#shoe watches bojack horseman
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shoechoe · 5 months ago
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this shirt is killing me
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super-cupcakeboy · 2 months ago
Curly x Anya is weird and so is Joetastic (TW for mentions of r//pe and SA)
The whole point of mouthwashing is based around the fact that men will cover for each other in the workforce (r//pe or SA). There's more than that but that's one of the main ideas. Curly finds out that Jimmy r//ped Anya, and he does nothing. This is very common in the real world, especially if these men know each other. Curly thinks, ok, I just need to talk to Jimmy and things will work themselves out. He knows that isn't what he should do. And that's what you need to accept, Curly wasn't pressured, he wasn't put in a tough pickle, Curly knew that him talking to Jimmy isn't going to work things out, he knows Jimmy did something wrong. Anya tell Curly, she's pregnant, she's hoping that Curly, a man that is very friendly and knows wrong from right, man that is her friend does the right thing. He doesn't, he ignores her problems and doesn't do anything. Instead, this man covers for his friend and pulls the "I'm sorry you feel that way" card. Even if Curly is sorry, he's not in the right. In the entire game, he was never in the right with his actions. But we sympathise with him because, "Oh! He didn't mean it!" "He just wanted to find his place in the world, why did it come to this?" "His punishment was too harsh :(!" His punishment was justified, yes, being in his condition is harsh, but Curly needed to learn. So what if he wanted to feel like he was working towards something? That doesn't excuse the fact he's a bad person, why don't you go sympathise with murders or convicts who say the same thing then. He didn't mean it? Then why did he do it? Anya tends to Curly because Jimmy wants to keep him alive, she probably would not try to keep Curly alive, she knows that his condition is critical and he won't survive. Anya feels sympathy for Curly, but only because he's injured. To her, Curly is a man who was supposed to be her friend, but instead ignored her cries and tried to kill everyone. Put yourself in her shoes, one day, you were SA'ed or r//ped by a coworker, eventually, you work up enough courage to tell your other coworker what happened. Your coworker, who you've known for a while, says he'll handle it, you hope he does. He doesn't, he doesn't do anything, he tries to sweep it under the rug, acting like it's not really a big deal. But it is, because your also in a position where your not able to get an abortion, you don;t want this baby, but you have to keep it because by the time you go home, it's to late. The baby will be born already. Your coworker, r//ped you, and now you have to keep it's baby. Would you love, date, or be romantic to the man who did nothing, stood by and watched it happen, and did do shit? I could've worded this whole thing better, I just had to get it off my chest, Joetastic is so fucking weird for shipping Curly x Anya and thinking it's cute, it's not, there shouldn't be ANY ships in mouthwashing, that's not the point. People who are shipping any of the characters, missed the whole fucking point. Bojack horseman all fucking over again... CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU'VE ALL MISSED THE POINT!! EDIT: Don't harass anyone over this, also stop commenting that I'm new to the fandom or the I'M harassing Joetastic. I have them blocked on all my socials, I just want to tell everyone that the ship is weird. Also, it's important to make posts like these to spread information, if nobody makes posts about this then no one knows what's happening. Then people who don't know what's happening will continue to support a creator who's in the wrong.
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vile-wizard · 25 days ago
If I was born a cis man my name would be Mark or Matt and I'd spend most of my day compiling YouTube videos into really long 'to watch' playlists (mostly video essays about TV shows I watched in my early teens or fishing vlogs.) I'd have shaggy brown hair (I'd tell everyone I'm trying to grow it out into one of those trendy medium length mullet but I'd always cut it before it got that long) and no facial hair (I'd try to grow a beard for a while but would get too self conscious during the growth phase). Sophomore year of high school I'd buy 7 versions of the same grey shirt and spend several months only wearing those shirts (my parents would argue with me about it all the time. Eventually I'd stop because I realized they'd never stop if I didn't diversify my wardrobe.) I'd play soccer but only because I'd feel too self conscious about my height to play on a basketball team (I'm 5'9" and my taller guy friends would make fun of me to the point where I'd think of myself as abnormally short. It would drive me crazy and I'd always pick out shoes that made me look taller.) I wouldn't have an 'anime phase' because anime never really appealed to me (I'd seen a couple random FMA episodes at my cousins house but wasn't interested in watching the show) and I'd be a little bit snobbish about not caring even though at that same time I'd be really into Bojack Horseman and throughout highschool my laptop username would be Mr Peanut butter (the ending of the show would disappoint me and I wouldn't talk about it anymore after that). I wouldn't have a girlfriend (too busy working on my liberal arts degree haha) but I would have a long term crush on a barista who works near my college campus remembered my coffee order once (I'd feel pressured to never change my order after that in case she got confused) and my close friends would hype me up to make a move but I never would because I'd feel that it would be unethical to hit on someone while they're working a customer service job (She'd quit a few months later and after the initial dispair I'd feel relieved because I'd finally get to order something different). After graduation I'd consider starting my own podcast but stop because of all the memes about men starting their own podcasts. My small claim to fame would be a letterboxed review with 1148 likes I wrote using a recycled Dril joke I stole off twitter.
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jellogram · 4 months ago
Okay so in Bojack Horseman, horseshoes are a recurring motif. Bojack has pop art of them over his bed. It's his contact pic in PC's phone. He lives on a street called Luck Hoof.
Now. I don't know why it took me two complete watches to notice this, but what the FUCK. The animals in this universe have people hands and feet. Bojack does not have hooves. None of the animals have hooves. They wear normal people shoes for their human-shaped feet, no matter the species.
So what the fuck are horseshoes used for in this universe
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always-andromeda · 2 years ago
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Been on a little bit of bit of a nostalgia kick today because I started to look through my archived Pinterest boards. See, when I was like fifteen, I was such a pretentious little Instagram photographer and I’d upload all of my photos to Pinterest. So here’s a glimpse of what teenage Andromeda was like lol. 💛
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Me living out my aesthetic tumblr bookworm dreams. The DIY flower crown. The printed out fandom memes on my wall. The Marvel and Star Wars posters. The collection of John Green novels. I wanted to be y/n so bad.
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I was also a massive art hoe. I would bring my watercolors to study hall and paint while listening to music or watching Bojack Horseman. Because I was so mysterious. 🙄
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This is the Coraline birthday cake I made for myself one year and some adorable macarons I saw one time. Because every single time I went to a coffee shop with my friend, I’d take loads of pictures of the cutesy macarons lol.
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These ones make me wheeze so hard. I saw apples in a gutter and went: ✨ AESTHETIC ✨ And, god, I used to take pictures of my shoes like this all the time. I really had like a dozen photos of my dirty ass combat boots standing on usually dead grass. Nice. So cute.
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papirouge · 2 years ago
That thing about adults watching toddlers cartoons you reblogged... I think it truly is a reflection of some people literally reggresing in some ways, and i don't blame the ones who just want an escape from their shitty lives. I feel some people simply are finding it difficult to accept the reality of adulthood and all the realizations that come with it. The lost of innocence and all, finding out the world is more harsh and cruel that expected... I don't know, i can understand in a way because sometimes ill watch cartoons from my childhood or play videogames from that time too... It's the nostalgia from better times. I think it happens to us that had more sheltered childhoods.... However, i do think its weird to seek out new cartoons from toddlers and somehow enjoy it. I don't get it. Perhaps cartoons fr older kids are really bad nowadays, i wouldnt know.
I do think its more understandable for people interested in animation since most western cartoons are geared towards kids, and adult cartoons are ugly as balls lets be honest. And they can be cringy as hell: once i was walking by my brother watching that Bojack horseman or whatever cartoon, and there was this character talking about asexuality and how you could be asexual and have romantic relationships and sex. Like, the cringe... Id rather watch bluey or stephan university lmao
Yeah I hate how Western animation has become.....so ugly. I mean the Power Puff Girls or Totally Spies had some edge but when I see today's animation it looks so ugly and disgusting (Family Guy, Big Mouth has to be the filthiest adult animated show I ever laid my eyes upon). And I also hate how adult shows have to be so unecessary sexual. It's like because, since they're for an adult audience, they now could tackle those topics, they had to shoe horn these unecessary awkward and disgusting storylines.... (and thinking you can be asexual while having sex is stupid yeah lol)
I think you are absolutely right about how watching these "comfort shows" can help coping with the hardship of reality, but look at the result : people are getting more and more (intellectually and emotionally) retarded. It's not normal for a 25+ adult of being invested in anime or manga where the characters are half of their own age....
Look how anime has groomed entire generations of men thinking that women enjoyed sexual harassment and rape, and that they didn't have real hobbies (beside looking out for male approval). I'll never be over how horrendously written 99% of female characters in manga are (the 1% left are written by female mangaka). There's no wonder men who grew up with that trash have a totally wrapped image of women, struggle respecting their boundaries (there's no wonder japanese men are known creep - especially with foreigners), how a REAL ADULT HUMAN FEMALE body look like (just the other day there was a kid on Twitter calling "disgusting" a woman who had.....body hair on her arm. His argument? "but IN PORN women don't look like that!!!".....😐).
I think those shows are ruining the way people are adulting. Western civilization look down on cultures that upkept a "ritual of passage" into adulthood, arguing it's unecessary and kinda hard on kids to have such a sharp leap into adulthood, but I think those cultures actually have a point. At some point adults need to cut out with regressive coping mechanism for their own well-being.
Again : grown adult watching debilitating shows is not normal. It makes them emotionally retarded and dumb. Just because something helps you to cope with shit doesn't mean it's harmless or good for you in the long run.
A grown 27 y.o woman unironically posting about her "comfort character" and that characters is somehow half her age is NOT normal. Grown men in the 30s watching anime and getting excited about the next One Piece chapter release like there's no tomorrow is NOT normal. Grown men watching anime altogether is a red flag anyway (and let's not talk about those gathering toys/collectibles which is HIGHLY symbolic psychologically-wise - babies/children are those needing toys, not adults...)
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dew-moss · 4 months ago
Watching bojack horseman for the first time rn...
And as someone who spent 4 months in a psychiatric hospital when i was 19, i really felt that "i can't be fixed, you're gonna have to let me stay here forever" scene...
Anyway, 5 years later it doesn't feel that way anymore
But i still feel like i'm just waiting.. Waitung for the other shoe to drop, but idk why, what is it. Why am i waiting.
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suckitsurveys · 2 years ago
Why did you close the door the last time you closed one? The door automatically closes behind me. It was the back door to our office and it remains closed and locked for security.
Stripes or polka dots? Both are cute.
Do you care if people touch you when they’re talking to you? Um, as a general rule, don’t fucking touch me??? But like, if someone is consoling me and talking to me, then I don’t mind if they have a hand on my shoulder or even a hug or something. But even then that’s usually someone I’m close to anyway.
What is your gender? I’m a woman.
Do you think that people think its obvious? Gender isn’t obvious bro. Yes I do realize the irony in saying bro haha.
How long did your first date last? My very first date ever? I don’t remember, that was ages ago.
Is your favorite color within 10 feet of you? Yes, a feature wall and some accents in this office are purple.
Highlight of your day? Finding out not only is John Mulaney’s new special coming to Netflix April 25th, but also Pete Davidson’s new show is coming to Peacock May 4th! What a day!
Would you rather be on a boat or a plane? I mean, travel-wise, a plane. I wouldn’t mind going out on a boat for the day though.
Can you tell when girls (or guys) have eyeliner on? For the most part, yeah.
Can you cook? I get by.
How high is your ceiling? We have pretty low ones in the apartment since we are in the basement. In the office I am in I’d say they are at least 10ft.
Whats the worst job you can think of? I don’t know, that’s objective.
Do you swear a lot? I do oops.
Does the last person you texted have an O in their name? She does.
Is everything working in your house? Our oven has been broken for 3 years now haha. We have just been using the toaster oven lol.
Would you rather have a pool or a trampoline? Uh, a pool, hands down. Does pop give you energy? Eh.
TV show you love with a passion? BoJack Horseman. Do you think you learned anything from the worst night of your life? Blech.
Perfect age to get married? The perfect age doesn’t exist, as long as you feel you are ready (and both of you are legal consenting adults) then fuckin go for it.
Is it safe to say you own over 20 pairs of shoes? Ehhh not quite.
Name a career path that women are known for taking. Any career path they fucking want.
Favorite type of cookie? Those pre-cut Pillsbury sugar cookies with the holiday designs.
A quality you look for in choosing a significant other? Humor.
What would I find if I looked in your pocket? Nothing.
What was your first word? I have no idea.
A musical instrument you wouldn’t mind learning how to play? Piano.
Last time you went to 7-eleven? It’s been a bit. The last time I remember going was maybe the end of summer, early fall?
A fast food restaurant that you hate with a passion? Burger King because the food is gross and Chick-Fil-A because the owners are gross.
Does everyone in your family have a job? My father is retired.
Going anywhere this weekend? I have no definite plans as of right now.
Is your room ever clean? Right now its kind of storage for a few pieces of furniture until my sister moves into her new place and I can put them there so it is a bit of a mess.
What does it mean when youre being quiet? That I’m not talking?
Last person you had a face to face conversation with? My coworker.
Where’s your phone? It’s just right next to me.
Do you know the difference between your and you’re? Yep.
How late did you stay up last night? Until about midnight.
Anyone you’re ready to kill? Yes. Or just make not exist.
Do you need to get a tan? I never “need” to tan because I don’t care if I am or not.
What do you want? To sleep. And also cheese fries.
Favorite TV show as a kid? Oh SO many. Pokemon was a big one. Almost everything on Nickelodeon. Garfield and Friends. Tiny Toons. Powerpuff Girls
Whats a show that you absolutely refuse to watch? The Big Bang Theory.
How many times have you been in love? Twice.
Go camping or go to a party? Camping, but depends on the party.
Do you remember how old you were when you started swearing? My sister used to let me have “swear time” when she’d babysit me. I was like, 4 or 5 when that started, lol.
How many years older than you would you date someone? Mark is 5 years older than me. What was the last thing you pinky swore on? Oof, I can’t remember; but I am sure it was with my nieces.
Would you consider yourself a nice person? Yeah, mostly.
Are there a lot of mirrors in your house? No.
Has there ever been a serial killer in your house? I mean, it’s possible one has lived there before we did? Do you know anyone who looks like Adam Sandler? Yeah, actually one of my coworkers does. It’s WEIRD.
True or false: Glee is annoying. True.
Last thing you cooked? I made some pesto pasta stuff the other day to take to lunch with me.
Do you use slang often? Sure.
Wear glasses? Yep. Cannot function without them. About how old was the last person that hit on you? My husband is 38.
What color are your headphones? I have a purple pair and a blue pair.
Would you make a good teacher? Why? No, because that sounds awful.
Don’t you hate those commercials that try too hard? Don’t we all.
Is the fan on? No.
Any special reason why you’re taking this survey? Nope.
What does the last text message you sent say? It was a sad face emoji.
Your friend needs you to run to the store to get a pregnancy test. Do you? Yeah, in a heartbeat.
Do you log out on facebook when you leave the site? I have not logged out of a website in YEARS.
What color are your underwear? Burgundy.
How short are your nails? They are SO LONG. I am getting them done today and I’m going to have her cut them a little bit.
Do you like the opposite sex to be dominant or you the one in control? Depends.
Favorite holiday? Halloween.
If I asked you to point to Ohio on a map of the US do you think you could? Yes.
Youre locked in a room with spiders. Do you have an issue? Depends on the amount of spiders and type of spiders. Like, black widows? I’d be dead.
Do you wear your most expensive item of clothing often? I don’t even know what that is.
Do you eat a lot of food? Uh huh.
Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? No.
Have you ever had to give someone directions before? Yeah..
Speaking of which, are you good at understanding driving directions? For the most part.
How many people do you text daily? On average like 1-4. Usually my husband, my friend Lolly, and sometimes my friend Sarah or Ellen, sometimes my sister.
Do you play any instruments? Which instruments do you play? Nope.
Is there anyone who you call by their last name? No.
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? The other day I watched a couple of Grav3Yard Girl videos.
Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? Yup.
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? Yesterday I held my niece’s hand while we were crossing the street.
How many meals have you eaten today, so far? Just lunch.
Do you think it’s stupid for people to call others “hot?” Not at all?
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? It might be?
Have you ever shopped at Wet Seal before? Did you like it? Nope.
What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? Emperor’s New Groove.
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agnesmontague · 2 years ago
this post was brought to you by bojack horseman discourse on twitter which is a show i have never watched but the apparent tension seems to be that some people think it is a bad show bc bojack is unpleasant and morally corrupt and while i fully understand the urge to push back against this kind of unspeakably frustrating take with "but the point of the show is that he's a bad person" i do not think this kind of kiddie pool discourse should be engaged with at all if possible bc the people raising this point are quite frankly not the type to be swayed (if not outright trolls out for sweet ad engagement money on elon's X) and it feels like doing the show a disservice when the most you can say for its complexity is that it's actually A Good Teaching Cartoon instead of, say, something that knows how to bleed sympathy from you for someone you'd never think about twice or lets you walk a mile in their shoes
"this show/book/podcast depicts a protag who is a terrible person, it doesn't condone any of their actions-" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T CAAAAAAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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shoechoe · 5 months ago
people like "bojack has gotten FAT ooo" and he's not even fat he just has a bit of a belly
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whimsycore · 4 years ago
Why are so many shows....so dark and nihilistic now.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 3 years ago
What about me?
Summary: Your pain is nothing compared to mine.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x female!reader
Warnings: angst, talks of violence, violence, cursing, toxic relationship
Word count: 1138
a/n: yes this is kinda inspired by the BoJack Horseman audio that’s on TikTok
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @strangegardentaco @rafecameronswhore @sayah13
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She knew their relationship was going towards its fall. She was giving way more than she was getting, every single conversation ended with a fight, there were many moments that almost lead to violence. Still, after everything bad she had gone through in this relationship, Y/N doesn’t want to see it. She wants to hide from the truth and forever live in the false reality she created in her head.
Where her and Natasha are happy.
Unfortunately she doesn’t have Wanda’s powers, or any powers for that matter. She’s just a normal civilian with a boring job, while Natasha is an Avenger. Maybe she should’ve known it would end like this, that it’d never work. Between Natasha’s crazy schedule and obsessive need to wipe the red from her ledger. It was never going to end well.
They did have their happy moments. Natasha could be so loving and gentle when she wanted to. She’d hold Y/N close to her while they watch a movie, or braid her hair in the morning before her work started. On those rare days when Natasha hadn’t left to the Avenger’s Tower at five in the morning.
But those moments weren’t enough. Not when most nights Y/N has to fall asleep on an empty bed, or when she’d cover in fear because she truly thought Natasha would hit her. Or when she actually did hit her.
Which is why she silently crying on the couch as she waits for Natasha to come home, the clock being past midnight already, to end it all.
Y/N sniffles, wiping her wet cheeks with a tissue. The television is on, but she isn’t concentrating on it, her mind wandering everywhere. The sound of the front door opening brings her back to the moment. She can hear the quiet shuffles of Natasha taking off her shoes and jacket before her steps start coming towards her.
Natasha’s on her way to go right past the living room and into their bedroom, but she stops when she notices Y/N sitting eerily still. “Why are you up? Didn’t I say not to wait for me?” She frowns and walks over to her.
Y/N hums in confirmation. She waits until Natasha sits down next to her. “I wanted to talk.”
“In the middle of the night?”
“It’s not like I have many other opportunities, do I?” Y/N turns to look at Natasha when she hears her scoff.
“This again? I thought we went over this already.”
Y/N clears her throat, she can already feel her hands tremble from the annoyed look and tone coming from Natasha. “That’s not the thing I want to talk about.” She mumbles. “I want to break things off.”
Natasha furrows her brows. “You want to break up with me?” She laughs. She actually laughs. “And why the hell would you want that?”
“Because I’m finally starting to see how much you have hurt me.” Even though Y/N’s voice wavers as she speaks, she keeps eye contact with Natasha. She wants her to realize she’s serious. “I’m done with you and with all the suffering you’ve put me through.”
“I have hurt you?” Natasha’s voice turns loud as she stands up, bringing her hand to her hair. “I made you suffer?” She shakes her head.
“Yes, you.” Y/N stands up as well, not wanting to give any sense of control to Natasha. “You never give me the time of day. You get so angry at me for pointing out any kind of flaw in you, but guess what? You aren’t perfect! All you do is take, take and take, use me and never give anything back, except for occasional slaps on the face.” Y/N takes deep breaths, staring at Natasha. “I’m just your physical reassurance that maybe someone can love you no matter what, that maybe there’s a chance you deserve to be loved.”
“Shut up.”
“But guess what?” Y/N laughs this time. Her laugh is high pitches and it rings through Natasha’s head. “Maybe you don’t deserve it after all.”
The way Natasha’s face morphs from annoyed to angry in a second truly terrifies Y/N, but she doesn’t back down. She stands her ground, holding the eye contact.
“I deserve love.” Natasha whispers. “I deserve good things, I deserve it all! You know why?” She takes a step towards Y/N, making her take a step back. “Because I live with this gut wrenching guilt all my life. I’m the one hurting here! Don’t you know it hurts me much more when I have to hit you? I don’t want to do that.”
“You have to be kidding me.” Y/N takes one step back for every step Natasha takes forward. “You are hurting the most?”
“Yes. And you could never understand my pain.” Y/N’s back slams to a wall. Her breath hitches as she realizes she has no way out. Natasha grins, almost menacingly, stopping right in front of Y/N. “So, now that this is settled, go to bed. I’ll be there soon.”
Shaking her head, Y/N pushes Natasha away from her, at least as well as she can, the redhead being stronger than her. “I have my bag packed already, I’m leaving.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Y/N doesn’t answer, she walks to the kitchen and picks up the bag from under the table. Natasha frowns. “No, no you can’t leave me.” Her voice crack makes Y/N freeze. The way she sounds so genuinely sad makes her confidence falter. “Please, Y/N don’t leave me alone.” Natasha drops to her knees in front of her, leaning her head against her legs.
Y/N sets her hand on top of Natasha’s head. “I have to.” She whispers. “I’m not happy.”
“You don’t have to. I can be better, I can change. I promise.” She lifts her head to look at Y/N, her cheeks shining from tears. “I can be good, you know that. Right? I deserve good things, I’m a good person.”
Shaking her head, Y/N steps away from her. “You aren’t. Not to me at least.”
The sadness leaves Natasha’s face instantly. She stands up, which makes Y/N hurry on putting her shoes on and grabbing her jacket, ready to leave. Natasha grabs Y/N’s arm into a tight hold, making her wince. “You won’t leave.”
“Let me go, Natasha.”
“No!” Y/N’s face turns to the other side from the force of the slap. Her cheek burns as she freezes. Natasha gasps, letting go of her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry, Y/N please, I’m sorry.”
Before she can do anything else, Y/N gets out the front door and slams it shut, leaving a sobbing Natasha behind her.
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aroaceconfessions · 3 years ago
I'm glad that ace rep is becoming more prevalent in shoes but I can't help feel a bit bitter that the rep happens in shows I'm not interested in watching. From what I've heard of Bojack Horseman, it's depressing and I'm not in the mood for that nor do I care for the art style.(Sorry Bojack fans) I'm not interested in watching Sex education for a plethora of reasons and Heartstopper has been cut off my list due to the creators "Not like other gay works" rubs me the wrong way so again, I'm limited to two ace characters from a show that I'm still waiting to come out and a book series I've already read.
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heartthrobohara · 3 years ago
6 for Alex/Kasey maybe 👉👈
Finally writing again yippee
"Sure, we can snuggle if it will make you feel better."
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Kasey didn’t like to lose. Especially not in overtime.
Out of all the fucking teams they could have lost to, it had to be the Snakes. And fucking Snape scored the game-winning goal. He got into a kneeling position, leaning all of his weight on one leg, obnoxious goal horn blaring in his ears and the sea of green loudly cheered. He couldn’t even bother looking up at Snape’s stupid celly as the whole team skated over to him.
As he skated back to the tunnel, a few of the guys gave him light taps on the pads with their sticks and Leo patted him on the back comfortingly.
Kasey was silent in the locker room, keeping his head down as he took off his gear. Maybe he’d have a cold shower, and wallow around in his depressing thoughts for a bit until he couldn’t take it.
“Bliz, you alright?”
Pascal was stripped down to his under armor, a worried look on his face.
“I’m fine Dumo, don’t worry about it.”
Pascal didn’t seem to believe him, but he just nodded.
As soon as Kasey got in his car, he checked his phone. He scoffed at the obnoxious Snakes fans mentioning him in their gloating about the win.
Alex <3
Hey, I was watching the game. That was an insane shot, sorry you guys lost. Fuck the Snakes
Kasey typed out a message in response, finger lingering over the blue arrow for a second. He mentally said “fuck it,” then sent the text.
Fuck the snakes indeed, he added.
Alex <3 loved your message.
Kasey began the drive home, feeling a bit lighter now that he spoke to Alex.
As he swung open the door, he heard the tv. Odd, must have forgotten to turn it off.
One Alex O’hara was lounging on the couch, feet dangling over the edge as Bojack Horseman played faintly on the tv. His phone was lazily laying on his lap and… what the fuck was that one of Kasey’s sweatshirts?
“Alex, what are you doing here?”
Alex had faintly turned his head at the door opening, a tiny smile on his face. “Waiting for you.”
Kasey kicked his shoes off, throwing his keys in the bowl by the door. He walked over, and flopped down on top of Alex, making the man grunt a bit but place his hands on Kasey’s lower stomach.
“Sorry about that game. We can cuddle if it makes you feel better.”
Kasey nodded, burying his face in the crook of Alex’s neck. One of Alex’s hands came to gently play with the hair at the nape of his neck, the other gently rubbing patterns along his back.
Kasey lightly kissed his neck, feeling Alex rumble with a laugh. Yeah, he was feeling better already.
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ncityrave · 4 years ago
Adore You
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Pairing: Mark Lee x Gender Neutral Reader
Genre: College!AU, College Student!Mark, College Student!Reader, established relationship, fluff, angst if you squint, inspired by Harry's Styles's song Adore You (highly recommend listening to the song while reading the fic!)
Synopsis: Finals week, stress, listening to Harry Styles, and a very loving and supportive (and lonely) Mark Lee.
Warnings: None that I could think of except this may make you wish this happened in real life. Y/N and Mark laugh a lot.
Word Count: 2.2k
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Whoever said college would be the best four years of your life needed a wake up call - and fast.
For the past month, you had been struggling with the demands of your multiple classes. Finals week had brought in school work upon school work; your color-coded agenda was starting to look like a unicorn had regurgitated all over your planner and you could no longer count on your hands - and feet! - the amount of cups of coffee you had consumed just to get stuff done and passed on time. You were a wreck, to say the least. Summer break was just around the corner and this was the last stretch, but you wanted to get a chance to not have your life revolve around school for at least an entire day.
On top of it all, you hadn’t been able to spend any time with Mark, who was equally busy dealing with his own set of final requirements. Of course you understood that your busy schedules meant very limited time with each other, or to do any leisure activity for that matter, but that didn’t mean you didn't miss having him by your side.
As you enter your dorm room, a feeling of comfort and familiarity fills your mind and body. After an entire day of lectures and studying, the room you had called your home for the last 3 years provided some degree of refuge from the demands and tasks you had left on campus. Placing your shoes neatly on your rack and setting your heavy backpack at the side of the cabinet, you take in the quietness of your dorm. Hoping that even for 5 minutes, you could pretend that you weren't a student who still had a long list of tasks to complete.
Treading to your kitchen to make yourself a serving of ramen - the go-to dinner choice given your lack of time to come up with anything that could even be considered a culinary masterpiece - you start making a mental list of all the things you’re excited for when you finally get extra time on your hands.
Going home. Café trips that don’t involve working. Trying out some graphic design classes. Re-watching Bojack Horseman.
While searching through your stack of pans and pots, a sudden ringing resonates from your phone. Looking over at the screen, you see that Mark was phoning you.
Weird, you think to yourself. He’s supposed to be working on a project right now.
“Hello?” You hear Mark gasp, at that your senses heighten.
“Y/N, I need...I need you to come here. It’s an emergency.”
At the mention of “emergency”, you bolted to your door. Rushing to take all the essentials with you - your keys, wallet, I.D. Were you missing something?
“Why? What’s wrong?” you exclaim into the phone.
He lets out a groan - was he in pain? Worries started filling your head, every possible worst case scenario found itself at the forefront of your mind. This week couldn't possibly get any worse.
“It’s just that I’m really really really really lonely.”
Lonely. That made you pause on the spot.
“You made me worry!” you all but scream into the phone. Out of frustration, you drop all the things you had gathered into your arms onto the floor. Pinching the bridge of your nose and letting out an exasperated sigh, you say to him, “Don’t do that!”
“I’m not lying though!” he whines back and even if you can’t see him you know he’s pouting the way he always does when he’s trying to get on your good side.
“Come on, please. I’m really lonely and I miss you and we literally live 5 minutes away from each other but I haven’t seen you in almost a week. Is it too much to ask my lovely partner to just come over and spend time with me,” he replies, voice slightly hushing in fear that he might have pissed you off. “Or! I could come over, whichever you like.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be working on something right now?” you ask him.
“The project conveniently got pushed back by a week. Promise! You can stay here for at most an hour. I need to be surrounded by something other than assignments and take-home tests. Pleeeeease.”
Looking back at the pile of textbooks and notebooks on your desk, you ponder over the idea. Right now, you knew you weren’t in the right headspace to face all of that head-on; maybe spending some time off with Mark would help. Your lips purse in contemplation. An hour off wouldn't hurt
“So...what is it?” Mark says into the phone.
“Okay,” you sigh. “I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“Yoo!” he squeals back. “I cleaned up, don’t worry. I felt really bad giving you that old blanket the last time you were here.”
“There were at least 15 different types of undiscovered viruses on that blanket, so thank you for the effort,” you retort. He gasps at your comment, feigning offense.
“Hey, not cool. I said old blanket - not contagious.”
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Making your way to Mark’s apartment, you couldn’t help but notice all the other students who were either rushing to the library in hopes of securing a corner to study in or were just coming back from a lecture. It made you anxious, but you had to remind yourself that a short break wasn’t something you needed to be guilty over.
Quickly finding your way at the doors of Mark’s complex, you text him a quick “I’m here” before entering the building and making your way to his unit. The old, creaky staircase wobbled and groaned under your feet. Climbing up the flight of stairs to the fourth floor, you catch a multitude of sounds emanating from the other tenants’ rooms. The walls here really were thin.
As you reach his unit, you hear the faint sound of music seeping through the slit under the door and smell - garlic?
Since when did Mark cook?
You knock on the door, calling out a faint “I’m here.”
“Hold on!” you hear from inside. Clanging and banging sounds follow-suit. You couldn’t help but giggle, knowing very well that he was struggling in the kitchen as we speak. The door swings open and Mark appears - apron skewed, sweaty and panting with what seemed like tomato sauce smudged on his eyebrow.
“I didn’t know you were interested in applying for Worst Cooks in America.” His eyes follow you as you step inside.
“Cooking isn’t my strong suit, okay, and you know it,” he huffs back.
“You called me over here to hang out. If you wanted to eat, I could’ve always stopped by that Filipino restaurant you like before coming here,” you smile up at him, setting down your bag on his couch.
“I mean, yeah. But that wouldn’t be romantic now, would it?” he replies, making his way towards your frame, slowly starting to wrap his arms around your shoulders.
“You’re saying that Tito Emmanuel’s empanadas and maruyas aren’t romantic?” you mumble into his chest.
“Listen, do you want to try what I made for you or not?” he mumbles into your hair. Looking up at him, you see him fashioning a stern expression on his face, attempting to guilt-trip you. Wiggling around his hold, you wrap your own arms around him.
“Okay, yeah. I bet it’s better than Tito’s empanadas.” At your comment, Mark couldn’t help but laugh.
“I asked you if you wanted to try out the food I made, I never said anything about it being that good, though. That’s on you.” Mark starts shuffling your intertwined bodies into the kitchen and your nose is immediately hit with the smell of garlic, onions, and whatever ingredients he decided to include in his concoction. The low hum from his speakers fills the room with music and you can’t help but hum along.
“I found this recipe off of BuzzFeed. The article read ‘32 Recipes So Easy Even Mark Lee Could Do It’.”
“That sounds oddly specific,” you laugh out loud.
“When I told you that conspiracy theory that Google spies on us through our phones, I wasn’t lying,” he replies defensively, and you couldn't help but laugh even louder
“You’re so weird,” you say, slightly pushing him away from you.
“No, no, no, come back. I asked Jaemin to help me with this,” he says, pulling you back into him. With one hand over your shoulder and another slowly stirring at the noodles he had just started cooking, the two of you simply fold into each other. ‘At peace’ was an understatement to how you were feeling at the moment.
For a while, you two stay like that - arms around each other, silent, and content. It was moments like this that made you happy to have found someone like Mark in your life; someone who managed to make even your worst days feel a little more bearable.
Through the speakers, you can hear the instrumentals to Adore You, and start swaying along to the rhythm. His body joins yours, still stirring the noodles around.
“Walk in your rainbow paradise,” you sing along.
“Paradise,” Mark sings back in an exaggerated, high-pitched voice. His eyes crinkle as he hears you let out yet another laugh. The two of you start swaying along to the song and in that moment you thought of nothing but the moment, the song, the ambience, and him. Your beloved, Mark.
“You don't have to say you love me,” you sing along.
“I love you,” Mark replies, eyes on you.
“You don't have to say nothing.” Mark sets down the wooden spoon, hands coming down to hold onto your waist, pulling you in even closer to him.
“Nothing.” At that, you couldn't help but smile even wider up at him.
“You don't have to say you're mine,” you hum.
It's low, but you hear the faintest “I’m yours” slip from his lips as he lifts you by your waist and into the air. The last thing you were expecting was to be flung over his shoulder as he carried you around his kitchen. A combination of a shriek and booming laugh erupts from your chest at the sudden position you found yourself in.
You two say simultaneously. While he’s busy trying not to drop you, you were laughing uncontrollably at how your boyfriend had just suddenly launched you into the air and was now carrying you around his small kitchen. Mark gently places you back down, taking your hand in his and spinning you around before dramatically dipping you. The giggles coming from you would not stop as he continued at his attempt to engage you in what could only be called a sorry excuse for a ballroom dance routine.
“You don't have to say you love me, I just wanna tell you something. Lately you've been on my mind,” he sings along. A hand had found its way to your hip, another lifting your arm as the two of you danced around the kitchen island. As the two of you make your way to where the speakers were placed, he reaches down to turn up the volume and the room fills with the sound of Harry Styles’s voice.
“I’d walk through fire for you, just let me adore you like it's the only thing I'll ever do,” he continues as he looks down at you, admiring how beautiful you look smiling up at him with so much adoration, affection, and love. In that moment, he couldn't express how lucky he felt to have found someone like you in his brief lifetime. To him, your presence was a true testament to the existence of Heaven. The creation of someone like you couldn't just be a mere coincidence in the workings of the universe, there had to be some divine intervention involved.
For the rest of the song, you two find yourself wrapped around each other. Allowing the music, aroma of the food, and each other’s company to overtake your senses. There was no school tomorrow, no exams for the next week, no lectures, no hours of studying. Just you and Mark - and, well, Harry Styles.
As the song comes to an end, you pull back from Mark and snuggle closely into his chest.
“Thank you.” He moves back slightly to cup your cheeks in both hands, tilting your head slightly to rub his nose against yours.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” you ask.
“Nothing, just wanted to be cheesy.”
A chuckle bursts through your lips as you lean in to gently leave a peck on his soft, red ones. “You smell like garlic,” you tell him.
He moves back away from you, cupping a hand over his mouth to check if he did indeed smell like garlic. “Way to ruin the moment, dude,” he whines. You make your way back to him and continue cuddling into his chest. Another random song starts playing over the speakers, the food remains cooking on the stove, and this precious moment may come to an end very soon - but you could care less about that now that you were finally able to spend some time with Mark.
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© NCITYRAVE. All rights reserved.
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sanktpolypenbourg · 2 years ago
Another post made me think about 'Bojack Horseman' again, and something that has been bugging me, regarding how empathy is supposed to work
The titular Bojack Horseman is a bad person. Not just troubled, "problematic", immoral, an antihero, no: genuinely a BAD person. Like, one of his highlights is that he almost strangles a woman to death and, to quote that woman, "In a just world, [he'd] be in jail", shielded only by his privileges.
So I am not disputing any of this.
But I also distinctly remember a commentary saying, Bojack's suffering, especially his struggle with depression, was supposed to be wholesome and uplifting. Like, watching that made them feel happy, because Bojack is such an asshole. And that was supposedly the point of showing that side of the character, to provide some levity from the darker and more serious subjects of the show.
Like, whenever you feel down, watch that "piece of shit" sequence from the show again, to put a smile back on your face?
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And I am a bit confused, because it doesn't work like that for me?
I find the scenes portraying the depths of his depression deeply harrowing, and knowing he is a bad person who deserves to suffer does very little to mitigate that?
I dunno if it is a failure of empathy on my part that in those moments, I identified with his suffering because I recognized it from personal experience; because it means I felt empathy for a person who did not deserve it and walk in the shoes of the bad guy, rather than celebrate by taking it as cosmic payback for his victims
I suppose the most mature take would be that different people can legitimately take away different things from the same story, and that this works in favour of said story.
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