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thearsonistofarland · 2 years
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Welcome to the yeca e center
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daughterovmary · 3 months
i miss shopko
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sturnellaneglecta · 6 months
spent too much time thinking about The Characters and ended up dreaming about them. this is tumblr so i'm sure you all understand
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invaderkyuubi · 6 months
Look I'm not one for micro transactions by any means, but some of the things people are complaining about dragons dogma 2, were in the first one at launch and simply were folded into the game with dark Arisen. Some folded in post PS4 editions.
What that says, well can be many things
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people in stories that describe the city they grew up in as "a small town in the middle of nowhere - only had one Walmart" make me laugh every time.
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sweepstakeszara · 1 year
Take Shopko Survey
Go to Official Site and enter the Shopko customer survey sweepstakes for your chance to win a $250 gift card
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bibliophilicwitch · 1 month
Time for a Life Update
Long-time followers may remember my time struggling in retail which led to retail pharmacy. I worked for a Shopko pharmacy until Shopko went out of business and then a Kroger pharmacy that had purchased our profiles but was a brand new location. Opening a brand new pharmacy with existing profiles and staff that does not know the system is a heckin nightmare fyi. Right when our pharmacy was finding its stride the pandemic started and by the time we had reached our first vaccine season that would include the COVID vaccine as well, I was Over It. Our manager left about late spring and as we were heading into that dreaded vaccine season one of our techs got a job elsewhere and it was at that point that I opened up the internet to job hunt.
Y'all may also remember that I had worked for my public library since 2008, first as a page shelving materials, then at the circulation desk, and finally, as the adult program and volunteer coordinator which morphed into marketing and volunteer coordinator. I had spent about 10 years begging the library director for full-time hours so I could have more on-the-clock time to dedicate to my duties as well as to have benefits and not have to constantly juggle two jobs both physically and mentally, but the timing was never right. Around 2021 our City realized they had really messed up the budget and we still haven't recovered, so when I opened up the internet to hunt for an alternative to working in pharmacy (or general retail) and saw a full-time job as a marketing assistant and office manager for my City's destination management organization (convention and visitors bureau), I bit the bullet and applied.
When offered the position I chose to leave not only the retail pharmacy job that I was miserable at but also the library position that I was passionate about. Upon leaving I was told my position at the library was going to be frozen because of the budget, but shortly after, they ended up giving my hours to another part-time person making them full-time and requiring giving them benefits as well. This person had been working for the library a couple years longer than me and could also use the full-time hours, but it still hurt that it had essentially been a game of who will leave first so the hours can be juggled. (I continue to be bitter that the work I put into branding was thrown out the window by this person as well and the fact that their marketing material style does not fit the voice we had been building.)
I've been at my new job for almost two years. We have a board of directors in addition to myself and my executive director. He is a very chill person and we work very well together. It's wild to be encouraged to take an hour lunch after a working lunch or to go home and enjoy the rest of my birthday instead of working the whole day. We work very well together imo and, though the office building we lease with our local chamber has plenty of drama, we are very stress-free. I am not constantly stressed trying to herd cats to reach deadlines and I am financially stable with 9-5 work weeks leaving me with personal time.
That said, my landlord of 15 years sold our building so I have a new landlord. Currently, my new landlord has been pretty chill, but he did issue tenants a letter letting us know that we would likely see a rent increase in the new year and I happen to know my rent is about $100 less than the others and very low for the area. I have to pay for a yearly parking pass for a City lot. We have a single washer and dryer for four apartments and no change machine and I have lived over 15 years without HVAC or a dishwasher. If the rent goes up enough I will be looking into alternatives including the possibility of buying a house. This likely change will likely make me feel much less financially secure which sucks, but that's definitely life.
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traegorn · 2 years
Well, with the abandoned ShopKo in Eau Claire getting torn down, I need to find a new location to challenge Justin Vernon to a fight at.
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wildbeautifuldamned · 9 months
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UFO Space Ship Alien Flying Saucer Christmas Ornament 2018 Shopko Glitter 4.5 ebay Blizz Enterprises
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veliminal · 8 months
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what used to be a shopko. I miss it.
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polkadotart · 11 months
What the fuck is shopko
you had to be there
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vixendoe · 2 years
honestly in love with this pic i took last year while walking to walgreens at 2 am . it was outside the old abandoned shopko
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lady-harrowhark · 2 years
Orchid, abelia, sage!
from this ask meme :)
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine! Idk why i even linked that, hopefully everyone seeing this already knows Cosmic Love. it is not only the song of all time, it is the griddlehark song of all time, which is arguably more important. (side note: if you've never listened to it in the car with the bass turned up so you can feel the heartbeat part rumbling in your chest, i highly recommend)
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
my mom got me this bracelet as a "good luck" gift before my first dance competition when i was around eight years old. i don't think it's anything fancy, i'm sure she must have gotten it at like ShopKo or something, but it's held up over the years, especially considering that i don't take it off unless i have to. i recently bought myself a very nice ring as an early birthday present, but tbh i'd probably be less upset about losing that than this bracelet lol.
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sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
(previously answered, so i'm just copying my response over here!) definitely fiction! i get super immersed (or at least, i do when it's good, i suppose) and in general i tend to be a very verbal/auditory person, so language is the like, the mainline to both my emotions and my brain lol. honorable mention to music though, for very similar reasons!
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avaestellejournal · 1 month
May 18, 2010
May 18, 2010 Tuesday Last entry for this notebook! ☹ Well today was a pretty good day. Went to get smoothies with Delia after school then to Shelby’s for a bit to help her with her homework. Then ate dinner at Panera with Meryl. We wasted time at the thrift store and saw Derek. He actually remembered Meryl’s name. it was too funny to hang out with her. We went to shopko and bought more goodies…
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