#show: ff6
savingthrcw · 3 months
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@ordinariums - Terra AU
There are sirens and blood and screams and fire everywhere, and Terra feels her skin burn on the inside, and knows it will take but a moment for her to lose control again and melt more people. She can see the soldiers, now very far but still marching in her direction, and unfortunately their armors won't save them from the golden energy that will turn them into dust. She doesn't want to do it, but she will. And then she lets out a cry of horror at the sudden movement, and instinctively covers her face from a potential blow, doing everything she can not to blow up because he's not inside an armor, and he may just be one of the city inhabitants; they have been so nice to her, helping her run from the bad guys. "Please, please, I don't want to hurt you, I just-I just don't want to go back!" she pleads, her voice high with terror, begging for his life, "Please don't try to take me..."
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selanpike · 2 months
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why did i draw this so large
uhhhh anyway. got the pixel remaster for ff6 recently
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haunted-xander · 9 months
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seepingfrommyskin · 3 months
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the-ertceps · 1 year
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i wanted to get used to the way i draw some of my favorites so i did a bit of posing practice figuring out how they would flow with the shapes and proportions i gave them.. i haven't done one of these in a long time so i forgot how fun it can be
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sunsetzer · 4 months
I'm watching all the old Magnum P.I episodes with my dad and there was a woman named Celes Cole in the one we watched the other night, (I heard Celes and Celeste but I'm pretty sure it was Celes,) and as a Final Fantasy 6 enjoyer I thought that was a very funny coincidence.
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monk-of-figaro · 9 months
Fanfic: The Passage of Mt. Kolts (by monk_of_figaro)
Shameless plug? I guess so! I wrote and posted the beginning part of a Sabin-focused fanfic.
This particular one is the prologue to a 9-chapter story that takes place after Sabin defeats Vargas but before they arrive at the Returners' Hideout.
You can find it on Archive of Our Own. It's around a 10 minute read.
Let me know what you think!
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fizzvstheworld · 2 years
Season 5 of the Attitude Era Podcast continues with Backlash 2006!
(Episode Art by yours truly)
I'm particularly proud of how this episode art turned out... Not often in wrestling do you get to talk about ATTACKING AND DETHRONING GOD...
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ya-kiri · 1 year
Finally finished the OG Final Fantasy VII. Had some trouble but overall, it was memorable.
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savingthrcw · 4 months
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“ things must be catastrophic if you’re calling me at this hour. ” (terra!) @galaeus
Terra has wiped away her tears, in a strong effort not to sob in front of Echo; she had been following the cute molerat only to bump into that many raiders, who had been so ill-intentioned, and after living safely for a while, after knowing full days without pain, she had been unable to control herself and those horrible abilities of hers. "I killed a large group of raiders and there is blood everywhere," she blurts out, but more accurately there is a quite radioactive circle of nearly melted corpses right at the entrance of that small town, "We need to get out of here."
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indieyuugure · 1 year
So I saw the Raph post how Dorky is your Leo does he have an Ego like Rise and 2007 Leo’s (though the former’s is more of praise seeking apparently or whatever.)
Also how Aggressive is your Donnie in comparison to say 2012 and Rise Donnie one have a fierce But borderline mastered temper while the other one is violent XP
Also have the boys played any Square Enix Games (FF7 and DQ8 come to mind for me) and are they annoyed by Mariah Carrie’s all I want for Christmas song?
That was alot of questions lol
No problem! Let’s take these one at a time.
Alright, YES! Leo is a total dork! Silly dances, cringe one liners, and even cringier quotes from shows, movies and comics are all in day’s work for Leo. He’s definitely got ego, but it’s like average teen boy ego. I’d say Raph and Donnie are the really the ones battling for the bigger ego.
(P.S. while I’m still on the topic of Leo, the world’s biggest blue clad dork, I made this short awhile back that showcases more of his nerd side, Link here)
My Donnie is like a slightly more controlled version of Rise Donnie. Like he’s pretty aggressive, not as much as Raph, but solid second on the aggression scale. Violence is almost always a good answer, the only reason I say “almost” is because he’s more logical than Raph and does see that violence isn’t always the answer, just most of time. Leo is usually the one pressing for a solution that doesn’t involve tons of murder and destruction. Leo’s more of the mindset that life is something that should be spared if the situation allows it, whereas Donnie and Raph are cool with killing everyone and everything, they’re both kind of sadistic/apathetic that way.
Donnie plays FF6 on the SNES and later discovers that FF7 is available on PC which he gets as fast as he can. Raph and Mikey don’t really like RPGs because they think they’re boring, but Leo will watch Donnie play and help him with things in the game.
Lol, they all despise that song, but Mikey will purposely sing it just to tick off his brothers around the holidays.
Good questions! :]
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altocat · 7 months
I honestly find it ironic that we actually get a glimpse of Sephiroth as a genuine human being even after he is established as a killer experimental abomination who nearly destroyed the planet TWICE.
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Then Crisis Core came and pretty much broke through fans' initial perceptions of him just being a cold, arrogant, remorseless killing machine. I must admit, I was shocked too. But to be fair, they did show him to be somewhat considerate in the OG before his turn to evil, but it's limited by the bizarre-looking polygonal figures and lack of voice acting.
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I think that how fans see him in this new light also affects how he is portrayed in future installments he's featured in. His villainy is rather downplayed in Dissidia(excluding Opera Omnia). He's not openly trying to become a god or backstabbing the other villains like Emperor and Ultimecia are doing. He even expresses disgust at another villain(Kefka from FF6):
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It's interesting seeing him change over the years. I think Sephiroth was always a tragic character as far back as the OG, hence why there was all that Lucrecia stuff. But they really shaped his personality more over time. We now have more to glean than just his intimidation factor. He feels more well rounded overall. And I know some people don't WANT that, but again--basic villains are boring. I like that he now has clearer motives, mannerisms, and baggage. He's way more complete that way.
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seepingfrommyskin · 4 months
i really like how looking at kefkas design (in both the game and in the concept art) at first glance it's like oh! what a cool fun guy! and then you play the game and you're like oh okay so he's genuinely the worst
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sevlinop · 7 months
FF8 party appreciation post
Been obsessed with Final Fantasy in general recently, and especially FF8. Had to share what I love about the rest of the party besides Squall and Rinoa. (They're awesome, but wanted to give the others some attention.)
Quistis: How socially awkward she is, but in an endearing way. Because she was so successful as a SEED from a young age, even more so than Squall, and is very conventionally attractive other characters seem intimidated by her. When she's actually a triple triad fanatic, who doesn't even know how to properly flirt. Still a total badass, and a caring person though. She cares so much about Rinoa's feelings, she's willing to put a mission stake. Not a great idea, but it shows what sweet person she is. In a normal school she would be an incredible teacher.
Zell: Love how despite the tattoos and shonen protagonist schtick, he's actually a huge nerd. Very bookish and well read, tries to follow the rules like in the Dollet mission, lame but in a fun way, and is a mama's boy. He even has a shrine to his grandpa. Also respects women and is supportive of Rinoa and Selphie like in D District when he stands up for them, says he'll protect Edea, or helps Rinoa with Squall's ring. He's similar to Sabin in FF6 or Tifa in FF7 in that he's actually a huge softie despite his appearance. King!
Selphie: How she's presented as initially annoying, but that's only because we're seeing things filtered through early game Squall's perspective. Everyone back at Trabia loves her, and she knows them all really well. She shows up at Balamb and is already making moves, but not in a purely self serving way. Selphie just genuinely loves people, and people love her. Definitely would be the most fun to party with, and the mostly likely to be a celebrity. None of this means she isn't a deep thinker though, as we she when she just casually ponders death on the train in disc 1. Plus she can even fly an airship!!
Irvine: It's actually really sweet how nostalgic he is for the orphanage. Definitely a very sentimental person, and not the type to really want to hurt people despite his profession. When he's not trying to be a pick up artist, he seems like he'd be a great friend. Also comes across as the one who would give very wise advice out of nowhere. And not to mention I appreciate how he overcomes a panic attack, and still manages to do his part in the Sorceress assassination mission.
Anyway, sorry, just wanted to gush. Love these four!
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sunsetzer · 1 year
I am choosing from now on to headcanon Setzer as an unknowing descendant of the magi because slot makes no sense unless there's magic involved, and in the absence of any canon explanation I've made up my own.
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monk-of-figaro · 6 months
Indirect Storytelling
@tayasigerson's recent (and amazing!) art of Sabin and Gau with Tiger Masks got me thinking about ways in which games can offer means of indirect storytelling that standard literature cannot.
I'm no expert on linguistics or the English language, so maybe "indirect storytelling" isn't the proper term. Or maybe I'm wrong about my assertion in the first place. But to me, the fact that only Sabin and Gau can equip the Tiger Mask feels like there's a character trait that is implied but never stated.
Why is it that only Sabin and Gau can equip the Tiger Mask? What is the commonality between the two that nobody else shares? What does this imply about their characters?
I have my own theories, of course - thoughts about how they both embody the idea of "wildness", both literally and figuratively; or maybe how they each have a connection to "nature" that is stronger than other party members; or maybe even their connection to each other has something to do with it - but the fact that something as simple as who can equip an item can be used to hint at character or plot elements is pretty wild, isn't it?
The Tiger Mask isn't even the only example of this in FF6. Probably the most famous example is the Memento Ring, which can only be equipped by Shadow and Relm, and to my immediate recollection is the only direct connection they share in-game. Everything else about their relationship is implied through Shadow's flashbacks (which only connect them by showing he was in Thamasa with a dog at some point in the past) and through Interceptor's uncharacteristic affection for Relm.
Because Shadow and Relm are not shown to have any real relation or connection, and in fact speak probably less than a dozen words to each other the entire game, the fact that this seemingly-random pair are the only ones who can equip the Memento Ring is really special (and easily missable). If everyone could equip the Memento Ring, it would lose its specialness, and we'd lose a key aspect of the Shadow/Relm backstory.
The Memento Ring also adds additional context by its description:
Ring blessed by departed mother's love. Prevents petrification, zombie, and instant death.
Most Relics in FF6 don't have as much lore behind them as something imbued with a "departed mother's love", so the fact that only Shadow and Relm can equip this strongly implies they each have a connection to this "departed mother". There are even fanfics (like this amazing one from @azurefishnets - A Nameless Memento) that use the Memento Ring directly as a plot element for the Shadow/Relm/Strago dynamic.
A third implication can be drawn from the fact that the Memento Ring prevents all instant-death techniques. Why is that? How and why does a departed mother's love protect against instant-death? What does that imply about the mother's own death?
In addition to the Memento Ring and the Tiger Mask, there are other items that can only be equipped by specific people. Here are a few choice examples:
Royal Crown (Edgar, Sabin)
Red Jacket (Edgar, Sabin)
Snow Scarf (Gau, Mog, Umaro)
All the "Suit" costumes, like the Moogle Suit (Strago, Relm)
Some of those make some sense - like the Royal Crown - but others are kind of open to interpretation. Maybe it makes sense that Mog and Umaro can equip the Snow Scarf, but why can Gau, and why can't anyone else?
What about the Red Jacket? Does that have some connection to royalty, or is there something else being hinted at? After all, red is not one of the Figaroan colors; it's the opposite of blue, which actually is one of the Figaroan colors. And why does it negate fire damage? Is there some connection with the desert heat?
Anyway, sorry for the rambling post. It just struck me how cool it is that gaming - and particularly FF6 - has this unique method of conveying story that is not possible with any other medium, and that's pretty cool! FF6 is also the only game that I can recall that uses equipment to convey (or imply) untold elements of the story like this.
As if I needed yet another reason to obsessively love the game so much.
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