#short hair eddie and a s2 steve
ahhrenata · 1 year
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a little something I made for @thefreakandthehair’s Spicy Six Spring Fanworks Challenge! Lex, thank you for hosting 💕 my prompt was Clouds :)
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aomaoe · 2 years
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ill pop the wip on tumblr too 😳 but anyway im still constantly thinking about paradise by the dashboard light by @metaldeads so i had to draw for it again. this time a guilty indulgence of eddie gently caressing the inflamed scars on steves face where it splits open.
pls dont look too close this is a pretty rough sketch but i was really happy with how it was turning out i wanted to share :)
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thisapplepielife · 21 days
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Written for the @steddiemicrofic August challenge.
Embarrassing For You
August Prompt: Plug | Word Count: 437 | Rating: T | CW: Language, Voyeurism | Tags: Pre-Steddie, Set During S2, Slice of Life, Sports Practice, Bisexual Eddie Munson, And He's Being a Little Weird, Because He is a Little Weird
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Eddie is leaning against the metal slats underneath the bleachers, as he watches the boy's basketball team getting ready for outdoor strength training. They only do it once a week, and Eddie has quickly learned that it's his favorite day of the week. 
The cheerleaders are practicing on the track, skirts flying over their heads, their spankies and long legs on glorious display. And to the right, the guys are on the field doing different drills for strength and agility.
It's a bisexual boy's dream come true. His dirty little secret. With so many pretty places to look, and so little time to do it.
"You're ridiculous," Gareth says from behind him, and Eddie glances in his direction from where they're hidden under the bleachers, overlooking the football field and track.
"Sssh!" Eddie hisses, yanking Gareth closer to him by the collar of his vest.
"This is embarrassing for you," Gareth says, and yeah, sure. This is a little embarrassing. But whatever. He can spectate sports in secret once a week from beneath the bleachers, thank you very much.
Gareth cannot, and will not, take this away from him.
"Just look," Eddie says, leaning closer to the holes in the bleachers so he can watch the athletes warming up on the field. 
Gareth leans next to him, and looks, "I say again. This is embarrassing for you."
Eddie ignores him.
A blonde cheerleader does a bunch of back handsprings, legs and ass showing, and Eddie likes that, he does, but right now he's really got eyes for Steve Harrington.
Shirtless, all that tan skin, with a heavy sheen of sweat as the sun beats down on him as he works hard, pulling all that weight behind him.
"Look at him. Just plugging along," Eddie says under his breath, watching Steve drag a heavy bag across the grass. Biceps bulging. Cut thighs. Those thighs, rippling under his little shorts. "The little engine that could. Chugga-chugga, choo-choo."
And before Gareth can say anything, they're interrupted by a laugh from above.
Oh fuck. 
Oh shit.
Eddie backs up. He didn't say Steve's name out loud did he? He rewinds all his color commentary through his head, and he doesn't think he did. Maybe this can be played off. 
But then a head's looking at them, upside down, hair hanging loose.
Robin Buckley. From band. 
Well, that's equal parts terrible and probably fine. He's pretty sure she's playing on the same team he is, and why's she here, if not for watching the cheerleaders? Birds of a feather.
"You're a dingus," she says.
And yeah, okay. Fair. She's got him there.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddiemicrofic and follow along with the fun! ❤️
Notes: Will Future!Robin tell Future!Steve, what she heard this day, maybe while sitting next to an RV in 1986, while making Molotov cocktails? Who's to say? (Me, and I say yes, lol.)
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Post S2 Steve Harrington after the breakup and onwards with long hair. And I don't mean long enough to pull into a tiny ponytail at the nape of his neck with strands falling out. I mean long, healthy and voluminous, hell, maybe long enough to be braided. To the point that several times when he had his back turned, several flirty men thought he was a girl when he worked at Scoops in those slutty sailor shorts that show off his toned arse and those knee-high socks.
These men include Eddie who walked in for ice cream and walked out feral with fuel for many wet dreams to follow that moment and the strengthening of a long-time crush.
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withacapitalp · 2 years
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Hi Liam! I don't feel like doing work so close to the holidays, so please enjoy this half-baked thought I wasted 10 minutes finding a gif for.
So many fics have Eddie wearing Steve's Yellow Sweater™, yet nothing with dressing him up like S1 Assistant Youth Pastor Steve. Please use the space below for a prompt or a rant or anything else you fancy ...
Oh no you don't even know what you've done here. Okay costuming is one of my all time favorite things, so I'm going to talk too much about subtle stuff (fair warning this is just me having fun so if it's at all inaccurate or not true, well I'm just a guy who likes a show too much LMAO)
Okay so let's start with season one. Steve dresses exactly liek you said like an assistant youth pastor lmao but it's also just like very showing of who he's trying to be there
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First of all his hair is way more stylized in this season than any other. We talk about Steve's hair so much, but here in this season it's so obvious that he's trying to be someone specific instead of just who he is. He's also always wearing a collared shirt and a very dark jacket, and the costumers have said that they use darker colors for darker moments/feelings, so he's wearing this exact jacket when he destroys Jonathan's camera AND when he and Jonathan have their fight
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Really the first time we see him without his collar or his dark feelings jacket is when he goes to save Nancy and Jonathan
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He's laying himself more bare and he's let go of the chain jerking him around (his terrible friends and their opinions.
Okay so season two is also really interesting one because Steve's hair is parted the other way now (literally changing sides), but specifically because of Steve's jacket. Yes I know I talked about the jacket being a signifier of Steve's darkness before, but in this season it's different
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This is right after the bathroom conversation between him and Nancy. This is him trying to convince her to stay with him, and feeling rejected, and not understanding how he can fix something he didn't even realize was broken. His jacket is zippered up
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But when he's walking with Dustin, it's back to being open. Okay I can hear you saying to yourself 'Liam this is a wild leap to take' except is it??? Bc it isn't and I can tell you why
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HIS JACKET IS ZIPPED UP WHEN THEY START THIS WALK. But as they keep walking he opens up to Dustin and the kids. His jacket stays open for the rest of the season, even when it's the middle of the night and probably way colder and it would make a lot more sense for him to zip up his jacket? Is this actually a thing that matters? No probably not to anyone else but I like symbolism and I search it out like a little squirrel looking for nuts to store for winter
Also here is where I mention something important. Steve is a social chameleon. He's learned/was taught that the best way to get people to like him is to be like them. That's why he was so easily ranked in with the popular kids, even when it's clear that he didn't really like it all that much given how fast he flips. He also dresses a lot like Tommy in S1, and then in S2 we see him start to develop his own style once he's broken up with Nancy. But even in developing that own style, he's still a social chameleon. He's still going to try and look like the people he wants to have in his circle
Which brings me to the very first sweater we ever see Steve in
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LOOK AT THAT COLOR AND LOOK AT THE COLOR OF DUSTINS HOODIE ABOVE Same exact color!!! Now I'm not saying this is anyyyyything conscious. Steve isn't looking at his closet and being like yes I will choose this because Dustin wore this color and I know he likes it, but I am saying we have literally never seen Steve in any shade of red before this moment.
Now season three. I know he was in his Scoops Ahoy Uniform for most of it (thank the gods for those shorts) so I'm not gonna talk too much about that but I am going to talk about that last final outfit as another example of chameleon Steve
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This is actually a two fold example of Chameleon Steve. First of all he's dressed pretty much just like Marty McFly the character from Back to the Future which is the movie he and Robin ran into after the Russians. Second of all he's matching her too. Dark blue, Dark blue, White accents, White Accents. Just like Dustin he chooses colors that are similar to the people he likes. We're also once again seeing him start to open up color wise (first time we see him in yellow).
Now Season four. Well Season four we see him getting stripped bare (quite literally) for a good portion of the season. Obviously we have the battle vest and I love that, but I want to talk about Steve's jacket again and one particular outfit that I think sums up growth for Steve in a lot of ways while also showing some other stuff
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His Dear Billy outfit.
This outfit is incredibly similar to the one he wore back in s2 when he first protected all of the kids. Light grey outer jacket, inside darker shirt, but he's wearing a collar again. TLDR he's back to trying to button up, back to something familiar that will 'keep him safe', but also a jacket and a color that he would associate with 'protecting the kids'
Anyway that was a very very long talk, but Steve's progression of outfits and the way he dresses himself is very interesting to me, and like I said if there's even a hint of symbolism I'm there
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robthegoodfellow · 2 years
✨Side blog: Check out @feedthefandomfest for all your comment bingo needs✨
A Little Death Do Us Part (demon!Billy AU) - 70k - Steve’s attempt to bring Billy back from the dead royally backfires, saddling him with an irate lust demon and a mystery that spans centuries. Angst galore, enough smut to feed a demon, surprising degree of fluff.
For My Baby, For My Man (roommate future fic) - 26k - Steve notices something about Billy and decides to... test a theory. The results are mind-melting. Harringrovekinktober prompt fic. Pure smut and fluff.
¿Por qué no los dos? (90s future fic) - 18k - Billy's a go-go dancer allergic to rom-com scenarios. Steve and Eddie are a pair of hopeless romantics, each harboring a major crush on a certain blond bombshell. Harringroveson (aro Billy)
now with holiday sequel series: ¿Por qué no Halloween?
That’s All Folks! (s4 fix-it?) - 32k - Eddie wakes up in the Upside-Down and is promptly ushered into Billy Hargrove's manhole. Mungroveweek prompt fic. Answers the perennial question: what if Billy had the powers of Bugs Bunny?
Sideways (s2 re-write) - 46k - Billy and Max agree to ceasefire right in time for him to help bail them out at the junkyard, and then things devolve from there. Billy is semi-unwillingly adopted by Eddie Munson. Harringrove. Opposite of a slow burn.
Upside-Down (s3 re-write) - WIP - Switches between Billy’s experience being flayed and the preceding months. Features Billy bonding with Robin over erotica, with Patrick over basketball, and with Jason over—jk, they hate each other’s guts. Steve and Billy try to figure their shit out. (just Steve-related snips: 1, 2, 3 — just Robin-related snips: 1, 2 — just Patrick-related snips: 1, 2, 3)
Only One Bed (wtf who knows) - Summer after graduation. Eddie and Billy are roommates and friends with all the benefits. But Eddie’s a bit head over heels for Chrissy, and Billy loves HATES Harrington. Endgame Harringrovesoningham.
Vampire Records (Mungrove Creature AU) - Lunch break fic. Billy is a siren and lead singer of a rock band. When he has to take a vocal break, Billy decides to spend time with his foster sister Max, a phoenix approaching the end of her first life cycle. His first night there, a chance encounter with a vampire sets him on a path he never expected... but what else is new. Also on AO3
ONE SHOTS & FICLETS (blanket tw for reference to alcoholism and abuse)
I’m Glad My Dad Died (no Neil, no Upside-Down) - 2k - Billy moves to Hawkins in sixth grade. His crush on a certain guitarist follows him all the way to high school. Mungrove fluff.
Drummer Boy (drummer!Billy) - 5k - Billy is born with a beat. Billy loses the beat. Billy gets his beat back. Harringrove. Angsty sweet.
The Eye (short kidfic) - 3.3k - Steve and Billy as middle-aged married couple with their adopted kids at a concert. Billy now has Kiefer Sutherland energy, and Steve has the hair of Trent Crimm. (set in Spin Me Right Round verse)
Admit Two (no upside-down/post-high school) - 4k - Heather and Chrissy are tasked with judging who is the better date: Steve or Billy? Double date shenanigans ensue. Harringrove. Background Cunningway.
Näcken in Loch Nora (or on AO3) — Why Billy Loves Dangly Earrings — Harringrove Serial Killer AU (read tw/tags) — Billy the Octopus — Why Billy Loves and Hates and Loves His Mom (expanded on AO3) — Billy’s Curls — Steve’s Childhood: Equal Parts Privilege & Neglect — Billy the Concussed Bookworm (expanded on AO3) — Patrick’s Sneaker Obsession — Now I (first attempt at Mungrove!!)
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ur-fav-alien · 2 years
With s4 Harringrove, the group all finds out in different ways.
Max finds out first, between s2 + 3 when Billy + her become closer and she finds out that Billy + Steve used to date. She finds out they're dating again when she almost walks in on them, it all cool tho. El finds out next kinda due to Max and also kinda due to the fact that Steve + Billy can't keep it in their pants but- She just sees them being all cute with each other and looks over to Max and is like "that's allowed?" And Max is like "yeah." So El asks if they could act like that and Max short circuts.
Then in s3, Robin finds out during that bathroom scene. When Steve says that he's found someone better he goes on this huge rant about this girl whose super strong and has blonde curls and omg he has such pretty hair and Robin's like "he!?" But it's okay cuz they're both gay... duh.
The way that Joyce, Will, and Johnathan find out is after they move to California w/ El. El knows not to tell people about Billy and Steve, but Max had said that bad people would after them. And her family were not bad people. So while they're walking about their new home El sees these two dudes holding hands and being a little close with each other. El points them out and says "oh yeah, Steve and Billy do that" and Joyce, Johnathan, and (espically) Will short circut. Only for El to respond with "what? Me and Max have done that too."
Nancy finds out in s4 when she's patching up Steve. He's hurt and doesn't really know what he's saying but he makes a joke like "Billy would throw a fit if he found out you were this close to me." Nancy's confused because why would Billy throw a fit, that doesn't make a sense, and then she starts putting everything together. Steve's been by Billy's side since this whole thing started. When she wanted to bring Steve to the library Billy reminded Steve that he was the babysitter, when she asked Steve to join them to visit Victor Creel he said he couldn't leave Billy with the kids, when Billy snapped at her like 20 minutes ago because he either went with Steve or neither of them went.
"Oh." She says quietly and Steve responds the same. Steve kinda starts panicking because he just realized what he said and he understand that both her parents voted for Regan and jesus christ if that wasn't an indicator of homophobia then- but Nancy calms him down, saying that she doesn't care as long as he's happy. "And Billy Hargrove makes you happy?" She asks, like a joke but Steve responsed with a slightly teary and awkward smile.
"Yeah, he makes me really happy." He says and Nancy's okay with that. She might've gotten some weird butterflies after hanging out with Steve after so long, but she had a boyfriend and so did he.
Dustin, Lucas, Erica, and Eddie all find out at the same time. Steve's dropping off Billy, Max, Lucas, and Erica at the Creel house when Steve stops them really quickly to grab Billy by the collar and kisses him in front of everyone. It's kinda of like a goodbye because neither of them really know if this is going to work out. Lucas and Erica are in a silent state of shock because they aren't allowed to speak for this plan to work so Max just quietly tells them that if they aren't okay with it they can't walk off. Erica almost walks off but Lucas drags her back because "wtf Erica". Nancy and Robin think the interaction are super cute and find out the other know about and they turn into supportive moms like "omg that's so cute- they're so cute- that's so romantic omg." While Dustin and Eddie are in the background like "WHAT THE FUCK". Once the doors close Dustin just kinda screams and Steve kinda winces because he knew this was coming, what he didn't expect to come was Nancy to turn into the biggest ally ever (or maye she's projecting....?) But Nancy turns around and starts berating the boys like "There's is nothing wrong with what those two boys are doing, they are in love and love should not be judge no matter who it is shared by!" Robin and staring in awe because like... yo? Nancy then threatens them if they say anything and Dustin's like "I'm cool that he's gay and all but... Billy Hargrove?"
"Holy shit." Steve cusses and sits down the driver seat while everyone agrees that Steve dating Billy Hargrove came out of the left field a little.
"If anything, I'm surprised Hargrove is gay." Is what Eddie says, and everyone agrees.
So when everyone sees Steve hanging out by Billy's hospital bed no one bats a eye because they all know. And Dustin comes in one day to ask Steve why he never told him. Steve explains that it's not because he didn't trust Dustin, it's just difficult because what if they start acting like themselves in front of the party and slip up in public? Dustin then goes on to ask a bunch of questions about their relationship and Steve's more than happy to answer because he loves Billy so much.
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