#shoutout to gay people . shoutout to bisexuals actually
soulstickerr · 16 days
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My inactivity has once again temporarily ceased because me and a friend [luxvinova] recently watched Kitaro Tanjo: Gegege no Nazo and I’m feeling …… very normal …………………………
Nah this movie changed my brain chemistry HELP!!!!
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legacyofthedamneddsaf · 3 months
Hey hey! First off, I love this AU to absolute pieces. It's so damn fun to watch/learn about.
Second of all!! Is it okay to have everyone's pronouns and/or identities?? I just wanna know, not just for the sake of curiosity, but also so I don't misgender them when rambling about the AU(/pos) to some people
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mod talk under the cut!
Sorry this is so long, they're all just terrible and complicated people who have horrible messy relationships with everything. They require intense explanation!!
Legacy: he/him. Also responds to it/its, but wouldn't necessarily label himself that way if asked. Otherwise, he doesn't care much for labels. OOC, he's acespec but doesn't put many restrictions on who he's interested in - he's kind of a slut that way.
Dave: he/him, although he doesn't care too much. Like Legacy, he's unlabelled. His standards are basically "anything that moves," but he's pretty arospec - the only person he'd consider maintaining a serious connection to is Legacy.
Henry: will only accept he/him, he finds anything else very disrespectful. He's bi, but he's not really interested in romance or sex right now, he's too married to his research. (And, like, his dead wife, also.)
Peter: he/him. He actually labels himself! He would call himself transheteroflexible, he just doesn't talk about it all that much. He's got bigger issues.
Blackjack: responds to any pronouns, but if you asked he'd say he/him. He calls himself gay as an umbrella term, but doesn't have any more specifics than that. OOC, he's probably on the arospec!
Dee: she/they lesbian. (she's just like me fr!) She gave a lot of thought to this while she was distracting herself, so they would actually describe themself that way! I personally think she worries a lot about counting as femme or butch while also not having the best conceptualization of either identity. But at least we have lesbians in this godforsaken world.
Jake: if you ask, he'd say "he/it," but he only uses it/its in the fucked up way where he feels like if he chooses the dehumanization then it's totally fine and he actually doesn't care. So, out of canon, he/him! (note: I'm absolutely not saying it/its is inherently dehumanizing, both the other mods use it/its!! I just think Jake has problems in his mind.) He's really repressed about his sexuality, he's (regretfully and messily -s) been with Legacy but his emotions on that are so complicated he tries and fails to absolutely never think about it again. What he has going on with Roger is a lot less fucked up, but he's still weird about it. I don't think he'd call himself any kind of queer, but he's probably bisexual.
Roger: he/him, but he's dabbled with she on occasions. He thinks he's completely romantically destitute and nobody will ever love him, so he hasn't bothered with putting a name to his sexuality, but he's the kind of guy to say "everyone likes men, that's normal!" He is in for some incredibly eye-opening months with the Damned for sure.
this emotionally stunted man is going to go the fuck through it in possibly the worst time and place for it. oh well! -s
Harry: he/him, he'd call himself bi. He knows this because he had a thing with Joe, and he assumes that attraction to women is a universal constant even though he personally leans heavily towards men.
the ancient greeks would like this guy i think -h
Steven: he/him, gay, he's probably the only person here other than Dee to have a solid concept of their own identity! Shoutout to Steven for being uncomplicated
and that was "2 ppl who dont really label themselves or have strong ties to their queer identity try to figure out how a bunch of other ppl would feel about theirs," as translated by arden. you could say that we write what we know -s
yeah, the mods are all different flavors of aro/acespec and genderweird. it's all so difficult forever
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letyukisayfuck · 3 months
based on a conversation in the discord i really do think that, as much as it sucks to acknowledge this, it is pretty likely that haruhi would look at people who use neopronouns as tryhard posers
(please note that while i feel like 'not everything i think is true about haruhi is true about me' is implied at all times i would like to emphasize it here. my personal stance is your pronouns are your business, and i don't get a say in other peoples' business!)
like. the thing is haruhi isn't, like, outright bigoted or anything usually. she IS exceedingly judgy but shoutout for seemingly not being homophobic AND getting annoyed at kyon for forgetting gay people exist that one time. (peak bisexual behavior)
but she also isn't anywhere NEAR politically correct and doesn't really care to be. girl does not give a fuck what is socially acceptable or not until and unless she can use it to her advantage, this is true, but she also is super judgmental and not quiet about it if actually asked.
basically if the concept was introduced to her she'd probably dedicate a morning to bitching about it to kyon, who spends the entire conversation thinking "what the fuck are you talking about" because he is an average-ish teenage boy in the year 2000.
(if it were somehow modern day instead he still wouldn't know but it's just because he's still too busy building gundam models in his spare time)
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omnipah · 1 year
for the character asks: pickman sangfielle and/or any malevolent guy of ur choosing
well if u insist!!!!
Sexuality Headcanon: i do get very aro vibes from pickman and i think in a lot of cases she's functionally ace but. she sure did fuck that old woman! so i guess she's aro train-god-sexual lesbian. good for her Gender Headcanon: i mean i know this is the autism vibes but she truly does seem like the kind of person who's only doing woman because that's what she started as and knows how to do. she's still fairly cut off from traditional expressions of gender because of the autism and the Train Trauma but at the same time it's her version of womanhood and she's kind of spitefully attached to it now, even tho it's in a kind of nb way. A ship I have with said character: That Old Woman (shoutouts to chantilly scathe!!!) A BROTP I have with said character: duvall for that time he manifested into a scene he wasn't in to defend her honour A NOTP I have with said character: alekest i guess? i mean he did that himself tho. anyone else i mean. is it really friends at the table if the player characters don't all have weird unethical polycule vibes? A random headcanon: she seems like one of those people who can't cook for shit unless u give her a recipe with exact instructions and proportions and then even if she's completely unfamiliar with the technique she's suddenly a 5star chef. she thinks this is normal and everyone is like this and is baffled when colette gets moony-eyed at her over it General Opinion over said character: i am picking petals off flowers saying 'she loves me, she loves me not' i am doodling her name in my notebook i am cheerleading on the sidelines of every scene shes in i am holding her giant gun for her in case she needs it
Kayne Malevolent (i would say sorry but u did this to urself)
Sexuality Headcanon: i mean as far as canon goes he seems less concerned with gender and more concerned with whoever he doesn't consider boring. i could go ahead and just decide he's gay because he flirted with both john and arthur (not to mention the fruitiness) but that's too easy. if women were legal in malevolent he'd be uncomfortably horny about them too, i know it Gender Headcanon: whatever he's doing he's doing it a lot. A ship I have with said character: i mean given his whole deal he seems fairly impervious to like. intimacy. but i think it's fun when he gets all marina and the diamonds homewrecker in jarthur's already unstable marriage A BROTP I have with said character: well it would be lovely if there were sufficient characters in the actual show for him to actually have any kind of friendship with. or more likely affectionate rivalry considering how unpleasant he is as a person A NOTP I have with said character: i mean i don't know of anyone who's shipping him with anyone in particular but the only other recurring characters are larson yellow and the butcher and uh. all of them. less the butcher cus can u imagine the combination of fucked up hedonist trickster god + catholic guilt but still. the vibes are fucking rancid A random headcanon: this is mostly just taking the trope and running with it but i like to think he operates under fae rules, like, technically can't lie and technically has to keep his promises, so is like. extremely careful how he words things and what he avoids saying and leaves implied. bonus points cus he talks so fast u can't really tell he's doing it unless ur paying attention. yes i realise this is the third character in a row i'm headcanoning as a beaurocrat but listen it's my autism i get to project it General Opinion over said character: he's like a budget version of the outsider if the outsider listened to the orion experience. we love a fucked up trickster god and of course we love a bisexual covered in blood but yknow what else i love? characters who show up often enough to actually learn anything about them at all.
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erigold13261 · 3 months
Love how many of the JJK characters are already queer in the post-timeskip
Since we have… Yuta and Rika (Lesbians)
Miwa and Mechamaru (T4T)
Kinji and Kirara (okay Kirara is probably some flavor of queer in canon but still enby4enby)
Also shoutout to Ilia with his funky gender!
Let's keep going, Happy Pride Month! (you have any other folks/HCs?)
I have a lot, but I'll keep it to JJK characters for now.
Gay Megumi
Aromantic Maki
Lesbian Nobara? Maybe?
Aroace Yuji? No labels Yuji? He appreciates people's inner beauty but also isn't opposed to looking at what he sees as a pretty woman. Demisexual aromantic straight? Or maybe more like Aegosexual homoromantic? Some kind of gray-asexual at the very least, and either homoromantic, aromantic, or demiromantic, but very much needs time to form a romantic bond.
Aroace Kento
Lesbian Utahime
Toge is SOMETHING. What? I don't know yet lol. Possibly gay
Gay Satoru. He/him nonbinary with sky/blue pronouns
Either gay or bi Suguru. Leaning towards bi. He's also he/him enby
Aroace agender Shoko
Transman bisexual Haibara
I think I got an ask about Todo being a gnc cisgender guy and I like that (him dressing in drag in his free time seems like something he would do, it would also be neat for Kento to introduce Dodo to Todo since Dodo also does drag)
Nonbinary Uraume
Genderfluid Takaba
Noritoshi, like Toge, is something, but I don't know what. Might go with aromantic, asexual, or aroace
I don't mind trans Yuki, but honestly her and Choso being cishet together is something I like a lot
Choso, Eso, and Kechizu (along with any other death paintings if they were reborn) probably have some identity issues that would translate to their gender because of their memories from their vessels mixing in with the nature of their own consciousnesses
OH! Actually, with that! I think I'd like Yuki to be a detransitioned cis woman (so she thought she was a transman/transmasc for a bit of her life but then realized she was a woman). She helps Choso find out who he is as him and not just as a curse/entity, human, vessel!
Aroace Sukuna maybe? Like high libido but just does things for the pleasure of physicality rather than a drive he has
Curses don't really have sexualities/genders that can be easily translated to human society, similar for how Trolls can't really be "queer" in a human lens as they have their own societal structure on gender and romance.
That being said:
She/Her Hanami, no gender or sexuality (anything is a go for her but she wouldn't use the pan or bi or omni labels, or any gender labels. She's fine with anything and is very passive on her self image)
He/Him Jogo, possibly gay, possibly aroace and just wants connections with people without realizing it (kinda the same idea of how Eve needs others to make herself feel complete, so perhaps Jogo is like her and also demisexual/demiromantic)
Mainly he/him Mahito, but honestly I can see him using any pronouns (especially any of my human Mahitos who are usually genderfluid. Even if curse/entity Mahito just uses he/him, I can still see him being genderfluid in a sense of physically changing his form to whatever he likes including a feminine and androgynous form)
They/Them Dagon. No thoughts, head empty when it comes to gender or sexuality. It's not really something they dwell on at all. Closest thing would probably be agender?
He/Him Kurourushi. Transmasc aroace lesbian or sapphic? (made an art of curse Kurourushi and Smallpox Deity and someone tagged it as wlw and that shit hit me hard! So Kurourushi is definitely transmasc, but might identify genderwise as still a woman or at least nonbinary). [This also goes for my human versions]
She/Her Smallpox Deity. Acoace lesbian, Cisgender
He/him, maybe also they/them Ko-guy. Transmasc/transman
Rainbow Dragon is something. At least their human version is. They/them for them, but not sure about anything else, or if their curse version is anything. I need to revive them as a curse/entity in the Eriverse lol
Don't know about the Roppongi curse, but they have something going on with the Mannequin, but it's not FWB or something like that. Possibly a QPR? Also I think he/they for Roppongi curse (which I still need to make a name for them)
They/Them Mannequin Curse. Acts like a knight in shining armor for Roppongi curse. Will throw their life away for him. I think it's kinda like how Pearl is with Rose Quartz, but also not exactly that way. Very much a lot of love there but not in a romantic or sexual way. Possibly aroace, at the very least aromantic.
Kenjaku identifies as a cisgender man, he/him. However, when he is in a female body then technically he could be seen as transgender. He will play the part of a woman based on society's expectation in order to fit in to get what he wants, but he still always identitfies and believes he is still a cisgender man. His sexuality though is probably all over the place or demisexual where he needs to get attached to the person himself (with some exceptions he's had in his life). Otherwise he is just following the instincts of his body if he gets bored enough and wants to have fun.
I think Miguel Oduol and Larue have explored each other at some point? But like just to see what it was like? Otherwise I see those two are cishet.
Manami is bisexual but really has only dated men. Usually just has fantasies about women but never really acts on it, not because of society or something, but because she hasn't had a chance really
Toshihisa Negi. I almost forgot about this guy from Suguru's group, but his design looks really cool/fun and I can see him being queer. Perhaps he is bisexual as well or gay.
Alright, that's all I have for right now. I probably missed a major one somewhere (had to go back and write for Yuji and Nobara because I forgot those two lol). But yea, this is what I got at least for the JJK cast! Both can be applied to Eriverse and JJKverse (and some for my Swap JJK AU as well lol).
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lakesbian · 1 year
Alec for the worm bingo but you have to lie (or possibly place Alec where he would place himself)
huh whats that. i stopped reading after the first five words
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somehow not winning a Single bingo i've done goddamn. 1.6 million words and we still don't know enough about him. but also we know almost the perfect amount about him. i liked watching him jump into the paper shredder. only worm character who has made me sniffle for 45 straight minutes (over a scene i thought i was going to find hilarious, which is very fitting for how he operates as a person). shoutout to blastweave for the 'surprisingly good person given the circumstances terrible by any other metrics' post bc it Got In My Brain and made me start thinking abt alec and now i'm the world's biggest alec enjoyer.
reading the terrible takes made him more interesting as well tho. i literally only started thinking interesting things about him because i got mad at posts that sucked. like i didn't even like him at first he was nothing to me but i accidentally talked myself into liking him by vehemently disagreeing with posts that disliked him for the wrong reasons.
anyway i actually really liked what wildbow did with his personal paper shredder i think everything about his arc is 4 the most part super solid, i do think he could've made the WoG re: his abysmal childhood a bit more blatant in canon. like maybe toss that in his interlude or smth. i know wildbow is not a 'sexual abuse on-screen' guy in terms of writing preference and on a watsonian level i think it checks that alec mostly avoids thinking about the things that most impacted him but as-is it's so subtle that Literally Everyone misses it and subsequently misses what his Deal is lmao. i think he could have scootched Something in there to make his Deal more obvious. but the only thing i'm rescuing him from wildbow for is that wildbow cannot handle the bisexual gnc swag he Deserves to have. never over how funny it is that wildbow doesn't even see him as bisexual just as 'hedonist' and writes him like a straight boy except for when he's having fucked up evil sex but still thinks he looks gay enough for someone to accuse him of not liking vagina. during a kaiju fight. like 30 minutes before he dies. top all time regent moment.
(okay, second top all time regent moment. no 1 top all time is still when he says being willing to make sacrifices for the people you care about is terribly unhealthy. it sure is buddy. you've heard of taylor judging alec for shit she does, get ready for alec being like 'man taylor is so gonna be fucked over by that thing she does' about something he is also going to be fucked over by doing)
edit: OH. and alec wouldn't mark anything. no not even the traumatized square. he has issues
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menlove · 2 years
wait hi i’m so confused i thought only lesbians can reclaim d*ke and only gay men can reclaim faggot? so how can you use both esp if you’re masc? IM CONFUSED IM SORRY this isn’t a hate anon or some shit i’m just so behind on the fuckin. ‘rules’ of tumblr and what the general consensus on slurs are i barely know what i can reclaim my damn self
hi you're all good! and honestly that's part of why I made the post and why the modern lgbt community frustrates me so much bc there is a huge prioritization of "rules" over community, solidarity, lived experience, and just. loving each other. not a diss at you obvs just that it makes us all so nervous about what we can and cannot reclaim and makes others really hostile about it
several different answers...
by current lgbt tumblr/tiktok/twitter "rules" a lot of ppl have expanded those to include wlw and mlm, not just gay men and lesbians. I mean say two women are walking down the street holding hands, someone that would call them dykes isn't going to pause and ask if one or more of them is bisexual before using it. as I'm both a wlw and a mlm I'd fit into both. however I don't really jive w this explanation bc it hinges again on "rules" of conduct that I find reductive
another one I've seen that I find a little more nuanced is that if you have had slurs thrown at you and used against you, you can reclaim them. I've been called a dyke and a faggot more times than I can count. but again, I don't jive with this one as much bc does that mean a gay man fortunate enough to never get called a faggot cannot say that word?
the one I find to be the most resonating To Me- for decades and decades of the queer movement, queer women have been saying faggot and queer men have been saying dyke. it's only like really extremely relatively recently that it has been made taboo/wrong/crucifiable for the other group to say it. but if you look it up, there's a lot of early pictures and even well into the 90s pics of men holding up signs along the lines of faggots supporting dykes. and vice versa. this fear of saying these words in our community v much comes from the critically online crowd who doesn't actually go out and interact with their community (not saying you or everyone obviously just the people that push this shit really hard). they would rather squabble over words and slurs and labels than actually doing anything worthwhile.
and just on a personal note, like I said, I'm both a "wlw" and "mlm" although I find those words a little hallow. masculinity =/= sexuality and while I may be butch, that doesn't equate to manhood. even if it did, that's not entirely precluding me from finding community with others I relate to. but I grew up experiencing love for other women as a queer woman. I still do, even though I'm transmasc and use he/him pronouns in every day life (not on here and it's not misgendering to call me she or they, but for my safety I don't advertise any of that irl) but I don't mind being seen as a queer woman, that's deeply a part of how I learned to love in this world. and it got me called dyke. a lot. both when I was identifying as a lesbian, and when I wasn't. on the flipside, however, I am transmasc and butch. I present to the world with a masculine name and most strangers call me "sir" and use he/him for me. my boyfriend is a gay trans man (loosely, they also identify as nonbinary and his relationship to gayness is complicated but that's not my post to make). we are both on hrt and he's had top surgery. when we go out in the world together as a couple, most people see two gay men. we've been called faggots over it (shoutout to the bartender in Detroit for that one). is my experience materially any different than that of a 100% binary trans man getting called a faggot? is the way I present precluding me from being able to say I identify as a queer woman (and man) that loves women in a very queer way? if you look at me, a masculine individual with a beard that gets called a man by strangers and you say I cannot be a woman, what does that say about trans women? if you look at me and say the way that I present to the world doesn't count and doesn't matter, and the way me and my boyfriend conceptualize our relationship isn't right, why is that your business? again, not personal you but general You.
tldr gender is super fucking complicated and messy and so is sexuality and boiling it down to who can say what slurs is honestly really detrimental to our community and all of this is kind of The Point of my post.... and that is not an attack on you at all you're very lovely and I appreciate the message and how sincere it is! and you do not have to agree with me in fact I suspect many people won't. but that's okay. at the end of the day, this community isn't about agreeing with everyone. it's about protecting ourselves and our siblings from harm and loving each other.
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pleuvoire · 5 years
breaking lgbt fandom stereotypes in my oc pairing by having the aloof unfriendly one be bi and the nice caring one be gay
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briuche · 2 years
some maybe lesser talked about signs that you might be aspec
(AKA things i had to learn the hard way)
most of this is based off of my own experiences as an aromantic asexual who’s sex and romance-repulsed for myself and sex-positive when it comes to fiction and media. just a reminder it’s totally okay to not relate to my experiences, everyone has a different relationship wih romance and sex, and it doesn’t make you less valid as an aspec individual! this is just how i navigate it!
you might be aromantic if:
you can tolerate online relationships (ie. talking over text), but when you spend time with the person irl you immediately feel uncomfortable/anxious/etc.
i dated a girl in the beginning of high school and most of it ended up being online because of covid, and i never wanted to call/facetime with her like she did.
before covid we had one “date” which was watching a movie and talking after
it was a horror movie so during the scary part i reached out to hold her hand cause that’s what i’d seen in all the books and tv shows
physically it wasn’t repulsive (like human contact is nice, holding hands with ur friends can be dope) but it didn’t give me any crazy Gushing Feelings of Love
we basically only texted and did mundane shit like send funny memes WHICH I WAS FINE WITH cause it was the same things i did with my other friends :)
when vaccines started rolling out and people were meeting up irl again i lied about when i was getting vaccinated so i could put off seeing her as long as possible (still was in hardcore denial atp and attributed it to being “shy”)
i finally did see her irl at a double date dinner that my ex gf and 2 other ex-friends and almost had a panic attack and vomited at the restaurant
back on the topic of hand holding: later after dinner when we were walking around outside she kept like moving closer to my side and i thought she was going to try and hold my hand so i literally like Clasped my hands behind my back  because i was so scared she would try something
so yeah after that i was like ‘okay this may not be Allo™ behavior’ 
“liking” someone that you already know likes you, maybe because it would give you a chance to get in a relationship and “feel love like everyone else”
my “crush” on my ex-gf basically went like:
we were in the same science class
seated next to each other in the beginning of the year
she found my instagram and started messaging me on there a lot about seemingly random stuff
i thought it was weird and i was like ‘wait is this someone liking me’
i made a gay joke with her to Test my Hypothesis™ (id’ed as bisexual at the time) and found out she was gay
atp i was like okay i think she has a crush on me...
kept talking to the girl because i had never seen someone have a crush on me behavior and i thought it was pretty interesting
actually hung out with her once for her birthday, first time i spend a lot of time actually with her
getting a better look at her face i saw that she was actually pretty cute (shoutout to aesthetic attraction for not being confusing AT ALL /j)
deduced that i must have a crush on her because i liked her face
also for context at the time i was really struggling with imposter syndrome about my sexuality because i never liked a girl and felt like i was “faking my gayness”, so i kinda latched onto this opportunity so that i could reassure myself like ‘no i was right i DO like girls!!’
but anyways i “confessed” to her over text and later when we met up to talk about it i literally did not care if we dated or not i left the whole decision up to her
in retrospect not a good decision i am mentally scarred. /hj
being called out by partners for being “emotionally distant”, treating them “more like a friend”, etc.
HOO BOY in my breakup text my ex basically went off about how we “felt more like friends that lovers” and complained about like how much time i spent with friends vs with her
i remember just being like ‘?????? i’ve known these people for like 8+ years??? and you for 2????? is the priority not obvious??????’
yeah basically allos actually feel stronger for partners than they do for their friends had to learn that the hard way
not wanting to talk to people about your relationship
one of my friends would always text me to ask “how it’s going!” with the relationship and it always just made me really uneasy and i’d try to shake it off and steer the conversation away with really vague responses like “we’re vibing haha”
conversely, telling A LOT of people about the relationship to show that you finally “did it”
i told my friends about the relationship because everytime they asked me about crushes i would say “i don’t have any” and they’d always follow up with some like “dude you don’t have to lie we won’t tell them!”
the relationship was basically just a chance for me to finally get people off my back and show that ‘hey i CAN love you guys i’m not abnormal or broken!’ :))
not really understanding how relationships work or what you want out of one
my entire understanding of how to navigate a relationship came from 1. AO3 fanfics and 2. whatever my ex wanted to do
she was the allo one and i did not know what the hell dating was about nor did i care to look into it so i just followed her lead for things that “lovers” do like sending “good morning texts” and shit like that even though i found it completely unnecessary and burdening
i just thought that everyone puts up with the parts of relationships that i hated (which is a lot) but NOPE people actually dig this stuff
HEADS UP this is the asexual section so stuff might get a little NSFW, nothing graphic as i’m a virgin but just fair warning! :)
you might be asexual if:
you like consuming erotica or other sexual material but it’s never self-insert, you read/watch/listen to it like you would any other story
it took me FOREVER to come to terms with this but 
you can like sex and still be asexual!!!! you can consume whatever sexual shit you want and it doesn’t make you any less ace!!!!!
for me personally i don’t really like porn and content of real people but i live and breath smutty fanfics (except that Y/N shit) and manga
i like watching/reading about attractive and pretty characters having sex with other characters but i never want said character to do things to me it creeps me out
im perfectly content with admiring(?) their good looks and bodies in these situations without feeling any kind of sexual urge for them
if this sounds relatable you might want to look into aegosexuality !
you can joke about and talk about sexual things, but the idea of those things actually happening is uncomfortable
my ex and i would talk about having sex, throw jokes around like “when are we gonna fuck haha”
though the conversation never got extremely physical or vivid without me feeling iffy
ie. i could talking about “fucking” but specific stuff like “what i would do to her”, body parts, etc. was TOTALLY an ick
i think i honestly was able to partake in it just because there was that barrier of a screen between us, and thanks to covid there was no immediate possibility of us having sex or talking about these things in real life and giving weight to them
your sexual fantasies about yourself and others you’re “attracted” to are ones you consciously decided to have
my exact thoughts word-for-word to myself were “oh wait i’m DATING my gf now i LIKE her that means i can think about her sexually!”
i fr had some kind of mental checklist of what to do before DECIDING to have fantasies about someone
my fantasies were also really vague and just blurry “concepts” of sex rather than seeing our faces and bodies
if i ever tried to think deeper into the “fantasy” with things like touching someone’s genitals, being touched there, oral, etc. it would immediately make me feel like super disgusting and even shudder sometimes
lowkey weird but i’d also choose to think about these things at times like in school so that i could relate to those posts from allos that are like “haha when you’re in class/at dinner/etc. and you’re just spaced out thinking about SexyTime with ur s/o!”
i hate allonormativity
you don’t masturbate to the idea of having sex with anyone, or if you try to include those thoughts it doesn’t really help or turns you off
ok confession i’ve never actually properly masturbated before 
like reach orgasm 
i’ve never ever had the urge to masturbate (i think i have like actually zero libido LMAO), but when i started dating my ex i was like “ok people in relationships usually masturbate and think about their partner, i should try this out!”
so long story short i tried to masturbate, at first i wasn’t thinking about anything and wasn’t feeling it, so i tried to think of my ex during it to see if it would help and it just ended up making things feel even weirder and i had to stop
you’re fine with being a virgin forever
not gonna lie i’m not 100% sure about this one
but no allo i’ve ever talked to has been like “oh yeah same my virginity isn’t a huge deal to me” they all seem to want to lose it at some point
you can recognize that people are hot, but it’s just the sexual attraction that isn’t there
like, i’m 100% ace but i can totally tell when someone (mostly 2D characters though) are like sheeeeeeesshhh like when they’ve got it going on y’know
like i know not all aces are like this
but personally i’m such a sucker cute anime guys with nice abs and arms and shit
and i’ll be like “damn he’s hot” in my head, but it’s in a way where he’s purely eye candy
like i could stare at fanart of this guy for hours and gush about his looks but it’s never in a “damn i’d fuck him” way
it’s MORE than “he is conventionally attractive.” like i have my own personal traits and features i find attractive in people’s looks but it’s LESS than lusting after him, he’s just very nice to look at
if i even think about getting sexual with someone i’ve been “thirsting” for it’s like an immediate mood-killer
if they’re fictional i’d rather just read a story about him having sex with another hot character it’s a lot more fun ;)
like there’s a guy in my math class who is literally DROP DEAD GORGEOUS and i’d admire his looks all day but i literally could not care less about getting to know him or dating him or anything with him
i pretty much don’t even remember him outside of that class like i only remembered him because i’m writing this rn
don’t even know the dude’s NAME LMAO
i hope this post can be helpful to some of you that are questioning! it was also just really therapeutic for me to write these things out and i feel a lot better afterwards :)
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foureyes802 · 2 years
forming parasocial relationships w ur metal men. will u talk about pickles. for character ask game.
OH BOY WILL I! pickles my beloved. the cucumber of my heart
Sexuality headcanon: this man can fit so much bisexuality in him
Gender headcanon: I literally regularly forget trans man pickles isn't canon. yet another win for metalocalypse in being tv's Accidental Representation champion
Ship: NICKLES. I will never get over that fucking funeral scene at the end of season 4. they are canon to me and they should get married in the movie. just a suggestion ♡
broTP: thinking about this is making me realize how little time pickles spends 1 on 1 with the other guys in the show proper. i think he deserves to be closer with all of them actually. also it feels like cheating to say nathan again but they are autism+adhd besties to me. infodumping is a love language and brother, they are speaking
noTP: nothing but respect to the people who ship him with abigail but it just does not do anything for me. the way the show handled her kind of put me off from seeing her with pickles OR nathan. that being said the throuple is valid. i am deleting heterosexual love triangles from all media forever and interpreting the events of season 4 as desperate gay pining instead
random HC: i am a pickles younger brother truther through and through. firstly, burning down the garage and blaming it on pickles is an incredibly older brother thing for seth to do. secondly, watch Fatherklok and tell me he's the older brother. shoutout to that episode for being fucking nuts btw
EDIT bc i forgot general opinion. i love him he is so good. epitome of character that starts out as a joke and then becomes very fleshed out and emotional. lazzo and crofford are a pair of testicles for hating mtl because it started having continuity and emotional beats
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lesbian-in-leather · 2 years
Okay look, I’m going to make a big long post about the actual plot, but first I just... I just need to be upset about the absolute lack of queer rep for a minute, okay?
Because I never actually expected them to make any of the trio in an explicitly canon relationship. It’s the fucking mouse studio, and Amphibia always had way less freedom than the Owl House (which is literally getting cancelled for being gay), so I obviously knew it was never going to happen. However, a small, stubborn part of me did hope we’d at least get an implied relationship between two of them. Which obviously did not happen
However, I am so angry at the fact that they really sat there, and they didn’t give us any undeniable queer representation. That’s right, I don’t count Olivia calling Yunan “sweetheart” as undeniably explicit because while it does absolutely confirm to anyone with braincells that they’re dating/married, it isn’t explicit. English people genuinely do refer to family/friend as ‘sweetheart’. Hop Pop got an entire episode dedicated to his relationship with Sylvia, as well as several scenes in other episodes I believe, but all Olivia and Yunan get is one word? Dialogue is much more significant confirmation than the handholding, or the amount of blushing, because if the characters don’t discuss it, then it was probably put in by the animators. And yes, they have to get everything approved, but it’s a lot easier for them to slip something in than it is for the writers, and the higher-ups care about it less because it’s easier to deny.
But why does this make me so angry? I’ve been let down by plenty of shows in the past, why does this one make me so unbelievably angry when they gave me more rep than certain other things I’ve watched? Well, you see, it’s because of one of the relationships they did decide to make canon. I could have easily dealt with none of the trio getting together, and might have even been happy with Olivia and Yunan’s relationship ‘confirmation’ if it weren’t for the inexcusably explicit relationship that the mouse decided was appropriate for children.
The snail and the fucking bird. Yep. We can’t have human lesbians, and the newt wives are an implication, but we can literally show the multiple mutant children of the giant snail-car and the massive sparrow. We’re going to have them make affections noises when they see each other, and blush more than Yunan and Olivia combined, and then LITERALLY SHOW THEIR OFFSPRING. But yeah, the gays will scar children. Can’t have that in a kids show. No way.
So yeah I’m, uh. Not exactly pleased. Like I said at the start, I have loads of thoughts about the actual plot that I will absolutely make into a post, but I just wanted to rant about this first.
Shoutout to the animators for making Sasha as canonically bisexual as they could, though. That’s definitely something, even if it wasn’t ever mentioned in any of the dialogue
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sonicunleash · 2 years
Sonic for the ask game
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Sexuality Headcanon: ohhh gay absolutely. though I see a lot of people hc him as bisexual too and I also think thats so awesome :)
Gender Headcanon: trans guy who is SO gnc. I've always seen him as being so open and proud about his sexuality and gender but its like. DOUBLY so for his gender he's just so unapologetic about being transgender and being trans and his own way and he's going to make sure the world knows it
A ship I have with said character: s/nkn/xadow admittedly. All three dynamics really appeal to me and have so much going for them when it comes to parallels and opposites and also just being silly and fun. but only the dynamics in my head and in canon literally everyone is wrong about the s/nadow dynamic because they want to make both characters into flat fanfiction tropes and want to make it out to be more special than it is and theyre just so generally annoying about it that it comes off like i hate it but really im just really picky and hate the fandom version of it. i think they are silly. s/nknux (NOT THE MOVIE VERSION) however is the world though it is that deep. if I talk about them in depth though this post is going to get so long so ill leave it at that. but also shipping isn't that serious. unrelated to actually shipping but i hc that most of his friends and rivals (THAT ARE CLOSE TO HIS AGE) have had crushes on sonic at some point i think its really silly to the point of being a bit. everyone sitting at a table like raise your hand if youve crushed on sonic at some point and all these hands go up and sonic like "uh. did i do that."
A BROTP I have with said character: SONIC AND TAILS FRRRR SEGA PLEAAAASE let them act like actual brothers in game like tails isnt just his sidekick tails is sonics BROTHER they are each others most important person. they live together they mess with each other they hold prank contests that will go in history books they know almost everything about each other. they found each other when they were orphans and are both each others first friend and first family. people talk about how much that means to tails but it means just as much to sonic
A NOTP I have with said character: all the gross stuff but especially shoutout to s/namy oh my god can everyone shut the fuck up about it being "basically canon" SHES 12 YOU FUCKERS SHES 12!!!!!!!!ITS UNREQUITED OH MY GOD SHES 12!!!!!!! Other than that uhhhh... m/tonic and s/nourge like sorry metal fucking hates him and scourge is literally Him from another dimension thats weird. stop.
A random headcanon: OOOOO well I know sonic being an orphan is pretty much canon but i have to say i just LOVE the idea of sonic being an orphan and VERY much an outcast growing up (something something tails parallels). he ran away from whoever was raising him (and probably raising other orphans) at a pretty young age and his powers didn't make it hard to avoid other adults and stuff like school and stuff. anyways long story short he pretty much didnt have anything except for what he stole and pulled together for himself-- he gave himself his own name (transgender) and everything. I'm just a big sucker for heroes who have the craziest powers and have become the most powerful people around but come from the most humble origins and at the end of the day they're just another person like us.
General Opinion over said character: HE'S MY BEST FRIEND!!! He's EVERYONES best friend like i promise you if sonic was real he would be your friend and make you feel special and awesome because he is so nice and friendly. god i wish sonic was real the world needs a sonic so bad
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pseudophan · 7 years
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i can’t believe this is how dan is celebrating bi pride day
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shoutout to stereotypes actually. shoutout to slutty bisexuals and femme gay men and butch lesbians and nonbinary teenagers who dress weird and use weird pronouns and make up genders. shoutout to everyone who fits into whatever stereotype, intentionally or not, and told the system "you say you'd respect people like me as long as they weren't like me. what are you going to do now?"
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butchhamlet · 3 years
And for the characters, peril wingsoffire, orsino twelfthnight, ippolit warandpeace and uhhhhh firestar warriorcats
PERIL WINGSOFFIRE (yes i run a shakespeare blog yes im about to encourage you all to read wings of fire the children's books about dragons because they genuinely hold up and still slap)
Sexuality Headcanon: i think peril is bi i think that's her right Gender Headcanon: on the one hand i'm hesitant to hc peril as a trans woman because she's. a walking weapon and i feel like that could get dicey. however it could also be interesting as a reason why kestrel might not recognize her as an adult. + in the sense of... scarlet supporting her gender as long as peril does shit for her as another form of manipulation A ship I have with said character: peril/sunny maybe? i can't think of a reason why that one would be bad and i think they both have so much bright energy just in different directions yknow... like sunny is so sweet in a way most people (dragons) aren't to peril, and also i'm envisioning sunny curling up to sleep near peril because her heat reminds her of the desert :) A BROTP I have with said character: i don't really ship clay and peril romantically because i feel like peril really needs to sort out her own self-worth with regard to clay (and i'm glad that, at least as far as i've read, the books haven't shoved them together + have put an emphasis on giving them time to figure it out! we stan actually well-written het romance). however i DO think they are buddies and character foils and he's the only one who can hug her so he should A NOTP I have with said character: i guess peril and scarlet?? because of the obvious reasons?? maybe peril and turtle as well because idk i just like them as friends A random headcanon: i know most jewelry melts when it touches her, but turtle's an animus, right. i think he enchants her some jewelry that won't melt & she's so incredibly touched because she's never been able to wear bracelets before (bonus points if it's ugly as fuck but she's enthralled anyway) General Opinion over said character: peril my bestie my beloved. i had mixed feelings on her until her POV and now she's my best friend she's so much fun and her arc is so good
Sexuality Headcanon: one of the most bisexual characters ever, actually Gender Headcanon: generally i think of orsino as a cis man (and presumed straight until he meets viola and Figures Some Things Out), but i also once read a fic where orsino is a trans bear and that concept is so god tier A ship I have with said character: orsino and violacesario :) A BROTP I have with said character: i think orsino and olivia become friends after the events of canon! i'd like to imagine he apologizes for being The Way He Was and they get to bond over being... very lonely people figuring out their relationships to love A NOTP I have with said character: orsino/olivia. dude she said to fuck off stop showing up at her HOUSE A random headcanon: he plays like five instruments very well but when it comes to singing he's tone fucking deaf. at first viola is like "why do you have other people make music for you" and then they hear him sing and they're like.... ah General Opinion over said character: i'll admit of TN characters i probably think about him the least? but i think his character arc is really interesting (and can be played in a very dark direction but i'm ignoring that because i'm in nice-headcanon-land)
Sexuality Headcanon: we know this man is gay Gender Headcanon: i haven't thought in depth about ippolit's gender but an agender ippolit could be cool. to balance out his siblings. the kuragins got one of each /s A ship I have with said character: ishpolit ofc <3 (the fact that this fic is unironically good. shakes my fist) A BROTP I have with said character: the obvious answer here is ippolit and lise but for whatever reason i read this and "ippolit and dolokhov" popped into my head. can you imagine dolokhov leaving either kuragin's bedroom in the middle of the night and ippolit is still awake doing weird shit downstairs and he's like "hi!!!" [waving] and dolokhov is like. hi? A NOTP I have with said character: ippolit and lise... he's a gay man and he wouldn't know how to have an affair if it bit him anyway A random headcanon: i'm partial to a neurodivergent ippolit but that's because i like to look at comic relief characters and go "oh me?" General Opinion over said character: i fucking love him im obsessed with him my war and peace blog url is literally lesbians4ippolit what else do i have to say
Sexuality Headcanon: am i allowed to stand here and be like "firestar is a lesbian because he's my oldest comfort character and i'm a lesbian" Gender Headcanon: see above. A ship I have with said character: firestar/sandstorm i know it's basic and canon but literally who is doing it like them. WHO is doing it like them! shoutout to the post that's like "firesand walked so hiccup/astrid in HTTYD could run" like fucking say that A BROTP I have with said character: i know the obvious answer here is firestar and graystripe and i do adore them but i feel so much more passionately about firestar and cinderpelt like. ;-; A NOTP I have with said character: firecinder there is literally no reason to be like "actually cinderpelt loved him!" let them be friends. i also have a seething hatred for firestar/spottedleaf, kept burning in my body from when i was ten apparently. he's a married man why is he getting homewrecked by a fucking ghost and why does this keep happening for like... sixty books A random headcanon: he and bramblestar never said so in as many words, but they both considered him bramblestar's real father. (and they both knew it; they didn't have to talk about it to feel it.) General Opinion over said character: . this is so embarrassing. hopping on my shakespeare blog to admit that my oldest and deepest and #1 comfort character ever in my life is cat jesus from cat game of thrones for children
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shelsgovroomvroom · 3 years
mum. this is sia, your daughter. hello. can you connect all the f1 drivers with one of your mutuals or someone you know online?
Okay I’m not doing all the drivers because I don’t have enough mutuals for that and I’m not doing every mutual because I’m only going with the ones that really really give off the vibe of that particular F1 driver. Not all of these will even be F1 blogs so I’m about to make some people hella confused.
First and most obviously, @bingusmode is Charles.
Then I have to say @dutchgrandprix is Esteban. Very chilled and happy and laid back and filled with anxiety.
@milfdeacon radiates Seb energy by seeming very nice and put together and comforting but underneath they are complete chaos.
Speaking of chaos, @madhare0512 is Yuki. Chaotic neutral that will kill you or kill for you depending on their mood.
Shoutout to @galaxysanduniversesinmymind who is most definitely Lance in the sense that they honestly don’t know how they got here and honestly are too scared to ask at this point.
Also worth mentioning that @max-iemillian reminds me of Checo because good vibes all round
Also we can’t forget that @chairleclerc reminds me of Pierre because titty bisexual who is actually gay with zero thoughts
Bonus points for @mickdidthat who has the vibes and underratedness of none other than our lord and saviour, Alex Albon
And finally, @sagerants. You are, without a doubt, Roscoe.
I know I have way more mutuals than this and I love all of you but these are just the specific vibes that match the drivers!!
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