#shonpota ask
blackstarmylove · 1 year
Who will kick their leaders if each team have sleepover?
I am going to assume you mean kick in their sleep.
Kei: none of his team members.
Kokuyou: ALL of his team members and on purpose. They want revenge on him for when he kicks and punches them during practice.
Rindou: none of his team members.
Mokuren: Zakuro "accidentally" kicks Mokuren in his sleep.
Mizuki: Ran and Hinata. Ran is violent even in his sleep, while Hinata kicks because he wants to.
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I really prayed that all of Global Warming damage will be applied only on US and Israel and not to other countries. Will that work out?
Probably not
There are lots of innocent people in the US/Israel who don't deserve to suffer the effects of climate change
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flatasstemple · 1 year
I hope hinata and ramuda hang out
I hope so too!!
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ghostlyplacetobe · 1 year
Thank you for sharing!
You are welcome!
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pearlescentplums · 2 years
Hey hey, what do you think Asian countries only for Hetaoni AU? I think it will be fun, no? ~
Unfortunately I don't really know what exactly happens in Hetaoni nor could I get into it, but I really am into horror AUs :) the Indonesia/India comic was actually based on a RE:8 and RE:7 inspired AU i had...
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
I am pretty sure with so much heated up tension in starless, that place is like absolutely a sauna 🥵🥵🥵
You say this as if Starless wouldn’t feel like a sauna on a regular day due to all the excitement
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Since in current stage story is Yakou is the one who rescued princess. What if Yakou in real plot ended up finding Saki in unexpected place 👁👄👁 like in less than an hour. It will be funny tbh.
Yakou: /holding Saki's hand/ 👁👄👁
Casts: 👁👄👁
Yakou: I find her nearby 😶
Casts: we go around shinjuku wtf
OMG that would be hilarious lol. I'd love to see Kei's reaction.
He would be happy but at the same time I think he'd be a bit jealous 🤣
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resting-rosy-rabbit · 2 years
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loosely partly inspired by @shonpota 's ask and talk the other day about grown up england who hasn't been doing much magic and also him gaining the ability to be embarrassed when being seen talking to fairies
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redladypaige · 10 months
@shonpota asks what I learned in Israeli school
What I learned in Israeli school is..
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honestly you're going to be disappointed
tl;dr it's not explicitly hateful, it's much more about emphasizing certain facts and ignoring others to create a narrative and lie by omission.
I don't think it's very different than other western education, but you'll be the judge of that.
I'll try to explain if it makes sense.
First of all, I studied in public school almost a decade ago (jesus), so things might have changed.
So this is the least religious education you can get. More religious schools have been caught with more explicitly hateful material, but that I can't tell you first hand.
Arabic class
From seventh to ninth grade you have mandatory Arabic in school.
Since it's such a short time you really only learn the basics.
The class doesn't really count towards your diploma grade, so you just have to pass it, so most people don't really take it seriously.
There are optional advanced classes to take later on, which in my case were took by Arab Israelis, people with interest in languages and people who wanted to be translators in the IDF.
Civics class
Mostly dry stuff about the system of government, how democracy works, elections, rigjts, stuff like that.
There is big talk about equal rights, mostly mentioning that women had equal rights by law since the founding and that Arab Israelis are regular citizens with equal rights.
Gaza and the west bank weren't mentioned at all, at least when I learned. This is stuff you learn from the news or from your parents.
And of course nothing about systemic racism or anything like that.
You can say that the class shows the ideal clean version of the vision of democracy without actually diving down to what's happening.
Putting "politics in school" is a very controversial subject over here, which I found similar to what's going on with the critical race theory thing in the USA.
Right wingers are in power for a while (and it's getting worse), and for them anything that puts Israel in not a great like is political and should be removed, though it is sometimes used against them too.
It constantly changes and stuff gets added and removed.
Tanach class
It might surprise you that even in secular schools you learn the Tanach (the old testament for you Christians) from first to twelfth grade.
It might surprise you more that we learn it not as a religious text, but much more of an historical one.
It was one of my favorite classes because it actually felt like it encourages skepticism and analysis.
There is talk about how the Torah was probably written by different authors because of contradictions which is literally sacreligous
We talked about which stories are or aren't corroborated by history, how to know about the author by the perspective of the text, events written on from different points of view, etc.
History class
You learn history from first to twelfth grade.
It's very very western.
Starting from Greek to Rome to the middle ages, enlightenment, the French and american revolutions and world wars.
Colonialism is displayed as neutral I guess - just an event that happened. Remember that they don't want opinionated teachers.
We gloss over stuff like slavery and native American genocide when learning about the us, its mostly the revolution and stuff.
Sometimes history from a specific place rotates in, but the rest of the world is mostly reserved for the optional advanced classes.
Of course, there is a big emphasis to ties to Judaism throughout.
Within those periods you learn about what the Jews were up to, usually under the lens of how the current ruler abused them.
World war 2 and the Holocaust obviously is a huge chunk of the material.
You don't get to modern history until like the 10th grade.
And then it's mostly the narrative of the creation of Israel, again viewed neutrally.
It starts from the Dreyfus trial, which had a Jewish officer been accused for a crime he didn't commit.
That caused a reporter named Herzel to think Jews will always be persecuted and to start the Zionist movement with the idea to find a homeland for the Jewish people.
We learn about different proposals for where it could be, raising money, the first Alyot (people who came to Israel to live there).
The Alyot are presented as good things generally, saying that the lands were legally bought and that the people wanted to live side by side with the Palestinians.
Of course the reality is more complicated than that.
We get the Balfour statement, explaining how it's the first time Jews got international recognition for a country but also how it's really non committal.
We learn the efforts to get a country against the British, both the diplomatic and the terrorist actions the early Israeli organizations did.
We learn about the UN division plan, with saying that the Jewish people were happy to share but Palestinians won't come to the negotiations table.
We talk about the declaration of independence when the British left, and how we were immediately attacked by the casus belli of killing all jews by all surrounding countries and still won at the end.
The atrocities of the war aren't mentioned at all.
The Nacba is mentioned, with the word it self constantly getting in and out from the books every year, but it's mentioned subjectively.
As in, "the Palestinians see the events of this war, when Israel took territory in a defensive war and people had to leave their houses as a day of tragedy with the intention to one day return" or something like this.
We learn about immigration after the Holocaust and Mizrahis from Arab countries (like me),surprisingly not shying away from the racism.
The narrative is "there might have been racism then, but now we are all a melting pot of a single culture" or something.
It gets as far as the Six Day War and Yom Kippur war at 1973, anything beyond that is not covered in school.
The main narrative we see about Palestinians is that most of them do want peace and are happy to live side by side with the Israelis, but every time their radical leadership hated their own people, and won't take any compromise.
They want to kill all Israelis and take everything, and Israel is only defending itself.
You can say that's the most radical narrative we learn.
There is little exploration of why, the assumption is anti semetism.
Every war is presented as justified and as part for Israels quest for peace, while being the constant victim.
Inner Palestinian politics aren't discussed, we don't learn their history, their views etc.
That's it I guess?
Feel free to ask anything and I'll try to remember
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colaloli · 1 year
EN Blst fan protip: block shonpota. You don't have to deal with their purposely triggering asks 🫣🥴 You don't know how perfectly curated it is to target you and your oshi characters/team. You are not being rude if you ignore them (or really just block them), you don't need that in your life lol.. Not to mention, beware of their out of line interpretations that many newbies tend to mistake as correct to canon—
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Alrighty @joyfulpocketninja tagged me in yet another music thing not that I mind these are fun
Put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish and then send this ask/tag 10 of your followers
Now usually in songs lists I'd include a shingan song but I'll give them a break for now instead I'm gonna turn the spotlight on one of my favourite tie-ins that were excluded from FAL
1. Weekend Magic by BIGMAMA
2. Butterfly Effect by SID(I have been wanting to rewatch this MV for a week now turns out they have their own YT channel now)
3. Dead End in Tokyo by Man with a Mission
4. Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes by Fall Out Boy
5. Get Into My Heart by MIYAVI ft Kavka Shishido
Gonna tag @pointeful @starfoxnerd4instinct @sapphireclawe @shallowbay @abrightclearfield @sweet-little-nothings @shonpota @thelockenessmonster @aeoliantectrix @riotrose8
And remember you don't have to if you don't want to
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blackstarmylove · 1 year
Please give us a moral alignment compass of Black Star characters list. (Example: Lawful chaotic, lawful evil, etc) 🥺🥺
Lawful Good - no one
Neutral Good - Qu, Kongou, Unei, Sinju, Ginsei, Yakou, Hari, Gui
Chaotic Good - Heath, Akira, Rico
Lawful Neutral - Rindou, Maica
Neutral - Kei, Sin, Kasumi
Chaotic Neutral - Ran, Taiga
Lawful Evil - Kokuyou, Takami, Yoshino
Neutral Evil - Mizuki, Sotetsu, Mokuren, Menou
Chaotic Evil - Haseyama, Iwami, Nekome, Zakuro
Description of each alignment under the cut.
Lawful Good - cast members who are strong followers of law and order and are willing to do anything to uphold rules/regulations.
Neutral Good - cast members who like a balance of regulation but with freedom. They do what they can to help others.
Chaotic Good - cast members who value freedom but not at the cost of toying with others. They are also rebels.
Lawful Neutral - cast members who see rules/regulations as important and want perfect order. But they like a system that is considerate and realistic.
Neutral - cast members who want balance and can see good and evil and balance between law and chaos.
Chaotic Neutral - cast members who like disorder and spontaneity and often question rules/regulations and traditions.
Lawful Evil - cast members who respect rules and regulations but are willing to bend those rules for their personal gains without caring how it affects others.
Neutral Evil - Cast members who don't follow the law but also don't want pure chaos. They will pursue their goals without a care in the world or how it affects others.
Chaotic Evil - cast members willing to go to any level to do as they please by any means necessary.
Some people may question why cast members like Kongou, Unei, and Sinju are not part of Lawful Good. Lawful Good comes off as a moral alignment where the person is willing to do anything, I mean anything, to uphold the law, and this is not always a good thing. While Kongou upholds the rules, he has broken them a few times, for example, when he helped his teammates hijack other teams' stages. Unei often disregards (or even fights against) Haseyama's rules when he thinks the rules might hurt the cast members.
While some might ask why Mizuki is part of Neutral Evil. Is he evil? No, but he does as he pleases without considering how his actions affect others; granting, he is doing this out of immaturity more than anything else.
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flatasstemple · 1 year
I hope the lawyer guy from hypmic works with haseyama
I would pay to see them fist fight actually
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shonpota · 1 year
Hi @shonpota~ ^0^/ Nice to meet you + thank you for following me on Tumblr ~ Still new to it + not super active but I like to visit & drop by every now & then~ ^^ If ok to ask (if not kindly disregard): (1) How did you come across Blackstar? (2) Who are your favorites from Blackstar? (3) Any game tips for those new to Blackstar? (4) Do you accept quick fanfiction asks? For example, "Could you write a super quick what-if scenario for Taiga? Like if he happens to be doing something on the computer (hacking) or in the middle of a boss fight (video game) and all of a sudden there's a blackout? What would he do?" (could be a funny reaction xD) (5) Any recommended websites for Blackstar merch? My bad for asking a lot of questions ^^; Thank you for your time & happy reading/gaming/other~ ^0^/ -Nacho ^0^
Suppo! Yo yo!!!
1. From ads in Qooapp, the design of the characters reminds me of villains in senjyushi, it is such a good moment because i was severely broken hearted due senjyushi got shut down back then, and black star helps me cope.
2. Yakou, Yoshino, Mokuren, Rindou!
3. Focus on raising heroine levels and auto performance skill! Well i am an active wfh worker so auto performance do 90% of my scores while j am distracted.
4. Oh!! Yeah sure sure maybe for one paragraph!! I also accept Black Star RP too (i typed fast).
Thanks for asking me, Nachoo
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blackstarmylove · 1 year
Who is the sanest and craziest cast according to your opinion?
I can only pick one? That's hard!
Sanest - a tie between Kei and Sin
Craziest - Zakuro
How I arrived at the conclusion under the cut.
How am I judging sane? Someone who is sound-minded, sensible, and realistic/practical.
Kei, Yakou, Akira, Sin, Maica, Qu, Kongou
Why I am eliminating the following cast members:
Yakou is level-headed, but his original motivation for joining Starless was not sensible. Yakou matured through his journey but has yet to make complete peace with Team P and Sinju. The day he moves on entirely, he will become a practical man.
Kongou is very sound-minded and mature, but his passive nature sometimes causes a lapse of judgment. Due to this, there are times when he is not practical. That and he can be too nice at times, making it difficult for him to face reality head-on.
Qu is one of the sanest members, but sometimes he doesn't want to face reality. Maybe it's to evade pain, or maybe he doesn't want to give someone else pain. His soft side makes it hard for him to be practical at times.
Akira can pick up on the details and understand things better than others think. But he isn't the type to think practically. Thinking practically would mean being mature, and Akira enjoys being playful and immature at times.
Maica is one of the most realistic in Starless. He also gives sensible advice to others; he was responsible for helping Rindou pick himself up and move on in the earlier seasons. As for sound-minded, he has a little temper and tends to get angry/agitated easily.
How am I judging crazy? Someone who has wild, irritational, out-of-control and makes others want to be cautious around him.
Nekome, Menou, Zakuro, Mizuki, Ran
Nekome definitely has a wild side and knows how to hide it well. He could have set fire to Starless, got someone to loosen the whale skeleton, and purposely got crushed under it. That's pretty crazy, but we don't know much about him yet for me to fully judge.
Menou has a wild, irritational side when it comes to his acting. In one of Team P's performances, Menou played a negative character, and his portrayal of the character was so insane that the audience was too frightened. Outside of acting, he's not that crazy. At least as far as we know.
Mizuki definitely has a wild, out-of-control, and irrational side, but this comes from immaturity and childishness. He is innocent and emotional, so it doesn't stem from insanity.
Ran has a wild and out-of-control side; to add to this, he has violent tendencies (ties with the yakuza). Despite this, he still has a sensible side, so he isn't completely irrational.
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blackstarmylove · 10 months
Hey hey! What do you think of Aogiri? He seems already a developed character too. He makes me go whoosh.
He is handsome, but his doormat-like personality is a bit frustrating. Although, I think he is totally hiding his original personality. 😂
Also, to answer your other question, "Who do I think is more sus between Aogiri and Hinata." I would say Aogiri. Hinata is at least showing us what he is really like, but Aogiri is hiding his true self, which is far more dangerous.
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