#should i be quoting their twit?
fern-pajamabrain · 9 months
trying to use twitter just bc this one fandom is non-existent on here is such a pain in the ass
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thebibutterflyao3 · 8 months
Day 21 - Prompt: Cowardly @wolfstarmicrofic
January Daily Series - 797 words
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Sirius knew that it was cowardly of him to hold back while Remus attempted to cross the chasm between them on his own. It wasn’t fair for Remus to risk the fall alone. That was an inescapable fact, but Sirius simply could not balance that risk with enough sound, logical reasons to meet him halfway.
Remus stepped in the kitchen and propped his hip against the counter next to the sink. “I’m not great at reading subtle hints, Sirius. So, if you’re not interested in me, that’s completely understandable. I’m not offended.”
Completely understandable. Now who’s spouting bullshite?
“If there is a part of you that could have feelings for me, even a small one-“
None of my emotions are small.
“If there’s a chance, I mean, for this to be something…eventually, maybe…I’d like to know,” Remus said. His rambling was painfully sweet.
Say something, you twit!
Remus brushed his fingertips over Sirius’s knuckles and traced the pattern of the tiny bird whose swooping path lined the tops of all of the fingers on his right hand. When he reached the shadowed figure of a bird beneath the nail bed of his middle finger, he tapped it twice. Sirius wasn’t sure if it was in approval of the bird’s placement or an attempt to pull his attention away from the empty sink.
“Or, am I making an arse of myself for hoping that a brilliant bloke who quotes Chaucer, The Guinness Book of World Records, and Roman history in casual conversation would give me the time of day?”
Sirius scoffed, “You make that sound impressive, instead of incredibly lame.”
“It’s impressive to me.”
“Then you’re easily impressed,” Sirius replied, shaking his head. “I’m well-read, that hardly means I’m brilliant.”
“Agree to disagree?”
Remus huffed an amused breath through his nose. “Right, I should have seen that coming. You still didn’t answer my question.”
Sirius eyed the tattoo that still tingled with a phantom of Remus’s touch. “I can’t see how it would work, even if I wanted to. Our lives are too far apart.”
Remus covered Sirius’s hand with his own and fitted his long, knobby fingers in between. He pulled a pen from the pocket of his flannel pyjama pants and connected the lines of the bird’s path that his own fingers disrupted. With his additions, the trail became smoother overall. The wild loops were now tempered by gently sloping intersections.
“Paths can change,” Remus said, tucking the pen away. “If we want them to.”
“I like my path the way it is.”
Sirius hated how defensive he sounded, but he meant what he said. He loved living with his best mate in Edinburgh. It was an enchanting city filled with history, the Potters lived nearby, and it was the one place where he felt truly happy. While he didn’t think Remus wanted to ruin that for him, he honestly couldn’t see how a clever Welsh bloke fit. Not without entirely uprooting his own life anyway, and Sirius wouldn’t ask anyone to do that.
“Oh, I see.”
Remus pulled his hand back and shoved it in his pocket. A flush spread over his cheeks, highlighting the yellowing bruise under his eye. A bruise that Sirius gave to him two days ago. The one he’d kissed with a tender affection that even surprised him.
“I seriously doubt that you do,” Sirius countered. He offered Remus a smug grin as he turned to face him. “Nothing about my life is incidental, Remus. It is intentionally crafted. Where I live and with who, my family and friends, my career path, all of it. I don’t leave anything to chance. The only missing piece was my brother, which is now sliding into place as well.”
Remus nodded slowly, then hummed a note of rebuttal. “There’s already a conflict in your life plan though. Is that intentional too?” A flicker of hope in his eyes left Sirius uneasy.
“Which is?”
“With Regulus and James together, won’t that change it?”
Sirius frowned. “No, why would it?”
“Your brother lives in London,” Remus said. “If they stay together, one of them will have to move.”
“James and I will make room in our flat.”
Remus arched a sceptical eyebrow as his gaze swept over Sirius with detached assessment. “You want to share a flat with your brother and his boyfriend? Do you really think he’d want to do that?”
Sirius’s brain screeched to a halt, then the wheels spun wildly. After being separated for years, they had plenty of catching up to do. What better way to accomplish that than by living together? Surely his brother would agree. Except, Regulus rarely agreed with him on anything.
Shite. Is he right? If the plan is already changing, then perhaps there is room for…him?
Next Part>>>
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Hello Chai, SpicyDice from the twits
I know people seem to think otherwise, but Vivienne doesn't respond to criticism usually. She responds to things that are superficial or even bad faith, but never actually responds to valid criticism. She is actually very capable of keeping her mouth shut and weaponize her fans through passive aggressive tactics, like the Lackadaisy situation. She often uses her likes to manipulate the fandom as well. No one is actually a fan of her show, they are coat riders. They think getting noticed by Vivienne will do something for them when all it does is feed Viv. It's a cannibalistic parasocial dynamic that she fuels by her likes and comments. They think if they pretend to be her friend long enough it'll be their big break. Her fans are not genuinely invested in her any more than she is in them. All of them are just using each other.
In regards to actual criticism she responds to, Idk what you know about the Diregentleman debacle, but the same day they posted their video about how they were no longer watching Helluva and that the writing was terrible, Viv vaguely tweeted about how sad she was and how she was just doing her best, guys :(
Everyone picked up it was about the video, which came out after Exes and Ohs, the actually plagiarized episode of them all. Which she immediately denied as being about them, but we know the truth.
The other thing is, I am sure she uses to read my twitter before I upset her over the homophobic comments she made. Y'know, her story is so powerful and original that calling it fanfiction is just homophobia. Before then, I actually saw several critiques I made about the show get addressed. ALSO Sam Haft targeted me and Quote retweeted me about saying Vivienne was blowing money on celebrities, as well as Viv responding to me with her "No guest voices were paid more than the main cast". She didn't QRT me, but if Sam did you know she saw it.
I also somehow ended up on the HB reddit and people CAME for me lmao. Told me to open my posts to comments, death threats, etc. It was fun.
So anyway, she's much smarter than she seems. Also, hang in there.
This is all very true, and I'm glad you brought it up. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that Viv's a complete bumbling moron in all aspects just because she's one when it comes to writing, merchandising, character design, managing money, and not burning bridges with friends and colleagues, but the one thing she knows how to do extremely well is manipulate people. She'd never have gotten this far if she didn't.
Also, I think you should never open up your posts. The thought of these people seething endlessly because they're not able to send you death threats is funny.
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allycat75 · 6 months
Happy April Fool's Day, Boston Dumb Fuck! But then it is no longer just a day for you anymore, is it?
You really gave it the office over the past few years, haven't you? Made a joke of your life, your family, friends and fans and look at where it has gotten you.
In honor of this most sacred of days, let's take a quick look back down Untrustworthy Lane, shall we?
You saying you loved love in your SMA article, then taking this massive dump on it. That was awesome!
Also saying you hated yourself in the same SMA article. Too bad no one close to you believed you or intervened. Maybe this mess could have been avoided
Your then fake girlfriend, now fake wifey, crashing the Thanksgiving family celebration at Disney World, where you pretended to be creepy niece-creepy uncle. I am sure your family laughed and laughed at that one
Tried to convince us jump scares were cute beyond brothers and could be easily staged
Also thought it would be fun to hide a misogynistic snuff film behind a dumb chin puppet video
Tried to trick us into thinking being good at Mario Cart was a noteworthy feat, and being bad at it was worthy of derision
Proved Valentine's Day is a joke by releasing a few handfuls of unflattering photos, plus some obvious photshop fails and even 2 or 3 photos that had absolutely nothing to do with the day of forced love. The joke was on you, however, since all that accomplished was to murder so many lady-boners it doomed you to only finding pleasure in your own hands, or perhaps a realistic fleshlight, for the foreseeable future. But you are a big "alone guy" so that should suit you well!
Extending this shameful stunt to the "Ghosted" premiere. That was a double whammy- the little racist, clout chasing twit thinking she was going to walk the red carpet and Ana and Dexter thinking they could save that festering turd of a movie from further embarrassment. Are they still talking to you after that prank?
Orchestrating two ghost kinda ceremonies using only vague descriptions of locations and pictures from family and friends in the vicinity of possible kinda locations, including a very real and special birthday party for a young lady that was probably ruined, but all in the name of a fun manipulation, right? Pepper in some online quotes about getting mentored by RDJ (he's doing a bang up job, by the way), as well as a line in the online version of the disaster of all disaster interviews in GQ, (that if people truly cared, would have put a 5150 hold on you and your dissociated life) and voila! Sham marriage complete.
Continuing with the joke-in-and-of-itself ASP. I mean, having a discussion on antisemitism where your guest chides those who normalize this behavior, just as you shove that poison ring in the camera, symbolizing the unholy union between you and the Nazi wifey. Great job, man!
Almost as good as you wearing the colors of the Nazi flag for your red carpet debut with your charming anti-semetic "bride", fake kisses and all
The best jest, however, was you not even getting to catch up with your more successful friends at the Vanity Fair party because you and that prize woman of yours were shuffled off immediately to the pick up line to be taken home, alone to your fleshlight
But you should be used to not getting into parties. There was the pathetic loitering in front of the CAA and UTA pre-Oscar bashes, but the best prank on yourself had to be the SNL Christmas party, where the wifey recreated the bratty niece look from the first pap walk and you tried to drive a wedge between one of your best friend's marriages (at least Colin has gotten in some good jabs at you on the show), all while the two of you probably were hid away in a dimly lit basement room for 20 minutes, then let out a back door to go home, alone to your fleshlight. And Alec Baldwin and his wife were actually invited. That's gotta hurt!
And just recently being called a "car enthusiast". More subtle than some of your other hoaxes, but still hilarious!
Now I don't know if you signed onto this because of duress or the promise of something great (hopefully not the Gene Kelly movie, because that was never going to fly- that was another trick on you, and even if it was miraculously offered to you, after this, it would not be a good look playing a male chauvinist who preferred young women).
I am sure you have had your fun, but let's hope this time next year you will have long hung up the jester's hat and become a real life boy!
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aettuddae · 4 months
WLCOME TO ANOTHER EPISODE OF BUSINESS MATTER UPDATES! this is your host chiro and im here to deliver fresh hot news directly to your plates!
firstly, the serim twink rumours have been confirmed. netizens remain indifferent saying they already knew that girl wasnt normal.
news about the oe idol's injury has been leaked by insiders who say that it was caused by some deranged lady who tried to chomp her fingers off then felt guilty and bandaged her.
serim of oe recebtly tweeted about losing against a dog and "winning her food from that little dog" , which lead residents to leave motivational messages under her tweet and cheering her on.
a dm between taylor swift and serim was leaked, no one knows about the authenicity but netizens confirm that its serim according to her "twinkness"
idol karina was seen having a psychotic breakdown after the sm party, netizens dismiss it as just another lesbian experience.
the tension between ningning and karina of aespa has been high as the younger was recently seen trying to bite the older.
ningning of aespa posted a sad quote on twitted with a caption "first they kiss your wife, then they hurt her all while you're forced to watch from far" . netizens have named this ningning's first wlw heartbreak.
the rover guy from sm, chaeyoung from oe and karina of sm were all spotted at serim's apartment. netizens express jealousy and trend the hashtag #TheTwinkIsAtItAgain
rover guy was seen running out of serim's house in a frightened manner and he seemed to when asked about it, he said "the plants, they hate me" which lead netizens to believe that serim likes them deranged and psychotic.
this is all for today! follow k on tumblr for more updates and stay tuned for the next episode!
serim swore she wasn't a twink, she's never freeing herself 😔
real fans support their idols even in the weirdest, lower moments, what can i say? HeAVEN and resident's bond is unbreakable
olympia is gonna have to start suing people for defamation, this twink thing is getting out of hand
good old aespa, always in the middle of a crisis, a lesbian situationship or a raging episode !!
serim should start coming up with an alibi after jongin ran out her house with psychosis and talking about plants, idk #TheTwinkIsAtItAgain #TheTwinkIsOverParty #TheTwinkHousePartyScandal
thanks for keeping us updated 🫂
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seok-woos · 2 years
— DOOM PATROL SENTENCE STARTERS * all of these quotes are taken from the hbo show "doom patrol"
❝ you all need more therapy than i do, and i'm the crazy one ❞ ❝ the world is a beautiful, horrible place. it's spectacular ❞ ❝ "normal" ain't nothing but a state of mind ❞ ❝ some wounds can't be healed with pretty words ❞ ❝ [NAME], honey. it's [NAME]. i got you a vanilla latte. also get the fuck out of there before i rip your fucking face off! ❞ ❝ it's every man, woman and brick for themselves now ❞ ❝ deflection is a sign of insecurity ❞ ❝ you're pathetic. so it makes you easy to forgive ❞ ❝ very few of us want to be what we are ❞ ❝ if stupidity were a superpower, you would be goddamn superman ❞ ❝ if i could cry, i'd cry. a lot ❞ ❝ there are no depths to your collective stupidity, are there? ❞ ❝ she needs her dad. fuck you for turning your back on that ❞ ❝ that's your friend? maybe you should be by yourself. your choices are FUCKED. ❞ ❝ i got this, i speak robot ❞ ❝ why do you get to pick the codenames? because they suck ❞ ❝ could you try not to be disgusting for two seconds? ❞ ❝ what was your part of the plan? was it engage with an ass-bazooka-wielding twit? ❞ ❝ you stick to the plan or stay home! ❞ ❝ weakness, fragile ego, lacks empathy. well, that's the same for most of us ❞
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 10 months
I'm just mad a the hypocrisy of some pjms and had blocked them because this actitud towards that twit screams cultists behavior, I'm a grown up I'll watch and support whatever I want with my time and my money, imagine telling people what they have to do so if I don't watch this show I'm not a jimin fan anymore that's sounds a lot like you have to love 7 or you are not a fan and fake armys and shippers in the quotes you have dragged jimin so many time and stopped supporting him even allowing jk's fans to hate and attack him for nothing, I just can't take this kind of people seriously.
And remember the people saying that jimin wanted to do this NYC thing is the same people saying that the company didn't sabotage him and that jimin choose everything that happened to him, is the same people that are ok with not voting for jimin and the same people that prefer to vote for taekook because that's what jimin would want for others to have everything and him nothing.
You gave your opinion in YOUR blog if people don't want to watch that content they won't and if they want to watch it they will, that's it and both options are fine because people can choose what to do with their life.
I'm sorry but this actitud of pjms really bothers me and if this is how they are going to behave I prefer to leave twitter and keep supporting jimin silently like before because cult like behavior isn't my thing.
There's a lot I don't like about pjms.
I've made fun of them for thinking Jimin is leaving hybe.
I've made fun of them for believing he doesn't really love the members.
I've argued here in this blog with so many who complained about Jimin's hair or clothes or Instagram posts because it wasn't what they wanted to see from him.
Lately I stopped because they were getting enough lashings from armys.
And I know they've been, intentionally or not, "boycotting" BTS content for years. Someone said in the quotes something like "that comes naturally for me, I just wait for glisten and jimin95s". That's what it's like for me too, and has been since 2021. It's not that I'm plotting and thinking obsessively about my every move as a fan, I just stopped watching BTS content a couple of years ago because it wasn't interesting enough for me, and that was it.
This time I just thought I should say it because I know a lot of pjms who don't even like Jungkook sometimes watch stuff out of curiosity.
Jikookers and armys were saying it's content for jikookers and armys, and they're right. That's really all it's about. I'm not a jikooker and I'm not an army. If it hadn't been so obviously framed in the context of Jungkook's debut, I would've probably watched. As I said, I would've definitely watched it if it was Jimin's debut or something relayed to J I M I N S activities.
I'm also definitely not taking how-to-be-a-fan lessons from armys of all people (jikookers included in this because most of them are armys), who didn't support angel, who didn't support vibe, who don't like Jimin's Instagram posts, who didn't post about his Dior worldwide campaign, who stopped posting about face after the first week, who are okay with blurring him out of voting polls, who laughed when a pjm said let's get billboard #1, who said they'd vote for his competition when he was leading the voting. Armys are literally the last people who should be talking.
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cha-melodius · 2 years
15. Wild Card “Seeing your ex at the Christmas party and realising that you still love each other and the break up was over a huge misunderstanding” for Napoleon/Illya and au. or 8. “My holiday dish is better than your holiday dish.” and Napoleon/Illya or Napoleon/Illya/Gaby. Either canon or au idm.
(Thanks for the prompt! I have to laugh a little though since my original post was about writing holiday fluff, and this is fairly unrelenting angst until the end, but that's exes fics for you. I have to apologize because I completely missed the "AU" part of the wild card prompt, and ended up writing this in canon-setting. Sorry about that, I hope you still enjoy it!)
Love is a Deserter
Read it on AO3 (T, 3.2k)
It’s just a party like any other. Lift an invite (thanks to light fingers), case the venue thoroughly (especially for quick exits), work the room (laugh at unfunny jokes, flirt with septuagenarians, try not to get groped by the same), pocket a few valuables (that part’s omitted from the mission report), get the intel (another wealthy socialite dabbling in world politics—when will they learn?). It’s not first or fifth or even the fiftieth that he’s worked since things fell apart. It shouldn’t feel any different.
And yet it does. Blame the twinkling lights, blame the glittering tree, blame the jaunty carols, blame the mistletoe that he has to make sure he avoids getting caught under at all costs. Napoleon was always fond of Christmas, until last year. Now it’s all just kind of nauseating.
“Remind me why I have to be here again?” he mutters through clenched teeth into his earpiece as he extracts himself from another utterly mind-numbing conversation.
“You know you’re better at these things than me,” Gaby tells him, her voice distorted through the new comms. “And someone has to sit out here and document every person going in the door tonight, so here we are.”
“You’re not giving yourself enough credit, my dear,” Napoleon says. “I’ve seen you charm the socks off the most uncooperative mark.”
“I learned from the best.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“Doesn’t have to get me anywhere. I’m not the one stuck in there.”
Napoleon sighs. “You could have taken pity on me. Tonight, at least.”
“I seem to remember someone saying, and I quote, ‘I don’t want anyone’s fucking pity,’” she counters. Then, “Ugh, that guy.”
“De Clare. He was at that thing in Monaco. Remember— oh.”
Napoleon had been sick in Monaco, a year and a half ago, and confined to a bed. He hadn’t worked the thing, which by all accounts had been excessive in the extreme. Illya had stolen a bottle of champagne and brought it back for him, pretending like the gesture didn’t mean anything. The three of them had drunk it that night, laughing with the effervescence of expensive bubbly, Illya crawling into the bed next to him as Gaby sat cross-legged at their feet; a few days later, Illya had come down with the same illness. Napoleon remembers little about the actual mission, and certainly nothing about some upper-class twit named De Clare.
“He won’t know me,” he mutters, because there’s nothing else to say.
He should probably do another circuit. See what kind of conversations he can eavesdrop on, what nuggets of information he can pull out of people eager to boast about their latest acquisitions. First, though, he needs more whiskey. When he asks for a triple the bartender gives him a look like he can somehow read all of Napoleon’s miseries on his face, and maybe he can. Bartenders are special like that. Napoleon ends up asking him to top up the glass with soda water, as if that will somehow make it better. The bartender clearly sees right through him.
Gaby is now babbling away about the arriving guests, filling his ear with snarky commentary on gowns and hairstyles. He appreciates the attempt at taking his mind off things, truly, but it’s not really working. Not tonight. Somehow, at this stupid party that should mean nothing, everything reminds Napoleon of him. So much so that Napoleon’s starting to actually see him, standing across the room chatting with a countess. Maybe he shouldn’t drink anymore tonight.
“Fuck,” Napoleon swears emphatically.
His tumbler, slick with condensation, slips out of his fingers and hits the floor, shattering into a million pieces and drawing the attention of every pair of eyes in the room. Including his.
Napoleon ducks behind a passing earl and practically dives out of the room into the corridor. The soles of his shoes, slick with spilt whiskey, slip on the tile floor as he scrambles away, desperate to put as much space between him and the ballroom as possible. Not that he can actually leave, they haven’t gotten all the intel they need yet, but he needs a fucking minute.
“Solo! What the fuck is going on?” Gaby demands. She’s definitely been yelling at him for a solid thirty seconds now.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he accuses, and Christ, that can’t be his voice. It sounds too ragged. Too broken. “Why didn’t you tell me he was here?”
“What? Who?”
“Him. Fuck. What are the fucking KGB doing here?”
Gaby is silent for a long moment, long enough he thinks the comms might have failed. “If he’s there, he didn’t come in the front door,” she says finally, her voice oddly flat.
“Of course he didn’t,” Napoleon huffs. “What am I supposed to do now?”
“I don’t know, your job?” she retorts. “You’re a spy, Solo. You know how to handle an enemy agent.”
There’s a coldness to her tone now, unmistakable even through the static, which is fair. He didn’t just leave Napoleon when he left. Gaby was just better at hiding how it affected her, better at powering through and carrying on as if nothing had changed. It was Napoleon who had given too much of himself over to another person, been too shattered when their partner had walked away with it, and she’d been the only one with any hope of picking up the pieces that were left behind.
“He’s not an enemy,” he hears himself say, as if someone else has control of his mouth.
“Well you can’t be sure he’s an ally.”
“I know, Napoleon,” she says, more gently. “I wish it were me in there instead of you.”
Napoleon lets out a shaky laugh. “Not sure that’d be a good thing, for the mission’s sake. Or for his.”
“You’re not wrong there.” There’s a long beat of silence, and then she ventures, “How are you doing?”
“Not great,” he admits. His back is pressed against the wall in a small alcove, palms flat at his sides as he tries to calm his erratic heartbeat. “I mean, I knew this was a possibility. Thought I’d be able to handle it, at this point.” Napoleon drags a hand over his face. “I should be able to. He was right. I am a terrible spy.”
“Fuck that,” she says emphatically. “Stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself. You’re the CIA’s best. You’re UNCLE’s best. And you know I don’t blow smoke up anyone’s ass. If anyone can walk back in there, look his ex in the eye and fucking smile like it means nothing, it’s you.”
No one could ever accuse Gaby of being soft, but she had her own brand of tender tough love. It was the only thing that had gotten him through those dark months, and he’s pretty sure it’s the only thing that will get him through tonight.
“Besides,” she adds, “you know how much he always hated your masks. What better fuck you?”
She has a point. Put on a mask, bury the pain. Don’t let him know he broke you. Don’t give him that satisfaction.
He can do this.
Napoleon straightens up and smooths down the front of his suit, gratified that it’s a particularly fine cut. Apart from the dark circles under his eyes, the hollowness that lurks there that he hasn’t been able to shake, he knows he looks good. He can sell this: the story that he’s unaffected. That it never meant more to him than it did to his partner (which was apparently not much, in the end). He adjusts his tie, takes a deep breath, strides purposefully down the hall and through the door into the ballroom… and walks right into Illya.
“Cowboy?” Illya says, surprised, like he hadn’t seen Napoleon was there minutes ago.
Fuck, he looks good. Of course he does, he was always the most beautiful man Napoleon had ever seen, but Napoleon would have been lying if he hadn’t hoped to see some sign that Illya had been having a rough go of it. Some evidence that this had affected him even a tiny bit as much as it had affected Napoleon. Ok, maybe he looks a little thinner than he had, a little more worn around the edges, but that could be anything. The KGB are almost certainly running him ragged, like they always did before.
“Hello, Kuryakin,” Napoleon replies coolly. He’s not using nicknames tonight, and first names… well, it had taken them years to come around to those. That’s not what they are to each other anymore. Illya flinches subtly at that, though, which is definitely not what he expected. “I’d wager you’re here for the same reason that we are.”
“Probably,” Illya allows. He shifts uncomfortably. “I— how are you?”
Napoleon can’t believe what he’s hearing. How is he? How is he? Illya can’t be fucking serious. (It’s gratifying that Gaby also squawks about that in his ear.) “Are we really going to do this? Here?”
“Ok. Do you want to…?” Illya asks, gesturing toward the door Napoleon had just come through.
“I’d rather not do it at all, actually,” Napoleon says curtly. He moves to brush past Illya and rejoin the party, but Illya catches him by the arm and holds fast. “Do you mind?” Napoleon huffs, trying and failing to pull away from him.
“Yes, I do,” Illya retorts, scowling at him. “Can we not be civil?”
“Civil,” Napoleon scoffs. “I’ve been nothing but civil, Peril.” The name slips out, and Napoleon just manages to keep himself from reacting. He sets his jaw and glares up at Illya, hating every inch of their height difference tonight. “You’re the one who apparently wants to turn this into an altercation.”
That at least makes Illya let go of him. “I just want to talk,” he pleads.
“Tell him no,” Gaby hisses in Napoleon’s ear. “He’s just working you. Trying to figure out what you already know.”
“He can try,” Napoleon says to her, which makes Illya frown in confusion for a moment before he realizes what is going on.
“Is that Gaby?” he asks. “Is she here?”
“Tell him to fuck off,” Gaby puts in vehemently.
Napoleon almost smiles at that. She always fiercely protective of them. Until Illya got on the wrong side of it. However, there are certain conversations she doesn’t need to be party to, and this is one of them. “I appreciate the advice, Gabs, I do, but I’m gonna have to turn you off right now.”
“Solo, don’t—” she starts, but he reaches up and presses the button on the side of the earpiece, silencing the device.
“Does that mean we can talk?” Illya asks. He sounds almost hopeful. Napoleon tells himself he’s imagining it.
“I’m not sure what there is to say. You made things pretty clear when you left.”
“I did not choose to leave, Cowboy,” Illya grinds out. “I was recalled.”
“Which you didn’t fight,” Napoleon points out.
Illya’s mouth opens and closes again, his expression growing stormier by the second. He takes a step toward the door, then turns back and gestures impatiently when Napoleon doesn’t follow. Which Napoleon absolutely should not do. He should listen to Gaby, go back to the party, to the mission, and forget he ever ran into Illya here. He’s always been terrible at doing what he should do when it comes to Illya Kuryakin, though.
“How was I supposed to fight this?” Illya hisses when they’re standing in the empty corridor.
Napoleon throws up his hands in frustration. “I don’t know! I thought— I thought we’d figure something out. Fuck, Illya,” he says, his voice breaking over his name. “We always figured it out.”
“There is no figuring out KGB,” Illya snarls as he paces across the narrow width of the hallway. “There is only being hunted. Never seeing family, or friends. Running forever.”
“I would have gone with you,” Napoleon confesses, the words spilling out of him without his leave. It brings Illya to a halt.
“If you had asked me to run away with you. I would have,” Napoleon tells him. Fucking might as well. Not like he has any more dignity to lose. “Whatever you chose—run, fight—I would have been by your side every step of the way, no matter what. But that’s not what you wanted.”
“What I wanted? What I—” Illya scoffs incredulously, his voice clipping off in a growl. He takes a step closer, nearly looming over Napoleon now. “You have no idea what I wanted.”
“Yeah, and who’s fault was that?” Napoleon snaps. He lets out a laugh—bitter, humorless—and pastes on an insincere and conciliatory smile. “Look, I was the idiot for thinking that you’d ever choose me over Mother Russia. That’s on me.”
For some reason, Illya looks stunned by that. “Is that what you think happened?”
“Yeah, because that’s what happened. You walked away without a backward glance.”
Illya lets out a frustrated huff and takes a few steps away again, dragging a hand over his face before he looks back at Napoleon. “I left to protect you. Because if I did not, you are first ones they would come for,” he says, which is as unsurprising as it is infuriating. Of course he’d try to play that card.
“Christ, not that bullshit,” Napoleon nearly groans. “At least have the decency of being honest. You can just say that you never loved me. Not like I loved you, anyway.”
“That is untrue,” Illya gasps, and he looks so stricken, so utterly horrified by the idea, that for a moment Napoleon almost believes him.
“Well it certainly seemed that way when you left,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest.
Illya takes a deep breath and screws his eyes shut, like he can’t quite look this admission in the face. “I walked away the way I did because I thought it would be easier if you hated me.”
A beat of silence stretches out, and then another, as Napoleon waits for something else that would make this statement comprehensible. Surely that can’t be all of it. Finally, he prompts, “How does that make any sense?”
Illya opens his eyes. With a start, Napoleon realizes that there are tears glittering in his long lashes, illuminated by the dim light of the hallway sconces. “I knew I would never stop loving you,” he says, his voice barely louder than a whisper, and almost inaudible over the sounds of the party from within the ballroom. “I could only try to bury it, knowing I would live with that ache for the rest of my life.”
Napoleon’s heart does something complicated in his chest as his breath catches in his throat. He wants so, so badly for it to be true, even if it can’t be. He did believe Illya loved him, once, but then Illya had pulled away. Put up all the walls that Napoleon had spent years tearing down, like what they had meant nothing. Then he left on Christmas Eve without even really saying goodbye, not in any way that mattered. The only way Napoleon could make sense of it was to assume that he’d read too much into Illya’s feelings all along, because surely someone who loved him wouldn’t be able to do that to him. To them.
“But you…” Illya continues, “you always had plenty of friends. Lovers. I thought… if you hated me, you could move on faster. Find someone who is more suited to you. Whose love does not put you in danger with every heartbeat.”
“That is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard,” Napoleon blurts, because it is. How Illya could think he’d just get over him, like he was nothing more than one of the convenient strangers Napoleon used to entertain, he has no fucking clue. He cautiously crosses the distance between them, until he’s standing right in Illya’s space again, staring up at him. “Losing you didn’t make me hate you. It destroyed me,” he says. Illya flinches so hard at that that his eyes briefly close again. “If you think I could ever come close to loving someone else the way I love you…”
“Napoleon,” Illya breathes shakily. One of his hands comes up to hover near Napoleon’s jaw, almost but not quite touching him, like he’s not sure if he’s allowed anymore. “I am so sorry.”
“Why now? After all this time, why tell me?” Napoleon manages through the knot lodged in his throat. “Here, in the middle of a fucking mission?”
“Because I saw you here tonight and I had to know,” Illya tells him. “I thought if I could just see that you were fine—happy, even—I would know I made correct decision.”
“Well I’m not,” Napoleon says bluntly. He might love the asshole, but it’s going to take a lot more than one little apology for him to get over this. “Sorry I couldn’t give you the absolution you wanted.”
“What I wanted,” Illya murmurs, “was only ever you, Cowboy.”
“So fucking have me,” Napoleon insists. “Ask me to help you get out, and I will. We all will. Well, Gaby might take a bit to come around again,” he adds as an aside, “but I promise you, we’ll find a way.”
“You cannot promise—”
“I promise, Peril. We will. Ask me.”
He’s expecting more arguing. Even at their best, they could hardly do anything without a lot more back and forth than that. Instead, Illya’s hand finds its home on his cheek and he pulls Napoleon into a kiss. It’s soft and tentative, his lips moving chastely against Napoleon’s, but it somehow manages to be more breathtaking than their fiercest, most passionate embraces. Maybe it’s because Napoleon was sure he’d never have this again, never again feel Illya’s lips on his, never be held like he’s something fragile and unspeakably precious.
Illya pulls back from the kiss but presses their foreheads together, heedless of the fact that anyone might come through the door and see them. “I do not know if it is possible to get out,” he says, his voice thick, “but I do know that going on without you will eventually kill me. So I have no choice except to try. But I will need your help.”
“You have it,” Napoleon says immediately, emphatically. “Anything you need, it’s yours. Always. Just… promise me you won’t leave me like that again.”
“I swear. Not while there is breath left in my body,” Illya says, and this time, Napoleon believes him.
There’s no question that it will be a herculean uphill battle. There won’t be any easy answers, and it could be months, years, before they’re out of the woods. But right now, with Illya’s arms around him again, he feels invincible. He feels like he could take on the KGB singlehandedly and win (ok, ok, maybe that’s a bit far-fetched). It doesn’t matter. Right now, as he stares up into Illya’s eyes and Illya stares back with a expression of unfiltered, unrestrained, unconditional love, he can believe that anything is possible.
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years
Worldbuilding: Convincing Grit
I ran across a quote that explains where Grimdark went wrong. “I don’t want my fantasies to be realistic, I want them to be convincing.”
This is a subtle but distinct difference. Realistic is a family in Regency England marrying off their daughter to a man they think she can... tolerate, so their family maintains control of the water rights needed to make the rest of their land profitable. Convincing is the lady involved not being thrilled with the idea, but told her childhood friend is penniless and without prospects, and anyway he abandoned her to join Wellington’s army instead of getting leg-shackled to some brainless twit. That doesn’t sound right, but does she have a way to find out in time?
Realistic is a dragon that can’t get off the ground without a hydrogen assist. Convincing is a dragon that rides currents of Elemental Air, and stoops to knock a Pegasus from the sky. Realistic is an alien race that may be humanoid and DNA-based, yet still no more inter-fertile with humans than a petunia. Convincing is discovering the two species can be made compatible, because the alien’s planet was seeded with human ancestors by yet another alien race thousands of years before.
Being realistic means accepting that a working society is hard work, not everyone wants to or can do it, and thus every society has Problems; be it poverty, plagues, drug addiction, or what have you. Where Grimdark fails, is to paint worlds where nothing you do matters in the end, because the flaws in society and other forces you’re up against are too great to withstand.
This is ridiculously unrealistic.
Humans are stubborn, creative, and incredibly resilient creatures. We have cave paintings from the Ice Age, Gothic cathedrals from the Dark Ages, and reams of poetry written by women whose feet were bound in Ming China. No matter how grim or dark the situation is, the vast majority of people do their best to try and make it better. Or at least tolerable. And they’ll create art in the process. Pieces of the world, and times in any person’s life, can indeed be grim and dark. The whole thing? No. That’s as much of a lie as any claim the world is perfect and we should all just get used to it. It is a lie that does people harm; a lot of people are reading to escape, not have worse fates piled on their heads. And possibly worse, it is a lie that will throw readers out of your story. Because real life doesn’t work that way.
So. How to make your world convincingly gritty, without being dark?
Details. Add details about your fantastic elements that require a skilled person to know what they’re doing to handle the situation. That gives your fantastic world a share of difficulty, without being depressing.
For examples, someone wants to hawk with fire-breathing dragonets. Sure why not. But they’ll probably need some of the same gear and training as falconers. Jesses, hoods, a scale to judge their weight and thus how “sharp” (hungry and willing to hunt) they are. And add to that some kind of fireproof outfit, with whatever you need to make a glove that stands up to dragon claws.
Or say someone needs to fix circuits in part of a spaceship in an ongoing interstellar battle. Well, the conduit covers aren’t meant to come open by accident, you need a specific hex tool to unlock the panel. Or you can improvise with a few screwdrivers, if you know what you’re doing....
Details like this show your heroes have to put time and effort into mastering their world. They make it gritty. But not dark.
Let your characters show what they’re bad at - and especially what they’re good at. It’s the best way to make your world convincing!
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bonnieventure · 2 years
daisies, beaches & fairy lights for the ask meme!✨
favourite quote: 🌼 1. think i referenced this in regards to myself earlier LOL
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where i would go right this moment, if it could be anywhere:
🌊 2. today we were goofing about nevada ghost town road trip..........i think that would be really fun. i'm going to lv tmrw (not for lv purposes lol) but i wish i could see the girlies (sob)..i would see that road trip as part of the greater ultra mega Spirit Spectre Vegas Vacation which delights me so to plan towards some day....!!! i've never experienced the strip in a way like that, only as a local u know
what should someone read / watch / listen to if they want to get to know me:
funny u ask that one cuz i just coincidentally said this a little bit ago on twit ??
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don't laugh this is what came first to mind rn....at midnight...how auspicious 🧚‍♀️ 3. read: gals! | watch: noriko's dinner table | listen: yukiko okada - mori no fairy
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lavelled · 3 months
feeling twenty-two. (I take gummies and two naps a day.)
The Twin Brothels:
The impact-with-a-horse Princess Child Bride story wasn’t factual. But it had your entry-level threats. With rapt attention, the whole world read the equestrian publicity and confirmed that it’s you who causes suffering and tragedy. On a daily basis. Bad things happen because of you.
Dull weekend?
Oh look. The Britannica brothers can Google. Slightly curious: do you have formal duties, debutante balls, any responsibilities that faithfully serve the crown or do you waste a large chunk of the day crafting fake press releases about a one-way deal with an underage peasant girl?
I take Gatcombe Park to mean Catacombs. It also rhymes with hurting Matt R. over a coined sexual experience you tell yourself you’ll get. I can see how your instincts were to squarely threaten me and Matt R. with concussed head injuries, ignoring the direct line between you and numerous untimely deaths. You’ve been unconcerned with my happiness, why should you care about humanity?
Best to avoid all athletes at the ESPY Awards.
There’s a quote of “swift recovery” because Will had fun with his dadly duties. Is this about the fraudulent cancer storyline? Oh no. So dadly. Your mate still doesn’t have cancer. Rather than belittling patients, you should be on a gilded quest to finding solutions to end homelessness; getting residents back on their feet; and helping the overburdened shelter system. Sure. Your housing development project is a cover for you believing you have a vice grip on a v-shaped cottage.
Ever wonder why advisors, known as my team, chose Rose Hanbury to be the ex-girlfriend to invent mistress newspaper headlines? It’s pronounced bury you. Interesting she married a gentleman with Marquess in his title.
Harpy: This is you getting me to partake in epistolary warfare. As crypto-influencer in your secret spot, you were a blocker where I often attempted to write, yet you were turned on by the alphabetized vocabulary of a little girl’s prison literature.
It’s a conflicting job.
Come to think of it, shouldn’t you be abusing royal protocol to assemble a Botswana crowd for your race-based platitudes as you covet the jar preservatives of rapey kidnapped fruit? I thought you’d be too busy to read, what, with your choreographed paparazzi walks near horse manure fertilizer where you get quick child updates from a payroll wife you still don’t live with.
Your press mentioned Thomas, Rachel’s dad.
The disproportionate hatred for Tom Cruise needs examination. Nowhere is this more evident than choosing Thomas for an in-law. Taking liberties with the truth, you’ve pushed this crackpot, flawed story in which Tom Cruise somehow stole a pen-pal from you when you were 0-years-old. What a unique way of telling the world your father got caught being a pedophile. You didn’t know me. Tom knew me. Probably because he was unsteady with newfound fame and he thought I was a melodramatic, wise-ass kid in Nike gear. I was also funny. I don’t believe he wanted me locked away from the world. That serves no purpose. If you considered someone a life-force or a source of light, you wouldn’t shut them out. Your royal family stole me because Tom was far cooler. And I was too goddamn young. You swooped in and stole a little girl’s adulthood to try to save the monarchy from being perceived as a tribe of baby-fuckers.
We all know how you pay the rent: as master of an anti-social contract with those who grew up alongside me, offering up fairytale childlessness and solitude, and then having the nerve to car pool with my industry husbands.
I wonder why Daniel Cleaver, who plays you in a movie, started a HackedOff Campaign; uses a Twit account imbued with choppiness; and follows your information-gathering lawsuit claims in London? He’s also known as William Thacker from Notting Hill. That totals a lot of butchering.
Your loveless contract only symbolizes inside assault.
I meant to include Real World castmembers in the public eye who shouldn’t hurt themselves—we lost one recently—I read about the surfer shark attack and the Dagestan capital and I have a suspicion it’s about him—don’t leave.
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abiiors · 5 months
ok i had a full nights sleep. i am coherent. i am fixing to copy/paste the tweets here for your enjoyment. its a lot.
ok so parx twit had a “trend” on unpopular opinions about the band during the sneaking out of heaven tour (their most recent one) one person said this
“Had to be said. You forgot his over dependence on nyquil and sleep drugs that borderlines abuse, he claims he's straight edge though ✨”
she deleted and posted a noted app apology
“Hey friends, I'm writing this to you, not just as an apology for writing dumb shit on twitter with no thought behind it, but to also share that I do suffer from my own personal addiction to pain medication, and have been since I was 17. Addiction is a real thing, it's a problem and it should be talked about, but not at the expense of others and making baseless assumptions. We all know where false acusations can lead, and it's never a good time. I've been reflecting on my previous inflammatory tweet about Awsten and his use of Nyquil and I want to say that I am truly sorry for my, dumb, offensive and very thoughtless tweet. I didn't stop to think before I wrote something so dumb and hurtful and I'm sorry for that. I'm not perfect, l'm human and I make mistakes. I know I fucked up hard and I'm sorry to anyone that was offended by my words. I can delete a tweet, but I can't take away the fact that I wrote it, and that it's out there causing anger to people, so l'm acknowledging that, and owning my mistakes. I am also very greatful to the people that took the time to educate me on this, I always appreciate any guidance. Moving forward I want to do better, internet etiquette is hard to get right especially when you're in a fandom spanning multiple generations and culture's but l'm definately gonna try harder.”
awsten saw the tweets and now that tour has been over for a while he has responded.
he quoted a tweet with this after that.
“it's either a notes app apology or an "i'm taking a break" and they go priv and come back in like two days” ^quoted tweet
he also tweeted a picture of a confessional with “you are… forgiven”
“DUMBEST HILLS HAVE EYES MUTANTS ON HERE WILL BE LIKE “uM personally i think he is so immature and Anyone should be allowed to say Anything and Everything at All Times with no repercussions” SIKE BITCH THIS IS THE REAL WORLD OPEN YOUR EYES”
the person who tweeted what hes talking about is between 32-34 and followed them for a majority of the us tour. they flew in from australia for it. somebody tweeted the photo of the tweet that caused him to say that cropped so the persons @ was cut out and his response to that was
her response to the paint drinker shit was
“loved waking up to you caling me an idiot, thanks Awsten. This fucked up my mental health something fierce and put me in a really bad place”
“Woke up and burst into tears, thanks Awsten”
and a “Awsten what the fuck”
hold on ill link a few of my favorite tweets from the situation because now what the fuck tweet is a whole fuckin joke.
okay what i'm about to say might be a bad an unpopular take because i only have the context that you've given me in this ask so idk if this user used to be disliked before this, or used to be beloved or super popular or whatever else.
anyway i think awsten is... in the wrong here.
this is not to say that the user who tweeted about his alleged drug addiction is saintly and pure and innocent, that was a fucked up tweet to make regardless of if awsten would have seen and/or responded.
however... if i was a popular celeb with a wholeass fandom i would NEVER say these things publicly like sure i understand being mad that someone is talking to flippantly about drug use and speculating about your drug use online but then to go ahead and call them a bunch of names as well as essentially weaponise your fanbase in a way where they're now making memes about this person, making fun of them etc. i'm glad they're not 14 like he said but he didn't know if they were 14 or not, what if they were super young... what if someone who's barely a teenager had to deal with this not only from someone they adore but also from a whole fandom they considered their own??
anyway... yeah i hope tweetuser is fine and i'm glad there's no addiction here. ooofff that's a messy situation wow 😬
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takrants · 1 year
Btw, I am NOT talking about people who post about it like " having this is hard. " I'm talking like " me after finding out what gum does" ifykyk. Im talking about people who influence ed's and shit like that
I haven't seen anybody talking about this, but does anyone notice how tick tock/ social media is turning into 2000s teen girl magazines?? Like I'm pretty sure that there's like a magazine like listing things that were quote on quote ugly but they were just normal human things. That's what we see with tick tock a lot now, like if you have been eating disorder, that's not your fault and you're not a bad person for having one. But if you're sharing like I only chew gum because it makes you feel full instead of actually eating that's harmful to people. Even if they don't have eating disorders, it's harmful. People will do this stuff and then get eating disorders and nobody's calling anyone out for this. I think people should address it more because there are many young people on the internet who are getting influenced by YouTubers TikTokers Instagram people, the twits. And if you're any one of those accounts that promote eating disorders, Don't interact at all. I don't care if you like my writing. I don't care if you like my posts. You can't interact or you will be blocked. I'm just really angry because I see people promoting unhealthy behavior like starving and cutting yourself and suicidal thoughts. You know, it's harmful to others. I'm sorry that I'm repeating myself, but it's not right to post about like your suicidal thoughts. Like" I just wish it would all end. I hope I hit a vein next time" or how you starve. There's a lot of people on the internet and a lot of them. Do have something going on with their life. Maybe be a disorder or a medical condition or whatever. So I know it's your decision on what you post, but if you post anything like suicidal thought related or like eating disorder related that you're like encouraging it get away from my page.
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year
9 notes
Okie, about time I talk about this biggie.
So first things first, I'll be responsible and admit some mistakes, It turns out Tam was only identifying as NB for pride month. Idk and I don't think he knows what they really are yet, but still, don't try to dictate him DADramaNow, as they now know and understand after I explained it to him. However, they told me in chat that he wants to use both he/him, and they/them pronouns, so actually respect those this time unlike this bullshit here -> 1 note (Just bc you put their correct at the time pronouns in parenthesis next to his at the time dead pronouns, doesn't make you any less in the wrong, you moronic cop-out.)
Also I acknowledge that they probably shouldn't use Google Translate as the only way to speak other languages, and should get actual knowledge from his parents. But don't think it gives you an excuse to attack them, alright?
Tam is still a great friend of mine who I care about deeply. And if I ever have to, I'll protect him.
Anyways let's get into the parts where YOU'RE in the wrong!! :)
So for the first reason about Club, oh I created a whole post here that proves you attacking him is just ableism!! :D
-> https://www.tumblr.com/deviantartdramahub/728512331840143360/so-dadramanow-youre-not-just-attacking-club?source=share
And yeah he's just trying to talk to people. He doesn't pressure them at all. "It is NOT Club’s job, nor is is he even qualified to teach other people, ESPECIALLY young minors about changing diapers of disabled people." He doesn't pretend to be a professional, he's just informing others in a fun way. You don't have to have a degree on something to be knowledgeable about it. And as a guy with autism and obviously knows what it's like, he's a good source of it. "Not to mention that his Eduard character is 9 years old and uses baby talk." He doesn't do "baby talk", he's just mostly non verbal. Ooh, making fun of non-verbal autistic people are we?? Thanks for more proof this is just ableism <3
"If you knew even the bit slightest thing about people with disabilities" Lol that's rich, I myself have autism, you twit. "Honestly, would you want a grown adult 20+ asking/saying to you a young teenaged woman things such as “Would like a widdle cookie, sweetie pie?” or “Let’s go upsiy daisy, boo boo!” or “Do you have to go potty, honey bear?” ? No, you wouldn’t, because it’s weird and makes you uncomfortable." Yeah, I DO in fact hate it, so how about your whole ass group stops talking down to me, thanks?? "If you knew anything, or even cared to do as much research as you do defending Club, you would know that not all grooming is sexual in nature!"
"you would know that not all grooming is sexual in nature!" ...
Okay, so I agree with that statement on it's own but...IS CLUB'S THING A SEXUAL FETISH OR NOT??! If you're going to harass and make up slander about people, AT LEAST KEEP YOUR GODDAMN STORIES STRAIGHT!!! This itself is huge proof these guys are full of shit and the whole Club drama is based on lies.
"Do you recall Tam drawing his teenaged persona KISSING Eduard who is age 9?" Not to throw my friend Tam under the bus of course sense he learned and matured since then and now knows better, but...HOW THE HELL IS THAT CLUB'S FAULT??! HE DIDN'T WANT THAT! "Plus, it he’s so innocent, why do comments, journals, and accounts of being victims from multiple users such these exist" Bc those are people just like you who want to cause rumor-spreading and trouble.
Now for the second one with my transphobic claim. Here's the quote I want to talk about in that section: "Tam is being silly, because that’s what kids do, and as the older one between the two of you, YOU should be educating him, not supporting bad behavior." Excuse me, but didn't you get pissed bc Club encourages older siblings to help out a little bit? And now you're over here straight up trying to force me to be a caretaker of my fucking friend. Same with this quote in the third section -> "This is an insult to his people, and AGAIN, YOU SHOULD BE EDUCATING TAM INSTEAD OF ENCOURAGING THIS BEHAVIOR!" I'm a 15 year old teenage girl, DADramaNow, NOT A FUCKING TEACHER! I'd be happy to teach my friend things but you can't yell at Club for educating and encouraging people to help others, then turn around and yell at me for not mothering my fucking friend.
LMAO AND THEN WE HAVE THE 4TH SECTION, WHICH IS LITERALLY JUST "Honestly speaking, you are only saying this because you are scared of Tri doxxing and harassing you like she did before. Tri is well known for doxxing, grooming, harassing others who disagree with her and Club, hacking accounts, defending Club’s grooming, and you know it." And no, you using her correct pronouns doesn't take you off the hook.
I absolutely just fucking love how they didn't even try to justify themselves in that one, and just resorted to threats but used two other people for the threats so they can pathetically escape looking like the bad guy. Honey please if you're gonna go down that route, at least grow some balls and spew threats of what YOU'LL do, instead of constantly throwing people under the bus as you cower in fear of the consequences of your actions. Grow up for the love of God.
And it's also funny how you tell me to learn to read when I told you to do the same thing when you ignored my proof and continued saying I wanted to date a FULL GROWN MAN.
Anyways sorry for this long one Tri, but it was necessary.
That’s alright. Basically what I said in the reply here. As I mention often, one can tell things are getting cliquey by people betraying what they say. You’re right, it’s not like Tam or Club are breaking any rules, that and Tam can identify how he wants. There is no such thing as a fake identity no matter how it alternates.
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ouroboros8ontology · 1 year
The popular attitude toward magic and superstition, leaving aside the legalistic approach, recalls an incident that illustrates it perfectly. A teacher of mine, out for a stroll, was suddenly confronted with a black cat from which he shied away nervously. One of his students, observing this, twitted him, “You’re not really afraid of a black cat, Professor!” “No,” he replied indignantly, “of course I don’t believe in such nonsense. But there’s no harm in being careful.” He might have been quoting Sefer Hasidim: “One should not believe in superstitions, but still it is best to be heedful of them.”
Joshua Trachtenberg, Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion; The Truth Behind the Legend: Jewish Magic
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olko71 · 2 years
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2022/12/elon-musk-twitter-users-vote-in-favour-of-boss-resigning
Elon Musk: Twitter users vote in favour of boss resigning
Getty Images
By Michael Race & Zoe Kleinman
Business reporter & Technology editor, BBC News
Twitter users have voted in favour of Elon Musk stepping down as the platform’s chief executive after the billionaire ran a poll on his future.
A total of 57.5% voted “yes” after Mr Musk asked his 122 million followers whether he should stand down.
Mr Musk, who bought Twitter for $44bn (£36bn), said before the poll closed that he would abide by the result.
The technology tycoon, who also runs Tesla and Space X, has faced much criticism since taking over the site.
Mr Musk is yet to comment since the poll closed. Even if he were to resign as chief executive, he would remain as Twitter’s owner.
More than 17.5 million users voted in his poll on Monday, with 42.5% voting no to Mr Musk stepping down.
In the past Mr Musk has obeyed Twitter polls. He’s fond of quoting the phrase “vox populi, vox dei”, a Latin phrase which roughly means “the voice of the people is the voice of God”.
Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 18, 2022
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.View original tweet on Twitter
A former Twitter member of staff, who left the company recently, told the BBC that Mr Musk was “showing himself to be the incompetent fool we all knew he was”.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, they added: “His investors are surely looking at this now and questioning whether he was the right horse to back.
“I imagine he’s getting pressure from investors to step down and is using this poll to make it look like he’s following the will of the people instead of the will of those paying his bills.”
Minutes before the poll closed, the founder of crypto exchange Binance replied to Mr Musk saying he should “stay the course” and not step down.
Changpeng Zhao is thought to be one of several Twitter investors and said in May he had backed Mr Musk taking over by making a $500m investment.
Who is Elon Musk?
Among the backers are massive firms such as Fidelity, which is known for managing retirement accounts, and Sequoia Capital, which has backed other technology firms Apple, Google and Airbnb.
Others are thought to be Oracle co-founder and Mr Musk’s friend, Larry Ellison, sovereign wealth fund Qatar Holding, and Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.
Mr Musk’s private jet appears to be on its way back from the World Cup in Qatar, where he was pictured at the final next to Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner on Sunday.
Getty Images
Dan Ives, senior equity analyst at Wedbush Securities, told the BBC before the poll closed that he believed the vote would ultimately lead to the ending of Mr Musk’s reign as Twitter chief executive, and that he would probably name a new temporary CEO “in the next 24 hours”.
There has been a flurry of controversial changes at Twitter since Mr Musk bought the social media site.
He has fired about half of its staff and attempted a rollout of Twitter’s paid-for verification feature before putting it on pause. The feature was relaunched last week.
He has also been criticised for his approach to content moderation, with some civil liberties groups accusing him of taking steps that will increase hate speech and misinformation.
On Friday, Mr Musk was condemned by the United Nations and European Union over Twitter’s decision to suspend some journalists who cover the social media firm.
The UN tweeted that media freedom is “not a toy”, while the EU threatened Twitter with sanctions.
After starting the poll, Mr Musk tweeted: “As the saying goes, be careful what you wish, as you might get it.”
He added later: “Those who want power are the ones who least deserve it.”
Timeline: Musk’s turbulent Twitter takeover
‘Chief Twit’ takes control
27 October 2022
Musk completes his $44bn (£38.1bn) takeover of Twitter, immediately firing a number of the company’s top executives and tweeting “the bird is freed”.
Before officially taking charge of the company, Musk changed his Twitter profile to read “Chief Twit” and turned up to Twitter HQ in San Francisco carrying a sink, saying: “Let that sink in!”
Platform battles ‘trolling campaign’
29 October
After a surge in tweets containing racist language, Twitter’s head of trust and safety says: “Hateful conduct has no place here.” Yoel Roth says the company is taking action against users “involved in this trolling campaign” to make Twitter safe and welcoming for everyone.
Musk shares inaccurate story
30 October
Musk tweets an article containing a number of inaccuracies about an attack on the husband of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi by a hammer-wielding intruder. The site has a history of publishing inaccurate stories and Musk later deletes the tweet after a backlash.
Trump return dismissed – for now
31 October
With just over a week to go before the US midterm elections, Musk responds to questions about whether he will reinstate former President Donald Trump’s account on Twitter by tweeting: “If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me if Trump is coming back on this platform, Twitter would be minting money!”
Later that day, Musk attended a halloween party in New York and posed for photographs wearing a “Devil’s champion” costume.
Criticism over subscription service
1 November
Following reports that Twitter will begin charging users to have verified accounts, Musk responds to criticism from author Stephen King by saying: “We need to pay the bills somehow!”.
Musk moves to cut staff numbers
4 November
Employees at the company begin receiving emails entitled “Your Role at Twitter” informing them whether they have lost their jobs. Responding to news about the layoffs, Musk says “unfortunately there is no choice when the company is losing over $4M/day”.
Yoel Roth, the head of trust and safety, said 50% of the company’s nearly 8,000 employees had been laid off but sought to reassure users and advertisers that the platform’s moderation capacity remained intact.
Twitter founder breaks silence
5 November
Twitter co-founder and ex-CEO Jack Dorsey breaks his silence over the Musk takeover to apologise to staff who have lost their jobs, saying: “I own the responsibility for why everyone is in this situation: I grew the company size too quickly.”
Crackdown on parody accounts
6 November
Musk announces that Twitter accounts impersonating people without being clearly labelled a parody will be permanently suspended – a change to the previous process when accounts were given a warning first.
A number of accounts that changed their name to “Elon Musk” and mocked the billionaire had already been suspended or placed behind a warning sign.
Warnings about Twitter’s survival
9 November
In his first email to Twitter staff, Musk warns that the “economic picture ahead is dire” and adds: “Without significant subscription revenue, there is a good chance Twitter will not survive the upcoming economic downturn.”
Meanwhile, after the launch of the $8-a-month Twitter Blue subscription, which gives paying users a blue tick, a slew of parody accounts that appear to be verified emerge, including a fake George W Bush account that tweets: “I miss killing Iraqis”. Within days, the service is paused.
Key staff leave company
10 November
More high-profile staff quit, including head of trust and safety Yoel Roth and chief security officer Lea Kissner.
Musk cuts down on contractors
12 November
Reports in US media say thousands of contractors who had been working for Twitter have had their contracts terminated. Technology news site Platformer says as many as 80% of its 5,500 contractor workforce were laid off in the move but the company made no official announcement.
Staff told: Be hardcore or leave
16 November
In a late-night email to all Twitter staff, Musk says employees must commit to a “hardcore” culture of working “long hours at high intensity” or leave the company.
Company offices abruptly closed
17 November
In a surprise announcement, Twitter says its company offices will be closed temporarily. The move comes amid reports that large numbers of Twitter staff had resigned.
Responding to fears the platform was about to shut down due to losing key staff, Musk tweeted: “The best people are staying, so I’m not super worried.”
Twitter Blue relaunched
12 December
The paid-for verification feature Twitter Blue is relaunched. It is still $8 per month – but Twitter cranks it up to $11 for those using the app on Apple devices. Musk says he resents the commission fee Apple charges on in-app purchases.
Suspensions for location ‘doxxing’
15 December
Musk says he is taking legal action against the holder of the @ElonJet Twitter account that tracks his private jet, claiming it put his son at risk.
He also suspends the accounts of reporters for the New York Times, CNN and the Washington Post, among others, saying they had shared his location.
After condemnation from the UN, a threat of sanctions from the European Union, and a Twitter poll, Musk lifts the suspension for the journalists’ accounts, saying “the people have spoken”. The @ElonJet account remains suspended.
Twitter users vote for Musk to step down
18 December
Twitter users voted in favour of Musk stepping down as its chief executive after he ran a poll on his future, promising he would “abide by the results”.
Millions voted, with a final total of 57.5% saying “yes”.
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Earlier on Sunday, Twitter said it would shut down accounts solely designed to promote other social media platforms.
However, Mr Musk later tweeted that major policy changes for the site would be voted on in the future. The web page detailing the policy towards other social media platforms appears to no longer exist.
Twitter ‘distraction’
Mr Ives said the last few weeks and months had been a “black eye for Musk and a black eye for Tesla”, which he said was the “golden child” because it is where most of the billionaire’s wealth is.
Mr Musk’s electric car firm has fallen sharply in value, with some saying his obsession with Twitter is destroying the brand.
Last week, Leo KoGuan, the third largest individual shareholder in Tesla, called for Mr Musk to step down as the boss of the electric car maker.
“Elon abandoned Tesla and Tesla has no working CEO. Tesla needs and deserves to have [a] working full time CEO,” he tweeted.
As the saying goes, be careful what you wish, as you might get it
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 18, 2022
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.View original tweet on Twitter
Mr Ives said he believed Mr Musk had realised he “cannot balance” being the boss of Twitter as well as his Tesla and space rocket firm SpaceX.
“The biggest problem is the more controversy he creates, advertisers leave and they run for the hills and that’s 90% of revenue for Twitter,” he said.
Russ Mould, investment director at AJ Bell, added investors at Tesla would be “closely watching” Mr Musk’s poll.
“Given how much of a distraction Musk’s tenure at Twitter has become, shareholders in the electric vehicle manufacturer will be breathing a big sigh of relief if he steps back from Twitter and gets back to the day job at Tesla,” he said.
“For someone who sets so much store by work ethic, Musk sure seems to spend a lot of time on social media. With Tesla shares having more than halved year-to-date, Musk needs to roll up his sleeves and get his main business back on the road.”
Tesla’s share price rose nearly 3% at around $154 each on US stock markets in early trading on Monday. However, the have lost nearly 60% in value this year.
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