#shop VIDA
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storecee · 2 years ago
ShopVida #LadiesFashion #Storecee
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andminnequin · 1 year ago
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Shopping hehehe
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stephenthelpslover · 6 months ago
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An image of Russell and Prickly holding hands at the line of both thier dimensions And a screenshot of Prickly if you want to draw him in human form or in your style. But still, WHY THE HELL IS THIS LITTLE PORCUPINE FROM VIDA THE VET SO CUTE??!!!
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lostbaba-blog · 2 months ago
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goodbysunball · 2 months ago
Best of 2024
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Keeping it trim, for your sanity and mine. Too much good music released this year, again, but nothing topped the swirling, weighted haze of "Everyone Thought You Were Dead.”
While I'm very strongly in favor of buying music and supporting artists, consider also a donation to Gaza Soup Kitchen and The Sameer Project.
Happy New Year, and thanks for reading. On with the show:
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VERITY DEN, s/t (Amish)
J.R.C.G., Grim Iconic...(Sadistic Mantra) (Sub Pop)
THE BODY, The Crying Out of Things (Thrill Jockey)
BILDERS, Dustbin of Empathy (Grapefruit/Sophomore Lounge)
SHOP REGULARS, s/t (Merrie Melodies)
SEPTAGE, Septic Worship (Intolerant Spree of Infesting Forms) (Me Saco Un Ojo)
ANADOL & MARIE KLOCK, La Grande Accumulation (Pingipung)
MORDECAI, Seeds From the Furthest Vine (Petty Bunco)
MATT KREFTING, Finer Points (Open Mouth)
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ÅTHÄVOR, s/t CS (Satatuhatta)
BALTA, Mindenki Mindig Minden Ellen 7" (La Vida Es Un Mus)
CICADA, Wicked Dream 7" (Unlawful Assembly)
DEAD DOOR UNIT, Abandon CD (Tribe Tapes)
LIGHT METAL AGE, s/t CS (self-released)
JIM MARLOWE, Mirror Green Rotor In Profile CS (Medium Sound)
PHILL NIBLOCK, Looking For Daniel CD (Unsounds)
NORMS, 100% Haza​á​rul​á​s 12" (11PM/Total Peace)
SIN TAX, Abnegation 7" (Miracle Cortex)
SUFFOCATING MADNESS, Unrelenting Forced Psychosis 12" (Toxic State)
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Sharp Pins at the Pilot Light, May 23, 2024
Ryan Davis & the Roadhouse Band, February 2, The Pilot Light, Knoxville, TN
Unwound, March 21, The Mill & Mine, Knoxville, TN
Sharp Pins with A Certain Zone, May 23, The Pilot Light, Knoxville, TN
Negativland + Sue-C feat. Zoh Amba for two songs, June 8, Central Cinema, Knoxville, TN
Primitive Man, September 22, Eulogy, Asheville, NC
BONUS: Driving to Nashville to see J.R.C.G. only to find out it was canceled, but getting to eat the best meal of the year at Margot Cafe
All first-time reads in 2024; highly recommend Fat City and The Wall.
Don Carpenter, Hard Rain Falling (1966)
Mariana Enriquez, translated by Megan McDowell, Our Share of Night (2023)
Leonard Gardner, Fat City (1969)
Marlen Haushofer, translated by Shaun Whiteside, The Wall (1963)
Aurora Venturini, translated by Kit Maude, Cousins (2023)
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dsmsw · 9 months ago
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A quick one day project. May sound pretentious, but a big lesson from this project was listening to fabric and to what it wanted to be…I have not been really good at that, at least not consistently.
Happy Pride Month!
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hicapacity · 10 months ago
Neked való? Hahó! ?
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year ago
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Release: August 12, 1996
Come outside and see
A brand new day
The troubles in your mind
Will blow away
It's easy to believe
They're here to stay
But you won't find them
Standing in your way
Se a vida é I love you
Come outside and feel the morning sun
Se a vida é I love you
Life is much more simple when you're young
Come on, essa vida é
That's the way life is
That's the way life is
Although we see the world
Through different eyes
We share the same idea
Of paradise
So don't search in the stars
For signs of love
Look around your life
You'll find enough
Se a vida é I love you
Come outside and feel the morning sun
Se a vida é I love you
Life is much more simple when you're young
Come on, essa vida é
That's the way life is
That's the way life is
Why do you want to sit alone
In gothic gloom
Surrounded by the ghosts of love
That haunt your room?
Somewhere there's a different door
To open wide
You gotta throw those skeletons out of your closet
And come outside
So you will see
A brand new day
The troubles in your mind
Will blow away
It's easy to believe
They're here to stay
But you won't find them
Standing in your way
Se a vida é I love you
Come outside and feel the morning sun
Se a vida é I love you
Life is much more simple when you're young
Come on, essa vida é
That's the way life is
That's the way life is
Neil Tennant / Christopher Lowe / Wellington Epiderme / Nego Barbalho
Pet Shop Boys
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7grandmel · 2 years ago
Todays rip: 21/06/2023
Fallen Kiingdom
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume AI
Ripped by RHMan
I feel one of the biggest challenges going forward with this blog is going to be keeping a balance between rips that are actively aiming to be outstanding and high effort, and rips that are just as effective in their simplicity. Its of course not wrong to celebrate these ambitious projects, but I want this blog to be kind of all-inclusive, representative of SiIva as a whole in a way. That being said, you'll have to forgive me if I ever run out of things to say on these simpler rips - the best thing I can often say is to simply admire the work for yourself!
This is thankfully not one of those cases, and works both as a super simple concept and execution alongside having plenty to say about it. Much like Mii Favorite Things, its building on the legacy of Wii Shop Channel rips spanning as far back as Season 1, whilst mounting several other legacies onto it. This was a time when a lot of people were genuinely getting nostalgic for both the Wii Shop Channel and Fallen Kingdom (or Viva va Vida if you prefer), and Steam Garden from Super Mario Odyssey and its musical connections to the latter track was still fresh in many's minds. Basically, it was this big hodgepodge of ideas bubbling in a lot of people's minds at the time, yet presented as just a pretty simple mashup.
And as I'll keep reiterating - what makes these kinds of rearrangements so special is that they're not automated in the least! Every lead instrument, backing track, harmony is always hand picked and tuned by the rippers, in this case to get a sound to be as similar to the Wii Shop Channel's theme as possible, althewhile sneaking in little musical cues from the Mii Maker theme in the background if you listen close. My favorite touch is one that the video's top commenter so cleverly spotted - this is explicitly a rearrangement of the Minecraft parody of the original song, Fallen Kingdom, due to a single pause's length not present in the original song. Its those kinds of brilliant details that make SiIva rips so distinct.
RHMan has contributed a metric ton of rips to the channel, and from my memory and experience he's always leaned toward these kinds of genuinely good arrangements or mashups. In looking up what his first ever rip was I was shocked to find Its Brotime was his first ever rip on the channel, as I distinctly remember how impressed I was listening to it for the first time. Much like todays rip its not just aiming to make two tracks work together for the sake of a joke, rather translating the jokey material into a genuinely great set of instruments to arrange another track with (or the other way around!).
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ujustwaitsunshine · 2 years ago
yes, I will be spending the whole 15 hour (apparently according to Google????) coach trip from England to our hotel in Belgium drawing seb
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lamantintamas · 2 months ago
Pet Shop Boys Se a vida é (That’s the Way Life Is)
Gyere ki és nézd meg Come outside and see
egy vadonatúj nap a brand new day
A gondok az elmédben The troubles in your mind
el fog fújni will blow away
Könnyű elhinni It's easy to believe
azért vannak itt, hogy maradjanak they're here to stay
de nem találja meg őket but you won't find them
az utadba állva standing in your way
Se a vida é szeretlek Se a vida é I love you
Gyere ki és érezd a reggeli napsütést Come outside and feel the morning sun
Se a vida é szeretlek Se a vida é I love you
Fiatalon sokkal egyszerűbb az élet Life is much more simple when you're young
Gyerünk, essa vida é Come on, essa vida é
Ilyen az élet That's the way life is
Ilyen az élet That's the way life is
Bár mi látjuk a világot Although we see the world
más szemmel through different eyes
ugyanazt a gondolatot osztjuk we share the same idea
a paradicsomé of paradise
Szóval ne a csillagokban keresgélj So don't search in the stars
a szerelem jeleiért for signs of love
Nézz körül az életedben Look around your life
találsz eleget you'll find enough
Se a vida é szeretlek Se a vida é I love you
Gyere ki és érezd a reggeli napsütést Come outside and feel the morning sun
Se a vida é szeretlek Se a vida é I love you
Fiatalon sokkal egyszerűbb az élet Life is much more simple when you're young
Gyerünk, essa vida é Come on, essa vida é
Ilyen az élet That's the way life is
Ilyen az élet That's the way life is
Miért akarsz egyedül ülni? Why do you want to sit alone
gótikus homályban in gothic gloom
körülvéve a szerelem kísértetei surrounded by the ghosts of love
amelyek kísértik a szobádat? that haunt your room?
Valahol más ajtó van Somewhere there's a different door
szélesre nyílni to open wide
Ki kell dobnod azokat a csontvázakat a szekrényedből You gotta throw those skeletons out of your closet
és gyere ki and come outside
Szóval meglátod So you will see
egy vadonatúj nap a brand new day
A gondok az elmédben The troubles in your mind
el fog fújni will blow away
Könnyű elhinni It's easy to believe
azért vannak itt, hogy maradjanak they're here to stay
de nem találja meg őket but you won't find them
az utadba állva standing in your way
Se a vida é szeretlek Se a vida é I love you
Gyere ki és érezd a reggeli napsütést Come outside and feel the morning sun
Se a vida é szeretlek Se a vida é I love you
Fiatalon sokkal egyszerűbb az élet Life is much more simple when you're young
Gyerünk, essa vida é Come on, essa vida é
Ilyen az élet That's the way life is
Ilyen az élet That's the way life is
Forrás: Musixmatch
Dalszerzők: Neil Tennant / Christopher Lowe
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elotroalerosalesblog · 5 months ago
Me he convertido en un ser muy diver.
Lee amo, *corazon coreano*
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stephenthelpslover · 7 months ago
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Since I am a huge, and I mean, HUGE Just Dance lover, I decided to make this little cover for a song I really want to be added in a future entry. The song I'm showing is the song "Around the World" By Daft Punk. And the Two characters in this photo are Russell (obviously lol) And Prickly, a porcupine character from the kids series, Vida the Vet. So, What are your thoughts on it. Fell free to share your feedback in the comments.
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aracelliworld · 6 months ago
mis favoritos de Septiembre
este mes me ha sorprendido con productos geniales que te muestro en este video haul del mes!!!
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aricastmblr · 7 months ago
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🎉 #JungKook Birthday Login Event
인더섬은 오늘부터 #정국 생일 파티 시작 🎉 출석 5일차엔 사랑스러운 구름이 동상 데코까지 드려요!
🏝 https://hybe.im/I3Ryq
인더섬 #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland
En la Isla la fiesta de cumpleaños empieza hoy #정국 🎉 ¡El quinto día de asistencia, incluso recibirás una hermosa estatua decorativa de nube! (gureum)
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INTHESEOM_BTS X 28 ago.2024 🎉 #JungKook Birthday Shop Update
정국 생일 기념! 초특급. 대박. 귀여운. 고양이 코스튬 등장.
생일 데코까지 세트로 만나볼 수 있는 패키지가 출시 됐어요! 인더섬에서 지금 바로 만나보세요 ✨
🏝 https://hybe.im/I3Ryq
인더섬 #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland
🎉 #JungKook Actualización de la tienda de cumpleaños
정국 Celebración de cumpleaños! Súper especial. ay dios mío. lindo. Aparece el disfraz de gato.
¡Se ha lanzado un paquete que incluye decoraciones de cumpleaños como conjunto! Nos vemos ahora mismo en In the Island ✨
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INTHESEOM_BTS X 29ago2024 🐰 #JungKook Birthday Event
정국 생일 기념! 토끼, 아니 정국 찾기 대회 개최 🎉 인더섬 속 정국을 찾아 #JungKook_IntheSEOM + 닉네임을 남겨주세요! 당첨 시 100 보석을 드려요 💎
🏝 https://hybe.im/I3Ryq
인더섬 #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland
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kitsunabi · 7 months ago
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