Growers n' Smokers
339 posts
The Medical Marijuana Specialists with over 25 years of Original Grow Experience
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Good morning! Icecream Breath looking pretty with all the colors. Come by the shop to talk about growing your own. #growersnsmokers #icecreambreath #scallywagseedco #letstalkpot #growyourown #hydroponics #ebbnflow #GreenHouseFeeding #mineralgrow #shortflower #booster #acmprtestgrowfacility (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Didn't really want to jump on this, but what the hell! . . Have you not come down to Growers n' Smokers Winnipeg or Brandon to get in on the sales this month? This is your last chance sale ends today!!! Get down there ASAP! Fresh glass at 30% off Apothecary at 20% off buy 2 get 1 free papers... don't wait until I tell Will! 130-166 Meadowood Dr Winnipeg 1150A 19th St Brandon #sale #Winnipeg #Brandon #Manitoba #shoplocal #supportlocal #shoplocalmb (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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When OG's call you a legend, it makes all this hard work worth it! Thank you, @greenhousefeeding_worldwide for all your support!!! You are the real legends!!! #growersnsmokers #greenhouseseeds #GreenHouseFeeding #strainhunters #fullgas #cannabiscommunity #legendary (at Canada)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Sales are still on until the end of March. New glassware daily being added also Fresh new shirts by local artist. 30% OFF glass!!! 20% off Apothecary Supplies like butters and carrier oils, bees wax, and edible making supplies. Buy 2 Get 1 Free Rolling Papers Both locations. All sales until the end of March! . . #growersnsmokers #rollingpapers #rolling #smokingbrand #raw #juicyjays #elements #rizla #gizeh #randys #zigzag #purehemp #futurola #kingpalm #8moredays #stpatricksday #luckoftheirish🍀 #Manitoba #Winnipeg #Brandon #brandonmb #anniversary #birthday #stpatricksday #5years #1year #celebration #zenzingers (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Coming along very nicely! Ebb n flow system using mineral Grow, Short Flower and Booster by Greenhouse Feeding. Supplemented Stunt, Push, and Frost by Diablo Nutrients. Hygrozyme by Sipco. Lit up with Best of Grow OS630B Led. Quite impressive! All products can be bought @growersnsmokers #growersnsmokers #GreenHouseFeeding #diablonutrients #bestofgrow #ebbnflow #icecreambreath #MediKush #hydroponics (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Photo booth Marie Sharp's hot sauce sampling Snacks Pool Darts All free, come out to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! 30% OFF glass!!! 20% off Apothecary Supplies like butters and carrier oils, bees wax, and edible making supplies. Zen Zingers too! Buy 2 Get 1 Free Rolling Papers More sales in store! Both locations. All sales until the end of March! (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Taking growing to the next level!You'll make Grandma jealous! #Repost @diablonutrients • • • • • • Diablo is proud to help growers everywhere Grow Their Own! It doesn't matter if you are growing vegetable, cannabis or micro greens, Diablo Nutrients are designed and constructed for optimal plant growth. By adjusting the amounts you use and the timing of when to use each nutrients you can grow cannabis or kiwis, hemp or herbs, radishes or mesclun and produce healthy consumable plants safely. Did you know...we have growers using aquaponics, deep water culture, organic farming, traditional field and hothouses using Diablo Nutrients with tremendous success and fabulous yields? #diablonutrients #unleashthebeast #growweedeasy #grownutrients #cannabis #cannabisgrowing #medicalgrow #marijuanaflower #cannabisnutrients #cannabiscommunity #marijuanaismedicine #trichromes #growyourown #growersnsmokers (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Preping for your garden this spring, here's some tips on when and where. #growersnsmokers #startingagarden #whentostartyourplants garden #gardening #springforward #vegetables #startindoor (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Love the frosty nugs that we are growing inside...better than the frost outside! #growersnsmokers #frostynugs #GreenHouseFeeding #frost #push #stunt #diablonutrients #biogrow #biobloom #bioenhancer #icecreambean #bcgrowgear #630cmh (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Filling up the tanks is like watching paint dry. My least favorite job! 100 gallons a week! #fillingtanks #100gallons #thankgoditsfree #paintdrying #wellwater #workisneverdone💪 (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Open 12-4pm today! (at Manitoba)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Photobio TX 680 Watt LED installed and being tested at the Brandon Research and Development Centre in Manitoba. RDC is focused on developing, new, and improved varieties of wheat, oats, and barley. Can't wait to see how they perform as supplementary lighting in the off-season at the Greenhouse. Thanks for trusting Growers n' Smokers for your growing needs. #growersnsmokers #photobioled #photobiotx #led #680watts #supplementallighting #greenhouse #wheat #barley #oats #researchanddevelopment (at Agriculture and Agri Food Canada, Brandon Research Centre)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Marie Sharp's Hot Sauce, 🔥 🥵 Jam's, Jellies and 5 NEW Wing Sauce's Imported from Belize Exclusive to Canada 🇨🇦 World Famous Award Winning All Natural You can buy them all in Winnipeg and Brandon @growersnsmokers #mariesharps #hotsauce #jams #jelly #habanero #pepper #scorpion #marinade #sauce #wingsauce #cactus #marmalade #garlic #sweet #peppersauce (at Manitoba)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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We are open Monday 12-4pm Have a great weekend! #longweekend #weareopen (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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CASH IS KING! Get 5% OFF when you pay cash! We're tired of giving financial institutions money when they have done nothing to help anyone through 2 years of the pandemic, while making piles of money! Put money back in your pocket! #rbcsucks #dontpaybankfees #cashisking #dontletbanksconyrolyourmoney #goldbullion #cash #money #savemoney (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Well, we finally have some buds out on the market that were grown with our feeding regime and a few improvements. We were asked to help improve the production and quality of buds at a low-cost and simple feeding program. If you are an LP or Micro Producer in Canada, give us a call. We'll get you growing some fantastic cannabis for the legal market. Congratulations, Prairie Trichomes, for producing some fire. Great job! Hopefully, we can get our hands on some to do a proper review. 🙏 #cannabisconsultants #growersnsmokers #prairietrichomes #grapegalena #growlikeapro #growingfire #licencedproducer #microproducer #outwith theoldinwiththenew #growersnsmokersapprovedcannabis #gnssog #theshedcannabisstoreinc (at Growers N' Smokers)
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growersnsmokers · 3 years ago
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Happy Valentines Day!!! (at Canada)
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