go then when you had all these plans with him? Even if he tried to understand, he just didn’t.
“Don’t give up just yet when she told you to.”
“Are you just saying this or something?”
“Well, Princess Diana passed this message on but after everything, I believe that she’s right.” Sanghoon gave his opinion, but Jeno was reluctant to accept it.
“I never got a proper explanation why she suddenly changed her mind, Sanghoon.” He ranted, raking his hand through his hair from puzzlement. “Did I do something wrong?”
Sanghoon pitied him, having the upper hand and questioning himself whether to reveal the truth. However, since this boy took the job, he’s succumbed to secrecy. Without any transparency, it could drive someone mad. He’s too young for that, so Sanghoon breathed in defeat and placed his hand on Jeno’s shoulder.
“Promise me you won’t be mad when I tell you because I was when I found out; almost screamed even.”
Jeno nodded, listening to whatever Sanghoon had to say.
Of all people, he never would’ve expected Athena to do such a brash thing. Someone he respected and trusted, only to betray him by doing something she believed was good for all. Except it wasn’t, and it ended up hurting you all these years. The woman he loved, now he’s a clearer understanding of why you did what you did. Yet, it can’t fix his excruciation.
Heartbroken was an understatement; he had no one to rely on. With Sanghoon, he finally had a proper breakdown. The older man could only comfort his quietly, picturing him like one of his sons going through a hard time in school. But if it involves the heart, it’ll take more time to recover.
“You’re always the one adjusting, Jeno. But I think this time, you’re the one who needs space.”
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A Year and a Half Later
“Jeno Lee!!!” Jaemin roughly wallowed his best friend in a hug when he arrived in their dorm room for the first time in a long time. “You dyed your hair blonde again!”
Renjun, who was behind the two of them, only rolled his eyes as he helped carry Jeno’s bags. “God damn it, Jaemin! You’re supposed to be helping me first!”
“I know, but give me a few seconds! I’m just happy our group is back together!”
Jeno laughed at his friends’ annoying yet silly dynamics, giddy to be back home. For a year, Jeno spent his 3rd year of university in Rome, Italy after one of his professors brought up to him about a scholarship program there for his course. At the time where he needed a change of scenery, he sent his application form and got interviewed.
Acing it, he had the opportunity to fly across the world to study and travel. His English skills surely improved, even picking up Italian words along the way due to a required class for it. He studied the history of different locations and how they were built.
He also went on field trips almost every day if it weren’t for the Italian students assigned to tour him around, academic and non-academic. Nights he spent on drinking wine on the rooftop of his dorm with them, screaming his complaints in the world with them.
It didn’t hit him that his stay was reaching its end until he submitted his final plate. His goodbye party didn’t even feel like one, but a see you later in the next few years after he becomes a licensed architect with money. His goal of it felt more realistic, motivating him to excel in his remaining years in university.
After unpacking half of his things, he was reminded of an email from one of the head professors, who requested another copy of his confidential documents from the Italian university he went to as soon as he’s back on campus.
He raced to the department with a folder of them and luckily encountered the said professor. Handing it to him, this professor questioned how he was and what experiences he gained from the trip. With excitement, Jeno spoke all sorts of tales from his adventures, highlighting how determined he was now to be an architect.
“That’s great to hear, Jeno!” He celebrated, checking on his watch, and widened his eyes. Frantic at his colliding schedules, he asked Jeno for a favor. It turned out that at the same time as his emergency meeting, he’s supposed to tour the new transferee student around campus.
“Only if you have time, Jeno! I could always ask another student, plus you just came back and need rest.”
“It’s not like I left for a decade, sir. No worries, I’ll do it.”
“Oh, bless your soul.” He put his hands together in prayer position, bowing back and forth with gratitude. “Wait, she’s right outside! Go ahead and introduce yourself.”
Jeno nodded, exiting right through the department doors. This girl had her back turned, inspecting her surroundings. She wore a black and white tweed blazer that matched with her skirt, black high heeled boots, and a black handbag. She must be a foreigner, Jeno thought.
“Excuse me, are you the transferee in the department of Architecture?”
Jeno didn’t brace himself for the surprise he’d face once this girl reacted to him calling her out. Her face was one he could never forget, no matter how many times he told himself to. The same face he convinced his heart to stop beating for, yet it lied.
This radiant face was none other than yours.
Jeno almost dropped his phone. He tried his best to hold on to your promise, but he failed. It was the main reason he studied abroad; to forget and focus on his career path. So the least thing he could’ve done was to study hard for his dream career.
Just a glimpse of you projected back every single memory you’ve had together. Beautiful yet heart-wrenching, he kept his emotions to himself.
You even wore the rose necklace he got you. Could it be?
“It’s been a while, Lee Jeno.” You took the metaphorical scissors to cut the tension, trying to contain the crushing feelings. The faculty center was a public place, yet it’s like the two of you were on the main stage.
“Do you remember me?” Astounded, you nodded. Every single detail.
Jeno could’ve ran away, but didn’t. He could’ve left you hanging, but didn’t. He can no longer count how many times you’ve appeared in his dreams, only to be disappointed when morning comes to not have you in his arms. He took one step closer, taking his time.
“How do you know me?”
“You’re the boy whom I helped with his assignment, argued with me over Romeo and Juliet,” You mimicked his move, making you one step nearer to him. “And most of all, the boy I once gave my entire heart to.”
Another step, leaving a few inches between the two of you. His heart palpitated without caffeine. What if he was napping in his dorm again? It was all surreal. “Is it really you, (Y/N)?”
Hearing your name from his lips lowered your guard, you pleased him with a hopeful grin. “I’d be dust by now if I didn’t drink Circe’s potion, right?”
That’s where Jeno unchained himself from his emotions. He engulfed in a warm hug, one that has no plans to let go when his chin planted on your shoulder. You returned the gesture, dropping all your worries away along with your bag and papers as your arms snaked through his neck.
You knew you had to part ways for a while after everything, though you were unsure how he’d feel about it. You recalled every time he visited you after his job ended up until his intense chat with Sanghoon, where he bawled his heart out. You couldn’t take it anymore after trying to stay strong, crying as soon as you woke up that night.
All your fellow figures could do was soothe you down like before to the best of their abilities, yet this time, it was unsuccessful. You’re filled with misery, realizing later how much of a big mistake you’ve made.
You’ve isolated yourself again for a while, but less rudeness and more silence. It was until Circe visited you. She doesn’t like getting involved with drama, though now was different. She, alongside Hera and Aphrodite, couldn’t withstand you tolerating the heartbreak again. So they went behind Athena’s back on this one time and created a potion together just for you. But with a compromise.
“This potion can turn you into a human. However, there’s only a 10% chance you’ll regain all your memories from this place.”
“So I’ll forget everyone and him?”
“Yes, unfortunately.” You’re about to shoo her away, not in the mood to do something drastic as that. But Circe grabbed your arm again. “I strongly believe that if you and he meant to be, then there will come a time these past memories will suddenly surge at you.”
“Must I need to forget to live properly?”
You’re stubborn, and Circe expected it. “You’ve broken so many golden rules, (Y/N), so it must be done. I’ve gone against Athena for this potion, and rarely have I done that. So rather than wallowing up in misery, you should focus on yourself. Do what makes you happy because this place is trapping you from every great thing out there.”
Those were the word that the actual (Y/N) (Y/L/N) lived by, nevertheless, you’re unique from her. You built a separate identity from her. “But Jeno-”
“At the right time, (Y/N). Pull yourself together and do all the things you’ve dreamt of before he came into the picture. I just know he loves you that much, and that he will wait for you.”
That same night, you gathered all your senses and drank it. The transition was fast as lightning speed, and behold, you were like a new person. You’re back in London, with a family that closely resembled your former one; only 3 older siblings, making you the youngest. You also had a new set of memories, from childhood until your adult years.
From (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you became (Y/N) Edwards.
It took one drunken night out with your university friends for the unlikely surge of old memories to speedily hit through your intoxicated state. Way beyond a dream, you’ve dropped your shot glass and broke down in the bathroom of your dorm room. You left something unaccomplished, and you had to do something before it’s too late.
Thus, you rushed to Seoul thanks to your parents’ support as they agreed that exploring outside your home country was a great experience. The only excuse you gave to your friends for the sudden transfer was you finding a new calling.
Sure, studying abroad was an exciting thing but you’re more determined to reunite with him. Even if this encounter was unforeseen, it was bound to happen one day. It so turned out that you had the same major in your former university and this new one.
Head to toe, you remembered everything.
“I’m so sorry I took so long.” You cradled your head on his chest, unaware of how your new life left Jeno so troubled.
“That doesn’t matter anymore.” Jeno tightened his grip, scared of releasing you again. Those two years felt like a breath of fresh air and a punch in the gut. “I tried to live up to your last wish, but I really can’t.”
“I want to take that wish back, Jeno. I wasn’t thinking right and only ended putting you through so much.”
“Oh, angel. I slowly understood why you did it.” Before he got too fragile, he softened his grip on you and showed his face again to you. He wanted a better look at his pretty girl, his fingers brushing strands of your hair behind your ear. Heart-fluttering, you bit your bottom lip. “What would you want to wish for instead?”
“Instead of you letting me go, I wish you could take me back and love me again. I can’t undo the past, but I’d still like to think I’ve tried my best.” That was the only wish you could ever think of. As huge as it was, it was something he may not accept. Yet you gave it a go, risking it all. “I don’t deserve you at all, Jeno.”
“Don’t say that, (Y/N).” One of his hands grabbed yours, putting it on his cheek. Cupping it, “I’ve never stopped loving you, you know.”
Oh, love. An all-too familiar emotion that either makes or breaks you. Of all the times you could’ve said those words, you held back, especially that wretched night you two broke it off. Although you showed it, being able to say it to someone felt more empowering.
This was finally the chance you’ve unconsciously waited for.
“I’m stupid for not saying this sooner.”
“What is it?”
With intimate eye contact, you drowned in the comfort of his brown orbs. You trusted him then, and you trusted him now. “I love you, Lee Jeno.”
Secretly, Jeno anticipated for the day you’d say those meaningful 3 words. Just like you, he showed more affection through actions than words. He only admitted when he lost you, and never would he do the same mistake again. If he felt that the love was strongly present, he will say it aloud.
“I love you still, (Y/N).” His arm around your waist tugged you in further. “I loved you as (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and I will continue to love you as (Y/N) Edwards.”
He peeked on your ID earlier, but regardless, he stood by his truth. You’re still the same (Y/N).
Finally, he closed the limited space between your lips. The memories of your past romance replayed in sync of every touching kiss, popping one leg up like in the movies. The Princess Diaries, specifically. Like in the museum from your unbearable parting, one warm tear freed itself down your cheek.
The sweetness of being reunited with you again beat the torturous wait of Jeno. Time really made your hearts grow fonder. As everyone said, if the love between two people is real, then it’ll find its way back to each other.
The world must be on your side too because no professor called you two out on your public display of affection. Jeno pecked your lips one time before stepping away, picking up the things you dropped.
“Now come on, I have to tour you around as instructed.”
You stomped on your feet, rolling your eyes from being left hanging. He’s still the same tease from before. “After that kiss though, I would’ve thought we could reschedule it.”
“No can do, Edwards.” Passing over your things, he wrapped one arm around you as he escorted you out of the building. The university was huge, with more buildings and green fields surrounded everywhere. “Left or right? There are a lot of places you missed out on all those years.”
“Point taken. Then you lead the way, my love.”
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vro0m · 3 years ago
vro0m’s rewatch - 93/301
2012 Chinese GP
Disclaimer for this season. It turns out that I only have the footage of the race for a lot of the GPs (no build-up, no post-race content) so there will be way less GIFs unfortunately. I will let you know for each of these reviews if there are GIFs or not. THIS ONE HAS GIFS.
I cannot hear the title music they had at the time anymore it's been 93 races I can't do this anymore please i hate it
I have the build up this time yayyy
Quali report : Seb was out in Q2?!?!?!?! What. He's 11th on the grid. Strange. The Ferraris struggled as well. Massa was also out in Q2 and Alonso is only 9th. Kobayashi is 4th! Lewis already knew he'd have a penalty for a gearbox change. He qualified 2nd and will thus begin in 7th position. Jenson is 5th. Rosberg got his first pole position. Schumacher qualified 3rd and he's 2nd on the grid thanks to Lewis' penalty. Raikkonen is 4th. Webber is 6th.
Oh we get a Lewis segment ! They're at the factory and Lewis talks about the cars. He's favourite is the LM (LM for Le Mans, there's a whole story about championships and whatnot you can read on Wikipedia). I don't really understand what they are talking about. From what I read on Wikipedia Ron Dennis promised to give Lewis the LM if he won 2 titles with them (but in the interview they're saying it's 3).
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Lewis says he's starting to believe Ron is deliberately not giving him a good car, a championship winning car, so he doesn't "take his baby away from him".
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He laughs "no, they're giving me a good car this year".
Jake asks if it'd be enough doing 6 more strong seasons with McLaren but never getting a title again. Lewis immediately answers no, without hesitation.
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He says he'd be massively disappointed. He says he doesn't wanna be 5 years down the road and only have one more championship, he wants to break records, he wants more wins. "That's what it's all about, that’s what we're here to do."
Oh baby Lewis! Look at his focused little face.
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Jake says they are going to relive that glory, winning remote controlled car races. Lewis asks if he has to talk in the same high pitched voice he had back then. (I've always been so jealous of his jacket in these images, it's so cool I would buy it in a heartbeat today if I could.)
The man interviewing him at the time asks baby Lewis (7 years old) how long he's been racing cars, and he says about a year (I think, it's difficult to hear). The man says “so you must be pretty good at it, is it easy to do?” and baby Lewis shrugs and says no. He doesn't look at him once.
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So they got remote controlled cars and they created a little circuit around the factory or whatever. He comments it should be good for overtaking. There are cameras mounted on the cars and Jake and Lewis are gonna race. They try the cars out a little first. Lewis drives his into one of the exposed cars. Oops.
It's time to start. Lewis makes fun of Jake who's already cheating : his car is over the starting line. "What would Charlie whiting make of that", Jake says as he moves his car back. Here they go! It's not clean racing, Lewis pushed Jake’s car wide. Jake makes up for his issues by ignoring the obstacles and going straight to where Lewis is. Lewis runs! Outside, they have to go in a circle around this feature in the factory’s entrance but Lewis' car catches on the gravel at the centre of the donut and crashes. "Oh shoot!" he exclaims in his usual way. He fetches his car back and it’s go again. Lewis finishes his lap around and goes back in, Jake is just behind him. Lewis’ cameraman hit Jake’s car with his foot which slows him down. As Jake complains Lewis says "I can't help it man, gotta win!" Lewis is almost at the finish line, he glances back and says "He's not doing very well, is he?" and indeed, Jake's car falls down a staircase. "Should I stop it just before the line?" Lewis wonders. But Jake's car is coming fast from behind him, Lewis sees it and he just drives his car over the line and wins!
"I should have gone two laps [around the donut] I still would have beat you" he says. "I fell down the stairs" Jake answers. Lewis smiles and shakes his head.
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Jake adds that Lewis’ cameraman hit his car. Lewis says sternly "Excuses". They shake hands. Lewis films everybody with his car's camera : "Cameraman, how you doing? I'll do some BBC filming here, Jake, the useless remote controlled car driver, cameraman, cameraman, and moi." Jake says and what? Lewis repeats “moi.” "Oh, I thought you'd called yourself a winner." Lewis laughs.
Formation lap.
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And they're racing!
Rosberg has a great start, Jenson overtakes Raikkonen for 3rd place. Lewis is making places also it seems. Yes, he's 5th already. Seb has had a terrible start and he's down in 15th.
Honestly not much is happening. Lewis has pitted and he's now 12th.
Oh! Schumacher DNF! He's stopped on the grass. The pit stops are ongoing. On lap 15, Perez is leading the race for Sauber but he hasn't stopped yet and neither has Massa who's currently P2. So Rosberg, who's just stopped is still virtually leading the race, in front of Jenson and Lewis.
Rosberg overtakes Massa for the actual lead, now that Perez has pitted. Then finally Massa pits so Rosberg in the lead 4.4s in front of Jenson, only 1.6s in front of Lewis.
23 laps in, Lewis comes in for a second pit stop. He's out in 13th. He's stuck in traffic while Jenson gets his pit stop and comes out ahead.
So what happened to Schumacher is one of his tyres wasn't bolted in properly after his stop.
Lewis lost serious time behind Massa but he's now 7th. Jenson is racing Seb for P3. Grosjean is currently P2 but of course it's a matter of pit stops. That's it, Jenson is ahead of Seb and Lewis has moved to P6.
Seb and Grosjean must have stopped because Jenson is back in P2 and Lewis is racing Perez for P3. The Saubers are really weirdly fast that season. But Perez is still learning and keeps locking up while Lewis is closing on him. But Lewis still can't get past! Wtf come on. And Alonso is just behind Lewis! Perez pits after locking up again.
Oh wait, it's actually Jenson LEADING the GP but he has to stop once more while Rosberg, 10s behind him, does not. It's all about how fast Jenson can be to pull that gap.
Wow a kerb has launched the front of Webber's car in the air...
Jenson cannot make the times he needs. He's not going to win this race. Rosberg has great pace. Lewis and Alonso come in for a last pit stop. Then Jenson comes in too. Oh no there's a problem. He's 6th. It's terrible.
Now Rosberg is far ahead but it's so close for P2. Alonso just ran wide. It's Raikkonen, Seb, Jenson, Grosjean, Webber, while Lewis is making his way up the field to them. And Grosjean just went wide!!! Now Maldonado and him are making contact repeatedly there's damage. PEREZ GETS IN THE MIDDLE OF THEM. Ah it seems Rosberg's tyres are degrading fast but he has a healthy margin on the rest of the field so. We'll see. But there's less than two seconds between Raikkonen in P2 and Lewis in P6, it’s that close. LEWIS OVERTAKES WEBBER BUT HE CAN'T MAKE IT STICK WEBBER GETS HIS PLACE BACK WHILE SEB OVERTAKES RAIKKONEN AND JENSON ALSO GETS THROUGH! LEWIS OVERTAKES WEBBER AGAIN LEWIS IS JUST BEHIND RAIKKONEN NOW HE GOES DOWN THE INSIDE IT'S DONE HE'S AHEAD AND WEBBER GETS THROUGH AS WELL RAIKKONEN'S TYRES ARE DONE. He's just gone from P2 to P10 in one lap!
Lewis is seriously picking up the pace and closing to Jenson. It's still Seb in P2 though. OMG HERE WE GO JENSON WENT PAST SEB IT'S NOT OVER LEWIS IS RIGHT BEHIND AND SEB IS FIGHTING TO GET HIS PLACE BACK. My god my god what a good driver Jenson is. We don't talk about him enough.
4 laps to go, Lewis is 0.7s behind Seb. Let's go. He's sooooo close. 0.5s. 3 laps to go. Almost... McLaren tells Jenson "Let's pull away now before Lewis gets past him.” 0.2s. Here we go YESSSSSSSSS OH MY GOD THEY'RE WHEEL TO WHEEL Lewis needs to be careful swerving around he might get a penalty BOTH REDBULLS ARE BEHIND HIM LIKE WASPS JFC come on come on 2 laps to go that's it Lewis is pulling away pheewww last lap THE REDBULLS ARE RACING EACH OTHER WEBBER OVERTOOK SEB oooooooh it's tense ooooooh I like that
And that's it! It's the end of the race!
Rosberg wins his first GP, Jenson P2, Lewis P3! Mercedes hadn't won since 1955.
Schumacher is smiling on the pit wall!
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Lewis asks Nico "Did you have to do any overtaking?" He did not. Lewis laughs with Jenson. They had to do a lot of it. They put their caps on. "We’ll make it a bit harder for you next time", Lewis says. They head for the podium.
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Lewis says they knew the Mercedes were quick all weekend and that if Rosberg got away they'd have a hard time catching him. Congratulations to his team. Your first pole and your first win is an incredible feeling, he smiles. He's very happy he's made it to the podium, he wanted to go forward. The team did a great job with the pit stops and with the strategy. He thinks it was the best race of the season so far (I mean it's only the third but go on), loads of overtaking, the train of them, it was incredible. Fantastic day!
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ellewords · 4 years ago
i would LOVE to go to a party with the seijoh 4 oh my GOODNESS i know there’s that one official art of them in a karaoke room and i want to do that with them like just singing (although at this point it’s almost straight up yelling) the lyrics to songs and sharing food that they ordered with them.....if you have a crush on one of the boys and the others are aware they not-so-subtly try and get you to sit next to the guy you like or something
this is based off of a personal experience around two years back when some cousins came over to visit during summer break—one day we were bored so we decided to boot up the karaoke system my parents bought and sing fergalicous and we ended up getting a really high score (like 95 out of 100 i think?) and there’s a video of us just YELLING AND LOSING OUR MINDS once the score showed up on the screen and later that night we went on an evening boba run!! anyways this would TOTALLY happen with the seijoh 4 with songs they all know i just feel it......love these 4 idiots so much—🌾
— from elle ! party with the seijoh 4 ?? oh gosh that would be so much fun,, the banter?? the pure chaos?? i haven’t seen the official art of them in a karaoke room but oooh i need to start looking for it ;-; anyways a little scenario based on your karaoke story (so cute aaa !!) thank you sm for this <3
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
“here’s the deal, none of us are going home until all of us get a hundred points on karaoke.” oikawa grinned, eyes alight with mischief as you, iwaizumi, makki, and mattsun groaned in response.
the rest of the team had already gone home, saying their goodbyes before the clock had even struck ten. all that’s left of iwaizumi’s living room was a bunch of empty pizza boxes, emptied out juice pouches, and the five of you trying to figure out how to end the night — well, except oikawa who was just trying to extend it.
“crappykawa, it’s almost midnight.” iwaizumi spoke, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“on a friday, so what’s your point?”
you sighed. truthfully, you didn’t want to go home either. but you didn’t want to give oikawa the satisfaction of being right. “let’s just get this over with.”
he clapped his hands together, “that’s the spirit, yn! besides, don’t you want to spend more time iwa-chan?”
if looks could kill, oikawa would have been dead on the living room in two seconds flat. but he just looks at you with the most teasing smirk, knowing that he had struck a nerve. makki and mattsun snicker from either side of you, not even bothering to hide it. 
you shut your eyes, trying to keep your breathing even despite oikawa’s continued teasing.
“stop it oikawa and pick a song, i still have to drive all of you home.” iwaizumi groaned, you send him a grateful smile. which did not go unnoticed by makki or mattsun, taking everything in them not to call you out on it. 
makki and mattsun immediately got a hundred on their duet of britney spears’ toxic, complete with dance moves. part of you couldn’t help but wonder when they had time to practice choreography when they spend most of their time on volleyball. either way you were impressed, genuinely applauding them once they reached the end of their performance.
“we know, we’re amazing.” makki grinned, shrugging his shoulders like it was no big deal.
mattsun nodded, still trying to catch his breath, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. “you can pick your jaws off the floor now.”
oikawa got a hundred on his second song, queen’s don’t stop me now. he’s jumping around the living room, and you’re surprised that his vocals remain somewhat stable considering that iwa and mattsun tossed throw pillows at him while you and makki laughed on. 
the three of them somehow convinced you and iwaizumi to do a duet, mostly because you figured that the night would end faster if you and iwa just did one song. it took a few tries, but you eventually got a hundred on your fourth song: taylor swift’s you belong with me.
oikawa, makki, and mattsun spent the entirety of the song giggling on the couch, wondering why you hadn’t caught on to the other’s feelings yet. 
“now, for the penalty for taking the most tries before getting one hundred.” oikawa stood up as soon as the song ended, like he was a king trying to make some sort of announcement.
“we didn’t agree on a penalty!” you screeched.
“too bad, as winners, there is one now.” makki nodded, going along with their plan.
“there’s a new twenty-four cafe nearby that serves boba, we’re craving some.” mattsun smirked, taking delight at the look of complete shock on your face.
“what? n—”
“fine.” iwaizumi agreed, much to your surprise.“but at least clean up the place while we’re gone.”  
the other three exchanged high-fives as soon as you and iwa exited the door. 
iwaizumi has one hand on the steering wheel, the other held your hand, a very small smile on his face as he complimented you. “amazing acting as usual, yn.”
“don’t you think we should just tell them we’ve been together for a month now?” you shake your head, thinking back to all the strings your friends have pulled just to get the two of you alone.
“I want to see how long it will take for them to figure it out,” iwaizumi chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips to press a quick kiss on your knuckles, “besides, how else am i going to spend time alone with you?”
well, you can’t argue with that, can you? 
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a question: what are the hq characters like at a party?  |  written on the margins masterlist
taglist : @haikyuutothetop @crystal-lilac @tobioespresso @sushijimawakatoshi @itsmeaudrieee @pantherhappy @jesssobs @mysticstrawberryballoon @cloudedsky_29 @sakusasimpbot​
join my hq taglist here. <3
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spockandawe · 4 years ago
Hi...how are you? Since you've read all 3 mxtx works, if you don't mind me asking,what do you think are the strengths of each of her novels' protagonists? Sorry if you've answered this question before....
I’m doing well, thank you! And ooooh, this is an interesting question, I’ve been thinking about it for a while.
I will say that I think the love interests are a lot easier to answer for this, because for all of them, they share a sense of determination and perseverance that carries them through a long separation, and they mostly vary in the ways their personalities express that determination, but the protagonists.......... HM. I’m actually having the most trouble with Shen Qingqiu, so let’s go in reverse order and see what I come out with, haha
Xie Lian! I think his greatest strength is that he made the conscious decision to be kind. It’s not that he’s unconsciously gentle, or that it’s something that he always expresses, no matter what, because we’ve seen him be mean with some characters, or to gently poke fun at other people and enjoy. He’s not kind at the expense of himself. But he saw what he was like when he was cruel, and he decided he didn’t like it, and decided to be different. It’s not the same as the idealism of his youth, with the question about the water in the desert, or thinking that he could save a country from a drought, or that he could protect his own kingdom. He has a very measured idea of his own capabilities and limits, and is invested in being kind within the bounds of what he knows he is capable of. He’s not going to mindlessly pour kindness into Qi Rong knowing that Qi Rong is totally down to bite the hand that feeds him, but he’s willing to take on the burden of blame for Lang Qianqiu’s family’s death, because the truth would hurt Lang Qianqiu more than the lie hurts Xie Lian.
Wei Wuxian! His sense of humor, for one, and casual ambition, for another. He goes through a lot of suffering, and his willingness to laugh at everything, including himself, carries him through a lot. It doesn’t deal with everything, but it lets him shrug off a lot of blows before something brings him to his knees. And that, paired with the casual ambition, is a powerful combination. I don’t know how he could have established demonic cultivation as a viable path without both of those characteristics. Maybe he could have clawed his way out of the burial mounds without that sense of humor, but I don’t know how far he could have gone through life after the sunshot campaign without that light, laughing approach to life to bolster him, despite all the trauma also weighing him down. And once he comes back to life, I think he walks a very interesting line of ‘lol TRAUMA’ and ‘oh, interesting weird-ass mystery to solve’ before he finally becomes comfortable with more fully leaning on Lan Wangji, and those two traits really help carry him through that time before he realizes he can trust Lan Wangji with anything.
Shen Qingqiu! Ah, this one was weirdly hard. I don’t want to say that his encyclopedic book knowledge is a STRENGTH, or his investment in that fictional universe. So I think I’m going to say... his ability to shrug trauma off. It’s not perfect, because he spends a section of the book semi-paralyzed with fear that Luo Binghe is going to torture and kill him (and manages to fuck up Luo Binghe extra hard in the course of events, ofc), but he also came into the universe with all that knowledge. And it took him like two minutes to go from ‘this is the guy who’s gonna rip my limbs off’ to ‘omg what a good child this is, I must care for him properly.’ Even when he has the penalty activated and visits the main universe, and experiences Bingge ripping his limb off, he comes back to the main world, and he’s like OnO for a very brief period, but stabilizes himself out fast and slides past the fear response to his Binghe and evens out again. Or that first sex scene, which.... yeah, I’d say that was traumatic. After he has a few minutes to recover, his main reaction is ‘wow, that was a thing that happened.’ It’s kind of a mixed bag, because he sorrrrrta is the one who initiates a lot of that post-abyss trauma he experieces, but he’s very good at slipping past the trauma and returning to a baseline state.
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 5 years ago
Lockscreens (ch. 1)
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tw: Like one swear word
Word count: 2.8k
Genre: Angst, fluff
All trigger warnings will be tagged and posted at the beginning of each chapter! This will have *manga spoilers*
Pairings: Bokuto x fem!reader, Kuroo x fem!reader
Summary: Nearly four years ago, Bokuto left the love of his life for volleyball. Despite all the time, he’s still very much in love with her. He comes home to a major surprise leaving him wondering
What happened while he was gone?
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ch. 1: The Return (Present)
Bokuto stepped off of the bus, eagerly looking around at the familiar sight. He was finally back where he belonged. Of course, he’d visited Tokyo since he'd left, but never for more than a day or two. It had only taken him three years, seven months, and twenty-six days to get back. “Oi, Bokkun!” Bokuto turned, facing the setter. “Where ya headed?”
“Just some places here and there.” With that, he spun on his heel and darted away.
“That was fast.” Meian commented, getting off the bus only to see his team-mate’s back. He clapped, addressing the rest of the team, “get your bags, we’re going to go check into the hotel. You’re all free until warm-ups at 3!” 
A few streets away, Bokuto spied the familiar yellow sign of his favorite bakery. His heart warmed as he stepped in, closing his eyes as the nostalgic scent of bread filled him. He’d visited other bakeries, seen new things, but nothing beat nostalgia. Bokuto couldn’t remember the first time he had been there, but he always remembered visiting here with Akaashi and (Name) on their free days. Quickly, he placed an order for some data andagi, anpan, and melonpan. A child’s cry distracted him as he stepped away from the counter, pocketing his wallet. Golden eyes widened at the sight. “Kuroo?” 
The male was currently bent over, wiping chocolate off a child’s face. At the sound of his name, he looked up to make eye-contact with the ace. “Bokuto?” As he stood up, Bokuto made his way over to him. “Oh wow, you’re back!” Kuroo greeted him, throwing an arm around the professional volleyball player and pulling him into his side, the other hand clasped onto the child’s shoulder.
Bokuto pulled away, punching the former middle blocker in the shoulder. “You didn’t tell me you had a kid!” He bent down, “hi! I’m Bokuto.” 
The child waved with pudgy hands, fingers outreached in a grabbing motion towards Bokuto’s hair as his golden eyes glowed. “Ah, sorry, he must be interested in your hair.” Kuroo’s hyena laugh filled the bakery. “He always messes with Kenma’s hair whenever we visit him, isn’t that right, little one?” Bokuto smiled, leaning his head down more so that the child could run his fingers through it. “Introduce yourself, just like how Mom taught you.”
“I’m Kuroo Hikori!” Hikori’s eyes squinted as a wide smile took up his features. A bit of chocolate was still smeared in the corner of his mouth.
“He’s a handsome little rascal,” Bokuto laughed, standing back up to ruffle Hikori’s (h/c) hair. “How old is he?”
“He definitely takes after his mom.  He’s three, he’ll be four in a few weeks.” Kuroo’s eyes flickered for a moment before his face became more serious, hoisting Hikori onto his hip. “I didn’t know you were back in Tokyo.”
Bokuto nodded aggressively, hair flowing with the movement. “We have a game today! I’ll be back for a month or so.” Bokuto’s order was called. “Say, have you seen—” Bokuto was interrupted by a ringing phone.
“Oh shoot, I gotta go! Hikori has a doctor’s appointment and I’m running late.” With an apologetic smile, Kuroo picked up his bag of pastries and headed out the door. A final wave from both Kuroos before he disappeared from sight. Bokuto sighed. He hadn’t talked to her in years. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to. There was nothing more that he wanted than to be with her. No...that was a lie. He had chosen volleyball over her. Bokuto let out an elongated sigh. His order was called again, and he picked it up, heading back to the hotel.
“Why does Bokkun look so depressed?” Atsumu bounced the volleyball, glancing at the wing-spiker. Hinata shrugged, stretching. Sakusa glanced over before he continued his own stretches. Bokuto’s hair was drooping, shoulders hunched over as he half-heartedly bit into a bun. 
“Bokuto! You better not be eating that right now, we’re supposed to be warming up,” Meian scowled as he stood in front of the wing-spiker. Bokuto just made a depressed noise as he shoved the rest of the bun into his mouth. Meian took a seat beside him, grabbing the rest of the pastries and putting it outside his reach. “What’s going on?” 
“Sometimes I wonder if going pro was worth it.” Bokuto muttered, looking down at his hands. Calluses decorated them, representing the years of hard work he’s put into it.
“You love volleyball right?” A half-hearted grunt. “Why are you feeling this way?”
Bokuto sighed, eyes meeting his captain’s. “I left the love of my life to play volleyball.”
“(Name)?” Hinata came over now, continuing his stretches in front of the bench. Another distressed noise. “Are you guys still together?” 
Bokuto’s face flushed as he squeezed his eyes shut. “I ghosted her after the first month of training.” 
“Why would you do that?” Sakusa came over, still standing a bit far from the group. Bokuto just shrugged.
“I was just always so busy with my training that it got harder and harder to keep in contact so I just...stopped trying.” 
“I heard that she’s still in Tokyo! Maybe you can meet up with her sometime,” Hinata offered. 
“What if she doesn’t want to see me?” Bokuto whispered, “It’s been so long now.”  
“Well, there’s nothing you can do about that.” Meian clapped a hand over his shoulder. “Win the match today and get your girl back. We have a month break after this match so you can spend time here anyways.” He pushed Bokuto off the bench. “Go do your stretching, and don’t text her until we finish this match.” With a deep sigh, Bokuto went through the motions. Hinata crouched in front of him as Bokuto stretched.
“(Name) always loved you,” Hinata reminded the ace. “Even before you guys got together. Everyone could tell. If it’s still the same, then she’ll give you a second chance.” With that, Hinata ran off to bother Atsumu. 
“(Nickname), (Nickname), (Nickname)!” Bokuto turned, eyes sparkling as he waved to the manager. She was standing beside the Fukurodani managers, chatting. At his voice, she turned to him, sending him a little wave. “Did you see that?” He bounced, pointing at the ball on the other side.
“Nice kill!” (Name) cheered, her hands cupping her mouth so that her voice carried.
“Bokuto-san, we’re in the middle of the game.”
“Oh right!” Bokuto waved again at the managers. “Watch this!”
“I’ll block you out,” Kuroo smirked, facing Bokuto across the net. It was the annual summer training camp during their third year with Nekoma and Fukurodani facing each other. 
“Akaashi! Give me another one,” Bokuto called over his shoulder, flexing his shoulders as gold eyes met hazel. 
After they won, he scampered over to the girl, scooping her into his arms as he swung her around. (Name) dropped her clipboard in favor of wrapping her arms around his neck. “Kou!” She squealed, drawing the attention of the other teams. Akaashi rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his face. Konoha smirked, nudging their team-mates as they drank their water and wiped their sweat off. The Nekoma boys had left to do their penalty run, with Kuroo throwing the couple one last glance before leading them out.
“Why doesn’t she come to more of our games?” Konoha whispered to Akaashi.
“Well, she is the manager of a different team,” Akaashi pointed out as they watched the pair of friends. Bokuto had placed her down with her back against his chest; his arms were tightly wound around her waist. Her hands rested on top of his, their fingers intertwined. Bokuto’s face nuzzled into her neck causing redness to creep up on both of their faces and necks. The pair chatted with the Fukurodani managers as they all complimented and encouraged him. 
“Is Bokuto-san dating (Name)-san?” Hinata crept over to the group, looking between Akaashi and the two.
“No, they’re just really close friends,” Akaashi corrected, his eyes glinting with amusement.
“Oh really? They look so in love.” Hinata commented, brown eyes focused on the ace. Bokuto’s head was thrown back in laughter. One of her hands crept up to pat his face as she talked to Kaori. “He’s always looking for her and she’s always watching him, even when Nekoma’s playing the other teams.” 
Konoha snickered. “Yeah, and she always gives him extra food at meals. They might as well be dating.” 
“It’s been like that for years, if I recall correctly,” Akaashi pointed out. “They’ll get there,” He mused as he played with his fingers. “At their own pace.” 
It was a hard-earned win. Sweat dripped down all of their foreheads as they made their way into the locker room. “Let’s go get some yakiniku!” Sakusa shuddered at the prospect of getting more filthy but agreed.
Bokuto’s eyes sparkled. “I know a great place!” After the team had showered and changed, they took the bus to the restaurant. The team made their way inside, having called for a table in advance. Bokuto stood in front of it, remembering the last time he had been there. 
“Bokuto-san, you have to eat.” Akaashi sat directly in front of the ace, who had his head on the table. It had taken Konoha and Yukie to drag their downtrodden captain into the restaurant and forcibly seat him. Akaashi had hoped that the prospect of yakiniku - Bokuto’s favorite food - would be enough to bring him out of his emo-mode, but it was easily apparent that it wasn’t. He pinched his nose, pulling out his phone as he called for reinforcements. Akaashi glanced at the other phone he held while he listened to the phone ringing. On the screen stared back a photo of (Name) and Bokuto. They were both wearing yukatas and holding up matching candy apples. In her arms was a plush owl. Wide smiles breached their faces. 
“Hello (Name)-san, I’m sorry to bother you. Are you busy right now?”
“I just finished my exam, what’s up?” 
Akaashi sighed, eyeing his captain. “We lost the match earlier.”
“I see. How’s Kou?”
“Do you mind stopping by?” 
She hummed, walking off-campus. “Of course. Is it at the usual?”
“Yes. Thank you so much (Name)-san.” 
“I’ll see you soon, Akaashi. Just keep taking care of him for me, okay?” 
“(Name)-san will be here soon,” Akaashi whispered to Yukie, slipping his phone back into his bag. “Bokuto-san, we’re going to order now. I’ll get you your favorite, okay?” Bokuto let out a half-hearted sigh, nodding while letting his face press harder into the table. The team eyed each other. Just as the food arrived, the door opened to reveal (Name). Akaashi let out a sigh of relief, standing up and waving her over. “(Name)-san!” 
At the sound of her name, Bokuto’s head jerked up, turning to the girl. “(Nickname)! What are you doing here?” 
“Hey Kou,” she sent him a soft smile, sliding into the seat besides him. She grabbed one of his hands. “So what is this I hear about you not wanting to eat?” 
Bokuto buried his face into her shoulder, feeling her hand rub her back. “I don’t wanna.”
“But it’s yakiniku, your favorite,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to his head. “C’mon Kou, the sooner you eat, the sooner your muscles can repair themselves and you can get back to practicing if that’s what you want.” Her eyes met Akaashi, who sent her a curt nod. “You’re the best ace out there, Kou. One point, one game, won’t change that.” 
Bokuto raised his head, eyes glistening. “You’re right.” He beamed at his team-mates. “Let’s eat!” He eagerly loaded his plate, taking a bite out of the meat. Bokuto swallowed, looking at the girl. “Thanks for coming.”
(Name) laughed softly, gently pushing his hair away from his face. “Sorry I missed the match, but you know I’ll always be here for you no matter what. I really care about you.”
With a deep sigh, he wandered in only to hear that all-too familiar laugh. His head swung around, spotting Kuroo seated at a table along with Hikori. “Hey Kuroo! Fancy seeing you again.” Bokuto made his way over, elbowing Kuroo in the shoulder. Kuroo’s eyes widened. His tongue darted out to moisten his lips. 
“Well hello to you too, you loud owl.” 
Bokuto turned his attention to Hikori, a bright smile on his face. “Hello again Hikori! What a coincidence to see you here again.” Hikori waved to the other male.
“Yes, a coincidence,” he heard Kuroo whisper under his breath. 
“You never mentioned who your wife was, is she here? I wanna meet the woman who stole your heart,” Bokuto bounced eagerly. A loud noise distracted the owl as the pair both turned to the MSBY table. His eyes widened, jaw dropping. Standing there being embraced by Hinata was her. Atsumu was standing beside them. Forgetting about the conversation he was having, his feet were drawn to her. “(Name)?” At the sound of his voice, she froze, looking over at him.
“Koutarou!” Hinata let her go at this point, taking a step back to stand with Atsumu. Atsumu looked slightly suspicious, whereas the orange-headed male quivered with excitement. Bokuto stopped a few paces from her, hands outstretched in a hug before he clasped them together and brought them to his chest.
“What...what are you doing here?” 
A soft smile made its way onto her face. “I’m just getting dinner with Tetsu.”
“Tetsu?” The name felt foreign, his mouth drying at it. “Are you guys
” A shy nod as she tucked her hair behind her ear. The glitter of gold on her finger caught his eyes.
“The guys were just telling me about the match. Sounds like you’re killing it, Kou.” She waved at Kuroo, holding a finger up. Kuroo returned the wave, waiting patiently at the door. “Anyways, I have to go. It was nice seeing you again Hinata-kun, Atsumu-kun! Feel free to stop by the clinic for some adjustments! Have fun.” She hugged Bokuto, the male freezing at her touch. “I’ll see you later, Kou.” With that, she took her leave.
Atsumu snorts, sitting down. “Isn’t that the (Name) you used to date?” Bokuto slowly slid into a seat, nodding slightly as his legs bounced anxiously.
A low whistle. “Damn, she ditched ya for yer best friend? How cold.” At that, Bokuto shot up and out of the restaurant.
At this point, she was already down the street, holding hands with Kuroo. She glanced over her shoulder and whispered something to Kuroo, pressing soft lips to his cheek. Kuroo sighed, nodding as he relinquished his grip on his wife. “What’s up?” 
“I didn’t know you and Kuroo started seeing each other.”
She shifted uncomfortably. “Well, after being ghosted for awhile, I got tired of waiting. I didn’t see a reason to tell you.” He gulped, face darkening as the light in his eyes dimmed. “I figured you were off doing bigger and better things, and I wanted you to have your freedom to do so.” A soft smile hid the water that was collecting in her eyes. 
“I’m..I’m sorry.” She waved it off. Her mouth opened, as if to say more, only to be interrupted with the cry of her child. With a hastily muttered goodbye, she jogged back to rejoin Kuroo and Hikori. Hikori’s hands reached out to you, pouting and calling ‘Mama’ until she scooped him up. Kuroo wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing her forehead as they walked off together. Bokuto retreated back into the restaurant, deflating. 
Atsumu waved a phone in his face. “Looks like they’ve been together for awhile.” The setter had pulled up her Instagram page. Bokuto pushed the phone away, grumbling. Under different circumstances, Atsumu would’ve teased Bokuto, but upon seeing how broken the wing-spiker was, he bit his tongue and the team half-heartedly enjoyed their celebratory dinner. After a few hours and several pitchers of beer later, Bokuto was being supported by Meian and Atsumu. “Ya didn’t hafta get shit-faced,” the setter scowled, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand as they dropped Bokuto unceremoniously onto his hotel bed.
Bokuto groaned, pulling his phone out to send one final text before his eyes shuttered close, phone still in hand. “Can we talk?” 
Across the city, a lock-screen lit up. Under the text notification, a photo of Kuroo, Hikori, and (Name) lit up. Kuroo had Hikori in his lap, taking a selfie as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Kuroo’s lips were pressed to her cheek.
A/N: Hikori means ‘abundant joy’! This story will feature a lot of flashbacks and time-skips. If you’re confused, please let me know! Taglist: @toaster-stick @thatartsybitch @brazil-hinata @sawamooora @lastminaddition 
Please message me or send me an ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist! 💞
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croatian-nt · 4 years ago
Livi podcast
The guests of the podcasts are Dominik Livaković and Marjan Mrmić(who is goalie coach)
Translation under the cut
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Host: Tell me a bit about your season in Dinamo. It was one of, if not the best season ever in Dinamo. What would you say, what happened? How did you guys become so good?
Livi: I guess there are more quality players now. And we worked well together and..yeah. I guess something just clicked
Marjan: He is being humble. Dominik had an excellent season and he knew how to stay calm in stressful situations and that calmed the rest of the team
Livi: *looks at the floor*
Host: was losing against Ferencvaros the turning point? What made you all be that much better after?
Livi: well I suppose it was important. I mean, I think I could almost say it was a good thing we lost so early on, considering the rest of the season
Host: I am not sure director of finances in dinamo agrees
Livi, laughing: well no, probably not but I think we brought it enough money later on
Host: you defended a penalty against Cluj. Well two actually. Was that harder to do or was watching Suba defending penalties during WC?
Livi: oh wow *laughs * that's-I mean you can't compare those two things. Completely different feelings. But I suppose there wasn't that much pressure put on me during those penalities because I didn't know they would be the last. But Suba is probably one of the best goalies Croatia ever had, if not the best. So I really don't think that's comparable
 Host: Alright, first card break. You need to choose between two things
Marjan: Nutmerg or dribble?
Livi: what?
Host: *repeats it *
Livi: *loading * oh! Nutmeg. *laughs * especially when it's Vida
Host: did that happen?
Domo: *yelling from the background * (I think he said "he didn't say that!" But it's not clear) *
Livi: *laughs * Anyway, next question
 Marjan: Meat or fish?
Livi: Hmm. Meat
 Marjan: Pizza or hamburger?
Livi: Pizza. Especially after a winning game
 Host: how did you start with your goalie career? Since most guys want to score a goal
Livi: well, I can't quite remember. I was attacker one day and goalie the next. I like the way goalies threw themselves to catch a ball I guess
 Host: are all goalies this calm? Or are you and Marjan exceptions?
Livi: I mean, there are some goalies that are crazy *laughs, shakes his head * but I am more of a calm type. Works better for me. Although there is that saying 'you are a goalie? You must be crazy' so you know
 Host: Second card break. It's who in the national team...?
Marjan: who takes the longest to get read in the nt?
Livi: oh, Vida
Marjan: Who runs the fastest?
Livi: Vida
Host: Vida, again?
Livi: *shrugs, laughing *
Livi: who has the most precise shoot?
Marjan: right now? Orơić
Host: Livi, would you agree as his teammate?
Livi: well yes, of course he is very good. But Vida is also very good, especially recently, he scored a lot
Marjan: who has the best hairstyle?
Livi: * laughs, covers his mouth*
Host: yeah, you can use Vida again here
Livi: yeah, yeah... Vida has the best hair
Livi: who has the best sense of humor?
Marjan: Vida
*all laugh, Domo yelling again from the background *
 Host: so your first, well second game, against England, what do you remember from it? Were you nervous?
Livi: yes, of course. When I read the list of names of their players...I certainly felt nervous. It has been...what? 5 years since then?
Host: 3, 4 years actually. Autumn in 2018?
Livi: Really?
 Host: who are players who you find most fun? The ones whose company you liked the most during WC?
*Livi, looking at Vida and laughing *
Host: EXCEPT for Vida
Livi: Then, there were also Ć ime, Dejan and Broz
 Host: except for not missing being on a bench, do you miss Suba in nt?
Livi, smiling: yes, I miss him. I miss him a lot. We have been on a coffee the other day, actually
Host: what would you say, how did you improve as a goalie? But please don't give me a generic answer like, experience
Livi: experience *laughs * I am kidding, I am kidding. But I have been working on playing with my foot a lot. That's what I concentrate on the most and I think I improved. Other goalie stuff well...you learn in every training
 Host: okay, new set of cards, but with one new rule. Who would you choose from nt but WITHOUT Domagoj Vida
Marjan: who would you choose as a singer in a band
Livi, laughing: who else am I supposed to choose? Who else?
Host: alright, alright. I'll give you that one
Marjan: who would you let babysit your kid for a few hours?
*Livi, laughing*
Host: no. No you can't
Livi: hmmm. Then I suppose either Kale or Vrsaljko. They have a lot of experience
Livi: who would you let choose your outfit
Marjan: hmmm. Dominik
Marjan: who would you choose as a co-driver on rallying?
Livi: oh, Ć ime for sure. When he presses accelator...he doesn't stop
  Host: so tell me, do you plan to stay in Dinamo forever? Or did you have some plans for future clubs?
Livi: I don't think much ahead. Everytime I do, it doesn't exactly end up that way. We'll see. I feel good in Dinamo right now. We have amazing results and I feel like home. Zadar is close, too
Host: Well then. Don't forget about out deal. If you sign up for Barcelona you have to go to every nt conference for the rest of your career
Livi: *laughs awkardly *
Host: I hope it still counts. I mean Ter Stengen isn't bad but I am holding onto your word about that
Livi: alright
 Host: Let's ask something more private. We know you are in a relationship and by recent covid regulations we are allowed to have bigger weddings again so...I am kidding, but in all seriousness did you think about starting a family?
Livi: well yes, of course I have. I mean, all the people I know that have children think of them as biggest blessing. I do want that, at some point
 Host: pets?
Livi, smiling again: yes, Cruz
Host: what breed is he?
Livi: pomsky. Do I really need to explain?
Host: ...a bit
Livi: * explains *He is wonderful. I mean he is mine, but...he is really wonderful. He makes you so happy, especially when you come home after being away...it's amazing
 Host: Helena used to do ice skating and according to Vida, you are the best dancer on the team. That means your first dance will be amazing
Livi: *laughs * I am not so sure about that. I think I'll need to practice a lot, even more than I did to learn how to defend a goal. But we'll see how that'll go. And I have to say that Vida lied. But maybe he is the best. He dances...really good
Host: he has a good sense for rhythm?
Livi: he rips shirts a lot
 Host: New card break. Favorites
Marjan, reading a question from the card: what's your favorite childhood moment?
Host: the one that isn't connected to football
Livi: not connected to fooball. Uff. I am not sure I remember. Hmmm
Host: that far away huh?
Livi: *laughs * yeah. I guess coming back from school and everything being alright(I am guessing he means grades wise)
Host: that moments were so rare huh?
 Marjan: Favorite series?
Livi: Game of Thrones
 Host: what's your hobbies, except for series? What so you do when you don't play football
Livi: well, I actually like to play basketball. I am from Zadar, after all. I started with basketball first actually, before switching to football
 Host: okay, I gotta ask. Why do goalies spit in their gloves?
Livi: well so the ball sticks to them better. So it doesn't fall out of our hands *rubs palms together * so they are...wet. *realizes what he said * but yeah uh. Mostly so you don't drop the ball
 Host: do you prefer long or short sleeved jersey? And how do you choose that?
Livi: I like long sleeved one better
Host: except when it's really hot?
Livi: yeah...when it's really hot I choose short sleeved undershit
 Host: Anyway, you guys told me not to make this too long considering there is a final of Europe league that you want to watch. Any preferences about who wins?
Livi: No, I think both teams are great. They have different qualities so, we'll see
Marjan: I think Manchester United will win. Longer tradition
Host: Either way, thank you guys for participating in today's podcast. And to everyoone who is watching, I hope you'll watch us tomorrow as well. Goodbye
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midnightsnyx · 5 years ago
Consequences - Matthew Tkachuk: part 5
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summary: you absolutely hate Matthew Tkachuk so it’s just your luck when you wind up pregnant with his child. 
a/n: surprise!!! it’s part 5!! i wont be home sunday so i wanted to post this today. i’m really iffy on this part because i wrote and rewrote a lot of the scenes because i wasn’t happy with it and i’m still not 100% happy with it but if i keep picking it over i’ll end up deleting the entire thing and rewriting it from scratch
but yeah i hope u guys like it & thanks again sooooo much for the love on this story <3 you guys rock.
word count: 2.6K
warnings: swearing, angst w/ a lil fluff again and bad editing lol
ALSO the first part in italics is a flashback to before Matt missed the appointment! 
Part 5
“You’ve gotta stop moping, man.” Noah said, bumping his shoulder against Matt’s during morning practice.
Matt knew he was moping but he couldn’t get you out of his head and it was driving him nuts. He was attracted to you the moment you met even though you hated him, but lately something was different. He wasn’t sure if it’s from seeing you carry his child but the past couple months, you were all he could think about.
And it drove him insane.
“I’m not.” He mumbled, attempting to deny his teammates statement. Noah didn’t buy it though, because he grinned.
“You, me, and drinks?” He pointed at Matt. “Tonight at 9. We’re getting you laid.”
Matt forced a smile and nodded, knowing that Noah wouldn’t leave him alone until he agreed.
“The ultrasound is in the morning though so I can’t stay out late.” Matt reminded him.
“We’ll have you back in time for the appointment.” Noah promised and Matt believed him which was why the hurt on your face the next morning broke him.
. . .
21 weeks
“Noah Hanifin is at your front door.” Becca says, looking through the peephole before turning to look at you. Piled under a mountain of blankets with tissues surrounding you and an empty tub of ice cream sitting on the coffee table, you‘re the perfect picture of a broken heart.
You have been dodging calls and texts from Matthew for the past two weeks but in the last couple days, he’s been radio silent and you’re not sure if it hurts more, or less.
“Tell Noah Hanifin to fuck off.” You mutter, trying to dig yourself deeper in the pile of blankets. You know why Noah is here and it pisses you off.
Becca opens the door a little and you can see Noah standing there, holding a bag and looking uncomfortable.
“Can I help you with something?” Becca asks shortly and Noah sighs.
“Good to see you too, Becs.”
Becca’s shoulders tighten and you know without seeing her face that she is glaring at him. “What do you want, Hanifin?”
He hands her the bag he was holding. “This is for Y/N. It’s from Matt. He says he’s sorry.” Then he looks at you. “He’s in bad shape.”
You know he’s in bad shape because even though you’re hurt and angry, you’ve been watching his games. He’s being careless, taking stupid penalties, picking fights more than normal and you know he hasn’t been getting much sleep because there are bags under his eyes.
So you don’t need Noah Fucking Hanifin to tell you that Matthew’s in bad shape.
“That’s not my problem.”
“Oh come on, Y/N.” Noah says a little too harshly for your liking. “He fucked up, he knows that. Cut him some slack, he’s twenty two and he’s about to be a fucking father. He’s scared!”
“And I’m about to be a mother!” You snap. “He doesn’t think I’m scared?”
Noah groans in frustration. “Look. It was my fault, okay? I talked Matt in to going out that night because I wanted him to stop moping over you.”
You try to ignore his comment about Matt moping over you but your voice is unsteady when you answer him.
“Matt is a big boy, Noah. He can make his own decisions and he made the wrong one.” You watch Noah’s face fall. “Stop trying to stick up for him.”
Noah shakes his head and sighs. “You should cut him some slack. It was my fault.”
You watch as he leaves without saying another word. When he’s gone and Becca shuts the door behind him, she turns to face you.
“He doesn’t deserve forgiveness just because Hanifin ‘talked’ him in to going out and getting drunk. He made that choice.”
You slowly nod, watching as she walks to your kitchen preparing to throw the bag Noah dropped off in the garbage. You’re not sure what prompts you to stop her but you call out before she throws it out.
She looks at you with a raised brow. “What?”
“Let me see what he brought.”
You know she’s pissed, but she brings it over and hands it to you.
“I’m going to go get ready for bed, okay?” She says and you nod, watching as she walks down the hallway. When she’s out of sight, you peak in the bag.
The first thing you see is a chocolate bar. It’s your favourite, and you’re surprised he remembered. There’s some candy and a box of popcorn and your lips turn up in a tiny smile when you pull out a movie.
It’s What to Expect When You’re Expecting, the movie you were very against watching because of how unrealistic it would be compared to actual childbirth. There’s a little sticky note that says, you should watch this even though it’s totally not accurate.
Then, at the very bottom of the bag, there’s a bigger note and you want to ignore it like you’ve done with every text he’s sent you but you read it out of curiosity.
 I know that I can’t make up for missing the appointment and I know there’s nothing I can say to make it better so all I’m going to do is say sorry. I am so, so sorry and I know I keep saying that and they are only words but it’s all I can think of to say.
So I’m sorry and I hope that you can forgive me soon because I miss you and I want to be there for you without having to ask my mom for updates on how you are. Please call me, or even text me. I just want to know how you’re doing.
 You’re sniffling by the time you’ve read the note but when you hear Becca approaching, you wipe away the tears and shove the paper back in the bag.
“What did he give you?” She questions, sitting on the couch next to you.
You don’t want to tell her about the note so you just shrug. “A movie.”
“That’s all?”
“Yeah.” You lie. “Will you watch it with me?”
“Sure.” She says, taking the movie from you and putting it in to the DVD player before returning to the couch and curling up on the opposite side of the couch.
You try to focus on the movie but you can’t get Matt’s note and Noah’s words out of your head. You’re confused from what Noah said about Matthew ‘moping’ over you. The two of you were friends and you used that term loosely. If it wasn’t for the baby, you know you never wouldn’t have gotten so close to him. You never would have gotten to know the side of him that the rest of the world has never seen. You wouldn’t have learned how terrible he is at cooking but how gentle he can be.
But you also wouldn’t be in this situation right now. By yourself and pregnant with a broken heart.
So you’re not sure what hurts more. The thought of never having known him the way you do or having your heart broken.
. . .
22 weeks
Johnny: I’m really sorry to bother you but can you please come pick Matt up? He’s in bad shape and he won’t go home unless its to you.
It’s this text that has you standing outside a bar that Matt and the guys are. For Johnny to text you, you know that it must be bad and you’re proven right when the doors open and Noah and Johnny carry an extremely wasted Matthew Tkachuk out. You’re not sure he’s even awake until he lifts his head when Noah shakes him.
“Y/N’s here, bud.”
His eyes are closed but they open when he hears your name and his face lights up and he shrugs the boys off, stumbling towards you. He’s unsteady so you reach out to steady him, grateful when he doesn’t put much weight on you.
“You’re here.” He breathes and you nod slowly.
“And you’re drunk.”
He shakes his head quickly. “No, I’m sober as a judge!”
You hear Noah chuckle but you don’t react to him, pulling Matt’s arm around your shoulder.
“C’mon. Lets go home.”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Noah calls out and you’re still pissed at him so you don’t bother looking back.
You get Matt in your car without a problem and when you start the drive back to your apartment, you try to ignore how he’s staring at you but it feels like he’s burning holes in the side of your head.
“What?” You mutter eventually and you see him shrug out of the corner of your eye.
“’m surprised you came to pick me up. I know you hate me.” He mumbles and you sigh.
“I don’t hate you.” You tell him, “I was angry with you. And I had every right to be.”
“I’m sorry.” He whispers quietly and when you glance at him, he’s no longer looking at you. He is staring at his hands and you notice the cuts from the fight he got in to at today’s game. It was a heavy loss and had a lot to do with how many penalties Matt took. They were dumb penalties, all of which he never would have taken if his head was in the game. You know it’s not entirely your fault but you still can’t help but feel a little guilty because you know he’s playing like this because you haven’t been talking to him.
“I know.” You say, pulling in to the parking lot of your apartment building. You could have very well dropped Matt off at his house but you know he’s too drunk and leaving him by himself could be dangerous.
He’s sobered up a little by the time you’re in your apartment. You make him drink a couple glasses of water before guiding him to your bathroom so he can brush his teeth with his toothbrush he keeps at your apartment and when you give him clothes that he keeps here too, you realize how much time he really spent here.
“I can sleep on the couch.” He says and everything in you is screaming to agree but he just looks so tired and you know he won’t get a wink of sleep on that couch so you shake your head.
“It’s fine.” you say, ignoring the small look of hope on his face, instead sending him out of the bathroom so you can get ready. You take your time, hoping that he will be asleep when you go to your bedroom but you find him laying on his back and staring at the ceiling. He doesn’t look at your face when you settle on the bed next to him but you do notice his eyes flicker to your stomach before you pull the blanket over you.
“It’s bigger.” He says.
“Your stomach.” He clarifies. “It’s getting bigger.”
“Well that’s what happens when you’re growing a human being inside you.” You remind him and his lips turn up in a small smile.
“Y/N-” He starts to say but you cut him off.
“We’ll talk in the morning.”
He looks disappointed but he’s still drunk enough that you’re not comfortable having the conversation the two of you need to have. There are things that need to be worked out and said and you don’t want him to only remember half of it.
So you watch him nod and drift off before letting yourself fall asleep.
. . .
You wake the next morning before Matt. He snoring quietly and his back is to you which makes getting out of bed easier. He’ll be hungover for sure, so you decide to make breakfast while you wait for him to wake up. You’re also trying to think of what exactly you’re going to say to him.
You don’t know if you have it in you to still be so angry at him. He messed up and it’s not something you’ll ever forget but Noah made a good point when he said that Matt is only 23. You’re both still so young and about to be parents and despite wanting him to be perfect and never mess up, you can’t expect him to be.
You turn to see Matt walking in to the kitchen, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.
“Hey.” You reply, turning back to the stove. You can hear him sit down on a bar stool and he’s quiet for a moment before speaking up.
“Thank you.” He says softly and it surprises you because you were expecting him to say sorry again.
“You didn’t have to come pick me up last night but you did.”
You shrug, turning around to look at him. “I know you would’ve done the same.”
“I would.” He says. “And I know you’re tired of me saying it but I am really sorry I missed the appointment. I promised I would be there and I let you down.”
You nod, walking over and sitting next to him. “You did, but I’m starting to think that I was too hard on you. You made a mistake, we all do.”
“I swear I’ll never miss one again.” He promises.
“Good, because I’ll shun you if you do.” You chirp and he grins.
After breakfast, the two of you are watching hockey replays and Matt is quietly talking to the baby. You can’t hear exactly what he’s saying but suddenly he looks up and grins.
“Can we tell everyone now? I thought we could make up an Instagram post or something.”
“I may already have one prepared.” You admit sheepishly and his smile lights up the room.
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excelsi-or · 4 years ago
your type (pt. 4)
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Hey friends, hope you’re all healthy and staying safe. No real updates from me nor any recommendations. I’ve been a bit of a hermit from social media and the real world these days. Anyway, I think you guys will enjoy this part. :)
w.c. 2.1k
pairing: woozi x OC/reader
pt. 1; pt. 2; pt. 3
“What if they don’t convince her to come?” Jihoon asks Seungcheol.
“Are you worried?” Seungcheol chuckles, setting food on the coffee table. “You aren’t the type to worry.”
“We bet 100 each,” Jihoon snorts. “You sure you don’t want that money back?”
“I’m getting it doubled back.” Seungcheol waves him off. “Jihyo’s friends know how to play our game. It’s what makes her fun. So trust me, your girl will be here.”
Jihoon helps to set up the apartment until Mingyu and Wonwoo arrive half an hour earlier than everyone else. Mingyu’s their resident chef and has some last-minute cooking to do.
Once they’re done, Wonwoo and Seungcheol play a round of some video game that Jihoon doesn’t pay attention to. Instead, he sits hunched over his notebook.
“When are you going to stop working on that song?” Wonwoo asks. He leans across the couch to get a look at Jihoon’s notebook. “You’ve been working on it for ages.”
“If it’s not perfect already, hyung, it’ll never be perfect,” Mingyu calls from the kitchen.
“Will you all shut up?” Jihoon retorts. He scratches out the last line he’d written. “It’s not your grade on the line.”
“Prof only put that much pressure on you because you’re good.” Wonwoo sits back up again after Seungcheol shouts about a great penalty shot. “So, hand in whatever and she’ll give you an A+.”
“That woman would give Jihoon an A++ if she could,” Seungcheol snorts.
Wonwoo stretches his leg a little to give Seungcheol two affectionate kicks to the shin. “One day, someone will see all the potential in you too.”
The boys arrive on time and expect the girls to be an hour late like usual, but Seungcheol’s phone pings as they all start to settle in.
“Are they here already?” Jeonghan asks.
Hansol chuckles as he reaches for a chip. “Noona must be here too. She’s always on time.”
Jihoon closes his notebook and tucks it down the side of the couch, where he hides his notebooks when strangers come over. He glances up when the girls walk in loud and giggly. Hugs are exchanged, as certain girls gravitate towards certain people.
And the one person everyone is watching gravitates towards Mingyu after her initial greeting. Jihoon can hear her chatting casually with him.
“Why are you in here alone?” she asks.
“Gotta finish this for dinner.” Jihoon knows that Mingyu’s on his side for the bet, so he expects Mingyu to tell her to head into the living room.
But she beats him to the next line. “Do you need any help?”
“Oh.” There’s a pause. “Yeah, if you don’t mind.”
“Would I ask if I wasn’t offering? What do you need?”
“How are you, Jihoon?”
Jihoon pulls his attention to the person sitting beside him. It’s Wheein. She’s in his song writing class. They start talking about the songs they’re working on. While he is listening to Wheein, he definitely has his eye on the clock.
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She doesn’t return to the living room until they come out with food. And then she sits by Hansol and Seungkwan. The two seem thoroughly excited to chat with her about everything.
When Mingyu sits near him, Jihoon hisses, “What the hell, Gyu?”
“Sorry!” Mingyu exclaims. He reaches forward to fill his plate. “Noona offered to help and I wasn’t going to say no.” He notices Jihoon’s look of disbelief. “You guys never offer to help me.”
Jihoon doesn’t want to make it obvious by getting up and sitting with her, but as one hour passes to two without a one-on-one conversation with her, he realizes he needs to pull out the “big moves”.
In this case, get her alone and ask her what the hell is going on.
He stands and meets her eye. “You want a drink?”
She shrugs. “Sure.”
Jihoon motions with his head to follow and she nods her understanding, getting up as her team tries to discern what words Jeonghan is referring to. She trails after him and leans against the archway into the kitchen. He pulls two cans of Coke from the fridge and hands one to her.
“Did you want to talk about something?” she asks.
“I wanted to talk to you.” Jihoon turns to face her. “But you don’t seem to want to talk to me.”
“Oh.” She blinks. “You didn’t make it seem like you wanted to talk to me, so I just
 gave you your space.”
Jihoon’s eyes narrow. “You know I wanted to talk to you.”
“No, I didn’t.” She pulls the tap on her drink, letting the drink fizz before speaking. “You told me to come if Seungcheol invited Jihyo over. That could have meant anything.”
“I thought it was clear that it meant I wanted to see you again,” Jihoon states.
She shrugs. “Well, I’ve been here for two hours now and you’ve hardly looked at me or said anything to me since I got here. I’m not a mind reader, Jihoon.” She sips her drink. “Surprise.”
Jihoon snorts and takes a frustrated sip. “You’re impossible.
A small smirk appears on her face, dimpling her cheek. “I like guys who like to communicate. You’re going to have to communicate if you want my attention.”
Damn, his fatal flaw. He can keep girls at arm’s length by doing the complete opposite of what she likes. But the bet’s been set. Backing out means losing, so he nods his understanding.
“So, are we going to kick Seungkwan off my team so you can join me on the other side of the table?” She lightly kicks him in the calf. “Or are you willing to lose again?”
Jihoon runs his tongue along his teeth. “I’m not going to lose.”
She chuckles as she heads back to the living room. “I think what’s happening with your team is called ‘losing’, Jihoon.”
They play games all night long. Nearly everyone gets so drunk that when Jihoon sees her struggling to rally the girls together, he suggests that maybe they ought to stay over.
Jihoon takes Wheein’s arm. “You’re not going to be able to get them all home safe.”
She concedes to that fact. Besides her, Jihoon and Hansol are the only ones sober. Hansol had informed her around hour 3 of intense drunkedness, there’s an established rule that at least two of them need to stay sober.
“We get too out of hand if we’re all drunk. Last time all of us were this drunk, we found a milk jug in the toilet and Soonyoung hyung sleeping in the tub surrounded by his own vomit.”
She passes Jihyo off to Hansol and then helps Hwasa out of her boots again. They congregate in the living room. Jihoon offers his bed to Momo, Sana and Sejeong. Jihyo, Wheein and Hwasa take Seungcheol’s. The boys pile together in the living room.
Jihoon shuts the door to Seungcheol’s room, blankets under one arm. He looks around when he doesn’t see her in the living room with the boys. He tosses the pile of blankets on Soonyoung’s stomach when he hears shuffling in the kitchen.
He finds her with her shoes on, coat going around her shoulder. “You’re not staying?” Jihoon asks.
She shakes her head as she wraps her scarf around her neck. “I don’t do sleepovers. Especially not if you’re here and sober too.”
“Oh, come on. Who hurt you?” Jihoon teases. He sees a flash of hurt cross her face and realizes he’s touched a nerve. “Sorry.” He looks over the kitchen and living room divider; Hansol is trying to shake Seokmin off to put him to sleep. Jihoon turns back to her. “Walk you home?”
She shrugs. “You won’t take a no, so bundle up.”
She slips her gloves on and Jihoon goes to grab socks and his jacket. Hansol looks over when he reemerges.
“I’m just going to walk her home,” Jihoon explains. Most of the boys have knocked out around Hansol’s feet. “Is that cool?”
“Noona’s not going to stay?”
Jihoon shakes his head.
“Okay, yeah. I should be—Seungkwan, lie down.” Hansol bats off Seungkwan’s hands from his ankles.
Jihoon is genuinely surprised she waited for him. It would have been a perfect excuse for her to duck out.
“Bye Hansol!” she calls.
“Get home safe, noona! Will you get off?”
She frowns at Jihoon. “Is he going to be okay?”
“The boys get clingy when they’re intoxicated.” Jihoon waves off her concern. “He’ll be fine.” He opens the door for her and she leads the way into the hallway.
They pick up their conversation where they had left it during the last round of Truth. Her girls love the game when everyone’s a bit drunk, and the boys definitely shared more than she anticipated. She now knows way too much about Joshua’s showering habits.
But Jihoon is the most interested in the truths about her.
“They said you have the best game,” he states.
It was the last Truth for Sejeong. “What’s something shocking that we wouldn’t believe?”
All the girls had chimed in immediately.
She throws her head back with a laugh now and presses the call button for the elevator. “I haven’t used any of my ‘game’ in a long time. So probably not anymore.”
“But at one time, you did.”
“Maybe.” She watches the lights move towards their floor. “What does that even mean anyway?” The doors open before them.
“Well, for us, it means you can get any girl to agree to go on a date with you without too much effort.”
“Hm.” She presses for the ground floor. “I guess, then
Jihoon cocks an eyebrow. “I’m all ears.”
“Hey, let’s keep in mind that I’ve settled before. I don’t like playing the game.”
“Even though it’s fun?”
“Maybe for you. But
” She adjusts her scarf. “I actually like the feelings and emotions and everything that comes with a real relationship. It’s not just about the sex for me.” She tips her head both ways. “But it definitely helps if the guy’s good at it.”
Jihoon chuckles.
His response gets her to crack a smile. “Anyway, the game gets boring when everyone plays it the same way.”
Jihoon agrees with the sentiment. “So, how many boyfriends have you actually had?”
“I told you already, one.”
“Your face said something else earlier.”
She pauses and then the elevator doors open. They head out of the apartment building and it isn’t until they’ve started on their way to her place that she says anything. “I don’t like playing, because I’ve been played. And I don’t count him, because
” She sighs. “How can I count someone who hurt me that way?”
Jihoon wants to ask more questions. If he can figure out how these guys won her over, he’s a shoe in to win that bet. “What made you like him? You know, if he hurt you that bad, you must have had a lot of feelings for him.”
She chews on her bottom lip and watches where she steps to avoid slipping on some of the icy parts. “I’ve only known you for a few days. Why do I need to answer this?” Her eyes swing his way. “How about you answer some of myquestions?”
Jihoon hesitates, but remembers that communication is important to her. He’s going to have to open up a little. “Shoot.”
“What about me is interesting you enough to bother?”
“That seems kinda vain, don’t you think?” Jihoon jokes.
She smiles a little with a shrug. “Maybe, but I’ve heard many mixed things about you, Lee Jihoon.” She nudges him. “Tell me why I’m worth pursuing.”
He won’t admit that the challenge of winning her over is enticing to him; he’ll lose her immediately. Luckily, she’s just his type and he doesn’t have to lie much. “You’re gorgeous, smart. New blood is always fun. I like your refreshing energy, even if your personality’s kinda harsh.” This makes her laugh out loud and he smiles. “I meet a lot of people like me, who date just to see how many notches they can get on their bedpost.”
“That’s an old analogy,” she chuckles.
“It’s also nice to meet someone who wants to love just to love.”
She grabs his arm when she feels her footing go. “Good god.” Jihoon eases her over the icy patch and then she asks her next question. “So, what makes you think I’ll play along with your game?”
“Oh, come now, this can’t be because you’re actually interested in me that way. You just told me that you think the game is fun.”
“We’re all looking for love, are we not? That’s the end goal.”
“And what was wrong with all the other girls you dated? I’m sure they were nice enough.”
“Nice enough is not the same as perfect.”
“Perfect doesn’t exist.” She sighs.
And then changes the conversation completely.
“What are your parents like?”
“My parents?”
“A lot of people carry pieces of their parents around. What are yours like?”
“Great,” he answers honestly. “Better than great. They’re perfect.”
She smiles at that. Jihoon can practically see a wall coming down at that statement.
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