romantichore · 2 years
december isn't even here yet and i'm already getting the monthly urge to redo my entire skyrim load order
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kraeki · 8 months
Did Virgil grow or Mo shrink or have they always been like this??
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orions-choker · 1 month
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+:★:+*Chapter One: Whiplash+:★:+*
The beginning of summer, 1983, the Kill ‘Em All for One tour was just about to begin. What should have been the start of months of booze, chicks and music for the boys, turned into a rescue mission. It was no secret to the entirety of the band that James’s family life was strained at best, no one blamed him for not talking about it. It came as a shock to them when James approached the band with a request.
“You have a sister?” was the instantaneous response from Kirk, his brows furrowed in confusion as he sat on the ground of the hot garage, tuning his guitar. “Well okay, I knew you had siblings but aren't they like…kids?”
Lars shook his head “No.” he said voice heavy with his danish accent. “Thats fucking stupid bringing a kid on a metal tour.” there was an unwarranted hint of annoyance in his tone.
James groaned, head falling back with a roll of his eyes. “Shut the fuck up you didn’t even let me finish.” He snapped. His hand ran through his messy blonde locks in exasperation. “Y/N, my youngest sister, she's 18, not a kid, there's no one else to take her in, our brother won't let her stay without me around and I'm not sending her to live with Virgil.” He spat his fathers name in disgust.
“Point stands dude, is it a smart idea to bring a young lady on a tour with a bunch of drunk assholes?” Cliff, ever the voice of reason, finally interjected. “I’m not saying no I just think you should think about it.” He shrugged casually, tossing his hair back behind his shoulders.
“Of course it's not a good idea, I have no other choice though dude.” James sighed. He tossed himself down onto the old couch, head hanging low, hands clasped together. “She's the only family I really care about. I can't let her be homeless right now and god knows I don't have a place for her to stay.”
In an attempt to lighten the mood, Kirk smiled wide, crooked teeth on full display. He raised his hand in the air. “I promise to be on my best behavior then!” It earned him a drumstick to the back of his head. He whipped his head around to lars, clutching at the impact sight. “Dude, the fuck?”
Lars pointed his other drumstick towards James. “I cant fucking believe we’re saying yes to this, you owe us big time man.” He growled, ignoring Kirk’s cries of pain. “And for the record im doing as many drugs as I want and banging as many chicks as I want I dont give a fuck.”
With the conversation settled it was a week later that James’s little sister showed up in front of the old worn down tour bus. Two large duffle bags in tow, the entirety of her belongings packed into those duffle bags. She looked up to her brother, in astonishment, her hazel eyes wide and sparkly.
Despite the sorry state the bus was in, Y/N had declared it to be one of the coolest things she had ever seen. “Woah…” She mumbled as James slung an arm around her small shoulders. She was dressed clad in tight black jeans, her huge combat boots and one of James’s own band shirts.
“Pretty cool right.” James assured her with a small shake before moving towards the door. “Plus the guys agreed you get the master bedroom in the back.” He informed her, helpfully leaving out the fact that Lars had thrown quite the fit when they voted for that.
She smiled sweetly up at her brother, tucking her short messy blonde hair behind her ears, just a few shades lighter than James’s own. “Thanks James…” She sighed softly. “I’m sorry again…” She trailed off awkwardly. It hadn’t been her first choice, but when James informed their older half brother he would be leaving on tour.. All hell broke loose. Y/N was no longer welcome to stay and having freshly graduated highschool she had no chance to get on her feet.
James shook his head, ignoring her apology. Grabbing his own bags he led the two of them to the door of the bus, pushing it open to be greeted by the rambunctious sounds of 3 other men. It died down as the two Hetfield siblings boarded the bus. Y/N’s first instinct was to shrink behind the much taller form of her older brother.
“Y/N, this is Lars, Cliff, and Kirk.” He introduced the boys one by one. Y/N had a lot of thoughts based on first impressions. Taking in the sight of each of them she formed an idea of what their personalities would be like. She did this, she enjoyed making whole stories for a person based on their appearance, always eager to be proven right.
Lars was a spitfire, small and full of pent up energy. He already looked half cut and drunk when her eyes landed on him. She couldn't help but notice there seemed to be a sheen to his skin that the others didn't have, sweaty maybe. The drummer she surmised, drummers were always sweaty.
Cliff oozed calm energy, relaxing even as he sat sprawled across the couch. The cloud of smoke around him implied he was most certainly high but even still she could tell he was a comforting person. Despite this she could see hard calluses across his fingers, he was passionate about his playing for sure.
And Kirk, well…Kirk knocked the wind from her lungs. His dark curious eyes were the first to meet her gaze out of all the boys. His head cocked to the side, dark soft curls framed his face like a sweet halo. His lips were pulled into a small smile, and he waved at her. A wave that sent a pang through Y/N’s heart that was hard to describe. She couldn’t make any assumptions about Kirk, no she wanted to learn everything about him.
Y/N blinked hard, realizing the silence that fell across them, waiting for her introduction. “Shit, sorry, nice to meet you, I'm Y/N.” She greeted them awkwardly, her mouth tugging into an uncomfortable smile. In a desperate attempt to get away from the situation she turned to her brother and in a small whisper she asked. “Can I go to my room now please?”
A frown came over James’s face. “Yeah sure just dont hide in there forever.” He sighed, gesturing towards the back of the bus. Past all the bunks lined up on the side Y/N could see a small sliding door that presumably led to the private room.
She hoisted the duffle bags higher on her arms and with a small nod at each of the boys she scurried past. Not willing to make eye contact with Kirk again as she left. She could hear James talking to the boys.
“Give her time and she’ll open up. It's been a rough couple of years. I don't think she’s all there anymore.” He explained the disappointment evident in his voice. It stung Y/N a little. She was fully aware of her shortcomings in the social department but it still sucked to hear her own brother confirm it,
The bus was small that's for sure, aside from the front cabin that housed the small kitchen and common space there was a total of four bunks, a criminally small bathroom and finally her room the only private room on the whole bus. Even that was lackluster. A double sized bed sat smack in the middle, storage for clothes tucked away underneath, one small window at the head of the bed and a small Tv tucked into a cubby with a tape player.
Y/N wasn’t one to complain, it sure beat homelessness, and ideally she wouldn’t spend too much time cramped up here, if she was going across the entire country she may as well enjoy it. She got to work tucking away her clothes, toiletries and the few trinkets she owned, mainly a few small teddy bears, birthday gifts from her brother. She placed them lovingly against her pillows.
With a lurch the bus moved forward, sending Y/N tumbling against the mattress. She frowned and grumbled. “A little warning would have been nice.” As the later afternoon sun beat down through the back window, Y/N was incredibly thankful for the AC unit working overtime in her room.
She sighed happily, sitting down right in front of it, she had worked up a sweat maneuvering around the small room. She grabbed a small sketch pad from her purse, crossing her legs underneath herself and pulling out a pencil. Art had been her escape for many years, she wasn’t musically inclined like her brother but she was creative nonetheless.
The sky turned dark by the time she finally put the pencil down, her pages were adorned with messy markings, resembling a certain dark haired curly boy. She frowned at the paper, moving to erase a blemish she had made when there was a knock at the door.
Y/N squeaked in surprise, quickly rushing to shove her sketchbook aside before sliding the door open hesitantly. Much to Y/N’s chagrin, she came face to face with Kirk. He held a sweet comforting smile for her, his hand still raised in a knocking motion. Y/N found it hard to breathe again, words escaping her as she got a better view of his face up close. His skin was bare and smooth, a beautiful tan color, a mole on his cheek she never noticed. There were some revisions she would have to make to her drawings.
“Hey, we're stopping at the next McDonalds, want anything?” he asked. The first time she heard his voice and it sounded like the chime of church bells. Boyish and awkward but it dripped with warm honey. She caught sight of his teeth as he spoke, a little sharp, a little crooked. He was endearing in every way. “Y/N?” Her name slipped past his lips like he was made to say it.
Fuck, she was staring again. She coughed awkwardly, averting her gaze. “Uh yeah, I’ll come in with you guys.” She mumbled barely above a whisper. Kirk took a few steps back to allow her to exit her room. She slid the door closed behind her. “Thank you.” As Y/N followed him to the front of the bus she could hear the static-y voices of a movie playing. On the small T.V in the common area was The Amityville Horror. Her eyes lit up in excitement, turning to her brother.
“Why didn’t you come get me?” She asked James, gesturing to the T.V. Her lips pulled into a playful pout. “You know I love this movie, what the hell man.” She jokingly complained to her older brother.
James, with beer in hand, raised his eyebrow at her. “I didn’t put this shit on, Kirk did.” he defended himself, taking a sip of his beverage. Y/N turned to Kirk with a grin, the most emotion she had shown since she stepped foot on the bus earlier that day.
Kirk returned her smile tenfold, his toothy grin finally on full display for Y/N to see. She wanted to memorize that look on his face, memorialize it forever with pencil and paper. “Horror fan?” He asked, excitement evident in his voice.
Y/N scoffed playfully, her eyes rolling in exaggeration. “You don’t even know.” she informed him. “I have an insane collection of tapes I can show you.” This earned her an audible groan from her older brother, clearly haven been subjected to her obsession for a long time.
The bus screeched to a halt, the interior illuminated by the bright yellow of the golden arches outside. Y/N all but clung to Kirk as they piled out into the mostly dead parking lot. Rowdy laughter filled the air as the boys stretched their legs. Y/N and Kirk remained in an animated discussion about the mutual love for all things horror they shared.
Even as they sat down to eat, picking at the warm salt fries, it was like no one else existed in that moment aside from the two of them. They bonded over shared favorite authors and directors. Y/N was quick to pull out an old sketch pad, filled to the brim with her creature concepts, guts, gore and blood decorated the pages.
“Holy crap chick.” Kirk mumbled around a mouthful of his food. “James didn’t tell us you were an artist, this is creepy as shit!” he pointed excitedly to a page of demons, quick to display it to the rest of the table. “It’s incredible.”
The rest of the boys nodded along in agreement, mostly too caught up in their own conversations. Cliff leaned over for a closer look. “You should design some merch for us.” He smiled at Y/N warmly.
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. She scrambled to retrieve the book from Kirk's hands, clutching it close to her chest. Heat rose to her cheeks, and a sheepish smile tugged at her mouth. “Oh, uh thank you! Maybe when I’m a bit better, these aren't great.” She insisted with a shake of her head.
Kirk rolled his eyes at her, playfully flinging a fry towards her. “They look great, don't sell yourself short.” His affirmation caused the blush on Y/N’s cheeks to grow deeper. Y/N dipped her head in appreciation, finishing the rest of her meal quietly.
Much to the disappointment of everyone aside from Y/N and Kirk, they spent the rest of that evening running through Y/N’s horror film collection. Eventually falling asleep to the background noise of halloween, a tangled mess of bodies and limbs. Y/N pried herself from the couch softly.
She couldn't help but smile fondly as she made her way towards her own room, seeing all the boys curled around each other in awkward positions on the couch. Her eyes lingered on Kirk's peaceful sleeping face, his head resting against Cliff, mouth parted slightly as he snored softly. Silently she thanked her brother for insisting she tag along for this tour, and suddenly it felt like 6 months on the road was far too short.
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football-and-fanfics · 4 months
What I Didn't Tell You - Virgil van Dijk
Who: Virgil van Dijk Prompt: "Stop telling me you're okay." Notes with request: Virgil trying to stay strong for the rest of the team after klopp announces his departure as everyone’s upset and he tries to downplay how he’s feeling and care for everyone else but klopp knows somethings up nd confronts him and it’s just a wholesome moment. Requested by: anonymous Word count: 605 Warnings: contains descriptions of being sad.
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Klopp's announcement that he would be leaving at the end of the season was a shock to everyone at Liverpool FC, and surely not the least to Virgil. He had been expecting to be told a lot that day, but certainly not this.
That meeting and that announcement were now nearly a month ago. Virgil had processed the initial shock, but he found that it kept nagging at him. He didn't show any of it to his teammates, but he felt uneasy and down lately, like some kind of doomsday was getting closer and closer to him.
Virgil did his best to keep his current state of mind hidden from the team. They didn't need him sad and beaten down, they needed him to be their strong leader and captain. So, whenever he was around the team, he put up a mask of his usual self to cover up how he truly felt.
For a few weeks everything seemed alright, and Virgil believed no one saw how he was really doing. Still, it got harder and harder to keep up appearances, and Virgil knew at least some of his teammates started seeing through the cracks. But the person finally addressing things wasn't who Virgil had expected it to be.
"Virgil." Klopp stopped his captain from leaving after today's team meeting. "A word." Virgil halted, watching the rest of the team file out of the meeting room. "Something wrong, boss?" He asked once he was the only one left in the room with Klopp. The mask was back on, the forced smile playing on Virgil's lips. But Klopp wasn't fooled. "I could ask you the same thing."
An involuntary shock went through Virgil. He didn't mean for it to happen, but he hadn't quite expected Klopp had seen through him. Virgil meant to speak, but Klopp was faster. "And stop telling me you're okay," the German spoke, "because I know you're not."
Klopp watched Virgil shrink a few centimeters as the Dutchman's shoulders slouched. Virgil sighed defeatedly and sat down on the nearest table. "It's..." Virgil struggled to find the words. "It's me leaving." Klopp finished the sentence for him. "Is it not?" Virgil looked up at his boss. The man he knew so well, who knew him so well, and who meant so much to him. "Yes." Virgil hesitated to speak the word, but admitting to it was strangely a big relief.
Klopp was silent for a few seconds. He had always known that his departure would impact his team, but never like this. "Ever since I have been here, it's always been you who led the team," Virgil spoke, the deep rumble of his voice filled with emotion, "and I know someone else will come along, but it's going to be... different."
Klopp strode forward a few paces and gently rested his hand on Virgil's shoulder. "I can't deny it's going to be different for you, but you'll be alright. You're strong, kind, and a natural born leader to this team. And that will always remain, with or without me here." Virgil shrugged. "But that doesn't take away the fact that I'm going to miss you." Klopp smiled his characteristic smile. "I appreciate that."
Virgil slowly rose back to his feet. Klopp watched him. "But before I leave, we have a season to finish. And I need you for that." "I am," Virgil answered defiantly, "I'm 100% here for that." "Good." Klopp pulled Virgil into a tight bear hug. "And don't bottle up any more of those feeling. You knew where to find me to talk." Virgil smiled gratefully into Klopp's shoulder. "I will."
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Request an imagine Virgil van Dijk masterlist | Full writing masterlist
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brandstifter-sys · 19 days
Based on a previous ask
*Remus lying in bed sleeping the day Virgil left*
*Virgil lying in bed sleeping when he left*
*Remus and him open their eyes in shock and jolt up*
The previous ask
Their eyes fly open in the dark, pupils blown wide to accommodate the lack of light, only to shrink as the horror dawns on them. They might never have what they had again
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baby verse (which I adore) thoughts:
because some amount of the magic has clearly stuck around (teeny Virgil with grown up Janus MURDERED ME, I am DEAD /pos) will we ever see the inverted version? like, where Logan and/or Patton get shrinkened and suddenly all *their* issues come to light?
i havent decided if logicality get a shrinking, mostly because of the reasoning i put in kidding around itself - if logan and patton shrink, i truly think that it would be catastrophic for c!thomas, and it would make finding a "solution" a much more immediately pressing concern, outcompeting the character interaction and catharsis im really looking for with this series.
this is not to say that logicality wont be getting any focus, have decently detailed plans surround patton herding his jumpy feral cat of a boyfriend into a romantic relationship like he's swaddling a wet screaming kitten
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snowdice · 2 months
Folds in Paper: Book 2 (Chapter 1: Reprieve) [Folds in Time Universe]
Fandom: Sander Sides
Relationships: Janus/Patton, Remus & Roman, Logan/Virgil, Roman & Patton & Logan
Characters: Janus, Patton, Emile, Remus, Roman, Logan, Virgil, Remy
Summary: Janus is trying. After spending months trapped in time with his enemy turned... something else, Janus is trying to find meaning in a world where he or anyone else could rewrite history with one simple mistake.
During his leave from the Time Preservation Initiative, the time distortions that have been causing disastrous ripples in time have not gone anywhere. His partner's past is more mysterious than ever and old and new alliances are shifting. Can Janus figure out what is going wrong with time before that time is up?
The problem with time travel… you never how long you have before the clock strikes 12.
Chapter Summary:
Things are harder, better, but harder.
Notes: Time travel AU, mystery, enemies to lovers, alcohol, sexual innuendo, character with depression, character with ptsd
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
I also have a playlist on youtube (because Spotify didn’t have one of the songs I wanted).
This is Book 2, Check out Book 1 and the other part of this series here.
“What’s this?” Janus asked when a giant bowl was set on the coffee table in front of him.
“We’re eating on the couch tonight,” Emile said cheerfully.
Janus raised an eyebrow and switched off the tablet he’d been using. “Why?” he asked, setting the device aside.
Emile shrugged and set a second huge bowl down next to Janus’s. “For fun,” Emile said. He turned back towards the kitchen and Janus leaned forward to look in the bowl. It was spaghetti with some sort of creamy sauce and a few different vegetables mixed in along with some shrimp.
“I made green tea too,” Emile said, coming back into the room with two mugs.
“Thanks,” Janus said, taking one of the mugs with a small smile.
“What were you doing?” Emile asked as he took a seat beside Janus. He nodded at the deactivated screen now sitting on the end table.
“Just playing some puzzle games,” Janus said.
“That sounds fun,” Emile said with a smile.
“Head doctor said they might be a good thing to do to pass the time when I told him to fuck off after suggesting reading.”
Emile sighed. “Dr. Figueroa is my colleague. You could try to be polite.”
“I thought I was supposed to be my authentic self in therapy,” Janus replied.
Emile just huffed and rolled his eyes. Janus couldn’t help but smile as he picked up his mug of green tea.
The last few months had been…different. In a lot of ways, Janus’s life had become harder than it had been before. It had been easy to do nothing but eat pre-prepared meals, go to work, and pass out in his empty house every day. It wasn’t good for him. He’d known it even then, but it had been easy. This was not.
Emile had offered, insisted really, that Janus move into his house for a bit just to get back on his feet. He’d taken time off of the TPI which would have been given to him anyway since he’d spent so long trapped in the past. He’d had to give a report of what had happened, and he’d mentioned Patton, but he hadn’t mentioned everything. They’d offered him a shrink when he’d asked.
Janus had told Emile he needed to tell him something about why he’d been distant, so he wouldn’t end up chickening out, but he’d asked for a bit of time to figure out what to say. He’d finally worked up the courage to talk about it with Dr. Figueroa two weeks ago. Much like with Patton, it was easier to talk to someone who hadn’t been involved in Janus’s mistake, but it still wasn’t easy.
He was running up on the deadline he’d given Emile for having that talk. It had to happen soon, and they both knew it, but Emile was just patiently waiting for him to suck it up. It felt… wrong to use his kindness without him knowing the truth, but it was also nice to get to spend time with his brother. He didn’t even dare to hope that he’d still have the chance once he told him.
He was moving back into his own house in less than a week. He’d tell him then so if Emile ended up kicking him out of his life, he wouldn’t have to kick him out of his home too.
For now though, everything was fine. Harder, more complicated, and in threat of imploding at any moment, but fine. Fine wasn’t something he’d really felt in a long time. Or at least, fine while in his own time wasn’t something he’d felt in a long time. There’d been a few moments with Patton sitting next to the fire outside the hole in the ground they’d slept in for those few months where the man would turn to look at him and he’d felt fine. Yet, Patton had been right. Those moments were unsustainable with how Janus was actually feeling deep down.
“This is good,” Janus said, after taking a couple of bites of the pasta in front of him.
“Well, I always was the only one in the house that could cook,” Emile said, and that was true. “It was either learn to fend for myself or eat a cheeseburger for every meal.”
“Hey, I had a good burger seasoning.”
“Not for every meal, Janus.”
“Meat, dairy, bread. What more could you want?”
“Vegetables, Janus.”
“You could have put pickles on them!”
“I don’t like pickles.”
“That sounds like your problem, not mine,” Janus argued.
Emile shook his head, turning his eyes to the ceiling. “How have you been surviving on your own?”
“Well, I mean,” Janus said. “Badly.”
“Right…” Emile said. He leaned over to bump their shoulders together. Janus flashed him a smile.
“Speaking of,” said Janus. “Could you physically force me to pack tonight? I meant to do it today and instead I ended up playing puzzles games.”
Emile chucked. “Sure, I’ll help you after dinner.”
“You don’t have to help me,” said Janus. “Just make me do it.”
“Maybe I want to help,” said Emile.
“Oh, yes, packing. The most entertaining of Thursday night activities.”
Emile hummed and then glanced at him. “Remember when you helped me pack for college?” he asked.
“Mmm, I do,” Janus replied.
“I was so stressed about going somewhere new,” Emile said, “that I avoided packing for weeks. Every time Mom would ask me how packing was going, I’d tell her it was going fine but in reality, I hadn’t even started. You came home two days before I had to leave because you were going to help me move into my dorm. It’s like you could sense no packing had been done the moment you stepped through the front door.”
“You were doing your ‘hiding the broken horse statue from mom’ shuffle,” Janus said with a smirk.
“Well, you walked me straight to my room and we packed everything up in those two days,” Emile said. “You made it so much easier.”
“Yeah, because I hovered over you until you did it and did half of it for you,” Janus snorted.
“It wasn’t just that,” Emile said. “You also found the music streaming station run by the university and put that on and talked about what your freshman year was like. You also had tips on what things I should and shouldn’t pack when moving into the dorm.”
“You still took all of the cartoon character stuffed animals despite my advice.”
“I thought there’d be more space on the bed,” Emile frowned.
Janus snorted.
“But anyway, just having someone else around made me happier. It wasn’t just about the workload being halved either. You being there made me feel less lonely and reminded me I’d always have someone to come back to.”
Janus internally winced. He was sure Emile hadn’t meant to make him feel guilty in any way. In fact, he probably was trying to do the opposite, but him saying that just reminded Janus that it hadn’t been true. Janus had abandoned him for literal years and hadn’t been someone he could always come back to.
The last few months, Emile had proven himself to be at least close to who he was before Janus had messed with time. There were a couple of differences here and there, and Janus could not be sure if they were from him changing time or from him avoiding his brother for the past three years and him naturally changing. Most memories they shared that Janus cautiously brought up or Emile mentioned on his own were consistent with what Janus remembered, but he hadn’t pushed too hard or dug too deep. It just made him feel more guilty about avoiding the man for so long.
It made him want to ignore the man more, because it seemed every choice Janus ever made only hurt him.
Well, perhaps not the college radio station when helping an anxious 18-year-old pack up his childhood bedroom.
He should probably tell Emile that his words made him feel guilty because that was obviously not the intention and he’d want to know. He should probably apologize properly for leaving him alone for three years without an explanation. He should probably provide an explanation for those three years.
He should probably go see the head doctor again soon.
(He should probably stop calling Emile’s colleague who was in the same field as him a head doctor derogatorily in his head.)
For now, he just glanced at Emile. “You’re trying to bully me into letting you help pack with logic, aren’t you?”
“I am,” Emile confirmed without remorse.
“Fine,” Janus sighed, “but only if you let me do the dishes for you.”
Emile took a long moment to consider the offer. “You drive a hard bargain,” he said, “but okay.”
“And no doing anything sneaky like getting bags ready for me on your own while I’m doing it or the deal is off,” Janus said.
“You always think of all possible loopholes, Janus,” Emile sighed.
There was a long silence.
“Agree, you prick,” said Janus.
“No promises,” Emile replied cheekily with laughter in his eyes, and things were good for a moment more.
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cutiecorner · 1 year
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Late Night
Fanfic • agere • regressor! Virgil Hawkins, caring! John Stewart & J'onn J'onzz • AO3
Static Shock brain still going strong. Virgil wins Little Guy of the Year award. I couldn't find any ambient gifs of Dakota so I just used this cute one of Static! Trigger warning for themes of grief.
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Virgil could not be more excited about his summer on the watchtower. A whole month of bashing bad guys with the biggest heroes on earth? Literally a dream come true. He knew he was gonna have a blast with the titans, and maybe save the world to boot. Even the first day was exciting, stopping a joker gang incident in jolly old Gotham. It was a good workout, but he was excited to get back to his quarters. He had packed his suitcase like he was packing for college - It’s not every day you get to say your stuff has been to space. Deep down though, there was one item he was the most happy to see.
“Enjoying the view, Pluto?” Virgil picked up the beanie baby puppy and tossed it back and forth, feeling the nice weight in his hands. It had been his favorite toy since he was a baby, and he had to admit, he was a little too sentimental to leave him behind. It was a little piece of home to take with him. Not to mention it reminded him of his mom. He laid on the bed with the dog on his chest, telling him about the day he had. 
“- and then I swooped in and kshoom! Hit him with the energy ball! Then Bam! Take a moped to the jaw!” Virgil took the puppy and looked it in the face, “Wish you could’ve seen it, moms”.
He decided to spend a little of his down time brushing up on his Brawlin Bots game. Cyborg had wiped the floor with him earlier and he was not about to have a repeat of that game. He stayed up late, defeating all the cpus until he couldn’t level them up anymore. He was getting pretty good - good enough for Cyborg, he’d just have to see. He flopped onto the bed, letting the controller fall from his hand. 
Even though he fought crime with them every day, it was easy for Virgil to forget his powers sometimes. There were little things about it that were just unobtrusive enough not to notice - like the slight charge he’d pick up when in contact with electronics for too long. Not only did it drain his battery life, it made him a little sparky. Considering he had just played xbox for 3 hours, it would’ve done him well to remember that. 
He shuffled up to the pillows on his bed, pulling the blanket up to his shoulders. The lights were off, he was in his PJs, only one thing was missing - Pluto. Even heroes needed a good cuddle buddy. He scooped up the plush dog and - its button eyes came flying off! His hands must’ve been so charged he attracted them! He was so startled he jerked his hand away, hard - pulling an arm clean off. 
Call it the late hour, call it the long day - but Virgil felt hot tears well up in his eyes. No no no it’s fine everything’s fine, he tried to tell himself, finding the little lost buttons on the floor, it’s just the only thing you have from mom. He really shouldn’t have stayed up late, he always got weird when he stayed up late. He felt so sensitive, so vulnerable. He really, really wanted his mom. His thoughts came at him fast and it was all so overwhelming.
“Virgil?” Green Lantern, great. “You better not be up playing those games, lights out was an hour ago-”
Virgil choked on his tears, trying to stifle any sound. He prayed Mr. Stewart couldn’t see him in the low light- 
“Hey, hey, what’s the matter?” - no such luck. Stupid green lantern powers. John came around to the edge of the bed, kneeling to try and meet Virgil’s eye. Virgil curled away, to find John’s hand on his back.
“What happened, kid?”
Virgil tried to take some breaths and speak, but all sound got caught in his throat. It made him feel even worse, shrinking into himself in embarrassment, holding Pluto tight to his chest. You’re gonna cry to Green Lantern about a doll? Some hero you are. GL sat down next to Virgil, examining him - and his eye caught the little toy dog. 
“Hey, who’s this? Is this what’s got you worked up?”
Virgil unfurled a little, looking at the eyeless puppy and nodding.
“His name’s Pluto. I… I got him from my mom. And now I ruined him.” He couldn’t help another wave of tears from rolling down his cheeks. John's face softened.
“Hey, hey I get it. If something I got from my dad got messed up I’d be upset too,” He looked down at Virgil, who rubbed his tears away, “and you didn’t ruin anything. It’s gonna be okay.”
GL patted Virgil’s shoulder as he calmed down a notch.
“Let’s take Pluto here down to the infirmary, see what J’onn can do about it.”
Virgil looked up at John with a quizzical brow.
“Bother Martian Manhunter in the middle of the night? About a doll? No way,” he huffed, looking down at Pluto, “... what could he do about it anyway?”
“You’d be surprised Static, I think he’s just the right martian for the job,” With a smile, John got up and offered Virgil his hand.
Down in the infirmary, J’onn was up as usual. He fiddled with various charts for each leaguer, cataloged injuries and the like. Virgil felt sheepish in the doorway, even with GL beside him. He was still sniffling, tipping the martian up to their presence.
“Hey J’onn. I’ve got a special patient for you,” John looked down at Virgil and nodded toward the alien.
“Oh,” his voice was shockingly warm, “is something wrong, little one?” 
Oh wow, Virgil thought. He expected the martian to be terrifying but something about his voice was profoundly calming. Virgil still felt shy though, looking at his socked feet as he presented the doll and it’s torn pieces to J’onn. 
“Oh dear,” J’onn cooed in sympathy as he gently took the toy, “Your toy got torn.” Virgil nodded, still not meeting his eye in shame. The martian placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“I have just the thing. Come with me.”
The two followed J’onn to his desk, where he crouched down to look through one of the drawers. In it was fabric, yarn, and various sewing supplies. Virgil was profoundly confused, watching the martian lay his stuffie gently on the table like a patient in a bed. 
“Here, take this while I’m working. To keep you company.”
Virgil examined what J’onn had given him - a hand sewn… rabbit? Well, not really a rabbit. It had too many eyes? And legs? Maybe they were ears…
“It’s a J’a’khal. They were common creatures on Mars - my own child simply adored them.”
“It’s adorable! You made this?”
J’onn smiled.
“Martians don’t need as much sleep as other species. I have a surprising amount of free time. I have plenty of little pets to choose from, if you'd like to look through them."
J'onn opened another drawer to unveil numerous plushies of other worldly animals. Virgil smiled wide, bouncing over to paw through them.
"I'm glad you like them, little one," J'onn chuckled, "You may take as many as you like."
Virgil huffed from his seat on the floor.
"Hey, I'm not so little."
"Oh?" J'onn paused and smiled, "A mere oversight. You see, Martian lifespans are hundreds of years longer than earthlings. We mature more slowly." J'onn took one of the small plushies from his desk, giving it to Virgil.
"You're little more than a baby to me."
Virgil felt himself flush. He didn't like to think about it, but there was a certain joy he got from being thought of as young. As a hero for one, but even in regular life. He knew he was growing up, but he wanted to be a kid a little longer.
"Anything else I can get you, kid?" John asked, "You look like you're good with Mr. J'onn for now."
Virgil nodded from underneath the litter of stuffies. John smiled.
"I'll be back in a bit to check on you. Hey J'onn, chocos?"
J'onn lit up, "Always." Virgil lit up too. "Bring some for the boy as well, please. "
J'onn got to work on repairing the torn stuffie, sewing and handling it with great care. Virgil watched in awe as he put the button eyes back in place, sewed up the arm, and even put some new beads and fluff in. When he was done Pluto was as good as new. Virgil reached out his arms for the doll, difficult considering how many he was already carrying, and squeezed the lovey tight with a big smile.
“He’s even better than new! Thank you Mr.J’onn!”
    While Virgil was snuggling Pluto, John returned. His eyes were tired but happy to see the boy smiling again. He placed a box of cookies in front of J’onn, accompanied by some glasses of milk. Virgil’s eyes lit up.
“Are these for me Mr.Stewart?” Virgil picked up one of the three glasses.
“Yep. Little midnight snack. Go crazy, kid.”
    J’onn and John chatted and ate while Virgil laid against the desk, feeling his adrenaline cease and sleep start to creep in. He tuned out the miscellaneous chatter from the adults, covering himself with various plushies, Pluto with a special place in his arms. He used one as a pillow, dozing off. He woke up the next morning in his bed, a few of the dolls tucked in with him. Let it never be said the Justice League didn’t have a soft spot.
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Try Something New
Prompt: eee i know it JUST came out so don’t feel pressured but i looooved that new dad-janus, remus and prinxiety fic and was wondering if you would be up to writing some of the good ol “awkward dinner with boyfriends family”? make it as angsty or fluffy as you’d like, we’ll love it regardless and i love the dynamic of these boys so seeing more of it would be a dream come true - melonn-yy
hey idk if ur taking prompts but if u sre, could i pls request maybe like a fic about the hs! prinxiety from ‘try your best (that’s all we can do)’ like maybe how they got together or their first date? idk im reslly starved for some good highschool prinxiety rn adodwjed - cryingrainbowsandrocksongs
Read on Ao3
Warnings: past bullying
Pairings: prinxiety
Word Count: 3660
Virgil walks into the living room with his hands shoved deep into his pockets and Janus immediately puts down his book. 
“Virgil? Is everything alright?”
Remus glances up from his phone and pulls out an earbud. “Bro? What happened?”
“I don’t know if it’s better or worse that you guys know my anxiety tells or not.”
“It’s better, trust me.”
Janus puts a hand on Remus’s shoulder. “Virgil, did you want to tell us something?”
“Uh, kind of? I, um, I wanted to ask something. But if you guys are busy—“
“Nope.” Remus sits up straighter and shoves his phone into his pocket. “I’m free.”
“Go ahead, Virgil, we’re listening.”
“Okay, ‘cause it’s…” He fidgets. “It’s about Roman.”
The hand on Remus’s shoulder strokes the material of his hoodie as he tenses, slowly relaxing again when Janus doesn’t let go. “Okay, what about Roman?”
“He, um...he wants to come over for dinner.”
“Tonight?” Remus bolts away from Janus’s hand. “Like, right now?”
“What? No, god no.”
“When,” Janus asks, trying to steer the conversation toward its actual ending, “when does he want to come over?”
“He said that, uh, up to us.”
Remus snorts, sinking into the couch. “Can it be never?”
He mumbles an apology when Virgil flinches and Janus says his name in a low voice. 
“…but why?���
Virgil lets out a deep breath. “He wants…he wants to try and make things easier.”
“Easier? Since when has that asshole ever tried to make shit easier?”
“Remus, he’s trying.”
“Well, maybe I don’t fucking want him to try,” Remus growls, shrinking in on himself and huffing into his knees, “maybe I just want to hate him for the rest of my life.”
Janus raises a hand at Virgil and shakes his head. Virgil closes his mouth as Janus reaches out to rub Remus’s shoulder again. Remus continues to glare for a few seconds before looking up at him. 
“I don’t like him,” he mumbles, sounding several years younger, “I don’t like him, Dad.”
“I know, little anomaly,” Janus murmurs, “I know you don’t. But Virgil’s right, he’s trying. And you remember the conversations we’ve had, right?”
“It takes a lot of energy to hate someone, you know that. I’m not saying you have to forgive him. I’m not saying you have to like him. I’m not sure I like him—“
“Hey,” Virgil protests. 
“—but we’re just going to try, okay?” He tilts Remus’s chin up when he looks away. “Can we try, little anomaly?”
Remus’s lower lip quivers for a moment, then he looks at Virgil. “So when is he coming over?”
Virgil winces. “Well, actually…”
“Virgil, if you made evening plans again,” Janus starts. 
“…he wants to talk to Remus at school first.”
Both of them pause. Remus snarls, “he wants to what?”
“He wants to apologize to you.” Virgil toys with the string on his hoodie. “Before he comes over, he wants to talk to you first.”
“And why isn’t he telling me this himself?”
“Because he didn’t think you’d be able to get past saying hello to each other without one of you screaming something at the other one.”
Remus’s silence tells Janus all he needs to know about how accurate that statement is. “Alright, then. You two will talk at school and decide how comfortable you are with the idea of Roman coming over for dinner, and then we’ll go from there.”
“Works for me.”
Remus picks at the frayed hole in his pants, pulling a thread loose until Janus prompts him again. “Yeah, sure, fine. Whatever.”
“Thanks, Remus,” Virgil mumbles, “it, um, it really means a lot to me that you’re willing to try.”
“I’m not doing this for him,” Remus growls, “I’m going this ‘cause you’re my baby brother and I still technically owe you from Saturday.”
“Wait, what happened Saturday?”
“Uh, nothing.”
“Don’t worry about it, Dad.”
Janus gets a text from Virgil that just says it’s happening. Will text when we’re on the way home. 
Ah. So. The fated apology conversation. 
Janus sits at the counter and makes sure the kettle is set to boil, absentmindedly picking at the tablecloth. There’s a bit of wax that dripped onto it from when he and the boys were trying that new candle-making thing that Remus suggested and he’s never quite figured out how to clean it. The internet claimed boiling water was a fix for any wax malfunctions but he stopped trusting that after the washing machine decided it had enough of Remus’s internet solutions. 
Where are they talking? In the schoolyard? He hopes not, security has a prejudice against arguments happening between certain students in the schoolyard, that’s the last thing his boys need right now. Maybe it’s in a classroom, some teacher kind enough to lend them the space. 
He really should just buy a new tablecloth, shouldn’t he? This one still has paint and crayon stains from when the boys were little little. 
He hopes they are actually talking. Remus has every right to be upset and it is not his responsibility to accept Roman’s apology. Hell, he’s not sure he would accept an apology even now as an adult, let alone if he were still in high school. 
But poor Virgil, who just looked so confused about everything…he doesn’t deserve that either. 
And he truly does want to give Roman the benefit of the doubt—children are so moldable when they’re young and the last thing he wants to do is discourage personal growth, especially when it’s had—apparently—such a positive turn. 
He stands abruptly when he realizes he’s more likely to pick a hole through the tablecloth than he is to get the wax out of it. He has to do something with his hands. Something that isn’t just letting them wander. 
Dishes. There are dishes to clean, aren’t there?
He heads to the sink, reaching for the thick rubber gloves on instinct, pausing when he sees a completely empty sink. 
Oh, boys, why is it the one time that you can do your chores when I ask you to is when I secretly needed you not to?
No matter. He’s sure he can find something else. But nothing too obvious, he can’t be seen stress-cleaning, that’s just the worst. 
Alright. No, this is fine. He can find something else to do. Dinner, he can get started on dinner. Yes, Remus had asked for a pasta bake, that will take a while to make. He can do that. He goes to the fridge and gets out the cheese. 
He really hopes they aren’t fighting. 
High schoolers are not the most emotionally competent of humans by a long shot. And all the emotions that must be running around the three of them are making him winded just by thinking about it. Maybe Virgil’s trying to make sure they have the conversation somewhere they can all leave afterwards, instead of having it at one of their houses or in a car. That way when it’s over everyone can come home and just…not have to deal with it. 
Oh, he hopes his boys remember that high school partners are not the be-all, end-all of relationships. 
They should, they spent about half an hour last night absolutely tearing The Notebook to shreds after being forced to watch it at a friend’s house.
Janus smiles into the sink as he sets the water to boil. It had been oddly refreshing, coming into the room worried at the raised voices only for his boys to turn to him and say dad, isn’t this movie really stupid, this is not how healthy relationships work, why is this supposed to be the pinnacle of romance?
Oh, yes, that had been very satisfying. 
Now, if only they can apply the same sort of observation to their own relationships…
He really hopes they don’t get into a fight. He can’t decide which is worse; Roman saying or doing something that hurts Remus and Virgil trying to defend him, or Roman hurting the both of them by bullying Remus and breaking Virgil’s heart. 
Of course, he can’t pretend he’s being unbiased here, those are his boys that are with Roman right now, of course he’s going to prioritize them. 
A movie night, maybe? Something else for them to make fun of? Or a game night, spend time with each other and remind them that romantic relationships aren’t the only meaningful ones. Or maybe it’ll be spent in his bed again, his boys cuddled safely to his sides as he reads them a story they all pretend they’re too old for. 
He strains the pasta with a little too much vigor. 
God, he hopes his boys are okay. 
When the pasta bake is in the oven and he’s just on the verge of checking his phone again, he hears steps at the front door and muffled voices. 
He looks up as the door opens and tries not to smile too obviously in relief when both of them step through, their faces not tear-stained or red with anger. Virgil looks up and sees him first. 
“Hi, boys.”
Remus kicks off his shoes and dumps his bag on the chair, striding over and flinging his arms around Janus’s waist. Janus hugs him back immediately, hands doing the checks of his breathing, where his hands are, and anything else that might present the signs of an attack. When he finds none, he gently squeezes Remus’s shoulder. 
“Little anomaly,” he murmurs, “you okay?”
“Mhm. Just tired.”
“You tired? Okay, that’s okay, honey.” He glances up at Virgil. “How’d it go?”
Virgil shrugs. “I think it went good but I, uh, did not get very emotionally invested.”
“Bullshit,” Remus says, muffled from where his face is buried in Janus’s chest, “you walked into that room like you were gonna have to stake your life on agreeing with one of us.”
Virgil shuffles guiltily. “But like…I did.”
“Okay, okay, fine, I was worried, okay?”
“As is your right,” Janus says, opening his arm to gather his other grumbly boy to his chest, “but you don’t have to pretend like you’re okay if you’re not, sweetie.”
“And no Pain Olympics,” Remus says, poking Virgil in the side to make him squeak, “you were upset, I was upset, we’re good.”
Janus savors the extra moment of having both his boys home safe, not crying, in his arms, before he pats their shoulders and they move away. He turns to pull on the oven mitts. “So, how’d it go?”
Virgil glances at Remus. Remus shrugs. “Fine.”
“I’m gonna need a little more than that.”
“I mean, you kinda called it. He apologized for being the world’s biggest dick, said he was working on himself to try and be better, and that I didn’t owe him anything, including my forgiveness.”
Janus blinks. This is…well, he’d hoped that’s what this would be, but it is surprisingly mature for the bully he remembers. 
“And he, uh…” Remus tugs on his collar. “He said you didn’t have to forgive him either.”
“He did?” 
“Yep. That was, uh, one of the things he led with.”
“He also said that he wanted to start over,” Virgil adds when Remus seems to be finished, “that he really, um…that he really like being with—with me and he knows how much you both mean to me and so he, uh, wanted to get it right.”
Smiling fondly at how flustered Virgil got from just saying that, Janus turns and ruffles his hair. “Sounds like you might be a positive influence on him, hm?”
“I can’t take credit for—“
“Oh, I know, sweetie, I’m just teasing.” The timer beeps and he pulls out the dish. “Get your plates, boys.”
They obediently fetch their dishes and make their way to the table, conversation steering to more pleasant topics as they polish off their pasta. The evening passes with full bellies and happy faces until it’s time to turn in for the night. 
Janus catches Virgil as he disappears into his room. 
“Hey, sweetie,” he says, pulling him into a hug, “I’m really proud of you, you know that?”
“You—you are?”
“Yeah, sweetie. You’re doing really good at navigating something that’s difficult for most adults to do. You’ve been very mature about it and I hope you know that I’m here to support you whenever you need it.”
“Jeez, dad…”
He presses a quick kiss to Virgil’s forehead. “I love you, sweetie.”
“Yeah, yeah, same to you.” Virgil squeezes him back before vanishing, muttering about sappy shit and just want this to be over. 
Janus shakes his head and goes to find Remus. 
“Hey,” he murmurs when he knocks on Remus’s door and gets greeted with a quiet grunt, “you doing okay, little anomaly?”
Remus looks up from where he’s curled into a ball near his headboard. He holds his arms out wordlessly and Janus sits on the edge of the bed, letting the little limpet attach himself to his side. 
“What’s going on, honey,” he asks, rubbing his back, “you wanna tell me?”
“That stuff…all that stuff with Roman, in middle school,” Remus mumbles, “that…that happened, right? You remember it too?”
“Yes, honey, I do. I remember him bullying you.” When Remus sags in relief, he pulls back to cup his face. “Are you worried that you’re gonna feel weird about it if Roman keeps changing?”
Remus nods shamefully. “He—he really feels different. L-like he’s someone brand new that just remembers what he did, not like he—he did it. An’ I’m scared that if he—if he—what if I just forget?”
“You can’t forget being hurt like that, Remus, nor can you just magically stop hurting now that the person isn’t hurting you anymore.” Janus runs a hand through his hair. “You’re allowed to feel hurt, to be hurt, it’s okay.”
“But if he’s changed—“
“No buts, honey. He doesn’t get to decide you aren’t hurt anymore because of what he did and neither do you. Those things were real, they happened, and just because Roman’s changed doesn’t mean they didn’t. You are still allowed to feel hurt and upset about it, okay?”
Remus’s lip wobbles. “I almost wish he was still being mean.”
Janus takes a deep breath and pulls him in for a proper hug. “Oh, honey, don’t you say that. Don’t say that, honey.”
“But it’s true, if—if he were still being mean then it wouldn’t be messy and Virgil wouldn’t be dating him and I—and I wouldn’t—“
“Shh, shh, honey, it’s okay. I’ve got you, I’m right here.” He closes his eyes as his little anomaly sobs into his chest. “Hey, honey, I’m right here. Shh, I’ve got you.”
He rubs Remus’s back as he cries, pressing kisses to the top of his head. As they slow, he pulls back just enough to wipe Remus’s cheeks. 
“Have you talked to Virgil about this?” Remus nods. “What did he say?”
“S-said if it ever got real bad that he’d—he’d choose me. B-but I don’t want him to have to choose, I just—jus’ wish it wasn’t Roman.”
“I know, honey, I know.” 
“…I don’t actually wish he was still being mean.” He sniffles as Janus ruffles his hair. “I just…why is this so hard?”
“Because life is hard,” Janus says, not unkindly, “life is hard and people are complicated and every single relationship you have with anyone that matters to you, no matter what it is, is work.”
“That’s stupid.”
Janus huffs. “Yeah, honey, I think so too.”
“…will you stay for a bit?”
“As long as you need, honey.”
So. Tonight’s the big night. Tonight, Roman Prince comes over for dinner. 
Apparently, Roman wants to help make dinner. Well. Fine by him. He can loom menacingly in the corner while Roman cooks. 
Alright, what he’s going to do is let Roman help and insinuate that if Roman dares hurt one of his boys again he won’t like the consequences. 
Roman’s driving the three of them home from school today, which means they should arrive right about…
Muffled voices outside and a key in the lock. 
“Dad? We’re home!”
“Do you need help?”
“No, thanks, I got it.”
Janus turns to see Remus shrugging off his bag, Virgil hanging his coat on a hook, and Roman carrying a large covered dish. He makes his way out from the kitchen, gathering Remus in for a quick emotional support hug as Roman looks up. 
“Sir,” he says, holding out his hand, “thank you for letting me come over.”
Firm handshake, good eye contact. He nods to the dish. “And what do you have there?”
“Virgil and Remus said you were planning on lasagna for dinner, so—“ he holds up the dish— “I made garlic bread.”
He can feel Remus perk up behind him. Garlic bread, hm? “Does it need to be heated?”
“Maybe a bit? I picked it up right before we came here and it’s been in the oven for a while…it should be fine, we might want to heat it before we eat if…if you want.”
He hums and takes the dish, setting it on the counter. “And you’re helping me with the main course as well?”
“Yes, sir, if you need an extra pair of hands.”
“That would do nicely, yes.”
Remus fake gags as Roman kisses Virgil’s cheek before following Janus to the kitchen. He washes his hands quickly in the sink and looks up.
“You can wash the lettuce for the salad.”
“This one?”
“That’s right.”
He keeps an eye on his boys as they finish tidying away their school things, noticing how Remus disappears to his room almost immediately and Virgil hovers in the living room. Close enough to see, not quite close enough to hear. 
“That’s good. Chop the others while you’re over there.”
“Chunks or slices? Size preference?”
“…slice the peppers, chunks for the cucumber.”
“Can do.”
He glances over to see an almost restaurant-quality salad taking shape in the bowl next to Roman. Good on you, Virgil, finding a boy that can cook. 
After a few more minutes, Virgil gets up to use the bathroom and Roman pauses, glancing over until he hears the door shut before wiping his hands nervously on his jeans and turning to face Janus. 
“Sir,” he starts, “I…I’m not sure what your sons have told you of our conversation a few days ago, but I wanted to apologize to you as well.”
Janus stays quiet, only raising an eyebrow. 
“I was…truly terrible to Remus when we were younger and I will not use my age as an excuse. I’ve told your son that he is not obligated to forgive me and neither are you. I’m sorry for the hurt I’ve caused your family and I hope I can convince you I mean neither of them any harm.”
Janus stares at him for a long moment. “Something happened to you.”
“Something happened to you,” he repeats, not unkindly, “to make you go from the reason one of my sons came home crying to the reason the other comes home smiling.”
“…do you want me to tell you, sir?”
He tilts his head, looking at the boy in front of him. Because despite how he holds himself, how much he’s clearly practiced what he’s saying, how much he’s trying to show that he’s grown and matured, Janus is standing in front of a child who is clearly unsure about what he’s doing and freaking out. 
He reaches out and lays a hand on his shoulder. “Do you intend to hurt Remus?”
“No, sir.”
“Do you intend to hurt Virgil?”
“No, sir.”
“Then I don’t need you to tell me. As long as you understand that if you do—“
“They’ll never find my body, sir, I understand. Might I suggest burying a dead dog on top of me, so the cadaver dogs will be convinced that’s what they’ve found?”
Janus smiles grimly. “Good boy.”
“Is there anything else that goes into the salad?”
“What are your thoughts on dressing?”
“Most people prefer it when outside the comfort of their own private bedrooms, sir.”
When Virgil walks back in to see Janus laughing at something Roman said, he glances between them until Remus comes downstairs. 
“Roman made Dad laugh,” Virgil hisses like Janus can’t hear him, “like—actually laugh.”
“Wait, really?”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I swear to God!”
“Since when are you religious?”
“Boys,” Janus calls, “why don’t you set the table?”
They grumble amongst themselves as they do as they’re told, carefully making sure all the dishes can fit as Roman helps carry over everything. Virgil tugs his sleeve until he sits next to him, lacing their fingers together and squeezing once before letting go. 
“It smells really good, guys.”
Remus eyes Roman carefully. “So you made the garlic bread, huh?”
“Mhm. It’s my mom’s recipe.”
Remus takes a piece and bites into it, chewing thoughtfully. He isn’t quick enough to hide the way his eyes widen as he looks away. 
“…I think to spare everyone else from having to eat it you should give it all to me.”
“Whoa, hey,” Virgil says, “don’t you dare!”
Janus chuckles as his boys squabble playfully over the garlic bread, sneaking a piece when they’re distracted. Roman watches, bewildered relief written all over his face. 
Oh, yes, this might work out just fine. 
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My Writing Masterpost
Updated as of 9/12/2024
To check if there are any newer fics since this has been updated, look for the tag #my fic
You can also read many of these on AO3
My Multi-chapter Fics:
We Could Try? 1, 2, 3, 
Patton had found out. He’d found out not only that Virgil was ticklish, and not only that he actually liked it, but also that he’d never had a real tickle session.
Sequels: I do not understand, The Price of Cookies
Grumpy, Sorry
Virgil is grumpy and gets tickled by Patton, and tickles him back a bit. Later, Patton gets him back even more.
Tickle Week: Sunday, the idea, Monday, Dee and Logan, Tuesday, Patton and Roman, Wednesday, Roman and Virgil, 
“Well, seeing as there are six of us, I propose a tickle week. We’ll leave Sunday off, but every other day we’ll put names in a hat and draw one, and whoever’s name is drawn becomes a tickle toy for the whole day.”
The Tickle House:
Virgil’s New Job,
At the End of a Bad Day
There’s a place called the tickle house, where you can pay to tickle or be tickled. Virgil and Janus work there, and the others often visit.
Tickletober 2020:
One: Unusual Spot
Two: Feathers
Three: Stocks
Four: Scribbling
Five: Drawn on
Six: Kiss
Seven: Unusual Tool
Eight: Interrogation
Nine: Ganged Up On
Twenty-Three: Asking For It
My One-shots:
Roman’s Idea is Best
Written with @barelyticklishlee: Roman has a fantastic idea for Thomas’s date. Virgil doesn’t agree, at least at first.
When Patton gets into a Ler mood at the same time as Virgil is in a Lee Mood. 
Pretty self-explanatory
A bit of something soft
Patton’s having a hard day, so Virgil cuddles and tickles him
Cheating at Games is Ill-Advised
Virgil cheats at a tickling game with Logan, and gets very tickled.
Pay Attention
Virgil can’t pay attention to the conversation with Roman and Patton tickling him.
Beware of Running Away from Lers
Virgil tries to run away from Roman
Arms Up
Virgil tickles Roman’s armpits
Patton feels fat, but Roman still loves him just as much, and wants him to feel so much better.
When Patton has a Hard Day
Patton is feeling down, but tickling Virgil might help him feel better~
Unnamed Fic
Logan gets soft back tickles from Roman.
The Sweetest Lee
Tickling a sweet little lee is just the best thing ever~
It feels better when you just let it happen ;)
Cuddly tickles for Roman.
Remus Catches a Lee
Virgil's been caught in a trap and gets tickled to pieces.
Virgil’s Voice
Virgil wants tickles, but can't voice his requests, so Roman helps him out, getting him all the tickles he wants.
Dwindling Creativity
Roman shrinks down as Thomas's creativity is used up. Janus helps to distract him from his work.
Patton is gonna tickle someone. If not a sacrifice, then everyone~
Roman wants to join
Lee Roman
14 and 25 with Lee Deceit and Let Patton please?
No regrets, with Roman and Remus maybe?
oh requests?? hmm maybe either 22 or 25 w lee virgil and any ler you like?
14 with LerRoman and LeeLogan???
w/ pat ro and lo testing which of virgil's spots is the worst
Tell that to the tickle monster: Ler Patton and Lee Virgil.
16 Any pairing u think fits!!!! 
I know something sweeter than cookies: same pairing, Ler Patton and Lee Virgil.
maybe 29 with ler!patton and lee!logan? 
4 with Lee Roman and Ler Deceit? 
11 with Ler Logan and Lee Roman please 
22 with Lee Logan and Let Remus please? 
19 Lee Deceit and Ler Virgil and Remus please? 
Do you think you could do 3 with a lee Deceit?
9, with Roceit? :3 
16 and 7 with Lee Deceit and Ler Patton please 
Shy Lee Janus being forced to ask for tickles from Ler Logan?
Logan noticing Virgil having a bad day and and just having him lay down and giving him a pillow to giggle and blush into while he traces Virgil's back with his fingers or fluffy brushes to help him relax❤
Moceit cheer up tickles? 😃 (Lee Patton and Ler Janus, if you would)
oh prompts! maybe lee Patton ler roman with some sort of challenge? (Don't move, laugh, smile, whatever)
What about a lee!Virgil? (ler!your choice. Preferably a twin.) Someone comes in to wake him up from a nap, or something, with pokes. Virgil is still half asleep at this point, so he has no filter.
Lee Roman denying his in a Lee mood but Janus is behind him smirking because he knows when someone lies?
So, peharps a bit of Lee!Janus and Ler!Roman, please? Maybe Janus is monopolizing Roman's bed because it's soft and warm and g e t o f f XDD.
Lee!virgil ler!roman? That’s my everything lol
What about Lee Virgil being pranked with tickles by Remus but once Remus stops he shyly asks for more? Please and thank you!
If you're still taking requests maybe lee Janus being overly grumpy and getting cheer up tickles from Logan?
How about Remus acting as annoying little brothers do, and Roman getting back at him with some extra teasey tickles
may I request lee Logan and ler Patton where Pat's just gushing over how cute Lo is while tickling him?
Can please do some Lee janus and ler patton? Like Janus is being suspicious, and Patton is trying to figuring out what he is doing.
For the prompts thing how about Patton ticking Logan to make him take a break from working? 
Ler Logan and Lee Remus, if you are up for it. Remus starts to bother Logan while he is working and Logan gets payback with tickles, knowing secretly that Remus wanted this to happen. ???
Pre-Accepting Anxiety Virgil walks in to the common room to see the Light Sides having a tickle fight, cue big Lee MoodTM. So now he's awkwardly trying to keep up his bad guy persona while desperately trying to figure out how to tell them that he NEEDS to be WRECKED!
Prompts! How about Patton tickling Logan to make him take a break from working I can never get enough of that! 😂
Lee!Patton and Ler!Logan (or whoever you wish!) Patton has always been the mind palace tickle monster and after a week of his evil ler moods and tickle attacks Logan turns the tables and gets revenge tickles?
Ok so... after Accepting Anxiety, Virgil is a little shaken from his name reveal. He sorta hides away in his room because he’s embarrassed, until Roman comes in to check on him and cheer him up and make him feel welcome with tickles 🥺
Logan maybe gets hurt, (trips or bumps against something) and Patton decides to tend to him, making sure he's not injured badly, but it turns out Logan is ticklish where Patton is examining
Ler Patton Lee Deceit - Patton accidentally brushes by Deceits scales and it sets Deceit into a fit of giggles. So Patton gets curious and starts to poke and stroke the patches of scales that are all over Deceits body. And Deceit secretly not so secretly enjoys this
Maybe some cheer up tickles with Logicality where both were watching a show and a tickle scene appeared and person B is like "Oh, this is a signal. That is how I should cheer up my friend."?
How about lee!janus and ler!virgil where Virgil remembers Janus being super ticklish back when he lived with the dark sides still and decides to see if he's still that ticklish.
Could you do a college AU where the core 4 are in their university’s theatre department? Like... they all are walking back to the dorms and they find out Roman is extremely ticklish and tickle and tease him the whole way back??
How about lee Logan hiding his lee mood from Virgil?
lee!Virgil and ler Patton, Logan, and Roman. Virgil has a huge lee mood and is way to shy to ask to be tickled so he drop little hints to try and get tickles( more like Virgil being an a** and a bratty little sh*t). The sides act like they don’t know what he want, but do. So they force him to ask
anything lee logan? I would DIE for lee logan
Okay I’m bored and I need lee!Virgil and lers Janus and Remus
Anything lee Logan would be delightful! Thank you!
I was wondering if you could do something where Virgil gets stuck somewhere and the twins find him and team up to take advantage of the situation? Thank you in advance, your work is amazing!
I would like to make a trade. I will give you a boop for lee!Logan ler!Remus. :D
Janus with hypersensitive scales is the bestttt so how about a rude snake getting tickled to tears by an unforgiving Ler Logan? Maybe using a new tool that makes Janus scream?
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writingsoftheghost · 11 months
First Dinner Together
(Takes place right after AA)
Virgil didn't know what to do. He'd gone over every possible scenario in his head of how this would go, and they all ended horribly. He really wanted to back out, but he promised Patton he would try to be more involved and present. And Virgil knew this was the easiest way to do that., but the sound of all of them laughing in the kitchen made Virgil more anxious to interrupt than anything else he'd ever experienced in his entire life.
Ok, while that was probably not true, it felt true in the moment. Virgil was just about to accept defeat, resigning himself to eating later after everyone else had gone to bed again, when Logan turned the corner and bumped into Virgil, nearly knocking him over.
"Apologies, Virgil!" Logic said, surprised, "I wasn't expecting to see you down here."
Virgil cringed and began to turn tail, "Sorry I was just-"
But Logan grabbed his arm, "Wait!"
Virgil jerked away at the sudden contact, but halted his escape attempt.
Logan had a sheepish look about him, embarrassed by his reaction, but he wanted to encourage Virgil to stay. "Would you like some spaghetti? Patton made a lot so there's plenty extra?"
Virgil relaxed slightly, an invitation from two out of three of them helped tremendously, he wouldn't hold his breath for Roman, but maybe Princey would tolerate him for a few minutes. "Yeah, sure."
Logan suppressed a sigh of relief, he had pulled it off.
"Virgil!" Patton rushed to give Virgil a hug.
"Easy, Pat." Virgil fights to keep his lungs full of air.
"Sorry, sorry. Just so happy to see you, kiddo. You come for my spaghetti? Best in the Mindscape!" Patton rushes back into the kitchen, "I'll make you a plate! Go sit!"
"Anxiety?" Roman is suddenly staring at Virgil way too much for comfort. "Hm- a-Virgil." He corrects. "You're joining dinner tonight?" He tilts his head with the question.
Virgil feels like shrinking into nothingness, "Uh, yeah, I guess. Unless it's like, not, uh, good? For me to do that I mean-I don't-like-it's okay if that's not-I don't have to..."
Virgil is about to make a second much more urgent escape attempt, when Roman stops him.
"It's alright."
Virgil stares at him for a moment, attempting and failing to read Creativity's thoughts. Was he really sincere?
"Oh, uh, yeah? Alright, cool." Virgil anxiously moves toward the table, he doesn't know which seat to pick, and he absolutely can't handle the idea of sitting in someone else's seat.
Patton quickly comes to his rescue though, setting an almost overflowing plate of spaghetti down on the table. "Here, Virge. Sit by me."
The parental side gives Virgil the warmest smile he's ever seen. Virgil's face heats up at the kindness from the other side. "Thanks, Pat." He takes a seat. Patton sitting down directly next to him with his own plate.
Virgil jumps slightly as Roman sits down on the other side of him.
Roman gives him an awkward slight smile, his eyes land on Virgil's plate, which Patton had piled impossibly high with spaghetti.
"Good god, Pat. That's a mountain!"
Patton smiles sheepishly, "Sorry, Virge. I just wanted to make sure you had plenty to eat."
Virgil chuckles, "Thanks, Patton. I'll be all set for the week."
Logan laughs, "Careful, Virgil, if you manage to eat it all Patton will try to give you seconds."
Patton swats Logan's arm playfully, "Is it a crime to make sure my family is fed?"
Virgil laughs, his heart warming at the implication that he was family. He was easing more and more into the idea, and even beginning to hope that this wouldn't be their last shared meal.
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kirk-says-wah · 23 days
𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐲 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟐
You can also read it here
Pairings: Kirk/Lars, James/Lars, James/Jason
TW: guns, violence, blood, fire, panic attacks
Lars’ heart is beating a mile a minute, and he can hardly think, his brain still muddled, and he snaps his eyes to James’.
“Shit,” James says, his hands still warm on Lars’ arms. They need to get out of here before Virgil finds them going through his stuff.
James hesitantly lets go of Lars to pack up the contents of the box, and Lars watches, held up by the wall, desperately trying to catch his breath. He sees James pocket some things before shoving the box back in the cupboard along with the files.
“Cmon,” James says, grabbing his hand. Lars can feel the calluses on his fingers press into his knuckles, and he lets himself be dragged out, hiccuping as he wills his feet to cooperate.
Jesus, he’s not felt this strung out since he was younger, and the impending doom crushes his windpipe. James is running, and Lars is trying hard to keep up, especially when they start to hear keys in the front door.
“Hurry up,” James barks, but instead of looking for an exit, Lars finds himself being pulled up the stairs.
“What are you doing?” he asks, teeth chattering, the back of his neck sweaty.
“Just trust me,” James says before pulling him into a bedroom. It’s nice, with posters of rockstars on the walls, but Lars has no time to admire before he’s being pushed into a closet.
“Just-… stay in there. Be quiet,” James says, waiting until Lars nods before he grabs a backpack from beside him and shuts the door.
Lars crouches down, manages to see enough through the crack in the door. James starts rummaging around in his drawers, making it look like he’s packing.
The sound of boots on stairs has Lars’ breath halting, and he scrunches his fingers into the wall by his head.
James looks back over his shoulder for a second, probably making sure Lars can’t be seen, before his eyes snap to the bedroom door.
“I thought I heard you running around.”
Virgil’s voice is rough, intimidating, and Lars shrinks, watching as James continues to pack.
“I’m moving out,” James says, stuffing some clothes into his backpack.
Lars can’t see Virgil, he can just about make out the tips of his boots, but his presence has him quaking nonetheless. Fuck, he really hopes he doesn’t get caught. His finger throbs but he ignores it.
“Oh yeah?” Virgil sneers. “Where to?”
“None of your business,” James gruffs.
“So, I take it your moving in with Lars?”
James doesn’t answer, and Virgil huffs a small laugh.
“Well I’m glad you listened to me. Jason isn’t worth your time.”
James jaw grinds but he stays silent, obviously infuriated by Virgil’s words but not willing to risk anything when Lars is hiding right there.
Lars’ nose is running and he wipes it with the back of his hand, not daring to sniff and give himself away.
“You don’t want to talk to me? That’s fine. I’m going downstairs,” Virgil says, his footsteps fading away before they suddenly stop.
“Lars is a nice person, James. I think you can make each other happy.”
James eyes dart down, his cheeks reddening slightly before Virgil leaves.
Lars lets out a breath, swaying slightly, eyelashes sticky, and a few minutes go by until finally the closet door is opened.
James helps Lars to his feet, his touch lingering, and he searches Lars’ eyes, tries to see if he’s okay.
Lars feels a little less on edge now, but he still has to wipe at his eyes, gathering wetness on his fingers.
A beat passes before James finally turns, his hands leaving Lars, and instead zips up his backpack.
“Stay here,” he says, heading for the door. “I’ll make sure my dad’s in his office, then you can come down, okay”?
Lars nods, not trusting his voice, and James looks out of the door before beckoning Lars to follow.
They make it onto the landing before James holds his hand up, and Lars stays still as James quietly walks down the stairs.
He gets about half way before he signals for Lars to follow, and Lars hurries, tiptoeing down the stairs until they’re finally at the front door.
James ushers him through, and the fresh air surges through Lars’ lungs, the wind biting at his sensitive cheeks, but then James’ hand is circling his wrist and he’s being pulled across the street.
The car has moved further up the street, out of the way, and Lars guesses Kirk must have driven it, even on his broken toe.
Though, as they approach, the car looks empty, and panic burns at the back of Lars’ throat. Did they notice Kirk? Did they take him?
He doesn’t want to think the worst has happened, but he’s having a pretty bad day already, and his mind just zooms straight to the worst possible outcome.
James’ hand tightens around his wrist.
Lars can’t breathe.
But as soon as his hand reaches around the door handle, Kirk pops up from the driver’s seat, gesturing for them both to get into the back as he turns the car on. Lars doesn’t have to be told twice. He quickly helps James in before sliding in after him, and Kirk quickly pulls out.
“What? What’s going on?” Kirk asks, a little frantic, eyeing Lars in the mirror “What’s wrong with your face?”
Lars sniffs, looks out of the window. Can feel two pairs of eye on him and it’s making his skin crawl.
“S’nothing,” he mumbles.
“Have you been crying?” Kirk asks, his driving a little erratic as they speed through the streets. “James, what did you do?”
James blanches, pulling a face.
“Why are you blaming me?”
Kirk squints but doesn’t say anything more, and Lars is glad of it. He just wants to go back to James’ and sleep. He doesn’t want to do this anymore.
They ride in silence, but Kirk is a pretty quick driver, so it’s not long before they’re back at James’ house.
Lars grabs the keys off James and is out the car before it even stops, letting himself in before collapsing on the sofa.
For a moment he feels bad for not helping James get out, but he knows he’s a big boy and can get out himself.
He leans forwards, elbows on his knees and he has his head in his hands.
All he can think about is the pictures, especially the one of himself. Why did Virgil have that? Why did it make him feel like he’s forgetting something?
Hands smooth over his back before he’s being pulled forwards, and Lars goes willingly, mashing his face into a solid chest, hands grappling at their shirt.
Kirk shushes him, petting his hair lightly, pressing a kiss to his crown, and Lars tries his best not to cry. He can’t break down. It’s just that everything is getting to him, and he just wishes everything was easier.
“It’s okay,” Kirk says softly, rubbing at his back, and Lars sniffs, eyes closed as he just lets himself sink in Kirk’s arms. He feels safe, loved, and he finds he’s really missed just being held, when it feels like just him and Kirk.
He blinks his eyes open, finds James sat across from them in the arm chair, though his eyes are on the ground, his chin resting on his palm.
“What happened?” Kirk asks after a moment.
Lars doesn’t know how to answer, his tongue feeling thick and stupid, but he watches as James pulls out some photos from his pocket.
He splays them on the coffee table, and Kirk leans forwards, still keeping Lars close.
“Fuck,” he murmurs, trailing his fingers through Lars’ hair. James only managed to grab a few pictures; the one of Dave, Virgil and James’ mom, the one with the other woman too on Dave’s lap, and the one of the three men stood together with a fourth unknown man.
“What does this mean?”
“It means we need to start digging,” James says before reaching into his pocket, pulling out another photo before handing it to Kirk.
“We found this too.”
Lars doesn’t have to see to know it’s the picture of him, he can see the fear on Kirk’s face.
“I don’t understand,” he says, putting the photo down. “He was following you?”
He’s looking at Lars now, eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed, and Lars shudders, pulls away.
“I don’t know,” he says, quiet. “I don’t remember.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I can hardly remember anything that happened when I was that age.”
Kirk swallows, his hand drawing patterns along Lars’ back.
“Why don’t you know anything about it?” Kirk says, shooting his question at James.
James just shrugs.
“Me and Lars hadn’t even met until the engagement was announced. How was I gonna know my dad was tailing him?”
Lars has so many questions and no answers, his head feeling full and the pain in his finger making him feel sick.
Lars hunches over, wipes a hand over his face, feeling drained.
“Maybe you should go and lie down,” Kirk murmurs, smoothing a hand over Lars’ head.
Lars looks up, glances between Kirk and James.
“We’re not going anywhere right now,” Kirk says, and Lars looks to James who sighs but nods.
Good. They need to rest. They’ve been none stop since the wedding.
“Okay,” he says finally, easing himself into his feet.
“We’ll talk about this when you wake up,” James reassures, but he’s got an odd look on his face. Lars decides not to read too much into it. He just hopes the other two get some rest as well. They definitely need it.
He gives them both a small smile before staggering up the stairs, using the handrail for support before finding one of the bedrooms.
He closes the door behind him, toeing off his shoes before crawling under the sheets. He turns over, finds a picture on the side.
It’s of James’ mother.
She’s sat with James on her lap, her smile wide, and James looks happy too.
It pulls at Lars’ heart to know that James was happy once, and look at him now. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t worried about him. James doesn’t exactly act very rationally, and he wonders if it’s because he’s just not having a good time, especially now that Jason isn’t around.
Lars sighs, feeling a little hollow, and pulls the covers up to his chin, closing his eyes.
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anxiousgaypanicking · 8 months
Janus has a little glass dollhouse he bought for Patton so he can return the favor of being the cute little husband who runs around all day in very little clothes
I also imagine he has various hamster tubes, rat mazes, terrariums, etc that he'll drop the sides into cause it's cute to watch them run around for his amusement. Plus, pets need enrichment, after all, and Janus prides himself on his pet ownership
he gets really into the pet ownership aspect. they think they're people? no, no! he can shrink them down whenever he pleases and theyre just pets! his pets!
and when he gets them all down at once, its rather amusing watching them play. he puts logan in an embarrassing outfit and watches remus pounce on him, pushes virgil and roman against each other until theyre messy and teary eyed, dresses up patton like the prettiest housewife and tells him to be a good dolly and keep the others in line!
watching them run around mazes is cute too, especially because there'd be dead ends, twists and turns, and empty holes in which they could fall through, often onto januss chest, between his thighs, or in his mouth, where he'll have a bit of fun with them before putting them back in their enclosure
and getting a dollhouse for patton - but eventually for all of them - is even more fun! they get to play house, but by his rules. hell give them tasks, push them towards the plastic furniture, and leave them flustered and pleasantly trembling as they ponder when theyll be grabbed and dressed down (and back up again) and placed into a new role, or just played with for their allotted time before being deposited back into januss playset to be used at a later date
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forest-falcon · 1 year
WIP Whatever!
Felt Autumn-y today so rattled this off whilst cooking dinner. Not written in a while so just trying to get something out. Hopefully will add a bit to it soon. 🍁🍂🎃🌿🍃
"Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins! It's pumpkin picking daaaaay!"
Gordon skidded through the living room, almost knocking over the carpet washer, which had taken up permanent residence there with the turn of the season.
"Where are my octopus wellies?"
He rummaged through the old wooden chest situated near the front door. A myriad of odd shoes piled behind him as he discarded trainer after flipflop belonging to his older brothers.
"You're picking all those up." Virgil appeared, arms folded at the mess.
"Am not! People can put them on their feet, duh." Gordon grinned and donned a pair of John's favourite sandals. These would do. He wasn't one for socks anyway and the octopus wellies had probably seen better days...wherever they were.
"You can't wear those."
Virgil materialised a mug of hot coffee from thin air. Now that he was a teenager, Virgil was all about having his coffee in the morning. Mr. adult-y pants. It was a phase. It would pass. Gordon was sure of it.
"And why not?" He wiggled his toes, knowing full-well why not.
"John will feed you to the combine harvester if you baptise his favourite sandals in mud." Virgil quirked a bemused eyebrow.
"What?...Skinny Space Noodle? He couldn't catch this fish."
John wouldn't even try. John was more tactical than that. He'd simply bat his pretty green eyes at his eldest brother, and mini-mum would find a way to get them back; though it looked like not-mother number two had beaten Scott to it on this occasion.
"I don't know..." Virgil's voice echoed from somewhere within his brew.
"How fast can you run in sandals?
"Faster than Johnny-boy, that's for sure!"
"But not faster than me."
Virgil tipped his head back to noisily slurp the final dregs from his mug. Gordon saw his opportunity to slip the net. Darting under Teenage Mutant Ninja Virgil's arm; he took off at a speed befitting a startled ray.
He wasn't even sure he cared about the sandals per se; it was more the principle of not being bossed about. Virgil was not his mum.
Where to hide, where to hide?
Kitchen? No, dining room! He could barricade himself with the chairs...
...Goodie-two-shoes may be bigger than him, but he'd wager that Mr. Muscle wouldn't fit so easily behind the far side of the table.
He had this. He-
A mammoth hand clutched his shoulder.
Gordon flailed and kicked, but Virgil had him shrink-wrapped in one of his soppy bro hugs.
"Now give Johnny back his shoes."
"NEVER! Why do you care anyway? They're not even your sandals!"
Virgil leaned back slightly so that his hug lifted the squirming squid clean off the floor.
"Last chance."
"Finders keepers, astro-boy weepers!"
"Alright. Can't say I didn't warn you, pumpkin."
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soysaucevictim · 10 months
Yesterday, I was having a mostly internal "dialogue" about my docket.
I'm just gonna indulgently use the Sides to summarize pieces of my headspace:
Virgil: Another visit to the shrink. Another time to tell the guy 'Hey, I fucked up with my meds and sleep again!' Logan: Staying consistent and compliant does help considerably. Especially to stave off- Virgil: I know! The meds are fine, but it feels like we're getting a bad grade as the client/patient, here. Patton: Didn't the doctor say we're being too hard on ourselves? Virgil, totally glossing that over: Oh, and today's DD is high knees! The thought of being a fucking nuisance to the downstairs neighbors is mortifying. Remus: I mean... if you can find a bathroom you can lock, go for it there! Logan: Hm, make sure the floor isn't wet first. Virgil: What if people wonder things!? Remus: Just say, "Thought the stall was in use and was doing my best to hold it!" Virgil: I don't want to be perceived.
Anyways. Appointment was actually productive and did find a secluded space in the health services campus to do the damn high knees (76 reps), it was fun.
Walking home, I was feeling overall pretty better. (In a very, "human doing their stupid walkies is good for brain" way.) :,D
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itty-bitty-writes · 1 year
Bitty's WIPs
(posted stories masterpost)
Surrounded by His Loved One - Chapter 2: Copulation (Shrinky Sanders Sides Smut Series, aka 5S)
Remus is up Virgil's butt, and Virgil and Logan are heading to Logan's room to… copulate.
status: intro written. vague ideas for what's after that
Prinxiety cock vore [actual title pending] (5S)
Remus told Roman that Virgil enjoyed their shrinky sex, and now Roman's got a similar proposition for Virgil
(from a prompt)
status: probably half written
LAMP cock vore + sex [actual title pending] (5S)
Virgil liked Roman in his dick so much that this time he gets to cock vore two boyfriends. And then fuck Patton with them inside.
(from a prompt)
status: outlined
Dark Sides in Balls (5S)
Remus cock vored the other two dark sides, and then… forgot.
status: outlined
I Know You Know I'm Here (5S)
Janus totally didn't see Remus, shrunken and naked, on the bed. Totally. It's absolutely a complete coincidence that Janus, also naked, sat down directly on top of him. Unfortunate positioning, is all.
(pretend unaware)
(Remus is having the time of his life)
status: concept exists. Intro written
Ritual Sacrifice (5S)
The dragon witch (Janus, wearing cloth wings) has demanded a sacrifice. The unfortunate Roman has been chosen by lot, and now Logan and Virgil must tie him to a tree (Patton's dick) for the dragon witch to claim.
The sides do a fun little roleplay
(Janus has a vagina in this one)
status: outlined
A Game of Cock Vore (Sizeshifter Trio)
Elliott is often the voice of reason and impulse control for the trio.
This fic does not involve Elliott.
status: opening written
Awkward First Time
A gt couple decide to try sex for the first time. They're not sure what they're doing, but they find a way to make it good for both of them.
status: outlined, opening written
Insomnia (Josh's Tiny Harem)
Josh can't sleep. His solution? shove a tiny in his pants, see if that helps
status: barely started
Forgotten Tiny Third
A couple have been trying out various kinks to see how much they like them, and are trying micro/macro.
They forget there's a tiny involved.
status: outlined
Dick Apartments
So it turns out that the reason the rent is so low for Gus's new apartment is that the building doubles as a giant dildo.
He really should have read the lease document more thoroughly.
status: barely started
Surprise! Shrunken and Trapped - Part 2 (Poll Story)
Simon has unexpectedly shrunk, and somehow ended up in an unaware giant's underwear, just before he put it on!
Simon's stuck under the giant's junk, and he's causing an unfortunate itch.
status: about a paragraph written
Several contestants in a large maze, each equipped with a device which will shrink someone to only a few inches tall.
The last person full sized wins.
Everyone else gets fucked.
status: outlined
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