#short king in heart
pandagirl45 · 4 months
Steve: *turned back to pre serum body again* rhodey!
Rhodey: again? *looks worried*
Steve: don't worry, just *lifts his arms up* I would like to he inside your shirt please
Rhodey: *huffs fondly putting steve inside his sweater* at ease private
Steve: *laying against his chest* yes colonel♡
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
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ronkoza · 1 year
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Love fans assumption that Panam is taller than V, like she’s 180cm tall and V is 165cm, which is great because Vesna is 163cm tall.
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I love one man/overlord of hell/depressed cringefail dad
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denndrawings · 2 years
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Poet & King
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starflungwaddledee · 9 months
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wanted to do a "year" in review, though actually i only joined tumblr in october! so instead i just did twelve pieces i'm proud of, in roughly chronological order!
can't believe it's been three months? feels both longer and shorter at the same time! thank you so much for having me, i'm looking forward to creating more art and interacting more with this wonderful community in the new year!
ps. for fun: if you remember what art piece you found me through, or your favourite of mine, i'd love to know in the comments!!
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buckevantommy · 4 months
chimney being the one to confront gerrard after he makes the slur at tommy bc chim is closer like he doesn't hesitate to bring that fucker down a peg
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grapecaseschoices · 12 days
so i'm leaning toward briala-celene [ugh] or public truce*. but i wanted to know ...
*I've been reading posts/articles that state that public truce isn't best long run ... but it isn't like the inquisitor would KNOW that.
#dai spoilers#for my mooties that wanna play but havent yet#dragon age#grapecase plays dai#wicked eyes and wicked hearts#aka wicked headache and wicked annoyance#grapecase polls#dai poll#grapecase complains#lmao#i feel these posts dont give briala enough credit#unless im missing something#idk that working with gaspard would long run [or even short term] be better for her and the elves than working for/with celene#[i feel it would be with but a lot of people seem to believe it will be for]#yes celene is dismissive when you show her the [REDACTED] but she KEPT it#the dismissiveness matters sure - bc the type of masks matter - but the fact that she secured it matters as much if not more#and what celene did was heinous but let's not act like gaspard wouldnt be as bad if not worse#i feel briala would be smart with both [but with celene i feel she wouldnt let sentimentaility get her as much as people think she would]#and off chance she did - doubting it - her people would be smarter. i feel they'd be on higher alert with celene#now it is a matter of what power they could milk#and okay i do think immediately she could probably twist gaspard's arms harder bc of the blackmail and celene is still worried of coming of#too soft maybe?#but i think celene is smarter - or should be at keepiing balances. like she owes briala more than a debt. and i can see briala carefully mi#king that. i can see both of them slowly building things right under the nobles noses#idk maybe im being idealistic#i do think celene would try and do better in general and for the elves alone#but idk i nee dto finish to play and see#im mostly measuring this off vibes
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nekohime19 · 5 months
Mini Mac #2 : How to lure the feral lil guy living in your walls a guide by Sun Wukong
Damn, I need to study for my exams but mini Mac is in my head, 😔
Sun Wukong has always been quite the odd ball. He was the type of person to follow his own rules, and sometimes expected people to understand those rules without truly revealing them in the first place. Azure Lion has often been troubled by the lil monkey nature. He was a merry lad one day, laughing at anything coming his way without truly minding them, and he was short-tempered another, fighting anyone daring enough to call him small (everyone in the brotherhood learned at their own risks what would happen if they ever mentioned their merry monkey size). It wasn't weird for the golden monkey to be doing something incomprehensible for the others, he spent the last week fighting with every inch of his life against a common pest for heaven sake, but he seemed particularly weird tonight.
Now, Sun Wukong was a lot of things but he was never quiet. No matter in which mood the brotherhood finds their littlest brother, he would always be loud about it. If he was in a foul mood he would complain about it until everyone's ears started bleeding (last week had been particularly hellish). If he was feeling joyous, he would shout praise and raise his glass of wine (the ones sitting around him knew to scout away everytime he was rowdy, drops of wine always flew beside him). He was an expressive lad, unable to keep his feelings for himself, perhaps because his emotions were too big for him alone.
As such it was quite surprising to see him so meek tonight. He was quietly staring at the night sky, absently swaying his glass of wine, head in his left hand, sighing now and then. Azure Lion shared a glance with Yellow Tusk, the elephant looked lost as well despite usually being the one able to discern their rowdy monkey’s feelings. Bull King seemed quite shocked himself, and perhaps a bit disappointed, Azure knew their biggest brother, contrary to many others, enjoyed when Sun Wukong was in a fighting spirit. Peng looked ready to spill what was in everyone's mind, as they usually did when no one dared to confront the Monkey King. Azure decided to intervene before they could, this seemed to be a delicate matter, not something someone as direct (for lack of a better word) as Peng could handle.
“Brother, is everything alright? Did you defeat the pest hiding in your home?” Asked Azure, hoping the mention of the pest would ignite the sage fighting spirit. However, contrary to what he thought, Sun Wukong slumped in defeat, letting his head fall against the table. The brotherhood shared a common worried glance when they heard Sun Wukong whine. It wasn't unusual for the sage to whine, but he never whined that way, so small and defeated. Azure worried for a second that the King may cry, something unheard and unseen till now.
“He's gone!” Whined the sage, almost as if he was some grieving maiden talking about her long lost husband.
“The pest?” Tried to clarify Azure, Bull King leaned over Peng and mumbled :
“Isn't this a good thing?”
“Don't ask me. I don't know what this madman is talking about half of the time.” Quietly scoffed the bird.
“You don't understand! It's been two days and I haven't caught a sign of him!” Wailed the golden monkey, he narrowed his gaze at his glass, as if it personally offended him for simply existing, and downed it.
“So you chased away the pest, and now you're sad about it?” Asked Azure with a raised eyebrow, this was getting weirder than usual, even for Sun Wukong.
“I don't know what to do to make him come back…” Mumbled the sage, cheeks flushed by the wine.
“Well…usually they like food. You said they stole some of your peaches, maybe try to lure them with that.” Proposed Yellow Task, trying to soothe the Monkey rather than understand the ways of his mind.
“That's right!” Laughed the golden monkey, he rose, so suddenly that his knee hit the table and spilled some of the wine. “Why didn't I think of food!!” Sun Wukong smiled at them and ran away with a skip in his step, almost tripping on some roots along the way.
“Well, at least we helped him.” Sighed Azure as he downed his own glass.
“One day he hates the pest, another he wants it back. Tomorrow he's gonna tell us he fell in love with it or something.” Snorted Peng with crossed arms, they all laughed at the absurdity of their comment, because surely Sun Wukong wasn't this insane.
Was he ?
Sun Wukong had never been the type to dwell on something, he usually forgot what bothered him after a few days. Yet he couldn't forget the face of the lil macaque even if he wanted to. It's been two days since he used the magical device his brothers gave him, two days since he discovered that a lil monkey lived in the walls of his mansion, two days since he was haunted by the face of the lil guy.
Sun Wukong searched everywhere in his mansion, he discovered a fancy new room almost each hour, but no trace of the gorgeous lil guy. He almost gave up when he noticed no peaches were stolen since the day he discovered the macaque's existence. Maybe the lil guy was afraid of him? He tried to appear less threatening and cooed at the holes in his walls with what he hoped was a reassuring voice (a few of his lil suns watched him with tilted heads and tried to imitate him but he shooed them away, not wanting to overwhelm the lil guy in his walls) but the macaque didn't even show the tip of his snout.
Yellow Tusk advice revived his vigor, an offering was a sign of good-will wasn't it ? Maybe he should let the lil guy take a step in his direction instead of ransacking his own house in the hope of getting at least one sight of him. The sage took one of his freshest peaches and cut it into tiny pieces with the tip of his claws, he then put the pieces in a large leaf and laid it in the middle of the living room. Sun Wukong hid behind his couch (or at least the wooden bench veiled by pillows he called a couch) and peeked over it, towards the leaf.
He stayed there for a good while, perfectly still, except for his wagging tail. This time he didn’t fall asleep, not wanting to miss anything. Something finally moved at dawn, a shadow slipping in the dark, almost unnoticeable in the house obscurity. Sun Wukong watched, entranced, as the lil guy's head got out of the leaf’s shadow. He narrowed his eyes at the pieces, sniffing the air suspiciously. The sage silenced the coos tickling his lips and looked quietly. The macaque left the shadow, the dawn's luster gliding on his fur. He carefully walked towards the leaf and leaned towards the peach pieces, he took one in his lil hands (the pieces the size of his palm) and brought it to his snout. He bit it after assuring everything was alright and sat before the leaf, munching on his piece with a swaying tail.
Sun Wukong thought this was the most adorable thing he ever saw, he accidently let a quiet purr stumble out of his lips. The macaque straightened, ears erect, the piece clutched in his arms, as if he was afraid someone would take it away.
“It's alright!” Shouted the King, he jumped on his feet and tried to appear as non-threatening as possible. “I just want to be friends.”
The lil macaque stopped hissing for a few seconds, his eyes went towards the peach pieces then towards the sage in a silent question.
“Yeah! It's for you!” Beamed the King, overjoyed he was making some progress with his roommate. Sun Wukong tried to take a step closer but the lil macaque immediately hissed, crouching on all-four. Panicking, the sage took a step back and the lil guy calmed down. “Okay, boundaries, got it.”
Sun Wukong silently watched as the lil guy ate some peach pieces, and stuffed others in his makeshift sling. He couldn't help but wonder how the other voice would sound, what his name was, if he even had one. Unable to keep his thoughts for himself, Sun Wukong opened his mouth and began to ramble.
“My name's Sun Wukong by the way. But I'm sure you already know it, I'm the Monkey King! You have a name?”
The macaque turned towards him and eyed him up and down, as if accessing whether he posed any threats or not.
“Macaque.” was the only thing the lil guy deigned to say, however it was enough for the sage to beam with unadulterated joy. His voice was nice, a bit squeaky, perhaps because of the size difference, but nice nevertheless.
“Macaque, that's your name?” Excitedly asked the King, voice rising with his excitement.
“You're loud.” Groaned Macaque, his lil ears folded on themselves.
“O-oh right, sorry.” Sheepishly apologized the King, one hand rubbing his neck. Macaque eyed him for a bit before muttering about “weird giant” and dipping in a flurry of shadows, disappearing from the room. “I guess I'll see you later.” Mumbled the sage in slight disappointment.
At least he had a name now! He told himself as he enjoyed how the name sounded on his lips.
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mintygreencake · 5 months
Charlie after being found by Alphonse behind those tires
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ex-textura · 11 months
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short sweaty gale. you agree
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dear-mrs-otome · 3 months
It's easy for the brain to go 'ooh Dalmatian!' when we hear black and white spotted dog...but may I present an alternative mental image for Dog!Jude? Behold the Staffy/Pittie.
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Very commonly spotted in color! Origins in England, scrappy, tough, street-dog image, originally bred for bloodsport, can/will throw hands if needed...but possessing a poorly concealed teddy-bear heart under all that bravado 🥺 They truly lovers not fighters.
Please enjoy one more old-timey photo before I rest my case.
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samfangalore · 16 days
Real quick I’m going to need everyone currently writing Wolverine fanfics to please watch One Man’s Worth pt1 and pt2 from the 1992 Uncanny X-Men Animated Series ok just seeing how Logan acts while married to Storm is so freaking cute
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athena-xiii · 1 year
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Edward Elric my beloved. What a guy
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laismoura-art · 10 months
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Respectively 🩷💙💛
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tanjir0se · 4 months
my fiance pointed out that like more than half of time we've seen Obanai so far he's been up somewhere. In a tree, up on a rock, now most recently on the roof for no reason before swinging down to talk to sanemi...
HE LIKES TO BE TALL!! My short king of short kings
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