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robertosekiya10 · 8 months ago
Da Honra ao Sucesso: Extrair Lições Empresariais da Série "Xogum - A Gloriosa Saga do Japão"
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Imagine uma era onde a estratégia e a honra não são meros conceitos, mas pilares que sustentam impérios. É nesse cenário que a série "Xogum - A Gloriosa Saga do Japão" o streaming da Disney é tão boa que parece uma história real, e quase é. Baseada no romance de James Clavell que nos imerge, oferecendo mais do que entretenimento, ela nos provê um espelho do passado para refletirmos sobre o futuro dos negócios. Este artigo visa desbravar esse passado, comparando-o com nossas práticas atuais e extrair preciosas lições para empreendedores e empresários modernos.
Contexto Histórico e Cultural da Série
Ambientada no Japão feudal, "Xogum" nos transporta a um mundo onde valores como lealdade, honra e estratégia não são apenas virtudes, mas questões de vida ou morte. Essa era é marcada por uma complexa teia de relações sociais e pol��ticas, onde a liderança é tanto uma arte quanto uma ciência. Ao entender esse contexto, podemos começar a apreciar as profundas lições que ele oferece para o mundo empresarial de hoje.
Filosofias e Crenças
Central para a série e para a cultura que ela retrata, o Bushido, o caminho do guerreiro, destila princípios de conduta que transcendem seu tempo. Disciplina, respeito, lealdade e coragem não são apenas traços de caráter, mas fundamentos que podem fortalecer a cultura de uma empresa, inspirar equipes e guiar lideranças. Ao mergulharmos nessas filosofias, descobrimos como elas podem moldar práticas empresariais mais éticas e sustentáveis.
Comparação com Tempos Atuais
Contrastando o mundo de "Xogum" com o cenário empresarial contemporâneo, notamos diferenças e semelhanças surpreendentes. Enquanto a tecnologia e o ambiente de negócios evoluíram, a essência da liderança, estratégia e ética permanece. Analisando esses paralelos, podemos identificar quais valores e práticas daquela época ainda ressoam hoje, oferecendo insights para liderar com mais sabedoria e eficácia.
Lições para o Mundo Empresarial
A partir da intrincada dança de poder e honra em "Xogum", podemos extrair lições valiosas para a gestão e o crescimento empresarial. A importância de uma liderança estratégica, a valorização da lealdade e integridade, e a coragem para tomar decisões difíceis são apenas algumas das jóias de sabedoria que podemos aplicar para construir organizações mais fortes e resilientes.
"Xogum" não é apenas uma janela para o passado, mas um farol para o futuro. As lições que extraímos dessa série nos desafiam a refletir sobre nossas próprias práticas e a integrar valores atemporais em nossa jornada empresarial. Encorajo cada leitor a contemplar essas lições e a considerar como elas podem enriquecer não apenas seus negócios, mas também suas vidas.
Inspire-se no passado para inovar no presente. Olhe além do convencional e pergunte-se: quais princípios de "Xogum" posso incorporar para liderar com maior propósito e construir um legado empresarial duradouro? A jornada está apenas começando.
Convidamos os empreendedores e empresários a não apenas admirar a narrativa cativante de "Xogum", mas também a aplicar suas lições profundas, criando assim empresas que prosperam não só em riqueza, mas em caráter e impacto.
Roberto Sekiya
Ceo Da B2B Business Connection
Fundador da Causa Empreendedora
Subsecretário de Empreendedorismo e da Micro e Pequena Empresa do Governo de SP
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enbyboiwonder · 13 days ago
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!!! I thought those were drop only—I didn’t think Thief’s Theory could nab them!
And on top of that, this one also gave me a miracle sword through Itemised Kill, and the one before gave me one as a normal drop—and this was only my 7th Shogum!
It seems my luck is continuing today (and here’s hoping I didn’t just use it all up lol)
Now I’m off to find a Trauminator. I’ve got at least one map that I know has it at the bottom, but I haven’t tried fighting it yet on this save.
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questersrest · 29 days ago
btw you should know about dq10's coin bosses which are complicated to explain but just know that the main ones we've got are a bunch of mostly legacy bosses/monsters and they keep adding more higher level ones to as the max level increases. we've got:
level 60: atlas (dq2)
level 60: pazuzu (dq2)
level 65: belial (dq2)
level 65: evil trinity (belial, pazuzu, and atlas from dq2 all at once)
level 70: gaia dragon (seems to be a dq10 original as far as i'm aware)
level 75: baramos (dq3)
level 80: king hydra (dq3)
level 80: gracos (dq6)
level 80: 3 legend evils (soul of baramos, bones of baramos, and king hydra from dq3 all at once)
level 85: überkilling machine (dq6. i think the frail version is just the one, the normal version is one followed by another, and the apex version is both at once)
level 85: 4 dread fiends (dhuran, blackmar, jamirus, and gracos from dq6 all at once)
level 85: don mole (dq8)
level 90: ruin (dq8)
level 93: trauminator (dq9)
level 96: shogum (dq9)
level 96: nemeslime (dqmj2)
level 100: goresby-purrvis (dq9)
level 105: hootingham-gore (dq9)
level 108: goreham-hogg (dq9)
level 110: triumgorate (goreham-hogg, hootingham-gore, and goresby-purrvis from dq9 all at once)
level 110: green dragon (dq1)
level 114: evil sir leopold (dq8)
level 116: murdaw (dq6)
level 120: true dread fiends (murdaw, dhuran, blackmar, jamirus, and gracos from dq6 all at once)
level 120: rashaverak (dq4)
level 124: aamon (dq4)
level 126: ultimate aamon (dq4)
level 130: barrier guardians (rashaverak, barbatos, pruslas, and aamon from dq4 all at once)
level 130: the time being (dq7)
and i believe this is where we're currently at unless something new was added when max level was increased to 133
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panged-lin · 1 year ago
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The monkey's paw curls a single finger
There are around 74-75 monsters in the Slime Family in the Dragon Quest series. Possibly more. Definitely more because the wiki is scattered beyond belief and there are some WEIRD entries.
This includes classic slimes - bear with me there are a lot of them - Slime, She-Slime (which aren't strictly female they're just a weird colour), Metal Slime, Mottle Slime, Mottle She-Slime (which looks like a regular slime with pink spots, don't get confused), Mottle Mendslime, Angel Slime, Dark Slime, Cyber Slime, Dark Slime (which is different from the other Dark Slime and is only found in DLC for DQ:VIII), Behemoth Slime, BeSHEmoth Slime, Mime Slime, Flan Slime, Marble Slime, Cutie Slime, Jade Slime, Lime Slime, Lemon Slime, Pink Slime, Electroslime, Snow Slime and Cream Slime (those last two look very similar to one another but I promise they're different). These all share the classic slime design of a teardrop-shaped body, beady eyes and a goofy smile. The eyes and smile carry over to pretty much every slime so keep an eye out for those.
There's a few stacked slimes - Slime Stack, Metal Medley, Gem Jamboree, Slime Sisters (which aren't she-slimes, don't get confused) - basically three slimes stacked on top of each other. We'll come back to Gem Slimes in a sec they're their own little thing.
Melty, bubbly slimes like Bubble Slime, Liquid Metal Slime, and Slick Slime. There's also mouldy fungal versions - Dank Bubble Slime, Metal Truffle Slime, Pickled Slime and Slimeshroom. The bubble slimes don't actually bubble, mind, the bubbles just hover in the air above it for no discernable reason.
Jellyfish-type slimes - Healslime, Cureslime, Medislime, Sootheslime, Metal Healie, Magic Slime (which looks like a wizard's hat and is adorable), and for some reason the Man O' War which looks identical to them but is an aquatic monster.
A few shelled versions; Seaslime (SEAslime, not SHE-slime, don't get confused), Shellslime, Snail Slime, Slimecicle and Coal Slime.
Knight-style slimes like Slime Knight, Metal Slime Knight (which is nothing like other metal slimes and is probably just painted chrome), Snooty Slime Knight and Pâtissier Knight. A more potent "dudes on slimes" variant including Slionheart, Prime Slime and Shogum (which wins my award for favourite name ever).
Some dragon-style slimes - Dragon Slime, Drake Slime and Metal Dragon Slime. They are not as fearsome-looking as their names would suggest.
Another category I like to call "Slime Royalty" and there's quite a few of these: King Slime, Queen Slime, Slime Princess (no prince oddly), King Cureslime, King Bubble Slime, Metal King Slime, King She-Slime (DON'T GET CONFUSED-), Dark King Slime, Halloween King (not called a slime but we know better), Mottle King Slime, Liquid Metal King Slime and Crème Caraslime (which isn't strictly royalty but falls under "giant slime with a funny hat" so I'm keeping it). Two additional bearded ones called Grandpa Slime and his metal cousin the Metal Kaiser Slime.
GEM SLIMES AT LAST and they are very fancy lads indeed! Gem Slime, Emperor Slime, Darkonium Slime (which... is different from the other dark slimes too...), Platinum King Jewel (the BIGGEST xp bag in the games he appears in) and Diamond Slime. Oh and the Gem Slime looks very different from its stacked variant, which just looks like a recolour of the standard slime stack.
Alright, this is where it gets weird. It'll be tame to start with and gradually slide down into "what the hell am I looking at" territory.
I'm not entirely sure if I should include the plant slimes here? There's Tree Slime, sure, but plenty are under the Plant family. But for the sake of completeness since they all share the characteristic Slime face: Tropic Gel, Sprite Bulb, Wight Bulb, Fright Bulb, Weedie and Seedie Weedie.
Bad Egg and Mega Egger also fall into the Slime family, both being able to hatch into slimes or other monsters. Bad Egg itself... sigh... ALSO has a host of variants with that characteristic eye and grin. Eggcelsior, Glorious Eggcelsior, Egg Royale, Speggtre, Foliegg, Dreggon, Deviled Egg, Hard-boiled Egg (which is made of bricks, very fun design) and Egg-en-ciel.
Let's get weirder.
I don't have a category for these next slimes besides "Weird". The Box Slime and Master Slime are probably the most normal of them, along with Pearl Gel (which is just a cute idea)... ...but then we have Aqua Slime which is just a fish-shaped standard slime (and looks kind of creepy). And Wild Slime. And Snowmangler for some reason who is just a snowman. Rubble Slime and Magma Slime are slimes made of rocks at various temperatures. Wing Slime. It has the jellyfish-like body of the Healslime category but also has wings on its back. I don't know why this one bothers me so much but it just does. Though not as much as Slabbit. The name speaks for itself.
And now my absolute favourites. Ultra Slime and Nemeslime. These aren't standard slime monsters. I don't know if I can do them justice but I can try. They are. Full-suited. Power Ranger-esque knights. With a slime motif. These two have no god damm right going as hard as they do, they're so stupid that they loop right back around to being amazing.
Did I mention the slimes have a TANK? The Famed Schleiman Tank, in fact. It's from a spinoff called Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime where - as far as I can glean - the slimes have fucking militarised. These guys have the enginuity to build a tank that looks like it doubles as a moble military base as well.
And finally, to cap this insane journey off...
He isn't a classic slime. He's listed in the Slime Family page but is humanoid and lacks the distinct slime features. So what is he doing there exactly? Well... you'll see.
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This is what Trode looks like, for reference. He's a cursed king who's daughter was turned into a horse but that's not what I want to highlight here.
What I DO want to highlight is that he makes an appearance in Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2. I want to believe I'm missing a lot of context - and I probably am - but this game involves you taming monsters on an island and doing battle with them. This game has a breeding chart for what monsters are compatible with what other monsters. Trode here. Has a breeding chart. Which lists the Gem Slime of all things.
I'm not sure if the Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker wiki page stating that Trode here can't be bred means that he can't breed with other monsters or he can't be obtained VIA breeding (called Synthesizing in the Joker version of DG:M) and I'm also not sure if the chart means he can procreate with or produce Gem Slimes. All I know is that he's listed under the Slime Family page and investigating further has raised more frightening questions than it answered.
There's another equally weird entry on there but it is marked under spoilers, so... I'll leave that up to curiosity.
And. Yeah. That's where my Dragon Quest wiki diving got me. I am dead certain that there's a slime or two I've missed but there are a LOT! There was a "why" to this at some point - some combination of nostalgic triggers that compelled me to venture there - but it's long since been overshadowed by whatever the hell is happening in this strange, beady-eyed family of iconic critters.
Hi, would you like to know how many species of slime there are in Dragon Quest?
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hikikomorichapado · 4 years ago
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Shōgun é uma minissérie americana baseada no romance de mesmo nome lançado por James Clave (Que também foi o produtor executivo da série) em 1975.
Foi exibida pela primeira vez nos Estados Unidos pela NBC, em cinco noites entre 15 de setembro e 19 de setembro de 1980. Até o momento, é a única produção de televisão americana a ser filmada inteiramente em locações no Japão.
A minissérie é vagamente baseada nas aventuras do navegador inglês William Adams , que viajou para o Japão em 1600 e alcançou uma posição elevada a serviço do Shogun . A minissérie segue as experiências transformadoras e intrigas políticas do inglês fictício John Blackthorne no Japão feudal no início do século XVII.
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burningfestivalpersona · 3 years ago
There’s probably something to be said about how the Luminary Vocation, the upgraded form of your default Minstrel, is the one that’s unlocked only in the postgame.
Probably decently late in the postgame, even, given that you have to fight Moai Minstrels for the quest that unlocks it, and those are only found in high-level grottoes.
This kid falls from the sky one day and doesn’t have anywhere to go. One of the people in town decides they must be a minstrel of some type, and they shrug and go along with it, because have you seen the Celestrian command structure, they’re not about to tell anyone no.
And they just keep going along with it, even after saving the world, because they just can’t find anything better, and it turns out that they’re actually pretty good at it, and eventually they attract the attention of a talent scout.
Or... maybe it’s just that now they are paying attention to talent scouts, because they’ve been mortal for long enough, at this point, to actually care about these things.
Or maybe it’s just that they needed to be mortal, in order to come into their full power. As a Celestrian, they were never going to find it. Maybe they just needed to figure themself out first, and that just wasn’t going to happen while they spent the entire game in crisis mode.
There’s really a lot of possibilities.
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izumi-kanai · 7 years ago
I love my second boyfriend Shogum, and his love and devotion to God and Jesus Christ. Amen!
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i-must-be-complete · 3 years ago
Día 29.
Sin brazos, sin piernas, con el rostro desfigurado o con una apariencia aterradora digna de una criatura dentro de un filme cinematográfico, fueron las condiciones en que terminaron todos ellos tras la explosión de sus naves espaciales durante un enfrentamiento con el ejército corneriano. Algunos de ellos ni siquiera lograban explicarse cómo continuaban convida, pues muchos de ellos se habían resignado a la muerte en el instante que su enemigo superó su poder destructivo como generales, capitanes y comandantes de guerra, destrozando sus oportunidades con un disparo certero. 
Granga, Attaking Carrier, Meteo Crusher, armaduras estelares, Saucerer, Mechbeth y Sarumarine, grandiosas creaciones del Imperio, fueron reducidos a cenizas en el altercado más absurdo que pudieron haber protagonizado y aún así no tuvieron la voluntad para maldecir su milagrosa supervivencia en mitad de su desdichado fracaso. A pesar de que su actualidad constara de una humillación peor que la muerte.
Al Consejo Galáctico debió parecerle muy gracioso verlos pudrirse en ese show después de que las penalizaciones de sus juicios no los satisficiera lo suficiente. Más que saberlos derrotados querían verlos degradados y doblegados a su absoluta voluntad, ansiaban que se hundieran en el excremento de sus nuevas vidas mientras alababan el nula respeto dirigido a sus patéticas existencias. Los espectáculos fueron duros al principio, pues muchas veces los avergonzados primates no tuvieron más salida que llorar en aquel inmundo cuarto que habían llamado su camerino especial. Condenados a sus muletas y sillas de ruedas, solían preguntarse cuánto tiempo más tendrían que soportar este vil trato.
—¡He tenido suficiente de esto! —exclamó Caiman desalmado—. ¿Qué más quieren de nosotros? ¡Ya basta! ¡No puedo más!
El antiguo piloto de Granby tuvo el impulso de extender un brazo hacia el hombro de su desconsolado hermano de flota reptil pero recordó que carecía de la extremidad con la que pretendió dedicarle el gesto, así que sólo pudo bajar la cabeza y resistir el llanto formando un nudo en su garganta.
—Nadie niega que esto es una mierda pero, ¿qué más nos queda? —intervino uno de los primates, una vez piloto de Granga—. ¿Otra huelga de hambre? No conseguiremos nada más que morir ¿y de qué sirvió haber vivido todo este tiempo? Si pudiéramos cambiar algo, lo hubiéramos hecho la primera.
El piloto de Attaking Carrier gruñó al no poseer las cuerdas bocales necesarias para articular palabras o emitir cualquier otro sonido, mientras golpeaba con la mitad de sus piernas la silla de ruedas en que yacía postrado.
—No nos dejarán morir —señaló el piloto de Meteo Crusher avanzando lentamente con ayuda de sus muletas instaladas en lo que fueron alguna vez sus brazos—. Ellos son capaces de reanimar nuestros corazones antes de que muera nuestro cerebro. Escuché que lo robaron del laboratorio de Andross.
—Ya lo probaron conmigo  —afirmó el Shogum, encogiéndose sobre el aparato con el cual podía trasladarse de lugar con cierta dificultad, pues a diferencia de sus compañeros que pudieron moverse en sus naves de combate, su armadura había cobrado lo más posible durante la explosión, dejándolo con nada más que su cabeza y torso. El conductor de Mechbeth sólo deslizó una mano contra su rostro quemado sin poder siquiera opinar.
—Agh, agh. Maldita sea —susurró el piloto de Sarumarine desde su respirador, más irritable que nunca. Entonces se vieron unos a otros unos momentos en completo silencio. Aceptando por fin su destino como fenómenos de circo.
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idylean · 8 years ago
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One face a day 150/365. Monge Flor de primavera Character from the independet Brazilian HQ Shogum dos mortos illustrated by Daniel Werneck https://www.facebook.com/shogum666/?__mref=message_bubble
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1nightinoctober · 5 years ago
I assumed other parks meant other locations, but it seems like they have all the parks under the same location.
Where did Sylvester and Felix came from?
ShogumWorld. Were West Maeve and Hector meet Shogum Maeve and Hector.
Why is Maeve still able to voice control? No one else seems to be able to.
Voice control is updated to mind control.
Dolores is trying to change Teddy through is code, faster than marriage counseling I suppose.
This episode made made me feel like I own the park 40K, the narrative just keeps on happening, and it's like I have to watch my roomba and my kitchen robot perform old chinese dances.
Hemsworth and Charlotte are back. Ship it.
Hemsworth number one is the same that Hemsworth number two, just past and present, as we are still catching up on those 10 days. Kudos to him for only getting busted once then.
Darth Maeve.
Narrative guy makes himself usefull. Seems to be the only one aware that humans are indeed mortal.
Anthony Hopkins cames back to make things interesting and to re-own his dog.
So full cloning and a host are different things. You can transplant your mind into the framework but not into a host yet. So Ford lives inside his stories now planning the metaphorical piano and pulling the strings from the literal inside. He must be the one blocking the attempts to control the hosts.
Maeve gets to relive her traumatic experiences and Ed Harris bites a bullet.
The security team doesn't seem to notice the park owner bleeding out on the floor, glad to see their priorities are still set straight.
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alenbkrishna · 4 years ago
Real life Maathan @anelbkrishna 🖤 An @afzal_ameer Creation 😈 #mayanadhi #maathan #tovinothomas #shogum (at Trivandrum, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCAYBcBpgXj/?igshid=r8h1u21mtfbu
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enbyboiwonder · 13 days ago
So I guess Itemised Kill only sometimes works on grotto bosses. The first time I used it on Equinox, I got the “But nothing happens” message, but he still dropped a dragontail whip, so I guessed that that message was because he was already going to drop something. It working the next time I used it on him (and later that once on Shogum) supported that. But just now, I used it on Trauminator and got the “But nothing happens” message, and it dropped nothing. So that’s disappointing.
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questersrest · 2 years ago
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ryuu-girl · 8 years ago
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Made some expressions for my character Shogun. Who knew a mask could be so expressive! #characterdesign #digitalart #drawing #art #charactercreation #digitalartanddesign #colors #expressions #clipstudiopaint #robot #shogum
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andrewtarcher · 6 years ago
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Arrows and chaos reign down upon the battlefield at @3floydsbrewing as this shogum uses his robotic crosshairs to aim his next strike.
Instagram / www.andrewarcher.com
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burningfestivalpersona · 2 years ago
I feel like Dragon Quest IX, as a whole, could be much improved by simply giving fewer bosses Disruptive Wave and removing Omniheal.
Less Disruptive Wave because any game where you can’t use buffs in most fights is basically just saying you wasted all those skill points you put into the Armamentalist tree. If you can’t respect someone’s customization decisions, you shouldn’t be giving them those options to begin with.
No Omniheal because literally no one needs Omniheal ever. Full heals need to be limited in some way, not refreshed every time Shogum successfully calls another King Cureslime. At no point has that ever been necessary.
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