ktluca · 5 years
Chronicles of the Shoulder Angel: Entry One
I should have reported back to headquarters when I realised it was too late. But I don’t remember when that horned devil from the second shoulder beat me. The devil started to fade a decade ago, when the innocence of my human was ripped from them. It had concerned me, but I had thought my human was powering through with strength and pure goodness.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
That devil has become a part of my human’s mind. It can whisper to them quicker than I ever could, and I can no longer hear those whispers to contradict them in time. So, I now make this vow, never to stop trying. I will stay on this shoulder til the end; doing what I can to convince my human the devil’s whispers aren’t the way forward. With each troubled frown I will whisper hope. With each tear I will soothe them with words and songs that they know. With each second that passed in haunted silence, I will yell at the top of my lungs with words of encouragement. I will forever do all of this, while knowing my words may not reach their ears.
I will not stop.
I will drive that devil back out of my human’s mind and onto the shoulder once more.
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