#shopify success 2024
webgarh · 8 months
Discover the latest trends shaping Shopify white label products in 2024. From tech-infused customization to sustainable design, stay ahead with insights. Partner with Webgarh Solutions, your trusted white label Shopify agency, for cutting-edge development services. Your e-commerce success begins now.
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netherworldpost · 10 months
Sorry if you've been asked this before, but how do you get started working in, as you said, weird quasi-startups?
This is a history retelling, not advice, because the world I came up in doesn't exist anymore. I'm in my 40s and started in the '90s.
If you skim over all of this WATCH THE VIDEO AT THE END HERE IS A LINK TO SAID VIDEO IT IS A CONDENSED VERSION OF IT from a local design firm.
The video is not a rick roll. This one is though.
Now I hope you can trust me. This is a long post. I'll use HACKERS to break it up.
I have no connection to Coudal.
Or Rick Astley.
I get into the nitty-gritty Small Scale Stuff
Jim Coudal gets into the nitty-gritty of the Medium-to-Large Scale Stuff... in 2011. The basics remain the same.
I am realizing in linking this that I don't think Coudal Partners exists anymore? I think they shifted their entire focus to Field Notes notebooks?
Anyway, still relevant.
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(No -- 1994... and... maybe a bit earlier I can't remember that far back)
As I say -- this is history, not advice -- I'll try to pepper in some advice.
In some ways that's bad (Flash animation used to pay really well when weighed against what it took to learn how to do it).
In some ways that's good (things like Stripe and BigCartel and Shopify and MailChimp and Tumblr exist).
I was an anxious, studious kid really into mythology with very little access to it. I had access to the internet for about 6-8 hours a week, so scrambled to cram as much into my brain as I could. A reminder this is the early to mid 1990s.
I realized at some point that websites could be built without special tech. I explicitly remember seeing a web hosting company have a late night television ad on Conan O'Brian, offering a few megabytes of space free.
I learned HTML.
Then CSS launched, and I learned CSS.
(...yeah, this... this was the '90s)
From there I learned Macromedia Flash (later Adobe Flash) because it could do things I couldn't do with programming -- because of my own limitations, the web's limitations, free server limitations... etc.
I learned Flash the same way I learned HTML and CSS -- taking things apart to see how they worked, making my own stuff, breaking things down (and just breaking things)
At some point I was able to secure my own computer + internet and just hammered things constantly until I had a grasp of the basics.
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So with that technical background...
"I am a web designer, do you need a website?" I would just offer up. Friends on forums, people in shops, a few cold calls that didn't work out great because I'm not a talkative person.
Just. Constantly. Networking.
Which is an accurate but kinda useless term, right?
"How does one network, does one just shove business cards into the face of everyone they meet and say 'I am a business person'"?
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Diners, comic shops, tattoo parlors, independent restaurants.
To illustrate the differences of when I started versus today -- any time I went somewhere that didn't have a website, I would ask the person behind the counter --
"Hey are you thinking about launching a website?"
When it wasn't the owner/manager at the counter and they would say something like "I just work here," I'd ask for the manager's contact info to follow up.
The success rate of "I ask" versus "I get money out of this" was maybe 1%. Just constantly asking, constantly trying to build the business books.
Never taking things personally when ghosted or just ignored or it fell through.
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Cool but it's 2023/2024... so... the second half of my story may help.
I eventually gathered up enough clients and student loans to go to school for design. I have mixed opinions on this.
I had a few teachers who needed Extremely Cheap Intern-Level Labor and I was able to parlay my web experience into these opportunities.
I learned print design, branding, color theory, the basics of art in school.
I learned better business models by doing business and fucking up and getting burned and taking notes on how to fuck up less and get burned less the next go-round.
I applied for an ad agency job and hacked their website to rebuild it to show I could build websites and they were like "okay well we have to hire you now because we're in love with you / we fucking hate you"
(both emotions at the same time) (I worked there 11 months then went to grad school / see above art school link, it also applies)
Great thanks but maybe get back to advice?
I made things. I still make things.
Pins, buttons, shirts, bridge models, a chair, a lamp, I hired blacksmiths to learn about blacksmithing, I traded logos for beer, a theater company needed artwork so I engaged in a multi-prong trade of theater tickets and candy and / and / and / and with various other friends / clients / non-sense makers.
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I made things and if people didn't have money to pay for them, I took some of their product.
Sometimes I paid other people with that product for things I needed, sometimes I paid with my labor for things I needed... etc.
Kept doing that until I could leverage skills acquired against people with money. Meeting them the same way.
"Hey who does your website?"
"Hey who does your menu design?"
"I like your logos, do you have someone working on your brochures? Oh you hate your logo? Okay to be honest... I was using that as an opening line. I hate it too. Want to chat about redoing it?"
I fucked up a lot. I got burned a lot. There was more success than failure so I was able to keep going.
Modern Day Translations
A lot of that will work -- build a portfolio, keep it updated, if someone mentions they are launching a whatever, chat with them -- but also look at freelance agencies.
If you work for trade, then scale the work offered for the product received. Don't be afraid to say "nope, out of scope."
People who will take +50% of the commission but help you find the commissions and handle the tax paperwork.
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Ultimately, the basics are the same.
Make stuff. Put it into a portfolio.
Get comfortable introducing yourself.
Learn not to take rejection personally.
Keep going. The number of clients I would get on the first project discussion was probably 5-10%. It would take an average of 18-24 months, average, before I'd get money out of people. MEGA EMPHASIS -- A LOT OF -- MEGA EMPHASIS "hey remember me? I didn't have budget before, but now I do!"
By "make stuff" I mean.
(Things I have actually made)
Websites, blogs, writing, temporary tattoos, posters, ads, animations, plush toys, paintings, poems, books, rubber stamps, ads, grocery store packaging.
A whirlwind of stuff.
"That sounds expensive and difficult"
Yes. That's the bad news. There is no magic solution to it aside from "be careful with your time and cash and contracts and good luck."
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I am not a soft person who is going to promise you everything is going to be okay and if you just work hard enough then things will work out and if you're talented enough then money and clients and business will come to you.
The brutal reality is it is going to be extremely difficult for as long as you do it and my #1 piece of advice is "constantly evaluate if you would find more happiness in a traditionally structured job doing weird stuff on the side."
It is absolutely possible to make a weird job.
It gets easier if you have financial support from family and/or a partner who will help you survive the lean times. I mention this in the spirit of honesty -- a lot of folks with weird jobs had/have one, or both.
In my opinion, this isn't talked about enough, and it leads to this mystic "This person must be doing well and I can't get off the ground, ergo something is wrong with me / my work / my process / my..." -- not necessarily.
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Right, wrong, or indifferent -- some people have extra-to-their-personal resources help that allows them to make stuff. More, bigger, and/or faster.
I had the advantage of starting 30 years ago when the talent pool was smaller and harder to find and the work was harder to understand by people who were hiring.
Take what you have and try to make more of it being careful to spend as little as you can with it as it grows.
That's the essence of business.
Everything else is salad dressing.
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I'll wrap up:
Start small and affordable
Figure out how to keep going when you want to stop but can keep going
Figure out how to stop when you want to keep going, but can't
Figure out how to start again when you have to stop
This isn't a moral or ethical dilemma -- it's business.
Cold, hard, ruthless business.
"Does it make sense to continue putting resources into this? Yes? Keep going.
"No? Pause.
"It never will make sense? Do this as a hobby, possibly an extensive and advanced hobby, possibly as 'this is my job in the sense I spend my resources here and the tasks I do for a company for money are life maintenance, on par with brushing my teeth."
Never work for free. Barter to a level mutual benefit.
If you want to work with other people, build a portfolio and keep it stocked with the stuff you want to do. Make up your own projects from literal scratch.
Most of the time, real work is better than personal work
BUT personal work is always better than no work.
This is cross-sectional -- if you want to make logos, it's better to show real work logos.
If you don't have any, make personal work logos and fold these into real work brochures, which you WILL DO but DONT WANT TO DO, as you build your logo business.
As your logo business builds up, replace real work logos + keep personal work logos and reduce brochures until you have enough (of either form) of logos to just have a logo portfolio.
Here is that video from Jim Coudal again talking about his (former?) design firm, Coudal Partners, and how it evolved to partner to create Field Notes
A final disclaimer:
I do not know Jim Coudal, I've never worked with him or FIeld Notes, they don't know I exist in any capacity. His projects are significantly larger than anything I have the appetite to tackle (I like small, weird things nearly exclusively)
This video + countless similar talks helped me build me up to where i am with advice, ideas, and the strength to get through the invariable weird / hard times.
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fairyshotgun · 4 months
Good news! My merch order from Vograce has arrived and all the new charms and stickers I designed look amazing! They will all be for sale at Anime ID 2024 on July 6th and 7th! Here are some blurry photos to pique your interests!
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Bad news! Etsy has been ignoring my emails for almost five months. I've emailed them probably seven or eight times with no results - it seems they're simply unhappy with my storefront for unknown and unexplained reasons. I'm looking at other options right now, like bigcartel and shopify, but I don't know if I'd be seeing as much success on those places as I would be on Etsy.
I feel kind of stuck right now - I have a ton of cute designs, with nowhere to sell them. If anyone has advice please don't hesitate to reach out! I'm very new to this.
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thebigshoutout · 29 days
Shopify vs. Wix in 2024: Customization, Flexibility, and Growth Potential
🚀 Shopify vs. Wix in 2024: Which e-commerce platform is right for your business? From customization and flexibility to growth potential, we break it all down for you! 📈 Discover the winner in our latest comparison. 💡 #Ecommerce #Shopify #Wix #BusinessG
In today’s dynamic e-commerce landscape, selecting the right platform is crucial for your business’s success. Shopify and Wix are two of the most popular choices, each bringing its unique strengths to the table. But as we move into 2024, how do they stack up in terms of customization, flexibility, and growth potential? In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into these three key areas to help you…
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ai-tech9 · 4 months
Everything related to E-Commerce
The importance of email marketing - Email Marketing https://bit.ly/3x1ecSO Top 10 Free Ecommerce Website Templates https://bit.ly/3wSjS1v The 7 best WordPress templates to create a THEME E-COMMERCE store https://bit.ly/4aAkyq3 Shopify vs. WooCommerce, which is better in 2024 https://bit.ly/4bOd83w How to sell digital products online at E-COMMERCE 2024 https://bit.ly/4aDAXtX Top 9 Email Marketing Tools for Ecommerce https://bit.ly/4bPZD3q 10 Ecommerce Marketing Strategies to Increase Traffic and Increase Sales https://bit.ly/4dWMlnG The 5 most important tips to increase online sales for beginners in e-commerce https://bit.ly/3WVy0l6 How to turn your Google search impressions into sales in 10 steps? https://bit.ly/3WT3aJV What is digital marketing? What are its types and how to start and achieve success https://bit.ly/3WZZAhd
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makemoneyonline0019 · 9 months
The Best Online Side Hustles Through Which I Can Increase MyIncome
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Finding the best online side hustles can be a game-changer for boosting your income. Let me share some solid options based on facts and personal experiences.
Side hustles online are a fantastic way to earn extra cash, and the beauty lies in the variety of options available. Let's explore a few based on proven stats and personal insights.
One of the side hustles I've found quite rewarding is freelancing. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr offer a broad range of opportunities—from writing and graphic design to programming and virtual assistance. According to a report by Freelancer com, freelancers in tech and writing fields can earn around $30-$50 per hour on average, depending on their skills and expertise.
Another lucrative avenue is affiliate marketing. By promoting products or services and earning commissions on sales, it's a flexible way to make money. The Affiliate Marketing Benchmark Report by Awin suggests that the affiliate marketing industry is growing steadily, with 81% of brands leveraging this method to boost sales.
If you're into creating content, YouTube or blogging can be a fantastic side hustle. YouTubers, for example, make money through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. Statista reports that the highest-paid YouTuber earned $29.5 million in 2023, showcasing the earning potential in this field.
Moreover, tapping into the booming e-commerce industry via platforms like Shopify or Etsy could be another avenue. With global e-commerce sales projected to hit $6.4 trillion by 2024 (Statista), selling products online can be profitable if you find a niche and market it well.
However, choosing the right side hustle depends on your skills, interests, and dedication. What works for one person might not be the best fit for another.
To sum it up, in the realm of online side hustles, the opportunities are vast. Freelancing, affiliate marketing, content creation, and e-commerce are among the top options backed by statistics and personal experiences. Ultimately, finding the best fit requires considering your strengths, interests, and commitment level. Remember, success often stems from dedication, continuous learning, and adapting to market trends in the online space.
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xettle-technologies · 7 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Developing Custom E-Commerce Websites in 2024
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In the dynamic landscape of web commerce development, building a custom e-commerce website has become essential for businesses seeking to establish a strong online presence and drive sales. As we navigate through 2024, the demand for unique, user-friendly, and feature-rich e-commerce platforms continues to grow. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the key steps and considerations involved in developing custom e-commerce websites, with insights from Xettle Technologies, a leading provider of innovative web commerce solutions.
Define Your Objectives and Requirements: The first step in developing a custom e-commerce website is to define your objectives and requirements. Consider factors such as your target audience, product range, business goals, and budget. Are you looking to create a sleek and modern storefront, or do you require advanced features such as inventory management, order tracking, and customer accounts? By clearly outlining your needs, you can ensure that your e-commerce website is tailored to meet your specific requirements.
Choose the Right E-commerce Platform: Selecting the right e-commerce platform is crucial for the success of your online store. Evaluate the features, scalability, customization options, and pricing of different platforms to find the one that best suits your needs. Popular options include WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce, each offering unique advantages depending on your business size and requirements. Xettle Technologies offers expertise in various e-commerce platforms and can assist you in selecting the ideal solution for your business.
Design a User-Centric Interface: The design of your e-commerce website plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers. Aim for a clean, intuitive, and mobile-responsive interface that enhances the user experience. Incorporate high-quality images, clear navigation menus, and prominent calls-to-action to guide visitors through the purchasing process. Consider usability testing and feedback from real users to refine your design and optimize conversion rates. Xettle Technologies specializes in creating user-centric e-commerce interfaces that captivate audiences and drive engagement.
Implement Secure Payment Gateways: Security is paramount in e-commerce transactions to instill trust and protect sensitive customer information. Integrate secure payment gateways that comply with industry standards and encryption protocols, such as SSL/TLS encryption and PCI DSS compliance. Offer a variety of payment options, including credit cards, digital wallets, and alternative payment methods, to accommodate customer preferences. Xettle Technologies provides robust payment gateway integration services, ensuring seamless and secure transactions for your e-commerce website.
Optimize for Search Engines: To maximize visibility and drive organic traffic to your e-commerce website, it's essential to optimize it for search engines. Conduct keyword research, optimize product descriptions and metadata, and implement on-page SEO best practices to improve your website's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, consider implementing structured data markup to enhance the visibility of your products in search engine listings. Xettle Technologies offers SEO services tailored to e-commerce websites, helping you achieve higher search engine rankings and attract qualified traffic.
Enable Analytics and Tracking: Track and analyze user behavior, sales performance, and website metrics to gain valuable insights into your e-commerce operations. Implement analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics to monitor website traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement. Utilize this data to identify opportunities for optimization, refine your marketing strategies, and enhance the overall performance of your e-commerce website. Xettle Technologies integrates advanced analytics and tracking capabilities into custom e-commerce websites, empowering businesses to make informed decisions and drive growth.
Ensure Scalability and Flexibility: As your business grows, your e-commerce website should be able to scale and adapt to accommodate increasing traffic and evolving requirements. Choose a flexible and scalable architecture that can support future growth and expansion. Regularly update and maintain your website to ensure optimal performance, security, and compatibility with emerging technologies. Xettle Technologies offers scalable web commerce development solutions that grow with your business and adapt to changing market dynamics.
In conclusion, developing a custom e-commerce website requires careful planning, strategic execution, and ongoing optimization. By defining your objectives, choosing the right platform, designing a user-centric interface, implementing secure payment gateways, optimizing for search engines, enabling analytics and tracking, and ensuring scalability and flexibility, you can create a successful online store that drives sales and enhances customer satisfaction. Partnering with a trusted provider like Xettle Technologies can help you navigate the complexities of web commerce development and achieve your e-commerce goals in 2024 and beyond.
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magneto-8 · 1 day
The Future of E-Commerce: Shopify vs BigCommerce in 2024
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Are you contemplating what platform is ideal for e-commerce? Shopify and BigCommerce introduce an outstanding set of features making it difficult to choose. Therefore, it is quite important to get into key aspects. 
According to BigCommerce development agencies, it is necessary to know about sales limits, design, apps, and so on in a detailed manner to discover the ideal e-commerce platform for your business. 
Let us check out more about it
Theme: Shopify Vs BigCommerce
Shopify and BigCommerce both come up with responsive themes.
Shopify Theme-Based Description
BigCommerce Based Description
Shopify always remains ahead of the competition when it comes to design and usability. 
Shopify comes up with eight free themes.
BigCommerce introduces a total number of 12 free themes. 
You can customize any of these according to your industry.
Shopify has more than paid version oriented 70 themes ranging in cost from INR 12K to 29K.
BigCommerce is loaded with paid version oriented 150 themes ranging from $150 to $300.
The best thing is that both platforms come up with mobile-friendly and responsive theme. 
Professionals are good at handling everything right from design and development. A distinguished BigCommerce development agency ensures your online store is completely user-friendly. A mobile-responsive online store has become today’s need. 
Shopping Cart: Shopify Vs BigCommerce
The checkout process must be quick and easy if you do not want to lose your potential online shopper.
Shopify goes with third-party apps to fetch a wide range of discount functionality such as 
Cart—level discounts 
Quantity Breaks 
Tiered Pricing 
Automatic Discount for particular customer groups
Shopify has come up with more than 100 payment providers to support customers’ preferred payment methods. 
BigCommerce allows users to create cart-level discounts. Moreover, coupon codes and automatic discounts are also introduced to customers associated with customer groups. 
The best thing is that all is done without a third-party app. BigCommerce introduces 65 pre-integrated online payment options. 
While hunting for BigCommerce development agencies, it is quite important to get a partner that goes with your business requirements. These agencies specialize in building custom and scalable e-commerce solutions going with BigCommerce platform. 
SEO: Shopify Vs BigCommerce
SEO has always been quite an important aspect of getting higher search rankings. 
Professionals also help to introduce valuable insights regarding integrating third-party apps, SEO, and marketing strategies to take your business to the next level. Finding the ideal agency is important since it can make a huge difference in achieving long-term success following your e-commerce store. 
BigCommerce introduces a variety of SEO features right out of the box, including – 
Highly optimized URLs
Unique URLs
Embedded microdata into product pages 
URL rewrites, which automatically adjust the URL anytime when a product is renamed 
BigCommerce also introduces professional reporting tools that follow all of its plans. 
Shopify allows users to add keywords and descriptions, modify meta-titles, and edit URLs according to the blog posts. Shopify only offers standard reporting following its mid-tier plan and advanced reporting tools following its highly expensive plan. 
The best thing is that both BigCommerce and Shopify users can easily integrate Google Analytics to get profound reports on website user behavior. In this context, BigCommerce truly does an ideal job, while Shopify comes up with an ideal selection of available third-party apps to incorporate SEO purposes. 
For beginners, both platforms are good for building an online store. However, Shopify is quite easy to use, while BigCommerce rules over hearts for its built-in tools. Are you not able to decide which one you should choose? Both platforms come up with free trials. You may experiment to find out what goes with you. 
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elioratechno-24 · 3 days
The Digital Storefront Revolution: Top E-commerce Development Services for Your Online Business in 2024
The year is 2024, and the commerce landscape has been forever altered. The rise of the internet has ushered in a new era – the era of e-commerce. Brick-and-mortar stores are no longer the sole domain of retail. Today, businesses of all sizes are setting up shop in the vast digital marketplace, reaching a global audience with just a few clicks. But building a successful online store takes more than just a website and some products. This is where e-commerce development services come in.
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E-commerce development services encompass a wide range of expertise, from strategizing and planning your online store to designing a user-friendly interface and integrating secure payment gateways. Choosing the right development partner is crucial for the success of your online venture. Here, we delve into the top 10 e-commerce development services that online businesses should consider in 2024:
E-commerce Consulting: A solid foundation is essential for any building, and your online store is no different. E-commerce consulting services provide invaluable guidance in the initial stages of your project. Consultants can help you identify your target audience, analyze the competition, and develop a comprehensive e-commerce strategy that aligns with your overall business goals.
E-commerce Platform Selection: With a plethora of e-commerce platforms available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Development services can offer expert advice on platforms like Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, considering factors such as scalability, features, budget, and technical expertise.
E-commerce Website Design and Development: This is where the magic happens! Development teams will translate your vision into a visually appealing, user-friendly online store. This includes creating a seamless user interface (UI) for intuitive navigation, and a user experience (UX) that fosters customer satisfaction and encourages conversions.
Content Management System (CMS) Integration: A user-friendly CMS allows you to easily manage your product listings, descriptions, images, and other website content without needing extensive technical knowledge. Development services can integrate a robust CMS into your e-commerce platform, empowering you to maintain a dynamic and up-to-date online store.
Payment Gateway Integration: Secure and reliable payment processing is paramount for building trust with your customers. E-commerce development services can integrate secure payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or Authorize.Net, ensuring a smooth and seamless checkout experience.
Security and Compliance: Cybersecurity threats are a constant concern in the digital age. Development teams can implement robust security measures to protect your customer data and ensure compliance with industry regulations like PCI-DSS.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Organic search engine visibility is crucial for driving traffic to your online store. Development services can optimize your website content and technical aspects to improve your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Marketing Automation: Streamlining your marketing efforts is essential for success. Development teams can integrate marketing automation tools that enable you to send targeted email campaigns, personalize customer experiences, and nurture leads.
Mobile Commerce Optimization: The number of mobile shoppers is on the rise. E-commerce development services can ensure your online store is responsive and optimized for a seamless mobile shopping experience.
Analytics and Reporting: Data is king in the digital world. Development teams can integrate analytics tools that provide valuable insights into customer behavior, website traffic, and conversion rates. This data empowers you to make informed decisions and optimize your online store for maximum impact.
Conclusion The e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for thriving online businesses. By partnering with a reputable e-commerce development service provider, you gain access to a wealth of expertise that can propel your online store to success. Remember, in the words of Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, "In the digital world, if you're not growing, you're dying." Invest in the right development services, and watch your online business blossom in the ever-expanding digital marketplace.
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seoplassy · 4 days
The Best Ecommerce Solutions Services for Your Business in 2024 - Plassey Technologies
As ecommerce continues to flourish, it is imperative for businesses to leverage the ecommerce services provider that can meet their unique needs. In 2024, the right e commerce solutions services can significantly enhance your online presence, customer experience, and ultimately, your sales. This blog explores the key features and top ecommerce solution providers available to help you thrive in the competitive digital marketplace.
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Why Choose the Right Ecommerce Solutions?
Selecting the best ecommerce solution provider is essential for ensuring your business can adapt and grow. A tailored approach can lead to improved customer engagement and streamlined operations. With various ecommerce services in Gurgaon and beyond, understanding your options is crucial.
Key Features of Ecommerce Solutions
User-Friendly Interface
A seamless and intuitive interface is vital for both customers and administrators. A user-friendly platform enhances the shopping experience, reducing cart abandonment rates.
Mobile Optimization
In today’s mobile-first world, mobile optimization is not just an option; it’s a necessity. Your chosen ecommerce services provider should offer solutions that ensure your site is fully responsive and accessible on all devices.
Security Features
Data security is paramount. Look for e commerce solutions services that include robust security measures, such as SSL certificates and compliance with PCI DSS, to protect customer information and build trust.
Top Ecommerce Solution Providers
Leading Providers to Consider
When evaluating the best ecommerce services provider agency, consider the following:
Shopify: Known for its ease of use and extensive app ecosystem, Shopify is perfect for small to medium-sized businesses looking to establish a quick online presence.
Magento: A powerful platform offering extensive customization options, ideal for larger enterprises with specific needs.
WooCommerce: Perfect for those already using WordPress, WooCommerce is a flexible and customizable option that can be tailored to meet diverse requirements.
Local Providers: Ecommerce Services in Gurgaon
For businesses located in Gurgaon, choosing a local ecommerce service provider in Gurgaon can be advantageous. Local providers often have a better understanding of regional market trends and consumer behavior. For instance, Plassey Technologies is known for offering comprehensive ecommerce solutions tailored to the needs of businesses in Gurgaon.
Emerging Trends in Ecommerce for 2024
AI and Automation
In 2024, the integration of AI into ecommerce platforms will be a game-changer. Automation tools, including chatbots for customer service, can enhance user experience and operational efficiency.
Sustainability Practices
With growing consumer awareness about sustainability, businesses that adopt eco-friendly practices in their e commerce solutions services will likely gain a competitive edge.
Choosing the best ecommerce solution provider for your business in 2024 is vital for sustained growth and success. By focusing on user-friendly interfaces, mobile optimization, and robust security features, you can enhance your online store's performance. Additionally, leveraging local ecommerce services in Gurgaon and understanding emerging trends will position your business for success in an evolving digital landscape. Don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted ecommerce services provider for personalized solutions tailored to your needs.
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webgarh · 7 months
Explore the advantages and disadvantages of using Shopify for dropshipping in 2024. Learn about Shopify's user-friendly interface, customization options, and scalability, along with considerations such as cost, transaction fees, and competition. Consider hiring Webgarh Solutions for expert Shopify dropshipping store development services to maximize your e-commerce success.
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bytesfarms · 5 days
How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Shopify Expert in 2024?
Introduction In 2024, Shopify remains one of the leading e-commerce platforms, empowering businesses to establish their online presence. As more entrepreneurs recognize the importance of a robust e-commerce strategy, the demand for Shopify experts has surged. Whether you're a startup looking to launch your first store or an established brand seeking to enhance your existing platform, hiring a skilled Shopify expert can be a game-changer. This article explores the costs associated with hiring a Shopify expert in 2024, helping you make an informed decision.
Understanding Shopify Experts A Shopify expert is a professional skilled in building, designing, and optimizing Shopify stores. Their services can range from store setup and customization to SEO and marketing strategies. Shopify experts can be categorized into three main groups:
Freelancers: Independent professionals who offer specialized services at varying price points.
Agencies: Teams that provide a comprehensive suite of services, often at a higher cost but with more extensive resources.
In-house Developers: Full-time employees dedicated to maintaining and enhancing a Shopify store.
Factors Influencing the Cost of Hiring Shopify Experts Several factors influence the cost of hiring a Shopify expert:
Experience Level: The more experienced the expert, the higher the rate. Junior developers may charge less, while senior experts command premium prices due to their expertise.
Location: Geographic location plays a significant role in pricing. Experts from regions with a higher cost of living (like the US or Western Europe) tend to charge more than those in lower-cost regions.
Scope of Work: The complexity of your project significantly impacts cost. A simple store setup will cost less than a fully customized e-commerce solution.
Type of Services Required: Services such as design, development, SEO, and marketing can have different pricing structures.
Average Costs for Hiring Shopify Experts When considering hiring a Shopify expert, understanding the average costs is crucial.
Freelancer Costs: Freelancers typically charge between $20 and $150 per hour, depending on their experience and skills. For example, a basic Shopify store setup might cost around $500, while more complex projects can run into the thousands.
Agency Costs: Agencies tend to charge higher rates, generally ranging from $100 to $250 per hour. For specific projects, such as a full store redesign, packages might start at around $3,000.
In-house Developer Salaries: Hiring a full-time Shopify developer comes with a significant investment. In the US, salaries can range from $70,000 to $120,000, depending on experience and location.
Value of Hiring a Shopify Expert Investing in a Shopify expert provides several benefits:
Time Savings: Experts can efficiently manage the setup and launch process, freeing you to focus on other aspects of your business.
Professional Quality: A polished, professional store can enhance your brand image and credibility.
SEO and Marketing Insights: Experts can help optimize your store for search engines and create effective marketing strategies that drive traffic and increase sales.
Tips for Choosing the Right Shopify Expert Selecting the right Shopify expert is crucial for your project’s success. Consider the following tips:
Assess Your Needs: Clearly define the services you require, whether it's design, development, or ongoing support.
Check Portfolios: Review past work and case studies to evaluate their expertise and style.
Read Reviews and Testimonials: Feedback from previous clients can provide valuable insights into the expert's reliability and quality of work.
Interview Candidates: Prepare questions to gauge the expert’s understanding of your project and their problem-solving skills.
Read More:How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Shopify Expert in 2024
Conclusion In conclusion, hiring a Shopify expert can significantly impact your e-commerce success. While costs can vary widely based on experience, location, and the scope of work, investing in the right expert can yield substantial returns. Take the time to evaluate your budget and specific needs to ensure you choose the best Shopify expert for your project.
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fulfilmentpros · 5 days
2024, Dropshipping Still Holds Great Potential: FulfilmentPros, Your Ideal Choice
It's 2024, are you still watching dropshipping?
I believe you may have seen some influencers or small business owners on YouTube, TikTok or Instagram showing their stories of achieving economic freedom through dropshipping e-commerce business, and they have earned thousands of dollars in side income through their own direct sales stores. On TikTok, the dropshipping-related hashtag #dropshipping has reached 9.8 billion views, #shopify has reached 3.6 billion views, and #Aliexpress has reached 14.8 billion views. This shows that people's discussion about dropshipping continues to rise.
What is Dropshipping
Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method in which sellers do not keep inventory of the products they sell. Instead, when sellers sell products using the dropshipping model, it purchases goods from third parties and sends them directly to customers. Therefore, sellers do not need to handle the products directly.
Compared with the traditional standard retail model, the biggest difference in Dropshipping is that merchants do not need to stock or keep inventory. Instead, sellers purchase inventory from third parties (usually wholesalers or manufacturers) based on order requirements and fulfill the orders by them.
Although some people think that dropshipping is outdated, the reality is that it is not. Dropshipping is still a promising model and provides an entry opportunity for small and medium-sized sellers who want to start a business at a low cost.
The latest data shows that the global dropshipping market is expected to reach US$301.11 billion by 2024 and is expected to expand to US$372.47 billion by 2025. Experts predict that by 2027, the valuation of the global dropshipping industry is expected to reach US$500 billion. These data are enough to prove that despite the fierce market competition, the dropshipping and dropshipping industries still have growth potential, and there are unlimited business opportunities for those companies that can adapt to market changes and adopt the right strategies.
However, the key to success in this competitive market is to understand the changing trends, take advantage of new technologies, and implement effective strategies. Looking at the search popularity of the word "dropshipping" through Google Trends, we can see that the dropshipping business model has seen significant growth in the past few years.
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Although the Dropshipping model still provides low-risk, low-cost entrepreneurial opportunities for many e-commerce entrepreneurs in 2024, the key to sellers' success lies in whether they can adapt to the highly competitive global e-commerce environment and make innovative decisions in store operations. After all, this model also comes with many challenges and responsibilities. Successful Dropshipping depends not only on the selection of products and suppliers, but also requires effective marketing strategies and high-quality customer service to build and maintain customer trust.
2. FulfilmentPros: Your ideal dropshipping partner
Fulfilmentpros, a professional dropshipping agent based in China, is committed to providing a full range of services for each dropshipper.
(I) Rich service content
1. China procurement: Leveraging China's huge manufacturing advantages, we provide customers with rich product procurement resources.
2. Warehousing: Provide safe and reliable warehousing services to ensure that the goods are properly stored.
3. Transportation: Ensure that products can be delivered to customers efficiently and in a timely manner.
4. Quality inspection: Strict quality inspection process to ensure that every product sent out meets the standards.
5. Clear refund/re-shipping policy: Let customers and customers clearly understand the after-sales rules and reduce worries.
6. ERP system binding store: Through the binding of the ERP system and the store, efficient data management and convenient operation are achieved.
(II) Significant service advantages
1. High-quality communication
Each customer is equipped with 1-3 professional order follow-up personnel who have good English communication skills, can ensure that the information is responded to within 24 hours, and can quickly feedback the problem.
2. Efficient reissue/refund policy
For all orders that meet the refund policy, the money can be refunded to the invoice on the same day to ensure the customer's capital circulation efficiency.
3. Timeliness and cost-effectiveness
Order processing only takes 2-5 days, and the transportation time is 5-12 days. In addition, since both suppliers and logistics providers have VIP accounts, they can ensure speed while ensuring cost-effectiveness.
4. Transparent prices
The company charges a fixed commission, and all purchase discounts and logistics discounts will be displayed on the invoice simultaneously, so that customers can see the cost at a glance.
5. Clear invoices
Invoices are updated daily, including the COSG (cost) of each order, so that customers can accurately calculate the profit of the order.
6. Business flexibility
The company can formulate different cooperation plans according to the needs of different customers to meet diverse business needs.
7. Industry-leading comprehensive capabilities
The comprehensive capabilities in the industry are ranked in the top ten, with an old customer maintenance rate of more than 90%, 80% of new customers are introduced by old customers, and the average daily order volume of large customers can reach more than 800 orders.
In short, the dropshipping no-source model still has great potential in 2024. Whether you are a small startup or a mature enterprise, Fulfilment Pros is your preferred partner for all direct sales needs. It constantly optimizes its own services, from strengthening digital services to sustainable development practices, from meeting personalized customization needs to actively exploring emerging markets, all in order to better help your direct sales business develop in overseas markets. Choosing Fulfilment Pros means choosing a partner who can adapt to market changes and seize market opportunities with you.
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marketingaid · 7 days
Top Point of Sale Companies for Streamlined Business Solutions
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When choosing a point of sale (POS) company for your business, you’re not just selecting a payment processor—you’re investing in a system that can streamline operations, manage inventory, track sales, and improve customer satisfaction. The right point of sale company can help small to medium-sized businesses scale efficiently. This guide explores some of the top point of sale companies and the key features to consider when selecting one.
Why Point of Sale Companies Matter
Point of sale companies provide essential tools that allow businesses to manage both front-end and back-end operations with ease. From processing transactions to offering detailed analytics and customer relationship management, a reliable POS system is critical to your business's success. With the rise of contactless payments and e-commerce integration, POS companies have become more important than ever.
Key benefits of using a POS system include:
Efficient Transaction Processing: Quick and accurate payment processing improves customer experience.
Inventory Management: Real-time tracking of stock levels helps prevent overstocking or running out of items.
Sales Reporting: Detailed reports provide insights into your best-selling products and busiest times.
Employee Management: Track employee performance and manage schedules more effectively.
Top Point of Sale Companies in 2024
Square: Square is one of the most popular point of sale companies, known for its ease of use and versatility. It offers a free POS system with features such as inventory management, sales reporting, and e-commerce integration. Square's hardware options are affordable, making it an excellent choice for small businesses.
Shopify: Shopify is ideal for businesses that operate both in-store and online. Its POS system integrates seamlessly with its e-commerce platform, allowing you to manage inventory across multiple sales channels. Shopify’s POS also includes features like customer profiles, loyalty programs, and mobile payments.
Clover: Clover offers highly customizable POS solutions for businesses of all sizes. It provides a range of hardware options, from mobile POS systems to more comprehensive setups. Clover's features include CRM tools, employee management, and detailed sales reports, making it suitable for both retail and service-based businesses.
Lightspeed: Lightspeed is perfect for businesses with more complex inventory needs, such as restaurants, retail stores, and hospitality venues. It provides multi-location management, detailed reporting, and advanced inventory tracking. Lightspeed is scalable, which makes it a strong choice for growing businesses.
Toast: Tailored specifically for restaurants, Toast is a cloud-based POS system designed to handle the fast-paced environment of food service. It offers features such as menu management, online ordering, and detailed analytics, helping restaurant owners streamline their operations and increase profitability.
How to Choose the Right Point of Sale Company
When selecting a point of sale company, it’s important to consider factors that align with your business needs. Here are some key aspects to evaluate:
User-Friendly Interface: The system should be easy to use for both you and your staff. A complicated system can slow down operations and lead to frustration.
Customization Options: Ensure the POS system can be customized to fit your business model, whether you're a retail store, restaurant, or service provider.
Cost: Evaluate both the upfront costs of hardware and ongoing subscription fees. Many companies offer tiered pricing plans that grow with your business.
Integration with Other Tools: Make sure the POS system integrates with other software you already use, such as accounting tools, e-commerce platforms, or loyalty programs.
Customer Support: Look for a company with strong customer support that can assist with setup, troubleshooting, and ongoing maintenance.
Point of sale companies play an essential role in modern business operations. From basic payment processing to comprehensive management tools, the right POS system can help improve efficiency, increase sales, and provide valuable insights into your business. Whether you’re looking for a simple solution like Square or a more robust system like Lightspeed, it’s important to choose a point of sale company that meets your business needs and supports your long-term growth.
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integscloud · 10 days
Get Ready for Gitex Global 2024: Meet Integs Cloud at the Heart of Innovation!
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The biggest tech event of the year is here! From October 14-18, 2024, Gitex Global will take over the Dubai World Trade Center, and Integs Cloud is excited to be right in the middle of it all. Whether you’re looking to transform your business with cutting-edge digital solutions or explore the future of tech, this is the place to be. Join us at Booth H26-A83 and discover how Integs Cloud can help you drive innovation, streamline operations, and take your business to the next level.
Why Meet Integs Cloud at Gitex Global 2024?
Expert Guidance from All Angles:
We’re bringing our A-team! Our functional and technical experts will be at the booth to guide you through product capabilities and answer any questions you have. The sales team will also be ready to understand your unique business needs and suggest the best automation solutions tailored just for you. Whether it’s ERP integration or business automation, we have the insights and experience to help you succeed.
Products That Power Growth:
Integs Cloud specializes in delivering top-tier solutions to fuel your business transformation. Discover how we can implement and optimize the following products for your operations:
Oracle NetSuite ERP: Streamline your entire business process with the world’s leading cloud ERP.
Zoho: Automate and simplify your business operations with Zoho’s extensive suite of software.
Celigo: Integrate your applications effortlessly to ensure smooth workflows.
Microsoft 365 & Azure: Leverage the power of Microsoft’s productivity and cloud solutions.
Shopify: Elevate your e-commerce platform with powerful tools and integrations.
End-to-End Digital Transformation Solutions:
From implementation to ongoing support, Integs Cloud ensures your digital transformation journey is seamless. We guide you every step of the way, from the initial consultation to post-launch optimization, so your systems are always running at their best. Our expertise spans everything from ERP integration to business process automation, and we’re here to show you how to unlock your business’s full potential.
Maximize Your Gitex Global Experience!
Here’s why stopping by Booth H26-A83 at Gitex Global is a must for anyone looking to innovate:
Personalized Consultations: Meet our expert team for tailored advice on your business needs.
Live Demos: Experience live demonstrations of our technology solutions and see how they can revolutionize your business operations.
Interactive Discussions: Engage in insightful discussions with our functional and technical team to dive deep into the products and automation options that suit your business.
Don’t Miss Out!
Make the most of Gitex Global 2024 by connecting with Integs Cloud. Our goal is to help businesses like yours embrace digital transformation and achieve success. Here’s how you can engage with us:
Meet Us at Booth H26-A83: Drop by our booth or schedule a consultation for an in-depth discussion about your technology and automation needs.
Follow Us for Updates: Stay up to date with our Gitex Global activities by following us on LinkedIn.
We can’t wait to see you at Gitex Global 2024 and collaborate on taking your business to new heights with innovative digital solutions!
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karanchadda · 15 days
Building Your Online Presence: Website Builders & Platforms
Ecommerce startups must establish a strong online presence and drive growth in the digital marketplace. 
Choosing a right website builder and platform from a plethora of options is crucial. Each ecommerce tool presents its unique features and benefits tailored to meet diverse business needs. 
Shopify: The All-in-One Powerhouse
Shopify is an all-in-one ecommerce tool that combines ease of use with powerful features designed to simplify the process of setting up and managing an online store. 
Shopify is a robust and versatile platform for building and managing online stores. 
User-friendly interface: allows ecommerce startups to create and customize their store effortlessly.   
Templates and Plugins: enable startups to enhance store functionality and design, catering to various business needs.  
Integrating AI features: Shopify empowers startups with advanced analytics capabilities and personalized customer engagement tools.  
Ecommerce tools: it provides access to secure payment processing, multi-lingual functionality, and many others. 
Pricing: Shopify has various plans such as, Shopify lite, Shopify, Basic Shopify and many more based on ecommerce startups needs. The most and least expensive being:
Shopify Plus: it is a custom pricing plan starting around $2000 per month. Aimed at enterprise-level businesses, Shopify Plus offers additional features.  
Shopify Starter: $9 per month. This plan is designed for selling products via social media. It includes basic features for selling and managing orders.
These AI-driven features provide valuable insights allowing startups to fine-tune their marketing strategies, making Shopify the top ecommerce tool.  
Know more -
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