#should i finish this?
strawbebby-lemonade · 13 days
Not sure to finish it or leave as a working progress lol
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I never drew him lmao
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frogs00 · 3 months
A bit to a rejanis one shot I might write if I can muster up the time and energy to finish it:
Regina stared down at the brunette, flabbergasted at Janis’s outburst, “Janis…”
“No, Regina, No!” She yelled, shoving a finger in her face, her voice slightly slurred from the alcohol, “Stop it!” Her voice cracked with emotions, layers of emotions Regina could hardly process.
Janis inhaled sharply, her eyes watery, “You let me fucking talk!” She whispered-yelled, Regina opened her mouth but was cut off instantly, “Why? Why did you let me get so close? If you were just going to hurt me and leave me like everyone else does?” The blonde couldn’t tell if it a rhetorical question or not so she stayed silent.
“You were my best friend! And you… fuck…” She tilted her head back, inhaling a shaky breath, attempting to blink away tears. Regina had never seen Janis cry, and had never expected too.
Except that one time when they were young and Janis had came to school with a poorly-hidden black-eye, when Regina asked what happened Janis had ran away to the restroom and slammed the stall door. She heard her crying in the stalls. Not seen. It was just as heartbreaking. (She never did find out what happened. But she found out a week later her dad left (or was kicked out), not that it had anything to do with it, but she could only assume.)
Then she saw a tears leave her brown eyes, her heart shattered.
She felt guilt swarm her stomach, like a hive a bees… that had been beaten down like a piñata.
Should I even finish this?
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goldrozey · 4 months
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Hello Avm/Ava fandoms, I have come back from the dead! Yep! New eps new art, here!!
I know I keep redesigninv them and changing artstyles but liek I can't help it ok 😥 anyways back to being dead!
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kairithemang0 · 4 months
curtwen masquerade ball curt dips owen in a ballroom dance can't see owen blush like a maniac that's it that's the ask
So, would they know it's each other?
If they didn't, maybe it would have Curt being like "oh this guy is so hot..." and not knowing Owen is working with him on a mission or something
Hold on gonna just write about this and see where it goes (will not be edited, probably. very much a first draft)
Curt brings the mysterious man away from the party, his mask still draped over his face. He holds onto the man's wrists, his hands hot as he holds the cuffs of the man's suit jacket. They found a quiet corner, Curt's face still coded red under the mask. He listened to the man's laugh, which felt like being stabbed with knives of sweetness. He wanted to know if the man was as flustered as he was. He wanted to look back and ask him to take the mask off, so they can have a real face to face.
"Not used to being dipped now, are you, love?" The mysterious man pushed Curt against the wall of the corner they found themselves in, the only light illuminating the blue and purple mask of the man was the glimmer of moonlight from the window near them. Curt's clothes felt tight, he loosened his tie a bit. The mysterious man watched him like a vulture about to attack, ready to feast on all the skin Curt let himself show.
"It's not the first time, I simply wasn't expecting a man with your charms to show up tonight," Curt tried his hardest to be able to breathe, to keep his cool while his face began to burn with a mix of embarrassment and the feeling as if he could melt into the man at any second. He almost forgot he was working, still looking for his partner for the mission. Owen Carvour, he assumed he hadn't shown up yet. It gave Curt time for this moment, this sweet perfect moment.
The man touched Curt's collar, brushed a finger along where the fabric ended and Curt's skin began, "Your skin is surprisingly soft, love," he grinned under the mask, letting out a grin as Curt moved his neck away from the touch out of instinct, "You're cute, aren't you?" His accent was rich and gorgeous, Curt wanted to be surrounded by that voice he had for ages.
Curt didn't respond to that. He was a lot of things, but he would've never described himself as "cute". But if this man was saying it? Curt wanted to say as loudly as he could that he was the cutest man to ever live.
"You've gone quiet, what's on your mind?" The man's finger trailed up his neck and onto Curt's chin, before he made his way to Curt's trembling lip and pressed his finger into it just enough to where he heard Curt let out a quiet whimper, "Now that's a noise I didn't think could come out of your mouth, love."
"Yeah well, you've got a lot to learn about me," Curt choked out, he could barely hide it anymore, not that he was trying to. He felt the man's chest push against his, Curt didn't realize how close his face had gotten to his, he couldn't tell if it was his eyes playing tricks on him or if his face was really as red as Curt thought it looked. He was gorgeous either way.
The man laughed, and trailed his fingertips back down Curt's face, letting it travel lower than his collar and down to his loosened tie, loosening it more with his delicate finger, "Maybe I do. I'd say we should start with names, but this isn't the setting for that, is it?" Curt could practically smell his breath that was a mix of mint and pure sweetness that made Curt feel like he was going to go on a sugar rush just from breathing it in. Curt closed his eyes and his chest rose as the man touched the buttons on Curt's shirt, "Maybe I'll buy you a drink later, find somewhere with less risk."
Curt practically melted, and unable to contain his eagerness any longer and grabbed the man's face and kissed him. Curt strung his hands through the man's hair, as he felt the mask slip down the man's nose and fall to the floor. Curt didn't let that stop him, and the man grabbed his shoulders and pushed him hard against the wall.
The man's lips tasted just as good as Curt thought they would and was painfully disappointed when he felt him pull away. It was too short, he needed it back. Curt watched him, his brain beginning to work again. He knew the face, he recognized it even though he didn't look as flustered in the picture as he did now.
"Hello, Agent Mega. A pleasure to meet you," Owen Carvour fixed his hair and held his hand out to Curt, who through the confusion and desperation to feel his perfect skin again, shook it firmly.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Agent Carvour."
Again very much a first draft, still fun to write (you didn't ask for a fic, sorry :/)
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buckets-thought-dump · 9 months
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I drew demon Bucket a few days ago as a little doodle.
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stitch-meow · 2 years
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happyk44 · 1 year
It wasn't that he was scared of cows in general. It was more, he'd pissed off his stepmom and cows were like guard dogs for her. He was just inspecting the flower beds and bushes near the river - something demanded in large letters by his vacationing little sister and it just gave a gentle moo and he jumped and caught sight of wide beady black eyes and panicked.
He was allowed to panic.
Panic was normal.
Falling ass first into a river of woe was less so.
The Acheron was warm. It could've been cozy had it not been for the sobbing and distress and agony plaguing his head and heart and lungs. Regrets he'd never had washed through him.
Above the river was slow and sluggish. Like misery, it trudged along, whimpering sad.
But once he was pulled in, he was in. Fighting against the underwater currents was akin to pushing through molasses. Pointless. Unending. Exhausting.
He knew how to fight his way out of all the others - the Styx, of course, being relatively impossible.
But the Cocytus was confidence against the crying. Happy moments. Positive things. Beautiful objects. Things like that. Lethe was a centering moment and the benefit of not being dead. The Phlegethon was the easiest. Just fight against the intense burning and swim your way out to the safety of wherever the first aid kit was.
The Acheron was lost on him. Absolute crap moment. He didn't really hang around it enough.
It circled around the Fields of Punishment before plunging deep in Tartarus with the rest of the rivers and, well, he didn't really hang out in Punishment. The Furies didn't like him in there and there wasn't much to see or steal.
But, of course, Persephone just had to make some "sad fucking plants that will add to their bullshit miseries, the assholes" before she left for her mom's. Which left him to check on their development.
He hadn't even gone inside! He picked the tiny stretch of river that existed between the fields but before the dunk underground towards Tartarus.
And now he was drowning with no way out.
His back hit the hard river bottom. It was all so dark. Wisps of silver passed him by - fish, maybe. Or tiny bits of souls who'd given up. Faded away.
Vanished into the nether of being.
How long would it take to find him? Would he be gone before then?
Would they have even noticed?
Would anyone care?
His chest was heavy. The ground gave way underneath him. The water was weighing him further down. His attempts to claw his way to the surface slowed. The twitches of his wings stopped. He closed his eyes.
It wasn't like he was the best person. He was only working in the underworld because he'd tried to steal some jewels and Macaria bullied him into accepting a job or facing the wrath of her father. And his uncle was a terrifying unseen face in the whispering shadows of Olympus.
Water rushed past his head. It was like the air whirling past him when he was running but heavier and angry. Air hit his face. He exhaled, coughing rapidly as he held above the whimpering waters. It was so cold.
Hades tightened his grip on Hermes' shirt. The trudge to the riverbed was quick and he splattered onto the dirt, heaving deep pained breaths as he choked on water that refused to leave his lungs.
Hades squeezed his cheeks. "Hermes, drink this."
He pressed a hot thermos to Hermes' mouth. Drinking was hard when he couldn't inhale, when he was still choking, but Hades just tilted his head back and forced the burning liquid down his throat. It tasted like gasoline and smoke.
He gagged around the rush of flames but Hades' shadowy grip kept him from squirming away.
The Acheron cleared from his lungs. But he just felt like he was burning from the inside out. Hades just shook the thermos once more. The sound of sloshing liquid alerted him. He jerked.
"No," he gasped. "I can't-"
"Relax, it's going to cool you down," Hades assured, pouring the new liquid down his throat before Hermes could try to stop him.
It was cold, almost freezing, but a relief. The burning sensation that had flooded his body was gone with every gulp.
Left exhausted and drained, Hermes flopped back into Hades' chest as he was finally released.
"We gotta get you out of these clothes," Hades grunted.
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pollylovestaemin · 7 months
Taemin is working on watering, and planting some flowers around the nursery when the door dings. It’s really early so he was semi startled when someone walked in. He set down the watering can so he could give his attention to the young man. He started to turn around, and the man was close; almost too close. He felt an insane amount of body heat, and stumbled back. 
“Hi welcome to kkoongie nursery” he blurted out with the last breath he had before turning away. 
“Hi thank you” the man said so natchantly like he wasn’t mere inches from his body. 
“If you need any help let me know” he said before he went back to watering the plants again.
Taemin notices he keeps glancing over at the young man looking through the different plants, and flowers they have to offer. They have a very large array of them. He sees the young man looking at the yellow tulips. He wonders if he knows in Victorian times their meaning was there's sunshine in your smile, but today they symbolize happiness and hope. When glancing at him through the plants he notices his smile and that definition is very accurate. He thinks he likes the Victorian definition better. He feels his heart start to pick up. 
“Hey” Taeyong says from behind him and startles him making him almost drop the watering can. 
“What are you doing?” he says through laughs, and he starts to playfully punches his arm when the young man comes over, and clears his throat as if he was standing there for a while. Taemin and Taeyong look over at the same time and Taemin feels himself losing his will to stay focused. He’s just so beautiful. He clears his throat as well, and finally asists him with his purchase. 
“Is this all for you today ?” he said without making eye contact and scanning the plant. He wonders if this young man can tell he is nervous around him. “Yes” he said sweetly and smiling as if he read my mind and answered. Everything he does is making Taemin melt. He debates on telling the young man what the definition of the flower means because he did in fact pick up the yellow tulip. But he didn't ask, but also it is my job to know these things. This man is flustering him so bad he’s not sure what to do with himself. He hands the change back by sliding it across the counter so they don't touch. He felt as though he would have felt sparks if they did. This could all be in his head, but he has a desire to know and not to know this young man. He believes knowing him will make his life so fun and fulfilling but also not knowing him might be the better option so he doesn’t get his heart broken again. He tries to say goodbye but the young man leaves quickly.
hello this is just for fun, and this is just a preview. I truly haven't wrote fic since 2014 and my bestie convinced me to write one. So i'm sorry if its bad.. but i hope it's not and you want me to continue! let me know if i should :)
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Random freaky Justice League plot that lives in my head rent free
We’re taken through a fairly normal day in the life of J’onn J’onnz… however every written word he reads has something to do with telling him to wake up. His friends randomly freeze up and beg him to wake up in worried or panicky tones that don’t match their facial expressions at all, and the whole time J’onn’s just feeling sicker and sicker. When he finally does wake up it’s reviled that the whole episode was a fever dream J’onn had due to getting sick. The repetition of the written word being all replaced with some variation of “Wake up” was him unconsciously reading his friends minds and their freezing up and begging was them asking him to wake up out loud.
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rebellconquerer · 1 year
So I listened to this song and my brain started writing a fic where Kinn cheats. Cause my day has been terrible, have fic.
Kinn is drunk. He knows it, Porsche knew it before he left but he just couldn't stop. No, that's not right, he didn't want to stop. Didn't want to feel all the emotions that fighting with Porsche, that caring for Porsche made him feel. So he hid in a bottle and pleasant laughter and when Porsche intervened, he sent him home alone, only to hear that he'd gone to the minor family villa instead of to Kinn's bed. It's where he prefers to be probably, outside of Kinn's damning reach, away from whatever fairytale they thought they were living before the real world interrupted.
"Drinking that much alone is never a good idea," a voice says from his right. Kinn glances over to see the young man from before, the one who's eyes had been trailing behind him the entire night. Kinn is used to it, he's powerful, wealthy and good looking, men look at him.
"Not always a bad idea though," he replies, mostly to himself. The stranger takes it as permission to sit, giving him a warm smile. Kinn finds himself smiling back.
The Night Before
"You had no right," Porsche continues, voice hard and Kinn rolls his eyes, stepping out of the shower.
"You would have been stuck in that meeting for hours more, Porsche. It took nothing to move him along,"
"Yeah it took nothing for you to move him along. Everytime you step in because you think I can't do my job, it makes doing this job harder," Porsche hisses, balling the button up in his hands and throwing it across the room, a defeated slump to his shoulders that Kinn doesn't like but can't seem to fix.
"This event is important and it's important that we be there, on time,"
"You mean it's important that you be there with something pretty on your arm,"
"At least you know you're pretty,"
"Kinn." Porsche says, one word, dropping with enough displeasure it makes Kinn's smile evaporate. It's been weeks that they've been like this, almost at each other's throats, not quite able to find that easy groove from the begining of their relationship and Kinn is tired.
"Look," he says, and he doesn't mean to slip into his Khun Kinn voice, but he's been trying ok, and all he's getting for his efforts is castigated.
"If you don't want to be there, I can't make you, Porsche, you don't work for me,"
"Are you sure about that? Your words say that but everything else you do screams otherwise," and Kinn spins then, eyes hard as he glares at the younger man. Porsche doesn't back down. When has he ever. When has he ever given an inch when he didn't have to. They should have this out, whatever 'this' is that's been clawing at the inside of their mouths to be let out, but Kinn doesn't want to fight. He's so tired of it. Porsche was supposed to be his peace.
"You can stay or you can come, either is fine with me," he says dismissively. He knows the cold of his indifference hurts worse than the heat of his anger and a part of him wants Porsche to hurt.
He turns and walks out of his bathroom pretending he doesn't hear Porsche's muttered curse.
Porsche meets him just as he's about to get into the waiting limo, hair slicked back from his face, a few messy strands framing his gorgeous eyes. The tux fits him like a glove, the deep jewel-green colour makes his skin even more luminous. It would be perfect if Kinn could get him to smile.
"Decided to join me?" Kinn says instead of the apology he knows he owes Porsche. That gets him a deeper frown and an eye roll.
"Clean and dressed, just as the young master requested," Porsche mutters, sliding past him into the car and Kinn sighs. It's going to be a long night.
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theredtours · 6 months
why yes I AM making boop gifs from screen recording
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greykolla-art · 7 months
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It’s healthy to step out of our comfort zone’s a little!😜
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discendia · 2 months
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Found this HinoMina sketch from a couple years ago and my heart skipped a beat...
Commissions open
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Hey now, Let her cook!
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#senshi#laios touden#marcille donato#izutsumi#oyasumi punpun#<- In case you are wondering what the source for the little bird guy is.#Yeah that's right. I'm back to my extremely obscure crossover BS.#Punpun is one of those series that falls under the category of 'Good! but I cannot responsibly recommend this to anyone."#If Dungeon Meshi is like a friend asking you to go on a quick errand and you accidently go on a life changing roadtrip -#Punpun is your friend asking to go on a quick errand and they pull up to the vet and tell you your dog is being put down.#Then they explode into sludge. Melting your car. You hitchhike back but the person who picked you up is an axe murderer.#I could not finish it. My friends who did say it was good. But agree it was for the best I did not finish it.#Hey speaking of tone twists...We are one episode away from one of my favourite chapters being animated!#WHO'S READY FOR THE SENSHI BACKSTORY! WHO IS READY TO CRY!#ME! I AM! I spooked my flatmate with how energetic I was this morning. I'm vibrating with energy I was not designed to contain.#I should talk about today's episode here: It was very good. I love how they animated the familiars.#And!!! Anime only people now are in the loop on the Chilchuck lore. Part 1 of many. He still contains multitudes.#They all do to be honest! If this episode told us anything it was that we still don't know these characters as well as we think!#See you guys next week. I'll be inconsolable.
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fadeintoyou1993 · 1 year
cannot stop thinking about this skit from the new i think you should leave season
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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no more fan-ta-sizing about it! everything's already changed~
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#figueroth faeth#riz gukgak#adaine abernant#fabian seacaster#gorgug thistlespring#kristen applebees#fh class quangle#my! class swap thing! I guess this is like the poster for it now#got overinvested and finished it properly instead of winging it lol#in closeup order: cleric!gorgug; bard!riz; rogue!fabian; sorcerer!kristen; barbarian!fig; artificer!adaine#this one does have the harpoon gun I'd give fabian during sophomore year but literally only figured out for this piece lol#I like how it looks tho Im glad I hashed it out#thinking abt power armor adaine a lot tbh... she has the transhumanist audacity. she's villain-adjacent enough#to attempt unspeakable acts of body improvement#(its funny bc to wear a rig like that would Also demand a certain level of physical strength from you)#also yeah this is the thing with riz holding a megaphone that got me considering#its fun! it fits the aesthetics! maybe it'd grant him range for bardics#maybe he gets to keep that Im just not sure how he'd carry it around lol#fig gets to have all of her makeup... I like almost never remember to draw it usually kdsjfhdjk listen. I just forgor#I always forget makeup is real#also dont ask me what's in kristen's thermos it Is usually tea but you truly never know#sometimes its soup. it can be lighter fluid. soap perhaps. hot chocolate#also if u come knocking on my door abt kristen's somatic in this piece: I wont be home#she gets to be gross especially bc shes funny and 17yo and gay. we give it to her#okay I. whoo I should lay down. finally I can move on to other things#cheers! wahoo. yahha perhaps
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