#should I do a separate series there or add them to the meet uglies?
foramomentonly · 3 years
I know I keep coming to the cookie shop and for some reason it’s always your shift but don’t you dare judge me I need these for my sanity - I relate a lot to this one 🍪
Alex stumbles into the student union coffee shop, red-eyed and exhausted after a grueling, two-hour Stats final, and groans. Behind the counter yet again is the guy. The one with the wild curls trapped in a hair net and a bright, infectious smile that almost lets him pull the ridiculous look off. The same guy that's been serving him the most delicious, warm, life-giving, chocolate chip cookies every few days for the past two weeks. The same fucking guy.
Alex approaches the counter wearily and squints against the force of the barista's grin.
"Welcome to The Campus Cup! What can I get started for you?"
Alex sighs.
"You know what I want, man," he says defeatedly, arching a brow when the guy laughs.
"Sure do," he replies with an easy, suggestive wink as he reaches for a cardboard cup. "Two chocolate chunks and a red eye. They make us say that to everyone who comes in, though."
Alex glares at him, his patience worn thin by too little sleep and too much stress, his already overly-developed defenses on high alert.
"I don't come here every day or anything," he spits, crossing his arms over his chest. "I just only seem to come when you're working."
The guy's eye widen at Alex's response, round and white with golden centers, his cheeks going pink as he nearly drops the tongs in his hand.
"Oh, no," he sputters, "no, that's not what I thought at all, man!" He offers Alex a sheepish smile. "We're all just tryin' to make it through finals, right?"
Alex watches him bite his full, bottom lip nervously as he pulls Alex's warm cookies out of the display and wraps them in wax paper, his coffee already steaming on the counter. Alex pulls the hot cup towards him, and just the scent of the rich espresso nudges his neurons enough to pick up on the nuance of the barista's tone.
"Wait, why did you think I was always in here then?" he asks.
"You said that wasn't why you thought I came in a lot," Alex explains, taking his wrapped cookies when the barista holds them out, their fingers brushing briefly. "Like there was some other reason."
Alex hands the guy his meal plan card and he busies himself swiping it, head down, squashed curls straining against the flimsy, disposable hair net. Alex fights back the sudden urge to free them, shaking his head and taking a deep pull from his coffee.
"Oh. Well, um," the barista stammers, handing Alex his card and receipt, "I don't know, man. I thought you might be into me?"
He finally looks up at Alex, eyes hopeful and bright, and when Alex doesn't respond, he adds, "I kinda really hoped you were into me."
Alex blinks, tries to remember a time before all nighters in dusty corners of the library, group texts about final projects, and extra rehearsals in dark, stuffy music rooms. He thinks of seeing the guy around campus, thick textbook on some impressively complex topic open on the picnic table in front of him, curls blowing in the wind, smiling good-naturedly at a tall blonde who pushes the hair out of his eyes and laughs. Alex remembers watching his thick fingers wrap around a towel to wipe up a spill behind the counter, or leaning forward to check out his ass when the barista bends over to pick up a stray napkin from the floor.
He smiles.
"What's your name?" Alex asks.
He nods.
"I'm gonna eat this in here and do some studying," he says, gesturing to a small two top in the corner of the shop. "When you get a break, you should come sit with me."
Michael grins, teeth flashing, and a hint of mischief pulls one side of his lips up, twisting his smile into something private and suggestive.
"Yeah?" he asks, voice low and, even to Alex's sleep-deprived brain, incredibly sexy. "You want that?"
Alex's answering smirk is teasing, answering in kind to Michael's flirty tone.
"Sure do."
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beca-mitchell · 5 years
i took your matches before fire could catch me (1/1)
Summary: Beca and Chloe will always cross paths—the first year after the USO tour. Beca-centric. Rated M for like...one huge smut scene in the second half.
Word count: 8325
A/N: Title from Taylor Swift’s “Dear John”. This was a very different story when I first started working on it at the beginning of this year. I'm not sure I like where it ended up going, but I wanted to share it anyway. 
All mistakes are mine.
Happy NYE!
Read below or on AO3.
The first time they see each other again, Chloe is in Los Angeles for a weekend and Beca had agreed to meet for coffee.
The first few months after the USO tour, they had been busy with moving, with starting school, with starting a new album, so it had been easier to avoid each other.
But Beca misses Chloe and she knows Chloe feels some of the same emptiness or she wouldn’t have agreed to meet Beca for coffee. Or so Beca tells herself.
It had been awkward at the beginning, but Beca found herself becoming more comfortable as the hours passed and before she knew it, she was standing quickly as Chloe gathered her bag and phone, looking ready to leave.
Chloe smiles at Beca then. It is not quite forced, but Beca sees some strain in it—some desperation. “I hope we stay friends,” she says softly. Beca feels sick and her throat tightens around the emotions that well up inside her. And to make it worse, Chloe continues: “I care about you.”
Heat and moisture spike alarmingly quick beneath Beca’s eyelids. “Friends,” she repeats, tasting the word on her tongue.
(Friends, like how she and Chloe had started; friends, like how they had been just before the depth of their feelings for each other slipped into something more; friends, like they had been when Beca had grabbed Chloe’s jacket and kissed her with everything she had.)
“Yeah, obviously,” Beca says quickly when she realizes Chloe is still staring at her. “Of course. Why couldn’t we be? Friends, I mean. We were before. We still are.”
It is uncommonly cool in Los Angeles, even for January standards, so Beca attributes the shiver that rushes through her body when Chloe’s hand brushes her own to the weather and nothing more.
 — — — — — — — — — — 
(So they should probably talk about that kiss. The kiss that shouldn’t have happened, but Beca, in a fit of possession and jealousy upon seeing Chicago smiling at Chloe, had grabbed Chloe’s jacket and pulled her in for a kiss.
The shock in Chloe’s eyes had been reflected in Beca’s, but neither of them knew what else to do or say.
Not many more words were exchanged, even when Beca had led Chloe back up to her hotel room and the door had clicked shut behind them.)
 — — — — — — — — — —
Beca isn't a jealous person. Not at all. Not one bit.
Besides, she really shouldn't be, she tells herself derisively. They were never really friends, even when they technically were. Even when they were co-captains. Even when they shared a house for three years. There was always some complicated underlying attraction to each other and the pressure to perform and put on a show—both in their personal lives and on stage—which translated into a consistently-strained relationship. 
And God, it’s Valentine’s Day for fuck’s sake. Beca hadn’t been expecting to see Chloe in Los Angeles of all places, considering how hard it seemed for Chloe to have made the trip in the past few weeks whenever Beca had suggested a visit.
Beca attempts to let some bitterness seep out of her.
Chloe looks...beautiful. Stunning. Radiant. All the things Beca loves about Chloe shine through tonight. Beca spots her nearly immediately when she walks in and tunes out of the company she held within her perch in the VIP booth. Chloe is wearing her favourite ripped jeans and a pretty white top that just screams for something to be spilt on it. And yet, she dances without a care in the world. Her right palm is open, dying to be held. Her left hand clutches a wine glass, liquid precariously licking up the edges. Wine, of all things, in an upscale club in downtown Los Angeles.
Chloe spots her fairly quickly. The surprise in her eyes must be reflected in Beca’s own, but Beca makes no move to get out of her booth for the time being. It’s then that she notices Chloe can’t stop staring at her. It is only a product of the way Beca can’t keep her eyes off Chloe, but the way Chloe’s piercing blue gaze always seems to meet her gaze in return indicates that it’s a mutual sensation.
Finally, it is Chloe who musters up the courage to say hello first. Soft and quiet, unexpectedly appearing by Beca’s shoulder as she stands by the bar, finally escaping the sanctuary of her cordoned-off area.
“Hey,” Chloe’s voice sounds excitedly near her ear. "Beca, hi!"
Beca startles, nearly dropping her drink. “Chloe. Hey.”
“Letting loose tonight?”
Beca laughs, short and mildly acerbic. It is both comforting and unsettling how easy it is to fall into old habits with Chloe—how easy it is to want to open up to Chloe and trust her and love her all at once. “No,” she responds. “Just kind of scoping out the venue.” She takes a quick gulp of her drink for courage. “Are you here alone? Why are you here?”
“There was a conference in town,” Chloe explains, quicker than Beca expects. “A bunch of us took the night off.”
“Oh, that’s good,” Beca says. Or at least, she tries to say because she is cut off by an excited voice calling Chloe’s name and a large, male body appearing by her side. Beca swallows and tries to look anywhere else but the way his hand curls around Chloe’s hip with familiarity.
“Beca,” Chloe says questioningly when she notices that Beca is trying to inch away.
“It was nice to see you, Chloe.” I’m so glad we’re friends , Beca adds as an afterthought in her mind. She swallows back the sharp taste of her drink and looks instead for the closest pair of interested eyes.
“Hey, wait a second,” Chloe calls and before Beca realizes what is happening and before she can really dwell on anybody, Chloe’s hand is wrapping gently around her wrist. “Can we talk?”
“We’re talking now.”
Chloe scowls and shoots a glance over her shoulder at Nondescript Jock #5 before she is pushing Beca towards the women’s bathroom. 
“What are you doing?” Beca demands.
“Why are you being like this?”
“Like what?”
Chloe frowns. “Extra Beca-like.”
“I don’t know what that means.” 
“Of course you don’t—you never do, do you?”
“I really don’t know what that means.”
They’re breathing heavily, both of them standing toe to toe. Around them, the bass pounds and the percussion line is strong, but Beca only feels the pounding of her own heart. This feels too raw—too much like how they had separated after Europe, only this is just a continuation of that ugliness.
(“So you’re just walking away. Again.”
“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, Chloe.”
“I’m not the one being difficult. You’re the one who’s afraid.” )
She hates how much she wants to kiss Chloe.
Beca sighs, some of the fight leaving her. “I just wasn’t expecting to see you. Here. When you’re supposed to be in Philadelphia.” 
“I honestly wasn’t expecting to see you here either. I'm not trying to...” Chloe's mouth twists unhappily. "Not trying to stalk you or anything. I'm just happy we ran into each other because we need to—"
“—maybe we should just pretend we never saw each other.”
Hurt flashes across Chloe’s eyes.
“Beca, wait—”
 — — — — — — — — — —
i didn't mean it, i'm sorry, Beca writes and rewrites in her phone. Over and over. It's like a ritual.
Nothing really works anymore.
When Beca falls asleep, it’s the same dream, the one she had almost every night for months after she moved to L.A.. Chloe is waiting for her when she gets in the door.
She smiles.
She kisses Beca.
She says, “Welcome home.”
Beca shakes off the fantasy, anger and hurt coursing through her. Screw you, Mitchell.
They haven’t really spoken for weeks. Beca is more comfortable at this distance, content on muting Chloe’s social media profiles and pretending like Chloe isn’t totally seeing that guy that she claims to not be seeing.
And the thing is, there isn't really a reason for Chloe to lie to her (even if Beca hasn't really given any concrete reason for Chloe to stay), but the sting of seeing Chloe flirt with Chicago incessantly is still sharp in Beca's memory, so she does the completely grown-up thing and rage-likes a bunch of Chloe’s Instagram and Facebook posts and sends petty emoji-reactions to some of Chloe’s Instagram stories. She hates the flash of vindication that rushes through her when Chloe texts her not too long after.
Hey, how are you?
It’s what she wanted, but she feels gross and petty and not at all like the adult her legal documents claim she is. Beca groans at the still unanswered text message. It’s dumb how jealous she is—how upset she is over something that might or might not be true. She’s trying her best to move on and to stay friends with Chloe because it’s what Chloe wanted .
It’s what they both wanted.
Before Beca has a chance to say anything, bubbles appear again, indicating that Chloe is typing.
i’m sorry if things are weird, the text reads. is everything okay with us?
Then, beca, please
Beca slowly blinks at the series of words. She feels nothing but tiredness within her. Her eyes are dry. 
She falls asleep with her phone in her hand.
— — — — — — — — — —
Aubrey is an unexpected confidante. It does feel a little self-sabotaging considering Aubrey’s relationship with Chloe.
“For what it’s worth, Chloe has told me some things,” Aubrey says carefully. “So I’m not completely in the dark, even if it surprises me that you’re calling me at all.”
“I think that we can be friends,” Beca replies. “We just need some time. Everything is too raw right now.”
Aubrey sighs. “You’re both fools.”
“It’s just...hard to get over her,” Beca admits.
“Why do you have to do that at all?”
The truth is, she doesn't. She's just so used to running—all her life, she only ever ran. Only a select handful of people were willing to give chase.
— — — — — — — — — —
She gives it another week—just a few more days to gather her wits.
Chloe sounds so relieved to hear her voice. It makes Beca feel all kinds of horrible, but Chloe never dwells on that.
And like her body is enjoying playing cruel tricks on her, she dreams of Chloe that night—dreams and remembers what it had been like to hold Chloe close, to kiss her that fateful night before her mind and her heart decided to do the stupid thing and fall in love.
(But that happened long ago, nothing Beca could really do about it now.)
 — — — — — — — — — —
Being in frequent contact with Chloe again means that Beca knows she’s not really dating anybody even if there is some guy who hangs around her a lot. It’s “super casual” (Chloe’s words) but apparently, he’s a “complete buffoon” (Aubrey’s words), so Beca isn’t quite sure whether she ought to be more supportive or discouraging. In the same vein, through similar channels, Beca knows when the guy isn't really in the picture anymore and she hates how easy it is for her to breathe again.
But Chloe seems happy in general. And coming to terms with the fact that she will always have some unresolved feelings for Chloe Beale...it’s kind of a difficult predicament to be in.
It's not that Beca hasn't been casually seeing people too—she's been on a few dates and only one real hook-up in the past few months, but she hadn't felt much for that person. For any of them really. And she hadn't told Chloe about them, only Amy in passing. Not even Aubrey whom she knows would just pass it on to Chloe.
A part of her almost wants to let Chloe know that she's happy to move on, but it was never really communicated between them that there was anything really to hold on to—at least, not verbally, Beca tells herself.
Beca is just so used to people leaving, it's almost easier to let people realize that she's not worth the trouble than to have them realize it when she's grown too attached. It's fucking depressing, in all honesty, but Beca hates the thought of being left behind. She hates distance and pining and all those things attached to relationships that never end up working out.
Like her parents.
She clenches her fist and attempts to refocus on the track she's meant to be listening to. It's not much of a lead single if it sucks.
"Well?" Jason, her favorite sound engineer asks. "Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?"
Beca glances down at her phone, seeing that a new notification from Chloe is waiting for her.
She forces her thoughts away and shoves her phone into her bag. "Again," she requests. "Play it back."
 — — — — — — — — — —
Thought of you today, she writes to Chloe later. This new artist on my label wouldn't shut up about acapella. really took me back. 
Chloe's reply is quick. i can be pretty unforgettable like that.
Beca can just see the smile on her face.
 — — — — — — — — — —
“Are we okay?” Chloe asks.
Phone calls are more regular now. Hearing Chloe's voice is less painful, but it only makes Beca fall for Chloe more with each interaction.
Beca heaves a sigh. “We are,” she answers honestly. “I promise, Chlo.” 
"Well, then tell me about your day."
"Tell me about yours," Beca challenges.
And just like that, they're okay again.
It's not the easiest, talking to Chloe like everything's okay, but relearning how to be Chloe's friend above all is Beca's priority and she finds that being in love with Chloe and being her friend don't necessarily have to be at odds with each other.
"I'm happy for you," Beca tells her when Chloe finishes a story. She means it.
 — — — — — — — — — —
It is amidst a small rant about koalas that Chloe casually drops her birthday plans over the phone to Beca.
“You’re throwing a party?” 
“A gathering,” Chloe explains. “For my birthday.”
“So a party.”
“Beca,” Chloe whines.
“Chloe, that’s-” great, wonderful, exciting .
“I was hoping you’d come,” Chloe says before Beca can say anything else like she’s afraid Beca will decline pre-emptively. It’s almost frightening how well Chloe knows Beca, but Beca is a little hurt that Chloe immediately would have jumped to that conclusion. 
“It would mean a lot to me if you were there,” Chloe continues. Her voice is strained, but soft around the edges.
“Of course I’ll come,” Beca says with a small smile, even if Chloe can’t see it. “Where will it be?”
Chloe clears her throat. “New York. Because it’s easier for me and the girls are pretty close by. And Amy already offered her space.”
Beca tries not to think about what happened the last time she and Chloe were in New York. “That sounds nice.” She hates how it’s not a complete lie. “Send me the details.”
Chloe makes some kind of excited squealing sound that nearly deafens Beca, but she can't help but smile.
 — — — — — — — — — —
Her hands are pushed against Chloe’s chest, desperate to hold onto something—similar to how she had kissed Chloe in France. Chloe’s arms are around Beca’s waist and she thinks maybe Chloe has picked her up off the floor, just slightly, but Beca cannot feel much else than the sensation of Chloe’s lips moving against hers and how tightly she is pressed against Chloe's body.
But that is only for a moment. Hands start pulling at Beca’s shirt and suddenly Chloe’s fingers are tracing the skin of her lower back. She whimpers against Chloe’s mouth.
They were supposed to be cleaning up.
This feeling is painfully familiar: Chloe’s kisses send surges of electricity and passion through Beca’s whole body.
It is as if every interaction they’ve had the past year has been leading to this. This—this is everything and Beca feels as if every fragmented piece of her being can finally relax; like every piece of her soul is where it’s meant to be. 
“Beca,” Chloe breathes out. She is still kissing her, so it suddenly tastes like tears between their lips and Beca’s not sure which one of them has started to cry, but she can’t stop kissing, can’t stop pulling Chloe closer, always closer.
"I don't know how to be without you," Chloe whispers. "Stop pushing me away." That alone causes a surge of emotion to rise up in Beca's chest and she pushes forward again, this time almost capturing Chloe's mouth, unable to resist even if they're both somehow still crying amidst a small pile of solo cups and garbage bags. 
"We're drunk," Beca whispers back. They're not.
"We're not," Chloe murmurs, but she steps back anyway, respectful of Beca's space.
It is when Chloe turns back around, clearly intent on finishing their task that Beca grabs her wrist and pulls her, reminiscent of how Chloe had pulled her all those years ago, into her orbit; how Chloe had pulled her all those months ago into the bathroom into the club. 
Chloe's mouth is opening against her own before Beca realizes what she's doing, but she is too powerless to resist.
"I'll stop if you want to stop," Chloe murmurs, her hands already dipping beneath the waistband of Beca's pants. 
"We should stop," Beca admits with a broken tone.
 — — — — — — — — — —
Chloe has to catch a fairly early train back to Philadelphia, so Beca feigns sleep for a bit, even though she knows it is a fruitless attempt at avoidance. Still, they spent the night together—totally innocent—and Beca didn't combust on the spot, so she considers that a success.
"You're not allowed to avoid me," Chloe whispers, pressing a kiss to Beca's forehead. "I'm calling you the moment I reach my dorm." 
 — — — — — — — — — —
Fourth of July in New York—it is Aubrey’s bright idea and Amy willingly hosts. She somehow now owns two apartments in a nice walk-up. Beca is only mildly envious.
She isn’t really expecting Chloe to gravitate right towards her, but she has been thinking of that kiss (and almost-something-more) at Chloe’s birthday party for the past month . And she’s sure Chloe has as well if the furtive glances she continues to shoot towards Beca are any indication.
(Their phone conversations have been strained, but Chloe is an attentive friend and cares about Beca's wellbeing above all, so she never pushes—has never pushed since they last had a hard conversation after the tour.)
But still, neither makes a move. Beca can see Aubrey glaring at her from across the room.
It isn’t that she and Chloe have been totally distant from each other. Their texts have become more frequent and increasingly flirty in ways that Beca had missed. After the USO tour, she wasn’t sure she’d ever interact like that with Chloe again.
But their lives have kind of evened out. Chloe is pretty much done with the first year of veterinary school and Beca’s almost done with her album. It’s weird to see her face on magazine covers and to have to engage in interviews, but it’s pretty worthwhile having Chloe send her excited text messages and photos of magazines whenever she spots Beca’s face.
The miss yous and heart emojis are a nice touch.
Beca nearly drops her phone when she hears the unmistakable clang of somebody climbing down the fire-escape steps. Glancing up, she catches the barest hint of familiar red hair and torn jeans.
Briefly, Beca wonders who she pissed off in a past life.
“There you are,” Chloe says brightly, once her feet touch the ground. She sways a little and Beca immediately stands to help her right herself, lest she topple right over the edge of the railing. Chloe heaves a breath and smiles gratefully at Beca.
Beca frowns, taking in the flush on Chloe’s face and the way her eyes shine brightly.
“Can you just...be careful? What if you hurt yourself?” Beca asks before she can stop herself. She sighs, running her hand over her face as Chloe makes herself comfortable. 
“I was looking for you,” Chloe replies, a little petulantly. She pushes her forehead against Beca’s shoulder in an attempt to nudge her. The touch alone makes Beca nearly recoil completely. “Why have you been avoiding me?” Chloe continues, voice muffled against Beca’s jacket. Whether she means over the past few hours or over the past four weeks, she doesn’t clarify, so Beca doesn’t offer a response.
Beca wants to laugh, however. Her brain isn’t working quite at full speed at the moment, because of the double hit of intoxication - both alcohol and Chloe Beale have similar effects on her. Willing herself not to snap at Chloe, she inhales sharply, trying to ignore the way Chloe’s breath feels against her neck. How Chloe’s breath smells a little like her favourite red wine. 
Speaking of–
Beca glances at the wine bottle in Chloe’s hand. “You swiped that from the party?”
Chloe seems to brighten upon noticing that Beca is engaging with her in conversation. “Yeah! Want some?”
It is somehow so familiar and so devastatingly Chloe that Beca’s chest aches for a few moments as she takes in the graceful tilt of Chloe’s neck and the high flush on her cheeks.
The attraction reverberates through Beca like a persistent ache.
She isn’t sure what she is meant to say to Chloe. Not when all this air hangs in between them. The air is thick, rife with all the things that remain unspoken.
This uncharted territory is anxiety-inducing for Beca – perhaps for them both. Chloe for all her confidence and charm is surprisingly shy and insecure – a fact Beca came to know with time during their romance and even further back, their friendship. So now, Beca is keenly aware of how Chloe’s foot taps out a nervous little rhythm from where she sits beside Beca, both of them leaning back as comfortably as they can.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” Chloe asks again, softer and less accusatory. “And not just now . Since—” her voice wavers. “Since Europe. The tour. Since my birthday. Since always.”
“Chloe,” Beca says, sharper than she originally intends. She leans back, resting her head against brick. Good, she thinks, hoping against hope that her brain connects with her mouth and leaves her heart out of the equation. Beca takes the chance to look at Chloe then, wondering if there are parts of Chloe that she doesn’t know—if there are things that Chloe holds close to herself, like secrets that Beca will never get the chance to know.
Chloe looks like she might say something, so Beca holds her breath, waiting for the onslaught of ash and tainted air. Instead, Chloe’s brow furrows and she takes another swig of wine straight from the bottle—a long one—before she offers the bottle to Beca, eyebrow raised expectantly.
Beca accepts.
 — — — — — — — — — —
It doesn’t take long at all. Chloe’s is hot against her neck, from where Chloe has turned her face and her lips brush ever so slightly against Beca’s skin. July in New York means the weather is hot, but that is nothing compared to the heat that spreads from the wet, open-mouthed kiss Chloe places against Beca’s neck.
Beca turns more fully to face Chloe—to question her, really—but she finds her own body automatically reacting to Chloe’s proximity. Her hands are cupping Chloe’s cheeks before she realizes what is happening.
“Please,” Chloe murmurs against her mouth.
Beca was always rotten at saying no to Chloe.
And like clockwork, Beca’s heart pounds erratically when Chloe’s eyes fix on her—when Chloe locks her gaze on Beca with intent and purpose.
“Fuck it,” Beca mumbles.
 — — — — — — — — — —
Beca thinks she whispers “I love you” into Chloe’s ear.
She thinks it might be between orgasms - between their attempt to move to the bed and Chloe shoving her against the door of Amy's guest bedroom. Together, they maneuvered past countless bodies, ignoring anybody who tried to speak to them. Give me this one night, Beca thinks desperately.
She feels it so deeply and knows it to be so true and honest - the fact that she loves Chloe Beale with everything in her even if the way they’re fucking each other might kill them both.
She loves Chloe and she can’t hide it because it hurts too much. She never should have tried to hide it.
All at once, memories from the year before come crashing back, slamming down walls Beca thought she fortified.
 — — — — — — — — — —
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted this?” Beca asks. Demands. She feels hot and angry and upset all at once, watching Chloe make her way slowly across the room. Away from her. Defensiveness is her go-to in moments like this because it feels like too much at once.
At that, Chloe turns around, her own eyes alight with something almost unrecognizable. “Do you know how long I wanted this from you, Beca? How long I waited and waited until it—”
Beca’s heart pounds. “Until what,” she repeats, a little hollowly. “You waited until the last possible second?”
“Ask me to stay,” Chloe says instead. “Tell me you want me to stay and you want me. That you’ll still want me while you’re in L.A. and I’m holed up in Philly. I’ll stay with you. Wherever you go.” 
“You can’t stay,” Beca says weakly even though what Chloe asks of her isn't completely off-base. “Chloe, what the fu—Chlo,” she tries desperately. “I would never ask you to stay. I would never stop you from…” she gestures vaguely. “Vet school,” she says half-heartedly.
“That’s crap and you know it. Tell me to stay.”
She doesn't. She can't.
 — — — — — — — — — —
She doesn't tell Chloe to stay, but it isn't her fault, not entirely. It's kind of hard with Aubrey banging on the door and demanding that they make themselves available for fireworks.
Beca catches a hint of a smile on Chloe's face.
(It ends up being the inspiration she needs to really finish up her album. She doesn't want to dwell on the past.)
 — — — — — — — — — —
It’s Amy’s birthday (supposedly), so Beca can’t really find an excuse not to come. She’s trying to be a better friend and all.
And Chloe is Chloe, so she’s one of the first people to hit “attending”.
It is inevitable that their paths would cross again, sharing the same friend group. It takes everything in Beca to muster up the willpower to drag herself out of her temporary New York apartment—her new summer digs and all—and over to Amy’s apartment, which happens to be in the same building. Walking up a couple flights of stairs has never been a more nerve-wracking activity.
Beca immediately makes her way over to the laptop in the corner, taking in the songs Amy has lined up on her playlist. She fiddles with the order a little, glancing up a few times to take stock of the room.
“She’s not here yet,” comes Amy’s clear voice.
Beca jumps, nearly knocking the laptop clean off the shelf. “Amy,” she greets. “I was uh…looking for you. Happy birthday!” she exclaims, injecting real cheer in her voice before pulling Amy in for a hug.
“Thank you,” Amy replies brightly, though her tone does nothing to belie the suspicion. Beca tries to ignore the suspicion in Amy’s eyes. Most of the Bellas know that Beca and Chloe had a falling out, but they don’t know the extent, which, well…Beca supposes that’s the whole point of a secret fling.
Beca swallows and steadies herself before she manages to lift her eyes to look at Amy once more. “Drinks?” she requests finally, hoping the rasp in her voice stays out.
“Sure, right this way, my little DJ.” Amy wraps a firm arm around her and suddenly Beca is being very nearly hoisted through the crowd. “You got the playlist I sent you right?”
“Yes, I’m confused as to why you sent to me though.”
“Aren’t you DJ-ing my party?” Amy asks, mild confusion coloring her tone.
“I guess I am now,” Beca says after a moment. She’s not exactly going to pass up the opportunity to drink in the corner while staring at a long list of music and shuffling songs out of order.
“Not too famous yet, huh?” Amy jokes.
“Nope,” Beca says quickly, refocusing on Amy’s laptop.
Especially when the alternative is to stare at a certain somebody from across the room with incomparable longing.
 — — — — — — — — — —
Chloe’s eyes meet hers from across the room and like a sharp bolt of lightning, Beca finds herself as stiff as a board because Chloe still has that effect on her. Especially with the sharp, vivid memory of Chloe’s lips against her own; Chloe’s hands on her body. Her body tenses even more when she realizes Chloe is making her way towards her. Beca attempts to pretend as if she hadn’t been staring at Chloe for the better part of the evening.
Beca has zero idea how Chloe plans to manage their newfound friendship now with all their history between them. Even now, with Chloe looking at her with bright blue eyes—open and filled with emotion—Beca can’t help but have very…decidedly not friendly thoughts about the woman standing in front of her. Philadelphia has evidently been kind to Chloe, kinder than Chloe’s social media posts have let on. Her hair is longer and her cheeks are just a bit rosier, but eyes are the brightest Beca has ever seen.
So she makes her way out onto the fire escape and climbs down to her own apartment, breathing a sigh of relief at the instant solitude she feels.
“Hi,” Chloe greets from above, having followed Beca like she anticipated.
Beca glances up quickly. "Hey," she replies, willing her racing heart to calm down. Chloe makes quick work of the steps and is soon standing next to Beca.
Chloe looks like she is about to step forward into Beca’s space for a quick moment—a quick moment like so many before—and Beca’s body just reacts . Her skin starts to tingle, her lips part and her mouth dries, and every single body seems to light aflame. Her hands twitch by her sides because every last instinct wants her to move forward; wants her to push into Chloe’s body; wants her to put their lips together.
It feels like a craving at least—a desperate need to fill something that has remained empty for too long. Her emotional reserves are plentiful and her body aches to remind both herself and Chloe of what they had.
(One month apart is entirely too long.)
From the way Chloe continues to gaze at her as the silence expands between them, Beca thinks maybe kissing her wouldn’t be a completely horrible idea.
The clang of the bottle against the fire escape startles Beca but before she can say anything or ask Chloe anything, Chloe all but has her pressed against the hard brick exterior of the building and her lips are sliding sloppily against Beca’s like the last few weeks never happened—like they spent no time apart at all. 
Beca’s hands automatically grip Chloe’s hips as best as she can, twisting her body to face Chloe more fully. Chloe hums quietly into their kiss - a sound Beca has missed so terribly. It sends both a jolt of sadness and arousal through Beca, forcing her to tighten her grip in the fabric of Chloe’s shirt. 
A part of her desperately believes they should stop—that this is wholly inappropriate considering the delicate balance of emotions they’ve struck up between them since that last night in France. Since that last night in June. All the months before.
(But in France, that first time will always remain a pivotal moment—Beca slides her hand down Chloe’s side reverently, wonder in her eyes. She memorizes and memorizes, in awe of each touch and each sound. Everything is new and passionate, burning brightly like the embers of what could be a new love.
And she knows Chloe feels the same.) 
But Beca craves this from Chloe - the affection, the touch - the passion.
Leaning further into the kiss, Beca can taste the alcohol on Chloe’s tongue - a hint of tequila and lime, red wine, and perhaps more. Beca wonders what her own tongue tastes like - wonders if Chloe likes the way she tastes still.
Assaulted by the myriad of thoughts that threaten to overtake her, Beca is overwhelmed simultaneously by Chloe’s tongue and her hands roaming freely across Beca’s body. 
It’s quick, the way Chloe’s fingers deftly unbutton Beca’s jeans. Beca is suddenly conscious with the rough brick behind her head.
“Should we…” Beca clears her throat and tries to focus because Chloe’s lips are molten against her skin. 
“Should we…” Chloe echoes softly, tilting her head back up to press her nose against Beca’s jaw. “I want you,” she whispers, reassurance in her voice, like she worried briefly that Beca was concerned at all about whether Chloe still desired her. 
...she had been a little concerned, maybe.
Beca can only nod against the onslaught of feelings and sensation, opting to chase Chloe’s mouth with her own. She soaks through her underwear at the feeling of Chloe’s fingers skimming along the skin of her hip. 
Chloe touches her surely and boldly, even though Beca thinks they absolutely shouldn’t be doing this in full view of a public street. Yet, for once, the streets are quiet and only the sounds of Amy’s party echo from above them. Everybody is involved in their own lives—their their own parties. Nobody is looking up. All Beca knows—all she can feel is the sure, steady glide of Chloe’s fingers against the front of her underwear. She barely resists from taking Chloe’s hand and shoving it straight into her underwear, but even if she wanted to do so, her body is rendered immobile for the time being. 
Chloe has that effect on her: the effect of being rendered completely helpless because all she wants to do is give herself to Chloe over and over again, even if her heart cries out for some relief.
Beca thinks she curses or at least that something escapes her, but Chloe’s fingers are persistently rubbing at her clit through her underwear and her mouth is latched onto Beca’s jaw. 
It’s hard to think, not while Chloe’s fingers hold no rhythm of their own. They bump and push at Beca’s clit in time with the hot pulse between her legs – like Chloe knows enough about Beca’s body to intuitively feel out how close Beca is to her orgasm already.
(Kissing Chloe always was enough to bring her simultaneous ecstasy and joy.)
Chloe’s breath catches occasionally, when her fingers slip down – down to slowly rub and drag Beca’s ruined underwear between her distinctly swollen folds. Her hips buck up and she briefly wonders what would happen if they happened to fall to their death.
She can’t process much else because she’s clamping her own hand between her legs, stilling Chloe’s hand. She just needs Chloe to stay – to stop for a moment because it feels too good and she wants it to last –
Beca’s not sure how long the ache between her legs lasts, but before long she’s coming apart in Chloe’s arms, eyes nearly crossing from the white-hot pleasure that rushes through her. Her clit throbs and licks against the fabric of her now embarrassingly damp underwear.
“I— fuck ,” she breathes out, trying to get something articulate to leave her lips, but Chloe’s hand, still warm and wet, finds its way to her jaw and grips it tightly enough that Beca’s eyes fly open, only to see the fresh desire in Chloe’s eyes. 
“I want you,” Chloe mumbles again, leaning in to kiss Beca so thoroughly and steadily that Beca almost forgets they’re drunk. Almost forgets that they’re on the fire escape of her shoddy rented New York apartment because she lives there (because she had jumped at the chance to live there because it brought her thousands of miles closer to Chloe Beale) with her pants partway down her thighs. Almost forgets how uncomfortably wet her underwear is. She jolts, her thigh brushing against the cold leather of couch. “So much,” Chloe continues, voice strained and desperate.
“I want you, too,” Beca chokes out, between kisses. Chloe’s death grip on her jaw loosens and they’re collapsing back into each other, a collision of alcohol-warmed bodies, fuelled by the pain of missing each other to the point of devastating heartbreak.
It’s not a lie. She wants Chloe to the point of frustration. Frustration with herself, frustration with everything about their situation.
And yet, she can’t help herself from sinking into Chloe’s kiss, her familiar touch, her familiar nips and bites across her skin.
“In-inside,” Beca manages to say between Chloe’s increasingly frenzied kisses. “We should go-“ She barely manages to halt Chloe’s hand from sliding back between her legs. Instead, she intertwines their fingers, tries to slow down. “We should go inside,” she manages to clarify. 
Chloe pants out against her mouth and nods so slightly that Beca almost misses it. She only feels the barest brush of Chloe’s lips against her own - the marker of Chloe’s nod - before she’s drunkenly pulling Chloe inside the room. Chloe has the sense of mind to grab the mostly empty wine bottle. She drops it on one of Beca’s side tables and they barely make it over the couch before they’re a mess of limbs and badly-aimed kisses. Beca’s back hits the couch, but only barely and they’re both kind of collapsing onto the ground with soft thumps.
Beca fumbles with Chloe’s hair and clothes in a scramble to push up off the ground. “Bed,” she tries to say, but Chloe’s lips are forceful and passionate. Instead, Beca’s sure she only manages to make some kind of garbled moan because Chloe’s fingers are pinching insistently at her nipple and Chloe’s lips are latched onto her neck.
Before Beca can do much else, Chloe is pushing herself off Beca’s upper body, breathing heavily. Beca can make out the desire in Chloe’s eyes. She can also make out the smudge of Chloe’s lipstick and the swell of her lips. She opens her mouth to tell Chloe how pretty she is, but she halts, watching Chloe’s hands tremble as they pull her pretty blue shirt over her head. Beca swallows, leaning up on her elbow to watch Chloe’s progress. Chloe pulls her jeans down, lifting off Beca momentarily to do so. It’s less graceful than either of them anticipates because she very nearly rolls off Beca to do so, kicking at her legs in a desperate attempt to remove her clothing. 
Beca reaches (eagerly) for the elastic of Chloe’s underwear, desperate to see all of her again - desperate to relearn Chloe’s body. To her surprise, Chloe bats her hands away and moves to pull down Beca’s already unbuttoned pants all the way. Beca bites her lip and sits up further to help Chloe by pulling off her own t-shirt, tossing it somewhere behind her. She doesn’t remember taking off her jacket, but she’s sure she had it on earlier. Nothing matters, however, because Chloe is draping herself back over Beca’s body, tangling one hand firmly into Beca’s hair and letting the other grip Beca’s hip with almost bruising pressure. 
Beca wonders if there’s anything new about Chloe’s body – if there’s anything new about the curves and lines and everything in between – based on the time they’ve spent apart. 
Beca moans into the kiss, desperate to feel more of Chloe. She fumbles under Chloe’s bra, trying to find purchase on Chloe’s breasts, squeezing the flesh as best as she can. Chloe’s nipples are hard against her palm and she presses, almost giddy of the familiar feeling (and of the knowledge that she fully manages to incite this reaction in Chloe Beale, still. She craves the feeling of skin against skin, but before she can do anything (not that she could say anything with Chloe’s tongue in her mouth), Chloe is grabbing her wrists and unceremoniously shoving her arms above her head.
“Me first,” Chloe mumbles, eyes nearly crossing as she leans back down towards Beca’s face. Their eyes meet; their breaths intertwine.
Beca can only nod.
 — — — — — — — — — —
The rest of the night passes in a series of heated, passionate moments.
Chloe’s thumb is perfectly pressed against Beca’s clit through her underwear, while the rest of  her hand is splayed out against the front of the lace. Occasionally her nails scratch at the lace, but Beca can barely feel all of that compared to the sensation of how wet Chloe is against her thigh. Chloe bites her lip, grinding down hard against Beca’s thigh while also using her own thigh to press against Beca through her underwear. With her other hand holding Beca’s thigh up and helping her leg wrap around her hip, Beca can very nearly almost feel Chloe’s pussy grinding against hers, with each upwards brush.
“Please,” she chokes out. “Chlo-”
Chloe’s eyes flash and suddenly she disappears. Beca cries out at the loss and tries to sit up.
In her haze—her Chloe-induced haze—she briefly registers the loss of warmth, before her legs are being pushed apart and suddenly Chloe is staring back at her from between her legs. The sight makes Beca collapse back and she only just drapes her arm over her eyes when Chloe licks her right through the goddamned ruined lace. 
It’s a special brand of torture, feeling Chloe’s tongue nudge and prod at her through the lace. She’s soaking through the underwear anyway - she’s sure it clings to her like a second skin. The lace is rough against her – so rough and persistent. She swells with pleasure, trying to squirm up against Chloe’s mouth. Trying to get Chloe to slip beneath her underwear. 
She just wants Chloe’s tongue inside her - she just wants Chloe to fuck her like she did before, that night when everything screamed of potential and before Beca had been too scared and wasted it all away.
Instead, Chloe is sucking her clit through the lace, the duality of how wet the material feels and yet how distinct it feels makes Beca’s entire body buck up and into Chloe’s face again . Every sensation renews the sheer lust she feels, building and building until she can’t stand it any longer.  She immediately yanks on Chloe’s hair, unsure of when her hands even found their way into Chloe’s hair.
Chloe concedes and lifts herself back up. Her body covers Beca with heat and endlessly soft skin while Beca awaits the return of Chloe’s lips to her own.
When presented with Chloe’s mouth, she holds Chloe’s face close and licks her tongue into Chloe’s mouth as best as she can, tasting the bits of herself that she left behind.
In her haze – somewhere between alcohol and lust – she thinks she hears Chloe’s moan; she thinks she feels the way it reverberates through her body and settles somewhere at the back of her mind. She desperately tries to cling on to each memory as it passes through her with each swipe of Chloe’s tongue; with each harsh suck.
Then, a sigh against her inner thigh and Chloe's ministrations are slowing to stop. "I love you," she whispers, so softly that Beca nearly misses it. 
But then she can't do much else than gasp for breath and stare at the plain, white ceiling.
I love you, too.
— — — — — — — — — —
"Stay," Beca murmurs, pulling Chloe's arm as she moves to leave the warmth of her bed. "You can stay for one more night, right?"
Chloe pauses and turns, her eyes the softest Beca has ever seen them. "I can stay as long as you want me to."
Beca smiles, her vision blurry with unexpected tears. "I've only ever wanted you to stay with me. I was just stupid about it for too long."
"I can do that," Chloe promises. She cups Beca's cheek, but makes no move to wipe away her tears. "I'll do that for as long as you need."
And that means the world, for there was a time where Beca thought she had exhausted all of Chloe's time. But, as with most things, Beca learns how wrong she was.
 — — — — — — — — — —
Beca is mildly uncomfortable when she wakes up.
...For many reasons, though she assesses that the primary reason appears to be that she’s sleeping on a cheap mattress and her arm is trapped under Chloe’s body. Grimacing, she attempts to roll her shoulders a bit, but winces when that action causes a twinge of pain.
Twisting her head, she catches sight of a tangle of red curls and the smooth, gently freckled back she had come to know so intimately. 
Her heart thuds in her chest, as she twists her body in an attempt to gently extricate her arm from under Chloe’s side. Chloe is breathing steadily and slowly, an indication that she is still asleep. 
She wonders if Chloe dreams of her still, like Beca does; if Chloe dreams of all the things they could do in the future– 
(How close that all came to being could have done; how close that came to being would have done. )
Beca pauses in her maneuvering to reach out with her free hand to trace the gentle red lines across Chloe’s back - the remaining marks of Beca’s fingers scratching down the smooth expanse of skin the previous night. The echo of Chloe’s breath hot against her ear and the grip she had maintained on Beca’s thighs rise to the surface, but Beca tamps them down, almost lazily.
She just wants to be.
Sighing, Beca turns to cuddle into Chloe’s back fully, basking in the warmth she receives from how close she feels to Chloe at that moment. She tucks herself close, brings her arms up against the smooth skin of Chloe’s back. 
Warmth finally fills her chest.
 — — — — — — — — — —
When Beca wakes up again, her lips are pressed loosely to Chloe’s shoulder, both of them still in the same position, though this time Chloe has Beca’s hand in a death-grip and pressed tightly against her chest as she slumbers.
Tentatively, Beca curls her fingers, blinking awake when their fingers neatly intertwine, settling against each other neatly and perfectly.
Without thinking, she kisses a trail up Chloe’s shoulder and leans up so she can press a gentle kiss against Chloe’s neck, warm from the ray of sunshine that comes through Beca’s window. It must be mid-day or at least late morning.
Chloe’s body stiffens as she awakens, but Beca isn’t afraid. “Mm,” Chloe moans out. “It’s too early, baby. Go back to sleep and stay in bed with me.”
Beca smiles into the curve of Chloe’s shoulder. “Gladly.”
 — — — — — — — — — —
“Do we need to book a ticket for your girlfriend?” Theo asks her offhandedly while they’re planning her agenda for the next few months until the end of the year. 
Beca is startled. “Girlfriend,” she echoes.
“Yeah. Chloe, right? Red hair. Taller than you, but not by much.”
“Yeah, no—that’s her. It’s just.” A slow smile spreads across Beca’s face. “She is my girlfriend, huh?”
Theo doesn’t bother responding to that. “Okay so I’m just gonna set aside a ticket for her and she can call me to set up flight details if she wants. You can call me later.”
Beca hangs up with a smile on her face.
Chloe exists her ensuite bathroom, drying her hair. “Who was that?”
Beca stands, reaching out to take Chloe’s towel so she can dry her hair for her. “Just Theo being nosy and asking questions about my girlfriend.”
Chloe grins. "And who might that be?"
"Maybe the person who bought these ridiculous matching costumes for a party we really don't have to go to."
 — — — — — — — — — —
"My dad's like...super happy I'm dating you," Beca says, going for casual. "So would you like to spend Thanksgiving with my family this year?"
The way Chloe tears up and nods enthusiastically is anything but casual.
 — — — — — — — — — —
They’re snowed in, but Beca isn’t complaining.
“What if you’d met somebody last year?” Chloe asks. “And then we tried that whole being friends thing. Which totally didn’t work, by the way.” She kisses Beca’s neck. “You’re still one of my best friends though.”
"There was like one person," Beca murmurs. "But nothing."
Beca had thought about from time to time. There would be people who caught her eye during that period when she and Chloe weren’t really anything. Before they’d kissed again. She imagined having to tell Chloe she was seeing somebody, the same way Chloe had kind of told her about that kind-of-sort-of-not fling. She wondered what it would have felt like—to be able to have another option. “I guess you wouldn’t have been trying to kiss me all the time,” Beca sighs.
Chloe sighs as well, with some amount of exaggeration. “Bummer.”
“I'd feel bad for them, though,” Beca says, keeping a straight face.
Chloe looks up, alarmed. “Why?”
“Because they’d have to compete with you,” Beca says and she finally cracks a smile. But she isn't laughing or making light of the situation. Just amazed that she's there at all, with Chloe tucked into her side.
Chloe doesn’t reply, but she does gently tilt her head up and kiss Beca’s chin, before maneuvering ever so slightly so she can reach Beca’s lips.
It relaxes all the muscles in Beca’s body and she lets herself get pushed back into their pillows, the solid weight of Chloe’s body gently covering her own.
Beca relishes in the strong pull of Chloe’s fingers and the confidence of her lips as they work their way down Beca’s body with stark familiarity.
Their conversation is forgotten as together, they ring in the new year.
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immortal-imagines · 5 years
Panic (Henry Cavill Series - Part 1)
Summary: When work becomes too much, (Y/N)’s co-star and secret crush is there to calm her down.
Part 2 (Feelings), Part 3 (Sunny (End))
(Henry Cavill x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of sex, panic attack
Word Count: 2,239
Requested by: Anon
A/N: Sorry it’s taken me a little while to get to these requests. I have a few Henry Cavill ones coming out soon, so I hope you like them! It’s kind of a little series, but can also be read as one-shots, so read them however you like. I will number them, but it doesn’t have to be looked at as a series. Requests, as always, are open so please send stuff in!
As an actress, your job was hectic to say the least. Press tours, early morning shoots until late at night and costume fittings were barely even half of it. On top of that you had to learn lines, attend rehearsals and train like mad at the gym, depending on the role of course. It never used to bother you. You had always been quite good at handling stress. That was until recently.
“It’ll be a great move for your career,” your agent told you, when two casting directors wanted you for their movies.
“Two films at once? Are you sure?” you’d asked, to which your agent had given a very enthusiastic ‘yes’.
So, you agreed to do them both. One was a relatively small comedy, in which you played the quirky best friend of the protagonist. It was a bit of a cliché, but you got to work alongside Lilly Collins, who you’d always adored. The other was much bigger romantic comedy, starring none other than Superman himself, Henry Cavill. It was no secret among your friends that you had a giant crush on Henry from the moment you laid eyes on him when he was in The Tudors. You had worked as an extra on that show, so had admired from afar, but now you were starring has his love interest in a big movie. It was a dream come true, but also very terrifying. The minute you found out who your co-star would be, you rang your best friend, Natalie Dormer. You’d hit it off on the set of The Tudors and been inseparable ever since.  
“You’ll never guess what?” you told her on the phone, barely able to contain your excitement.
“What? Did you get the romance film?” Natalie asked. She was incredibly supportive when you told her that you were going for both roles and had even helped you rehearse for the auditions.
“I got the comedy and romance!”
“Congratulations! Who’s in it?”
“I’m playing Lilly Collins’ best friend in the comedy and, drum roll please,” you said.
Natalie rolled her eyes, “Just tell me!”
“Your good friend Superman is my romantic male lead!” you shouted down the phone.
“No way! I’m so excited for you! I’m going to have to text him and tell him to be nice to you,” she teased, “So, you get to make out with your dream guy, how does that feel?”
“Utterly terrifying,” you sighed, “I’ve already been given the script and there’s a sex scene and a scene in a bath. I’m looking forward to doing the film because it’s going to be good for my career and a load of fun, but these intimate scenes are always awkward.”
“It’s all about chemistry,” Natalie advised, “If you guys get along well then the intimate stuff will come more naturally. Do you want me to tell him you’re feeling nervous?”
“No! I want to make a good first impression. I need to act professional. Yes, I do find him insanely attractive, but I have to put that aside and focus on the job,” you said.
“Good luck. Call me if you need me. I’ll definitely visit you on set, once you’re all settled in!” Natalie said. You thanked her and hung up. Two more days until the first read-through began. You took a deep breath and thought to yourself, I can do this. Until then, you had two days of shooting the comedy. It was going to be a busy week.
The days of shooting the comedy flew by and before you knew it, your alarm was going off at 5 am for the first script read-through of the romance film. You were exhausted, hauling yourself out of bed and into the shower. You didn’t have much time, so grabbed a coffee on the way to the studio. The role you played in this film was a dancer, so on top of all the learning lines and filming for the other movie, you had to learn dance routines and somehow fit in training at the gym. It was a lot, but you were determined to get it all done. Once you set yourself a goal, you were going to stick to it.
You arrived nice and early, wanting to make a good first impression. The table read was first, followed by a run-through of a scene with Henry, to see how your on-screen chemistry would work, followed by a rehearsal of a dance number, then to the gym to see your personal trainer. According to your agent, Henry shared the same trainer, so would be joining you. When you told Natalie this, she said, “It’s all part of getting to know him. Yes, you will be a sweaty mess in front of your crush, but at least you’ll be bonding. It will make filming less awkward, trust me.”
You had met Henry a few times before, but only briefly. In the audition for this film, there had been a stand-in actor to read with you, as Henry had been out of the country. Today would be your first time meeting him for this film.
You had on your comfy gym leggings and a sweatshirt over your sports bra. You knew you needed to be comfy for the long day, plus it saved changing later on. Your hair was up in a messy bun, a pen shoved through it so you could add notes to your script. Whenever a director or writer gave you a comment on how you should read a line, you liked to write it down straight away and keeping the pen in your hair just seemed more convenient.
You greeted the director, producer and various other members of the team upon arrival and took your seat at the table in front of your name. Henry wasn’t there yet, but a few other cast members were, so you chatted with them, getting to know who you’d be working with.
The door swung open and there he was, looking gorgeous as always. Henry was smiling from ear to ear, as he greeted the director with a bear hug. He spotted you and waved. You waved back, trying to hide your blush. Butterflies danced in your stomach as he approached.
“(Y/N)! It’s so great to see you! It’s been a while!” Henry said, holding his arms out for a hug. You stood and quickly hugged him, not quite believing what was happening.
“It’s great to see you too, Henry! I’m looking forward to working with you,” you said.
He sat down next to you and picked up the script. “Looks like this is going to be a fun one,” he chuckled, “I haven’t done anything this romantic for a while, so it’s going to take me a minute to get back into the swing of things.”
You smiled and nodded, “Me too. I’ve got two films on the go, so it’s going to be a lot of work.”
“Yeah, Natalie told me! That’s brave!”
“You spoke to Natalie?” A fresh wave of nerves washed over you.
Henry nodded and smiled, “Yeah, she told me you had a lot going on and to make sure you weren’t over-working yourself.” Noticing the sudden panic on your face, he squeezed your shoulder and smiled, comfortingly, “I’m here to help if you need it. We have to play a couple in this film, so we’re going to have to get close anyway. You can come to me with anything.”
Your heart skipped a beat when he said that. You smiled back at him. “Thank you,” you said.
“Any time,” he replied. The director called everyone’s attention and the table read began.  
A month into filming both movies and you were a zombie. It was exhausting training and filming and learning lines for two separate projects and it was starting to get to you. The comedy was almost wrapped up seeing as it was a much smaller production, but the romance would be going on for quite some time and it was intense. The dances got harder each week and you and Henry had been at the gym almost every day with your trainer. You couldn’t deny how you felt every time you saw Henry, though. He seemed to brighten up any room he was in and immediately lift your spirit. No matter how tough the day had been, he always managed to make you feel better.
You’d covered a lot of scenes together already, but the ones you hadn’t gotten to yet were the ones you dreaded: the sex scenes. You felt faint whenever you thought about them and a tight feeling would form in your chest. You’d done scenes like that before, but not on such a big scale and with such a famous actor. On top of that, with a guy you had feelings for. Working with Henry everyday had turned the crush you had into full-blown love and you were struggling to hide it. you blushed when you saw him and your palms grew sweaty. Big problem when you had to be so close when acting. But you tried to remain professional. If Henry knew anything about your feelings for him, he hadn’t said anything. There was no way you could admit it either because he wouldn’t reciprocate. That would make work extremely awkward.
When the day came and the director announced that you would be running through the bath scene, your heart nearly stopped. You couldn’t avoid it anymore. You had known before you got the part that there would be nudity and sex in this movie, but that was prior to knowing who would be in the film with you.
Standing in your trailer on the big day, you took a deep breath. You had to be professional and if this movie all went well then you could be looking at a lot more jobs as big as this. Usually, taking a deep break and a moment to yourself worked. It would calm you down. Today, however, that didn’t seem to be the case. The tight feeling in your chest and knots in your stomach weren’t going away. In fact, they were getting worse. Your breath quickened and you had to sit down. You curled up on the sofa, knees hugged tightly to your chest. Tears rolled uncontrollably down your face, as your breathing became difficult to maintain. Your mind was racing with questions and worries.
What if I mess up?
What if Henry thinks I’m stupid?
What if I look ugly?
What if I can’t get it right? Then we’ll have to keep re-shooting and this will go on forever.
Your thoughts were interrupted with a knock at your trailer door. “(Y/N)?” you heard Henry’s voice, “(Y/N), are you okay? We’re supposed to be on set. Can I come in?” He opened the door a crack and peaked his head in. Catching sight of you on the sofa, he came and sat next to you. “(Y/N), what’s up?”
You covered your face with your hands, embarrassed. “I can’t do this,” you said, your voice muffled.
Henry gently rubbed your back. It was soothing and your breathing slowed down to an almost regular state. “I’m so unprofessional,” you whispered, “You must think I’m so stupid.”
“Of course, I don’t,” Henry said, “I think what you’re feeling is understandable. I get like this all the time before a big scene.”
You lowered your hands and looked up at him. “You do?”
“Yeah,” he smiled at you, taking your hand in his and squeezing it. “I know it will be a little awkward at first, but you’ll be fine. We’ll take the scene at your pace and have fun with it. I can tell you some really awful dad jokes if you like?” He raised his eyebrows, like he’d just offered you a million pounds, “That’s a once in a life time deal. Cavill jokes don’t get told to just anyone.”
You laughed and sat up, wiping your eyes. “Thank you, Henry,” you said, “You’re a really amazing person.”
“I do try,” he said, grinning, “Now, let’s get on set before they all lose their minds looking for us.”
He stood, taking your hand in his.
As you walked to set together, he looked down at you and said, “You’re very pretty, (Y/N). Even when you cry.”
Your stomach did a loop, as you stared at him, wondering if you’d just imagined him saying that. “Wha…” was all you managed to say.
“Sorry,” he said and you almost thought you saw a blush creeping onto his cheeks, “I just thought I’d say that before we get in a bath together.” He chuckled, “I also wanted to say that I think it’s admirable, the amount of work you put in to everything you do. Impressive stuff that not many people could do.” Those were the words you needed to hear. Somehow, his presence seemed to calm you and you forgot about how nervous you had been earlier about the scene. Like Natalie had said, the more time you spent with him, the more comfortable you became. Without realising it, the past month you’d both been working together had brought you closer together.
With his hand still firmly in yours, you both walked onto set. Henry Cavill had seen you cry and thought you were pretty and now you were going to have a bath with him. What a weird day.
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razberryyum · 5 years
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Positive Things about Guardian as a series (spoilers)
So I’ve been pretty harsh about the production team behind Guardian (writers, directors, set designers, wardrobe, the crew…including the extras…basically anyone who are not Bai Yu, Zhu Yilong, the actors who played Old Chu, Little Guo and Zhu Hong, who are Jiang Ming Yang, Xin Peng and  Gao Yu Er, respectively) and about the quality of the show as a whole when it doesn’t involve our main characters/leads, and I’ve actually been feeling bad about that now that the initial sense of shock has worn off a little. As a result, I woke up this morning and decided to make a list of all things that are GOOD about the show. Now, I am still hurting about how it ended and the things that went wrong which imho could have easily NOT (f.e. the 10,000 years dirt nap), but…BUT I will try my best NOT to let that negativity seep into this. 
So here goes, in no particular order, the positive things about the show:
- the show even exists. I mean, really, God bless, especially considering where it’s made. How did that even happen?? Despite all my bitching, I still marvel (almost DAILY so far) at the fact that Guardian exists and I got to watch it cuz China could’ve easily never put it back online. 
- the existence of Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan. But that’s pretty much a given. Especially since my life is forever changed because of them.
- every Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan scene together. That’s a given also. I would not be surprised if the writers literally used all their meager talent and energy on constructing those moments so that’s why they didn’t have much juice left for everything else. I mean, that’s a good thing, right? Kinda.
- they got Bai Yu and Zhu Yilong to play Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei. I really hope the two actors got compensated well for their performances, though somehow I doubt it, especially since, from what I understand ZYL (omg I just stupidly realized the acronym for his name is the same as Zhao Yunlan’s. Wtf that is so cute!) was still very slowly rising in the ranks. But hopefully their current popularity as a result of the show has made up for it.
- the score and songs. Bought the OST from iTunes like one or two episodes in, loved the score and themes. I even bought Bai Yu and Zhu Yilong’s duet “Time of Flight” a few times (different platforms, different devices) cuz I just wanted to contribute to them…even though…who knows if they even see a cent from it, and pretty sure my few measly dollars probably isn’t helping anything. Probably just makes me seem stupid and insane. 
- the cute episode titles. Which I wasn’t even aware of until @avenuex123 pointed it out. Adorable.
- the censorship. Ok, censorship is never good imo, but in this singular case, perhaps because there were existing restrictions on the BL subject matter, the actors therefore were willing to sign on since they knew they didn’t have to do anything explicit (or maybe they would’ve been willing, this is just my own stupid assumption because of how Chinese society is…I say that as an Asian American with many…erm…”old-fashioned” friends and family members) AND they probably saw it as challenge to find creative ways to convey the nature of the characters while working within the confines of censorship laws. Although, this might be a case of me just trying to look on the bright side.
- the easter eggs. I agree with fellow Guardian fans who have pointed out that there was some love put into the making of this show, which is clearly exemplified in the small momentos scattered throughout the series. 
- the time travel concept. Not that the delve into the past was done well because I did have problems with it, but I did really appreciate the fact that Zhao Yunlan was the one and only all along due to his being sucked up into the wormhole and spit back out 10,000 years in the past to meet Shen Wei for the first time. I thought it was a tremendously romantic idea…even if the general execution of the past left a lot to be desired. I promised that I wouldn’t be negative, but I still have to say that while love at first sight is a lovely notion, it was still a bit hard to swallow that SW would fall SOOOO head over heels with ZYL after just conversing with him for like a few hours, to the point that he would pine for him for 10,000 years (though it’s probably technically more like a few decades due to his dirt nap, but I’ll buy it felt like 10K years to him). I just wish ZYL spent more time in the past with SW, and actually @xparrot‘s fic (”Now Lie In It" on AO3) made me feel a LOT better about the whole thing since they successfully fixed the problem by awesomely separating each scene we saw into days and years. But I did like the time travel idea; it was cool, even though it’s different from the novel.
- the nature of the necklace. I really liked the candy wrapper core. Broke my heart into bits and pieces in a GOOD way. Really loved everything about it. I understand it’s different in the novel as well, but in the context of the changes done for the show, I thought that was a pretty brilliant move. 
-  the Da Qing and ZYL ownership scene in episode 35 with SW listening. Loved that scene and the multiple purposes it was serving: establishing Da Qing’s relationship with ZYL, giving voice to how SW was feeling about ZYL leaving,   inspiring SW with the necklace idea, and then of course, the censorship workaround because it was like very homo while being nohomo at the same time. 
- SW and ZYL’s wardrobe. Probably a given since the fact that I love them means I love everything about them, but, like, SW even looked good as the Black Cloak Envoy and ZYL as Kunlun and those outfits (and their hairstyles) could’ve gone wrong so easily…thank God no one thought it was a good idea to make them wear a stupid looking afro wig or feathers on their heads.
- Old Chu/Little Guo. They were adorable, my second OTP from the show, and I was seriously jealous of all the PDA they were getting away with.
- recurring characters. Even though some of their acting abilities were highly questionable, I did appreciate how certain characters introduced in the beginning of the show would pop up again later on. I’m sure a good part of that was to save on hiring more people, but I still thought it was neat. For example, I wasn’t too fond of the merit brush dude (cuz his story was dumb and draggy), but I did like how this innocuous store owner that was little more than a background character at the start eventually became one of the villains. 
-  Ye Zun. He’s so CUTE. I mean, ok, Zhu Yilong playing him helped, but just seriously, his character is so fucked up and misguided and emo and adorable that I just wanted to give him a big hug all the time. When that shitty cockatoo he calls “Boss”** started smacking him around, I wanted to reach into the screen and throttle that ugly POS. I wouldn’t even be surprised if that asshole more than physically abused Ye Zun. Anyway, I just felt bad for the little puppy. I wish we got to spend more time with him and that he got redeemed earlier so that he could enjoy some love and hugs before being led into the wormhole (or…wherever it was that his big bro was heading off with him…wait, would it be the wormhole? But they died, right? So technically it should be like the reincarnation hole?) **(btw, why “Boss”? Why not “Leader”? Are the head villains paying their henchmen to follow them? So weird that they call their leaders “boss” which would imply they’re being paid wages which I truly doubt is the case)
- Da Qing. He’s a cutie too. Really wish the kitty girl had lived so that he wouldn’t be all alone, now that ZYL is gone. I guess Tech boy Lin Jing is going to take care of him now?  
- Zhu Hong. When she wasn’t inexplicably screaming her dialogue, I did like her…but a huge part of that is probably because I remember the actress from Yanxi Palace (she was playing a small villainous role but she did a good job) and I felt sorry for her. Putting the unrequited love aside, it must also be tough seeing ZYL now and yet knowing that’s not even the same guy she loves at all. Damn, that actually must be so unsettling for everyone who knew the old ZYL. 
-  the personality swap episode (ep 25). THAT was freaking adorable. Just wish it lasted longer and that eventually it affected SW and ZYL. Although, since they already eye-fuck each other like 99% of the time, what would be different? I guess SW would be a little looser…and ZYL would be a bit more sad and pining-er? (Btw, I literally never heard of the word “microexpressions” until Zhu Yilong entered my life). Omg, an image of them switching outfits just popped into my head. Oh shit, that would’ve been FUN to see. Dammit.
That’s all I could come up with for now…I’ll probably add more as I think of more things. Please feel free to contribute if you think of positive things I’ve left out. I might not agree but I’d still love to hear them.
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arlingtonpark · 5 years
Winter 2020 Anime Round-Up
I decided to do a round-up of all the anime I’m watching this season because, turns out, most of the shows I was interested in were bad!
I.D. Invaded.
This is a psychological thriller sci-fi mystery type show. It’s about a police unit who uses this sci-fi technology to detect a killer’s murderous intent and create a sort of virtual reality projection of the killer’s mind.
They then take a special agent and insert him into the projection to hunt down clues and find the killer’s identity and whereabouts.
Enjoying this show is not cheap. It asks a lot of you.
1. Don’t laugh at how ham-fisted the exploration of how a killer’s mind works is.
2. Don’t laugh at the special agent’s official designation being “The Brilliant Detective.”
3. Don’t question the ridiculous premise of the show; they use a killer’s particles to create the projection of their mind to hunt for clues, but are later shown using those same particles to pinpoint the killer’s location.
4. Don’t laugh at one of the police unit’s agents being a teenage girl.
5. And, of course, don’t notice all the expository monologuing for the audience’s sake.  
The show is silly, but there’s some intriguing stuff in it. The conflict between the unit’s field squad and the desk workers can be good, though the locus of that conflict being about what seems to be a bureaucratic oversight is pretty weak.
The teenage girl is the most bald-facedly ridiculous thing about this show, but she is unironically the best character. She does some daring, crazy shit in this show and I was legitimately shocked by it.
Oh, yeah, I forgot.
6. Don’t laugh at the OP using recycled production materials and footage from the first episode.
Signs of a quality production right there.
This. Show.
I feel bad for Sarah Wiedenheft. She voices the main heroine in the dub. The in-over-her-head, naïve, helpless heroine, Hina.
God, help us!
Hina is a woman with a mission. She is bubbly and naïve, but stubborn and she gets in over her head by the end of the first episode. Why?
You know why, fool! So she can be rescued by the hero.
This show puts a creative spin on the typical shonen formula. Many shonen shows are designed to be wish fulfillment for teenage boys, with Mary Sue main characters for them to project onto.
The crazy spin on the formula here is that it’s wish fulfillment for sexual predators.
That’s not a joke.
The show takes place in a magical world where everyone is branded with a “count,” a number that increases whenever they complete a task specific to them.
Hina’s count goes up whenever she walks 100 km. Another’s count goes up whenever her food is complimented.
The count is denoted by a number that’s branded somewhere on their bodies. Hina’s count is located on her inner thigh, just below her crotch.
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Meanwhile, this is what the hero does to Hina the first time they meet:
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This is them at the end of the episode after he rescues her.
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You know how in Dragon Ball, Master Roshi was this old pervert? The hero here is like that, except he’s young, not old, and a predator rather than just a pervert.
Licht is the hero; his count goes up whenever he dates someone, I guess, but the thing about him is that he’s a predator, so his count is actually -999. If your count reaches zero, you’re Kylo Ren-ed off into an abyss never to be seen again, so negative counts shouldn’t even be possible.
The reason the hero isn’t dead is because he’s actually.
Wait for it.
The Legendary Ace!
A badass fighter spoken of only in legends!
Who is this show even for?
It’s clearly supposed to be a wish fulfillment kind of show, but the only people I can see projecting onto the hero are, like, really, really pathetic people who fantasize about sexual assault.
(Another female character’s count is located on her left breast.)
The heroine is looking for this legendary ace, but even though she’s lived in this world her whole life, and has traveled throughout it her whole life, she knows nothing about how the count system works.
That was necessary, you see, for two reasons: so the system can be explained to us in monologue, and so the heroine can be made helpless and in need of rescue.
Those with a higher count have a high social status. This could have been a cool exploration of how luck is underappreciated as a factor in one’s social status, since how counts are determined is completely arbitrary and some are easier to increase than others, but no, we don’t get that.
People with a lower count must obey people with a higher count. But you’re in the military, there is an appeals process: if you have a lower count and are ordered by someone with a higher count to do something, you can challenge the high count to a duel and if you win, you can ignore their order.
You can then take the loser’s count and add it to your own.
These duels are called “star stakes.” >.<
Hina, naturally, is suckered into one of these duels and is about to lose everything when Licht saves her by agreeing to duel Hina’s opponent on her behalf.
And just to emphasize how infantilized Hina is in this show, Licht not only saves her physically, he even provides her with some emotional support, but phrased in a way that totally talks down to her.
 Asteroid in Love.
I’ve already seen the first episode three times, and I have no shame!
Doga Kobo is the Kyoto Animation of the past few years. Just as KyoAni made a name for themselves with a string of shows about cute girls doing cute things, Doga Kobo have sort of taken on that mantle.
Three Leaves, Three Colors; Gabriel Dropout; New Game; Senko-san; and now Asteroid in Love are all shows with good characters with good design work and animation better than they had any right to have.
This show is about a girl named Mira who meets a boy named Ao during a camping trip. He has a thing for astronomy and Mira is completely won over by it. They promise to discover and name an asteroid together.
Tragically, that one camping trip was the last they saw of each other.
Comically, they happen upon each other at the start of high school and wouldn’t you know it? Ao was a girl the whole time!
She was very tomboyish at that time in her life, so Mira mistook her for a boy.
But whatever, Mira’s friend still ships them.
They’re both passionate about astronomy, so they reconnect and become good friends real quick.
The friendship between Mira and Ao is by far the best part about this show; unfortunately, everything else is very generic.
High school club? Check.
Club member who’s boisterous and excitable? Check.
Club member who’s serious and down to earth? Check.
But in spite of all that, I could watch this show all day.
The presentation is excellent. The character designs are lovely and the direction and animation are amazing.
 Magia Record.
A spin-off of Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Magia Record takes place before Rebellion, but in an alternate universe where the events of Madoka Magica haven’t happened yet. There’s a new cast, but the main cast of Madoka Magica will be back as major characters.
InuCurry, who did the artwork for the witches’ labyrinths are back, this time as series co-directors and co-writers.
The Magica Quartet, the brain trust of people who created Madoka Magica, Gen Urobuchi, Akiyuki Shinbo, Ume Aoki, and Atsuhiro Iwakami, are back too. The four are collectively credited with coming up with the story.
Shinbo, who co-directed Madoka Magica, is back as an animation supervisor. Aoki is back in her role as character designer. Iwakami is co-credited with series planning.
Yukihiro Miyamoto, who co-directed the original series alongside Shinbo, is back as assistant director.
This show…it’s just good to see it all back. The character designs are a bit different from the original series, but they nailed the aesthetic otherwise.
Magia Record draws heavily from plot elements first used in Madoka Magica, but it’s not what I would call uninspired. Anyone who’s seen Madoka Magica will notice the callbacks, but they’re fun, not cringeworthy.
It reminds me of how The Force Awakens brought people back in to the Star Wars universe by heavily echoing A New Hope, but Magia Record is much more creative in its echoing than Force Awakens was.
Everyone who likes the OG series should check this out.
There’s already much intrigue in the story. A magical girl whose wish was granted, but also apparently simultaneously erased from existence, rumors of a city where magical girls can be “saved,” and a Kyubey who is a separate entity from the others.
The show is an adaptation of a mobile rpg. This is from a cutscene.
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Iroha Tamaki, the main character of Magia Record, and Homura Akemi. 
Get excited.
This show is like Asteroid in Love, in that it would be totally boring if it weren’t totally charming.
This is the type of show that takes a silly phenomenon in the real world and makes it the premise of the whole show. Maple is a girl who’s just gotten into video games. Because she’s a newb, she puts all of her points into defense at the expense of even basic stuff like speed and strength.
Thus ensues hilarity.
There’s not much to talk about here. Maple is endearing as a video game noob. The artwork is great. The writing is legitimately funny in a subdued way.
 Darwin’s Game.
I watched this show because the premise reminded me of King’s Game.
For those who don’t know, King’s Game is widely considered to be the worst anime ever made. It sucks.
King’s Game is about a death game administered over the phone and it the point is that everyone dies. It tries hard to do horror and it fails hard. I watch it every Halloween. :D
Darwin’s Game is about a mobile app game that pits players against each other in death matches. You win by killing all the other players.
With some shows it’s clear the writer can’t decide what they want to do. This show can’t decide if it wants to be trash or legit good.
Immediately you can tell this show is going to suck because the artwork is terrible. This is an ugly show to look at.
The show opens with a cold open clearly made to make the audience ask questions. It succeeds too well.
The opening depicts a random person being chased through the streets and then killed by an invisible furry.
By God, the fanservice in this show…
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This doesn’t even fully capture the shamelessness of it. If you watch the episode, you’ll notice her dress has frills from the waist down.
Except for when we see her kneeling down, when her dress is suddenly a single piece of cloth. So we can better see her ass outlined through it.
Things temporarily get good when the main character has to fend off the furry from the opening. It really is thrilling, but everything goes back to crap when the mc has to fight the dress woman in the above picture.
He doesn’t kill her though. Oh, no, he doesn’t.
She becomes smitten by how strong he is and the episode ends with her asking him to bed her.
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stormobsessed · 6 years
Part 2 of Kalidin Vs. The Blackthorn.
Imagine a world where Kaladin was born a little earlier, or Dalinar and Gavilar  started their uniting of Alethkar later. They’re going through the country, destroying villages to weaken resolve.
In this dangerous time, all boys old enough are taught to fight, even the son of a pacifist surgeon, in the hopes that it would add even a few seconds onto their lives.
Sadeas is promised the small farming town of Hearthstone once they capture it, which they don’t expect to be hard at all when none of the men there are anything more than simple farmers and townfolk. However, to Blackthorn’s surprise, there is a commotion on one side of the battle. He pushes through the fighting men to see a young lad, barely old enough to fight, mowing down men like a master of the spear. The young lad is dispatching dozens of his own, highly trained, men. He is standing over the corpse of an even younger boy, and tears are streaming down his face but still he fights, swift as the wind.
So, what started out as a simple plot divergence AU post transformed into an increbly long fic that has become increasingly annoying to scroll through and past, so I decided to start a separate part 2, but no fear! You can find all of part one here: Part 1 Tumblr
or read it on Ao3 here: Part 1 Ao3
So, this will be part 2 to keep the old post from getting any longer. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!! 
The Blackthorn poured himself one last heaping mug of wine before he joined his family to meet with the radiant. His fingers itched to prepare a second, but he knew that neither Gavilar nor Evi would have approved of him pre-gaming as much as he already had, and he had no desire to distract them on such an important day. He heard the familiar sound of the tent door opening and had to fight himself not to hide his drink like he was a child attempting to sneak a cremling into the house. He turned, solemnly preparing himself for a lecture, only to come face to face not with a member of his family, but with the new Wit. This was even worse.
“Wit.” He grumbled, eyeing the strange man warily. There was just something off about the new Wit, a twinkle in his eye that said that he knew much more than he let on. It unnerved the man, and yet it was compelling as well. Storms, it seemed like each day that passed, he understood himself less. The warlord grit his teeth, anger at himself flaring in his chest. “Blackthorn,” the infuriating man said with a bow. The Warlord grumbled in reply, sinking into one of the tents low seats. He topped off his mug, refilling the bit that he’d already drank, not caring about the opinion of this fool. “I thought Gavilar had ordered you away from the feast.” The Wit blinked before making a show of looking around the sparse tent, empty but for a simple table and chairs overflowing with plans and maps, and the wine casket that Blackthorn had already dipped into. “Oh my, I can see you’re right. This is obviously the very most important area of the feast. Why look at all of these strips of paper, and but of course! The clear lack of food. How could I have been so foolish to come at what is clearly the epicenter of the festivities.” “Alright, alright. You’ve made your point.” “Well I should certainly hope so. You know, when I first took this position-“ “Two days ago.” “I was absolutely shocked at the discovery that really the most important part of being a good wit, is simply pointing out the obvious.” The Kholin snorted into his cup. “I wouldn’t call you a good wit. You reused the same insults over and over.” “Of course.” The willowy man replied, sounding affronted. “I don’t know anyone here nearly well enough to insult their character. I’m sure in time I will come to hear all of the unique types of stupidity exist in the Lighteyed court, but until then I’m not going to make something up. Why, imagine if I started to use insults that weren’t true, I would lose all credibility. However, I could know right away those that were ugly, smelly and old, and so I simply stated the obvious.” A small smirk wormed it’s way across the scarred man’s face as the Wit settled in the chair across from him. The black-clothed man seemed content to end the conversation there and pulled out a small flute. He let out a few notes then smiled, seeming pleased with himself. The Blackthorn took a long pull on his drink and closed his eyes, mentally preparing for a day of pandering and diplomacy when all he wanted to do was fight. Maybe he could get in on one of the duels. No, no, Adolin was going to try for a Blade today, he didn’t want to overshadow the boy. Suddenly, Wit spoke again. “Well if my skills as Wit has not yet impressed you, maybe my talents as a storyteller will. Hmm, something short, I suppose we are on a time constraint.” Suddenly he let out a series of trills on the flute, the sounds seemed to… echo back at him, but that wasn’t right. They were in a war tent in the middle of an empty field, sounds shouldn’t echo. Yet he had no compulsion to open his eyes, instead he simply leaned back and took another sip of drink as the sounds seemed to carry him away. The Wit’s voice grew dissonant, seeming to meld with the sound of the music that still rang through the canvas. “Ages ago, when the world was different and beings of intense power still walked the earth, there lived a very large, very kindhearted family of laborers. They worked the land day in and day out just to have the food to survive, yet they were extremely kind to their neighbors. They shared as much as they were able, and oftentimes more. One day, one of the family’s children was performing his usual chore of transferring livestock from one field to another, he spotted a figure crumpled on the ground. The child ran to the figure and found an old woman, blood crusted on her temple from an unknown injury. The child acted quickly, pulling the woman onto the back of one of his creatures and using it to haul her back to the house. The boy’s mother stayed up for days bringing the woman back to health, taking precious food off of their table. Finally the woman was well enough to walk and stand. Almost immediately she made to leave, not listening to any argument the family made to give herself time to hear. However, before she left she gave, to the child who had first found her, a clear globe of glass, similar to what men use to gamble, but several times larger.
The family was perplexed by the sphere, and the child simply gave it to his infant sister to play with. However, as is often the case in a house so full and so busy, the sphere soon got accidentally kicked under a bed in a corner, and no one stopped to recover it. The sphere was soon forgotten.
Yet the next day, had anyone cared to look, they would have noticed a small speck of red in the previously clear crystal. For the woman had not been a normal human, she had been a creature of great power, and a ruby was growing from the clear glass. The next day the speck grew even larger, the next day larger, until the entire sphere transformed into a perfectly cut gem the size of a grown man’s fist.
However, the family had never given it a never thought since the day that it had rolled under the bed. So, while untold riches grew just below their noses, they continued to scrape and save and starve, never knowing that the toy they had discarded was a gift greater than they could have imagined.”
The notes flowed, and slowly began to fade.
Dalinar opened his eyes when the last of the notes had faded completely, turning to see the black-clothed lighteyed man reclining against the chair, flute tucked away. He frowned, the story tugging at his mind. “What did that mean?”
Wit arched a brow. “What do you think it means? It is not a storytellers job to tell a man how to think, rather it is our job to give them something to think on.”
“I thought it was your job to state the obvious.” Dalinar replied, and Wit grinned.
“Sometimes, the obvious is not as clear as we would like it to be.”
Dalinar frowned at the odd wording, but he was too focused on the story to give it much thought. He mulled it over, setting aside his glass, despite the fact that it was still half full. “Change.” He finally replied. “Change only affects things, if people are able to see it.”
Wit smiled enigmatically, the expression giving nothing away. “It sounds like you have a lot to think on, Highprince Dalinar. Though, that may have to wait for another day. I believe the festival is about to start. Don’t worry, I won’t mortally offend your precious Radiant. Though, I am sure that I will enjoy the show.”
Kaladin looked over the men and women of Heathstone. They were smiling, chatting amongst one another, more animated than he’d seen them in months. Since Gavilar’s invitation and Roshone’s very public acceptance, thepeople had been in a frenzy. The women had washed and mended their threadbare clothes several times over, and the men had polished their shoes and belt buckles, as well as buffing any jewelry that their wives had saved. Laurel had even passed out her jewelry to some of the women, and allowed the younger women to use some of her extra havahs. The people seemed to have been transformed, seeming to have shorn off the tragedy of just a few weeks prior.
He wished that the facade weren’t so very fragile.
He wished that there was no woman, weeping in the corner over her son who would have loved to visit the feast, that the young woman in Laurel’s dress didn’t look into the mirror with wet eyes as she pictured what her recent groom would have thought of her. He wished that the young man in the corner wasn’t staring blankly at where the sleeve of his freshly washed shirt lay limp, his arm ending in a stub at his elbow. He wished… he wished that it was easier for him to see their joy than their pain, that he could appreciate their excitement. However any joy he could have had was lost to the pain of a town nearly halved.
He’d never been especially good at smiling through the pain. Though he supposed that tonight he would have to try. Though he believed in Adolins plan, well semi-believed it, it turned his stomach to think of sitting there playing nice at the feast, no doubt being gawked at by dozens of  important lighteyes who were simply enthralled at the idea of the dark eyed radiant.
A light touch made him jump, and he whirled to see him mother smiling at him, though concern darkened her eyes. “There are storms in your eyes, the Stormfather himself would be impressed.”
“Sorry, mother, I’m just… nervous about tonight.”
Hesina cupped her son’s face in her hands. “I will not lie to you.” She said softly. “I wish that this burden was not yours. I fear it will weigh you down, make you a pack mule when you were meant to be something much greater. However, I know this without any fear or doubt, I know that you are strong enough to bear it. You have the strength of a chull but the ferocity of a whitespine. I know that this is scary, but you will succeed.”
Kaladin let out a shuddering breath and closed his eyes, growing strength from his mothers love and confidence, allowing it to pull him out of the void of darkness he sometimes allowed himself to get drawn into. It was so much harder to stay clear of the void when Tien was gone.
“Besides,” His mother said, and her voice had taken on a familiar, amused tint. “Remember, they are the ones courting you, not the other way around. Feel free to make them work for it.” She lightly kissed his forehead. “Now come, you should get changed. We will have to head out soon.”
Kaladin frowned, but obediently followed the woman. Roshone had reluctantly pulled one of his son Riller’s old suits out of his untouched room, and one of the town’s seamstresses had tailored it to fit Kaladin’s thinner, taller frame.
“Does everyone know what to do?” He asked. He already knew the answer, but he needed to hear it said one last time.
“Yes. The townspeople know better than to trust the Kholins. Everyone will be safe within the keep by the time Mishim has started to rise. Your plan with the Blackthorn’s family will not start until well after that. Everyone should be safely back here before any trouble starts.”
Kaladin nodded, relief flooded through him as he slipped into a small room to change. The majority of the town would be attending a festival with Kholin’s soldiers and army followers, while Kaladin, his family, Roshone, Laurel, Rock and Teft would go to the fancy feast Gavilar was throwing. It was hard to convince Roshone that Teft should join them, but Kaladin had managed to convince him that he was the most knowledgeable about the army and should therefore be there to consult. He’d wanted Rock there as well, but he needed someone to make sure that the rest of the town stayed safe and came back on time.
The plan was for Laurel, Teft, and Hesina to go back at the same time as the rest of the village. Roshone said he would decide later, after he’d ‘felt out the situation’, but Kaladin had no doubt that the coward would choose to go back then as well.
As Kaladin made his way back to the room Roshone had commandeered to use to discuss strategy, he consciously sucked the stormlight from any lamps down the hall. If things went poorly, he could potentially be flying 5 other people back with him. He’d been practicing that in the yard all week. A smile finally graced his lips as he remembered it, sending some of the town’s children flying, making sure to hover them a few inches off the ground, less they fall. It had taught him a great deal of control, and they had loved it. Maybe it wouldn’t go bad though, maybe they would let him just walk off with the Blackthron’s wife and kids.
Who was he kidding? This was going to be a disaster.
Gavilar listened critically as Navani read out a complete list of all of the features of the festival. It sounded marvelous, a celebration the likes of which this town certainly had never seen. It wouldn’t be enough, the Radiant was extremely stubborn, but it would be a decent first step. He would be given the chance to talk with the boy in a more one on one setting, show him what he could be missing out on. He’d had a long talk with Amaram about how much of the truth he should tell the child, but he had the feeling that now was not the time to reveal much of the truth.
Some of it, perhaps. Hint towards a greater coming danger, that would get the boy’s protective instincts flowing. That was what the Windrunners were known for, wasn’t it? Yes, he could use that.
Satisfied, both at his mental plans and the party plans that Navani read, the man looked around the room.
He frowned when his eyes lit upon his son. Elhokar was pouting again, which could only mean two things. Either he was fixating on something he could not change, or he was choosing to mope rather than fix something he could. Neither attribute was especially befitting an heir apparent.
“What is the matter son?”
“It’s not fair, everyone has something to do to help but me! Renarin and Adolin have been visiting the Radiant, you are the King, and Uncle Dalinar is your warrior. What am I supposed to do?”
The boy had a point, as poorly as he’d said it. Besides, it was partly Gavilar’s fault. The boy had been with him in the strategy tent, planning, when Dalinar’s lads had made the bravely foolish choice to approach the young darkeye. Still, Elhokar was a good son, and with some more fostering Gavilar knew he would make a fantastic king.
“I’m sorry that we haven’t spoken of this son, but you are vitally important.” Elhokar perked up, and from where she sat Navanni cast a skeptical eyebrow. “As proven by Adolin and Renarin, the Radiant has been more responsive to people his age. It is something that I should have seen earlier, but I cannot change the past. Regardless, you have the power of the throne, but will be more relatable to young Kaladin. I want you to try to befriend him as your cousins have, that will make it even easier to strategize with him when we finally win him over.”
Elhokar nodded, his face serious. Gavilar returned the nod. Well, that was one problem handled, now to find that ridiculous Wit and keep him from interfering.
That man knew far more than he should. Far more than anyone should.
Adolin rolled his shoulders and gave a few gentle squats, more getting used to the feel of the shardplate than anything else. He felt his mother’s necklace lying against his skin, and it gave him confidence somehow. He didn’t have his helm on yet, and he wouldn’t get possession of the blade he was using for the duel until a few moments before it. So now he was just waiting, along with the rest of the army and what felt like half of Kholinar, for the door of the keep to open.
There was a strange anticipation in the air, lighteyes and dark alike shifted nervously, many tired from the past few frantic days of planning two parties.
The Kholin’s stood in front of the crowd, surrounded by the royal honor guard. Weapons gleamed and Kholin blue contrasted brightly against the crem covered ground. Sadeas stood just behind them, his face violently blank and holding none of the charm that Gavilar was purposely portraying.
Dalinar frowned, seeming contemplative and a million miles away, which honestly was a relief. Honestly, their plan would work best if he was distracted.
Commotion had been steadily growing behind the doors of the keep for the past several moments, increasing the tension of the awaiting crowd. Adolin felt like the group was going to snap, and he found himself continuously running his finger along his helm, wishing he already had his blade.
Then, finally, like a bolt of lightening the Radiant appeared over the doors of the keep, hovering there and locking intense eyes with Gavilar. Adolin, who hadn’t found the man especially intimidating when they’d been face to face, felt himself shiver at the figure he made now. The man made a sharp, unique gesture, like making a salute by crossing his arms, and the doors swung open.
A lighteyed man, the towns brightlord most likely, stood at the front, beside a younger lighteyed girl, and an older darkeyed couple. Behind them stood the rest of the town, all standing tall with their heads held high.
The Lighteyed man walked straight to Gavilar, Kaladin swooping down to land beside them. Gavilar greeted the man solemnly, but pleasantly. “Brightlord Roshone, I presume.”
“That right.” The man said, sniffing as though attempted to pretend that he was superior to the king of Alethkar. Adolin matched eyes with Kaladin and, since unlike the Radiant no one was looking at him, rolled his eyes. Kaladin’s lips pressed together as though he were attempting to stave off amusement.
Gavilar nodded, managing to keep his eye on the Lighteyed man rather than the Radiant he actually respected. “We will have much to talk about, but first,” He made a sweeping gesture. “I hope you’ll enjoy the festivities, you and your people.”
That seemed to break a dam, and suddenly figures were streaming out of the thin door of the keep, their excitement almost palpable as they made their way to the festival grounds that had been set up. It  was only then that Gavilar turned to the Radiatnt. The king surprised Adolin by offering a shallow bow to the Radiant. It wasn’t a full, proper bow, but it was a very clear show of respect. Kalading gave a nod in reply, though he didn’t bow. Gavilar seemed to have expected that, and was almost immediately working to make a good impression on the lighteyes and the solemn darkeyed couple that Adolin recognized as Kaladin’s parents from the portrait he and Renarin had found.
Adolin however, made his way to the Radiant, along with Renarin. Elhokar was following closely as well, and Adolin could only hope that Kaladin was smart enough not to mention their plans with the prince hovering so close.
Kaladin eyed Adolin’s plate, bulky and gorgeous and painted a striking Kholin blue. Adolin grinned, “Its for my duel. I’m going to win a shardblade!”
Kaladin opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly his eyes shot to the side, staring at something that Adolin couldn’t see. The teen whispered something to the Spren, too low for Adolin to catch. The smile wiped off of Adolin’s face.
“What’s wrong?”
Kaladin shook his head. “Syl doesn’t like the blades.”
“Syl? What’s a Sy?” Elhokar’s voice piped up, ad immediately Kaladin’s eyes narrowed on the prince, sizing up the stranger.
“Syl is my Spren. And you are?”
“I am Elhokar Kholin, the son of Gavilar and the heir to the throne.” Elokhar said proudly, and Adolin had to hide a wince. Elhokar couldn’t know, but that was porobably one of the worst ways he could have introduced himself to the powerful darkeyes.
“Oh.” Kaladin replied, dismissive. Adolin’s cousin seemed stunned for a moment before indignation and anger flasheded across his face. He puffed himself up and began to say something, but luckily Renarin cut in before he could.
“Shall we make our way to the dueling grounds? We can watch some of the eariler bouts and explain the rules while we wait for it to be Adolin’s turn.”
Kaladin was still eyeing Elhokar uncertainly, but he nodded and all four of them turned towards towards the town.
It was hard to find room sufficient to hold a dueling ground in the nice part of town where they were holding the lighteyed feast, so they’d ended up using it as part of the divider between it and the common festival. Adolin… kind of liked it. They had gathered a crowd of darkeyes, from Hearthstone and the soldiers alike. Each bout had a soundtracks of cheers and screams that were absent in the traditional, formal, solemn bouts that Adolin was used to. He loved it, more than he would have thought.
He grinned at the crowd. In the Lighteye seating area the Kholin’s held the seats of honor. Gavilar was smiling and chatting with Roshone, but Dalinar and Evi were smiling over at him encouragingly. Adolin couldn’t keep the grin from his face. He was going to win his very own blade, and his dad was actually going to be there to see it.
Renarin followed his eyes and smiled softly. “Are you ready?”
“Yup, I even have a good luck charm, Mom gave me her necklace.”
“Did you eat Chicken for lunch?”
The grin slipped off of Adolin’s face. Did he? He’d had to eat quickly to help organize the stands for the Darkeyed festival, but he’d had… pork. His eyes widened and he whirled on Renarin. Eating chicken was the only pre-duel tradition that he held, and he wasn’t about to break it before what would probably be the most important duels of his life.
Renarin understood instantly. “I-I’ll go find something.” Kaladin startled at that, tearing his eyes from the stands where he’d been watching his visibly uncomfortable parents. Lirin, who so staunchly disapproved of violence, whas clearly not enjoying this game of brutality. However, Renarin’s sudden disappearance was enough to draw the radiant’s attention. .
“Really? Chicken?”
“Traditions are important.” Elhokar interrupted. “I myself have several that I perform before every duel.”
Kaladin eyed him. The Radiant was clearly unsure how to take the older man. Adolin could understand. He loved his cousin, but he didn’t always make a great first impression. “Like what?” The Radiant asked hesitantly, and Adolin got the impression that the teen was trying, in his own way.
Elhokar began detailing some of his usual traditions, fairly similar to Adolin’s own, then quickly changed to begin telling the man stories of the oddest traditions he’d heard of, which ranged from odd to ridiculous. By the time Renarin retured, Kaladin almost looked amused.
Panting, Renarin shoved… something wrapped in paper in Adolin’s hand. “It was all I could find nearby. Most of the stands near here are only selling snacks or sweets.”
Kaladin wrinkled his nose. “What is it?”
“It’s chicken, uh, I think they called it Chouta.” He shrugged. “That Herdazian stand was selling it, it seemed popular so it must be decent.”
Adolin looked over the way his brother had pointed, quickly locating a busy stand selling items that looked similar to what he’d handed him. The stand was stuffed with four Herdazian men working to make and hand out the Chouta, and… did one of them only have one arm?
Adolin shook himself and forced himself to take a bite before he could talk himself out of it. Immediately after taking a bite, the young man perked up.
“Hey, this is actually really good!” He took another bite and hummed appreciatively, ignoring Kaladin’s frankly disbelieving expression. Adolin shrugged, but was distracted when a ‘boo’ sounded throughout the crowd and Elhokar cried “Foul!”
“What happened?” Kaladin asked, and Elhokar grinned from cheek to cheek as he began explaining.
Adolin closed his eyes and took several long, deep breaths, centering himself. It would be his turn in three bouts, then he would be a shardbearer.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
They Don't Love You Like I Love You 4/? (katlaska) - kamylove
“There is absolutely no factual or metaphorical fucking going on.” Not yet, anyway. Or, Katya and Alaska take the slow train.
It helps Alaska to know she’ll be seeing Katya soon, to know she’ll be able to look into Katya’s eyes with no camera in between, to make sure sure Katya’s as okay as she claims in the days after their phone call. Not that she’s ever known Katya to lie about her mental health; Katya’s more open about it than almost anyone. It’s just that Alaska knows what it’s like to lie to herself.
And Katya hasn’t been dumping her entire psyche on the internet as often lately, so there’s less information to go on.
Alaska turns down the offer of a ride from the airport. Instead, she waits 83 minutes for Katya’s plane to arrive, and buys an iced coffee the way Katya likes it, to take to the gate.
She doesn’t get a chance to hand it over. Katya walks right up to Alaska, pulls her close, and buries her face in Alaska’s neck.
Alaska hugs back, careful not to spill the coffee. “Hey,” she says, and Katya sighs like she’s put down a heavy load.
Are you okay is such an empty question. Alaska says, “Missed you,” instead.
Katya squeezes her tighter and just breathes. Alaska rests her cheek on Katya’s head and they stay that way for a long time, just two gay boys in the sea of travelers that, for these few moments, is passing them by.
“I really am okay,” Katya says, as they head to baggage claim. “It’s just nice to have someone who won’t judge me.”
“I judge you for all sorts of things,” Alaska says. “Like that fucking raccoon.”
Katya, waving her drink around in a way that often leads to a big mess, fakes an insulted gasp. Alaska laughs and takes the cup away from her, just in case.
“That fucking raccoon is my best friend!” Katya says. “Don’t insult her, she’ll hear!”
“Is she in your backpack? Is she listening right now?”
“No, but we share a deep, devoted, psychic link.”
“That makes it even more-”
“I lied,” Katya says. She stops without warning in the middle of the concourse, annoying the family behind them.
“What?” Alaska says. Usually she can follow Katya just fine, these days.
Katya looks her in the eye. “I’m a shitty liar. I don’t care who judges me. I just wanted it to be you.”
Alaska feels something warm and unexpected bloom in her chest. Honestly, it hadn’t crossed her mind to question why Katya had called. “I’m glad,” she says. “I’m glad you called and I’m glad I could help.”
Katya smiles at her, and they keep walking.
They are, thankfully, not performing that night, so it’s almost the reverse of that first night in Aspen: room service, a couple movies, and Katya falling asleep sooner than either of them expects. Alaska watches her sleep longer than she thinks she should.
In the middle of the night Alaska hears a text notification on her phone, and decides to ignore it. But a few minutes later the phone actually rings and she reaches for it blindly, moving nothing but her arm.
It’s Roxxxy, who must have just arrived, and who sounds wide awake. “Where are you? I went to your room. Are you in there and being rude?”
“I’m in Katya’s,” Alaska says without thinking.
“Really?” Roxxxy says. “You and Katya? You might be skinny bitches, but that’s just hot.”
Katya stirs and throws an arm over Alaska, but Alaska, not wanting to wake her, slips out of bed and into the bathroom.
“It’s not like that,” Alaska says. “She needed a friend. I fell asleep.” It isn’t true; she’d never intended to leave. But she’s not ready to open it up to questioning.
“Okay,” Roxxxy drawls. “So, how many times have you fallen asleep in Katya’s room?”
“Oh, my God,” Alaska groans. “Leave me alone.”
Roxxxy’s still laughing when Alaska hangs up.
It’s a short series of shows on the East Coast, just a couple weeks, with most of the All Stars 2 girls. They know each other so well by now that they can just relax and have fun and make people laugh.
Katya can’t even explain to herself what a relief it is to have Alaska there. She loves all the girls, and she’s happy to have them around, too. They keep her busy and entertained. They’re family.
But it’s so nice, and so easy, to have somebody who can keep up with her no matter what, somebody who won’t ask her to slow down or repeat. Their brains spark off each other, like fireworks. If left to their own devices, which happens more and more lately, they’ll take off down a rabbit hole and look up to find hours have passed.
All the Ru girls are smart. Many of them are brilliant. But there aren’t many who are as quick as Alaska.
They rewatch Katya’s episode of Hey Qween together, and Alaska laughs and laughs at how shell-shocked Jonny looks. “You broke him!” she says.
Katya preens. “ADD is my superpower.”
“You can leap 20 topics in a single bound,” Alaska says.
Katya preens some more, but she can’t keep it up. She laughs instead, flailing a bit for effect.
“It’s disturbing how easy it is for me to follow you now,” Alaska says.
“Agreed,” Katya says. “I worry about you.”
“When did I start liking you so much?” Alaska asks.
“I have no idea,” Katya says, “because I am a heartless, hateful bitch. And I’ve never even eaten you out, which is usually what makes me so popular.”
Katya: dinosaur
Alaska: bat
Alaska: You are sitting three feet away from me.
Katya: spoilsport
Alaska: harmony
Katya: turnip
Alaska: cowboy
Katya: Czechoslovakian
Katya: eclair
Alaska: jerky
Alaska colors in pages from Katya’s coloring book, making them as garish as her imagination can come up with. She likes to practice keeping a straight face when she hands them to Katya, who always pretends to be offended.
“I really question your taste level,” Katya says.
Alaska just gives her another.
“So, Miss Alaska,” Alyssa asks her while they’re in line at Starbucks. “Tell me the truth. What is going on with you and Katya?”
“I hate her guts,” Alaska says. “Everyone knows that.”
“All right, all right, if that’s the way you want to play it. But there’s something there.” She points at Alaska’s eyes, and then her own, with two fingers. “I can see it.”
“Well, then, you need to explain to me what that is,” Alaska says, “because I don’t see it.”
Alyssa makes an Alyssa face, but it quickly shifts to something more more mischievous as she says, “She likes you, too, you know.”
Alaska groans. “Will you stop?”
“Okay, I’ll drop it,” Alyssa says. “I can take a hint.”
“Since when?” Alaska asks.
“You shady bitch,” Alyssa says cheerfully.
“If you want drama, you’re going to have to stir it up yourself,” Alaska says. “Try Phi Phi.”
“Ooh,” Alyssa says. “Seriously shady bitch.”
“Tell me the truth,” Ginger says quietly, as she and Katya touch up their faces in the same mirror during a show. “I already know you’re sharing rooms.”
“Friends with room sharing benefits?” Katya says.
“Is that the only benefit?”
“Is having access to her wig wardrobe a benefit?”
“You tell me,” Ginger says.
“Honey,” Katya says. “Look at this tragic thing I am wearing.” It’s intentionally ugly, to go with the rest of her look, and she twirls to show it off. “What do you think?”
“Tell me you don’t have a fetish for those long, blond locks?” Ginger asks suspiciously.
“Is not fetish,” Katya says in her Russian accent. “Is obsession. Why you cannot keep straight?”
“Ain’t nothing straight about that,” Ginger says.
Alaska: pogo stick
Katya: You’re sitting three feet away from me.
Katya: cactus
Katya: fossil
Alaska: artichoke
Alaska: talent
Katya: Alaska
Alaska: That’s cheating.
“What the fuck are they doing now?” Detox asks.
Tatianna says, “I don’t even want to know.”
After the tour, half of the girls, including Katya, are off to Europe for a month, and the rest, including Alaska, go their separate ways.
Alaska has a week in LA and too many things to squeeze in: meetings, interviews, a recording session, dry cleaning. But Willam talks her into going out by saying, “Support your local queens,” which Alaska can never resist.
Standing there, cranberry juice in hand, sighing the occasional autograph as Willam flirts with everyone in a twenty-foot radius, Alaska has trouble keeping her mind on the show. The drag is good, and she claps and cheers and tips, but she reluctantly admits to herself that it’s not where she wants to be.
She’s home so rarely now that she feels out of touch. But she doesn’t think that’s the real problem.
“What’s with you?” Willam asks eventually. “You’re a real downer tonight.”
Alaska just shrugs.
“It’s not right, working as much as you do. You need to say fuck it sometimes.”
“Fuck it,” Alaska says.
“Weren’t you seeing a guy?” Willam says. “The one with the glasses? He was hot. I would have done him.”
“That was months ago,” Alaska says. “I don’t know. He was nice, but he couldn’t hold my attention, you know?”
“Been there, done that,” Willam says.
(A long time later, Katya will say, “You’ve held my attention for at least .09 seconds, which is impressive considering my average is .03,” and Alaska will say, “I’m three times more interesting than average!” and Katya will look at her like she’s an idiot and say, “Duh. Everybody knows that.”)
Alaska stays just long enough after the show to say nice things to all the performers, and to demand that Willam give her phone back. (“Be in the moment,” Willam had said. Alaska had rolled her eyes.) She’s performed here many times; she knows where all the exits are, so she sneaks out while Willam’s not looking.
When she turns the phone back on, on the way to her car, she finds just two texts from Katya, which is a surprise.
“Bored. Lonely. Bored,” says the first, and “Need constant entertainment,” says the second.
Alaska facetimes her, and finds Katya just waking up, her hair sticking out in all directions.
“You need a constant audience,” Alaska says.
“That too!” Katya says, pointing her finger at the screen like Alaska’s said something earth shattering.
“Trade?” Alaska asks.
Katya makes a face. “Not that kind of audience,” she says. “Or that kind of lonely.”
Alaska knows exactly what she means.
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stylinsonlibrary · 7 years
Tumblr media
The Hero's Return (1k)
The Roman Empire was divided into two parts by pomerium, the sacred boundary of the city. Outside of the city was militia, the area of war and conquest. Within was domus, the area of home. But Louis’ home was not the city. It was not the battlefields. It was not marching down the streets to cheering crowds, or a grand villa, or a warm bed and good food. Louis’ home was green eyes and long brown hair and a smile that dimpled.
Or, Louis is a Roman general returning from a grand victory. Harry is his home.
These words will be written on my stone (1k)
In which Louis is Hades and Harry is Persephone and there's also a giant, three-headed dog involved somewhere.
could be immortals (series; 3 works; 8k)
AU in which Louis is probably (read: definitely) not human, and Harry's trying to figure him out.
Like A Drum (Baby, Don't Stop Beating) (9k)
They walk through the camp together hand in hand, past the big house where Chiron waves happily at them, past the strawberry field where Louis first kissed Harry, past the lake where Louis first met Zayn and Liam, past the dinning hall where Niall sat down next to Louis before he knew he shouldn’t, and to Harry’s cabin.
Or, they're all sons of Greek gods at a summer camp for demigods.
not even the gods above (can separate the two of us) (20k)
Harry is a reckless god of war, Louis is a muse unspoken of, and their love might not be written in the stars.
My Heart Lies With You (31k)
For being the God of Death, Niall has a habit of acting on ideas without thinking them through. It's probably why Harry ends up with an unexpected but entirely welcome visitor in his bed the day after a Mount Olympus party.
How Far We've Come (32k)
“This is Harry Styles,” Chiron offers.
He’s beautiful. His eyes are a stunning green, the color of new foliage. The new kid’s limbs are long and lanky—he looks extremely uncomfortable and uncoordinated. Louis internally smirks to himself, guessing the kid probably won’t be too skilled with a sword, or a bow, or anything sharp, most likely. His hair falls to his shoulders in sets of loose, brown curls. The color is rich and luscious, resembling soil so much that it looks like flowers could sprout from his hairline at any moment. But Louis’ eyes are stuck on his soft looking lips, pink as flower petals and slightly parted as his eyes scan the horizon of the camp.
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Harry.”
Cupid's Chokehold (35k)
But - naively, stupidly, blindly - Harry holds out hope for a love that’s written across the stars. He can’t give up the feeling that there’s someone out there, waiting for him.
He’s just going to have to wait for them, too.
Or: Louis is a Cupid who tries to match up Niall and Harry. It doesn't work out as planned.
Take Care Down By The Water (37k)
Louis has spent his summers at his Granny's in the Isle of Barra for almost as long as he could remember.
This summer wasn't supposed to be any different, but the little Scottish island turned out to be harbouring more than just the gorgeous white beaches, the clear waters, and the town drunk scaremongering the foreign tourists.
These Hands Not Fit For Holding (46k)
“You should be grateful,” Harry tells him, leaning in so he’s almost whispering in Louis’ ear. Louis stands as still as a statue, trying not to react when Harry’s low voice caresses his cheek. “I’m offering you something better: a chance to join my crew. I’ll pay you to work as a carpenter on my ship.”
“I’m not a fucking pirate,” Louis says, anger flaring. He steals little trinkets occasionally, if he thinks they’ll make his sisters happy. He’s not a proper thief, or a murderer, though, and certainly not on the level of Captain Styles and his crew.
Or, Harry is the captain of a pirate ship, and Louis is an accidental stowaway.
Olympus (47k)
Louis is a god that is actually a goddess named Aphrodite. Louis is also technically married to the ugly god himself, Hephaestus. Harry is his lover, who is also known as Mars and the two of them happen to be in love. Throw in Niall and Hermes one of Louis’ best friends as well as Liam who is Poseidon, and Zayn, god of the underworld known as Hades. Add Hera being a bitch and you have my take on a Greek mythology alternate universe staring one direction.
Your Wounds and My Sutures (53k)
Louis is a harpy who lives in Nog and has never seen the outside world. He is content living with his clan and his unusual childhood best friend, Niall, a Baunny. Yet somewhere deep within his soul, there’s an emptiness he feels during the night sky. He meets Harry, a beautiful merman one night.
Mer-creatures are the devils of the sea or so they say according to the stories but Louis’ never been one to resist his curiosity and Niall’s got the youth and joy of a fawn that he finds fascination just as wonderful as Louis but he’s more cautious.
Along their journey of love, friendship, trials and tribulations, two creatures of the wild find their souls blending into one and five friends learn to have each other’s backs.
I Hunger For Your Beautiful Embrace (57k)
Legatus Harry is governor of Capua and Dominus of his estate. He governs with a firm and harsh rule and has never been known to be soft. That is until Louis comes into his life. A beautiful slave who creeps into Harry’s house and heart.
But in the times of Ancient Rome, when sex, wars, and death are the entertainment of the times, life and love are rare commodities.
Grief is Mine (70k)
His silver wings glinted in the moonlight as though the moon shared his grief, his protective haze slipping away as his small body shook with a pain and sadness he had not yet become accustomed too. He would grow to know it though, would learn to bear this grief like it was his own identity, and, with time, it would be his identity. For an angel of death cannot long remain anything other than itself.
Harry is an angel of death, and Louis is a boy who was not prepared.
Anyplace, Anyhow, Anytime (90k) (temporary MCD)
Harry's going to audition for The X-Factor in a few days, he really can't use this persistent tickle in his throat. What's even worse is when the tickle turns into a full blown cough, and the cough makes him pass out only for Harry to wake up in a different world. And then another one, and another one, and another one. The only other person who seems to be as affected as he is, is a boy with blue eyes who keeps showing up in every single one of these worlds.
Runaway Land (103k)
Louis is sure he’s stumbled upon a secret, underground nightclub, though that is far from the truth. He’s also pretty sure he’s stumbled upon Apollo, which… isn’t very far from the truth, actually.
Modern Greek mythology AU.
Say Hallelujah, Say Goodnight (110k)
Louis is an angel who is just a little too bad to be good, Harry is a demon who is just a little too good to be bad, and they're both a little too in love to be impartial when angels and demons go to war.
Louis has been alive since life was a mere concept; he watched the summoning of Man into existence, he was there when Eve took the apple. He’s seen seas break the world into separate pieces, he’s watched empires crumble into dust. He’s seen wildfire consume cities, he’s seen the world painted white with snow. He has known the most beautiful humans to walk the planet, he has watched the most powerful mortals gather their riches and influence around them and then die just like the poorest, weakest humans do. He’s met humans whose motives defy explanation, people who use their lives as battering rams, as tools, as weapons, as chess pieces.
None of that stopped Louis in his tracks.
But Harry did.
336 notes · View notes
aion-rsa · 4 years
The Best TV Shows of 2020
Some year, eh? 
We’re often poetic about TV around these parts. It’s no secret that we like to sing its praises as a powerful, restorative, and maybe sometimes therapeutic medium. But during a dangerous, confusing year, delving into the many ways that TV “kept us sane” or whatever feels reductive. 
What we can say, however, is this: TV was around this year. And that’s no small feat as not every other medium was so lucky. Concerts and other live performances were canceled. The movie-going experience was upended (perhaps permanently), and even curling up with a nice book at a coffee shop was no longer an option for much of the year. The TV production schedule may have been disrupted, but for the most part, the television machine chugged along, providing us with a diverse (and often overwhelming) number of truly excellent options to take in.
This year we want to honor the best of those TV shows – not for any particular reason other than that it’s fun to do and we’ve all earned some year-end distractions. We had our staff vote on their favorite series, polled you the reader as well, then crunched all the numbers in an intensely complicated propriety equation (not really) to determine our winners. 
Please enjoy our choices for the 25 Best TV Shows of 2020. 
25. How To with John Wilson
How To with John Wilson is the heir to Nathan For You’s throne, which seems obvious considering the series boasts Nathan Fielder as an executive producer, but the new HBO series shares much of the fiercely beloved former Comedy Central series’ DNA. While Nathan For You used helping businesses as a jumping off point to explore social interactions and the funny, insane things that people may say or do if you point a camera in their face, How To with John Wilson purports to explain how to perform simple tasks like making small talk or splitting a check, but mostly showcases how beautiful, ugly, life-affirming, and odd life in New York City can be. It’s a difficult show to explain, but it uses dry narration and quick documentary-style footage to create laugh out loud set-ups and punchlines, and digresses into some of the most poignant, and “WTF” moments found in a comedy series. You may not learn much, but you’ll laugh a lot. 
– Nick Harley
24. The Plot Against America
TV writing geniuses David Simon and Ed Burns (The Wire, The Deuce) are masters of subtlety. Their many shows, several of which are among the best in TV history, know how to conquer small moments en route to a bigger, oft devastating picture. During these very unsubtle times then, how could they possibly adapt Philip Roth’s equally unsubtle book about creeping fascism in America, The Plot Against America? The answer, as it turns out, is with the same gentle touch and keen understanding of the human condition as they always employ.
Like Roth’s 2004 novel, The Plot Against America picks up in an alternate version of the American 1940s, where real life aviation hero and Nazi-sympathizing populist Charles Lindbergh is elected president. The show then follows the working class Jewish Levin family as they deal with the fallout. Simon and Burns’ subtle touch works uncommonly well here. The Plot Against America’s six episodes are in many ways about how gradually and imperceptibly things can get worse until one’s home is no longer recognizable. For obvious reasons, the series resonated this year but its ability to summon creeping dread would have played well just about any time. 
– Alec Bojalad
23. Lovecraft Country
A sprawling anthology with an overarching fable set in the depths of Jim Crow America in the 1950s, Lovecraft Country was an epic, political, sometimes gory, always ambitious sci-fi horror unlike anything else in 2020. Following the journey of Atticus (Jonathan Majors), Leti (Jurnee Smollett), and Atticus’s uncle George (Courtney B. Vance) on a mission to find Atticus’s missing father, the story combines real life racist horror with supernatural creatures inspired by H.P. Lovecraft.
Each episode is both a standalone story and part of the whole, playing with different subgenres. Ep 3 “Holy Ghost” is a classic haunted house tale with a historical twist against a backdrop of neighborhood racism, ep 5 “A Strange Case” is an extraordinary body horror which explores the female experience, 6 “Meet Me in Daegu” introduces a character from Korean folklore, while ep 8 “I Am” is a sprawling afrofuturist sci-fi. Created by Misha Green, exec produced by Jordan Peele and JJ Abrams, this is glossy cinematic stuff with a terrific ensemble cast. Talk about bang for your buck.
– Rosie Fletcher
22. His Dark Materials
If season one of this fantasy adaptation was carefully laying the tracks, then season two is hurtling along them, whooping out of the window as it goes. The new episodes started from the high-point of the season one finale and kept climbing. The difference is in tone – this time it’s warmer, keying more successfully into its characters’ emotional lives. It’s bolder too, demonstrating confidence by stepping away from the books to add scenes, humor and modern updates as required.
Season two, adapted from the second book in Philip Pullman’s original trilogy, sees Lyra and Will cross worlds and forge a bond. Will undertakes his own hero’s journey, one involving Spectres, a magical knife and the father he’d long thought dead. The real star though, is Ruth Wilson as Mrs. Coulter, a devilishly complex character into whose head this show is satisfyingly determined to get. 
Season two is an episode short, thanks to COVID-19, but we should be grateful it made it here on time at all. The real delight is all the talent and effort that’s gone into telling such a weird story, one that only gets weirder from hereon in…
– Louisa Mellor
21. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Season 5 of She-Ra was the show at its absolute best. Every restriction seemed to be lifted and it just let loose with all the joy, deepness, and big queer energy it had ever wanted to display. Bless it for that because it allowed the show to go out on the highest of notes. We’d be here all day if we listed all the fantastic plots this season and how everyone got a chance to shine but no moment stands out more than Catra and Adora kissing. 
It’s a moment queer fans had hoped for and were shocked it actually happened. Seeing two leads in a legacy property get to be not only confirmed queer but also kiss is still a rare sight and we can only hope it signals great change in animation going forward.  We’re sad to see She-Ra go but glad it got to end so perfectly. 
– Shamus Kelley
20. Pen15 
During the 2011 “Middle School” episode of This American Life, host Ira Glass interviews producer Alex Blumberg, who presents a radical new approach to education in America: get rid of middle school. Children’s bodies and brains are just simply too volatile in their preteen years to meaningfully learn anything in the years between elementary school and high school. Give them a break, then pick up and try again in a couple years.
It’s hard not to think of that interview when watching Hulu’s wonderful middle school comedy Pen15. Lead characters Maya (Maya Erskine) and Anna (Anna Konkle) are very rarely seen learning something in class or poring over their homework. And why would they be? There are boys to obsess over, school plays to audition for, and moments that will scar them forever to experience. 
Rarely has there ever been a more frank, honest, and hilarious exploration of the middle school years than Pen15. Much was made during the show’s first season about the adult Konkle and Erskine’s ability to portray their younger selves. And in season 2, they blend in so seamlessly that the novelty of the casting choice might never even occur to the viewer. 
– Alec Bojalad
19. I Hate Suzie
The last time playwright Lucy Prebble wrote a TV series for Billie Piper, it was 2007’s Secret Diary of a Call Girl. London-set, glamorous, sexy and funny, that was a distinctly twentysomething story. Over a decade later, Prebble and Piper reunited to do something different in I Hate Suzie; still funny, but rawer, more experimental, and probing all the ways that a thirtysomething woman’s identity – wife, mother, and in this case, celebrity – can be defined by everything except herself. 
Piper plays popstar-turned actor Suzie, whose life explodes when hacked photos of her cheating on her husband leak online. Suzie goes through the stages of grief in eight riotous half-hour episodes that experiment with form and genre. There’s drama. There’s satire. There’s singing and dancing. There’s Dexter Fletcher doing coke off a bare arse, and a whole-episode wank that explores the societal construction of female desire. It is, in modern parlance, a lot, in the most exhilarating and enriching way. These two had better not leave it another 10 years until their next collaboration. We demand more. 
– Louisa Mellor 
18. Rick and Morty
Did you hear? This guy turns himself into a pickle…a PICKLE! It’s wild. Every subsequent year that Rick and Morty airs, it gets harder to separate the “meme” of Rick and Morty from the show itself. Suppose that’s just what happens when a fanbase proves itself to be…uh, energetic, and the Merchandising Industrial Complex kicks itself into overdrive to produce some truly offensively bad Big Dog-style shirts. 
Removed from the meta of it all, Rick and Morty still churned out some great episodes of television in 2020. The back half of the series’ two-part season 4 all aired this year and there were real gems included among them. Though it proved to be divisive, “Never Ricking Morty” was certainly among the most structurally ambitious installments the show has ever attempted. Then there was just the sublimely hilarious “The Vat of Acid Episode,” which was enough to earn the show a Best Animated Series Emmy. 
– Alec Bojalad
17. Dark
Dark is already notable for reaching levels of popularity in the United States not often enjoyed by subtitled fare, but it also was afforded the rare opportunity to end on its own terms with its third season in 2020. Audiences fell in love with the generational stories of the families living around the nuclear power plant in Winden, Germany, marveling at casting choices for characters in their older or younger forms whose resemblances were spot on.
The time travel plot tied viewers’ brains into knots, but the desire to see an end to the apocalypse was made even deeper by the strong chemistry between Dark’s own Adam and Eve: Jonas and Martha. As the true source of the alternate timelines and causal loops became known, everything about the show’s reality was called into question, but the ending left a lingering question mark to entice fans to speculate long after the show had ended. 
– Michael Ahr
16. The Untamed
While The Untamed technically premiered in 2019, the Chinese xianxia drama was one of the escapist stories that most defined a year we all wanted to get as far away from as possible. Bursting onto the transformative fandom scene to come in ninth on Tumblr’s list of the most-discussed live action TV shows of 2020, the foreign-language fantasy series tells the story of supernatural flautist Wei Wuixan (Xiao Zhan) from his humble beginnings as a teen cultivator-in-training to his controversial role as a demonic cultivator war hero to his time as a masked detective after he is mysteriously brought back to life in a stranger’s body 13 years after his gruesome death. 
But, like any good melodrama, The Untamed is really all about the relationships. This is a complex emotional story about siblings and sects, honor and morality. At the heart of the interpersonal narrative is the epic romance between Wei Wuixan and his stoic swordsman boyfriend Lan Wangji (Wang Yibo). The Untamed is adapted from an explicitly queer web novel, but China’s anti-LGBTQ censorship laws require the series tell its love story via lingering gazes, clasped wrists, and declarations of undying devotion. The result is no less queer, as these canonical soulmates sacrifice everything but their fervid commitment to protect the innocent for one another. 
– Kayti Burt
15. The Haunting of Bly Manor
In 2018, Netflix shrieked its way into the spooky season game with the breakout hit The Haunting of Hill House. The streamer then afforded creator Mike Flanagan the opportunity to American Horror Story-ize his work into an anthology of his own, thus The Haunting series was born. In typical second child fashion, The Haunting of Bly Manor had a world of expectations to live up to, which included its often-adapted source material, primarily the novella Turn of The Screw by Henry James (or Hank Jim as we like to call him) among two other works. Flanagan, who’s a heavyweight in the horror genre at this point, again eschewed a direct remake for a loose adaptation with Bly Manor, a slow burn, but ultimately a deeply personal and satisfying tale of ghosts, both of the faced and faceless variety, intertwined with Gothic romance.
The returning players from the previous season, Victoria Pedretti (Dani), Oliver Jackson-Cohen (Peter Quint), Henry Thomas (Henry Wingrave), Carla Gugino (The Storyteller), and Kate Siegel (a surprise character in an excellent episode 8), bring back some of the winning chemistry from Hill House. However it’s the newcomers to the series, T’Nia Miller as Hannah Grose the housekeeper, Amelia Eve as Jamie the gardener, and Rahul Kohli as Owen the cook, whose standout performances ground Flanagan’s headier concepts, like the series’ mesmerizing fifth episode. It’s through these characters that Bly Manor poignantly articulates how love can be as much of a burden as it is a blessing. Not long after your Bly Manor binge is complete, Flora’s line, “You said it was a ghost story. It isn’t. It’s a love story,” will crystallize the throughline Flanagan was gunning for. And if that line isn’t a lasting memory of the limited series, perhaps it’s Owen’s lucious mustache, the best on TV in 2020, that will live on. 
– Chris Longo
14. Ted Lasso
In a relentlessly dark year, Ted Lasso was one of the few rays of sunshine that warmed our hearts. Its title character is so pleasant and optimistic, he makes Leslie Knope look like a curmudgeon by comparison. Folksy, thoughtful, and almost aggressively friendly, Jason Sudeikis’s Lasso is hired to lead a struggling English Premier League team in a move of sabotage, but ends up charming the pants off of the squad and proving the power of positivity. 
The character is practically impossible not to like, and in a time of so much anxiety and frustration, it’s refreshing to spend time with someone like Ted. The title coach isn’t the only reason to watch; the show features well-crafted characters with satisfying individual arcs, comforting, yet well-executed sports movie tropes, and funny fish out of water culture clash moments. Ted Lasso is a breezy, low-effort experience that makes you feel good. What more could you ask for in 2020? 
– Nick Harley
13. The Umbrella Academy
The first season of The Umbrella Academy was already a stellar achievement in adapting the gloriously weird Gerard Way/Gabriel Bá graphic novels, but season 2 took the show to another level in 2020. The varied reactions of the superpowered family to being stranded in 1960s Dallas were extremely enlightening and made the characters even more enjoyable with all of their quirks, flaws, and emotional depth.
Of particular interest was the manner in which Allison strove to lead a normal life with a husband that loved her despite the difficulties of being Black in the segregated South and her determination not to use her powers. Fan favorite character Ben also received a noble and inspiring arc that led to a completely new role for him in season 3. Although there are plenty of mysteries remaining, the unfolding backstory leaves us always wanting more of The Umbrella Academy. 
– Michael Ahr
12. The Great
“Russia must be saved, and I with it.” An occasionally true story from The Favourite co-screenwriter Tony McNamara, The Great is a satirical look at the rise of Russian monarch Catherine the Great (Elle Fanning, getting a chance to show off her comedic chops), from her arrival from Prussia as a naive teen bride to her time plotting the death of her husband, Emperor Peter III (Nicholas Hoult, seemingly having the time of his career). The Great is cutting, clever, and hilarious, but, like The Favourite before it, its true secret weapon lies in its moments of earnest emotion. 
The Hulu series revels in the often absurd nature of its subject matter, but not at the cost of ignoring the trauma and joys of its often gruesome world. The unpredictability of which kind of scene you will get next—absurd, deeply emotional, or both—creates a fantastic dramatic tension that sustains throughout the entire 10-episode first season, perhaps necessary in a story that, should it follow the broadest of historical strokes, the viewer knows will end in Catherine’s triumph. Huzzah! 
– Kayti Burt
11. Harley Quinn
This year, we found out the answer to a question that no one was really asking – “who would win: a big budget Birds of Prey DC spinoff movie starring Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, or one small Harley Quinn-focused animated series that was seemingly about to be left for dead on the ailing DC Universe streaming service?” Harley Quinn won, for everyone who cared to investigate, as the show leveled up in season 2 by having the balls to let Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel fall in love with her sardonic roommate Poison Ivy on screen and ditch any lingering feelings she had for the Joker, but for those not invested in the romance (they should go have a soup and rethink their priorities) there was so much else going on beyond deconstructing its central character.
Animated shows are typically seen as an immature, lesser form of entertainment than live-action series, but just imagining the creativity you’d need to come up with this many running jokes, in-jokes and meta jokes for the larger-than-life characters of Gotham is exhausting. There’s so much writing talent behind Harley Quinn that a third season wasn’t just expected, but demanded. And indeed, Harley Quinn will live on at HBO Max, but if it hadn’t happened, we’d do what the Doctor ordered and RIOT. 
– Kirsten Howard
10. BoJack Horseman
Through its superb six-season run, BoJack Horseman’s tonal brilliance came to be an expected fact of life. Early on, it was tempting to pull non-viewers aside, shake their shoulders, and yell in their face “No, you don’t get it! It’s an animated comedy about a horse that was a ‘90s sitcom, yes, but it’s also a searing exploration of depression, dysfunction, and the dismal nature of the human condition!” It’s to the show’s eternal credit that that stellar comedic/dramatic tightrope act became all but a given a few seasons in and the world adjusted to it thusly. But even with that level of familiarity and comfort, it’s jarring just how well the show pulls off that delicate formula in its final, and perhaps best season. 
BoJack Horseman season 6 premiered eight of its final 16 episodes in 2020’s first month and their dramatic resonance carried through the rest of the year. The story ends here as we always expected it might. BoJack’s past finally catches up to him, and when he becomes a pop culture pariah, he slowly begins to undo whatever progress he made throughout the series, culminating in a stunning penultimate episode where BoJack faces the infinite and meets up with all the figures in his life who died along the way. But it’s not until the show’s very end where the message comes into clear focus. BoJack has to start all over again, just like we all must from time to time. The difference this time is that the other people in his life are finally prepared to move on…possibly without him. “Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if this night was the last time we ever talked to each other?” BoJack says to Diane as they look up at the Hollywood night sky. Wouldn’t it be funny indeed. 
– Alec Bojalad
9. Legends of Tomorrow
There is no superhero TV show that has strayed as far from its superheroic roots than Legends of Tomorrow. Despite the fact that its full official title is quick to point out that this is indeed DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, you’d be hard pressed to find a DC show less overtly concerned about its comic book roots, or even with any synergistic responsibilities it may have to the other DC shows in its orbit. Sure, Supergirl, Black Lightning, The Flash, and Stargirl are great, and they’re note perfect representations of what makes those characters special, but Legends does everything those other shows do, but with far less recognizable characters, with far more laughs, and an effortlessly perfect ensemble cast boasting chemistry for days.   
No matter how high the reality-altering stakes, it all seems less important than watching the friendships between this crew of superheroic time traveling misfits. Legends of Tomorrow is everything good and hopeful and pure (ok, well…maybe not pure, especially where Matt Ryan’s John Constantine is concerned) about superhero shows without any of the baggage, and often without the superheroics. Always hilarious and often surprisingly touching, there’s not a single superhero team on the big or small screen that you’d rather actually hang out with. You don’t have to love superhero TV to love Legends, you just have to love TV. 
– Mike Cecchini
8. Schitt’s Creek
People who love Schitt’s Creek LOVE Schitt’s Creek. It’s almost become cult-like in its following, so the arrival of the sixth and final season felt like an event and the end of a journey not just for fans of the show but the stars themselves. Season six isn’t the best season of Schitt’s – it leans into the schmaltz and sentiment heavily and throws realism to the wind in favor of the absurd but if you’ve come this far with the displaced Rose family and the sometimes odd but overall endearing residents of Schitt’s Creek, you won’t be disappointed. 
All the major players get their arc. Alexis and Ted’s separation is heartbreaking, Moira’s Crows movie premiere is a hilarious mess, some of the Jazzagals almost join a cult… the season is packed with ridiculous scenarios in between many more moments of genuine sweetness as it gently guides its characters to an end. The finale comes together with David’s wedding to Patrick – a perfectly idiosyncratic affair in the Schitt’s Creek town hall. It’s a moving send off to which we’re all invited. 
This is a show about family and community, created by a real family – father and son Eugene and Daniel Levy (sister Sarah plays Twyla) – that spawned a community of fans. This might be the end of Schitt’s Creek but we can always re-visit. 
– Rosie Fletcher
7. Devs
Alex Garland’s unsettling, yet visually gorgeous science-fiction parables are always thought-provoking, but FX’s Devs asks bigger questions than any of the writer/directors previous projects. Do we determine our own fates? Does the multiverse exist? Can computers predict our future? Devs isn’t just heady techno-philosophical musings, it spends its runtime being a pretty satisfying corporate thriller, with our protagonist Lily (Sonoya Mizuno) investigating the mysterious disappearance of her boyfriend.
This is a somewhat scathing indictment on Silicon Valley culture, with a Google-esque tech company operating with unmatched power in the shadows. Featuring a moving dramatic performance from Nick Offerman and a star-making turn from Sonoya Mizuno, Devs is just as pretty, existentially threatening, and hard sci-fi as Garland’s beloved films Ex Machina and Annihilation. If you love thrillers, but are also interested in Quantum Theory, this was the limited series you’d been waiting for in 2020.
 – Nick Harley
6. The Mandalorian (READERS’ CHOICE)
Starting with its first season and extending into its improved second, The Mandalorian just works. Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni’s creation about the galaxy’s most beloved bounty hunter dad is the kind of forward-thinking Star Wars project that works perfectly on a streaming platform. 
If you’re a massive Star Wars nerd, The Mandalorian continues to provide plenty of Easter eggs and callbacks for you, but the show excels at being both a fun reentry point for fans fatigued with the sequels and prequels, and a standalone adventure series for viewers who don’t have much knowledge of Star Wars at all, deftly creating a string of sidequests in a galaxy far, far away that put you firmly in the beautiful Lone Wolf and Cub-like tale of Mando and Grogu as they fly toward an unknown future.
As we recently learned, there will come a time in the next few years when we will be simply drowning in Star Wars TV series, as ten(!) of them are in development, but for now, we get to really savor the intricate worldbuilding going on in The Mandalorian.
This is the way. 
– Kirsten Howard
5. The Boys
The Boys was a breakout hit when it first landed on Amazon’s streaming service, but when the series returned, there was a bit of a backlash from fans of the show who were enraged that some of its new episodes would arrive weekly, unlike the binge-ready first season. Luckily, Season 2 had so many “what the fuck” moments in store that the griping soon quietened down, and the show eventually found its stride again after a slow start. Our diabolical, supe-fighting team led by a rather distracted Billy Butcher dealt with one bonkers revelation about Vought International after another this season, while the Supes themselves battled with their own humanity, and both groups often found common ground where they least expected it. 
It’s really hard to pick a favorite moment from Season 2, but if you’ve forgotten how out there it was, let us present a wild bouquet that includes “Homelander angrily wanking over the city in the form of his own demented Bat-Signal”, “The Seven filming a very (very) thinly-veiled Zack Snyder-esque superhero movie that had undergone a Joss Whedon rewrite”, “a massive-dicked supe-in-captivity called Love Sausage”, and “a timid child getting confidently pushed off the roof of a house by his own beaming father”. And that’s without bringing up the whole “immortal Nazi” stuff that occasionally propelled the narrative into Verhoeven-level satirical territory.
There were things that didnt work about Season 2, and we can argue about them forever, but there’s one thing that everyone can agree on: if Antony Starr doesn’t get two armfuls of awards for his performance as Homelander, a fucking travesty has occurred. 
– Kirsten Howard
4. I May Destroy You
On a night out while writing the second series of her acclaimed sitcom Chewing Gum, Michaela Coel was drugged and sexually assaulted by strangers. What she did with that experience – alchemizing it into a wise and fearless TV drama about trauma and survival – was extraordinary. 
I May Destroy You is an extraordinary series. In it, Coel plays Arabella, a young writer also drugged and raped on a night out, while under pressure from publishers to follow up her hit book debut. With long-ranging flashbacks, the story moves through the next year in Bella’s life. We see her draw power from her new identity as a survivor and (often clumsily) navigate close friendships and new sexual relationships. She strays from likeability, changing in response to what happened, and in a transcendent, experimental finale, teaches herself how to live.
Coel is a bewitching lead with excellent support from Weruche Opia and Paapa Essiedu as Bella’s friends Terry and Kwame. This is no dreary misery memoir. It’s surprising, confrontational, often funny and always buzzing with life – a frank and much needed course correction for telling this kind of story on screen.
 – Louisa Mellor
3. What We Do in the Shadows
Over the past decade of television, we’ve come to expect a lot out of our TV comedies. Since the Emmy Awards now categorize just about anything that’s 30 minutes long as comedy, the genre is now home to things like shockingly dramatic coming of age tales, intensely personal narratives, and experimental structures. This evolving of the half hour format is a welcome one. At the same time, however, sometimes you just want to laugh.
Enter What We Do in the Shadows. In its remarkable 10-episode second season, this FX adaptation of Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi’s movie of the same name made a serious case for itself as the funniest show on television. And it did so in shockingly simple fashion. In season 2, the character list remains short: just Nandor (Kayvan Novak), Laszlo (Matt Berry), Nadja (Natasia Demetriou), Guillermo (Harvey Guillen), and Colin Robinson (Mark Proksch) make up the show’s cast of characters for the most part (give or take a Mark Hamill or Nick Kroll). And that’s all they need. 
This year, the writers and performers all operate at the top of their game to make every possible plotline work and every character pairing sing. The comedic energy is top notch from the season’s opening “Resurrection” episode through midseason classics “Colin’s Promotion” and “On The Run” and all the way to the finale “Nouveau Théâtre des Vampires.”
– Alec Bojalad
2. Better Call Saul
The penultimate season of Better Call Saul was an absolutely brilliant run of episodes that perfectly set the stage for a climactic conclusion that looks to be every bit as heart-wrenching and explosive as the final season of parent series Breaking Bad. The show successfully introduced Lalo, perhaps the most charismatic and terrifying villain in Vince Gilligan’s Albuquerque, and merged the series’ seemingly disparate storylines by bringing fan-favorite Kim Wexler closer to the dangerous dealings of the cartel.  
It turns out that Jimmy becoming Saul wasn’t the tragedy that we should have been anticipating, it was Kim embracing the Saul way that we should have been worried about. The show’s strengths have always been its meticulous attention to details, fascination with processes, and humanistic view of exactly why someone like Jimmy McGill might break bad and become a dishonorable huckster like Saul Goodman. Those strengths only became more apparent in the thrilling, low-key heartbreaking fifth season.
 – Nick Harley
1. The Queen’s Gambit
Oftentimes when assessing the quality of TV shows, we talk about how “timely” they are. In fact, if you scroll back through this list, you will find at least a few instances of just such language. The appeal to Netflix’s stylish, thrilling limited series The Queen’s Gambit, however, is just how timeless it is. And in a year with plenty of timely TV shows, that distinction was enough to launch the show to the very top of our best-of list. 
Though we on the television side of Den of Geek are loath to call any rightful TV show an “x-hour movie,” there’s no denying that The Queen’s Gambit fits that mold. But this is not just any kind of filmic experience. It’s a throwback to a ‘70s and ‘80s style of simple, elemental storytelling that simply knows how to win over an audience. The beats of The Queen’s Gambit are predictable, but elegant and perfectly executed. Beth Harmon (the ethereal Anya Taylor-Joy) is a quiet, wide-eyed hero armed with one skill that can make the world care about her and in turn make her care about herself. 
So she uses that skill and assembles her tools – her King, Queen, Bishops, Knights, Rooks, and Pawns, to embark on a classical bildungsroman journey of self-discovery and chess dominance. Like a deftly executed chess game itself, each of The Queen’s Gambit’s seven episodes acts like a move on a chess board. Some moments are triumphs, some are defeats, and some are sacrifices. But they all lead into one definitive, enormously satisfying checkmate. 
– Alec Bojalad
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Other shows receiving votes: Animaniacs, Ozark, High Fidelity, Star Trek: Picard, The Last Dance, Mrs. America, Solar Opposites, The Hollow, Killing Eve, Noughts + Crosses, Outlander, Star Trek: Discovery, Vida, Saved by the Bell, Lucifer, Gangs of London, Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, World on Fire, Crash Landing on You, Infinity Train, Locke & Key, McDonalds & Dobbs, Into the Night, The Good Lord Bird, The Last Kingdom, DuckTales, Little Fires Everywhere, Normal People, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Pharmacist, Doctor Who, Away, Dublin Murders, Great Pretender, The Babysitters Club, Tiger King, The Crown, Ramy, The Shivering Truth, Perry Mason, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, The Undoing, Westworld, Doom Patrol, Stargirl, The Clone Wars, P-Valley, Bridgerton, Homeland, Stumptown, The Magicians, Bob’s Burgers, Primal, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, Search Party, Roadkill, Raised by Wolves, The Flight Attendant, The Eric Andre Show, Defending Jacob, The Outsider, Julie and the Phantoms, Brave New World, Utopia, Carmen Sandiego, Brockmire, Somebody Feed Phil, Adventure Time: Distant Lands, Dead to Me, The Gift, Ghosts, YOLO: Crystal Fantasy, The 100, The Spanish Princess, I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, Adult Material, Fargo, Deadwater Fell, The Flash, Archer, Weird But True, Evil, Motherland: Fort Salem, Baghdad Central
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themattress · 7 years
My Disliked Pokemon Adventures Arcs
I love Pokemon Adventures, but there are three arcs that I don’t care for at all: the Ruby/Sapphire Chapter, the Emerald Chapter, and the OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire Chapter.  
In other words, all the Hoenn arcs.
Why I dislike the Ruby/Sapphire Chapter:
- The tone. It’s inconsistent - it goes from a children's version of "Around the World in 80 Days" to a political thriller based around Team Aqua and Team Magma to a freaking Kaiju movie as Groudon and Kyogre wreak havoc, and none of it really gels together or works well, and I feel that this arc is the only one to have this particular problem.
- Ruby and Sapphire.  I personally don't care for Ruby and Sapphire's personalities here. I think Kusaka wanted to subvert expectations based on the characters' designs, but it's still done in a pretty hamfisted, over-the-top way, with Ruby being stereotypically feminine and flamboyant and Sapphire being stereotypically tomboyish and wild.
- The story's whole set-up is flawed. Ruby and Sapphire argue about which is better: Pokemon battles or Pokemon contests.  They make a bet to see which one can master their preferred goal in 80 days.  The problem is that this makes much less sense than an alternative bet: to have the one disparaging contests to try to master them and the one disparaging battles to try to master them.  How much more interesting would that have been? That's why I'd have had Ruby be masculine yet still end up doing and enjoying contests, while Sapphire would be feminine yet still end up doing and enjoying battles.  But if Kusaka really wanted to do them the way he did, then the contest-loving Ruby should have challenged the gyms and the battle-loving Sapphire should have performed in contests.
- The whole Ruby vs. Norman conflict. It is so forced and so badly-written.  It starts out as a thinly veiled metaphor for a bigoted father who can't accept his gay son (which is stupid since, when you strip the metaphor away, Ruby not being gay and being in love with Sapphire is kind of a big plot point later on), yet we're later expected to sympathize with Norman because it turns out he was going to allow Ruby to do contests before Ruby ran away and that he has been protecting Ruby more than Ruby knew for a long time, making him running away come off as particularly ungrateful.  But is this really a good excuse for Norman outright beating his son in a physical quarrel in which Ruby is hopelessly outclassed?  Yet Norman is still called a "good father" immediately after this! What!?
- Wally.  All the build-up he gets to being the "Emerald"-representative Dex Holder, and it amounts to absolutely nothing because he ends up having to turn in his PokeDex back to its rightful owner, an actual character named Emerald who doesn't work nearly as well as Wally would have.  What was even the point?
- Archie and Maxie.  With Archie, Kusaka gives him an interesting position as the head of Hoenn's primary TV station and thus Ty and Gabby's boss while secretly being the leader of Team Aqua, but his personality is all wrong - he is now Faux Affably Evil rather than genuinely Affably Evil, ruthless to the point of discarding (even lethally) his own grunts in order to get what he wants, which Archie from the games would never do, ever.  Maxie's personality is on point, but his position as a total shut-in at his cavernous lair undermines him as a character, since in the games he's a badass who is just as active with his team as Archie is because he's just as committed to his extreme vision of a new world.  They get worse when they decide to team up to awaken Groudon and Kyogre, despite knowing the risks and the fact that they'll have to betray one another in the end, anyway.  But then they get driven mad and even flat-out possessed by the Orbs they are holding and seemingly get killed.  But then they show up still alive in the end for one pointless final battle, no longer possessed but evidently permanently insane and sadistic. They meet an unceremonious defeat within an electrical forcefield.  This is a severe bastardization of the well-intentioned extremists from the games, who were the series’ first (somewhat) fleshed-out villains!  Just what was Kusaka thinking?
- Tabitha's design. Seriously, wtf!?  I get that Tabitha didn't exactly have the most interesting of designs in the games, but you could have come up with better than this!
- Courtney. When she first shows up, she's fine. But then she faces Ruby one-on-one, and we get a very uncomfortable one-sided flirtatious dynamic, with Courtney finding Ruby "interesting" due to him being an innocent, beauty-loving Coordinator like she used to be before becoming an evil pyromaniac (a backstory and transition which is never explained, btw!)  She then gets so obsessed with Ruby that she looks up all sorts of personal info on him before getting called back on her mission, in which she takes innocent people hostage and threatens to kill them in order to avoid being defeated by Roxanne - a low, cowardly action.  So we're supposed to dislike her, right?  Well, apparently not, since she receives an abrupt redemption as she helps Ruby in stopping Groudon and Kyogre, even at the cost of her own life until the Celebi Ex Machina happens.  Very little about this character adds up, yet she receives the most exposure and supposed "development" out of any of the villains in this arc. I was so sick of her at the end that I wish she'd just stayed dead in the Cave of Origins - or better yet, back when Ruby dropped her into a flaming inferno at Rusturf Tunnel!
- Shelly's disappearance.  Shelly came off as more likable than Courtney, and yet not only did she not receive as much paneltime, but she also just disappears without explanation. Following her defeat at the hands of Winona and Flannery, who she had good adversarial chemistry with, she retreats on a Vibrava and is never seen again.  She's the only villain to not receive a conclusive ending at the end of the arc, and that really bugs me.
- Matt. Apparently, Kusaka thought it would be too boring if he was just the generic tough guy he was in the games, so he made him more sensitive and accident-prone, which should have made him more sympathetic.  But like Courtney, he really isn't, particularly when he attempts to drown Sapphire and Flannery and set a Sharpedo on them, grinning and laughing with maniacal glee while doing so.  Kusaka must’ve realized this by the end, since he's ultimately left to die (by drowning, karmically enough) - and unlike with Amber, nobody saves him.
- Ruby crosses the line.  Late into the arc, after Kyogre and Groudon are awoken, Ruby pulls a two-punch move that kills all likability his character had. First, he refuses to swallow his pride and call off the bet in order to join Sapphire in saving all of Hoenn when she pleads with him to, flat-out saying he doesn't care about what happens and just wants to keep doing contests. Sapphire is understandably pissed about this extreme display of selfishness. What's worse, afterward he blames his Feebas, whom it looked like he was coming around to liking for a while, for losing a contest and kicks it out of his party, yelling about how it's weak and ugly.  Yes, Ruby played the "You're not beautiful enough for me!" card well before Lusamine did!  How am I supposed to root for this guy after this?  I don't care if he felt remorseful afterward, this was too selfish and mean-spirited for him to come back from.
- Ruby and Sapphire's backstory. OK, this was just stupid.  Out of nowhere, it's revealed that Ruby and Sapphire actually knew each other as children and don't recognize each other in the present day.  Even worse, we find out that the reason they developed the personalities they have was because of a misunderstanding - a Salamance attacked Sapphire, and Ruby viciously fought it off all by himself, at the cost of getting a scar.  He and Sapphire were separated afterward, leading Ruby to think he traumatized her with his viciousness and becoming more gentle and feminine as a result, while Sapphire thought that Ruby must have gotten in trouble (in addition to getting hurt) because of her weakness and becoming more rough and tomboyish as a result.  Really now? That's what we're going with?  Ruby and Sapphire's romance, IMO, would have been much more engaging without this "bombshell”.
- Groudon vs. Kyogre.  This starts with round 53, in the fifth volume.  It ends with round 83, in the eigth volume.  So that's 30 chapters of this big climactic event happening!  It just goes on, and on, and on!  What's worse, it keeps getting sidetracked by other things, like the Gym Leaders fighting the Aqua and Magma Admins, or Norman training Wally, or Ruby and Sapphire's quarrel and reconciliation and backstory reveal, or the introduction of Juan and his training program on Mirage Island, or Courtney's whole Redemption Equals Death...and then, even after Groudon and Kyogre are finally put to rest, we get another climax when Archie and Maxie turn up alive and ready for one more battle!  It just never seems to end!
- Sapphire being locked in the car during the big climax. Fuck you too, Ruby!
- The infamous Celebi Ex Machina.  So, after that prolonged climax, we have had three casualties: Courtney, Norman and Steven.  That seems fitting - you shouldn't do such a huge, lengthy, perilous event and have no prices be paid at the end of it all.  But nope - Ruby reveals that he's had Celebi all this time, and uses it to do some time mumbo-jumbo and resurrect all three characters.  This remains one of the most criticized parts of the entire manga series, since it's such cheap writing and feels like a slap in the face to readers who read through this arc.  It was completely unnecessary - Courtney never appears again and Norman doesn’t do anything that couldn’t have been done by another character, so it's fine for them to stay dead.  And as for Steven, his father could just resurrect him in the OR/AS arc with the whole Infinite Energy / Ultimate Weapon ritual that he is canonly well-versed in.
- Finally, the arc's length and what came from it.  This arc taking so long, particularly due to the Groudon and Kyogre battle getting so dragged out, screwed the entire manga's schedule over for the next decade.  Gen IV started and Gen III was nowhere close to being wrapped up in the manga.  Gen V started and Gen IV was nowhere close to being wrapped up in the manga.  Gen VI started and Gen V was nowhere close to being wrapped up in the manga. Only with Gen VI have we finally gotten back on track, with the manga wrapping its Gen VI arc just as that generation came to a close - and even then, we still have yet to see Gen V's B2/W2 arc conclude.  And it's all thanks to this one, long, BAD story arc.
Why I dislike the Emerald Chapter:
- Emerald himself.  There is almost nothing likable about this guy.  He's a battle fanatic who only cares about Pokemon as tools of battle, he's an insensitive jerk to everyone around him, he's got a very unappealing design, and he's actually freakishly short (and his sensitivity about this is nowhere near as funny as Ed Elric's.)  The worst part is that Wally was supposed to have his role, but for some reason or other, Kusaka became convinced that he needed to pull a Yellow and create an original character with the game's name, and that Wally is too gentle to fit in the Battle Frontier...which is exactly why Wally would be so interesting in the role, and it would fit his development from the games (even more emphasized in OR/AS) and this very manga!  
- The tone. It's by-the-numbers shonen action style.  C'mon, Kusaka - you're better than this!
- The big twist.  It turns out that Emerald is actually under hire from Professor Oak and Kris to catch Jirachi so that it can use its wish-granting powers to revive Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and Silver from the petrified state they were inexplicably left in at the end of the previous arc. The problem is that everyone predicted this already, and it makes it seem like the whole reason that cliffhanger was even put in to begin with was to make the Emerald Chapter more "epic", like the Gold/Silver/Crystal Chapter.  It didn't work, at all.
- Ruby and Sapphire return.  As if things couldn't get any worse when it comes to the main character, he ends up having to deal with Ruby and Sapphire inserting themselves in as his teammates midway through the arc.  Their already excessive stereotyped personalities are even worse here - they seem to have gone through Flanderization, and it’s annoying.
- Guile Hideout.  Nothing about this arc's villain works.  It's a lone man in knight-like armor with the absolutely stupid name of "Guile Hideout", who wants to capture Jirachi for his own evil purposes. Again, it's a blatant attempt to copy the epic quality of the Gold/Silver/Crystal Chapter and its Mask of Ice.  They even throw in a red herring and make it look like Guile Hideout is actually the resident old man, Spencer, just as Mask of Ice was Pryce.  But nope, the villain's true identity is actually....Archie!?  And he's even crazier and more evil than before - the armor he's wearing is space armor that keeps him from dying as an aftereffect of his possession by the Orb and he murdered Maxie in cold blood to get it.  And now he wants to create a demonic version of Kyogre and take over the world?  Kusaka, just stop it, please!  You've fucked this character up enough already.
Why I dislike the OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire Chapter:
- The Delta Episode. The postgame scenario of OR/AS is the basis for the arc.  I did not like that scenario in the game, and while there are a good number of improvements made to it in the manga, I still can't say I like it.  There is just so much about the plot that feels contrived, from the Draconid tribe we'd never heard of until now to the Grand Meteor Delta itself that we're supposed to believe is a threat to the entire planet even though the Pokemon World has survived worse before.  Kusaka did his best, but he can't fully salvage this.
- Zinnia's Villain Sue-dom.  I love Zinnia, but her use in this arc was iffy.  It keeps in that she was undercover in Team Aqua and Team Magma, and that her guidance was crucial for Archie and Maxie to discover how to awaken Kyogre and Groudon...but without the stipulation the games had about it being in an alternate timeline, thus making Zinnia responsible for the villains' plans in the R/S arc.  If this wasn't enough, it turns out it was her Salamance that attacked Ruby and Sapphire as children, caused the trauma that made them change their personalities, caused Ruby to get scarred, caused Rayquaza to escape and Norman to take the blame in order to protect Ruby...all of that (with Rayquaza escaping being retconned into being the goal all along rather than a freak accident Ruby caused, meaning that Norman did what he did for nothing).  So Zinnia is literally responsible for everything that went wrong in the R/S arc.  Every bad thing that ever happened in Ruby and Sapphire's lives can now be summed up with "THANKS, ZINNIA!"
- Emerald's new design. OK, I take back the criticism I had for his old design being unappealing.  This one's even worse.  Kill it with fire! 
- Archie and Maxie. Didn't see this one coming - it turns out that Archie and Maxie's spirits were somehow transported to the Distortion World due to the supernatural nature of their deaths, merged together and then split apart, which cured them of their evil and insanity. Now resurrected into new bodies (their OR/AS designs), they are finally in-character and finally get to redeem themselves before dying again.  While I should be pleased with this, and to some extent I am, the convoluted way it happens and that it had to happen at all only reminds me of how badly Kusaka botched these two in the first place. Sometimes I question if they weren't better off just being left dead and forgotten about.
- The Codenames.  How does Kusaka work in the OR/AS designs of Shelly, Matt, Courtney and Tabitha?  He has them show up as entirely seperate characters, and reveal that "Shelly", "Matt", "Courtney", and "Tabitha" are actually codenames that Admins of Team Aqua and Team Magma use, and that they weren't the real names of the originals either.  Lame!
- Crazy Rayquaza. In the R/S arc, Rayquaza was unquestionably a heroic Pokemon.  In this arc, however, it's suddenly prone to mood swings of psychotic anger, and it keeps switching from a protagonist Pokemon to an antagonist Pokemon at the drop of a hat.  This, along with it eventually doing battle with Deoxys, calls "Destiny Deoxys" to mind - and I don't want to be reminded of that crappy movie!
- Needless Relationship Drama. For no good reason, Ruby decides to start keeping secrets from Sapphire, until he suddenly doesn't and starts being open with her.  In between is all the expected relationship drama between the two, and it all feels so forced.
Now, let me say that none of these arcs are actually bad by regular manga standards, IMO, and there are also several things I like about each one.  And Kusaka doesn’t half ass-it, he always tries his best.  It’s just that the bad stuff overshadows the good stuff for me, and that by the standards of this usually excellent manga series, they fall disappointingly short.  
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A Whole Lotta Pretty and a Whole Lotta Crazy
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Word Count: 2,316
Warnings: mentions of neglect from parents, shock therapy, insane asylum, angst and maybe some fluff but maybe not.
Request: Hi I have a request ,I was wondering if you could do a Dean x Reader where the boys are working on a case and they follow a lead to the reader who lives in an insane asylum (but she's only crazy because of the shock therapy) but she is this living breathing version of Harley Quinn and the reader and Dean are drawn to each other.And the only way she'll help them as if they agree to break her out (and can you add a part where she's on the rope/fabric like Suicide Squad :D) 
Author’s Note: If you want to be tagged, leave an ask or message and I’ll add you! Same goes for my Series Rewrite! If you want to request a fic, please send them in! I love writing what you guys want!
Feedback is always appreciated
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“Sweetheart, we’re only doing what is best for you. You know that.” Your mom said, getting tears at the sight of you.
“But you’re my mom! You’re my parents! This isn’t what’s best for me and you know it!” You screamed at them, trying to get away from the man’s grip.
“Honey, you’re not okay. These people will help you be okay. Then you can come home and be a family again.” Your dad said, wincing when you fought back.
“Are you fucking kidding me! I have depression! Every kid has some form of depression! You’re acting like I have a mental illness!” You said, getting tears.
“Depression is a mental illness and we need you better.” You mom said.
“No! Don’t let them take me away! Mom!!! Daddy!” You screamed, the man in the black suit had enough and whisked you away to their padded car. You screamed as they shoved you inside the car and locked the doors. You watched as your mother cried on your father’s shoulders. They were beginning to look smaller and smaller until you couldn’t see them anymore.
“Hold still! Hold her still!” The main doctor said, agitated with you. You screamed and fought, wanting to go back home in your safe bed where no man or machine could ever hurt you. One of the guards held you down, following the rules where he could physically beat you up to sustain you.
“GET ME OUT OF HERE!” You screamed, trying to get away. One of the guards threw you down into a chair and you tried getting out but he held you down as they strapped you into the chair. You cried as the straps tightened.
They put one of those padded things on you that held your head in place if your neck was broken or injured and they didn’t want you moving it. Like if you got into a car accident. They strapped you down and you knew there was no point in fighting it because you weren’t going anywhere now.
You were crying and when you saw them take out a belt. You started crying even more. You thought they were going to beat you with it but they only stuck it in between your teeth. You had no idea what was going on here or what they planned on doing.
The main doctor took out a machine that was connected to metal rods with some kind of protection on one end of them. Protection probably for him. You cried and shook your head to the best of your ability. You didn’t want whatever they were planning on doing to you.
“Now, Y/N, don’t be scared. I’m only going to make you better. This won’t hurt… much.” He grinned, firing up the machine. You saw the electricity spark between the two metal rods and you got even more scared. He brought it close to your face which was covered in tears.
“Soon, you will be back to normal in no time.” The doctor said, grinning as he placed the rods against both of your temples. You bit down on the belt, screaming as waves of electricity went through your head and down your body.
You’ve been here for 2 years. They never released you, they never made you better. In fact, they only made you worse. You were never broken in the first place but they didn’t care. They saw someone with depression and they wanted to take care of it. You were one of their many experiments.
Before ever coming to this place, yes, you had depression and maybe you acted out a little but you never thought your parents would sent you here, of all places. Maybe a therapy session a few times a week but nothing this severe. You haven’t seen your parents in 2 years, despite them coming to the asylum where you were at.
You were allowed visitors anymore because of what you did after the first shock. It was like your brain was rewired but not in a good way. You can still remember being a good person and treating others respectfully. But now, you picked a fight with whoever came into contact with you.
So, to avoid all of that, you were locked away in your cell, never seeing anyone else. They brought you your food and was always with you when you had to go to the bathroom. Legally, you had to have time to be outside so they brought you outside but only when everyone else had their time.
You were always alone and no matter how many times you got shocked, that was the worst thing.
Being alone.
You didn’t deserve to be here and maybe with the right person, you could become who you were before this ugly person took over. The only thing you had in your room was a bed and some railings on the ceiling. They were always watching over you so it wasn’t like you could just kill yourself with your sheets. You didn’t want to kill yourself because you were going to find a way out of here.
No, you used your sheets to make a rope swing that you could play with. Just a rope that you could swing or relax from. The people watching you didn’t seem to mind since you were calm when you were up there.
Which is why you were up there now, just hanging upside down. You were bent at the waist, one leg pointed straight out to help your balance and the other curled and bent as you swung lightly. You started humming some random song, as if it was going to pass the time.
You curled the bent leg around one side of the rope to hook it there while you bent the straight leg a bit, using it as leverage to swing you a bit more. You played with your long hair, tugging out the few knots you had. Despite being in this hell hole, they took good care of your hygienic needs.
You heard commotion coming from the hallway and you stopped humming, stopped swinging, moving upward so that you were partially sitting up. The door to your cell opened but you made no move to go anywhere since you were contained inside your cell.
What you meant was, you had a room and outside your room was a glass wall that separated you from the door leading into your room. You could only get out if the door to the real cell was opened. So, you made no move to get down from where you were.
Whoever was entering your room wasn’t very smart since you picked a fight with anyone and everyone. Other patients or doctors and staff. You needed out of here. You watched as two very tall men entered the room with a guard. The taller one looked at you before looking back at his partner.
“Sweetheart, mind coming down from there?” The guard asked you. You grinned as both men looked at you. You locked eyes with the shorter one with the green eyes and you felt something you haven’t felt ever. You started swinging lightly and looked at the guard who didn’t look amused.
“You going to come in here and make me?” You asked.
“Good luck with this one. She’s fucking crazy and dangerous.” The guard said, leaving the room. You did a flip on the swing, only having one leg hooked over the rope but you swung back, letting the leg fall and you planted both feet on the ground, walking to the glass wall with little holes for you to breathe in even though they pump oxygen in the vents.
“Y/N, is it?” The shorter one asked, staring at you.
“Look, I’m not crazy. I was never crazy.” You said, looking back and forth between the two men.
“Right, listen, I’m Agent Smith and this is Agent Becker. We need to ask you a few questions.” Green eyes said, taking out a badge.
“I don’t know if you’ve heard but there have been recent deaths here and we were wondering if you knew of anything.” The taller one said, looking at you.
“You came to the wrong girl. They never let me out of here but they’re the reason I’m like this. I was never like this and they did it to me anyways.” You said, putting both hands on the glass wall. You’ve heard of the deaths through some of the guards who were with you but you pretended not to listen.
You’ve heard of patients dying in a way that looked as if they’ve been shocked with tons of voltage of energy. You knew what was really going on. You believed in ghosts because with how much spare time you have, you tend to think over a few things.
You also knew who was killing those people. It was the doctor that shocked you and kept shocking you until you couldn’t think on your own. He died but you don’t know how. You thought it would be over but you guess he came back for more.
“Who did what to you?” Agent Smith said, taking an interest in you.
“Dean, we should go check out the other patients.” Becker whispered but you were good at hearing soft and quiet things.
“Then you go, I’m good right here. I’ll find out what she knows and then I’ll meet up with you.” Dean said, looking at his partner. Hazel eyes looked hesitant but turned around and with the aid of a guard, was let out of the room.
“Right, who did what to you, sweetheart?” The man said.
“They took me away and hurt me. Hurt me really bad. They made me like this. He made me like this. It’s all his fault. It’s all their fault.” You whispered the last sentence, thinking of your parents.
“Did you know Dr. Randall?” He asked. One mention of his name, brought back very horrifying memories.
“Please, don’t hurt me anymore.” You sobbed, already dreading this part.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to make this better for you. I’m going to fix you in no time.” Dr. Randall said, grabbing the two rods. You sobbed loudly, watching as he started the machine. The belt was placed back in your mouth and you screamed as he got closer with the rods.
One touch to your temples, you were numb with pain, the electricity going through your body in pulses.
“Know him? He made me this way.” You said, your eyes glossing over.
“Anything you can tell me about him?” He took out his little notepad but you couldn’t give away information like this. Information always came with a price.
“You gotta get me out of here.” You said desperately.
“I can’t do that.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” You asked, pleading with your eyes.
“Look, I bet you’re a sweet girl but all I’m looking for is information about this man.” He sighed, putting away his pad. He didn’t think he would be getting anything from you.
“And I’m looking for a way out. I don’t belong here.” You said, pleading with him. He sighed and nodded his head slightly before turning away.
“Thank you for your time.” He said, walking to the door.
“Wait! Please, I know more about Dr. Randall than you think. I was his favorite patient! None of these other crazy birds will remember a thing!” You said, effectively stopping him in his tracks. He turned around and walked back to you.
“Why don’t you tell me then?” He asked.
“Please, you have to understand. My parents just gave me up and they let me suffer in here. I was only depressed, but to them, that was unacceptable so they sent me here and I’ve been shocked too many times to count. You don’t know what it’s like for your parents to hate who you are so much that they just throw you out like garbage. Please, I’m all alone and I just want to leave. I was never supposed to be here.” You got tears, pleading with the man.
Dean’s eyes locked on yours, understanding what it was like to be alone. Ever since he stepped foot I this room, he didn’t think you were that dangerous. He didn’t think you had it in you to hurt anyone. Maybe you were like that before but you were different now.
“I don’t know to fix myself. They ruined me, ruined my brain to a point where I can’t even recognize myself anymore. I hate that.” You let a few tears fall and moved away from the wall, going to your bed and sat down.
“I understand what it’s like to be alone.” He said. You looked at him from the bed and got more tears.
“Then you can understand why I need to get out of here. I’ll tell you anything you want to know. Please, I’m not dangerous.” Dean didn’t know if it was because how broken you looked and sounded, or the fact that you were hot, or because of your sob story, or the fact that he saw himself in you, but he nodded.
“I’ll see what I can do.” He said. For once, in two fucking years, you had hope. For once in two fucking years, you could remember what it’s like to sleep in your own bed and decide how you want to live your life. He didn’t wait for an answer as he turned and got out of the room.
“Thank you.” You whispered, watching as the door shut behind him. You didn’t know the man or what he stood for but you knew he wasn’t lying. You could just see it on his face that he was going to help you.
For the first time in two years, you were getting out of here.
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graciepiefinale · 6 years
The minute I read the first line of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, I was hooked… Because who doesn’t want to be a demigod? Admittedly, I was introduced to Percy Jackson through the first film (starring Logan Lerman), and I fell in love there and then… Little did I know that the books would be so much more and pretty much take me into a world that I return to it almost as often as I return to Harry Potter.
As I said, I was late to party when it came to reading Percy Jackson, the entire series had been out for a while and a second movie was being made. Now fans of the books are not necessarily fans of the movies. The movies changed the storyline too much to be forgiven by the fans of the books, in fact, don’t even mention the movies to them unless you wish to be given a death stare worthy of Medusa. But I think, what has been agreed upon in the fandom, that Logan Lerman was an excellent choice to play Percy Jackson…. even if they aged the character up a bit. I actually found (through my obsessive scrolling through Pinterest) that someone had found images of Logan when he was younger and compiled them in order of the ages that Percy should have been in the films.
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Whilst the movies don’t do the books justice, the fans have answered the call. Just look up the fan art. My personal favourite (and a lot of others’ favourite as well) is an artist called Viria (follow the link to see more of her work). She has often be dubbed the unofficial official artist for the fandom, because of how well she seems to capture the characters, I have even been reduced to tears because of how perfect her work is.
Art by Viria, Percy Jackson
Where the films seemingly failed, the fans took up the call and produced some amazing art work – be it scenes from the story or just interpretations of the characters. Here are some more examples  (it is incredibly difficult to choose from the amazing art so be sure to look some others up yourself):
If we take a step back and look at the actual story and characters that Rick Riordan has produced, it is pretty easy to see why the fans are so dedicated and protective of the series. Percy Jackson really exemplifies the message that the Disney film Hercules produced: “For a true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.”
Percy’s fatal flaw, as we are constantly told, is that he is too loyal to his friends (and family). It’s his fatal flaw that we, as readers and fans, make us fall in love with him time and time again. That and his sass when he is speaking to the gods. I honestly could go on and on about Percy, but there is more to this series than the main protagonist. Because what is Percy without Annabeth or Grover or Luke? Each character that Rick introduces us to, teaches us a lesson (something I find lacking in a lot of YA/children’s novels).
Grover: a satyr. Grover introduces the readers the importance of nature, and why we need to take care of it. His journey to find Pan, and his witnessing of Pan’s death was one of the most heart-wrenching moments in the series, but its message was clear: it is not up to a god to save the earth, it is up to each and every one of us.
Luke:  a fallen hero. Talk about a redeeming character. Luke was a reminder about how bitterness can turn into something ugly if you cannot learn to get passed it. Luke almost destroyed the world because he hated his father… But it was his family (Annabeth) who brought him back to the light… He proves that a hero isn’t someone who has done great deeds, it is some who learnt from his mistakes and tried to make things right.
I had to add this, because it’s true. Sea of Monsters was not loved by the fans at all, but this moment almost made up for it
Nico: the adopted baby brother of the fandom. Nico represents the difficult task of accepting yourself. Nico is a child who is seemingly in the era. He grew up learning that being gay was wrong, something to be ashamed of. He seems to hate Percy with everything he has, but in truth he loves him so much that it hurts. He thinks people will turn away from him because of who he is, so he doesn’t let himself get close to anyone. Which is why Will Solace is so amazing, he doesn’t let Nico feel sorry for himself, he doesn’t let him lock himself again… (I know I fangirled so hard in Blood of Olympus)
Annabeth: what can I say about her that you don’t already know? She is Percy’s other half. She keeps him from making an complete idiot of himself (most of the time, it’s a difficult job okay?) Her relationship with Percy is the most cherished thing in the series (aside from Percy himself). It grows from her disliking him (seemingly) to them falling in love. They work well as a team and complete each other. It made perfect sense that the daughter of Athena and the son of Poseidon would fall in love, because of the feud between Athena and Poseidon. Their relationship helped heal the divide between the two gods. Percy learned from her, he became better because of her.
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When new characters (Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel and Frank) were introduced in Heroes of Olympus, it was difficult not to compare them to the original characters.
Jason: our new hero…. my first thought when I met Jason in The Lost Hero was he is no Percy. He is respectful, follows rules, is neat, polite and able to control his temper. But I loved him any way. He grew into himself, discovering that just because his dad was a Roman god (Jupiter) did not mean he had to conform the one set of rules. He brought together the two sides together. Maybe it was because we traveled and grew with Percy that we could never really love Jason as much. But in a way, he still under estimated the strength of the Greeks as this post from pipercyofficial.tumblr shows.
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   Leo: the humorous best friend…. I loved Leo. But again, he was no Percy. It seemed to me that Rick divided what we loved about Percy into two characters. Leo was a perfect example of how people try to hide their pain through humor. Better to appear happy than allow people into your pain.
Frank and Hazel: I’m putting these two together because I don’t really have much to say about them. Hazel was brought back from the dead and used her second chance to save the world. Frank… the nicest child of Ares/Mars…. depicts how looks can be deceiving. He possible has more power than any of the other demigods, but is the sweetest and most caring out of all of them. He is riddled with insecurities that make him endearing, but he is also proof that sometimes you can only become who you are supposed to be by accepting who you are and proving your worth to yourself.
Piper: She was my least favourite out of the new characters. Every time it was her turn to narrate, I had to suppress a scoff… It wasn’t that she wasn’t brave or intelligent or powerful… It was that the only thing that appeared to matter to her was Jason… And I just could’t get passed that… Or maybe it was that one of the first things she said about Percy (after meeting him) was that he was unimpressive compared to Jason… I was like: “Excuse me girl… You’ve known him (Percy) for what 5 minutes and you are judging him because he doesn’t look impressive? And you called Drew shallow…”
And then there are the gods… I think this is Rick’s most important lesson… You can believe in whatever higher power you want but without you, they are nothing. Gods cannot interfere with the lives of mortals but they need the mortals to believe in them to remain powerful. It makes sense that the children of gods would feel abandoned if they had no contact with their parents or their parents won’t help them no matter how many times they might ask. It shows that BELIEF is a powerful thing. Believing in yourself, in others, in higher powers.
On the subject of the Greek gods, I have to say that Poseidon is my favourite. Out of the three “big”  gods of olympus, Zeus is actually the weakest. Hades controls the legions of the dead and Poseidon controls the oceans (it helped me realise how powerful the ocean actually is). Zeus controls the winds and lightning… But he struggles to admit when he is wrong and needs help. In the Battle of Manhattan (The Last Olympian), Poseidon was the deciding factor when it came to defeating Typhon and the demigods would have been defeated had it not been for Hades’s help.
One of my favourite things about the fandom is that the fans want Percy and Annabeth to be happen… When Rick threw them into Tartarus, the fandom exploded!!!! Like “you just separated them! Made Percy forget everything except Annabeth and then they finally are reunited and you do this????? Just leave them in peace!!!!!” But when Rick releases a new book (or series) the first question is: Is Percy in it? Is Annabeth in it? How can you write a book without them?
Percy Jackson is a series that is timeless. It is well-written, easy to read and for all ages (I’m looking at you, the people who classify it as a children’s book). Rick Riordan and his fans have a wonderful relationship (if you don’t believe me check out his twitter or just look at the dedications for House of Hades and Blood of Olympus).
Maybe if we are really good, we might live to see an accurate television of movie series of the books… (*fingers crossed*)
[Repost] Look, I didn’t want to be a Demigod….. The minute I read the first line of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, I was hooked...
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cathygeha · 7 years
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ETERNAL by Cecy Robson Review and Excerpt Tour!
We are excited to celebrate the release of Cecy Robson’s ETERNAL: A Carolina Beach Novel. Follow the tour for reviews, excerpts, and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card and three runners-up will win a digital copy of book #1 in the series, INSEVERABLE.
Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and (3) Digital Copies INSEVERABLE from Cecy Robson!
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ETERNAL: A Carolina Beach Novel by Cecy Robson, tells the story of what happens when all is lost and then you find the one. Neither Luci nor Landon planned on each other, and they definitely didn’t plan on love in this New Year’s Eve, one-night stand romance. Fans of FLIRTING WITH FIRE by Kate Meader and HOT SHOT by Kristen Callihan won’t be able to put down this emotional and heartfelt read.
 Title: Eternal: A Carolina Beach Novel
Author: Cecy Robson
Release Date: October 24, 2017
Publisher: Cecy Robson, LLC
Series: Carolina Beach #2
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 366
Format: Print & Digital
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 After months of bad luck and even worse men, Luciana Diaz just wants to crawl under the covers and forget the year ever happened. Her friend has other plans, convincing Luci to attend a New Year’s Eve party on the affluent shores of Kiawah Island.
Luci never expected to have fun. She also never expected to wake up next to a man she just met, or for this man to be the new attorney at her firm.
Landon Summers is done with drama. After an ugly separation and even worse divorce, he has no desire to jump into another relationship.
When his sister Trinity drags him to a New Year’s Eve party, he doesn’t plan to stay long. One drink, a few hellos, and he’s out. Until he meets Luci, the first person in months to draw his smile and incite his passion.
Neither Luci nor Landon planned on each other, and they definitely didn’t plan on love. But the New Year means a fresh start, and eternal possibilities neither could deny…
 Add to Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2yuKS6h
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ETERNAL Excerpt #1
Copyright © 2017 Cecy Robson
Banging from the kitchen has me turning in the direction of the wall oven. The brunette shoves the tin of crab cakes into the center, shiny with the sauce she basted them with.
No sooner than she sets the timer and takes off her oven mitt than Kirk Watson arrives. “Hey, sweet thing. How about you fix me a plate?”
How about I punch you in the head, Kirk?
I glare in his direction. She’s the only non-Caucasian woman in the immediate vicinity. I’m not trying to be a dick and assume he’s racist, I’ve just known him long enough to know that’s what he is. Not to mention, she’s in a cocktail dress or whatever the fuck, not dressed in a black shirt and pants like the caterers Becca hired.
Her small chin juts slightly forward. “I’m sorry, sir,” she says. “I don’t work here, I was just helping someone out.”
Kirk is already drunk and way past horny. He leans his arm against the overhead counter and gives her the kind of once-over that should send her to the nearest shower to wash his filth clean. “Then how about I buy you a drink?”
“It’s my understanding the drinks are free,” she tells him.
He sidesteps in front of her when she tries to walk away, blocking her. “Come on, sweetie. I’m just trying to be nice.”
I don’t think things through. I storm in from the opposite side and from one blink to the next, I’m suddenly there.
The brunette takes a step back and into me, my presence startling her and making her jump. “Back off, Kirk. She’s with me.”
Maybe I shouldn’t have said what I did, but Kirk’s the type who doesn’t know when to quit unless there’s a bigger man there to make him.
Tonight, that bigger man is me. He swipes his shaved head, offering me a slick smile that turns challenging real quick. “Is that right?”
“Damn straight.” I think the brunette looks up at me, but I’m too busy looking at Kirk. Yeah, he’s drunk, and ready to take a swing. The protective side of me kicks in. I grasp my supposed damsel in distress by the elbow and gently guide her behind me.
His gaze trails to her briefly before returning to me. “I thought you were hard up.”
“Nah,” I say, not wanting to give this idiot any amount of satisfaction. “Onto bigger and better as you can see.”
“Or tinier and cuter?” he offers.
“Watch your mouth,” I fire back, knowing he’s not complimenting her, but rather trying to rile me. “Like I said, she’s with me.”
I clench my fists, causing my knuckles to crack. I don’t think he hears the crunch, not over the music and escalating clamor of voices. He does see me, though. Whatever he catches in my hardening features is enough to make him back down. Smart man, at least when it comes to a fight. He knows I can take a hit, and give one a hell of a lot harder.
He grunts and slinks away, like he did me a favor by letting me off and not the other way around. I keep him in my sights. By the time he reaches the door leading out to the foyer, he perks up, likely having spotted the next woman he’ll approach.
I wait until he disappears into the next room before turning back to the brunette. “Ma’am,” I say, tilting my chin.
I mean to step away and back in the direction of my beer. One drink and out, right? Sounded good in theory except the moment I shift my weight to walk away, her smile holds me in place.
It’s not the kind of smile that promises anything close to what the bartender offered, nor is it teasing and daring like the half-dozen cheerleaders Becca introduced me to flashed. It simply is, fragile like the first snowflakes that fall in winter, and shy like a young woman at her first dance, hoping no one notices she’s not dressed like the rest.
I like what she’s wearing. She looks nice to look nice, not to impress or show off. And someone as pretty as her, well, she doesn’t need to be so shy.
Her lips are glazed in a soft pink like her dress, not overly done, just enough to give them a shine and glisten her light eyes. “Thank you,” she says, quietly. “For helping me out.”
“You’re welcome.”
I take a step in the direction of the bar, eyeing my beer like it’s waiting for me to return. But the step feels unusually heavy and I think my friend the beer can wait.
I turn slowly and offer this little thing with the pretty eyes and the soft smile my hand. It shouldn’t seem like such a big deal or much of an effort, but it’s a little of each. Maybe for both of us. “I’m Landon.”
She takes my hand. I watch it as it disappears within my grasp.
“Hi, Landon,” she replies quietly. “I’m Luci.”
 ETERNAL Excerpt #2
Copyright © 2017 Cecy Robson
 That smile that faded in Blythe’s presence returns. I ease my way out of the bathroom and return to the kitchen, but Landon is gone. So is my purse and our drinks.
My heart falls to my belly, only for it to quicken when a hand presses tenderly against the small of my back. “Are you hungry?” Landon asks. He motions to the corner where a set of heavy curtains sway in the breeze. “I figured with all that we’re drinking, we should get something to eat.”
“That would be lovely,” I say, realizing how much I mean it.
He passes me my clutch and leads me forward, a server slips out from behind a curtain with an empty tray, nodding Landon’s way. As he passes, Landon slips something into his palm. “Thank you, sir,” the young man tells him.
Landon smiles when I look up at him. “After you,” he says.
He parts the curtain, allowing me into a small terrace surrounded by tall glass dividers that repels the wind and allows a magnificent view of the ocean. There’s not much room, the space only large enough for a rectangular fire pit radiating with turquoise glass and a small table with two chairs. To our right people laugh from a larger more open terrace a level down. They can’t see us well, and I don’t really care to see them.
Our beers are placed beside two empty plates, along with two unopened bottles of water. At the center, there’s a large plate filled with food. “Becca likes to eat breakfast out here when she’s home. But she’s not using it and I didn’t want to waste the view.”
“It’s amazing,” I say, taking in the splendor.
I didn’t expect to see the ocean this far into the shore, especially at night. But with moon as bright and as low as it is, its light spills across the waves, illuminating the water and casting a glow along the sand.
Landon pulls out my chair. “I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I asked the staff to bring a little of everything.” He pauses. “You’re not one of those crazy vegans are you?” I laugh. “If you are, I can ask them for some of that crazy vegan food you people like to eat.”
“My people like everything,” I assure him, watching him take a seat in front of me.
“Good,” he says. “So do good ol’ Southern boys.”
We spend an outrageous amount of time talking, and even more simply gazing at each other, smiling softly when the words don’t quite come, and laughing when they finally do.
It’s only when Rihanna’s Love on the Brain begins to play that Landon tears his attention away from me and back in the direction of the party. “Don’t you hate it when everyone is dancing, and you have no one to dance with?” he asks.
I glance down, playing with the fabric of my skirt. “I think it’s worse when the wrong person asks you, and you’ve been waiting for the right one.”
“Oh, yeah?” He grins when I nod. “I suppose I should ask you, before the wrong person gets his chance.”
He doesn’t really ask. He doesn’t need to. I place my hand in his when he opens his palm.
He pulls me up and into him, wrapping his arms securely around my waist as mine circle his neck. He smiles as he looks down and meets my eyes. I return it, losing myself in his stare.
We move to the beat as if we’ve danced a hundred times, despite what I’m feeling is a slew of firsts.
The first time his hard body presses against mine.
The first whisper of his breath against my skin.
The first touch that has no inkling of innocence.
And the first stroke of desire.
His hands slide to my hips as the bass pounds deeper, craving more. “It’s almost midnight,” he rasps against my bare shoulder.
I shudder as his lips graze over my skin, not quite touching, trailing lightly just enough to tease. “Almost,” I agree.
The allure in his voice robs me of air. “I didn’t plan on having anyone to kiss.”
I almost reply, but the way Landon’s mouth hovers over the sweep of my neck keeps me silent, as does the way he draws an invisible line to my ear with his lips.
My heart thuds mercilessly as I wait for his next words.  
“But I guess I didn’t plan on you either,” he murmurs, each word softly tortured.
His mouth feathers over mine as the song ends and the countdown to New Year’s begins, opening and closing tentatively, giving me a chance to pull away.
I don’t. I can’t. Not with how good he feels and not with the way his body curls protectively around me.
Urgent voices and anxious steps echo from inside as people rush to find partners to kiss as the countdown reaches ten.
Landon and I aren’t waiting. His tongue dives deep, prodding me possessively and taking me deep.
He grips my hips tighter, pulling me closer, turning the sweet, tentative kiss passionate and daring.
I’m no longer simply kissing him, I’m moaning.
And I’m not alone.
A rumble builds in his throat, ending in a long, dragged out groan.
My body trembles with need, responding and following the rough caress of his palms along my spine.
The clock strikes twelve, people are cheering, bottles of champagne are exploding, and the ocean waves crash harder against the shore. I barely hear them. I only see Landon as he pulls away, his breaths labored like mine, his intensity welding me in place.
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  About Cecy Robson
CECY ROBSON is an author of contemporary romance, young adult adventure, and award-winning urban fantasy. A double RITA® 2016 finalist for Once Pure and Once Kissed, and a published author of more than eighteen titles, you can typically find her on her laptop writing her stories or stumbling blindly in search of caffeine.
Follow Cecy:  Website | Twitter | Facebook |Newsletter 
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mariamorisot · 7 years
Love is Technology is Death, Chapter 1
New Post has been published on http://pleasetouch.me/2017/05/08/love-is-technology-is-death-chapter-1/
Love is Technology is Death, Chapter 1
    1. Tram
I walk down the staircase without any clothes on. Descending deep into the unconsciousness of my self. The whole self. And at the height of my shame, my feet stand on bare earth, and I cannot be shaken. Here is a tragedy of self, discussed by principle and emboldened with the categorical transcriptions of a modern night fly; a lightning bug. Neon in the cold black air. A cool breeze. I blink and wash away the corners of the night. Back to writing, away from distractions. Close your mouth and open your mind and set the symbols free on paper. That is what you do best, I tell myself. But it isn’t enough. It isn’t lately. In fact it’s been months since I had a good write, penning down thoughts like water flowing, cascading across the page; text falling into place as if to exclude all other portions of my slowly burning sanity. No, it isn’t like that at all. I am struggling to make ends meet, poetically speaking. Poetically. Yes, that’s what it all comes down to. Are my lips beautiful enough to spout out the mathematics of a science evolved slowly into perfection since the beginning of the written word? My lips. I look in the mirror. Black lipstick,  no smile. No frown, either. But no smile. Oh god, I think, one more poem, that’s all I need to write for now. And I push aside all thoughts of a writer’s inhibitions.
To see        the sun burn        my eyes
Holy sea an eternity of musical birthing of our new philosophy
        Seven         heads         and ten         horns
        From         which         sprang
        Eternal         bliss, un-         complicated         actualization         of accidental         biological         circumscription
        A murder of crows         heavy on the winds         of our imaginations
Nothing changes in this freeze-dried echo chamber of a mind. The thoughts of yesterday pierce the silence and leave me questioning, is this all there is? Mnemonic consultation drives me deeper into regression and a corrupted disk of self-reflective data. What is important? Here and now. What drives the heart and the head into motion and makes me want to drop everything to look into your eyes again? One more moment and it is gone. Pools of collected discarded gigabytes, unclaimed information, this is love. For me, love is a string of numbers too long to comprehend. DNA or maps of complex circuitry, pistol shots in the dark, at 4 a.m. just outside my filthy little apartment complex. I draw breath still, and that is enough. I got a letter today. They want to publish me. It’s just a small press; they are not going to pay me anything but they’ll circulate my work. It’s a strange derivative; coming into this vector field all alone, screaming at the integrals, hoping God will save me. Every concrete mathematical observation set ironically in stone. So, now I have to send them a bio and a photograph of me. But I won’t. I’ll send them Kate’s. She’s prettier than me. I don’t know why but this time is different. There feels to be a lot at stake. I better make it perfect. I have been a woman, I have been a man, I have been black, I’ve been beautiful and ugly all at once. Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern. I come in all shapes and sizes. And all the bodies in between. Sometimes I get confused about who I really am. Christian, Muslim, Atheist; Jew. None of it really matters. What matters is the text, the writing. If I can write, and they can comprehend, or even if they can’t; it’s all been done with purpose and with soulful perturbation. I cried the other day; I suppose that’s why I write, to cleanse myself of dead bodies. Dead bobbing bodies, sucking me down into the mire. Yes, that’s where I always end up, writing or not. Damn this keyboard. Damn this monitor. I need a distraction from the body of my son. I need to see beyond what’s been pulling me lately into the depths of a sub-real alchemy.
‘’Had you,,    &    I sought out        scientific truths        as    consequential rain        as    synthetic glue        &    gossamer reconstructive, preconceived dismissal     without dignity     the science of     letting things     ‘’precipitate,, danger & wanton    glass shards of hurt        in    parallel with        &    in addition to the silhouette which spans the seas
Numb. That’s what I become between short and quickened breaths as ink pours prophetically onto a blank slate. No, not ink. Nor a slate, but the infinitely turning digital pages in my notebook. Abiword to be more precise. Did you know ‘Abiword ‘is not in Abiword’s own dictionary? It feels odd having to add it. I’ve been asleep since writing Code is Poetry. I don’t keep track of dreams anymore; they just drive me mad in the first place. I used to have recurring dreams about God, about angels, about … her. Her. Now I try not to care, not to imagine that there’s this separate world behind the scenes or that there are such things as angels & demons. God is a facade. A sham. A hat trick. That’s what I tell myself, at least, in order to stay sane. A deep breath. Love is Technology is Death. My memoir mixed with anecdotes & apocrypha, my fictitious self-biography scratched into a digital book, my emotional stain. And you can see where the blood pooled. Her, her, & hers. Back to writing, I think, there are many ways to skin a cat. Where to begin, and where to– There’s a disruption at my front door, but I don’t answer. Not at first. But the knocking is persistent, so I open. “Ciao,” her face to my face for the first time in ages. Ciao. Renata lays down some of her paintings on the sofa and turns around to greet me. Yes, I was a visual artist in a past life, and yes I still do works occasionally, mostly these collaborative ones. I take a glance at what she has brought me. “They look nice,” I say. Maybe I will use something for the cover of my next book. I smile. And we kiss.
A bird; a poet, I should have seen it from the beginning; she can fly, soar but they will put her down; in chains. Nobody        wants to see her drowning in the dirty depths; but here we are; dashing through the snow without a sleigh bell jingling. You’d have thought I’d placed a plastic bag over my head and recited every word in its abundance    taking to heart the    necessities of my        imagination
My job duties include peppering the ham until it is to taste, silently and assuredly scraping bones against flesh against key presses, and maintaining some semblance of order to our WordPress installation. I miss Rome. Seven more days, that’s all. Or is it weeks? Months? God it feels like an eternity. But I hate traveling. It’s not the long trip waiting in my seat for eight or nine hours while time slowly ticks away. No, it’s security. It’s crowds of people weaving in and out of my private space. But mostly it’s the anxiety of getting to my assigned gate on time, of the possibility of losing my bags, of her not being there on time to pick me up. I can barely remember the first time there, it’s been so many times now. The traffic. Yes, that’s what stood out the most. Nobody stays in their lane there. They weave in and out or drive right smack in the middle of the road. It is chaos. And I love it. I love watching all the cars organically moving in and out like water molecules, fighting for a chance to escape their bottle. But there is no exit from this container, just a never ending series of trips back and forth, place to place.
Benediction    chamber of circular    saw reactionary plea
Felt    like    iron tentacles;    marmalade polarization fields, aperture grooves.
Fat like scientific journals, I melt the door like wax;
But the door    is shut.
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