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justthegoods · 4 years ago
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Vegan Follow Back Friday, Winnipeg Edition! 🐰🍎🥑🤗 . Thanks for this invitation @coachamandalily 💚 . . "Let’s connect and grow as a community! Did you know there are many cruelty-free options in friendly Winnipeg, Manitoba? Whether you’re from Winnipeg or not you can join in this vegan follow back. . All you have to do is follow me and other local vegan services/businesses listed here. Then we’ll follow you back! You can also comment below to follow and connect with others. . Here's a question to get you started: What’s your favourite comfort food in chilly weather?" . . ... Mine is lasagna, but who am I kidding? I'll eat that any time of year, right @roughage? They know all about me and my #lasagnagoals *lol* (51 other IGers know what I'm talking about 🙌🏽) . Back on topic! Here's the list of Winnipeg-based vegan makers and doers co-hosting this follow back. Even if you're not in Winnipeg feel welcome to join us - there's so much awesome happening below, you're guaranteed to find something interesting, exciting and/or inspiring! . @coachamandalily @acorncafewpg @livelovefruit @just.the.goods @kismetcreekfarm @sweetassinnamon @veganfromagerie @lemonkeybar @monuts_cafe @roughage.eatery @crjnutrition @thefitsinger @kandeesdesserthummus . We're not here to encourage the follow/immediately unfollow thing, btw... it's kind of weird when folks do that, isn't it? And, don't worry! If your account is set to private, I won't creep you and request to follow 😉 . Thanks for joining us 💚 . [Image description: An outdoor view of a sidewalk, green grass, a river, and blue sky. In the background is an iconic Winnipeg bridge. Over the image is white text that reads: "vegan follow back Friday Winnipeg edition"] . #veganfollowback #vegan #veganfollowbackfriday #winnipeg #shoplocalwinnipeg #winnipeglocal #winnipegbusiness #winnipegeats #winnipegvegan #veganwinnipeg (at Winnipeg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSMymUAF8k/?igshid=1o8svpokib4lp
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woodanchor · 5 years ago
The corner has turned and Mother’s Day is coming up! Looking for that special gift? 🎁 Why not a beautiful solid Oak Charcuterie Board hand made with homegrown Manitoba Oak! Click the link in our bio to check it out! 🌺 ⚓️ . . . #woodanchor #mothersdaygift #oakcharcuterieboard #shoplocalwinnipeg (at Wood Anchor) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_zpa1RAtql/?igshid=qobqv12ij9y7
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growersnsmokers · 4 years ago
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Give us a call if you're in Winnipeg! We'll get you what you need. #growersnsmokers #growyourown #winnipeg #local #supportlocal #supportlocalbusiness #supportlocalmb #supportsmallbusiness #hydroponics #shoplocal #shoplocalmanitoba #shoplocalwinnipeg # (at Growers N' Smokers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIWbOFRsVRX/?igshid=1nbqnzibit4io
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