#shroud cosmetics
wishlisted · 11 months
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“It’s Freakin’ Bats” palette from Shroud Cosmetics
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ndostairlyrium · 5 months
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grey hair, fluff, and murrine 🔮
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superxstarzz · 4 months
I know this is different from my regularly scheduled homestuck content, but OH MY GOD I NEED TO POST ABOUT THEM SUDBFJDDBD. These two are my dnd chars from a recently started session and GUYS. I LOVE THEM. (The yellow ones name is Achilles (they/them), and the red one is Pocket!! (she/her)) (also shout out to my fellow player @diehardpaleontologist )
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emmcarstairs · 5 months
From Gloves to Fingers: The Ghoul and Lucy MacLean
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Despite their mostly practical usage nowadays, gloves used to be a powerful tool in society. There were rules about how and when a person should wear them, and what messages they relayed to others. Gloves were more than a fashion accessory; they had symbolic functions. Across various sources, such as visual media, art, and literature, gloves are associated with notions about power, protection, purity, as well as sexuality.
In the following analysis, I will examine the Ghoul’s gloves in Fallout (2024) as a visual key to understanding his character, motivations, and relationship with Lucy. 
What if I told you that the first thing we see about the Ghoul, his introduction to us, is his gloved hand?
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His character is shrouded in mystery, and his gloves facilitate this impression. When a character hides their hands, we assume they have secret or evil intentions. That’s why gloves have come to be associated with villains. And at first glance at this character, this assumption would not be far from the truth. But in the Ghoul’s case, it’s more complicated than that. Let’s roll back to the beginning!
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As soon as we learn that the Ghoul used to be the famous Hollywood actor Cooper Howard, and the face of Vault-Tec, we start to make the connections. For instance, we know he refuses to do the thumbs-up for the photo during the birthday party. The thumbs-up, his thumbs-up in particular, is a symbol for Vault-Tec, a company he has grown to despise. So it isn’t surprising that he would try to conceal his relation to the company, figuratively and physically.
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Two hundred years later, we learn about the nature of ghouls. Radiation has ravaged their skin and appearance. In this case, the gloves might serve the cosmetic purpose of hiding most of his scarred body. 
However, it all comes down to the image he presents to the world around him. His gloves, and his hat, are accessories for the costume he’s chosen to wear. He doesn’t go around by the name of Cooper Howard anymore; he has built himself a new identity, using props just like an actor would. He is recognizable by these attributes and they are a makeshift armor for the real man underneath it. I’d even argue that his gloves act as a physical and psychological shield between him and the atrocities he’d committed to survive.
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Now that we’ve discussed the symbolism of him wearing gloves, it’s time to ask the important question. Do we see the Ghoul’s ungloved hands? We do. Two times. And both of them are connected to Lucy: one in her presence, one in the presence of her finger.
The first time we see the Ghoul’s ungloved hands is after the significant scene of him mercy killing Roger and feeding on him in front of Lucy. The fact that Lucy witnessed him eat, not just any food but human flesh, is extremely important. In that scene, he reveals his animalistic nature. It’s an intimate scene because he begins her initiation into the Wasteland by offering her his knife to cut off some pieces herself. In a way, he shares his meal with her. Her repulsion is clear but she relents. It’s important to keep this scene in mind.
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Cut to the scene with him with no gloves. At this point, he’s shown her a part of himself. In the past, the removal of gloves was a sign of closeness, and even inferiority. He has shed his skin, literally in the form of his gloves. He has allowed himself to be vulnerable in her presence. He’s naked in a way we haven’t seen before. It’s no wonder what happens next has so many sexual undertones.
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To put it plainly, in this scene we see the Ghoul relishing the taste of irradiated water while Lucy is right next to him… thirsty. It’s an interesting juxtaposition to a previous scene when Lucy politely asked for water but he denied her (with his gloves on, retaining a metaphorical barrier, an air of superiority). She then saw the pool of water but resisted drinking from it while he taunted her. Now, it seems different. He watches her with a silent challenge in his eyes, tempting. She isn’t asking him anything this time. All she sees is the water, the means to quench her thirst, and… his ungloved hand.
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Personally, I find the choice to include his hand here very interesting. What happens next, even more so; Lucy succumbs to her thirst. In contrast to her hesitation and revulsion with slicing pieces off Roger for food, she eagerly drinks the irradiated water the Ghoul drank moments ago. It’s a desperate physical need, and it’s out of her own volition. If you don’t see anything sexual about this frame, I don’t know what to tell you:
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It’s worth mentioning the way the Ghoul stoops to her level here which enables the iconic “Oh, I’m you, sweetie.” She’s almost his equal here, as they stare after she’s drunk the water, their hands ungloved.
Lucy, being ever the opportunist, sees his weakness and tries to run away. Her attempt is short-lived because he catches her in his lasso. And all the build-up ends in one of the most memorable scenes in the show; and for a good reason!
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In their struggle, Lucy takes advantage of his exposed hand, his weakness, and bites his finger off. It’s almost like she’s turned into him: an animal tearing flesh. The gloves would have protected him against harm but he’s taken them off, he has allowed himself to be vulnerable around her. Perhaps, he underestimated her.
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In a violent imitation of a lover's touch, he cuts her finger off. This is the first time they touch hands. In the past, a woman had to be wary of a man’s ungloved hand because it signified danger and the loss of her chastity.
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In Lucy's case, chastity refers to her naivety about navigating the world around her. The Ghoul opened her eyes about the surrounding world, but she dared to go one step further and stole something of his, a part of him. For two centuries, he's managed to keep his ten fingers intact, a sign of his competence, and it's none other than Lucy who overpowers him this way. So he feels obliged to take a part of her to replace his missing one. It's very much an exchange of rings/vows type of situation. But I digress. 
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After the finger exchange and the visual replacement of Lucy's finger, which for a second looked to me like adding a band/ring, we see the most significant scene for her character yet. She survives alone in the Super Duper Mart and despite it all, retains her principles, by saving his life. She emerges the victor, both in terms of survival and morals. But how does the exchange affect him? 
In a rare scene of self-reflection, the Ghoul watches his old human self on film. The gloves are back on and he mimics pulling the trigger, nothing unusual.
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But as we watch him rub the leather of his missing finger, we know that something has shifted. Beneath the seemingly intact glove, there is a missing piece. Try as he might to conceal it, and even if it's unnoticeable to others, he’s aware of its absence. Despite the external armor, the damage is internal.
Which brings us to the second scene with his ungloved hands: the scene of him sewing Lucy’s finger on his hand.
The Ghoul is held responsible for the thrashing of the Super Duper Mart. While they question him, he asks for the needle and thread (red thread of fate, anybody?) in his bag. As he unrolls the piece of cloth, we see Lucy’s finger.
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Here I want to make an important note: In the past, gloves were considered an extension of the wearer’s body; another symbolic body part. In the classic novel Little Women, Meg loses one of her gloves and it turns out that the man who is interested in her romantically – Mr. Brooke – has hidden it in his pocket. Later, characters would consider this act a declaration of his intentions toward her. The Ghoul has neatly packed away Lucy’s finger in his bag. The subtext is definitely there. 
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In the first scene when he was ungloved, it was in Lucy’s active presence. In this scene, she’s not here but her presence is felt, and not only because it’s her finger he’s sewing. While he is attaching the finger, he takes the blame for what she did in the Super Duper Mart. He throws away the act for a moment, his hands are ungloved and unprotected, as he surrenders himself in her name. The intimacy of the mere image of him sewing a part of Lucy’s body on his own, literally tying the knot, deserves its own analysis.  
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You could say it fits him like a glove. ;)
This is the last scene we see him without gloves in S1. But every time we see his gloved hand afterward, we are reminded that he carries Lucy’s finger. It’s a symbol of what Lucy reminded him of: his lost dignity. It’s his trigger finger, a moral compass. It led to him shooting her dad when she herself wavered, but also letting him go alive. And it’s her replaced necrotic finger which pulls the trigger when she mercy kills her mother, a lesson she learned from him. Their fates have intertwined and their fingers are the perfect representation of that. 
With the focus on hands and fingers we saw in S1, I expect this symbolic storytelling to continue and expand in S2.
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theworkshopmann · 1 year
Scream Fortress cosmetics 2023
Bone-Chilling Bonanza Collection
Bare Bear Bones: HEAVY
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Demonic Dome: ALL-CLASS
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Power Spike: MEDIC
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Sightseer: SNIPER
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The Last Laugh: SCOUT
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Mad Lad: DEMO
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Clown's Cover-Up: ALL CLASS
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Warlock's Warcloak: SOLDIER
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Dead Heat: PYRO
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Stunt Suit: DEMO
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Dell Dynamic: ENGINEER
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Classic Criminal: SPY
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The Main Cast: MEDIC
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Sharpshooter's Shroud: SNIPER
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Jumping Jester: SCOUT
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Ludicrously Lunatic Lunon Fedora: ALL CLASS
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The Mean Captain: ALL CLASS
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Shortness Of Breath: SOLDIER
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Splitting Headache: PYRO
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Thunder Dome: DEMO
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Constructor's Cover: ENGINEER
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Concealed Convict: SPY
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Six-Eyed Specs: SPY
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Spyder: SPY
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Medical Mummy: MEDIC
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The Make Ogre: HEAVY
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Carry-Van: SNIPER
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Blastphomet: DEMO
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Fearsome Fluorescence: PRYO
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monsterhunterwhore · 1 month
Welcome to the newest addition of my evergrowing attempt at oc infodumping and blog organization! anyway, heres the two main OCs of this blog:
Monster Hunter Stories 1 MC:
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Suvaryn or Ryn, partners with Blaize(Ratha). yes i renamed the main monstie. it pisses me off that they gave both rathalos the same damn nickname and never let you rename it, even after the story ended. moving on.
Next up!
Monster Hunter Stories 2 MC:
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Meleni Roudyr! (image is from right after fully bonding with Eiwyn(also Ratha)) They actually share a primary bond with three monsties: Eiwyn (razewing rathalos), Babydoll (shrouded nerscylla), and Nei (zinogre).
Meleni does have traditional tattoos that combine the Mahana markings and the Samoan tattoos/body markings. still have to do more research for specifics
Meleni, like their grandfather Red and a select few of Mahana Village, has an extended life span thats tied to their monstie companions. Ryn, Cheval, and Avinia also have extended lifespans. Lilia does, in fact, also have an extended lifespan despite not being a Rider, due to her bond with Blaize/MHS1 Ratha.
Lilia's a unique case, and i thought it made sense to adapt her bond with Blaize to essentially being the same as a Rider Bond in my HC. Her Bond does vary a little bit, in that she only received minor cosmetic changes and the extended lifetime, such as slightly pointier ears, the bright red-orange hair streak, and light blue sclera with darker red pupils.
Cheval never really fully bonded with Blaize, but does end up with a similar scar on his eye, mirroring the Rathalos. The only remaing trace of his initial bond with it is that under certain lighting, his red hair looks almost the same color as Blaize's scales. Post-Story of MHS 1, Cheval starts to fully Bond with his Rathian, finally allowing him to be seen as a mature, well-balanced Rider among the inhabitants of Hakum Village.
The inhabitants of Rutoh village undergo a similar change to that of the Riders Bond due to the village maintaining a fairly sizable herd of Kelbi. While not everyone is born with Kelbi horns, they will begin to grow and gain a specific hue once they reach about three years of age, after meeting the herd and pairing up with a baby Kelbi. Ena and Alwin have spilt horn colors as they have Bonded with both a Monstie and a Kelbi. There are a select few whose horns have multiple hues as they have Grazed(paired) with several Kelbi and are expected to become the next caretaker of the herd after the current Taker becomes unable to.
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stinkrascal · 10 months
hi jaiden! do you have list of mods that you use in bg3? or could you show them? bc your ocs look amazing <3
yeah of course :) i'll eventually make a resources page for this too the same as i have for my ts4 resources page so that will be updated in the future. but for now i'll list them under the cut. also thank you so much!!
bg3 script extender
improvedUI + improvedUI show all items
trips old shader's pack
native mod loader
WASD movement
no inspiration point cap
zero gold weight
better maps (clear map no grid transparent shroud)
no romance limit + born to be anyone (so i can roleplay the rolan romance of my dreams<3 ha)
patches for cc mods
bg3 mod fixer
faces of faerun
long straight hair
tav's hair salon
dissidia's hair
top surgery scars
mashed up hairs
purchasable camp clothes and underwear
custom horn colors
chromatic dyes
extra dyes for the fashionable folk of faerun
ghoul's customization compendium
fwoopi's masc head replacements
half loose hairstyles
flame tattoo edit
less veins on face
vemperen's otherheads repaired
alt m half-elf head 2 for other races
warpaint tattoos galore
modular equipment
ellian's hair
long hairs
vessnelle's hair collection
new character creation presets
basket full of equipment nsfw
druu's clothes and armor
variant of orin's hair
de-accessorized hairstyles
customizer's compendium npc unlocker
sakura dice
cute dice collection
dominate spell dice
iridescent pearl dice
wyll's devil form
wyll's mirror (used after breaking pact in act 3)
astarion color edit (matching lashes)
no abs (astarion and gale)
vyr custom hairstyles for shadowheart
makeup remover for shadowheart, laezel, karlach
lighter eyebrows for shadowheart
gale's wizardly updo
my load order is usually utility mods 1st, gameplay mods 2nd, face mods 3rd, hair mods 4th, companion mods 5th, dice mods 6th but idk if it actually matters that much :')
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cubicpeebles · 1 year
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Info about them under the cut (a word of warning, there is a lot)!
THE LUMINOUS (Lumi for short) is a Slugcat with unique glowing lanterns they use to navigate. They need four food pips to hibernate, and can store another four on top of that. They start in Subterranean near the west side, beginning the game fleeing from a flood.
Their diet mainly consists of large arthropods (Centipedes, spiders, Dropwigs, etc), which they can eat from the corpses of. Plants give a quarter of their normal food pips, and Batflies, Vulture Grubs, and Hazers give half a food pip when eaten.
They run at the default speed, but swim slightly quicker. Thrown spears work the same way they do with Monk. They can maul arthropods (the same ones they can eat) to deal 1.25 damage.
Now for the interesting stuff! They constantly have a glow similar to the Neuron glow, but a deeper shade of blue. This glow is both a blessing, and a curse. It helps you navigate, wards off spiders, and can attract certain passive creatures for you to eat (Batflies, Squidcadas, and small Centipedes). However, it makes hostile creatures far more aggressive if they see you, especially Centipedes, which can always see you when you are within their sight range. Standing still won't work.
Thankfully, as long as you stay out of sight, you will have a far easier time sneaking by things. You make significantly less sound when moving, especially when crawling.
As well as being quieter than normal, you have another trick at your disposal! You can (with some sort of held button input) use one food pip to flash your lanterns to get an effect similar to a flashbang. It will kill spiders and blind creatures, and also scare them away for several seconds (like how using a cherrybomb does. Lizards, Centipedes, and other creatures will flee), giving you plenty of time to hide.
After the flash has dissipated, your lanterns will flicker for a moment (like how a lantern mouse does. It'd make the same sound effect), and then dim. The glow will be far weaker, making exploring harder, but the added creature aggression will gone. The dimness will last around a minute or so, before the light will go back to normal.
Their campaign would take place between Monk and Rivulet's. Most of the map is shrouded in darkness (a lot like the Blinded burden), with a constant cosmetic trickle of rain. Higher up regions (like Chimney Canopy and Sky Islands) are brighter, but have clouds (like the lower half of The Wall), making seeing where you are going harder. Anywhere above the rain is normal.
Arthropods, lantern mice, and Black Lizards are far more common. Spiders and Centipedes are in most regions, and Dropwigs and Stowaways are more widespread as well. Vultures and White Lizards are less common, only spawning above the fog.
Moon is in the state she was right before being helped by Rivulet, with the cloak and the extra Neuron Flies. Five Pebbles is still mosty intact (the region isn't The Rot yet), but rot is much more widespread.
I haven't thought too much about the events of their storyline. I'd love any suggestions, though!
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finalgirlfall · 9 months
Is it that by its indefiniteness [the color white] shadows forth the heartless voids and immensities of the universe, and thus stabs us from behind with the thought of annihilation, when beholding the white depths of the milky way? Or is it, that as in essence whiteness is not so much a color as the visible absence of color, and at the same time the concrete of all colors; is it for these reasons that there is such a dumb blankness, full of meaning, in a wide landscape of snows—a colorless, all-color atheism from which we shrink? And when we consider that other theory of the natural philosophers, that all other earthly hues—every stately or lovely emblazoning—the sweet tinges of sunset skies and woods; yea, and the gilded velvets of butterflies, and the butterfly cheeks of young girls; all these are but subtile deceits, not actually inherent in substances, but only laid on from without; so that deified Nature absolutely paints like the harlot, whose allurements cover nothing but the charnel-house within; and when we proceed further, and consider that the mystical cosmetic which produces every one of her hues, the great principle of light, for ever remains white or colorless in itself, and if operating without medium upon matter, would touch all objects, even tulips and roses, with its own blank tinge—pondering all this, the palsied universe lies before us a leper; and like wilful travellers in Lapland, who refuse to wear colored and coloring glasses upon their eyes, so the wretched infidel gazes himself blind at the monumental white shroud that wraps all the prospect around him. And of all these things the Albino whale was the symbol.
Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, or, The Whale, Penguin Classics (London: Penguin Books, 2003), 212.
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twisted-tech · 2 years
Twst Worldbuilding Theory/HC
Half-merfolk Idia/Ortho & The Island of Woe
⚠️(Book 6 minor spoilers)⚠️
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Within the game, we see many different kinds of people: humans, beastmen, fae, and merfolk. Sebek is canonically half human and fae, and as a result he does not have pure fae traits (no pointed ears).
Idia Shroud (& Ortho) are who I want to focus on. Other students seem to identify him as human, but he has some very inhuman traits like his “shark” teeth and bright, yellow eyes. (Edit:) His lip color and eye bags are also natural and not cosmetics.
Though other human characters have sharp teeth, Idia’s are far more exaggerated than any human or beastman’s fangs. The only people with teeth like him are Jade and Floyd, who are merfolk.
While many other humans have unnatural eye colors too, Idia’s yellow eyes are yet another thing he has in common with the Leech brother’s. (But this is a weak link since Jack, Chenya, Cheka, & Trey also have yellow eyes).
These similarities made me begin to wonder if Idia perhaps had some merfolk ancestry, but 2 things in common are not much proof. Now though with the release of book 6, we’ve been provided with some supporting points.
(Spoilers start here) In book 6, we finally got to see the Island of Woe, Idia’s homeland. It’s a completely submerged, secret city beneath the sea.
The Island is from the time of the gods, thousands of years old, and still has architectural remnants from that time to prove it. While it may be possible to hide such an enormous structure from the above world, it would be harder to hide an underwater city from merfolk for millennia.
STYX does have the ability to erase memories, but if merfolk run into this city often, it would be easier to instead work with a select group of merfolk who are in he know and have them keep others away. These merfolk could also make ideal workers for outside the dome, especially before technology made underwater travel easier.
STYX and the Island of Woe are an insular community. If they consistently live near/work with merfolk over the course of thousands of years, I imagine those relationships would result in many hybrids. With the mixing of species over this long time period, and with the community remaining small and seldom getting newcomers, then the Island would almost form its own new species of half human/merfolk; most of the population (of not everyone) would have some percentage of mer ancestry.
This would explain why Idia, who’s family has lived here since the start of the city, has unusually sharp teeth and yellow eyes. He would generations of merfolk ancestry that doesn’t get very watered down, resulting in prevalent merfolk traits.
This same logic can apply to other nations. Countries seem to often have primarily one species, like mostly human (Scalding Sands), beastman (Sunset Savanna), or fae (Briar Valley). Others, like the Queendom of Roses, are implied to have a fairly diverse populace.
This could suggest that characters with pointed teeth are descendants of non-human races, which I think could be fun to play with. Here’s a chart by @twiceasfrustrating on what teeth characters have!
Headcanon: Hair and Eye Colors
Getting more into headcanon territory, I do think that it would be cool if the more inhuman hair and eye colors were a result of magic. Even if mages are rare, the world is certainly full of magic. That alone is probably enough to irradiate people with magic and cause some fun changes in their physiology.
Finally, as a disclaimer, I know it’s likely that the only reason Idia and Ortho have sharp teeth and other inhuman features is because they are twisted from Hades who did as well, but I like to think that their homeland is more dynamic and caused their unusual looks. I also mostly talked about Idia since Ortho is a robot (even if he’s based on a real person) and his features might not be accurate to his true appearance, and I didn’t bring up the hair since that’s explicitly stated as part of the Hades curse.
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merakiui · 2 years
About your reverse isekai au, I think that after regaining their memories the boys would probably try to convince reader to come with them. Since they’d be reluctant to lose their new friend but unwilling to abandon their ambitions. The only possible exceptions to this would be Jamil (he figures that since his plan failed there’s no point in going back just to be executed) and possibly Iida. With Iida that would depend on Ortho’s fate…
But what if there really is no way back? What if this is just their life now?
-🦩 anon
I agree! Although going back would be awkward (and a miracle), considering they're supposed to be dead. I like to imagine there is no way back and now this is their second life (a chance to be all the things they want to be or never could be in Twisted Wonderland), but if there was a way back it would definitely make for good angst.
Riddle would want to get back as soon as possible so that he can continue to accomplish his duties as Housewarden. There are so many things he's missed—so many rules he's broken in his absence! Oh, and he most definitely can't fall behind in his academics! Things are too comfortable and lax in this world. He hopes the dorm isn't running amok and that Trey has been able to handle things while he's been gone.
Leona honestly couldn't care. What difference does his absence make? Other than the fact that he no longer has Ruggie to run his errands or his grand fortune, not much changes. He'd still be second to Farena. He'll never be king. There's nothing for him there. But in this world, he can be his own king. He can be number one for once because no one's in the way, and he quite likes the sound of that.
Oh, there is so much work Azul needs to do! The lounge needs its manager. His mother and step-father must be worried sick. The twins need someone to reel them in when they're too chaotic. On top of that, what's become of his contracts? Are they still existing? He remembers that lion prince turned them to sand, but perhaps there's a chance some of them survived! Azul has grown comfortable in your world, but he must return to his because there's so much waiting for him.
Jamil has no clue how long he's been absent, but this just isn't good. Who will be there to tend to Kalim? Who will cook his meals, wake him each morning, make his bed? Who will remind him to think a little more before he runs off to do whatever he wants? And what will his family think if they find out he was busy relaxing in another world while the one he's meant to serve is doing who-knows-what?! Jamil is already crafting an extensive apology for the sake of saving his and his family's images. He must return as soon as possible.
Vil doesn't want to worry so much, as worrying leads to imperfections. He's learned how to tolerate the skin care and makeup products of this world and he adores what he's found, but he misses the moisturizers and cosmetics from his world. On top of that, it feels strange not being recognized on the street or asked for a photo or an autograph. In this world, he's not the most beautiful. No one even knows his name. No one knows he's a world-famous actor and model. And he misses that sort of attention. He misses attending classes at NRC, listening to Rook's enthusiastic poetry, berating Epel with fashion tips...
Idia is mortified. How could he, the final boss, lose to himself?! Is he just too OP? And now he's been thrown into the role of an isekai protagonist?! Truthfully, Idia realizes there isn't much waiting for him back in Twisted Wonderland. Sure, he still has unfinished games, manga series to catch up on, anime to binge, and so much merchandise to keep from gathering dust. But there's also new anime, manga, and games here, and he can buy plenty of merch (though not as readily as before because he doesn't have the Shroud family fortune to rely on in this world). But most importantly, Ortho's there, most likely waiting for him to return. Idia knows Ortho is perfectly capable on his own, but there are some things he just can't handle. Like fixing things with his software or installing new parts. But Idia's felt so comfortable with you. Would you come back with him if he asked? Or could he bring Ortho here? Aah, so much trouble...
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wishlisted · 11 months
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“Moonfall” palette from Shroud Cosmetics
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kombatkid · 6 days
Khaos Reigns update:
Another trailer for the DLC dropped today and it just makes me even more excited for the release!
We get to see some more segments of the story mode, more gameplay from the new fighters, more cosmetics, even more animalities and even a look at Ghostface’s fatality!
We know most of the details of the story mode, but the rest is shrouded in mystery, and hopefully all our questions will be answered once the expansion comes out…
The new animals for the animalities shown were a phoenix and a mammoth, who were Liu Kang and Sub-Zero respectively. I’m really glad they brought this fatality concept back for the DLC!
As for Ghostface, his fatality is straight out of a horror movie, and if you’ve watched the movies, there’s always more than one killer revealed at the end… it just makes me even more excited for his release after the DLC drops! He’s the one I’ve been really looking forward to…
Also, I don’t know if i had the same reaction as everyone else, but when Liu Kang said “we try to break the cycle of violence” and what follows is a quick montage of fatalities I low key laughed at the irony…
Overall, I am onboard the hype train and waiting so eagerly for the expansion’s release! I seriously can’t wait a whole week for this!!!!
On September 24th, Let Khaos Reign!
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teecupangel · 1 year
AC Dragon Riders AU
So @saberamane was interested in the Dragon Rider AU I had after playing Century: Age of Ashes for a bit so here we go.
Let’s set up the stage for now. (and we are playing hella loose with Century: Age of Ashes lore in this one. No, seriously, I might be keeping the names of the dragons but I’m playing loose with their ‘personalities’ and the colors are purely cosmetic unless there’s something more noted about it)
In this AU, humanity learned to ride dragons and developed their traditions and way of living with their existence in mind. Society is composed of ‘clans’ of varying sizes with their own alliances and grievances. And all these clans are forever locked in a spiral of peace and war among themselves. It is inevitable that this perpetual cycle of war will continue until the last dragon rider’s ashes fell from the sky.
Dragon riders are usually composed of four people as any larger would make it easier for others to see them approach. There have been cases of smaller number of dragon rider groups in history but they are uncommon and most happened because of tragedy and are not done by choice.
Dragons themselves have different species with each having their own variety depending on their parents and where they have been raised. Some dragon riders bear the banner of researchers, aiming to categorize and observe new varieties, with their ultimate goal being to be able to find an undiscovered species.
For now, the known dragon species are as followed:
Nightsnagger - mostly known for their lithe build and their ability to shroud themselves and their rider in a ball of light that reflects everything around them, making them invisible for a short period of time, what they lack in brute strength, they make up for their speed and stealth. Other than spewing fireballs, they can shoot out mines that can stick to walls and other dragons and will explode from the slight change of air. This mine can be changed to explode after a certain amount of time (blast) or to explode in a line that pierces everything in its path.
Ironwing - the easiest dragon to tame for they are known to be compassionate to humans who treat them well and care for other dragons regardless of whether they are the same species or not, they are sturdy and able to heal faster than other species as well as the ability to ‘know’ if one of their dragon comrades is in trouble even if they are far away.
Bloodchasers - The most aggressive dragon species known right now. Their bulky frame makes them powerful enough to destroy fortified walls by just slamming into them and they have an insatiable desire to take down their prey, making them a formidable opponent in the sky. Their feathers can be used as projectiles that freeze as it travels at high speed.
Stonesnout - The preferred dragons of riders born and raised up north in the cold with an affinity to lightning and a large body that can take a beating if necessary.
Vinedrake - A dragon species seemingly more seen in the deepest parts of the forest, what they lack in brute strength, they make up for what appears to be some kind of secretion that can momentarily boost their capabilities or weaken other dragons.
The Hidden Ones:
A large clan composed of smaller sects that have different skills and missions. Supposedly, they were the descendants of the first dragon tamers, the Medjays, and their clan leader only goes by the title ‘Mentor’.
The Successors
4 dragon riders that are considered to be one of the best teams of the Hidden Ones. All of their dragons are Nightsnaggers and they are known for taking down other dragons unaware by shrouding themselves in the Nightsnaggers’ shroud. Their name comes from the rumor that they are the top candidates to be the next mentor of the Hidden Ones. They are also called the ‘White Death” for their dragons are all of lighter shade.
Altaïr: Born and raised by a sect of the Hidden Ones that raise soldiers from a very young age, he’s quite arrogant and can be quite rude, mostly reined in by his team. It’s not common knowledge but he actually has a scholarly mind and would spend his free time reading books. He left his sect due to a disagreement with the current sect leader, although the reason for their disagreement is a mystery. It is only by the grace of the mentor that he is not hunted down by his old sect.
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Tafaha: A white Nightsnagger born and bred by Altaïr’s sect to be faster than any other Nightsnagger. She was given to Altaïr as an egg when he was a child and he raised her himself, supposedly one of her sires was the dragon of Altaïr’s father who perished together with Altaïr’s father when he had been 11. She’s obedient and quiet and she likes to curl around her rider whenever he’s reading. She also curls to make herself smaller whenever she’s sleeping.
Ezio: The second son of a prominent family known for being both capable dragon riders and leaders. With his older brother being trained to be their father’s successor, Ezio decided to be a dragon rider to impress a woman he had fallen in love with. Tragedy struck their family and his father and brother were thrown in jail while he barely escaped thanks to his dragon flying him and his mother, sister, and younger brother away as they were chased by dragon riders under the control of a rival family from the same sect. His father and brother were rescued by the Hidden Ones and he joined them to be a better dragon rider. He’s the de-facto leader and spokesperson of their group.
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Belladonna: A dragon bred to be a 'soldier' dragon and sturdier than normal Nightsnagger because of it. Quite a spoiled dragon even though Ezio tried to raise her properly, she got a lot of pets and treats from Ezio’s younger siblings growing up. She’ll do what needs to be done when in the air but, during downtime, she demands to be petted and be told she did a good job. Ezio is weak to her demands and he likes to call her his ‘little princess’. Her wings are tattered in some places, a reminder of the pain she suffered while flying away from dragon riders pursuing them all the while carrying more load than she should.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: He was not born into the Hidden Ones but he had sought them out with his dragon when he was a teenager, asking to be trained by them so he may protect his village. By the time his training was complete, he returned to an empty clearing and all he knows is that his entire village had left. He agreed to join the team to find his village and find out what happened. He had grown close to the three and usually had to be the one physically stopping Altaïr and Ezio before things got too heated and spiteful words could be said.
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Karòn:ia: The oldest of the four dragons and supposedly older than Ratonhnhaké:ton himself. Sometimes, he calls her ‘my second mother’ and they believe she was actually his mother’s dragon. She tends to be the one to keep the other dragons from being too rowdy (mostly Belladonna and Minnie).
Desmond: No one really knows where he comes from. He was definitely born as a Hidden One, that’s for sure, but they’re not sure which sect he came from. He actually started as more like a tagalong to take care of the dragons until the egg he had (which he kept a secret from everyone for some reason) hatched. He’s the most inexperienced of the three but not really. It’s like he was trained to be a dragon rider but he’s a bit rusty for some reason. Altaïr seems to have an idea of who he is which Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton believe means that Desmond is from one of the old sects of the Hidden Ones but not the same sect as Altaïr. Usually called ‘our little fledgling’ by Ezio and sometimes called ‘young lord’ by Altaïr when he gets annoyed. He’s pretty much the peacekeeper of the group and tends to have the final say, mostly because the other three can’t say no to him.
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Minnie: A dragon raised by Desmond and the others. He’s the youngest and very, very excitable. He's a male dragon but he's apparently named after Desmond’s mother… or Desmond was joking, they’re not really sure. He’s still growing and has a problem focusing at times but he and Desmond are so attuned to one another that he knows what Desmond wants even without Desmond saying anything. Loves, absolutely LOVES, to leave mines all over whenever they’re skirmishing with other dragons. Good news is that the other dragons have learned how much he loves mines and is able to evade them easily… Or use them to cause a chain explosion to their advantage.
This was getting long so I’ll just write the teams and their dragon species. If you guys want to know about them in this AU, let me know and I’ll make a separate post or something:
Other Hidden One Teams:
The Rooks:
Arno (leader): Ironwing
Evie: Nightsnagger
Jacob: Bloodchaser
Jayadeep: Ironwing
The Messengers (of the Mentors):
Bayek: Nightsnagger
Amunet: Nightsnagger
Hepzefa: Ironwing
Khemu: Bloodchaser (used to be his father’s)
Unnamed Teams (I haven’t thought of a name)
Team 1:
Aguilar: Nightsnagger
Shao Jun: Nightsnagger
Nikolai: Bloodchaser
Arbaaz: Bloodchaser
Team 2:
Roshan: Nightsnagger
Fuladh: Nightsnagger
Hytham: Nightsnagger
Altaïr’s Previous Team:
Malik: Nightsnagger
Kadar (Altaïr’s current replacement): Nightsnagger
Adha: Ironwing
Abbas: Bloodchaser
Other Clans:
The Raven Clan (clan leader is Sigurd):
Eivor: Stonesnout
Randvi: Stonesnout
Petra: Bloodchaser
Valka: Stonesnout
Mercenary Group:
Kassandra: Vinedrake (Adestria)
Alexios: Vinedrake
Brasidas: Bloodchaser
Layla: Ironwing
Dragon Pirates:
Edward: Bloodchaser
Adéwale: Ironwing
Mary: Nightsnagger
Anne: Ironwing
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ask-crimson-weaver · 26 days
Upline Orientation
(cw for manipulation/mind control, mentions of blood)
"Wake up, little bird~"
Hannah's eyes opened, and she raised up into a sitting position in a single, smooth movement. The room around her was darker than she last remembered it, a dark shroud draped over the walls and pooling in every crack and crevice. The only other thing in the room exempt from the gloom was a figure waiting expectantly at the foot of the bed.
The woman in the room with Hannah was a shoe-in for the stereotypical image of a 'Karen": blonde hair cut short and straight, large sunglasses perched on top of her head, and dressed in pastel clothes-- brand-name, one could assume. She wore a smirk on her face, bordered by blood-red lipstick, and she watched Hannah with a piercing gaze.
Hannah would have normally had a stronger reaction to the sudden appearance of a stranger in her and her girlfriend's bedroom. Yet something emanated from the woman, holding Hannah in her thrall and preventing her true consciousness to surface.
"Excellent!" the woman said with a chuckle, clapping her hands together. She walked around the bed to Hannah’s side, putting two fingers under her chin and tilting it upwards to take in her appearance.
"Not quite the Clearlee aesthetic..." the woman said, tutting under her breath. Her other hand raised to the side of Hannah's head, pinching a lock of her hair and rubbing it between her fingers. "The hair will be easy enough to fix once it grows out... I do like the eyes though. Very striking!"
The woman drew her hands back, leaving Hannah frozen in place, staring blankly back at the woman.
"Well then-- Miss Albatross!" the woman said, voice dripping with performed cheer. "May I call you Miss Alba? Much more succinct that way. Well, Miss Alba, to keep things easy in return, you may address me as Mrs. Clearlee. Now, I suppose you may be wondering why exactly I've dropped by for a visit, yes?"
Hannah said nothing in reply, holding the same blank expression. Regardless, Mrs. Clearlee continued speaking without checking to see how her question had been received.
"To say it in short: you caught my eye, Miss Alba," Mrs. Clearlee continued. "Clearlee Cosmetics has already seen lots of profit... in Centrum City, at least. But someone of your influence could broaden our reach tenfold. So! I've decided to personally welcome you to the Clearlee cohort-- and not as some minor seller way down the downline, mind you. No no no; I'm bringing you into the peak of the upline. And that honor comes with quite a deal of benefits."
"Benefits?" Hannah managed to say-- it was debatable if it was her own question, or if Mrs. Clearlee had urged her to speak to add to the moment.
"Of course!" Mrs. Clearlee replied. "You've already received the biggest one, mind you. Would have preferred to have gifted it in a more private setting, but I felt that the opportunity would have escaped us otherwise. Still is the same process regardless, if you go by the book: take some blood, give some blood, then wait for the change to run its course. It's not the easiest change-- went through it on my own, you know. But what sort of team leader would I be to not check in on you while you adjust?"
Mrs. Clearlee walked back down to the end of the bed, reaching down and pulling up a paisley-patterned cooler bag from the floor. She unzipped it, pulling each side open wide before reaching in and pulling out a paper coffee cup swathed in plastic wrap. Humming to herself, she started unwrapping it.
As soon as the seal around the cup had been teased open, a strong metallic scent hit Hannah's nose. She felt her mouth began to water, and the unsated hunger she'd been trying to satisfy over the past day became focused on the contents of the cup. That hunger knew exactly what the cup contained: blood.
Mrs. Clearlee gave an amused look at the barely-restrained desire that had crossed Hannah's face at the presence of the cup. Holding it in both hands, she slowly walked it back over towards Hannah. Eyes locked on it, Hannah's body had begun to shake as it came closer.
"Would you like this?" Mrs. Clearlee asked, almost seeming to tease Hannah with the cup.
"Yes!" Hannah exclaimed. In a burst of primal desperation, one of her hands shot out, reaching to snatch the cup.
Mrs. Clearlee, however, seemed disappointed at the attempt. Before Hannah could grab the cup, one of Mrs. Clearlee's hands flashed up to counter it in the space of a blink, firmly gripping Hannah's wrist and holding it away from the cup.
"I know, Miss Alba," Mrs. Clearlee said, her voice filled with coercive disappointment. "I know how you must feel, not having had something to drink yet. But that simply isn't how us Clearlee ladies go about things."
Her grip on Hannah's wrist grew tighter, and she stared directly at Hannah. Her gaze-- and the hissed words that followed-- were layered with an oppressive will, filling Hannah's head and crawling through her veins.
"It's 'I do, thank you Mrs. Clearlee'. Would you give that a try, Miss Alba?"
Hannah, on autopilot, recoiled for a moment, though Mrs. Clearlee's words soon sunk their claws into her, wrestling with the primal instinct that craved the blood until it had been pressed into submission.
"Y...es..." Hannah hissed out. "I... do. I do. Thank you, Mrs. Clearlee."
Mrs. Clearlee hummed with satisfaction. She released Hannah's wrist, moving her hand to guide Hannah's towards the cup and relinquishing it to her.
As soon as the woman's hands had left the cup, Hannah pulled it quickly to her mouth. She held it firmly, sharp teeth that had been considerably duller just a day before pressing into the plastic of the lid as Hannah gulped its contents down. With its consumption, Hannah's senses snapped to a new level of sharpness-- she could feel hers and Mrs. Clearlee's hearts pounding in their chests, could smell the alluring aroma of the blood in her hands, could see the sharp edges and shapes of her room even through the shroud around them. She drunk quick enough that she gave it no chance to spill, and tipped her head upwards, trying to draw in every last drop.
Mrs. Clearlee smiled, gently reaching over and taking the cup back from Hannah.
"That should be enough to get you started," she told Hannah. "I'm afraid I don't have an endless well of reserves to offer you in the long-term. I'd suggest you start building up your downline as soon as you can. We can talk products another time-- wouldn't want that little roommate of yours coming in and interrupting us in the middle of business, yes?"
Mrs. Clearlee placed the now-empty cup back in her cooler bag, rummaging around it for another moment before pulling out a tube of translucent pink cream. Hannah could smell its strong floral scent even with the lid firmly shut.
"But! In the meantime--" Mrs. Clearlee continued, "--why don't you start your own care regime by giving your hands a bit of tee-ell-see? Soft hands make for a soft touch-- very important in bringing in customers and keeping them interested. And make sure they know what and who you have to thank for them when someone takes notice."
She held the tube out to Hannah, who took it wordlessly.
"I'll be back in touch once you've got a candidate for your downline," Mrs. Clearlee said with a wink. "Lots of things I'll need to walk you through, and some we'll be trying out straight from the book. Until then, Miss Alba-- take care of those hands, then come back and get some rest. Don't want to spend all the blood energy before you have a chance to recruit, do you?"
Mrs. Clearlee reached forward, giving the tip of Hannah's nose a small tap before turning and retrieving her bag.
The shroud over the room lifted, and Mrs. Clearlee vanished along with it. Hannah was left alone, for now.
Her gaze drifted down to the product in her hand. Mrs. Clearlee's parting words echoed through her, compelling her to push herself up out of bed and making her way to the bathroom. It only took a minute for her to lather her hands in the cream, leaving it sat out on the counter as she headed back to the bed. Crashing back down into the bed, she quickly fell back asleep, the pungent floral aroma of the hand scrub filling the room and wafting out into the rest of the apartment.
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doctorguilty · 3 months
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Having another cosmetic malfunction where the poncho-esque layer of my shroud is just missing in matches. Which looks dumb in general and I was upset it messed up my mori pics but then I was like. wait why are his tits so defined in that under layer. 🤨 limited edition secret boob moment
(for reference, supposed to look like this)
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