#shor video
kdram-chjh · 2 months
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Cdrama: Follow Your Heart (2024)
9 types of Yan Nanxing! | Follow your heart 颜心记 | iQIYI
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/a-sSjfY09mc
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mksart08 · 2 months
Village Scenery Boat On River with Pen Art #penart #ballpenart #drawing
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cazador1294 · 3 months
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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Tron (1982, Steven Lisberger)
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rwpohl · 1 month
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wise blood, john huston 1979
sabrina, einstürzende neubauten, silence is sexy 2000
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robryebeach · 6 months
NEW BIRD Video. #video #funnyvideo #shorts
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rickgoodman · 1 year
Unlock Your True Potential with Transformational Leadership: Dr. Rick Go...
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dsudis · 1 year
Which Betokeneth Concorde (Dreamling dancing fluff)
I was scrolling through my blog yesterday looking for a fic prompt that would catch my fancy, and instead I ran across this video of people dancing in public and decided to write about Dream and Hob encountering something similar.
Title is from "East Coker" by TS Eliot:
On a summer midnight, you can hear the music Of the weak pipe and the little drum And see them dancing around the bonfire The association of man and woman In daunsinge, signifying matrimonie— A dignified and commodiois sacrament. Two and two, necessarye coniunction, Holding eche other by the hand or the arm Whiche betokeneth concorde.
Dream had been dimly aware that one of the many things he would have to face, as the price of courting Hob Gadling, was his own refusal to dance.
Dancing was one of the most traditional of courting activities, after all. He had never seen Hob dance, but Dream was certain that he would be as enthusiastic for that pastime as he was for nearly every other he had ever attempted.
(Hob had a fixed dislike of rowing, even in circumstances others typically found romantic. Dream was thoroughly charmed by Hob's insistence that he would not trust his life to so small an amount of wood between himself and any body of water, however shallow and placid it might be.)
Still, Dream had not expected the question of dancing to arise on this, their fifth date, while they were crossing the campus of the university where Hob taught en route to a small bookstore Hob thought Dream would like. It was broad daylight, a sunny morning during the summer holiday when the campus was mostly empty.
Dream was focusing intently on not peeking into Hob's very noisy daydreams regarding the bookshop and what kisses or touches might be permissible in the privacy of its winding shelves. It was difficult, when they were holding hands and Hob was so eager, but Dream did like to be surprised, even if Hob had blithely given permission for Dream to "peek" at will.
Dream did not actually notice the thing on the ground until Hob had stopped short a few yards from it; even then what he noticed was the abrupt disappearance of all those intriguing daydreams, replaced by Hob's sudden and consuming interest in something materially present. After another moment, Dream took in the faint sound of music being played from a small speaker somewhere nearby, and a ring of some sort on the ground, and the words DANCE HERE in chalk beside it.
Hob looked over at him with an expression of pure joy illuminating his features. "Shall we dance?"
Dream swallowed hard. He had refused Hob nothing within his power since they had begun courting; he did not want to look at Hob's bright, eager face and say no now.
Still, he was what he was, and he could not be otherwise, even for Hob. "I... do not dance."
Hob's excited expression softened--not turning unhappy, but thoughtful.
Dream braced himself to be coaxed, perhaps gently teased. He could endure that, from Hob. And these were early days; even being enticed to something he could not consent to do would be better than Calliope's resigned disappointment in the waning days of their marriage.
But Hob, as he so often did, surprised Dream. His expression brightened again as he said, "I probably should not. For all the time I've had, it's not a skill I've cultivated to any effect."
Despite his words Hob looked toward the circle again, and Dream knew that he did not want to just pass it by. And if he did not mind, if he would give in to Dream's refusal so easily...
"You need not refrain for my sake," Dream said carefully. "If you do not mind dancing without me."
Hob tilted his head and tugged at his ear, a different smile playing at his mouth. "What if I dance with you, even if you don't dance with me?"
Dream tilted his head in turn. "I will not deny you my companionship only because you choose to dance."
"Well then, let's do this," Hob said, catching Dream's hand and tugging him along. Dream stopped short of the chalked words, and Hob kept hold of his hand as he stepped decisively into the circle--which somehow made the music play more loudly.
Dream made himself perfectly still, his arm fully extended and exactly parallel to the ground, only his fingers flexing--and only his fingers were within the edge of the dancing circle.
Hob squeezed those fingers, beaming again with even more excitement than when he had first sighted the invitation to dance. The music was modern, bright and quick, calling for a very modern and energetic sort of dancing, and Dream was not uninterested in seeing what Hob might do in that area; that sort of dancing was close enough to sex to push the boundaries of what they had done thus far in their courtship, and Dream knew that they were both waiting to see who would grow impatient first with taking it slow.
The right kind of dancing might settle that question very decisively.
Hob knew that too; there was a moment when his dark eyes looked even darker, when their usual warmth for Dream gave way to outright heat.
Then he folded forward just far enough to brush his lips against Dream's extended fingertips before letting go altogether. Keeping his eyes on Dream's he spread his arms wide and walked backward in tiny steps. Just before his heel would have crossed the border of the circle, he whirled in place, making his loose jacket flare out like a cape. He stomped and then clapped his hands sharply, a half-beat behind--neither on any discernible beat of the song.
By the time he faced Dream again he was struggling not to smile, mirth glowing in his eyes. Dream kept his own expression as stern and frozen as his body as Hob returned to him in tiny mincing steps that should have been a promenade across the width of a ballroom.
Just before he would have reached the near side of the circle, Hob converted one tiny step to a vertical hop and clapped, once again entirely off the beat of the music and the two motions out of sync with each other.
Dream could not help it. He laughed, throwing his head back and letting the rough-edged ugly sound pour out.
Hob started laughing in startled reaction, and an instant later his arms were around Dream. He whirled them both away from the circle in something that was not quite a dance step as he muffled his own laughter against Dream's shoulder. Dream hushed himself by pressing kisses to Hob's hair and his throat, wrapping his arms tightly around him. They were both nearly staggering already when they collided with a bench, and Hob more or less fell onto it, hauling Dream down approximately into his lap.
"Maybe," Hob said, still holding Dream tight against him despite the awkwardness of their entanglement. "Maybe you should desert me, the next time I get it into my head to dance. For your safety."
"I am made of sterner stuff than you," Dream said, elbowing Hob just enough to make his point. "And I was just thinking that we should go somewhere with a bit more space for you to show off your... moves."
Hob giggled at that, wonderfully absurd daydreams bursting forth from him of breaking out the half-remembered steps of a peasant's festival day dance in a crowded club. Dream had to kiss him for that, and kiss him, and kiss him again while taking full advantage of the way he was partially wedged between Hob's legs.
"I win," Hob gasped, his thighs tightening strongly around Dream. "I win, you--take me home, Dream, we can't do this on the quad."
Dream lingered to kiss him one more time, and then did as his lover bid him.
[This fic is also on Ao3!]
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starkandthewaynes · 2 years
Ghosts from the past Chapter 4
Jazz blushes as Danny's harsh language. "Jason?" Bruce asks as Jazz fiddles with her hair for a moment. "Danny is Jason's biological little brother." Jazz starts as she takes a deep breath. "Danny got adopted by my parents, the Fenton's, at age four, when Danny was 14, my parents built a portal into another dimension called the ghost zone, cause they're ghost hunters. However it, it didn't work. So Danny, being the brilliant idiot he is, walked into it. The portal turned him half ghost. A year later he decided to tell the Fentons." Jazz says as everything falls out of her mouth. "They, god, they nearly killed him all the way. Even told the GIW, the government's secret ghost ward, that under the echo acts can do whatever they need to do to Ecto-Entities. When I was on a weekend visit I figured it out and got Danny out of there, and then the god of time de-aged Danny to protect him and we moved to Gotham." Jazz says, tears falling down her cheeks. "But why is this legal?" Tim asks as jazz wipes her face. "The anti-Ecto Acts, they say ghosts aren't sentient beings, that they're just leftover human emotion mixed with ectoplasm, but that's simply not true. They have their own dimension, their own laws, and ruler, and they are sentient beings." Jazz says as the bats and birds seem to get angry on the two new friends' behalf. "Jazz, in order to take this to the justice league, I need to meet this ruler and have a sit down with them, so we can begin diplomatic proceedings," Bruce says as Jazz lets out a gargled laugh. "I just sent him away with your kid." Jazz says as Bruce nods. "I see, so, let me get this right, the government believes these ghosts aren't sentient and have thusly experimented on the ruler of another dimension." Bruce says as jazz nods "Yes, sir, that is correct." Jazz says as she hears Danny giggle. "And said ruler is a child." Bruce says as Jazz sucks in a breath. "That's where it gets complicated. While Danny may look like a four-year-old, in reality he is 16, ad sometimes he'll remember that, and other times he truly is a little child." Jazz says, as Bruce nods. "How old was he when they did their experimentations?" Bruce asks. "15, he had just turned 15." Jazz whispers, as someone hands her a tissue. "This is going to be a long process, Jasmine, but I promise, we will get you and Danny justice," Bruce says as Jazz starts full on crying now.
"Billy he's a kid!" Jon says as the four teenagers gather around the four-year-old. "I'm a King!" Danny says proudly as he yawns. "Yeah, yeah, king of the ghosts." Collin says, as they play video games. Danny was beating them at every game they played, how, no one knew, and Danny refused to tell them. "I'm bored." Danny whines after the 13 round of Mario kart. "I think it may be your bed time, Danny." Jason says in the doorway. "JJ!" The little one screams, as he runs towards his brother. "JJ, I not tiwed." Danny says as Jason picks him up. "Thank you guys for watching him for a bit." Jason says as the boys nods
"JJ, I 'on't want to go to bed!" Danny whines as Jason carries downstairs to Jazz. "Jazz!" Danny says, as Jazz smiles. "Danny, you should be asleep." Jazz says, making Danny frown. "Noooo!" He whines, wiggling until Jason lets him go. "Gotta catch me first." Danny says, going invisible as Jazz groans. "Danny, no powers!" Jazz chastises as Tim looks down at his legs. "Danny?" He asks, as his shoes get tied together and he gets pushed into Jazz. "Sorry, Tim." Jazz says, righting the boy as she tries to follow Danny. "Mister danny, I have cookies." Alfred says,as the tired little boy shows himself besides Alfred. "Cookies?" Danny asks, as Jazz sighs. "Thank god for Alfred." Jazz whispers, making Jason laugh.
Hi everyone! Sorry for the wait! My grandfather passed right before Christmas and I got suspended from college, so I wasn’t really wanting to do anything. But I’m doing better now and so I’m trying to write some more! Sorry this one’s short
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@ashenfairytale @blacksea21090
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kirbyoctournament · 1 year
Hello. You've talked to me before. It seems I cannot communicate through video any more thorough this channel of souls.
I am MORGAN, as I said before; and I worked with the hero.
All things I've told you before, yes? Do you remember? Did you think it was a dream or a play? Simply because it was a performance? But everything in this universe is a performance; we dance to your tune.
I speak of something different today. The beginning and the end. If this place will not allow me to speak of the hero, then I must find another way to convey the truth.
..You may have realised it already. The beginning started with the two cores she brought up. Or was it before that, when ███████ █████ was ██████?
...I understand. I'll not bring that up again.
Anyway. Keep in mind the fact that some things are not as they seem, but that does not mean they are malicious- or even mean you harm.
Or maybe they do. (Or maybe they-)
Who knows?
Can you even trust me? I am named after... well. Haha. I am sure you can figure it out.
Some t████ so they █an...
Our time grows shor█ again litt█e █nes.
███e th█e w█l█ ti█ n███ t█m█.
████ ███ f██ ███ ██b███.
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kdram-chjh · 2 months
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Cdrama: Follow Your Heart (2024)
Blind selection of brides at weddings | Follow your heart 颜心记 | iQIYI
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/y2lK4kAlfFU
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Fic Recs April '23
What did I read this month? As ever, it's mostly going to be Dream SMP, but I wander outside the fandom ocassionally, and we've got some QSMP and 3rd Life this month! You can keep an eye on my Ao3 bookmarks if you ever don't want to wait the full month, but here's a shor tlist (I tried to keep it short) of especially fun/intersting/good things.
The Fics - Oneshots
Human condition by InsomniWillow Fandom: QSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot & Tallulah, Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff, Developing Friendships, Human/Monster Society Length: 1/1 chapters (this might be a multi-chapter though), 3,515 words
New to Qusadilla Island, Ordinary Guy Wilbur Soot brings his tiny daughter to the new school that's opened up. The school that is FULL of terrifying players and their kids. This is just super cute slice of life fluff and it's a fun setup to see Wilbur go "oh god, that's a demon, that's a shark god, is that Philza Minecraft?????" while he's trying to remain chill for his daughter.
where you hide your heart from me by 75hearts Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot Tags: Pogtopia, Suicidal Thoughts, Wingfic, Wilbur Soot Is Not Okay Length: 1/1 chapters, 2,223 words Just gonna grab the summary for this one cause it's perfect.
“I’ll fucking kill you if you pull a single feather,” Quackity says. “Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Wilbur says.
or: in Pogtopia, Wilbur preens Quackity's wings.
They're SOOO prickly and the situation is just two people full of broken edges hitting off each other, and you want it to be better, and at the same time this is the only way it could be.
you think they'll make it? by honeyblock Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Niki Nihachu & Wilbur Soot, Niki Nihachu & Jschlatt, Niki Nihachu & Wilbur Soot & Jschlatt Tags: Alternate Universe - hadestown Fusion, Niki Nihachu-Centric, niki as orpheus and wilbur as eurydice, implied/referenced suicide. Length: 1/1 chapters, 7,968 words
Niki breaks into Hadestown to try and get Wilbur back. And then she meets Jschlatt, and then she goes spare. Oh man this is a beautiful and lyrical setup, and then Schlatt is just so odious and hateable, ad then Niki getting furious enough to take on a god is So Satisfying. Delightful.
Manna from Heaven by ResidentHesitant Fandom: DSMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Ranboo/Tubbo Tags: Married Ranboo and Tubbo, Domestic Fluff, Pesach | Passover, post-canon, slice of life, Found Family Length: 1/1 chapters, 3,152 words
Tubbo hosts his first seder. This is just a joyous slice of life with the whole community coming together to celebrate passover. A glimpse into other traditions for me, and full of love for the characters and for judaism. This fic is so happy. It's canon to ME. I love it.
take this life and hold it by the hand by Odaigahara Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Philza, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & Philza Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Crow Hybrid Philza, Piglin Hybrid Technoblade, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Happy Ending, Inspired by that video of Kestrel Dad. Length: 1/1 chapters, 2,292 words
Technoblade is just having a perfectly normal day with his family (who are polar bears) when his friend the crow shows up with— Phil, is that a BABY? What are we gonna do with it? And what does it eat? This is just so so funny. Techno and Phil are both so helpless with a tiny baby, they don't now how to feed this little one, at one point a dead mouse is put on the baby's face and everyone looks at him hopefully. It's so funny.
The Fics - Longfics
The Musketeers - SBI AU by Anarchy_and_Piglins Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Wilbur Soot & Tommyinnit & Technoblade & Philza Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, 3 Musketeers Fusion, BAMF Everybody, Tommyinnit Angst, Philza Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Humour, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Length: 2/4 chapters, 8,086 words
TommyInnit is on a mission of vengance to kill the man who murdered his father, with only his dying words that a man named Philip d'Athos is responsible. Philip, meanwhile, is trying to figure out who's impersonating musketeers. They are on a direct collision course in 17th century France. I'm sure this will go well.
missing or obstructed by skelew Fandom: Hermitcraft, 3rd Life Rating: Teen Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Grian & Rendog, Grian & GoodTimesWithScar, Rendog & Martyn InTheLittleWood Tags: Post 3rd Life, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Watcher Lore, Amnesia Length: 4/? chapters, 13,890 words
Grian is back in Hermitcraft but he can't forget what happened in 3rd life. Unfortunately everyone else has forgotten what happened. Everyone except Rendog, who he remembers very strongly as his enemy. This one started as a character study and you can tell, it's very deliberate and mediative with the characters, and it's just slowly growing through the questions of what they do now, and what they do with these relationships they have to people they care so much about and also those people don't remember it.
See How They Run by Aard_Rinn Fandom: DSMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Tubbo & Tommyinnit & Ranboo, Technoblade & Philza Tags: Alternate Universe - Borrowers Fusion, Rescue, Captivity, Dark SBI, Dehumanization, Non-consensual touching (nonsexual), Tubbo-Centric Length: 3/3 chapters, 10,590 words
Benchtrio are Borrowers, and Tubbo gets caught by Emduo! Man, this starts with Tubbo falling into oil and not being able to climb out (he's eventually rescued by Emduo), and it's honestly terrifying. I really felt like I was a tiny creature clinging to a spoon. It continues to play with the fact that Tubbo is just so TINY and defenceless.
wasteland by chrysalizzm Fandom: DSMP Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationship: Dream SMP Ensemble Tags: Alternate Universe - Heroes & Villains, Hurt/Comfort, Disillusionment, Morally Grey Characters, Political Corruption, Systemic Bigotry, Unreliable Narrator, Alternate Universe - Superheroes & Superpowers, Mind Control, Bittersweet/Open Ending, Multiple POV, (and more! It's a series) Length: 11/30 fics, 72,431 words
MASSIVE sprawling superhero epic digging into power issues, morality, villainy, cohersion, sexism and other 'isms, marching towards an inevitable end. It all ends in tragedy, but oh my god the journey there is so rich and beautifully drawn. Each fic in the series is a different spot on the timeline and you see characters from so many different POVs, as events come into greater focus and you realize what the fuck HAPPENED to break people like that. This is very much a fic to read while spamming the sobbing emoji in the chat with a friend, but oh man I have to see how it all comes together and if ANY of my guys make it out. I don't know if any of my guys make it out! :SOB:
sharp temporary walls (the long-term cliff edge of the world) by Odaigahara Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationship: Grian & GoodTimesWithScar Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ghosts, Memory Alteration, Corpse Desecration, Animal Death, Friendship, Horror, Angst with a Happy Ending Length: 1/3 chapters, 5,042 words
3rd life is down to two players, but they're both hurt. They decide to wait and heal before a final fight. The world waits around them. Just the tone of this one is so eerie and creepy. The world is just so silent and malevolent, while Desert Duo tries to heal, while also knowing that it all ends in death. I'm not gonna spoil it but what happens when Joel's dogs show up looking for their master is SO GOOD and SO BAD at the same time.
And They Were Ghosthunters | TNT Duo AU by commaclear Fandom: DSMP Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot Tags: Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Fish out of Water, Alternate Universe - Angels and Demons, Happy Ending Length: 21/21 chapters, 46,984 words
Wilbur Soot is a demon who's tired of being bored in Hell and decided to go to Earth, where he gets a job on a Ghost Hunting show run by a guy named Quackity. Surely he has lots of oppurtunity for sin here! Two problems though: Quackity is really cute and might actually be a genuinely good person and Wilbur is falling for him, and Love is toxic to demons. This one is legitimately so very funny and such a fast read. I sat down to read the first two chapters and then i looked up and I'd read 46k.
catbag by supinetothestars Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationship: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & Philza & Tommyinnit, Tommyinnit & Tubbo Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes & Superpowers, Villain SBI, Hero Tommyinnit, Child Abuse, Truth Serum, PTSD, Secret Identity, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort Length: 5/? chapters, 30,665 words
Okay so the summary for this one was:
Suspected of betraying the Hero Guild, Apprentice hero Tommy (A.K.A. Blindspot) is put under Security Protocol Catbag: a locked-on noise cancelling mask equipped with truth gas. His mentor, Dream, calls it a necessary teaching tool.
Meanwhile, SBI wants to know why their least favorite loudmouth little Hero has suddenly stopped talking.
And I read that and I was like "supinetothestars is going to get me back into reading tommy-centric superheros", and it's happened. It's so good, the characters are so thoughtful (and feel way more like canon characterizations vs fanon), and they run up against each other in really interesting ways. Wilbur is a paranoid bastard in a way that feels realistic and canon! The superpowers are interesting and interestingly played out (tommy's power is he can make himself unnoticeable!) and the relationships are adhering to tropes enough that they're like, oooooo, what happens next, I have a delightful suspicion, but they are pulled off well enough that they still feel fresh. It's really good.
Double Down by Onelituli Fandom: DSMP Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationship: Dream & Tommyinnit & Tubbo, Ranboo & Tommyinnit & Tubbo, Dream & Sapnap & George, Tags: Alternate Universe - Imawa no Kuni no Alice | Alice in Borderland Setting, Rated for Language and Dark Themes, Mystery, Flashbacks, Slow Build, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Grief/Mourning, No Villains just Antagonists, Bittersweet Ending Length: 11/13 chapters, 67,663 words
Oh man how even to explain this one. The Dream SMP ensemble is imprisoned in this post-apocolyptic setting where they have to compete in challenges to win cards. The higher the suit of the card, the harder the challenge. And people will die, they are dying, the challenges are killing them. They don't know why they're here or who is making them do this, but all they can do is try and make it together despite a structure that keeps trying to turn them against each other and destroy them. This is structured with lots of flashbacks and mysteries, and the mystery of what HAPPENED to these people is ever-present. And how on earth they possibly make it out of this challenge with even one person alive. This one is such a mystery, I don't know what's HAPPENING but I want to KNOW. And that's it for this month! I'll see you next time!
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doing papers on the sociology of sex and pornography for school taught me the following:
viewers of straight p/rn prefer videos featuring female pleasure and disprefer videos featuring violence (with the notable exception of fauxcest, so that criticism stands)
heavy p/rn use, casual sex, and other factors like alcoholism are risk factors for committing sexual assault WHEN THEY CO-OCCUR WITH A TYPE OF MISOGYNY CALLED HOSTILE MASCULINITY and not otherwise
most male and female p/rn users disprefer violent content, but a larger proportion of female users prefer violent content than male users
I know this is not tumblr.edu but it bothers me how people will get on here and be confidently wrong and not google things at all, and act like 100% of all men watch torture videos every day
"“Harder and Harder”? Is Mainstream Pornography Becoming Increasingly Violent and Do Viewers Prefer Violent Content? Eran Shor & Kimberly Seida"
Malamuth, N. M., Lamade, R. V., Koss, M. P., Lopez, E., Seaman, C., & Prentky, R. (2021). Factors predictive of sexual violence: Testing the four pillars of the Confluence Model in a large diverse sample of college men. Aggressive behavior, 47(4), 405–420.
Aggression in pornography : myths and realities
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hostpyters · 11 months
Share your link to refer new customers with Shor.
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the3rddenialist · 6 months
King BigB
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